#Will probably do a full colour version of that drawing eventually
bapple117 · 1 month
Chapter 5 of Bluest Monday is now up!
A Radiostatic fic set in the 80s ~ AO3 Link! 18+
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I had to draw a scene from it hehe
Here's a snippet!
Vox could die right now and he’d die happy; Alastor is also deeply content. He strokes Vox’s face now, tracing his fingertips across Vox’s screen. Alastor can feel the hum of static; that low, intriguing vibration. 
“Most interesting,” Alastor mutters. “I wonder what it would feel like if we combined energy.”
Vox raises an eyebrow. 
“If we what now?”
“Like this,” Alastor says, pressing his forehead to Vox’s screen.
Alastor brings forth his own radio static energy; it thrums against Vox. The TV Demon seems to understand; he increases his own energy and it buzzes between them. It feels strangely good. Both demons pull away and look at each other. 
“Well that’s new,” Vox laughs. 
“What did you feel?” Alastor says. 
“It felt good!” Vox admits. “Like you were inside my head and we could communicate without words, or something. What did you feel?”
“Much the same,” Alastor says, nodding. 
“You wanna try again?” Vox says, coy. 
“Very much so,” Alastor breathes out. 
They push their faces together again; electricity pulsates between them. It tingles in their nerves; both demons feel their whole bodies throb with it. It is unlike anything either of them have experienced before. Alastor is enraptured by the sensation; lost into the whirring signals, he pushes out frequencies. Radio waves, coursing into Vox; the TV Demon receives these, taking them in. It feels divine.
Alastor is so drunk on the sensation of broadcasting into Vox and how all encompassing it feels that he finds his lips moving against Vox’s screen; Vox meets them gladly. The combination of them kissing and sharing energy is otherworldly. 
Read the full story here!
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internetcowboi · 2 years
Get To Know Me tag!
Thanks for the tags @themandilorian @excalisbury :)
relationship status: going on 6 years with my partner!
favourite colour: uuhh it varies. I had a strong mustard phase a couple years back, with photos of my aggressively yellow outfits to prove it haha. When I was a kid my favourite was apparently Rainbow, which speaks for itself lmao.
favourite food: I'm fussy as hell and go through phases of favorite foods. Currently I'm loving Tonkotsu ramen. I'm also obsessed with anything cheesy as a general rule, which is terrible because I'm lactose intolerant. But the heart wants what it wants.
song stuck in your head: Because Dreaming Costs Money by Mitski
last thing you googled: checking if L&P (Lemon & Paeroa) counts as a soda/pop drink for another ask thingy haha. (It does!)
time: 4.37pm
dream trip: Meeting my family in England, then going to Scotland and Greece (in whatever order). I've never left New Zealand, so it feels far off, but I'll go on that trip eventually! I've also always wanted to go to Alaska, purely to see the furthest north Barnes and Noble with the pretty fireplace inside. oddly specific, but a dream.
last book you read: Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater (please if anyone else has read this and has Big Feelings come scream in my dm's with me)
last book you enjoyed reading: Honestly, I enjoy most of what I read. I'm quick to DNF if something isn't my vibe, because I don't have the attention span to push through something I'm not enjoying. My faves this year have been The Charm Offensive, The House in the Cerulean Sea, Letters for Lucardo graphic novel series, and Mister Impossible.
last book you hated reading: hated? Probably Animal Farm in year 10 English class. Everyone was like 'oh it's so profound' and it probably is, but I couldn't get past how boring and annoying it was to read.
favourite thing to cook/bake: I loooooove baking brownies. Gooey, chocolate-chunk filled, crunchy on the outside brownies. I use the recipe from Binging with Babish, the super gooey version.
favourite craft to do in your free time: I love to draw, paint and crochet- I have a small crochet/art side hustle, but it's been pretty dead the last year or so with covid shutting down my usual markets, as well as working full-time.
most niche dislikes: uuuh my brain is only supplying me with my weird food dislikes rn so we're going with those. Cooked carrots (raw is delicious, cooked is like... mushy and sweet and it freaks me out). Pineapple. Watermelon.
opinion on circuses, now and in history: I don't know a lot about them historically, but obvi very against the abuse of circus animals. I think the gymnastics and stuff seems pretty cool though? (I've never been to a circus, that I can remember.)
do you have a sense of direction, and if not what if the worst way you’ve gotten lost: I have no sense of direction whatsoever. One time, my partner and I were driving to a new place, and I was the navigator. It took us an extra 30 minutes to find our way, because I kept giving him instructions on where to turn too late haha.
Tagging anyone who wants to give this a go! no pressure/waving to @palimpsessed @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @moodandmist
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nostalgic-pancakes · 3 years
Watching the starlings as autumn draws in
Summary: Tommy and his friends try on some skirts, and he reflects a bit on how they all got here. (It's a happy story) Title from September by Sparky Deathcap
Pairings: None! Platonic everyone (esp in irl fics_)
Read on AO3 (preferred place to read)
Word count: 2570
Warnings: None, except for surface-level references to the exile/prison arcs, but not much.
Other notes: I wrote this in a fit of madness last night in like three hours at 2 am, so i’ll probably edit it honestly but for now, enjoy! (If the CC’s ever display discomfort with this type of fic I will take it down)
"WELCOME BACK TO THE STREAM, BOYS!" Tommy exclaims, rubbing his hands together as he starts rapid-fire answering questions about the stream, and the stream title from chat. It's funny, how over time, Tommy's come to see Chat as this one entity- an old friend. The nervousness of answering questions as a fifteen year old with nothing but a big personality, a twitch account and a copy of Minecraft is all but gone now, nineteen years old and happier than he's ever been.
