#about to throw hands with my brain i stg
nintendont2502 · 1 year
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Time for my monthly "I don't know how to interact with people and my friends all secretly find me annoying/think im childish" crisis! Right in time for Christmas!! Agh!!!
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tearueful · 4 months
Round 2. I'm obsessed w/ him so I cannot resist sending Noir
Also going to throw Butcher at you (You can do them in separate posts if you want)
These two I have a LOT LESS THOUGHTS about because they're not Homelander or my other 2 favs BUT:
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Black Noir
Sexuality Headcanon: Post-brain damage? Asexual Gender Headcanon: Eh, I doubt Noir cares anymore so gender fluid A ship I have with said character: No one actually?? He's too removed from everyone to want to hold anyone's hand. The brain damage and muteness makes Noir feel like he'd pull away from everyone. Still, I'd love to see some Noir x Kimiko stuff for OBVIOUS reasons. A BROTP I have with said character: Noir and Homelander were besties as much as anyone can be with Homelander. Homelander looked up to Noir given that Noir looked out for him in the beginning. A NOTP I have with said character: Anything with Soldier Boy. FUCKING SOLDIER BOY. A random headcanon: Before the head trauma, Earving wanted that mask off but after that? The suit and mask became more of a security blanket, a means to hide the physical and mental trauma Soldier Boy inflicted on him. A blatant barrier between him and the rest of the world to keep him safe. General Opinion over said character: Wasted potential. They never utilized Black Noir enough beyond someone to be a silent threat. The dynamic between him and Homelander could have used more exploration. I'd love a spin off series about Payback to get more of Earving. (He a cutie~) The scene where he tries to distract the little boy with the plushie. 🥺
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William "BIlly" Butcher
Sexuality Headcanon: The white cis het boy energy gives me psychic damage, but heteroflexible. Gender Headcanon: See above A ship I have with said character: Okay my SURPRISE fav? Hughie and Butcher, all because of ONE FANFIC that scratched ALL the proper itches. Subby Butcher? ACTUALLY YES, makes 300% sense. Butchlander is fine, but he's always an aggressive top and- Do you see this man? He wants his chin cupped tenderly while you tell him how good he's being for you. (I RECOGNIZE MY FELLOW SUBS, THANK YOU.) A BROTP I have with said character: MM, Frenchie, and Butcher. The OG Boys team. I love watching them. Hughie, Kimiko, Starlight's dynamic with Butcher, too. Okay, any of the Boys with Butcher. A NOTP I have with said character: ???? BIlly will fuck anyone. Just get him drunk first. A random headcanon: Fuck it. Butcher is a submissive in the bedroom. He's a brat type. He wants to be tamed. (He's just like me fr) He's a cocky little shit always in control and self-assured and let me tell you boys and girls, that man needs a safe space to put all his trust in someone else behind closed doors. He HAS A MIGHTLY NEED. (just like me frfr) He's a manic mess right now because he's not getting to let go of everything and hand control to someone else. Someone put a collar on his neck and maybe he'd calm down. General Opinion over said character: Hey it's Bones! I hate his beard. Hey, what the fuck do you mean he's suppose to be British!? BILLY STOP MAKING BAD DECISIONS. BILLY I FUCKING HATE YOU, BILLY I STG DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE. BILLY, NO! Butcher endlessly frustrates me with his stupid man pain and REVEENGGEEE need. Shut up and go to therapy, you stinky man.
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season finale of Velma
honestly? it was actually not bad. the ending actually tied things together pretty well, though it makes me wish we’d spent more of the season actually working on solving the mystery instead of just the last 3-4 episodes, but it is what it is
last two episodes get an 8/10, season as a whole I’d give a 6.5/10
overall as soon the first two episodes were over and stopped making the show as... inappropriate...... it was much better. the last two episodes had much less cringeworthy moments and was actually really interesting to watch.
I still wouldn’t recommend watching the season (bc let’s be fair.) but as I said a ton of times before, if they just stopped leaning on the nsfw stuff this show would be SO much better. the writing just needs to be better, but the voice acting, art style, and animation are still peak.
it has an amazing set-up and at least the mystery-aspect of the first season was pretty good, just.... please do better with the writing and the other dialogue.
spoilers below with a much more detailed review, including my takes on the characters
they actually ended up tying the four (obviously without Scoob) core members of the gang together, which is cool, and it’s especially good that they’re all fighting over each other for some reason. they introduced a reason for Shaggy and Fred to actually like interact with each other with Shaggy killing Fred’s mom. they started fighting over it in the end and I smell some enemies to lovers in that direction
there’s some weird love triangle that got yeeted into play during the last episode which is just,,, pls let Daphne and Velma be together fr,,, why is Shaggy in this picture at all LOL??? Velma was legitimately such a shit friend to him idk why he’s still on that train
(oh and I stg if Velma ends up like, actually developing a crush on him I’m going to throw hands BC SHE LITERALLY USED HIM ALL SEASON??? THIS IS NOT HEALTHY)
(I should mention that they confirmed season 2 was greenlit despite the bad reviews LMFAO, I mean the show really isn’t as bad as most people have been making it out to be but I 100% understand the controversies,,,,,)
so Velma’s mom was technically the culprit (so I was teeeechnically right), but it actually being Fred’s mom makes so much sense??? it never occurred to me that the brain-swapping shit wasn’t just to yeet people from existence, but to possibly make a living person more likable. it was good though, they did drop a shitload of hints and the mystery actually made sense, not to mention there was a good ol’ unmasking (which also got interrupted! the villain actually had a backup plan!)
(they also had a semi-traditional Scooby chase scene a few episodes back that I forgot to mention, but the amount of 4th wall breaks that happened in it...)
I honestly wish all iterations of Daphne moving forwards are as vocal and genuinely badass as the one in this current show. her redesign and character are SO much better (she’s also the only one who genuinely improved) and while yes, the whole drug dealing thing wasn’t great (AGAIN THAT WASN’T A PERMANENT THING, stop acting like it IS, she wanted to know who her fucking biological parents were and didn’t have the funds), she acted almost exactly as I’d expected a past Daphne would have acted (aka I lowkey??? characterized her that way in my chapter fic???). people have been complaining about her the least and so I think there’s at least some sort of a consensus that her character works.
I hope that this is a good direction to make Velma less... rude. honestly, it feels lowkey like a riff on MI Velma where she’s constantly sassy, but like this isn’t even just sass, it’s just her being shitty to friends as a whole and pretending it’s not an issue. I hope they actually give her character development bc so far it just feels like people are liking her despite her rudeness and it’s like,,,, in what world does this work???? I feel like the only thing she’s learned is that her ignoring Shaggy is what set him off, but it still feels like she’s just. Using Him. and I hate that the only way they can portray understanding other characters is through romantic love. like no Velma and Shaggy can still be best friends for Velma to love him. but this show’s Velma would need to fucking fix herself first like
Shaggy is just. man. they gave him some character development only to literally undo it in the matter of five seconds bc Velma had a revelation. ALSO his redesign was just not needed, like they honestly just shouldn’t have changed him so drastically??? he was iconic and it didn’t need fixing, not to mention that everyone else’s redesign actually looks like the original. Velma’s skin color got darker as a result of her being South Asian and Daphne’s eyes were changed to reflect the fact that she’s Asian in the show, but that was it, so idk why Shaggy became a whole new person entirely. Shaggy’s dad looks more like Shaggy and that’s depressing. he looks and acts more like an OC than anything and most of the time I don’t even register him as Shaggy, he’s just another guy. I can’t even talk much ab him bc it’s just.... not it.
Fred???? dude idk why back when the show started airing everyone was talking about how Fred was the funniest part of the show bc. he WASN’T. he literally made the show so much worse, like they literally made him incapable of anything and he embodied toxic masculinity sm that it was painful to watch. he did, however, get a decent amount of character development, and it was at least an interesting turn of events to watch him actually stop being as much of a goddamn wuss and someone who literally could not exist for two seconds without someone taking care of him (only for his own mother to use that against him in the next scene, but we’ll just ignore that.) they did start taking steps in the right direction where Fred started actually learning to do things on his own, but I feel like a big reason as to why he ended up becoming this way is BECAUSE of his own mother. not that’s an excuse for the way they absolutely butchered his character but honestly I hope they fix it.
anyway if season 2 actually doesn’t get cancelled and makes it out, just. writing. focus on the goddamn writing. please.
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sword-and-lance · 1 year
I had to literally go nap and then walk 2 miles to get my brain to stop howling along at a bazillion miles a second until I felt like my head was about to explode
reeeeeally not sure what the difference between "memory" and "soul" is, game, y'all keep using those interchangeably and I am Confused As Fuck and likely gonna just ignore that in my own personal canon at this point lmao
good I am completely vindicated about pretty much everything about Athena, namely: yeah she's always just been Like That, y'know, an asshole (also that really unnerving bright blue eye color was an A+ choice good job on the design there). That entire thing was chilling as fuck
the P12 music sounding like a fuckin dance remix made me cackle though, Athena throwing the BEST raves over here, you go girl even if you're probably about to wind up in Runya's head sorry
Lahabrea you're bizarrely calm about this whole thing?
MY BELOVED, THOUGH. god you're such a fucking mess Lahabrea I fucking love you even though Nereus is 200% not about to allow you to just run off into the literal aether like that in my own canon <3
okay okay even if the Hegemone thing very neatly dovetails with a headcanon I have (namely: she didn't have many friends and Athena 200% took advantage of that), that was one helluva ass pull at the last second
It makes much more thematic sense to have Lahabrea re-merge himself for the sake of making Zodiark IMO but I get that they wanted/needed to show that he actually. did that. and that's fine I guess even if my own canon's gonna go with the Zodiark idea lmao
Themis, bb ;n; you need a hug dude I'm so sorry
working out what I wanna do with Nemesis and Nereus here is gonna be ~*kind of ass*~ but I'll figure it out lmao
The actual fights weren't too too bad to sightread but I stg the snapshotting got me a solid few times and that fucking spiderweb bridge in P10 is a shit and a half to navigate and my friend with hand mobility issues was also having Problems (TM) there despite being fine everywhere else, which is no bueno))
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I seriously agree with the ranting anon, oc's character is not a good person😭 she doesn't deserve the horrible things that happened to her! But shes selfish and entitled like the Prince and a huge hypocrite. I was so surprised that the smut scene came so fast, it was like whiplash. I would honestly expect a cold shoulder for at least a week, and I would never expect oc to literally throw herself and beg for him. It seems like she didn't actually go back to stop the war (that's just what she's telling herself to make her feel better about choosing beomgyu over taehyun), she just wanted to feel loved and obsessed over again. Taehyun is honestly the most level headed and consistent character in the story, and that says a lot, he has a good reason to act the way he does but oc did live a good life before she learned the truth about it. And one thing that irked me was when she said "her and beomgyus entire sense of self worth is an inconvenience to taehyun??" BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP HIS FATHER LITERALLY TORTURED HIM AS A CHILD AND YOU GUYS GOT THE COLD SHOULDER??? I stg . I think oc should and will probably develop emotionally because right now she probably feels worthless and like beomgyu and taehyun are the only people in her life who care for her (technically they are), because I see what taehyuns means about what's on the inside since if she really was strong minded she would rule with taehyun perfectly. My heart hurts for her but my brain hurts too.
She was planning to give him the cold shoulder and make him fawn over her trying to make it up to her like he did last time so when HE gave her the cold shoulder she couldn't handle it because it's gyu he's always all over her that's what she came home for because tyun wasn't giving her what she craved and then gyu decides he doesn’t want her anyone??? Bitch changed up real fast lol
Tbf she really did want to stop the war but she also was looking for an excuse to go back to gyu while making it seem like it's the morally right thing to do, like she's doing the altruistic thing
Now tyun obviously got the worst hand out of all of them but when it comes to people's trauma, you can't really make it a competition. Oc lived a comfortable life in the palace but she was abandoned and completely cut off from her family as a child and she was always treated as less than and basically bullied all her life just to discover that they think of her even less than she thought they did and that her one true love basically owns her. That's gotta fuck you up. As for gyu he was made to feel like he's useless and a burden to his father and nuisance to everyone else. Ofc that isn't as bad as tyun's upbringing but it's still very traumatic
Yeah oc could've ruled beside tyun but she didn't want that life like she thought she did.
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hiccanna-tidbits · 2 years
Y’all git HYPED, because this is my first-ever crack at Established Relationship Hiccanna!!! Get ready for some of that sweet sweet “Anna is insecure about ‘not standing out’ in any super obvious way but Hiccup reassures her in the most blunt but effective way possible” trope that I’ve been meaning to really delve into since forever :D I love how he’d be really calm and patient with her when she needs it but also would straight up say “Uhhhh that’s bullshit???” when she starts talking bad about herself. Like YES king say it how it IS :O He’s also just. Genuinely confused, like??? HOW is it possible for people see his girlfriend as any less awesome than he sees her??? Including (and ESPECIALLY) his girlfriend herself??? Like it straight up Does Not Compute, Hiccup.exe has stopped working, please try again later
Yes, Insecure Anna is just as worthy of love as Confident and Self-Assured Anna and if anyone wants to dispute this and act like she doesn’t “deserve” Hiccup because she hasn’t totally conquered her self-loathing tendencies yet (but she’s working on it!!!) then I will throw ALL the hands with you I stg
Fair warning that this ended up being a shamelessly self-indulgent, projection-filled ventfic, because I needed an avenue through which to bitch about a very specific issue XD Anyways, to all the girlies who have ever sat in awkward, uncomfortable silence while your friends all talk super excitedly about some piece of media you’ve never seen/weren’t that into and you feel like you have nothing to add and also your friends aren’t bothering to bring you into the conversation...this one’s for you!!! :D
Also, not me using Anna to deal with my ADHD issues again XD Sadly, that classic shit attention span extends to literally everything, not just boring and lame school and work stuff. I can zone out during practically anything, even the most interesting movie/show/RPG game. Like I’m not bored, my brain just needed a smoke break and now all my friends are gonna think I’m stupid af for it ^^; Fun times! Also not me writing Hiccup reassuring Anna the same way I wish someone would reassure me--
Apologies in advance for potentially OOC Jack...I needed someone for Anna to squabble with a bit, so I upped his Little Shit tendencies just a bit XD In my defense, I DO think given whatever the Modern AU equivalent of “300 years of loneliness” is (probably something mental illness related), Jack would be drawn to more dark, “broody” media because he would feel like it better reflected his experiences. Anna, meanwhile, is like “To hell with this bleak grimdark shit, why would I watch something that just makes me even more miserable???” I do have them bicker a little For The Drama, but it’s mostly all in good fun XD
Not me writing fics set in winter/involving snow in some way to combat the horrible heat wave I’ve been getting where I live XD Physically I am braving 90+ degree weather, but mentally I am rolling around in a snowdrift.
