#all the jumpscares are justin
dayisfading · 2 months
hey so uh. in 2010 there was a new version of we are the world released for the earthquake in haiti. i um. i just watched it. i've definitely seen it before. i actually think i may have watched it repeatedly on youtube at the time. but oh my god. this is like a time capsule filled with garbage
oh my god actually i scrolled to the comments just to discover i commented on it 14 years ago and had much the same thoughts sglkhsflkghs;fg
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horseslur · 2 months
Things I've learnt playing main story yesterday, in no particular order:
I was about 15 minutes of playtime away from freeing Linda these past six months
Even before freeing Linda I could've unlocked mistfall, the one area that I couldn't get into.
Dayblockers are 100% still a thing, and deeply annoying
When the dayblockers aren't there it's a different type of annoying, mostly in the shape of absolutely botched dialogue and also the fact the game is incapable of keeping track of where npcs are (Alex kept jumpscaring me by popping in and out of existence, notably being Right There as Linda talked abt waiting for Alex to get back)
Introduction quests to area's you can get to without doing the introduction quests are funny (Firgrove introduction). Introduction quests in the main storyline to area's that have their own standalone introduction quests are funnier (Ydris's circus)
The problem with morality in sso is that you have no option to be evil on purpose, and most evil characters are written badly enough that it's Really clear when MC is helping the bad guys by accident, making it just a Fascinatingly Dumb thing to happen (helping out Sabine kidnapping Justin, having Zero questions about giving magical five-leaf clovers (which. aren't that rare at all.) to a Literal Witch).
Mistfall is Very very pretty, I get why a lot of people put their home stable there.
Somehow the dialogue makes "experienced rider" sound like a slur to me. Maybe I am but how would you know, girl who's been locked up in a castle for six months
Ydris calling me horsewoman right before/after killing my internet connection and thus both my stream and my game, however, sounds like he knows I have a tumblr and had to get my url past the sso chat censor.
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bl00dst41ned · 10 months
˖⁺‧₊˚♡ here’s a little masterlist ♡˚₊‧⁺˖
♡ = fic/blurb - ❁ = headcanon - ❦ = smau
jobe bellingham
♡ safe place
♡ fair date
♡ barbie world
♡ face heat
❁ the art of annoying jobe
♡ lover’s day
❦ a february 14th with jobe 
♡ birthday girl
♡ jumpscare
♡ internet sensation (❦)
♡ take care
♡ playing games
♡ family ties
♡ not so discreet
♡ playing games pt 2
♡ never ending
❁ celebrating jobe's birthday
♡ break needed
❦︎ all mine
trent alexander-arnold
♡ the other man
♡ final obstacle ('the other man' pt2)
♡ baby tears
♡ on the dot
♡ glimpse of us
jude bellingham
♡ lost and found
♡ catering day ('lost and found' pt2)
♡ catching flights
♡ my little secret (series) - masterlist
❁ goals and cars
♡ another lifetime
❦︎ unexpected
❦︎ just another love song
kóstas tsimíkas
♡ timeless redamancy
virgil van dijk
♡ chop it off
♡ hold me in the cold
levi colwill
❁ that time of the month
“love songs” concept
❁ jobe bellingham
❁ jude bellingham
❁ trent alexander-arnold
❁ virgil van dijk
❁ kóstas tsimíkas
♡ snooze (sza x justin bieber)
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upon-a-starry-night · 2 years
Scary Movies, Scary Feelings
Pairing: Wanda x F!Reader
Main Masterlist         Wanda Masterlist
Word Count: 2k
Summary: You hate scary movies but your friends want to go see the latest one, at least you’ll have Wanda there to protect you.
Scary movies weren’t really your thing. I mean sure you could stomach some of the popular ones during Halloween but with each new awful thing that comes out your anxiety screams at you to never watch YouTube for fear of the unskippable horror ads.
Still, it had been a long time since you’d gone out with friends and your good friend Justin kept suggesting you see a movie so you figured it would be a good opportunity. However, it just so happens that your friends all love a good scary movie and have been eager to see the newest one that just came out in theaters.
So that’s how you found yourself standing in the theater lobby waiting for the rest of your friends to arrive.
“David just texted me he can’t make it, last minute family thing” Justin informed you, that was the second friend to cancel out of the blue. You considered just calling it off and going home when your favorite person walked in.
Wanda was by far your best friend out of everyone, you’d known her the longest and if you were honest you had developed a crush on her a little over a year ago.
She greeted you with a hug and you relaxed in her embrace, at least you wouldn’t be entirely alone.
Justin seemed slightly surprised at her arrival despite the entire friend group agreeing to come, perhaps he thought she’d cancel on them too, but deep down you knew Wanda would never make you watch a scary movie without her to comfort you.
You thought back to all the movie nights the two of you had had, you rarely ever watched scary movies because Wanda understood your discomfort with them but during many Halloween sleepovers, you had the habit of hiding in her shoulder when you got scared. You’d be embarrassed about it if all of your energy didn’t go to trying to calm your racing heart and not look at the screen.
“Let me buy you your favorite candy Y/n” Justin suggested, turning to go to the counter when Wanda stopped him
“I already got her a box of it” She opened her bag to reveal a box of your favorite candy sitting next to hers, you smiled at the gesture- theater food was always overpriced anyway.
“You’re welcome to get yourself something though, y/n and I are going to go find our seats” Wanda grabbed your hand and pulled the two of you away from Justin who stood there deflated a little bit before catching up to you.
Your seats were in the middle of the theater and you shrunk in on yourself when you noticed your seat required you to sit next to a stranger. You moved to begrudgingly sit down when Wanda grabbed your shoulder and shook her head, sitting in your place.
It was times like this that made you fall for her, how considerate she was of you, and how much she knew about your preferences.
You sat in the middle seat and Justin sat down next to you, as you watched the previews Justin leaned over to you and whispered in your ear
“If you get scared you can always hold my hand” You awkwardly laughed off his suggestion. You and Justin had never been anything more than friends and he had to know you were gay right?
Wanda quickly pointed something out in a trailer that caught your attention and the two of you quietly chatted about upcoming movies you wanted to watch before the movie finally started.
You were fine for the beginning of the movie, it was all mostly just plot explanation but you couldn’t help but be tense when things started to go wrong in the film.
You tried eating some candy to distract yourself from the fear but your anxiety was at an all-time high. Scary movies at home were one thing but they were ten times worse in the theater.
In the corner of your vision, you saw Justin put his hand face up on your armrest and you frowned. That was your armrest.
At the first jumpscare, you flinched and placed your candy box in front of your eyes as some sort of shield. You looked over at Wanda and she gave you a comforting smile. She wasn’t making fun of you in any way she was just seeing if you were okay.
You gave her a weak smile that looked more like a grimace and she offered her hand out to you. You took it graciously and when the next jumpscare came around you squeezed it tight. You’d apologize later but right now you were too panicked to do anything. She gave you three reassuring squeezes back to let you know she was there if you needed her.
You relaxed slightly as you focused on the feeling of her soft hands, her cold rings were grounding your anxiety and soon you could feel your body slowly relaxing.
The movie avoided jumpscares for a while as it focused on the main characters but as the end of the movie neared you knew something was bound to happen at any moment.
The last jumpscare caught you completely off guard and you let out a squeak as you ducked and hid your head in Wanda’s shoulder.
Despite being horrified you were sure you were blushing like crazy.
You opted to listen to the few minutes the movie had left to avoid any more jumpscares. Sure enough, you heard the collective jump from the crowd as another scare happened but you were happily buried in the scent of Wanda’s shampoo.
