#about what it says on her birth certificate???? dude i almost left the room in the middle of dinner
binch-i-might-be · 1 year
no one:
me: maybe if I came out as genderqueer/something under the trans umbrella to my family they would stop bringing up how they thought adding the option of "diverse" (non-binary) to applications and forms to be inclusive went "too far" and maybe my step sister's annoying ass military fiancé would shut his fucking face in general and stop making transphobic comments and I could finally experience peace and tranquillity during family dinners
me: no that's ridiculous
also me: ......unless? 🤔
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hey uhm, this isn't a looking-for-a-specific-fic thing, more of like, wanting to find fics that feature trans!Stiles and are either finished or ongoing i.e. not ones that have clearly been abandoned since they give me anxiety for some reason??? heh thanks anyway
I totally feel ya. I have been burned one too many times by WIPs. smh.
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maybe it's okay by 21hax
(1/1 I 1,290 I General I No Pairing)
When he was young, Stiles never really felt "different" from anyone else. Even though his parents dressed him in pink and told him to use the girls' room, he was fine with it, didn't think about it. He never really thought at all about his gender or what it meant about him or about how people saw him. If someone thought he was weak, then they were stupid. If someone thought he'd rather stay indoors and play with dolls or kiddie cookware than run outside with Scott and play with bugs in the mud, then they obviously didn't know him very well.
Sometimes I wish I could lend you my ears, lend you my thoughts and lend you my tears. Sometimes I wish I could take a new form. Switch out some parts and become like the norm. by VixenSlays
(1/1 I 2,400 I General I Sciles)
"You said changing your name makes you feel like more of a boy. But you are a boy, why do you need to feel like more of something you already are?" After hearing Scott's explanation, he stopped.
His eyebrows furrowed, "I guess I've never thought about it that way.
Or, 3 times where Stiles is trans and Scott helps +1 time he goes above and beyond.
Not Stella by Fidelius
(1/1 I 2,596 I Teen I Steter)
Stiles isn't Stella. He never was. Not even when people thought he was. He's Stiles. His biggest hope is that his soul mate's wrist says his name. His biggest fear is that his soul mate's wrist says her name.
(i'm only me) when i'm with you by jessewrites
(1/1 I 4,215 I General I Sciles)
When Stiles Stilinski is five years old, he takes the scissors from his mother’s desk and cuts his hair. He laughs as long pieces fall to the floor, and his gap-toothed grin is huge as he looks at his new, short hair. It’s choppy, and his mother almost faints when he shows her, proudly, but he loves it.
Let The World Pass By by WeAreTheLuckyOnes
(1/1 I 7,381 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles and Derek go for a drive.
Dude, bro by rosepetals42
(1/1 I 7,960 I Teen I No Pairing)
“It’s Mister Stilinski,” Stiles repeats. “That- uh. There’s a mistake. On the paperwork. It’s Mister.” That was all it was. Just a mistake on the paperwork. On the school records and his birth certificate and his social security card. On all the paperwork. But still, just a mistake. That’s what his therapists said. His cells had made a little mistake but it isn’t disgusting or wrong or sick. He isn’t a mistake. Just the papers. His body.
All That's Best of Dark and Bright by breakaway71
(1/1 I 28,180 I Teen I Sterek)
It's not a gender identity crisis if you've known all along what the problem is. If you've been purposely trying to ignore it since you were old enough to consciously make that choice.
But what happens after that, when you finally learn how to let go?
The Heart Remains The Same by heartsdesire456
(1/1 I 28,797 I Teen I Sterek)
When Stiles left for college, he already knew the truth... Stiles wasn't a 'he' at all. Dropped into a new, exciting, liberating level of freedom that came with going to college somewhere without anyone who knew her, Stiles began to explore her true self and began her quest to become the girl she knew she had always been. Her fears of everyone's reactions back home led to skipping the first holiday... and then a second. And then the next.
Two and a half years after leaving Beacon Hills - two and a half years spent living an entire new life as a trans!woman - a call in the night forces Stiles to go back to Beacon Hills to face the people she had left and the friends she had abandoned.
“Stiles… it’s your dad.”
A Wolf In Wolf's Clothing by alexenglish
(8/8 I 81,325 I Explicit I Sterek)
The pack of Beacon Hills' past transgressions are about to converge on them, and Derek stumbles out of the forest with no recent memories and straight into a pack he doesn't know, with an alpha and an anchor he can't possibly remember.
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nameless-shadow · 2 years
Well if nothing else the evidence of narcissistic ideation is well pronounced for those of you who were curious about the issue and it might be compelling to some of you at least to know that the paralyzed guy in the wheelchair was responsible for lying to my wife to get her to break up with me and I know this without any doubt whatsoever despite not being privy to the conversation see when I showed up out of the blue and we started hanging out and then I wound up homeless I kept analyzing the discrepancies in the things that were said and what happened and without ever really even hearing anything about it he immediately tried to shut me down why do you keep talking about don't talk about it and I can appreciate people feeling like you're a broken record but he hadn't heard any of it and he was so desperate to change the subject that he escalated the interest in not allowing it out of topic to become a huge point of contention where he would start a fight or demand I leave if I spoke on this subject and it made no sense until you run it through the narcissist translator because it is exactly the same thing that Emma had done when she asked me to leave
See narcissists are hesitant to allow discussion on a subject on which one of their schemes has been built because if it's working properly they don't want anybody touching it messing with it making any adjustments so the fact that I was discussing some of the nuances between us her and I was a red flag and he insisted over and over again that I must still be in love with her cuz I won't stop talking about her which I found to be incredibly obtuse because I kept telling him no I'm not in love with her and he kept saying yeah you are which ultimately was just a ploy to provoke anger so that the conversation once again wouldn't be focused on what happened to break us up that's why he was so obsessed with ensuring the topic never came up which only begs the question exactly how long had he been associated with the people in my life which is a relevant question concerning the circumstance because one of the people that have been mentioned was engaged in a criminal conspiracy of fraud to steal some old dudes house from him
And somehow all the people involved in my travels within that subculture all have a measure of connection to them Darnell knew who o was oh knew who Linda was who stole her boyfriend's house Darnell knows Corey and Julia and Fred and Rob and they're all talking that gay as fuck devil worship shit when I look at my background investigation it's been flooded with associative names for no reason and they are not actual relatives but in doing that obviously it's going to obfuscate who is actually a relative and who isn't which isn't a big thing but you got to ask yourself why would someone do that what value is there to it and then Corey was running his mouth about chopping people up and melting their bodies I think that was prior to the game beginning but unfortunately Fred admitted to starting the game almost the moment I showed up he was ready for me which is once again a bad sign that he was coordinating with somebody maybe my brother maybe Emma I don't know but he began trying to spend The Narrative of the gang stalkers almost immediately and the more I disregarded it the more upset he became to the point where when he tried to make me watch a video on The Reptilian Invasion and I said it was stupid and I left he was furious and I couldn't figure out why well now I know because having me watch it was part of the story and said he wasn't getting to sell me
Then I got to Mental Health America and they insisted on putting me in San Pedro weather I wanted to go or not and they have no real offices I've ever seen or been to so it could have been a setup to get me to San Pedro because once I was there they stole my personal documents my birth certificate my driver's license all of it out of a locked room and when I asked about the documents they said there was no reason to look at the cameras because the cameras went dark for an hour and I anyways and that's probably when it happened as if they knew
And when my mother died somehow they were prepared for that as well because the inheritance or my share thereof was redirected to me care of the hotel and I never got word of it in fact the only reason I found out about it was because a confirmation letter came that they let slip through saying that the deposit would be placed in the account that they provided but it would take 45 days and I had not presented any account so they were intending to redirect the funds without my knowledge so I left there and when I did I was just endlessly followed over and over and over they had a plant at the motel I was staying in indicating she was homeless and needed help and I offered her the room for the night on the condition that there would be no getting to know each other because I didn't want to put my character on the line in that way I offered her a room not a date and I wasn't going to be that guy and shortly thereafter someone knocked on the door and she asked aren't you going to get it and I said no one knows I'm here why would I answer the door and I told her you can but if someone walks through the door I don't think you're going to like what happens next and so she didn't but those things just kept repeating and escalating repeating an escalating and the suggestion that it's all been in the effort to get me in this circumstance is asking a lot because outside of the suggestion that it's some kind of therapy or whatever that I'm going through everything that I've experienced has been negative all my shit being robbed over and over again people telling me I'm going to die penny less on the streets people saying they're going to kill me people robbing me I mean doesn't sound like any kind of surprise party I want to go to
In any event based on the thoroughness of the narrative despite the fact that my own sharing with these people is going to be the cause of the problems that occurred I still don't feel a need to live my life afraid of the bad things that other people are willing to do I don't have to be guarded and defensive and hostile and standoffish and closed out of fear I won't because people who are intent on bad behavior going to do it anyways one way or another but I have a terabyte of evidence and for hacked phones that I've removed the SIM from so that the information can't be manipulated it's a half million dollar lawsuit either way really so it would be nice if the people who have claimed to be involved for my benefit step forward and eliminated the big mystery or game of it all but I don't believe that is the case I just think these are people that don't necessarily understand the significance and the consequences of their actions to this degree
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,912 Words
Summary: The Todoroki family drama yet again.
Warnings: Cursing, Caps, Food Mention, Abuse Mention, Teen Pregnancy Mention, Arranged Marriage Mention, Forced Marriage Mention, Forced Pregnancy Mention, Blood Mention, Near Death Mention, Death Mention, Pregnancy Mention, Secret Pregnancy Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Area 51   Aoyama: bonjour je suis Dora, Ashido: aggressive chicken dance, Asui: wut, Iida: Human Porche, Uraraka: Fuck Gravity, Ojiro: ceouolo, Kaminari: pikachoo, Kirishima: ordained, Koda: the muffin man?, Sato: dammit kevin, Shoji: pIaNoMaN, Jirou: neko neko kneecaps, Sero: wine and cheerios, Tokoyami: brb drowning, Todoroki: daddy issues, Hagakure: oreosandpussy, Bakugo: mother i crave violence, Midoriya: mistakes were made Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: its a mental breakdown, Yaoyorozu: single braincell
Usernames: Emo Sanctuary  Jirou: tell tale heart, Tokoyami: eldritch peep, Todoroki: i love you 3000, Bakugou: knife tag, Midoriya: bitchasaurus, Shinsou: unhappy meal, Kuroiro: meth and deadamine, Shigaraki: depresso extra shot, Dabi: *sad kazoo*
Usernames: I Hate This Family  Shigaraki: I'm A Duck Now, Dabi: Unidentified Flaming Object, Toga: Mothman's Descendant, Twice: Car's Extended Warrantee, Compress: Communist Propaganda, Magne: Sir This Is A Wendy's, Spinner: I Taste Like Chicken
Usernames: Endeavor Hate Chat  Fuyumi: coconut cake, Natsuo: lemon cake, Shoto: red velvet cake, Haruhi/Dabi/Touya: chocolate cake, Bakugou: carrot cake, Shinsou: strawberry cake
Into The Group Chat We Go: Chapter 5
12:35 PM
Area 51
daddy issues: He looks like my oldest brother, Touya. he disappeared after I was born. But he looks just like him from the picture albums, but, you know, taller...and happy?
mother i crave violence: Ask him.
daddy issues: He looks so happy with Shinsou. Maybe I should just leave it. He doesn't need to be burdened with the family he left behind.
mother i crave violence: I'll fight you. Get downstairs, we need to make lunch for ourselves anyway and I won't have you trying to cook in your room.
Aizawa: No fighting, you two. But no cooking in your room either, Todoroki, that's dangerous.
daddy issues: Fuck both of you. I just won't eat then.
Aizawa: I hate children.
daddy issues: And I hate you, so we're even.
Aizawa: You can't push away every father figure in your life, kid. It won't work on the stubborn ones like me.
daddy issues: If this is your way of saying you want to steal me from my father and keep me as your own son, I won't object.
Aizawa: Alright, that too. Now come eat. You don't even need to talk to him.
daddy issues: I hate this fucking family.
daddy issues: Fine.
12:45 PM
I Hate This Family
Unidentified Flaming Object: I think we miscalculated. Don't address it, this is my problem, @I'm A Duck Now.
Mothman's Descendant: What happened?
Unidentified Flaming Object: I forgot a family member of mine goes to UA and he might knows what I look like since I look like I used to before the accident and my family might still have some pictures of me around for him to recognize me.
Unidentified Flaming Object: He doesn't know I became a villain. To him, I'm just a "sibling" he never met. Unfortunately, I'm actually his mother.
Communist Propaganda: Do you think he knows by now?
Car's Extended Warrantee: Oh shit, man. You gonna be okay over there?
Unidentified Flaming Object: He probably doesn't know. The old man never even told Fuyumi that I was Shoto's mother. He probably didn't even tell him he had a different legal name on his first birth certificate.
I'm A Duck Now: Maybe call him by the name you named him?
12:55 PM
Area 51
oreosandpussy: Haruhi asked if someone named Akimitsu wants any plum kitkats.
fuck gravity: Isn't that your favorite candy, Todoroki?
daddy issues is now offline
wut: I feel like that's a bad sign.
oreosandpussy: They both just stared at each other and left the room!
its a mental breakdown: sibling bond telepathy.
wine and cheerios: No because none of my siblings and I can do that. That's not fair.
ceouolo: you have siblings?
wine and cheerios: yeah, I have nine siblings, man.
ceouolo: Sero wins that bet. He has the most siblings. I thought Hagakure would win with five sisters.
oreosandpussy: We're getting away from the point here. Haruhi and Shoto just disappeared after Haruhi said the name of someone who isn't here.
fuck gravity: Todoroki is probably back-alley dealing him use of Endeavor's credit card for the kitkats knowing him.
2:25 PM
I Hate This Family
Unidentified Flaming Object: So I told my kid that I'm his mother. He took it better than I thought and he wants to call me Dad now and I think I'm going to cry tonight.
Mothman's Descendant: Good job, Touya!
2:25 PM
Area 51
daddy issues: I'd like to announce I have a shiny new father who doesn't come with abusive tendencies and is actually my biological parent.
its a mental breakdown: I'm so proud of you!
daddy issues: I just realized I got a two for one. I just got a real dad and an adopted brother all in one.
its a mental breakdown: still supportive but what? please explain.
daddy issues: Haruhi's legal name is Touya and he's my biological mother. Enji forced him into a very young arranged quirk marriage at 12 for more spawn to train because Rei became infertile after Natsuo due to the emergency hysterectomy they performed on her to save her life because she was hemorrhaging. I was the sole result of that marriage before Haruhi ran away but wasn't able to take me with him since Endeavor passed me off as his own child with Rei after paying the doctors that did her hysterectomy not to talk.
fuck gravity: Sho, Haruhi's a guy.
daddy issues: Yes, he's transgender. So he's my biological mother but he's my Dad.
oreosandpussy: Does this have something to do with the 'Akimitsu' thing?
daddy issues: Actually, my birth name was Akimitsu. He named me and Natsuo used to call me that when Enji wasn't home because he'd heard Haruhi call me that once before he ran away. Endewhore and Rei renamed me almost immediately on a second birth certificate they'd had made as if I was Rei's son.
mother i crave violence: Technically, you got two adopted brothers. Me and Shinsou.
daddy issues: And you two got another brother too.
aggressive chicken dance: dumbass trio.
mother i crave violence: I'm oldest, I automatically win.
its a mental breakdown: Ask Haruhi what kind of quirk your sperm donor had.
daddy issues: He says it was a mental block quirk. Oh my god, the dude had blue hair. Hitoshi, blue fucking hair with Haruhi's red hair.
its a mental breakdown: Are we sure he's not my real parent?
mother i crave violence: Toshi, your birthday is in July. He couldn't have had you five months after he had Shoto.
daddy issues: Well, actually, that's technically possible, in a longshot kind of way since he was about seven months when he had me.
its a mental breakdown: Regardless, I say we claim we're triplets and Haruhi had the two of us after he ran away.
daddy issues: He says that's a funny idea and he's absolutely going with it.
daddy issues: I'm also adding all three of you to our family's group chat once I can go Endeavor's home and grab my legal documents and the rest of my things tonight. So that'll be fun.
Aizawa: I and Present Mic will go with you.
pikachoo has changed Aizawa's name to Mom
pikachoo: Because you're basically our mom.
Mom: You may live because I'm busy.
8:00 PM
Endeavor Hate Chat
red velvet cake: I'm heading home tonight to grab things with my two friends, two teachers, and someone else. Is Enji there?
coconut cake: No, he's out patrolling and all.
red velvet cake: Good. Would you like to help me move all my stuff out, including my legal documents?
coconut cake: Wait, what!? Why!?
red velvet cake: I would like you to remain calm, alright? Enji isn't my father and you aren't my sister, nor Natsuo my brother. I'm not the child of Todoroki Enji and Himura Rei.
coconut cake: Shoto, I know you hate being part of the family but you can't disown us! I love you! I'll change, I promise! I'll finally cut Enji off, just please keep me in your life!
red velvet cake: That's not it, Fuyumi. I'm saying these things because Rei is not my mother, she's my grandmother. Enji is my grandfather, You and Natsuo are my aunt and uncle. I know about Touya now and I know what happened now.
lemon cake: Akimitsu?
red velvet cake: Yes, I know about the Akimitsu situation. Probably more than you do, actually.
lemon cake: What else is there?
red velvet cake: One minute. Let me just.
red velvet cake has added Haruhi, Hitoshi, and Katsuki to Endeavor Hate Chat
coconut cake: Who are they?
red velvet cake: Hitoshi and Katsuki are my brothers. Haruhi is my Dad. You two probably know him better by the name Touya.
lemon cake: You're fucking with me. Stop it, Shoto.
coconut cake: Shoto, this prank or whatever isn't funny!
red velvet has started a video chat
Dad, say hi to Fuyumi and Natsuo. -red velvet cake
Hey, there guys. Long time no see? -Haruhi
Oh my god, you're really here. I thought you were dead, Touya. Can I still call you that? -lemon cake
I go by either Touya or Haruhi, I don't mind which. -Haruhi
We're visiting the house with my teachers, Eraserhead and Present Mic, to move the rest of my things out of Enji's home and into my dorm room. -red velvet cake
That sounds like a plan. I'll be over in about ten minutes to help them, Fuyu. -lemon cake
Oh yeah, and what are you guy's favorite cake flavors? Which one do you like the most? -coconut cake
Chocolate. -Haruhi
Carrot. -Katsuki
Ew, Kats. Strawberry. -Hitoshi
Yours are both gross. But I'll bear it because you're my sons. -Haruhi
Oh my god. -red velvet cake
red velvet cake has ended the video chat
coconut cake has changed Haruhi's name to chocolate cake
coconut cake has changed Katsuki's name to carrot cake
coconut cake has changed Hitoshi's name to strawberry cake
10:50 PM
Area 51
daddy issues: I am now 100% moved out of Endeavor's house and I found my original birth certificate listing my birth parents.
daddy issues: I also found some hidden documents and medical records. Turns out me and Shinsou really are brothers and Haruhi had no fucking idea because he didn't even know he was still pregnant when he had him.
brb drowning: What the fuck?
neko neko kneecaps: How would he not know!?
daddy issues: He went to the hospital and the doctors took Hitoshi away from Haruhi because they found out he was a homeless kid so they sedated him, must have cut Toshi out, and left Toshi on an orphanage's doorstep.
daddy issues: But they tested Hito and still sent Enji his birth certificate, so I don't know why they lied to Dad.
its a mental breakdown: So I guess you could say I was a secret during the pregnancy even from my own mother?
fuck gravity: But he had you in January, Shoto? And then he had Shinsou in July five months later?
Human Porche: Hold on, Shinsou is 14 by that math.
its a mental breakdown: Actually, the nuns who raised me lied about my birthday to only me so I've been mistakenly putting my birthday down as July 1st on school forms for the last ten years. They did it just so I wouldn't find my mother. Which, again, doesn't make sense. Maybe someone wrote it wrong? But I was actually born on January 12th. Technically me and Sho are fraternal twins with different birthdays.
mother i crave violence: So I'm Haruhi's only not biological son.
is a mental breakdown: We love you, Katsuki.
daddy issues: We love you, Kats.
neko neko kneecaps: They're twins, your honor.
pikachoo: You two are cute being twins.
mother i crave violence: This is creepy. The twins are creepy.
mistakes were made: Next we'll find out Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are twins or something.
ordained: We are. Mom got me, Dad got him. Our Mom has Diamond Skin and Dad has Dermal Armor. We're twins, I'm about an hour older than him and our parents separated and remarried before our quirks even came in.
mistakes were made: Oh my god.
daddy issues: I'm adding that to my conspiracy board and nobody will stop me or they will get pinned to the conspiracy board.
Taglist: @lgbtforeverything @rin-tanaka @everythingisstardust @paint-in-flames @t4t-ummiurk
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obx-adventures · 4 years
The Fall
Summary: Grace just moved from Figure Eight to the Cut. She never expected to run into her old friend, Kiara, and discover she lives next door to JJ Maybank.
Catch up here: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3
Chapter 4
“Dude, what the hell just happened?” John B asks when he and Pope find JJ still rooted to the spot where Grace left him. JJ has been trying to decide whether or not to follow her. He knows she’ll be pissed but he also knows that she shouldn’t be walking home alone when she’s as drunk as she is.
