#Zelda's OC's
zelda7999 · 11 months
For the OC ask game thing!!
4. A character you rarely talk about?
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Oh goodness, one I rarely talk about? that's a lot of them considering I stopped posting most of my OC stuff on tumblr... Uhhhhhhhhh...
I have scrolled through my OC's and can't choose one to mention, so I suppose the answer is Yes. LMAO So many of them haven't even been mentioned on Tumblr kjlhfhjsakdljf here's PRETTY MUCH ALL OF THEM
Andale, Luminari, Buttercup, Enigme, Sam, Silver Moon, Janipo, Alphonse, Crystal, Death, Janga, Rex, Helel, Shadow, Flink, Rose, Gnava, Oddity Leaf, Leau, Courtney, Xenon, Subject #227, Aerick, Timber & Steel, Taraxacum, Rift, Trim, Flora, Toast, Sam, Aetheltic, Xavier, Thorn, Norah, Azure, Noll, and Ilyes.
Feel free to ask about any of them lmao
and if I could meet one of my OC's it would be Ribald. I think it would be really cool to be able to talk to him. He's been through so much, and there's so much history. A conversation with him would be great honestly.
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skelinor · 2 years
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Based on this meme
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papabay · 10 months
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practicing expressions and face angles with my zelda
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exactlyonespoon · 1 year
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They shared that twin bed and you can’t change my mind
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mochiwei · 7 months
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“The Sculptor,” a short comic for @sheikahzine!
Kimi travels the land, sculpting goddess statues across Hyrule ✨
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glasswarproject · 1 year
Recreating “Guardian Sword++” from Zelda Breath of the Wild
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jibberjibbsart · 4 months
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I think Link and Gale would be friends
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staff · 2 days
Tumblr Tuesday: Your Pride Art on Tumblr
Hello, Tumblr. June is here, and you're all arting hard. This Tuesday would like to cordially wish you all a very good and community-fuelled Pride month. Please enjoy this roundup of delightful fanart and OC art, celebrating the beginning of this month of more gay art than usual on tumblr dot com.
(And here are some Pride art/writing challenges running this month:  an identities-themed drawing challenge; a Baldur's Gate 3 art challenge; a pride color pallette art challenge; a fandom art challenge; and finally, some Destiel pride creative prompts)
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beebeedibapbeediboop · 6 months
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A little rest for my postwoman
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just-knackle-art · 11 months
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I just love this little guy so much!! He’s invincible!!
He’s a sticker! You can get it here!
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kata-kemi · 1 month
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🔥Murisa - Eye of Fire - lvl 19 Monk I love my firebender monk (even she is more closer to a druid in The Plane of Fire) with supeority complex.
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zelda7999 · 11 months
1 and 28, first OC and most dangerous OC!
I'm throwing images in these, so I am also going to put it under a read more so people don't have to see it if they choose not to ldskajfhsdkjhf
First OC; Zelda (including first drawing of them!)
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September 30th, 2014
for the longest time this OC was also my sona, they have been with me through all of my transition too so they started as a confused she/her and then slowly transitioned to he/him as they should be uwu but so many people still refer to them as she so I have defaulted to they/them aaaaaaaaaaaa
anyways! here's Zelda's updated reference sheet;
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Don't mind the notes it's all from his story kafkjshflskjfhlkjd mostly, some of it is also just me getting tired of people misgendering him cause he was my sona at some point and aslkjfhslkjdf it's messy just look at the art not the notes LMAO
and my most dangerous OC! Meet Ribald Hughes;
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He is my FFXIV character, and by far my most dangerous. He may be a father, and loving husband... but they kind of make you commit several war crimes in FFXIV, and it's part of his backstory... and I mean, 'cmon, he can legit kill gods and does it easily. So uh, don't make him genuinely mad LMAO
I don't have many drawings of just him, or a drawn reference image really... soooooo accept the screenshot of him instead XD
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papabay · 1 year
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lonksadventures · 1 month
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What if Link and Zelda were sci-fi sky pirates? 👀
TADA! Bet y’all have been wondering what I’ve been working on for uni. Surprise it’s Zelda character design except I decided to torture myself with hard surface design :)
This was actually my first time designing weapons and working in a more sci-fi style was super fun! I took a lot of inspiration from Star Wars and Treasure Planet for the weapons and hard surfaces while still trying to make the characters look like Link and Zelda lol.
The general premise for this “what if” Hyrule is that most of the kingdom is made up of floating islands above the clouds with people travelling between islands via flying ship (as in old sailing ships but with wings)! I have some ideas for Link and Zelda's lore but will probably flesh that out in my own time because I’m tired-
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1) all the unreleased songs from your favourite artist
2) all the dogs and cats waiting to be loved by you
5) potatoes. boil them, mash them, fry them up till golden and crispy
6) we got 2 more fnaf movies to go
7) dr. pepper
8) you have so many hugs left to give and get
9) you might eat your favourite meal tomorrow
10) keep telling yourself “not today.” one day you won’t have to.
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that-hippie-user · 1 year
my friend just encountered Yiga on the great plateau, and avoided a Korok out of paranoia.
can you imagine? just walking up to a Korok, only to notice it has a Yiga symbol on its leaf face.
then he pulls out a wooden shiv and in a tiny voice yells "Glory to Master Koga!"
and remember, Hylians cant see Koroks. they'd have no idea one had become a fan and joined them.
like imagine a Yiga occasionally finding mighty bananas and being like "where are these even coming from!?"
and in the background a Korok is saluting and saying "you're welcome!"
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