#albert has zero chill
blooming-violets · 2 months
Hear me out :
Peter is jaded after Gwen, it’s before the events of NWH, and he’s slowly starting to fall in love with a woman he’s (literally) ran into at the library. She’s intellectual, kind, but is also a little jaded like Peter. Slowly, he has seen hope in her chestnut eyes. He is starting to see a future.
One night, Peter is listening to the police scanners and hears the code for an armed break-in, and it’s library girl’s apartment complex’s address.
He swallows, angry chills run up his spine as he hears her apartment number called out.
What does he do, Katie? How would he react?
I'm With You || TASM Peter Parker x fem!Reader
Trigger Warnings: stalking, sexual assault of a woman (being masturbated over by a man and touched w/o consent), nudity, crass language, gun usage, armed break-ins with the intent to harm a woman living alone, being tied and gagged against her will, violence from Peter/Spider-Man with a tiny bit of gore
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It’s a damn cold night. 
Peter tugged his jacket close around his body as he jogged the last few remaining steps into the public library. His overdue books were hidden inside the satchel at his side. He was about a month late in returning them and the library was almost closed. He wanted to get them in before he forgot. If he waited another day, he would never remember to bring them back. 
As he rounded the corner, he tripped over someone’s outstretched legs. Being a man of his talents, he quickly corrected his fall to land effortlessly back on his feet with the elegance of a ballerina making a graceful leap. 
Quizzical eyes stared up at him. 
The woman on the floor was leaning with her back against the bookcase with an open book in her lap. She looked more annoyed at him for tripping over her instead of apologetic for having her legs across the aisle. 
“Watch where you’re going,” she grumbled. 
She lifted the book up to her face, blocking him back out. 
Peter let out a breathy laugh of disbelief at the audacity of this bitch. 
“Excuse me?” He said, agast. 
She peeked her eyes over the top of the book to stare him down, “Dude, get lost. I’m busy. Not my fault you’re clumsy.”
“You tripped me!” He read the cover of the book she was reading. The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes. “Doing a bit of light reading, I see. First it’s tripping innocent strangers and next it’s world domination? Is that it?”
He caught the smallest of smiles tug at her lips hidden behind the book.  
A singular butterfly fluttered around inside his stomach at the sight. The feeling was enough to grab his attention. He quietly admired her. Legs still stretched out in front of her. Zero regard for the space she was taking up. He kind of liked it. She didn’t give a shit. 
Peter turned and left her to her book, not wanting to bother her further, and headed to the front desk to deal with his late fees.
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A week had passed and he was back in the library. He had no real purpose for being there today other than he liked the smell of the books. They made him feel relaxed. He liked to walk down the aisles and let his fingers graze across each bump of their spines. Every book he touched, filled with another story, another world, hundreds of lives under the tips of his fingers. 
“Hey,” a feminine voice hissed from between a gap of books on the other side of the shelf. 
Those eyes. He blinked back at them, peering between the shelves, trying to place where he remembered them from. 
Then it hit him. 
Atomic bomb girl. 
“Can I borrow your height?” She whispered, keeping her voice low to be respectful to the people studying on the other side of the room. Unlike the last time he saw her, it was a Thursday afternoon and the library was full with students. 
Peter slipped into the next aisle. She pointed to the book she wanted on the top shelf, just out of her reach. He plucked it down for her and turned it over in his hands. Relativity: The Special and the General Theory by Albert Einstein.
She eyed him with an intensity he wasn’t used to, like she was seeing straight through his skin and into his soul. Her eyes were captivating. He wanted to get lost in them. 
“You’re the unbalanced, trippy guy, right?” She asked. 
Peter smiled. Last night he stood on one foot on top of the Empire State Building spire just to admire the view. He was more balanced than she would ever know. 
“You mean, am I the one you tripped? Yes.” He handed her over the book. “You’re into science, I see, atomic bomb girl?” 
“I’m into learning. Whatever form that may come in.” She took the book and tucked it under her arm. “Thanks, trippy.” 
“Peter,” he called after her as she spun around to walk away. “You can call me Peter!”
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The library became his new home. He took every opportunity to attend in the hopes of bumping into her again. Some days were a success, other’s a failure, but he found himself wanting more. Every time she had a new book and every time he would find the same one to read after her. It wasn’t weird. He was just…trying to find quiet ways to relate to someone new.
So he told himself. 
Peter had forgotten how to talk to women after Gwen. It had been so long since he even attempted to date anyone.
“Are you stalking me?” She asked one evening when she walked into the room to find him sitting on his laptop at one of the tables. 
He glanced up and shrugged, “I was here first this time. Maybe you’re stalking me?”
She smiled and slid into the seat across from him, “I already have one stalker. I don’t need another. If you’re into me, you better just grow a pair, and ask me out now.” 
Peter grinned, “I’m…wait…okay.” He ran a hand through his hair, sitting up straighter, completely letting the stalker comments fly over his head as he got flustered. “Would you like to go on a date with me? Right here. Right now. If you say ‘yes’ then it’s already starting.” He closed his laptop to give her his full attention. 
Her eyes widened and she settled happily back into her chair, “Alright, Peter, was it? Nice to meet you. This is an interesting choice of restaurant for a first date. Not what I would have chosen for our dinner and a movie night. I didn’t see a kitchen when I walked in but I chose to trust you.” 
“This is the finest establishment the borough has to offer,” he feigned a gasp. “Don’t you insult my choice of restaurant.” 
He raised a finger in the air, pretending to call over an imaginary waiter, “Hello, yes, I will take your finest bottle of wine for the table to start. The more expensive, the better. And I will take a big, giant steak for myself and, perhaps, a nice, small salad for the lovely lady?” He shot her a cheeky wink as she let out a laugh. 
“Fuck you,” she giggled.
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Fucking him was exactly what she did. 
They continued their imaginary dinner date in the library until it closed, the librarian kicking them out and shooing them out the front door. They walked into the chilly night air, stopping at a bodega at the street corner to grab a few snacks, as they made their way to her place. 
He had slept with other women since Gwen passed but this time was different. There were feelings involved. Feelings that were still in their infancy. Ones that were just sparking to life. But they were there. He didn’t just want to fuck her and run. He wanted more than that. He wanted to stay. He wanted to grow and cultivate whatever path they were headed down. He wanted this to be something. 
He was ready to try dating again. 
She rolled over in the bed, naked and relaxed, staring up at the ceiling, “That was amazing. You really know how to use that tongue of yours for more than just being a dick. I’m impressed.”
Peter chuckled, “Oh, please, your tongue was nothing to scoff at either.”
It really had been one of the best blow jobs of his life. 
He leaned on his side, propping his head up with his hand, and gazed happily down at her, “I want to take you on a real date. Saturday night. To an actual restaurant.”
She hesitated. A shadowed sadness darkened her eyes which she quickly pushed away, “Okay. I think I can do that.”
Peter frowned, “Something wrong?”
She shook her head, leaning over to kiss him as a distraction, “Nope. When you leave, can you leave through one of the side doors? Don’t walk out the front of the apartment.” 
That was his cue to leave, apparently. He chewed anxiously against his bottom lip. Maybe he was misreading whatever he thought was going on between them. Maybe she wanted a quick fuck and nothing more. Come to think of it, when they entered here, she had snuck them in the back door, too, making him walk a few feet behind her like they weren’t together.
Maybe she was in a relationship and cheating on her partner with him?
“I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” She offered, casually urging him to get out of the bed. “Text me. I stuck my contact in your phone earlier.”
Peter left feeling more confused and unsure than when he entered her place. 
He lifted his phone as he walked through the streets, searching the contracts until he found her under ❤️Atomic Bomb Girl❤️, and he smiled down at it. A heart. Maybe he was overthinking things. Maybe her front door was just broken. He always went straight to assuming the worst. 
Someone slammed into his shoulder, jostling him out of his thoughts, and he glanced behind him. A large, buff man glared back at him. He looked to be in his late fifties and was balding. His massive arms bulged under his tight fitting, worn down leather jacket. He reached out to clamp a hand down around Peter’s upper arm.
Peter frowned and tried to jerk away, “Dude, it was an accident, chill.” 
“Did you fuck that girl up there?” That man asked, nodding his head back to her apartment building. There was a crazed desperation in his voice. “I saw you following her home. Did she spread her legs for you and whore herself out? Did you get a good look at that tight, little pussy? Tell me, what did it look like? You take any pictures? I’ll pay you for them.”
Peter jerked his arm out of the man’s grasp, scowling in disgust, “What the fuck? I have no idea what you’re talking about. I wasn’t following anyone. I was meeting a friend who lives there. Fuck off.” 
The man leaned forward and inhaled his scent causing Peter to jump back. 
“I can smell her on you,” he growled as his eyes rolled back into his head. “That’s her perfume. I know because I bought it for her. You were fucking her.” 
That was enough. 
Peter shoved the older man off of him and jogged around the corner, waiting until he was out of sight before throwing himself up onto her building roof, peering over the edge to keep an eye on him. 
He was just pacing back and forth outside the apartment door, mumbling to himself and fidgeting with something in his pocket. 
“Freak,” Peter muttered under his breath. 
He pulled up her contact and sent her a text: Some crazy old dude just ambushed me outside your place. Asked about you. Maybe don’t go outside tonight. I think he’s not right in the head.
He saw three bubbles appear as she started to text back but then they disappeared again, leaving him hanging. 
Peter shrugged it off. He stayed and kept watch until the man finally wandered off down the street.
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The night before he was supposed to take her out on a date, Peter was laid over his bed in his Spider suit sans mask. His police scanner let out more static of nothing as he waited for something, anything, to happen. He was bored but it was too cold to hang around on a rooftop somewhere. He would stay in the warmth of his bedroom unless something exciting came his way. They had been texting back and forth nonstop for the last few days and calling each other every night to talk for hours. He liked it when she sent him pictures of things she was doing around her house during the day. She was adorable and he looked forward to whenever his phone would buzz. 
As if on cue, it vibrated across the mattress next to him. 
He lifted it up in a gloved hand to read the text. A frown settled over his face as he read it. 
Atomic Bomb Girl: ha ha ha i win u lose dontever touch wat is mine again 
Right as he was attempting to decipher what she was talking about, taking note of how drastic of a change of text from her usual ones it was, the police scanner lit to life.