Fic under the cut!!!
9:40 pm. The numbers briefly light up Anna’s phone screen as a text from Elsa slides in.
Sorry I couldn’t make it tonight. Hope you’re having fun!
Anna twirls another mozzarella stick through her marinara sauce, watching the viscous red liquid seep into the gaps in the crumbly, golden-orange crust. With a little imagination, it could be a very crispy, basil-speckled submarine being sucked into a massive blood whirlpool. Now that’s a movie she would see—provided the blood looks fake enough, anyways. (She does not go to the cinema to get nauseous and uneasy, thank you very much—school does that plenty enough as it is.)
She is having fun. She’s having immense fun. How could she not be? She’s eating delicious empty calories, she’s surrounded by her best friends, and Hiccup is turning 19 in about an hour and a half. She’s at her best friend’s—pardon her, her new boyfriend’s—birthday outing and she is having the time of her life.
Or at least she should be.
It was an event they had all been planning for months. The new sci-fi thriller, Cold Life, was all Hiccup could talk about. An ambitious project based on a comic book series Anna had never heard of (as so many sci-fi thrillers were), the plot centered around a ragtag group of time travelers trying to prevent the heat death of the multiverse while also not causing too many timeline overlaps and unraveling reality. So you know. Very low stakes.
They made a movie night out of it, buying tickets a week in advance and surprising Hiccup with reserved seats in the back of an iMax theater. They bustled their way in and paired off, as they so often did, organizing by who was most comfortable whispering and joking under their breath to who. Anna watched the movie eating popcorn with one hand and holding Hiccup’s with the other (she’s still getting used to being allowed to do that), and now she’s sitting in a sparkly blue plastic diner booth, delicately picking at her food in such a way to make it last as long as possible.
It isn’t that she’s not hungry. She’s always some degree of hungry. In a world where she was her most authentic self, the chicken Florentine panini, the mozzarella stick appetizer, the onion rings, and the honey mustard sauce would be gone within minutes of being delivered. The reason they are all still on her plate in some capacity is because they’re keeping her busy enough to not look…
Well, busy enough to not look like she shouldn’t be there.
She looks up for the first time in a while, tearing off the end of the marinara-soaked cheese strip as she scans the diner booth. The lively conversations—the same type that usually give her some degree of comfort and belonging—are starting to agitate her.
They shouldn’t be. The topics are innocent enough. Merida and Astrid are raving about how epic the movie’s fight choreography was, occasionally ripping off pieces of honey chipotle wings with their teeth for emphasis. Rapunzel and Moana are wrapped up in an animated discussion about all sorts of visual imagery and motifs and other such things, trying to meander their way toward a conclusion about the meaning of the recurring pink glow on the horizon. Flynn and the twins are rating the explosions (of which there were many, despite explosions being impossible in the oxygen-devoid environment of outer space) with a surprising amount of thought. Mavis is spearheading a deep dive with Tooth and Johnny into the psyche of a character Anna found rather irritating. Finally, next to Anna, Hiccup and Jack are arguing over themes, and whether Cold Life is making a statement for or against the idea of inevitability.
Usually when they go out with friends like this, one of Hiccup’s hands is always reserved for Anna to hold. They’re still getting used to being together, and sometimes Anna (or both of them, for all she knows) needs a reminder it’s real. For years and years it was only ever friends—Anna gazing longingly when his back was turned, drawing hearts around their names in her notebook margin and covering them up when anyone looked. Wondering how he’d feel wrapped around her, or pressed up against her while they slept. Daydreaming about flooding his locker with candy boxes on valentine’s day. She’s still in shock from bumbling her sorry way through asking him out and him actually saying yes.
Yeah, I’ll go see Black Hole Tyrannosaur with you. You want to grab ice cream afterwards? Absolutely fucking surreal.
Black Hole Tyrannosaur, for what it’s worth, was very good. The concept of going through a wormhole and finding a planet containing several extinct animals who had fallen through gaps in space-time sounded ridiculous, but the practical effects were solid and the characters funny enough to make it a delightful ride.
They’d held hands across the seat, sprouting a tradition of linking one pair of hands and using the other to share popcorn. Anna glances at Hiccup’s hands now, one making slicing motions to indicate how distinctly the movie laid out that butterfly effect-style change is always possible and the other clutching the side of his head the way it always did when he was frustrated.
Usually he can convey his points well enough with one-handed gestures, but today is his birthday. He deserves to utilize the full power of elaborate, sweeping hand motions to discuss Cold Life. She’ll let the hand-holding rule slide, if only for one day.
Anna takes a long sip of the cookies and cream milkshake she and Hiccup are sharing, and feels a deep pit start to settle in her stomach.
It isn’t that she didn’t like the movie. It had some interesting concepts, and it entertained her well enough. She rarely got bored, per se.
It’s just that it’s one of those movies where you have to have your whole brain turned on. Whirring at 100% capacity the entire time, or you’ll miss about 16 important details. And then later details build off those details, and later details build off those ones. It’s an endless cycle of “if you zone out for a few minutes, you’re fucked.” And then when you try to play mental catch-up, you miss yet another plot-relevant piece of info.
Hiccup loves this kind of stuff. He loves sinking his fingers into complicated things and picking them apart to see how they work. He has an eye for detail that she could never dream of, and a knack for piecing them together like some kind of mental jigsaw puzzle. He’s probably the smartest person she knows. (Still a little shocking to her that he found her to be anywhere near his supreme Level of Brain.)
It's not that Anna isn’t smart. She can usually follow Hiccup fine when they’re chatting about this or that or the other, discussing pressing concerns like the future of AI or whether single-biome planets like the ones in Star Wars could actually exist. Not to mention she’s beaten him in chess. Several times.
It’s just that her brain is constantly running on full power mode. It’s the only way to keep up with her classes, no matter how wired and anxious it leaves her 24/7. And nowadays, even during what’s technically her downtime, her poor brain is spluttering and overheating like a computer that no one ever shuts down.
She couldn’t keep it on full power for an entire 2 and a half hour film even if she wanted to. It always flutters away mid-movie, demanding rest and leaving her at the mercy of shallow, mediocre movie takes developed by an Anna Runeardsen only half there.
And now, between her failure to keep track of Cold Life’s many timelines, her merciless confusion at the vague symbolism, and her frustration with mean characters everyone else seemed to think were fascinating and deep, Anna suspects she arrived at a very surface-level and mediocre take indeed. From what she overhears of the babble around her, she wouldn’t have anything to add—or worse, would cause a stir by accidentally disagreeing with something everyone else is in solid accord about.
All right, no more lying to herself. This sucks. Never in her life has she felt so painfully boring.
She considers trying to butt into Flynn and the twins’ conversation—how hard could it be to have a discussion about explosions? When she checks on them again, though, they’re packing up. From what Anna overhears, Flynn is apparently taking Ruffnut and Tuffnut to some monster truck show, so they can’t stay all night.
Do they even have monster truck shows in this city? If they do, Anna sure wasn’t aware. She wonders if the three of them are bored and faking an excuse to leave, although Ruffnut’s enthusiastic speculation about which unlucky car would be crushed the flattest seems to indicate otherwise.
Anna scans the table again, assessing her remaining options. Rapunzel and Moana have moved on to talking about some weird little piano leitmotif Anna completely missed. Mavis’s miniature discussion circle is now analyzing the main love interest, a rather nasty woman who used her tragic backstory of finding out she was an “accident” and her general bitterness over being infertile as justification to implode an entire timeline.
Her eyes pause on Jack and Hiccup, now discussing the “brilliance” of the ending. Though they seem to be disagreeing over what details they did and didn’t like, the general consensus was that the entire finale was very, very good.
Jack is being particularly insufferable about it, seemingly incapable of shutting up about what a mad genius Directorman Whatshisface is. During his spiel, he seems to be on a mission to dip his fries in every available substance on the table—honey mustard, ketchup, Merida’s chipotle aioli, Hiccup’s side of Ranch, the table sugar jar, someone’s abandoned spare BBQ sauce, Hiccup’s soda, Merida’s lemonade, his own mint chocolate shake. He barely seems fazed by even the most disturbing of combinations.
“Hey Jack,” Anna pipes up. “Which one tastes the best?”
“Huh?” He looks at her, blinking in confusion before he realizes what he’s subconsciously been doing.
“The ranch,” he says cheekily. “No question.”
And just like that, he’s back to gushing about the poetic cinema of the last 20 minutes of Cold Life. So much for getting him to change the subject to something she could talk about without making an idiot of herself.
“Okay, yeah, yeah, I get it, you think it’s brilliant that all their efforts were for nothing. I want to hear what Anna thought.”
Anna isn’t sure how long Jack has been going on when she hears Hiccup say her name. “Huh?”
Hiccup turns and smiles at her. “I want your input. I know those like…hopeless, depressing endings movies do sometimes aren’t your cup of tea, so I was wondering how this one fared.”
Anna blinks, eyes widening with shock. “You remembered?”
“Uh, I’m in love with you?” He looks at her like she’s completely lost her marbles. “Of course I remembered.”
Anna’s entire face grows hot, probably turning redder than the marinara sauce.
It isn’t like they haven’t exchanged “I love you”s. They’re six months in. Anna dropped an “I love you” after four (although rest assured, she knew long before they started dating—she just didn’t want to scare the poor boy off right after she somehow managed to woo him. Somehow.). He said it back after only a little contemplation (which she considered a win, from the guy who overanalyzes everything), soft and slow under a blanket fort. They’d been huddling for warmth and telling ghost stories, and when Anna accidentally came up with one so alarming she freaked herself out, she took a break from the spooky tale marathon to confess her undying love.
So yes. Factually speaking, he loves her. She loves him. It has been stated aloud many, many times at this point. Not exactly a surprise.
But every time he says it, it still feels like one.
Maybe it’s because she still, even after all this time, worries she doesn’t deserve it. Maybe it’s because she’s not used to people loving her and being so upfront and straightforward about it. Maybe it’s because the mere concept of someone she loves reciprocating the sentiment with equal or greater intensity will never not shock her.
Anna has never had reason to hold a particularly high opinion of herself. The idea of anyone thinking so much of her is still a little hard to grasp.
She’s never been first-in-line for anyone’s heart, or been anyone’s top choice. But now, with Hiccup looking at her like that, she can believe she’s his.
He isn’t exactly talking quietly, either. Hiccup has never been particularly loud—much to the chagrin of many of his more rowdy, boisterous family members, who always complain he’s no fun at parties. While not exactly soft-spoken, he didn’t often care to raise his voice and preferred a tone that could devolve into inconspicuous mutters if needed. Generally speaking, Hiccup cared quite a bit more about the cleverness of the things he said rather than the volume at which he said them.
And yet here he is, announcing that he’s in love with her so noisily that several of their friends look up in surprise. His enunciation leaves no room for argument, either—the oft-present incoherent mumbles and splutters have apparently gone on sabbatical.
He’s speaking with an open confidence Anna doesn’t often hear.
“I mean…I, uh…”
Anna isn’t so lucky.
“Good, right?” Jack cuts her off, mouth full of French fry, before she can stumble very far. “There’s something so beautifully ironic about them ripping themselves apart hopping between universes and sacrificing their own timeline versions of themselves…and then their plan still doesn’t work. And for a second there, you really thought everything was going to be fine! Like the way they set it up to trick you was brilliant—”
“I don’t necessarily think—”
As usual, it’s difficult to get a word in edgewise once Jack is off on a rant. “Kinda underlies this idea that you can try really, really hard, and still fail. That people with the best intentions can do everything right and still get fucked over. Like, that’s just life, you know?” He punctuates the statement with a bite of an onion ring dipped in tabasco sauce.
Anna frowns. “That doesn’t really—”
“And the twist of the heroes being punished when they fucked up, but the villains ultimately getting rewarded? Solid.” The bite of onion ring is not nearly long enough to slow Jack down. “I never see movies ballsy enough to flat-out show that evil rich people can buy their way out of trouble. At least not without some kind of ‘karma’ coming for them. Which it doesn’t in the real world, since karma isn’t really a thing.”
“Seems a little bleak, don’t you think?” By some miracle, Hiccup manages to cut in. “This idea that any efforts to spearhead positive change in society are ultimately doomed.”
“That’s not really the point, though. It’s more about how all societies will eventually end, and trying to prolong the inevitable is a waste of your own existence—”
“Will they, though?” Hiccup interrupts Jack a little more boldly as they fall into their usual movie-arguing rhythm. “I mean, no future time travelers have come from the end of the universe and told us for sure.”
“It’s likely.” Jack takes a noisy sip of his green-and-brown milkshake. “Entropy ultimately prevails and all that.”
“But there’s no point.” Anna finds herself shoving her way in before she can second-guess it. “I mean, like…what’s the purpose of showing us a story where nothing gets accomplished in the end? What am I supposed to take away from that?”
For a moment, Jack looks surprised before the usual air of self-assurance returns. “No, no, I think you’re misunderstanding,” he says around a mouthful of fry. “There’s not supposed to be a point for the characters. The point for us is that there’s no point for them. It’s kind of showing how everything we do is meaningless in the face of a cold, uncaring universe.” He grins, like he just put in the last piece of a particularly tricky jigsaw puzzle.
Ah, so this is the answer that she’s been missing for so long. Complete and utter nihilism.
“You seem oddly sanguine about all this,” Hiccup notes. Jack only smirks, raising his milkshake like he’s making a toast.
“What can I say? I’m just speaking the facts.”
Anna felt one hand clench into a fist under the table, the other starting to whittle away at the wood beside her placemat with green fingernails. It’s hard to tell if he’s actually that smug, or if he’s just trying to get a rise out of her. Maybe both.
Probably the latter. He’s not above causing a stir to get the attention on him. She’s not so different from him that way—dismissed and overlooked for much of her life, always wanting to be seen.
Still, there are other ways to go about it without talking over her. Or her boyfriend, for that matter.
“I guess you aren’t wrong,” Hiccup says, though he sounds resigned.
Jack looks briefly appalled that that was even considered a possibility. “Psh. Of course I’m not. Seriously great ending, though. I was more impressed than I’ve been in a while.”
