#Witch Goddess
thesorceresstemple · 10 months
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Grounding with Hekate
I've always found grounding a useful and meaningful practice. However, as a practicioner of the spirit model of magic, I've never felt purely energy-based techniques work for me as well as for energy workers. This new technique I've devised employs the help of my tutelary deity, Hekate, and proved much more effective for me. As I chose to explain things thoroughly, the instructions are long but don't fret - the rite itself is very simple. While I initially wanted to note that the practice relies on an established relationship with Hekate, she protested and told me she is willing to give that help to anyone who needs it. So - here we go.
Learn more in my new Wordpress post:
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metohp-art · 7 months
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ESP: Hécate es la diosa griega de la magia, la brujería, las encrucijadas, la noche, la luna, los fantasmas y la necromancia. Reina de la brujas
ENG: HEKATE (Hecate) is the greek goddess of magic, witchcraft, crossroads, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. Queen of the witches
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This piece is contemporarily in the British Museum of Natural History. It was spoken of in the Greek Magical Papyri as being used for invoking spirits. The witch would place their burning oil lamp in the center when summoning spirits.
Hekate is the three-bodied Goddess of witches and magic. She is the Queen of the Night (Goddess of Moon). Although she is a Titan, she aided the Olympian Gods and was recognized by Zeus as maintaining her dominance over the heavens, the underworld and the oceans (all of which she ruled before the birth of Zeus). She controls the intersections between these realms and neither spirits nor Gods may pass between them without her approval. She rules over all three-way crossroads (forks in the road). The key, torches, snake and athame (dagger) she is pictured holding also represent different areas of her dominance. She is also the goddess of the dead, etc., etc., etc...
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Prayer to Selene (the Titan who is the physical Moon, one of the Goddesses with whom Hekate is synchretized) for any spell (PGM IV 2785-2890)
Come to me, o beloved mistress, three-faced Selene; kindly hear my sacred chants; Night’s ornament, Youthful One, Light Bringer to mortals, O child of morn who rides upon fierce bulls, Queen who drives your chariot on equal course with Helios, You dance with the triple forms of the triple Graces As you revel with the stars. You are justice and the threads of Fate: Klotho and Lachesis and Atropos Three-headed, you are Tisiphone, Megaira, Alekto, many-formed, who arm your hands with dreaded, murky lamps, who shake locks of fearful serpents on your brow, whose mouths sound the roar of bulls, whose womb Is decked with the scales of creeping things, With pois’nous rows of serpents down your back, Bound down with horrifying chains Night-crier, bull-faced, loving solitude, Bull-headed, you have eyes of bulls, the voice of dogs; you hide your forms in shanks of lions, Your ankle is wolf-shaped, fierce dogs are dear to you, wherefore they call you Hekate, Many-named, Mene, cleaving air just like Dart-shooter Artemis, Persephone, Shooter of deer, night shining, triple-sounding, Triple-headed, triple-voiced Selene Triple-pointed, triple-faced, triple-necked, And goddess of the triple ways, who hold Untiring flaming fire in triple baskets, you who oft frequent the triple way And rule the triple decades, unto me who is calling you be gracious and with kindness give heed, you who protect the spacious world at night, before whom daimons quake in fear And gods immortal tremble, goddess who Exalt men, you of many names, who bear fair offspring, bull-eyed, horned, mother of gods and men, and nature, mother of all things, For you frequent Olympos, and traverse the broad, boundless chasm. Beginning and end are you, and you alone rule all. For all things are from you, and in you, Eternal One, do all things come to their end.
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divaricca · 2 years
Queen of Heaven, Empress of Hell, Mary, Venus, Ishtar, Isis, Inanna, Lilith, Asherah, Kali, Diana, Cybele, Hecate, Madonna Nera, Sophia-Lucifera...
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Let me honor you, let your divine light shine upon me, let me be a channel for your power, beauty, wisdom and love.
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succulentsiren · 7 months
Imagine who you could be if only you had the audacity.
If you didn’t care about looking stupid. If you weren’t afraid of making mistakes. If you didn’t put other people’s judgements before your own. If you didn’t neglect your responsibilities. If you didn’t procrastinate. If you didn’t let the toxic voice win. If you didn’t overthink everything. If you didn’t fear your own power.
Imagine that you have the audacity.