“All available units to Linden Boulevard, Oak Ridge Apartments, floor three. Multiple calls of gunshots heard and one reported casualty of a security guard. Suspect is wearing dark clothes, caucasian older male, considered armed and dangerous. Approach with caution.”
His senses exploded in a panicked wave of tingles. That was her place. Her floor. The image of that strange man assaulting him on the street after he left came back to hit him like a ton of bricks. Peter looked back at his phone as the pieces fell into place. 
Oh, fuck. 
Quiet, controlled anger replaced the panic. His heart rate steadied as a calm chill fell over him. His jaw locked in determination. He reached for his mask, tugging it over his stone cold, deadly expression, and he leaped out of his open window. 
Peter Parker no longer fucked around when it came to protecting the one’s he cared about. This was personal. 
He arrived at the scene in record speed, landing directly on top of a black S.W.A.T truck as it pulled up. He rapped a fist down on the hood to get their attention.
“Feel free to sit this one out, boys!” He called down to them. “Spidey’s got you covered! I’ll be in and out in minutes. No need to worry. Focus on crowd control. I’ve got a date with a balding fucker. If all goes well, it’ll end up with a quickie in the back of a cop car, as I ride his ass straight to prison.” 
Peter threw himself up onto her building, scaling to the third floor and around to find her window. He knew exactly where he would find his perp. His masked face popped up in her bedroom window. It was empty and quiet. He slammed his fist through the glass, slipping his hand inside to find the lock, and shoved it open wide enough for him to shimmy through. 
From inside, he could hear muffled cries. Whimpers. They were different from the whimpers he had been able to elicit out of her the other night but he knew them all the same. 
Silent as a shadow, Peter crept around the corner. With her hands tied behind her back, her shirt ripped open so her bare chest was on display, and thrown against the couch was his girl. The gun man stood above her. A pistol was aimed directly at her forehead. From this angle, he couldn’t quite make out what was going on, but it looked as if the man was masturbating over her. Trails of mascara ran down her cheeks and she let out muffled cries against the heavy amounts of duct tape blocking her mouth as she struggled to break free. 
His anger flared but he tried to push it down to manable levels. He had learned over the years that getting too angry made him sloppy. He needed to control it. Work with it. Tame it into something he could use as a weapon instead of making it a weakness. 
Peter crawled up her wall and onto her ceiling, prowling towards the man. Up here, he had a clear view. His dick was out and he was frantically jerking it as fast as he could at her breasts. Her eyes widened in fear but then flashed with hope when caught sight of Spider-Man crawling across her ceiling. 
He hadn’t even done anything yet and he already felt pride. She felt a sense of safety around him…even if she didn’t know it was him behind the mask. It made him cocky. Made him want to show off. 
When he was directly behind him, he silently lowered himself upside on a web until his face was hung directly behind the assailant. 
“I’m actually surprised you can even get it up,” he quipped, keeping his voice light, despite the rage eating at his stomach. “I didn’t know something that small could get hard.”  
The man whipped around, his dick flopping against his leg, as he sputtered in shock. His pistol went off, firing aimless at the wall behind Peter’s head. 
Peter held up his hands in mock surrender as he jumped to his feet, “Whoa, there, tinycock! Don’t go blowing your load so soon! You’ll miss out on all the fun.”
There was no doubt this was the same man he had met outside the other day. His eyes were crazed with an unhinged, desperation that reeked of a man off his meds. Peter made sure to keep the man’s eyes on himself, holding his attention, instead of on her. 
“What’s a sad sap like you doing out of the psych ward? Were you a good boy and managed to snag yourself a day pass?” Peter clasped his hands together like he was excited for him, voice dripping with sarcasm. “And you used it to visit your daughter? Aww, that’s so sweet. Wait a minute.” He pretended to just now notice the man’s cock hanging out of his pants. It had gone soft and shrunken up like a scared little mouse. “Is she…not your daughter? But you’re so old. And she’s so young. I guess I don’t see any resemblance. She’s really pretty and you’ve got-” He motioned a hand around the man’s face. “-all that. Something tells me that there’s more going on here. Wanna tell your pal Spidey all about it?” 
The man was silent, blinking in a shocked awe at the masked hero, before finally snapping out of it. Spider-Man always excelled at talking his bad guys into circles with his stream of conscious babbling. The gun raised towards his head but, quicker than the man could even process, Peter had latched his hand around the barrel and crushed it in his grasp with the same ease as one might squish a can of soda after they finished drinking.
“Whoopies,” he joked. “Looks like your gun broke! I wouldn’t pull that trigger if I were you. It’ll explode right back into your face there. On second thought, maybe give it a go! It might improve what you’re working with!” 
The man faltered, looking confused and baffled down at his crushed gun. He clearly wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box. That was okay. Peter didn’t need him to be intelligent. He just needed him to be unarmed. 
Which he now was. 
Peter grabbed him by the scruff of the collar and turned him around to face her, “Do you see that girl there?” The man’s eyes glazed over as he stared down at her exposed breasts. Peter quickly threw a hand over the man’s eyes to block them, manhandling him around like he wasn’t twice his size. “I take that back. Don’t see that girl there. Use your imagination. Remember her face. You know that girl? Yeah, that girl. The one you tied up and assaulted? The one sitting in front of us, scared out of her mind and traumatized. I want you to remember her. Because if you ever, and I mean ever, even think about her again, if she ever crosses your pathetically shriveled up mind, if you ever say her fucking name, speak about her, think about, look in her direction, or ever come near her again…” 
Peter dragged him over to the living room window where the slew of police were barricaded outside. He could hear the S.W.A.T crew moving up the stairwell now towards them and knew they only had a few more precious minutes of alone time. He shoved the man up to the window, raising his arm to force him to wave limply at all the cops down below. 
His voice lowered to a dangerous growl. Any playful, sarcastic essence it once held in the presence of his girl disappeared so only the man could hear him. 
“If you ever fucking touch her again,” he breathed. “I will toss you off of the Empire State Building and laugh through your entire fall down to your grizzly end.” 
With his hand still clutching the man’s collar, he jerked him back and smashed his face directly through the glass window. He heard her muffled scream of shock behind him but he knew she would be alright. 
A shard of glass stuck out of the man’s forehead, blood dripping down over his half closed eye, and Peter flicked it off down onto the street below. 
“That was for trying to taunt me over text,” he whispered in the dazed man’s ear. “I don’t play nice with men like you. Want to see what it would feel like falling to your death? Here’s a little preview so you’ll be sure to know exactly what you’ll be in for if you ever even think about my woman again.” 
Peter reeled back and tossed the man straight out of her window, head first, sending him down to the cops below. If he let his anger win, he would have never set a web straight after him, but she was watching and he didn’t want to be that person. She had gone through enough without having to see her Saturday night date murder a man in front of her.
The web latched onto his back at the final moments to break his fall. His legs may have crumpled against the ground…just a little bit…but he was alive. It was more than he deserved but the cops could deal with him now. 
Peter spun around to look back at her. She was quietly sobbing, muffled by her gag, but held a look of relief on her face. She brought her teary eyes up to meet his, or where she thought they would under the mask, and gave him a short nod of thanks. 
The S.W.A.T team was nearing her door. He could jump out the window and allow them to help her get free or…
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She clung onto him, her head buried in his shoulder, as he soared them down the street and away from the commotion below. She cried softly. He wasn’t sure if it was from fear or the trauma or that fact that New York’s very own Spider-Man had just stolen her from her home but he kept a firm hold on her and kept whispering reassuring words in her ear. 
Eventually, he landed them on top of his own apartment building, setting her down gently onto her bottom. 
She gasped for breath, reaching up a hand to wipe the tears from her eyes, “I always…wondered…what it would be like…to fly…” Her chest was heaving between each gasping word. “Turns out, it’s terrifying. Still, thank you, Peter. For saving me.” 
He shrugged, “It’s no problem. I was just doing my- hey, wait!”
She gave him a sneaky smile, still shivering and teary, but proud of herself for figuring it out.
“What?” She asked, innocently. “You think I wouldn’t know your voice? I’ve been listening to it for hours every night over the phone for the past few days.”
Peter reluctantly reached a hand up to pull off his mask, “You’re good.” 
Despite having already guessed his secret identity, she still looked surprised to actually see him without the mask on. He squatted down in front of her to seem less intimidating. 
“So that was your stalker, I take it?” He asked. 
She nodded, giving a sad sigh, “The one and only. He’s a joy, isn’t he?” 
He plopped onto his ass and crossed his legs, giving her a shrug, “I don’t think he’ll be bothering you again. I may have had some, ahem, choice words to encourage him to find new hobbies.”
She smiled again, blinking back her tears, “Thank you, Peter. Or, should I be calling you Spidey from now on?”
He laughed, rolling his eyes, “Look, this is a big deal! You better not go running your mouth or else I’ll have to have some choice words with you, too.” 
He liked hearing the sound of her laugh, especially after everything she just went though, and he knew she would be okay. 
“I have a date with Spider-Man tomorrow,” she giggled. “How exciting.”
Peter chuckled, “The excitement wears off quickly, trust me.” 
She scooted closer to bring her mascara streaked face inches from his, “Somehow I doubt that.”
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spumonibones · 23 days
Chasing Wings: Ch. 05 Lore/Story
AO3 Chapter 05 | Chapter 05 (Tumblr) NOTE: Content Warning this chapter - Being held against will; obsessive/possessive treatment (flashbacks). Implication of stalking behavior.
Chapter One
Lore/Notes under cut
• Albert → Just... Albert. Between the Monstadt Daily in which he literally refuses to leave unless you "sweep" for him to "help Barbara," and the way he basically stalks after her into Wolvendom during her Hangout Event... To the very first Windblume in 1.4 when his letter to Barbara (link takes straight to the letter, but you can watch the full Windblume if you want!) sounded like a threat. Because the man has zero chill, and for some weird reason the game keeps excusing it.
• Deaconess Erne → Originally I was using Deaconess Dahlia, since she was mentioned but never seen. However, there are rumblings that she will actually become a playable character in the future. To avoid issues, I created an entirely new Deaconess to fit the needs of the story.
Guzheng - Lover's Oath Cover by Lyra on a Stand Lute - Despacito Cover by Ahmed Alshaiba* Dizi - Liyue Battle BGM Cover by Jae There isn't any special, greater meaning behind any of these instruments being mentioned. Just sound good to the ears.
*If you look up, "Genshin lute covers," it is literally nothing but Flute covers. Almost used bardcore, but that felt too distracting from the purpose of providing examples.
