#ahh the characters names in order r
sirnavergi · 6 months
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good batch of a random assortment of doodles from today which r mostly not connected
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tsukasalvr · 2 years
Your themes are God Tier!!! I wish I had the same creativity for my blog 😭😭😭
1. Finding a nice icon
2. Finding random pics that would maybe go w it (Pinterest or search up messy layouts or [character name] messy layouts or [color] messy layouts on tumblr!!)
3. Put them together
So they key to making themes is putting random but unique orders and pics that would go well together and text symbols and different fonts!!!!! And make sure the colors somewhat match and even use pics that normally wouldn’t look good together and make it work so it’s unique!!!!!!
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thetruthaboutnolan · 2 months
Ahh another one that magically popped up and with no proof at all no doubt. It’s always fun hearing new stories even if I already know how they are going to go. It’s always one of four ways and I’ll break them down with the actual truth of what really happened.
1) The thing that never happened.
Pretty self explanatory really. This is the story you’d see on r/thathappened really. It’s a made up tale either a complete work of fiction. Just a tale to add to the mythos or something they themselves made up out of a dream for whatever reason.
2) the thing you actually did or the tale you witness somewhere else.
It’s something that they saw happen on some group they were on and they erased the name of the people involved, of the group, and the year and inserted me and what they need to in order to do the story right. Also can be something they themselves did but are trying to change the narrative so it was me instead of them so they can muddy peoples memory and separate themselves from it while keeping someone in the frame so those that don’t remember the fine details can spread this version.
They have zero evidence of anything and the minute you question it they either get defensive as hell of delete it. A good example of this is that Katherine McNamara lady. She took the tale of when she and her friends were annoyed by one sixteen year old girl and sent a groomer and pedo in the group after her. She removed her friends, made me into the pedo, and her I to the victim. But she fucked up when she claimed the group was her own, on jcink, was a supernatural group, and discord was involved. When you question it and learn the group’s main was still up on tumblr and it was a slice of life site and discord wasn’t even public in the time she’s claiming, she instantly deleted the post and distanced herself from the tale but some people wanna believe it despite knowing it’s completely fake.
3) the mountain out of a mole hill.
This is pretty much the thing that might have annoyed someone and they/others made it into a Shakespearean drama. This from my experience are your ALR and WOTNA type dramas.
On the former I message someone asking if they saw my reply as I was waiting in their own, if not it’s cool I’m just letting them know. They tell me they are so sorry and and missed it but will reply right now. I then send two other messages each someone between 7 to 10 days apart again asking they they wanted to continue the thread and if not it’s cool I’ll just consider it done and the last that I’m dropping after seeing them reply and make other new threads and won’t post with them again unless they start the thread. Which didn’t even annoy the person I was sending it to, it annoyed the girl who was shipped with their character as she felt I was trying to move on to the ship despite having a thing with another female character and my character openly state and be known as a close friend almost little brother like figure for the character who according to her I was trying to steal the ship of. And some how she got the whole staff team to believe I was harassing multiple members and sexually doing something that was never clear. Only to later on be told by the staff and members that they person who started it all was known as being dramatic and insanely toxic but she had pull with the main admin so what she said went.
The WOTNA drama has been told to death and just like the ALR, staff and those involved have openly admitted it was made up drama, people spun their own made up tales to be involved in it, and it was good gossip. At the heart of it, it really was just my friend I was posting with bitched he didn’t like how I posted and made my character do a lot to progress the thread, he never told me this, kept bitching to one staff member about it, and that staff member spread it to others who then through out trigger words drama. Both my friend has said a lot of the stuff claimed he didn’t even know and never said and staff even said they were pretty sure so and so said it and it had to be true always also admitting when they had drama with someone else they just blamed it on me then would switch back to blaming someone else when they had drama with that person.
Small little things that range from an annoyance, lack of communication, or just born of jealousy that gets packed on and on til it’s this mutated thing that it never was but everyone thinks of as true. At least until it’s broken down and even then no one really knows what actually happened until you break down all the layers and see it all started over this small stupid thing.
4) The I hate you so fuck you.
This can be anyone from former friends, former staff/members, friend of a friend, someone you never interacted with or knew existed, or the person who is irrelevant trying to use you to be someone important. AKA a social climber.
They don’t know you but hate you because it’s popular and people will listen to or read in this case, anything with your name attached to it. They don’t realize you’re the draw and the one getting all the attention. The more they go off on you the more you get people both just over it and not caring and people wanting to hear your said and feeling bad for you having such a crazy loon wanting to ride your d. I call them fans and finally found out how to monetize them so getting some extra money every week thanks to them. It’s great, keep going haha.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Stuck with Heartslabyul
I also procrastinated on this for so frickin’ long. I made two other series of being home dorm quarantined with other TWST characters like Octavinelle and Savanaclaw which you can go read if you want! I hope you enjoy this one! ^^
Riddle Rosehearts
He still somehow carry out his dorm leader duties-
Let us shed a tear for this young boy-
also there is from head to toe neatly
V e r y  neatly 
placed in order
organized files, books, documents-
What tf is this an office or a dorm room?????
well whatever-
He thinks that this is the perfect opportunity to bake things.
With you!
Well, truthfully he can’t really bake as well as Trey but he tries,
and if you are by his side baking,
he feels a little bit more confident, and a lot more happier!
Unbirthday parties can’t be carried out since
ya know,
no social contact :’)))
so, he’ll just have daily unbirthday parties with you!
And lemme just tell you,
after so many hours of baking,
he’s getting the hang of it-
And you realized he’s actually really good in setting a tea party atmosphere.
Like he knows how to arrange the teacups,
he prepared frickin’ napkins my lord this Ciel Phantomhive kid is extra-
But not going to lie, 
It’s really pretty the set up.
Buuuut, his baking still needs some work going-
“Oh? R-really? Didn’t it say 5 tablespoons?”
“You poured 5 whole cups-”
Trey Clover
being stuck with Trey is the best option-
He bakes
And I’m not saying he baked a lot of pastries equivalent to how much he bakes for unbirthday parties-
Oh no non no-
It’s frickin’ thrice the amount-
He experimented a lot-
From baking macrons, chiffon cakes, frickin’ candy art-
You are blessed when you’re stuck with him, s/o-
“Holy shit Trey, what is that??”
“Oh, I’m just carving the chocolate.”
“Honey, that looks like you just created Van Gogh shit, that looks fancy and really hard to do-”
“Sugar, I’ll make your food look and taste like ‘Van Gogh shit’ for you anytime.”
Cough cheesy Trey cOuGH
And he’s like a housewife not gonna lie-
he wakes up earlier during quarantine surprisingly, 
maybe cuz he always finish schoolwork MUCH earlier now-
and he doesn’t have much to carry out as Vice dorm-
so he wakes up early,
and cooks frickin pancakes whatever delicious shit that comes to mind for you to eat for breakfast
cbdhidcchnff hnf
W H A T-
Also brush your teeth after you finish eating-
Cater Diamond
Cup noodle game is strong-
Unhealthy, yes-
but you do all sorts of things with it,
to which he’ll always post on Magicam.
Like you guys make curry instant noodles,
salad with the dry instant noodle bits for salad toppings--
list goes on my dude-
and not only that, 
he posts all those like daily life at home (or in this case his dorm room-)
and he’s gonna be posting about E V E R Y T H I N G
From what you both had for breakfast, what you guys did at 3 pm,
Every. Second. Of. Being. Stuck. With. You.
“I know, that’s why I’ll post it in my private account which is my diary btw~”
“First off, your private account has like at least 1000 people in it, secondly, buy yourself an actual book diary, and thirdly, I’m liTERALLY IN THE TOILET WITH UGLY ASS BAGGY PANTS TRYING TO FIX THE LIGHTS-”
Because of this incident, you bought him a plain writing book online.
You know he wouldn’t like writing with a lot of words,
Scrapbooking! *Cue the glitter filter*
he has so much fun!
Decorating, pasting all the photos he took with you and printed them out.
He loves it so much! Being stuck with Cater is productive and maybe a little tiring, but hey! Works for the both of you!
Deuce Spade
This boy-
Oh my god-
He’s absolutely so sweet and adorable-
I can’t-
He’s not the best, he knows,
sometimes he wonders why you would ever want to be stuck with him-
but this man puts in more effort than he can to make sure you are comfortable during the pandemic time-
like his cooking went from a C to S class dear-
Although they are egg based dishes, there is
A  w i d e variety in each dish-
And it really tastes good-
But you can tell he’s really tired trying to perfect his dish,
he wished he was Trey my lord-
Cuddle him please,
every day at every hour at every second just pleaseeeee
he needs it-
and he wants it-
but is just shy about it-
ahem sorry-
he surprisingly took up knitting and wanted you to join in after browsing online for more recipes to which randomly stumbled upon knitting basics videos
So arts and crafts time!!! ahh children-
He knits a very simple cloth at first-
which escalated to become scarves, blankets , mittens, sweaters like-
w o a h
Grandma Deuce-
and he also found these charity organizations who sold homemade products online to collect money to raise funds to give to people in need.
Let us put it as it’s not a scam website.
Soooo he published some of his hand made scarves, blankets and sweaters online-
And I swear this man is so sweet I can’t-
“Well, we have to do something to help these people! And they’re giving us a chance to give them our support!”
He also used the first handmade blanket he knitted with you as your official sleeping blanket.
With shit tons of cuddles.
Being stuck with Deuce is honestly just so sweet and wholesome.
Ace Trappola
This idiot-
This absolute h e a t h e n-
I just wish you good luck man-
He just absolutely LOVES to prank you.
“What the fck what?”
“Huh? What makes you think that?”
You just gotta survive by pranking him too.
Also this man-
And not just video games,
Oh non no no-
Hide and seek, chase-
ya name it.
At every hour-
You also play virtual UNO with the whole Heartslaybyul gang sometimes-
“Riddle, lower your microphone level-”
*Pulls a green card*
*You put in the green reverse card*
*Switch back to poor Riddle lmao*
every night-
moving on,
He’s also the type who will make memes of the two of you when being stuck together lmao-
As for food-
either take out or you cook-
He cannot be trusted with the kitchen-
he can’t take one step in it no joke-
All in all, being stuck with Ace is really just crack level head energy soraing through the sky with his love dovey antics.
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test-tube · 3 years
Dawn at the Winery
Author’s Note: Apologies!! School took up a lot of time and I also just couldn’t carry the plot- (pspspsps @starfell-traveler​​ come here you simp) Pairings: Crepus x GN!Reader Word Count: 1533 (I’m ashamed)  TW: death
You took a deep breath, excited for your new job. You were sure working at the Dawn Winery wouldn’t be too difficult, right? Right? It’ll be perfectly fine, you assured yourself. You opened the doors and were greeted by the sound of children cheering.
“I gotcha!”
“AHH- “
A blue haired child fell onto a chaise, then started squirming. “I’ve been hit! R…remember mE!”
You couldn’t help but giggle at the two. They looked about 6 maximum.
The redheaded child turned to you. “Oh, who’re you?”
“I’m Y/N, your-“You paused. You shouldn’t make any rash assumptions. “Master Crepus hired me. Is he here?”
“Papa’s upstairs in his office. But he did leave us this.” The child handed you a paper, outlining your tasks for the day.
“I guess I’ve got to take care of you two. So,” You bent over to his height and ruffled his soft hair. “What do you want to do?”
“We were playing pirates...but if you can take us outside…” The kid’s eyes were wide with pleading. The infamous puppy dog eyes. You crumbled.
“All right, all right. What’re your names first?”
The child with blue hair stood up and dashed over. “I’m Captain Kaeya!”
“No, you’re not.”
“Shush Diluc.”
“Kaeya and Diluc then.” You smiled at the two.
“Actually, it’s Diluc and Kaeya.” Diluc corrected. “I’m older.”
“Diluc and Kaeya,” You amended. “Shall we go outside?”
“Woohoo!!” The two boys ran outside quickly, you chuckled and followed them.
  They played for hours upon hours. Would they ever run out of energy? The sun had started to set, you ordered them back inside. You were met with a taller man with red hair similar to Diluc’s. His foot was tapping against the floor, his arms were crossed.
Diluc and Kaeya stopped short. Their heads hung low. “Sorry Papa.” They said in unison.
(Y/N: 😀😀 I’ve been lied to)
“I’ll ask this one time. Who let you two out?” The man ordered.
You gulped and met the eyes of the man. “I did sir. I deeply apologize.”
His eyes met your and his expression softened in a way. Maybe it was due to how sheepish you looked?
“A common mistake. These two can easily win people over.” He emitted a warm atmosphere now, and he walked over and ruffled the hair of his sons. “But it won’t happen again. Not without permission.”
“Yes sir, of course.” You nodded. You were incredibly relieved of Master Crepus’ easy-going nature. You had a feeling working here would be fun.
Everyday was a new adventure, caring for the Ragnvindr boys. You played pirates, attended parties, watched over their lessons. You smiled and listened and watched over these boys like they were your own, in some way you felt like a parent yourself. You loved this feeling and wanted to cherish it.
You had held your occupation for over a year now and you have never been so fond of the household. Crepus tells the boys such wonderful stories at night, shifting his tone for each characters to make the audience giggle. Taking tour along the winery, pointing out all the wildlife.
While it’s true Crepus does spend a majority of his time working, when he comes out it’s like the sun peeking from behind clouds, a rare, warm event.
“Mx. Y/N, Mx. Y/N!” called Kaeya. He clutched several letters in hand. “You got something in the mail! I’m not sure why it came here though…”
“No matter, thanks for the delivery.” You ruffled the kid’s hair like you always did.
He giggled and ran off, leaving you to address the letter privately.
  Dearest Y/N,
I looked upon you on a moonlit night, astounded by your beauty
I see you each day, blown away by your kindness
I’ve come to the terms of my own feelings, but I am unsure of yours
Please accompany me to Windrise, a picnic awaits
  You felt increasingly flustered the longer you held the parchment. It wasn’t signed, no, but you planned to accept. What’s the harm if you did? You would probably need to request time off from Master Crepus…
You knocked on the door to his office, out rang a gruff voice. “Come in.”