“Yeah, kept you on your toes.” Hiccup doesn’t sound quite as enthusiastic as before. “Certainly couldn’t say it’s predictable, that’s for sure.”
“Really subverted all the stuff you—”
“Well, I thought the ending was stupid.”
She surprises herself with how ferocious she sounds.
As so often occurs, the entire table happens to go quiet the second she calls attention to herself.  Her friends all turn to stare, and she suddenly wonders if she’s made a grave mistake.
Maybe she should take it back. Force an anxious laugh, say she was kidding. Let Jack have his fifteen minutes of movie analysis fame while she goes back to hiding behind the remains of her panini. Maybe she shouldn’t stir up controversy and strife at her very own boyfriend’s birthday outing.
Then something warm settles over her fingers, still digging nervous trenches in the wooden table. She feels a thick hand curl around her own, and some of the tension trickles down her back and out of her body.
A couple quick squeezes, subtle but unmistakable. It’s a small gesture, but Anna knows exactly what it means.
I’ve got your back.
He’s taken to doing it when the old, rusty metaphorical springs that make up her body get coiled a bit too tight. It helps drain out the worst of the anxiety, social or otherwise, and get her bent back into place.
She glances up. Hiccup is giving her a soft look, encouraging and perhaps even a little…eager.
Right. He’s in love with her. He’s probably not lying about that. If he’s in love with her, he’ll probably want to hear her opinions. That logically tracks, right?
He gives her a small nod, as if to say go on.
And so she does. No turning back now—she has to commit to the bit, at least.
“So nothing they do will ever be able to save the multiverse.” She crosses her arms. “They try, and they fail, and they go back in time, and they try, and they fail again, and they keep doing that until they dissolve into the space-time continuum and cease to be, blah blah blah. It’s boring. It’s the same objective with the same result every single time.”
“Well, yeah, but the thing that makes it entertaining is the variety of ways in which they fuck up.” Jack smirks.
“Sure, the first few times. Then eventually it’s like…okay, is this going anywhere? Is it gonna show me some epic thing that makes all of this worth spending three hours getting my brain sliced up and handed to me? And then, to top it all off, you get Clinical Depression: Movie Finale Edition!”
She spreads her hands wide as she says it, mouth hanging open in mock wonder.
“I still don’t think you’re getting it.” Jack’s smirk turns to a frown. “It’s not really about some big dramatic reveal. In the real world, you don’t always get to know the how or the why of things. They just happen.”
There’s a note of bitterness in his voice, like he has quite a few of his own unanswered questions. A predicament that apparently he wants to see reflected in media everywhere so as to not feel alone.
Anna almost feels sorry for him until he continues talking.
“I mean…come on. Not every ending can be this cheerful ‘friendship and teamwork save the day’ thing. Anyways, it wouldn’t make sense for the story. If you pay attention to the plot structure, like Hiccup was saying earlier, it’s more narratively satisfying to end on a bleak note.” Jack sips his milkshake smugly before popping another handful of fries in his mouth. Hiccup looks away, eyeing the table guiltily. “Honestly, I think more movies could use endings where—”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Jack.”
Jack freezes mid-chew, the end of a French fry poking from his lips. The entire table turns to stare at Anna again.
She glances over the shocked faces of her friends, suddenly feeling mortified. Jack looks like he got smacked with a mallet.
“Oh, gosh.” She shrinks back into her seat, studying the few bites left of her panini. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped. Geez. That was so rude, I—”
“Are you kidding?!” Hiccup’s voice cuts in, and a hearty hand slaps her back. “Annihilate him, babe.”
She looks up to see the shock has faded from Jack’s eyes to be replaced with…an almost playful glint. He’s not mad, she realizes. Not even annoyed. More intrigued than anything.
He’s challenging her. Which is good, as he is, from this moment forward, essentially consenting to being annihilated.
“I can’t deal with you right now.” She leans back in her seat, letting out the most exaggerated groan possible. “You’re so ridiculous. ‘Ooooooh, look at me, I’m such a deep and profound movie where everything sucks and nothing gets any better! I’m gonna win an Oscar because the movie awards committee loves pain and suffering and they think the only way to be respectable is to wallow in your own sadness and misery!’ Give me a fucking break. You think I need to be told by some...brainscrewey movie that sometimes things go to shit?! My life has been going to shit for years. And I don’t think I’m the only one. I mean…we’re all kind of fucked, right? Not like our majors are gonna make us more than pennies.”
She looks around at her friends, all studying liberal arts or humanities or whatever other field that was absolutely not hiring. Hiccup was maybe the only exception, with his path toward an engineering bachelor’s.
They stare back at her, eyes growing even wider. Apparently the perpetual optimist talking with absolutely 0 filter whatsoever isn’t something you see every day.
“The Adderall doesn’t always work, y’know.” She knows she’s oversharing now, but she doesn’t care. “Neither does the Zoloft. Or whatever else I try. I’m panickey, I’m stressed all the time, I pretend I have a promising future to keep myself sane but I really, really don’t. I see the world and the economy and the environment and all this stuff like…falling apart around us, and I need to delude myself into believing maybe everything’s going to be okay or I’ll lose it. And you think a movie about people giving their all to prevent a disaster and failing miserably every time is what anyone needs?!”
There’s a short pause before Jack speaks up again, this time lifting a finger insightfully.
“But narratively speaking—”
“Well, fuck the narrative!” Anna starts frantically waving her hands around, copying Hiccup’s over-the-top gestures in her desperation to get her point across. “Maybe if its message is this shitty ‘nothing you do will ever matter’ thing, then the narrative is what needs to change, not get an equally-shitty ending to go with it. I mean, last I checked, people watch movies for fun, and like…who enjoys feeling hopeless, crushing despair?! How am I supposed to leave a movie theater feeling satisfied and like…generally okay about the state of the world when none of the good guys get a happy ending, and they all died for nothing?”
“Arlin got a happy ending—”
“Fuck her too!” Before Anna knows it, she’s picking up an onion ring drenched in honey mustard and chucking it across the table. Drops of yellow goo fly onto her friends’ faces, and the fried vegetable lands on Jack’s cheek with a wet splat. He peels it off his face, eyeing it with distaste.
“She’s the worst,” Anna goes on emphatically. “Look, we all have problems, but you don’t see me going around and destroying timelines over it. Sorry, but I’d be different. Also, can we talk about how sexist it is that only the ‘traditional’ lady who wants babies gets a happy ending?! Bet they thought I wouldn’t notice that. Ha!” She smirks triumphantly, ripping off a piece of a mozzarella stick. “I see how it is. They think the one who wants to be a mom is the pure and virtuous and innocent one by default, so she’s the one who gets to live. But I see right through their bullshit, and I think Karis and Suret should have lived! Everyone else can die, I guess, if the plot really needs them to, but give us someone to root for, you know?”
Hiccup whistles, nudging Anna playfully. “That’s my girl!”
Anna gives him a sidelong glance, sure she’s blushing an embarrassing amount. “I’m your girl?”
He blinks. “I’d think so, unless you’re only dating me as a friend. In which case it might be necessary for us to have a talk about the nature of our relationship.”
“Did Arlin get a happy ending, though?” Moana asks. “I mean, she got stuck in that eternal time loop. And wasn’t the implication it was just a fake dream dimension?”
Rapunzel is temporarily distracted from their conversation, watching Jack with Merida and Astrid in a sort of morbid fascination. He pops the earlier-chucked onion ring in his mouth before beginning an elaborate routine to lick up the honey mustard splashed across his cheeks.
Anna shrugs. “Happy comparatively. It was still better than what everyone else got.”
“She had growth, though, man,” Johnny pipes up. Casual but insistent, in the way he has a habit of being. “At least she’s less of a jerk than she was in the beginning. So she kinda deserves it.”
“And Arlin’s psyche is so interesting!” Mavis stretches out her fingers, grinning. “Like…why did she feel so incomplete without kids? She was super well-loved by everyone for like…her whole life, so it’s not like she didn’t have a support system. And she was smart enough and rich enough to basically become whatever she wanted, so…why was she gunning so hard for her own kids? I mean, she could’ve easily been a pediatrician or a teacher or a social worker or something, if she wanted them around so badly. But she was so insistent on being a mom, so like…what is her deal?”
Before she can stop herself, Anna lets out a puff of frustration. “To be honest, it was hard for me to care when she spent most of her screentime being an asshole. Like, I know ‘unlikable main characters’ are the new fad or whatever, but they’re just…draining to watch.”
Mavis gives her a puzzled look. “Really? I love picking them apart. Trying to figure out how they work.” Johnny and Tooth nod emphatically.
Anna frowns. “So you don’t ever get like…aggravated, having to see somebody be a huge jerk over and over?”
Tooth shakes her head, rainbow-dyed hair forming a bright blur around the dark skin of her face. “Not if it’s fiction, no. I mean I would assume any reasonable person would know not to emulate that kind of thing, right?”
“But it’s not like…disheartening?”
Johnny shrugs. “Honestly makes me appreciate real actual nice people more.”
She hears a shifting in the chair next to her, and glances over to see Hiccup turning back toward them. For a time, it seems he was distracted by Jack’s show. The other boy has, to the best of his ability, cleaned the honey mustard off his face, and is now sipping his milkshake and watching Anna—the contrarian of the day, apparently—with great interest.
Hiccup opens his mouth to speak, and Anna preemptively winces. She can only imagine how inane and childish the love of her life will find her views on unlikable characters. Honestly, if this many people are looking at her like she’s nuts, she probably deserves for him to make a snide comment—
“Anything else I can get for you kids? A dessert, maybe?”
A new voice interrupts before Hiccup can realize Anna’s movie takes are probably horrendously wrong. Their waitress is standing by the booth, notepad in hand.
“Oh! Ah—” Hiccup looks down at his lap nervously, and Anna sees his eyes drift to the wallet in his back pocket. His brow creases, a note of sadness drifting onto his face.
She knows what he’s thinking. Even before they started going out, it became second nature for her to tell.
He thinks he can’t afford this.
They’re all broke college students, some more comfortable asking their parents for handouts than others. Hiccup’s the stingiest with money, with his need to prove to his dad he’s independent ensuring he spends nearly every spare moment working on-campus jobs and every paycheck only on rent and essentials. He doesn’t have much left over on less than minimum wage.
But it’s also his birthday.
“Oh—oh no, I think we’ll be okay—”
“I’ve got it.” Anna pulls out her duck-shaped purse and nearly slams it down on the table. “Are you still doing the February special? The one where you sub out chocolate ice cream for strawberry and you get a discount?”
She read about it online when they first picked the place. Something to do with having leftover strawberry-flavored stuff from not as many people ordering Valentine’s desserts as the diner planned, Anna guesses. Today’s technically the first day of March, since Hiccup’s “actual” birthday comes only once every 4 years, but perhaps it’s close enough.
The waitress nods, and Anna launches into the dessert order.
“Can we get a banana split? February special, so two strawberry scoops and a vanilla scoop. Extra caramel and hot fudge sauce. Oh! And, uh…I don’t know if pineapple’s in season this time of year, but if you have any…could you sprinkle a bit on the top?”
After the waitress leaves, Anna turns to see Hiccup gawking at her. “What?”
“I love you.”
He says it with so much force that Anna’s surprised the table doesn’t shake. Several of their friends smirk, and Anna feels her cheeks burn.
“Oh, stop it.” She rolls her eyes, smiling nervously. “It’s your birthday! You deserve nice things.”
“But…that thing costs like $10!” he spluttered, waving his hands around. “Plus tax! And…you remembered I like caramel sauce?”
It’s her turn to stare at him like he’s been claimed by insanity. “I’m in love with you? Duh.”
He dissolves into incoherent stutters, blushing like a madman, and Anna smirks triumphantly.
If her doing a nice gesture can evaporate his dignity this quickly, then perhaps he isn’t exaggerating about the high regard he views her in.
“But back to Arlin,” she says, sitting up a little straighter. “Was it just me or was the scene where she goes on and on to Cyndilla about how she wants a baby completely out of nowhere? It was so annoying—”
“You sure you’re not just projecting because you don’t want any babies?” Jack asks, cutting her off as he slurps annoyingly at his milkshake.
Anna narrows her eyes. “Say that again and I’ll use you as a projectile missile.”
Merida snorts out a laugh, giving Anna an approving nod across the table. “Drag him, lass! Ah swear, someone’s got tae.”
It’s snowing when they walk out into the parking lot.
Hiccup shivers, mouth no doubt still feeling the last traces of his birthday sundae. Smiling softly, Anna takes off her puffy magenta jacket and slips it over his shoulders. No trouble getting those skinny arms in the sleeves, though the bottom of the coat hangs a ways above his waist.
He frowns at her. “But aren’t you gonna—”
She pats his arm. “You ate ice cream. You need it more.”
The group is starting to disperse across the curb, finishing up conversations and texting their older friends for rides. No one, save maybe Jack and Rapunzel, seems keen to walk back to the dorms in the snow.
Elsa’s coming to pick Anna up soon. To what Anna’s sure would be the shock of her earlier self, she feels a prick of disappointment. She doesn’t want the night to end.
“I agree with you, by the way,” she murmurs, looping her arms around her boyfriend’s neck. “I think it was pro-inevitability—the movie, I mean. Nothing in the greater timeline changed in any meaningful way—nothing that I noticed, anyhow.”
“Ha!” Hiccup scoffs triumphantly as he wraps an arm around her waist. “I knew it. Jack’s an idiot.”
“But…” She slides a hand into his thick hair, starting to twirl stands around her finger in little circlets. “I also think its entire statement on inevitability was complete bullshit.”
He looks taken aback, leaning away from her. This only presses him farther into her massaging fingers. “What? Really?”
“Yeah, absolutely.” She snickers. “Nothing is inevitable. There’s so many of these like…” She shakes her head. “Chaotic…chance…equation things I could never hope to understand that determine the probability of everything. And as I do understand it, they have to line up just so for literally anything to happen. Saying any cause will only ever produce one specific effect no matter what, and no matter if new outside stuff crops up and complicates everything—which it inevitably will, by the way, because random unexpected shit is always happening—seems…pretty improbable to me? Like, saying you can’t avoid a certain thing when there’s so many factors that have to work together to lead to any like…event…thing, and there’s like a billion other slightly and largely-varying event kinda things possible, acting like one is all special-weshial and can’t be altered no matter what seems kinda stupid.”
“So you’re saying…nothing is inevitable?”
“Yup. Same way nothing is certain-certain.”
“Oh? So not even us falling madly in love?”
