#actually polysexual
bloompawz · 4 months
I redesigned the polysexual flag.
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I would love it if this got shared around!
Use it in art! Use it in merch! Use it on your pronouns.page! It's public domain! No credit needed!
Reasons for the redesign, flag meanings, additional flags, templates, silly stuff, and emojis below the cut.
As a polysexual person, I have mixed feelings about the original polysexual flag. The simplicity of the flag is good; it has three stripes and three colors. I also like the color choices in concept: pink for attraction to women, green for attraction to enbies, and blue for attraction to men. The contrast between the stripes is pretty good too, though the contrast between green and blue could use some improvement.
However, the hot pink clashes with the green, which can be displeasing to the eye, or even painful. This clashing isn't as bad on physical merch most of the time. I have some pins and bracelets where it looks just fine. But I think that it's important for the flag to be accessible online too, especially since many polysexual people can't show pride outside of online spaces.
There's also a problem with its similarity to the bisexual and pansexual flags. I know that this was done on purpose to show the identities being related, and I think that this is sorta fine. But...
It can be misleading, as I find that polysexuality is often fundamentally very different from the other "big four" multi-spec orientations, i.e. bi, pan, and omni. Polysexual people are not attracted to all genders, while bisexual people often are, and pansexual/omnisexual people always are. The lack of separation between the polysexual stripes implies that we're attracted to all genders as well, when we aren't.
It also makes it harder for us to stand out on our own. Polysexuality rarely gets its own spotlight independent from other identities. Most often, we just get a passing mention in a post about the broader multi-spec community, or get our flag shown in a post alongside several other flags, if we even get that at all. Our flag being so indistinct only furthers this invisibility.
Polysexuality, as a result, doesn't really get to be its own thing. We're just another tag, another flag, another passing mention of validity to tack onto a post that isn't really about us. This can feel really isolating, especially as many of us don't even strongly relate to the other identities that we're often grouped with.
I don't identify as bisexual, not even as an umbrella term, because I don't relate to common bisexual experiences. I am not attracted to binary men, and I'm not attracted to all genders. But "polysexual representation" is almost exclusively about common bisexual experiences, and it isn't ply-focused. The flag adds insult to injury.
So, I wanted to try to redesign the flag.
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I like the colors that are already associated with polysexuality: pink, green, and blue. I want to keep these colors, and I'm also keeping their original meanings. The ply pride colors aren't changing if I have anything to say about it! As obscure as polysexuality is, this color combination is very recognizable and well established in our community, and if applied well, they look really nice together.
However, I've also added two thin white stripes to the flag. These stripes serve three purposes:
1. Visual appeal.
The white stripes prevent clashing between the pink and green, and also add some more contrast between the green and blue.
2. Separation between stripes.
The white stripes allow the colorful stripes to exist separately, since polysexual people are not attracted to all genders. For example, I am represented by pink and green, but not by blue, because I am not attracted to binary men. Another polysexual person might be represented only by green and blue, only by green, etc.
3. Distinction from other flags.
The white stripes create distinction from other m-spec flags. This flag distinction can represent the disconnect from m-spec spaces that some polysexuals experience, since m-spec spaces tend to revolve around attraction towards all genders, which is inapplicable to polysexual people unless varioriented or fluid. M-spec spaces also often revolve around attraction towards at least both binary genders, and many polysexual people, including myself, lack attraction towards at least one binary gender.
This flag distinction also calls attention to polysexuality as its own identity, which does not always need to be dependent on other terms, and can shine on its own. We are not just a tag, or just a flag, or just a label to put in posts that aren't about us. We are a community! We are individuals! We are people! We are experiences!
The flag is still somewhat similar to other m-spec flags in its color choices, so the solidarity with our m-spec siblings is still there! But now we get to have something that feels more like it's for us.
I hope that the difference in stripe size makes the flag more accessible to colorblind people as well, because I don't see many flags with a 2:1:2:1:2 stripe ratio, whereas there are a lot of flags with three evenly sized horizontal stripes.
This flag can be used by all ply people! Whether polysexual, polyromantic, polysensual, polyalterous, varioriented, fluid, questioning, etc... This is for all of us!
Additional flags, templates, silly stuff, and emojis:
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editloids · 8 months
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꒰꒰ pride heart pixels post two, (here are the others) made by me!! feel free to request your flag in our inbox !! reblog / credit to use (not necessary but appreciated) <3
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dimpletheheck · 1 month
Meet the artist 2024
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I made my first one of these in 2021, and I've made one every year since!