“Fuck it. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” JJ runs in the direction that Grace left as Pope and John B call out for him.
JJ finds Grace sitting on a makeshift flower box about 10 minutes later. She had stopped walking before getting to their block, JJ’s voice echoing in her head. At the sound of his footsteps, she jumps and tries to gather her stuff to run.
“Whoa whoa whoa, it’s just me.” Grace sags in relief when she recognizes JJ’s voice. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I know you told me not to follow you but –”
He was cut off by Grace throwing herself into him and wrapping her arms around his torso. He follows her lead and holds her tightly as she starts to cry.
“I’m so sorry, JJ.” He shushes her as he rubs her back. “No, I was so horrible to you.”
“Don’t worry about it. I bring that out in people.” Grace chuckles a little into his chest and he closes his eyes in relief. “But you got to tell me what that was all about, sweetheart. I’ve been worried about you since I picked you up from work and then that thing you said about being no one’s responsibility. What happened?”
“JJ… can we talk about this tomorrow?” JJ pulls back a little to look at her face and can see how exhausted she looks. He’s seen the same look in the mirror after bad days with his dad. She’s holding on by a thread.
“Sure, sweetheart. Come on, I’ll walk you home.”
“No!” JJ’s stunned by her emphatic answer. “I can’t go home.”
“Your mom probably isn’t awake, you won’t get in trouble.” JJ forgot this is the first time that Grace has been drunk. But from what he saw yesterday, he doubts Amanda Porter will be aware enough to realize her daughter is just as drunk as her.
“It’s not that. I just… please. Please can we go somewhere else?” Now JJ understands this is a whole different issue. He’s pretty sure it has something to do with her dad but decides not to push it.
“Well we’re pretty far from the Chateau already, do you think you can walk for another 30 minutes?”
“No…” Grace chews on her lip and sways a little. JJ is positive he’s never seen someone so cute. He places his hands on her shoulders to steady her, trying to remember that she needs a friend right now, not a guy that can only think about how adorable she looks.
“Then your house it is.”
“What about yours?” JJ’s eyes widen in surprise at Grace’s suggestion.
“You would rather face my abusive, alcoholic father than your sleeping mom?”
“What if I stayed with you and ran interference so you don’t see her?” Grace freezes up at the suggestion and can’t help thinking about how she fell asleep with his hand stroking her cheek. She giggles at the thought and her cheeks flush in embarrassment.
“Yea, I guess that would be ok.” She continues to giggle as she turns away from him to walk home.
“What’s so funny?” JJ caught the pink tinge in her cheeks before she turned around and is desperate to know what caused it.
Grace decided not to answer as she stumbled ahead of him. After almost tripping a few more times, JJ steps in front of her and crouches a bit so she can jump on his back. When she hesitates for a second, he looks back at her and winks. She giggles again and awkwardly jumps up for a piggy back ride.
When they get to her house, she tries to unlock her door but can’t steady herself enough to get the key in the lock. JJ takes over and leads her inside. Despite being drunk, her first instinct is to check on her mom.
Grace finds Amanda passed out with another empty bottle of alcohol next to her. JJ waits outside her mom’s room, watching her closely. As Grace’s knees buckle and a sob escapes her, JJ swoops in to pick her up and carry her to her room. He sits on her bed and holds her against his chest, rocking slowly and running his fingers through her hair.
“What happened, sweetheart?” he asks after she finally settles down.
“She lied to me for my whole life. They both did. He finally told me the truth today. But he doesn’t want me. And she’s a mess. And I feel so fucking alone.”
“What did they lie about?”
“He’s not... he’s... not... my...” Grace tries time to calm her sobs enough to talk but JJ understands. He soothes her and tells her she doesn’t need to say anything else.
“I’m so sorry, Grace.” He can’t imagine how much it hurt her to find out Paul isn’t her real father. For a moment, he isn’t sure what else to say but then he remembers their conversation in the kitchen the night before. “I know it feels like it but you aren’t alone. Remember? We can take care of each other. Ok?”
Grace gives him a watery smile and nods a little at him. She reaches her hand out and brushes his hair off his forehead. Instead of pulling her hand back, she leaves it on his cheek and is surprised when he leans into it. They stay like that for what feels like an eternity, just staring into each other’s eyes.
JJ’s phone beeps, causing them both to jump a little. Grace awkwardly moves off his lap and runs into the bathroom to clean herself up. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she decides she can’t put off going back into her room. When she does, she finds him in the same spot as before.
“Hi...” Grace isn’t sure what else to say after whatever it was that just happened between them.
“Uh, Kie was just checking to make sure you’re ok...” Grace giggles at JJ’s awkwardness. At least she isn’t the only one thrown off kilter. “Uh, we should... umm, we should get some sleep.”
Grace nods at JJ but doesn’t move from her spot leaning against the door. She’s trying to decide what to do next. She’s never been a risk taker but she’s also never felt this way about someone. As if her body is acting on it’s own accord, she moves to stand in front of JJ. He looks perplexed and nervous, two words Grace never thought she would associate with him. She gently runs one hand through his hair and places the other on his opposite cheek.
“What are you doing?” JJ’s voice is barely a whisper.
“Something I’ve wanted to do for the past 3 weeks...”
JJ stares into Grace’s eyes as he reaches up to move her hands away from his face and hair.
“Grace, you’re drunk... I think we should just lay down and get some sleep.” He releases her hands and fights to ignore the pain and embarrassment written all over her face as he stands up to walk past her.
When he gets to the bathroom, he curses himself as he splashes cold water on his face. What the hell was that? If Kie hadn’t texted him, he’s sure he would have kissed Grace. And he wanted to now when she stood in front of him. But he was able to remind himself while she was in the bathroom that she’s drunk and reeling from finding out about her dad. He knows he’s an asshole but not a big enough asshole to take advantage of her while she’s in this state. JJ pulls himself together and goes back into Grace’s room.
He finds Grace curled up into a ball on the same side of the bed she was last night. He can see her body shaking and is sure she’s crying again. But he doesn’t know what to do now.
After getting into bed, he reaches over to touch her shoulder but she flinches away from him. Fuck, did he just totally screw everything up between them?
“Do you want me to go?”
Grace shakes her head no but refuses to turn around to face him. JJ understands this is the best he can hope for. He falls asleep thinking about how he will make things right between them tomorrow.
Grace wakes up with a horrendous headache. She rolls over to see JJ still asleep beside her. As she looks at his peaceful face, she cringes at the memory of his rejection last night. How could she be so stupid? Why would JJ Maybank be interested in her?
She slowly gets out of bed, trying desperately not to wake him up. As she stands under the hot water in the shower, she tries to piece together what happened last night. She’s a little impressed with herself for punching Rafe but can’t believe how she acted with JJ. He probably thinks she’s pathetic. Grace is jolted out of her self-pity when she hears the door open.
“Sorry, Grace, I just really need to pee.” Grace’s whole body stiffens in rage at the sound of her mom’s voice.
“Get out!”
“I’m sorry to burst in like this but you’ve been in here for 40 minutes and I couldn’t hold it anymore.”
Grace grinds her teeth in frustration. She needs to talk to her mom but she wants to be able to see her face when she asks her for the truth. Amanda leaves the bathroom and Grace quickly finishes her shower. When she gets back to her room, JJ is still snoring. She decides to deal with one emotionally painful situation at a time and leaves him asleep to go find her mom.
“Mom, we need to talk.” Amanda is making coffee in the kitchen so Grace sits at the table to wait for her.
“Ok, what’s up?” Amanda is certain that Grace wants to talk about her drinking. She knows it’s gotten bad and Grace has had to take care of her a lot lately.
“I saw dad yesterday.” Amanda can see how angry Grace is and is worried about where this conversation is going.
“Oh? How did that go?”
“Not great, mom. He told me he’s not my biological father.” Amanda flinches at Grace’s words and that’s enough confirmation for Grace. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“I didn’t want to hurt you, sweetie.” Amanda reaches over to take Grace’s hand and is hurt when Grace pulls her hands away. “Plus, it doesn’t really change anything. Paul knew I was pregnant before we got married. He knew he wasn’t your father but he still signed your birth certificate. Legally, that makes him your dad. My lawyer says-”
“Shut up!” Grace yells. “I don’t give a shit about the legal crap! And it changes everything! The man I consider my dad doesn’t want anything to do with me! And he never has. All these years, I thought I had done something wrong. That it was my fault that he never spent time with me. All my life, I’ve felt like I wasn’t good enough, that I didn’t deserve his or anyone else’s love.”
“Oh sweetie, no-”
“Stop, I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. You’re just as bad as he is. I knew I had to talk to you right away this morning because you won’t be sober much longer. You’ve been drunk by noon every day since we moved here. I had to get a job to pay our rent and buy groceries so we don’t starve. I’ve always been more of the adult in our relationship but now I can’t count on you at all. And... and I can’t trust you anymore.”
“Grace, that’s not fair.” Amanda knows that everything her daughter said is true but it doesn’t make it any less painful.
Grace storms into her room, too disgusted with her mother and too hurt to talk anymore. After slamming her door, she sinks to the ground and cries into her hands. She doesn’t hear JJ walk over to her over the sound of her own sobs. When he touches her shoulder, she jumps but quickly grabs onto him like a lifeline. He sits down with her and pulls her against his chest, thankful that she’s accepting his comfort.
Twenty minutes later, Grace’s tears have dried and her breathing has returned to normal. She looks up at JJ and is reminded of what happened between them last night. She sits up and releases him.
“Thank you, JJ. And... and I want to apologize... I was really drunk last night. I didn’t... I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I hope it doesn’t change... I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry. I should have explained-” Grace cuts him off before he can go on.
“You don’t need to explain. I get it.” Grace stands up and puts as much distance as she can between them, desperately trying to avoid hearing how someone else important to her doesn’t want her. “Kiara will be here any minute. I think my mom is back in her room so you should go now before she sees you.”
JJ stares at Grace but she stubbornly avoids looking at him. After a minute of awkward silence, JJ walks towards her and stops in the doorway, trying to get her to meet his gaze. Grace finally looks him in the eyes but before he can talk, he hears Kiara honk to let Grace know she’s there. As they walk outside, he stops her before she gets in the car.
“Can I walk you home after work?”
“Uh, no. I’ll ask Kiara for a ride.”
“Please, I want to talk about this.” Grace looks down at her hands and JJ can practically hear her thinking through excuses. He gently turns her face to look at him and holds eye contact. “Please.”
Grace nods and quickly gets into Kiara’s car before he can say anything else. Kiara is staring at JJ through the passenger window, clearly confused about their exchange. He walks away quickly before Kiara has a chance to say anything to make this more awkward.
“Shit...” Grace cringes at the tone in Kiara’s voice. “What the hell was that?”
Ch 5
Taglist: @agirlwholovescoffee @alexa-playafricabytoto @mendesmaybank @teamnick @laurenyee09 @prejudic3 @teaheeee @shy-1234 @rudyismymanperiod @teaparadiso @rudy-pankow
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fuckingthefictional · 4 years
Cross my heart- part 9
Pairings: Tommy Shelby x OFC, John Shelby (platonic) x OFC
Warnings: talk of injuries- cause of injuries.
A/N enjoy my dudes!!
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Tommy walked with a purpose, the purpose was to get home uninterrupted.
If it were anywhere else in the country it would be safe to say that it would be unlikely that people would be out of bed at this time of the morning.
Small Heath however, the complete opposite. There were whores and homeless lurking on the street corners. Drunks and drug addicts alike had been kicked out of pubs and into the blackened streets as the night waned into early morning.
But Tommy didn’t have to worry about being stopped, he practically ran Birmingham. If anything people were almost repulsed by him, as they immediately moved away as he strode back to Watery lane.
Is average 15 minute journey took him 7 minutes this time, his mind was reeling and his fingers urged him to begin turning the classified pages.
So with that thought in mind he unlocked the front door and entered the house as quietly as he could.
The last thing he wanted was Aunt Polly smacking him for waking Finn up, that and having John and Arthur say “I told you so.”
So instead he went straight to his room, locking the door behind him he switched his gas lamp on. And put the thick file on his bed.
He couldn’t get his mind around why his girl had a classified British file full of documents on Eliza.
The last he had heard about any sort of files being used was from Arthur, when he claimed Campbell had all the Shelby boys’ files at hand and was willing to use information against them.
But Grace wouldn’t betray him would she? She seemed sweet in nature, hardened and strong- but sweet.
If his brothers could hear Tommy now, they’d say he was turning a blind eye because the Irishwoman was a good fuck. That he was putting the entire family at risk because of a girl that he’d known for less than 6 months.
He lit up another cigarette, all of the thinking was causing tension to rise in his muscles. Tommy didn’t want to think about putting his family at risk or accusing his girl of betrayal, but alas his thoughts came back to the same conclusion. It is possible that all of the business with Campbell was linked in some way.
He slumped on his bed, placing his reading glasses on his face as he took a deep breath and turned the first page.
It was the picture of Eliza, hair tied up and her flight suit on. She had a hardened look on her face as she conveyed professionalism and seriousness, but he could see in her eyes that she was proud of her accomplishments.
The print below it had all of the girl’s personal details.
Date of Birth: 10th December 1893
Tommy hadn’t known she was only two years younger than him, he had though she was younger than John- judging by her smaller frame and bossy temperament.
He read on.
Place of birth: Kilkenny, Ireland.
Tommy was again surprised, Eliza didn’t carry the signature Irish accent that Grace and Campbell did.
He briefly remembered Harry mentioning his mother was Irish and that he and his sister were born there, but other than that he would have assumed they both grew up in Small Heath.
He carried on reading. They had everything- a copy of her birth certificate, even legal documents that showed Harry as her care dependant guardian when she was younger.
They had everything and it all went into a loop of why did his Grace have this information?
He felt as if he was prying into Eliza’s personal life- but his intrigue got the better of him as he continued to turn the pages.
He stopped after 30 minutes as he discovered a photo of his younger brother and Eliza, they were both in uniform and both were holding rifles as they sat on a makeshift seat of wood.
They looked grimy and tired as many soldiers did, but it looked as if they were both in fits of laughter.
It burnt a feeling of jealousy within him for some odd reason.
Tommy turned to the next page. Military records. He skimmed the page, trying to ignore the bits that felt personal and hard to read about.
That was until he read his name, he could feel his face contour into confusion. He hadn’t even know Eliza then.
He immediately went to the beginning of the paragraph and read out loud. It appeared to be a mission report.
10th November 1916 Sergeant Fenton was tasked with a solo flight to take observations of a German camp north of the Somme.
Her plane was shot down at approx 0800 hours and she landed west of the German camp, when upon impact she sustained injuries.
Fenton then disposed of the camp of 47 German men, as she sustained more injuries.
She found the camps sapper tunnel and proceeded to dig continuously for 32 hours until she came into contact with the allies sapper tunnel, which at the time held Thomas Shelby, Freddie Thorne and Daniel Owen.
She sustained injuries at the hands of Thomas Shelby who mistook her for a German tunneller and later passed out as a result of extreme blood loss.
Tommy was in a state of shock. That was her, that night in the tunnel. It was Eliza who he tried to kill.
He held his head in his hands, he felt guilt that he didn’t even know he was capable of.
Tommy didn’t want to read on but he needed to know what happened after, he needed to know the consequences of his actions.
He turned to the next page, which showed extensive medical records.
There was a diagram which circled where she had been injured.
Three bullet wounds, one in her left kneecap, one in her right upper arm and one that had grazed her side.
A major concussion caused by impact of the crash as well as a large gash on her left thigh.
And finally a large stab wound on her shoulder- which had been caused by Tommy.
Tommy felt more guilt when he read of the amount of surgeries and time that Eliza spent at a rehabilitation home.
He allowed her to bleed out and caused one of the injuries- which was intended to be a hit to kill.
But the last straw was when he found a memo from the war office.
There was one certain letter that stood out from the rest, the one that explained that ‘Thomas Shelby will be awarded a Victoria cross in your place.’
He hadn’t known that he had taken the credit away from Eliza, that he had taken away her dignity and pride.
He finally understood why John and Harry had gotten so pissed off.
He had taken so much from Eliza, and he was that ignorant that he hadn’t known until now. Tommy put his head into his hands once more and for the first time in years, he wept.
TAGLIST: @marvelschriss @eternallyvenus @peachy-aisha
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How You Met the Gang - Curtis Sister HC
Hey! I haven’t posted in awhile and I love Curtis Sister hcs, so here’s this. This is partly inspired by outside-the-fandoms post, so go check theirs out cause I love it sm.
Also I just watched Dirty Dancing like five times so prepare for more Darry hcs you big losers.
This is written from your point of view, your name is Maybell “May” Cynthia Curtis. You’re fifteen and were born on May 2nd, 1950. (I’m not into the whole ‘y/n’ stuff sorry y’all).
P.s this is written with my “How the Gang Met Hc” in mind. You can read that if you want a bit more context. :)
Your mom used to tell you that your birth was the hardest one she’d had. Harder than Darry’s or Soda’s, even Ponyboy’s, who came after you. Pop said that it was cause you’re a chick and they just ‘come out different’.
Your pa was a riot. You can’t help but see how much him and Soda were -are- alike. Sure, Darry had his looks, but his personality was all Soda.
It was after your mom had given birth to you, she was screaming her guts out so loud that your dad said he was pretty sure all of Tulsa could hear her.
Your dad had to take care of your mom, leaving Darry to roam the room. Right before your mom when into labor, they left Soda at your grandparents place. They loved Soda to death, but there was no way they could take care of 18 month old while your mom was giving birth.
Darry, being five and generally well behaved, wanted to go so bad and begged so hard that your parents couldn’t say no. Because no one wanted a little sister more than Darrel Curtis Jr. And that was that.
The nurses had just taken you away from your mom, they needed to clean you off and rap you up. Pop recalled that she’d almost not let them do it. She just didn’t want to let you go.
When they had finished they left you in a crib next to your mom’s hospital bed. One of the nurses who had stayed with Darry during the actual birth walked him back into the room to stay with your parents. You immediately caught his attention. He walked over to you with wide eyes and put his tiny fingers over the rim of the crib. He stared at you for awhile before saying in a soft whisper,
“She’s beautiful, Ma.”
When your parents finally came back from the hospital to pick up Sodapop and take you back to your new home, they decided to introduce you to the almost two year old Soda.
He said something that could only be recognizable as a jumble of words that vaguely sounded like “gaaaaabuH!”
If it makes you feel any better, his second word after ‘Momma’ was ‘Poopybell’. So, take that however you want.
But yeah, that’s the moment that Soda described as the “beginning to [his] comedy career”.
Your first encounter with Ponyboy is not much different. Being only a fresh 14 months and 20 days old at the time of his birth, you don’t quite remember when you first met your younger brother. But a huge fight between the Curtis family, still to this day, is wether or not your first words were ‘Pony’ or just a hiccup that your mother heard.
You’ve known Steve almost all your life. Sodapop met him at the age of four and they were basically inseparable ever since. Which meant your entire family got real close to him real quick. You met him at around age two, going on three. Your mom invited Steve to stay over for dinner, and he smiled happily at the smell of the roast she had made. 
You, being at prime ‘forced to sit at the dinner table in your high chair’ age, was to do nothing but just sit there and eat. Steve had never seen you before, or Ponyboy, so he sat next to Soda and just stared at the two of you. 
“Hey, Soda?” Steve asked in his high pitched voice, all while he was still staring.
“Yeah, Stevie?” Soda said around a mouthful of pot roast.
“Those your kid siblings?” 
“Yup!” He smiled at Steve, his cheeks noticeably full with food. Steve giggled at the sight, and turned to take a bite of his own food.
Soda was in third grade, and you were in second when you met Johnny. Johnny, Steve, and Soda were all in the same grade, Steve and Soda just having met him. 
According to the man himself, Johnny always wanted little siblings. You and Pony where who he immediately gravitated to when he went to the Curtis Household for the first time. He even let you do his hair. 
Two-Bit was two years older than Soda when they started hanging out. Making him 3 almost 4 years older than you when you first met.
Two-Bit was raiding your pantry, when he turned around to see a young 8 year old girl eating soup at 3pm in the afternoon. 
He turned away from you to grab two straws and stick them up his nose. He faced you and began talking like a walrus. You were, to say the least, confused yet amused at his antics. 
“You’re doing it wrong,” You pointed out. You then got two straws of your own and put them in your mouth. “See, this is how you do it.” You said in a muffled tone as you pointed to the straws in your mouth.
The two of you where making walrus noises in funny voices for about five minutes when Two-Bit asked,
“You’re Soda’s kid sister, ain’t you?” His walrus voice still in full use.
“Yup, who are you?” Your walrus voice didn’t waver either, it was a contest you planned on winning.
“Two-Bit Mathews.” The voice was getting more ridiculous every time he talked.
You stopped, took the straws out of your mouth, and said in a genuinely curious regular voice, “Two-Bit? That’s your real name? Like, it says so on your birth certificate and everything?”
“Nope, uh, that’s just what people call me, cause of how funny i am. My real name’s Keith.” He was still using a full on accent and tried shaking your hand, which you didn’t take.