Once the movie ended you reluctantly pulled yourself away from Wanda, apologizing for clinging onto her but she just smiled and told you she didn’t mind.
The three of you exited the theater into the lobby as Justin began speaking to you
“So what did you think of the movie y/n? I thought it was great, I mean that part, where that guy got his arm ripped off, was so-” 
You cringed as he talked about the gory scenes you tried to close your eyes for most of.
You felt Wanda place a hand on your back soothingly
“Justin.” she cut off his rambling with a firm but soft voice “She doesn’t really like to hear about that kind of stuff” She defended and you gave her an appreciative smile.
“Oh. Sorry Y/n” You shrugged at his response, it wasn’t that big of a deal, you were just glad the movie was over.
Justin shifted uncomfortably as he hesitated before speaking directly to you
“y/n… I was wondering if maybe you’d like- want to go to dinner?” Your eyes widened in surprise
“I mean- it doesn’t have to be tonight if you don’t want but I just- I’ve liked you for a while now and this was supposed to kind of be like a date but then Wanda showed up”
You furrowed your brows in confusion. A date? This was supposed to be a friendly outing.
“I don’t think it can be a date if one person doesn’t even know it’s a date” Wanda expressed, looking somewhat annoyed at the situation.
You fiddled with your hands “Uhm Justin you’re not really my… type” you tried to explain, but you couldn’t help but feel bad as he visibly deflated at your rejection
“Uhm I’m gonna head to the bathroom real quick, I’ll be right back” He didn’t bother waiting for a response before leaving the two of you alone.
You turned to Wanda whose eyes never left Justin as he walked away, a glare was set on her face. You wondered for a second if Wanda liked Justin and would be mad at you.
“Are you mad at me?” you softly asked, Wanda’s eyes snapping to you instantly at your question.
“Mad at you? No, why would I be?” She seemed appalled you’d even considered her aggression to be directed at you
“I don’t know it just seemed-” you tried to search for the right words to say “I just thought, because you seemed upset, that maybe you liked Justin- and I promise I don’t like him so he’s all yours I just-” you cut yourself off from your ramble, wringing your hands as a nervous habit.
Her gaze softened as she realized what you were trying to imply, she gently stopped your hands from their nervous wringing and slid her fingers between yours
“ I don’t like Justin” She assured you “he’s not even remotely my type”
You nodded slowly, trying to figure out what to say next
“So… what is your type then?” You watched her reaction closely, waiting for her to describe her dream guy to you so you could just smile and nod along.
She took a soft sharp inhale, looking into your eyes and then down at your lips before looking back up. You blinked a few times and tried to convince yourself what you just saw really happened. You glanced down at her lips too and looked up at her now flushed cheeks. She was blushing… because of you?
You watched her gaze drift back behind your shoulder and turned to see what she was looking at when her hand cupped your cheek and pulled your gaze back to her. She had gotten closer now, you hadn’t even noticed when. 
She glanced at your lips again before slowly leaning forward, her eyes searching for permission. You nodded lightly as your heart fluttered in disbelief and she closed the distance between you. Her lips were soft and sweet, she tasted like her favorite candy and you decided you had a new favorite taste. Her other hand came up to rest on your jaw as she deepened the kiss between you, lightly biting your lip causing you to let out a soft moan.
She pulled away, just enough so that your noses were on the brink of touching as she stared at you with a sparkling gaze. Her eyes shifted over to the side again and this time when you saw what she was looking at you froze.
Only a few feet away stood Justin, a shocked look on his face as he processed what he was witnessing.
Your attention was pulled back as you heard Wanda’s soft giggle. You finally registered what she had just done and chuckled with her
“That was mean Wanda” You playfully scolded, she just shrugged
“Not as mean as texting everyone not to come so he could have you all by himself” She mused, discreetly grabbing your hand again and intertwining your fingers together.
She began pulling you to the exit as your brain caught up to her words “Wait-” you finally understood and she just chuckled again at your oblivion.
Once the two of you were outside you both seemed to realize this was where you’d part ways, you shifted on your feet trying to come up with some excuse to not have to leave her yet.
“You know I never answered your question” You gave her a questioning look “About my type”
Your heart rate increased as you stared into her green eyes, her gaze never wavering from yours
“You.” She answered “You’re my type”
Butterflies erupted in your stomach at the confession, you’d waited so long for something you thought would never happen, and here you were, standing in front of the most beautiful woman you’d ever met and she’d just told you you were her type.
Nothing would ever beat this moment. Besides maybe a few minutes ago when she kissed you.
You breathed an overly dramatic sigh of relief “Well that’s good news because I thought we were going to have to talk about standards”
She playfully shoved your shoulder at your words and you caught her hand before it retracted, playing with the rings on her fingers. You looked up at her soft gaze, reeling in the way she admired you like no one else ever could.
“You’re my type too” you admit
“That took you way too long to admit” she joked, and you scoffed, dropping her hand and crossing your arms
You both missed the contact immediately.
You shivered as a breeze flowed through the air and an idea popped into your head
“You know Wanda…” you started, “ that movie was pretty scary, I think I’m going to need somebody to sleep with me in case I get scared”
Wanda caught on to your train of thought and giggled as she played along
“I think I can help you with that”
Thanks for reading! as always please comment what you thought and if there’s anything you’d like to see next! <3
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 2
Since I'm in a bad mood for whatever fucking reason, also Tumblr won't let me post Princess's ask, that's an actual cold hard truth, Imma do this instead 😁
And we already sound crazy already. So, let's drag this pretentious slut again, shall we..? Oh, and special thanks to 👸 for being bored, and once again bringing me stuff to fucking destroy this bitch with 🫶
So, remember when the timeline they made didn't make sense? Yeah, it'll continue to do so. Because her fan page posted this, four days ago.
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Now, I don't really care what this bitch does, as long as she doesn't make Chris look bad, in which case... LEMME AT HER!!! But if this is July 2020... Chris ain't there with her at all. Considering he was with Lily James in London! Remember that? Seemed like forever ago 😅
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So, if they're claiming something about the timeline in July 2020... They're fucking lying 🙄 again
Let's travel a little forward in time to yesterday 😁
So, we all saw Albitch rocking the dullest and most cheap ass ring you've ever seen, right? It gets worse much worse.
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Justin LD(lyme diseased) posted a shit ton of pics with Albitch. And that ring honestly looks even duller and pathetic in those, more than anything.
And we all know Albitch and Chris have zero chemistry whatsoever, props goes to the top comment on the post because it's so true, and sparked my belief that the bitch is sleeping with Justin 🤭
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And I honestly agree with the commenter at the top. They do look good together.
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They both look equally perfectly AWFUL on the red carpet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
WTF is with the head tilt?! It stopped being cute 3000 articles ago, Albitch! And this isn't a prom! Why do those two look like they're taking prom pics?!
And bonus, if you look at this photo of LD story, Albitch looks like a horror movie ghost who does the jumpscares
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I see no difference 🤭🫣
Let's go back to the ring.
Someone posted on here a few weeks to months ago, that Chris was engaged during August...
See the problem with that timeline is that Albitch posted more pics with LD, and she was most definitely not wearing a ring then 👀
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Jump back to the present.
Imma go back to her solo pics again. We've all seen them, no need to reiterate, see the thing is, for some reason, another fan page of hers got a more HD and clear photo of the ring...
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How in the hell did they get that?! But not her Agency 👀
This is the part where I call two rings, and she used Photoshop again!