Anna scowls at him as her cheeks begin to burn. “Okay, first of all, stop trying to be cute when I’m getting a point across. Second of all, especially that.”
She snorts mockingly, and Hiccup raises an eyebrow. “Care to elaborate? I mean…I had a crush on you for ages. You liked me even longer. Why wouldn’t we have gotten together?”
She rolls her eyes. “Oh, we had all kinds of things working against us. You were so dead convinced I was out of your league for some reason, and I was terrified you’d friendzone me and it would like…totally ruin me. No offense.”
He boyfriend shrugs. “None taken.”
“Point being that it would have been so easy for both of us to just never say anything. And voila! There you have it! No more being in love and making everyone else tell us to get a room.”
She spares a sidelong glance at Merida, who’s currently glaring at them with her tongue stuck out.
“Well, we’d still be in love though, right?” Hiccup says, frowning. “We’d just be a lot more miserable about it?”
“Not necessarily. Maybe one or both of us would meet someone else we were convinced was our soulmate or whatever, and we’d get super obsessed with them. Like, to the point it seemed stupid to like anyone else. Or I’d get frustrated when you put walls up like Elsa did, and I’d stop trying to get through to you. Or you’d hear me fart in class or something, and then decide I was disgusting and never worth considering as a romantic option again.”
He pouts. “You really think I’m that shallow?”
“I doubt it.” She shrugs. “But it’s what I’ve come to expect. You ever hear that ‘never ever ever do anything gross or lame in front of the guy you like or he’ll be turned off and never consider liking you back ever again’ stuff on the internet? Had me watching my every move around you for a long time.”
Hiccup scoffs. “Well, you didn’t need to. I’ve known for years that you snore, and sometimes you stink to high heaven because you forget to put your deodorant on in the morning, and you can get so overwhelmed that you can’t bring yourself to shower for days, and you still have all your toys from when you were a kid, and you love predictable and critically-panned movies because surprises and endless trope inversions stress you out, and you panic when you have to make big decisions or decisions where you think people will hate you for getting it wrong, and guess what? I still love you.”
His volume drifts up on the last sentence, like he’s speaking over a blizzard instead of a light, silent snow shower. Anna catches glimpses of several of their friends turning to look at them.
She tenses against him, sliding her hand out of his hair. Suddenly she’s looking at the snowy concrete, unable to meet her boyfriend’s eyes. “Why do you always say it like that?”
“Say it like what?”
“Like…like loud like that. So like…any old person can hear.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Aren’t you embarrassed?” She finally looks up, grimacing slightly. “I mean—well, it’s just—I guess I wonder—aren’t I embarrassing?”
He looks genuinely perplexed. “…are you? This is news to me.”
“You’re not like…” She bites her lip anxiously, somewhat dreading the blunt answer she knows she’s going to get. Her voice softens, as though if she speaks too quietly for him to hear, she’ll have an excuse to drop the subject and put off learning what has to be a painful truth.
“You’re not embarrassed to be with me? Like…at all?”
To her surprise, his confusion only grows. “In what world would I be embarrassed to be with you?”
“I mean…I’m barely passing college. I’m addicted to Starbucks and posting food pics on Instagram and a bunch of other unoriginal ‘basic girl’ stuff. I can’t go more than a few sentences without accidentally saying something stupid. I’m super gross and can’t take care of myself half the time. My brain overwhelms itself over the dumbest things, and then I can’t function at all. I’m not really on track to become anything like…exceptional. And smart people movies fry my brain, and I probably form a whole host of bad opinions about them while I’m watching them. I’m kind of a failure.”
After a small pause, Hiccup lets out a deep sigh. “Okay, I don’t even know where to start with all that. First of all, half that stuff doesn’t matter to me. That’s what I’ve always told you, and like…let’s be real, I’m not a good liar. If I was bullshitting, you’d know by now.” He shakes his head, smiling fondly. “If any of those things did bother me on any significant level, I can assure you I never would have gone out with you in the first place. I knew you long enough to know what I was getting into, Anna. Secondly…”
He casts a glance behind her, Anna following his gaze. Jack is stuffing snow down a giggling Rapunzel’s shirt, the smug air from earlier long gone. Anna looks back to see Hiccup rolling his eyes.
“I didn’t get most of Cold Life, either. Really, I was humoring Jack more than anything, but it’s no crime not to be able to wrap your head around that clusterfuck of a movie. I was impressed that you were able to analyze as much as you did. Thirdly…”
His hands slide up her waist to firmly grasp her shoulders. “You need to listen to me here. You’re the farthest thing from a failure. You get up every morning and you work your ass off ten times harder than anyone I know—just to get through the day. You bite and claw your way through advanced high school classes and college applications and now these terrifying exams that are worth 60% of your grade, and you still somehow find the energy to look out for me when I can’t do it myself. You keep on smiling and trying to see the best in everyone and everything, even when people are awful to you and you feel like no one wants you around—absolutely not true, by the way. Honestly, I do all right in school because a lot of technical, mathy stuff comes easily to me, but…” He smiles meekly. “I wish I had half the resilience you do. I wish I knew how to bounce back when I do eventually find a class that’s too much, because gods know it takes the balls of steel you have. Or…” His cheeks flush in embarrassment. “Boobs of steel, I guess.”
“Nice.” Anna grins. “I have natural protection if someone tries to stab my lungs!”
“But…” She meets his eyes, a little embarrassed by how desperate she probably looks. “You think there’s still hope for me?”
“Absolutely. You just haven’t found your niche yet. Which is fine—most people our age haven’t, despite what stupid college marketing campaigns will try to tell you. But when you do find it? I know you’re going to kill it. Zero doubt in my mind. When you funnel all that energy into something, it’s going to blow people away.”
And then Anna Runeardsen stands on her tiptoes (curse her boyfriend’s growth spurt the last year of high school—now he towers over her and it’s really rather unfair) and kisses Hiccup Haddock like never before.
They’ve kissed probably dozens of times at this point, some more memorable than others. This one feels different, though—like something straight out of a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie.
(One where the actors have good chemistry, though. Not those lifeless budget movie kisses where it looks like two fish trying to eat each other.)
Her hand slides back up into his hair, and she breathes him in. He tastes like Oreos and hot fudge and ice cream and a shameless burst of self-confidence when she needs it the most. His lips are dry and chapped from the cold late winter air, but Anna doesn’t mind. It’s him, and that’s what matters to her.
Her heart still pounds every time, just like it did holding hands with him for the first time during a 6th grade game of Red Rover. All these years, and he still makes her feel like she’s floating on a summer breeze, wildflower aromas all around her and the sun in her hair.
Ironically, being with him is also as tranquil and easy as cloud-watching in the grass on a clear day. He excites her endlessly and keeps her grounded all at once, and she doesn’t know what she’d do without him.
Nearby, she can hear Merida gagging. This only makes Anna kiss her boyfriend harder.
When she pulls away, Hiccup’s hair is dotted with snowflakes. She smiles, brushing it out fondly.
“So,” she says cheekily. “Out of all the infinite possible timelines we exist in, I’m glad I’m in the one where I got to date you.”
He raises an eyebrow teasingly. “Are you sure? There’s probably several where you marry some famous actor, and get to livestream from a private pool all day.”
“Well…if you get that Silicon Valley job you’re striving for…” She pokes him playfully in the chest. “What’s the difference? Financially, anyhow.”
He raises a teasing eyebrow. “Anna, I don’t think you understand how money works—”
“Sure I do. There’s three categories of the monetary elite: ‘Rich’, ‘Richer’, and ‘Filthy Fucking Rich.’ And I, sir, am more than happy to just be in the ‘Rich’ category.”
He gives her a skeptical look, and she wonders if he knows she’s joking. She quickly backtracks.
“Or not. We could also be mega-broke together. I’m all right with living in a cardboard box under the freeway as long as I’m doing it with you.”
“Yeah, don’t get your hopes up about being rich.” He leans forward and kisses the side of her head. “I don’t think it’s time for us to start packing our bags for San Jose yet. I haven’t even passed my upper divs.”
Anna snorts. “You will, though. You really are the smartest person I know.”
“Maybe you have low standards, then.”
“I absolutely do not.”
There’s the soft crumbling of snow under tires, and Anna looks past Hiccup’s mop of brown hair to see a pale blue fiat pulling up to the curb.
“Looks like my ride’s here.” She leans up and plants a last kiss on his cheek. “We’ll have to continue this dispute some other time.”
“Good.” Hiccup snorts, crossing his arms. “You’ll have adequate time to realize you’re wrong.”
“I’m not,” she says breezily. “But even if I was, and you start failing absolutely every class starting tomorrow…” She blows him a kiss as she backs toward Elsa’s car. “You know I’m sticking with you no matter what, babe.”
“I love you!” He shouts the words at her as she closes the car door, loud enough for all their friends to glance at him again. Elsa snorts with laughter.
“Seems like your relationship is in terrible jeopardy,” she deadpans.
Anna snickers as her sister drives away. “Oh, yeah. I’m so concerned.”
...y’know, I thought up the “Eugene takes the twins to monster truck shows” completely on accident, but now I can’t stop thinking about it, like. Hilarious yet oddly wholesome??? For whoever was asking for more interactions between the side/supporting RotBTFD characters, I come here to deliver XD
Yes, Anna swears like a sailor because the only reason she canonically doesn’t is because she’s in a disney franchise XD She’s also older and wiser and just a little more cynical and not nearly as sold on the concepts of “destiny” and “one true love” as she once was XD I also find it extremely funny that I was combing over the dialogue and noticing some of Anna’s lines sounded more Hiccup-esque than I intended, and vice-versa...but then I realized that adopting someone’s speech patterns and mannerisms happens naturally when you date them/are around them a lot ;____; They’re absorbing parts of each other because they’re in love hELP
Amateur psychologist Mavis is so valid, I love her ;____;
For whatever reason I feel with an odd certainty that Hiccup would be a caramel guy. Also I was inspired by him ordering a pina colada milkshake in one of @lovestrucklyuniverse‘s fics and now I think he’s a pineapple guy too.
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 433 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
I’m sorry for posting this SUPER LATE!! With school and all of that now occupying my schedule, these might be uploaded every week around this time. 😓 I apologize in advance. 🙏🏽 BUT AYO. LETS GET IT, LETS GET IT, LETS GET ITTTTT!!! So last chapter, when Daniel’s mom heard that Daniel was looking for Jinyeong Park, she reacted like this:
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And everybody was like, “Whaaaaaaat? Why she do dat?” 🤔 Well, everybody grab your popcorn because we gon LEARN TODAY-
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WOOF, WOOF, WOOF!!! BARK, BARK, BARK!!! AWWWOOOOOOOOGAH!!!!!! *ahem* Sorry everybody, just lost control for a second there. Brain malfunctioning, and whatnot. I guess PTJ wanted to add James Lee into the Bathrobe Club or something.
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AWWOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Got me howling and shit. 🗣🗣🗣
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Pleeeeease tell us Mama Park. WE NEED TO KNOW!!! 😩👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
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Awww this broke my heart. 💔 Whatever happened with Jinyeong must’ve been painful for her to bear the past like that.
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Oh wow. So now we get a dad reveal of Daniel's father? Nah, sorry. They don't look related to me. There also could have been some sort of issue here. Like, Jinyeong used to be Daniel's dad's best friend. And Daniel's dad might have had some sort of issue with fertility or something, so he decided to ask Jinyeong to donate sperm because he sees him as his brother...? Idk man. That's just my theory...
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Ah, so THAT'S what happened to Daniel's dad. Ok, ok, that makes sense that his mom would raise him on his own all this time. But, I really want to know how his mom got to such a state that she has to collect cardboard boxes just to provide for her son...
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AYOOOOOOO. CALLED IT. (not the sperm donor part) BUT THEY MUST'VE BEEN BESTIES!!! 😳
AHHHHHHHHH JAKE IS BACK!!!! But ik he isn't ok emotionally. This guy going through a lot. 😔
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NOOOOOOOO. BABY BOY, DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT. IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT!!! It was unfortunate that they got caught, but you really didn't intentionally lead them to that situation. It just so happens that they got captured. 😭
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Oooooo who will it be? 👀
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Ohhhh dang. It's another person from the 0 Gen. 😳 I wonder what his role was in Gapryong's Dragon Fist gang. But I stg. If this man backstabs Jake after telling him that he's indebted to his dad...
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Sorry, but this is what I imagined in my head. 😬
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Athlete's Foot is back. 😭 Also, I can't wait to see his family's reaction to his new self. 😎
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Ohhhh boy, and they're back at it again... 💀💀💀
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OMGGGGGGG HERE IT IS!!!! (forget all of them snickering about Daniel, I just wanna see their reactions 😈)
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It really do be like that.
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I love how proud Mama Park is of Daniel because he has matured so much. Just like I mentioned in the previous chapter, his character growth really is something else. So proud of him! 💖
Whew, it's Grandma's turn...
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I'm sorry guys, I had to squeeze all of these panels all in somehow. 😅 But DAMN. HOW DID THIS TURN FROM 0 TO 100 REAL QUICK??? It went from happy family bonding to THE CONJURING AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WTHHHH. 💀💀💀💀💀💀 (Tbh this gave me flashbacks to the Cult Arc ngl)
And Grandma got some beef with Jinyeong Park. SHE SAID, "CATCH MY HANDS, YOU BASTARD!!!" BUT HEY, SHE MAY BE OLD BUT SHE CAN STILL THROW 'EM. 😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 TBH I FOUND THIS SCENE HILARIOUS FOR SOME REASON BECAUSE OF HOW UNEXPECTED SHE REACTED ALL OF A SUDDEN. She always seemed like the calmest old lady ever, but I guess this scene switched it up a bit. A COMPLETE 180° LMAO. EXCITED FOR GRANDMA PARK TO TUSSLE AHAHAHAHAHA (That was a joke. 💀 If she does end up doing it, then I'm afraid that she might hurt her back.) But I hope they DO explain what Jinyeong's deal is.
Overall, I'm VERY sorry that this is really late, and for the lack of memes again. 😭😭😭 I hope y'all will still look forward to these, and I'll try to upload the next review for the upcoming chapter sooner. ❤️
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nimbuslich · 2 years
Nona the Ninth Spoilers!!!
So I took notes through my first read through of ntn each time I felt a Strong Emotion™ so here is what my experience was like:
I think it's Gideon in harrows body
Omg poor cam and palamedes not being able to see each other or talk or anything!