Dreadfulzombie19: what are u doin this stream
"THANK YOU FOR ASKING, Dreadfulzombie19, today is gonna be a bit different, innit Tubbo?" Tommy raises his voice a bit at the end of his sentence, just loud enough for one of his flatmates to hear him. When Tubbo yells back an affirmative, Tommy turns back to his setup. Chat's gone a bit wild again, even though he, Tubbo and Ranboo have been living together for over a year now.
"Okay, okay, calm down chat- so recently I was at university, as usual right? And I had an eight AM class again, and… yeah I can see you all can relate."
"BUT! BUT! On my way back to the flat, I saw something really cool." Tommy hesitates in his speech to take a sip of coke again- his blood pressure's been acting up lately and watches Chat to wild again, asking him what he saw.
"Okay, so there was a shop- new place, which doesn't happen often this is fucking Brighton- and they sold skirts and dresses and stuff with adjustments for AMAB sizes!" Chat goes a bit bonkers, but Tommy's mod team- a little smaller than it used to be, now that he isn't the centre of YouTube or Twitch attention anymore, none of them are- are handling it, and pretty well.
"So I had to go, right? As many of you probably know, last year, I made the astounding discovery that gender-based stereotypes and expectations are, in fact, fake and I should not give a SHIT. And so I go in and look through the stuff- it's a really poggers shop by the way, and I find the perfect thing- it was the most poggers skirts and shit, okay? So, today's stream is going to have me wearing this pogchamp shit and wearing it right, with the help of…" Tommy ends his monologue by picking up the joke shaker-things that Phil had gotten him as a housewarming gift last year and indicates for his first two helpers to enter the office.
In walks his mother, face obscured from view as always, waving to the camera, and Wilbur, also wearing one of his only skirts for this occasion. Eret had taught him, on a phonecall in the skirt shop that week about the different types of skirts with a handy diagram. Wilbur's was a pleated circle skirt, brown to offset the bright yellow of his sweater and beanie, the same colour as his hair. It's very swoosh-y, so he's wearing black leggings with his regular shoes too. Motherinnit's also wearing her favourite skirt, a baby blue prairie skirt, Tommy thinks, and it's one he's seen fairly often.
Wilbur ducks down in order to show his face to Chat, and ruffles Tommy's hair while he's at it. Tommy's taller, but not by much, so Wilbur still fucking makes short jokes, That fucker.
Chat is now going so fast that he simply cannot read anything but some of the all caps messages and can barely make out some of the emotes.
"Okay, OKAY, CALM DOWN CHAT! WE HAVE TO GET TO FUCKING BUSINESS!" Tommy yells into the mix, like he did when he was sixteen and used the 'many people find me annoying at first' intro. Nowadays he just lets the content speak for itself. Anyone who wants to be here already is, by now.
Wilbur laughs a bit, and that hasn't changed at all. "Tommy, how is chat supposed to calm down if you're not calm?"
"I am their god!! They will obey via sheer digital willpower!" Tommy replies back, pretty zealously (What? An English Literature class is mandatory for his film degree, and The Great Gatsby by Zelda Fitzgerald is a good book, as are most of the other assigned ones. He's had entire conversations with Techno with just lit quotes and it drives everyone insane. Tommy loves it.) Chat seemingly has listened to his godlike abilities, with a few OG's spotting his half-quotation of one of Dream's last lines in the Dream SMP. The rest are spamming 'MOTHERINNIT'.
"If having a shitty magic trick book from a washed-up politician makes you a god, then what does that make me?" Wilbur replies, with one of Foolish's lines and swatting his hand at Tommy. Tommy swats back.
"Bitch" "Arsehole" "Shithead" "Fuckface" Wilbur finishes cheerily, as if this happens all the time. It does. Chat's used their antics now, four years of consistently making content together will do that for you.
Eventually Motherinnit reminds them both to get back on Topic, and Tommy goes back to facing the camera, addressing Chat directly.
"Today, my beloved mother, and my idiot brother-" "hey!" "And maybe my flatmates will be joining me to show off some cool as SHIT skirts! And a dress or two. We all have our selections, right?" Everyone nods in affirmative, even Tubbo and Ranboo. Though the camera can't see them. Ranboo's just come home from his final class, then. He should probably take the first hour back off, and judging by how Tubbo is forcefully judging Ranboo to the shower, he probably gets it. Tommy signs an affirmative to both of them, and gets back to the camera, where Wilbur's showing off all of his (very poggers) very stupid brown or yellow skirts. Tommy's are in cool colours, for fuck's sake.
"Oh yeah, Puffy just confirmed she'll be on stream! She'll be here in about twenty minutes, accounting for fucking traffic, and Niki' going to get onto VC after her own stream, what game is it this time?"
"GRIS." Wilbur answers.
"Poggers- she is the SHIT and will join us soon! So expect some QUALITY QUALITY content this stream!! Remember to not spam her chat to finish faster." Exclaims Tommy, even if it ends up as a light warning, as he picks up his own very poggers skirts from the extra armchair in his office to show the camera.