((Btw the SDV stands for Stardew Valley, I couldn't fit it all in the square lmao))
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impostorsshow · 3 months
Good news lads I can draw again
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I have also been infected by epic Mickey I've been searching for the level that looks like this for years:
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I made it blurry because I played the games when I was like 4 and don't remember anything but I spent 90% of my time in the game there
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b0yfraudz · 1 year
I don’t understand people who hate on mspec lesbians and gays, but then will go talk about Abrosexual/abroromantic rights, and say biromantic gays/lesbians panromantic gays/lesbians etc are valid, like you do know those count as mspec right😭? Like technically a Omniromantic lesbian is a mspec lesbian and a poly romantic gay is a mspec gay, so idk where some of these ppl are going with this but alright, i saw someone who is panromantic/biromantic/abroromantic post something similar saying to block him if you supported mspec lesbians/gays “bipan is just being bisexual/pansexual with a preference for female aligned people” like what? ​and even if none of that is the case these terms had different meanings back then and no one cared?
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supahstarrr · 1 year
pansexuals and panromantics are so fucking cool. omnisexuals and omniromantics are so fucking cool. polysexuals and polyromantics are so fucking cool. mspec labels are fucking rad and valid. so many micro-labels are so fucking cool and valid to use. you use micro-labels because it connects with your identity and/or perspectives that hold dear to you? use them if you wanna! you use micro-labels because you just like specifying your attraction, as its apart of your identity? use them if you wanna! there's few reasons to use micro-labels and no matter what; its okay to only just use micro-labels, or to use micro-labels with other labels that are more broader when it comes to definition. luv u guys be safe x
so if you're not normal about mspec labels or micro-labels in general then i will politely ask you to exit the room and never step foot into my blog, my posts, my air, and my space, again.
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furies-inthe-mirror · 8 months
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have some ooc system conversations. ft. @takemetotheastralagain
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💗💚💙Polysexual Pride Stimboard💙💚💗
💗 💚 💙
💗 💚 💙
💗 💚 💙
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
as someone who is polysexual, it sucks that soooo many pan-supportive bi people.... don't support me and my identity bc they've decided their (incredibly minority, though valid for them as an individual) definition must be the only one, and any reasons someone may have for not id'ing with it is actually internalized biphobia and they need to just admit they're bi. like... actually i've faced far more pressure to id as something i never felt at home in and never felt included me, than i have found support for who i am or even people who have heard of my identity before when it's just as old as pan.
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if0rgor · 9 months
Mandela Catalogue OC doodles
Her name is Sally my fav genderfluid girl cus gender isn't real
she's got a binder with stickers
She wears a binder cus it's comfortable she's not rlly trans (me fr omg.../pos)
These first ones were at 3-4am btw
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plugdrawsstuff · 2 years
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So, I was trying to figure out what would be the best way to celebrate pride month this year, and I decided I wanted it to be something special. I know there are people who are still in the closet (and are still 100% valid and deserve our love and recognition too!) but I thought you know what? I’m tired of being quite, I’m tired of hiding and being in the closet. I’m Here! We’re Here! and damn it we refuse to be silent any more! So for all of you who are out and proud, for all of you in the closet supporting us behind closed doors, Happy pride month!
(Gender flags will be coming soon don’t worry, link will be here for them: coming soon)
If you don’t see your flag here or want to edit the small hearts/flag, I’ll leave the transparent base under the cut
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pronounpinbadge · 2 years
hey multisexual people (mspec only) explain to me your discernment between bisexual / pansexual / omnisexual / polysexual
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patriarchy and biphobia really go hand in hand
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rosy-link · 1 year
Help my gf fell asleep do I turn off the lights or will the sudden light change wake her up? Or will keeping the lights in give her less a quality of sleep? I’m not smart enough for this.
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everydayesterday · 10 months
I hated that things might have ended with vitriol on either side. thank you for writing back. take care.
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I just remembered stupid ass sexuality discourse and I just have to say I’m tired.
(specifically talking about noncanons rn)
Characters will end up in a homosexual relationship or express homosexual attraction. And that’s great.
But if the same character expresses that heterosexually, it gets ignored. Why? Because “they were just confused” “it’s comphet” “they were forcing themselves” “they didn’t know what they wanted”
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