#slash glasses
sirnavergi · 6 months
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good batch of a random assortment of doodles from today which r mostly not connected
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sybeez · 4 months
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+ version with my agents bcs i can
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kagayguri · 10 months
very short drabble requested by;; @meowkiima . gn reader (referred as “you”) . reader is described to have glasses
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Falling asleep near Rin Itoshi is inevitable, during the movie marathons between you and him you’re always the first one to doze off. It’s simply impossible to stay awake, not with the comforting warmth emitting from him or the way he rubs circles in your back, gently as if he’s afraid to hurt you
And tonight is no different, you’re leaning into him, the light from the tv is the only light source and for a moment the screams from whatever cheap horror movie playing right now blends in to the background. For a moment you’re the only thing that exists in his world and he just stands there, admiring you to his heart content.
And then you sneeze, making him aware of exactly how cold the room is. He’s careful to not wake you up as he slips off the couch to bring a blanket
As he wraps it around you he takes your glasses off, hand lingering on your face a few seconds more than necessary
As much as he’d like to just pull you close to him he doesn’t want to risk waking you up so he just finds himself a place on the floor next to the couch he’s just in time for the final girl to go after the slasher
With your hand dangling from the edge, he can’t help but hold your hand after all this is the closest he can get without risking to wake you up
And he can’t contain the smile creeping up to his lips when he feels you squeeze back
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x0011001100x · 4 months
@michisadraw I have a gift for you, I plan to draw 3 more parts for this mini-comic. It will be attended by Soundwave from sg and Senator Shockwave, their child and some "relatives". Then how it goes :))
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pumpkster · 1 year
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mechagender · 4 days
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wahhh heres a little wolfspider headshot adopt if anyones interested while im trying to get back into the swing of art
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sysig · 7 months
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Didn’t know you had it in you, did you (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Fionna and Cake#Simon Petrikov#Winter King#Winterkov#What? Me? Enjoying a self/ ship ft. two dorks wearing glasses? Haha couldn't be me that doesn't sound like me at all#Trading one Tom Kenny brainworms for another sheesh - Tom Kenny stop voicing queer scientists challenge (impossible)#I hadn't drawn Simon before but I have known he's a massive cute for a heck while now lol#And yeah confirmed - he's Really fun to draw especially this iteration#His crows feet and hair streak ugh <3#Plus I've just missed this style of eye more than I realized haha#And Winter just flows off my pencil like water like woah#I blame Spamton at least partially for that lol although he's easier to draw than Spamton :0#Spamton is very fun! Winter's just easier for some reason :0#Maybe 'cause he's so soft-faced haha ♥ And I don't use my colours on him lol#Honestly I only count this as self-slash on a technicality - yes they're both Simon bodily but that's not really Simon in Winter anymore huh#Maybe to some extent - he's still a scientist and all but honestly there's a comment I can't stop thinking about since I saw it#About how really that's The Crown using Simon as a host just without the madness - and his skills aid in keeping him lucid#So it's like a ghost puppeting your clone's still-living corpse more so than kissing yourself :) In my opinion lol#And I don't say that to get away from self-shipping! I love that stuff!! That's just genuinely how I read Winter now haha#Not that he wouldn't play into it lol#I've seen a ''I am like this so you are also like this :) Right Simon? :) You're like this'' and I enjoy that very much#Manipulative so and so <3
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kinos-fortress-2 · 2 months
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shitty doodle 4 yous bye
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floorpancakes · 8 months
i love my weird gf so much (mabu from sarazanmai) he is so strange. weird little man
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wri0thesley · 4 months
Thinking bout wearing thigh highs or stockings and unknowingly turning your lover on.
Like Arlecchino who sees you in lacy thigh highs with a bow as you help brush the kids hair and she has to take a minute to composer herself.
Diluc who sees you walk into the bar like that, becoming more rough and accidentally breaking the glass he was cleaning as he’s just lazer focused on your thighs now.
Wriothesley who’s seconds from tearing them off with his teeth.
Lisa who doesn’t even try to hide the fact she’s thinking of mischievous ways to get you bend over so she can see what else you got.
it is SUCH a good thought . . . and knowing that they all want to tear them off you? or that they're thinking about the bare sliver of thigh just above them? or thinking about your thighs hitched about their hips, stockings still on, whilst they fuck you? sigh
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frnkiebby · 4 months
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oh mikey~🎃
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tai-janai · 1 month
god i wish hero had a canon form to be my boyfriend
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twd-obsessed-bitch · 17 days
I just watched a dead city reel on instagram and it made me realize that negan doesn't have a scar on his neck???
Like you're telling me he got his throat slashed by a piece of glass and there isn't a jagged scar across his neck??? What??
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x0011001100x · 4 months
@michisadraw surprise🎁 😌
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s1 episode 16 thoughts
oh this was an episode that had me on EDGE. and then also laughing because it was so ridiculous. that man grew salamander hands.