One is the classic red and white, mostly white but with bright red on the waist (elastic) and the bottom, and it reached to about Tommy's knee, if worn at the hip. It had no pleats, but the red bits were a very nice velvet texture, and while the skirt was heavy, it still had very much swoosh value, and pockets!! Big ones!! He slips the skirt on top of his jeans before entering camera view, the skirt visible in all its classic Tommyinnit glory, as he takes his place right next to Wilbur, who just took. a quick spin at the behest of several dono's., Skirt spying out from his lower shins all the way to his knee, making visible one of his (many) petticoats. ("What? It's cold all the fucking time here, Toms.") Tommy also makes a quick little spin, skirt flying outward, not upward, so it looks like he's hula hooping for a moment there. Lastly, Motherinnit spins around too, and while her skirts do not swoosh, she looks opulent, like she was about to go to waltz with the enemy, for whom she has a dagger in the back of her dress for. (He finished Anna Karenina and the Six of Crows duology within the same week and has not yet recovered. Jack Edwards is laughing at him as he thinks in his English Lit Graduate glory.)
It's fun, trying on different skirts- he and Wilbur accidentally bought the same dress at one point, which they paired up to wear, darting off into their respective changing rooms while giggling like idiots with their checkered blouses and the grindl skirts that Niki had sent over when she heard of this stream idea, laughing the whole time. Tubbo enters as dramatically as possible with Puffy, and while Tubbo looks really fucking good in his handkerchief skirt with embroidered bees and plain white shirt, it's Puffy who steals the show with an exact, real life version of her red banquet dress.
Fans from way back in the SMP, before Tommy had started branching out start going insane and are bringing back emotes Tommy wasn't sure were still available, but she is fucking stunning- deep shades of red and crimson, with slits on either side of her waist and all the detailing. She'd gotten the contact for her dressmaker through Bernadette Banner, Tommy recalls- she was so fucking cool when she streamed with him once, and gotten him to swear less and supplant those world's with bigger ones to intimidate instead. While he still curses like a sailor as part of his persona, it's less so and he does way less in real life these days, unless the situation calls for it. It's also just rude, especially in uni libraries, where he spends too much time these days wondering why he didn't read more as a kid.
Puffy's stolen his audience for a WHILE, and Niki coming on hasn't helped any, so Tommy exits camera view for a while to hug Ranboo really quickly- he's had midterms and has basically been dying all month.
Everyone on this stream- Tommy, Wilbur, Motherinnit, Tubbo, Puffy, Niki and Ranboo enter the camera frame after entering their dressing rooms for the last time on this particular stream, Puffy with full in-character wigs and makeup, Tommy in an Edwardian-Gothic reminiscent black and red dress, Ranboo in something he bought when he gap-yeared in Japan, punk lolita or something, Niki flaunting her pink in a Marie Antoinette style show of finery, Tubbo dressing in all green this time, something like a very deranged biology teacher who hasn't slept in days (Tubbo hasn't-Tommy has to get into that), Wilbur like a forest-nymph, all earthy tones and swishy fabrics and nature highlights, and finally Motherinnit, who hasn't changed but is here to take pictures as they all lean in together to fit into frame, as drastic as their height difference is. Niki is going to be edited in later, and everyone on the 'Dream SMP but nobody does Dream SMP and we're all fucking nerds' discord server is going to get a copy.
The stream wraps up there, after about two hours, and it's only about six in the evening- a far cry from the late nights and long hours from the beginning of Tommy's career, so everyone runs to their changing areas for the last time, into pajamas now, and packs away all of the clothes they wore, properly, as to not incense Karolina Zebrowska, and Jemma, Dan's wife, who would look at them disappointedly and nobody wants a sad Jemma because that means no cooing at their son. Also it just feels shitty.
Everyone huddles in Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo's living room, and they out on UP for like, the millionth fucking time (they still cry when Ellie dies), and Tommy is leaning into Wilbur's side and feeling his mum play with the hair in his very small, stubby ponytail he's developed by being in Uni as he and Tubbo intertwine their legs together and Ranboo rests his head in the tangle of limbs, playing with his fidget cube. Puffy stays on Wilbur's side, intently texting someone and smiling the whole while, and Tommy takes a moment to reflect (something he's been getting better at doing) on how the actual hell they all got here.
The Dream SMP was always going to end- everyone knew it, if course, they were the fucking writers. But by the time they did, not only were their respective brands too closely intertwined to just… sever that quickly, but they'd become too close to even want to. So the SMP discord never shut, even though Dream and George had planned it months ago, and they continued supporting each other with their interests. Wilbur made a lot more music solo, with his band and even just random ass streams where he practiced guitar for an hour. He kept playing Minecraft, but it wasn't his main focus. A bunch of people left. More stayed. YouTube left him alone.
Dream, George and Sapnap are still Minecraft streamers, but their YouTube channels are mostly blogs of them being poor excuses of adults with other former SMP members joining in sometimes. Tommy and the Dream Team were closer than ever, even though the seeds of their friendship had been sowed when they used to linger after heavy streams together, reassuring each other that none of that was true and that nothing like… that would happen in real life, because Dream had used real abuse tactics, and those still hurt unless immediately taken care of. So they were. It was a running joke that Dream was stuck at 99 million subscribers since nobody really wanted the face reveal anymore. The other Dream team members were doing peachy.
Phil and Techno were also still primarily Minecraft streamers, but they also released things like advice videos and mental health stuff, especially for relationships. They had a new scripted series where Tommy was a minor character. The dadza jokes were still as real, and yes, outside of streaming, both of them were lovely people and responsible adults (mostly). They collaborated with DanTDM and co a lot more now.
Puffy and Niki kept doing games, but did lots of different ones, testing point and clickers to triple A titles, and making it all fucking hilarious while they were at it.
So where had that left Tommy?