“Master Crepus?” You peeked through the doorframe.
His expression softened at the sight of you. “Yes Y/N?”
“I received a letter earlier, inviting me to go to a picnic. I was planning on accepting, may I request time off?”
He pondered this for a second. “Yes, of course.. Take the rest of the day off, actually.”
“Really? I couldn’t do that Master Crepus, I really couldn’t.”
“Nonsense. You deserve a break.”
You looked hesitantly at your boss but gave in. “Alright. But tomorrow I’ll arrive early.”
“If you insist.”
You nodded and stepped outside of the office to inform the boys you were leaving and that they were expected to behave themselves for the hours you were gone.
The wind blew lazily in your hair as you walked to the roots of the Windrise tree. A small blanket was set up with a basket and candles. You sat carefully on one side, promising yourself to not look just yet. You heard a slight shift and peeked at your suitor. You gasped at the familiar face.
He looked extremely worried and hesitant, which was honestly fair. You erupted into a small smile. “Did you mean all of those things? In the letter?”
“Of course. All of that and more.”
You felt blush creep onto your cheeks. You looked down at the blanket. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t say anything.”
His voice reassured you easily, like how his stories could lull Kaeya and Diluc to sleep.
You scooted closer to him and muttered something about eating the food. The two of you dined together while Crepus occasionally told stories and jokes to make you feel more at ease. It was nice, seeing Master Crepus able to relax. It made you feel all warm and fuzzy how he’d want to spend his time with you.
The veil of night spread over the sky. You bid Crepus farewell.
“You could stay at the winery if you wish.” He offered.
It was rather far from home. You lived alone anyways, it would be quite lonely, sitting in a silent home. You nodded and turned towards the manor. He silently asked permission to grab you by the waist, after your confirmation he snugly held you in a sort of half hug.
The two of you arrived and he hesitated outside of the guest room.
“Thank you for accompanying me.”
“Thank you for the invitation.” You reply with a smile. He kissed your hand softly and walked over to the master bedroom, disappearing for the night.
You awoke with a smile, remembering the acts of last night. You hummed contentedly as you got dressed and walked through the manor. Diluc and Kaeya were both already awake, reading in the family room. When Kaeya caught sight of you he looked excited.
“How did it go?”
Both you and Diluc replied “How did what go?”
“Oh, come on~” Kaeya set down his book and walked over to you. “You know what I’m talking about. Papa was very excited that you went, he put extra effort in his story last night.”
You became flushed and tried to hide the pink on your cheeks. “That? Oh, it was wonderful. But it’s between me and your papa, alright?” You booped Kaeya on the nose and he giggled. “Don’t you two have classes to get to?”
The two boys nodded and dashed off, though you caught a hint of Kaeya whispering something. Couldn’t stop him from gossiping. As usual.
Crepus walked into the family room. “Ah, I was just about to get them.”
“Good morning Master Crepus.” You said meekly.
“Let’s not bother with formalities.” He smiled and gave you another kiss on the hand before carefully grabbing it and pulling you into a dance. Music drafted from somewhere nearby. You had no time to regain your composure, so you just focused on the steps. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Kaeya and Diluc peeked from a doorframe, giggling. You caught their eye and you smiled as their expressions became surprised and the duo dashed away.
“Is something wrong?” Crepus asked.
“No, no of course not.” You looked back at the man and smiled as his gentle expression.
Each day there was something new. He made you breakfast. Bought you gifts. Wrote you letters. Called you “my fawn” or “sweet flower”. You were totally and indefinitely entranced.
You remembered these days with a bittersweet heart as the rain dripped down from your umbrella onto your hands encased with black silk.
You remembered these days during your silent grieving with Kaeya.
You remembered these days when you saw that little velvet box on Crepus’ desk and broke down in sobs. Diluc had found you that day and comforted you, but you could hardly hear him over your throbbing heart.
You looked at the two older boys, turned away from each other. Their world had been torn apart. Your world had been torn apart.
“Can we go play pirates?” You ask with a sob.
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themonkeycabal · 3 years
Wandavision Ep 5 Spoilers
Wherein I watch Wandavision at a stupid hour of the morning because I do not sleep like a regular human being, and sometimes I have things to say.
Previously on Wandavision, we all discovered that Darcy Lewis and Jimmy Woo were the BFFs we never knew we needed and now can't live without. Also Wanda reminded us that she's really scary.
We should be in the 80s now, right? Ahh the 80s. Leg warmers, Aquanet, and MTV.
Baby shenanigans with crying twins. Wanda tries to magic them to sleep and it doesn't work. "Maybe we just need some help." And in pops Agnes without waiting for them to answer the door. As you do in a sitcom hell. She's got a headband and leg warmers on and is on her way to jazzercise. Of course. Is the point of Agnes to really anchor us in a decade? Asking for real. She's very "this is the era, and these are the tropes, let's all play along now."
Vision is very protective of the babies, to such a degree and with such intensity that Agnes literally forgets her line and nervously asks Wanda if she wants her to take that again. Well, then. Agnes very super a lot does not want to be wished to the cornfield. 
The babies stopped crying during the whole "should we do this scene again" interlude. Vision noticed the weirdness and is trying to figure out what's going on, Wanda is trying very hard to pretend everything is normal. Agnes is being super duper bizarre in the background. And suddenly the twins are like three years old. Agnes has given up and got into the liquor. I don't blame her.
Opening credits. Okay, I'm sorry, 'baby' Vision is almost more stupidly funny than I can take. Like … what? I think I want that as my new icon, though. Also the credits are too long. I think they were very proud of their theme song, so we have to hear it all. These are my least favorite so far. Very 80s, but meh.
In the real world, Monica is getting x-rays and giving a report on being yeeted from Wanda World.
Jimmy Woo and Darcy are there to greet her at the end of the exam. "This is Doctor Darcy Lewis." Yes, she is! Still very proud. She's also the doctor of encouraging people to wear pants, shoving a pair at hospital gown-clad Monica. Erik's no-pants phase was very scarring.
The medic comes back and says the medical tests didn't work or something. The medic wants to do x-rays again because the first came back blank and also she's going to have to do another blood draw. Hmm. Monica is still somehow affected by Wanda World? Unclear on how that would work. Some sort of weird witchy radiation-like energy? Monica says 'no' to more needles and also wants to put pants on. Just let the woman have her pants.
Now we're on to a briefing with the acting Director of SWORD whose name I don't remember. He's very "government suit" bland, I have a hard time caring about anything he says. Also, does anybody else pronounce the 'w' in SWORD in their head when they read it? Like I cannot make my brain stop doing that. "s-WUH-ord'.
"Our initial theory had Wanda Maximoff as one of many victims. We now know she is the principle VICTIMIZER!" Settle down there, acting director guy. Why not say 'subject', 'suspect', 'perpetrator', or boring old 'cause of the anomaly". VICTIMIZER! Geez then. I'm going to guess his solution will be a tactical nuke or some such rot.
Jimmy gives background on Wanda.
Acting Director Guy: "The twins were subsequently radicalized, volunteering at Hydra." Jimmy Woo: "That's an oversimplification of events, but yes." I'm giving you heart-eyes Jimmy Woo.
"After unspecified experimentation with the mind stone, Maximoff gained telekinetic and telepathic abilities."
Then a weird aside where the Acting Director — who shall now be known as Acting Director Dick — wants to know if Wanda had a code name or a something, seeming to imply that not having one made her a bad guy?,  and then he points out how the first time she used her powers it was against the Avengers. He totally just ordered a tactical nuke from "overreacting-government-douchebags r us".  I hate this particular character trope, the government heavy who never listens to anybody and is always ready to napalm the suburbs because reasons. It's so tedious.
Jimmy points out that Wanda earned the Avengers trust and then became an Avenger herself, thank you very much. Acting Director Dick doesn't care, he's decided Wanda is a terrorist and he'll turn half of New Jersey into a glass parking lot to get rid of her. Sure am glad he's in charge of some sort of mysterious and powerful agency.
Jimmy Woo is not a fan either, and he walks back over to his new bestie and tells Darcy that while he tries not to speak ill of anybody … Darcy interrupts "then allow me", and she has no trouble saying that Acting Director Dick is, in fact, a dick. That's my girl.
Elsewhere AD Dick is blathering on about how they don't negotiate with terrorists. Well, since Wanda hasn't made any demands, or released a manifesto or anything …. Monica also points out Wanda is not a terrorist. AD Dick twists her report to make Wanda sound as terroristy as he can. I'm bored with him now.
Monica argues with him a bit and say she doesn't believe Wanda World is a premeditated act of aggression. I vote Darcy, Jimmy, and Monica wait until AD Dick is alone, and then they shove him in a locker for the rest of the season. If anybody asks he had to run back to sWUHord for meetings or something, "Darn, you just missed him. I'll tell him you're looking for him. Great. Buh-bye now".
AD Dick needs to make his big jackass point that Wanda is the most terroristy terrorist who ever terroristed, so he shows off footage of Wanda breaking into a SWORD facility to steal back Vision's body. Because that seems terroristy and not at all like some sort of emotional breakdown. As far as I can tell, she just busted open a few doors, but didn't hurt anybody. I think AD Dick doesn't know the meaning of the word terrorist.
And, yes, then she resurrected Vision in an idealized sitcom world in a small city in New Jersey. That's exactly like something a terrorist mastermind would do. Mmmhmm. Is it nice for the people trapped there with them? No, clearly not. Agnes and Herb in particular seem aware and are scared. They need to be rescued and Wanda needs LOADS of therapy. But Director Nuke the Site from Orbit over here isn't going to make anything better. Darcy, sister, shove that asshole into a locker stat.
Jimmy notes that stealing Vision's body is a violation of the Sokovia Accords. And while I appreciate his dedication to maintaining the Accords … well, I mean, look, it's body theft and all. It's not a great look; I absolutely allow that. But you can just sort of stop there. Though, that's very the Sokovia Accords "if this guy dies, his body must go to a shadowy government agency. for safety. yep."
Also Vision had a living will, where he didn't want to be used as a weapon. Sure, okay. Because I'm sure SWORD was just totally not doing anything at all with his body. Nope. Look, I'm totally a SHIELD girl and even I wouldn't necessarily trust SHEILD with that. So, who is SWORD to me? Pfft. I'd give him to Thor or something and ask him to be buried far far away. I'm just saying. I'm supposed to trust Johnny-Come-Lately S-WUH-ORD?
(In my head now is an inter-agency rivalry where SWORD is like "We have rocket ships!" and SHIELD is like "lol, our lead scientist got eaten by a rock and survived on an alien world for like six months". "But rocket ships?" "We've traveled through time a dozen times in the last year alone. We're a bigger chaotic disaster than you can ever hope to be".)
AD Dick undermines his own "SHE'S A TERRORIST!" thesis by saying she acted out of grief. And then he dismisses everybody. "Work the problem!" Uh … whut? Fine? What is the problem? That she's a WILD MURDERY TERRORIST who must be stopped! or a grief stricken woman who stole her technologically advanced boyfriend's body and probably should be talked down? Acting Director Lack of Clarity.
Jimmy wants to know how Wanda could have resurrected Vision without the Mind stone and Darcy wants to know what Vision will do when he figures it out. Fine questions, friends, fine questions. Monica is just like "acting director dick used to be a buddy but now I kind of want to punch him and am very conflicted. oh and wanda kind of freaks me out but also i feel bad for her" only she says all that without words.
Tommy and Billy are now about like 5 or 6 or something. I'm terrible with kids ages. They're up to shenanigans. Oh, they found a lost puppy dog and they're giving him a bath in the sink. It's all super adorable.
Vision wanders in and greets his family all formally and in his human face. He says he has a premonition someone might pop over. He's not a fan of sitcom neighbors either. And there's Agnes now with a dog house. How does she know whether to enter through the front door or the back door?
The dog tries to burn the house down by licking an electrical outlet? so they name him Sparky (harr harr) and Wanda magics him a collar with Agnes right there. Vision's all "wtf darling?" and she points out Agnes didn't even notice when the boys went from babies to five-year olds, she certainly didn't notice the magic collar. Agnes is trying very very hard not to notice anything. Poor Agnes.
Wanda says she's tired of hiding her abilities and Vision is Very Concerned. He's starting to figure things out.
They tell the boys they can't have a dog until they're 10, so the boys grin at each other and age themselves up to 10. That is all very unsettling. Agnes "Let's just hope this dog stays the same size." as she screams internally "save me!"
Real World. Jimmy's hustling back to the science room with coffee for Monica and Darcy. Monica is asking for some sort of wild mobile bunker to help her get back into Wanda World and Darcy's like "well, yes, but also no". But Monica knows an aerospace engineer who'd totally make it for her.  
"I can't guarantee the Hex won't just mind wipe you as you go in." "What's the hex?" "Oh, it's what I'm calling the anomaly because of it's hexagonal shape. It's starting to catch on." Darcy's so proud, but Jimmy's like 'not so much' but he's too polite to say.
Monica's determined to go back in. Jimmy wants to know who the kids are, if they've id'd them or the babies and Monica's all "oh, no, those are legit Wanda's." Darcy says if she can make stuff with her mind, and all the props and whatnot in the Wanda World are real then she's wielding an insane amount of power. Monica is sure she could have taken out Thanos if he hadn't cheated and snapped her. Jimmy thinks Captain Marvel could have done it. Monica very much doesn't want to talk about Captain Marvel.
Monica has an Idea!
Ah, she wants to see her outfit from Wanda World, which is now in the real world. So, is it real matter Wanda created, or is the perception field bleeding over to make them all see that outfit in the real world. That would have been hella awkward if Monica got yeeted out of her clothes.