"i still don't get it. what does this have to do with us?" "robbing a jewelry store is a federal crime" (dana scully, in the flattest voice you have ever heard) "thanks" <- yeah i did laugh so hard i had to rewind at that point. so what!
mulder greets his old pal by singing his name... never beating the nerd allegations
(and clearly this is normal for them, because his friend says "i hate when you do that" which makes it even funnier)
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! he had his first case with the FBI at the age of 28! something went terribly wrong because he wouldn't shoot the robber, and the bad guy killed another agent! he has been blaming himself for this for years! and the robber, who was thought to be dead, is somehow back and stalking him!
when scully learns about this, she tells him that she thinks he did the right thing by not taking the shot, but this makes him VERY angry. he slams the door on her, and ran away to watch the dead guy's kid play football. ouch! that's gotta hurt. he tends to be very under control, so seeing him like this was jarring.
then he finds out he's being followed while still at the football game and screams "I'LL GET YOU, YOU BASTARD!" which had to make the kid's parents feel deeply uncomfortable
as if mulder hasn't suffered enough in this episode with the guy who killed his coworker and vowed to kill him coming back, the very same man to whom mulder earlier sang to as a greeting just said that "spooky mulder" is a "liability" and "an embarrassment" to the FBI. at this point in the episode my jaw dropped!
(he doesn't seem to take too much offense to this- instead seeing it as his pal warning him that maybe the guy who is stalking him is in the fbi- but i took deep offense on his behalf!)
the next scene we got was a flashback to the trial of the robber and i wrote "is this lawyer the same woman that played eve in the eve episode" but i don't have any immediate intention of finding out if that is true or not... but wouldn't it be funny if it was.
mulder stops his testimony and screams at the robber that he should "die like an animal, you son of a bitch", to which i wrote in my notes, was "another jaw drop moment"!
i love getting to see the composed character lose it. it's clear that mulder took this very, very personally, and that it haunts him. love to see an insight into the past and love that he looked the same in the flashback but with a slightly different hairstyle.
then medical scully comes into play when she requests the dead guy's records and notices that it seems impossible for him to have died of a heart attack if he was in perfect health a few months before... hmm...
(i love when scully goes Doctor Mode it is one of life's simple pleasures)
mulder was still at work at 10:45 at night in the next scene which is adding fuel to scully's theory that he doesn't have a life lmao
but then the robber breaks in and kills his friend, inflicting even more pain upon mulder, who has really had to deal with a lot, and this can only intensify the guilt he was already facing for not shooting the bad guy so many years earlier. it also shows that he remembers the details of those around him- the ages of the other guy's kids, their hobbies, that this friend was writing a novel, that his wife had died of cancer- all of which haunt him further
(also just evidence of his fantastic memory but this is the Sad edition of that fact)
scully does more doctor detective work: the guy who proclaimed our robber dead lost his license for doing unethical experimentation!
next we had what i wrote in my notes in all caps as a "SCULLY GLASSES MOMENT!" where she was writing her case notes and saying there was NO EVIDENCE to support mulder's theory that this fellow was de-aging himself. but someone was breaking into her apartment! and it was accompanied by eerie latin chanting!!!! oh i was stressed!!! he got away in the nick of time when the evil doctor showed up at her door!!!!
(also noticed she has a little fabric cat hanging on her door <3)
so the doctor gave this robber man salamander hands. mulder seems naturally disgusted by this but scully is in Doctor Mode and finds that fascinating. i find myself somewhere in between the two, laughing at the mental picture.
but the salamander robber stalker man stole the evil doctor's research, and is now bargaining with the US government to sell them the secrets of anti-aging! doctors hate this one man's simple tricks!
(mulder is very angry about this. i sympathize, but also feel that dealing with a salamander murderer de-aging guy is probably one of the less morally dubious things the FBI has gotten up to in its time, so make of that what you will)
scully comes out of the shower with wet hair <3 sopping wet kitten <3
(honestly she needs to move like people keep breaking into her place and it's stressing me tf out)
so now she has to be the bait because the bad guy robber stalker salamander is coming to her friend's recital! and she's nervous so mulder winks at her across the room. ohhhhhh my gosh. oh man. someone hold me.
(and dana scully is the kind of friend who goes to her pal's cello recital <3)
despite the stalking and killing salamander man has done, mulder is insistent on taking this guy alive, which speaks to his moral virtue but also provided foreshadowing for what would happen next: evil salamander hands takes scully's friend hostage thinking mulder won't shoot, but he DOES. and the eerie latin chanting returns while this occurs. more guilt! more guilt! that's what latin chanting is about!
scully is also shot at, and she looks down at her chest, sees a bullet in it, and sighs deeply. which would frankly also be my reaction. turns out she was in 8 layers of kevlar, so she's hurting, but she's okay. but i laughed a lot. ugh. shot at again. another day at the office for scully.
she then tells mulder she's proud of him for shooting that guy knowing about his reservations in the past. it is a full circle moment. scully was proud of him for not shooting all those years ago and now she is proud of him for pulling the trigger. she recognized the growth it took in each of those moments and the sorrow that lies behind mulder's seemingly aloof exterior.
overall, a really great episode!! i enjoyed it in both its seriousness and campiness of a de-aging salamander man being our monster of the week. seeing fox mulder tormented with puns about his name gave us a good look into his past that he seems to keep at a distance, and allowed us to examine his moral qualms with the need to pull the trigger and how he holds onto that Guilt that composes the core of his character. the guilt that compels him to do what he does, devote his life to tracking down extraterrestrials so he can find his sister, that guilt for failing to keep people close to him safe, and that guilt that comes from never being able to fully be in control of a shifting world around you. he Needs to protect and he cannot do that all the time and that eats him alive. a very compelling gentleman to me personally.
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