#slash jay hopefully
sybeez · 4 months
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+ version with my agents bcs i can
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celosiaceo · 8 months
Heyyy my dear mutuals and passerby content enjoyers i feel i should post a bigger work of mine sometime soon…
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empiireans · 3 months
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they’re watching the meteor shower
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welcometoteyvat · 9 days
wow..... robin trailer..... she's so gorgeous
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creachercrunch · 1 year
monday scary wednesday scary but friday fun :•]
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aureiki · 11 months
the fact that this isnt even the first time a yuzuru card dropped when I grew a liking to him (well tbh this time I alr loved him a lot beforehand but for some reason this week in particular I was thinking ab him more often)
back in march when I first started to become a yuzuru enjoyer the yumenosaki graduation scout dropped only a FEW DAYS AFTER and my world crumbled in front of me
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enderspawn · 2 years
i finally wrote up a more formal outline of a fic idea thats been in my Brain for a long time and anyway in related news
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this fic is simply Never going to happen <3
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t4tdnf · 1 year
dream said compass = cum piss and that he’d show hole for 10000 followers and sapnap also said he would show hole hope this helps
thakn you anon this is so apprecaiated i am expectibg regular updates from u direct to my askbox /j
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Totally not writing about Tuesday on a Thursday
Masterpost wc: 674 cw: attempted mugging
“Look, dude, I have seven dollars and fourteen cents in my wallet. I know that because I had to buy lunch on campus today and I have no idea how I’m going to make seven dollars and fourteen cents last the rest of the week,” a voice said from the alley that Jason was approaching.
A voice that was becoming very familiar over meals and passing each other on the stairs.
“What’s in the fucking bag?” a different voice croaked. “Hand it over.”
“My notes from class and binders of engineering diagrams. It’s worth even less than seven fourteen. I don’t even have a working pen in there, dude, the last one exploded in my hands this afternoon. Do you see how blue my hands are? That is not natural. I hope you know that that is not natural.”
Was Danny really being mugged and talking back to the mugger? This guy was a disaster. Jason moved quietly as he approached where the alley started.
“You’re a fucking liar, hand it over!”
“Okay,” Danny said with forced calm. “Just taking the bag off…”
There was was a heavy ‘fwack’ followed by an ‘omph’ of pain and the distinctive sound of a body hitting the ground. Jason gave up being stealthy and sprinted around the corner. Hopefully the mugger hadn’t gone for anything vital. His place was stocked with first aid, they were close by, he could—
Danny’s head shot up from where he was standing, bag dangling from his hand, over the prone body of the mugger. He smiled sheepishly. “Jason, hi!”
“Don’t ‘hi’ me, Tuesday! Are you okay?” Jason asked. He nudged the mugger hard with his foot. He only got a groan in response.
“Oh, yeah. I mean I’m still broke and tired, but what else is a college student?” Danny said breezily a he shouldered his bag again. He ran a hand through his long bangs, pushing them back. “But I’m fine— he didn’t even nick me with his knife!”
“You still shouldn’t argue with a mugger like that, it’s a good way to get stabbed,” Jason said, taking Danny’s hands and checking that he hadn’t actually been slashed. Jason wouldn’t put it past Danny to hide injuries, “and you don’t want to be stabbed.”
“Yeah, it really sucks. It took me weeks to heal last time I was, I kept ripping my stitches open,” Danny said breezily.
Jason had to close his eyes and take a breath. How was this guy alive? He grabbed the knife the mugger was using, folding it up and tucking it away, before he rooted through the man’s pocket.
“Um, Jay? What are you doing?”
“Looking for his— there!” Jason pulled out the rubber banded roll of cash and tossed it at Danny who almost most fumbled the catch. It was sorta precious how he looked down at it, eyes all wide in shock.
“Call it emotional distress compensation. No way you’ll find who else he robbed and he sure doesn’t deserve it.”
Danny cocked his head, several emotions running across his face before he shrugged and shoved the cash into his bag. “Guess I get to still eat this week!”
