snowpeachblog · 1 year
Anthony "I'm really not going crazy over Lucy Carlyle's lips" Lockwood.
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sirrobertpeelofficial · 10 months
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How am I supposed to function normally when Brennan himself got choked up during Hob’s confession
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 7 months
Told you I'd write you more poetry <3
When the sun explodes
And the Earth is on fire
We'll lay in ashes side by side
And the flames of Hell will be no bother
For we're far too focused
On the close proximity of our hands
And when Lucifer comes up
And takes you away from me
I will bring him down with the wrath of God
Amd embrace you for eternity
my love. my sweet husband. il dolce marito mio. i cannot tell you how loud i screamed. you are literally incredible.
and a poem for you because i adore you<3
let us be buried together when we pass
two graves dug besides
if our names are forgotten
and our tombstones demolished
and buildings put above us
may our bones lay entwined and our souls live on
in the mushrooms that weave themselves through the earth in our name
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thebestofoneshots · 6 months
You're just perfect! And I love you so much, my flower 🩷
Baby! I love you so much! Thank you for always being there for me my dearest Lily (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥)/♡
You’re even more perfect babe ᥫ᭡
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prismaticpichu · 1 year
is there a fic that you worked really fucking hard on that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
(Mental health talk ahead)
One of my fics, Scissors, lightly tackled a theme of self-harm when Sephiroth tries to cut off his wing with the title instrument. Altho we don’t have wings an evil scientist grafted onto us (yes we went that angle for it!), a lot of us have parts of us—physical or not—that we wish we could just cut out. Just get rid of and make us feel… cleansed. I was born with noticeably droopy eyes, my left one almost closed, and sometimes it messed/messes wirh my self-esteem. I absolutely abhor photos and watching myself on video. However, my friends once told me that they thought my lazy eyes were not ugly, not strange, but adorable ❤️ That they reminded them of a fawn or a puppy. This is exactly what Zack does to Seph in the fic: he tells him that he likes the wing, and even thinks that it’s beautiful. More than anything, though, is that it didn’t change who he was; he liked who Seph was, and he liked him a whole lot <33 Our little abnormalities don’t define us, change who we are, or make us any less human than the next guy on the street. They’re just who we are. As John Legend once said, they are perfect imperfections <33
You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are loved <3
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teyamsatan · 1 year
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me^ reading all my mooties' works
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pigeonlover13 · 6 months
It can feel as though I'm drowning in self doubt and anxiety, what if I'm not good enough? What if they say something? Did I do something wrong? Do they hate me? What's wrong with me?!
Nothing!! Nothing is! I am so terribly and beautifully human, all of my weird fuckups and interactions are mine and mine alone. I am the only person to experience that in its entirety and that's incredible!
I am the same me that went to school and graduated, I am the same me who cried over a bee that I stepped on as a kid, I'm the same me who helped my best friend and her mom redo their tiles in 8th grade, I'm the same me who brakes for squirrels everytime and I'm the same me who has loved and been loved countless times over!!!
No matter how I feel or who I become as time goes on I'm still me! And so are you! You are so much more than your anxiety and fears. You are a million moments perfectly captured in one body and I think that's pretty neat :)
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thatonemacaronikid · 7 months
@srae13ao3 appreciation post
You have hurt me with your fics and I love it so much
I don't really feel much emotion when I read, the most I do is laugh at a good joke or scene in the fic
But you, you
You actually make me feel things, I was crying hard at the end of "remember your mission" and normally I never do that
the entirety of the "Don't You know how good it is to be alive" series gave me so much emotion it was amazing
I adore your "everybody wants to rule the world" fic, it's so angsty and Gorey I love it
"multiverse of Michaelangelo" is my all time favorite,the plot wist in that one catched me so off guard and it was amazing
"I know you don't remember" was so good, it felt so realistic and gave me brain rot for a good while
The "baby mine" series is adorable and I love baby Mikey and all the mischief he gets into
You have inspired a couple of my aus and eaven though I haven't done anything with them they all live happily in my head
I love how well you fit references in your fics, I love how you write grief and anger, during "golden hour" and "a hundred lies and a good disguise" whenever there was anger in it I had to stop reading because the emotion was so intense, that is amazing
You are seriously so talented and deserve all the attention you get and more
I've also read your spiderman fics and I love them just as much, they're perfect and also show emotions so well
You are seriously one of my favorite ao3 authors, every fic I read from you makes me so happy and it's amazing , almost Everytime I start reading a new fic of yours I come up with my own aus that circle my brain for days at a time
You are amazing and I hope you know it!!!
