#a good amount of variety is good for the soul!
Werehounds are cake hounds too but can stand in two legs and have rational thinking xD. Would Brute or Esterhazy appear in doodles too or not?
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sure why not xD besides the point they're a delight to draw anyhow! ^^ 1/21/2024
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Wei Wuxian 🤝 Maleficent: Not being invited to a child's birthday party but showing up anyways (to make things worse).
(for @youremysunshine8)
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hausofneptune · 5 months
"spicy" takes / unpopular opinions
[astro notes no. 002]
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IF IT DON’T APPLY LET IT FLY. everybody’s chart is different, if you have any aspects or placements mentioned in this post that don’t resonate with you, that means the energy didn’t manifest the way that i described due to other influences in your chart (or you being delusional, idk, you decide). also, when i speak on certain signs i'm referring to their archetype and the innate energy they express. just be mindful that there's a variety of ways these energies can manifest from person to person.
disclaimers | masterlist | ask
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༄ y’all stay talking about how hard scorpios have it but y’all don’t talk about the struggles capricorns face. especially capricorn moons?? have y’all ever encountered a capricorn moon that wasn’t in therapy or didn’t desperately need it??? they be facing the most insane level of emotional distress and then turn around and pick up more shifts and start studying harder like that shit finna help lmfao
༄ the discourse surrounding 8H synastry is... odd to me. i feel like some people (specifically the tumblr/tiktok girlies) are romanticizing trauma bonding. y’all can talk about how good the sex is all y’all want, but unless you and the person involved have a good amount of self-awareness and are spiritually evolved enough (especially if y'all have your own 8H placements in your own charts), i feel like you’re just setting yourself up to be in a “toxic” relationship with somebody. it could just be my aqua venus talking, but the whole “baring your soul” to someone and developing a possessive/jealous bond with them don't sound fun to me. i would rather perish.
༄ everyone talks about how dramatic your saturn return is but why does no one bring up how traumatic your 12H profection years are? being 23 was literally one of the most unhinged experiences i’ve ever had 
༄ i be tryna advocate for geminis because i know they’re just lil creative mercurial sponges and wanna have enough knowledge to see everything from every side… but why do some of them act like that? and you know what i mean. especially the more “unevolved” gemini placements, they be doing the most insane level of mental acrobatics and be contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian
༄ i have to say this as an 8H moon, i understand what y’all mean when y’all say 8H, scorpio, and plutonian placements usually face a lot of vitriol from others for no reason, but honestly, some of y’all be using that as a justification for being paranoid and manipulative. operating from a place of pain, assuming that everybody is out to get you, and being hyper-vigilant of people’s intentions isn’t the type of behavior anyone should be trying to normalize. let that hurt go pookie <3
༄ i feel like this has been spoken about before but i’ll never understand why water signs are constantly stereotyped as the emotional crybabies of the zodiac but fire signs aren’t? water signs can definitely be sensitive and existential but prominent fire placements will literally lose their mind over the smallest shit and then be cool 10 minutes later… yes i’m looking at you aries
༄ speaking of aries, can we address the way that they’re literally the toddlers of the zodiac and very much so behave like it? idk as a pisces i have a soft spot for them, i love their childlike, carefree spirit, and the way they be throwing tantrums for fun tickles me 
༄ this note doesn’t pertain particularly to signs/placements but astrology in general. i am begging y’all (specifically the people who are newer/beginners to astrology) to use traditional studies as a starting point and to stop taking notes from these tiktoks and tumblr posts. there are astrologers on these platforms who have done the work and studied (love y'all), but there are a plethora who haven’t. i saw a post the other day where somebody said squares/oppositions don’t indicate conflict in a chart and i felt like i was losing my damn mind. i definitely recommend the astrology podcast as a starting point for beginners, chris brennan is amazing and i still find myself re-listening to a lot of his content 
༄ i talked to one of my mutuals the other day about this, but astrology is such an amazing tool, and y’all should use it for so much more than self-validation. y’all do not need to have a certain venus placement to be considered pretty. y'all do not need certain mercury or uranus placements to be considered intelligent/creative. y’all do not have to rely on [insert random asteroid here] to know what your future spouse is gonna look like, when/where y’all are gonna meet, how they’re gonna perceive you, etc. etc. etc. i understand the hype around shit like that is due to social conditioning/constructs, but there are so many more important, relevant things you can learn about yourself through astrology that don’t revolve around "aesthetics"
༄ the girls are gonna hate me for this one, but i don’t understand the hype around lilith. and i say this as someone with a tight sextile between my sun and BML. there’s three versions of it, two of which don’t even technically exist, and then there’s a mean/true version that affects the accuracy. if anyone has more knowledge than me on the subject feel free to give me your input, because i feel like the insane amount of attention lilith gets has to do more with the whole “dark feminine archetype” trend that the tiktok/tumblr girlies love and less to do with its relevance from an astrology/astronomical lens (i feel this way about most asteroids honestly, but we’ll wake up that tea another time)
i don’t wanna get dragged so imma end this here, as always let me know if y’all have any aspects/placements mentioned and tell me how they manifest in your life/personality! and if you have any insight feel free to let me know as well. and don’t be messy. you will be blocked expeditiously. <3
click here to read part two!
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oncomingnight · 7 months
Yandere! Rockstar x Fem Reader ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹
"My old man is a bad man."
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Andrew was the guitarist of an extremely notable band credited for pioneering a sub-genre of metal. He's in the top three of most talented people to ever grace a pair of guitar strings. His band's management is constantly being called to fly them out to perform at festivals, the number of attendees rising after the date of their performance being announced.
His left forearm is covered in a variety of tattoos whilst part of his right is blackened, he also has your name tattooed on the side of his neck and lower back.
He's known for always joking around and giggling about something, someone could say something that has sexual undertones and you'll see a toothy grin spread across his face before he opens his mouth to be inappropriate. Whenever he's around you, which is all the time, he has a permanent, Cheshire cat -like grin on his face. He truly cannot help it, you ignite such happiness within him and he never fails to let you know just how much you've changed his life for the better.
His obsession with you always manages to shine through, I mean, it's not like he's trying to hide it. Why would he even want to? You deserve to be knowledgeable of his soul shattering devotion towards you, he shows his fidelity in several different ways.
Andrew believes that absolutely nothing compares to the celestial sight of you. You're the most beautiful woman in the world in his eyes, he can't help but let you know exactly how he feels when it comes to you.
"Just look at yourself, baby, look at my pretty girl. Do you know what you do to me?"
Andrew, and he'd even say this himself, is extremely clingy when it comes to you. There are intense amounts of photos taken of the two of you where his arms are wrapped around your torso, he's kissing your cheek, holding your hand as he follows your lead. When the two of you are in bed, you don't have any personal space whatsoever, his head is always placed onto your chest, stomach or thighs. It's quite humorous as many are intimidated by him and his presence meanwhile you have a photo of him curling around you in his sleep like a kitten.
Nothing gets past him, especially when it's in regard to you. So don't even try to hide your feelings when it comes to a situation in your life, whether it's good or bad. You could be facing a hardship and yet still lie in his face about your state of mind, "I'm fine", you'd say. He doesn't want you to try to 'protect' him from your sadness, he doesn't want you to talk to anyone else about your problems except him. He knows exactly how to take care of you, love, adore, cherish and accommodate you, do you think anyone else would be able to do so in the same hopelessly devoted manner as him?
Not a chance.
Whenever the two of you are at a public outing or a casual setting with friends, he's constantly by your side. He doesn't trust other people around you as he's perfectly aware of the dangerous actions they're capable of. His arm is constantly draped around your waist, an unreasonably harsh glare being thrown towards anyone he thinks is getting 'too close'.
During interviews or in simple conversations with his friends, he'll always find a way to mention you. It doesn't matter how serious of a topic it is that they're conversing about, there'll be a long pause before he's heard saying, "You wanna know somethin'? Y/n-", that's the beginning of the long tangent he's about to go on.
When the band is going on tour, you don't miss him, because he doesn't give you a chance to do so. He has always brought you along with him and his band mates when it's time to go on another world tour. He's incredibly grateful to be able to wake up with you by his side in a hotel with an incredible view of whichever city you're currently in.
Andrew is incredible when it comes to holidays and special occasions, he goes out of his way to give you everything you've ever asked for. Andrew absolutely adores the comfortable, domestic atmosphere he feels with you when Christmas comes around. He loves baking sugar cookies, assembling gingerbread houses, wrapping the dozens of presents he'd purchased for you, decorating the interior & exterior of your shared home, it's all so special to him.
There are several videos on the internet with an abundance of views where he's defending you like a vicious dog. He's far from scared to confront another musician that's commented on you or the relationship the two of you share, he could care less if someone was shit talking his musical abilities, it's the subject of you that he cares so much for. There's been several times where he's broken someones bones for the way they spoke about you, this isn't something he'd ever apologize for. In his opinion, if you wouldn't kill for the person you claim to love, you don't truly care for them.