“Tuesday,” Jason said. He reached out and tilted Danny’s head up by the chin so that their eyes met. “If you ever don’t have enough to eat, you come to me, alright?”
“I don’t want to—”
“Tuesday,” Jason said more firmly. “I like cooking. I always make extras for left overs. I won’t have anyone in the building starving— I know what that’s like. If you don’t have enough to eat or the energy to cook or anything else, you come to me. There’s always food at my place. Now be a good boy and say you understand.”
Danny blushed and nodded, his head rocking in Jason’s large hand. “I understand."
“Good boy,” Jason said with a smirk. He let his thumb brush over Danny’s cheek before he dropped his hand. “Now come on, I don’t trust you get back home in one piece.”
AN: Jason continues to despair over Danny's self preservation. Danny continues to blue screen over Jason. It's been so fun to get to explore the Jason/Danny dynamic as opposed to the Red Hood/Danny! It's turning out nothing like I expected LOL For how willing Hood is to be put on his knees by a feral Danny, Jason sure enjoys taking control of this soft nerd. Idk, I'm just going with it!
Due to being shadow banned (still, ugh), I'm no longer tagging people! To be notified please go to this post and subscribe!
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somewhat-very-insane · 3 months
Any fun plans for Valentine’s Day?!
crack cocaine and black tar heroin
(slash jay dw)
probably not actually on the 14th cause it’s like a wednesday? but over the weekend hopefully yeah
how bout you ?
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Autumn Asks
frost, lantern, bonfire
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
1. Let Mom teach you how to dance. It's not silly, she knew what she was doing, and you would probably have felt far more confident on the dancefloor and not as insecure about dancing now.
2. Tell your aunts and your cousin to go fuck themselves and to get the hell out of your house (when they came to stay while Mom was in the hospital) when you were 17. Ignore Mom's need for peace and 'getting along and staying quiet to keep the peace' because she was in the hospital as it was, not at the house dealing with their cunt-ass attitude, and they needed to be told off. This will teach you to set boundaries that will save your life and your self esteem in years to come.
3. Fuck high school. Drop out, get your GED, find a job you enjoy, and skip college for a year or two while you're figuring out what you want to do.
4. While you're at it, push for your sister to sell the house and move the hell out of Texas before 1993. First off, you'll be the hell far away from Texas and won't ever have to live there again, and second, you'll still have your brother around.
5. Granted, you'll hopefully be out of Texas by this point, but if not (or even if you are), do NOT go out with this one dude EVER. Don't date him, don't live with him, don't marry him. Use those boundaries you figured out with your relatives to tell that gaslighting narcissist to fuck off and die.
6. Don't be an English major if you do go to college. Definitely take creative writing workshops and classes, but don't major in literature. You can happily keep reading whatever you want without having to write dumbass papers that are nothing more than vomiting up other people's theories to back your own up. Fuck that. Go into parapsychology and creative writing. Or fuck academia altogether and just get your career as a tarot reader going from an earlier point. Take creative writing classes for fun.
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
I have a few best friends, and we each met in different ways.
First best friend was childhood best friend who is still a friend but less 'best' now than before. Still, we met through two of our brothers, and I was like...5 or 6, so I think my first impression was that she was cool as hell, but I'm not sure what her impression of me was.
Best friend that lives on the East Coast - we met through a now-defunct site called WitchVox. She emailed me because of the group/coven listing I had up and asked me questions. We emailed back and forth for a week or two, and then we met for coffee at Kettle. She was married at the time, I was married at the time, and our dudes turned out to be douchebags. We kept each other as besties in the divorces. I know one of my first impressions of her was that "Holy fuck, she's tall!" And she reminded me a lot of my mom but with a much more in your face bitch attitude. I'm not sure what her first impression of me was.
