#all of you have to look at my stupid shitpost now
thespacelizard · 3 months
bregan d'aerthe AMV set to Bad Guys from Bugsy Malone send post
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guinevereslancelot · 5 months
what is it with me and spending stupid amounts of money on frivolous things every january 🤡
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vidawhump · 3 months
I speedran a week overdue essay in less than 4 hours but now I have no spoons for writing/drawing/cleaning/several other overdue homework assignments 😭😭😭😭
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tvhsleb3ww · 4 months
summary, your older brother is finally back for summer break! but wait, is that his best friend with him?
nicknames, minor swearing(not really), flirting, you're suguru's younger sister yippee, 2006
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you were really looking forward to summer. the beach, the summer breeze, the carnivals, the food fests. it was truly an amazing season to have fun and enjoy life. every summer you spent was filled with bliss and joyful memories.
except this one. oh no no, you were one hundred percent confident that this summer was gonna be terrible. how did you know? well because when you went down to greet your brother and help him with the bags, there was a certain someone as well.
a certain six eyed manchild.
"hey babycakes! missed me?"
he said in his cheerful tone as usual. you could feel yourself throwing up at the nickname. a nickname you earned back in middle school due to your chubby cheeks. you groaned internally when you saw his stupidly handsome smirk on his face.
suguru chuckles at his best friend's tease towards his younger sister. he walks into the house with the bags. he's finally home for summer break. you were used to suguru appearing during this time of year but you didn't expect his white haired best friend to be here as well.
"what the hell are you doing here?"
you questioned with a very obvious scowl on your face to which he just chuckled and grinned, shaking his head as if to belittle you. you could feel your blood boiling which each second passing by. he then crouches down to your height and leans close to your face.
"i'm staying here for the summer, silly"
and those exact words made you go pale.
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you tried to wrap your head around the fact that your brother's best friend who had tormented you your whole childhood is staying here. with you. for the next 3 months. if you had to be warded in a mental hospital, you're pretty sure you know why.
"oh come on, it won't kill you, babycakes. there's a line of girls out there who'd wanna be in your position right now"
his grin never leaves his face as his teasing words left his lips. you wanted to do nothing else than smack that stupid grin off his annoyingly attractive face but you know you couldn't do that.
suguru just shakes his head at his best friend and his younger sister's interaction.
"i'd gladly swap places with those said girls. they won't last a second with you"
you responded, your scowl still present and prominent. he simply laughed at this as he brings out his hand to ruffle your soft locks.
"oh, you're hurting my feelings, babycakes. you've always been the hotheaded one, haven't ya?"
you could feel your ears burning at the nickname. you quickly swatted his hand away and shoot him a glare through his extremely dark sunglasses.
"no one calls me that anymore, gojo"
he takes his hand away and returned from his crouching position, inserting his hands inside the pockets of his pants. his blue eyes gazes upon you and an amused smirk crawls onto his face.
"please, darling. call me satoru. we've gotten close over the past years, right?"
there's no deny of that. all three of you have grown close over the past couple years since middle school. suguru and satoru maybe. but not you and satoru. if anything, you were being tormented and teased by satoru.
you simply rolled your eyes at him and a huff escapes your lips but before you could say anything, suguru had already intervened.
"continue your arguement after we take these upstairs, yeah?"
satoru simply nodded to his words as he followed suguru with the bags in hand but before that he turned his head to get a good look at you.
"we're gonna have a great summer break, babycakes"
and with a flirtatious wink, he left the room. you didn't know how to feel about this, were your cheeks growing red?
this is gonna be a painful summer.
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☆ a shitpost really, don't know if i should continue or not 😵‍💫
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shmolish · 12 days
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Shadow Milk x Reader
Synopsis; Shadow Milk and you create little puppets to pass the time
Warnings: shitpost (Not proofread)
-For Fun-
It was a rather docile day. The sun was shining through the window, and some papers and markers were scattered across the table.
Just a few minutes ago, Shadow Milk had invited you to make some puppets with him. Well, it would be more accurate to say he got on his knees and pleaded for you to keep him company, but he'd rather you not dwell on the small details.
Your side of the table was, of course, neat, while Shadow Milk's was not. There were small peices of paper everywhere and little specks of glitter that will surely stay there for another thirty years.
"Can't you be more organized?" You'd tut while looking at the mess he created.
"Doll, this is very organized. I know exactly where everything is!" He smiled innocently while cutting out a small figure.
"Oh yeah? Where's the red marker?"
He looked around the table-top for a little while. Then, a little while longer. "On the table," Shadow Milk would say.
"Wow, how observant..." You went back to coloring in some of the finer details on the paper doll.
You weren't given any real instructions besides, create something that looks like you, so that's what you were doing.
The stage itself, if it could even be called that, was an old shoebox that had been cut out. There were some doodles on the sides created by Shadow Milk to represent scenery.
"Ta-da!" Shadow Milke exclaimed while holding out his two finished puppets.
It was him and Pure Vanilla.
"Are you going to do that play where you insult all of the ancients again..?" You asked him.
"Nope! Just Silly Vanilly! He's the worst one," Shadow Milk explained.
You sighed before gluing the stick to the back of your doll. That's what you two were using to hold them up.
"See? You are super talented, even when making paper puppets," Shadow Milk said.
He then placed his two puppets on the other side of the 'stage'..
"I, the great Shadow Milk Cookie, will defeat the evil Pure Vanilla who stole my powers!" He walked the Pure Vanilla puppet with his own and let it fall to the ground before smiling at you.
"This is so stupid-" you said.
"Hey, we use kind words here!" He sighed. "Now our dolls have to kiss because I defeated the bad guy!"
You internally face palmed. This was one of the dumbest things Shadow Milk had suggested... but at least it passed the time.