He went through a lot during his childhood and it's shown through his hesitance of being vulnerable with those around him, if someone begins crying in front of him, he'll feel incredibly uncomfortable. Though, he doesn't feel that way with you, he doesn't feel constricted or judged when he talked to you about certain things that were committed against him as a child. Andrew has cried in front of you an incredible amount of times for varying reasons, this doesn't scare you away, though, how could it? If anything, it bonds your hearts even tighter together. The moment he decided you were his, the light of his life, the one he could bare himself to, your future was sealed.
The nicknames he chooses to call you by vary from hopelessly romantic to outright silly. "Sweetheart", "baby", "honey", /"toots", "sweet cheeks".
If he notices your liking towards a specific, dessert, dish or drink, he'll immediately commit himself to learning how to make them at home for you.
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alottiegoingon · 2 months
summary: where shauna catches you wearing her flannel
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shauna shipman x fem!reader (all characters are aged up + in college)
warnings: established relationship, pre-crash, minimal usage of bad words, yellowjackets but in college, NSFW content!!! (MDNI), fingering, dom!shauna, sub!reader, probably a bunch of english mistakes and bad writing, not proofread
Shauna’s birthday was coming up and for the past three months you have been struggling. You and Shauna were officially dating for almost six months now and you wanted to give her something special to let her know how much you loved her. That’s why you decided to skip practice today and go straight to her house after class by making up some silly excuse. You knew that she was smart and wouldn't believe you at all but you were willing to take the risk. As time was running low, you decided on the one thing that you knew that Shauna would love.
Flannels. She would wear them everywhere and at any occasion. You could track her from miles away just by looking for a girl wearing oversized flannel shirts and, honestly, it was one of your favorite things about her. You could worry about other small gifts later, but now you were determined to find the exact size of her clothes and that’s why you were standing in front of her house, waiting for her mom to open the door for you.
You didn’t want Shauna to find out, you wanted to be a surprise. That’s what you told her mother when you called her the other day, explaining the situation and practically begging her to let you sneak into her room while her daughter was out. Gladly, you were a sweetheart. At least this is what her parents called you. Always a sweet angel, a good influence for their daughter.
Now, you were stepping into your girlfriend’s room. The light from the string lights in the wall by her bed was on, giving the bedroom a dark pinkish tone along with the small lampshade. Taking a quick glance, you could see thousands of pictures of Shauna with her friends, especially her best friend Jackie, and of you two hanging on her wall and in portraits by her desk. In a blink of an eye, you remind yourself of the reason why you were skipping practice and would probably get your ass beaten by Jackie tomorrow, you had no time to lose. Rushing into Shauna’s closet, you get in, not taking longer than a second to find what you were looking for.
The amount of variety of colors in the shirts made you giggle as you were reaching out for one of the many to check the size on the small tag. It wasn’t a surprise that it was only one size apart from yours and to be fair, you always wondered about how comfortable it would be to wear them. Shauna would probably take hours to come home since Jackie was not much of a compassionate soul when it came to soccer and would always make the girls almost faint of exhaustion by the time practice was over. You had nothing to worry about.
You smell Shauna’s perfume lingering in the air as you put on one of her flannels and button it up. It only made you miss her more now, distracting your brain from the actual reason you were in her room. You look in the mirror close to the bed and you finally understand why she loves this so much. It’s cute, comfortable and it surprisingly matches with the pants and shirt that you were wearing with no effort.
“Are you in the closet?” Your heart almost stopped beating and you feel your blood turning to ice in your veins as a very familiar voice reverberate through the room. You turn around with the speed of light to find Shauna standing, leaning against the doorframe and staring at you, narrowing her eyes in suspicion. The seriousness in her posture and even the slight fear that would leak through her intense stare was being betrayed by a goofy smirk on the corner of her lips.
“Sorry, I couldn’t find a better way to tell you.” You make use of the most soothing tone you can achieve, exaggerating a pout as you approach your girlfriend. “Shauna, I’m gay.” Your pout fades away as quickly as it started, being replaced by a cheeky smirk on your lips, and your girlfriend lets out a soft chuckle. You feel Shauna’s arms gently embracing you, sliding through your sides and getting tighter around your waist. Like an automatic response, you wrap your arms around her neck, both of you failing to hold silly smiles.
“I thought you were sick but… Apparently you were just in the mood for stealing your girlfriend’s clothes?” She teases and you can even notice a bit of a flirting in her voice. She looks away from your eyes, dragging her attention to your body and how her flannel looked slightly bigger on you, gracefully falling from your shoulders to the middle of your thighs. You, however, do not look away from her and you see her big dilating pupils glistening differently. She loses her arms around your body to unbutton the first ones, catching your attention. “What are you doing here?” She insists as you remain quiet.
“Waiting for you…” You shrug. As usual, you couldn’t hold the eye contact when you lied poorly and Shauna noticed it at the exact same second. “Waiting for me in my bedroom instead of going to practice and leave together?” She lifted one eyebrow, trying her best to not smile. It was kind of amusing to her how you had such a bad time lying and how easy it was for her to figure it out. “You are such a bad liar.”
“I know! It’s so hard!” You exhale in relief. It’s not like you were a good liar and would be able to keep the lie for much longer. It wasn’t on your plans to reveal your idea but Shauna was smart. Probably way smarter than you, and would have figured out if you were lying again. “I was trying to find your size to buy you another flannel. I know you love them and I just…” You stop.
You feel the warmth of Shauna’s hands going down from your shoulders to your biceps and giving it a gentle squeeze in a reassuringly way, subtly asking you to continue.
“I don’t know what I should do for your birthday, alright? I can’t find anything good enough, it has to be perfect! I’m a terrible girlfriend.” You grumble and the next thing you hear is Shauna’s surprise scoff.
“What?!” She doesn’t even let you consider saying something else. She had to intervene and stop this nonsense. “Listen. I don’t need a perfect gift.” She innocently mocks you while mimicking your desperate need to give her something flawless. Her hands reach up, her palms resting on your cheeks, cupping your face and forcing you to look into her eyes. You almost get lost in them, like always.
“I literally managed to date the prettiest girl in Wiskayok High, this is the best gift that I could ever receive. The only thing I want is to spend the day with you, you idiot.” She murmurs and you see her cheeks getting a new color, a light shade of pink. No matter how hard it was for her to show her feelings, she would always push her limits and face her fear, eager to let you know how important and loved you were and you appreciated her effort a lot.
For a moment you find yourself wanting to look away, too flustered to not break the eye contact, but you can’t miss your girlfriend’s reddish face. “Fine. I just wanted to give you something special.” You whine and see Shauna’s expression change ever so slight as she suddenly breaks the eye contact and shifts her attention to your body. “Maybe I have something in mind.”
In less than five minutes you were lying in Shauna’s bed with her on top of you as her lips were busy marking the skin of your neck. “You know that your mom is home, right?” You ask, running out of breath already, just to hear a muffled attempt of your girlfriend to pronounce slurred words. “I locked the door, it’s fine.”
You figured what Shauna’s idea of a perfect gift was when you were about to take off her flannel and she immediately stopped you. She was begging you to let her fuck you while you wear it and you could swear that her pupils got bigger than usual.
You made a pitiful sound as her teeth dig into your neck, claiming you and brushing her warm tongue right on top of the recent wound. Your hands were on her head, fingers getting lost between her dark hair, as you were nearly melting under her. Shauna, on the other hand, was fierce and while doing a very good job on your neck, her right hand was exploring your upper body. The coldness of her fingertips made you squeak when she got under your shirt and slowly scratched your stomach. Soon she was already playing with your nipples, pinching and squeezing as much as she wanted to and it was driving you crazy already. “Shauna-“ You tried to catch her attention and beg her to just fuck you but she interrupts you.
“Patience.” Her tone is firm as she mutters her words, this time leaving your neck alone to give your lips lots of quick pecks as a way to shut you up. It worked every time. On her knees between your legs, she takes her time at finishing unbuttoning her flannel that you were wearing, staring at you intensely. She lifts the cute white shirt that you were wearing underneath up to your chest and gets down on you. Her face is inches away from your skin and you feel your clit throbbing as you anticipate everything in your head.
You were forced to cover your own mouth to avoid any loud moans when Shauna’s tongue met your stomach. Her hands were moving through your sides and no matter how awkward you could possibly find; she was always looking at you feeling completely mesmerized even by your tiniest reaction to her touch and while wearing her clothes. It takes her seconds to unzip and undo your jeans and you help her to toss it on the floor. Unlike your jeans, your damp panties didn’t get the same faith. Instead, Shauna just pulled them down to your ankles and you accidentally whine, excited to feel her or anything coming from her. It didn’t take longer before Shauna was kissing your inner thighs purposefully close to your core. Her grip was tight on your legs, forcing you to spread them as far as you could.
“Stop teasing.” You cooed. Better, you begged. Giving up on quieten your moans, your hands went straight to the bed and firmly grabbed the sheets. Shauna didn’t seem as desperate as you, of course, and she was enjoying making you squirm under her. It was her favorite view. “Just be quiet.” Impatiently, she slaps your thigh and the sharp sound fills the room along with an unexpected moan of yours. She kisses your thighs for a few more seconds, holding them in place and exposing your wet pussy completely, and after what it felt like hours, she goes back to meet you.