Poor cam & palamedes having to basically be parents to their amnesiac friend. They love Harrow & Gideon so much they're caring for Nona like a child when she's their age, they were peers, allies, but they are so tender with her it's heartbreaking
She is so innocent and they are all in so much pain but they won't break that illusion even though she's someone they once could've confided in & relied on oh goooddddddddd
"Salt water made her feel as though, if there was someone in there with her, she would suddenly know the words to tell them everything." -screaming, crying, throwing up, etc. (Edit: tamsyn didn't have to do this to me. She wrote that line KNOWING I would never be ok again after reading it)
Nona expresses her love for her friends so openly, which both Harrow and Gideon were never good at. This is the first time either feels safe and loved and they don't even understand how special it is 😭
Corona is the WORST
Ugghhhhhh Judith calling Nona "reverend daughter" gave me goosebumps. It's just, like *incoherent screeching*
also holy fuck is she hallucinating?!?!? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING I HATE IT HERE
I miss Harrow 😢
I have zero thoughts about these John chapters except that he's a stupid liar face and I hate him.
Also the farther I get in this book the more I see why tamsyn said Nona sucks, cause she really really does. Bitch just ate a pencil.
ALSO if Nona is Gideon she WILL NOT SHUT UP about how pretty she(in harrows body) is, so, like.... We all knew Gideon secretly thought Harrow was hot but now her stupid amnesia brain confirmed.
Uuugggghhhhhhhh cam and warden are everything I adore them WHY CANT THEY BE HAPPY OMGGGGGGGG
Ugh John sucks so bad
Palamedes you sweet baby 😭 I really wish we'd gotten to see more of him & harrow being friends.
I stg if John is using my sweet angel baby's body like a puppet I am going to explode
Cannot believe i genuinely missed ianthe. Saint of awe is badass AF. Also obsessed that she's here for Harrow (cause Harrow isn't allowed to die until ianthe wife's her up)
Literally how dare they drag poor Gideon's body around like that ALSO JOHN IS THE BIGGEST LIAR TO EVER LIE I HATE HIM SO MUCH OMG
Also ianthe is such a little shit her & corona are so gross.
Oh god palamedes saying he misses Harrow is TOO MUCH 😭😭
I am not prepared for how shit a job Nona is gonna do pretending to be Harrow
If Pamilla(Calamedes?) Dies I riot.
(I am cackling like a madman but also kicking my feet and twirling my hair like a schoolgirl I lovE THEM SO MUCH) my boy is free 😭 I stg if he & cam don't make out IMMEDIATELY I will be furious!
Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg GIDEON OMG GIDEONGIDEONGIDEONGIDEON
I wanna puke.
Pretty on the nose with the whole "makes a woman out of rib & dirt" business.
"Go Loud" 😭😭😭😭😭
I love them. I love them so much. Palamedes Sextus and Camilla Hect are perfect and I love them so so so so much. Every inch of this story is agony except the shining light of palamedes and Camilla.
Disgusted they're calling themselves Paul. Awful 0/10.
Gideon is being such a shit rn but her jokes are just as bad as ever so I forgive her.
Tamsyn is teasing me, making me think Harrow is gonna run into the convoy truck and her & Gideon will make out and be happy forever but that's NOT GONNA HAPPEN cause she's a DICK.
Never underestimate the importance of a good puppy 🥰
Oh god I hate that Gideon is back here. She's shouldn't have to be back here!!
Omg my poor baby having to look at Harrow's face without Harrow in it. I want Gideon Nav to have never felt pain ever in her life.
Oh god Gideon fuck this is so awful.
"Then Perish" 😂😂😂
What the fuck and holy shit and also FUCK YES Gideon GET YOUR GURL PLEASE!!
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mistiell · 2 years
Would Arcane Characters Throw Hands and Why
A/N: These are literally just to make y’all laugh. My brain is running on empty and this was the first thing to come to mind so I just rolled with it lmao
- Doesn’t resort to physical violence cause he knows that he’d probably get his ass beat
- H o w e v e r
- He will absolutely verbally wreck someone should they ever genuinely piss him off
- Has definitely told Jayce off for fucking with the organization of his tools when he was in a bad mood
- They weren’t very organized to begin with but go off I guess-
- Also gets pissy whenever he gets jealous.
- Which isn’t often, but like
- If someone’s flirting with you and he’s literally standing right there, he’s gonna be upset
- Not with you, of course. He’ll talk it out with you once the situation is resolved
- But in the mean time, he’s gonna be as passive aggressive as possible to the person in question.
- Edit: Someone said he’d do some serious damage with his cane if he ever actually were to get into a fight and honestly, he for sure would
- Probably still tries to stay away from fights just in case though
- Another one who doesn’t like to resort to physical violence
- However, he will do so if necessary
- And by that I mean there are two circumstances in which he will legit fight someone
- Scenario A: Someone is trying to fight someone he cares about
- Scenario B: Someone is trying to fight him
- Will try to use reason first
- If the person isn’t hearing him, he waits until the other person swings first and then knocks the mf out
- Throws hands on a semi-regular basis
- Mostly during interrogations
- Used to get into fights more often when he was younger but that was when Vander was there to help him
- Most of the time, he has the people who work for him handle his dirty work
- However, he will get physical if someone so much as looks at you the wrong way
- Ready to fight someone at the drop of a hat
- seriously
- You have to patch her up regularly
- It’s like she does it on purpose, I stg
- There are a multitude of reasons that she’ll fight someone
- Some of which include: Cat calling, name calling, and someone making a pass at you
- Would 100% throw hands with 0 hesitation
- Goes apeshit on anyone that even thinks of hitting on you
- No one takes what’s hers 😤
- People who frequent The Last Drop have learned to keep a safe distance from you lest they get their shit rocked-
- Has threatened people with her guns several times
- If you don’t want her to do that, though, she’ll stop
- Will still threaten them but only with words
You: Baby, I thought we talked about this.
Jinx: Oh, c’mon, sugar! I just told ‘em I’d make them regret the day they were born. It was barely even a threat!
You: Jinx, no-
- Refuses to fight anyone
- As a councillor, it would cause one hell of a scandal if she were ever caught fighting someone
- Like Viktor, she fights with her words instead.
- She gets super defensive whenever someone is criticizing you
- Ready to knock them down a peg or two at a moment’s notice.
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years
Camboy Nagito - Nagito Komaeda x Reader
ミ☆ Sorry this is so short but i had to get it out of my head so i can focus on other stuff aha Description: Your friend Nagito is secretly moonlighting as a camboy on OnlyFans. You accidently catch one of his live streams. Warnings: Explicit sexual content, fem reader, no prounouns used,  Word count:  1149
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You are supposed to be out on a date, but the guy flaked only an hour before the two of you were supposed to meet up. You are annoyed, slumped back on your couch in your nicest dress, wearing your nicest makeup and ready to just order pizza and call it a failure of an evening. 
Hajime and Chiaki are both out at an arcade, and you really don’t feel like getting changed to go meet them, and Nagito was very apologetic when he told you that he had other plans tonight. You were hoping he would be happy to play Stardew Valley for a few hours, but if he’s busy, he’s busy. 
So. It’s going to be a pizza and anime night. 
You huff and kick your heels off in the direction of your bedroom, planning to pick them up later and grab your phone to order some garbage ‘za from your local haunt. Only to see a message for one of your high school friends. 
She lives overseas now, so you don’t get a chance to talk very often, and she hasn’t had time to meet any of your new college friends either. It’s a bummer, you can tell that she and Ibuki would get on like a house one fire.
Bestie: “Oi. I know you said you don’t usually watch this junk, but I stg, this new guy is exactly ur type. Pls watch…...for me??????” 
You sigh goodnaturedly. She stalks OnlyFans like she needs it to breathe, and often sends you...recommendations. None of them have really met the mark as of yet. 
You: “Since when do you know my type? The last three guys you sent me were super not it.” 
Bestie: “Yeah but this guy is different!!!!!! ;P Just check the link. He’s live now. I STG u will lov him!!!!!!” 
Well. It isn’t like you have anything better to do. Deciding to come back and order pizza later, you tap on the link. Worst case scenario you hate the guy and close the window, order your pizza and get this night over with. Best case scenario, you get to cum. Pretty decent turn out either way.
Feeling a little optimistic, you ease the hemline of your dress further up your thigh, hoping that this guy is actually your type, and not just some-
The live feed finishes loading. 
You freeze.
Eyes running up a length of pale thigh, splayed open wide as a delicate hand languidly pumps at a twitching, blush pink cock. Chest heaving, glittering with sweat in the soft pink lighting from LEDs behind his head, hair plastered to his forehead. A second hand reaches up and circles a nipple, perfect pink lips drop open in a moan.
It’s Nagito. 
It can’t be. 
But it is.
When he said he was busy tonight, was this what he was talking about? You can’t help wondering how long he has been doing this for.
His thumb brushes the head of his cock and he mewls.
Because he is very good at it.
Something about this feels perverse. Watching your friend writhing and jerking himself off for the camera, panting and moaning with his eyes squeezed shut. 
At least he isn’t looking at you.
You subsciously rub your thighs together, clamping your lip between your teeth as the hand on his chest slowly starts travelling down his torso, across his stomach, over his hips and down to-
“No way…” you breathe
He slips a finger inside of himself, and your resolve breaks. You hike your dress the rest of the way up, shoving a hand down into your panties and frantically circling your swollen clit. You’re already soaked. This is disgusting, this is horrible.
Nagito pushes in a second finger and throws his head back in a strangled moan.
You grit your teeth to ignore the shame, and press on your clit even harder. 
His hips are moving, writhing, doing anything they can to both cant up into the tight grip of his hand and forward into his penetrating fingers. You can see his knees trembling, his tongue lolling out of his wide open mouth as he whimpers and moans. His porcelain cheeks are flushed bright red and you can’t help wishing that you were the one touching him-
No! Don’t think about that! Not right now! 
You force yourself to focus only on his body on the screen. To keep any of your weird emotional stuff disconnected. It isn’t so weird if you just jerk off to him, right? He’s filming it after all, that makes it okay, right? 
A third finger slips inside of Nagito’s ass and you let out a shuddering moan. His eyes finally pop open, perfect and green as they always have been, drifting downward until he is staring directly into the lens of the camera. Directly at you. This should make you feel horrible, feel perverted and disgusting, but it doesn’t; somehow the eye contact only makes your insides tighten more. The feeling that he is watching you, that he wants you to see him, to hear him, to finger yourself while you watch him. 
He grips his cock tighter, pumping faster, fingers thrusting in and out at a brutal pace as he continues staring forward dead into the camera. 
You speed up too. Gasping and moaning at the sight of him, and when he lets out a guttural moan, back arching and cum splattering across his bare stomach. You follow.
Squeezing your eyes shut as the tightness in your belly finally snaps, throwing your head backwards into the cushions of your couch and cumming hard; harder than you have in a very long time. 
You just lay there for a minute, the hand holding your phone flopping lifelessly down on the couch next to you as you try to catch your breath.
“Aha. Thank you for watching everyone!” You jump at the sound of Nagito’s voice coming from your phone. Quickly muting it before he has a chance to say anything else.
For some reason, hearing him speak makes it finally cement in your brain that this really is Nagito. The polite guy who sits next to you in your most boring lecture, the guy who you play bad video games with online and the guy who for the past few months, you have been nursing some sort of feelings for.
You sneer at yourself, disappointed at what you let yourself do. So as you shimmy out of your soiled panties with one hand, you send Nagito a generous tip with the other. It’s the least you can do.
What you don’t realise, is that when you first signed up for OnlyFans a few months ago, you signed up with the same username that you used for steam. 
And that Nagito is now sitting wide eyed as he stares at the tip he just received from someone who can only be you.
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dorkylittleweirdo · 3 years
okay so obviously my skills partner wasn’t in class today and you hate to see it However me and the guy i share a brain cell with both volunteered to demonstrate how to help a patient deliver a baby in the field bc we’re the only two who ever volunteer and here are some of the highlights
substitute prof asked who wanted to be the emt and who wanted to be the patient and this guy goes “oH OH I WANNA BE THE MOM”
i had to ask a cis dude about his hypothetical last menstrual cycle to which he responded “uhhhhh about eight and a half months yeah” and if he’d ever given birth before and he said “yeah this is the fifth one, they just keep coming”
prof goes “okay and you make sure the person doesn’t go sit on the toilet to use the bathroom bc you don’t want them to have the baby in the toilet. go on ask the emt if you can use the bathroom” and this guy does the most dramatic wail of “oh my god oh my god i have to pooOOOOOOOOP let me get up to use the bathroom” and i go “nono sorry bro you just you can’t bc this baby is comin” and he goes “I’VE GOTTA POOOOOOP” and we’re both trying to hold it together and we’re lookin at each other not even needing to see under the masks bc you can tell in our eyes and how our shoulders are shaking that we’ve got the biggest grins on our faces and i hold my hands under the dummy and go “don’t worry i gotchu. you poop, i’ll catch it” and we started cracking up again
so i had to start telling him to push and i stg i’ve done birth simulations like this before and i’ve never seen someone so violently try to shove a fake baby through a dummy’s hole like bro wyd lmao. and the prof is like “okay you don’t- you didn’t have to throw it at them”. and then he yeeted the placenta at me too which was a time and we were just trying not to laugh
got the placenta clamped and passed and the prof goes “okay so now what do you give the mom” and this guy responds immediately with “aspirin” at the same time i went “the baby” and then we looked at each other and laughed
i hand him the fake baby and go “congrats on the birth bro” and he wheezed
prof goes “okay you can tell you patient to close their legs now” and i look at this guy and jokingly go “see if you had done that in the first place we wouldn’t be in this situation” and dude almost falls out of his seat
as you can clearly tell this is a Very Serious Class
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sxlver-sweet · 3 years
Moots first impression vs. how u feel about them now?
sure, i can do that!! i only did the ones that had a significant impression on me.
then: would use chifuyu’s—nvm i forgot this is a sfw blog now. sexy brain. big sexy brain. the way she wrote??? idk??? made me a bit intimidated to talk to her but i did it anyway and i’m glad i did <3
now: would use dazai’s *redacted* as ice cream syrup. we’re on the same wavelength when it comes to dilfs oda and we both have a thing for stupid redhead men. 100% would kiss. light of my life and who i now feel comfortable terrorizing. def feel comfortable with. aunt who brings wine to thanksgiving and doesn’t have any kids. would let her hold my drink at a party.
then: sweetheart. absolute baby. a fetus. pretty chill. could potentially vibe with.