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saintjosie · 8 months
I agree the joke was tasteless, no intention of defending it, but assuming bad-faith is a very good way to make using the internet a miserable experience. I'm not saying you have to take the time to educate people who are wrong and saying horrendously stupid or out of touch shit. I'm just saying life got easier for me when I approached situations like that with the perspective of "what's the least hostile reason they could be saying this" bc 9/10 times unless someone is spewing actual hate speech or making threats their either just uniformed or phrased things poorly leading to misunderstanding.
Anyway I hope people stop bothering you about this.
im getting a lot of these in my inbox and this one is one of the nicer ones so im just gonna respond about demilypyro this once
look i get it. i really do. ive been doing tiktok for years and that first year was absolutely miserable because i didnt know how to do that. now, 95% of the time, i just block and move on cause it genuinely isnt worth my time to care about it.
and what ive found is that directly addressing hate speech pretty much goes nowhere and is just bound to end up in frustration for me and fuel for the fire elsewhere.
but i promise that im not just reading with bad-faith intentions. this isn't the first time that something that demilypyro has said that has rubbed me the wrong way. and tbh, i had no idea who she was until i got on tumblr and i saw a lot of people circulating the occasionally very funny things she has to say. i do my best to give people the benefit of the doubt (especially on text based social media) but after following her for a second and seeing a lot of "shitposts" that were questionable at best and several that were just downright distasteful, i decided that i didnt care for her and unfollowed and moved on and since shes fairly popular on here, i also started unfollowing people who would rb her too.
recently i had to unfollow someone who said something incredibly icky involving minority consent and so i went through and followed some people who had followed me and who i thought posted funny things bc thats mostly what im here for. and one of those people just so happened to rb something she said that just triggered me so hard with the sheer stupidity and harmfulness of it.
i have a very very sore spot for religious trauma (something ive always been super open about) and i have little to no tolerance for when people say dumb privileged things AND i have little to no tolerance for specifically when white (or in this case white passing) trans femmes specifically say privileged things. and this just hit all of those spots. it was quite cathartic for me to say what i said and i have no doubt that there's gonna be a lotta people who disagree and unfollow. there's some people who will get it, a lot of people who won't, and maybe even some people who might change their minds and this is important enough to me that it's worth it.
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kpopnstarwars · 8 months
listen to me rant about predebut unwhitewashed ateez:
firstly, i apologise for this absolute shitpost, and i don't know where any of the photos are from so apologies if they're acc urs or smt.
secondly, i apologise for the fact none of this is in order because this originally started as predebut yungi and then descended into ot8 chaos.
thirdly, i apologise for the huge rambles about whitewashing and fine men.
lastly, i apologise because i have no clue how to change size of pictures in tumblr so some are massive and some are tiny (send help)
just look at this:
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OK FIRSTLY LIKE MINGI'S ACNE?? i never thought i'd find acne attractive (like, i don't mind it, but my view on it has always been pretty neutral, it's just a thing that happens sometimes). erm like first of all thank you for debunking that stupid 'glass skin' thing because for the people who actually don't have glass skin it's such an expectation to live up to, and secondly you're fine as fuck. LIKE SHUT UP RN I WANT TO KISS HIM AUBAUVVFASIKYFSAA. and then there's that picture of him in the car which i can't find rn and he's like looking to the side and he highkey looks like keeho from p1h like um mingi u had no right to look that fine predebut like have you seen skz predebut they literally looked like infants?
everyone else under the cut
ok, onto exhibit b, yunho.
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LOOK AT HIM. i actually don't know if this is predebut yunho because he looks damn good but the twitter post said so, so idk but like??? he was either 19 or sub 19 here like???? I DO NOT SEE 19 YEAR OLD MEN OUTSIDE ON THE STREET LOOKING AS FINE AS THIS. and if this picture isn't predebut well my arguement is still valid because the other pictures of him which i can't be bothered to add rn still look cute asf.
i love the predebut pictures of seonghwa because he's so unwhitewashed it's beautiful.
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im pretty sure this is a picture of him from the third kq fellaz thingy, so that counts as predebut, but OMFG HIS SMILE??? AND HIS SKIN IS SO NICE AND LIKE UNWHITEWASHED?? LET MY BOY'S SKIN BREATHE OMFG-
here's predebut hongjoong:
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LIKE????? HE'S SO CUTE I WANNA PUT HIM IN MY POCKET?? i know this post has disintegrated from me saying predebut ateez were fine to me just fawning over them being cute teenagers but like i would a hundred percent have fallen for them if they had been my classmates or anything so um yeah.
so onto yeosang:
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like... the sass? the visuals? from day one? I SEE YOU BROTHER. also ignore how the pictures are getting like younger and younger ok finding predebut pictures is hard. oh yeah and did i mention whitewashing in this post like thank god the predebut pics aren't whitewashed.
ok now san:
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LIKE EXCUSE ME???? I HAVE MANY WORDS TO SAY?? like umm he was a hundred percent a twig back then but like one look at his unwhitewashed face and i would have d i e d. he'd have been one of those guys i saw across the street and had to do a double take because he's highkey FINE. also it doesn't help that i acc know a guy who kind of looks like a mix of predebut san and predebut seonghwa who i highkey had a crush on last year but um tmi.
so onto wooyoung:
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i acc had to look hard for a good picture where i wasn't about to start cracking up over his bowl cut so we're just gonna accept this one. as you can see he already had the 'i am a kpop idol with trendy shoes on' thing going on so his fate was already destined. also more appreciation for no whitewashing like THANK YOU THANK YOU AAAAAH. also another guy i'd probably have a crush on if they were in my class.