You groan in annoyance, completely shocked by how she just left you hanging. Your lips parted, ready to complain or say anything to make Shauna get back there but she was faster and your attempt to mutter a few words changed to a gasp as you feel her fingers barely rubbing up and down on your soaked pussy, feeling all of you. “How are you so wet already?” She chuckles and you roll your eyes. “Shut up. Can you just-“
Your words were cut by a breathy whimper as you feel two of your girlfriend’s fingers entering your pussy. You were so soaked that it was almost embarrassing how easily it went all in. Then, you understood why Shauna left your legs, she wanted to look at you. Her eyes were so intense on you that it could dig holes onto your skin if she wanted to. Instead, she was just enjoying you feeling her touches and wanted to memorize every second of it. As you squirmed under her, Shauna’s fingers began to slowly pump into you, in and out in a tortuous pace just to see you beg.
“Please…” You panted looking into her eyes. She smirks but the rhythm doesn’t change. She has to hear it. “Please what?” Just like expected, she insists on forcing you to say exactly what you want. On forcing you to submit completely and just enjoy her touch. And as usual, you obey it.
“Faster.” Your words are like an inaudible hiss or hush but urgent like oxygen. She nods subtly with a proud look in her face and gives in to your wish. A squelch sound began to echo around the room thanks to how fast Shauna was shoving her fingers inside of you and curling up at the right spot, making you squirm violently and scream almost immediately. You didn’t even care about being loud anymore. Not when Shauna Shipman was fucking you like that.
Your hips started to slowly move, grinding and following Shauna’s fingers pace inside of you. Your moans were getting louder as her movements were getting sloppier. You were both panting and sweating together and the look in your girlfriend’s eyes was almost hypnotic. “You like this?” She murmured and you nodded frantically, whimpering and gasping for air softly, rocking your hips and feeling your legs getting shaky and tense as Shauna was feeling your spongy walls squeezing her fingers tighter. Your breath was getting heavier as you were pathetically trying to ride her fingers, lifting your weight from the mattress to feel her going deeper even if just a little more. Shauna noticed your despair and gave you what you wanted by pumping firmly and fast but making sure to fill all of you. With her thumb, she started to rub your swollen clit in messy circles and you gripped her shoulders as you felt your orgasm building up quickly.
Your grip was so strong that Shauna felt your nails digging into her skin even though her shoulders were covered by one of her famous flannels and she lets out a painful groan but smiled as soon as she realized what was about to happen. “Are you going to cum for me, sweet girl?” She whispers and you can’t manage to answer. It was too intense, too overwhelming.
It took a few more thrusts before your back automatically arched and your fingers squeezed the fabric of your girlfriend’s clothes as you orgasm. You moan her name like a chant over and over again, rolling your eyes back and feeling your inner walls compressing against her fingers, pushing them away. Following your body’s orders, Shauna slowed the pace before she could gently pull her soaked fingers out of you and the act made you groan as you adjusted yourself to the empty feeling.
When you take a look back at your girlfriend, she has an alluring expression in her face. Dreamy eyes and halfway open lips just enough to help her breath. You smile tenderly as she kisses your forehead, trying to recover from the intense climax.
“I changed my mind. Maybe you should buy some new flannels for me. We need to try all of them.”
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that-house · 1 month
can you tell us more about dronestrike & the campaign theyre from?
just read thhe post about it & immediately became obsessed
(context: Dronestrike is my warrior cats OC, an american imperialist robot cat the size of a horse and equipped with enough firepower to wipe out the clans if it seems like they're at risk of falling to communism. in the oneshot he accidentally fired a nuke at the city of LA and blamed "every other country" in a phone call with Bidenstar to avoid getting in trouble)
it wasn't a campaign, just an 11-person oneshot in the single most chaotic discord voice call I have ever been in. so i haven't played him since then, nor will i ever play him again
i can provide you a variety of facts about him i came up with after the fact though because he's a funny enough character that i can't stop thinking about him:
his brain is composed of three parts with an equal amount of control over his actions: the soul of a vietnam veteran, an AI replica of a cat, and every single super bowl halftime commercial
he comes armed with combat knives for claws, a machine gun in his mouth, a high caliber sniper rifle built into his spine, a pistol that he somehow uses with cat paws, and a douglas air-2 genie air-to-air unguided nuclear missile
transition could not save him because all trans people are godless communists who bully him on twitter
Dronestrike acknowledges every independence movement if only so that America has more countries to eventually colonize
he has read Marx so he can misuse quotes and flex on any marxists who haven't read theory
his greatest wish is for america to have won 'nam
doesn’t really have any physical possessions because he’s a cat who doesn’t have pockets or a permanent residence. he does however have $8.6 million in Shell oil stock
Dronestrike if he played League of Legends: only plays champs who have america-themed skins, but doesn’t actually own the skins because that would be giving money to a chinese company. plays all of them jungle to poor results. iron 4 two thousand games this season
has no mouth but wishes he did so he could taste the burgers that honest Americans have died to defend
Dronestrike's dream world is world war 3, with the stipulation that there is an american flag superimposed over EVERYONE'S vision instead of just his
if he had 24 hours to live he would start a “second american revolution” by attacking England
he isn't a good kisser: no lips, he's a cat, and also george washington famously said that romantic connections weaken your spiritual link with The State
response to being trapped in a maze of mirrors: breaks through the mirrors without noticing, but also can’t recognize his reflection. Thinks he has to fight these teleporting commie clones of himself to save the United States of America
he's on Santa's naughty list
on Halloween he dresses up as George Washington and “trick or disappears” journalists
Dronestrike hates the reds, the brits, women, and most importantly, himself
prefers fundamentals over schmovement
favorite board game is Monopoly because watching people go bankrupt or be imprisoned is one of his hobbies
his happiest memory is his first glimpse of an amazon packaging facility and the horrible conditions of the workers
favorite season is summer: 4th of July babey!!! the holiday where you're allowed to blow shit upppp!!! he also frequently sets off fireworks in the off season to scare dogs and people with anxiety
doesn’t date but he sends tech billionaires unethically farmed flowers sometimes
doesn’t play video games but he has a simulated CoD lobby’s chat going at all times in his head. they call him slurs whenever he misses a shot
relates strongly to Patrick Bateman
he was in ShadowClan. they picked which clan he would be deployed into by having him take the official "which clan are you" quiz
sometimes he doubts that he has the heart of a true warrior
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mothusband · 2 months
tagged by @unlettered-heathen, thanks!!
last song i listened to: way out there - lord huron
last book i read: a book i got at the thrift store on a variety of fiber crafts
last film i watched: pacific rim. it's my go to movie when i'm feeling rough.
last tv series: i believe it was the good place? been a while since i've watched anything
last thing i googled: switch controller (one of mine has been on the verge of going out so i was checking the best prices for a new one)
last thing i ate: fried steak
sweet, savory, or spicy: spicy!!
amount of sleep: i believe 11-ish hours? i went to bed late and ended up sleeping til early afternoon
currently reading: rereading a book i got in yellowstone years ago about a bunch of experiences people had in the late 1800's-early 1900's when it was still being explored. it's really interesting and some of it is kinda horrifying.
tagging: @burningivy @long-lost-soul @ingrid-marie
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thishazbinamistake · 5 months
I am here to talk about Viv's horrible character designs.
From an animator perspective, they suck.
Here's why
1. The characters have way too much detail
For animation, more lines equal more work. You're going to be drawing them over and over, and it just creates more stress and work for the animators.
For example, I took one of the most egregious designs in HB (Beelzebub) and simplified it to be animation friendly.
(Can't send it here but I'll probably make a post about it or something.)
2. There's too much of 1 color
Especially since they're in a primarily red background, they don't stand out AT ALL.
Like how am I supposed to see them if they blend in to the background??
3. I have no idea what half of them are supposed to be
Charlie is based off a doll?
Alastor is based off of a deer?
Katie Killjoy is based off of a praying mantis?
Angel Dust is based off of a spider?
Beelzebub is supposed to be well... Beelzebub?
When designing characters, they need to be clear on what they're supposed to be! And no, explaining it on Twitter does not count.
4. The animation reference sheets are garbage
No wonder there's so much animation errors. There's no facial expression sheets, lip sync guide, nothing. It's just a 4 angle turnaround sheet where the character is in complex poses all the time.
If you Google Lackadaisy's animation reference sheets and then look at HB's, it's like night and day.
I'm more than willing to send some examples (along with the edit I did) if you want
So yeah, what are your thoughts?
These are all great points! I think you summed up the main problems very well, but I'll elaborate on each of them. I'm no expert at character design or animation by any means, but I'll do my best to explain my points!
First of all, like you said, the character designs are way too complicated. Anyone who knows even the slightest amount about animation knows you want to simplify and streamline your designs as much as possible to make it easier on the animators. Vivzie is way too obsessed with her Deviantart OC lookin'-ass character designs to actually do this, even though it would seriously help to make the animation process way faster and easier. Beelzebub is seriously the best (or worst?) example of this.
