#age: ageless
headmate-ideas · 23 days
🪽privately requested headmate🖼️
[MINORS DNI due to the sexual role of this headmate.]
✦ Name(s): Alniel, Jandros, Wing ✦ Pronouns: it/its, xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself, wing/wings/wingself, ce/cen/cens/cenself ✦ Species: winged supernatural entity; is unsure if it is an angel or a demon ✦ Age: ageless adult ✦ Role(s): guilt holder ✦ Labels: aroace (sex and romance averse), kenolux (original coining post has been lost but it's a cross between kenochoric and luxine), baph ✦ Xenogender themes: darkness, stars, duality ✦ Interests/likes: nature, art history, law ✦ Dislikes: uncertainty, bright lights, misinformation ✦ Music taste: doom metal, baroque pop ✦ Aesthetic(s): devilcore, classicism, weirdcore ✦ Kins: shadows, rain, cambions ✦ Emoji proxy: 🪽🖼️ ✦ Details:
Alniel is a holder for feelings of guilt - specifically around sexual topics and about lying by omission. Unlike other guilt holders in its system, who cope with their guilt by indulging in it, Alniel is very afraid of those feelings (albeit not the actual actions associated with them). Its discomfort with lying by omission extends to a disdain for lies and deception in general, and it corrects misinformation whenever possible. Ce has black feathered wings, golden irises, and no sense of age past being an adult. Ce is uncertain of cens species but believes ce is either an angel, a demon, or somehow a mixture of those two. The uncertainty over this feeds into the distress Alniel feels over other topics. Alniel's interests include art history, especially renaissance art depicting religious and nature scenes. It likes being around nature or around plants as well, finding this calming and helpful to cope with. It also likes researching historical laws, where they came from, and how they've changed over time.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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Vaggie no (i say, knowing she literally did this XD)
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Reverse Robins AU where everyone is their canon ages but Bruce gets them backwards
And Sooner, thus smaller
Cass: David Cain makes the mistake of letting Bruce know of Cass. Bruce comes back to Gotham with an infant while David Cain resurfaces years later with a case of broken spine. Alfred is torn between pride in his son and exasperation at his newfound hobby of dressing like a furry. (Cass's first word is "bat")
Damian: Talia looks at Bruce (and his ruthlessness in child protection), likes what she sees, and decides he's her new baby daddy. She then spends the next few years in a push-pull seduction trip with Bruce (consensually, fuck you) while simultaneously building up her power base, weeding out her father's men, and plotting his downfall. However, when she becomes pregnant she vanishes for several months only for a baby to appear in Bruce's bed; swaddled in a beautiful blanket and tucked next to the wickedly sharp knife she murdered her father with. Cass is eight years old.
Tim: Bruce doesn't adopt Dick, he doesn't become Robin, thus Tim never connects crazy acrobatics between circus child and traffic light. He's still a baby stalker with an interest in Gotham's nightlife, but here batman works alone. He eventually figures it out anyway, but not before getting involved in something he really shouldn't have which leads to Bruce looking into the Drakes much sooner. By the time they fly back from wherever the hell they've been three months later, Tim's already living with the Wayne's and Bruce has legal blackmail a mile wide. Nine year old Cass has a new little brother big enough to dance with, One Year Old Damian is decidedly unimpressed as toddlers can be, and Six Year Old Tim is starry-eyed at living with the actual batman.
Jason: is eight years old when one of Batman's rouges explodes the building he lived in with his mother and Willis. (Something that wouldn't have happened if he had another pair of hands to help and distract with a quip and a laugh) Bruce Wayne finds him stealing his converter while visiting the memorial he set up in Park Row for his parents. (Jason doesn't know what this rich idiot with more money than sense wants with him; probably as a "playmate" toy for his three spoiled brats no doubt, but at least he'll be off the streets.) One kidnapping later and Jason is of the firm belief that he's still a rich idiot with more money than sense, because all his sense was beaten out of him in that fursuit. Jason turns nine with a seven year old stalker, a two year old demon, and a ten year old shadow as siblings and he's never been happier.
Dick: Oof. The scales of fate aren't fucked with lightly. His future siblings may have happier lives, but only because he suffered instead. Here's the deal: As in canon, the Graysons came to Gotham and died when Dick was nine. However, Bruce never went. Cass was sick, so Bruce never saw the Graysons fall. The Court of Owls did. And the rest, they say, is history. (Until the Kidnapping of Jason Todd, "Street trash" sullying the Wayne name, cracks the Court's disguise and Batman finds an immortal sixteen year old Assassin in the depths of Gotham's oldest cult.