And can y'all stop saying that her ring is gold, it clearly fucking isn't!!! Unless y'all are colorblind that's white gold or silver!
Now, as for the two rings the one in the picture we saw is definitely not that one.
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That ring still looks silver or white gold, but has a round stone with nothing surrounding it, and is dull compared to everything else she's wearing. Meanwhile the new pic, square stone, with stones on the band...
This is where I call BULLSHIT
Those two pictures look as different as Chris does in the Lisbon old-new photos! So, in conclusion, somebody photoshopped it in, and chose a completely different equally cheap ring, and made it shiny 😒
Seriously, this is getting tired, and I'm sorry but Albitch and her entourage of wannabe influencers should just quit.
No one will believe her because she's been lying from the get go. Aside from that, if she and Chris are real, it means she's been openly cheating on him since before they were ever official. And Chris flirts with women, and tells the whole world he's single, and looking for a serious partner.
Again, at this point, Dodger and the kids are the only innocents. Who need to be protected from all this. Because another bomb will drop, and we will lose more of the Fandom than we did when NYCC happened. 😞
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 1
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ghostiiess · 8 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - making your apartment spooky with justin
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pov: title says it all!
warnings: some swears here and there, i think that’s all? Let me know if there’s more!
type: fluff
member: justin phan
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so you guys just finished shopping
this year, with your boyfriend justin, you both decided that it would be a great thing to do a halloween party in your appartment
but of course, to make a good and unforgettable halloween party, you need to decorate the place!!
otherwise, it is not really a halloween party, it’s just….well, a party
(More under the cut!)
so jp offered his help to decorate your apartment with you!
« I’m telling you babe… in 2h, this apartment will looks spooky af! »
this man was ready.
you only asked him to bring his bluetooth speaker
this man brought your favorite fall drink, and A LOT of decorations
like this man bought stuff for like $100...
you will have enough decoration, i think.
you already had some decorations in your apartment, but this man bought even more (bc he said “what if we miss any?”)
you won’t have to go out for buying some more
at least, i hope not 😂
btw, he forgot the bluetooth speaker.
“Omg, I totally forgot!”
he would put the music on your tv or something like that
he would put a halloween music playlist
“this is the best halloween song, don’t you agree baby?”
and he would vibe so much, he would not be able to stop dancing or like sing the song
this man knows how to decorate a room!!
like idk how to explain it, but he knows where things goes
he knows how to make a great ambience with the decorations and what to buy…
i hope you understand what im trying to say 😅
“more to the left…. okay, now that’s too much.. just a little bit more to the right and you’re all set”
he would try to scare you with jumpscares
then fail.
“i bought this halloween mask just for you"
yes, you heard him.
he spent $15 for a halloween mask that didnt even scared you.
also, he would put fake spider and bats on your wall, i hope you are not scared of them…
“this is starting to look great!”
he also bought fake spider web
“spiderman will come to us!”
he would be so concentrated…
like, he would not stop until your apartment look spooky
“do you think we should add this banner on this wall?”
“you look so cute when you’re all focused like that..”
he would not be able to stop smiling
“my love, you are doing such a great job!”
“sweetie? could you help me for a sec?”
he would be the type to let you decorate for a while just bc he was busy making you something sweet to eat (or to drink)
“because you worked so well, you deserve this lil’ reward”
he’s a cutie :(
he would put LED light in your bathroom, in the living room, literally everywhere he can hahaha
also, he would tease you so much
you would put a fake monster mask and he would be like 😐😐
but then, when you would take it off, he would be like 🫨🫨
"damn, your face scared me! put that thing back on!"
he is only teasing, i promise you
but he's still a lil' bastard to say that 🤪😚😇
just kidding, ily jp
after a lot of preparation, decorations, making snacks, blablablaaaa..
it was the halloween party!!
let's say everyone LOVED how your apartment was decored
i would like to say that most of your decorations were still perfectly intact after the party, but it would be a lie…
the 4h of decoration n preparation was worth it 😌
you did a party with 7 boys (and their girls) full of energy (okay 6 if we don't count ryan bc watching animes > partying) + there was some alcohol…
phan bought soju !!
if you can't drink / not in the age to drink, he would make you juice or a special drink
drinks that taste like alcohol, but that don't have any alcohol in it?
anyways! hope your enjoyed your halloween party with jp
yes idk how to end this rip
taglist! (open! send an ask if you'd like to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
bold can't be tagged.
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ealvara7 · 2 months
Watching the Tour Cast for the Very First Time!!! ✨
During a conversation in one of the Discord groups I'm in, one of my good friends shared with me a Beetlejuice Tour boot that included Jackera Davis as Lydia!
I'm still going to see the musical on May 22nd, but I thought this would be a really cool way for me to get better acquainted with how the Tour cast play their roles!
I'll leave my notes under a "read-more", so you can keep scrolling! Thanks for reading, regardless! ✨
Jackera's voice is beautiful... 💖
She doesn't linger on a lot of her notes, which gives off the impression that her Lydia is more angry about the situation she is currently facing. That's a nice take on her character!
Justin jumpscared me the first time I saw him! I've only ever heard his Beetlejuice voice on a couple of YouTube videos, so getting to see his face was such a surreal experience- (The initial silence when he pulls down the paper was depressing...)
I've actually noticed this on a couple of GIFs, but the area where the banjolele was thrown in The Whole "Being Dead" Thing was moved to the back! I'm not sure if this is consistent on all stages, but I imagine this was done in order to adapt to as many of them as they can!
Similarly, Sandy does not appear at the beginning in the Tour version. This I had been aware of for some time now-
In the Tour version, the house is hidden behind a curtain, which is something Beetlejuice mentions just before it opens.
In the boot I'm watching, Justin goes:
"It's a house!!!"
Then he does a little pose, which immediately knocked me out-
Also, I now see what people were talking about with the tongue thing Justin does... and now I can't unsee it-
Another Tour change that I had known for some time is the usage of electrical items for the Maitlands' death. Adam purchases an eletrical adapter, rather than Manchurian tung oil, in order to light up the new mobile connected to the crib. Some of the lyrics in Ready Set, Not Yet have also been changed to reflect this.
Jackera has to have my favorite characterization for Lydia so far!!!
I always imagine Lydia to be rather lively, like her cartoon counterpart, but still carrying the angst that she is going through in the musical, and Jackera does this! The only difference is that Jackera leans more on the angry side of Lydia, which gives her more of a punk teen vibe. I love it so much, and I feel like she plays off the rest of the cast so well!!! 💖
In Fright of their Lives, the chorus simply walk in rather than the set opening to reveal them. It's a little heartbreaking to see that change... but I get the idea at this point-
On a lighter note - Justin interacts with the chorus after they get interrupted and says:
"Sorry guys... I'll pay you for the full thing-"
Once again, knocking me out-
Beetlejuice's mood ring hair... is not present in the Tour version. I had been very well aware of this for some time, but out of all the changes made to the Tour version... this one was the one that hurt me the most.
In my heart, Collettejuice most certainly has mood ring hair, even if it's not visually presented on stage.
Speaking of Collettejuice... I've notice a ton of little things that make him distinct from other Beetlejuices. For example, he is very fidgety and fast - he usually apologizes more than once when it comes to a situation that he's in. He also appears to be more disconnected when it comes to his emotions - rather than being sad, he likes to make fun of his own misery. He'll also get really angry when things don't go his way.
During Say My Name, Jackera's Lydia is just absolutely not having it with Beetlejuice. Instead, she is very quick to turn down his offer and simply stands her ground.