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I feel so bad for the poor souls who had to animate this. There are just way too many moving parts here, from her multiple arms, her wings, her markings, to her freaking lava lamp hair and tail?? It's just awful. And so many of Viv's designs suffer this problem, I could go on and on.
Like, I think it actually is a nice looking design, as a still image. Maybe not for the demon Beelzebub, but as a general furry OC, I think she's cute. But that's beside the point. I would love to see your redesign of her!
Next, the RED. So, most of the characters we see in Helluva Boss are red-skinned imps, which has been a common depiction of demons for centuries. One big problem I have is that there's little contrast in these designs. Let's look at our three main imps.
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Aside from some white and yellow highlights, they're all mostly red and black. Their color palettes aren't distinct in the slightest! And, I mean, come on. Red accessories against what's almost the exact same shade of red skin? Really? It just doesn't look good. A little contrast here and there goes a long way, like... maybe make Moxxie's bowtie blue? Or Blitz's pendant green? I don't know, anything to help each character stand out, and help give them more visual intrigue.
It doesn't help that most of the backgrounds are primarily shades of red, too. Here's a few screenshots I found that really show this problem.
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Look at all that fucking red. Like you said, there's such little color variation that the characters blend into the background. Now, to be fair, I did specifically choose these screenshots because I think they really highlight the problem, but this really is what so much of the show looks like. Granted, we do have a bit more variety in the different rings of Hell, each with their own main color, but this is still too much red, considering how much the color comprises the main characters' designs.
Next, like you said, Vivzie is really bad at making characters actually look like the things they're supposed to look like. Let's take Alastor as an example!
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Oh boy! More red and black. So, Alastor here is supposed to be a deer. What's the first physical characteristic that comes to mind when you think of a deer?
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Yeah, those big, impressive antlers! So... where are his? Oh, they're those tiny little forks on his head that are almost entirely obscured by his stupid emo hair. Like, come on! Giving him bigger antlers would have made him look so much cooler and more intimidating, and it would have been a great focal point for his design! It's such a missed opportunity. (I know he has bigger antlers in his scarier "demon" form, but you still could have made these a little more impressive.) And don't even get me started on those ears... they look more like fox ears or something. Like you said, a good design shouldn't need to be explained through supplementary material. We should be able to tell what a character is supposed to be just from looking at them!
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Another great example is Angel Dust, who, despite being a spider, lacks so many distinct features we associate with spiders! He only has six legs instead of eight, he doesn't have pedipalps or chelicerae, and he also lacks that big old spider booty, which I think is such a missed opportunity, considering he is supposed to be in the sex industry. He isn't even remotely shaped like a spider, he looks more like a fuzzy stick bug or something.
Part of me feels like Viv is too afraid to make her characters look unique, so she just goes with the same, skinny humanoid design for just about everything. It's such a shame, because I really do think she is a talented artist who can make some really interesting designs. But then again, she also gave us Beelzebub, so... maybe not.
As for the reference sheets, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough but I couldn't find any official ones for the main characters, so if you could send those my way I would appreciate it! Though it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they were bad. I did look up Lackadaisy's and found them pretty easily and...
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This is so freaking comprehensive and detailed, it's incredible! Look at all those poses and facial expressions!
Comparing Vivzie's works to Tracy's feels kind of unfair, since Tracy has been working on Lackadaisy for 17 years, and it really shows. This is leaps and bounds above Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel in quality. Rocky's design is tight; it's detailed, but not overly complicated. There isn't an obnoxious overuse of highly saturated colors, and there's such nice contrast between his fur, his eyes, suit, and tie, making his design very nice to look at. You can also tell so much about his personality and the world he lives in just from his appearance. It's such a good design, and Rocky is just one example from Lackadaisy! All of Tracy's designs are memorable and stand out from one another, unlike so many of Vivzie's characters, whose designs honestly feel interchangable.
So much thought and care has gone into Lackadaisy, and I seriously cannot wait for the full series, as well as all the other amazing indie animated series that have been coming out recently. It's sad that Helluva Boss is seen as the pinnacle of indie animation, when there are so many other series out there that are just.. better! Lackadaisy, obviously, but we've also got Digital Circus, Murder Drones, Monkey Wrench, and so many others that deserve way more appreciation than what Helluva Boss receives. And that's just from an art direction standpoint, we aren't even talking about writing. That's a whole other can of worms.
All of that being said, it's obvious that a ton of love and hard work went into Helluva Boss, and I hold absolutely nothing against the animators and artists at Spindlehorse. These poor design choices are a hallmark of Vivzie's art style, and they're simply working with what they've got. There is such wasted potential here because it feels like Vivzie is too afraid to step outside her comfort zone and design something that isn't a brightly colored, sharp-toothed twink, or skinny anthro wolf girl.
Anyways, that about wraps up my thoughts. Thanks for the ask, this was fun to delve into! And again, I'd be very interested in seeing you post your redesigns! 👀
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hitlikehammers · 4 months
on the radio
rating: t ♥️ cw: criminal-levels of softness, love beyond the boundaries of what it even meant to love before the spring of ‘86 ♥️ tags: established relationship, rockstar!eddie, teacher!steve, rockstar husbands, tour dates coincide with summer vacation because Eddie can't sleep without his Stevie thank you for your cooperation with this policy, soul-deep love, slice of life, softness
for @steddielovemonth day fourteen: Love is being late to work because you can’t ever say goodbye in a reasonable amount of time (@sharpbutsoft)
more codependent rockstar!husbands of the je ne regrette rien variety, you say? oh, well, I mean: I guess ♥️
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Steve can fucking taste freedom, he swears.
He looks at the list of student records he needs to close out to transfer to the high school before he can pack away the last of his office and sign the hell off for the school year—and start the summer tour cycle with his husband through the Midwest, up and down the East Coast, and then they’re fucking breaking Europe, got signed on to a couple festivals, and Steve is goddamn vibrating with excitement and shit, just: are there parts of your heart that like, fit together? Like bones where they connect and shit, or is it all just one piece?
Steve thinks is more like one piece, but he is gonna go with that it’s more like stitched together or something, just so he can fucking say exactly what he feels, which is that his whole goddamn chest—heart and ribs and lungs and all the other fucking bones and shit there—all of it’s seriously bursting at the seams just with so much fucking pride, okay, because his Eddie’s goddamn made it. This dream of his isn’t just gold records; it’s a plane across an ocean to play for tens of thousands of people who don’t even all speak their language and that’s…that’s just like…
Steve’s so goddamn proud he’s split between wanting to scream about it from the top of the school and maybe sob about it with all kinds of sappy declarations peppered in as he messy-cries, so: bursting at the seams. Heart in his chest so full it’s primed to just explode like a goddamn confetti cannon.
Though time has kind of served as testament to the fact that that sensation’s less exclusively about Eddie’s music, or his success, and more just about Eddie.
Eddie, and loving him beyond the boundaries of any understanding Steve ever had about what it meant to love before the spring of ‘86.
He’s almost through the ‘V’s at the end of his alphabet of names when he notes the time—shit, he almost missed it.
He reaches for tiny radio in the corner of his desk that literally just lives there for the purpose of Eddie and the boys doing interviews on local stations every so often, and tunes it in 93.9.
…elcome to most of the infamous lords of midwestern metal, Corroded Coffin, the DJ’s introducing and good, Steve sighs and flips through his…fifth-to-last folder—just in time, he can listen to the interview the guys are squeezing in before hitting the road, then he can get home while the band’s getting their flight to the first venue in Chicago, they’ve got a couple of days there and he and Eddie are planning to look at some houses; Erica’s out of high school they’re ready to make the leap, and Steve will take the 6:10 flight and head straight to the show like the often do, it should work perfect; it’s great to have you guys back but Jeff, I gotta ask, the maybe most…colorful?
You can say obnoxious, Lenny, if anyone knows, we do, Jeff’s shooting playfully, and Steve snickers, distracted by closer folder-number-five and flipping open number-four.
I would never, the DJ gasps theatrically to laughter, and Gareth’s muted holler almost like he’s here! and then he continues on; that does open the line of inquiry, though: where’s your notorious frontman, Mr. Munson?
Steve’s hand slips on the folder; he barely catches it before it falls to the floor.
Eddie…Eddie’s not, not there?
Steve tries to talk down the adrenaline response that’s never wholly died at the idea of the love of his fucking life gone missing, and worse, the idea of something happening to him while unaccounted for: Jeff was playful. Gareth was teasing. They have to at least have known somethingabout Eddie’s absence, Steve talks down his racing heart to something just a little anxious as he listens for clues, and doesn’t have to mine little hints or anything even, it’s clear and plain:
Eddie’s got a sore throat, so like the diva he is, he’s resting it before showtime, Dougie chiming in and yeah, two points to that: one, the only reason Eddie’d have a sore throat would have been fine by sun-up, yeah, and it was, because Eddie was all sunshine and manic energy when they parted ways that morning, and then two: Steve actually knows these guys well enough to be able to tell when they’re talking out their asses.