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rakkuntoast · 11 months
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i guess this is an au now??? or something???? anyway i love coworker duo
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bootlegfrank · 14 days
Give me your hottest take
Alright here goes. Kids should lie about their age on the internet again. I don't give a fuck if the account w 18 in their bio turns out to be 17, but I do care when 13 yrs olds are broadcasting to the whole world they're 13 (while interacting with NSFW content). That shit's dangerous. It was drilled into me as a kid to never share my age online, and I don't understand why that went away. Kids, protect yourself and keep all your personal information away from the world wide web. And don't follow NSFW accounts you fucking morons.
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rouge-the-bat · 7 months
"shadows a teen! haha, teen angst edgelord" shadow was literally drinking at a bar with rouge in sonic x
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cloudcountry · 5 months
i just want to extend a reminder to every minor on here. please be careful. please do not post nsfw. please do not interact with adults who have a) stated they don't want to interact with minors or b) create nsfw content. i get that it's not going to stop minors from consuming said content but for your safety and theirs be careful.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 25 days
'Astarion outliving his friends and possibly SO' is angsty and good for those who like exploring the themes of bereavement and all, and it is a possible outcome (he's not helpless), but it is my firm opinion that there is still a damn good chance that guy is gonna die first and be outlived by them.
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desultory-novice · 7 months
Where comes the idea that Kirby "needs adult guidance?" When has Kirby been shown to ever need guidance by anybody outside of the extraordinary circumstances of Rainbow Curse and Mass Attack?
Kirby is always the one doing the guiding. He's at the head of the party. He also isn't native to Dream Land and we're left to assume he cared for himself perfectly fine before arriving there in DL1.
(Let's not be so quick to remove "traveling" from "traveling youth." Remember that the travels Kirby have been on are inter-planetary ones. This isn't the anime where he was a sleeping infant. The series tells us he's been on galactic adventures before arriving on Popstar.)
Kirby IS a childish character, of that there is no doubt. They are quite likely to be a childish child! But Kirby is no one's dependant.
Kirby is perfectly capable of surviving alone, on their own, in situations that have toppled kingdoms. He can also logic out what is going around him with only loose context. In fact, he picks up on complex situations like Susie's and Taranzas really fast.
Kirby can be young. How young is up to each individual person. If it's your HC or you want to write familial relationships with him and the cast, by all means, write him as whatever is cutest/most fulfilling!
But for the series in a general sense? The evidence of Kirby needing other's supervision, protection, and guidance isn't there.
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headmate-ideas · 17 days
✦ Name(s): Len'qoreth, Aldroxi, Triyonach ✦ Pronouns: it/its, void/voids/voidself, ey/em/eir/eirs/emself, x/xs/xself, le/lem/leir/leirs/leirself, ve/ver/vers/verself, star/stars/starself, book/books/bookself, 👁️/👁️s/👁️self ✦ Species: void entity ✦ Age: ageless adult ✦ Role(s): artist, spiritual headmate, academic headmate (optional), manager ✦ Labels: aroace, kenochoric, spiritine, writergender, stellarian, stargender (any definition) ✦ Xenos: eldritch, coffee, crystals ✦ Interests/likes: philosophy, wolves, deep sea creatures ✦ Dislikes: bright lights, incuriosity, when hot drinks go cold ✦ Music taste: dark ambient, vaporwave, drone metal ✦ Aesthetic(s): voidcore, weirdcore, darkest academia ✦ Objectum attraction(s): books, spiritual tools, crystals ✦ Kins: black holes, goats, octopi ✦ Emoji proxy: 📚🕯️ ✦ Details:
Len'qoreth is a Void entity who takes a humanoid form with purple skin, black horns, and eyes all over its face. They regard writing and reading as sacred and are intended to join systems who write. This can be writing of any kind, including academic. Depending on the rest of the system's spiritual beliefs, voids spiritual perception of writing may assist other headmates' practices as well (e.g. helping them to do spiritual writing, engaging with writings the system regards as sacred, etc.) However, regardless of the spiritual nature of its role, Len'qoreth loves doing any kind of writing and feels energized from it. How Len'qoreth deals with challenges in writing depend on the kind of writing done, but ey likes using divination tools like tarot decks, dice, or pendulums for creative inspiration. This can be regarded as a psychological tool as much as a spiritual one. If the system use divination for any other purposes, Len'qoreth will participate in those practices too. Len'qoreth's favorite places to go include libraries, bookstores, cafes, museums, planetariums, and (if applicable) sites of spiritual significance to the system. While Len'qoreth is not social to a particularly notable degree, it enjoys meeting with friends in these locations. Additionally, it has a formal manner that can be channeled into professionalism when dealing with professional and/or academic matters, especially writing emails.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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meirimerens · 8 months
straight up not respecting some of the alleged p2 characters' ages as they were given on the VA's papers bc you're telling me this is a 27yo man on the left & a 35(!)yo woman on the right? you jest. this woman is in her 20s at most. she doesn't have a wrinkle of age on her face. just worry. i know men age like milk this is taking the piss. i know patho 2 is the "hot blemishless 20something white(-passing) women" game but at this point own it. don't try lying to me. she doesn't look a day past 29. got friends below 25 with more winkles. in the first half of the 20th century too. where would she be getting her anti-aging serums.