now: still a sweetheart. a fetus but old lady at heart ASKCMDKA. admire how emotionally strong she is. we both have cold hands and i just wanna smooch her forehead and take her with me when i run errands she’s so cute adlckdlsla. your writing never fails to impress me.
then: saw her blog before she messaged me about bsd, and her theme and overall vibe made her seem a little intimidating😭 but then she hit me up and i was like “oh she’s nice :)”
now: my darling. my sweet girl. so pretty it makes me sweat. down astronomical for her rn honestly. extremely comfortable with her. can talk about virtually anything with her. i think the only person that understands how deep in the bsd fandom i am😭my very first bsd mutual and if i ever lose hee i WILL cry. certified suna simp but i REFUSE to let it bleed over into me. i just—i love her, your honor
then: very cheerful and sincere, kind to everyone on her blog and honestly had the kind of energy i aspire to have
now: cute as a button and one of my biggest supporters <33 she’s still super kind to people and deserves everything good. would throw hands for. checks up on me and make sure i’m okay and i just DMFMDKAKA
then: saw her frequently on my posts and noticed her absence from my notifs bc they just felt strangely empty😭 reached out to her and the energy i received back was immaculate
now: never fails to match my energy. super sweet. someone i can freely bounce ideas off whenever i need to. idk how i know this but i just KNOW she’s sexy. i think it’s the brain. the brain and the energy. ain’t no way in HELL she’s on this app with THESE IDEAS and ISNT pretty asf
then: her theme scratched my brain in the best possible way. had the kind of energy that made me feel comfortable hopping into her inbox.
now: WE DONT TALK AS MUCH ANYMORE AND I MISS YOU SONA :(( screaming back and forth in inbox. excited to send tiktoks to her and receive some in return. appreciates my tiddies. body positivity skcdkskska i miss you.
then: vv sweet. very comforting. her whole vibe and even her blog just made me feel safe. felt comfortable with her quickly.
now: i was right. an absolute angel. holds a special place in my heart. one of my very first mutuals and supported me from the very beginning. feel comfortable complaining to her and telling her everything that’s bothering me. one of the first people to stick up for me when i’m dealing with rude anons.
then: chill. idk what it was about her but i dove HEADFIRST into her dms. her theme made me go “ooh👀”
now: she’s MEAN SDKFKDAK (i mean not to me but still😭). i’m her biggest genshin gameplay fan and it’s gonna stay that way. listens to me scream about the missions when i’m sure it gets old after a while skdkfmska. would wrap her up in the biggest, tightest hug and smooch anytime. started me on genshin to begin with. moves blogs every other week stg. cami ily.
then: die-hard sanzu simp. that’s it. that’s all😭
now: where i dispose all of my sanzu hcs and edits i find. can count on her for any sanzu hcs and honestly it feels weird whenever i don’t see her on my dash. makes me smile whenever i see her in my inbox. part of the reason i dump all my chuuya thoughts on my blog.
then: very warm and welcoming. supportive big sister energy. very easy to talk to <3
now: 100% would call her to pick me up from a guy’s house when i don’t feel comfortable. very soothing presence. she’s always in the comments on my posts and her feedback makes me 🥰🥰 pretty girl. would sketch her if i knew how to draw.
then: like ivy, her writing style lowkey intimidated me😭 it was just so??? good??? hovered around her blog for a while before i reached out to her.
now: we MUST talk more baby i MISS YOU!! scream over angst together in the dms. our minds together are immaculate. share ideas. miss seeing you on my dash :( you’re so so cute i just—all my mutuals are attractive what the fuck. your kokonoi fic made me want to write for him.
then: too cool for me. when i found you, your theme was so fucking COOL. scared to talk to you at first sdkckdskak. then i found out you wrote for ateez and i spazzed
now: never miss with your themes *chef’s kiss*. super nice, would smooch on the forehead with no hesitation. your wheeze SENDS ME. both equally tired. we’re on the same wavelength abt most topics and i love that for us. same with roo, i know you’re mad attractive. i can FEEL IT.
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rreyie · 3 years
Porco for fluff alphabet?
porco galliard fluff alphabet
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warnings- very very mildly suggestive themes
a/n- i think we all need a bf like porco, he’s so sweet i stg
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A is for Activites- what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
porco will do anything you want him to do. but a favorite of his is to just go out and explore downtown marley. there’s no specific goal you’re both trying to achieve, just going where the day takes you. downtown marley is crowded, so he’s got a hand holding yours the entire time to ensure you don’t get lost. you’ll both stop in a few different stores, his favorite is whatever the aot equivalent to bath and body works is and the lingerie shop. he wants to buy stuff for you to show he cares, and you’ll probably leave with a bag or two full of different clothes, and just random things you two thought were cool. the one place he insists on stopping at is the deli. he always gets something with at least two kinds of meat, and will pay for yours as well. the day ends with getting back home and doing some cuddling on the couch while he falls asleep on your lap.
B is for Beauty- what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
porcos favorite feature about you is the way you smile and laugh, also your hands. each time you laugh at one of his jokes, he turns a deep red at the fact that someone finds him entertaining. his world seems to light up when you’re happy and smile at him, and he will cherish each time you do so. he also loves your hands, they’re just perfect for holding and he loves to intertwine your fingers.
C is for Comfort- how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
porco would do anything in his power to make sure you’re smiling by the end of the day. when his s/o feels down, he picks up on it very quickly and immediately asks what’s wrong, and who is causing you this pain. he would want you to take things slow for the day, he’ll be doing all the work for the next 24 hours. if you want affection, he will hold you while you cry into his shoulder. there’s a good chance he will cry with you, since he is upset seeing you like this. when you’re having a panic attack, he drops everything to get to you. if you’re immobilized by the emotion, he will carry you to a secluded room if there’s one nearby to give you some quiet with him. he will embrace you like he never has before, stroking your hair and whispering “you’ll be alright, i’m here honey. take your time.” he will be more understanding if you’re not okay by the end of the day since he knows these things are serious and he wants to make sure you’re completely okay before resuming back to normal.
D is for Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
porco dreams of having a family with you. once the war is over, he will make it a priority to get the two of you married and move out to a house in marley. porco absolutely adores children, so he would probably two with you. he wants two boys that can have the same kind of bond that he and marcel had. he would probably have enough money at this point that he could retire because of his service in the war, so he will become a stay home dad and watch his two boys. and he will probably name one of his sons marcel jr.
E is for Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
porco wants both of you to have the same level of commitment and dominance in the relationship.
F is for Fight- would they be easy to forgive their s/o? how are they fighting?
porco has a temper. he’s quick to snap. the fighting was likely initiated by him, possibly because he saw you hanging around reiner for too long today. it never gets violent, but porco can’t control what comes out of his mouth sometimes. he might throw an insult here and there. if you leave the room in tears, he will beat himself up over it and once he’s given you some space, he will apologize while trying to hold back tears because he feels like a shitty boyfriend for doing this to you. if you’re the one who apologizes first, he will pretend to act mad but really he’s not deep down inside because he loves you that much.
G is for Gratitude- how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
porco might not say it, but he appreciates what you’re doing for him. instead, he will do things in return to show he’s grateful, i’ll get into that later down the list. he is overall pretty aware of how dedicated his s/o is to him.
H is for Honesty- do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
the only reason that you know everything that’s up with porco is because he vents to you very often. he does keep his fair share of secrets though, but they are very minor- except one. most of his secrets are about the war, one of his best kept and worst secrets about him was that he killed a child while at war with the mid east allied forces. he still feels terrible about it to this day, and wouldn’t want you finding out about what he did during the war.
I is for Inspirational- did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
you likely changed porco more than he changed you. porco has a tough guy exterior and was pretty self absorbed before meeting you, but he learned that it was okay to cry and let his guard down around you. he also became a little more selfless, since he would do anything to protect you. 
J is for Jealousy- do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
porco is one to get jealous very easily. he’s possessive too. if he sees you hanging around reiner for a minute too long, he holds a grudge on you. he doesn’t speak to you for the rest of the day, and when you meet up with him to head back to your bedrooms, he just says “so reiner is gonna replace me, huh?” and walks off without another word. you’re gonna have to smother him in kisses to let him know you still love him more than anyone else, and stay the night while he clings to you in his sleep.
K is for Kissing- are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
porco loves to kiss. he’s amazing at it too. his kisses are sloppy, lazy, slow, and teasing, with a lot of tongue and spit. his favorite place to kiss is on your bed just to get some privacy to do whatever you want. he especially loves when you’re both half naked and kissing so he can feel your skin on his. the first kiss was in town next to a fountain, where he confessed his feelings to you. you told him to close his eyes and you went in for it, and he kissed you back instantly. the blush on his cheeks was insane once you pulled away.
L is for Love Confession- how would they confess to their s/o?
after the festival in liberio, he stood with you and watched the fountain in town square. you made a comment on how pretty his eyes looked in the moonlight, and he made a bad attempt at complimenting your face, which made you giggle. hearing you laugh made the butterflies errupt in his stomach, and he knew he couldn’t hide it anymore. he said, “look y/n, i have no clue if you’re gonna hate me after what i’m about to say, if you think i’m weird just say something, but i like you. i have since i met you, and i think i want to be with you- oh god, i don’t even like you, i love you-“ you had to shut him up and kiss him on the lips before he started to ramble about how much he loves you.
M is for Marriage- do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the marriage be like?
of course porco would want to get married, he’s a family man. he would probably propose somewhere very informally, like you two were talking about it one day and he’s like “well i mean there’s no better person than you that i would want to marry, you would make a wonderful wife-“ and that’s how it all started. you two got married in a church in liberio, with pieck as the maid of honor and zeke as the best man. he cried when he saw you in that white gown, he thought you looked like a princess. the marriage would be fun and laid back, you two would travel a lot before settling down about a year later.
N is for Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
he calls you “babe” and “baby” a lot. occasionally he will call you “honey” or a variation of your name.
O is for On Cloud Nine- what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious for others? how do they express their feelings?
he’s a flustered, bashful baby. if you even look his way he will turn red. he tries to show off his skills, and wants to make himself stand out above the rest. he does his hair with extra care in the morning and starts to wash his face to make his skin look better. pieck picks up on it first, and she will occasionally say something about it, but all porco will do is grumble something and brush it off. zeke will notice and say something as well. porco expresses his feelings by occasionally complimenting you on your outfit, and sneaking a touch here and there like if he’s brushing a stray piece of hair out of your face. if you do the same to him, his brain will stop working for a moment.
P is for PDA- are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag with their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
porco is a big fan of pda and bragging. especially if you’re within 10 feet of reiner. he makes it very known that he’s taken, the first time he walked into the meeting room in front of the other warriors he literally announced, “oh yeah, y/n is my girlfriend now. just thought you guys should know.” he loves to talk about you with the other guys, not in a bad way but like sharing stories about time you two spent together, how wonderful you are, and quite frankly the other guys are kind of tired of hearing a new story about you every hour. porco won’t hesitate to kiss or show affection in public, not full out making out but like a medium length kiss on the lips is acceptable. he’s always got his hands on you in public too, like an arm slung around your shoulder or just holding your hand. he wants everyone to know you’re his.
Q is for Quirk- some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
not quite sure if this is beneficial in the relationship but he gives the best piggyback rides. he has a really strong back that’s able to lift you up and he loves hearing your little giggles as he hoists you up into the air and onto his back. then he will run all around the place with you on his back in a fruitful attempt to make you laugh and smile.
R is for Romance- how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
porco is in general a very romantic person. he will always treat you and try to make you happy just like to do to him. one of his favorite things to do for you is to take you out to some expensive restaurant in the rich part of marley and treat you to dinner. he wears his best suit and thinks you look absolutely stunning in that outfit of yours, which makes a little blush bloom on his face. he is vocal when it comes to telling you “i love you” and will say it to you at least 3 times a day. when you come back from an expedition in the mid east, he will be waiting for you in the train station with a big sign that says “welcome home y/n” and a bouquet of roses.
S is for Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
porco thinks you should go for whatever makes you happy. he doesn’t exactly know how to help, but he will give you words of encouragement- like “you’re doing so well babe!” or “i love how you’re so determined, keep it up!” he truly does believe you can achieve whatever goal you’re working towards, he has a lot of faith in you.
T is for Thrill- do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
porco loves change, and he would like a new way of doing things. it can be anything from going to a different place for dinner or waking up at a different time, he just wants things to always be different. he values thrill and spice to your relationship, it’s a key element to dating him.
U is for Understanding- how good do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
he will slowly learn more about you throughout your relationship, but empathy is something he needs to work on. every new bit of information he learns about his parter surprises him, and he makes a mental note of it to use for later. empathy is different though, because of his tough guy exterior he didn’t find empathy easy in the beginning. in fact, the first time you vented to him he said something along the lines of “well? get over it. it’s not worth dwelling on it.” when you ran off crying, from then on he made sure to never say that again.
V is for Value- how important is the relationship to them? what is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
your relationship is one of the reasons why he keeps fighting with the war going on. he wants to have that future with you and live a peaceful life after, so in a way it’s a priority.
W is for Wild Card- a random fluff headcanon.
porco is a blanket hog when you go to sleep together. he doesn’t realize it but after he starts to sleep, he will grab the blanket and roll himself in it so that he’s in a blanket burrito and your shivering on the other side. he also snores very loudly. if you wake him up to tell him he will begrudgingly give you some of the blanket, but then he gets cold. he will cling to you the entire night in an effort to keep warm.
X is for XOXO- are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
porco is a cuddle bug once you get to know him. he especially loves to cuddle in bed or on the couch. he loves it when you fall asleep on him so he can see how pretty your face is when you sleep. porco kisses you many times per day. on the neck, lips, cheek, collarbone, hand, anywhere he can have access to. he loves it when you kiss him back and leave a hickey or love bite.
Y is for Yearning- how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
he will try to keep in contact with their partner and keep something of theirs by his side always until they come back. if the time is okay, he will write you letters and expect you to write one back saying that you’re alright. he will grab a t shirt you wore out of the hamper and sleep with it for the night because it smells like you. he also might cry a little because he misses you, and he will shed a tear once you come back home with the biggest hug and kiss.
Z is for Zeal- are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? if so, what kind of?
porco would go lengths for the relationship, especially if your life was on the line. he would do everything in his power to make sure you’re safe and comfortable. this is lowkey funny but if you two were in immediate danger, he would let you ride on the back of his titan while he runs to safety. he would sacrifice his life for you as well.