• "My girlfriend turned into the moon." "That's rough buddy." • On an actual, serious note... The moon. The moon. I would be remiss to not give the proper nod to the importance of the moon within Teyvat at least a few times throughout this exceedingly long fic. The amount of lore that could be mentioned is... A lot. And you are not here for The Moon. You are here for XiaoVen hand-holding, and any relevant story/lore to that.
• Venti/Barbatos' Voice. Six-Fingered José has a voiceline about a mysterious bard, "But I think even I would be seduced by his beautiful voice..." That probably could have been safely assumed, but. Uh. Taadaa?
• Both Xiao and Venti need a hug. They should hug each other. Who's writing this and NOT making them hug? I demand a refund!
• In game, Xiao does NOT have pointed ears. They are very round and very human. This is a crime. Throughout the fic it will be inconsistent just to what extend his ears are long. That is because I am locked in an eternal battle if smol point or big point.
Chapter 05 Song/Lyrics: I Think We Are the Same
Today by Halou This song has always struck me as being about having the first good day in a long time, and connecting with someone who understands that experience. This was the best I could find for this chapter, and as always appreciate all suggestions for songs. (And always corrections with lore errors!)
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annie-also-draws · 9 months
Daily warm-ups but make it ✨Oppenheimer Characters✨ Day 9&10
Leslie Groves, played by Matt Damon (I might have accidentally Barbie-fied this one)
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There’s so many good conversations and banters between Oppie and Groves that I have a hard time choosing just one iconic phrase. In the end I choose this one. Through out the movie Groves has always shown full support to Oppie’s demands. Even at the very moment that could potentially end the world, despite his fear, Groves still had faith in Oppie and I personally think it’s a beautiful scene :)
Groves: Are you saying that there’s a chance that when we push that button … we destroy the world?
Oppenheimer: The chances are near zero…
Groves: Near zero!?
Oppenheimer: What do you want from theory alone?
Groves: ZERO would be nice!
Day 10:
Niels Bohr, played by Kenneth Branagh, and his most memorable quotes:
Bohr: The power you’re about to reveal will forever outlive the Nazis, and the world is not prepared.
You are an American Prometheus. The man who give them the power to destroy themselves. And they’ll respect that. And your work will really begin.
The world was indeed not prepared for what was coming 🥲.
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Albert Einstein, played by Tom Conti
My favorite conversation between Einstein and Oppenheimer has to be where he confronted Oppie about the interrogation and the one close to the end where he foreshadowed Oppenheimer’s future.
Einstein: I left my country, never to return. You served your country well. If this is the reward she offers you then perhaps you should turn your back on her.
Oppenheimer: Damn, I happen to love this country
Einstein: Then tell them to go to hell.
Einstein: One day, when they’ve punished you enough, they will serve you salmon and potato salad, make speeches, give you a medal, Pat you on the back and tell you all is forgiven. Just remember it won’t be for you. It will be for them.
In conclusion, Einstein got no chill. Whoever spoiled that Einstein is a passive boogie man who pops up here and there were lying.
This quote is an interesting parallel to what Kitty told Oppie when she figured out what was happening:
Kitty: Did you think that if you let them tar and feather you, then the world will forgive you? They won’t.
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 1 year
Prev anon here PLEASE say more, I love modern aus sm
*dramatic sigh*
*checks watch* I have hw to do but if you insist
au is honestly the vaguest way to phrase it but I love it nonetheless. I think that the main reason yous all like the tweets so much is they’re 100% my mind without incorrect quotes or anything involved so thank @finchfvkingcortez and the hour long convos we have for that because that shit is BIZARRE
so yeah. sorta modern/social media where the main shenanigans we talk about are race and albert dealing with god damn tiktok comments (cause we all know they can be WILD). the most fleshed out bits are specific character hcs so yous get that first
as per usual with modern aus, the manhattan newsies collectively live in a group home (and milk tf out of it just because it gets funny reactions online). they’re pretty chill with it, and do weekend/morning newspaper rounds for what’s basically pocket money let’s be honest
character hcs
race - he/him, trans and ‘aggressively bi’. he went through the whole she/her > she/they > they/them > he/they > he/him pipeline and will murder you if you bring it up. he’s dating albert and spot, spot basically on accident after albert dared him to flirt with her and they flirted back and massively just Vibes™️. I feel like I overuse him in tweets but he’s so dumb that he just works here. autism/adhd king, with a sprinkling of ptsd, and he does NOT take his meds ever, driving everyone insane but they love him anyways. italian and very passionate about it. has way too much clout on tiktok and farms his friends for it
albert - he/him, gay, dating finch, spot and race “somehow”. I pretty much combine sky and jacob with him, where he has two older and one younger brother. benji is with a foster family albert didn’t want to stay with and their older brothers are in an endless battle to get custody of them both (he jokes about it sm and they both hate him for it, like “you got custody yet???” “fuck you”). he has too many piercings to count because he does them himself whenever he gets bored and Does Not Learn that it’s a bad idea. dealt with cd when he was younger but it didn’t develop further. he knows like three phrases in portuguese and got into an argument with finch about him being wrong without realising he was speaking spanish once
jack - he/him and bi, dating katherine and davey (after kath put a gun to his head and made him ask davey out). he’s the identified Big Brother of the others and takes it comically seriously while also being exhausted of them all. by all technicalities he’s flagged on every train line that leave the city because he definitely has not made it halfway to new mexico once at 11, but that’s irrelevant he’d never do that again nope. adhd and some mild abandonment issues, hands are always covered in doodles and he also draws on everyone else too whether they want him to or not
davey - he/they, demiboy and gay, dating Jack and has absolutely zero idea how it happened (“I’m going out with jack…” “your sisters ex?” “…yeah?” “ok then🧍”). he’s much more of a weirdo than people give them credit for and comes out with thee most concerning statements completely unprompted like it’s nothing. jewish, autistic with a side of anxiety that the newsies are helping a lot with and be spend 99% of their time with them between school to the point he’s almost dead on his feet. he’s this close to changing race’s twitter password, and is besties with elmer who loves the opportunity to speak polish with someone
crutchie - any pronouns, just chills with identifying as queer and milks ‘had polio in the 21st century’ like their life depends on it because how else are you gonna cope with severe neglect. most people call him charlie in public because they’re all terrified of getting chewed out by well meaning members of the public (crutchie won’t correct anyone). an absolute menace with nerf guns and usually sticks to jack like glue, because they spent time in and out of foster homes when they were much younger together
katherine - she/her, bi, dating jack. she’s practically an inch away from losing her job with how much time she spends not working to hang around with the newsies, is captain of the javey fan club and just all around a legend. constantly gets rich jokes and accepts it as necessary for their friendship. most of what I have for her aligns with canon already ngl
spot - she/he/they, genderfluid and bi, agab is the worlds biggest unsolved mystery that will remain unsolved. always refers to race and albert as her weird looking dogs. lives in a home in brooklyn after spending a few years completely on the streets. ptsd and absolutely no ability to acknowledge it (race and al help), and he’s absolutely covered in both stick and poked and legit but illegal tattoos
finch - he/him, gay, dating albert. he ran away a total of six times and lived in several parks for weeks before someone decided ‘hey maybe we should take him away lol’ and so deals with chronic hypothermia and trust issues. raised a baby sparrow that won’t leave now that it’s an adult, but he didn’t name it so the others just call it “finch’s baby boy”. irish/spanish decent but no real connection to either because it’s a link to his family, which he’d rather not have
morris - he/him, gay and steadily getting over a lot of internalised homophobia. spent way too much time with oscar in and out of crappy homes or their father/uncles ‘care’ so is very dependent on his brother. autism, ocd and cptsd, all of which he gets very little actual support for. he spends way too much money endlessly looping on the subway cause the movement is relaxing. he’s on friendlier terms with the newsies than oscar
oscar - he/it, aroace, probably aligns with agender but doesn’t think about it, autism/adhd (where adhd is significantly more apparent), bpd, aspd, cptsd and mild dyscalculia because he’s my current fav so I have to fuck it over the most. very protective over morris and has zero tolerance for the newsies unlike his brother. it’s camera roll consists entirely of bad candids of morris. taught himself to play a guitar he found in a skip, cannot read sheet music and primarily uses it as stim. I could do an entire thing just about modern delancey’s honestly
I said more x
feel free to ask stuff about this cause I love developing the nonsense the way I don’t get to just in the tweets
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beevean · 2 years
Top 10 Megaman villains!
10. Master Albert. I forgot everything about him.
9. Serpent. Same, but at least he was more heinous.
8. Sigma. Wasted potential. They could have done so much with his nature of a former hero being corrupted by a virus, but he degrades from "villain who thinks Reploids are superior than humans" to "grr i hate x and zero", and his tendency to be blatantly behind any new villain is irritating.
7. Omega. Does he count? He's more like Weil's rabid dog, but technically he's the final boss of Zero 3 so... yeah. Aside from his iconic "I am the Messiah!", he doesn't display any personality, which is a shame because the idea of a malicious AI stealing Zero's body is so cool.
6. Juno. He's basically a very simple AI, but what a presence he has. His ^_^ face is diabolical, his design is eerie, he makes the tone of the game make a complete 180°, and his fight would be tons of fun in a modern game.
5. Sera. Only slightly more complex than Juno, but I was intrigued by her feelings of jealousy for the Master. Really cute design too. Unlike Juno, her being more obviously confined by the System's limitations feels more tragic, maybe because we can compare her to Yuna who found a way to break free.
4. Elpizo. A well intentioned extremist, the perfect foil of Copy X. He does the unthinkable in destroying X's original body, but when he lays there defeated, realizing how far he's come from his noble goal of helping the Resistance, you can't help feeling sorry for him.
3. Copy X. A chilling answer to the question "why did Dr. Light test X's morality for 30 years?". Copy X is a defective, simple copy of the greatest hero of the 22nd century, a child in a hero's body, with an equal understanding of morality. I can't help but pity him, and I'm glad that he's not the actual X.
2. Dr. Wily. Iconic. What's there to say? He's a much goofier threat than the villains I've previously mentioned, but he's technically the reason the entire mess that is the Megaverse's timeline has started. He shares with Eggman the same tenacity in taking down the blue thorn in his side. Also he built Zero and I can't not be thankful for that :P
Dr. Weil. I tend to find card-carrying villains boring, but Dr. Weil is so unashamedly heinous, arrogant, slimy, that you love to hate him. From his convinction that Reploids will never be equals to humans, to how he manipulates two babies to do his bidding and tries to do the same to Zero, to the sheer pettiness of trying to destroy Area Zero just so that people can't run from Neo Arcadia, to the amount of resentment that runs in his veins, Weil is by far the best villain in the series and a joy to take down while this masterpiece blasts from the speakers.