Monica confirms they're real then steals Jimmy's gun and shoots them. Ahh, she was wearing a kevlar vest when she went into Wanda World, and that changed shape to be her super fly 70s outfit. "Wanda is rewriting reality." Changing things to fit the hex. So they'll send in something that doesn't need to be changed. Um. Sure. Fine. I don't know what that means, or how that would help in this context, but I'm sure I'll find out.
Meanwhile, Vision is at work, and all his coworkers are amazed at the actual computers. Golly shucks. Computers. Hey, so, computers have been around since the 40s. ANYWAY.
"Should we surf the internet?" We're progressing rapidly through the 80s. Oh, lol, Darcy sent an email. And the whole office creepily reads it out loud. Vision is very weirded out. As well he should be. He wipes the computer with his glowy synthezoid powers and then he glowies Norm when Norm tells him 'none of it is real'. Norm wakes up "please help me. what day is it? how long has it been?". Oh dear. Poor Vision. This is all going to go so very badly. Norm gets very freaked out begging Vision to "stop her". Vision resets him.
At the house the boys wonder where dad is, and Wanda tells them it's Monday and he's at work. Except the boys are all "um, no, it's Saturday". Wanda, your house of lies is tumbling down! You shouldn't have let them grow up so fast. Babies don't ask inconvenient questions about why Daddy needs some space from Mommy and her questionable choices for their shared reality.
Wanda takes the opportunity to impart the 80s family sitcom trope of the weekly life lesson about how family might fight, but they still love each other and family is forever. One of the twins asks if she has a brother. She does. He's far away. But, Sparky goes barking at the door. Wanda looks far away herself. She goes to open the door and Sparky runs out.
Monica has sent in a drone from the 80s. Well that wasn't really a thing. But, how does the 1980s rc plane look more high tech than the 2020s drone they sent in first? Talk to your design team, SWORD.
Anyway, Wanda spots the drone, but she's keeping it out of the broadcast, because she's the editor and director and producer of Wandavision, of course.
Monica announces herself and tries to get Wanda to acknowledge her. Whoops. Wanda's eyes go glowy. AD Dick says "take the shot" and Monica's all "what? no, the drone isn't armed." Except of course it is, because AD Dick is a monumental dick, and he's got a backup drone pilot who takes the shot. Wandavision goes off air. And, oh no, there's a breach at the Hex!
Lol. It's Wanda coming through, dragging the mangled corpse of the drone with her. That was entirely deserved, AD Dick. I hope she shoves it up your ass, dick.
"The missile was just a precaution". AD Dick backpedals quick, like a coward. You gave a three second attempt to talk to Wanda before you pulled the trigger, I don't like you. "You can hardly blame us."
Wanda warns him to stay out. "You won't bother me, I won't bother you." Okay, well, he does kind of have a point, in that there's a whole town of people who are stuck as bit players in Wanda World. That's not very nice. I mean, surely she could have found a nice empty spot somewhere and created her sitcom utopia. That's at least a fair criticism.
Monica tries her best to talk Wanda down. It doesn't work particularly well.
"What do you want?" "I have what I want and no one will ever take it from me again." And she mind controls the soldiers training their guns on her, to turn them on AD Dick. Whoops. And Wanda goes back to her world. The Hex glows all red as she goes.
And we go to commercial. Lagos Brand paper towels. "For when you make a mess you didn't mean to." Wow, so that was brutal. Wanda's not mad at you, Monica. She's just carrying a lot of guilt. Ouch.
Back in Wandavision, the boys are looking for their dog. They find Agnes hiding in the bushes with the dog. Poor Sparky apparently ate some azalea leaves and died. The boys are very sad and Wanda warns them not to age up. They can't run from their feelings. Oh Wanda. "It's too sad," Billy says. "You can fix anything mom," Tommy cries, "Fix the dead". Yikes.
Wanda "I'm trying to tell you there are rules in life." Poor Agnes is trying not to have a total meltdown. "We can't reverse death. No matter how sad it makes us. Some things are forever."
Billy and Tommy try to talk her into bringing back Sparky. And Vision turns up. Well, this is just brutal.
Vision is entirely outside of Wanda's control. "I spoke with Norm. I unearthed the man's suppressed personality and I spoke to him free of your oversight." Yikes. "He was in pain, Wanda."
Okay it's kind of funny they're arguing over the end credits. Vision is very very pissed. "I'm scared." Aww.
Wanda insists she's not in charge of every life in Westview. "I don't know how any of this started in the first place." Huh. Is that really true? Because she's pretty sure of it now. Somebody or something convinced her into a sitcom world and now she's just like "yeah, this is good"? really asking.
"I didn't do that." 
Vision: *doubt*
Wanda goes to answer the door.
In the real world, alarms are blaring but Darcy notices a new revelation on Wandavision.
Wanda Word — and it's Pietro at the door. See! I knew it had to be Pietro who'd be the surprise guest thingy. I mean it's hilariously X-Men Pietro (Evan Peters, like @lewstonewar suggested), but Pietro nonetheless. There's nobody else it could have been.
Darcy be all WTF? "She recast Pietro?" lol
Okay, Wanda seems legit shocked. I don't think she did that. And I super really don’t think she’d make him sound like a NYC cabbie. 
And end.
Well. I mean, I'm not sure what to think. Wanda insists she's not controlling everything. I don't think she created Pietro. But, she totally stole Vision's body and created the kids and seems mostly happy in her sitcom universe and she can traverse the Hex, which obviously suggests its her doing. Dunno. I have questions about Agnes and her convenient timeliness here and there.
The mystery continues.
Disney wants to know if I want to watch Age of Ultron next. How poorly you know me, Disney.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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Back with another installment of the POTC AU...and we have entered mermaid (and men) waters, folks. These two lovely creatures are Merman!Kai Williams and Mermaid!Keira Jones, owned by @hphm-brooke, based on their designs here, but with more of the “fishy” look the mermaids have while underwater in Pirates 4! (They look much more like Brooke’s concepts, when they’re above water.) I hope I did your kids justice, cherie! Yes, I know this visual logically doesn’t work at all as neat as it looks, since Carewyn should be drowning if there’s a hole in the ship she can see through: I was stupid and half asleep when I originally drew this, but I went ahead and conjured up an explanation for it for the actual writing section, so indulge me. XD;;
Some LGBT+ headcanons of mine for the HPHM cast are also featured here -- namely, McNully as gay, Skye as lesbian, and Charlie as aroace. (I also personally see Carewyn and Orion as ace/pan and gray-A, respectively. ^.^) Feel free to ignore them if you see these characters differently than I do...goodness knows I understand why plenty of people would want to hook up with Charlie!! He can always be interpreted as demi, gray-A, or just a late bloomer here too, if thou dost prefer. <3
For the previous part of this AU, click here -- for the full POTC AU tag, click here -- otherwise, enjoy! And beware any siren song you may hear...
The Revenge was an even more oppressive prison than it was when Carewyn was a child. Charles Cromwell had always been a very controlling, cruel man who only saw someone’s value based on what they could do for him. Even when you were family of his -- or, one could argue, especially if you were -- you were expected to never say “no” to him and to always put his desires over your own. So it was when she and Jacob were under his control way back when, and so it was now that Carewyn was alone.
Interestingly, despite Charles’s clear disdain for Carewyn having become a Commodore of the Navy, he actually seemed very coldly pleased by how she’d grown.
“The Navy may be a pathetic institution,” Charles said very coolly as he strode leisurely in a circle around Carewyn, “but at least fighting in the War toughened you up. You’re strong -- ruthless -- talented in swordplay and willing to do whatever it takes to defeat your enemies. You’ve been taught and trained to kill.”
He stopped right in front of her, his cold almond-shaped blue eyes boring into her as his lips spread into a smile.
“You are far from the weak, bleeding-heart little girl you were before, Carewyn. Before, you could only be useful in persuading other men to join my crew -- now, once we’ve finished at Isle de Muerta...you’ll be able to join your aunts by doing that and helping us with our plunder.”
Carewyn’s eyes, which were the same color and shape as Charles’s, met his gaze head-on with just as much coldness, but with no hint of a smile.
“I have no intention of being anything like Pearl or Claire,” she spat, “least of all by being one of your pawns.”
Pearl made a violent move forward, but Blaise grabbed her arm and gave her a dull warning look.
“Pawns?” repeated Charles. “I’m wounded, child. We are family -- we are blood. I raised you and your brother. I provided for you.”
“After killing both Mum and Dad right in front of us,” Carewyn said very coldly.
Charles feigned an empathetic expression, but it only came across as incredibly condescending.
“Yes -- it was a horrible thing. But your parents thought to abandon the crew, our family...to take you two children away from me, your grandfather, who loves you so dearly. And deserters and traitors must be held accountable -- any good leader knows that. It’s awful that it had to happen...but they left me no choice.”
Carewyn’s eyes flashed with hatred.
“First of all...our parents thought to protect their family -- Jacob and me -- from you. Second, any good leader knows that true loyalty is accrued through respect, not fear. Third, you always have a choice to do what’s right, and you didn’t. Fourth, I will NOT hear you try to tell me that my parents brought their deaths upon themselves when you pulled the trigger. And fifth...”
She took a step forward, aiming to get right up in Charles’s face -- Claire Cromwell grabbed her harshly by the arm and held her back, but Carewyn was strong enough to push herself forward right up into her grandfather’s personal space anyway.
“...you don’t know what love is,” hissed Carewyn venomously.
Charles’s face lost all hint of a smile or warmth, instead becoming oddly mask-like and detached as he considered her. The stillness was far, far more intimidating than his attempts at pleasantry -- it was like he truly felt nothing...like all possibility of persuasion or appealing to his better instincts was hopeless.
“It seems freedom has spoiled you, my child,” he said softly. “I suppose I’d have to blame your brother for being such a bad influence on you...at least while he was still alive.”
Carewyn’s face blanched and her eyes widened. ‘What?’
“Oh?” said Charles, raising his eyebrows in mock concern. “Were you unaware? I thought for sure something would’ve trickled back to you through the Navy. But I suppose if they had told you, you’d have had far less reason to be loyal to them. After all...the pirate who killed him ended up getting a full pardon from the crown, and now works alongside the new Lord Cutler Beckett at the East India Trading Company...a thoroughly prosperous woman, by all accounts.”
Charles’s face again grew much mask-like as he stared down at Carewyn.
“One would never know such a woman could be capable of shooting a man square in the back and then pushing him overboard into the ocean...and just when he’d returned from Port Royal, to find that his sister was gone...”
Carewyn could feel her shoulders quaking. Her eyes had fallen away from Charles and down to the deck a while ago, as she struggled to contain her emotions, but what he said --
It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t be. Jacob, dead -- Jacob, having gone to look for her, and not finding her because she’d gone off to War -- Jacob, being murdered right after he tried to come home --
“You’re lying!” snarled Carewyn, but her voice quaked with pain and grief despite her best efforts.
Charles didn’t answer. Clearly he didn’t think he had to. The silence was infinitely worse than if he’d chosen to mock her further -- it forced her to solely focus on the terrible doubt and pain flooding her chest and making it hard for her to breathe.
Charles’s gaze flickered up to Claire still holding Carewyn’s arm.
“Get Carewyn out of that Navy filth and into some proper clothes,” he said almost boredly. “Make sure to pick something that shows off her assets -- she comes from fine breeding, and we want the men of Tortuga to see that first.”
His gaze then rested on Carewyn again, twinkling with a cruel kind of satisfaction, as Claire yanked Carewyn away. Carewyn fought against her grip, but before she could pull out of it, Pearl grabbed her other arm and, with considerably more strength, helped Claire drag her away.
Carewyn was soon forced into a pair of men’s knee breeches so tight that they felt more like form-fitting stockings than trousers; tall black boots; an off-white sailor’s shirt identical to Pearl’s with such an oversized neckline that her chest was largely exposed; and an R-standard dark red coat just small enough that she couldn’t button it around herself to hide her chest better. Pearl had also pointed a pistol at Carewyn’s neck while Claire applied eye-make-up and bright red lipstick. Carewyn normally wouldn’t have minded wearing make-up -- she may have had to dress like a man out of necessity, but she liked women’s fashion a lot. Under the circumstances, though, it was impossible to enjoy it.
Needless to say, Carewyn was in no mood to take orders from Charles or exchange so much as a word with any member of his crew, whether it was her uncle, aunts, cousins, or in-laws. At one point, one night, one of those such cousins -- clearly very amused by how unhappy Carewyn was with her new “look” -- decided to try to force himself into her personal space, and Carewyn was so disgusted that she grabbed his own pistol out of his belt and pointed it right at his head to threaten him to back off. Rather than scare him, though, the cousin merely laughed.
“Go ahead!” he jeered. He clearly thought Carewyn was too much of a “good girl” to do it. “Go ahead and shoot me. Right in the head, come on -- ”
Carewyn pointed the pistol down at his thigh instead and fired.
The younger man collapsed in on himself with a cry as his leg collapsed out from under him, the bone clearly blasted open from how close the pistol had been. Carewyn then gave the pistol a light shake to clear the smoke.
“Seems to me that place is closer to where you do most of your thinking than your head,” she said very coldly. She looked around at the rest of the crew, who’d stopped to watch, and added, “Now, all of you, stay away from me -- AHH!”
She suddenly felt a hand seize her around the neck and hoist her up off the ground.
The younger man somehow was back on his feet again, as if he hadn’t been injured at all. Carewyn’s shock only seemed to make him smugger still, even though his smile was oddly humorless.
“You’re so cute, little Winnie,” he said. “Thinking you can hurt somebody who feels nothing but pain already.”
At that very moment, the clouds parted, to reveal an eerie silver-white moon. And it was in that terrible, paralyzing moment that Carewyn saw why everyone said that the crew of the Revenge was cursed.