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dnfcliparchive · 2 years
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fallen-goldfishcracker · 10 months
Never really been interested in getting a tattoo but IF I ever did it would be, "I met death, and death wanted me to live"
Because holy crap. That quote makes me want to throw something, (affectionate)
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axzurich04 · 2 years
How was everyone’s day?
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planet-nin · 1 year
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Name censored for privacy but I just want this person to know.... I'd die for u
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iamthecomet · 1 year
comet!! i am not great with words but i wanted to tell you how emotional (in a good way) that asexual rain ficlet just made me. i always have this little fear in me that being ace will prevent me from having meaningful relationships so its just really nice to read dew loving rain regardless of him being ace :)
Thank you so much for this!! It means so much. Representation is so important, and I'm glad that you were able to find something meaningful in my little drabble <3. Thank you so much for sending this, and for telling me. It really does mean the world to me to know that my little writings have a positive impact on people. <3<3 <3 <3 <3
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Hey ryen 🤗 I took some notes while reading 3tan9 yesterday. The fic dropped at 1am my time and i had to clean my notes up a little so i would not be too embarrassed by the MESS I wrote but be warned because this is still messy😄 (did not want to get rid of my real live reaction I guess) also the last paragraph I wrote at 4am so… yeah. This is kinda long so take all the time you want with reading and replying😊
heart lifeless next to his shoes
Nooooo but also sooo well written!!!!😩
Kicking My FUCKINGGG BLANKET HEEE DOES NOT THINK IS IS HIIIIMM SHE IS SEEING. AAAAAAAHHH (okay after finishing the scene he thought it was him but not wanting her to confess? I am confused did he get it right away or was he doubting himself and just played it off?)
Your voice cracks as your stars burn out. Your universe collapses in on itself, plunging into your throat and choking you in an instant.
This is sooo fucking hurtful but so beautiful worded
But I’m really fucking into you, doll. I have been for a long time.
YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THIS HAS ME SCREAAAAMING AND GIGGELING ROLLING AROUND IN MY BED LIKE A MANIAC (even just rereading these worts now makes me giddy. I am sooo close to giggleing like a school girl. I am unwell)
Her CONFESSION AND HIS HOLD GOT TIGHTER I AM DYING THIS IS SOOO ADORABLE (also love love love that oc ignored her insecurities to reassure him💕💕😭)
Whatever you want it’s yours- I AM SOBBING MA’AM HOW DARE YOUU
Insecurities last. This is soo amazing feels like reading poetry
Ohhh my god it is nooone of them bro is none of them I thought it was namjoon for sure!! But i loooved this story. Really really amazing and i just flew through it!! I want to know what went down with kook exactly but i feel like this is a great point for your break. Bc my babies are HAPPY AAAAHHHH
Love love loved this chapter!!! not gonna lie you had me in the first half. I was anxious that this was gonna be suuuper angsty but it wasn’t it was sooo adorable and sweet and I was so happy reading this!!! The way you compared love to the deep blue sea and the moonlight and stars comparisons 🥰and ahhh it felt so poetic and made me feel the love and oh my GOD i am so happy! this was so sweet!!!
Oh my good i am so happy that this turned out so sweet although it hurt a lil bit (or a lot) for a while there.❤️‍🩹 but its okay bc it tured out good. (And even if it did not, these are your storys and you can do with them whatever you want) Also Ryen what are you talking about „long wait“ you have been keeping us fed this whole time with all your work.
Wait just remembered you spoiler out of Context what was that about? I don’t remember a green tote was that oc overnight bag? I thought she had a backpack i am confused. Was the trash when oc wanted to throw the tangerine peel away?? there was so much going on so I think i missed it. 🙈
This was such a great read!! it was a whirlwind of emotions I love it so much and thank you so much for sharing this story with us.