last but not least jongho:
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i know there were many funnier pictures i could have put on but like um i just really love this photo bc he just looks so... jongho. erm and let me mention one more time that his skin is breathing!! he's not whitewashed!! what a man.
congrats if you made it to the end of this absolute batshit crazy post
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dorkfruit · 5 months
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i put this together using my computer's trackpad so the new year is already starting out . bad .
posts: J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D
reflections on the year, my plans for the future, some studies i did, and wips for the next year all down below for those who are interested
tldr; we will be ianthing next year so watch out!!
oh dear lord it's been another year. 2024! can you believe it! i don't talk much on this blog because i have a tendency to talk too much, but it's my little new year's treat, so here we go.
i started taking drawing "seriously" in December of 2020, starting to do studies and stuff, and each year since i've ramped it up more and more. this year, i did. a lot of studies. there's probably like at least 200 more in my folder now (not including the 300 days worth of gesture drawings i did), with things like painting, faces, feet, poses, etc. anything i was struggling with, i went right into studying it. my art has been mediocre for a pretty long time now, and it's only the past few months where i feel i'm starting to get the hang of it, which is exciting!
more importantly, i started posting a lot more on this blog. i really like documenting my progress, looking on where i was before and seeing how i've improved. everytime i draw some fanart, im like, oooghh i can't wait to show my (: followers (: !! lots of locked tomb art of course. i've been trying to nail the energy of the different characters, which is why i enjoy books so much, because you get a lot of creative control. drawing ianthe is my fav of course, cause she's my lil nasty, but also i enjoyed doing designs for characters i hadnt thought about before, like judith.
in addition to the locked tomb, we had some new fandoms that got brief moments in between iantheposting: Fear and Hunger, Postal, Faith The Unholy Trinity, and a couple of old ones too, like We Have Always Lived In The Castle and The Merciless.
i posted about 115 times this year, although most of those are shitposts LOL i love posting stuff on my blog and showing people my stuff <3
my plans? do more ianthe art, of course. ill be working on more studies, probably going to work on developing a style, and figuring out how to paint. i'd like to do more actually finished pieces, but let's be honest, it'll still be mostly shitpost doodles. i'd like to do more weird stuff. i've been messing around with some gore and NSFW near the end of the year, and it's fun to draw for me. i like idk art that evokes some type of emotion, especially discomfort, and so i find that type of art fun to do, so if you don't enjoy what i've done thus far in that direction, perhaps this isn't the blog for you. i really like horror media, and so i want to do some stuff like that too.
for specifics, i like western type art, a comic book-esque style i'd like to aim for. but i'd like it to be a little more. weird with it. i find comic books often draw all the characters the same, and make all the characters traditionally attractive, and that's boring to me so i'll have to work on finding a way to keep things weird, while also appealing in a graphic sense. the worst thing my art could be is bland and forgettable.
locked tomb wise... more tridentarii art. need to be really weird with it. i have lots of wips planned, like i have a whole page worth of just thumbnails, so i wanna get some of those done. also i had a few animatics i wanted to do. mostly stupid shit, once i learn how to do animatics, then we'll do actual serious ones. id also like to do more comics. i have some comics storyboarded out with my girlies, i like telling a story so, need practice on that. id also like to develop a way to consistently draw them, for convenience sakes, so i'm not fighting for my life every single time i draw these characters. oh and i wanna do some outfit stuff. i draw them in like. generic clothes everytime but i'd like to come up with a few actual outfit designs, that i can just reference back to. and, of course, more shitposts. lots of stupid shit in 2024 for sure. there was something else i wanted to say here but i can't remember.
oki enough rambling, here's some IMAGES for yall to look at i know everyone loves to look at images.
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began this year by warming up with gesture sketches (almost) every day. i started with 20 poses (30 seconds each), and then in november i was like. ugh my hands suck i need to get better at hands, so i switched to doing 10 hand sketches (60 seconds each). i want my art to be very energetic so it's important that i do these !!
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anatomy studies of extremities because i'm flopping at those -_- ive gotten better with hands but they're still a struggle. i hate feet tho still
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need to get my painting game up. i joined an art forum to get advice, and the biggest suggestion i got was working on my values, so i did various value studies. also lots of faces because my faces flop !!
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random doodles to work on drawing from imagination. on my "sketchbook" pages, as i like to call them, i'm usually pretty loose and messy, since the point is just to be drawing so often these will suck, but that's fine. i don't think very much when i draw faces on here either so they end up being in my Instinctive Style i suppose you could say
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ianthe wip. i was planning to do a few drawings based on the idea of her having Missing Arm nightmares, but the lineart was intimidating to me so i haven't worked on this one more yet /: also there was going to be a toontown gay homosexual toxic yuri comic that i was gonna put here with it but the page is way too long so umm guess that'll have to wait.
anyways. thank you for reading if you got to the bottom of this! i appreciate all the support that i've been getting lately (extra big kissies for the same like 5 people who always reblog my posts youre the best). and we will be ianthing soo hard in 2024 so watch out!!
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the-lumpfish-king · 11 months
HEY! It’s me, Lumpku!
Thought I’d make one of these pined post things to introduce myself.
My name is Solanum, but you can call me Sol or Lump (or Sol Badthey if you’re epic)
I’m a 23 year old ginger, use any pronouns with a slight lean towards they/it, and am an aroace pansexual.
I have a degree in Physics with plans to go into a PhD program for research Astronomy. My area of focus is galaxy structure, formation, and evolution. I’m currently working on my first research papers, adapting my undergraduate thesis work into proper astronomy journal form. I love doing physics and take requests for calculations, stupid or serious (check “#lump’s calculations” for those I’ve done so far, these are my best posts by far).