“That’s stupid. You shoulda just said that in the first place. I don’t like even like my name, who calls somebody ‘Maybell’? Besides, i like Keith way more than ‘Two-A-Piece’ or whatever.” You stood up, washed your soup bowl, and went back to your room. You had a town to run anyway. 
Two-Bit, or now, Keith took the straws out of his nose and just laughed, 
The beginning of 8th grade, that’s when you met Dallas Winston. He was a freshman with Soda, Steve, and Johnny, and they had just decided to hang out after school at your house with Two-Bit. 
“Who’s the broad?” Was the first thing he said when walking through the front door.
You were reading one of Ponyboy’s books on the couch. You hated to say it, but you understood why he loved these things so much. You looked up when he came into the living room, but then just ignored him. You’ve met plenty of guys like him.
“Dallas, meet my little sis!” Soda walked over to the couch and jumped on you with full force. You screamed, and laughed as you pushed him off of you.
“Hiya, Texas” You turned to him while still giggling. He gave a distasteful look at the nickname and nodded at you. He was a little cute, if you were being honest.
“Get out of the way, you bums! Mickey’s on!” Two-Bit took the place on the couch next to you and turned his attention to the tv. 
You weren’t sure if the boys were laughing or groaning, but hey, these dudes were like your brothers. Maybe if they thought Dally was cool, he wasn’t all that bad.
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Chasing The Dream 10/10
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader (High School/College AU)
Warning: Angst. Underage drinking. Jealousy. Language. Heartbreak and arguing.
A/N: This is the series, the prequel of Chasing Dreams One Shot. They do overlap so if you need to read it I can link it when time comes.
We’ve reached the end!!
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Present –
Peter (Plans Change, Roll with the Punches)
Buck bought Nat’s guitar and gave it to her. They’d been talking for a bit, before she agreed to see him and talk. Sam had been texting Wanda and chatting on the phone later at night. Steve had met his daughter Annie and was in the process of being added to her birth certificate. They had finished the tour and headed back home again.
“Have you thought about calling her?” Steve looks over at him, he was once again surfing Y/N’s twitter page.
“And say what? Hey sorry your dad turned out to be the spineless ass we knew he was?” Peter scuffs.
“Who’s the bitterest man in the airport? Who’s the bitterest man in the airport? Oh Peter Parker, that would be you.” Buck half sings, half chuckles at him.
“I’m not bitter.” Peter grumbles.
“No you’re a ray of fucking sunshine, you’re right.” Sam smirks.
“Okay, just because all you dicks got your girls, daughter.” Peter shakes his head. “Doesn’t mean everything worked out for everyone.” He grumbles, grabbing his bag and stalking off.
“Pick up the phone and call her.” Buck jogs after him.
“Tell her, hey I’m a miserable ass, nobody wants to spend time with because I miss you.” Steve chuckles.
“Would you fuckers shut up?” He groans.
“Hey is that, that’s Tony.” Sam stops pointing at the waiting gates.
“Boys.” Tony catches their attention.
“Let me guess Phil is cutting our contract?” Peter grumbles.
“Who pissed in your cheerios?” Tony smirks.
“Ignore him. He’s in a dark place.” Steve sighs.
“Well he better pull himself up. I’ve got news.” Tony leads them from the airport.
“Band news?” Buck asks.
“A little personal, little band.” Tony stops out front in front of a town car.
“Okay.” They all nod.
“Your contract can’t be cut short. When Stacy signed the divorce papers it was a clause in her agreement.” Tony smirks.
“Holy shit.” Peter’s brow snaps up.
“Fucking Stacy.” Buck grins.
“Also. I do believe you should go see Y/N.” Tony nods. “Think there is something you two need to talk about.” He clears his throat.
“Is she okay?” Peter steps forward suddenly.
“Peter you don’t know how hard it is to not slap you right now.” Tony scratches the back of his neck. “I believe Phil threatened you while the two of you were in school. I’d like to make good on that threat, but seeing as Stacy would have my ass, I’m going to just tell you to do the right thing.” Tony nods, he waves them good by before walking off to his car.
“Phil threatened you before?” Sam looks at Peter confused.
“A few times, I guess.” Peter shrugs.
“What do you think he meant by do the right thing?” Buck looks over as they put their bags into the truck.
“Are you all that stupid, or was the plane not pressurized?” Steve stops looking at them.
“What?” They blink at him.
“The one time Phil threatened you, very publicly. Do you remember Peter?” Steve asks as they get into the car.
“Before we went to the fall music show down.” Peter nods. Freezing suddenly. “Oh shit.” His eyes growing wide.
“One of you catch us up.” Buck sighs.
“If we’re remembering right, and Tony’s hints are clear. Peter got Y/N pregnant.” Steve smirks. The three of them wait, watching him.
“It’s been almost three months!” He suddenly shouts.
“There it is.” Buck nods.
“How could she not call me? Text me?” He was yelling at no one specifically.
“Did you fuckers know?” He turns on his friends.
“Really Peter?” Sam shakes his head.
“She just didn’t tell anyone!?” He slams his hand down on the arm of the door.
“Do you really have a right to be mad at her?” Buck snorts.
“What?” He looks over suddenly.
“Dude, we’re a rock band. There is a new story about us in the media on a regular. Her parents are getting divorced because of the exact same thing. She was in college, where she didn’t want to be, she’s probably a mess. Don’t be a selfish ass Peter.” Buck sighs.
“Don’t judge her for not telling you, when you didn’t bother to pick the phone up either.” Steve points out. “It’s not about you and what you want. She’s bringing life into the world, she gets the right to be selfish right now with everything she is going through.” He adds.
“I hate you.” Peter grumbles, sulking into the seat. He couldn’t be mad, not with everything she was going through. He had no right to judge, he bailed, he ran off to chase his dreams and left her behind.
“So should we head there?” Sam smirks.
“Yeah. Straight there.” Peter nods.
The four of them stood on the front steps, when Stacy pulled the door open. She looked almost amused to see them. She pushes the door open, waving them in.
“You should see something.” She turns heading back into the house. They quickly follow. Boxes are packed up, half packed and sitting all around. The sliding door to the patio and pool is cracked open, a slow, soft melody is playing. Y/N, Wanda and Nat are sitting on the edge of the pool, their feet in the water. Nat’s playing the acoustic, Wanda and Y/N sing a song they’d never heard them sing before.
“What is that?” Buck looks over at Stacy.
“Holding Out for a Hero.” She smirks. “The first song they ever learned together.” She nods. “They learned to play it acoustic and Phil taught them how to slow it down and keep time. She used to sing it all the time, belt out those notes in her room.” She smirks at them, nodding for them to head outside.
“I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night He's gotta be strong, he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight”
“I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure, he's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life, larger than life”
They stand behind them, listening to them finish the song. Simply unaware they were being watched, they only saw the backs of them as the song came to an end. Buck whistles, Sam claps, Steve hoots waving Buck’s lighter, Peter’s cat calling and clapping loudly. They whirl around, looking shocked to see them.
“Anyone tell you, you should put a band together?” Steve grins.
“We’ve heard that before.” Y/N grins, she’s only half turned, her hand on the ground. Even turned he could see her dressed rounded out in the center.
“Mind if we join you?” Buck shrugs.
“No splashing.” Nat points a finger at them.
“We would never.” Peter fakes hurt as they kick off their shoes, heading over to the place the girls were sitting.
“So Y/N.” Steve chuckles.
“Steve?” She looks over at him, the look on her face said to watch yourself.
“I’m assuming that isn’t Freshman fifteen?” He grins at the bump under her dress.
“No it’s the Freshman drop out.” She grins.
“You dropped out?” Peter stares at her.
“We all did.” Nat nods.
“Dad signed the house over to me. The girls moved in with me shortly after.” She shrugs.
“You all live here?” Buck looks back at the house.
“We do.” She nods. “What are you boys planning to do?” She looks around at them.
“I have to think about Annie.” Steve shrugs.
“I saw her. She’s gorgeous Steve.” She grins at him.
“I’m sorry call me bias, but my niece or nephew will be way cuter.” Nat grins, reaching over and placing a hand on her belly.
“Snacks?” Wanda looks over at her. She nods, the five of them get up heading inside, he moves closer to Y/N.
“You didn’t call or text.” He looks down.
“Heard you had some blonde, famous girlfriend.” She shrugs.
“No. Never.” He shakes his head.
“It’s yours, well they are part you. If that makes sense.” She nods looking down.
“So does your dad have a hit out on me?” He smirks.
“Mom put him in his place. I told him if he came for you, he would never see me or his grandchild again.” She admits, flushing.
“I have one question.” He grins, she lights up grinning back. “How are you going to fit into all your band T’s?” He chuckles.
“Don’t remind me!” She groans, dropping her head to his shoulder.
“We’re giving up the contract.” He sighs.
“What?” She looks up at him with wide eyes.
“Steve has Annie. Buck and Sam won’t leave without the girls. I don’t want to be away from you or this one.” He sighs, reaching over slowly placing his hand on her stomach.
“Don’t give it up.” She shakes her head. “We can make it work. We’ll travel with you. I was a Rolling Stones, Rock and Roll baby, why can’t this one?” She glances down.
“You’d follow touring with us?” He stares at her.
“We’re a family. All eight of us now.” She shrugs. “Nat and Wanda will always help me, help us. Mom’s only a phone call away. Traveling includes culture and memories. First words in LA and first steps in Tokyo. Family sticks together.” She smirks.
“Hell yeah we do.” Steve comes out with cookies and something yellow cake like handing it to Y/N. She grins breaking off a piece of the yellow bread.
“Lemon cake.” She says around the mouth full.
“Her current weakness.” Nat laughs.
“So we’re touring still?” Buck grins.
“I think we all regret the beginning enough. I missed you morons, you’ll be bad influences on my child, and I still don’t think I could send you off again.” She sighs, resting her head on his shoulder.
“That’s what family is.” The seven of you turn looking back Stacy is walking toward them. “You might want to choke the life out of them, but you’re together, thick and thin.” She sits down on the other side of Peter. “I’ll need a standing plane ticket by the way. I’ll jump the first flight if you need me.” She grins at Peter and Y/N. “Same goes for you Steve, fatherhood is going to look good on you.” She laughs.
“We’re going to need a bigger tour bus.” Sam grins, his arm over Wanda’s shoulders.
“Oh our plan.” Y/N perks up, looking at Wanda and Nat.
“You have a plan?” Buck looks over at the girls.
“We’re going to put together Demo songs to sell to other artists.” Y/N grins.
“Y/N will write them. We’ll play them, so they get a taste of what they’re buying.” Wanda grins.
“That’s fucking smart.” Steve shakes his head slowly.
“Looks like we should pack. Again.” Nat snorts.
“You should get use too that.” Stacy laughs.
Y/N’s head on his shoulder, his hand on her bump. He had no idea how their future was going to be. Since the start of Junior year, all he wanted was Y/N and he’d give up anything to keep her and the family they had.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320 @courtmr   @all1e23 @izzy--lee @irepeldirt @dumblani @crist1216 @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @sea040561 @sexyvixen7 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @abschaffer2 @nickimarie94 @teller258316 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @itsagalaxystar @bettercallsabs @miraclesoflove @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @sadyoungadult @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @iwillbeinmynest @sweet-honey15 @chanelmadrid13 @mellxander1993   @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @mariekoukie6661 @pure-princess-97 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @youclickedthislink @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @notyourtypicalrose @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @fanfictionjunkie1112 @abbypalmer14-blog @meganlikesfandoms @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @queenoftheunderdark @writingaworldofmyown @supernaturallover2002 @daughterofthenight117 @sprinklesandsugarcubes @whothehellisbucky-1930 @verymuchclosetedfangirl @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
Peter Parker: @ml7010 @ariminiria @dkpink123 @little-smurf @boltsgirl919 @quokkatrash   @everthenerd @ms-rogers06 @crayonwriting @baebeepeach @bellamouse16 @honey-bee-holly @kiss-the-stars-goodbye
Chasing The Dream: @del-rcys @gabile18   @robin-writes @raven-black102
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Parenting 101 For Rockstar Dads
CH. 3- The One Where Everything Is Not Okay Pt 1
Warnings: medical malpractice, child birth, loss of blood, and death
Nessa’s pregnancy wore on throughout the fall and into the winter and spring. Jared and Nessa were having a girl and they had settled on the name Kaela, Kaela Dominique Leto; a lot had changed from the time of the pregnancy announcement such as Jared and Nessa turning the second bedroom of their apartment they used for storage into a nursery, Jared’s older brother Shannon crashing on their couch and Nessa being officially on maternity leave from school and work. She hated it, and with Jared and Shannon at work, she was absolutely bored. With summer in full swing, it was way too hot to do anything, and Nessa had very little energy. Her days consisted (sometimes) making breakfast for herself, Jared and Shannon, watching soap operas as she painted or knitted, fetching the mail, and concluding the day with a treat from the ice cream truck.
Jackie would come by after work or practice to keep her company until the guys came home. One Monday evening, she had stopped by after dance practice while Jared and Shannon were out at the laundromat. “Oh Nessa, I swear on everything I love, I’ll beat the fuck out of Lisa Russell! She gettin’ on my last damn nerve,” Jackie vented. When Nessa announced her pregnancy to the SUSLA dance team, her backup, Lisa had taken her place. It should’ve been a surprise that Lisa had even made the team in the first place, seeing as she couldn’t dance for shit, but she had rich parents, so it wasn’t really.
“The other girls are threatening to quit the team until you come back.” Nessa listened as her best friend cursed Lisa to the high heaven, never once losing steam until Shannon walked in carrying his laundry basket. The two of them were definitely checking each other out, until Jared bumped into him. “Dude, you gotta move. These mosquitos are eating me alive.” Ever since Shannon moved in, Jackie always hung around longer than necessary, and they were getting especially close.
Nessa liked the idea of Kaela’s godmother and uncle growing closer, but Jackie has a boyfriend who is absolutely wonderful, and for that reason, she only hoped that they were only getting to know each other because of the baby. Shannon plopped down in between them and threw an arm around Jackie’s side of the couch. “That’s cool, it’s not like I’m carrying your niece or anything.” They completely ignored her as they launched into their conversation; no matter how many times Jared and Nessa tried to include themselves in the conversation, Shannon and Jackie always managed to drift back to their own world. Jackie ended up staying for dinner, and the only time she and Shannon stopped talking was when either of them took a bite of their pizza.
“So Jackie, how’s Will doin’?” Nessa asked; she briefly wondered if her friend forgot that she even had a boyfriend. “Oh! Uh... he’s okay. Just really busy with summer practices so I haven’t been seeing him much lately.” Nessa saw the disappointed look on Shannon’s face but he still asked, “who’s Will?” “Just a guy she’s been seeing for a while.” He didn’t say anything after that, and the rest of dinner was quiet and a bit awkward. 
Jackie let at almost eight o’clock, saying she had to get up early, which was a lie, and even after she left Shannon was still quiet. “Shan, are you okay?” Jared asked his brother carefully. “What? Yeah, I’ll be fine, I’m just tired. I just want to go to bed. Had a long day.” Nessa and Jared went in the back to their bedroom and got ready for bed. “See Jared! I told you he has a thing for her! And she definitely likes him too!”
“Nessa baby, we’ve been through this. Shan and Jackie are going to be Kaela’s godparents. Of course they’re getting close.” Nessa only rolled her eyes as she put her hair up and put on her bonnet. “You saw how upset he was when I brought up Will.” She wasn’t even sure if Jackie even liked Will the way he liked her as she always seemed annoyed by him. “Let’s just go to sleep. You have your last doctor’s appointment before Kaela comes, first thing in the morning.”
Nessa still couldn’t believe that she was going to be a mom, that she was going to bring a child into the world with the love of her life; absolutely mind boggling. Everything was ready for her, the crib assembled and filled with stuffed animals and other things she might need, and a closet filled with pink outfits. She went into labor on July 13th, at 5:30 am which threw Jared and Shannon into a frenzy. They were both running around like chickens with their heads cut off as they made last minute plans; Shannon grabbing the hospital bag and putting in more things that might be needed and starting the car while Jared called everyone he knew. Turns out that Kaela was a very impatient baby, and by the time they made it to the hospital, Nessa was just about ready to push.
Finally, at 7:30 a.m. Kaela Dominique Leto made her grand entrance, weighing in at four pounds even. She had brown skin, a head of dark curls and the biggest brown eyes Jared had ever seen, and for the second time in his life, he fell in love. The placenta was delivered soon after, and that’s when everything went to hell. Nessa’s regular doctor was out of town due to a family emergency, so her replacement was a balding white man in fifties who brushed off Nessa’s concerns about bleeding after delivering the placenta. “Don’t worry Miss Arceneaux, the bleeding will stop soon.” The doctor had the nurses put some gauze to stop the blood flow but Nessa was losing her color and energy, fast. Jared was getting pissed; clearly there was something wrong with his girlfriend. Why wasn’t the doctor taking this seriously?
“Dr. Archibald, there is something wrong with her! Do something!” By this time Constance and Jackie had made it to the room, only to see Shannon holding Jared back as he was yelling at the doctor with Nessa running a finger over Kaela’s soft cheek; neither women had ever seen Nessa look like this. Of course it was normal to not look your best after giving birth, but it looked like someone had dimmed the lights from within. Nessa gave them a weak smile and they slowly walked over to her. Shannon had escorted Jared and Dr. Archibald into the hall, closing the door so the women wouldn’t have to hear it.
“Nessa, she’s absolutely beautiful,” Constance whispered. She couldn’t believe that she was a grandmother, but here she was, holding her new granddaughter Kaela. Surely this had to be a dream; she and Jackie took turns holding the baby, and it was a while before Shannon and Jared came back. They had plastic bags of food and they sat them down on the rolling table. “Nessa baby, you need to eat something, get your strength back up,” Jared told her.
Eating seemed to do something good for her, and her blood pressure seemed to return to normal after drinking a few ounces of orange juice. Nessa’s family came later in the day to fawn over the baby while Jared went to see about a birth certificate; when he came back, his eyes were red, he looked tired and a piece of paper in his hand. Jared looked over and saw his daughter in one of those makeshift cribs, sleeping peacefully. “Jay, why are you crying? Everything is fine. I’m okay,” Nessa assured him. He wiped the remaining tears away with the back of his hand and began kissing her face. 
“I thought I almost lost you Nessa. It was horrible.” Jared was shaken to his core, and the thought of losing the love of his life scared the shit out of him; he wanted to live out the rest of his life with her. Which reminded him... he still had the ring in his pocket, a ring he’s had for months. Of course the two had never talked about marriage, Jared had been too chicken to bring it up, but now that their daughter was here, now was a perfect time. “You’re not gonna lose me Jay.”
Jared felt like crying again, but his eyes were sore and he didn’t know if he could produce more tears; he felt like he’d done enough crying to last him twenty years. “Nessa, it was bad, and that doctor, I wanted to fucking punch him.” He could feel his throat close up again, and he focused on Shannon holding Kaela, with Jackie begging for a turn again. “It’s my turn Shannon. You’ve had her for ten minutes already.” Constance, Jared and Nessa had to step in to get the two to stop bickering.
“Come on you two, knock it off! She’s only three hours old and these are not the first sounds she should be hearing!” Constance’s tone was enough to make Shannon be quiet after Jackie called him a name. “Shan, Jackie’s right, you’ve had your turn. Give the baby to her.” He settled his niece in Jackie’s arms who had the biggest smile on her face. A few hours later, everyone had to go back to work, except for Jared who had some time off, so now he and Nessa finally had time to themselves to admire their daughter alone. 
The new parents couldn’t believe that their baby was real, they were actually looking at her, and yet it still felt like they could wake up at any moment. Kaela was, without a doubt the most perfect baby in the world; as Jared watched over his sleeping daughter, he felt a flash of anger. Here he is, holding this miracle he helped create, the thought of leaving her behind too painful to even fathom, and yet Tony Bryant had no problem leaving his two boys behind. He looked over at Nessa, who was staring at him holding Kaela. She looked tired, tired but happy, and Jared knew that now was the perfect time to ask her to spend the res of her life with him.
“Nessa, I love you so much, I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I won’t question it.” He sat Kaela back down in her cradle thing so he could get the ring from his pocket, and when Nessa realized what he was doing, she gasped. “Jared, are you doing what I think you’re doing?” Jared didn’t answer her, instead getting down on one knee at the side of her bed. “Vanessa Dominique Arceneaux, will you marry me?” 
Nessa had a smile on her face, the kind of smile that reached the eyes. “Of course I’ll marry you! I love you so much!” Jared slipped the ring on her finger, and they kissed as Kaela made some noises in her cradle. “Yes, pretty girl, your momma and daddy are getting married,” Jared cooed at the newborn. Jared didn’t expect that their celebration would abruptly end.
Nessa died two days later in her sleep sometime in the early morning. Jared was awoken by the heart monitor flatlining, thinking it was his alarm clock back home before he remembered where he was. It was dark in the room, the curtains drawn and the only light in the room was the monitor and the little sliver of golden light under the door coming from hall. Jared leaped from the couch and into the hallway. “Nurse, nurse! I need a nurse!” The monitor had to be wrong, she was only sleeping...