And Doug is maybe the worst liar of the three on-air.
Steve’s chewing hard on his Bic, trying hard to keep a level head about this: if anything drastic had happened, he’d have heard, they all have his office number, they all know where he is, it would—
Steve startles when he hears rubber squeaking down the hall outside the office; as far as he knows, though, he’s the only person here—everyone else takes at least a week free from this place after classes end, but Steve has a timeline, and a flight to catch, so y’know: sacrifices must be made and whatnot.
He barely gets to turn in his chair to consider getting up to check when the culprit and his perpetually-trashed Reeboks skids to a halt in the doorway.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie beams at him, a little breathless, hair a fucking mess but smiling so big, those dimples popped so deep: shit, if Steve’s heart hadn’t been quick already, that’d fucking do the trick.
“Eddie,” Steve stands, and meets him in the middle where Eddie’s already crossing to him, kissing him immediately and hungrier than the maybe-five-hours since the saw each other really fucking merits. “What, you, why aren’t you at the station?”
Eddie’s eyes flick to the radio as he clocks the question and of all the reactions Steve could predict from him, the fake-sheepish grin with the glimmering fucking eyes?
Probably could have guessed that one.
“I forgot something.”
“You forgot something?”
“Yeah, something important,” he nods fervently and Steve frowns.
‘Babe, you could have called, I’m meeting you at the arena, I could drop it with security if needed to,” he offers, argues: but not really, and not like it fucking matters, because here Eddie is, and the boys were planning to run straight to the airport from the interview, both of which are in the city but Steve’s not, and Eddie’s gonna have to be fucking quick, here, if he doesn’t want to be late for his goddamn flight; did he already swing by the house for whatever it is he needs, it—
“Nope,” Eddie pops the denial like a bubble; “can’t leave it with security.”
Steve squints at him, because now it’s a puzzle. Now it’s Eddie being…kind of a little shit.
And Steve doesn’t even begrudge him the momentary panic before; he’s too adorable. Steve’s too fucking in love.
And now he’s curious.
“You kissed me goodbye.”
“Oh, always,” Eddies almost offended by the suggestion he could have forgotten that. As in: ever.
“Said you loved me.”
“Bigger than the universe,” Eddie says exactly what he came up with that morning, like he does every morning, some new outlandish way to describe the scope of his affections and Steve rolls his eyes but eats it up every fucking time; “and the universe is always expanding so I love you bigger than what it’s expanded to since this morning, too.”
Steve can’t help but kiss him for that, because; well.
“What the hell else then?” Steve asks, because Eddie has a fucking timeline here and then his husband’s grin stretches slow, and sly, and then he’s drawing Steve in, and kissing him deep, licking as far as he can reach and wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist tight, knocking him a little off balance by design and Steve goes with it, because he fucking loves it, and then—
“Goddamnit, Edward,” Steve growls between them into Eddie’s shit-eating fucking grin as he smacks Steve’s ass, again, and keeps his hand there to squeeze while he pecks at Steve’s lips with feeling.
“It’s good luck, baby, for the journey!” Eddie protests between kisses. “It would curse the whole shebang if I left without showing the appreciation duly accorded to a goddamn masterpiece,” and then he leans in and goes deep one more time, draws a moan out and drags it slow from Steve’s lips before breaking away to declare emphatically:
And Steve…Steve fucking loves this man bigger than the whole expanding fucking universe or whatever, so he kisses him back until Eddie’s the one moaning, then pushes him away, kinda hard.
“Get out of here, you fucking lunatic,” but then he’s quick to drag Eddie back for one last kiss to mouth against him: “have a safe flight, I’ll see you tonight.”
And Eddie smiles against him, and makes to actually listen, but.
Not before Steve slaps that ass as it makes its way out the door.
Turnabout’s fair play.
Or whatever.
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson
divider credit here
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lilies-n-slander · 1 month
just my unstructured thoughts on “complicated and sad”
I’m not huge on radiostatic and haven’t thought about the dynamic as much as other people so probably I’ll be retreading common ground
radiostatic friendship had to have broken up for smth more ideological, it would honestly be a bit boring/disappointing if it was just over the unrequited romance aspect (but it was likely a contributing factor)
the fact that vox asked alastor to join his team gives a few clues
I think atp vox still thought positively of alastor while alastor’s opinion of vox was starting to deteriorate. Vox respected alastor enough to *ask* him to join, rather than manipulate or try to force him
if that’s the case, then whatever vox did that alastor hated likely wasn’t malicious (but knowing vox, it was still a bad/harmful thing)
it seems like the kind of situation where alastor showed discomfort and vox refused to change and didn’t understand what he was so mad about
what could vox have done that alastor disliked so much that it ruined a previously good friendship?
using people? Alastor does that
owning souls? Alastor does that
killing people? Alastor does that
associating with and enabling ppl like val? Maybe? It seems like an arbitrary line to draw, altho one of the comics shows alastor killing an attempted rapist
influencing people’s perception of them through media? Alastor does that, but maybe it was the difference of method that he didn’t like (hypnosis vs charisma)
being fake? Alastor does that but is better at it than vox (smiling to hide weakness)
being weak*? (*not just physically) Now we’re talking. Alastor hates weakness, both in other people and himself. He hates when people let their composure slip and tries to exploit any weakness he sees. Maybe it disgusted him to see someone he thought was strong actually prove to be weak, insecure, and pathetic
a combination of the last three seems the most plausible to me (especially considering what things alastor disses vox for in stayed gone), but I’m still struggling to come up with something that has the right amount of “oomph” to it
I’m curious what alastor initially liked about vox in the first place?
did he only like him bc he thought vox was stronger than he actually was?
has vox just changed so much over the years that the vox alastor formed a friendship with was basically a different person? That would make me curious about what sparked that change in vox—was it a particular incident or gradual corruption?
does alastor hate modernity because of vox or does he hate vox because of his modernity?
leaning twds the former, the way alastor speaks abt tech has a personal tinge to it
most of vox’s hostility twds alastor is prob due to what alastor did as rejection
supported by vox not having much variety of his insults in stayed gone
yes he’s pathetic and might be salty that he doesn’t return his feelings, but I feel like that’s not the whole explanation
does “I thought he was gone *for good* too” imply that alastor has previously disappeared or been shooed away by the vees and came back soon after?
“he owes us a lot more than money” + “things have changed a lot since he left town… …I gotta send a message of who’s really in charge of things now” = before he disappeared, alastor was previously in control, possibly by sabotaging the vees and overthrowing them?
I didn’t rlly mention “still pissed he almost beat you that time?” bc that had to have been after the fallout, so not as much to dig into there (this isn’t to say that I don’t desperately want a flashback of it lol)
hmmmmmmmnfgh… so many questions
I really hope their backstory has already been mostly planned out, bc it seems like something that would go poorly if you just made it up on the fly
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jahanmp4 · 9 months
I've seen a lot of hate towards q!Antoine regarding his treatment of q!Forever, and it's a bit disheartening to see that all of it is because people never watched his POVs.
Though we joke about the fact that q!Antoine isn't human, he clearly isn't. He often showcases how little he understands human emotions, even when Pomme shared about feeling like q!Kameto abandoned her, he did not understand fully how she would hang onto someone she met for 5 minutes tops.
He's been distrustful of literally everyone on the island except for HIS EGG, rejected the idea of a Presidency since the very beginning, and kept track of every candidate as his paranoia only grew stronger with all the stuff the Federation did.
Still he cares. He changed his skin to show the sad face first until Pomme comes back, and to me, his determination to prove that q!Forever should NOT be president is quite literally how he copes. Right now, the eggs are gone, because of the Federation, and who has direct contact with them ? The President. The person that was supposed to protect everyone on the island, who was supposed to be a GOOD thing for the island.
He doesn't see the poor broken human soul, he only sees the job. And it's true that q!Forever is a liability right now considering how unstable he is with the amount of power he acquired. It's cold, and extremely detached, but it's all very much into character for q!Antoine. And it goes against the current of people genuinely wanting to help him even though they aren't the closest because they genuinely believe in q!Forever (q!Etoiles my beloved), which adds VARIETY !!!
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bonesofvaldis · 8 months
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The Universe
The famine is actually something that has happened before, way in the past when monsters were first trapped in the Underground. A lot of the knowledge of how it was overcome was lost with Asgore and Toriel however, and a lot of the older monsters were either too young to remember or were the first to fall down when it resurfaced again.
The famine is actually caused by an overabundance of magic. When the monsters were first sent into the underground they brought all of their magic with them, it soaked into the ground, rocks and water. The new density of magic caused any crops to become 'overripe'. The Core failing did the same thing, sending a new intense wave of magic through the Underground. If they had gotten the Core up and running the way it used to, it would regulate magic once more.
The only reasons Reuben's magic was able to restart the Core briefly was because it has the same magical signature as Gaster, it has nothing to do with power level or anything like that. When Gaster fell into the Core his magic became interwoven in its mechanisms, a significant boost of a similar magic (either from Reuben or Dagwood) would have been enough to restart it.