I try to keep fully nsfw stuff off this blog, but mild nsfw is to be expected, so minors beware
Outside of research, work, and classes I can usually be found gaming, playing MTG, or putting way too much effort into my shitposts while watching something on my second monitor.
I can be found on a few other sites under the same username but am only active here, and if any mutual want to connect on discord or steam dm me
If you take one thing away from reading this it’s GO PLAY OUTER WILDS RIGHT NOW. Do not look up anything about it, just play the game and then get your friends to play it. Then we can all talk about it. Please, I need to talk about this masterpiece with more people.
Now that you’ve learned about me I have gained access to your walls. Don’t worry, all I do is nibble a bit of drywall from time to time.
Too many fun facts below
My personal motto is: “We do not matter in the grand scheme of the universe, so why not have fun with life.”
My plushies names: -Tofrug: Lord Squishers -Manatee: Weapon of Lettuce Destruction -Reimu Fumo: Air Fried Bastard -Hydreigon: Hans -Vaporeon: Dihydrogen Monoxide Puppy -Meowscarada: Greenfield -Reshiram: Nuclear Mommy -Gardevior: Horizon - Blåhaj: Jimbei
I love nature, and evergreen forests in particular. I enjoy hiking and mushroom and berry picking. My most proud find is this massive cluster of morels I came across a couple years back.
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Here’s an overabundance of my personal top 3′s, not necessarily the three I think are best (except Outer Wilds, that’s best thing humanity has produced). Games: Outer Wilds, FFXIV, Ori and the Will of the Wisps Manga: One Piece, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Berserk Books: Red Rising, Percy Jackson, A Song of Ice and Fire Movies: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Secret of Kells, How to Train Your Dragon Shows: Mob Psycho 100, Good Omens, Ya Boy Kongming! Characters: Mr Torgue Highfive Flexington, Kronk, Nico Robin Mountains: Mt. Hood, Sierra de la Laguna, Mauna Kea Flying Critters: Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox, Pelican, Toucan Landbound Creatures: Red Panda, Jumping Spider, Goliath Frog Marine Animals: Sea Lion, Lumpfish, Giant Pacific Octopus Pokemon: Gardevoir, Hisuian Goodra, Zekrom Soundtracks: FFXIV, Made in Abyss, Wildfrost Albums: Starship Velociraptor, The Cures What Ails Ya, Westwinds (The Real McKenzies) Foods: Cottage Pie, Khao Soi, my dad’s Chile Verde Fruit: Mexican Pitaya, Atemoya, Mango, Huckleberry Galaxy Clusters: Abell 0209, Abell 1689, macs0416
Here’s a couple of neat galaxy pictures I took using my university’s telescope:
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Completely unedited pic of me
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*looks at you like a kid in bed awaiting a bedtime story* what was reddit like…?
Ahh my old home... It was beautiful... Well actually not really it kinda sucked but it was home. After a long day of hard work I would kick back and relax by immediately getting into arguments with conservatives about whether or not I deserve to exist, spending all night moderating every new post made to r/familyguyporn (erm... You broke rule #274, how dare you, permabanned for life), and visiting 30 different subreddits only to see the same unfunny joke recycled and reposted for the thousandth time!
Haha but seriously though it wasn't all bad I actually really enjoyed my time there. If Reddit ever becomes not stupid again there's really great communities on there and it provides a much more structured and useful method of interacting with interests you like. There are some great communities that I honestly can't find comparable groups to on Tumblr that I wish I didn't have to continue using Reddit or a discord server to keep in touch with.
If you guys ever want to see what's up with Reddit I'd highly recommend r/196 (currently not allowing posts but maybe someday, also it's just fun to look through the old posts) and its little sister subreddits r/691 and r/19684 because they have a similar Tumblr (queer, lefty, shitposty) vibe, it's where most of the Reddit refugees on here came from initially. Also r/Tumblr and r/curatedTumblr (both private right now), because it's just reposts of Tumblr screenshots so the people there would probably be more accepting of you little tumbleweeds. r/wunkus (silly cats and stuff, I love that sub so much, criminally underrated). r/vexillologycirclejerk and r/mapporncirclejerk (private) are some of my favorite communities and I'm sad there's not a similar big community here. They're pretty left wing and focus on shitposting and jokes about flags and maps, they're very funny but some of the jokes get old quick. As well as literally any community you can think of! I swear, no matter how niche your interest is, there's probably a subreddit for it. And if there isn't, you can make it!
I'd avoid major shitposting subs, as that seems to be where the 'edgy teenage suburban white boy with unlimited internet access' archetype tends to congregate. I'd also avoid sorting by controversial in the comments when LGBT people get brought up on mainstream subs. Reddit takes itself a lot more seriously than Tumblr does and people will not be afraid to argue with you. A lot. Also you get punished with downvotes if people don't like what you say.
Anyways that was a lot. I hope Reddit stops being dumb because it's honestly hard to replace and it's such a great place to find things and people that you're interested in. Not to mention if you have a very specific question about basically anything, Reddit will literally save your life. I like Tumblr a lot, but Reddit will always be near and dear to my heart.
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faceless-mirror · 2 months
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Ship: Hozier and Farren(ONBC)
Andrew and Farren have been traveling through the centuries. Andrew remembers each time, when each of their times together ended in horrible tragedy. Farren never remembers, but their hearts call to each other in every life time, even if it brings pain. Andrew is breaking now, just needing one happy ending where they don't die crushed to death- sacrificed to old gods- hunted for their love- or torn apart in battle.
All he wants is to have Farren and live in peace. Hopefully, the Gods will grant mercy at last for his past transgressions that led to this cycle.