Bonus: the Bonne family, because Telsei and Tron are a delight :P
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datleggy · 3 years
Albert Plots aka coda to 4x02
One of Bucks house rules is: don't barge into my room unannounced.
It only becomes a house rule, of course, after Albert inadvertently interrupts his therapy session as he's mid sentence. 
"Oh crap, sorry sorry, I didn't realize--I mean, I thought--sorry." Albert finishes lamely, cringing at his own intrusion.
Buck practically chucks his tablet across his bed, face down, in his surprise. “Dude, knock.” 
Albert shrugs, grimacing apologetically. “You don’t have a door though?” 
Buck sighs, running a hand through his hair nervously. “Just...announce yourself next time, ok? Like, yell ‘I’m coming up’ or whatever.” 
Albert nods. “Sorry.” he mutters again. 
Buck decides the kid looks contrite enough that he can brush the whole thing off--it’s not like he overheard anything. “It’s ok, don’t worry, we’re good. What’s up? You needed something?” 
“I wanted to see if you wanted to order pizza but um,” Chimneys little brother pauses and scratches the back of his head. “Are you ok?” 
Buck gulps. “Uh, yeah, I--why wouldn’t I be?” Well shit, Buck thinks, maybe he did overhear a tidbit or two, after all... 
“Well,” Albert purses his lips to one side. “What you said just now, about hiding your feelings? Sorry, I really didn’t mean to eavesdrop--I was hungry and didn’t think before running up here. But um, listen, if you ever need an ear or a shoulder,” he shrugs delicately. “You’ve been there for me before a few times now. I like to think we’re good friends, so I want you to know you can always count on me to be there if you need someone. That’s all.” 
Buck would be touched if he weren’t also kind of mortified over having been caught spilling his guts to Dr. Copeland. Albert must see that, because he immediately moves to change the subject. “So, pizza?” 
“Yup,” Buck clears his throat. “Sal’s is the best joint in the area, their menu’s on the fridge, call and order whatever you want. I’ll umm, I’ll join you in a little bit.” 
"Ok." Albert scurries off quickly enough and Buck feels a little bad for not being more reassuring that he's not upset with him. But it's hard; being vulnerable, that is.
An hour later dinner is silent and just a tiny bit awkward between the two men.
It's only after a couple of beers that Buck loosens up enough to blurt out, "I'm in love with Eddie."
Albert blinks up at him in surprise. "Oh shit." His face breaks out into a happy grin. "Dude, that's awesome! I always thought you two would be good together. Actually, I gotta admit, I thought you two were dating when we first met at that bar. So it makes sense." Albert's voice trails off upon realizing how red Buck's face has gone. "Wait, did you not--you know? Know?" Albert's eyes grow wide.
Buck shrugs. "I kinda always knew? But I mean, the Eddie thing is..." He groans, "How am I supposed to tell my best friend I'm in love with him? It would ruin everything."
Albert shakes his head adamantly. "No way man, you said it yourself, Eddie's your best friend, your feelings for him wouldn't 'ruin' anything. Even if by some crazy chance he doesn't feel the same way it's not like he'd stop being friends with you."
Buck rubs a hand up his shoulder and bites on his bottom lip. "But what if that's exactly what happens? I don't wanna hide my feelings anymore, from anyone, but I don't think I can take that risk--it's too big, I could lose too much."
Albert has seen the way Eddie looks at Buck when he thinks no one is else is paying attention. “Look man, I’m not exactly the observant type--Howie can tell you that--but even I can see Eddie’s heart eyes when he’s looking in your direction.” 
Buck groans, hiding his face in his hands. “I just don’t wanna mess up what we have.” he looks up, his expression sullen. “We’ve got a good thing going.” he shrugs. “If I confess my feelings there’s a chance--” he sighs, hanging his head. “I can’t do it.” 
Albert reaches over and squeezes his shoulder in support. Suddenly an idea strikes him. “Hey,” he jumps up. “What if I could prove to you that Eddie’s just as into you as you are, into him? Would you say something then?” 
Buck lifts his head to look Albert in the eye, “How would you go about doing that?” 
Albert waves him off. “You don’t gotta worry about that part. Just trust me.” 
Buck raises a brow, dubious. “Ok, but you need to promise you won’t say anything about my feelings to Eddie--or to anyone, for that matter. Not even Chimney can know.” 
“I swear, not a word!” 
Albert strikes over the weekend, during a friendly game of basketball with the 118. Albert had originally only been intending to play one on one with Chim, like usual, but had convinced him to invite everyone at the station, too, last minute. 
“Buck’s on my team!” Albert declares, before anyone can even truly get settled. 
Chim glares at Albert. “Oh yeah, call dibs on our tallest guy.” 
Albert shrugs, throwing an arm around Buck and pulling him close. “And let’s not forget the most handsome.” he winks at Buck with the subtlety of a fire engine racing across town. 
Chim raises a questioning brow at his brother but otherwise doesn’t comment. “Uh huh. Anyway, then I want Eddie on my team.” 
Eddie steps up beside Chim, giving Buck a look. “Ready to get your ass handed to you?” 
Buck scoffs. “I have the power of youth on my side, thanks.” he says, pointing to Albert. 
Bobby clears his throat. “This is starting to feel a lot like a middle school gym class, where I’m picked last for teams.” 
Hen bumps his fist in camaraderie. “Preach, Cap.” 
“Hen, I call Hen!” Chimney immediately announces, practically dragging his best friend over to his side. 
“Good, cause I was gonna pick Captain Nash anyway.” Albert sticks his tongue out. 
Buck grins when Bobby walks over to stand beside him. His parents never let him play sports when he was a kid--he had to forge their signatures for whatever ‘dangerous’ activity he wanted to participate in, and so he and his dad had never gotten to toss the ball around in the backyard the way most of his friends had, growing up. 
Being on the same team with Bobby now kind of feels like that. Not that he’d say it out loud. He’s way too old for that stuff now. Not to mention the fact that now he has to focus on both the game and on whatever Albert is plotting with him and Eddie. 
Buck sighs. He should’ve kept his big mouth shut. 
The game starts out friendly enough, some playful jabs thrown here and there, but Buck can tell Albert and Chimney are out for blood, knocking elbows and teasing the other when they miss a shot. Though, he concedes, they are siblings, and well, he and Maddie, even at this age, can still get a little overly zealous when competing with one another. So he’s not too worried. 
They take a break about half way through the game, sweaty and tired from running around so much, when Albert starts to speak. “Man, I can’t wait for that double date next Friday.” 
Chim glances up at him from the bench, where he’s rehydrating. “You’re going on a date? First I’ve heard.” 
Albert nods. “Yup. With Buck and these two really cool chicks I met at the coffee shop a couple of weeks ago.” 
Eddie furrows his brows. “Did you say Friday?” 
Albert nods, knowing exactly where this is going. 
Eddie turns to Buck, who’s trying his best to telepathically communicate with Albert to cut it out before he strangles the kid. “Uh, Friday’s game night.” he says, his tone slightly accusatory. 
Bobby’s eyes dart between the two men curiously. Hen presses her lips together. “Game night?” 
Eddie nods. “Every Friday we get together at my place and do a game night. Christopher looks forward to ‘em every week.” 
Albert cuts in before Buck can say anything. “Wow, you two sound like a married couple with a kid.” he teases. “But I mean, what’s the big deal, missing one game night? Buck could meet the love of his life Friday night. Isn’t that a little more important?” 
Eddie makes a face none of the crew can really read. “Guess you’re right.” he agrees reluctantly, picking up the ball and passing it to Chimney just a tad on the rough side. “Break’s over, let’s get back to it, yeah?” He steps out into the court without looking back, his shoulders set rigidly. 
Albert grins at Buck, whispering as the others head to the court as well, “It’s working!” 
“He looks like he wants to kill someone.” Buck half whispers back, eyes wide. “Your plan sucks.” 
“Shh, you’ll be thanking me later, now c’mon, let’s go!” Albert runs into the court and takes his position at the front, between Buck and Bobby. 
Buck can’t help but focus entirely on Eddie’s sour mood during the game, which is probably why he doesn’t notice the uneven asphalt as he goes to catch Bobby’s toss until it’s too late. He loses his footing and goes down hard. 
Buck’s back and side hit the pole connected to the basketball net and the damn thing actually shakes with the force of the collision. Bobby is on him instantly, helping him up and asking if he’s alright. Buck tries to say he’s fine, but the moment he’s standing he bends over, wrapping an arm around himself, wincing in pain. “Hurts.” he admits. 
Eddie sprints across the ball court to help Bobby get Buck to the benches where he can sit and they can see what’s going on. Hen lifts his shirt and grimaces tightly at the humongous ugly bruise already forming against his back and part of his chest. “Jesus, Buck.” she feels around that area. 
Buck gasps at the onslaught of pain and tries his best not to flinch away from her. 
“Definitely some bruised ribs, Buck,” Hen tells him sympathetically, pulling down his shirt as gently as she can. “Possibly fractured. I would definitely get this checked out in the ER, in case they’re broken. They’ll need to do an x-ray and a CT just to rule it out.” 
Buck groans. “Can’t I just ice it?” 
“C’mon,” Bobby shakes his head, helping Buck get up. “I’m taking you--” 
Eddie interrupts, his hand on Buck’s shoulder. “I can go. Christopher’s at a sleepover today, so I’m free anyway.” he volunteers. 
Buck is in too much pain to argue with either of them, and ends up in the front passenger seat of Eddie’s truck. Bobby makes Eddie promise to text the team updates. 
Eddie fills out Bucks form so he can hold an ice pack to his side while they wait in the ER. Once he’s done he hands it to the nurse at the front desk and sits down next to Buck. “How ya’ feeling?” 
Buck knows there isn’t a point to lying, not when he needed to lean the majority of his weight on the other man from the car to the waiting room, after all. “Like the whole left side of me got hit by a car.” 
“Here, gimme that, I’ll hold it for you.” Eddie takes the ice pack and places it gently against his side, grimacing when Buck cringes. “Hurt a lot?” 