That you take bold actions. That you take accountability for yourself. That you unapologetically show your creativity to the world. That you ignore the naysayers. That you remain unbothered. That you allow yourself to be seen. That you embrace all that you are. That you speak your truth. That you allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them, then become a winner. That you speak highly to yourself. That you begin your journey right now.
Don’t block yourself from being your greatest.
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indigaux · 1 year
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Naomi Native depicted as Oshun, Yoruba goddess of love, beauty, and fertility
Created by A.J. Hamilton
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daily-spooky · 3 months
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seafoamsister · 1 year
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┊ ➶ 。˚ "mighty aphrodite rising out of the sea foam" henry courtney selous (1803-1890)°
happy april 3, this is dedicated to aphrodite !! blessed be ♡
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warriordragonart · 10 days
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Some ER ladies I doodled this morning because I missed them!
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thesorceresstemple · 2 years
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When Hekate first came to me, it felt like being held in crocodile's teeth. But it was the safest feeling in the world. Like a crocodile mother with babies in her mouth, she was holding me gently, keeping me from harm. Fearsome and loving.
I was 16. And ever since, I was her child.
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our-lord-satanas · 3 months
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Hecate is a Goddess of magic and witchcraft, as well as the guardian of boundaries and crossings. She is often depicted as a triple-headed woman, representing her role as a gatekeeper between realms. Hecate is a powerful and mysterious Goddess, and she is often associated with the moon, the night, and the Underworld. She is also known for her connection to the spirits of the dead, and she is revered as a protector of orphans and wayfarers. As the Goddess of magic and witchcraft, she is also an expert in magic, astrology, and other arcane arts.
Appearance: Hecate is traditionally depicted as a tall and powerful woman with a distinctive appearance. She is often portrayed as having three heads, each with different facial features, such as eyes of different colours or expressions. She is also described as having black hair and wearing a dark cloak, which further lends to her mysterious and dark appearance. In some depictions, she was said to carry a torch, a crescent moon, and a key, which is a symbol of her power over the boundaries between life and death.
Personality: Hecate is a complex and multi-faceted deity, representing the trinity of magic, knowledge and wisdom, as well as the boundaries between life and death. Her personality reflects that complexity and is a combination of contradictory traits, embodying both dark and mysterious aspects, as reflected by her position as Goddess of the Underworld, while also being a bright and benevolent figure, representing light and wisdom. She is often depicted as a three-headed woman, symbolizing her association with the crossroads and the triad of magic that she encapsulates.
Symbols: paired torches, keys, crossroads, dark/triple moon, wheel, daggers, rope, dogs, serpents, knives, and Strophalos
Goddess of: Witchcraft, necromancy, ghosts, the night, boundaries, and crossroads
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: asphodel, mugwort, lavender, rue, garlic, yew, cypress, aconite (also called hecateis), belladonna, dittany, mandrake, mint, sage, laurel, cedar, and overall poisonous plants
Crystals: schorl, blue alexandrite, smoky topaz, anorthosite, morion quartz, blue john, larvikite, chevron, jet, spessartite garnet, Dalmatian jasper, indicolite, smoky quartz, labradorite, and super seven
Animals: dog, mare, serpent, cat, bats, and polecat
Incense: frankincense, rosemary, myrrh, and patchouli
Colours: black, grey, silver, gold, violet, green, red, and white
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Hermit, The Moon, and Queen of Pentacles
Planets: Mercury, Moon, and Mars
Days: Thursday, Wednesday evenings (new moon celebrations are typically held on Wednesday evenings), Tuesday, the full moon, Samhain (Oct 31st), the new moon, Hecate’s Deipnon, Noumenia, Lesser Mysteries, and Heliogenna
Parents: Perses and Asteria
Siblings: none known
Partner: Apollo and Mormo
Children: Empusa and Scylla
• The triple moon: which represents the phases of the moon and balance between the material and the spiritual, as well as the duality of light and darkness.
• Keys: which represents power and knowledge and can be used to unlock doors and paths to knowledge and power that are hidden or restricted.
• Torches: which represents guidance and illumination in dark times or when clarity is needed.
• Wolves: Hecate is sometimes depicted with three heads, which is one reason she is often associated with wolves. Wolves also symbolize strength, loyalty, and protection and can be a natural source of inspiration for your prayers or rituals.