Taglist: @rowanballard @likehipsters @darkcloverme @holy-shitposting @cwooley1999-blog
(If you'd like to be added or removed please let me know)
Farren woke the next morning to golden rays burning across their face, causing them to hiss softly in pain, rolling over trying to throw the bed cover over their face grumbling softly and angrily at the sun for daring to wake them, even if it was their own fault for not closing the curtains.
It was a moment of quiet contemplation, eyes held shut, breathing in and out easily. Finally when their brain decided that it did, in fact, want to be alive and awake, they slipped out of bed steadily, bare feet hitting the floor. After going through their morning routine, they sat down at their desk, ready to get started on their projects for the day. Though upon opening the laptop, it was an email that caught their attention. 
An interview for the bartender and artist position. Responding quickly they decided that if they could interview today they would. Starting by the next week would be divine. It didn’t take too long to get started on their commissions, though they were anxiously awaiting to hear from the venue.
Almost two hours later, they got a phone call, offering an on the spot interview. 
A few hours later, Farren was there in front of the building, dressed in a white button down shirt and bell bottom stretch pants, wearing platform shoes. Looking around they were a bit shocked, it was a nice large venue, with some historic undertones. All they could think of was hoping to be a candidate for the job.
Stepping in, they couldn’t help but appreciate the red brick walls and the hardwood bar that greeted the doors. There was a man sitting and waiting, for them it seemed. The way he jumped to his feet, moving close hand extended, blond locks tied back neatly. “Avira Swan- It’s lovely to meet you- Farren was it?” he questioned warmly, gently pressing a hand to their back guiding them to an office with a smile. 
“We just came under new management- and we’re determined to put in a beautiful mural-” he explained. It seemed this man had visions for the venue and was insisting upon it. Already pulling out a contract. “Feel free to sign, Mx. Doven.”
“What about the interview-?” Farren started to question, reading through the contract curiously. It was fairly standard. Some things were… odd. Riches and prosperity for as long as they obeyed, if contract is broken, owned by one (1) Avira Swan for ten years. That was the line that stood out.
“Don’t worry about the interview. Your art skills are exactly what I want for the mural- Absolutely beautiful.” he said reassuringly, devilishly green eyes watching them like a hawk, except focused on the pages in their hands. 
They hummed softly, they’d be stupid to turn this down. It paid so well… but the one line worried them. “What does this mean… can you clarify…?” Farren questioned, “I would love to accept so long as i can understand this or have it removed-” they said licking their lips nervously. Something felt wrong with this- but the money they couldn’t refuse.
Avira frowned in concern and looked over, and sighed, “Oh- I can have that removed. My lawyer must have taken a joke too far- I apologize.” He took the contract away and the feeling subsided, “Thank you that could have been a lot of paperwork later on.” he chuckled.
The beautiful man smiled fondly, “Let me get that taken care of.” he said softly, standing and moving to a filing cabinet throwing out the old contract and bringing over a fresh one and offered it to Farren. They looked through it firmly, humming softly as they did. A melody that haunted their head. “That’s an old song, dear,” Avira commented thoughtfully, elbow on the table his fingertips supporting his chin as he watched them. “Take care of what it may summon, my dear.”
“You know it?” they questioned, attention diverted.
He smiled softly, “It’s an old song… very old. Legend says it was written by a fae who fell in love with a mortal despite the warnings that he shouldn’t, that he would be cursed as they would be. Whenever the song is hummed or sung… played… he shows up searching for his love. Destruction follows him…”
Something… something itched in the back of their mind at the story. It couldn’t… it wouldn’t be real. They hummed running their fingers through their black and blue hair. “It sounds like a tragic love story… but just a story.” Their lips quirked, eyes returning to the contract reading through it. Nothing was jumping out this time at least. 
“If it is just a story its a story that’s unfinished, dear.”
They didn’t know what to say to that, so they asked a different question. “What is the mural to be of?” they asked.
“I’d like it to be a mural that depicts the fae… and music of course. Just whatever feels right to you. I’ll show you the spot for the mural.” he added as those almost glowing green eyes focused on her hands signing the contract. 
“Of course. Can I get a copy of the contract please? For my own records.” she clarified.
“Of course.” Avira said warmly, pulling out a contract from the same folder passing it to her, letting her glance through it before standing. “Now… let’s get you that tour to the place for the mural.” he purred, a sound that seemed to soak into her mind.
- - - - -
Andrew had been getting ready to perform feeling a tremor along the red cord coming from his chest making his throat tighten. They remembered the song. It had vibrated many times over the years. It always happened at odd intervals but… that was a sign. His long fingers touched the cord lightly. “Beloved… I’ll find you. I’ll find you no matter where you are.” he breathed out, muddy green eyes focused on the translucent cord. “My beloved.”
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rizzzcat · 5 months
haha hello its me again . was the knockoff oc anon, forgot to check if you answered my ask until now. i assumed ppl would look down on creating knockoff ocs because of how protective people are of their characterss... but i guess i was wrong ?
but anyway, i cannot resist being asked abt my ocs so i am going to stop being shy now. uh. long post my b
here are the original drawings. i drew them together just because they were my favorite scugs to draw but then got super attatched to the dynamic and was like Oh No
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and so i made them ocs
here's my beloved enot clone, their name is Django or Navn. they really dont pass as original at all but the enot design i'd come up with was so simple and already good i wasnt sure how to change it. other than, cube. i like the cube. i cant get over how good of a character concept inv is. flirty reality breaking rat bastard. its phenomenal and i can find 0 ways to iterate or improve upon it so this character is basically just inv but again
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and here's my artificer clone. her name is J9, Async or Xand. the spear is now a gun. she is still very arti reminiscent but personality wise she is quite different; she's a hard boiled war dog, very loyal and protective, also not very smart; she mostly knows battle related stuff and has a very limited understanding or vocabulary for everything else and is sooooo socially awkward
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i kept the multiple names thing, because itss cool and i like it.