In my headcanon, Toriel was also defeated by Frisk. This is because I believe this 'run' was someone's first and only, someone who gave up trying to talk it out, someone who didn't bother to go back and get the 'best possible ending'.
Not that many humans have actually fallen down during the second great famine, at least not enough to affect anyone who has eaten them. Most of the changes that have happened to monsters are because of the extra magic, it changed them to help them survive tougher conditions. For example, making them taller/bigger, sharper teeth, improved vision etc. In some cases, this has affected their mental state as well.
Both Reuben and Dagwood's teeth and size are a result of the extra magic that the Underground got flooded with. Most monsters have been affected physically in some way by it. Their bodies changed to be able to handle that amount of magic. There was some emotional struggle since monster souls are so in tune with magic, so it was harder for them to keep their emotions and magic in check. But over time it has become easier as they adjust to their new reality.
They both know sign language, as Reuben sometimes finds it hard to speak verbally.
Horrortale Sans
Nickname: Reuben
Height: 6'4
Magic: Pinkish Red
Style: He likes dressing in cosy winter gear. Big jackets, jumpers, big grippy boots, etc. He almost always wears his matching yellow gloves and scarf, although sometimes he'll swap it out for something else Dagwood has made for him.
Other facts and info:
Reuben can cook, but he's not as good as his brother.
He loves spicy food.
Reuben has four pet chickens that he loves very much. Their names are Spoon, Knife, Fork and Ms Ice-cream Apple Pie.
Reuben likes to take care of the groceries and any other short errands around town. He'll often take one of his chickens (usually Spoon) with him if he has the opportunity.
Reuben loves to savour his kisses, much preferring soft lingering kisses and being closer to you. He likes if you take the lead as he's perfectly happy to get lost in it.
He 'doesn't dance'.
Reuben would like to work with animals, perhaps in some sort of petting farm or animal daycare.
His favourite colour is yellow.
Horrortale Papyrus
Nickname: Dagwood
Height: 7'5
Magic: Pale Green
Style: He likes light coloured clothing and he likes to look smart. He often wears button-ups, dress shoes and long coats. He's never seen without a pair of gloves, as his bones are heavily scarred and he prefers not to look at them.
Other facts and info:
Dagwood is a very skilled cook. He made it a priority to properly learn once they made it to the surface, taking advantage of the wider variety of foods available compared to underground.
He cooks mostly savoury things but he loves sweets. He's still not the best at making them though since he likes to make sure everyone eats healthy first.
Likes spicy food.
Dagwood is very outspoken, partially stemming from his brother's selective mutism. He's not afraid to speak up for others who need it.
He's very protective of those weaker than him, and keeps up a consistent workout routine to make sure he's always in fighting shape (the boost of magic from the core exploding in their au makes this very easy for him).
He likes to knit in his spare time too, although it's not something that he openly shares. The scarf and gloves that Reuben wears are a past birthday gift from him.
He was the main one that monsters in Snowdin went to if they needed help and that need to take responsibility never went away. He would melt if someone went out of their way to take care of him.
Because of the shape of his teeth, Dagwood's kisses are usually very gentle and precise. He'll usually take the lead and hold your face to direct you. Both because he likes the act of control and because he doesn't want you to accidentally get poked.
He really loves kids. If his partner also wanted kids he'd probably want at least two so that they'd always have a friend/someone to rely on. He'd also be open to adopting/fostering older kids who need a home.
About his relationship with Undyne. There were a lot of tense feelings at the start of the famine, a lot of magic going haywire, so their relationship was very rough for a while after his brother got hurt*. It's been a few years now and they've worked on and rebuilt their relationship as they've worked together to help the remaining monsters.
*It happened during an argument where her magic got out of control. She meant to summon one spear as a show of power but accidentally ended up summoning multiple.
He loves any kind of dancing with a partner.
Dagwood would love to be a teacher of some sort. Probably somewhere around the preteen level.
His favourite colours are pastels, but specifically blue.
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Interested in Writing But Can't Seem to Write
Anonymous asked: I've been interested in writing since I was a child. Used to be a bookworm. Whole chapter books in one night, completely addicted as a form of escapism. My first real dream job was to be an author - I decided this at around 11 maybe. No matter how many phases I've had, I always return to wanting to be an author. I am 22 now. I have not written a single thing. I vaguely remember writing like, maybe 3 things at most. Incomplete works that I just had fun with. And this was before I even turned 14. But in all those years of "loving writing and books" and "wanting to be an author" I did straight up nothing. Didn't even contribute to fanfics for the fandoms I was deeply obsessed with (I do remember trying once but wasn't into it). At some point reading was out of my life too.
I'm going to start here, because of these conflicting statements:
-- "I have not written a single thing." -- "I vaguely remember writing like, maybe 3 things at most."
See the issue? ;) If you've written "maybe 3 things" you have written something. They may have been incomplete, and you may not even remember what you were, but that doesn't mean you should discount them. You have written. That experience is still in there somewhere.
One of my biggest pet peeves as a longtime writer is hearing newer writers refer to themselves as "aspiring writers." If you write, you're a writer. Period. It doesn't matter if you journal, write poetry, write fan-fiction, or wrote a middle-school round robin with friends where you all married your favorite K-Pop stars. You write. You're a writer. And, honestly, even if you're not actively writing right now, if you want to write--if you think about writing, are constantly jotting down story ideas and character names, and are eagerly gathering inspiration from all around you... guess what? You're still a writer.
Now I'm trying to take my interest in writing more seriously, but I just can't sit down and write. I'm good at storing notes and ideas and daydreaming what my stories are about, but nothing is ever produced. If I think about it I immediately lose interest - even if I am in fact still interested in writing and publishing? I'm very confused by my behaviour and I wonder if it's normal.
What you're experiencing isn't unusual. In fact, most writers experience it from time to time, though usually it happens at points further into the writing journey and not right at the start. But I still wouldn't call that "abnormal." It happens.
There are a hundred-million reasons why it happens, and the only way to figure out why it's happening for you right now is to do some soul-searching. At your age, I think a prime suspect would be that you're in the jumping off point for your adult life. This can be a tumultuous time for a variety of reasons, and your focus and energy may be naturally geared toward the things that help you explore and settle into this new phase of life. Even beyond that, if you have have a demanding job (including being a parent or caregiver), are going to school or studying for job-related tests/classes, or have a lot going on right now (multiple projects, lots of travel, lots of appointments and social commitments, etc.)--your focus and energy is probably running thin as it is, so finding a way to funnel what's left into writing is going to take some finesse. And that's if this is even the right time for it, which I'll get to later on.
Writing Stress = Writing Avoidance
One of the most mind-blowing things I've learned about writing is that writing avoidance often comes down to writing feeling stressful for whatever reason. If you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself to write, write a certain amount, meet goals or deadlines, that translates to stress. It makes writing stressful, and the problem with that is evolution has wired our brains to avoid things that are stressful. At its most basic level, stress is a response to danger--you hear a lion roar in the distance, it causes you stress, you turn and run in the opposite direction. Stress triggers the "fight or flight response," a defense mechanism that protects us from the impending danger. With writing, "fight" shows up as self-criticism. "Flight" shows up as avoidance.
So, if you find that you want to write but are avoiding it, it's worth considering if you're avoiding it because it feels stressful to you. If so, there are things you can do to de-stress writing. For one thing, let go of the notion that you have to write any particular thing or amount in order to be a writer. Set yourself a bare minimum writing goal to reach every day... like writing for 10 minutes. That can be any writing--journaling, writing prompts, working on a story, fleshing out story ideas, fluffy fan-fiction, poetry, writing down a favorite memory, doing a book or movie review, anything. Try to do it every day, but don't beat yourself up if you sit down and aren't able to write anything, don't write a lot, or never sit down at all. Just try, every day, do your best. Also, try setting up a writing routine that you do every day when you sit down for that little writing session. Try to pick the same or similar time each day, do a little meditation or stretch beforehand, put on some soft music or light a candle, get your favorite drink or small snack. If you do this almost every day, what you'll start to find is that the writing happens more and more easily. Eventually you'll be spend more and more time doing it.
Why can I say I'm interested in writing when I don't write at all?
I'm interested in traveling to England but I haven't yet and have no current plans to. Does that mean I'm not allowed to say I'm interested in traveling to England?
Being interested in something doesn't mean you have to do that thing right now or you can't say you're interested in it.
And even if you can't write right now for whatever reason, there are still plenty of writerly things you CAN do. Following writing blogs and vlogs is a good start. You can listen to writing podcasts and read writing craft books. You can keep a notebook full of plot and character ideas, setting inspiration, favorite quotes, interesting words, and overheard bits of dialogue. You can watch TV shows and movies (and read books, which includes listening to audiiobooks!) You don't even have to do these things all the time or everyday. Just periodically, when you can. It all goes into your creative well and will be there to draw from when you are able to write.
One final word...