Welsh Bestie - We met through the guestbook (yes we're old) of Isaac Bonewits' website because I saw that he called himself a chaotician, so I messaged him. We emailed and IMed, and we've been friends since January of 1999. Haven't met face to face yet. My first impression was that he was cool. Not sure what his first impression was of me. @chaotic-hypnotic-erotic
Jewish Michigan suburb bestie - We met through the Jay and Silent Bob slash yahoo group back in like...what? 2000? 2001? We read each other's fics first, chatted, I'm sure, through the actual groups, and then one night, @kleenexwoman IMed me because I was awake. I thought she was a weird and fun little 18 year old, and I gave her all manner of advice on how to hoard as much food from the student center as she could in her dorm since the student center closed at a certain time of night. She didn't have a car at the time to leave campus, and being stuck in a dorm that didn't allow hot plates, I made suggestions on how she could keep snack type food around. Eventually, I sent her an electric kettle because she could have that, and she could make ramen or mac and cheese in it as well as heat up water for tea. I know I liked her a lot and thought she was weird and funny and fun. No idea what her first impression of me was. I've talked to her on the phone in the past but still haven't met face to face.
Bestie that I run three bingos with - I think we met through here/AO3 (fics and comments), and right away, I liked @scottxlogan because she's sassy and funny and creative and imaginative. We share fandoms and cheerleader each other on through writing and life's bullshit. Still not sure what her first impression of me was, but mine was that she was awesome, and I have a blast running the bingos with her. We make a really good team, and I can't wait to meet her in person because I think we'll get into some really weird but creative trouble together.
Bestie who spent far too long holding the bowl for a dick who didn't appreciate her the way she deserved - I met @raevynlokidottir through LJ way the hell back, and I can't even remember what community it was through. Firefly, maybe? Some pagan community? But that was probably getting close to 20 years ago maybe. Maybe not quite that long, but it's been a long time. It took a little bit to get the engines really revved on the friendship, but she was there for me through the divorce, and by the time I graduated grad school, her daughter was calling me Aunt T, and we were pretty much family. First impressions fuzzy because it was so long ago, and I've slept since then. If my sister and I can get the fuck out of Texas, we'll get to meet because she relocated to a state close to the one we're going to live in.
Work Sister-Bestie - I met her last year when I went to work at a small retail food-new age shop here in the small-ass town I live in. I worked closer to full-time, and she worked two days a week for three hours a day. She'd been working there longer than me, but from the moment I started, we hit it off so much that, aside from actually having to work, we talked from the moment she walked through the door to the moment she left, and we text quite a bit, too. The job was great (aside from not paying quite enough) - how often can you say that you love 99.9% of your customers in retail? Not often. But out of all of that really awesome experience, she is by far the BEST thing to come out of that job. I know that my first impression of her was that she was nothing like I thought she'd be when I first started working with her and that she's so far away from being as conservative as she looks. @missrobbie73 swears and has one of the best dirtiest minds. I think her first impression of me was that she thought I might not like her because I was loud and weird and that I might not get her at first. (She's not active on Tumblr most of the time, but I talked her into joining because I fun that stone blog on here.)
bonfire - describe your dream house.
Dream house would either be on the beach or within a short walk to the beach - obviously not in Texas. Preferably east-northeast. Single story, as I'm getting older and stairs can be a bitch on my knees and ankle. Big wrap-around porch with one part of it facing the beach if possible. 3-4 bedrooms, 2-2 1/2 bathrooms. Big bedrooms, bathrooms, big ass kitchen - maybe open concept kitchen-livingroom-dining room. Tile floors. Living room doesn't have to be huge but cozy enough for guests. I've actually dreamt about this house (or ones like it) for shit...30 years maybe? Wouldn't need a pool but a hot tub would be nice. Maybe a nice outdoor kitchen as well as the big indoor one? Definitely plenty of space to grill and have a firepit on the beach. Doesn't need to be fancy but nice, cozy, sweet. A haven.
Autumnal Asks.
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No1 Councilblr Weirdo Bracket (BEHIND THE SCENES)
First things first, I should note that ALL NOMINEES were included in the bracket. I only excluded TWO users for not having obvious ties to Councilblr. And when I spotted "the whole t4tnavyseal hivemind" I thought it would be funny, FOR THE BIT, to let in every hivemind member I could track down and include them in the bracket (which does mean there were contestants with no nominations).