i have a shitpost with them https://youtu.be/ZeHPDGuLS1w
their plot is a stupid romcom plot. basically Django got chosen by the cube thing (called a tesseract) which will usually kill anyone who touches it. and i guess, it needs to be transported somewhere important, so Xandy was assigned to protect this dumbass and escort them there. shes so mad about this. and then shenanigans ensue and they fall in love
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thank you for reading this lol i hope you enjoy my slug.. .. . dog...s.. i dont know theyre not from rainworld universe anymore so i have no idea what they are now lol, i just call them ""dogs""
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Couldn’t resist myself, dude your art style is so rad and I love these two???? Obsessed with your colors
Just a silly little guy, their big dog gf and a super important cube
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quotidian-oblivion · 7 months
✨Out of context lines shitpost Pt. 8✨
Part 7
Quo: This is it... our last day of childcare course. And... *sighs* I'm getting choked up. I met @mispeltnostalgia and got to know her well through this course and she's been the best irl fanfic buddy and older brother despite being a year younger than me ever.
Nog: These out of context things have made me so happy and its fun to look back and remember the funny shit that we have said and done this year. this deffo won't be the last though. Quo and I will forever be saying and doing stupid shit. Quo is the best little sister ever and while I'll miss our fridays together she cant get rid of me. I know too many of her fanfics and she's beta-ing my works.
Quo: You beta-ed a couple of mine too!
We'll still be posting the out of context lines, but there are going to be longer gaps since we're not gonna meet on Fridays anymore :( There's still our weekly study sessions that we dubbed TEAS on Wednesday!
Tim: *holding a ball of wool to Jason’s face as a pretend mic* What do you say about the Curse you just found out you have Jason: *clears throat* I hope it kills me. ~ Jason: What do you have to say about your Curse? Tim: …I’ve had it since I was fucking born. ~ Barbara: So I bought a pack of quick oats because I love oats. And then I bought another pack of overnight oats because it had yoghurt, and now I’m just realizing that I really am just a horse. Little Shit Young!Jason: THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING. ~ Damian: I’ve been able to find a knife, I’ve been able to find a fork, but I can’t find a spoon. Jon: You have all the stabby objects in your bag Damian: I also have a fuckton of crochet hooks and— a pocket watch?? *pulls out pocket watch* Where the fuck is my spoon. ~ Steph: So I was getting pumped up for this song but then I just hear this tiny Alvin and the chipmunks voice say “Party Rock” and it just dashed my hopes. Listen to this *Plays Party Rock Anthem”. Damian: … Steph: Like, imagine getting pumped up for one of your childhood songs then you just suddenly hear “party rock” in this high-pitched voice and I felt like killing myself. Damian: … Steph: And hear me out— Damian: I don’t think i want to hear you out anymore. Steph: *Continues to play Bad Romance covered by the Alvin and the Chipmunks” ~ Tim: *Watching a video of Bruce* Bart: Wait, your dad sounds American. Bart: And he speaks kind of like you too! Tim: Yeah, I wonder why my American dad who raised me sounds and has the same speech patterns as me. Hmm, good question. Bart: I just wasn’t expecting it. I forgot that American dads were a thing. ~ Steph: i am granting you the honor of waffle ~ Barbara: *looking for a place to put popcorn. Places the popcorn against Dick’s lap* Dick: hell yeah crotch popcorn! Omg crotchcorn! Barbara: Please don't. ~ Bruce: You have to be very careful out there. These racist attacks are getting worse. Dick: Don't worry, Pops. I'm with a white person, I'll be fine. Barbara: *chokes on her drink with laughter* ~ Tim: *mixes soda water, energy drink and trace amounts of tea together in a tumbler* For funsies. *chugs it* ~ Jason: *falls to the floor, crumbles and silently screams in a public library* Barbara: Stop it, you’re embarrassing yourself Jason: I’m a drama kid, I can do whatever I want ~ Steph: *singing* I am not a quitter Tim: *singing with her* Pocket full of glitter Steph: Yarn balls, I’m a knitter!  Steph and Tim: *singing together* I’m the whole package, baby! Tim: I haven’t met you Steph: But if you’re staaable Tim and Steph: Then here’s my number! And call me Mabel! ~ Alfred: *grabs Bruce by the shoulders and shakes* BE PRODUCTIVE! ~  Steph: IS THAT A PURPLE BALLOON??? Steph: *walks over, picks it up, and carries it like a baby* *whispers* I’m pregnant ~  Damian, high on pain meds: *giggling while he draws Tim falling off a roof* whee whee, hee hee, I’m so funny. Hee hee hee. He’s falling off a building.
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
Dating Eddie Munson: Your Instagram :)
Your insatgram if you had a shitpost account for your mates and posted stupid photos
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Liked by DungeonMaster, Robbiebob 12 others
@Y/N.shitposts I think he’s incapable of sitting like a normal person…
DungeonMaster Perfectly normal 🖕
↳ Y/N.shitposts Its not you weirdo
SteveNotTheHair @DungeonMaster how’s that Adhd diagnosis going?
↳ DungeonMaster shut up
↳ Robbiebob I think he’s in denial
↳ Y/N.shitpost he is
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Liked by DustinTheKing, WickedVickie 14 others
@Y/N.shitposts We got drunk and went to a playground haha
DustinTheKing Nothing out of the ordinary then?
↳ Y/N.shitposts Nope
DungeonMaster Still wondering why I wasnt invited
↳ Robbiebob We didnt want you there 💩
↳ Y/N.shitpost Girls night bitch!
