#acofaf finale
bisekcual · 2 years
hob giving up the formidable title: a foreshadowing of him relinquishing his place in the goblin court. love has made him tender and soft - or maybe not made him that way, but made him recognize himself as tender and soft in a way he hesitated to before out of fear of scorn from his peers. only once did he truly embody this title, and it was when he was trying to fit himself back into the thing the goblin court wanted him to be, shouting orders at salt goblins in the hedge maze. even then, the hedges had known, and so had he, that he was lying to himself, putting something on and wearing it just because others expected it of him. but during the hart hunt, staring at them from across the duel, at the tea ceremony, staring into their eyes from across them at the tailor's, held in their arms at the ball - during none of that did he feel formidable, hard. he felt real. love that frees the thing inside you and allows you to be brave.
rue giving up the true title: a reflection of having left the court of wonder. love has made them bold and brash, has made them reckless and daring. for so long, they had cared so deeply about their reputation, about the things that people around them wanted them to be and look like. dropping the glamor at the tea ceremony, they felt freer, but they still cared what people around them thought of their transformation, what they said about them. but they've given up on courts now, and they're done waiting for someone else to tell them what they already knew about themselves. they've been true the whole time. it just took a little touch from something like themselves for them to remember as much. love that frees the thing inside you and allows you to be brave.
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witchlightdesigns · 2 years
Ah. Yes. Andhera and the compelled duel of "you may have dealt me 44 points of lightning damage but the real Court were the friends I made along the way."
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undefeatedcrabking · 2 years
brennan really made a whole romantic scene that included hob leaving his court that he had shown nothing but loyalty to so that rue would not be alone and chose to demonstrate that by having hob strip naked during his proposal
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This is the clip I was talking about. Like why is he so…. Yknow…. 👀👀
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treadsoftlyasyougo · 2 years
Me, chanting to myself while watching the finale: I’m fine. I’m calm. I’m acting so normal and chill right now.
Narrator voice: They were fucking lying.
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How am I supposed to function normally when Brennan himself got choked up during Hob’s confession
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jacodraws · 2 years
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Doodles from the finale!
[ID: doodles of various scenes from the finale of A Court of Fae and Flowers including Binx caught in vines, Hob confessing to Rue, and brown string connecting everyone’s pinkies to the Court of Craft]
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sevilemar · 2 years
I love A Court of Fey and Flowers, I love the world and all the little details (the different ways of delivering messages is just so good), and the characters, and the premises, and the mechanics, and how much the players call the shots. I love our pack of pixies, and I love and respect Aabria so much for running this delightfully chaotic season.
I also finished the finale with a profound sense of disappointment, and that's unusual enough for me to try and get into it a little more (behind the cut because of spoilers).
What I am most invested in is Rue/Hob, and specifically the way court status, personal status, and personal happiness/being true to who you are is woven into this relationship.
Because the Court of Wonder towers over the Goblin Court in terms of status, and that gives Rue certain privileges Hobb does not have. And yet, Rue's personal status within the court is precarious, and whatever scrap he does posses is earned a hundred times over. Hob's status in his court is earned the same way, which is one of the things that bonds them together, but within his court he is rich in power and low in status. It was his victory that earned the Goblin Court a huge chance at gaining political power, and his betrothal to Lady Sylmenar that did the same. Yet none of these were his choices.
Add to that that both Hob and Rue feel like outsiders to their own court, and the abuse they both recieve from it, and their different personalities and stages in their life they both are in, and you get a delightful tangle of complications.
And the solution to it all is a simple 'Love Conquers All'? It feels rushed to me, and counterintuitive for Hob, and honestly a little cheap. I know it was the last episode, I know they had to bring it to a close in basically one short scene, and it was the best way to do so. I know there was foreshadowing with Hob thinking himself a coward for his actions, but I do wish they had more time to act out their conflict properly, and find a solution that would have felt more organic. Even if it was the same solution in the end, for me, Major Hob was not there yet emotionally.
Or maybe I was not there yet emotionally, but that's an analysis for a different post, I think.
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propafranduh · 2 years
Fuck the (literally) butt clenching final battle. I need more magic forged through love and friendship.
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im so excited and so terrified for the finale of acofaf
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kitozune · 2 years
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I had to redraw this scene after seeing everyone's expressions 😂 Also the image of Squak waving around a jam spoon threateningly was pretty hilarious!
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kindlespark · 6 months
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a piebald/vitiligo wuvvy portrait for @hekahte !! happy @d20exchange !!!
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undefeatedcrabking · 2 years
I was so worried about the finale being so short cause I didn't want to be disappointed (especially when I spent so much money on all the pins lol) but I'm so impressed with how well they managed to wrap up the season with such little time
like obviously there were moments that had to be cut for time but even so the rolls were honoured in a way that made that make sense and while I wish they had the time to dwell more on certain moments they did an excellent job covering the most important things
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jeanjacklet · 6 months
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the lords of the wing talking to their grandfather (he’s not dead, he lives in the sky) for adrian/liam as part of @d20exchange ! but if anyone else out there wishes to do anything with it, be my guest. have a safe lulling, merry christmas, and happy birthday to fig :)
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bisekcual · 2 years
SORRY sorry. i need a minute. i just remembered hob was never really written originally to fall in love, and that at the same time that in-fiction hob was taken off guard by what he began to feel for rue, at-table brennan himself had been blindsided by what was unfolding. hob was meant to be a plothound. a benevolent busybody. a sleuth. for hob's writer, his creator and god, love was never considered as a part of his story, and yet it came to him anyway. and yet it slipped in through the space between the periods in his name. and yet it found him in the dark cold of his tent and held him in warm arms. k.p. hob is a character who, pulled gently by the hand of another, stumbles, falls, and then runs away from the future that had been imagined for him. what a thing a story can be when it's cracked open by love.
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puwumats · 2 years
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aabria's outfits every episode | a court of fey and flowers
(a.k.a.: aabria literally killed me dead with her outfits during acofaf and now i have to make this gifset to cope. larger versions of these gifs found here!)
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