#adhd rant
I love talking about neurodivergency like it's some superstitious shit. Like "Why are you so focused on this hyperspecific side character from this piece of media?" "I don't know if I don't the autism gods will be mad at me and give me bad luck". That's usually what it feels like having neurodivergencies or mental health issues. You just have to do whatever your brain tells you or else. "Why can't you hear about this specific topic?" "I'll be cursed by the trauma gods." "Why can't you do your homework?" "I don't know the winds aren't blowing correctly today."
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strawby-jelli · 7 months
That ADHD/ND feeling when you think you’re doing everything right and you’re doing a good job and then someone tells you you’re doing everything wrong and you’re disappointing them
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clarafyer · 5 months
Who else is with me on my theory that there is cat autism and there is dog autism.
Cat autism:
- usually introverted (exceptions can be made)
- Stare into the void and forget that you're supposed to be taking rapid notes in class
- Switching very quickly from understimulated to overstimulated
- Sleep>>>>>
- Hissing (but most of the time you have to mask it bc then people think you're weird for doing that 😃)
- "How to let someone know you appreciate them when you dont know how"
- Seen as rude and insensitive
Dog autism:
- Usually extroverted (again, exceptions can be made)
- Unintentionally loud
- "I will do anything for you fav person"
- If you give them anything even if it's a fucking gum wrapper they will cherish it for their entire life
- Blurts out thoughts
- Seen as over affectionate and emotional
- Just screaming/yelping as communication
- Gift giving
- DESPISE fireworks/any sudden loud noise
IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER IDEAS Y'ALL HAVE REBLOG I WANNA HEAR THEM (yes some of this is taken from one of Dannyphantom.exe's videos)
I know this because me and my other IRL autistic friend are a PRIME example of why I believe this theory
(EDIT: also I believe there are subcategories. Like black cats and orange cats, golden retrievers and huskies, etc)
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How do I recover from severe burnout with an overwhelmingly messy recovery space
How do I clean my overwhelmingly messy recovery space properly if I am severely burnt out
How do I recover from severe burnout if I’m constantly using all of my energy doing the bare minimum
How do I recover from severe burnout
How do I recover
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lilgayducky · 5 months
Dont you love it when
You almost definitely have ADHD. Like you're 98% sure and have spend hours researching it. All your diagnosed ADHD friends agree that you definitely have it. And yet you still manage to convince yourself you're just faking it for attention and you just suck at focusing because things are interesting and everyone hyper focuses on things they like and everyone constantly looses stuff and cannot keep anything tidy...
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Do you know what’s so fucking irritating ?
Having adhd and growing up forced into nt coping strategies. So much so that you have to talk yourself out of it every single fucking time.
Do you struggle to pay attention to your homework and stare into space for no reason for and unknown amount of time ?
You need to remove all and every possible distraction. Stop reading number plates. Stop reading grave stones. Don’t even try listening to any music. Remove EVERYTHING that’s on your desk.
Like. No. Please shut up.
Listen to songs that you’ve memorised while solving maths problems because it’s just stimulating enough that you can focus and enjoy the maths.
Have ALL the equipment you need at the reach of your hand because searching for them means you get nothing done.
My brother watches the tv shows he memorised while doing maths because that’s the level of stimulation he needs. I can’t stop myself from advising him to not do it because it’s bad for him. -I know I’m probably wrong. I say it anyways. I hate me for it-
Why are you soo messy? I’ve spent my life cleaning up and tidying your room your —- years old you should be organised now!
Put this here. And put this there. And you can’t have anything but your glasses on your dressing table, everything must be out of sight in drawers so it looks tidy. You can’t have anything on your desk it’ll distract you, make sure everything is put away.
No. Stop. Please. Stop.
I don’t remember things/ tasks that I can’t see. I won’t remember to read the book if I can’t see it on the bedside table. I won’t remember to grab my keys if they’re not staring at me.
I will procrastinate any task that requires me to do two more additional steps of actually finding the object and taking it out of the drawer.
I can’t use a completely empty bedside table/dressing table or whatever because I need to be able to see stuff.
