#high value
classycookiexo · 3 hours
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succulentsiren · 5 months
A powerful woman never gives her energy away for free. Her attention must be earned. She is aware of her power and will never settle for anything less.
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sayhoneysiren · 2 years
seductive habits
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1. slow down. walk slower. eat slower. speak slower. don’t respond to others so quickly. try to avoid rushing. slowing down gives you a relaxing presence.
2. put your needs first. pamper yourself. always make sure your needs are fully met. never rush into anything or make promises you can’t keep. just keep it real.
3. be mysterious. make your presence a gift that not everyone has access to. it is a privilege to be near you.
4. sensual body language. relax your shoulders. lean into your curves. express yourself with sensuality. instead of being aggressive and showy, be calm and natural.
5. connect to your core. learn to belly dance. do yoga and core exercises. work with your sacral chakra.
6. balance softness and firmness. having a dual nature will make you appear more interesting and irresistible. (ex: assert your boundaries with a calm voice).
7. learn you archetype. know thyself. your strengths and weaknesses. your personality. like and dislikes. you don’t need to change yourself, just embrace who you are.
8. build your confidence. master your fears and insecurities. never compare yourself to anyone. you are ‘one of a kind’ and that is powerful.
9. choose the right target. choose someone who is infatuated with you (not the other way around). seduction isn’t about being weak, it’s about using your targets weaknesses to get what you want. and their weakness is you.
10. enjoy the game. be a naughty child again. break the rules. keep it lighthearted and never get too attached.
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follow @succulentsiren for more dark feminine energy posts♠️
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peoplefromheaven · 2 years
A high value woman:
Is always in good spirits
Embraces womanhood
Never chases a man
Has a great mindset
Is simple yet graceful
Has a mature outlook on life
She demands respect
She’s soft yet firm
She knows what she deserves
She’s not available all the time
She enjoys life on her own
She has high standards
She’s clean and polished
She knows how to run a household
She has an incredible work ethic
She has self respect and dignity
She exudes confidence
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becomingher-era · 11 months
High standards protect you from low quality experiences.
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haruharuz · 2 years
I'm going to make it. No one and nothing is going to stop me.
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The Art of Discretion: Mastering the Fine Line Between Tact and Truth
Discretion is the art of being subtle, tactful, and sensitive to the privacy of others. It is an important quality in many aspects of life, including personal relationships, professional situations, and social interactions. Here are some tips for mastering the art of discretion:
1 .Listen More Than You Speak: One of the key aspects of discretion is knowing when to speak and when to stay silent. Listen carefully to what others are saying and gauge the level of sensitivity around the topic. Avoid sharing confidential or sensitive information with others unless it is absolutely necessary.
2. Be Respectful of Others' Privacy: Respecting the privacy of others is essential to mastering discretion. Avoid gossiping or sharing personal information about others, even if it may seem harmless. Keep information confidential unless you have explicit permission to share it.
3. Use Discretion When Posting on Social Media: Social media can be a breeding ground for oversharing and lack of discretion. Be mindful of the information you share on social media and how others may perceive it. Consider the potential consequences of sharing information before you post.
4 .Know  When to Speak Up: Discretion is not always about staying silent. Sometimes, it is important to speak up in situations where someone's safety or wellbeing is at risk. Use your judgment to determine when it is appropriate to speak up and when it is best to stay quiet.
5. Practice Empathy and Understanding: Practicing empathy and understanding is key to mastering the art of discretion. Try to see things from other people's perspectives and understand how your actions and words may affect them. Be sensitive to their feelings and experiences.
In summary, mastering the art of discretion requires a combination of active listening, respect for others' privacy, thoughtful social media use, knowing when to speak up, and practicing empathy and understanding. By focusing on these qualities, you can become a more discreet and thoughtful individual in all aspects of your life.
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vanitygirlsclub · 1 year
Five Ways to Practice Better Daily Self  Care
In this article we will go over a few ways for you to better improve your daily self-care routine. 
Here are Five Way to Practice Better Daily Self - Care 💗
      Read a Book or Write in your Journal 
Keeping up with a daily devotional, planning out your weekly calendar,  reading a good book, or even writing in your diary are great ways to start or finish your day with this healthy self-care habit. Being able to calm your mind and stay organized is essential to conquer the day and accomplishing your goals.
      Make a Healthy Meal at Home 
You know what they say; "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day". So let's show our bodies some love and start our day in the kitchen.  Cooking food at home is a great way to spend time with yourself, and learn your body. Having healthy meal options can be quick and easy to maintain with a little meal prep and let's not forget a scoop of love.
      Create a Beauty and Hygiene Routine 
Simple steps create big effects; especially when you know you're already THAT GIRL! A quick and easy beauty routine is perfect for when you're on the go and is also a great way to tap in and connect with your inner Diva. Taking care of yourself and loving the skin you're in is a great way to boost your confidence and connect with your inner femininity.