It seems that the medallion Jacob had stolen from Charles’s office wasn’t just a pirate trinket. It was one of 100 identical pieces from a cursed chest that once belonged to Cortez himself. Anyone who stole but one piece from the chest was cursed trapped between life and death, unable to enjoy any earthly pleasure -- food, drink, or otherwise -- with their true decaying form only revealed under moonlight. Jacob had taken the medallion with the thought that Carewyn could always sell it if they ever got really desperate for money -- Carewyn had kept it because it was one of the only things Jacob had ever been able to give her before he disappeared, and she cursed herself eternally for the sentiment now. Still, she told herself, it also hadn’t seemed safe to try to sell something that so clearly looked like a pirate medallion anyway -- just about anyone would ask where she got it, and that would’ve opened her up to a million more questions. In either case, that medallion Carewyn had was the last piece that Charles Cromwell needed to break the curse -- and thanks to her fame as the newest Commodore in the Navy, one of her portrait miniatures had found its way into Charles’s hands, revealing to him where his granddaughter had vanished to. And now he had both her and the medallion -- in short, everything he’d wanted.
Charles Cromwell decided to punish Carewyn for her little act of defiance by locking her in the brig. It was a very wet and mildew-stained place -- clearly it had been host to more than a few leaks. One hole in Carewyn’s cell in particular even showed clear blue ocean water -- she suspected that the Revenge had been patched up with quite a few spells to keep it from sinking, over the years. She remembered there was a witch on Tortuga that her grandfather sometimes made deals with -- maybe she’d given him something to keep the sea water from rushing in.
Carewyn could’ve easily broken out of the brig, but under the circumstances, she decided it wasn’t worth it. Not only did she not want to show off all her tricks yet, but the cell door would at least serve as a barrier between her and everyone else, for now. And that was what she’d wanted -- to get as far away from them as she could. Jacob would’ve understood. Jacob had always been there as a protective wall between her and the rest of their family, in the past...
The night in that cell was one of the coldest, darkest, and loneliest of Carewyn’s life. Her heart ached at the thought of Jacob -- of Percy, his face white with upset and terror when she told him to retreat -- of Bill and Charlie -- of Jules. She missed them so much, and yet she knew...she would likely never see them again. Charles Cromwell wouldn’t tolerate her insubordination for long, and if she failed to escape -- rather likely, considering that neither he nor the rest of her family could be killed, at this point -- she’d be murdered just like her parents.
...At least then...she’d see Jacob again...
She didn’t know when or how she’d fallen to sleep, but it was in her sleep, when she was most lonely, that Carewyn found herself again in her and Jacob’s tiny, old house in Port Royal, sitting at the side of her own bed, which currently held a young man with a worn brown bandana around his head, a black eye, and bandages around his arms. He looked up at her, his dark eyes rippling like the darkest sea -- and then, he rose from the bed. As he did, he changed, becoming older, with tanner skin and dreadlocks under an emerald green bandana. Orion didn’t say anything in the dream -- instead he held her gaze, drowning her in it as he gently held her hands in his...
When Carewyn awoke, she found her face wet with tears. Wiping her face clean, she sat awake for a while, revisiting Orion in her mind. As bizarre as it sounded -- just like he had many times in the past -- the thought of Orion seemed to bring her a sense of peace and focus she couldn’t quite explain. And it was for that reason that she found herself singing one of the songs she used to sing Orion to sleep, all those years ago...for the thought of him, if not for the man himself.
Abroad, as I was walking one evening in the spring,
I heard a maid in Bedlam who mournfully did sing.
Her chains she rattled on her hands, and thus replied she:
"I love my love because I know my love loves me.
Oh, cruel were his parents who sent my love to sea,
And cruel was the ship that bore my love from me --
Yet I love his parents since they’re his, although they've ruined me...
I love my love because I know my love loves me.” 
As luck would have it, however, her song attracted some attention. For the waters surrounding the dreaded Isle de Muerta contained merfolk -- specifically a mermaid called Keira and a merman called Kai, who hunted as a pair and had heard Carewyn singing through the hole in the ship’s hull.
“Was that you singing?” asked Kai. He seemed the more sociable of the two -- the red-haired mermaid behind him called Keira was staying at a distance.
Carewyn rested a hand beside the hole, trying to peek out at who was speaking. She couldn’t see them very well, but from what little she could see, they didn’t look like how she’d always heard mermaids described. They appeared human enough on top, of course, but she could see scales on their faces and there was no white in their eyes. Kai had one completely brown eye and one completely blue eye, while Keira had completely blue.
“Yes,” said Carewyn.
“I could hear the longing in your voice,” said Kai. “Like a woman in love.”
Carewyn’s face flushed, but she kept as proud of an expression as she could manage.
“...Are you merfolk?”
“Why, yes,” said Kai with a smile. “And you? Are you a pirate? Or perhaps you’re a maid from Bedlam, awaiting her love’s return?”
“Neither. My name is Carewyn...but most people call me Carey Weasley.”
Keira looked at Carewyn through the hole, clearly interested despite her distance.
“You’re different than the other humans on this ship,” she said thoughtfully.
Carewyn scoffed. “I’d certainly hope so. I suppose my grandfather and his crew fear you?”
“Fear, yes,” said Keira in an oddly stiff voice, “but we don’t approach them.”
The memory of her disgusting pirate cousin as a molting skeleton rippled over Carewyn’s mind and she grimaced.
“...I don’t blame you for that. I wouldn’t be here either, if I had a choice.”
Kai raised a curious eyebrow. “You’re a prisoner, then.”
Carewyn sighed and nodded. Kai’s eyes flickered over to Keira before returning to Carewyn.
“...Perhaps we can get you out.”
Carewyn was startled. “What?”
Kai’s lips turned up in a smile. “Come with us...we’ll help you escape.”
It was strange -- Carewyn hadn’t known these two at all, but something in their voices sounded so kind. Despite everything she’d ever heard about sirens, they seemed oddly persuasive...it was like even they were singing beautifully, even while talking...
“No,” she said. “My grandfather and his crew can’t be killed. I’d never be able to defeat them, while they’re like that...and anyone who tried to help me would be killed right along with me.”
Her eyes softened. “Thank you...but I have to stay here.”
Both Kai and Keira looked genuinely startled. Kai seemed to rest on his stomach in mid-air, his tail flopping up over his head as he rested his chin on his fist, his lips spreading in a much fuller, fanged smirk.
“...Well, now,” he said, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone saying ‘no’ to one of our kind in order to protect them before. He shared a glance with Keira. “You truly are different, Carey Weasley.”
Keira exhaled tiredly. “Come on, Kai...let’s go.”
“Coming, coming,” said Kai in amusement, as Keira began to swim off. He added to Carewyn, “Guess we’ll never know if we would’ve been able to tempt you, if we’d met you above water...oh well. Best of luck, little Bedlam maid -- thanks for the new song!”
Kai swam in a circle to follow along after Keira and disappeared into the dark blue depths.
Back on the Artemis, the days of their voyage dragged. Jules had heard all sorts of exciting stories about pirates since she was a child, but now that she was onboard a ship with them, she found that it was far less glamorous than one would think. There was so little to do to pass the time, aside from trimming sails or swabbing decks. Charlie and Bill admitted that was a lot of what sailing on board ships was like in general -- there was plenty of excitement, sure, but only inter-spliced briefly between long stretches of nothing. On top of that, the water on board went sour before long, making it so everyone had to drink rum instead, since it was the only drink that didn’t go bad at sea. The best thing by far for Jules, though, was that there was no dress code -- and so she ditched her fancy dress as quick as she could, traded them in for a pair of men’s breeches, and then belted her chemise around her waist so that it fit more tightly like a shirt. She’d be a little embarrassed walking around in her underwear for a while, but after a while, she concluded it really wasn’t any more revealing than the loose-fitting shirt and men’s breeches Skye was wearing. Bill’s ears turned a very dark red when he first saw Jules out of her dress, though.
Their first real burst of action came when they had to battle a torrential storm that had blown in. The Artemis had been tossed about as if it were a toy in a bathtub, sea water splashing onto the deck with full-bodied waves that could knock a man off their feet. It was likely only thanks to Orion’s bizarre idea to tie everyone securely to the mast with a long piece of rope that served as a life line that no one was thrown overboard. The following day, the storm had fortunately cleared to leave an almost surreal calm. Soon everyone returned to the boring routine of before, mending torn sails and swabbing the deck, as if nothing had even happened.
The helmsman solely followed Orion’s direction of where to go, rather than using a map, so Bill, Jules, and Charlie had assumed he already knew where the Isle de Muerta was. One could therefore imagine how horrified Bill was overhearing McNully talking offhandedly to Orion one afternoon about his compass “not working right for him” -- Jules recalled that it didn’t work at Port Royal either. When the three confronted Orion about it, the Captain responded rather cryptically.
“Lieutenant Weasley said that my compass didn’t point north, Miss Farrier. That doesn’t mean it’s broken.”
Orion turned on his heel and headed back up to the helm. “A bit more to starboard.”
Bill opened his mouth to protest, but McNully climbed down one of the loose ropes enough to pat his shoulder.
“Easy, Mr. Weasley.”
He lowered himself back down into his chair and rolled it around to properly face them.
“The Captain’s compass isn’t like most compasses -- just like Orion himself isn’t like most captains.”
“But you said it wasn’t working right,” Charlie said angrily. “And all he ever seems to look at is that compass. How do we know we’re even heading the right way? Does he even know how to get to Isle de Muerta at all?”
Jules had to admit, she had doubts too. Orion had sounded pretty confident that he’d be able to find Carewyn -- but how could anyone do that, when they didn’t even have a compass that could point north?
The dispute was interrupted, however, when Orion abruptly called out from the helm.
“Put out the lamps!”
The crew immediately tensed up, and bolted around, putting out every lamp. Jules looked around in confusion.
“What are you doing?” she asked. “It’s almost dusk -- we won’t be able to see!”
“The water is darker and colder here,” said Orion solemnly, “and there’s a song on the air. The lamps would only antagonize them further.”
“‘Them?’“ recurred Jules.
“Mermaids, of course,” said Skye impatiently.
“I heard those tales when we were all in the Navy,” said Bill, glancing at Jules a bit uneasily. “Mermaids are attracted to singing and lamplight.”
"Right,” said McNully. “There’s still a 32% chance they might show up even without those, though, so you’d best keep your wits about you.”
Skye nodded. “Mermaids are no joke. They might look beautiful above water, but they don’t look half so pretty under the water when they pull you down to the depths and eat you alive.”
Jules cringed.
“If they’re that dangerous,” she said slowly, “why don’t you do what Odysseus did, to escape the sirens? Just have someone else tie you up really tightly on the mast, and you can’t jump overboard.”
“Yeah!” Charlie piped up. “I reckon Jules, Skye, and I can handle running the ship for a bit on our own -- pretty faces don’t really do much for me.”
McNully laughed. “If being attracted to gorgeous women was the problem, then I’d be a better choice to help than Skye.”
Skye rolled her eyes and scoffed.
“Mermaids don’t just tempt you with sex,” the quartermaster explained. “They’re temptation itself. Everything about them draws you in, makes you open up to them and talk to them...lets them look right through you. They’ll try to tempt you with whatever they think you want most in the world -- and when you give in and get too close...”
She made a knife-like gesture across her throat with her finger.
“There’s only one person on this ship that’s known to have ever said ‘no’ to a mermaid before,” said McNully, and he nodded up at the helm. “And that’s the Captain.”
Bill, Charlie, and Jules all looked up in surprise. Orion had his back to them and was looking out to sea with narrowed, unreadable eyes.
Then, all of a sudden, the crew could just barely make out a eerie, beautiful song, which seemed to float on the wind itself.
“...her chains she rattled in her hands and thus replied she...”
“Stopper your ears!” McNully said urgently. “Quickly!”
The crew hurriedly did as they were told. Orion, however, did not do so. Instead he darted down to the main deck, grabbed one of the lanterns, and set about relighting it.
“Orion, what are you DOING?!” bellowed Skye.
Orion didn’t answer her. McNully rolled hurriedly around the deck as he tried to make sure everyone blocked their ears, but Orion completely ignored him, instead rushing over to the side of the ship with the lit lantern.
The singing was getting louder now.
“Yet I love his parents since they’re his, although they've ruined me... I love my love because I know my love loves me...”
Just as Bill had finished helping Charlie and Jules completely stopper their ears, he caught the sound of a low male voice singing the next line.
“With straw I'll weave a garland, I'll weave it wondrous fine...”
Bill looked up in alarm at Orion. He had a hand cupped over his mouth to magnify his volume as he sang over the ship’s railing.
“With roses, lilies, daisies I'll mix the eglantine...”
Bill barreled over, grabbing Orion’s shoulder and trying to pull him back away from the edge.
“What are you doing?! Singing and lanterns attract mermaids!”
“That’s the plan,” said Orion, his voice almost frustratingly calm.
Bill saw the water burbling up beside the edge of the ship. His heart clenched with fear.
Orion, however, paid him no mind -- he turned right to the form burbling under the water, his hand beside his mouth again as he continued,
“And I'll present it to my love when he returns from sea... I love my love because I know my love loves me."
Jules quickly grabbed Bill’s arm, pulling him back away from Orion. Bill looked at her anxiously, but she merely reached up to stopper his left ear with some fabric she’d ripped out of her chemise. Orion wasn’t going to explain, so all they could do is get ready.
Within moments, a woman with red hair had appeared out of the water. Her chin and neck were still largely submerged as she blinked up at Orion.
“You know the words,” she said almost shyly.
“Yes,” said Orion. “Where did you hear that song?”
The mermaid blinked slowly. “A maid imprisoned in the brig of a pirate ship.”
Jules had been just about to stopper Bill’s right ear when he straightened up sharply. He turned his head sharply to better listen to the conversation.
"What did the maid look like?” Orion asked.
The mermaid’s eyes flickered over the pirate captain’s face carefully as she eased her head and shoulders out of the water.
“I could not tell for sure. The brig was dark. The hole looking into it was small.”
“Yet you spoke to her?”
“Yes. She was a selfless woman. Very selfless.”
“When did you see her?”
“Very early this morning...before dawn.”