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
watch your six - part five
pairing: eventual bucky x reader (they’re together in the next chapter i stg)
warnings: language (several f bombs bc i feel like bucky would be liberal w them), sam and bucky being little shits, bad nicknames, 
word count: just under 2500
a/n: long awaited but it’s finally here! i’m super proud of this one :) i hope y’all like it also this was the first time i’ve written something like this so constructive criticism please. i hope i did the characters justice 
p.s.: my requests are still open babes! i’m working on the next part of this series and also possibly continuing TFCL ;) my tag lists are still open as well
please like and reblog if you enjoyed the story 
xoxo ray
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ray’s m.list
The tension in the room was palpable. “What do you mean you know her, Buck?” Steve questioned. Bucky’s eyes were flitting around the room, landing on each face of bewilderment. He honestly didn’t know what he meant but that, it kind of just came out. Where the fuck did that come from? Who is this woman?
“Uh, hello? What’s going on in that cyborg brain of yours?” Sam interjected quickly, to which he received a sharp glare from both Bucky and Steve. Sam shrugged his shoulders and a quiet snort was heard from across the room.
“He’s got a point, Terminator.” Tony said as he plopped himself into one of the rollie chairs. “You can’t just say something like that and then not explain it.” Bucky’s brows furrowed and he expelled a grunt as his response to Tony.
“Bucky, you’ve got to give us something to go on here.” Natasha said calmly as she eyed an increasingly agitated Bucky.
Since coming back from Wakanda and being brought into the compound, Steve, Sam and Natasha have learned how to read Bucky. Steve has always been able to read the one hundred and six year old, they have shared life experience. Natasha was is a trained master assassin, trained in the Red Room by the Winter Soldier. One of her most valuable skills is her ability to read the emotions of anyone around her. And Sam, well he still leads a support group down at the VA. Being a war-torn veteran himself, he knows what it’s like to have to deal with the memories.
“Look, I don’t know what I meant by it.” Bucky finally said, throwing his hands above his head in exasperation. “It just came out, ya know? I didn’t process it before I said it and now, it’s out there. And to top it off, I don’t have the fucking memories there to back it up. They’re definitely there, but they aren’t just presenting themselves to me on a silver platter.” The group around him silenced.
Bucky was known for being the quiet, brooding type. His murder stare was comically famous around the compound. Sam constantly picked on Bucky about it, so hearing the man spout more than a few words at a time was a shocking experience for all of them.
“You know, there is a way that we can know what even your own mind doesn’t want you to know.” Tony said, darting his eyes over to Steve, who stood stoically in front of the large monitor.
“Goddamn, Tony! We said this isn’t an episode of FRIENDS!” Sam shouted.
“He won’t like that Tony. You know he won’t.” Natasha cut in quickly.
“But, if it works and it tells us if this woman knows anything, then it’s worth a shot.” Tony shot back.
“Tony. No. He’s already been through that and you want to subject him to it again?” Bucky was listening intently to their conversation, trying to figure out what they were referring to.  Natasha seemed adamant that Bucky would not be a fan of whatever it was. Tony, as usual, couldn’t care less.
“What are we talking about?”
“Who’s Wanda again?”
“She’s the witch.”
“We have a witch on our team? That’s not possible, there’s no such thing as witches and wizards.”
“Uh, yeah there is, cyborg.”
“No, there's not bird brain.”
“Yeah. There is, dumbass. She’s the one who does the hand thing and then there’s the crazy red glow around her? She’s got long hair? Dating the android?”
“There’s an android on the team?” Bucky was still getting to know everyone on the team, but he was positive he would know if there was a fucking android on the team.
“Yeah, the guy with the yellow glowy thing embedded in his forehead? Do you pay attention at all, Bucky? He’s dating Wanda, the witch with the red glowy hand thing?” Sam was waving his hands in front of his face and gesturing to his forehead.
“There’s no fucking way. Steve? Is there an android on the team?” Bucky turned to Steve, expecting an answer. All of the sudden, a red mass phased through the wall behind Steve. Vision appeared, looking quizzically around the room.
“Did someone ask for me?” His British accent carried through the room, once again causing the room to silence and turn to Bucky. Bucky’s lips were pursed, disgruntled that Sam was once again right in their little squabbles.
“Alright fine, but there’s not a witch right?”
“If you’re referring to Ms. Maximoff, then no. She simply manipulates molecular polarity allowing her to alter the reality around her.” Vision said it as if Bucky was meant to understand it. When in reality, Bucky was still getting over the fact fangirling that there was an android talking to him.
“However, if calling her a witch makes you more comfortable,” Vision paused and turned towards the doorway on the other end of the room, “I believe you should ask her permission before doing so.” He raised his hand causing Bucky to follow its direction.
“Hey Tony. Friday said you wanted to see me?” Wanda glided into the room, doing a quick survey of its occupants. Her gaze eventually landed on the vibrant being beside Steve. “Vis, you left in the middle of us making dinner. We’ve talked about that.”
“Yes, do forgive me, my love. However, I believe your expertise is required outside of the kitchen.” Wanda’s orbs flicked to Steve’s first and then to Tony’s, waiting for instructions.
“We want you to go inside Barnes’ mind and retrieve memories about someone for us.” Tony stated plainly. Bucky’s eyes widened and his fear grew. She can do that? Who the fuck was going to tell me that? Can she read my mind too? Is she listening now?
“That’s not exactly how it works, Tony.”
“It doesn’t matter because I never agreed to that, Stark.” Bucky said firmly. He was tired of his brain being put in a blender. He was finally getting comfortable in his own body again. He was gaining more and more control over his mind every day. Granted, he wasn’t sleeping because of the nightmares.
No, not nightmares, because of the memories. Why the fuck would he willingly subject himself to that during the daylight? No, his pain, though constant, was only to be shown at night, when he was completely alone and there’s no chance that he could hurt anyone else.
“If this is the only way that we can know for sure, then we need to do it.” Tony pushed, “You know I’m right, Cap. After what happened with the Sokovia Accords, even though they aren’t monitoring us as closely as they could be, they’re still watching. And if we storm in there without any good reason to, then it’s our asses on the line.”
“Hey, I don’t remember giving you authority over my brain. So what the fuck gives you the right to try and get me to do this shit?” Bucky stood as he spoke, “You’re heroes, goddamn it. It’s your fucking job to save people who need you to. So you should fucking do it. With or without a goddamn reason, you prick.” He shoved the chair away from him and stormed out of the room, passed Wanda who watched with a pained expression.
“He’s right, Tony.” Steve said quietly.
“About what, Cap?”
“We shouldn’t have to have a reason to do our jobs.”
“All I’m saying is that if he has information about this woman that could help us, we need to know it.” Tony glanced back to Wanda, “What if he’s enhanced like Wanda and Pietro and we go in there guns blazing. What happens if she perceives us as a threat? What then Cap?”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, Tony.” Steve was the Captain, so ultimately it was his decision. This left Tony incredibly unsatisfied, giving him a reason to implement a plan of his own. “We leave tonight. Be ready to leave in three hours.”
The room emptied quickly, everyone having their own rituals to do before departing on a mission. Steve and Sam were the last to remain in the room. “Do you really think this is a good idea?” Sam asked in a hushed whisper.
“It’s the only one I got, Sam.”
“Are you going to let him come on the mission?” Steve made a face as he clenched his jaw. “I mean, Tony has a point. If he knows something, I think we should try to figure out what it is.”
“We can’t ask him to do that, Sam. You know we can’t.”
“I’m not saying that we should, but if you bring him on this mission and he remembers something in the heat of the moment?” Sam turned his body to fully face Steve, “What are we going to do then?” Sam brought up a valid point, but Steve knew he wouldn’t be able to stop Bucky from coming on the mission.
“Like I said, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
It was somewhat therapeutic for Bucky to be sharpening his knives. He sat quietly on one of the overstuffed couches in the compound’s common area. A wide array of matte black knives was laid out on the coffee table in front of him. He held one in his hand, raking it against a damp stone to create a slick silver edge on the blade. His solitude didn’t last long, not that he expected it to, especially here in the compound.
“Hi, I don’t think we’ve ever formally met. I’m Wanda.” She stuck her hand out for Bucky to shake which he did, with great caution. There is no telling what this woman is capable of. I don’t need to get too comfortable with her.
“Bucky.” He kept his replies short, in the hopes of deterring her from wanting to interact with him. He knows that is exactly what Steve and his therapist in Wakanda told him to stop doing, but that’s irrelevant.
“I know what Tony was suggesting for us to do isn’t ideal, Bucky.” Bucky shuddered unintentionally, his fear rolling off of him in waves. “I just wanted to let you know, I would never do that to you. Not unless you asked me to and even then I don’t know if I would.” Bucky turned his head to face her. She seemed sincere, but then again people are always rotten on the inside.
“I promise, I won’t.”
“I’ve heard one too many promises in my day, Wanda.” He shifted back to his original task, flipping another knife into the palm of his hand and dragging it along the stone. Wanda nods and lifts herself to her feet, about to retreat to the kitchen.
“It’s the nightmares, isn’t it?” Bucky froze mid-drag, eyes boring holes into the table in front of him, not responding to Wanda. “The reason you don’t want me in your head?”
“What do you know of nightmares, witch?” Bucky sneered defensively.
“You would be surprised what I know of nightmares, Bucky.” She approached the back of the couch, curling her hands around the plush fabric. “My brother, Pietro, and I, volunteered for the experiments with HYDRA.” Bucky whipped his head around to face her, immediately registering her on a higher threat level. She lifted her right hand and a glowing red ball danced between her fingers as dynamic vines licked up her palm.
“We thought that they were there to help after everything that we went through in Sokovia.” Her accent thickened with each word, “After Stark’s bomb didn’t go off, we thought it meant we were destined to take him down. So we went to the closest freedom fighter group we could find.”
Bucky watched as she dropped her hand, the red energy dissipating immediately. “We weren’t the only ones, though. There were hundreds of us. Pietro and I just so happened to be the ones that were able to withstand what they put us through.” Their eyes met, gaze holding as she continued speaking. “Then, I watched their future. And in their ideal future, we weren’t there. None of us. No Avengers or enhanced people. No humans whatsoever.” She swallowed thickly, “That’s when we knew they lied. We had suspicions earlier, but we just did what we were told so we could get what we wanted.”
“What exactly did you want?”
“We wanted Stark dead.” She held Bucky’s eyeline. “But now, my brother is dead. And all I want is to see HYDRA's downfall at my hands.” She glanced back down at her hands, “What Tony wanted me to do,” hesitating as she continued, “I know he just wants me to go through your memories and pick out the ones specific to Agent Libra, but that’s not how it works.” Bucky looked at her and then leaned back into the couch cushions, gesturing for her to continue. “The way that I would go about that would be to have you experience the whole thing over again.”
“What do you mean?”
“What I mean,” Wanda sucked in a deep breath, “It’s like a lucid dream. Your body would be moving and you wouldn’t be in control of it. Any action that you did at that particular moment in history would be reenacted exactly as it occurred.”
“So, if I were to do this, it would be like I was the Soldier again?”
“If that’s what it felt like, then yes.” A shiver ran up Bucky’s spine, he definitely didn’t want that. “I just wanted you to know what you would be getting yourself into if you did decide to allow me access to your memories.” A stiff nod was all she received in return.
He knows she’s just trying to be nice but he can’t help but want to run away and hide in a dark room. Bucky has been through so much because of that freedom fighter organization, he couldn’t fathom people actually volunteering their bodies for their twisted scientific experiments.
“Thanks for letting me know, Ms. Maximoff.” Even though Bucky wanted nothing to do with this woman next to him, his mother still raised him to be respectful of everyone.
“Oh, you can call me Wanda.” She smiled as she began her approach to the kitchen yet again. One thing was still nagging Bucky and he had to know the answer.
“Hey, quick question Wanda.” She stopped and turned to face him, sending a small hum in question towards him. “Are you a witch?”
Her head tilted thoughtfully, “Yes, I am.” She left it at that, leaving Bucky with wide eyes and a mouth that was hanging open. Goddamn it, I fucking hate it when Sam is right.
watch your six tag list
@indigo123789 @austynparksandpizza 
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mego42 · 4 years
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Shamelessly stealing @foxmagpie​’s monthly rec thing without the ability to get my life together to do these on a monthly basis so, seasonal recs! So excited to see if I manage to do this again with anything remotely resembling consistency but i’ve been keeping the notes for approximately 43 years (or since ~september, whatever that means) so by god i’m gonna use them. 
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found my thrill - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
Turner POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys turner is SO OBSESSED with Beth and Rio
both canonically and in this fic
it’s gr9
also features a weirdly soothing and relatable cord untangling moment as a metaphor
truly disturbingly relatable turner pov tbh
relentless boomer disdain, always a plus
led to the creation of this monstrosity, not sure what kind of a monster would do that
War In My Mind - mintletters16
post-213, gorgeous character study 
guaranteed to make you feEl stUfF
I really love the like, cyclical, fractured pattern of Beth’s internal monologue, it gives the whole thing a really affecting at times dreamy, at times haunted vibe
the end twist is *chef’s kiss*
mourning bells - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Later s2 era, Rio’s at a funeral, gets drunk and calls Beth
V short, kind of…..mmm, not sweet, but almost? Idk
It’s got a wistful sort of almost/i can be quiet with you vibe that i go extremely bonkers for
delinquents - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Lol are any of you actually not reading this yet?
g o d ch 8 where do i start
First off how ABSOLUTELY VERY DARE for the tragic angst that is delinquents!beth boland. This poor baby, this precious bean. MUST PROTEC
zero percent deserves dean’s clammy hands, no i have not forgotten, tattooed on my brain, will never forgive
I also love love love love LOVE the ruby/stan subplot happening
(and ruby’s mom!!!!!) (seriously though you write the best moms)
oh god and baby beth starting to have confusing feelings about rio?????? *chef’s kiss*
p sure i was just like, straight screaming the entire end of the chapter
the dugout is like, pure serotonin
I can’t even talk about the closet
tHe teNsiOn
thank you i will take eleventy billion
don't give it a hand, offer it a soul - medievalraven / @medievalraven
am a desperate heaux for any fic that features rio and mick friendship
you are all incredibly shocked i know
still would not be mad if this swerved into rio x mick fake dating but beth x rio is cool too i guess
Speaking of things i am a desperate heaux for: DIANE!!!!!!!!
and DATING ANNIE???????????? Blessed
honestly this fic is worth it purely for the assertion that mick watches queer eye
Why don't we go to Venus? - watermelonriddles / @bensonstablers​
another grief study! 
apparently i was working through some stuff in september, idk, that was like 4 years ago
considering it’s the premise of the fic, i don’t think it’s a spoiler to say this fic is canon divergent and working with the premise that rio killed beth in 302
he is uh, not coping well
extremely haunted you might say
lots of marcus and rhea which is a delight!
rhea is to good for him tbh
i said what i said
truly top notch dream (nightmare?) sequences
the conversation at the end is extremely uncalled for
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drop the game - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Am going to die mad Beth and Rio didn’t hook up in 211 but luckily this fic scratched the itch 
(temporarily, it’s a fairly permanent itch)
Bonus rec: missing scene series i wanna do bad things to you featuring 2x02 and 2x04
Viva Voce - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
Whoops we woke up married Vegas shenanigans!! 