This lead to a strange number of contestants, so I myself nominated rumiracle-whip and rubysparx to help even it out (one of them is an understated weirdo and both of them are fans of Exandroth so I call that immediately weirdo-worthy).
With a full list of contestants I got to work on the bracket. Users colestyle and burning-sol got separated to help with the odd number of contestants and to avoid any large sweeps. The regular nominees and the hivemind were separated with two exceptions, who I picked just based on *shrugs*. Users with a higher number of nominations I attempted to spread out and everyone else was randomised. I also made some other personal choices for the hell of it. Basically, it was a system of executive choices and also just a luck of the draw.
That's about everything I have to say on the behind the scenes. Since I have experience now, hopefully the next bracket will be easier to run.
Anyways, here are ALL the responses (aside from a few ommissions). CONTENT WARNING: many of these nominations were certified NOT WEIRD and dare I say NORMAL <- next time I will NOT be nice and NOT include everyone because you all cannot be trusted.
21 - colestyle
"i mean. cmon. the gillion eggs post." "i think the gillion lays eggs post is a good reason" "Have you seen his blog???" "are you kidding me" "you know why" "egg post 💀" "do I even have to explain this one" "do you really need to ask that" "funny guy. something deeply wrong with him. fussy. eggs. etc etc etc. need I say more" "eggs" "yeah" "do you even have to ask" "gillion egg webweave" "do i need to?" "self explanatory <3" "eggposting." "obviously" "Fussy, titstrider Tuesday, that gillion egg post" "very strange and off putting" "have you seen !!!!"
8 - burning-sol
"The Everything /affectionate" "Eldritchstrings and general exandroth posting" "i mean ‘weirdo’ in such a kind and positive way here because but i think if the council were to be exposed to his blog they would take some kind of psychic damage from the pinned post alone" "Many reasons, including being the person that started the Morse hivemind clicks" "just look at them" "Because they're my friend, and we can't all possibly nominate Lukas Colestyle" "excessive exandroth and eldritchstrings posting (/pos)"
5 - misty-lilies
"niklaus simp" "they want to get destroyed in a poll" "niklaus apologist 100 emoji" "accidentally started the t4t navyseal hivemind" "my favourite moot who makes banger charcter analysis posts and also is a simp for niklaus hendrix"
5 - navysealt4t
"^_^ get freaky wit it!! am a lil navyseal lover <3" "navyseal and t4t, they are cool and my mutual <3" "1 out of the 2 og t4tnavysealers…." "Them and t4tnavyseal started the t4t navyseal hivemind" "he literally WROTE an entire song for jay based on the idea of a musical. also she's my favorite mutual. so. i must be biased"
4 - willotstreet
"absolute killer.Murderer. SOMEHOW being able to rolan deep post so much im astounded. Thumbs up" "crazy insane rolan deep guy /pos" "honest;y whatever that guys got going on is infinitely funnier than anything else. i log onto this webbed site, watch ren post about their breakdown, then watch them post about how rolan deep is their wife."