Orion’s dark eyes narrowed. The mermaid reached out to grab onto the edge of the Artemis so as to slide herself out of the water and closer to Orion.
“You know her,” she said.
“Yes,” Orion answered quietly.
The mermaid’s eyes seemed to soften. “...You love her.”
Bill, who had been listening carefully, looked quickly at Orion’s face for some sort of reaction -- but once again his face was remarkably calm, and he didn’t respond.
“I could take you to her,” the mermaid said sweetly. “I know where she is...”
Bill felt his mind drifting slightly, as if he’d suddenly become very sleepy -- her voice sounded almost soothing -- and she knew Carewyn? She could take them to Carewyn?
“No, thank you,” said Orion with the kind of polite finality one would more likely hear at a Christmas function than to a creature that wanted to eat human flesh. “If you saw her this morning, we’ll be caught up with them soon enough. The wind will take us where we need to go, if only we have our sails pointed in the right direction.”
He inclined his head respectfully.
“Best of luck finding your next meal elsewhere.”
The mermaid frowned in immense confusion at him, looking almost put-out.
“You and Carey Weasley are both very strange humans,” she said. Her lips then curled into a faintly wry smile as she added, “She was not tempted by our call either. That should please you.”
And with that, she splashed back into the dark water and disappeared.
Orion blew out the flame on the lamp and turned back around.
“It’s all right now!” he bellowed loud enough that everyone could just barely make out his voice through the stuffing in their ears. “It’s safe!”
Everyone little by little unblocked their ears. Bill turned around to face Orion properly, his brown eyes rippling with amazement and a bit of guilt despite himself, as the pirate captain walked past him.
“You did know what you were doing.”
Orion turned to Bill. The eldest Weasley rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I misjudged you.”
Orion inclined his head slightly to Bill, his lips touched with traces of a smile.
“A common enough thing, for people to do,” he said patiently. “Think nothing of it.”
He strolled back up to the helm, leaving Bill and Jules alone.
Jules turned to Bill. He still had his eyes on Orion’s back.
“Bill...is everything okay?”
Bill glanced at Jules and then back up at Orion, and he swallowed.
The mermaid had said Orion loved Carewyn. He didn’t make any kind of reaction that would prove it was true -- but he didn’t deny it either. And more importantly, back at the church, he’d said he wouldn’t have hurt “either Bill’s or his lady,” when talking about Jules and Carewyn. And immediately after, he spoke of Carewyn’s past, of her history with him...of details even he didn’t know, like her apparently having worn a red ribbon in her hair since she was little...with such a soft voice that it wouldn’t be a stretch to think there was something fond in it, under that detached affect..
Bill hadn’t had a real friend in his life until he’d met Carewyn. They’d connected almost immediately out of their mutual desire to protect and nurture others, and they always seemed to be in sync whenever they had to battle together. Bill had always been a shoulder for others to cry on, but it was Carewyn who had first offered her shoulder to him, while they were fighting the Spanish together. The friendship and caring she’d shown him made her family to him more than her using his name alone ever could have. She was a sister to him -- his best mate -- someone he loved and cherished like few others in the world. And he wanted every happiness for her, just as he knew she did for him...
But what happiness could there be for her, with Orion? He was a pirate. There’d be no way the Navy would pardon him with the East India Trading Company breathing down their necks -- and would Carewyn truly be happy living the life of a pirate, after having been raised on a pirate ship like the Revenge? She’d built up a stable life for herself in the Navy, and Bill knew how much Carewyn loved being able to come back to Port Royal after a long expedition -- to come home, after being at sea. But pirates had no home. There was nothing anchoring a pirate. And no matter what Orion’s feelings were, and how much Bill suspected they might actually be something genuine...it didn’t mean a thing if Carewyn didn’t feel the same way.
“Jules...” he said at last, very quietly, “...is Carey...in love with Amari?”
Jules was startled by the use of her nickname. She glanced from Bill to up at Orion at the helm and back, frowning deeply. 
“...Love, I’m not sure, but...back at the fort, before Captain Amari rescued me...Carey told me that she’d bandaged him up and hidden him from the Navy, when they were young. So when Captain Amari figured out who she was...he let her go. I reckon they probably just made it look like Carey broke free.”
This information startled Bill. His brown eyes brightened in understanding.
“He owed her a life debt,” he said softly.
Jules smiled. “No. I thought the same thing -- that it was gratitude, on Captain Amari’s part. But...”
Her dark eyes softened.
“...Carey said...that he was simply a good man. And I don’t know...but the look in her eyes, as she looked out to sea...I’ve never seen her eyes look like that before.”
She reached out and took Bill’s hand. Bill gave it a squeeze.
“The water temperature has returned to normal,” announced Orion from the helm, emptying the bucket of sea water he’d filled earlier over the side. “Go ahead and relight the lamps -- we should approach Isle de Muerta within the next day or so.”
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drstone-writings · 5 years
Hi, anon! I don’t know which character you have ordered LMAO that’s why I chose the five generals ft. Tsukasa! I hope you will like this one! 💚💚
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
—Senku Ishigami
Senku doesn’t know about the feeling of love, yes. But, he knows that he likes you, not in deep meaning, but instead, in an admiration way for having the basic knowledge of science and also for having incredible stamina that God didn’t grant him. Not only that, but you’d also try to help him in some way when he was in need of something, you’re always there to aid him despite not needing some assistance. However, one faithful day, Senku had realized that he felt the strong emotion that was permeating inside his heart, an unknown and strange emotion yet he had the knowledge of what it was. Who would expect that the scientist who called love as illogical was now in a situation where he felt such sentiment towards a person, and now admitted to himself that he is indeed in love with you. When did he realize it?
It’s actually the time where the sun had finally descended and the moon was now present in the vast sky. He saw you sitting on the tree branch where Kohaku would usually sleep on, staring into space where countless of stars covering the dark firmament. If you were Kohaku, he would only shrug you off and let himself stare at the sky as well and climb on the roof of the hut. However, it’s not the case. His eyes were transfixed on you, whose face has this tranquil and contented expression, eyes were sparkling in wonder as you watch the stars twinkling with the others.
Senku was captivated; he was entranced at your beautiful face, seemingly glowing due to the moonlight striking every crevice of your features, defining every little of it. You don’t know how charming you look in Senku’s eyes, he felt like his vision was becoming blurry but only focused on you, like a camera where it would only focus on the thing that is beautiful.
Suddenly, you turned your gaze at him and flashed your utmost sweet smile that he had never received before from you, he was caught off guard and as if the time had slowed down and the Earth had stopped from rotating from its orbit. He had no idea as well as to why he could also felt his heart thumping in excitement and felt the butterflies flapping inside his abdomen. But earlier he wasn’t feeling this, only now when he settled his eyes on you. And that’s when Senku came into a realization.
“Fuck, I love her do I?” he snickered while running his fingers through his hair.
— Gen Asagiri
Gen is a cunning man, a man where he could easily discern what others were thinking and feeling. Like duh? He was called a mentalist for a reason. Ever since the day where he suddenly appeared in the Ishigami village and met you, he felt the urge within him that he wants to know you for some unidentified reason. That is why Gen ventured to approach you at the first day, he thought that you would hate his guts because he was one of Tsukasa’s underlings and you knew that he might be the reason that your friend will die in front of your eyes.
However, it was just his mere assumption, he was taken aback at your approach to him, and he assumed that you would ignore him for the whole day but instead, you talked to him as if the two of you were back in the modern era. He was utterly stunned and found it comical, to be honest. Gen abruptly felt he’s special or something since you would even bestow him a sincere smile and talk to him as if your friend is not in danger.
Gen is known as the magician as well, there’s a time where he would occasionally show you his magic tricks in which you were amazed because you don’t know how he did that. Ahh, you don’t know how you’re heightening Gen’s confidence and he couldn’t help but widely smile internally because of how you praise him. He knew to himself that he was indeed attracted to you; he likes you as a woman.
Gen only realized that he surely fell into your gravity at the day where he was nearly killed by Magma. You’re the one who stayed beside him and treating his wounds with Senku’s herbal medicines. Every time you would patch some herbs on the bruises that he had received, he felt some electricity flowing through his veins whenever he could feel the graze of your fingers on his skin so tenderly that it seemed like you were some angel playing the harp and for Gen, he was the instrument you’re playing. In the middle of the night where he suddenly woke up because he felt something heavy on his arms, and thus, he saw you sleeping quietly beside him, making his left arm as your pillow. Gen felt his heart flutter at the sight, and thus he was certain.
“You caught me, (Name). You indeed caught me with your charms.”
— Chrome
We all know that Chrome likes Ruri to the point where he tried to collect many materials for decades to save her and treat her unknown illness. But we also know that feelings are like a climate, they change in no time. Before, his eyes were only set on Ruri because ever since they were little, they’ve been always together and they knew each other. However, fate seemed like to mess up with his life. Ever since Senku and you had suddenly appeared in the village, his life changed immediately and his feelings turned into chaos.
Why? It’s because he couldn’t avert his gaze away from you every time you’d give him a saccharine smile and praise him for giving lots of ideas and creating things that he doesn’t know that it already exists in your age, despite that he doesn’t have any knowledge on what it looks like. Chrome could feel his stomach flipping whenever you’d also pat his head and ruffle his hair, even his heart was pounding tremendously as if he couldn’t breathe.
Chrome convinced himself that it’s just a mere attraction and admiration and nothing deeper than that. He assured himself that his heart already belongs to Ruri and never would he love someone that isn’t her. But it was inevitable, it was uncontrollable for him not to gaze at you and fall in the depths of your world. It seemed like he became a marionette and you’re the one who’s controlling him with your hands.
One day, Chrome was sitting on the tree branch, thinking on what is going to happen in the grand bout. He’s aware that he’s not the fighter type, he only has the brains. He prayed to the Gods that they could win the bout and save Ruri’s life. As he was in his deep thoughts, suddenly he felt a slight blow of the wind had passed him, hence Chrome craned his neck to look beside him and he felt his heart thumped again for you. But what surprised him was when you swiftly ruffled his hair without his permission and flashed him your sincerest smile that absolutely captivated him. It seemed like you were glowing in this dark place, making it harder for him to avert his gaze. And that’s when Chrome finally accepted the reality; he really is indeed in love with you.
“You’re too irresistible for my own good, (Name),” Chrome thought, giving you a small smile as well.
— Ukyo Saionji
Ukyo has a soft spot for everyone; he dislikes war and especially shedding blood just for the sake of their own benefit and victory. Before he met you, he never felt this strange of emotion that he had this urge to stare and watch someone in every move that they would do, but today is not the same anymore. Between the battle of Tsukasa and Senku, he had suddenly gained a blow from protecting Senku, he was not severely injured but still, his muscles were aching and it’s making him difficult to move. He was about to ask Senku for some herbal medicine to treat himself, however, before he could get out from his tent, you suddenly walked in with some herbal medicine in your hands.
You’re the one who tended his wounds and even accompanied him inside his tent until he was perfectly healed. He was indeed grateful to you and even tried to joke around with him to cheer him up even though he was emotionally okay. Ever since that day, both of you started to know each other and would always search for more food for everyone. Being with you was enjoyable and he will admit that. You won’t let the awkwardness and silence to befall on you two and you would try to make him laugh in your own ways.
Ukyo never noticed that he was slowly becoming fond of your presence to the point when you were busy hanging out with Yuzuriha and helping her, he would check on you and even asked how your day was. He was seriously becoming fidgety and couldn’t stay still until he would take a glimpse at your face. Ukyo perceives you as the compassionate and generous person, of course, he knows about that since he has been observing you interacting with everyone.
But Ukyo only realizes that he has these romantic feelings for you and hardly fell for you is the day when Chrome’s excavation team which you were a part of it as well went to the Ishigami Village to spend the night after searching for the oil that Senku needs for the vessel. The children in the village had taken a liking to you and would even play with them after convincing you without any effort. Seeing you having fun with the kids, laughing and playing with them, you have no idea how he was so intoxicated at watching you. Why? It’s because in his view you were like a crystal clear lake in the middle of the unknown place, gloriously sparkling with the rays of the sun striking the surface of the water. He was utterly enthralled and could feel his heart beating quickly in every minute that would pass in just by staring at your pure and lovely face. That’s when he finally concluded;
“I won’t regret falling in love with you, right, (Name)?”
— Ryusui Nanami
Ahh, Ryusui, of course, your first rendezvous is nothing important to him; it’s like the usual encounters he had back in your era. When he first laid his eyes on you, he definitely admitted to himself that you’re beautiful… in your own way by all means. Because Ryusui had this ideology that women in the world are beautiful. Which is actually nice to hear from a charming and rich guy but to you, you don’t really care. At first, when he tried to compliment your good looks, you only gave him a wry smile before saying your thanks. He thought that you would be embarrassed about it but it’s actually the contradiction of his presumption.
Apparently, you piqued Ryusui’s interest to which he didn’t stop from trying to get to know you and use his good communication skills. To be honest, this is the first time he has been so eager to know someone, it’s all strange to him. In spite of that, he will attempt to know you better. Don’t underestimate the Nanami heir. As the days passed by pestering you while in your work, he finally got what he wanted by knowing you, he assumed that he might have a hard time from knowing about yourself, but instead, it was easy-peasy for him since you’re answering his questions in an instant.
Since Ryusui’s daily routine is to bother you in your work or would even watch you help the others with their tasks, he suddenly felt himself smiling unconsciously while watching you. He only noticed it when Suika asked him as to why he’s smiling at himself. He immediately composed himself and left without saying anything, because his mind was swirling with a lot of thoughts, including the question that Suika had asked him. But what was overwhelming his mind is why he’s enjoying on watching you and felt something fluttering inside his stomach. These new emotions that were popping like a mushroom were making him confused because first of all, it was all too foreign for him.