Doctors and nurses began to rush into the room and Jared was quickly jostled about as they tried to get to her; it took two security guards and a male nurse to calm him down, to assure him that they were doing everything they could to revive her. He was dragged into the waiting area kicking and screaming and crying. He tried to take his mind off what was happening by pacing the floor, listening to the early morning news, but none of that was helping. It was another fifteen minutes before a nurse came into the waiting area to tell him the news, but she didn’t need to, he could see it on her face.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Leto. We tried everything we could. There was one time where we tried the paddles and it worked, but only for a second.” Jared could feel the hot tears streaming down his face and he dropped back into a chair, bending over and grabbing his head, then rocking back and forth. He knew that he should go back in and say goodbye to Nessa but he couldn’t, it would be too real, but his feet moved on their own accord. There she was, his new fiancée lying on her back, eyes closed as if she was sleeping peacefully. Jared grabbed the hand he put the ring on, squeezing it and he just cried.
taglist: @llfd1977 @blackreaders-assemble @itsmeauntie
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princesweetpea · 5 years
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I Found | Sweet Pea x Aurora Jones (oc)
All Chapters Here
Chapter: Prologue
Warnings: Language, family death, mentions of friend death
A/N: Takes place after Riot Night.
   The ceiling light of the hospital’s small examination room flickered, making that dull buzzing sound of electricity that was about to go out. Aurora Jones sat rigid in her seat, occasionally shaking from her nerves. She felt so sick. So, so numb.   “Rory—” Her brother began before the door flung open. A nurse quickly shuffled into the room with another woman in tow, who shut the door quietly behind her. The nurse gently stated that she needed to go over a few things with them before they could finish paperwork, and how sorry she was to inconvenience them during this difficult time. Peter glanced over to Rory, who just stared straight ahead into nothingness, before answering the nurse’s questions. Rory had them completely tuned out, only hearing the ringing of the unclarity of their voices in her ears. She shivered again. After a while, she focused her hearing.   “Is there a next-of-kin that we need to notify?” The nurse asked.   “It’s just us.” Peter stated, staring blankly into the void as he absentmindedly squeezed his sister’s hand. Rory snapped back to reality.   “My uncle,” Rory choked out hoarsely. Her throat was froggy from being silent for so long. “FP Jones.” The nurse nodded and made her way to the door.   She wasn’t sure how much time had passed before the nurse had dipped out of the room just then. She saw Peter shaking hands with the woman who remained with them. The woman’s other arm held a thick black binder with papers sticking out of it.   Was it supposed to happen this way? First my best friend, and not even a couple weeks later, my own mother? Why wasn’t I crying? Why hadn’t I cried?   “Miss Jones,”   Am I a sociopath?   “Miss Jones!” She was snapped to reality by the shrill voice of the woman in front of her. She mumbled an apology sheepishly. “Since you’re still underage, you’ll be sent into foster care,” Rory rapidly shook her head in both protest and utter confusion. “Unless you’d rather be with your uncle?” She suggested. “He has a record… but he is your only surviving family. I don’t know for certain if they’ll allow it.”   “Can I not live with my brother and my dad?” She asked quizzically.   “Unfortunately, no, his father isn’t biologically related to you, and he and your mother split up long before her untimely death so he isn’t technically considered your stepfather,” The woman stated, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Rory stared blankly at the woman in front of her. What did she mean they weren’t biologically related? “I’m sorry, I thought you would have known that. You didn’t find it odd that you two have different last names?” She asked condescendingly.   “They told me that they had a fight during our birth, and Peter was born first, before the fight. She said that by the time that they made up my birth certificate was already finalized, and it cost too much to have it changed,” Rory stated vacantly. Peter shifted stiffly. Her mind began to race, but she somehow managed to shove it to the back of her mind when the woman rudely snapped her fingers in front of her face. Peter hadn’t said a word. “Did you know about this?” She asked, her words dripping with agony.   “I found out a couple of months ago.” He sighed before burying his head into his hands. She felt like the knife in her chest had been twisted. He’d known for months and he didn’t bother to tell her, her own twin brother... She felt betrayed.   “Well apparently I’m the last to know important details about my own identity,” Rory scoffed with tears welling up in her eyes. She clenched her fists, almost relishing in the pain of her nails digging into her palms to calm her nerves. “I’m not going to live with a bunch of strangers, so don’t even think about putting me in a home,” Rory said ardently. “Why can’t I live at my house?”   “Despite the fact that you’re a minor— “   “I’m seventeen!”   “That isn’t the legal age of adulthood,” she sighed, rubbing her temples with her fingertips. “Like I was saying, despite the fact that you’re a minor, you guys were already several months behind on rent.”   “So, you would put an orphan on the streets?” She asked, shooting daggers at Peter on the word “orphan.” He avoided eye contact.   “No, I would put an orphan with surviving family or a foster family, like I gave you the choice of. To be completely honest, your landlord was extremely gracious to let you both continue to live there rent-free for as long as you did,” The woman suggested. Rory never bothered to learn her name. She had more important things to worry about, like if she was a sociopath or not, and who the fuck she’s been calling “dad.” “So, we can try to place you with your uncle, then?”   “Yes, make it happen. Please.” The ugly truth was that she was conflicted. Her mother worked her entire life to keep them out of the southside, away from the crime and gangs that she grew up around. She worked double shifts for them to barely scrape by, living in a small house on the edge of the northside. And now it seemed like all of her hard work was for nothing. There was too much piling on at once. She needed to interrogate Peter and to confront her “father,” but she couldn’t deal with that right now. Not now. It’s all too much.
  Clouds of cigarette smoke enveloped Rory as she stepped into the White Wyrm. Rock music, laughter, and the clacking sound of pool balls seemed to shake the space from the ground up. She made her way to the bar.   “Ava? I haven’t seen you here in ages! You look great.” The bartender called to her. She sucked in a sharp breath and looked behind her to see if there was someone else there, and that it was just a coincidence. But no one was there, it was just her.   “I’m not Ava,” She rasped, her voice kind of breaking mid-sentence. She still couldn’t cry. Even at the sound of her name. “I’m her daughter.”   The barkeep’s smile grew even wider, though she couldn’t understand why considering she had never seen this man in her life. “Little Aurora, right?” Rory gaped at him for a moment.   “Uh, yeah. Rory is fine. Though not quite little.” She awkwardly chuckled and glanced around anxiously.   “Oh, sorry. I made you uncomfortable. I met you a couple times when you were a little girl. Before your mom stopped coming, that is. How is Ava, by the way?” Her eyes darted down to her thumbs as she twiddled them idly. “She passed away… a couple days ago.” He went silent and his smile quickly disappeared. The man shifted uncomfortably.   “I… I am so sorry to hear that. I’m not the best at comforting people… Can I get you a drink instead?” He offered, trying to joke some light to the uncomfortable situation he had just placed himself in.   “I’m only seventeen,” She half smiled. “I’ll have a Shirley Temple though,” His smile crept back onto his face. “… What?” She asked hesitantly.   “It’s just that that’s what your mom used to order when we were all teenagers, and when she was pregnant with you.” Rory smiled at him. She was instantly grateful for that smile coming back onto his face, for that little tidbit of information about her mother that made her insides feel warm, and her eyes welled up. This is it, she thought. I’m finally going to cry. I’m not a sociopath. Then… nothing. “I’m Hog Eye, by the way.” He extended his hand. She didn’t let the nickname throw her. Being somewhat close to the “culture” of the Serpents made the things like weird nicknames familiar to her. She shook his hand gingerly.   Suddenly, the doors of the Wyrm burst open and two boys swaggered toward the bar. They were loud, pushing each other over and joking around obnoxiously. They looked familiar, most likely from the new wave of students that came over from Southside High a few months ago. They were shouting profanities toward the petite girl wiping down the bar, and she flipped them off before starting a conversation with them. The taller of the two boys caught Rory staring and she immediately snapped her head down to the Shirley Temple that Hog Eye had slid in front of her. She stirred the ice around with her straw.   “You lost, Northie?” She ignored him, fully knowing that he was addressing her. A bar stool scraped across the wood floor near the end of the counter before she heard shuffled movements coming her direction. “You hear me talking to you?” He said a little louder.   “Leave her alone, dude.” The pink-haired girl from behind the bar rolled her eyes. She gave Rory an apologetic look. Her eyes were big and soft, and she seemed to be truly genuine with her expression. The boy scoffed at her with a smirk and leaned against the counter next to Rory.   “I asked if you were lost. You deaf?”   “And what if I was? What would you do?” Rory turned to him with an amused expression. He gazed at her with his mouth slightly agape for a moment as he tried to grasp for a response. “Right.” She snorted before taking a sip of her drink. A thick black curl hung loosely between his furrowed eyebrows.   “Sweet Pea, cut it out. She’s having a hard time.” The girl piped in again. Rory was kind of annoyed that she had eavesdropped on her and Hog Eye’s conversation, but then again, they were in the center of a bar and weren’t talking in privacy.   “Sweet Pea?” Rory raised an eyebrow with a smirk, turning toward the boy with her entire body now. She needed this distraction. Even if it was sure to turn out as an annoying encounter.   “Yeah, don’t let the name fool you.” He replied flatly.   “He’s a dick.” The other boy spoke up for the first time, then grunted when Sweet Pea kicked backward, hitting the boy in the thigh. He pushed Sweet Pea’s shoulder in return, but his eyes never left hers and he didn’t even budge, aside from his shoulder jerking forward.   “If you’re going to be in my house, I need to know who I’m letting in.” He huffed.   “My name is Aurora, my friends call me Rory,” she sighed, deciding to humor him. Sweet Pea snorted mockingly. She narrowed her eyes at him. “Is something funny?”   “Aurora? You mean… like the Disney princess?” She rolled her eyes at his response.   “At least I’m not named after a vegetable.” She muttered. The two other teenagers laughed. Sweet Pea crossed his arms over his chest as he mumbled for the others to shut up through gritted teeth.   “I’m Toni Topaz. This is Fangs Fogarty.” The girl piped in and motioned with her elbow as she wiped out a pint glass. Fangs gave a lazy salute with a coy smile. Sweet Pea was visibly growing increasingly more agitated.   “Look, Northsider, you aren’t welcome here —"   “Sweet Pea!” A loud voice boomed from across the room. “Are you giving my niece a hard time? Where is your Serpent hospitality?” The room grew nearly silent aside from the music as FP filed toward them. Sweet Pea’s jaw instantly went slack as Fangs slowly walked backward, knocking a barstool over. Sweet Pea quizzically looked from Rory to FP, and back again. She smiled sweetly.   “Did I mention that I’m a Jones?”
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todomomofluff · 5 years
One for all Ch 3, A BNHA future fanfic
Chapter 3: Kikyo Bakugo
"That kid...is a damn monster."
Kirishima frowned heavily to himself as he observed the unusually quiet figure of Bakugo sitting at his old desk. The last thing the redhead's friend had spoken to him left a very unnerving feeling deep inside himself, and it only continued to fester in him like a burning flame.
"For Bakugo's daughter, you sure are a quiet one, Kikyo-chan!"
Kirishima was brought back to realty at the sound of his wife Mina's voice who was with the rest of their class as they all greeted the girl known as Kikyo, Bakugo's newly introduced daughter. Said child hadn't even uttered a sound since her father had introduced her. From the moment her identity was revealed, the entire former class 1-A made it their mission to welcome the young one in an attempt to make her more comfortable and come out of the shell she'd been hiding in since she'd entered the classroom. However, not even Mina's bright and welcoming personality was enough to spark so much as a response from Kikyo.
"She's probably uncomfortable around all these strangers," Todoroki chimed in as he and Momo joined their group with their sons in tow, "Maybe we should let those her own age try instead."
At that, the Todoroki twins Rei and Hino walked up to the blond child, both with friendly smiles upon their faces.
"Hi! I'm Rei. What's your name?" Asked the white haired boy as he extended a hand towards Kikyo.
The young blond girl stared at the boys with emotionless crimson orbs before taking a quiet step away from both of them. Hino and Rei's faces both fell and they looked back to their parents in disappointment.
"Don't worry about it, boys. I'm sure she'll come around." Momo smiled and bent down as much as she could manage despite her pregnant body so she could also speak directly to Kikyo, "At any rate, it's wonderful to meet you, Kikyo-chan. We're all so happy to have you here."
Back over at his desk, Bakugo glanced at his child among his fellow heroes. Kikyo was looking away from everyone, almost as if she were ignoring everyone's voices as they were launched at her. Bakugo snorted to himself and turned his gaze away as if annoyed.
"...Hey man. Can we talk?"
Bakugo looked to the source of the voice that now stood beside him. Kirishima still held a very upset look on his face, only causing Katsuki's annoyance to increase.
"Tch." Bakugo clicked his tongue and turned his face away so he could avoid eye contact. Kirishima, unbothered by it, decided to take a seat in a chair next to the desk.
"Look, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I know this whole reunion really isn't your thing, and I'm sure a lot's happened- given all the time you just kinda disappeared from everyone. But..." Kirishima's voice trailed off into a disturbing silence as he thought carefully on how to continue.
Bakugo slightly turned his head back to the only classmate that he had ever been able to stand being around. The blond male could see small beads of sweat streaming down the redhead's face as he pondered to himself. Kirishima didn't need to say anything else. Bakugo already knew why Kirishima had come over.
"Look, I ain't gonna tell you every little goddamn thing that's happened over these last few months, so don't even ask me." Bakugo's voice, still as threatening as always, was barely even a whisper as started before Kirishima could find his own words. Katsuki leaned back in his chair and turned his eyes upward towards the ceiling, "...But I also know you ain't gonna go away until I tell you about Kikyo."
"Just tell me a couple things, dude." Kirishima started again, his face clouding over with anticipation as he moved his chair just a little closer towards Bakugo, "...Is she the reason you disappeared? Also, who's-"
"One fucking question at a time, dammit." Bakugo growled like a wolf before reaching into his jacket pocket for something. After digging around for a minute, he pulled out his wallet. The hot-tempered male then began digging around in that before whipping out a photograph. Without so much as a word, he tossed the photo on the desk Kirishima sat at.
Reluctantly, Eijiro leaned towards the photo slowly. His red eyes slowly widened as he took in what was on the picture.
"...That was how she looked, when she suddenly showed up at my doorstep a few months ago." Bakugo stated calmly, still refusing to look in his friend's direction.
In the photo appeared to be Kikyo. However, while her appearance now still looked quite ragged for a young child- her looks in the photo were far worst. She appeared to be laying in what looked like a hospital bed. The clothes covering her were torn, messy and stained with various colors of unknown origin. To add to it, the young child's hair was extremely long and flowed in all directions. But that wasn't even the most disturbing part. For some reason, what appeared to be test tubes were hooked up to various parts of Kikyo's body.
"...Where...was this taken?" Kirishima asked, picking up the photo to get a closer look at it.
"Even if I don't have a damn clue. To be perfectly straight with you..." Bakugo shot another glance at Kikyo across the room, "Even though she's my brat, I don't know hardly anything about her. Other than her quirk and the fact that wherever she was before she showed up at my place was a living fucking nightmare."
"Bakugo, I don't..." Kirishima shook his head, even more confused than before, "What the hell does this even mean?"
"Like I just said..." Bakugo's tone grew impatient as he reached out and snatched the photo back, "Long story short- a few months ago I was coming home after work. When I reached my apartment, there was this filthy looking brat literally on my doorstep...unconscious. Originally, I was just gonna call the cops but than she came to when I gave her a few shakes. And she handed me this shit, along with that photo I just showed you."
Again, Katsuki dug around in his pocket for something. He then showed what appeared to be a birth certificate of some kind. On it was Kikyo's name, her time of birth, and the name of her father...but no mother was listed. And it certainly wasn't any official document. Simply a data sheet with very little info about the child.
"What the hell even..." Kirishima looked up and down the page, desperately trying to make some sense out of what he was being told, "So she just...showed up one day and this is all you've got that tells you she's your kid? I mean, did someone dump her there or..."
"She won't tell me anything." Bakugo spoke, his eyes falling downward, "I've tried a million times to get her to tell me something about where she was before, who her mom is, and the whole rest of that shit...but she won't say anything. She just looks at me with those dead fish eyes of hers. All I could get her to tell me is she came to me because I was her dad and a hero."
"Let me get this straight- She randomly appeared on to you, unconscious and with a picture of herself and this poor excuse of a form of ID and that's all? Why didn't you...like, take her to child services or something?"
"Ever since she showed up, Kikyo's clung to me every single frickin' second of every day. Hell, I can't even leave the house to do my job anymore. No matter what I do, she sticks to me like glue." Bakugo rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue again.
Kirishima slowly nodded, his face more baffled than ever, "Okay...cute. But...agh, dammit! This doesn't make any damn sense!" Eijiro threw his arms in the air and scratched at his head furiously.
"You're telling me. Also, you noticed right? Those bruises on her arms and body."
Kirisihima stopped clawing at his scalp to recall back to when he spotted Kikyo scratching her arm and how it was covered in horrible looking marks. The rockhard quirk-user nodded at Bakugo.
"Those marks. Yeah, before you go and think I did something fucked up-"
Kirishima suddenly jumped from his seat, panic written on his face, "N-No way, man! I didn't think-" But Bakugo clamped a hand over his mouth, shutting him up.
"Listen, dammit! Her entire body's been fucked up like that since I got her. I took her to a doctor after a week of staying with me. According to him, those marks come from years of abuse and shit. I mean, no fucking shit, right. However, that ain't the main issue. Those bruises on her, they...didn't come from another person."
"What...do you mean?" Kirishima felt a lump form in his throat as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
Bakugo pursed his lips tightly together for what seemed like hours before he finally choked out what he'd been hiding, "...Her quirk. Every one of those marks on her is a result of her power."
Kirishima's pupils grew small in fright.
Bakugo lifted a hand and looked at his palm, as if envisioning something, "When the doc looked at her, he didn't just check out her injuries...he had her show her quirk. That's...part of how I know...she's my kid, all right."
"So her quirk is explosions, like yours?"
"Yeah...only, more..." Bakugo's blood red eyes peered back at Kikyo who was now rubbing at her arms again, "...powerful. Wild. Look, as much as I absolutely hate to compare it to this, it's the only example I got. Remember how Deku destroyed his body because All Might's quirk was too strong for him back in the day?"
Kirishima nodded.
"It's...something like that. Kikyo can't use her quirk and NOT badly fuck herself up in the process. Whenever she sets it off, it's like a bomb explodes from within her body and outward. And unlike with mine, it's power isn't as controlled. It's literally straight up like she uses her own body parts like the bomb. Her body basically destroys itself every time her quirk is used. The power her quirk outputs just is too damn much for her stupid tiny ass self to handle. However, that ain't even half of it. Being as young as Kikyo is, the doc thought it really unusual for her quirk to be so...damn powerful and developed as it is. So, after some tests, the hospital concluded a reason for that."
Kirishima let his gaze drift back over to Kikyo who was attempting to break free of the crowd, "...And what reason is that?"
Bakugo bit his lip tightly before finally answering, " The doc said...that there was probably some tampering done to her quirk when she was still an infant. She was probably put through some effed up quirk experiments or given quirk-enhancing drugs whenever she had been before. And a lot of it too. Until her body grows bigger, Kikyo literally can't use her quirk. Like I said, if she does, it'll just destroy her. The proof is written all over her. That's why I got her wearing those long clothes. It'll at least hide those ugly bruises."
"Wait, you said...quirk experiments? Come to think of it, that sounds familiar..." Kirishima thought back to recent villain activity that had been occurring in the city lately. After a moment, it hit him. Kirishima snapped his fingers in conclusion, "Wait, there was that incident last month where a few pro heroes found a gang holed up in an abandoned warehouse. They were arrested under suspect of a possession of drugs to improve one's quirk full potential. Is that connected to Kikyo then?"
"Fuck if I know. But I've been trying to dig up some stuff on whatever facility she was in before, but haven't found a damn thing yet. So anyways, that's the story."
"So when you called her a monster..."
"She's a damn monster to HERSELF, dumbass. With her quirk as whacked out as it is, she's a menace." Bakugo ran a hand over his face as if trying to wipe away the exhaustion her felt from explaining Kikyo.
Kirishima shook his head, taken utterly aback. To think a small child as young as Kikyo could have been subjected to such horrendous things. At first glance, Kikyo even reminded Kirishima a bit of Eri back during the Overhaul incident years ago.
"Thanks for telling me, Bakugo." The redhead started, trying to flash a smile at his best friend, "I won't spread this around, don't worry."
"Better fucking not. Especially not to Deku. I know that bastard's gonna show up at some point today. Man, he's the last punk I wanna see at this crappy thing, tch." Bakugo stood up suddenly and started towards the room's exit. Without warning, he pushed through the crowd of his former classmates. Kikyo almost immediately followed after her father as he walked out.
"Eh? Bakugo, where you going?" Mina shouted.
"Yeah, you just got here!" Sero chimed.
"SHUT UP! I gotta go to the bathroom." Was all the angry blond growled as he exited the room with Kikyo in tow.
"Wow...there are so many things surprising about this, I can't even." Mina noted, looking between Hagakure, Momo, and Tsuyu who all nodded in agreement.
Meanwhile, Kirishima still sat back at his desk, his hand placed over his mouth as he was lost deep in thought over the things Bakugo had just told him.
"...Why the hell you following me? If you gotta go too, go on your own." Bakugo could feel his right eye beginning to twitch out of annoyance as he listened to the sound of tiny footsteps echoing directly behind him.