Also, when the Maitlands appear, Colletejuice is just visually bitter and upset towards them??? Oh my god???
It makes his "old pals" statement feel more condescending, which is a very nice twist from other Beetlejuices, who usually look happy to see them!
I find it kind of adorable that at the beginning of Act 2, Jackera's Lydia is much happier with Beetlejuice, but still not entirely sure about all the little quirks he does. It's like when you're getting better acquainted with a new friend, which is exactly what is happening here.
I love how Collettejuice is just absolutely embarrassed by his plan to have Lydia marry him. Like, it's the only option he has, but if he had it his way... he absolutely would not be doing that.
"If you wanna save Barbara, I need you... to marry me!"
"It's a green card thing... guys..."
There are a couple of instrumental additions in the Tour version, but easily my most favorite has to be the violin addition in Home.
It's slow... and sad... and somber... It fits with the rest of the song perfectly, and I can no longer imagine the song without it.
Jackera also did a fantastic job with this song! Home requires a ton of strength when it comes to hitting certain notes, and she pulls it off perfectly! I'm so glad I got to hear her sing! 💖
In the Life or Death scene, the wheel has been replaced with stocks. Before Otho dies, he is carried off stage by two skeletons.
Beetlejuice's game show outfit in the Tour has the same yellow blazer. However, the outfit is now green at the top, and blue at the middle and bottom.
I... am personally not a fan of this design choice. I feel like having all blue in contrast with the yellow works wonderfully to create a bold look. Adding green at the top makes the outfit blend in a bit... and that just doesn't work for me.
That being said... I adore the addition of the lapel pin on Beetlejuice's wedding blazer! I'm a huge sucker for Beetlejuice wearing a rose or any other kind of flower on his lapel-
I feel like I've said everything that I have to say for this boot, except for one more thing...
Justin's wonderful addition to the last "This guy knows what I'm talking about!" will never stop making me go crazy whenever I hear it.
"Look, I only joke because I see myself in you... later tonight."
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saingirl101 · 9 months
Mentopolis Episode 5 Liveblog as Gifs (SPOILERS)
Man I can't believe next week is the series finale for this show. legit been one of my most favorite seasons of D20 and 6 episodes were absolutely not enough. Like this cast is so so so good. I can't believe how quickly I have grown to love and care them all. But all good things must come to an end I suppose and theres at least one more episode after this.
As always spoilers below:
Hunch giving bluh reaction to a tension giving him a hug after he gives her the occulus:
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Hunch proceeding to be the most insane detective man wo ever lived with Mr. Thalamus:
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Alex realizing that the drawing of a snake Dan fucks found with the initials R.R. stand for ronnie reptile:
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the gang putting together that Norrell destroyed the keyhole to protect the big guy:
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Conrad not knowing what a palooka is:
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Finding out gobstopper definitively being used as a weapon for mind control:
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The Fix intimidating frank freeze into telling the PIs where all the keyholes are:
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The gang splitting up again:
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Frank finally deciding to do something and that something being changing elias' pants:
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Imelda winning the standoff between H. V. Lance and them kissing and having a marriage proposal:
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A Tension and Danny fucks trying to convince the judge fusion that danny should be the mayor:
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A Tension getting a 19 snoop after her impassion statement that Mark Ambition got a campaign check from Don Avarici:
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A tension and Danny getting coerced into a car with Don Avarici:
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The Fix telling Madam Loathing to shut the fuck up:
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Finding out Madam Loathing is siblings with Self Doubt:
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The fix giving ronnie a snake fact and then we jumpscaring to shadows downstairs:
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Hunch and Fix failing to convince justin to come back to their team:
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Conrad growing because Imelda had the big guy do the right thing for the first time in awhile:
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Me seeing Fanny and wanting to marry her:
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Anastasia easily getting the Key from Fanny:
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And then losing a key to Flight:
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Danny and avaricci having a flirty mode:
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Fuck having moral quandries about what avaricci is offering vs not letting conrad be killed:
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A tension figuring out Flight is stacy fakename:
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Us after that jam packed episode and there only being one episode to wrap this all up:
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Brennan leading us into the finale:
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nsb-rkive · 1 year
[⾕] — Coming home after a long day
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— north star boys as love tropes ; +200 followers special
pairing: justin x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none // DO NOT STEAL or REPOST
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Nah man, finna cry fr
He was playing video games with ryan
mf was so focused on his game that he didnt even notice you were standing right next to him
and you’ve been there for already 3 minutes🧍🏽‍♀️
only notices your presence when he lost💀
almost dies from heart attack tbh💀
ah woh, jumpscare 😭😭😭
was abt to tell u smth but notices that tired look on ur face
asks you if you are okay and tells ryan he’s not gonna play anymore
(ryan didnt even hear tbh, he kept talking to him till he didnt realize justin wasnt there💀💀💀💀)
now both of you are on your shared bed
‼️‼️ big spoon alert ‼️‼️
lies down and cuddles you :(
wants to ask you abt your day but knows how tired you are
so he just cuddles you☹️
you were almost falling asleep when he moved💀💀
you didn’t even get to ask him where he was going cuz he rushed out of yall room so fast🤨🤨
comes back five minutes later and tells you he ran a bath for ya 💔💔💔💔💔
helps you with everything
after the bath he helps you wearing your pajamas and brings you to your room
as you lie on your bed he goes to the kitchen to get some fresh water
comes back and lies with you:(
caresses your head softly till you sleep💔💔💔💔😭
you srsly couldnt ask for a better boyfriend
so please treat him well:(
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a/n: hey guys! sorry for being so dry af</3 hope all of you are doing well and have a good day:) also tysm for the follows^^ love youu~~
taglist: @iamnotauro
taglist and requests open !
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ganymedian · 11 months
I like how each Amnesia game has a take on monsters presence vs storytelling
OG Amnesia is like “these are scripted events and they usually vanish but you do have to sneak around or run from one or two of them. Kind of easy after first play through. the OG survival horror experience and a cool story.
Justine: These are all scripted but they are not easier for it. Survival horror through and through. The story is interesting but it’s rather a backdrop to the cool mechanics
AMFP: Monsters feel incidental, they’re more jumpscare until you get to one specific area and they’re self contained - slightly more difficult bc they often don’t despawn but they’re not smart. I’ve beaten it twice and it’s for sure a creepy storytelling experience rather than a survival horror
Rebirth: Monsters infrequent but the situations you find them in are so awful and disorienting. 12/3 on the awful scale. Most of the game is safe otherwise, more creepy storytelling rather than survival horror. GORE GALORE
The Bunker: Nothing is safe. Shut the fuck up. Drink gasoline shit awesome fire
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lowkeyclowning · 1 year
Songs that make me think of specific slashers
This is just a dumb little thing where I threw my hcs of songs that they may be into or just songs I think of them with <3
Chromeskull (Jesse Cromeans)
• Money, Money, Money - Abba (he is a rich man)
• Suit & Tie -Justin Timberlake (he wears that black dress that I like 😏 bro is always in a suit, not a tie, but whatever the song is good)
• Unholy -Sam Smith (I imagine it like this, “mommy” is his pregnant wife from the 2nd film or whatever reader/yn that doesn’t know ab his job, and “daddy” being him, the soon to be father, going out doing unholy things (murder, snuff, etc 👍)
• Hey Rich Boy -Millionaires (hey hey rich boy look my way! Hey hey rich boy make my day 😏. I am a simple person)
• Telephone -Lady Gaga, Beyoncé (he uses his phone to talk and stuff, and sometimes he should stfu 🙄🙏)
• Cemetery Girl -Insane Clown Posse (I don’t think this one needs an explanation)
• Girls on Film -Duran Duran (yea those girls really are on film)
• March Of The Pigs -Nine Inch Nails (he likes to call his victims pigs or piggies)
• Jessie’s Girl -Rick Springfield (his name is Jesse)
• Promiscuous -Nelly Furtado, Timbaland (…. Umm.. anyway moving on)
• Sugar Daddy -Qveen Herby (hehe)
• Violent Pornography -System Of A Down (it sure is)
• In My Room -Insane Clown Posse (I have bias because I love the song)
• Custer -Slipknot (WOOO)
• Hoes Come Easy -RJMrLA (bastard)
• No Scrubs -TLC (not a scrub)
• Bills, Bills, Bills -Destiny’s Child (there is a pattern)
• Tag, You’re It -Melanie Martinez (he picks targets)
• Piggy Pie -Insane Clown Posse (yep)
• Little Piggy -Rob Zombie
• Hammer Smashed Face -Cannibal Corpse (with love)
• Fucked With A Knife -Cannibal Corpse
I see Jesse not listening to music frequently if at all, but if he did,, man it’d probably be something like death metal or heavy metal. Some kind of metal.