3 - jadejemdoesstuff
"Scrimbles" "Hits post limit Way too frequently to be normal" "scrunkly"
3 - nickyclose
"First of all,had the SCUcondi username which was iconic,they are the ceo of Ashe winters and are my friend :}" "SAYS SO MUCH IN THEIR POSTS.SO MANY IDEAS. SOMEHOW. never runs out. Freak behavior. IDEAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! slash pos" "constantly brainrotting about npcs"
3 - spacedustmantis
"they r cool and understand gillion tidestrider" "really into plays that's kinda not normal right" "eel boy tidestrider"
2 - sp4rk-p1ug
"if he doesnt get in im blowing this whole fucking website up and deleting the cringe comp and the councilblr discord server and my blog" "i’m colestyles boyfriend"
2 - the-albatross-sails
"british representation" "called old man earl a top, british, just look at my pfp and that's all the evidence you need"
2 - dracolunae / pretzel-the-frogtopus
"No one can run that many update blogs and be considered an average blog /aff" "Beasty beastly beast best beast ORANGE Also they run like all of the update accounts All of them"
2 - alkalineleak
"1. i watched hymn liveblog making the undersea headcanon doc on discord 2. beloved jrwi riptide mutual" "big naturals"
1 - fiveminuterice
"omegaverse post"
1 - atlix2
"he's gotten a litle too silly"
1 - unwitnessprotection
"sorry for shipping william wisp and william wight. ok. sorry. god itd be so funny though. sorry also for contemplating shipping william with the wisp illusion of him. i havent gone to confession in years i could keep going"
1 - xaeyrnofnbe
"I think they are very nice :)"
1 - twinkfromconvergence / maybewren
"im their friend an i think it would be funny"
1 - viewfinder-chernobyl
"They wanted to be nominated"
1 - t4tnavyseal
"they have a cool blog :3"
1 - grrsalot
"freak (aff)"
1 - tragicfaggots
"they are silly :3"
1 - thanatosyaoi
"technically this is discord interactions based rather than blog based but. uhhh. yknow lets just go with “you had to be there” i dont need to disclose what happens in boo’s insane room"
1 - apple-the-bluebird
"You said we could nominate ourselves. Also. The year of the yaoi thing and having multiple posts on the cringe comp"
1 - chaos-caverns
1 - seraphex
1 - verdellium
"as a good friend of rosemarys heres my list on why she is weird and insane: - sent me a video of her doing an "autism jig" (intense stimming) over gillions i hate you speech - sent me a video of wym crying at 1 am over the bitb finale. unnerving and weird to wake up to at 6 am and see that video. - has a 1000 word note in her notes app about how one of his pieces in band perfectly fits albatrio. refuses to share it with me. - wrote like. 200 words to his mutual about band and jrwi. - in her drafts, there is a post that says "gillion is an exmormon. i said it." i dont know where this came from.
1 - tranny-tidestriders
"they reblogged the charlie twerking GIF about 15 times in a row. and he has autistic tboy swag"
1 - enderspawn 1 - fragilecqpricorn 1 - goatmanwithstrawberrytea 1 - asteraeliana 1 - everwizard
Someone simply submitted "ohmigoshiloveyou" and nothing else. The user "firefox-official" was nominated with the note "must i explain" but I couldn't find any obvious ties to Councilblr so I didn't include them, "sadmushroomgoblin" was nominated with no comment and excluded for the same reason.
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
WSB CH 9 - Of Birthdays and Suggestions
James throws Sirius a little party for his birthday, and one of his birthday presents lead to an interesting suggestion from Spencer. 
November 3rd, 1983
Sirius hadn’t expected much for his birthday, especially given James’ revelation about the Lily of it all.  James seemed fully committed to putting things on ice for the moment, so it’s no surprise when James gives him a simple kiss when he realizes Sirius’ is awake on birthday.
“Happy Birthday, Si.”
“Thanks, Jay,” Sirius smiles.
“I – er – I wasn’t sure if you might like something a bit more this morning or today,” James stutters.
“I think it’s best we just be normal.”
“Oh, okay,” James says, sounding a bit disappointed.  “Breakfast in bed?”
“Sounds delightful.”
James gives him another kiss and disappears only to reappear with Harry.  
“Happy Birthday, Paddy!” Harry cheers, running in and climbing on the bed.  
“Thanks, kiddo,” Sirius grins.
“Thought he could hang out with you while I make breakfast,” James offers as an explanation.
“I’d love to hang out with my favorite person,” Sirius teases and he tickles a delighted Harry.
James pouts, playful.  “Thought I was your favorite person?”
Sirius gives him a teasing smile, “Only when Harry’s not around, isn’t that right, kiddo?”
“Yeah!  Paddy’s Favorite!”
“Aw, don’t pout,” Sirius teases, “You’re my favorite adult.”
“Cute,” James responds.  “You’re lucky it’s your birthday.”
“Speaking of – didn’t you promise me breakfast?”
James nods, “You two have fun, I’ll be back in a bit.”
“We will.”