"...I'm sorry." Was all Kikyo replied in yet another quiet tone.
"Tch..." Bakugo continued walking in silence until finally, they reached a bathroom. He looked over his shoulder at his daughter and pointed at the girl's bathroom, "Go in that one. You're fricking old enough that you should at least be able to go to the bathroom by yours-" Suddenly, Katsuki felt the words catch in his throat at the sight reflected in his blood-colored eyes.
Kikyo had one of her long sleeves rolled up, revealing battered, purple and blue skin. She used her other hand to rub her arm up and down as if she had an incurable itch. The little girl's expression was empty as could be but the beads of sweat that were formed on her face indicted she was feeling some discomfort.
Bakugo held his silence for a moment before he slowly shut his mouth. The man slowly turned his eyes away from his daughter, his face becoming completed hidden to her. After yet another minute, Bakugo swallowed and parted his lips,
"...On second thought, just...follow me all right. Don't you dare give me shit or you'll know what black and blue really looks like, ya get me?"
Kikyo stopped rubbing her arm and nodded rapidly before what almost seemed like excitingly following her father as they entered the restroom together.
Once in, it was decided Kikyo would go first, while Bakugo waited (in the event she needed any help).
"Just hurry up, dammit. I ain't got all day, brat."
"Yes, Pa-"
"NOPE! Don't you fucking dare, kid. You remember what I said about not calling me Dad, Papa or any of that nasty shit, right?"
Kikyo nodded inside the stall as she peered at her father between the gaps of the stall door, "...Yes, sir."
Bakugo rolled his eyes.
After a few minutes, the sound of a flushing toilet echoed the bathroom soon followed by the opening of the stall door.
"...All done." Kikyo mumbled in a tiny voice as she waddled up to Bakugo and grabbed part of his jacket.
Bakugo responded by pulling away from her and walking into the next stall, "Dammit, wash you filthy hands before you touch shit, kid. Learn some manners, for fuck's sake."
"Ok." She mumbled as she went to do as she was told.
Bakugo sat in the stall silently, also peering at his daughter's back through the gaps. He thought back to the things he told Kirishima about her, and also the pitiful look he noticed his friend wear as he had listened about Kikyo.
"...Hey." Bakugo's threatening voice echoed a bit too loud throughout the small bathroom.
Kikyo jumped a little in surprise but turned in the direction the voice came from, "Yes?"
"...You...uh..." Bakugo felt a feeling of unbearable irritation creeping up on him as he tried to talk to Kikyo. This happened literally anytime he tried to deal with her, and it disgusted Katsuki to no end. Still, he ignored it this time and pressed on, "...Your, uh, bruises and shit. They...hurt like a bitch, yeah?"
Kikyo rubbed her other arm and glanced at the marks scattered all over her skin, "...No."
"Don't lie to me, brat."
"I'm sorry..."
"For fuck's sake..." Bakugo scratched his head rapidly before sighing heavily, "Look, if it hurts than say something! Maybe the nurse's office has some crap that they can put on your arms or..."
"No, I'm really fine." Kikyo shook her head and held two clenched fists against her chest. Just as Bakugo was about to yell out again, the next thing his daughter spoke out was enough to immediately quiet him, "It doesn't hurt when I'm near you, Papa-I mean, Ba...Bakugo-san."
Though no one could see it at that moment, for the first time in his life, a curious expression had painted itself on the hot-temped male's face. A hint of red was dusted just on the edges of Bakugo's cheeks as he took in what was said. After a moment, however, the man's expression returned to the normal gruff one before he snarled in response,
"...Dumb kid."
Somewhere else, a few miles away from U.A. was what appeared to be an abandoned building located in the back alleys of the city. A common place for villains to gather and trade information.
"This is the only information I could get on her, sir. My apologies." Spoke a man as he handed a photograph over to a taller male standing in front of him.
The second man took the photo in hand. The corners of his lips curled upward in a disturbing manner as he looked at the little girl in the photo. Her hair was a dirty blond and her eyes were bloody red. Two traits that were all too familiar to the man now holding the image.
"Well, isn't that interesting. Looks like the rumors were true. All Might would be absolutely in tears if he could see this now." The man tucked the photo into his jacket pocket. "Well, I guess of Todoroki can have a child by this point, so can Kacchan. Time certaintly changes things, now doesn't it." He let out a chuckle than ran his gloved fingers through his curly dark green hair.
"U-um, sir. If I could ask a question..." Asked the first man as he watched his boss turn and start away from him.
The boss responded in a kind tone, "Of course. What is it?"
"We, uh...We're really gonna do it? Attack U.A.?" The lackey's voice was filled with anxiety as he feared angering his boss with his question.
The boss stopped walking and looked over his shoulder so he could flash a twisted smile, "Why, yes. That is the plan. And today's the only day we can do it. Do you know why, Rijin-san?"
The man named Rijin swallowed hard and nervously shook his head.
The boss turned back around and ran his thumb across one of his freckled cheek, wiping what seemed like red paint off his skin. As he looked down at the red droplet now on the back of his thumb, his smile widened and his eyes glimmered, "...Because today is a much anticipated reunion for some of the best students to have ever attended the pro-hero academy known as U.A.. Some of the best top pro heroes will be in attendance; such as Icy-Blaze, Dark Shadow...even Ground Zero." Upon mention of the last name, the twinkle in the speaking male's eyes seemed to intensify for a moment.
"Y-Yes, but...isn't that exactly why this mission is too dangerous to-"
"It is exactly BECAUSE those heroes will be there, that we must attack today." The boss turned around and began walking towards Rijin. In response, Rijin began backing away in fear until his back hit a wall. The boss's steps echoed on the concrete below him in a spine-chilling sound. With each footstep, Rijin's heart skipped every other beat.
"U.A. had dealt with plenty of villain attacks in the past, and each one ended in failure. However, this time...it will be different." The boss now stood a mere few inches away from Rijin who had sunk down onto the ground in paralyzed terror.
"I-I...h-how will it...be different, s-sir...?" Rijin managed to ask.
Suddenly, a street light that hung overhead of the two men sparked on, revealing the smiling face of the boss peering down at his underling.
"...How...you ask?"
Teeth clenched in utter delight as the boss grinned from ear to ear.
"Because I...am here."
Author's comments: Well, it certainly took long enough to update this and for those who actually liked my crappy writing from the last 2 chapters, I'm soooo sorry D:
But better late than never. Actually, thanks to some very nice reviews I recently got from last chapter, I suddenly got inspiration to finish this chapter so THANK YOU.
I'm so sorry if this one is...all over the place or confusing. I tried to throw out a little info about Kikyo but I know it's probably really confusing. I always get really good ideas for characters in my head but when I try to put them into proper words, it comes out a hot mess lol I will be going into more detail about Kikyo and her past later though. For now, please bare with me .
Please leave a review and let me know what you guys thought! Next chapter may feature some others that haven't rly popped up yet, such as Kaminari or someone. I'll figure it out once I get there.
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lancetuckershairgel · 5 years
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The Family Secret: A Superfamily AU
Eleanor is forced to face Steve when he returns home unexpectedly from his mission. Loki takes Eleanor to a Broadway play despite Steve’s objection.
Loki and I had a nice time at The Bean Tap, a hole in the wall hipster coffee shop close to school. We discussed the current books we’re reading, the ones for leisure not school, and both realized that we like different time periods better than the one we are currently in. I sipped my latte as I listened to him go on about Shakespeare and he drank his coffee, which he took black, as I went into detail about Gone With the Wind, one of my favorite novels that he hadn’t read. When it was time for both of us to go home, we exchanged numbers and parted. I headed down West 42nd Street, toward our towering home and realized as I approached the door that I hadn’t stopped smiling since I left the coffee shop.
Loki wasn’t like a lot of the boys in our school. He seemed mature, confident, slightly arrogant, and knowledgeable about things other than the latest Vines and sports. We had a lot of things in common too, from our love of historical fiction to our view on current events going on in the country. It was nice to have someone my age to share these things with, and I had to admit he was pretty cute. I had never been interested in boys much, mostly because they were all immature dorks like my brother, but my dad was always over protective of me. He prefered that I focused on my studies and get into a good college instead of boys. He’d find something wrong with any boy at school Peter said had an interest in me, therefore I couldn’t have an interest in them.
I sighed blissfully as I walked through the front door. I entered the large living room and stopped short, greeted by a group of people. Peter, Tony, Happy, and Pepper were there, but so were my Aunt Natasha, Uncle Clint, Rhodey and my dad.
“Oh…hi” I said, swallowing as I looked at my father who was leaning against the door frame.
“I thought you’d be happier to see me, Sweetheart” Dad said, smiling at me
“Oh..of course I am I just wasn’t expecting you to be home already” I stammered
I recovered quickly and pushed all of my raging emotions down deep. Now wasn’t the time to bring up anything and I didn’t want to act suspicious. I walked up to my dad and gave him a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck as he pulled me to him tightly. I closed my eyes and for a moment it felt like it was just the two of us in the room. I felt tears form in my eyes and I blinked them away. I had so many questions for him, many I had already made up answers to which caused a slew of negative emotions. I held onto him for a minute longer, knowing that the hug might be the last one we’d share. I finally let go and wiped my eyes before quickly going over to Clint to give him a hug.
“Hey, doll”
My uncle gave me a quick kiss on the top of my head before I moved on to my aunt and finally to Rhodey. I sat down next to Peter and half listened to the adults talk to each other, half thinking about how I was going to bring up the birth certificate to Dad. I realized that I hadn’t put it back in his office yet and quietly left to go upstairs. I went into my bedroom and opened my desk drawer. My eyes lingered on the piece of paper for a moment before I picked it up and quickly ran it to the office. Once it was back in it’s place, I made sure the office door was closed and went back to my room. I pulled out my phone and saw I had a text from Loki.
“I really enjoyed our date today. I do hope it’s alright that I call it that.”
My mouth was agape as I read the words, and I felt myself blushing. I bit my lip as I typed a reply.
“I enjoyed it too. I’m not sure if that counts as a date, maybe we should have a real one?”
“What am I doing?” I said aloud after I hit send
“Talking to yourself” Peter said from the doorway
I jumped and threw my phone under my pillow. Why, I don’t know.
“You ok?” Peter asked as he joined me on the bed
“I’m fine”
“I can tell when you’re lying” Peter raised his eyebrows
“It’s girl stuff” I lied
“Oh. Ew” Peter’s wrinkled
“Not that girl stuff.” I hit his shoulder
“Oh.” Peter said with relief “So like, boys?”
“Ooooh” Peter grinned
“Shut up.” I hit him again “And don’t tell Dad”
“I won’t”
“I’m serious Peter”
“I said I won’t. Sheesh. Anyway, pizza’s here”
I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to the dining room. Pizza boxes were spread out across the table with paper plates at each seat, obviously placed by Pepper because of the way the napkins were properly folded and set on beside them. I sat down at my usual spot and grabbed a slice of Hawaiian.
“How was school today, kids?” Dad asked as everyone else came into the room and began to sit down
“It was ok” Peter said as he grabbed four slices of various pizza
“El? How was your day?” Dad asked me
“It was fine.” I said, looking down at my plate
“Volleyball practice?” he continued
“Fine.” I said again
“She got hit in the face with the ball” Peter said
“How do you know that?” I looked at him
“MmmJaahh” he shrugged
“Peter, seriously kid, swallow your food before you speak” Tony shook his head
“Sorry.” Peter said after he swallowed “MJ told me”
“Of course she did” I rolled my eyes and bit into my pizza
“You weren’t with MJ after practice?” Dad asked puzzled
“Crap” I thought to myself
“She had a date!” Peter said cheerfully, apparently our conversation moments ago already forgotten
“A what?” Dad asked
“Oh boy” Tony’s hand instantly went to his face as he rolled his eyes
“Oops” Peter said as he quickly shoved more pizza into his mouth to prevent himself from saying something else
“It wasn’t a date” I said defensively “I just had coffee with a friend”
“What friend? Was it a boy?”
“Here we go” Clint muttered and Dad shot him a glare
“Yes, it was a boy.” I sighed “He’s new at school and I was being friendly. We discussed literature”
“I don’t like it” Dad said, but let it go
I quickly finished my pizza and excused myself from the table. I ran back upstairs to my room and closed the door. I made a mental note to kill Peter in his sleep later and pulled out my phone, reading another text from Loki.
“I would very much like to take you out on a proper date. Are you available Friday night? Are there any Broadway plays you’d like to see?”
I couldn’t believe his idea of a first date was Broadway. Those tickets were crazy expensive and hard to get a hold of on short notice.
“I’d love to see Anastasia, but I wouldn’t expect you to want to see that. Are there any that interest you?”
“Anastasia sounds wonderful. I will pick you up at six thirty. Goodnight, Eleanor.”
I immediately called MJ and we spent the rest of the evening talking about what was to come Friday night. She agreed to come over after school, as she and Ned always did on Fridays, and help me get ready.
It seemed like it took weeks for Friday to finally arrive. Between school, avoiding my dad as much as I could without it being obvious that something was wrong, and the anticipation of my first date, time went by painfully slow. I practically dragged MJ all the way home from school Friday afternoon, and we ran straight to my room. We began throwing clothes out of the closet and onto my bed, trying to find the right outfit to wear. I settled on a knee length red dress that I had bought around Christmas when I went to a work party with Dad. It was cute, but classy, and paired great with my black pumps. As MJ worked on curling my hair while I did my makeup she asked me all sorts of questions.
“Are you going to kiss him?”
“I don’t know” “I wonder what kind of car he has...or are you taking the subway?”
“I hope we don’t take the subway. Not in this dress”
“If you do kiss him are you going to slip him tongue?”
“Oh my god, MJ, stop!”
“What? I’m just asking”
When six thirty drew near, I began to get nervous. What if Tony and Dad were in the living room when I went to leave? Should I go out the back door and through the alley? Will we really be taking the subway?
MJ noticed that I was nervous and asked if I was afraid of getting caught. I admitted I was but then a rebellious spirit rose up inside of me and I became determined that I didn’t care if Dad found out. I was sixteen. I was a Sophmore in highschool and my grades were good. I wasn’t planning on sleeping with Loki. I was mature and responsible. It was time I went on a date. Besides, he could possibly have been lying to me for the last sixteen years and that made me angry at him.
“Glad I’m not Steve’s kid” MJ said as she popped some sour gummies into her mouth
“I might not be either” I reminded her, half joking
“True. What’s happening with that?” she asked
“Nothing.” I shrugged as I stuck an earring through my ear lobe “I don’t know what to say to him”
Six twenty came and I decided that it was time to go downstairs. If I could get through the front door without being noticed, I’d wait for Loki on the front stoop. MJ and I walked down the hallway and I thanked the stars that Peter’s door was closed. We could hear him and Ned yelling at whatever video game they were playing and I knew that I would be safe from his blabbing mouth. We quietly descended the stairs and MJ poked her head around the corner to see if the coast was clear.
“Dude. Your dads are watching a movie”
“Crap” I said under my breath and pressed my back against the wall
“And they’re cuddling. Gross”
I ignored her comment. I didn’t want Loki to arrive and ring the buzzer, so I had to think of something quick.
“If we walk fast maybe they won’t notice that I’m dressed up and you’re not” I said
“Your funeral” MJ shrugged
We bolted toward the door. Well, MJ bolted, I walked as fast as I could in heels. I had made it past Dad and Tony on the couch and was almost to the front door. I breathed a sigh of relief as my hand went for the handle.
“Where are you two heading?” Tony asked
“So close” MJ whispered “Well, see ya”
MJ ran out of the door and I slowly turned around. Both of them were turned on the couch, facing me. I had to think quick because I could see Dad looking at my outfit and piecing things together.
“I’m going out” I said
“Where are you going wearing that?”
“To see Anastasia.”
“Did you get tickets?” Dad turned to Tony who shook his head
“I’m going with a friend, and I’m going to be late”
“What friend?” Dad asked “Is it that boy you were with Wednesday?”
“Screw it” I said to myself, feeling a burst of defiance rush over me again
“Yes, actually, it is, and his name is Loki.”
“Loki?” Tony laughed
“You’re not going anywhere” Dad stood up from the couch
“Steve…” Tony groaned “We were having a nice night”
“Yes, I am” I said as my shoulders stiffened
“Young lady..” Dad began, crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows in disappointment
“I don’t understand why I can’t go. I’m sixteen. I’m a good kid” I exclaimed
“Exactly. You’re a kid” Dad said, stepping closer to me
“I’m not a little kid, though. I can take care of myself. I’m mature and responsible” I protested “Why don’t you trust me?”
“It’s not you that I don’t trust. I know what teenage boys want”
“You don’t know Loki”
“You’ve got to stop saying his name” Tony said, unable to hide his amused smirk
“I’m going to the play” I said as I turned around
“No you’re not” Dad said
I turned back around and saw that he had began walking closer to me.
“Yes. I. Am.” I said
“Listen, young lady!” Dad raised his voice
“No you listen!” my voice raised louder “I am going on this date and you can’t stop me!”
Dad blinked and took a step back. He looked at Tony who just shrugged. By this time Peter and Ned had come downstairs and Pepper and Happy had emerged from their quarters to see what the fuss was about.
“Don’t ever talk to me in that tone of voice again, Eleanor” Dad said “I’m your father and-”
“No you’re not!” I laughed sarcastically
“Excuse me?” Dad asked
“Wait, what?” Peter asked
“Oh shit.” Tony said
“What did you just say?” Dad asked, his brows now raised like they do when he’s surprised
“You heard me. I said you’re not my father”
I spun on my heel and walked as quickly as I could out the door and down the sidewalk. Loki had just stepped out of a black sedan and was making his way toward me with a smile.
“Let’s go. Hurry” I said as I let myself into his car
Confused, Loki got into the drivers side and we pulled away from the curb as Dad was walking down the front steps. I looked in the side mirror to see him and Tony standing on the sidewalk. As we made our distance away from the building, I saw Dad lean into Tony’s chest.
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crewhonk · 6 years
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Warnings: Swearing, Fluff, bad poetry (w the first poem, not the second)
Pairings: Billy X Reader
Words: 4,000
AN: There’s a little bit of reference to the brain storming convo the Gorilla Gang had on Friday, and theres a specific reference to the thing that makes Annie (@dacre-thotgomery) want to die, so theres that! Enjoy! xx (shoutout to Rupi Kaur for Y/N’s poem)
Tag List: @veronica-lodge-photography  
Billy Hargrove had moved into Hawkins in the beginning of October. He rolled in with cold fall air, and the smell of Camel cigarettes, and with the motivation to dominate everyone in Hawkins high school. He started with Steve Harrington, belittling him in the hallways and on the basketball court, later beating him near death in later November and facing three months of community service in the soup kitchen. He also dominated most of the girl in Hawkins, minus a few and the few consisted of one girl in junior year who looked a little too much like his little sister, Max, Nancy Wheeler- as she was dating Jonathan Byers, the rest of the girls in happy relationships and then there was you. You, who was the Pom team captain, decathlon leader, and tutor of physics. You had healthy hair, you had a gorgeous smile, you had a sparkle in your eye and you volunteered on Saturdays at the soup kitchen. You weren’t exactly a stranger to him, you volunteered on the same days and he gave you rides to and from the kitchen. So why did Billy seem to almost avoid asking you to do anything? Literally, if he even wanted to hold hands you’d be down.
You pushed your tray away from you and smashed your face into the lunch table. The cool surface of the lunch table froze your face and you kicked your best friend, Jo when she laughed loudly at you. You straightened up after a few minutes and wiped away the forehead-shaped foundation mark from the table with your sweater sleeve.
“I mean, why doesn’t he even look at me outside of the Kitchen. I don’t understand? I’m hot, I’m talented, I’m fun, I’m down to make out and let him grab my butt I don’t understand.” You whined quietly. You didn’t want anyone outside of this table section to hear about your low-key obsession with the King.
“Honestly, I don’t know why he hasn’t even spoken to you because he’s literally undressing you with his eyes right now.” She laughed, sucking on the straw to her orange juice box. You turned around on the bench and caught Billy’s eye before his head whipped his gaze away from you.
“Oh, whatever, Joanne. You slept with him what? Two weeks ago? He’s obviously hung up on you.” You wrinkled your nose at her and held your apple in your hand like a Shakespeare skull. “Where for art thou is Joanne’s self-respect?”
“In my vagina-crevice.” She smiled back, taking your apple from your hand and biting a chunk out of it and slamming it back on your tray, making sure to bruise it.
“I hate you.” You sighed, shoving a handful of Goldfish in your mouth. Joanne laughed at you and swung her legs over the bench, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and pointing behind you.
“Incoming, dude.”
You were forced to turn around and came face to face with Billy Hargrove’s belt buckle. “Eye’s up here, Y/L/N.”
You felt blood rush to your neck, ears, and chest quickly and the room became very hot very quickly. You looked at him through your lashes, and he parted his lips at the angle he had of you.
“What do you want, Hargrove?”
“I want you to make coffee for us tomorrow.” You looked up at him, craning your neck to look fully up at him. His hand came up to hold your chin in-between his thumb and the crook of his pointer finger. You grabbed his wrist and shoved it away from you. “You can pick me up early and we can get coffee on the way— I’ll buy.”