      Get Creative - Explore and Develop your Hobbies
Following your dreams can take a lot of courage and determination. Luckily we all get 24 hours in a day and have a dream that just wont go away - so always remember to make the most of your time. Don't be afraid to try out something new or dive deeper into your new found interest, skills, or hobbies. Creating happiness and learning new thing are beneficial to your self growth
      Spend Time with Yourself off the Phone
Turning off your phone can have amazing benefits for the mind. It's okay to take a break! Before you decide to get on social media or to continue scrolling consider taking a 10-20 minute walk to get some fresh air quiet those racing thoughts and release the stress from your mind. Rest your eyes, sit outside, and soak up some Vitamin D (with sunscreen of course) #MentalHealthMatters
Love you guys, Tia Ray <3
Follow us on Instagram + Subscribe to our Youtube Channel @girltiaray
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cat-eye-nebula · 1 month
If a man has no self control he is a weak man. True high value has nothing to do with looks, how much or little money you have or how tall you are. If he doesn't have self control, he's a liability to you and your (future) children. If you accept his unacceptable behaviour he knows that he can treat you badly. (Full video)
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succulentsiren · 5 months
Imagine who you could be if only you had the audacity.
If you didn’t care about looking stupid. If you weren’t afraid of making mistakes. If you didn’t put other people’s judgements before your own. If you didn’t neglect your responsibilities. If you didn’t procrastinate. If you didn’t let the toxic voice win. If you didn’t overthink everything. If you didn’t fear your own power.
Imagine that you have the audacity.
That you take bold actions. That you take accountability for yourself. That you unapologetically show your creativity to the world. That you ignore the naysayers. That you remain unbothered. The you allow yourself to be seen. That you embrace all that you are. That you speak your truth. That you allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them, then become a winner. That you speak highly to yourself. That you begin your journey right now.
Don’t block yourself from being your greatest.
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sayhoneysiren · 2 years
light feminine habits
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1. speak with kindness. don’t speak harshly to yourself. speak with compassion and tenderness. you’re not dumb or stupid, you’re learning. also, be mindful of your loved ones feelings when you speak.
2. slow down. drop the plans and go with the flow. meditate. plan a getaway. take a nap.
3. let yourself feel. when you feel like crying, cry. when you feel like laughing, laugh. when you feel like screaming, scream.
4. be playful. not everything needs to be taken so seriously. spend time around babies and animals. watch cartoons and fairytale movies.
5. learn. be open. ask questions. be curious without commitment.
6. build a connection to nature. take a walk in the park. smell the flowers. cloud gaze. listen to the birds. walk barefoot in the grass. sunbathe. have. a picnic.
7. decorate. surround yourself with things that makes you feel happy. look on pinterest for creative ideas. hang pictures up in your wall. buy cute trinkets. make your space aesthetically pleasing.
8. make yourself a nourishing meal. cook/bake. learn new recipes. eat tasty foods.
9. play soothing music. listen to calming sounds or music that can put your mind at ease.
10. let stuff go. seek for a harmonious environment. stop arguing. stop worrying and let universe handle it.
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sk-lumen · 2 years
Things that are not actually classy (avoid these)
Ladies, today I want to bring attention to a list of habits and traits which are in no way associated with a classy woman (or person, for that matter).
Pointing out another person's flaw which cannot be fixed in less then 5 min - this is just basic good manners.
Wearing luxury brands from head to toe - being a walking billboard of advertisements isn't classy, it shows one cares more about clout and more likely leaves others wondering if the person even has a style of their own.
Judging other women while they're actively working on leveling up, instead of actually offering support or advice. Remember, we've all been at that early stage and it's gracious to afford them the same courtesy you wish you would've had.
Judging people's accessories or outfit based on how prestigious, luxury-brand or expensive they are - quality and elegance isn't defined only by famous or expensive brands.
Lacking critical thinking or discernment, blindly believing whatever people tell you or whatever outlets you are exposed to firsthand. If you want to be a high value woman, you need to think for yourself and form your own opinions. It's not a high value quality to be a soundboard for whatever other people around you are saying.
Being rigid in thinking and closed-minded, believing that you have the answers to everything, and that only your view can be the correct one - modesty and an open mind goes a long way, nobody knows everything.
Degrading something that doesn't resonate with you on a superficial or subjective level (aesthetics, fashion, taste, etc) - let people live and enjoy whatever brings them joy. Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean it can't be someone else's favorite flavour.
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australianbeyonce · 10 months
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becomingher-era · 11 months
A woman who knows her self-worth is unstoppable.
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haruharuz · 2 years
Planning 6 Months Ahead
I know people are about to scream at me up and down telling me how stupid it is to do. Save your breath darlings, imma do it regardless. This is a LONG process so buckle up.
Areas covered: cleaning, habits, meals, exercise & stretching, studying
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Ground Rules:
You can't do this if you dedicate every second of every day to work and it is going to fail quickly if you don't account for being human. And I mean very quickly.