After the Dream SMP, he'd kind of had no idea what to do, and he was going to University for the first time, so he just… did whatever he thought would be fun. He learned about vintage fashion from the queens themselves- Mina Le, Bernadette Banner and Karolina Zebrowska and had fun learning how to sew for the first time, fixing and making his own clothes for the first time, clunky as they were, Wilbur had cried, genuinely, when he saw the Lovejoy shirts that Tommy had made for the band. He'd found a genuine love for literature in university, so Tommy started talking to booktubers and studytubers like Jack Edwards and Noelle Stevenson. Tubbo and Ranboo had joined him, fucking around in any YouTube niche they found even remotely interesting. Eventually, they all found a happy medium- a bit of everything.
Some people obviously weren't happy with that but Tommy was happy as he was, making what he liked with his best friend's, living together close enough to most of their friends (family) to have fun and drop in on one another at ass-o-clock in the morning to comfort, to laugh. His sub count hasn't gone up in a while- most of his audience is static, with about 80-90k online on a stream at any time.p
It was a nice feeling, to have carved out a space for himself and the people he loves, and be is so, so glad that he got this chance.
Looking at his mostly asleep family, Tommy thinks 'yeah. Life is good.' as the last thought before he sleeps.
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‘OMORI’ analysis:
OMORI’ is an Indie psychological horror RPG that was released December 2020, 6 years after its Kickstarter became fully funded in 2014. It was developed by OMOCAT, LLC and published by OMOCAT, LLC and Playism. It is a long game, the average play time of the main story is calculated to be 21 hours and 9 minutes by ‘HowLongToBeat’ (HowLongToBeat, 2021), a website which polls players with different play styles to calculate the average lengths of games. It personally took me 49 hours to complete. This is to say that, as a long and complex story based game, Omori’s plot will be difficult to summarise in a neat and short format but I will try.
The game has two main routes and multiple endings. I played the normal route and got the good ending so that will be the story I summarise, which also seems to be the one most players also got during their first playthrough. 
The game starts with a short cutscene and then text appears on screen stating: “welcome to White Space. You have been living here for as long as you can remember.” The game then properly starts, revealing the main character in a large white space with a room in the centre. The room contains a laptop, a sketchbook and tissues. Around the room are a cat, a black lightbulb and a white door. If the player goes to the door it says: “a white door casts a faint shadow. What would you like to do?” The only choice is to do nothing. The sketchbook is filled with sinister drawings in red, white and black. The cat says “meow (waiting for something to happen?)”. The laptop allows you to either stare at the screen, look at the journal or log off. The journal (titled ‘Omori’s journal’) is filled with entries for days that are all listed as: “day ???” rather than with a date and each entry either consists of: “today, I spent time in White Space. Everything was okay” or “today I visited my friends. Everything was okay.” The tissue box is stated as “for wiping your sorrows away”. There is a sound and shake and then a text box appears telling the player “something fell nearby”. The player can then find a “shiny knife” by wandering around white space. After discovering the knife, if the player approaches the door they are now given the option to open it.
Once the door is opened it takes the player to Neighbor’s Room, a bright colourful room in sharp contrast to White Space. Neighbor’s Room is a part of a large area called Headspace which is only accessible through the white door in White Space. Most of the game takes place in Headspace, although not all of it, so assume the areas I discuss are in Headspace unless I tell you they are otherwise (White Space is not a part of Headspace). In Neighbor’s Room three of Omori’s friends are playing cards. They are Aubrey, Kel and Kel’s brother Hero. They are happy to see Omori, and after some bickering between Kel and Aubrey, decide to visit their friends Mari and Basil who have invited them for a picnic at the Playground. Saying yes to the invitation causes the friends to join the party and follow Omori. They leave Neighbor’s Room through a tree stump. There are four areas branching from the tree stump. One is blocked off by spiderwebs which Omori refuses to pass because he is scared of spiders, one is blocked of by the sea which Omori refuses to go into because he is scared of drowning and one is blocked off by a ladder which Omori refuses to climb because he is scared of heights. The only other option is to go to the Playground where they meet Basil and Mari who are waiting on a picnic blanket with Mari’s basket and some food. Mari’s picnic blanket, her basket and the food pop up throughout the game with the basket as a save point, the food as a way to replenish health or juice (which is basically mana, it powers skills and can be drained during fights) and the picnic blanket often allowing Omori and friends to have a picnic and take a break from whichever adventure they are on. During their friendly reunion and discussion, Basil shows them his photo album which is filled with pictures documenting their friendship. They then decide to visit Basil’s house except for Mari who opts to stay behind.
Before going to Basil’s house Omori and friends play hide and seek with other characters in the Playground where Omori finds everyone except Basil. Basil has been kidnapped by a character named Boss who is a childish character upset at being banned from the playground by the others who had deemed him too violent. After a fun short battle with Boss they then make their way to Basil’s house. I mentioned the fight with Boss as although it has no relevance to the plot it seemed to set the tone of exploring ‘Headspace’ for me. Colourful fun battles with Omori’s friends against characters who ultimately weren’t bad people. It felt hopeful and exciting even though I knew it couldn’t be the full story because Omori is a psychological horror game. Although I knew something would probably go wrong at some point, it still lulled me into a false sense of security. When Omori and his friends arrive at Basil’s house, Kel and Aubrey have another fight before they go inside which leads to them knocking over Basil and the photos falling out of his photo album. They go inside for Omori to put the photos back in place. After that seems done a photo falls out of the album and Basil picks it up. Basil seems not to recognise the photo, looking scared. A twisting shadow appears beneath him and then he says “n-no.. that can’t be… Mari” his eyes turning red. Then there is a flash of a greyscale photo and Omori is back in White Space, except this time the white door is missing. There is some new dialogue with Mewo the cat and a new drawing in the journal of a strange shape with one eye. However, without the door, the player is stuck, until they open the pocket menu. The pocket menu is where the player can access the party’s inventory, their skills and charms and the options menu. Previously there was a space only listed as ??? but at that moment it is replaced by red text saying “Stab”. Clicking on Stab it gives you the option to stab a member of the party, which, in White Space only consists of Omori himself. The player has no other way of progressing the game and has to click that option, which makes Omori to stab himself. This sudden dark turn shocked me. Although I had expected the game to turn dark eventually I didn’t think it would happen so early on and it felt wrong to have him stab himself.