You do not have to be in a hurry to be a writer or to be a published writer. The average age of first-time publication is mid-30s. I was mid-40s. Jane Austen was 35. Toni Morrison was 40. J.R.R. Tolkien was 45. Richard Adams was 52. Annie Proulx was 57. Laura Ingalls Wilder was 65. National Book Award winner Harriet Doerr was 74. Poet Sarah Yerkes started writing poetry at 97 and was published at 101.
So, be interested in writing. Own that interest. Figure out if and how writing fits into your life right now. If it doesn't, do the other things. Fill your creative well so it will be ready when writing does fit into your life. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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(I don't know if someone has already written this idea yet. If someone has tho please give me the info/link so I can read it. 👀
This might be the only prompt I do, because my brain likes to keep my creativity behind bars a majority of the time. That and anxiety. I've never done a post like this before. Also, most of my knowledge is from DP not DC. Please forgive me if I get something wrong.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas.
short prompt #1 →
short prompt #2 →
Lair of Mystery
The House of Mystery is Danny's lair or vacation lair(1) and ever since he outlived his friends and family(2), he's been coming to the House of Mystery whenever he needs a break from his kingly duties. Since it's the Infinite Realms, the HoM exists in every universe, but due to it not always being in the form of a literal house and difficult for outsiders to enter, it's never found. At least until now.
One day when he goes to the lair after (insert amount of time) he finds that the Justice League Dark have set up in his home. Initially, the JLD attack him but Danny puts a stop to that fast. It's his house, he can control anything inside it which includes anyone he deems an intruder. An interrogation more or less takes place, both parties are confused by the others presence, both sides get answers and are shocked by them. Danny because the JLD are a subdivision of a superhero agency that specializes in magic/the occult and the JLD because they've literally been using the house of a very powerful monarch without even knowing it.
Danny isn't angry the JLD are inside his house once he gets over the surprise. In fact, he's rather happy to have company of the non-ghost variety and is curious about their world full of superheroes and aliens. He comes to a decision. He will let the JLD continue to use his house as a base of operations if they are willing to agree to a few terms.
1. No one is to touch or use any artifacts they may find inside the HoM without his explicit permission. Some things are too dangerous for human hands to hold.
2. They seek him out of there is anything of the dead/occult variety threatening their world that they are unable to handle by themselves. (The JLD are shocked to learn of the King's past as a young hero as his explanation for this term. He misses those times and helping the JLD will also be another way to fulfill his obsession besides him being King.)
3. They spend time with him. Being the ruler of an infinitely expanding dimension gets pretty overwhelming and lonely at times. Even he needs a break. On top of missing his hero days, he misses the simpler times of being just a regular guy.
The JLD easily agree to his terms. From then on, they peacefully coexist in the HoM for many years to come. Danny is happier than he's been in a long time and so are the JLD because he's a wonderful host and has actually helped them with a few of their personal issues. Danny, having seen straight through his Captain Marvel form, gave Billy a fully furnished bedroom fit for a growing teenager and hidden from the others in the house. Danny and Billy hang out and play video games whenever they need to unwind with someone their age(3) with no secrets between them.
Danny helps Constantine with his soul contracts, seeing how they are fraying his soul and aging him prematurely. They have an easy camaraderie and sometimes share a bottle of whiskey together(4). Etc.
All is good.
Until some world ending threat of the dead/occult variety really does happen and the JLD call for Danny's help. He goes to them in full regalia with chainmail, breastplate with his hero symbol emblazoned on it, billowing, fur-collared purple cape with the cosmos displayed on the interior, a black crown incased in ice above his head with a sword of ghost ice in the hand that wears the newly dubbed Ring of (Peace?)(5). He doesn't even have to do anything. His presence alone is enough to intimidate the world ending threat into complete submission and is easily sent back into the Infinite Realms to face judgement for attacking the Living Realm.
This is how he's introduced to the rest of the Justice League. It's your choice on how they react and what happens beyond this point if you decide to take it further.
This is entirely up for grabs and I wanna read whatever's written.
(1) Your choice if it's his original lair or a vacation one depending on if you count Pariah's old castle as Danny's lair or not.
(2) Your choice if any of his friends or family members turn into ghosts.
(3) Danny is able to change the age of his form to an extent, an ability he inherited from his mentor, Clockwork. He uses it when he feels it would make it easier for other people to relate to him. He also has an eldritch form that he doesn't like to use in front of others unless he absolutely has to. You can leave any part of this detail out if you want to. I just thought it would be kinda cool and also a more subtle way of showing how powerful he is now.
(4) He is technically an adult (read several hundred years old) so he can partake if he wants to. Refer to note above this one.
(5) Should the function and name of the Ring of Rage change due to Danny being King or not? Your choice!
(*) Also, I read the House of Mystery is in a place called the Dreaming, a realm ruled by Morpheus the god of sleep and dreams. If this is truly the case, would it be plausible to say that Nocturne is just another one of Morpheus' forms? Would that mean the House of Mystery is in Nocturne's territory? If so, are Danny and Nocturne friends now? 👀
(*) the Dreaming is part of the Infinite Realms.
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the-fandom-abyss · 11 months
The Other Ghostface
Amber Freeman x Reader
Genre: Angst ❀/Fluff ♡
Word Count: 1,978 words
Warnings: blood, ghostface attack, violence, Richie because I feel like he needs one 🤷🏻‍♀️
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The hospital was desolate come the afternoon. Nurses tucked away at their stations, monitoring the winding halls of various floors. One would think they were short staffed by the amount of times you clocked a nurse walk past. It was enough to count on one hand, if that. A police officer was stationed outside the door, in hopes to protect Tara and Sam from another attack. He didn't seem too worried as his eyes scanned his phone for his newest love interest. So when you ventured out of Tara's room in search of snacks, he missed the dark shadow that followed you.
The hum of the machine filled the otherwise empty hallway, offering a variety of snacks to choose from. The glow lit the white walls that surround you, creating a reflection on the glass. When a flicker passed behind you, it was your turn to watch your back. In the moments it took to turn around, the presence behind you had their hands gripped on your shoulders. In one swift movement, they had thrown you against the wall like you were nothing. A thud vibrated as your back and head slammed against the wall, leaving you crumpled on the floor. Adrenaline started to kick in at the familiar sight before you. Black boots, black cloak, black gloves and a mask that haunted the town you called home. They tilted their head at your state, calculating their next move. Flight was the only option, you weren't strong enough to compete with that and you did not dare to try. By the time you scrambled to your feet, Ghostface was ready to plunge their knife into your side. A scream ripples from your throat at the searing pain. Body frozen in the moment, scared that one twitch will move the blade inside of you.
A meek "Amber" escaped your lips, wide eyes staring at the black soul looking back at you. The mask shook, signalling that you had guessed wrong.
"I'm not Amber" the voice crackled to life, deep, dark and heavily modulated. The statement sending shivers down your spine. For all you knew it was Amber who reclaimed the prolific, alone. This had to be her which made this situation a lot worse.
"Please, let me live" a pathetic attempt at a plea, knowing that if Amber can go this far, she can go further. At the very least, you'll give her exactly what she wants, a show.
"You are so pathetic, begging for your life like it's important" Ghostface mocked, enjoying how you had become putty in their hands. They slowly twisted the knife, proving their point. A smaller scream found solace in the empty hallway, blood further coating your outfit. It trailed down your abdomen, leaving tracks down your lower body.
"Amber" one last plea should please the woman under the mask. The wound was enough to prove you weren't a suspect, you were merely a useless victim. When all you received was a throaty laugh in return, you knew that you truly had no clue what was happening. Their free hand grasped the bottom of the mask, pulling it above their head. When a masculine figure was revealed, it all clicked into place. This was not Amber, it was her minion that she neglected to mention. She let you believe it was a one woman show to gather the element of surprise.
"That's right, the man that Amber deserves" even with the sharp weapon lodged in your side, you felt the need to roll your eyes at his statement. This angered the man, slamming you back against the wall. "She was too weak to harm you, but had no issue asking me to end your life"
"She wouldn't" without hesitation, he retracts the knife only to add another wound just below it. He leans close to your ear, his breath fanning over your neck.
"Oh she would. Don't worry, I'll take good care of her" another harsh movement pulls the knife out, Richie intent on initiating the final attack. A sickly grin spreads across his features, relishing in the doe eyed expression looking back at him. Using the last of your adrenaline, you kicked him in the groin, causing him to hunch over in pain. Without a second thought, you ran as fast as you could back to Tara's room, back to the safety of others. A trail of blood was the only evidence that a crime had been committed. Ghostface had disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared.
When the elevator doors opened, Sam observed the bloody mess in front of her. Her eyes followed the trail resembling a crime scene to discover you in the middle. She sprinted toward your bloodied body, screaming for help as loud as she could. The moments after became a blur as you slipped in and out of consciousness. A beat of black occurred only to be interrupted by consistent beeps, stirring you from your slumber. The bed felt wrong, the air smelled sterile, the sounds were confusing, it startled you. In a fright, you launched forward, aggravating the wounds you had sustained. A pained groan left your throat as your hands instinctively grasped at your wounds. At the sudden movement, Sam was up and out of her chair, ready to help in anyway she could.