“Only when I breath.” Buck jokes, though it’s not too far from the truth. “You know you don’t have to stay here with me, I can call an Uber to drive me home. The place is packed, we’re probably gonna be waiting for hours.” 
Eddie rolls his eyes. “I’m not leaving you, so this had better be your first and last attempt at getting me to go.” 
Buck sighs. “Fine.” 
“Good.” Eddie clears his throat. “So...” 
Buck turns his eyes towards him. “So?” 
“You’re really not coming to game night Friday?” 
Buck looks away. He doesn’t want to lie to Eddie, but how crazy would he look if he told him Albert made all that up--in order to admit the truth he’d also have to confess his feelings for his best friend, and there’s just no way in hell that’s happening. “Yeah,” he says instead, “Sorry, I was planning on telling you later today, it just kinda slipped my mind.” 
Eddie hums, pursing his lips. “No it’s cool, Albert’s right. She might be the one.” he says, though it’s said dryly. 
Buck looks up at him from underneath his long lashes, curiously. “And uh, if she is?” 
“Then,” Eddie shrugs, “Good for you.” 
Buck nods. 
An uncomfortable silence falls upon the two men and it’s another half hour of awkwardness before Eddie picks up the conversation again. 
“You know what,” he starts, turning to Buck, “I lied. Not good for you.” 
Buck blinks at the bluntness. “What?” 
“I don’t want you to go on that date. And I don’t want to cancel game night. I know it’s selfish and I’m being kind of psycho right now, but I think I’m jealous?” Eddie’s mouth snaps shut, as though he hadn’t meant to say any of that out loud. Like the words simply spilled forth without his brains permission. 
“You’re jealous? Of...what?” Buck doesn’t dare to hope this is what he thinks it is. 
Eddie groans, putting down the ice pack for a moment and turning his chair completely to the side so he can face Buck fully. “I know I said Christopher looks forward to game nights, and he does, but so do I. I look forward to spending time with the two of you together and I get excited when our shifts line up on certain weeks and I’m getting tired of saying goodnight and watching you walk to your Jeep, all because I’m too much of a coward to just say--” Eddie stops himself, his chest aching, the words caught in his throat. 
“I’m in love with you.” Buck blurts out. 
“You--” Eddie stammers. “You are?” he asks in disbelief. 
Buck gulps, his cheeks heating up. “For a while now, I think. I just...hadn’t realized until recently.” Dr. Copeland had been a huge part of figuring that out. 
“Christ,” Eddie doesn’t waste a second more. He takes Bucks face in his hands and brings their foreheads together right then and there. “Can I...?” 
Buck nods, their lips brushing slightly with the motion. “Please.” 
Eddie kisses him, softly, tentatively, before pulling away just a bit. “I love you.” he confesses breathlessly. 
Buck thinks his heart might actually burst out of his chest. 
Man, Albert is never gonna let him hear the end of this. 
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
annnnd i’m supposed to be doing hw so that means it’s head canon time!
they do a q+a and someone asks about al’s nickname red (did it come from his hair or the fact that he blushes rly red) and race is like ;)) you should see how red he gets when- and al is like !!race!! and race is like WHEN i embarrass him mind out of the gutter al jeez and al’s face burns
al does a stream with tiny little braids in his hair bc race plays with his hair and race does a video where he has a bunch of butterfly clips n stuff in his hair bc al put them there and race isnt ever taking them off
race is slowly getting better at games and he’s like babe!!! there’s someone right behind you!!! and al turns and promptly gets shot point blank by race
jack was chilling on the couch once as they did a stream together and when he left they found a few drawings of them looking at the screens and also looking at each other and they’re like damn,,,,, we really do be in love
on april fools day race pours water over al and al starts freaking out and he’s like race oh my god the game setup the waters gonna ruin in oh my god oh no can i even afford an entire new setup oh god oh shit and race is like slowly panicking like babe oh crap i’m so sorry i’ll help i swear i didn’t think about that and al puts his head in his hands and race is like baby please don’t cry i’m so sorry
but al’s not crying he’s laughing, because the water didnt get into the console (race is smarter than that) and race totally fell for it and race just stops and he’s like you little-
for one of race’s videos he wants to try his art skills so he paints on al, and afterwards he’s just staring at shirtless al and al’s like uhh. you’re just staring at my abs babe and race is like oh my bad and then proceeds to stare at his arms
when they eventually do get engaged race posts smth and captions it smth about his fiancé but he’s so excited that he accidentally writes finance and everyone’s like ??? did he mean??? fiancé??? if so i’m happy for them if he’s genuinely this excited about a finance then cool i guess??
race makes an offhand comment abt stealing all of al’s shirts so he’ll just be shirtless and al is like sure race and race takes that as a challenge and the next stream al is wearing race’s hoodie (one that race had worn in multiple of his own vids) and he’s like so anyways he actually took my tops and race is like “hey at least you still have your bottom ;)” and al is like “ONE PEACEFUL STREAM RACE”
i love the hcs but for legal reasons i have to tell you to go work on your homework before you write any more because i have a ✨guilt complex✨
- race is a heathen and is constantly making jokes like this when he KNOWS albert is hyper-aware theyre on stream cause it embarrasses him b u t albert is the type that just,,,, constantly makes jokes like that regularly so if they’ve been on stream and he’s chatting with race or distracted by the discord’s banter or something he’ll casually make a joke about race using cover up on his neck in videos or something and chat will loose it and race just stares at him for a full 10 seconds like ‘😲’
- albert also did a whole stream with winged eyeliner cause race wanted to do his makeup and he refused to wash it off. race came in with bright red lipstick and left a massive kiss print on albert’s cheek before winking at the camera and walking out again to wash his face. albert 100% noticed but just left it there. race is in love with all the pictures of him from the stream with the butterfly clips and saves every piece of fanart from it to his phone for safe keeping.
- the thing i’m imagining is pubg and the animation on that makes me fucking cry laugh. just the head snapping back and then al’s character just crumbling while race is on the game floor cackling and albert is just blankly staring at his screen before he just turns to race and goes “you’re going to regret that.” very seriously. race stops laughing.
- race frames and hangs the art in their gaming room cause he thinks it’s cute. jack sees it one day like “guys- i have better ones you could’ve just a s k e d” and just gives race this massive box full of sketches of them cause they’re gross and couple-y and he teases them but they ARE a perfect character study for ‘fools in love’ and it makes for good art.
- i picture race as highly empathetic so he would immediately feel SO GUILTY if he thought albert was actually upset b u t albert cant even bring himself to feel bad cause race got trying to get him
- race is a massive al simp he frequently gets caught,,,, admiring his boyfriend (aka positively drooling over him) and it always makes albert slightly smug, which as we know, isn’t his usual state of being.
- sjhdbdhd race WOULD make a typo in engagement announcement post. albert’s comment is just “hahahhahaha FiNaNcE. good one babe” and race never ever lives it down.
- they have exactly zero peaceful streams he should be used to this by now. also he does dares for donations over $50 (cause he makes questionable choices) and someone drops $100 and just puts “i dare you to give race his hoodie back” and race just smiles like the cheshire cat. albert asks if this makes him a stripper. also when race says that “at least you still have your bottom ;)” line and winks DIRECTLY into the camera, al just gets up and pretends to leave the game room for dramatic effect.
yeah,,,,,, i’m still obsessed with this au thank you for the fantastic hcs
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therealuniverse · 4 years
Tumblr media
Bose-Einstein Condensates in space! Right now, atoms are bouncing off of you at high speed all the time. You might not feel it since they’re pretty small, but you’re surrounded by gas particles that are moving and hitting you – that creates air pressure. As long as the atoms are at a reasonable temperature, the atoms are moving and they can have a variety of energy states.
But, if you chill atoms down so much, until the point where they are almost at absolute zero kelvin, motion of the atoms slows down, almost all the atoms move to their lowest possible energy state, and for reasons originally predicted in 1925 by Albert Einstein, the quantum mechanical properties of the atoms begin to interfere. The atoms go from being single particles to spreading out and actually having their boundaries overlap, creating a type of matter that is just intermingled atoms. This type of matter is called a Bose-Einstein condensate, also carrying the name of Indian mathematician Satyendra Nath Bose whose work enabled Einstein to make the prediction of the existence of this type of matter.
Scientists have been able to make Bose-Einstein Condensates in the laboratory for about 25 years, but they are difficult to study. Making them involves precisely controlling the position and energy of atoms using magnetic fields, so that the atoms are slowed down and held in place. In order to study these materials, the magnetic field needs to be turned off, but when that happens the Bose-Einstein Condensates can fall apart for several reasons, one of which is gravity. If you could get rid of gravity, you might be able to make these materials last far longer, where they could be studied and potentially even developed for actual applications. Enter the International Space Station. Since 2018, this instrument has been on the space station. It’s the size of a mini-fridge and it’s called the “Cold atom lab”. Inside this box, atoms have been chilled down to temperatures <0.1 Kelvin, making it one of the coldest spots in the universe. Recently published experiments using this device showed that, in zero-G, it was possible to maintain a Bose-Einstein Condensate stably for more than 0.1 seconds without an imposed magnetic field - far longer than typically possible on Earth. The goal of this experimental box is eventually to stretch that time up to 10 seconds, allowing greater study of these materials. -JBB Original paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2346-1 Image credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_Atom_Laboratory#/media/File:Pia22562-16.jpg
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tending-the-hearth · 5 years
my personal highlights from the disney on broadway 25th anniversary celebrations:
- Josh and Merle!!!! I almost started crying when they sang “You’ll Be In My Heart” and when Josh sang “Strangers Like Me” after twelve years at the Royal Albert Hall!! It makes me so happy that Tarzan is still recognized. It definitely deserved a longer run.
also the way Merle was looking at Josh was so perfect and you could tell how strong their connection was when they were playing Kala and Tarzan
their hug at the end!! so sweet!!!
- The Welcome Blessing was incredible and I really can’t describe it, because I don’t think I could do it justice.
- Kara singing “A Change In Me” with her baby bump. Just... what a queen
- Ugh Josh again singing Santa Fe. That man has talent
- MANDY!!!!!