• Black cats: commonly associated with Hecate, mostly due to her connection to the Underworld. Black cats represent protection and wisdom, and they can be an excellent source of inspiration for your prayers or rituals.
• The triune Goddess: which represents the trio of maiden, mother, and crone and the power of the feminine.
• Crossroads: where people would often seek wisdom from Hecate when they faced difficulties or had questions.
• Magic, occultism, and witchcraft: as Hecate is the Goddess of magic and spells, and she is often invoked during rituals and magickal practices.
• Name: the name Hecate comes from the Greek word "ekatid," which means "the one who has power over the road."
• Relationships: Hecate is associated with the night, the Underworld, the moon, and the spirit world. She is also connected to Demeter and Persephone, both of whom are associated with the fertility of the cycle of life and death.
• Symbols: the symbols of Hecate include a three-headed dog, a key, and a torch.
• Role: Hecate is a mysterious and powerful Goddess associated with sorcery and magic, often depicted as a triple-headed or triple-bodied figure.
• Associations: Hecate is often associated with crossroads, magic, prophecy, mystery, spirits, night, ghosts, and the Underworld, serving as a protector and guide for those who have died. She is also the patron deity of witches and magic-users, and is also associated with the night.
• History: Hecate is a minor deity in Greek mythology, but she has become a prevalent figure in modern times. Hecate's origins are linked to the Greek Underworld and the female deity Selene, and she is also connected to the Roman Goddesses Artemis and Diana.
• Role in Witchcraft: Hecate is widely associated with magic and Witchcraft, and many Witches and Wiccans revere her as a source of power and knowledge. Some Witch traditions worship Hecate as a three-way Goddess who represents the past, present, and future.
• She aided Demeter in search of her daughter Persephone.
• In comparison to Selene, Goddess of the moon, who represents the calmness of the night, Hecate represents its terrors and darkness.
• She is a Liminal Goddess because she can easily move from the Underworld to the real world. She is the 'guide', that is why she is depicted with torches and is described as the one who can unlock the ''gates of death'' by Theocritus.
• She is tightly associated with Eleusinian Mysteries, the secret celebrations of Demeter and Persephone.
• She had a few temples and cults in Greece and small household shrines to ward off evil.
• During her earliest appearance in Hesiod's book 'Theogony', she was depicted as a Goddess with dominion over the earth, sea, and sky; her later appearances, however, made her a goddess of the Underworld associated with magic and Witchcraft.
To work with Hecate, you should approach her with a sense of reverence and respect. She is a powerful Goddess and should be treated as such. You can offer prayers, libations, and offerings to her, and it's important to speak to her in a respectful manner, as you would to any other person of authority. Hecate has a strong connection to magic and the Underworld, so you can also use magic or other rituals to communicate with her. It's important to have an open mind and a respectful attitude when approaching Hecate and seeking her guidance.
To begin, you could address her by name and say something along the lines of: 
"Oh Great Goddess Hecate, I come to you seeking your guidance and wisdom. I offer myself to you, my heart and my spirit, and I ask for your blessing in this prayer."
"I thank you, Great Goddess Hecate, for listening to my words and for your guidance and protection. May you walk by my side always. Hail Hecate.”
Yes, it is possible to contact Hecate at a crossroads. This is a traditional method of invoking the Goddess that has been used for centuries. To do this, you should prepare a offering (bread, honey, and herbs, or any other items that you feel would be suitable for her) and then go to a crossroads during the witching hour between 12 a.m. and 3 a.m. Place your offering under the crossroads sign and say a prayer to invoke Hecate. Speak with sincerity and humility, and ask for guidance and aid in whatever aspect of your life you feel most in need of support. Remember to listen for signs and messages that Hecate may bring you.
If your request to work with Hecate has been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• Feeling drawn toward witchcraft, magic, or spiritual practices
• Seeing her symbols, such as the moon, keys, dogs, etc.
• Feeling a connection to animals, nature, or the Underworld
• Feeling a pull towards the crossroads or areas with a strong sense of the occult
• Having vivid dreams or visions in which she appears or speaks directly to you.