“Well, I can’t let you do that the girl is never supposed to pay for the man.”
“First of all, that’s sexist. Second of all, you need to save for rent if you ever want to get out of that god-forbidden house. Third of all, I want to pay.” You said, standing up and pushing him away from you. He only smiled down at you and he picked your books up from the ground, leading you to your next class and walking in, placing the books down on your desk and ruffling your hair.
“See you tomorrow, then?” He asked, walking backward and biting his bottom lip while he smiled at you.
“I expect you to be half an hour early.” You confirmed. You sat down and twirled your pencil between your fingers and smiling to yourself. Carol, however, hadn’t looked away from you since the moment you two walked into the room. She popped a large bubble and chewed on the gum loudly.
“Finally, he got the balls to ask you out?” She asked, leaning over and kicking your calf muscle. You looked at her, brows furrowed and blinked slowly.
“He finally asked you out? He’s been planning to ask you forever, he just loses his mind whenever he sees you. He’s so freaked out because he doesn’t want to just fuck you.” She said, twirling the string of gum around her finger. You felt as if your heart and stomach dropped to your feet, leaving cold caverns in their place.
“He— um, he didn’t? We have uh, we have to volunteer tomorrow at the soup kitchen downtown. We didn’t start anything.” You blanched, feeling as if your eyes were going to fall out of your head. Carol’s eyes widened in fear and regret before she turned her body fully towards the front of the class. “Carol, what the fuck are you talking about?” She didn’t reply, only gripping her pencil harder in her hand and clenching her jaw tight.
When Billy showed up at your house the next morning half an hour early, you would have liked to be more prepared. You were trying your hair into a ponytail at the nape of your neck and no matter how hard you looked you couldn’t find your left shoe. Billy honked the horn once more and with a loud groan you gave up and shoved your foot in a similar shoe, hoping to any higher power that was out there that Billy wouldn’t notice.
When you got into his car, you had to look over at him and remind him that he needed to drive the car to get anywhere. When you looked at him, however, you were struck speechless by the look on his face. His mouth looked like there had been a smile carved into it so wide it showed all of his teeth. His blue eyes were shining with laughter that had yet to burst from his chest and there were wrinkles sprouting from the outer corners of his eyes like roots from a tree. As you caught your breath, he reached over and wiped a bit of toothpaste from the corner of your mouth.
“Who knew that someone who was so well put together and who was as cute as you could also be such a hot mess.” He laughed, pulling out into the street, not looking over to gauge your reaction at his compliment. Your jaw hit your toes, and you directed your attention out of your window to hide the giddy blush that was spreading over your entire body.
The drive to Starbucks was a quiet one, but the silence that you two sat in was anything but uncomfortable. The soft sounds of whatever pop radio station Billy was playing crooned words you didn’t bother paying attention to and the windows had been rolled down, letting the fresh late-spring air flood through the car. It smelled like water, and dew, and blooming flowers and smelled more and more like fresh coffee the closer you got to the cafe. The sun was shining down on the blue paint, and it glittered in response, shining in your eyes and warming your skin.
Billy pulled the car over and asked you what you wanted, grabbing his wallet from the glove box and dashing into the store— the desperation for caffeine making him rush. You waited for five minutes before he came back empty-handed.
“They’re just grinding the beans, and warming up the pastries for us— they said it would be about ten minutes before we get everything. Apparently, they’re technically not open yet-- but only a select few can resist the charm of Billy Hargrove.” He laughed, leaning on the driver side window. “You good out here while I make sure they get our orders right?”
“Yeah, I’m good in here. Be nice to the barista’s, William.”
“Okay I told you my full name in confidence and you’re using it against me, Doll?”
“I’m not stupid enough to believe that your mother signed off on a birth certificate where your name was Billy.”
“Billy is a perfectly fine name, you know!” He retorted, his tongue slipping past his teeth and running across his bottom lip. He tapped his hand on the car twice before straightening up and sauntering into the cafe, making sure to swing his hips just enough for your eyes to drift down to them. God, you were whipped and he didn’t even know it. Sure, you had found out yesterday from Carol that he apparently felt the same way, but she was known for stirring the pot when things got too quiet. She saw the way you reacted to Billy being in the room, and she especially saw the way your eyes sparkled when he talked to you. You were a smitten kitten and Carol was just shitting around, right?
You pondered the way your life was in Carol’s hands for another five minutes before you got restless and began seeing what you could entertain yourself with for the duration of your stay in this car. You picked the dirt from under your nails, but that only took fifteen seconds tops. You checked to see if your mismatched shoes (god help you) were tied, and you re-tied them. Then, your eyes drifted to the glove box. Billy made sure to always keep his favorite and most dear things to him in there if the need to flee ever came up. You knew opening it was a breach of trust and privacy and he had told you that if anything went missing from the box, he would probably die. (“jesus, who raised you to be so dramatic?” “mom watched a lot of soaps— it’s basically bred into me.” “please don’t say it like that.”)
Your fingers brushed along the handle of it, one final chance to turn back on your decision. You pulled on the handle, and the hatch swung down so quickly you thought that would have all spilled onto the floor. (you’d have to run away then, probably move to Canada or some other far away place so he wouldn’t kill you). The contents, however, stayed tucked into the nook and you reached forward to root through the contents. There were a few developed pictures, one of Max and The Party sleeping in the basement of the Wheelers house. There was one of a younger and much chubbier Billy smiling next to a woman, his mother you assumed (they were spitting images of one another) on a pier in California. There was another one of the same woman— now bald with skin almost clinging to the bones underneath— sitting in a hospital wheelchair as Billy (now filled out, but still soft around the edges) rode on the back of the chair, smiles wide over both of their faces as the breeze from the speed of the chair racing down the hall blew his hair back. There was another picture, of him and the basketball team after they won championships this year— Billy had a thick arm wrapped around Steve’s shoulders and Steve was laughing as the flash went off.
Underneath the stack of pictures, there were three large packets of Marlboro cigs laying still in their plastic, you laughed as you moved them aside, revealing a pack of hair ties, a pair of scissors and finally, a thick leather journal.
It looked like it had seen some hard days. The spine of the book was missing, having detached from the cloth underneath. The revealed spine had a handful of staples and duct tape holding it together— as if someone had offhandedly tried to fix it, not caring too much about how it looked. There was a cut on the back, slicing the leather in half and revealing the back page. You opened the book and flipped through the pages that had flowers, and leaves and grass taped to the pages. There were tiny words scrolled between the flower-frames Billy had made, complete with a title, and the date at the very top of the page. You flipped the pages slowly, not wanting to break any flower stems or lose any pictures he had taped on the back of the poems he had written. You flipped until you reached the last page he wrote on, because holy shit, there was a picture of you. It had been a cutout from the local newspaper, and it was from the Christmas Eve meal you had volunteered for, and Billy was beside you, smiling down at you as if he was the sun itself. The article was talking about the philanthropic demographic that was raising its head in Hawkins, and you had known that there would be a piece done about the Kitchen, but you had never expected to be the main article picture and you certainly didn’t expect your picture to be in Billy’s journal. On the adjacent page, there were some yellow wildflowers you had picked one day and given to Billy as he filled the car up with gas. You had tucked them into the mirror above his head and he had only commented about how they took away from his masculinity. You had told him to suck it up and enjoy them, as one's masculinity was fragile if he was put off by the sight of wildflowers.
Your fingers barely traced over the indentations his pen made, feeling the pressure of his hands, and feeling the way the pen tore through the page as if he was writing it down in a hurry. There was a poem there.
“I can see you running around your house, Your hair resembles something like a nest and you have a blush on your cheeks that makes your skin glow. And I wait. You tie your hair into a rubber band that I know you’ll complain that it's going to pull every strand of hair from your head as I drive you home. I will wait. You turn around now, one foot in your front door and you wave your hand back at me, the shadows from the front porch light casting shadows over your face that I want to memorize. I will always wait. I wait until I see your silhouette against your white curtains. I wait until the light goes out in your room. I wait until I can catch my breath, and I wait until my heart stops racing. And I’m still waiting.”
You felt as if the air had been knocked from your lungs. Your fingers had since grown cold, and you struggled to breathe for a hot second. It was as if the world around you had melted away, and the only thing in the world that existed were the flowers on the page and the words that he wrote. You noticed a movement from the corner of your eye, and your head whipped up to see Billy with a handful of coffee and muffins and bagels and yogurt.
You slammed the glovebox closed, and shoved the journal into the bag in your lap without thinking. He opened the driver's side door and you gave him a nervous smile. He was waiting. He was always waiting, and so were you and now that you had read the poem he had written about you, and you had forgotten how to even interact with another human being.
“Blonde caramel latte, and a cheese danish for the Princess. Oh, and I got a yogurt for you— it’s strawberry, but I wasn’t sure if you like strawberry yogurt, so if you don’t I will trade my vanilla.” He said, handing your the paper bags and putting the coffees in their cup holders. He didn’t even bother to hand yours to you as he had been reminded multiple times that you were afraid of burning your tongue— you only drank lukewarm coffee. It was a detail you hadn’t realized he had remembered or even noticed.
When you didn’t respond, he nudged your knee with his fist. “You okay?”
“I’m perfect.”
You had kept the journal. You knew it was bad, and you knew that Billy was probably losing his god damned mind about not having it in his glovebox. You knew he wouldn’t talk to you about it, and you knew he wouldn’t come over until the following Saturday morning because you still weren’t friends. You were volunteer buddies, and holy shit you’ve stolen Billy Hargrove’s poetry journal and there was a poem written about you in it and you were pretty sure it was literally burning a hole through your side table.
It was Sunday night when you took it out the first time. It looked innocent enough, its stapled spine pressing into your palm and the weight of it not enough to make your hand sink. The crinkle of the stale pages echoed around your room, and you almost wanted to shove it back into your drawer like it was something dirty you needed to hide. You placed it at the bottom of your bed, and you sat for some time curled up at the head of it, staring at it like it was a severed hand.
It was one in the morning when you finally reached for it, flipping through the pages to a new one— the page after the poem where he said he would wait. You taped a few scraps of lace you had found in your mother's sewing kit, and secured it with some hot glue you had found in your old craft drawer. The white lace bordered the middle of the page and you picked up your favorite (it was lucky) purple pen and began writing. You didn’t know what you were writing until it was finished, and when you tried to re-read it, the words didn’t sink in until you forced yourself to read them out loud.
“The universe took its time on you Crafted you precisely, so you could offer the world Something distinct from everyone else. So when you doubt how you were created You doubt an energy greater than us both [Do not doubt that energy It’s one smart mother fucker].”
You left school the next day early. You ignored the look your teacher gave you as you stood up in the middle of class, and you ignored the way Billy watched you leave. You ignored the way his expression shifted from boredom to interest, then from interest to worry when you didn’t look back. You pushed your shoulders back and walked out of the class and down the hall. You walked out of the school and into the parking lot and stopped in front of the iconic Blue Camaro.
You thanked whatever God was out there when you tried to open the front door and it opened without the alarm blaring. You placed the journal on the seat and you let out a frightened squeal when a polished hand smacked the top of the roof.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Returning something that doesn’t belong to me.”
“To you happen to have any nice perfume?” She responded to you by digging through her bag and handing you an old bottle of something. You opened the book to your lace page and spritzed the perfume across the page.
“Okay, so do you like him back or somethin’?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“Alright then.”
You left school after that, choosing to walk home and enjoy the chill in the wind that reminded you it was not quite spring, but the promise of something warm around the corner was on its way. You didn’t live too far from the high school, so you knew your walk would be short. You took your time today, however. You pondered if this was about to change the last three months of your high school life— or even how it wasn’t. You kicked a rock on your way home, even stopping to kick it between your feet as if it were a soccer ball. You were stopped when you heard a familiar rumble ignite in the distance, followed shortly by a silence, and then a sound that resembled the of a Nascar tearing down a dirt pathway. Billy.
You picked up the pace, suddenly afraid of the consequences you had brought upon yourself and just as you turned the corner to your tiny cookie-cutter cul-de-sac Billy’s car pulled over in front of you, almost knocking you out by the knees. You didn’t know what Billy’s intentions were when he stormed around the car, a pin on his jacket catching the rays of the sun and glinting in your face. He didn’t slow down when he got closer, and he forced you to take a few quick steps back for fear of him bowling you over.
You were pleasantly surprised when his hands wrapped around the back of your neck and pulled you to him. He pressed his lips hungrily to yours and they danced messily with yours. He grasped at your face, head, and neck desperately trying to get you closer to him as if he wanted to drink you in. When his arm wrapped around your waist to pull your torso closer to his, you let out a surprised gasp which allowed his tongue to snake into your mouth and lick the back of your teeth, only wanting to finally get the chance to taste you. And boy, did you not disappoint. To Billy, you tasted of mint gum, and coffee and warmth— and he knew that you needed air but there was no way he ever wanted to pull away from you.
You pressed your hand against his shoulder, pushing him away just enough so you could breathe. You gasped for air when his lips popped away from your swollen ones, and you looked up to his face. His cheeks were redder than usual, his lips were swollen from the hard kiss he had given you seconds before and were glistening in the golden sun from spit. His pupils were large, making the blue of his eyes stand out more in a thinner circle. His ears were red as well, from nervousness, or attraction, or adrenaline and his hair was mussed from your hands. His shaking breathe hit your face, and he leaned in once more to press his lips gently to yours, pressing you onto the car behind you and cradling your face softly his rough hands. Your lips danced together, barely touching but enough to take both of your breaths away. You let your hands drift— from his waist to his chest, over his shoulders where you cupped his neck briefly. They then drifted to his sticky-outy ears where they traced the shell of them briefly before your arms wrapped around his shoulders in one of the softest hugs had ever felt.
Before you, his glovebox was where he kept his most important items. Where he kept his addiction, where he kept his thoughts and his heart.
You were his new glovebox.
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(You Are) Wanted
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts, unfinished, for ages. Then I reread the comic this weekend, and finally decided it was time to give it another go. So, here we are. Pre-slash for now. Expect oblivious boys, and a lot of pining. Warnings (spoilery) in the tags.
Part I | Part II | Tag
“Sorry,” Will says, sheepish, as he pulls his ringing phone out of his pocket. He rolls his eyes when Holster points at him, grins triumphantly, and yells, “Fine! No phones during team lunch, dude!”
Will’s about to reject the call, but hesitates when he sees his sister’s name flash across the screen, thumb hovering indecisively. She hadn’t taken anyone’s side during The Incident, at least not officially, but she’d unfriended him on Facebook soon after like most of his family, and hadn’t sought any contact since. Will had taken it as the hint it was meant to be.
“Dex?” Bitty asks softly, looking concerned when Will glances up at him. “Is everything okay?”
“I—” Will starts, then shrugs, biting his bottom lip. “I don’t know. It’s my sister. I, uh. I should probably take this. Sorry.”
Bitty nods, and smiles reassuringly, patting Will’s arm. “Of course, honey. And no fines,” he adds, directed at Ransom and Holster.
Will hears them argue—"No exceptions, Bits!“ is countered with, "No dessert for you, then."—as he quickly walks out onto the porch, but he knows Bitty won’t budge. Bitty’s the only one who knows about The Incident, and only because he’d walked in on Will during one of the few times Will had actually allowed himself to cry. Will, to his absolute mortification, had broken down completely, sobbing and stuttering through telling the story, while Bitty’d sat with him, stroked his hair, and rubbed his back.
He’s glad, at least in hindsight, that Bitty’d found him, because Bitty, more than anyone else Will knows, understands what it’s like. He’s got Jack, sure, and the support of the team, his friends, but his family doesn’t know. And, as shitty as their respective situations are, it’s a relief to have someone who can relate, who gets how much it can suck, at times.
Once he's closed the door behind himself, and made sure no one who could overhear him is around, Will finally answers the call with a tentative, "Hello?" All he hears over the line is laboured breathing, then a wet, shaky breath. "Maddie? Are you there?"
It takes another moment, but then Maddie whispers, almost too quiet to hear, "Billy. I need your help."
[more under the cut]
* * *
The drive takes nearly four hours, but Will’s glad for the opportunity to process. Not that it works, but still.
He’d left in a hurry, with only a brief explanation to a wide eyed Bitty—who’d promised to arrange some supplies, like the amazing person he is—and a quick detour to his dorm to pack an overnight bag. And now here he is, in the hospital parking lot, freaking the fuck out.
He has no idea how he’s supposed to do this, or if doing it is the right thing. It feels like it, to him, but Will’s never really been able to tell when it comes to his family. He tightens his hands around the steering wheel, drops his head against it, and tries to breathe deeply, in and out, slow and steady.
“Think it through, break it down,” he tells himself firmly. “C’mon, man.”
Samwell has special housing for students in his situation, he knows as much from a girl in his Econ class. Will probably qualifies for that now. Hopefully. If not, he might be able to get one of the small on-campus apartments; he’s a legal adult, he’s got a part time job, good grades, and his share of their grandparents’ inheritance. All that has to count for something. Right?
It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be fucking hard. But pretty much everything has been, ever since The Incident this past summer. What’s some more work and responsibility piled on top of everything else at this point?
“Fuck,” Will says, with feeling, and thumps his head against the wheel a couple of times.
But then he straightens up, takes another steadying breath, and gets out of the car.
* * *
A nurse leads the way through the maze of hospital corridors, chattering happily while Will does his best to not melt into a puddle of nerves right there on the hideously lime green linoleum floor. They stop in front of a door that looks exactly like every other on that floor, and the nurse gives it a soft knock, before pushing it open with a cheerful, “Ms Poindexter? Your brother is here. How are you feeling tonight?”
Will hovers uncertainly just inside the room, watching as the nurse checks Maddie over. She looks exhausted—dark circles under her bloodshot eyes, pale, hair a tangled mess—but, Will supposes, that’s to be expected, considering. She smiles tiredly at the nurse, but it fades slowly when she finally looks at Will, replaced by something Will doesn’t want to analyse too closely.
Her voice trembles when she says, “Billy.”
“Mads,” Will says, and moves closer, taking the hand she’s holding out towards him. “How are you doing?”
“Been better,” Maddie says, and Will manages a weak chuckle. “What about you? How have you been?”
Will shrugs. They both know he hasn’t been fine. If she’d wanted to know more, she could have called.
“Okay,” Maddie sighs, nodding, mostly to herself. “Okay. I know I’ve—I know, Billy. I—thanks for coming.”
“You knew I would.” Will looks down at their clasped hands. “That’s why you called me.”
“Well, now,” the nurse cuts in, clearly aware of the tension, her smile just a little too wide. “There’s someone else who wants to say hi. He’s just woken up, and he’s due for a change, but a few more moments won’t hurt, if you want to hold him first.”
Will’s nodding before she’s even finished talking, letting go of Maddie’s hand to take the wiggling bundle from the nurse. “Thanks,” he says absently, eyes fixed on the tiny, scrunched-up face of his nephew. Belatedly, he adds, “And I can do it. Uh, if that’s allowed?”
“Of course.” The nurse leads him to the changing table in the corner, then gestures at one of the closets. “Diapers and everything else you’ll need are over here, and we have a few changes of clothes ready if you need them. This has come as somewhat of a surprise, from what I understand?”
Will huffs out a quiet laugh. “Yeah. Yeah, you could say that.”
The nurse takes her leave after some more instructions, and reassuring Will that she’s only the press of a button away in case he needs her. It’s been a while since Will’s changed a diaper, but gets it done, and no one’s crying by the end of it, so he decides to count it as a success. He dresses the baby, very carefully, scared the entire time that he’ll hurt him somehow, then picks him up, and settles him against his shoulder, making sure to support the head.
“Hi there,” he whispers, gently stroking one finger over the baby’s chubby little cheek. “I’m your uncle Will. You’re going to be staying with me for a while.” The baby yawns. It’s really fucking cute. “Yeah, I feel you, buddy.”
“You’re good with him.”
“You could be, too.” Will glances over at Maddie, who’s shaking her head, mouth pressed into a thin line. Will doesn’t push. Instead, he asks, “What’s his name?”
Maddie points to the bedside table. “The papers are over there. You’ll have to fill them out before you leave. You’ll get the official birth certificate in a couple of weeks, I think, along with everything from the lawyer. The fa—Chris and I have signed everything to so you can take him with you tonight, don’t worry, I—”
“You didn’t even fucking name him?” Will hisses, then immediately feels bad when the baby makes an unhappy noise against his neck. “Sorry, buddy. I’m sorry.” He glares at Maddie as he walks over, shifting the baby so he can sit down, holding him in one arm, and rifle through the papers with his free hand. “Unbelievable. He’s your kid.”
“I didn’t plan this,” Maddie says, sounding annoyed. “It wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Ever heard of condoms?” Will asks snidely, without looking up. “People who don’t want kids usually use those.”
They don’t talk again until Will’s done going through the forms. He leans back in his chair, lifting the now sleeping baby to lie against his chest. His lips are parted slightly, hands curled loosely against Will’s shirt. A few dark curls have fallen over his forehead, and Will gently tucks them back under his hat, then lets his hand linger, cupping the back of his small head.
Maddie’s the one to finally break the uncomfortable silence. “Look, I—you know how mom and dad are—”
Will snorts at that, and looks up so Maddie can see him roll his eyes. “Yeah, Mads, trust me; I know.”