After Omori has stabbed himself there is another short cutscene and then the player is shown a boy sleeping in his room and asked to choose his name. His default name is Sunny, so that is how I will refer to him. He looks almost exactly like Omori except he is in colour. He is the real version of Omori who lives in the real world and it turns out that Headspace and White Space are all in his head, a world he escapes to avoid a traumatic event in his past. Although they are the same person I will continue to refer to them as Omori and Sunny to separate when Sunny is in Headspace (or White Space) as Omori and when he is in the real world as Sunny. It turns out that in the real world Sunny is home alone as his mother is in the city, preparing their new home for them to move into in three days. It is also revealed that Omori’s friends in Headspace all exist in the real world as well. In the real world you can explore the top level of the house where Sunny’s bedroom is located, but if the player tries to go downstairs to the rest of the house Sunny will shake his head and not allow it. The only choice is to go back to bed where Sunny goes to sleep but then wakes up again hungry. A red light shines through the window making the area more sinister. This time trying to go down the stairs is allowed but the stairs seem to be infinitely long and some hands climb up the sides while others surround him and one photorealistic one chases him. When it catches up, the player is taken to a fight with a monstrous creature referred to as Something. The fight seems hopeless, Sunny’s attacks doing nothing to Something until a mysterious voice speaks to Sunny saying: “take a deep breath… don’t be afraid. It’s not as scary as you think.” The textbox then states: “you steady yourself… and remember how to Calm Down. Calm Down is then available as a skill (fights are won by using attacks and skills). Using the Calm Down skill shows an animation of Sunny breathing in and out and ends the fight, depositing Sunny at the bottom of the stairs. The player can then explore the rest of the house, two areas Sunny still refusing to go to, a room and an area outside, presumably the garden. The player can then take Sunny to the kitchen to pick up the Steak Knife and heat up and eat a steak. Then Sunny seems sick, the rooms wobbling as he walks around. After he goes to the upstairs bathroom and throws up, the rooms stop wobbling. Then there is a knock at the door and when Sunny approaches the door it shows Mari on the other side, still in the bright purple colours of Headspace. She tells Sunny she forgot her keys and asks him to open the door. If the player chooses to open the door there is a quick jumpscare of a ghost. If the player visits the bathroom to look in the mirror they will see the ghost behind Sunny. There is nothing else to do but to make Sunny go to bed and go to sleep. This time when he wakes up there is another cutscene saying “welcome to White Space. You have been living here for as long as you can remember” and Sunny is once again Omori, back in White Space. This time the white door is back but will not open and the Stab option is once again not available. Going to the laptop will open the Hangman menu which shows a list of computer keyboard keys along with vague descriptions of where to find them (they are all somewhere in Headspace). Out of all 26 keys there are 12 keys that are necessary to collected to unlock later parts of the game. It is impossible to collect all 26 in the normal route of the game. To be able to open the door the player has to find the map to Headspace in White Space, then it will allow the door to open when interacted with, once again taking Omori to Neighbor’s Room. Aubrey, Kel and Hero are relieved to see Omori and reveal that Basil is missing. Around this time Mari is also revealed to be Omori’s (and therefore also Sunny’s) sister. The main objective is to find Basil and this drives most of the story that takes part in Headspace. This involves a lot of exploring different areas of Headspace including an area accessed via the ladder that Sunny had previously been too afraid to use. Omori is encouraged by his friends to go up the ladder as they believe it may lead to Basil and this is clearly linked to Sunny defeating the Something on the stairs in the real world. This area is called Otherworld. After going on quests in the hopes that they will lead to Basil and fighting in a battle against the first proper boss, Space Boyfriend, some bloody footsteps will lead to a shadowy figure of Basil. Following shadow Basil takes Omori to a dark sinister space with some hints about Sunny’s dark past and his reason for creating and escaping to Headspace. He is chased by the version of Something the player will see the most, a version already depicted in Omori’s sketchbook in White Space, a strange shape with one eye. When caught by Something Omori wakes up once again in White Space where he once again has to stab himself to wake up in the Real World. This is the End of the Prologue and the start of the first chapter: Three Days Left. Each chapter counts down the days until Sunny is supposed to move out.
Every time Omori turns up at White Space and the white door is not present, the player has to make him stab himself in order to wake up as Sunny in the real world. That is the only way to access the real world. During each real world segments there is a battle with a different creature called Something related to each of Sunny’s fears. First heights, then spiders and finally drowning. Defeating these creatures in the real world always gives Sunny a new skill (these are: Calm Down, then Focus, then Persist) and allows Omori to later overcome, after his friends offer him support, the related fear in Headspace, allowing him to explore new areas that were previously blocked off (Otherworld, then Pyrefly Forest and finally Last Resort and Underwater Highway are only accessible by Omori and Mari swimming across the beach). I found this very interesting as it showed that Omori’s fears were limiting him and that he was able to overcome them, both for his friend (Basil) and with the support of his other friends (Aubrey, Kel and Hero). It implies that you should reach for help or support if you can and it reminded me a lot of my own anxiety which has limited me a lot in my past by making me scared to go to social events for example. Friendship is an important theme throughout Omori (in fact it is an important theme in all three games I chose to assess).