- Merle... again... a goddess... making me cry
- The “Go the Distance” trio gave me CHILLS and so did “Zero to Hero”
- Is there anything Norm Lewis can’t do? Honestly, if he and Sierra had sung “If Only”, I definitely would have cried, but his “If I Can’t Love Her” was stunning
- Susan and Krysta singing “I Won’t Say I’m In Love” was amazing and they’re both so amazing
Highlights from the New Amsterdam Theatre
Royal Albert Hall Performance
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experiment-zero · 4 years
Her Little Game
Fred Bates had been working with the progenitor virus since Oswell E. Spencer first founded Umbrella Corporation as a cover-up. He had dedicated his life to his work, forgoing any semblance of a personal life for his single-minded passion. It was this burning desire for progress that allowed him to quickly ascend the ranks, becoming one of the top tier researchers of Umbrella.
 But then Spencer died. No… He was killed. Slaughtered by that by-product of Project W, Albert Wesker. Now Bates had little care for the senile aristocrat as long as he was allowed to continue his work… But that damnable creature who took his place now barricades him from just that.
 The whole of the research committee stationed in Africa, the only place where the precious “Stairway of the Sun” could grow, was completely dismantled and reformed to Wesker’s liking. This left the older researcher as nothing more than a mere mentor for the fresher minds that had been brought in to take his place.
 Of course Bates had almost protested, alongside several of his comrades who had worked by his side for over four decades. But his prudence proved to spare him the fate that Wesker did not hesitate to impose upon anyone who dared to question him. Instead he was left to live, wallowing in his ever-growing bitterness.
 So surely it is understandable why Bates, typing fervently away at his laptop, is composing a careful documentation of all the current work going on with “Uroboros” in the hopes of sending it to the authorities. His life’s work had been stolen away, leaving him with no purpose and nothing to show for all those years he had dedicated. It’s only fair Wesker is forced to face the same reality… Only fair that-
 “My… You really are quite an articulate writer. I do not believe you have missed a single detail on “Uroboros”, Mr. Bates.” A cool voice whispers in his ear. Startled, the old man whips around to face Experiment Zero. She is only a few centimeters from him, her face as still and cold as marble as she continues to study the screen. How long has she been there? He could not be certain.
 The phantom-like creature has a natural knack for being able to appear anywhere she pleased without detection. Her steps are always silent, almost like she was not really touching the floor at all. Coupled with her cold, pale skin and expressionless eyes that were presumably affected by aniridia… The creature was bone-chilling to say the least.
 “Well if it isn’t Albert’s pet.” The old man spat bitterly. “I am in the middle of work. So, if you would be so kind as to leave me to it…” Perhaps if he just played his writings off as merely documentation for Uroboros’ records, the damn specter would go away.
 “Hm-hm… Do you know how long I have been watching you, Mr. Bates?” Those empty eyes turn on him, making his blood turn to ice in his veins. “No, of course you do not. No one ever does. That was an unfair question; I apologize.” How could a voice be so monotone and soft yet sicky sweet and innocent at the same time?
 “D-doesn’t Wesker keep you on a leash, you damn brat? Beat it so I can work in peace.”
Bates stiffens when he notices Zero’s lips twitch ever so slightly… Like she is almost smiling.
 “Only when I give him a reason to. Not that it does much good to have a watch set on me. I tend to… Slip people’s notice.” When did the damn thing move to sit on his desk? Her slender fingers push his laptop closed, eyes never leaving his face.
 “Mr. Bates… Master Wesker would be very displeased to know that we have a ‘compromise’ in our security. And he has little qualms with dealing with these ‘compromises’ in an effective, educational manner. Do you understand?” The beast almost purrs.
 “Yeah? So you’re gonna run and tattle on me to your owner?” Bates retorts, a quiver in his voice betraying his bold words.
 “Hm-hm… I do not have to tell him anything. After all, I am here of my own volition.” Zero says softly, her smile widening; however, it does not reach her eyes. “I do not want to hurt you, Mr. Bates. Of course… I will if I have to.”
 “What do you want…” The old man asked, clutching at his lab coat with shaking hands.
 “A friend, Mr. Bates.” “A… Friend?”
 “Yes. A friend. Everyone needs friends after all.” The woman gently caresses his cheek; her ice cold fingers causing sickening chills to run down his spine.
 So this damn BOW is asking for his loyalty in exchange for his life? Like he would ever allow such an inferior creature to hold that sort of power over him. Frightening or not, she commands no power of her own; Wesker pulls the strings of this little marionette. She has no fighting ability, no strength to call her own. So, this damned beast trying to manipulate him into submission was an insult he would not stand for.
But he could play along… For now. “Alright, Zero. I’ll cooperate.” Bates forced himself to relax and keep his tone even. The young woman pulls her hand back, tilting her head slightly as she continues to smile. It made him sick that this thing actually thought it had won.
 But she won’t be so smiley when he turns the tables on her and lets her owner know that she has been gathering allies behind his back.
 “I have enjoyed our discussion, Mr. Bates. Do take care.” With those parting words, Experiment Zero was gone.
“Stupid bitch… Like I’d ever bow down to Wesker’s pet.” The old man sneers under his breath, reopening his laptop to find the entire file he had been working on was erased. “FUCK THAT LITTLE BITCH!”
 Zero listens just outside his door, expression unreadable. Yet inside she felt that sick giddiness that she tends to get while playing her little game.
 She cannot wait until Master Wesker decides what to do with old Fred Bates.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
hc of harry cradling baby sussex like the gumboots but with tears in his eyes, and holding that precious baby close forever.
CAN!!  WE!!  NOT!!!!
Henry is going to be so smitten with that baby, I’ll be surprised if he goes to work at all over the first six months.  He and Meg will have silent arguments over who gets to hold her.  His camera roll will have 10,000 photos of the baby within the first two weeks.  It’ll take him three weeks to decide which pics to release to the public because he’s in love with every single one of them.  Meg will not be able to lift a finger and Harry will change every diaper because he’ll be in complete awe of the woman who brought his daughter into the world.  Who needs a nanny?  Daddy is going to take care of the baby.  No problem.
In four years it will be time for the baby to start nursery school and Harry will blubber the whole way there because he can’t bear to be away from his baby for most of the day every. single. day.  Meg will have to be the strong one because y’all know Henry Charles Albert David has zero chill.
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aquisebailatango · 6 years
Audrey Hepburn completa una maratón en bailarinas (parte 1)
   He salido esta mañana de casa sin rumbo fijo y con la única intención de distraerme. Hoy es el día uno de un duelo que lleva semanas empezando. Una y otra vez. Acabo de doblar una de las alargadas esquinas de los edificios de l’Eixample. Me gustaría topar con una especie de iglesia donde se divulgue una religión o dogma absurdo y en la que expidan boletines de admisión incluso para imbéciles como yo. Ahora mismo creer en algo me parece imprescindible. Me encuentro en un nivel de dolor alto: de púgil a punto de morder el polvo; solo dos niveles por debajo del knock-out y a uno de la derrota por puntos. Preferiría que me arrancaran una muela sin anestesia. Definitivamente hoy es un buen día.
   A los veinticinco minutos no encuentro ni calma ni templo y empieza llover. De mi hombro derecho cuelga una tote bag de tela arrugada blanca que me regalaron en un centro cívico en el que decidí inscribirme durante dos meses a clases de patronaje -detalle en el que no pienso profundizar en este momento-. Dentro de la bolsa acarreo un libro de bolsillo de D.F. Wallace de más de mil páginas con letra minúscula, la cartera, caramelos Halls menta-hierbabuena, una botella de agua que rellené convenientemente en el grifo antes de salir de casa y un paquete de Camel maltratado por el uso. Llegado a este punto, valoro la opción de seguir adelante bajo ese cielo fúnebre tan típico de las películas de Ken Loach y acabar empapado hasta las trancas. Pero algo me dice que lo mío es más como un culebrón venezolano y me siento en una terraza a leer un poco esperando que amaine. Pido cola zero a una señora morena que está intentado encajar las mesas y las sillas en el perímetro de palio verde que bordea el bar. Son las doce y media de la mañana y estoy solo. Levanto la vista de vez en cuando y me sorprende, una vez más, la rapidez con la que la población barcelonesa dispone de paraguas. Pienso en que deben padecer una especie de agorafobia de grado medio-bajo que les permite moverse en un contorno limitado al de su domicilio. Al rato, para de llover. Acabo la bebida, pago y me despido. Justo después la camarera se agacha a por un papel y casi termina en decúbito prono.
   Enfilo Consell de Cent hasta Passeig de Gràcia y una vez allí decido ir a ver el mar. Por el camino tropiezo con un turista fotografiando la puerta de un Zara (¿?). Le pido perdón hasta en tres idiomas y me alejo pensando que el que debería haberse disculpado era él. Luego me llama Albert para describirme el último trabajo que le ha ofrecido el Sindicato del Crimen de la Hostelería (S.C.H.) y para ponerme al día de sus devaneos por el inframundo de Tinder. Llego a la Catedral y tengo la tentación de desviar mi objetivo por unos instantes y entrar en la plaza de Sant Felip Neri, pero lo descarto al ver a un guía free tours gritón al que sigue una fila de alemanes.
   El barrio gótico me recibe con las consabidas meadas callejeras y un fuerte olor a kebab-con-todo-pero-sin-picante-y-poco-queso. Pese a que llevo entre pecho y espalda solo dos galletas de chocolate, descarto el consumo. Las mantas que recorren el lateral del paseo marítimo -ya en la Barceloneta- se disponen en hileras perfectamente alineadas. Compruebo que se han puesto de moda las gafas de sol redondas y los cristales de colores extravagantes. Los tintes de las zapatillas de imitación incitan, de igual manera, al consumo de estupefacientes.
   Pienso en todo momento en cómo he llegado a este punto con P. La odio a ratos, me culpo en otros y nos comprendo a ambos. Parece un avance pero no lo es. La echo mucho de menos. Ya no va a volver a hablarme.
   Tengo la cabeza más embotada que el cielo que se aproxima a mi izquierda. A mi derecha los bañistas se refrescan ajenos a todo. Escribo con mi teléfono a Andreu para informarle de dónde estoy y para asegurarle que hoy voy a comer bien (lleva días preocupándose por este asunto). No pienso morir de hambre, “yo lo llevo así”, le digo, como siempre. Me anima a seguir y luego me envía una foto del monstruo de las galletas. Dice que sin gafas pierdo mucho.