“I thought about, you know. Ending the pregnancy.” She’s fiddling with her blanket, and chewing her lower lip, frowning down at her feet. “But I couldn’t do it, it didn’t seem right.”
“So, what?” Will shakes his head, and has to laugh, but it’s a little mean, without humour. “You thought, hey, everyone hates Billy already, no big deal, I’ll just have him take care of my mistake, pretend nothing ever happened?”
“Mom and dad,” Maddie starts petulantly, but Will interrupts before she can say more.
“For fuck’s sake, Maddie. You’re twenty-one years old, mom and dad don’t control your life. You did this. You. And now you can’t even own up to it?”
Maddie glares at him. “Just because you’ve had some big, gay epiphany—”
“Oh my god, are you serious right now?”
“—and decided to spit on everything our family believes in, on everything mom and dad have done for us—”
“Do you even hear yourself? No, really, can you hear the words that are coming out of your mouth?”
“—doesn’t mean I have to do the same! I won’t! It’s become blatantly obvious that you don’t care about our family, but I do. I won’t hurt them like this, Billy, I won’t. Not after what you’ve already put them through.”
Will opens his mouth, ready to keep arguing, but then closes it again, because what’s the point? He’d known coming out to his parents wouldn’t go over well, and he knows they wouldn’t be any happier about their unmarried, supposed to be virginal daughter bringing home a black baby instead of a college degree. Will had decided to do it anyway, for his own sanity and peace of mind, but Maddie’s right about one thing, at least; he can’t force her to do the same.
Definitely can’t make her see that she’s talking complete bullshit, either.
“Our parents, they’re not good people,” he says instead, standing. “I know that’s not how you see them, and I know they’ve probably said worse about me since I’ve been gone, but it’s the truth. I hope you’ll be able to see it one day, for your own sake.” He shifts the baby into a more comfortable position, and kisses the side of his head, almost challengingly, looking Maddie in the eyes as he does it. “Now call the nurse. I’m leaving.”
* * *
The guy sitting behind the motel reception desk doesn’t look thrilled when Will turns up with a baby, but Will’s all out of fucks to give for the day. He’s not going to drive home while he’s raw and on edge like this, especially not with a baby—his new baby, Jesus fucking Christ, in the backseat.
He takes a quick shower once he gets to the room, hurrying through it, not sure how long he can leave the baby by himself. The baby’s still sleeping peacefully in his car seat when Will steps out of the bathroom, though, and stays that way all through Will dressing in a pair of sweats, texting Bitty with an update, and half an episode of some random TV show with the volume turned down. And then he falls right back asleep again after Will’s changed and fed him.
“Huh.” Will watches the baby sleep next to him on the bed for a couple of minutes, convinced he’ll start wailing any minute now. Which he doesn’t.
He does wake Will up twice during the night, crying unhappily, but he’s quick to calm down after another bottle the first time, and a fresh diaper the second. He seems content to be lying on Will’s chest, and Will’s pretty sure he read something about newborns and skin contact once, so he leaves him there, only mildly terrified that he’ll roll over and squash him in his sleep.
* * *
They survive the night without any accidents, and are on the road a little after seven the next morning. Will has to stop three times for feedings and poop related incidents, but the roads are mostly empty so early on a Sunday, and they make good time, arriving back at Samwell just before one.
“Okay, so.” Will’s parked in front of the Haus, turned around in his seat to talk to the baby. “We’re staying with Bitty for tonight, because I’m pretty sure my roommate would murder me if I brought you back to our dorm. Then we’ll go talk to my student advisor tomorrow, see about an apartment, babysitting options, all that stuff.” The baby blinks. “Right. Okay. Here we go.”
As feared, everyone’s there when Will walks into the Haus. Holster’s yelling questions the instant he hears Will, Ransom yells at him to stop yelling from the living room, then Lardo yells at them to cut it out, and Chowder follows that by yelling from his room, wanting to know what’s going on.
The baby bursts into tears. Will seriously thinks about doing the same.
And then suddenly Bitty’s there, with a soft smile, holding out his hand for the diaper bag packed by the nurse back at the hospital. “Here, hon, let me take that.”
Will smiles gratefully, and busies himself with unbuckling the baby while everyone gathers in the hall, staring at him with varying degrees of confusion. Will’s kind of relieved to have the baby to hold onto, rocking him and making quiet shushing noises, lips pressed against his head, instead of meeting anyone’s eyes.
It’s Tango, of course, who asks the question, once the baby’s calmed down somewhat. “Is that a baby?”
“Uh.” Will’s still resolutely looking at the baby, not at anyone else, wiping some of the tears away from his cheek while he sniffles quietly. “Yeah, it’s a baby. He, uh. He’s mine.”
There’s a crash, and when Will glances up, Nursey’s standing in the kitchen doorway, mouth open, shards from a broken plate on the floor around his feet. “What the fuck, Dex?”
A/N: The Poindexters are a mess, but Will’s doing his best here. I have a general idea of where I’m going with this, but not everything is set in stone yet. So, if you have any ideas or questions, message me. And check out this tag for updates.
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sheepydraws · 7 years
I'll Kick Your Ass! I'll Kick My Fiancee's Ass! I'll Kick My Own Ass! (7/11)
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The Three Weeks Before Winter Break: 
                        QUIET ZONE
From: Ghostsunkgi
To: TKuno
I got plenty of info for you about Nabiki Tendo:
The Basics: Birthdate, family, hometown.
The Social Media: Got her facebook, linked in, instagram, and two tumblr accounts (cute aesthetic one, fandom one).
The Personal: Movies she likes, hobbies, possible phobias, relationships she’s been in, etc. and it’s all in the attached document.
I’m going to be upfront about this, though, and say that I’m sorry. I couldn’t find any life ruining stuff. I heard the school’s investigated her once or twice, but they couldn’t find anything. I thought I could get you some proof that she’s doing something illegal enough to warrant getting the authorities involved, but turns out the prescription medication she sells is hormonal stuff. Testosterone, birth control, nothing the cops would actually want to check out.
However, as a psyc major, I can offer you a rudimentary psychological profile. I believe that Nabiki’s obsession with money stems from her family. They are well-to-do, but not particularly well off, and after losing her mother at a young age Nabiki is constantly craving stability. Now, since she is a very smart girl she does not see stability as something akin to stagnation, but rather focuses on earning money so that no matter what happens she doesn’t have to fear that she will suddenly lose all of life’s little comforts. She is not a sociopath, nor a narcissist, but does focus on herself, and what might happen to her in the outcome of any scenario. As such she is not as much of a risk taker as her little storefront might suggest.
I believe, if you wish to manipulate her you focus on either giving or depriving her of money, or otherwise very directly threatening or aiding her way of life.
From: TKuno
To: Ghostsunkgi
I did not ask for a goddamn psychological profile, I asked you to find out something about Nabiki Tendo that, if exposed, could ruin her life. I am out almost two hundred dollars and you have told me nothing I couldn’t have told you!
From Ghostsunkgi
To TKuno
Good thing you didn’t want a psychological profile, because if I wrote one on you all it would say is that you’re batshit crazy.
Facebook Messenger:
Ukyo: Hey, are you okay?
Ryoga: I’m fine.
Ukyo: I feel like I haven’t seen you since before thanksgiving. I haven’t even heard if you had fun at Shampoo’s!
Ryoga: It was fine. We watched a lot of lame stuff on the internet and I got to know her family a little. It was fine.
Ukyo: Oh my god. You wrote ‘it was fine’ twice. Did someone die?
Ryoga; No. It was boring. Nothing happened.
Facebook Messenger:
Ukyo: Do you have time to catch lunch with me?
Shampoo: Can’t.
Ukyo: Did something happen over thanksgiving break?
Shampoo: No. It was fine. Thanksgiving isn’t really a big deal for my family.
Ukyo: You mean absolutely nothing happened? Not one dumb story to tell me over dinner?
Shampoo: Nothing that’s worth taking time off studying to talk about. Ukyo, I’m swamped. Maybe we could have lunch this weekend.
Ukyo: Fine.
Dear Akari,
I can’t wait to see you again. Things here are so strange. I want to say it’s the lack of parental supervision, but I can’t anymore.
I hope things aren’t this crazy at your school. People beating each other up, and always upset, and no one you can talk to because you’re kind of ashamed of yourself and who wants to talk to you when even you hate yourself?
Remember high school? Drama only in the carefully allotted time slots between classes? Teachers telling you to apologize? Throwing pencil cases to your friends and watching them burst open, spilling highlighters and pencils and a million little slips of paper, and just laughing?
I really can’t wait to be home. I want to lie on my bed and….That’s it. Lie on my bed and listen to the silence. The rain. The occasional car rolling by. I want to lie down and sleep and let everything flow around me for a while.
And then maybe you and I could get some dinner.
Miss you.
Facebook Messenger
Ranma: Hey, Nabiki, can you lend me fifty bucks?
Nabiki: Ahahahahaha
Ranma: Please? I’ll pay you back. I just don’t have much right now, and I don’t want to use my card and have dad see the charge.
Nabiki: Hahahahahahahaha
Ranma: I know we’re not close, but you’re the only person I’m on good terms with who could just drop fifty bucks.
Ranma: I’m trying to get my birth certificate and it costs fifty bucks.
Nabiki: Okay, I’m no longer uninterested, but I still don’t want to be involved, so I tell you what, give me fifty bucks, I’ll send in the fifty for the certificate, with my card or whatever. K?
Ranma: Got it.
A piece of paper, passed back and forth over the walls of two study corrals:
Sorry to intrude, but are you crying?
No. Yes. The stress isn’t helping, but honestly, I’ve felt awful since the 25th. I fucked up. Can I tell you about it?
I don’t mind, but if you tell me something super personal I’ll feel like I have to tell you something.
Really? You go first. Then you can say whatever you feel comfortable saying, and it doesn’t have to be as fucked up and intense as my thing.
Okay. I got my first kiss at a halloween party this year, with some dude I don’t even know, and I feel kind of guilty, but mostly pissed that I didn’t get his name before he left.
You got masked man-ed! Was he wearing a tuxedo mask costume?
No. Batman.
Damn. Then I could have told you who he was. I gave Ryoga that costume so he could try and seduce Akane Tendo, but I think he fucked up and seduced someone else or something.
You know Ryoga Hibiki?
Sure. Fuck. He’s kind of why I’m all messed up. I kissed him, even though I know he has a girlfriend so that he would beat up a guy for me, and that guy tried to gut him, so I beat his face in, and now he’s not talking to me, Ryoga can’t look at me, and I can’t look at Ukyo because what kind of person am I?
Christ. You’re right, that is fucked up, but it takes at least two people for a total fuck up. I mean, that Ryoga guy has a girlfriend, and was going after that other girl AND you.
No, this was my fault. I invited Ryoga over cause I thought it would be an easy way to avoid Mousse, and then I kissed him cause I thought he could solve my Mousse problem permanently, and then things went crazy, and now there is no easy way out.
There never is. Even doing nothing, keeping your mouth shut, pretending everything’s alright for the sake of convenience—That sounds like the easy way, but it’s so fucking hard it hurts.
I know you’re right, but doing stuff is hard too.
Well, you did something about your Mousse problem. I have a feeling he’s not bugging you anymore?
Ha. You’re right. Our mom’s are fighting fit to kill each other-your daughter beat up my son, your son had a knife!-but at least they agree that we should be kept apart.
Is that better than how it was?
Yeah. I wish it hadn’t gone down like that, though.
That’s what happens when you just leave things to build and build.
Guess that means I should go talk to Ukyo and Ryoga before things get stupid like that. You sound like you really have your life together.
Please. I’m engaged, fantasizing about a guy I met once, and just realized that I might have to ‘break up with’ a guy who I thought was my friend. And that’s just my love life. I’ve still got a couple hours worth of studying to do, but I’m going back to my room and crashing so I can get some sleep in before dinner.
PS: I won’t tell Ryoga you’re the one who told me about all this. Sounds like you two already have plenty to work out together.
From: TKuno
To: Nabiki Tendo
Dear Nabiki,
Thanks to the services of a hired man undertaken over thanksgiving break, I know your devastating secret.
From: Nabiki Tendo
To: TKuno
Man, I left you to stew, but I didn’t think you would boil over. Oh, how would I live if word ever got out? Kuno, please don’t tell anyone.
From TKuno
To Nabiki Tendo
I suppose if you can agree to never release those photos, I could conveniently take another blow to the head and forget everything I have learned about you, no matter how disgusting.
From Nabiki Tendo
To TKuno
You think I’ve never heard a bluff before? You have nothing on me, and you want to know how I know it?
Face facts Kuno-babe: You fucked up, and you can’t get back at me because I’ve played it cleaner than you. You couldn’t keep yourself in check, just had to do some dumb shit. Forget getting kicked off the kendo team—You realize you could be expelled for dueling? And you keep doing it! You fucking idiot! Do you know how many pictures and videos I have of that?
You break rules all the time and expect never to get caught, not even because daddy is the dean, but because you actually think you’re that much better than everyone.
While you’re off getting wasted, and falling for cheap lines like ‘I bet you work out’ and ‘I love that drama. The twist with the princess and the accountant? Never saw it coming!’ I’ve been working my ass off, not only making money, but also keeping my head above water. Maybe I have done something which you could get me for legally, but you’ll never have proof.
I didn’t outsmart you, hun, I just waited for you to fuck yourself and filmed it.
From: TKuno
To: Nabiki Tendo
I know you must be enjoying cackling maniacally at me like a b-villain, but may I ask you one question?
From Nabiki Tendo
To TKuno
Yes, I do hate you, and I have always hated you, and that reveal that the princess was banging the accountant was tired as fuck. You know who should diddle the numbers guy? The courtesan. Not only did they have chemistry, but they could have had an actual relationship, based on being greedy and underhanded in their various professions.
From TKuno
To Nabiki Tendo
1. You missed the point, as expected, you heartless wench. Of course those two could have a sleazy relationship based on being sleazy. That’s what made hime and the accountant such a satisfying twist. Not only are they different, but they appreciate each other’s differences, so they make each other better while also having a good relationship based on the things they do have in common.
2. Why didn’t you just give my father the photos of me dueling?
From Nabiki Tendo
To TKuno
1. They had nothing in common. You’re blowing hot air out of your dirty shipper mouth.
2. I don’t answer to you.
Kodachi’s Journal
The flurry of leaves finishing falling
Freshmen frolicking
Among unwritten essays and cans of ersatz energy
Studying between practice
Practice between studying?
Sleeping between eating and rising.
Ten fumbling minutes in a hall closet
In which I barely tasted you, my darling cream puff
But your mind was elsewhere
Fifty bucks to try and find your mother
Fifty dollars to your family
I gave it to you, of course.
I tried to explain
How I envied you
The toll to visit my own mother two gold coins
And my life
But now
Stretching on the balance beam
I wonder if your hands were not a touch grabby?
That is
Were you groping my ass
Or the outline of my wallet?
Ukyo’s phone———> Ryoga and Shampoo’s Phone
Ranma’s phone——>Nabiki’s phone
Got ur fifty.
My room.
Ranma’s Diary.
I can’t believe it.
Why did I never think I had a mother? I never even asked. There’s so much stuff where the mothers have that vague, ‘cancer-car-crash-itis’ that I guess they filled in the blanks for me.
That or I’m just stupid.
I can’t believe Nabiki is sitting at my desk, filing out a few forms that might get me to my mother. I can’t believe I have one. I can’t believe I’m doing this to myself. What if she—
I’m trying not to think past imagining getting the certificate in my mail box. Hopefully it comes before the break starts, but I don’t think waiting till January will kill me.
My stomach aches like it will, but I’ve survived worse.
Speaking of surviving, I can’t believe I had a conversation with Ukyo and didn’t die. I think I’ve even impressed myself with that trick.
I was jogging, because Nabiki told me she wouldn’t have time for me until after lunch, and if I worked up a sweat then I could take a shower, without feeling like I was doing it just to scrub Kodachi off of me. (I can’t believe I kissed a girl for fifty bucks).
I tripped over Ukyo’s bag. She was leaned up against a tree and I think maybe she had been crying? I mean, I think she was upset before she saw me, but whatever. She was pissed, rubbing her bag and snapping at me. I didn’t want to waste time getting into an argument with her—and how could I fit ANOTHER duel into my busy schedule?—so I said,
“Are you okay?”
She got this weird look on her face. Sad, and confused, and a little angry about being confused. “Like you care.”
“Of course I care. I mean, you’re crying in the woods in December. It’s worrying.”
“So? It’s not going to keep you up at night.”
I was trying really hard not to get pissed off, so I swear when I said, “Don’t tell me what I think. Yell at me, call me names, kick my face in, but don’t try to talk for me,” it wasn’t an invitation.
“Your silence speaks volumes, Ranma.”
“Wait, is this about breaking up with you?” I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of that, but at the same time, I can’t believe she’s still so burned up over it.
“No, it’s because you didn’t go to prom with me, and because we aren’t going to buy our first legal drinks together, and because you never gave a shit about my feelings then, so I don’t get why you’re pretending to now.”
Fuck it, I’m a fighter. She was looking for a fight.
“I didn’t care about your feelings? I broke up with to save those fucking things! I didn’t want you to be hurt, so I told you the truth and that I still loved you, but I had to do this.
You’re the one who wouldn’t talk to me. You’re the one who MAILED my stuff to me. We saw each other every day, but you couldn’t even drive to my house and ding-dong-ditch me! You never asked if I was okay, you never took my calls, I tried to protect you from this huge, stupid thing in my life and you made it all about you!”
Ukyo threw her bag aside so hard it cracked against a tree and all her shit spilled out, but she was too busy getting up in my face and screaming at me to care. “You’re the one who decided that if your father wants you to MARRY someone you’re going to do it! You’re the one who didn’t fight for me! You’re the one who thought if you told me why you were breaking up with me somehow that would mean we weren’t broken up!”
I shoved her back. “It’s not like you fought for me either!”
Ukyo slammed her hands into my chest and sent me to the ground. “What would I have done?! Challenged your father to a fight? Called child protective services? For fuck’s sake, Ranma, we were children!”
I haven’t cried since…When Ukyo knocked me down something about the way I fell, the way I hit the ground, the way the dirt smelled and my teeth clacked together, it reminded me of falling down as a kid. I’ve been trained to fall down so it doesn’t hurt. To roll or bend to minimize the blow. You know how my father taught me that? By pushing me down.
I started crying. So loud and hard I couldn’t breathe. I haven’t cried like that since I was a kid. An even littler kid. ‘Cause Ukyo was right. We were kids. And maybe we still are. Maybe we’ll always be unfinished and confused, and we’ll try our best but our best will always be half of what we need to get by.
“I-I-I wanted you to move on!” I hiccuped. “I wanted you to know it wasn’t you!”
Ukyo kneeled next to me and hovered for a moment before picking up my hands and holding them in hers. She was crying too. “If you loved me so much how could you ditch me like that?”
“I c-called you, and I tried to talk to you. I didn’t want to ruin our relationship by being engaged.”
“Well, it’s fucking ruined!” and then we both laughed. Painful, hiccupy laughs, interrupted by snorting back all the snot from crying and being outside when it was that cold.
I can’t believe Ukyo and I screwed each other like that. Shut down and tried to pretend we didn’t care and basically gave each other a knife to the heart.
We managed to calm down and Ukyo let go of my hands.
“So there isn’t something about me that makes people want to dump me? Something that scares people away?”
I shook my head. “Hell, you should have been trying to get away from me.”
Ukyo smiled a little and said, “It’s nice having a guy willing to fight anything that moves on your side. And I really loved you.”
Past tense.
“I loved you too.” But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck that it’s over. It doesn’t make it okay, but I guess it makes it right.
Ukyo stood up and helped me up. I didn’t need help, but it felt nice for some reason. Like when my dad would pour me juice even though I could have done it myself. It tasted a little better.
“I think there’s something I have to do.” Ukyo said. Something in her voice told me it had nothing to do with me.
“Is your number still the same?” I asked anyway.
Ukyo looked sort of surprised, but she said yes.
“Can I call you? If something happens, or maybe just to talk?”
“Yeah. And I’ll even pick up.”
Then Ukyo went off to do her mysterious thing, and I went back to my room, glad to still be alive.
Okay, Nabiki said it’ll be here in a couple of weeks. I can’t believe I’m doing this.
  From TKuno
To Ghostsungki
Just writing to say you should re-think your major. Your profile was wrong. There is something Nabiki Tendo values more than herself.
Not Anal
I found Ryoga leaving the library (He’d been in the part where you’re allowed to talk. Says silence freaks him out) and he was all freaked out, asking me if I knew why Ukyo would send an emergency text. I had been trying not to get too worked up, but with Royga already panicking I gave in, and we ran over to my dorm.
We burst into my room, expecting a pool of blood or a shattered laptop or something.
Ukyo was sitting on our beds, which she had pushed together and piled with all our blankets and pillows on so you couldn’t feel the gap where the frames touch but the matresses don’t. She was wearing a flannel shirt and sweatpants, and when she stood up you could see that she had only buttoned two buttons on her shirt. I won’t tell you which buttons, but just imagine it being incredibly hot.
Ukyo opened her closet door and said, “Okay, put your bags in there.”
Royga and I stared at her.