The Collector (Asa Emory)
• Spookshow Baby -Rob Zombie (he’s a killer, he’s a thriller, spookshow baby 😏)
• Chop Suey -System Of A Down (his father forsook him)
• The Chain -Fleetwood Mac (saw it in an edit once and it stuck)
• Haunt You -Pack a.d. (it plays at the end of The Collection)
• Dead Body Man -Insane Clown Posse (i think he deserves to be called the dead body man)
• Dead Bodies Everywhere -Korn (there are as the title says)
• Eyeless -Slipknot (I love slipknot so much)
• Mr. Self Destruct -Nine Inch Nails (vibes)
• Headless -Deftones (once again vibes)
• Spiders -Slipknot (self explanatory)
• The Collector -Nine Inch Nails
• The Bug Collector -Haley Heynderickx (OKAY. I know this one is a lot softer n out of place but dude I’m just thinking about how gentle he is with spiders despite who he is. I’d fold so hard if I saw that)
• From The Pinnacle To The Pit -Ghost (real)
• Custer -Slipknot (pt2 WOOO)
• Hungry Like the Wolf -Duran Duran
• Hotel California -Eagles (you will never leave his hotel)
• Drain You -Nirvana
• Zombie -The Cranberries (he makes zombies in his basement)
• Dollhouse -Melanie Martinez (the “favorite” in his collection being dressed up almost like a doll with the dress and the makeup, plus he lives two lives)
• The Hand That Feeds -Nine Inch Nails
• Demonoid Phenomenon - Rob Zombie (jumpscare)
• Bumblebees Are Out -Jack Stauber (makes me think of lil baby Asa)
Just like Chromeskull I can’t imagine him listening to music frequently, or at all, but I can see him enjoying the occasional news station
Bo Sinclair
• Numb -Linkin Park (he got issues)
• Aneurysm -Nirvana (Issues pt 2)
• Country Song -Seether (I thought this was what he was playing on his radio, it’s not, but it still fits)
• Closer -Nine Inch Nails (freak)
• Bodies -Drowning Pool
• Sex Type Thing -Stone Temple Pilots (he acts like a hoe)
• Animals -Nickelback (once again, hoe)
• Tear You Apart -She Wants Revenge (freak 2)
• Foxy, Foxy -Rob Zombie
• The Negative One -Slipknot (he is the negative twin)
• In Bloom -Nirvana (He likes to shoot his guns)
• Scotty Doesn’t Know -Lustra (lol)
• Offended -Eminem (a bitch)
• The Burden -Slipknot
• One Step Closer -Linkin Park
• She Keeps Me Up -Nickelback
• Mockingbird -Eminem (Crying my eyes out to this song, but I see it as him having to be the parent to his brothers and shit bro I’m bawling)
Overall this dude in canon listens to rock, so pretty much I’m throwing dad rock and metal at him
Candyman (Daniel Robitaille)
• Hit the Road Jack -Ray Charles (some people don’t wanna be victims)
• Somebody’s Watching Me -Rockwell (always lingering)
• Killing Me Softly With His Song -Fugees (persuasive in talking people into being his victim)
• Candyman -Christina Aguilera (everything in this song is true)
• Heaven Can Wait -Michael Jackson (it can and will)
• So Anxious -Ginuwine (I know I’m anxious)
• Sextape -Deftones
• Mary On A Cross -Ghost (song about sex in a romantic sounding way)
• Change -Deftones (yea)
• Aces -dkj
• Hey Lover -The Daughters Of Eve (Romantic)
• Sex with a Ghost -Teddy Hyde (literally a ghost)
• Talk To Me -Porcelain Raft (Even though I think about the Collector with this song too, because I got it from the movie, it fits Candyman better)
• There Is a Light That Never Goes Out -The Smiths (<3)
• Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now -The Smiths (pls let him rest with the love of his life)
If he could still listen to music he def likes romantic stuff, Jazz, maybe the classics n r&b. He was very happy when he was alive, I can imagine him tapping his foot and dancing with his lover in a kitchen
If I think of any more slashers I wanna do and I have the motivation I might make a pt 2
Anyway ty for reading <3
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belle--ofthebrawl · 9 months
Alright. Start to finish, Phantasm Masquerade writeup and photos. (Kind of. Tumblr only allows ten per post.) Extremely special shout out to @blacklight-ghoulette , who designed and painted my mask! As well as the earrings I wore. Asellas is a truly wonderful person to have taken my commission and dream to and so, so thoughtful. She explained and sent photos of every step of the process and went above and beyond in her work. She was willing to work with me on prices, figure out a payment plan and in this water devil's humble opinion, undersold her work and effort. This fandom has so many talented artists and she is my favorite. I received so many compliments it made me dizzy trying to remember them all! Rumor has it she's planning a sale, so if you have some extra dollars and an eye for shiny things, check out her shop!
To business.
As someone who is significantly more water than the rest, the heat and stuffiness of the Ministry did not bother me too much! Clergy staff thoughtfully laid out refreshments in a gorgeous chapel with fresh fruit as a tribute to our dear Aether. Justin Andrews as Young Nihil was just...hanging around. I turned around several times and BOOM jumpscare! Young Nihil. (Of course I wasn't really frightened but! It was so easy to get lost in the glamour of it all.)
The costumes. Oh, the costumes. Everyone brings their A game to Rituals and everyone brought their A game to the ball. I felt quite like the fish out of water but everyone was so kind and lovely to each other. My heart belongs to the Copia cosplayer who casually insulted the Green Bay Packers then knelt and begged for forgiveness when he realized he was insulting my crew. I don't even care about football, but, you know. Represent. He was gracious enough to allow me to dance with him for a photo op later, so either he wasn't truly bothered or I scared him good.
(Someone with entirely innocent intentions: Do you read/write fic? Look at this Papa edit I made!
Myself, entirely too aware of what the last fic I posted was about and running calculations on how fast I can throw myself out the nearest window:🧍)
The Ministry itself...what an incredible building. We toured, and found the hallway where the Ghoul jammed in Rats. The place where Nihil was rejected by Seestor after watching the Cardinal crash his trike. Copia's bedroom and so many more places...if Tumblr allowed more than 10 per post...