The first chapter opens in the real world with someone claiming to be Kel knocks on the door and the player has to choose whether to open it or not. This choice determines which route of the game the player goes down. The normal route starts when the player chooses to open the door. It is revealed to actually be Kel and not a jumpscare like Mari was and he wants to spend time with Sunny before he moves out. When Sunny explores the town with Kel he finds out that Aubrey has changed a lot, having dyed her hair pink and become the leader of what appears to be a group of bullies who often bully Basil, who is even more timid and scared than the version of him the player saw in Headspace (before he disappeared of course). Sunny and Kel rescue Basil by fighting against Aubrey who Sunny wins against by slashing her with his Steak Knife. Kel is shocked that Omori used a knife against Aubrey and takes it from him. This part made me realise how real the real world is meant to be and how Sunny had become incredibly detached from it by spending all his time in Headspace as Omori and becoming used to having to fight creatures and bosses with his Shiny Knife. Kel and Sunny then decide to retrieve Basil’s photo album which he says Aubrey stole from him. They find her in a church where she reveals to the player that Mari died four years prior, which is presumably the traumatic event that caused Sunny to retreat into Headspace, and is the reason the friend group drifted apart. Kel and Sunny then fight Aubrey again, drawing attention to Aubrey from the other churchgoers who criticise her, causing her to flee. Kel and Sunny then spot her throwing the photo album into the trash and take it to bring back to Basil. This photo album contains different pictures to the one in Headspace but is still filled with pictures showing their friendship, although all pictures containing Mari are missing, presumably taken by Aubrey. When they take the photo album back to Basil, who lives with his caretaker Polly they are invited to have dinner with them. Over dinner Kel mentions that Sunny is moving away and Basil runs to the bathroom. Following him to the bathroom shows him also seeing Something, which he says is behind Sunny. He clearly is also traumatised, his trauma most likely linked to Sunny’s trauma. Basil seems genuinely scared to be left alone but the only option for Sunny is to leave him alone. Then when Sunny goes home he faces the spider Something and goes to bed waking up in White Space.
I will not go into detail into the areas of Headspace that the party explore while looking for Basil as that would take a long time and doesn’t need to be discussed to explain the plot. The reason I went into so much detail for the Prologue is that it sets up the game. Most of the story in Headspace involves the friends looking for Basil, discovering new areas, skills, items and Bosses and always ending in Omori seeing bloody footprints leading to shadow Basil which usually leads to White Space, Omori stabbing himself and waking in the real world.
In the second chapter, Sunny starts off in the real world again. To briefly summarise, he and Kel find Basil being bullied by Aubrey and her current friends ending up with Aubrey accidentally pushing Basil into the water. Sunny has to face his fear of drowning to save Basil and faces up against another Something. Sunny and Basil are then saved by Hero who has returned from college for a short visit. They go to Kel and Hero’s house and look through the photo album and then Kel and Hero ask their parents if they can go to Sunny’s house for a sleepover. In the house Hero goes to the piano room – the room Sunny previously refused to enter. Sunny and Kel then join him there where the player finds out Mari used to play piano, and that her death was a suicide. The player knows from the photo album by now that Sunny also used to play the violin and that he and Mari were meant to play a concert together before she died. Kel, Hero and Sunny then set up a fort in Sunny’s room.
Then Omori wakes up completely alone in Neighbor’s Room in Headspace. Leaving Neighbor’s Room all the paths are blocked off by fog except for the one to the Playground. The Playground is entirely empty but if the player interacts with the mirror they can play hide and seek alone. This is a clear tonal shift as usually Headspace is very cheerful and full of life but with only Omori it becomes eerie. Then the path to the beach is accessible. At the end of the dock stands Mari. She encourages Omori to swim cross the ocean and get past his fear of drowning by promising to stay with him and saying, “steady your heartbeat… don’t be afraid. It’s not as scary as you think.” Crossing the ocean with Mari takes them across to some wooden dock paths. When they reach the end of the long wooden paths there are some curtains floating atop them. Mari turns to face Omori and says: “… Omori… it seems you have forgotten something important. Are you okay with that? I’m not too sure… you’ve seen this curtain once before. The last time we went to the lake. This is my stop though. I know I shouldn’t have come… It just gets a little lonely without everyone. It’s not my place to say anymore, but… I hope you’re still there… Sunny… I really miss you” Mari then says “goodbye, little brother.” Then Sunny enters a new area of Headspace which leads to a hotel called the Last Resort where he has to collect Kel, Aubrey and Hero who were all trapped in contracts to a boss named Mr Jawsum who they have to battle against. This is more like the previous areas of Headspace with lots of puns and colourful new characters. Then the friends travel down the Underwater Highway eventually following a recurring side character Sweetheart to an area of Headspace called The Abyss, during which they start to forget what Basil looks like. In The Abyss there are a lot of hints towards Sunny’s past and trauma. Eventually the friends end up meeting a whale called Humphrey who invites them to enter into his stomach. He is both a new area to explore and, after this exploration, a boss who threatens to actually eat them. Then, once Humphrey is defeated the friends go to find the last of the 12 keys which spells out “Welcome to Black Space” and then shows them Basils house. On the way to Basil’s house the trees and plants look dead. Entering the house there is a pit and entering the pit leads to a dark place which eventually leads to a black door which Omori opens. This introduces the player to Black Space, essentially the inverse of White Space which is surrounded by black doors.