"Woah, hey, it's okay, you're okay" Her voice filtered through the noise, hoping to ground you to this moment. Her hand wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you closer to her. She could feel how your muscles tensed at the physical affection, clearly traumatised from the earlier events. "Would you like me to let go?" She questioned, wanting to pass the control back to you. A weak shake of your head encouraged her to wrap you fully in a hug. After what she had seen, it will be very hard for her to let you go. It was when the door opened wide mixed with the noise of the wood bouncing of the stopper, that separated you both. One out of pure fear for the next attack and the other ready to defend at any given moment.
A very disheveled Amber stood at the entrance with wide eyes, tussled hair and laboured breaths. She looked like she had raced through every red light and ran up multiple flights of stairs just to reach you. The sight would have been endearing, if the attack was not replaying in your mind. How this could have all been part of her plan. That she had asked Richie to carry out your death like you had meant nothing. You couldn't decide what was worse, the act itself or the utter betrayal you felt.
"Are you okay?" Without a second thought, she rushed to your side, ignoring Sam as she eyed her carefully.
"No" the tone in which you spoke showed a side that Amber had yet to see. It was cold and blunt which contradicted your usual warm and happy tone.
"Can we have a moment alone?" Amber conjured her most friendly voice, in hopes that Sam would just leave.
"I don't think that's a good idea" Sam narrowed her eyes, stepping closer to your side. Amber was known for choosing her battles poorly and she truly believed she could take on Sam.
"And why's that?" She countered back, standing tall to add height to her defence.
"Because you were unaccounted for during the attack, again. How can I be so sure you're not the killer?" Sam noticed how you tensed, eyes averting to the sheets below. She thought it was due to the attack, not that she was completely correct in her statement.
"You think I would hurt Y/N?"
"Can't be too sure"
"You're insane"
"Says the killer"
"Enough" Both of your hands landed heavily against the bed, signalling the stand off to be over. "Sam it's okay, I can do this" you didn't miss the way Amber looked at you, eyebrows creased in confusion. She was under the impression that Sam did not care for you, turns out she was wrong.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure"
"Well I'll be right outside if you need me"
"Thank you" Sam placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, squeezing your hand in the process. She slowly walked past Amber, watching her closely as she left the room. All Amber did was roll her eyes at the action, like Sam could stop her if she really wanted to kill you. But that was besides the point.
“What happened?” She asked like she hadn’t the faintest idea of who or what could have done this.
“You know exactly what happened” you seethed, Amber could see the fear and anger swirling behind your eyes.
“I actually don’t, so why don’t you tell me?” Her patience was wearing thin, she was not one for push back. This may be a new side of you but Amber was not dealing with it, not right now at least.
“Don’t act stupid, it doesn’t suit you Amber”
“How do you know it was him?”
“He made some grand speech then revealed himself”
“He took off the mask?!” The shock was evident in her voice and that infuriated you. She was more worried about her boy toy revealing himself than her partner being stabbed to death.
"That's what you take away from all this?! Not that I could have died, or the fact you neglected to tell me there was an accomplice, or that you orchestrated the whole thing so you could avoid the blame" The tone in which you whisper shouted was full of rage. Even Amber could sense that she had gone about this all wrong.
"Baby I would never hurt you, and I would never be so cowardice to ask someone to harm you for me. He was talking shit, trying to turn you against me. Don’t listen to him, you’re stronger than that” she tucked a strand behind your ear, before her hand cradled your cheek. Her thumb stroking in hopes to calm you, bring you back to her.
“You should have told me” clearly defeated, you rested your head in her hand, allowing her to get closer to you. In the best way possible, you were now hugged tightly against Ambers chest, her fingers running through your hair and soothing your worries.
“I know, but I didn’t want to ruin the surprise. You’re not exactly the best actor” a moment of silence passed, both in deep thought that came with an attack like this. For you, you were walking a thin line between trust and double cross. With what had happened you didn’t know what to believe and that is more nerve wracking than the actual attack. For Amber, she was stewing inside over Richie’s actions. How dare he hurt you like you were a throw away character? You were the endgame, the one that Amber wants by her side when she’s claimed as the survivor. She would make Richie pay for his actions, even if that meant a gruesome death.
"I'm going to kill him" Amber stated, her inner thoughts seeping out into her vocal cords.
"Not unless I do it first" a chuckle vibrated from Ambers chest. The anger she once had turning into one of love and awe. How did she get so lucky to have you?
"Fuck baby, you know all the right things to say" you looked up at her in such a way that she could fall in love with you all over again. It was what you said next that really solidified that you were her one and only.
"How about we pin this all on him? Skip the final act and make it seem that it was all his idea. We kill him, we survive and live on victorious"
"I like the sound of that"
"Where do we start?"
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tastesoftamriel · 7 months
You know those cheesy pasta dishes with all the fancy add-ins like heavy cream and garlic so we can all pretend to ourselves that we aren't just eating mac and cheese like overgrown children? What sort of equivalent dishes do the people of Tamriel enjoy, that are basically just dressed-up "kid food" dishes?
Who doesn't love a cheeky meal that brings back memories of childhood? Across Tamriel, you'll find all manner of simple, hearty foods that will make you feel like a kid again!
In Summerset, young and old alike enjoy mochi, a tasty sweet snack made from chewy glutinous rice flour. Mochi comes in many varieties, with fillings like sweet peanut or black sesame paste. However, almost everyone's favourite is a cold mochi filled with soft gelato of various flavours. My favourite combination is matcha mochi wrapped around a moreish azuki bean ice cream centre.
Is there anything that makes you feel more like a kid than some snacking? Argonians are huge fans of anything that packs a crunch, both sweet and savoury. Whether it's spicy and sweet crickets, dark saltrice sauce-coated mealworms, or just good old prawn crackers with some dipping sambal, be prepared to snack your way all day long in Black Marsh.
If you're one of those people who stands in the kitchen gnawing a block of cheese at midnight, you're in good company in Valenwood. A popular late-night treat served at street food vendors across the Province is a simple cup of grilled witchetty grubs slathered in timber mammoth cheese sauce and topped with pulled pork. The grubs are meaty in flavour, and the pungent timber mammoth cheese complements the pulled pork when mixed all together, as the locals enjoy it.
Pain au chocolat? Yes please! These deliciously buttery puffed pastries are essentially rectangular croissants enveloping delicious dark chocolate. Served warm, they're sure to make any breakfast or teatime a happy one! To really satisfy those chocolate cravings, pair with a classic Breton hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows and whipped cream.
Marshmerrow cake is the ubiquitous Dunmeri dessert that has gained popularity far beyond the borders of Morrowind due to its mild flavour and unique candy aroma. A soft sponge cake, which is sometimes soaked in comberry brandy, is layered with sweet marshmerrow crème patissiere, caramelised marshmerrow crumble, and maraschino comberries. Sure to knock some years off your age and put a couple more holes in your belt (it's impossible to stop at one slice. Source: me).
There's nothing quite like homemade gnocchi with ragout for Imperials when it comes to comfort food. While this homey dish is prevalent across Cyrodiil, every household cooks the dish differently. In mine, my mother pan-fries the gnocchi in an obnoxious amount of butter, and tops it with her top-secret slow-cooked lamb and red wine ragout. While I cannot give away the secrets to her ragout, I highly recommend trying this delicious dish a try when you need to warm yourself, body and soul.
If you think you can turn away cinnamon and cardamom churros with a cup of moon sugar caramel dip, you're deluding yourself. This delicious treat can be found across Elsweyr and is considered one of the Province's most famous foods. Khajiiti churros, which are made from a mix of rice and tapioca flour, have a moist and chewy texture beneath a crisp, golden brown outer layer. They're served hot from the wok, with a cup of moon sugar caramel syrup. A truly divine pairing!
Spätzle is something I've written about in the past, and it's one of the best things I know (ask any resident of Skyrim and they'd tell you the same). These chunky egg noodles may look unrefined compared to Khajiiti vermicelli, but make up for it when liberally doused in a creamy cheese sauce and topped with fried onions. I like spicing mine up, quite literally, with some chili powder I purchased at a Sentinel bazaar.
Nothing screams comfort food (and mess) quite like a good old echatere sausage hot dog. The echatere sausage, rather akin to Blackwood chorizo in flavour, is grilled over hot coals and served in a sourdough bun, served Wrothgar style with a good amount of horseradish mayo, fried radish chips, caramelised onions, pickles, and crispy dried baby shrimp topping. I'd say you can't stop at just one, but it's a hefty meal you can eat with one hand!
I have probably written about gulab jamun in the past, a delicious, albeit cloying dessert popular throughout Hammerfell. An iconic dish at festivals and parties, gulab jamun is prized by dessert-lovers for its velvety, syrupy texture. These fluffy balls of cardamom-scented cottage cheese are fried and soaked in a fragrant saffron and rose water syrup, and topped with crushed pistachios. So simple, so good, and so moreish. Just be sure to stop at three, because any more and the sugar rush will send you to Aetherius!
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