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(We WERE, in fact, allowed to pose seductively on the couch, but they handed this soggy creature a towel first.) (Get your mind out of the gutter, I was sweaty.)
There was unholy communion, the wafer placed by young Nihil himself. I drank the apples blood of our enemies. I roamed and haunted and cried and wailed. What a night!
The real star of the show though....was the little bat that got stuck in the building. Poor thing. I hope it's safe.
And just like after the Ritual...my feet are sore. My head hurt like the devil. But my heart? Ah, my heart...if I hadn't given it to the ocean years ago, it would be very, very full. So much love for everyone who puts themselves wholeheartedly into this community. I have never seen anything like it.
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rebuke-me · 1 year
redesigning bmc costumes part four: rich goranski
jumpscare warning: there’s justin beiber in this post
AS A WHOLE. i like rich’s costumes. i like the way theyre just kinda tossed together but in a different way than jakes. honestly the only thing id do for him is give him a normal colour palette
unfortunately the best example of rich clothes i can find is in fact justin beiber.
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like this is just rich outfits. which honestly, i think it tracks. if he has his squip and is trying to be cool and hip, he’d probably pick a “fashionable” (ish) celebrity to idolize and imitate. still funny though.
i like him in camo a lot (this isn’t because i personally like camo at all shut UP i just like him in it) especially bc its a headcanon of mine that his brother is way older than him and is in the military in some capacity, so he probably really likes wearing his hand-me-down fatigues. 
post squip he’d probably keep mostly the same style with a few more grungy elements tossed in and some nerdy t-shirts. very relaxed, pattern mixing, but still comfortable. the whole “im low effort without even trying” ya feel me
im mostly putting the “popular” kids in bright colours and the “unpopular” kids in patterns, but. i do like the subtlety of rich being kind of a bit of a stand out, like maybe he doesn’t quite fit in with the popular kids. he’d try to, especially with bright yellows, reds, greens, but he’d accent it with muted tones
this is especially clear because it would make sense if rich is working with thrift store finds over having easily accessible cash, especially with him needing money in canon
this ended up being less of a photo show and more of me rambling about how rich’s character would play into his clothing but uh
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
Reasons to listen to The Cryptonaturalist:
First!! Do not fret: no cryptocurrency only cryptonature.
Cryptids of many kinds! (And like 99% of them are made up for the show).
Marvelling at the natural and extranatural world.
Learn about real creatures!
And even more about non-real creatures such as the tiny koiflys of road islands, subterranian shadowhawks, sun-burn bright neon peeper frogs, air-chilling arctic vortex beetles, migratory forests, to name a few.
Perhaps you will even wonder if you should've gone into ecology after all.
The lead travels the world with his bestie who is either a sentient RV or an AI with one for a body. She has a lovely voice and expansive within.
Snippets of excellent nature poetry and flash fiction that helped me understand poetry as a concept.
Both from creator Jarod K Anderson, who's poetry you've likely seen floating around Tumblr, and many guests.
Non-poetry features from other cryptonaturalists about the globe, played by many potentially familiar voices including: Jordan Cobb, Julia Schifini, Lucille Valentine, Justin McElroy, Hank Green, etc.
Good quality audio.
Extremely simple but complementary soundwork.
Absolutely no jumpscares.
No major story, but the same lead character and some connecting background stories.
There's a whole episode that's just cool facts and a gentle pep talk.
Very good vibes.
I mentioned the creatures but seriously, the creativity in the organisms is a delight.
Super chill, good for relaxing, daydreaming, floor time, lab work, etc.
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hollywoodxwhore · 2 years
wanted - part 5
Colson x Original Female Character x Pete
The moment you've all been waiting for...SMUT!!!
Warnings: Smut (18+), swearing, mentions of drug usage, insecurity, hand job, fingering
Here's the next chapter y'all! The smut is between Pete and Alex. Hope you enjoy!
The magic of the first night vanishes when the sun rises, and Colson goes back to acting like I don’t exist.
The rest of the weekend, he doesn’t come near me. Doesn’t speak to me unless it’s necessary, sits far from me at the campfire, and every time I look at him, he’s never looking back at me. I try not to let it get to me, but I just don’t understand why he’s so hot and cold. 
I wasn’t drunk enough to hallucinate him wrapping my legs around his waist in the water the first night. He was all over me, pulling me up to the surface when Sophie knocked me down, hugging me when we were done. Is he mad I chose to sleep with Pete? It wasn’t even my choice - Slim chose his spot before I could. 
By the time we all pack up and head home, I’m ready for some quiet time in my apartment alone, without all of this confusion. After a long shower, I throw in some laundry, make a cup of coffee, and curl up on my couch with my laptop. I manage to write another chapter and a half, but that’s all I can manage. My mind is racing. 
Pete. The sweetest, funniest, most genuine guy I think I’ve ever met. He doesn’t make me feel like the reject I’ve been my whole life. He actually enjoys being around me and always makes a point to include me in the conversation. He’s handsome, too. Those warm, brown eyes and that smile. His voice, his little accent. His height, so safe and comforting when he hugs me. The way he lets me rest my head on his shoulder while we sit next to each other. But he hasn’t made a move.
And then, there’s Colson. Friendly and funny one moment, sour and cold the next. He switches moods so quickly that it’s dizzying. Rude comments. Leaving me out of the conversation. The polar opposite of Pete, most of the time. But every once in a while, he does focus on me. I’ll catch his eyes on me, or he’ll actually sit by me and initiate conversation. 
I’m exhausted from trying to figure this out. Does it even matter how I feel? I won’t make a move on either of them, and it doesn’t seem like they’re going to make any moves on me. I guess I’m just stuck.
Pete invites me to the house for a movie night, telling me to dress comfy. I show up with popcorn and candy, greeting the small group that’s on the couch. Pete, Rook, Alicia, Sophie, and Logan. No Colson, Justin, Slim, or Baze. Colson’s actually out of town, but I don’t know where the others are. This is fine. Without Colson, I can fully relax.
Logan and Sophie are on one end of the sectional, Rook and Alicia on the other, and Pete’s sprawled out right in the middle, looking way too cute in a pair of sweats and a soft hoodie. He pats the spot on the couch beside him and I sit, curling my legs beneath me. 
“It’s good to see you,” Pete says, giving me a one-armed hug. I haven’t seen any of them, except for Sophie and Alicia in class, since last weekend’s camping trip. I missed them all, especially Pete.
“Thanks for the invite,” I say, resting my head on his shoulder. 
Alicia and Rook decide on a scary movie and Pete groans audibly beside me. I look at him with a raised brow and he smiles sheepishly. “I hate scary movies,” he admits. “True crime shows and shit like that are great. But I hate jumpscares.”
“Aw, are you scared, Petey?” I tease, poking his stomach.
“This movie is scary as shit,” Pete insists. He’s not wrong. The Conjuring is one of my favorites, but it’s definitely scary.
“I’ll protect you,” I insist, patting his thigh.
“You better,” Pete says with a little pout. 
The movie begins and we’re all focused on the opening scenes, introducing the family and the new house. At one point, it starts to get a little eerie, and Pete pulls my legs over his lap. I scoot a little closer, resting my head on his shoulder, and he wraps an arm around me before pulling a blanket over us. At the first jumpscare, I stifle a giggle as Pete jerks beneath me, tucking his face into my hair for a moment. 
“You okay?” I whisper, and he nods, but he squeezes me a little tighter. 