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Liked by NancyW, SteveNotTheHair and 17 others
Y/N.shitposts too good not to post 🥵
DungeonMaster now that’s hot but when tf did u take this??
DustinTheKing ew
↳ DungeonMaster not ew, hot, and you are not the king!
ChrissyCunningham there’s just something about men’s backs idk what?
GarethVader all those tattoos and not a single one on his back??
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Liked by DustinTheKing, MyNameJeff and 9 others
Y/N.shitposts All he did was win at Mariokart, also who still plays Mariokart??
DustinTheKing Cool people play Mariokart!!
SteveNotTheHair SMH 🤦‍♀️
↳ DungeonMaster ummm excuse me, i beat your ass so hard
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Liked by SteveNotTheHair, DungeonMaster 15 others
@Y/N.shitposts So edgy 💉
DungeonMaster Wanna be alt
↳ Y/N.shitposts Says u
SteveNotTheHair Is that Eddie on the left?
↳ Y/N.Shitposts Haha no thats Robin, Eddie took the pic, he was so bossy about it
↳ DungeonMaster just tryna live up to your standars babe
↳ Y/N.shitpost its literally blurry
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Liked by DungeonMaster, MaxMayfield 21 others
@Y/N.shitposts Recent work for photoclass!! Thank you baby for being my model hehe
DungeonMaster How am I not beating girls off with a stick yet?
↳ Y/N.shitposts Cuz you're weird af, a total nerd and need I remind you, taken?
MaxMayfield Its actually surprisingly good
↳ Y/N.Shitposts Why thank you
Robbiebob Aww look at that smile, also awesome skills Y/N!
↳ Y/N.shitpost Cheers mate!
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Liked by NancyW, Robbiebob 9 others
@Y/N.shitposts Robins idea dont blame me
DungeonMaster Spoiler alert!! they both crashed it into a wall
↳ Y/N.shitposts Its called drunk driving 🤌
↳ Robbiebob We are very responsible
↳ Robbiebob Also it was so wroth it
↳ Robbiebob Worth*
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Liked by Lucas112, DungeonMaster and 16 others
@Y/N.shitposts Haha were so cool
DungeonMaster No shit we are
MyNameJeff Question is why youre cuffing each other up outside of Eddies pit for a bedroom
↳ Y/N.Shitposts Cuz the idiot just wanders off and forgets his phone with me so I cant take him anywhere without having him literally cuffed to me
↳ DungeonMaster My room is not a pit 🖕
↳ Y/N.Shitposts thats a lie
Robbiebob What concert?
↳ Y/N.shitpost Sum41!
↳ Robbiebob well now im jealous
↳ DungeonMaster suck it, like they did, they sucked
↳ Y/N.Shitposts They did not!! and hey i saw you having the time of your life in the moshpit so shut up
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Liked by GarethVader, Robbiebob and 12 others
@Y/N.shitposts In reality i forced him to smile for this but were ignoring that fact
DungeonMaster Still not happy about it I look like a goof
↳ Y/N.Shitposts Aww but youre my goof x
↳ GarethVader Ew
↳ MaxMayfield So cute I wanna barf
↳ Y/N.Shitposts 😈😈😈
Robbiebob Least he smiled ??
↳ Y/N.shitpost Took 8 photos for it
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Worth it
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A/N: More fluff? More fluff! Based off this horrible little shitpost from yesterday. So here we have 16 y/o Walter, and his 10-ish year younger, annoying baby brother Mikey. God help me, what have I become?
Characters: Walter Marshall, littlebrother!Mikey, OFC
Summary: Walter is babysitting his little brother Mikey while their mom is away for the weekend. He's also on a date...
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Fluff. Vague hint at 'underage'(?) sex (They're both sixteen.)
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@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @keanureevesisbae @fvckinghenrycavill @ellethespaceunicorn @peaches1958 @sillyrabbit81 (I'm almost sorry to bother y'all with this)
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“Walter! Walter, look!” The only thing I can do is glare at the little kid jumping around the room. My date is already distracted by the unruly projectile that is my baby brother. She was seconds away from kissing me, for fuck’s sake.
“Oh my god! Is that your little brother?” Oh, fuck no! Not again. The little bastard always does this. Whenever I have a girl over, Mike just has to swoop in and steal the show. They all think he’s adorable. And they’re not wrong, but they’re also not stuck with him every goddamn day.
“Yeah,” I growl. “Mikey, you’re supposed to be in bed. Get lost.”
“I can’t sleep!” Of course he can’t. You need to sit still for longer than thirty seconds to be able to sleep, and Mikey just can’t do that. It also may or may not be slightly before his bedtime on weekends, but I just want the couch and the TV – and Christina – to myself for a few hours.
“Mike, for fuck’s sake! Come on, back to bed!” It’s a good thing mom is not here to hear that language, because I’d be in trouble. In fact, I'm always in trouble. I'm already banned from going out tonight because mom decided I'd make a fine – free – babysitter. She usually pays me to watch her youngest spawn – of Satan – but there was a homework mishap again – Mike’s doing – and trouble at school means trouble at home. Did I blame the kid? No. He’s my little brother. My annoying, obnoxious, and right now; cock-blocking, little brother.
“No!” Of course not. Because why would this little rat listen to me so I can have a quiet evening with my girlfriend? Who the fuck knows.
“Mike, seriously, get the fuck out of here! Chris, hold on a minute.” I get off the couch to chase after Mikey, but he’s fast.
“Walter,” Chris says as she turns the TV off. It’s a good thing she has the common sense to do that, because that movie was not suitable for a six year old kid. “He’ll get tired.”
“Neveeeeeer!” Mikey says as he runs past her. He’s just doing laps around the living room now.