Sirius smiles as he and James hang out in their sitting room.  James had invited a few of their friends over for Sirius’ birthday.  It’s quiet and nice.   Something low-key that they could do with a toddler, who is spending the evening playing with his friends (as most of their new friends are from the mummy and me group) while still giving Sirius a little birthday party.  
“You look happy,” Spencer says as he moves beside Sirius.
“I am happy,” Sirius smiles.  “I’ve got my best friend slash boyfriend, my kid and my friends that I get to celebrate with.  It’s been absolutely perfect.”
“I’m glad.  I know it’s been difficult lately.”
Sirius nods.  “It has.  This time of year is always a bit difficult – for both of us really – he wasn’t the only one that loved her, but I think that we’re on a good path and I love that James is actually trying to deal with some stuff.”
“And what about you?”
Sirius shrugs.  “I’m dealing with it, too.  We’re both dealing with our issues – the situation and Lily’s impact on our relationship is something that we have been avoiding, but we need to deal with it.  And now, we’re on the right path, I’m sure of it.”
Spencer smiles.  “I think it’s pretty great that you’re headed in the right direction.”
“Although I do wish that we could have some fun on my birthday, it’s probably best to wait.”
“I wouldn’t mind if we did,” James offers, clearly sneaking up on them and snaking his arms around Sirius’ waist in a surprise move (usually it’s the other way around).
Sirius turns around in his arms, as Spencer mutters something about leaving the two of them alone.  “James…”
“It could be just something for tonight – you know, because it’s your birthday?” James asks, hopefully.  “It’s not for me – it’s for you.”
“As much as I enjoy anything we do together, it’s only been a few days since…”
“I know, I know,” James grumbles.  “I just thought – special occasion.”
“It’s okay, maybe next year,” Sirius winks.  
“Maybe?” James groans, clearly unhappy with the idea that a year from now, he wouldn’t be guaranteed sex.
Sirius laughs, “Come on, I think it’s time for cake.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
        “So, now that all the guests are gone, what do you say we revisit the earlier conversation,” James asks as Sirius enters the sitting room after happily putting Harry to bed on his own.  
        Sirius stops in his tracks as he realizes that James is wearing a pair of his sexy underwear.  The ones that were lacy and tight and Sirius’ favorite color – a bright red like Gryffindor red.  They lift up his arse and hug his cock in a way that Sirius clearly appreciates given the lustful look in his eyes.
        Despite the fact that Sirius had said they shouldn’t do anything sexy tonight for Sirius’ birthday, James knows that Sirius does want to do something sexy but is holding back for James’ sake.  James, ever defiant, decided to go for it anyway.  
        Surely, Sirius seems to be appreciating it.  
        “That’s what you wear to clean in?” Sirius asks, recovering slightly.
        James grins, “Well, I just thought it could be… another present.  Don’t you like it?”
        Sirius eyes him up and down and then walks straight over to James and pulls him into a deep snog.  Delighted, James wraps his arms around Sirius’ neck and groans when he feels Sirius’ hands on his arse pressing them closer together.  
        James had already been half-hard just thinking about what may happen and quickly hardens the rest of the way.  He can feel Sirius harden, too, and hopes his plan is going to work.
        After several delightful moments, Sirius leans back to tilt his forehead against James’, breathing heavy.  “You don’t know what you’re doing to me, Jay,” he groans.  “Torturing a bloke on his birthday is so cruel of you.”
        James chuckles, “Who says that I’m torturing you?”
        “I do because you just admitted a few days ago that you aren’t all in and we talked about going slow…”
        “I know – I know,” James assures him.  “And I know I’m kind of flip-flopping here, but I – I really wanted to do something special for you.  Something no one else gets to do.”
        Sirius gives him a look, “Didn’t we discuss this this morning and again before the cake?”
        “Yes, but you know I’ve always been a bit defiant,” James teases.  “Plus, I know you want this, too.”
        Sirius chuckles, “I should say no…”
        “But,” James prompts.  
        “But I do suppose that I shouldn’t reject a present from my lovely new boyfriend,” Sirius grins, and eyes him up and down.  “Especially when he looks so… delicious.”