After a while, I notice Pete and I are the only ones still watching. Both of the couples are making out. I nudge Pete, gesturing at our friends, and he snickers. “Should we fuck with them?” he whispers.
“Nah,” I say after a moment. “Let them enjoy it.”
“Do you want to go hang out in my room so we don’t have to whisper?” he asks, and I nod. We get up, carefully stepping over Alicia and Rook, but they have no idea that we’ve even moved. We tiptoe down the hall into Pete’s room, and he shuts the door behind us. 
I throw myself onto his comfy bed, sighing contentedly at the pillowtop mattress that greets me. I roll onto my back. “This is a great bed, Davidson,” I say.
“Yeah, it’s why I skip class so much,” he says, plopping down beside me. We lie in silence for a few moments and out of the corner of my eye, I see Pete’s head roll over so he can look at me. “Can I ask you a question?” he asks.
“Sure,” I say, looking over at him. 
Pete rolls his teeth over his plump bottom lip. “How come you’re single?” he asks.
I’m taken aback by the question and I look away, staring at the ceiling instead. “I don’t quite know how to answer that,” I admit tightly.
“Okay. Sorry,” Pete says.
I shake my head and pat his hand. “No. Don’t be,” I say. “I guess…it’s not really my choice, I mean.”
Pete frowns. “What do you mean?”
I swallow hard. Am I going to let myself be vulnerable around him? I do trust Pete. He’s kind and nonjudgmental. I doubt he’d be the kind to make me feel shitty about it. Finally, I roll onto my side to face him and he mimics my body language. 
“No one’s ever really wanted me, I guess,” I admit. “I’ve never had a guy pursue me.”
Pete’s frown deepens. “How is that possible?”
I laugh humorlessly. “That’s what Sophie and Alicia say,” I tell him. I shrug. “I don’t know. I don’t know if I even want a boyfriend. It’s too scary.”
Pete nods. “I get that,” he says quietly.
“Why are you single?” I ask.
Pete shrugs. “I don’t know,” he says. “I have some mental health shit and it makes relationships hard.”
I nod, getting that. “You don’t want to feel like a burden,” I say knowingly.
I sigh. “For the right person, Pete,” I say, reaching out to gently touch his face, “you won’t be.”
Pete’s eyelashes flutter at my touch, and slowly, his hand comes up to cover mine. We stare at each other for a long few moments, my heart thumping in my chest, and then, he kisses me. 
For a moment, it’s like time is suspended, like we’re not even really here. Like we’re hovering above ourselves. But then reality rushes in and yes, I’m kissing Pete Davidson, my friend who may or may not have a crush on me but who I definitely have a crush on. My head spins in the best way.
After a few moments, Pete’s lips part with mine, and it’s like our mouths know exactly what to do with one another. The kiss is effortless and I feel heat settle low in my stomach. Pete’s big hand slides down my waist, tugging me closer, and I go, wrapping my arm around his waist. His hand moves up to cup my face, holding me closer, but he’s not close enough. 
I give his shoulder a gentle push and he moves onto his back, helping to guide me into his lap. We break the kiss for a moment and I just look at him, his heavily lidded eyes, his flushed cheeks. The little smile on his lips before he’s craning his neck to kiss me again. His hands are in my hair and his hips are lifting into mine and I whimper into his mouth. 
“Is this okay?” he whispers, but he barely finishes his sentence because my lips are crashing into his again. I’m desperate to be touched, heart pounding so hard it’s almost nauseating, and I can’t bear for him to stop. Luckily, he doesn’t, and as big hands slide down my back to cup my ass, my entire life comes to a head at this moment where finally, finally, I feel wanted.
Our kisses grow deeper and more passionate, his teeth grazing my lip and my tongue flicking against his. He squeezes my ass firmly, bringing my hips tight to his every time he does so that I can feel him gradually stiffen beneath me. As I grind myself into him, I can feel that he’s big and my stomach lurches with nerves. Pete has no idea that I’m basically a virgin.
I finally break the kiss, heart racing, but this time, it’s with nerves. Pete’s brow furrows and his hands move from my ass to my waist. “You okay?” he asks.
I nod and bite my lip. “I just…you should know…I’ve only had sex with one person and it was one time, about a year ago.”
Pete blinks, then nods. “Okay,” he says. “Do you want to stop?”
“No!” I insist so eagerly that my cheeks flush with embarrassment. “No,” I repeat more calmly. “I just want you to know because…because I…”
“Alex?” Pete asks, voice gentle.
“Because I might be bad at whatever we do,” I blurt finally, feeling like such an idiot.
Pete studies my face for a moment, and then I lose my breath as he flips us so I’m on my back and he’s hovering over me, his eyes fixed on mine. “Alex,” he says again, hand coming up to my face. His thumb grazes my bottom lip. “I don’t care how far we go as long as I get to be close to you. Please don’t be nervous or doubt yourself.”
I swallow hard, studying his face. Maybe he just wants to sleep with me. But no, Pete is a good guy. He wouldn’t lie to me just to get in my pants. “O-okay,” I say shakily. 
“Just tell me to stop,” Pete murmurs, kissing me softly, “and I’ll stop.”
I reach up, tangling a hand in his soft, brown hair, and brush my lips over his. “Pete,” I whisper. “Don’t stop.”
At that, Pete’s lips meld into mine and I wrap my legs around his waist. One of his hands slides up beneath my t-shirt, fingers grazing over my stomach, and my breath hitches. “Can I take this off?” he asks, and I nod quickly, reaching up my arms so he can tug the shirt over my head. Once it’s gone, big hands rest on my stomach as his eyes rove over my body. “Gorgeous,” he mumbles, kissing me again. 
My hands are under his sweatshirt now, pushing it up, and he quickly gets the idea, tearing it over his head before reattaching his lips to mine. I can’t help but kick my hips up, grinding against him desperately. Every sexual encounter I’ve had has been uncomfortable, forced by my own desperation to belong, but this is the first time I’ve really wanted someone, not just to get something over with. Heat pools in my panties more and more with each grind. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” Pete rasps, moving his face lower to bury it against my neck. I whimper, eyes closing as he takes his time kissing my sensitive skin, teeth grazing my throat as he does. My hips twitch into his when he finds a particularly sensitive spot, and he huffs a soft laugh into my skin. “Found the spot,” he murmurs, and I can’t help but laugh softly. 
Pete pulls back from the kiss to tuck his fingers into the waistband of my sweats. Brown eyes land on mine. “Can I take these off?” he asks. I nod again, lifting my hips as he slides the joggers down my legs, leaving me in nothing but a bra and panties.
“Will you take yours off, too?” I ask, and he nods, rolling off me to shove his sweats off, leaving him in a tight pair of black boxer briefs that hug his hips and accentuate his very clearly large size. My mouth waters. I’ve never felt desire like this before. 
Pete returns to me, hitching my legs on his hips again, but instead of grinding into me, his hand moves between my legs, cupping me over my panties. My breath hitches and he meets my eyes. I nod my silent consent and he kisses me again as his fingertips find my clit, rubbing gentle circles. I’m shocked at how utterly good it feels, how relieving it is to finally be touched, and the moan that slips out of me is completely uninhibited. 
“This okay?” Pete murmurs and I nod avidly, digging my nails lightly into his back. “I’m gonna take these off,” he tells me, and my heart rate speeds up a little, but I’m ready. I want this. He discards my panties and returns to me, kissing me softly before doing anything else. Then, his hand is between my legs again and I’m letting out a stuttered gasp at the sensation.