After a week of not visiting and seeing you since he was trying to distinguish the different emotions that he was feeling. One faithful night really changed Ryusui in a wink. Sitting inside his cabin and was in his deep thoughts, he suddenly heard a knock on his cabin’s door; hence he checked it out to know who the one was bothering him in this late at night. Once he opened the door, his eyes widened upon seeing you in his doorstep, holding a basket of fruits in your hand. You told him that you were checking up on him since you haven’t seen each other for a week and you’re worried for him. After that meeting, you don’t know how Ryusui’s heart fluttered knowing that you’re concerned for him and made his ego boosted to the highest level. He was beyond pleased at what you said that night, for Ryusui you’re like the tidal waves in his expedition with his vessel, seemingly drawing him towards an unknown place which is for him, your world. Ryusui only laughed at himself for not noticing it sooner, he couldn’t believe himself that he fell in love after thousands of years.
“How unexpected of me, you surely caught my heart, (Name), you’re the only one who can do that.”
— Tsukasa Shishio
Back in your generation, you have always been beside the well-known strongest primate high schooler, Shishio Tsukasa. He met you during winter; he was sitting on a bench in the quiet playground. The snow was falling on him and he couldn’t care less about how cold it was since his mind was deep in thoughts, thinking about how he could save his little sister. And all of sudden, you appeared out of nowhere and held the umbrella over him. After that first meeting with him, that’s also the beginning of your friendship with him.
When Tsukasa was revived by Senku and killed him with his own hands, he built his own empire to only revive the youth and shatter the statues of the older ones. The first one who he revived was you, he was relentlessly looking for your statue and he actually managed to find you in just a day. He told you everything and you quickly caught up with his explanation but you didn’t agree with his ideology since you don’t want him to become a murderer. Nevertheless, you only leave him be even if you’re strongly opposed to him.
In months of living in this stone world, Tsukasa has been observing you and watching you talking with everyone. He was glad that you’re adjusting to this kind of living and trying to get along with all the people that he had revived. He knew how understanding and kind-hearted you were, that’s why it didn’t take him a while to give you his trust and befriended you. He reminisces all the memories that you both had, starting from your first meeting and always there for him when he needed someone. You would listen to his ramblings and how you would lift his spirits up when he’s not in a good mood. Tsukasa couldn’t help but smile at the pleasant and valuable memories he had.
Winter arrived as the snow was piling up and covering the whole place. Tsukasa immediately remembered your first meeting again and smiled upon recalling it. He tried to look for you in your tent however you weren’t there, therefore he asked his comrades if he saw you, which he was kinda pleased when one answered him that you went to the cliff where you would usually hang out. Tsukasa didn’t waste a second to go to you, as he reached his destination, his eyes settled on your form who’s looking up while the snow was falling down on your face. He stared at you with pursed lips, trying to engrave it in his mind how stunning you look with the winter scenery the lies before you. Suddenly, he felt his heart pounded against his ribcage, he’s once again feeling the overwhelming emotions he’d felt when taking a glimpse at your face. He never tried to know these inexplicable feelings he harbored for you, but today, it seemed like he found his answer to his question. He loved you ever since, did he?
“How can I not love, (Name)? It’s inevitable not to love her.”
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jubesy · 3 years
Hey Juli! How r u?
I love ur writings sooo Much!!! Thanku for existing!!!! Pls keep writing!!!! 💙💛✨
Umm..i wanna ask some Quick questions..
What is your OTP in knb?
Whats ur fav Kise ship? ( Though he is a multiship material)
What is ur knb ot3?
Do u ship aokagaki/ aokikaga?
Whats ur fav supernatural element Vampire au or werewolf au?
Would u prefer kiseki x kise or kiseki x "any other character"?
What is your fav crack ship (knb)?
What is your fav crack ship (kise)?
Whats ur fav crossover ship? (Like knb x free? Or smth?)
Whats ur fav trope?
I know all knb characters are pure love...but still..which one has your heart the most?
Bonus ques...
What is ur fav crack ship with each kiseki and takao and kagami?
Thanku so much ❤️
Ahh, you're too kind! Thank you~ I'm doing well. It feels great to be writing with some regularity again ♡♡♡
Thank you so much for your questions~ I will preface with the fact that I'm a multishipper, so I'm usually good with most of them. Also, regardless of name order, I love a ship. So, MidoTaka and TakaMido are the same love-level for me. That being said, let's do this~
My knb OTP is definitely MidoTaka. I love their dynamic so much!! And Takao is my fav~ But my main ships are: AkaFuri, MuraHimu, AoKagaKuro, MidoTaka, and KiKasa.
My favorite Kise ship is KiKasa. I like that Kasamatsu doesn't treat him the way everyone else does. And Kise [Last Game spoiler] because of Kasamatsu! But yes, I ship Kise with everyone \o/
My knb OT3 is AoKagaKuro (but I also really, really love KiyoHyuuRiko) There's just something about a shadow and his two lights (and the way AoKaga begrudgingly respect and grow to love each other)
I've written AoKagaKi for a prompt before (nsfw). I don't dislike it, but it's not one of my go-tos. I can definitely see the draw, though.
Definitely Vampire AU. I like Werewolves, too, but I've written a vampire au for almost every fandom I've been in, haha.
I don't mind the GoM with Kise. But I feel like that would be pretty one-sided emotionally. Maybe the GoM becoming interested in Kagami? (They'd have to get through Kuroko first, hehe)
Hmm, my favorite crack ship? I heard someone refer to AkaFuri as one and, if that's the case, that is definitely my favorite! But I also have come to like Imayoshi with Momoi (I know! I paired the spares in an AU once years ago, but it grew on me!) He respects her and would treat her right, I think. And Aomine might approve - after some time. She deserves the world.
I love Kise and Takao together because they're my favorites! I especially like it when they're both pining after someone else (huehuehue)
I had fun writing Makoto (from Free!) with Makoto (Hanamiya from knb) (nsfw) haha. Though that wasn't the endgame ship. And I enjoyed my sports anime idol AU where Kise and Oikawa had to pretend to be dating. All the boys in SPICE are so similar, so they're so much fun to write.
My favorite trope is mutual pining~ I love that angst with a happy ending!!
I tend to go back and forth between Takao and Kise. I love them both so much. Also Kagami, hehe. But Takao is probably my #1.
Okay, top crack ships: AkaFuri, MuraKiyo, AoSaku, ImaMomo, MidoKise, KiTaka, and I'm not sure I have one for Kagami, haha.
Thank you so much for the questions! There were some I've never answered before, so that was cool~
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sunshinetoshi · 3 years
@anastasijaiwaizumi asked me a super interesting question!! wanted to answer it separately bc of the trigger warnings so everything will be below the cut just in case
tw: mentions of potential abuse (physical, verbal, emotional), mention of breakups/heartache
pls make sure you read through the trigger warnings above and always feel free to exit out of this post if you feel uncomfortable <33
here's the original ask if you wanted to read through it:
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okay onto my long ramble of an answer HAHA
so this really caught my eye bc i remember seeing a pinterest post about 'the 3 loves' back when i was in hs and it's wild to me how my perspective on the manner has changed quite a bit. ofc everything here is my personal opinion so pls keep that in mind
i think first it's important to add a disclaimer about the concept itself. back when i first encountered this years ago it made so much sense to me but it also put some insecurity that i would some day or eventually have a relationship that ends in heartache. there are people i know now where this actually applies with the relationships they're in or have had but as a person who hasn't been in a relationship yet (we can roast me about this another day AJHDHD LMAO) i think it's important to know we aren't bound to this concept of 3 loves because everyone's experiences are different.
the question itself is soo good imo and in case you missed it the question asked which characters i think would fit each type of love.
i think this was asking for my own personal answer and tbh mine sounds like a cop out answer ajdhhd i feel bad but also it's just true. basically i picture all my haikyuu faves as the third love. B O R I N G /j HAHAHA i know i know but when i think of their love and my self ships with them it really is the third love. okay but just so i have an answer ushijima and kuroo are my tippy top boys so they'd definitely be the third kind of love (i love them equally so i have both as my answer ajdjdj - not even in a poly way i am just too soft to actually pick just one lol)
i think the concepts of the first and second loves are SUPER interesting to me personally when i think about writing and creating fics that can delve into what those two types of love are. like the second one is what i aim for when i write angst but that doesnt mean i truly think the character would be like that you know?? like i said a cop out answer ahh but even w the amount of angst i've written i really dont think i could personally put a name down lol i really said 'no heartbreak for meee 🤪🤪' HAHA i cant w myself
OKAY i will say that in regards to timeskip jobs i can have somewhat of an answer to who would be my first type of love (also pls ignore how out of order i spoke about each). but my friends and i talked about deal breakers and what we would be okay with in a relationship and i was just REALLY curious (and really in a brainrot) so i asked about if your partner worked in a funeral home. YEAH I WAS THINKING ABOUT MATSUKAWA. they all said hard no bc of a multitude of reasons. now before mattsun entered my life i also said a hard no for my own reasons bUT NOW I HAVE READ TOO MANY FICS AND ANALYSIS OF MATTSUN AND I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH THAT IDK. so in terms of THAT i might put him in the first love category if i had to. dont get me wrong i'd still marry him and want to support his career and all that he's literally in my top 4 self ships BUT YOU HAVE TO ADMIT HIS JOB MAKES YOU HAVE THINKY THOUGHTS LMAO. ALSO HAHA funny story when i asked my friends there was girl who's into hq too so i was like "but matsukawa 🥺🥺" and she was like "babe i'm sorry but that's a 2d man" BAHAH CALLED ME OUT FR FR
so yeah those are my thoughts and kind-of-answers lol i think this is super interesting and it felt like i was just talking to yall like we were at a sleepover so i had fun HAHA. thank you for asking this lovely!! i hope your day/night is going well too and that you're taking care of yourself 💓💓 love youuuu tooooooo
(OH also here's the article link in case you wanted it but i think it was summarized well in the ask!!)
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 218: Purse Pilferage and Mouse Murder
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan and Deku sparred in an attempt to draw out Deku’s mysterious new power once again, but to no avail. In a brief flashback, the OFA Scooby Squad (now including Bakugou!) discussed Deku’s recent visions and his multiple quirks. Kacchan pointed out that it was very similar to All for One’s power, which seems to be weighing on Deku’s mind some. That evening at the fanfic dorms, Shouto approached Deku asking if he had been hiding a second quirk. Deku assured him that the new quirk surprised him as much as everyone else, and fibbed that it was probably derived from his original quirk. Meanwhile the U.A. faculty accepted Shinsou into the hero course, and Aizawa acted all weird and cagey about someone from his past named “Shirakumo.” Later, Monoma met with Aizawa, Mirio, Deku, and Eri at the teachers’ dorms and unsuccessfully attempted to copy Eri’s quirk. Eri apologized for being so troublesome, and the others assured her that she wasn’t and Deku told her that even seemingly dangerous quirks can be used for good. It wasn’t lost on him that this applied to his own powers as well, and he resolved to keep working to master OFA.
Today on BnHA: Early one December morn, the kids of 1-A gather in their common room to watch some TV while they wait to hear if Bakugou and Todoroki passed their provisional license retest. The news is reporting on a company called Detnerat which has recently entered the hero equipment business. Their CEO is some Joker-looking dude who’s apparently a big fan of AFO’s old nemesis Destro of Meta Liberation Army fame. Destro’s book has recently been republished and is making the discussion rounds. DetCEO discusses it with his cute lil mouse subordinate Miyashita, but Miyashita isn’t really a fan. This proves unfortunate for Miyashita, as DetCEO is all “that’s too bad, guess I’m just gonna have to snap your neck then.” Like, for real though. Anyway so then DetCEO heads to a secret meeting of like-minded individuals who are apparently Destro’s descendants and are seeking to make his goals a reality. We then segue to a group of purse-snatchers led by someone who I really thought was Shirakumo for a hot minute, ngl. He’s not, though. Anyway so they’re wreaking some havoc and stealing people’s shit -- that is, until two good boys who just earned their provisional licenses after three months of hard work show up to spoil their fun.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 225, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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ahh but apparently he and Bakugou are away right now
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wow they even got that class on Sundays now, huh
also, who did Sero borrow the tankoubon from? because more likely than not it was Bakugou since I can’t even picture Shouto reading manga (unless he borrowed some volumes from Deku, maybe). so that means Bakugou is (a) a big ol’ manga-reading nerd who brought his manga to school with him, and (b) sharing with friends. both of which make me so, so happy
(ETA: Viz translated this as “I want to borrow the next volume of this manga from Todoroki,” but as far as I can tell, in the RAW version he doesn’t specify who he borrowed it from. I think Caleb Cook just doesn’t think Bakugou is capable of sharing. give him some credit, Caleb Cook.)
Deku says they should be back around six, and Iida says it’s apparently the last day of their provisional class!
OHMYGOSH. hold up. so that means that their re-test is in like a week, no? holy shit. oh my god I’m so hypppppped ahhhhhh
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(ETA: maybe we’ll actually get Kacchan’s hero name before I grow old. maybe.)
but snow antics though. oh my god I’m so torn lsdkjlk
anyways of fucking course we cut away, and I don’t really mind because I love cozy 1-A snow day dorm antics also. plus everyone is gossiping about Todo and Baku, and Satou is baking a cake like the Princess Peach he is
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Kami is playfully lamenting the fact that he’s about to lose the one leg-up he had on those two, and flipping on the news
oh shit are we gonna get some Plot
I guess so. what is this
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Detnerat?? is that a portmanteau of something? an acronym? or another Star Wars reference I failed to pick up on??