• Seeing or feeling her energies in your environment
• The number 13 keeps popping up everywhere
• You hear dogs howling at night from nowhere
• Hecate’s symbols are repeating: the key, crossroads, torch, dagger, Hecate’s wheel
• You’re drawn to graveyards and cemeteries
• You’ve had a spiritual experience (either positive or terrifying) at a crossroads in the woods
• You’re new to the craft and need guidance but don’t know who to turn to
• Hecate comes into witches’ lives who are pregnant and dying (during major transitions in life)
• You’re seeing a white dog(s) everywhere you go (in real life or on TV, etc.)
• Hecate’s name keeps showing up in your daily life (in random conversations, books, TV shows, online, etc.)
• You love working with animals, in particular dogs
• Stray dogs tend to find you and want you to take them in
• You were born under a Dark Moon or on Hecate Night
• Spirits communicate with you and have your entire life
If your request to work with Hecate has not been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• Getting a strong impression or intuition that she is not interested in working with you.
• Getting a reading or divination that indicates Hecate is not willing to work with you at this time.
• Feeling a strong resistance or dissonance when you attempt to connect with her or her energies.
Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request.
• Fire.
• Three of anything.
• Poetry.
• Chanting.
• Herbs and flowers.
• Food and drinks: such as grapes, almonds, garlic, red meat, water, milk, eggs, fruit, dishes with garlic, sweets that are crescent-shaped, pomegranates, dark chocolate, red wine, bread, and honey.
• Painting.
• Dancing.
• Incense.
• Olive oil.
• Wands.
• Keys.
• A cauldron.
• Crow feathers.
• Divination and Witchcraft tools.
• Imagery or depictions of dogs, polecats, ghosts, the moon, stars, and torches.
• Items associated with hunting (boots, bows, arrows, bones, etc).
• Depictions of darkness.
• Veils.
• Respect the boundaries of others and yourself.
• Practice self-love and self-compassion.
• Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
• Cultivate an open mind and open heart.
• Follow your instincts and trust in your guidance.
• Nurture friendships and relationships that are healthy and beneficial.
• Learn to balance pleasure and work.
• Live each day with purpose and intention.
• Doings Things in 13’s: offer thirteen flowers to her, give elaborate offerings or do ritual on the thirteenth of each month in her name, say your prayers thirteen times, etc.
• Take care of our canine friends, do so in Hecate’s name. She will bless you AND your dogs or any dogs you care for. If you can’t have a dog, donate your time OR old blankets, dog food, etc. to a local animal shelter. And tell Hecate you’re doing it in her name. This doesn’t just go for dogs, but for any kind of canine species.
• Doing spirit work in the cemetery.
• Performing spells.
• Watching the night sky.
• Stargazing.
• Learning about astronomy.
• Visiting graveyards, crossroads and other liminal spaces.
• Lighting candles to help ghosts find their way.
• Volunteering at animal shelters.
• Hunting.
An offering given to her is thus infused with the energies of the Underworld and may have a powerful impact on the consumer, if eaten. To avoid any potential discomfort, confusion, or negative effects, it is generally recommended that you avoid consuming offerings dedicated to Hecate and instead pour or bury the edible offerings into the earth.
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sayhoneysiren · 2 years
dark feminine habits
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1. ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʙᴀᴛᴇ. give yourself permission to feel pleasure. it release stress from your body.
2. get naked. dance naked. sleep naked. look at you body in the mirror. soak in a bath. moisturize your skin. get a massage.
3. tell people no. if it’s not a hell yes, don’t waste your time. you have free will to do as you please. you are not a slave.
4. have pride in yourself and your achievements. set goals. accept compliments. own your confidence. shine.
5. flirt. it’s fun.
6. do shadow work. at the end of your day, take time to reflect on your mistakes and write down ways to make progress. this helps you understand your fears and guilts. journal. introspection.
7. don’t go along with anything that feels wrong to you. be assertive and don’t be afraid to cut someone off or cause a scene when your boundaries are crossed.
8. work your brain. do puzzles. reads books. learn about seduction. develop a skill. take time to daydream. visually manifest.
9. be daring. wear a sexy outfit or bold makeup look. show cleavage. follow your dreams. break routine. speak your mind. shock the people around you and ignore their judgements.
10. release timidity. stop overly apologizing, stuttering and overthinking. say exactly what you mean. feel exactly how you feel. banish all forms of guilt and shame.
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follow @succulentsiren for more dark feminine energy content♠️
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hacatestruth · 4 months
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liztheoceanfaerie · 8 months
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