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you're telling me this woman who's a chronic worrier, dealing with chronic pain, who smokes like a locomotive to cope is allegedly 5 years Older than this guy who's been drinking himself to sleep for like 5 years.
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(mike's mic voice) don't piss me off
#alledged(?) VA papers? would love to have a peep. might go wander VK if i can make the trek#sorry for getting heated over p2 yulia again. it's no secret i vastly prefer her design in p1#but this is aggravating. chrewly.#i know why that is. i knooooowwww why that is. it's because people in the team (coughs) (coughs) & in Media in general cannaeeeeee stand to#create women who actually look over 25. even women who are supposed to be older.#which while a media Trope/problem across media and genre it's not helped with a certain writer's. hmmm. alleged proclivities.#i would respect her being 35 if you have her to me looking 35. her skin is as smooth as 10 yrs younger Lara with one (1) slit#between the brows that just seems to come from her being a thinker & a worrier. nuh-uh!#ah hell naw!!!#i'm profoundly a p1 ages truther except for most of the kids + rubin. i know men age like milk but that guy is Not 23.#also p2 27yo daniil vs 30yo twins They Have Naht met at first year uni with that timeline. & it is important for me that they do.#most of the kids being averaged to ~15 real to me though. we all been here.#neigh (blabbers)#some of the ages on it make no sense [not just yulia but also like. aspity. who looks like a 20something & is actually ageless/5yo]#& while i can guess it's for like The Vibes / voice acting direction i assume it would make more sense to give the actual age & then add#like context to why they would sound older because that's something you might(?) need to know... would really want to see that with my eyes
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sleepingdeath-light · 8 months
your princess ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (kinktober entry)
word count ; 994
content ; sexually explicit content, aged up character(s), oral sex (fem receiving), 69 position, mutual oral sex, vaginal fingering
fandom ; winx club
pairing ; bloom x cis female reader
read also on ; ao3
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
Bloom was the farthest thing from stingy when it came to physical intimacy, always happy to sprawl across your lap or lounge in bed and cuddle with you after a long day, but usually she at least changed into something more comfortable or civilian before initiating things. Though it seemed that today’s outing with her old school friends had been especially taxing on her and she wanted nothing more than to be in your arms… or, as it happened, against your mouth.
Your vision was a blur of pastel pink and yellow, the delicate frills of her skirt settling daintily over your eyes as she settled atop your face — every little movement of her hips causing the thin fabric to flutter out and brush against your cheeks and throat. Her dress was light and just translucent enough to be able to see the blue-green outlines of the other layers, or at least it was until she dipped down and out of sight before you even had the chance to brush your lips against her bare pussy — eagerly diving forwards to pleasure you without any care in the world for prep or reciprocity.
Not that you could complain when she was so damn good at it: knowing exactly when to wrap those soft lips around your aching clit and suck on it in that way you love, timing it just right in order to make you gasp and keen up into her as she giggles mischievously against your cunt; memorising all of those spongey spots inside of your pussy that make you see stars and knowing where to curl and scissor and thrust those slender, perfectly manicured (and trimmed, naturally) fingers of hers in order to catch them all whilst she’s inside of you before pulling her hand away to lick it clean; intimately familiar with the ways she can use that tongue of hers to make you moan and squirt, tracing the tip along your slit and suckling on your lips and licking flat stripes from hole to clit over and over again. And then punctuating it all with shy kisses against your inner thighs and airy laughter that made your heart swell through all of the lust as it reached your ears.
Honestly, sometimes it was like she knew your body better than you did.
But, of course, you gave as good as you got, letting your eyes fall shut as you focused completely on pleasuring her. On dipping your tongue into her dripping entrance and moaning instinctively at the sweetness that coated your tongue. On massaging your way along her smooth thighs across to the slight curve of her ass and up to her waist and sides, delighting in every gasp and moan and sigh that left those pretty lips of hers because of you. On shimmying her legs further up so that she was more comfortably positioned atop your mouth, making it much easier to use your tongue and lips to toy with her clit and cunt: suckling, licking, tracing patterns, and so on, all along that tight, sweet pussy that you adored. On breaking away for air every so often and whispering quiet praises to your beautiful princess and watching with delight as the stained-glass-esque shadows of her grand wings fluttered agreeably with each word that you said.