(ETA: yeah so it’s the word “talented” spelled backwards. except with an r instead of an l.)
so the news is showing some people with mutant quirks, including a four-armed lady, a jello child, and a walrus with a bowler hat
and the narration is talking about how people like this used to be a minority but now “their era arrived”
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interesting. I guess there’s pretty much no such thing as “one size fits all” anymore these days huh. so does that mean there’s been a shift back to custom-made tailored items?
this pointy nose guy is extremely theatrical
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calm down buddy
so he says his company has come all this way while building products that meet the needs of each of their customers individually
this is cool and all but I’m trying to figure out why this new arc is opening with an infomercial
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I’m expecting things all right, but I think it’s a little too early to say if they’ll be great
and now we’re cutting to this guy’s office, where his employee is concluding his presentation. apparently he was showing his boss the finished commercial
and now they’re discussing the thus-far lukewarm reception to their recent announcement
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(ETA: holy shit. famous last words. fuckin’ jinxed it Miyashita.)
are you guys... good guys? bad guys? how is this related to the plot?? a new arc all about stock holdings and market shares. Iida did you write this arc
so pointy nose says that they’ve been doing this on a much larger scale for a long time already, so he’s confident they’ll be successful
oh shit
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it only just occurred to me that he used the word “superpowers” instead of quirks
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Mishiwhatsa says he read the book too but “it’s a load of crap if you ask me”
he says that what the army was doing was nothing but terrorism at the expense of innocent people, and yet Destro “had the gall” to act like he was in the right
hot damn this guy really was Magneto. are we going full-on X-Men in this arc. I want the works. I want fucking sentinels and everything oh god please
oh shit I’m starting to worry about ol’ Mishi here
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holy fucking shitballs oh christ
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this dude is straight up murdering his best employee, Nezu’s cousin, all because he didn’t agree with his favorite book!?
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holy shit
fuck. I’m speechless
okay. okay shit. well. uh. Detnerat, huh
you have my attention, plot
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hooooooooooly shit
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holy shit holy shit holy shit
okay. calm down, self. let’s jot down some thoughts real quick
okay so one, that one shot of that guy with his hand on his hat has a decided Ian McKellen vibe to it. I’m telling you guys. X-Men references all over the damn place in this arc
two, the word “supremacy” was used. meaning this wasn’t just a “quirk rights” group, this was a quirk supremacist group. or is a quirk supremacist group, I should say. these people believe themselves to be the future of humankind. they don’t want liberation, they want control. and assuming we continue to follow the X-Men parallels here, they also believe themselves to be superior to those without superpowers and they’re looking to assert their authority over them
they clearly believe the current laws restricting the usage of quirks are a form of oppression and persecution and are looking to eradicate them
this seems like exactly the type of philosophy the League of Villains would be eager to spread, and I wouldn’t be surprised if another team-up is in the works here
lastly, if these guys are now in the business of making hero equipment, whoever buys from them had better be really careful, as I can easily see some sort of Iron Man 2 plotline going down in which there’s a secret command built into the coding of the new equipment which will sabotage its users once activated. or if you’d rather think of it in Star Wars terms rather than MCU, call it an “order 66” ploy
(ETA: well I partly called this one. still up in the air honestly, who knows.)
also: friendly reminder that Bakugou’s gauntlets were recently destroyed and he’s gonna be needing new ones! (:
so having said all that, let’s see how this pans out!
and right away, the prediction about them teaming up with the League is panning out. waste no time, huh
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so Hooknose is telling him to do so at once
oh shit hold up
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lol oh shit. I totally forgot that AFO was the one who bombed the Army’s HQ all those decades and possibly centuries ago. I can’t believe these guys still remember that and know how AFO was connected to boot
also, is there a Rorschach thing going on here? I wonder if it’s a reference to the psychologist or to the comic book character from Watchmen. I’m betting the latter given the way they’re using the inkblots as masks, and also because this is a manga based on superhero comics after all
(ETA: yeah, Rorschach, Joker, and Magneto... drawing on a lot of classic villains and anti-heroes in this arc.)
ah so now we’re getting details on their new bid to enter the hero market
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given that this guy seems to have some sort of cloud-based power (look at what he’s riding! and now the people he just harassed and stole from are describing it as “carbonated water”), and kumo means “cloud”...
(ETA: nope, this is just good ol’ Soda Sam. Carbonation Carl.)
okay and now we’re cutting to a conversation between two as-yet-unknown parties that seem to be witnessing this robbery from a distance, and deciding whether or not to intervene
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for a moment I entertained the idea that this might be Kacchan and Shouto with their hot-off-the-presses licenses, possibly talking to All Might? but none of this dialogue seems to have that Kacchan flair, and it also doesn’t make much sense for them to have attended the lesson accompanied by All Might and no one else. Aizawa’s been pretty good about making sure there’s always at least one other fighting pro accompanying them
so now this group of merry bandits is celebrating their new haul
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motherfucker. you just know Kacchan spent that entire cab ride with his nose pressed to the window trying to sense danger and keeping his fingers crossed something like this would happen
(ETA: him and Shouto both, since the dialogue suggests it was Shouto that spotted it first! so basically one of them stationed at each window with All Might sandwiched in between wondering if he’s even going to survive this trip. the answer is yes, All Might, but not without it becoming Eventful.)
also, 30 minutes or 30 seconds, it hardly matters All Might. you know these two spent the last three months anticipating this moment every single minute of every day. they’re gonna go do reckless hero shit, All Might. THEY’RE JUST GONNA
oh my godddddddd
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TodoBaku fighting against Aizawa’s possible friend-turned-villain in the snowwwwww having JUST EARNED THE SHIT OUT OF THEIR NEW LICENSES HELL YEAHHHHHHHHH
and it appears Kacchan does have a gauntlet. goddammit. make that propensity for giving me almost exactly what I want, most of the time
anyways, I don’t really care! life is good. life is fucking amazing, fam
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Every odd number 4 the ask
1. What are you doing at this exact moment? (I want details, people!)
i am sitting on my couch watching terror of the autons using picture-in-picture mode while i edit a playlist
3. Name everything you have ever wanted to be (occupations and random things, like animals!)
hm. i’ve always wanted to be a very small bird. or a dragon.
5. Name every fandom you have ever been in!
oh god um. harry potter, percy jackson, welcome to nightvale, homestuck, doctor who, like just. musicals as a whole, the adventure zone, marvel, dc, starkid, ummm doctor who again, the magnus archives, shakespeare (roughly in order?)
7. If you could direct your own TV show/movie, what would it be like?
deeply character-driven, spooky, fun, some a+ romance, a lot of trauma, but like. a happy ending
9. What is your aesthetic? Describe it to us in list form.
paint in your hair and on your face and clothes, things half-seen between the trees at night, tapetum lucidum, a whisper in the dark, old books, music half-heard from someone else’s earbuds, spiders you can’t see but know are there, lost things lost and found, eating the oil paintings when the security guards aren’t looking, drifting asleep when you’d rather do anything but
11. One thing you’ve always wished you could do / be good at?
dancing. i did ballet when i was little, but i’ve never been particularly graceful no matter how much i wish i was
13. The best book you have ever read? Additionally, any book recommendations?
hm. just recently, i’d probably say uhhhh. hhhhhhhh idk come back to me
15. Post a picture of the weirdest/funniest text conversation you’ve ever had!
bold of you to assume i’ve ever checked my messages. 
17. What do you think of me? Ahh!
lol idk who you r
19. What is your idea of a perfect life?
being able to learn whatever i feel like learning about for no cost for the rest of my life. also sleeping in every day. 
21. Is there a stranger you would like to meet again?
that guy i passed in the street once who appeared perfectly normal except for the fact that i SWEAR his eyes were red.
23. Is there a place you feel homesick for even though you’ve never been there?
probably the pacific northwest? i just vibe w the pine trees and fog and the fact that it’s always rainy
25. What is one unusual thing you do?
i eat the tea leaves out of one particular type of loose-leaf green tea
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professoraurabolt · 5 years
11 IE favourite characters
Rules : name 11 favourite inazuma characters from any ie series with a little description on why or how you got to love them. It doesn’t have to be in order.
 Also I know everyone used gif but I can’t find any for like half of these characters so we’re just gonna use shitty images on my computer instead.
Kazemaru Ichirouta
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Ahh yes, speedy boy, Kazemaru has always been my favourite, ever since I started watching IE back in 2015 when I was still foolish enough to watch the dub first. He’s just so kind????? And he has such an interesting character dynamic I love him so much, he’s a lot more complex than people give him credit for. Plus characters that go from good, to evil and then back to good are very important to me, it’s just like me sjhbgajghafgh.
2.       Suizenji Chiita
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Even speedier boy, I’ll be real with y’all, I have a massive weak spot for animal like human characters, they’re just so freAKING CUTE I LOVE THEM, I LOVE CHEETAH SO MUCH. He’s just basically a cat, he seems like such an energetic and fun character, I just love him so much. What’s more, his eyeliner game is so fucking strong and he has the lil anime tooth.
3.       Tsukimura Kenichi
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Same reason as to why I love Cheetah, him be werewolf boy. He just seems like such a cool guy to be around you know?? Like that one overly furry friend that can be a bit embarrassing to hang out with because they keep acting like a fucking animal in public but you love them for it regardless??? Yea that kind. Besides he has goblin ears.
4.       Gouenji Shuuya
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Couldn’t find a better image so here’s Gouenji saying bad words.
I love edgy characters ok they’re great fun. I just love Gouenji because he just doesn’t take shit from no one ya know??? Like he knows what needs to be done and he knows how to get it done and if you’re doing something wrong he’ll tell you through the use of s o c c e r. Oh and he’s a total softie at time which I really appreciate ahgjvbakjgvbskjgha. Plus fire is cool, and so is Gouenji.
5.       Genda Koujirou
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I FUCKING LOVE GENDA CAN YOU TELL?! Yea IDK, I’ve always feel like Gendas’ that one characters that’s not quite a main character, but is also not a minor character either??? I will always love Genda, Genda is such a kind and caring character but also such a mature character I sajhdfgvadhasgh. I’d let him crush me to death with his big st r o ng  arms.
6.       Segata Ryuuichirou
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Goblin boy with Goblin ears, confirmed Goblin. I have no idea why I like this guy so much??? He just seems so hot headed and determined and I just love that about him? Like if something goes wrong he’d be like “it’s YOUR FAULT But I’ll fix it don’t worry” and honestly, I need that support in my life. Also I love his goblin ears they’re very good.
7.       Nagumo Haruya
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Suzuno always seems to get the most love out of the two so I’m here to tell you that Nagumo is just as good. To be honest I think I love him so much because I played Fire Storm because I wanted the Gouenji buff but then Nagumo showed up and I sfghjafgadfgafdg. Plus any character that I can meme the shit out of is a good one.
8.       Hijikata Raiden
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I’m still so sad that there’s no chance of Hijikata ever coming back due to what happened to his VA but that’s not gonna stop me from loving Hijikata, he’s the big brother that everyone wants. He’s everything you could ask for, he’s buff, what more could you ask for?
9.       Yamino Kageto
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Ok imam be real with y’all, I love Yamino because his dub name is Shadow and any time a character is called Shadow, all I can think about is Shadow the Hedgehog and that just makes me love them so much. Plus he’s a cool looking guy, he’s a total emo but I will always love edgy emo child.
10.   Kidou Yuuto
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Kidou’s everyone’s favourite, including mine. IDK what to say really, Kidou’s the kind of guy to be all smart and brainy, but as soon as you become his friend you realise he’s a total loser, and you know what that’s just what I wanted out of a character like him. Plus he got fucking arrested which I just find to be really funny, let my boy go those were just his vitamin supliments.
11.   Kozoumaru Sasuke
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Kozoumaru is one of the few Ares characters I like? (I’m not saying Ares characters are bad, I just didn’t click with many of them) He’s basically Gouenji but small and chunky, and you know what, I will always love him for that. Put him in Orion Hino you absolute coward, you can’t just give me a son and then just take him away from me so quickly.
 Honestly I don’t really follow that many IE people, and all the ones I do have already done this, so I’ll tag anyone who follows me that wants to do this, seriously, this is how I’ll tag all of you. Go do this meme it’s great fun! :D
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an1m3ru1n3dmyl1f3 · 6 years
Season 7 Review!
Alright y’all! Time for some review! So, I was one of those people to stay up all night to watch the premiere of Season 7! So, here’s my honesty opinion on it!  The actual post will be under the cut because it contains spoilers! (Obviously lol)
So, I’ll start with the listing order of covered topics in this post! - Pros - Cons - Characters - Relationships - Plot - Timing - Media / Rating  - Conclusion
So, starting off! P R O S
So, there were actually A LOT of pros this season!
- Hunk’s development!! Ahh, I loved  his development and look inside of his family life! - Veronica!! She is such a cool character and I love her!  - Lance’s development! I loved that he got some development as a character and really matured! - Garrison! Okay, I feel they are really underappreciated when put under the wrong head of control! Once Admiral Sanda stepped off, and Sam and Iverson took over, they did wonderful with controlling and giving orders, WITH the help of Shiro of course (; - KEITH!! Ahh, He’s had so much development this season!! I was so happy to see him be more open and receptive to everyone else’s emotions and needs!  C O N S
And as for cons.. There seems to be a lot of them this season. 
- RUSHED. This season felt extremely rushed with plot, developments, etc. It didn’t feel nice at all.  - Other characters? This is namely to be Axca. She didn’t really seem relevant, and provided little to no use in the season. (Not to mention she completely disappeared the second half of it!) - Battles/Action. LAY. OFF. OF. THE. ACTION. Okay, I get this is a war they are fighting and that there are bound to be numerous battles, but to fit at least 4-6 battles in one season?? It was boring to watch. - NO. MORE. VOLTRONS. Honestly, it was cool the first couple of times, but seriously. Not EVERYONE can have the abilities to create Voltron as they please. - REPITION. Okay, so this goes with the Voltron’s, and Battles. It was annoying to watch the same thing over and over again.  - Lying. The lying that was done in the media has really disappointed me.  C H A R A C T E R S Shiro - Okay, Shiro was sooo good this season! He got a lot of development as a leader. His new arm is also really cool! Though, I was disappointed that they didn’t touch more on his past and how he and Keith came to be more closer.  Keith - I loved him this season! Though, I was really hoping for more of HIS emotions on certain events to show up, even though it was mostly action based this season.  Allura - I don’t have much to say about her, really. She had some development this season, though, I wished we got to see more of her emotions.  Lance - He was kind of strange this season. Not in a bad way, but it was nice to see him grow into a bit of a leader himself! Pidge - Not much to say about Pidge either. There wasn’t much development at all with her.  Hunk - I LOVED his development, though-- It wasn’t much. If anything, we saw his INSIDE life and I was wanting more of that.  Romelle / Coran - Not much to say either. Though, Coran did get some screentime! Axca - I did not like her actions. Although she seems to be working with them, she just seems completely irrelevant.  Ezor / Zethrid - I was confused with them. They appear to be new leaders for only ONE episode. And that’s it. Kinda strange, but I didn’t care much for them.  New Squad at the garrison - I like them! They remind me of the paladins now, though I wished they weren’t the sole focus in some parts.  R E L A T I O N S H I P S SHEITH - Okay, I was really disappointed this season. Despite getting one full episode to them, I still wished we could have seen more development between them during battle and such. Though, I do feel like there is more to come for them, but we’ll see. 