(Also I think there is definitely something going on or going to happen between bro and yuri)
Ooooh and I loved the „It’s been a year“ line when it has been almost been a year since 3tan dropped and this was such a meta moment 🤭
I hope you can relax during your break, enjoy your time and get some well deserved rest!!!🍀✨🍊
AHHH BABY this is incredibly special and thoughtful of you?? holy hell! i love the note taking and all the thoughts don't mind messes at aLL. let me put my response under a cut my gosh i am so excited to dive into this
the heart next to his shoes. ah, yoongi... you old, silly man.
in the kitchen, you got it right the first time: yoongi was being cheeky and making reader say it. he knew what she meant, but he didn't wanna lean into it so easily. he wanted her to say it, so when she didn't outright, he went cheeky with it as an out for her to take. it's funny but it's also sad.
"Your voice cracks as your stars burn out. Your universe collapses in on itself, plunging into your throat and choking you in an instant." yeah this one def was a punch to the gut, but i'm glad you think it's good :(((
the confessions. all the confessions. my god i love them so damn much and his little actions and tendencies have me wanting to wrap him up and never let him go. him and reader honestly, since she was so, so strong in this chapter. the growth is honestly amazing.
"Whatever you want it’s yours-" YEAHHH IM NOT OK EITHER WHO TOLD HIM THIS WAS OK TO SAY??
"Insecurities last. This is soo amazing feels like reading poetry" thank you so much, babe! i'm touched that you think it flows like poetry ugh i love you.
"Ohhh my god it is nooone of them bro is none of them I thought it was namjoon for sure!! But i loooved this story. Really really amazing and i just flew through it!! I want to know what went down with kook exactly but i feel like this is a great point for your break. Bc my babies are HAPPY AAAAHHHH" ITS NONE OF THEMMMM i know most people thought namjoon, but to that i say: you can just imagine a joonie clone or something kdjsfhsf if you flew through the chapter then that's good for writing sake! means it read well and wasn't bumpy. good feedback. and i'm glad you think it's a good spot for a break!
"Love love loved this chapter!!! not gonna lie you had me in the first half. I was anxious that this was gonna be suuuper angsty but it wasn’t it was sooo adorable and sweet and I was so happy reading this!!! The way you compared love to the deep blue sea and the moonlight and stars comparisons 🥰and ahhh it felt so poetic and made me feel the love and oh my GOD i am so happy! this was so sweet!!!" it was still pretty angsty! but then it wasn't. it beautifully wasn't angsty afterwards - we just had to get through the muddy water first. and i'm glad you liked the deep sea and moonlight and stars! i love imagery like that bc the moon also controls the tides, so i wanted to tie those all together.
"Oh my good i am so happy that this turned out so sweet although it hurt a lil bit (or a lot) for a while there.❤️‍🩹 but its okay bc it tured out good. (And even if it did not, these are your storys and you can do with them whatever you want) Also Ryen what are you talking about „long wait“ you have been keeping us fed this whole time with all your work." AHHH thank you so much, babe. i have a no sad endings policy but that means i get too drag us through hell first LMAO and i guess you're right about the wait! i think i just meant from the last main part since that came out in august? late july? something like that.
"Wait just remembered you spoiler out of Context what was that about? I don’t remember a green tote was that oc overnight bag? I thought she had a backpack i am confused. Was the trash when oc wanted to throw the tangerine peel away?? there was so much going on so I think i missed it. 🙈" the green tote was signifying the bag reader brought tangerines in, and then the trash was from her almost throwing the tangerine (a metaphor) away.
"This was such a great read!! it was a whirlwind of emotions I love it so much and thank you so much for sharing this story with us. (Also I think there is definitely something going on or going to happen between bro and yuri)" glad it was a good read! the emotions were plenty, for sure. and you're so welcome, and thank you for reading<33 and you think something about bro and yuri, huh? even though rohan is with yuri?? oh nO
"Ooooh and I loved the „It’s been a year“ line when it has been almost been a year since 3tan dropped and this was such a meta moment 🤭" YESSSS i thought that was so fitting honestly. glad you noticed LOL
"I hope you can relax during your break, enjoy your time and get some well deserved rest!!!🍀✨🍊" thank you so much, baby. i shall have a good time during break and we will still have fun! :D this was amazing feedback and i am so so grateful. it made me happy and all the hard writing days so worth it.
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mossy-box · 2 years
Why are you too cool for any plane or dimension of existence
HWAT HUH? I am exploding you even brought in plane, dimension, and existence 🥺 STOP BEING SO NICE ,I NEVER KNOW WHAT TO SAY SO HOW ABOUT NO, YOU—YOU LITTLE ALIEN GENDER MONSTER YES YOU ARE /POS
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