   Bordeando la sucesión de playas que conforman el litoral de Barcelona compruebo que la sintonía de los chiringuitos se mantiene inmutable al paso del tiempo. El abanico musical abarca desde ritmos latinos trasnochados como la “Mayonesa” -ellamebatecomohaciendomayonesa- hasta el chill-out ibicenco que escuchan unos horteras recostados en puffs negros con marcas blancas de salitre.
   La humedad es relevante y las marcas de sudor de mi camiseta conforman algo parecido al mapa de Noruega.
Xuan Álvarez
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From Alan Bennett to Unforgotten: how Alex Jennings became the most chilling man on TV
“Next time, spare us the Hannibal Lecter schtick.” So said DI Sunny Khan (Sanjeev Bhaskar) to killer GP Tim Finch (Alex Jennings) in Sunday night’s finale of the superior ITV whodunit Unforgotten.
It wasn’t just one of the most memorable lines of a mesmerising series but also an apt comparison. This was a doctor who had abused his position of trust; a manipulative multiple murderer who displayed the cold-blooded cruelty of a sociopath; who spooked viewers and on-screen adversaries alike as he sat in prison-issue clothes, calmly detailing his sickening crimes, a sly smile of satisfaction playing across his lips.
It’s testament to Jennings’ chillingly charismatic turn that he bore comparison to Anthony Hopkins' Oscar -winning big-screen bogeyman. And all the more impressive that Jennings conveyed Finch’s unsettling secrets without any scenery-chomping histrionics or even on-screen violence. This was a slow-burning performance of rare subtlety. One of a group of four old schoolmates who’d rented a country cottage for Millennium Eve, Finch initially seemed the least likely suspect to have murdered local teen Hayley Reid, then buried her body under the central reservation of the M1. Predatory TV presenter James Hollis (Kevin McNally), swindling salesman Pete Carr (Neil Morrissey) or homeless, bipolar artist Chris Lowe (James Fleet) all behaved more erratically and looked better bets.
As the six-part drama unfolded, though, Jennings’ sinister creation gradually moved front and centre. We heard how Finch had violently threatened an elderly patient. His traumatised first wife Derran (Siobhan Redmond) insisted he’d mentally, physically and sexually abused her, with the Polaroids to partially prove it.
His daughter Emma (Jo Herbert) began to realise her father wasn’t as even-tempered as he appeared. His meek, mousy second wife Carol (Amanda Root) was in denial yet knew deep down that something was badly amiss. Finch was arrested on suspicion of murder in the penultimate episode but Sunday’s finale delivered a queasy twist. The “trophies” found in his cellar - a pair of knickers, a scrunchie and a necklace - didn’t belong to Hayley Reid as detectives had assumed, but to another, earlier missing girl.
In hypnotically intense police interview scenes, Finch impassively confessed to more murders - on the gloriously prosaic proviso that he got a cup of tea first. By the time the credits rolled, we knew he was a serial killer who had claimed at least five adolescent female victims, probably many more. His horrifying lack of remorse even contributed to heroine DCI Cassie Stuart (Nicola Walker) taking a sabbatical from the force. From his self-contained body language to the unconvincing way he called people “mate”, from his rural leisurewear to his reptilian movements, at first Finch’s villainy was hard for viewers to put their finger on. He just felt... not quite right. With his 6ft 2in frame, dancing blue eyes and enigmatic smirk, Jennings eventually revealed the true monster beneath the Barbour jacket and false bonhomie. Showing Lecter-like levels of self-regard, Finch was quick to point out the difference between paedophilia and hebephilia. He took time out to discuss the nature vs nurture debate. “I’m pretty much a textbook psychopath,” he confessed, barely batting an eyelid. “Above average intelligence, superficially charming, zero empathy.” Brrrrr. Don’t have nightmares.
Unforgotten was Jennings’ second show-stealing TV performance so far this year. He had already attracted rave notices in the BBC’s hugely entertaining dramatisation of the Jeremy Thorpe affair, A Very English Scandal As Liberal MP Peter Bessell, confidante and right-hand man to Hugh Grant’s rakish Thorpe, Jennings had one eyebrow permanently raised in amusement at his leader’s antics. Jennings was wonderfully wry as the womaniser, chancer and closeted homosexual who ultimately testified against his friend at trial - only to be castigated for having already sold his story to The Sunday Telegraph.
Coincidentally enough, it was in Grant’s defining role that Jennings himself almost found film stardom. He was originally cast in the lead role of hapless Charles in Four Weddings And A Funeral, only for financing to fall through. By the time the production got back on track, the goalposts had moved. “Bugger,” as Charles would doubtless say. Before this breakout year, 61-year-old Jennings was best known for roles as real-life royals. He has played both Richard II and George III. Opposite Helen Mirren in 2006 film The Queen, he gave an unexpectedly empathetic portrayal of Prince Charles. More recently, he stole scenes as the side-burned, scheming Leopold I of Belgium in ITV’s lavish costume romp Victoria.
This arrived on our screens at the same time as his excellently oily, embittered turn as David, Duke of Windsor (formerly King Edward VIII) in hit Netflix epic The Crown . Like the rest of The Crown’s roles, Jennings’ part has now been recast with an older actor and admits he “won’t like” watching his replacement. “I was attracted to Unforgotten partly because it meant not playing a member of the royal family,” he cheerfully says. “And wearing modern clothes, which I never do. I had to de-posh myself. I’m not posh at all, actually, but I’ve sort of acquired this poshness as the years have gone on. And I have done a lot of posh.” Born in Essex and an alumnus of his local comprehensive in Hornchurch, Jennings is indeed no toff. Instead, he does actual acting. He mastered the Leeds accent to portray playwright Alan Bennett in 2015 film The Lady In The Van, opposite Maggie Smith in the title role. “I grew up revering Maggie and Alan,” he says. “I have to pinch myself that we’ve become friends.”
Three years earlier, he played the writer on-stage in Untold Stories, based on Bennett’s childhood. “Alan was on at me not to be too plaintive or cosy,” Jennings recalls. “He doesn’t want to be seen as the sort of Wind in the Willows, moley kind of person some people think he is. He wanted me to be tougher with it.” Lady In The Van director Nicholas Hytner, with whom Jennings has a longtime collaborative relationship, ranks Jennings among the pre-eminent actors of his generation and has hailed him as “a John Gielgud for the 21st century”.
With his greying curls, care-worn features and subversive twinkle, Jennings has a face that lends itself perfectly to period roles. He has also inhabited other real-life figures, including former US president George Bush Nazi architect Albert Speer, Dad’s Army actor John Le Mesurier and composer Benjamin Britten. He has said the key to playing such roles is to act, not impersonate becaue the characters “mustn’t become Spitting Image puppets”. Before the screen royals and rogues, Jennings enjoyed a stage career remarkable for both its versatility and success. A revered regular with both the RSC and the National Theatre, he’s a three-time Olivier Award winner for Too Clever By Half, Peer Gynt and My Fair Lady, making him the only actor to have won in the drama, musical and comedy categories.
Whether it’s on-stage or in supporting screen roles, Alex Jennings has spent more than three decades being consistently brilliant. He has earned this late-life flowering as one of our most compellingly creepy TV actors. Let’s hope that Unforgotten’s Doctor Death is just the latest in a long line of meaty parts to get his teeth into. And on that thought, we’re back to Hannibal Lecter again...
Credit: By Michael Hogan 2018 Telegraph.co.uk; London
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sexydeathparty · 2 years
25 Times Alison Hammond Was Basically The Best Thing About British TV
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Alison Hammond 
With her infectious laugh, naughty sense of humour and incredible interview style that can have even the most notoriously difficult A-listers in stitches, Alison Hammond is real one-off. 
After finding fame as a housemate on Big Brother in 2002, Alison was quickly signed up as a roving reporter for This Morning, and made appearances on the likes of I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! and Strictly Come Dancing. 
In recent years, her fame has skyrocketed after a much-deserved promotion to one of the main hosts on This Morning alongside Dermot O’Leary, as well as her role on the BBC’s I Can See Your Voice, which has even seen her nominated for a Bafta. 
In fact, we’d go as far to say that she’s basically now the best thing about British telly – and here’s 25 clips that prove it... 
1. When Alison accidentally pushed a man into the Albert Dock 
2. When she told Holly and Phil she wanted a man “with a strong back”
She may be on the hunt for love in Celebs Go Dating, but @AlisonHammond's already found it with all of your comments... and one particular message did catch her eye! 😂 To find out who described Alison as their 'perfect' girlfriend, head to the app! 👉https://t.co/H7BmcfSZvRpic.twitter.com/xTuHaXpHCm
— This Morning (@thismorning) March 3, 2020
3. When she nearly got arrested while presenting live from Pisa 
We sent @AlisonHammond to Pisa to tell you all about our £300K competition... but never thought she'd have a run-in with the Italian police! 😂 For a chance to win £300K, and perhaps bail Alison out of jail, enter here 👉 https://t.co/hQvl5Nm9WT 18+ UK only, T&Cs apply. pic.twitter.com/oOpd5AZo22
— This Morning (@thismorning) June 30, 2019
4. When she conducted a live ceremony for a woman who wanted to marry her dog
Meanwhile on daytime TV... pic.twitter.com/Barx6AQeYX
— This Morning (@thismorning) July 30, 2019
5. When Alison forced Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson to propose to her during an interview and was totally cool when he put the ring on her finger
6. When she totally lost it when Barry Humphries mistook Dermot O’Leary for Phillip Schofield and congratulated him on coming out
Can guarantee this conversation doesn't go the way you'd expect it to 😂 pic.twitter.com/64PLpMq77e
— This Morning (@thismorning) November 26, 2021
7. When she got caught on a doorknob live on air while promoting a caravan competition
8. When she covered Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s first public engagement for and had zero chill
9. When she surprised Hugh Jackman with a date and proceeded to get him drunk and feed him chocolates
10. When Alison did Kylie and it was frame-for-frame perfect
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11. When she took over the This Morning kitchen and it was a truly wild ride
12. And then they gave she her own mini-series on the app, and it was even more calamitous
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13. Her turn in the Bake Off was equally brilliant 
Alison Hammond on Bake Off. The tent will never be the same again. #[email protected]/34MaPfcwx6
— British Bake Off (@BritishBakeOff) March 31, 2020
14. When she crooned with king of crooning Michael Bublé
15. But Bradley Cooper was a little less impressed with her vocal prowess 
16. When Alison begged Jonathan Bailey for a live demo of those Bridgerton sex scenes
Bridgerton heartthrob Jonathan Bailey aka Anthony Bridgerton shows Alison how the "shakey-shakey" scenes are filmed 😅 pic.twitter.com/jyVlcif3ww
— This Morning (@thismorning) April 1, 2022
17. When she interviewed a tree. Yes, a tree
18. When she looked scared for her life as she rode the tiniest and least frightening rollercoaster ever
19. When she gave it 110% as Missy Elliott on Let’s Sing And Dance For Comic Relief
20. When Alison totally couldn’t control her laughter in this unseen Strictly Come Dancing clip 
21. When she couldn’t get her words out during an interview with Harry Styles and Kenneth Branagh
22. When she met Mariah Carey and everything about it was incredible
23. When Alison took a ride out with the RNLI
24. When she braved the ski slopes 
And this was before @AlisonHammond2 experienced the famous Val D'Isere après-ski! 🤣 pic.twitter.com/c4g3zBgwUq
— This Morning (@thismorning) January 10, 2019
25. And finally, when she had Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling in stitches during this absolutely hilarious interview
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49 Times This Morning Outdid Itself In The Ridiculous Stakes
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Alison Hammond Has Priceless Reaction As Ant And Dec Unexpectedly Storm This Morning Studio
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Alison Hammond Begs Jonathan Bailey For Bridgerton Sex Scene Demo During Hilarious Interview
from HuffPost UK - Athena2 - All Entries (Public) https://ift.tt/V8t51fi via IFTTT
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freenewstoday · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/02/28/covid-19-in-ottawa-fast-facts-for-feb-28-2021/
COVID-19 in Ottawa: Fast Facts for Feb. 28, 2021
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OTTAWA — Good morning. Here is the latest news on COVID-19 and its impact on Ottawa.