“I thought there was an emergency.” Ryoga said.
“Where did I say that?” Ukyo pulled her phone out of her pocket and read over it. “Nope. No emergency. No problem. I just told you to come quick.”
“So what’s going on?” I asked.
“I am going to set an alarm, and for the next two hours the three of us aren’t going to do anything school related. We’re just going to relax and do whatever we want.” For the first time she looked a little nervous. “You two have been so stressed since thanksgiving. I figured it was because you didn’t do any work over the break and you’re swamped now, but I’m calling a time out so you two can get some self care done.”
“I kissed Ryoga.” I said. I let my backpack fall off my shoulder and kicked it into the closet.
“It was stupid.” Ryoga said, tossing his bag into the closet and closing it. “I mean, it didn’t mean anything. I mean-“ I touched his shoulder and he stopped.
“It doesn’t matter.” I said to Ukyo, “Because now I’m going to kiss you to make it even.”
I am a woman of my word. I knew I was going to do it, but I was kind of surprised that Ukyo let me. I thought I would just say it and that would be peace offering enough, but she didn’t stop me when I put my arms around her neck, so I got on my tip-toes and my brain went ‘fuck it’ and I laid one on her. I think her knees gave out a little. Someone’s did.
Ryoga popping open a bag of chips startled us, but it didn’t ruin the mood. The mood wasn’t ‘having sex with your roommate’ it was stretching out on a bed and taking a deep breath while Ukyo made fun of Ryoga for liking cozy mysteries. Cozy mystery—maybe that was the feeling. Warm and safe and somewhat luxurious lying on a bed made plush with three extra blankets. Comfortable, even with bare branches tapping at the window and finals looming in the back of our minds.
This is probably a bad idea. Someone already trying to be in two relationships at once, and someone who doesn’t believe in love—I couldn’t have chosen worse people to fall for.
But as I sit here typing this, waiting to get tired enough to go to sleep with Ukyo and Ryoga-the two hour plan got kicked in favor of naps-I feel the best I’ve felt in weeks. Bone deep calm, radiating outward so all that other bullshit can’t touch me.
Akari’s phone———->Ryoga’s phone
Hun, what time do
you get in at
When do you get
on the plane?
                                                              The first one? Around noon.
                                                            Akari, I know you won’t be at
                                                            the airport, but I want to see
                                                            you as soon as possible.
I know. I want to
see you even
sooner. <3
From TKuno
To: Nabiki Tendo
Dear Nabiki Tendo,
If you show those photos to anyone, please consider that the very next day three different people will be sitting in my fathers office to attest that Ranma Saotome has been involved in several duels. His expulsion will be quick and clean.
Your Loyal Sparring Partner,
Tatewaki Kuno
The Tendo House
Latest Video: Personal Blog—Channel Direction
The video opens in Kasumi’s bedroom. She is sitting on her bed, hands restlessly picking over the ruffle on a throw pillow. Her color is high, her eyes bright like she might have a fever. Her voice shakes somewhere between crying and cackling.
Kasumi: Ah…I’ve tired to open this video so many times. I even considered shooting one in advance and just uploading that whenever I—But I realized that was just wishful thinking and wouldn’t actually be helpful when the time came.
Now I’ve been holding back on recording this. I wanted to be…sure.
(Kasumi takes a deep breath. Her expression becomes a touch more serious. She has been planning for this moment for a long time, though she is not sure if she will ever tell how much)
I’m three months pregnant.
[Akane, Nabiki, and Soun Tendo never saw the rest of this video.]
From: Nabiki Tendo
To: TKuno
Sorry, Kuno-babe, I don’t think we’ll be ‘sparring’ for a while.
I have pregnant fish to fry.
Consider yourself dangling, but still hooked.
The Stunning,
Nabiki Tendo.
Akane’s Diary:
I’m not even mad exactly??? It’s that feeling when you watch a video and someone does something so awful, but it’s so unexpected and so not your problem that your mouth hangs open in horror, but you choke and laugh at the same time.
Maybe if I write this down my chest will stop shaking.
I went to Ryoga’s after my calc final to see if that girl in the library had been telling the truth about Ryoga having a girlfriend and/or liking me. I knew Ranma would be tied up at our calc final for another hour. (Ranma is one of those freaks who takes the entire time given, even though getting to leave as soon as you’re done is THE perk of college).
I watched Ryoga pack for a while. We chatted, but it was mostly me asking him questions so he would talk and I could just sit there and think.
He’s not bad looking, Ryoga. His hair is always messed up, but not always in a rakish british pop star kind of way. Still, he’s got nice eyes, and broad shoulders, and, you know, two arms and two legs and a head.
That’s how I feel about him, I guess. He’s a guy, and he’s good looking, and even if he’s thinking about cheating on his girlfriend I’m pretty sure he hasn’t, so I wouldn’t say he’s a bad guy.
But there I was, watching him, thinking: ‘If that girl was right, I could get up, and sit on the edge of his bed and kiss him’. That’s what I was picturing. A good girlfriend move, perching on his bed, and wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.
Imagining it filled me with an overwhelming sensation of…meh.
Ryoga’s a good guy, but there’s nothing about him that sets him apart. Nothing that made me want to do that cute little girlfriend thing for him, or push him down and do things that would make his cheap-ass mattress beg for mercy.
I went to his room thinking I would confront him, but for what? Thought crimes? Even if he has a girlfriend and he cheats on her, it sure won’t be with me.
That was when Ranma burst into the room. He threw his backpack onto his bed and spun around to leave, but froze when he saw me.
“Akane, have you seen the latest video on Kasumi’s blog?”
I stared at him. His expression was very strange. I couldn’t tell if he wanted to console or congratulate me.
“I saw the one she posted in November…” I said, sure he was talking about something else.
Ranma hopped up to sit on Ryoga’s desk and put his phone on his knee, which was eye level for me. He hit play.
Ranma knew my sister was pregnant before me.
I was sitting in his room thinking about how much I don’t care if some guy has a crush on me, and Ranma is getting a youtube notification telling him that my sister is pregnant. I’m not mad about that it, it just feels wrong somehow.
I immediately tried to call Kasumi, and when she didn’t pick up I redialed twice. I sent her four texts, then one to Nabiki.
My finger hovered over dad’s number.
“So you didn’t know about this?” Ranma asked.
I realized I had a thousand yard stare and tried to focus on Ranma’s face “No. I had no idea.”
Ranma nodded. “I figured. You or Nabiki would have told me if you did. The three of you are always so…proud of each other.”
I have no idea what that meant. Ranma looked melancholy. Or maybe just maudlin. That’s a good word to have around, maudlin. Then he smiled at me and I lost my train of thought.
It’s not the time to think about it, but that’s not a good sign is it? Watching Ryoga in a tight t-shirt, bending and stretching and shoving while he packs, but when Ranma, hair unbrushed, a gi shirt hanging off of him like a jacket, smiles at me my brain goes on the fritz?
Nabiki still has cramming to do, and there isn’t much to talk about since Kasumi hasn’t spoken to either of us. We’ve tried to contact her every way short of smoke signals (and don’t think Nabiki wouldn’t get on the roof and light something on fire if she thought it would get a reaction) but it seems like we won’t be getting any answers until we get home on thursday.
Ranma came back to my room with me to ‘help me study’ but we don’t have any exams tomorrow, and thank god, since I can’t concentrate to save my life. Ranma is lying on my bed eating my secret stash of chips and leafing through my even secreter stash of cosmos, while I try to get all my questions in order.
Why? Who’s the father? Can we actually afford a baby? Why aren’t you talking to us? Have you told dad? When are you going to tell dad? Where is it going to sleep? Do I still have to marry Ranma? Oh, god, don’t make me marry Ranma, I think I might be starting to LIKE him. Especially when he laughs, nearly chokes on my chips, and then reads whatever weird fragment he found funny out loud. Kasumi, don’t do this to me.
Last five posts from okinomiyakimeansiloveyou.tumblr.com
5. A Youtube video about making really cute gift baskets with homemade sweets.
4. Lingerie sets. Not just bras and panties (and teddies and stockings and…) but some very neat looking briefs made from high end material.
3. Tasteful, but still extremely erotic nude drawings (especially if you are of the Georgia O’Keefe persuasion).
2. A picture of Ryoga and Shampoo speaking in the vestibule of the girl’s dorm, the world starkly white and black through the huge glass doors. They don’t look like they know their picture is being taken. Ryoga has a duffel bag over his shoulder and Shampoo is hefting it’s weight in her hand. She’s about the drop it back onto his shoulder and watch him stagger, but you can’t tell in the photo. One of Ryoga’s hands rests on the handle of her tiny, shiny, purple suitcase. They look good together, and the lighting is nice, somehow, between the fluorescents and the glaring winter sun, and, and it’s a good photo, and Ukyo posts it to prove that she knows that, and that she doesn’t care about the twinges in her chest when she looks at it.
1. That feel when you think you’re heartsick or something, but you just need a tums. #personal #everything’s even #they’re not going to do anything #nothing ever changes over winter break anyway
4 notes · View notes
The Little Princess: Chapter 6
A/n-Full disclosure, I was in a mood when I wrote this, so there’s lots more swearing in the next two parts than what I normally write. I got impatient. I didn’t know that was even possible to do with your own work! I couldn’t continue with the story line any more where it was at, so I decided to skip around a little bit. Things should stabilize after this. I hope. Sorry for the cliffhanger (but not really) Chapter 7 is already written though, and if I’m able to get chapter 8 done today, I will post chapter 7 tonight!
Word count: 2,572
Warnings: BABY FEELS, lots of swearing, ANGST, I think that’s it? Let me know if I missed anything!
Chapter summary: 9 months after Dean watches reader in the park, some discoveries come to light for Sam and Dean.
Characters: Reader, OFC Mary, OFC Topri, OMC James, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel
Need to catch up? HERE is the Masterlist!
Chapter 6
9 months later, Y/N’s POV
“Come on, you can do it Mary! Come see mama!”
You, James, and Tori were all three sitting on your living room floor, watching Mary’s chubby little legs try to take steps. You all had tears in your eyes, and where as giddy as teenagers getting their first kiss.
“James please tell me you’re taking a video!” Tori’s voice was a little wobbly with emotion.
“Of course! I wanna remember our little Mary’s first steps forever and ever!”
You couldn’t do anything except grin at the thought of having these wonderful people in your life who loved Mary as much as you did. And she loved them. Just then, your daughter took 7 steps towards you and promptly fell into your lap with a fit of giggles. Tori frantically waved her hands around as she squealed, and James just grinned like a mad man. All three of you had tears of joy and pride rolling down your cheeks. You couldn’t help the tears. It was such a special moment, and although you were so damn proud of your little girl, you were also feeling guilty. Dean should be here for these moments…
“James, could you please send me the video? I’d love to have it for my own.”
“Already done, my dear,” he said with a wink.
One day, I’ll have all these moments to share with him. Maybe one day we can share them with more children.
You couldn’t let go of the hope you had. It was stupid, because hoping for this outcome in an impossible situation wouldn’t do any good. But the hope was all you had left…
Dean’s POV
Nine whole months, and I hadn’t figured out anything. No birth certificate for the kid, no records of any hospital stays for Y/N; she was really covering her tracks, and really didn’t want anyone knowing about the little girl.
Everyone I tried to call in favors with couldn’t get anywhere near her. The warding and protection on the house was too strong. The smart ass had even warded against reapers! Not even Tessa could help. Although she came back to me looking like the cat who ate the canary. Just a simple, “Sorry Deano, I can’t help you. The warding is too powerful.” And then poof; she was gone.
I had managed to keep Sam in the dark about it all. As far as he knew, Y/N had just disappeared. He still worried about her from time to time, bringing her up at dinner or over drinks at a bar. I just told him that Cas checks on her for us, and lets me know that she’s okay and alive. He didn’t need to know the other details, and what information I did give him, seemed to be satisfying enough.
Sam snapped his fingers in front of my face. “Earth to Dean!”
“What dude?”
“Are you okay man? You’ve been pretty out of it lately. What’s going on?”
“Nothin’ Sammy. Just restless I guess. We’ve been sitting on our hands for two weeks now; I wanna get out there and gank somethin’.”
“Well if you had been paying attention, you would have heard me tell you that I found us a case. Looks like a couple demons.”
“Awesome! Let’s go! Where’s this at?”
“Orlando, Florida.”
I choked on my coffee. Maybe I could pop in on her. She did always say if we were near Orlando… “Alright, let’s go then,” I said as I dropped some cash on the table for the waitress. Suddenly I didn’t care about getting her in bed. I just wanted to get to Orlando and kill this demon or demons, and go see the love of my life. Maybe I can convince her to come home…
16 hours later, we had made it to Orlando. I hadn’t slept a wink, but I didn’t feel tired at all. I just wanted to go to her. I wanted to fix all this as soon as possible. Not until it’s safe, Dean. Not until the threat is gone. With that one simple thought, all I could think of was killing the damn things so I could go to her. Now.
“Dean come on man, I know you want to kill something, but I’m exhausted. You didn’t want to stop on the way here, and I need to sleep. YOU need to sleep. Otherwise we’re gonna end up dead and a great big help to nobody. Alright? So please, just sleep.”
Sam doesn’t know anything. He doesn’t know that I won’t be able to sleep until this thing is done. That I won’t be able to sleep without seeing her first. Maybe I’ll take Sammy along this time too. Cas said he can’t even go in the yard, so we won’t be taking him. But Sam deserves to know that she is okay.
As I laid there in bed, I couldn’t help but think of her. Her gorgeous y/c/e eyes, and long y/c/h hair that curled softly against her face and back, and the way her smile lit up a room. The way her laugh could bring joy to even a deaf man, and the way she loved so fiercely. I know she loved me; at least at some point. I don’t know what I did to screw that up, but I’m going to fix it. I’m going to do whatever it takes to get her back.
I continued my walk down memory lane with Y/N, and soon I had relaxed enough to fall asleep. And for the first time in a very long time, I didn’t have any nightmares. I slept through the night with no interruptions.
I woke up in the morning with a start, surprised to see the sun filtering in through the yellowed curtains of the motel window. “Sam? Why the hell did you let me sleep so long?”
“Dude. I tried to wake you, but it was like trying to wake sleeping beauty. Only in this little fairy tale, it’s the sleeping ogre.”
“Ugh. Whatever. I’m getting breakfast, and then we’re heading out. We got us some demons to find.”
“Okay, you know where all her stuff is, and her food is in the pantry and fridge. I labeled it all, so there’s no confusion and searching while she screams. She loves her food, ya know.” Just like her daddy. “You have my number, so call if you have any questions whatsoever. I’ll keep my phone on me at all ti-“
“Y/N!” James cut you off; the sudden noise in the usually quite calm environment made you jump. “We’re gonna be just fine. I’ve taken care of her dozens of times now. Just because you’re spending the whole night away doesn’t mean anything. Mary will be just fine. I promise you. And you’re only going to be 30 minutes away. Go, have fun please. You deserve it.”
You smiled softly, knowing James was right. You had checked all the warding and protection on the house at least half a dozen times before James had shown up. Everything was still in place. You even sent a prayer to Cas letting him know you would be away from Mary for the night, and that if anything should happen, he was to zap you to her immediately, no questions asked. He sent you back a message in your head somehow.
You have my word, Y/N. I told you I would always keep watch over both of you, and I intend to keep doing just that. She will be safe.
You’d have to ask him one day how he does that. And why he had never done it before when you and the boys prayed to him.
With one last look at your daughter and James, you turned to leave the house. In your purse, you had packed one of your tiny handguns. But this time, you loaded it with Devil’s trap bullets; a nifty trick Sammy taught you.
You and Tori had this night planned out for months so you couldn’t cancel on her now. The papers and news crews all claimed a crazed killer, possibly serial killer, but you knew better. Each of the 3 victims so far had their throats slit with ‘an extremely sharp and rare’ blade. And there are 2 others missing. Everyone who reported or worked at the crime scenes claimed it smelled like rotten eggs. Demons. You didn’t want to cancel on Tori, and she didn’t see the danger of going into town. You tried to convince her that you two could just stay closer to home and it would be just as much fun, but she wasn’t having any of it. So, off to Orlando you went. You almost called Bobby to see if he could dispatch someone down here to take care of the problem, but you didn’t want to bug anyone. Someone would be along shortly to take care of it.
There was another reason you were nervous though. While hunting with the brothers, you had become almost as notorious as they had. Except to the monsters, you were “The Winchester’s and their little Whore.” Not exactly how you wanted to be known, but whatever. You killed them all in the end anyways. Demons were especially bad though. Over the years, there had been some that smoked out of their meatsuits and got away. They knew your face, your name, and if they ever found you again, they would kill you. Or worse, they would hurt Mary…
You tried not to think these thoughts though. You wanted to at least try to have a good time with your best friend. The odds of running into a demon were super slim anyways. Orlando was big enough, you’d be fine. You didn’t think you would run into anyone you knew, but apparently fate had other plans. You saw them before they saw you luckily; and managed to grab Tori and steer her away from the situation.
“Tori, someone I know from my past is here at this bar, and I really don’t want to be in there. Can we please go somewhere else? I promise I will make it up to you, I just…I-I can’t be in there…”
Tori wore a look of bewilderment on her face. “Y/N, are you serious?” All you could do was nod your head. You really didn’t want to see Sam and Dean.
“Okay okay. Clearly you’re freaked out by this person, so I won’t push the topic right now. But in the morning, when we’re sober, you are going to tell me about whoever it is. Got it?” You nodded your head again in response. “You’re just lucky I had bar hopping planned woman,” she added with a devious smirk.
“You know I haven’t had any form of alcohol since I got pregnant. Are you trying to kill me? I mean, I’m probably gonna have 1 beer and fall over babe!”
Her grin grew at that. “I forgot to tell you…we have one rule for the night. No wine or beer.”
“Well, I’m drinking soda! I have no intentions of killing my liver in one night.”
“Yeah…there’s no soda or water either unless you drink it alongside the alcohol. That’s rule number two.”
“Holy shit Tori. You’re actually going to kill me tonight. You want my little Mary that badly?” you teased her.
“Oh shit! You caught me! Whatever will I do for a genius plan now, Mr. Roadrunner?”
“Well you’re not taking my daughter!” You feigned shock as you started running away.
With that you both burst out laughing, accidentally drawing the attention of some people in the streets. And since you were actually enjoying yourself, you didn’t notice the man who had come rushing out of the bar behind you. And he had heard the whole conversation.
Dean’s POV
“Sammy! Where you goin’? We just got here!”
“I just…I thought I saw someone. I’ll be right back. I promise.”
Sam practically ran out of the bar. “What the hell has gotten into him?” Maybe he saw another Jess look alike. Poor kid. I continued nursing my whiskey, still thinking of Y/N. I was jerked out of my thoughts as Sam came back in. He had a look on his face that was a mixture of confusion and shock. That can’t be good…
“Dude…I just saw Y/N.”
My breath caught in my throat. “Uh…yeah…I was uhh-I was gonna surprise you with a visit to her once we finished the case. But she lives about 30 minutes away, so I figured we could go see her once the case was all wrapped up. She’s out now, so she doesn’t want us coming around unless we’re trouble free.”
“You…Dean how…You knew she was here??? And you didn’t think to tell me?!” His voice was laced with anger.
“Yeah Sam. She didn’t want anyone to know where she is. She’s out, and she wants it to stay that way. She doesn’t want trouble showing up on her doorstep all the time, and for a very good reas-”
“Yeah, like the fact that she has a kid? Named Mary, I might add.”
I sputtered on my drink after slamming it down on the bar top. “The kid’s name is Mary?” I couldn’t manage anything above a whisper; partially because of the whiskey in my lungs, but mostly because of the feeling of being punched in the gut.
“Yeah Dean, the kid’s name is Mary. Just like mom.”
“Why the hell would she name her daughter Mary?” I said, almost to myself. That awful gut feeling was back. “CAS get your feathered ass down here right now or so help me-”
“What is it you need so urgently Dean, I am busy watching over someone else.”
“Does that someone happen to be named Mary?”
“I…Dean it’s…complicated…”
“Oh yeah, it’s so complicated Cas. Who is Mary’s father?”
“I cannot divulge that information Dean.”
“God dammit Cas tell me right the fuck now!”
“Dean I-” Cas sighed. “You should go talk to Y/N. She is at a bar called Cheers. It’s just up the street. Be cautious though, her friend does not know who you are or the life that Y/N had with you both. For what it’s worth, she is hurting very badly in this situation. She misses you both very much…”
“Sam, I need to talk to Y/N. Alone, please.”
“Of course Dean. I’ll go wait by Baby. Call me if you need me, or if you go anywhere. Alright?”
“Yeah whatever. See you soon.”
I took off down the street at a furious pace, hoping that my speed will help diminish the rage in my body. I made it to the bar in less than 5 minutes, and spotted her almost immediately. As I strode towards her, I heard her laugh. God damn that laugh. I want to be so mad at her right now, but I feel my anger melting away the closer I get. This woman does things to me.
Her friend was facing my direction and must have seen me coming. The smile slowly faded from her face as she said something to Y/N quickly; but I was quicker. I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around to face me as she let out a little squeak of surprise. Her friend stood there with a shocked look on her face.
“Hey dollface. We need to talk right now.”
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