ALLURANCE - I have mixed feelings between them. Definitely a cute ship, though I feel like it was VERY rushed this season and there was hardly any development between them this season.  SHADAM - This ship lived as long as it died. It was a minor thing, but it held importance. I won’t comment any further on it.  EZOR / ZETHRID - This took me by surprise. It wasn’t confirmed that they were lovers, but it was HEAVILY implied and that has me thinking a few things.  AXCA / KEITH - This Ship literally has no importance to plot and completely irrelevant and a disservice to Keith’s character.  P L O T Okay, as I said above, the plot was rushed. Heavily rushed, that it distorted many things in the show. ESPECIALLY the TIMELINE. There have been so MANY time jumps and distortions between past and present, it’s really confusing to figure out how long it really has been. Another thing, is the battles. You can only do so much with them before you run out of ideas to keep it rolling. And I really felt that here, and it just. It felt strange watching the plot crumble a bit. Though, we did get insights on the garrison, and that was pretty cool, but it just felt strange.  T I M I N G
This was a big blow off. I feel like the show runners just wanted to force this season down our throat. Like, it was the biggest one of all! But really, it wasn’t. The timing was not good. Being merely a little near two months since the last season, It felt really weird. It felt rushed and just strange.  M E D I A / R A T I N G
What really bothers me, is that all of social media has really been pushing for this season as if it’s the grand slam. But it honestly felt more like a game they were playing, just to get more views and attention for the show. There was really, no big WOW factor this season that blew me away. Not to mention, all the articles and reviews promising it was the best season yet to come, felt like they were lying through their teeth. It really was not all that great.  My personal rating on this season would be a solid 4 / 10 stars. I was not happy with this season at all, but there was still some good things to come out of it! C O N C L U S I O N / P E R S O N A L T H O U G H TS
Coming to a close, this season was not my favorite and never will be. Though there was some good things, they could have done a lot better with it. Despite the negatives, there was still some good in it and I appreciate that. The show runners did good, but they could have done better. This is just my personal thoughts and opinions on the new season! Hope you guys enjoyed this decently written review xD
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shockwrites · 6 years
Hard Liquor
Author’s Note: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Series: Original
Pairing: Faye/Theo
Length: 1733 words
Rating: Safe (although there’s like a hint of a lewd undertone at the end)
There was enough tension in the air that one could almost cut it with a knife.
Faye mentally cursed herself. She hadn’t given herself enough time to prepare for this moment. That much she came to terms with as she quietly sat at the dining table, watching helplessly as her current boyfriend of hardly a few weeks was faced with the height of apex predators. A beast in virtually every sense of the word, glaring down at the poor rabbit with the subtle ferocity of a predator stalking its prey:
Her mother, Hortense Dulciana.
To this very moment, Faye hadn’t the slightest idea how the news of her and Theo’s newly founded relationship had traveled so fast. Those cursed words were etched into her brain: “Perhaps you could introduce me to this Theo character”. It was said with no sort of figurative tone whatsoever. Hortense wanted to see him and now. Her heart skipped enough beats that she wasn’t entirely sure it was still beating.
Theo had been all too eager to meet the woman. Oh, how naïve he was. Faye watched in horror as her mother’s greeting came in the form of a piercing gaze that all but shattered the remnants of the bunny’s eager curiosity into anxiety fueled terror.
Hortense was much larger than her daughter in terms of height. She was much more slender and serpentine than her daughter and her horns were much larger and…demonic looking. Her onyx scales held a darker shade, imposing her presence among the lighter yellow and bronze shades of the restaurant. Even her scarlet dress was striking amid the vibrant gold colors.
Her stone cold expression bore through Theo like a firehose through a sheet of paper. Faye was almost certain that the waiters were avoiding their table on purpose. Not like she could really blame them. All Hortense was doing for the past ten minutes was scrutinizing the poor rabbit, as though he was about to be the main course should he do so much as blink.
“So…” The dragon’s voice was sharp and to the point. “Chasing after mammals this time, Faye?”
“M-Mother!” Faye tried to sound chastising but it merely came out as a feeble whine.
Not once did she take her eyes off of Theo, meagerly and just barely managing a skittish smile. Hortense did not look impressed. “Well? Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?”
Theo finally managed to feel his heart pounding in his chest. “O-oh! Right! Right!” He cleared his throat, hoping to keep his voice from cracking any more than it just did. His suit felt stuffy and strangling. “My name is Thaddeus-ThEodORE! It’s-it’s Theodore Miss-ah Ma’am!” His ears flopped as he was overwhelmed by just how tiny he felt.
Oh boy.
Faye winced. She felt that one more than he did.
The alpha predator furrowed her brow, resting her muzzle on her intertwined fingers, still sizing up her prey. “Well then, Thaddeus.” Another wince, this time from the both of them. Neither party was going to forget that little slip. “Might I ask how you met my daughter?” Hortense’s gaze shifted to Faye who shrank from her foreboding glare. “I would have guessed that Faye would be withered and decrepit before leaving her precious books.”
“We uhh…met at a party, actually!”
“A party?” She asked with a somewhat surprised tone. “I didn’t think a rabbit could be someone of the upper class.”
“W-Well ahh…I was actually…” Theo was starting to lose his nerve as he ran through the possible responses to his next sentence in his mind. All of them ended in tragedy. “I was…one of the waiters…”
Hortense scoffed, leaning back in her seat with an unnerving smirk. “I see. So did the deed happen, hm? Did you consequently recite a line from one of her little romance novels?”
“Well n-no, you see,” Theo stammered.
“Did you miraculously bump into her as she was trying to leave?”
Faye internally groaned. Was she planning on embarrassing her for the entire night?
“Or perhaps,” Her reptilian eyes gave a side glance over at Faye who was just short from banging her head on the table, “Were you stuck with her after she drank herself stupid?”
Faye’s eyes widened. Suddenly she had trouble swallowing the lump in her throat. She made a quick glance at Theo who had just as much difficulty responding as she did. Their struggle suggested the obvious answer, yet Hortense patiently awaited the confession, as though she would gain some sick satisfaction out of it. With the chips down, Faye prepared to fold, not wanting her boyfriend to take this heat on his own.
Fortune smiled on her that night.
“Are you prepared to order?”
The table glanced over the clearly nervous fox who had appeared to draw the short straw among the rest of the waiters. Faye had never been so happy to see a waiter since the day she met Theo.
“Yes!” Faye called out a bit too loudly. “The Caesar salad, please!”
“T-Tomato basil tortellini broth, please.” Theo recited perfectly after running the words through his head more times than he could count.
The mammal waiter did his best not to make eye contact with the remaining patron. “Gin. Please.” Hortense hardly bothered shooting a glance at the meek fox.
“R-Right away!”
Faye could tell he couldn’t wait to walk away. Not that she’d blame him.
The guy doesn’t know how lucky he is.
Not even the sounds of utensils tapping porcelain could quell the uncomfortable silence at the table.
It was like the most stressful game of chess. All responses had to be considered with the utmost care and preparation. With every misspeak or slip of the tongue, Hortense’s judgments grew.
“You say you are a waiter, hm?” The dragon’s sharp tongue once again spewed its venom.
Theo swallowed a spoonful of soup, ensuring that there were no chances of him choking. “Not just waiting actually! I do a lot of odd jobs on the side!” He was all too excited to bring that up.
“Odd jobs…” She replied in a disinterested tone, as though now was her first time hearing the term and she couldn’t bring herself to care for it.
“Yes! Catering, bartending, you name it!” Theo tried to chuckle jovially but ended up awkwardly clearing his throat for the umpteenth time instead.
“…Interesting.” Hortense took a sip of her wine. Her focus alternated between the couple. She set aside her now empty glass of wine. “Well, I suppose that’s all I needed to hear for tonight.”
Faye blinked stupidly. “Err…Mother?”
“My eldest daughter, inheritor of her father’s fortune, gotten herself drunk and latched on to a working-class prey mammal in her splendor.” She called for their waiter to refill her glass. The fox quickly responded, only to have the bottle snatched from his palms without a second thought. He attempted an interjection but Hortense’s man-eating glare immediately reassured him how much he would’ve regretted it. “That’s quite enough that I have the ability to care about regarding this matter.”
Faye and Theo exchanged looks. She was just as speechless as he was.
“Mother, I…I don’t understand.”
Hortense sighed in impatience. “For someone so bookish, you have a surprisingly hard time grasping the simplest of answers, Faye.” The larger dragon took another swig of her wine. “Your personal life and what you do with your time is of little concern to me. If you wish to spend your time encouraging whatever fetish those novels have you hooked on, then so be it. I was merely curious to see what manner of romance novel cliché could capture your eye of all things.”
Faye didn’t take too kindly to her relationship being dubbed as a “fetish” but she didn’t quite have the willpower to talk back to her mother, especially now that the longest dinner she’d ever suffered through was now seemingly drawing to a close. Theo remained quiet and awkward, unable to tell if he was supposed to say something right about now.
“I must admit, however, you’ve surprised me, Theodore.”
Theo’s ears perked up in response, surprised to hear his name being called properly after that slip-up moments prior. Not once did he think he’d be able to receive an approval from her throughout this entire night. Lord, was he ecstatic to be proven wrong. “I have?”
Hortense nodded, cooly leaning back in her chair and looking towards Faye. “I’m so used to whatever weak-kneed fling or floozy that your sister brings home. This is the first one that actually managed to keep in their seat before the main course.” She gave a congratulatory clap that unsurprisingly felt disingenuine. “Impressive work. Especially for you, Faye.”
She was far from convinced that was a compliment but at this point, she’d take anything she could get.
The slog through Faye’s apartment was more exhausting this time around.
Faye plopped face first atop her couch, flicking off her high heels with a drained groan. Theo followed suite on the spot next to her. For the next few minutes, the world was in peaceful silence, free of the stresses and anxieties that plagued the couple moments prior.
“…I still feel her judging me.” Said Faye’s muffled voice.
Theo lifted his head and turned to his girlfriend. “Is she…always like that?” He spoke before his brain could filter himself. He didn’t want to seem rude, talking about someone’s mother. Even after that.
“Mhmm.” She finally felt the need to raise her head. “On a good day if you can believe it.”
Theo chuckled. “Oh man. Well hey, we got through it didn’t we?”
“And with some semblance of approval right?”
“Define approval.”
The rabbit smiled warmly before entwining his fingers with her’s. “Well…she knows that this – we’re a thing that’s happening. That was the whole point wasn’t it?”
Faye paused for a moment before answering. She had to admit that she wasn’t exactly expecting her mother to be over the top ecstatic about her love life. In truth, this possibly did turn out to be the best case scenario. “Yes…I suppose it was.” A slight grin reached Faye’s muzzle as well.
“That’s the spirit.” Content, he lied on his back. “So what’s next?”
“Oh,” Theo had barely enough time to react before Faye was suddenly hovering over him, her dress already falling past her shoulders, “I have a few ideas.”
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darkmystress00 · 6 years
Tag...you’re it!
Tagged by the amazing @willowing-love! Sidenote: Tumblr is being weird and putting in odd symbols. I don’t know how to fix it.
Rules: answer 20 questions and then tag 20 people you want to get to know better
Name: Nichole Nicknames: Lady Height: 5′5″ on a good day...but I usually wear heels that take me to 5′7″ Nationality: I’m American Favorite Fruit: pomegranate! Favorite Season: Probably Fall...Or spring...if it’s not raining. Favorite Plant: Orchids! Favorite Scent: I’m stuck between 2 currently, but I don’t know the name of one. My “everyday” scent is Hello Beautiful! from Bath and Body. Favorite Color: Teal Favorite Animal: dogs Coffee, Tea, Or Hot Chocolate: Coffee all day but it’s gotta be doctored and sweet...so just by itself, I gotta say hot chocolate. Average Sleep Hours: 7-8 Dog Or Cat Person: Dogs, although I have had and loved both very very much. Favorite Fictional Character: AHH! So tough!! Shuri from Black Panther I think! Number Of Blankets You Sleep With: Usually just one, but recently I fell into an almost iced over lake, and was stuck in wet clothes for a solid 2 hours. I slept with a sleeping bag, a flannel blanket, and a comforter that night trying to warm up my feet. Dream Trip: It’s easier to say where I don’t wanna go. At this point I want to visit Scotland, or Ireland. Blog Created: like 5 years ago...active like a year or two? Number Of Followers: I currently have 220. (I lost a ton of followers when I started my masters program and stopped posting as frequently.) Random Fact: Children often take up until the age of 7-8 to accurately produce the /r/ phoneme (think R in rainbow) and will often substitute the /w/ in order to effectively communicate the subconscious understanding that there needs to be a phoneme there but they are unable to produce it.
I tag: @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @sparklingcas @fioredi @joanne-egberp @kaz2y5-imagines @kas-not-cas @lostinfic @littlemisssyreid @mercwithamouth @meganlpie @netflixandcastiellll @normily @owlofmylove @ruined-by-destiel @splendidcas @toocutecas @twd-fan05 @webcricket @waywardsons-imagines @yondu-dixon
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