If White Space is where Sunny locks himself away to forget all of his trauma, Black Space seems to be where he hides all of his repressed memories, fears and mental health problems. There is a key in the centre of the room. The key will open whichever of the doors the player chooses to enter first. Each room behind a black door is disturbing and broken looking, with bloody footprints leading to a key and then a red hand appearing and taking Omori back to Black Space. One Black Space room is a small room with a Butler who has the face of a cat while the cat Mewo (who the player knows by now was Mari’s cat) is strapped down to a table with knives next to her. Once Omori has entered the room, the door he used to enter disappears. When Omori interacts with the Butler he says “Mewo has been very, very bad” and then gives Omori a key. As there is no door to use the key on it seems the only choice is to approach Mewo. When Omori interacts with Mewo the text box asks: “do you want to cut open Mewo?” with the options yes and no. As there seemed to be no other option I reluctantly clicked yes, not wanting to see Mewo cut open even though I had become a bit used to the violence of the game after seeing Basil die in several of the other Black Space rooms. However, when the I clicked yes it lead to more text. “Mewo stares at you. She tilts her head out of curiosity.” And then the game asks again: “Do you want to cut open Mewo?” I clicked yes again. More text. “Mewo stares at you. Her eyes widen. She wants to go now.” And then, “do you want to cut open Mewo?” I clicked yes again, feeling more and more uncomfortable. “Mewo stares at you. She struggles to break free.” Again the choice, “do you want to cut open Mewo?” And once again I clicked yes. “Mewo stares at you. Her  eyes are filled with desperation.” I was asked again, “Do you want to cut open Mewo?” I clicked yes. “Mewo stares at you. She tries to scream, but there is no sound.” And again, “do you want to cut open Mewo?” I clicked yes again hoping it would eventually give me a different option but knowing it probably wouldn’t. “Mewo stares at you. She does not know what is happening.” Again the question, “do you want to cut open Mewo?” And finally she was dead, her red blood bright in the dark room and the text box “you cut open Mewo.” I thought finally, the red hand would appear and take Omori back to Black Space, but it didn’t. I waited a couple more seconds and then walked Omori around the small room. Nothing happened. I went to the Butler to see if he would help me leave after having committed such a terrible act but all he said was, “waiting for something to happen?” and I realised with growing dread that there had been no reason for cutting open Mewo. It had done nothing to help Omori leave the room. I opened the pocket menu and saw that the Stab option was back. I selected it and Omori stabbed himself and returned to Black Space. That was the moment for me where the game felt like an actual psychological horror. It had set out rules for Black Space. Open the door to a room, find the key for the next room and then the red hand would take Omori back to Black Space. I didn’t like the rules and the rooms unsettled me with how they took elements of the game I had grown accustomed to or invested in and then twisted them (like Watermelons hiding items, or Basil needing to be rescued) but I knew I had to follow them to progress. Except in that case, the rules weren’t the same and trying to follow them killed Mewo making me feel like a horrible person. When I watched a video titled “OMORI and Dissociative Amnesia”, part of a series of videos titled “Psych of Play” on YouTube by ‘Daryl Talks Games’ I saw the other side of that scenario. Daryl mentions how he “checked everything I could think to check to find a way not to kill this cat. Until I stumbled upon my menu and realised the Stab option was there and in that moment I was relieved. Finally something other than playing what feels like an actual nightmare I thought. And after I stabbed Omori and respawned in Black Space it sort of hit me like a truck that this game had just made killing myself seem like the best option. It seriously made me think that suicide was the easiest thing to do… given my circumstances. It took that unnatural feeling I had experienced so early in the game, and made me welcome it. Which I think paints a shockingly real picture of how suicide may seem to someone who is dealing with these astonishingly dark and sinister levels of anxiety” (Daryl Talks Games, 2021, 27:19). He had a moment where he felt that the game really revealed what it was like to be in Sunny’s shoes and made him emphasise with what Sunny’s suicidal thoughts probably felt like. And Sunny does seem to be suicidal as a result of his trauma and guilt. The bad ending leads to him killing himself by jumping off a building. This implies that part of the purpose of the game may be to show people who do not have mental health conditions what it is like to experience them. I think this would make sense since, as the disclaimer included in the game warns, ‘OMORI’ should not be played by people who are too close to the themes depicted and will find the game triggering. Much of the online community around Omori however talk about how it resonated with them or was important to them because of its mental health themes. The game has seemed to help a lot of people feel less alone with its exploration of mental health, although much of the community also emphasise that you have to be in a good state of mind when playing the game and recommend not playing it on bad days. I myself made sure I only played it on days I felt comfortable playing it and would alternate between playing the game for hours and then taking days off to decompress.
After finally escaping Black Space by killing Basil one more time (a lot of the Black Space rooms involve killing Basil by accident, but this last time seems to be on purpose) Sunny wakes up hearing music. Following the music takes the player to the piano room where Mari is sat playing the theme tune of the game. Mari talks about playing the piano and how she felt maybe she pushed Sunny to hard. She says: “We never did get to play at that last recital. Did you want to play it with me now?” Before Sunny can respond Hero bursts into the room. He tells Sunny to go back to sleep.
In the last part of the game the truth is revealed. Before their recital Sunny had thrown his violin down the stairs where it broke and had an argument with Mari, presumably over the pressure he felt to play the violin perfectly. He pushed her and she fell down the stairs and died. Basil found him and the two of them disguise her death as a suicide.