        James blushes pleased that Sirius seems to enjoy his present.  “Great!  I – er – I didn’t really have specific ideas – having never done anything other than what we did a few weeks ago with a man, but I’d be willing and eager to do whatever my lovely boyfriend wants.”
        “Does that mean I get to order you around tonight?” Sirius teases, eyes sparkling.  “Tell you to wank slow and steady then faster and quicker until you’re right at the edge and then, stop?”
        James groans.  Teasing himself hadn’t exactly been on his mind as he’d been hoping to get to touch Sirius instead, but… “Anything you’d want, Si.  I’m ready and willing.”
        Sirius groans, appreciatively.  “Happy Birthday to me.”
November 5th, 1983
        “Thanks again for taking me to the football game,” Sirius says as he sits beside Spencer trying very hard to understand football.  He hadn’t really thought that he was into sports and it’s easier to understand than quidditch, but Spencer had bought the tickets for his birthday and James hadn’t wanted to go (something about how nothing could compare to quidditch and that it’s customary to invite the ticket giver to go with).  
        Thus, he and Spencer are at the game.  
        “I should be thanking you – the tickets were a gift, I thought I’d be offering to babysit rather than get to go to the game.”
        “Hmm-mm, well, I think it’s nice sometimes to spend time with other people,” Sirius admits, given that he could literally count the number of times he’s been without James since Halloween of ’81 on his fingers.  “It’s been better in the last year, but that first year…”
        He trails off.  He couldn’t really explain all the difficulties after the loss of Lily because all he knows is that it was a tragic situation, not the details.  Not that they’d been hunted by a madman, betrayed by their friend, and that he and James both feel like they’re at fault for not being there to protect her.  They both worry about the prophecy and what it means that Harry is seen as some defeater of a dark lord or if there’re some expectations for him.
        Not to mention, Sirius’ guilt over wanting to be with Lily’s husband the entire time and now getting to be with him since she’s gone.
        It’s a lot to consider.  A lot to deal with.  A lot that they hadn’t dealt with.  He’s at just as much fault as James for not addressing these issues.  Too afraid of losing him.  
        “You know, you mentioned that James had a particularly difficult time that first year and if he’s still struggling, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to see a therapist.”
        Sirius frowns.  “A therapist?”
        “Yeah, someone trained to help him – you both really – heal and deal with the situation,” Spencer offers.  “Just given what I know of everything, it just makes sense that maybe two of you should see a professional.”
        Sirius nods, “Yeah, maybe.”
“How was your day with Spencer?” James questions as soon as Sirius enters the house.  Sirius and Spencer had gone off to the football game from the tickets for Sirius’ birthday.  Although he’d been better about letting Sirius do his own thing in the last year, he still feels a rush of relief to see Sirius home safe.
“It was good – er – I didn’t really have a stake in the game like I usually do when it was you playing, but the team Spencer likes won, so it was a cheery game.”
“Not as exciting as when you were cheering me on, though, huh?” James teases as Sirius joins him on the couch.  “You much prefer being my cheerleader?”
“Oh yes,” Sirius smiles, kissing his cheek.  “But it was still good – we should really go together sometime.”
“Nothing could compare to quidditch though,” James replies, even if he definitely thinks that he’ll never see another game.  Not with his desire to avoid the wizarding world at all costs.  
“Hmm-mm, I don’t know.  It’s different, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be just as fun,” Sirius smiles.  “But he did suggest something rather interesting to me…”
“If he suggested that we swing with him and Evan, I quite think that you should be aware that I don’t share,” James states.  Maybe he’d consider it if he and Sirius had already gone there, but he’s quite sure that even then, James wouldn’t be thrilled with sharing Sirius – he’s his and no one else’s.
Sirius chuckles.  “Did you really think that’s where I was going with that?  That they’d want to swing with us?”
James flushes because obviously that is not where he was going with that.  “Er – no.”
“You did, didn’t you?” Sirius teases.  “James, we’re just friends, Spencer and Evan are happily married, and are not into swinging especially considering that you and I haven’t even – you know.”