Experienced fingers move lower, and he makes a soft, pleased sound when he discovers how wet I can only imagine I am. “Oh fuck,” he says lowly, pressing a finger inside me easily, and I let out a soft moan. “Alex, you’re so wet.”
I curl my fingers into his hair, holding his face to mine as I pant into his mouth. He adds a second finger, gliding inside me until his fingers curl, rubbing against a spot that makes my back arch sharply. “Oh s-shit,” I manage, squeezing his bicep firmly. “Pete-”
I always thought fingering sucked. Too much jabbing and fumbling around. But Pete knows exactly what he’s doing, and it involves no jabbing or fumbling whatsoever. I had no idea someone could move their fingers that fast as he beckons against me, and my body reacts of its own volition, legs pressing to Pete’s hips and back arching off the bed. My breathing is shallow and my palms tingle as my body adjusts to just how good this feels. 
I’ve never had an orgasm with anyone but myself, in the comfort of my own bed where there’s no need to perform or look pretty or have to fake it. Will it happen with Pete? It doesn’t seem possible that someone else could do that for me. But then, his other hand is on my lower stomach, his thumb rubbing circles into my clit.
“O-oh fuck,” I whine, grasping the sheets so hard my knuckles turn white. “Pete-” He looks so fucking good between my legs, lips parted as he watches his hands move, muscles in his arms flexing as he pleasures me. 
“God, Alex, you feel so good,” he says, sounding completely wrecked, and I can start to picture what it might be like to have sex with him. I want to reach out and touch him but I can’t because my hands and my legs are shaking, and my skin is prickling as a knot starts to form in my lower stomach. 
“F-fuck, just like that,” I squeak, praying he doesn’t change anything because I can feel it building but if he does something differently, I might lose it. But he knows what he’s doing because he doesn’t stop, doesn’t speed up or slow down. “Pete, ahh-” I whimper.
“You gonna come?” he breathes and all I can do is nod frantically, stomach clenching, and he groans softly. “Shit, I can feel you. Come on, baby.”
The use of the word baby sends me completely over the edge, and I clamp my fingers around his wrist as I contract around his fingers, hips jerking and squirming. I don’t even try to conceal my moans and whimpers, it’s too good to hold anything back. I’m a trembling, whining mess when it’s finally done and Pete slowly pulls his fingers from me. 
He comes up to lie beside me as I catch my breath, panting and shaking. “Jesus Christ,” I say weakly, and Pete chuckles. I look at him. “That’s never happened before,” I confess.
“No one’s ever made you come?” Pete asks, clearly surprised. “Shit. How was it?”
I laugh weakly, pushing my hair back. “Was it not obvious?” I ask.
Pete smiles bashfully and gives me a soft kiss. Before he can pull back, my hand is in his hair and I’m keeping him close. Finally, I’m able to reach out and give him a squeeze over his boxers. He groans softly, hips twitching forward.
“You don’t have to,” he says, but I shush him and kiss him again, working him over his boxer briefs. He helps me to pull down his boxers, and then I’m able to wrap my fingers around him. I’m not very experienced, but I can tell that he’s big. Holy shit. 
“Do you have anything to…uh?” I ask, hoping he knows what I mean, and he does. He rolls over and grabs a bottle of lube from his bedside table, clicking it open to pour some into my hand. I wrap my fingers around him again and his breath hitches at the added slickness. 
“Fuck, Alex,” Pete grunts softly as I move my hand slowly. I’ve done this a few times, so at least I kind of know what I’m doing here. I start to speed up as our kisses deepen, twisting my wrist and squeezing more firmly. “Shit,” Pete gasps after a few minutes. “I’m gonna come if you keep doing that.”
I pull his face to mine with my free hand and kiss him again, nibbling gently at his lip. I jerk my hand faster and I can feel him tensing up, his stomach tightening. He curses into my mouth and his hips jerk up as he comes on his stomach. I work him through it, pulling my hand away when he stops squirming. 
“Shit,” he breathes, pulling me in for another soft kiss. “That was amazing.”
“Sorry it wasn’t anything more,” I say self-consciously, but Pete shakes his head.
“That was perfect, Alex,” he says. “Seriously. You okay?” I nod. “Will you get me a towel from my bathroom, please?”
I get up and pull his shirt over my head before going into the bathroom. I grab his hand towel and hand it over so he can clean up. We dress again, me in his shirt and my panties, and he in just his sweats. “Do you want to stay here tonight?” he asks.
I blink, surprised. “I-if you want me to,” I say, climbing back into bed.
“Of course I do,” Pete says, kissing my forehead. 
We spend the rest of the night talking. We don’t talk about us or anything like that, just things like our families, our pasts. I drift off on his chest, so sleepy and content.
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gribouillenotes · 2 years
Korea and Japan in TUA S3
Not sure if there are other Korean Umbrella Academy fans here, but I'm conflicted about this as a Korean. I've talked to my mom (who watches TUA with me) about it, and I warned her that the new season features the rising sun flag design since I binged the whole season today and am watching it the second time with her whenever she has time. But I still don't know what to think.
So basically Koreans view the rising sun flag much like how the west views the Nazi symbol because Imperial Japan killed a shit ton of our people, burned our historical artifacts/documents, tried to eliminate the Korean language, etc. All those fun things throughout history and war, and while Japan normalizes the symbol and non-Koreans don't care enough to even know, Koreans don't accept it. Some Koreans boycott popular Japanese anime because so many of them feature rising sun flags as a normal, everyday thing.
The thing is, my mom and I both know that non-Koreans, especially westerners, don't know and/or don't care because it's never taught in history classes and Asian history is like a niche thing. So when I watched season 3 and recognized the symbol, I was disappointed but I wasn't super upset about it because TUA is an American show with an American cast and crew so obviously there was probably no malicious intent. The other Japanese details throughout Hotel Oblivion (samurai, sushi, etc.) were odd and out of place in my opinion, but they didn't offend me at all because those aren't reminiscent of Japan's war crimes during WWII.
Korean viewers living in Korea will be upset, though.
Honestly, looking back on the entire season, it was a bit sad to see as a Korean fan that they decided to include so many Japanese themes (though they did seem a bit stereotypical, idk how actual Japanese viewers feel about them) IN ADDITION to the controversial rising sun symbol, when there has been very poor representation of Korean culture despite one of the main cast members being Korean.
The awkward and short subway train scene, very non-Korean looking household, Korean lines that were apparently adlibbed by Justin and not even added in the official script... TUA has never been amazing at accurately representing other countries' cultures so this wasn't a surprise, but I think making the Hotel Oblivion Japanese for no reason and adding the rising sun onto the door on top of that kind of highlighted the awkwardness I was feeling throughout the episodes.
I still like TUA. Five is one of my favorite characters ever and I probably won't let this stop me from watching the show since no one outside of Korea and Japan cares enough to mean anything bad by using the flag. I just didn't expect the symbol to pop up so randomly in the middle of the show, it was like a jumpscare lmao
Overall? I'm hoping for a season four, really am; I need to see those umbrella idiots get their powers back. But if the TUA writers are gonna continue to include different cultural aesthetics, I believe they could try harder to be thorough with cultures and languages as much as they are with LGBTQ+ and POC topics in an American setting.
The Handler speaking Yiddish, the Swedish lines not sounding Swedish, the rising sun... At least one issue per season, though some are less acknowledged than others. Either way, it's getting kinda weird for me.
I'm gonna write another post about my overall thoughts about the new season, and then one more about Five as a character. Just wanted to vomit out this mental turmoil I just suffered from into words I could read before I could think about anything else.
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