Fast Facts:
Front-line workers wait in long, snowy line for COVID-19 vaccine following a “minor booking issue” in Ottawa on Saturday
Ottawa’s top doctor addresses concerns about the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, saying “62 per cent effectiveness is still better than zero”
Ottawa Public Health reports 62 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday
St-Albert Cheese Cooperative re-opens factory store after COVID-19 outbreak
COVID-19 by the numbers in Ottawa (Ottawa Public Health data):
New COVID-19 cases: 62 new cases on Saturday
Total COVID-19 cases: 14,650
COVID-19 cases per 100,000 (previous seven days): 35
Positivity rate in Ottawa: 2.0 per cent (Feb. 19 to Feb. 25)
Reproduction Number: 0.98 (seven day average)
Who should get a test?
Ottawa Public Health says there are five reasons to seek testing for COVID-19:
You are showing COVID-19 symptoms. OR
You have been exposed to a confirmed case of the virus, as informed by Ottawa Public Health or exposure notification through the COVID Alert app. OR
You are a resident or work in a setting that has a COVID-19 outbreak, as identified and informed by Ottawa Public Health. OR
You are eligible for testing as part of a targeted testing initiative directed by the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Long-Term Care. OR
You have traveled to the U.K., or have come into contact with someone who recently traveled to the U.K., please go get tested immediately (even if you have no symptoms).
Where to get tested for COVID-19 in Ottawa:
There are several sites for COVID-19 testing in Ottawa. To book an appointment, visit https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/shared-content/assessment-centres.aspx
The Brewer Ottawa Hospital/CHEO Assessment Centre: Open Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Friday to Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
COVID-19 Drive-thru assessment centre at National Arts Centre: Open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Moodie Care and Testing Centre: Open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The Heron Care and Testing Centre: Open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Ray Friel Care and Testing Centre: Open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
COVID-19 screening tool:
The COVID-19 screening tool for students heading back to in-person classes can be found here.
Classic Symptoms: fever, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath
Other symptoms: sore throat, difficulty swallowing, new loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, pneumonia, new or unexplained runny nose or nasal congestion
Less common symptoms: unexplained fatigue, muscle aches, headache, delirium, chills, red/inflamed eyes, croup
The Ottawa Hospital blames a “minor booking issue” for the long line outside the COVID-19 vaccination centre at the Civic campus.
Dozens of people lined up in a snowstorm on Saturday to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The Ottawa Hospital says people in line were hospital and community-based health care workers, staff and essential caregivers from long-term care homes, and staff from high-risk retirement homes.
In a statement to CTV News Ottawa, the Ottawa Hospital said the lineup was the result of a booking error.
“The Ottawa Hospital’s vaccine clinic experienced a minor booking issue (Saturday) morning which caused the line up to be longer than usual,” the Ottawa Hospital said. “Appointments are continuing as scheduled.”
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Ottawa’s top doctor is addressing some concerns about COVID-19 vaccine efficacy, just days after Health Canada approved the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.
“62 per cent effectiveness is still better than zero per cent,” said Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa’s medical officer of health during an interview on CTV News at Six on Saturday.
The AstraZeneca vaccine has already faced questions about its efficacy. Health Canada said receiving two doses of the vaccine is between 59 and 62 per cent effective. Pfizer-BioNTech has said its vaccine is 94.5 per cent effective after two doses.
Dr. Etches says the effectiveness compares to the seasonal flu shot.
“We know that compares to other vaccines we have, like the annual influenza vaccine is sometimes only around that level of effectiveness. So you know, the more protection that we can add in to the population and build immunity at this point, the better.”
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Sixty-two more people tested positive for COVID-19 in Ottawa on Saturday.
Ottawa Public Health reported no new deaths linked to the virus.
Since the first case of COVID-19 in Ottawa on March 11, 2020, there have been 14,650 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 439 deaths.
The St-Albert Cheese Co-op plans to resume production in a limited capacity on Monday after a COVID-19 outbreak.
The factory east of Ottawa temporarily closed after three employees tested positive for COVID-19 this week.
The Eastern Ontario Health Unit tested all employees, and St-Albert Cheese Co-op director general Eric Lafontaine says the early signs are positive.
“Right now we’re still waiting the final result of the health unit, but so far what we got in is mostly 90 per cent, and 90 per cent is negative so that’s a really good sign, so we know it didn’t spread across. That’s the most important thing.”
The factory store at the St-Albert Cheese Co-op reopened on Saturday.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Little Things Review: Denzel Washington Brings Back Creepy Serial Killer Thrillers
With the 25th anniversary of Seven having passed and the 30th anniversary of The Silence of the Lambs upon us in just a few weeks, it wouldn’t be surprising if nostalgia for the serial killer thrillers of the ’90s is now upon us. That makes the arrival of The Little Things, directed and written by John Lee Hancock (The Founder), almost uncanny in its timing.
The film is an unabashed throwback with the visual and narrative cues of the films mentioned above, and others along those lines, like Manhunter and Kyoshi Kurosawa’s Cure, liberally baked into its DNA. With its rich sense of atmosphere, period details–it’s perfectly set in 1990–and formally traditional style, The Little Things (which Hancock says he wrote a first draft for in 1993) is the type of movie that we haven’t seen in a while. It makes its familiar storytelling and character arcs almost seem fresh again.
Denzel Washington stars as Joe “Deke” Deacon, a former LAPD detective who now spends his days as a sheriff’s deputy in Kern County, around 110 miles north of Los Angeles. When a reluctant Deacon is sent by his boss to retrieve evidence from the LAPD detective division for a trial in Bakersfield, his former colleagues (including The Deuce’s Chris Bauer) greet his arrival with a mix of friendliness and wariness. Deacon is well known here, it seems, as are his previous exploits as a detective.
But one rising young hotshot on the force, Det. Jim Baxter (Rami Malek), has a different agenda. Having heard of Deacon’s skills and curious about why he quit LA, Baxter invites Deacon to consult on the latest in a series of brutal murders of young women. Deacon is hesitant to join the investigation, but he does, and the reasons why he left soon begin to surface again–even as he and Baxter zero in on a suspect named Albert Sparma (Jared Leto) who seems to be deliberately taunting them.
Detectives tormented by death-filled pasts, underlying tensions between the protagonists, a decaying, decrepit urban setting, a game of cat and mouse between the cops and their suspect, and a sense that civilization itself seems to hang in the balance… all these elements are present in The Little Things, even to the point where certain shots–like bright blue-white flashlight beams cutting through the miasma of a darkened, claustrophobic apartment–trigger instant memories of Seven and others of its kind.
Yet despite the familiar trappings, or perhaps because of them to some extent, The Little Things is an engrossing, nerve-fraying watch for most of its 128 minutes. For one thing, the cops have to put some real shoe leather in the game: This is an era without cell phones and without the kind of DNA technology that would change police work in the decades ahead. But there’s also the somber atmosphere that Hancock evokes throughout, the steady accumulation of unsettling plot points and details–what Deacon calls “the little things”–plus the twin lead performances from Washington and Malek.
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The former, who we last saw onscreen three years ago in The Equalizer 2, looks like he’s going to vomit in a lot of his scenes, and we mean that in a good way. Washington wears all the pain, weariness, and cynicism of this character right out there on his face in an understated, complex performance. Malek transmits a different kind of energy: the Brad Pitt to Washington’s Morgan Freeman. He is full of confidence and swagger that hide a deeply obsessive personality. “You and I are a lot alike,” Leto’s Albert Sparma tells Malek at one point, and though the line is stock, the sentiment hits close.
Speaking of Leto, the actor who won an Oscar eight years ago for his sensitive work as a transgender woman in Dallas Buyers Club has gravitated toward more showy work in recent roles like the Joker in Suicide Squad (2016) and the twisted Niander Wallace in Blade Runner 2049 (2017). His efforts here are along the same lines. Leto immerses himself in the persona of Sparma with creepy results, but at the same time, the character is all but wearing a big, bright “I Am A Serial Killer” sign on his head.
On the other hand, the effect may be intentional. Although The Little Things suffers in the homestretch from a third act that stumbles and increasingly strains believability, it leads to a denouement that deliberately sets it apart from the other examples of its genre in its ambiguity. This makes the film less about the hunt for the killer and more about the effects that the process has on the people involved, with far less of the closure that human beings crave.
“When I look in your eyes, what I see, it ain’t good,” says Deacon’s friend Flo (Michael Hyatt), a medical examiner, as they dredge up the shared past they are complicit in. And hat we see in the eyes of all three core performances changes over the course of The Little Things, but also remains unnervingly elusive. “It’s never over,” Malek says at one point, and John Lee Hancock knows that that realization may be the most chilling “little thing” of all.
The Little Things opens in theaters and premieres on HBO Max this Friday, Jan. 29.
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