My room isn’t untidy if I know EXACTLY where everything is. It might look unorganised to your nt eyes because you’ve been conditioned to see catalogue perfect rooms, but I know where everything is in this room and that means I can function.
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What do you mean neurotypicals can't hear their laptop vents ???
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fem-blade-adept · 11 months
You know, not enough people talk about the flip side of being ADHD and on the spectrum.
A lot of people think that being ADHD is cute and adorable and they spend their time romanticizing the little they know about it. Like someone not being able to focus or the hyperfixations ADHD people get on.
Then they are shocked when they’re actually in a relationship with an ADHD person and they see the “not-so-adorable” parts of being ADHD.
The lack of self-esteem. The lack of motivation for no reason. The NEED to participate in hyperfixations or risking the depressive state that takes over without one. The uncontrollably selective memory. The festering feeling that I’m being obnoxious. The irritation we get when we’re understimulated or overstimulated. The NEED to be overstimulated sometimes.
People don’t understand that ADHD isn’t this cute benefit that someone can come with. It’s a debilitating problem that genuinely affects how we interact with the world around us and it sucks to have people experience it secondhand and treat us like we are too much to handle.
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itsgivingautism · 4 months
*screaming at machines bc I’m getting overstimulated by too much sensory input going into sensory overload*
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variksel · 29 days
at what point am i to blame for what adhd does to me. at what point is it "adhd made it fucking physically impossible for me to focus today so i didnt do much work and hate it" versus just "i didnt do much work." am i allowed to feel shitty about it or is that just wallowing
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doriandistortion · 6 months
I’m so tired of dealing with adhd. People without adhd never fully grasp how much it affects your life. I am SUFFERING and no one ever takes it seriously.
I’ve heard people describe it as if your head is just SWARMING with Yellowjackets all the time. I’ve also heard it described as feeling like an overloaded operating system which is extremely accurate. I can’t think and it’s so hard talking to people because my mind is always running and It just won’t be quiet so I can’t make out what I wanted to say as if I’m trying to talk to someone at a normal volume at a loud concert. It feels like a horrible acid trip where nothing makes sense or an intense manic episode that won’t go away ever.
My memory has gotten so much worse also. I’m not sure if that’s completely caused by my adhd but it’s definitely part of the problem. I don’t even know if what I’m writing makes sense right now because it’s flaring up quite a bit rn which is why I’m writing this in the first place and I probably have a lot more to say but I just can’t think right now so idk
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belpheg0r-luna · 17 days
Damn adhd is so fun and quirky everyone's a little adhd and i missed my 10% of the grade quiz today cuz i THOUGHT it was today, i even set an alarm to not forget it, no i set two alarms and told two people to remind me of it and guess what babe....the quiz was yesterday :|
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strawby-jelli · 4 months
Your friendly reminder that nagging people for consuming red40 because it “causes ADHD” or “worsens ADHD” is absolutely ableist and ignorant. The statement that red dye is linked in any way to ADHD was disproven years ago. And even if it was true, just let people eat and drink what they want regardless of how their brain functions. The next reminder will be unfriendly :)
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clarafyer · 6 months
So I was bored an hour ago so I went on Steam to look at my recommended and there was this one game that I finally decided to check out after being in my recommended for months; Purrgatory.
You play as a random guy who just died and you're sent to Purrgatory and you meet cute animal friends (Oliver and Natalie are my favorites) and there are multiple endings and cat puns and it's the best tiny game I've ever played
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Having ADHD does not mean what people think it means. It’s so exhausting having to explain that all the time
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moonchildjelly · 6 months
So I today decided keep reading TGCF like I should but then chapter 73 happened and now I'm crying like I was that little boy... I felt his emotional and physical pain in my heart and I know that is my sweet flower so gives me even more love for him even that people say "he was a murderer" dude I don't care because people are shit and justice never helped so... I feel that judge him for his past is like judge a victim that killed to save themselves... Is pointless... I just don't have any issue and say that I really like Hua Cheng character
Well now I stoped to cry so let me comeback to read...
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