And also you need a transition period BEFORE you go through with this so please remember to account for that when scheduling. Transition period is about 1-3 weeks of building HABITS that you'll be writing later. This helps you succeed.
So here's a few things I'm adding to my plans:
Make-up Day once per week. This allows me to catch up to anything I may have missed that isn't habitual or unhealthy to do so.
Nature Day once per week. Whether it's a walk in the park or going kayaking. Do something small to get out and relax for an hour or two.
No socials for 20-30 minutes per day
2-4 out days per month. With friends, or without. Do something like go out to eat, go to a club etc. Giving myself a budget to each day.
Meal Plan, non obsessively. You want to collect a whole fuck ton of meal ideas, some aesthetically pleasing and some not. Splurge meals and cheap meals. But you need to account for the fact that you won't be able to stick to this completely. This is where easy, extremely low effort meals come in handy.
Find your resources now, not later. You'll get overwhelmed more easily.
You need need need fuck up buffers. Which means ways to catch yourself if you start falling. Low effort days, put away some money for car trouble, etc.
Make this as easy as possible, use apps for yoga if you need, reminder apps, alarm clocks, etc.
Add anything else to the ground rules that will make your life easier and help you personally. These are just examples.
Gather a bunch of meal ideas & inspiration, write them down. You can skip this step if it bothers you.
Write down all of your big, daunting goals. Turn those big, daunting goals into smaller goals.
Write down a list of products you use and an estimated amount of time it takes for you to run out of them.
Write down any self care/personal changes you want to work on, especially habits.
Find resources you need to meet your goals.
Find a cleaning list online, or write one yourself.
For studying, write down a list of all exams/quizzes and their dates
So now you feel a little overwhelmed. You've got a ton of lists full of stuff everywhere and you're looking at me like "oh my god what do I do" but zhhh it's fine it's fine.
Write down the easiest, cheapest meals you can. I'm talking canned soup, ramen, chips and salsa. Stuff that you're going to need to rely on every so often.
Write down the tasks it takes to get to each smaller goal in as much detail as possible. E.g. instead of "read lesson" try "chapter 1 bio textbook". Clear and consice.
If you're adding exercise/stretching to this, find some easy workouts that are ten minutes or less and write them down (like the name of them)
For studying, you can write down all the notes you need to do etc at this step.
Now for the fun (horrible) part ! Get out a calendar. It's time to organize all of this bullshit... And also figure out how to make this shit easier for you.
First things first, anything regarding cleaning, I'm telling you now : prevention works. If you start changing certain bad habits into good habits it gets a whole lot easier.
As for food, think of ways to make your favorite easy foods more satiable if possible. Tortilla chips and salsa your fav? Mix black beans and corn and your salsa to add more protein and nutrients into it. Remember you gotta have these to stick, so you don't feel overwhelmed.
Exercise / Stretching please give yourself at least one rest day per week to just fuckin vibe. It's also easier to do if you do it right after you wake up !
Make life easier for yourself. Find simple resources that work well for you. Use them. You don't have to HATE life to be successful.
The next step is to organize this all. Look through your months and organize those ground rules first.
Start with your out days, that you know won't have anything planned. Write down a basic budget for each.
Write down any major appointments, work meetings, etc.
Now move on to the smaller goals. Separate them however you want. Make a goal date to have them done.
The moment you have those separated you will slowly watch everything come to life. Now all you need to do is take the TASKS it takes to get to those goals, and plug them into weeks/days.
Look at your cleaning list and ask yourself how you can make the list easier to handle. If you have bad habits you'll work on them. The leftover tasks.. separate them into a schedule. If they need to be done weekly pick what days to do them and write them down.
Add in reminders to buy certain products that you know you're going to run out of
Write down any oil changes etc / grocery days / meal planning days
You're pretty much done at this point. It's a long process but now you have your goals properly mapped out and such. Now all you need is to write down what workouts to do on what days and what meal ideas you wanna try on what days. I don't recommend doing that part more than two weeks in advance.
If you want from here you can add all of this to a timeblock schedule.
Remember you are a HUMAN you're going to screw up somewhere along the way so please please place fuck up buffers everywhere.
I hope I explained how I did this to everyone properly. If you have questions just shoot me an ask.
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shimmerdoll · 2 years
Look to yourself, not to others.
You don’t have to ask other people for advice or what to do, you know what you should do and just want someone to agree that you should be doing x, y and z.
Someone I follow once said they ask people for advice but they still end up doing what they want. That is usually the same for many of us, so do the BEST thing that will benefit you and you know you should do.
Look to yourself, not others. Meaning don’t ask your favorite influencer or person what perfume you should wear. Explore perfumes ( lol) and pick one that you like. Don’t unnecessarily ask everyone how to be you and what you want to represent. Of course asking isn’t bad but trust yourself and your decisions.
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