James rolls his eyes, “You’re not allowed to tease me.”
Sirius chuckles, “I think you must’ve forgotten our little tryst after all then because I love teasing and you seemed to enjoy it, too, if I recall.”
“That’s not what I meant,” James responds, blushing.  “I meant about the kind of teasing about misunderstanding whatever he might be suggesting.  So, instead of teasing me, why don’t you just tell me?”
Sirius laughs a little, before saying, “Well, he knows about muggle version of what happened on Halloween two years ago, and he thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if we went to therapy.”
“It’s like mind healing,” Sirius offers.  “He gave me the name of a therapist that he’d recommend.  His sister went to her last year, and I think that the name sounds familiar.  I think she might be a muggleborn and that would mean being able to talk to her about what the real issues are.”
“Oh.”  James frowns.  He hadn’t really considered talking to anyone other than Sirius and he hadn’t really been talking to him either – it was just too difficult to talk to Sirius about given their new relationship.  On the other hand, it could help.  “What do you … think about that?”
“I think it’s a good idea,” Sirius offers.  “If you’re okay with it.  I think maybe we both should talk to her, talk to someone… we need to deal with the issues about what happened and how those issues stand between us… if we’re going to be a good go of this…”  
James watches him glance over at Harry, who’s playing on the ground in front of them with one of the little cars he’d gotten for his birthday before he continues.
“And I think we need to acknowledge what brought us here,” Sirius finishes.
“You mean the prophecy?” James asks, frowning.  
He didn’t like the thought of it way back when it first came up and he absolutely hated the idea now, even if he has considered that the scar on Harry’s forehead might make the prophecy real.  Might being the operative word.
“I know I said it was hogwash and I still think that,” Sirius offers.  “I refuse to believe that Harry’s got some prophecy and destiny nonsense that will screw up his life, but you have to admit that given the wording and Harry’s scar that we might need to deal with it.  Hiding out in the muggle world could help, but we don’t know for sure, and we should deal with that.”
“In therapy?”
“Yes, in therapy.”
James shrugs.  “Well, I guess it – couldn’t hurt, right?”
It hadn’t taken very long for Sirius to call and confirm an appointment with the therapist after confirming that she is, in fact, muggleborn.  He had also secretly reached out to Kingsley to ask if he knew of any other therapists or mind healers that Sirius could see because after discussing the issues with Spencer and then James, he realized that he would be better off seeking professional help, as well.  
Except that it’s not advised for the two of them to go to the same therapist given that they have a connection, and their issues relate to each other.  He’d made an appointment for a different day than James’ appointment, just in case it doesn’t quite work out the way they hoped.  
Therapy isn’t usually easy, after all.
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hoshologies · 10 months
⌗ wip game.
rules. post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous they are. let people send you an ask with any titles that most intrigue them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
tagged by @jmin-s
man i have so many wips LMAO i tried to organize them by group so hopefully they’re a little easier to parse through !! please feel free to ask me as many questions as you like !!
to haunt a home, lee heeseung.
thirteen ways, jake sim.
on tape, jay park.
lovers’ advisory, mark lee.
six week stranger, na jaemin.
the last page book club, ot8 skz series.
forward / slash, ot5 txt series.
defined by the things i love, choi beomgyu.
tagging anyone who wants to participate. i dont think i have enough mutuals to tag for all of these LMAO
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tmmyhug · 2 years
Hello. No undying love here and I’m not anonymous. What am I doing here?
Hiya vee. How’d you like today’s vlog?
no undying love? kinda lame :/ slash jay hi uncertain !!! i did not watch today's vlog because i need to watch them in order and i did not watch the previous one yet because school is A Lot! but! i am going to tomorrow maybe. hopefully. i did watch the phil vidcon one and that was fantastic. what did You think of today's vlog?
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gh0stl0id · 7 months
Ngl I really hope that the classpects are expanded in hs2. Especially Mages (for TOTALLY non-biased reasons slash jay.)
Hopefully that will be the case since Sollux MIGHT be more present.
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