‘You’re so beautiful,’
‘That’s my girl,’
‘You taste heavenly, Bloom,’
‘Fuck… don’t stop,’
‘Good girl,’
On and on you went, rewarding every reaction (no matter how slight) with a deliberate moan against her clit and a kiss to the sensitive insides of her thighs. Every moan and cry and groan and tremble and flutter and repositioning and grind against your lips — all of them encouraged and rewarded appropriately as best you could as your mind kept on getting foggier and foggier with your approaching climax. And as her own pace became more erratic and clumsy as she got closer and closer to orgasm alongside you.
Until you were so sensitive that even the slightest brush of her long, fire red, hair against your skin had you arching up into her mouth and until she was so far gone that she could only wrap her lips around your clit and bury two, then three, fingers in your cunt and stick to whatever messy rhythm her muddled mind could come up with. Until all you could taste was her slick on your tongue and until all she could utter were those endlessly erotic moans and sighs.
Until something in you, and then a moment later in her, snapped and you were sent spiralling into the white hot bliss of release. Finishing with her name imprinted on your mind and her slick coating your tongue whilst you cried out for her until your throat was raw and you came so hard that everything from her nose to her chin was soaked in your cum. Vision whited out and blurry with unshed tears and body trembling and covered in gooseflesh, so far gone in your own mind that you were barely able to feel Bloom collapsing on top of you beyond that instinctual shove to help her settle on your chest rather than falling straight onto your mouth — though clearly she was also too caught up in the floaty nirvana of release to complain as she only whimpered at the contact before settling in something close to silence (all panting and limp atop you, the only real movement coming from the pathetic fluttering of those large wings of hers before those too settled down almost flat against her back).
It was so much to handle, almost too much for you both, but still all you craved were each other and the moment you had the energy to move you’d be all over her once again. She’d been oh so busy today, after all, that it was only natural that the two of you would spend the night together.
And what a long night it would be…
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jorrated · 4 months
I'm so tired of sonamy being ship teased in stuff
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innervoiceartblog · 2 months
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There is a certain part of all of us that lives outside of time. Perhaps we become aware of our age only at exceptional moments and most of the time we are ageless. ~ Milan Kundera
Detail of a painting of the artist Korin Faught. Oil on linen.
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ticklish-touch · 9 months
Hot Ask: Victor Nikiforov from Yuri on Ice.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute| Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Beautiful. Immaculate. Sexy dork. Babygirl material.
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It's been a long time since I've watched Yuri on Ice, but his and Yuri's relationship is so freakin precious. I love how sassy but supportive Victor can be. And shamelessly flirty.
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He and Makkachin must be protected at all costs.
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headmate-ideas · 23 days
📺 build-a-headmate template 🧸
✦ Name(s): Ortrex, Lori, Gray ✦ Pronouns: it/its, they/them, tech/techs, x/xs/xself, e/em/eir/eirs/emself ✦ Species: TV object head ✦ Age: ageless adult ✦ Role(s): caretaker, comforter ✦ Labels: aroace, agender, kenochoric, presentationfluid ✦ Xenogenders: tech, nostalgia, cuteness ✦ Interests/likes: movies, solving problems, old technology ✦ Dislikes: large social situations, weather that is too hot OR too cold, noisy animals ✦ Music taste: vhs pop, slushwave, art pop ✦ Aesthetic(s): outrun, diner aesthetic ✦ Objectum attraction(s): technology, gemstones, plushes ✦ Kins: clouds, ghosts, smokey quartzes ✦ Emoji proxy: 📺🧸 ✦ Details:
Ortrex is a human-shaped being with an old television for a head. The screen of this TV can display different facial expressions and also play videos and music, and if the screen displays an object, x can reach into the screen and hand it to another headmate. Ortrex uses this ability to provide the rest of the system with positive distractions (seeking them in the outer world and extrapolating them in-space). They are very friendly to their fellow headmates but can be awkward with people outside the system. However, it is not unfriendly and will eventually warm up to friends of the system. Ortrex's friendliness to the other members of its system make it a good caretaker, particularly in the form of seeking out comforting distractions when other system members are upset. If there are syskids or age regressors in the system, x loves helping take care of them and showing them kids' shows on xs screen.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will probably not turn out exactly as described.]
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