So cute!!!!! So sexy!!!!! 
What more do you want?
am desperately obsessed with how beth can’t help stalking rio
feels right, feels organic
this makes me feel a lot of stuff about how they could be without their canon garbage between them
🎶 we could’ve had it aaaaaaaaaaall 🎶
you showed me colors (i can't see them with anyone else) - gild_fire / @gild-and-fire​
really into the use of color to illustrate beth’s emotional state, i feel like there’s a word for that but idk what it is
really nice job capturing beth’s inner vulnerability balanced by her outer stubbornness
am DESPERATELY into Mick playing matchmaker
more please???????
Both Sides of the Law - JoeyLee / @joeyjoeylee​
LAW SCHOOL AU! I suuuuuuper love Beth and Rio here (alt pov!! a gift!!!!) I love how initially prickly they are, I love how it’s evolving into a grudging respect, I love how INCREDIBLY AND HILARIOUSLY OBSESSED WITH EACH OTHER THEY ARE and neither one of them seems to see it
listen I know we’re all already foaming at the mouth over this one but as it’s gonna go down as one of my all time favorites it bears repeating/rereccing
cannot stress enough how masterful the use of POV is here, both voices feel completely true and distinct and I love how the alternating chapters revisit, reveal and emphasize pieces of each other
i can’t talk about this fic without hyperventilating
the slow burn is going to ACTUALLY KILL ME
rip, no regrats
Earned It - wakeupflawless / @wakeupflawless​
that’s it that’s the pitch
living for beth’s exit in the first chapter, rio and i are both incredibly into it
second chapter also features violently possessive Rio who cannot deal with anyone messing with his girl so if that’s your thing boy howdy get on it
shake, baby, shake - openhearts
according to my bookmarks this was a reread but ???????
must’ve read it in the fugue state that followed reading for a moment we were strangers which is gr9 and I believe I have recced it before. If not, horrible oversight, reccing it now
beth and Rio POV lead up to the bathroom break, beautifully done, low-key feel bad reccing it bc the end point of both chapters makes me want to throw things but it’s super worth it for the tEnsiOn. ENJOY
What the Sea Wants, the Sea Will Have - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I’m assuming all of y’all are already reading this
P I R A T E  A U
I’m sorry maybe you didn’t hear me piRaTE aU
meticulously researched, brain-meltingly vibrant, already painfully sexy slow-burning PIRATE AU
god where to start okay so first off, the world-building here straight up breaks my brain, sophie’s put in the work and it SHOWS
second, the atmosphere. i’m generally a pretty like, vague mental picture sort of reader but the sensory detail here grabs you by the throat and like, forcibly hauls you in whether your brain’s wired that way or no
and hey speaking of throats if you, like me, go a little funny about the knees at the idea of beth holding a knife to rio’s throat (he’s fine, calm down), there’s a v excellent beth-in-a-barrel moment for you
oh christ and the sexy tension
it’s gonna be a race to see which slow burn takes me out first, this or law school
Stunner - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Another high school AU, this time with baby Rio absolutely head over heels for his older sister’s bff
stunner!Rio has an emotional earnestness about him that I feel like delinquents!Rio has already outgrown and it’s so SWEET I can’t get enough
Desperately cute!!!!!!
alL he waNts iS foR beTh tO bE hiS girL
also unreasonably angsty???????
A Heart's A Heavy Burden - tooshyforthis / @bathroombreaks​
Howl’s Moving Castle AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Howl’s!!!!!!!!!!!
perfect opp to roast Rio for being a Dramatique Heaux 
and it’s gonna be 9 chapters?????? H Y P E
author’s note boldly presumes I did not know I needed this AU when the reality is I did in fact know I needed this AU, I just wasn’t expecting anyone to deliver
so blessed
author also claims to not be team nose stud and yet it features prominently in all its magnificent glory
what is the truth dot gif
A Bit of a Stretch - septiembre / @septiembur​
SO????? CUTE?????????
would be on this list for Rio calling Beth E alone tbh
really really really really really love this Rio POV of being settled into a relationship with Beth
It manages to be sweetly domestic af while still holding the edge that makes brio brio which is a neat trick
@septiembur may be a witch
beth’s approach to getting rio to do yoga with her is hilarious and exactly right, canon-typical amounts of subtlety 
Post Break-Up Sex - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
stg this was called Hit Shuffle
no matter
h O T
with a side of damn i’ve made some questionable choices in my life haven’t i introspection
(no regrats tho)
(esp not with this fic)
not the point of the fic by a long shot but i’m also extremely obsessed with Weed Eddie, so real
She drains my soul... she drains it not - niham87 / @niham87​
am a complete sucker for paranormal world building that satirizes bureaucracy 
Is that a trope? If so that’s my favorite
I did it. I’m picking a single favorite. You know what that is growth dot gif
ANYWAY i love the concept, i love the humor, i love beth instantly clicking with annie
I love her and mick’s sort of grudging professional courtesy
Love beth as a champion of environmental responsibility and all of the underworld being like …...okay??
cannot wait to see where this goes
Nine-Tenths - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
sometimes i think about rio putting beth’s hair in a ponytail and have to go lie down
science please explain why this rUinS mE
wait hold on i skipped ahead
opens with rio sleepily holding beth’s hand to his heart so that’s the kind of thing you’ll be dealing with
uGH theY’RE sO CUTe
idk why precisely but rio adding hair ties to his bracelet collection is my undoing every time
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Missed Call - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Rio doesn’t come home from a job when he’s supposed to. Beth (and I!!!!!!!) slowly loses her mind
Truly a masterpiece of rising tension
Will literally never forgive her for calling this light angst
The first person to point out there was an author’s note at the beginning I obvs didn’t read is getting blocked
crush - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Listen even though this is centered around two OCs, they are OCs FROM a (n iconic) brio fic AND Beth, Ruby and Rio all make cameos (I mean, Rio’s pretty present since he lives in Mar’s mind rent free bc they are THE SWEETEST MOST ADORABLE BEST OF FRIENDS so idk if i’d call it a cameo but whatever)
and even if it didn’t feature any official GG characters I’d still rec is bc that’s mY SON AND this fic is TOO CUTE
I have so many feelings over mar and rio growing up and not knowing how to cope with girls becoming a Thing in their life and how it affects their friendship and mar feeling left behind but (SPOILERS) at the end of the story rio starts feeling that too and it’s so poignant knowing how that’s going to continue in delinquents
while mar may be my son, i also claim elena’s #1 stan status
before you’re like meg you’re only reccing it bc it’s a bday present ask yourselves do i really strike you as the kind of person that wouldn’t be equally obnoxious about this either way?
truly cannot fathom how hard i have fallen for these OCs i don’t normally do that
@foxmagpie is definitely a witch
The Ottoman - Niham87 / @niham87​
look i will be the first to admit that i don’t go near as bonkers over the ottoman line in 308 as y’all do
(don’t get me wrong, i love it!!! I love that he laughs and i love that she’s pleased it just doesn’t hit my lose my whole mind button like idk, the dubby or the 306 convo, idk why)
BUT i v v v much love the context this delightful Rio POV pwp gives it
am also absolutely feral for 209 missing scene fic
and anything that captures the complexity of Rio’s s3 feelings for Beth and how twisted they’ve become
so this scratches a bunch of itches, is what i’m trying to say
Bet On It - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
That’s what my brain does when I think about Beth and Rio meeting in ch 1
am DESPERATELY OBSESSED WITH the tension between the two of them in this fic
I love how it plays with the ways they have to rely on but don’t trust each other
plus FAKE DATING and BED SHARING (fair warning hasn’t happened yet but the set up is there)
originally supposed to be 2 chapters, already up to 4, prayer circle it goes on forever
do you like drugs (tonight) - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
v important focus on hydration, other fic should take note
extremely about the use of cut to and then flashback to enhance the ‘we were on drugs’ vibe
speaking of, beth and rio absolutely would take ecstasy to prove they are fun bc they are the exact kind of idiots that would peer pressure themselves
so glad beth kept her purse, got a bit stressed there for a second, clutches in that kind of circumstance are A Risk
not that i would know
really love the ongoing denial that they are remotely into each other while proceeding to demonstrate how they are in fact, extremely into each other, great vibe
rio dances
I know my brain broke too
mmmm bacon
Navigate A Broken Path - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I have a long standing tradition of getting unreasonably obsessed with side characters so i’m not like, entirely surprised by how obsessed i am with both Mick and Mary Pat but i never in a million years considered them as a ship
they fit????? so perfectly?????? It’s amazing how she developes them individually enough that i look at them together and think ah yes this makes perfect sense for both characters
and they’re such an amazing foil to Beth and Rio? 
can ships have foils? do i know what a foil is? 
hell i don’t understand
how absolutely very dare you make me care about YET ANOTHER set of gg ‘verse children
do not read this fic if you have no interest in feelings you zero percent asked for
wHA t hAPPeNED iN aLASkA?????????
A Moment’s Silence - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
*makes sign of the cross*
y’all are gonna make me rediscover religion
extremely appreciate the author’s note approach to backstory top notch prioritization
listen it’s basically 3k of beth deep throating rio idk what more you need me to say about it
it is…..good stuff
bless the kinkmeme or fest whatever we’re calling it
praise - civillove / @blainesebastian​
I mean you had me at “three times rio calls beth a good girl and one time he really means it”
ephemeral rio
I left that note for myself in here in the middle of the night and haven’t the foggiest what i was thinking but i stand by it none the less
okay okay i think i know what i meant, this fic (as do all of my fav civillove brio fics) has this sort of like, liminal, in the quiet moments feel to them that makes the moments and feelings somehow feel like i’m catching a glimpse of something secret and precious???
idk i just really like it okay
Heart and Soul - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
oh look more unbearably sweet domestic tenderness, this time to music
thank you ma’am for my life
rio remembers beth used to play piano and gets her one and revoltingly cute shenanigans result
also hilarity
and sexiness
this fic has it all, truly
shout out to mick who sees no reason to keep rio’s feelings to himself
good girls tumblr fic - prettylittlementirosa / @hypermania​​
cheating and reccing a whole series
It’s my list and i can do what i wanna
stop crying about it, it’s four fics and they’re all AMAZING absolutely impossible to pick a fav
truly flawless characterization, next level ability to capture evocative mood, cannot get enough
three’s a crowd: who knew ballroom dancing while dean watches and grinds his teeth could be so sexy 
(trick question everything about that premise sounds A++++ and boy howdy does it live up)
feel it on the way home: rio tries to break up with beth, it goes about as well as you’d expect
(thE angSty tenSioN)
i want to play the game: [from the floor] i’m still not ready to talk about it
(rio/turner, missing scene, 10000000% a taste of what went down in that hotel room)
june after dark: pitch perfect annie pov, really really love the take that Annie is the baby whisperer, can’t fully explain why but it feels incredibly right
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zannolin · 2 years
9 and 6 for the fic ask!! :D
6. what's the hardest part of the writing process for you?
you know i get asked this a lot and i feel like my answer is just always "yes". the answer is yes. all of writing is actually hard for me in one way or another. i struggle a lot with dialogue (i'm always worried in the back of my head that i'm writing people ooc) and action sequences or just location descriptions are very hard for me because both involve spaces or characters moving through spaces and i have aphantasia, so i cannot see SHIT in my head. i said a little while ago every time i'm writing a specific location, i'm pulling up google maps street view to cruise around and that's why. for the abba au chapter seven, i actually had like eight tabs about bailey island and harpswell, maine open looking at things like directions to the nearest iHOP lol.
also i think i've mentioned it before but just opening a word doc to start writing is often really hard for me. executive dysfunction and all that. very often my brain really wants like the serotonin hit of getting a comment or a reward for posting (instant gratification monkey) so writing is very difficult if it's like, a multichapter update because those get essentially no reaction compared to, say, a oneshot i post that will get a few comments in the day or so after posting. or a more niche fic i personally love but know no one will read. i have started to learn a lot about ao3 stats within the fandom and it's really fucked with my head when i'm writing (i diagnose myself with recovering clout chaser) so writing overall can be....just really hard for me.
9. what's your writing process like?
mmm not super exciting really. right now i usually hand-write my outlines in a journal i carry around (i stg it's always in church, i outline all my fics in church....from the abba au to hell is empty to planetarium stickers it has ALL been there) just to get the juices going. then when i have time (right now that is just. always.) i sit down, type the outline into a word doc, usually adding bits and bobs as they come to me (for example, "home never home always" from true north popped into my head while outlining it) and throwing in scenes that i might already have lying around. the compass tattoo from that fic was something that's been sitting in my ideas note doc for months, and the for want of a nail scene was something i vaguely drafted at my old job last year.
after that i kinda just. write. usually i have to have "santa monica dream" or an instrumental song/playlist looping. generally i write in my room but sometimes i make myself go downstairs in my house. used to, i would go write in the coffee shop on campus or the laundromat when i was in college. i should go to a coffeeshop to write more but frankly i can't afford to buy coffee that much lol. anyways, i also usually have to have a fic titled before i get into working on it. most of my aus end up with titles before i even finish outlining—it's normally stuff pulled from songs, though one of my friends has gotten me onto a two-word title kick recently. i come up with title ideas sometimes and just put them into the notes app on my phone. fun little screenshot of that for u!
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i will usually write a fic over a course of a few weeks. rarely it will take a few days (planetarium stickers was four days total) or months (my clingyduo fic took seven months), really just depends on my motivation and what's going on irl for me. every time i open the doc to keep working, i reread the entire fic up to where i left off and proofread/edit as i do. that way it's usually been through several rounds of editing before it ever makes it onto my ao3, with only a few exceptions like true north which i wrote in two days and had to deal with my typos after posting lol.
that's pretty much it tbh. thanks for the ask :D
ask game.
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