“He means that.” I slump back on the couch, next to Christina. “Mikey, can you stop screaming, please? And go back to bed.” This kid is exhausting. And he hasn’t even been here for five minutes. He stops running right in front of Chris.
“He wants to kiss you. That’s why I have to go sleep.” The little snitch.
“Is that so?” Chris laughs and looks at me, I can’t do anything other than just shrug. She’s not stupid, she knows I’d be happy to do more than hold hands on this damn couch.
“It’s the weekend. I can stay up until nine.” Chris gives me another look.
“That’s not tr...”
“Walter Marshall, you are a terrible liar!”
“Mum was supposed to take him to grandma!” It’s a weak excuse for sending your baby brother off to bed well before his bedtime, I know that. But I just wanted a few hours to make out with my hot girlfriend, is that so wrong?
Chris quickly covers Mikey’s ears. “Your mom is gone until tomorrow, right? I wouldn’t worry about curfew: My folks are out of town and I’ll happily stay a little longer...” She hesitates for a moment. “Or… Stay the night? But be nicer to your brother, that would really help your case right about now.” I shoot Chris an apologetic grin while I rub the back of my neck. I probably shouldn’t have tried to lock my baby bro away. And he is quite the little charmer, most girls I bring home – there have been like three in the past two years, settle down – love him to bits. He’s a carbon copy of me when I was his age, and not to toot my own horn or anything, but I was fucking adorable. So is Mike. He’s bouncier, though. And impatient, and hyperactive, and loud. Very loud.
“Hey, Mikey, do you want to watch a movie with us?” I say. Yeah, he’ll be in bed a little late, but if it wins me some brownie points with Chris right now...
“Can we watch the Lion King?” And he’s jumping again. Fantastic.
“No, we can’t watch the Lion King,” I say sternly. Not unless we want him to keep running for another hour.
“Why can’t we watch the Lion King, Walter?” Now Chris is the one pouting at me with sad puppy eyes. In fact, both of them are now pouting at me with sad puppy eyes. This is a nightmare.
“Because,” I say as I grab Mike off the floor and put him on the couch, “the songs make him all hyper.” Chris seems to accept that as a valid enough reason.
“How about Ice Age?” The look on Mikey’s face is a very clear ‘yes’.
“Oh, I love Ice Age!” Chris says. Her voice is genuine, as is her smile. She crawls onto the chaise and gets comfortable with a blanket.
“Can I sit with the pretty girl?” Mike doesn’t wait for an answer and just crawls over the couch towards her until he’s in her lap.
I grab some drinks – Chris is smart enough to ask for water, because the first thing Mike yells is: “I want some too!” – and make myself comfortable on the couch a solid Mike-width away from Chris. I manage to still put an arm around her shoulder, although Mikey is trying very hard to push me away. It’ll be fine. He gets snuggly when he gets tired – and he honestly can’t keep this up for that much longer.
“Hey, stop pushing your brother,” Chris says. It’s a fucking miracle, but he actually stops and looks at her.
“What’s your name?” He asks her. Oh she’s falling for those big blue eyes, I can just see it happening.
“Chris,” she says.
“That’s a boy’s name!” Mike laughs.
���It’s not a boy’s name, it’s my name. And it’s short for Christina,” she explains patiently. It’s the kind of patience I have with him on vacations, when I don’t have homework or girls or ice hockey to worry about.
“Christina is a pretty name!” Mike says. That, and forty more things before the opening credits of the movie are through.
He doesn’t make it past the first half with the chatter, though, and just before the end, he’s curled up in Chris’ lap – fast asleep.
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Mom comes home just as I have to leave for my hockey game.
“Thanks, Walter,” she says, and I silently thank her for staying out overnight. I head off as fast as possible, because I’m going to be running late if I don’t. Chris is coming with me. She’s already waiting in her car – supposedly to pick me up, but the truth is that her car never left the driveway. It’s a quiet drive, with a couple of awkward flirty smiles as we both remember last night.
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We even win the game. That’s an understatement: we demolish the other guys. This is starting to look like a really great weekend! Chris kisses me goodbye when she drops me off back home, and it fucking takes my breath away. I walk into the kitchen ready to tell mom everything about the game, when I hear Mikey’s voice right as I stroll around the corner.
“...and then this morning she made me pancakes!”
“This morning?” Mom asks, and I wish the ground would disappear from beneath my feet. “Mikey, baby, go watch TV.” Mike immediately gets up and disappears into the living room. Mom shuts the door behind him.
“Walter Marshall, you are in some serious shit,” she hisses.
Eh. Worth it.
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twiyke · 5 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
ermmm don'tknow... maybe the ghibli study i did with tamper? really proud of that one (lots of detail and very different from my usual style with the thin lineart!). but ALSO doing a two for one because i finally posted one of my stupid shitpost animations this year and i think i peaked with hate criming leonardo ninja turtle.
MY DND NPC GAYBOY i'm super fond of that piece (but understandably my oc art doesn't get as many notes lol). also technically scottie's post but embryo magical girl lives in my head forever... OH! and the spidersona mass attack i did for artfight i spent forever on that.
GYAHH I DUNNO THERE'S SO MANY... @sodaquail's to your joy i tether comes to mind that fic changed my brain chemistry i think. umm jaime @routeriver's fucking everything (LOOK AT THIS SHIT. LOOK AT IT.) and jay @oh-lordy-lord-save-me's everything (amazing times a million billion). AND! scottie @wiiwarechronicles always forever but also the drawing he did of my ocs is soo.. aaugh.. AND @cpunkhobie's RONIN PLURAL AU FUCKING IN MY BRAIN FOREVER. there's way more than that but this is getting super long lmao
i think 2023 was a great year with art for me. super excited about 2024!! all the best for everyone reading this too!!
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