After this is revealed the player has the option to visit Basil who is convinced Sunny is possessed by Something and will start a fight between Sunny and Basil. Both Sunny and Basil will faint at the end of the fight. Sunny then finds his broken violin and is taken through memories that were shown in Basil’s photo album. After each new memory the violin will start to fix itself until it is complete. Then Sunny will appear at the recital where he is encouraged by his friends. He will put up his sheet music, start to play and then break down sobbing. Then Omori appears and the final battle is between Omori and Sunny. During this battle Omori speaks to Sunny telling him all the reasons he is a bad person and should be guilty. The phrases he used struck home and I become incredibly invested in the battle and trying to win as what he said sounded a lot like what the voices in my episodes of psychosis had told me. However Omori will ‘not succumb’ and eventually Sunny will be defeated and a game over page appears. It gave me the opportunity to continue so I took it. This time Sunny has the option to play. Choosing it will make Sunny take out his violin and he and Mari play their duet they practiced for their recital. This cutscene made me incredible emotional as it showed how much Sunny and Mari loved each other. The whole fight really showcases how Sunny felt, as Omori the representation of all his guilt and repressed memories, that his friends would be better off without him, but playing the violin gave him hope again and defeats Omori. They then hug in White Space and a white door appears. Going through it causes Sunny to wake up in the hospital with a bandage over one eye, injured in his fight against Basil. Leaving the hospital room will show shadow Basil and following him takes Sunny to Basil’s hospital room where Kel, Aubrey and Hero sit around Basil. Entering the room starts the Good Ending cutscene where Sunny decides to tell them about killing Mari, but the game cuts off before the player can see his friends reactions.
I know I have gone into a lot of depth explaining the plot and it might not have all been entirely necessary, the mental health aspects are central to the plot and discussing them felt like it would make no sense unless I described the plot first.
The game has a disclaimer both at the beginning of the game as well as on the game’s Steam page warning players that the game “contains depictions of depression, anxiety and suicide” which I think is very important and needed in the case of this game. The game is a (psychological) horror game, and horror games are quite well known in mental health gaming communities as misrepresenting mental health, mostly as portraying people with mental health conditions as violent and out of control, and mental health institutions as creepy and places to be feared and avoided. However, although the game uses Sunny’s mental health as a basis for the horror aspects it is not done in a way that belittles his struggles but rather just emphasises how difficult it is for him to cope with them. Although the cause of Sunny and Basil’s trauma is revealed to be a situation that players will most likely be unable to relate to, the way their depression and Sunny’s anxiety are portrayed still resonate with a lot of players as is evidenced in many Steam reviews. Omori and Basil are both quite sympathetic characters. They both seem to have depression but it is expressed in different ways – Omori completely withdrew into an imaginary world to avoid his trauma whereas Basil tried to put on a cheery façade but was actually deeply affected.
OMOCAT, the creator of Omori seems to be quite private and has not revealed much about the process or inspiration behind Omori and has not done any interviews, unlike the creators of the other games I have discussed, so it is difficult to tell whether she did any research on mental health when making the game or whether she experiences mental health conditions herself that may have assisted in making an accurate representation of mental health. However she did state in a blog post from the time of the Kickstarter that: “OMORI started out as a very personal project. He was a character that I created to help me cope with my problems during a confusing part of my life” (OMOCAT, 2014).
One of its main themes, one which features strongly in all three games, is the importance of friendship. I think this is an important message to have, for friends to support each other. Early on in the game if you buy good advice from the wise rock in the Vast Forest it tells Omori: “pain doesn’t last forever.” This is a major theme of the game and I think it is an important one. Although the Good Ending is ambiguous as the player will not know how Sunny’s friends will react, it gives hope that Sunny is no longer trapped by his trauma and he can finally try to move forward from it, and by telling them it seems he is also freeing Basil from his guilt as well. Overall I think it was a game that told a story that, although the ending reveal made Sunny’s actual situation less relatable and the game leaned to stereotypes at times, his experience of mental health still felt very real and resonated with a lot of players.
OMOCAT (2014) OMORI Kickstarter Update. Available at:
https://www.omocat-blog.com/post/85490697570/from-illustration-to-video-game-omori-kickstarter (accessed at: 23 February 2021)
https://youtu.be/rUDGlEWa4sE (accessed at: 11 April 2021)
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jaydawne · 3 years
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Saw this and went ‘hey, why not?’. Gonna ignore the but under the title cuz meh. Anyways, onwards!
1. Oldest OC
Bast Alaina Dragonthorn, in both being my first and being the Oldest of all my OC’s, so she’s not drawn very well 😅
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2. Newest OC
Felix Anthen and Axel Freese, I made them at the same time so they’re both here 😝 one is a frog humanoid and the other lives frogs so their best friends cuz why not?
3. Favorite OC
Hehe... well you see.... it’s pretty hard to pick a favourite from over 150 OC’s 😅 I can’t just pick ONE
4. Favourite OC design
Hmmmm my favourite designs would have to be... Game Master, Gareth, Cheshin and my first Alien OC Kozmar. I just really like how they turned out
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5. Main reason for making OC’s
It mainly started with just Bast as she was going to be my only OC, so she’s way overpowered but no Mary Sue. Sure she’s OP as but she has enemies and people who hate her. She drinks, causes chaos often as well as kills and eats people (not necessary good people no, just bad or annoying ones), but eventually I made Onemhi, Mad Stripes and Storm and it just, kicked off. I made OC’s for pre existing like anime’s and such, but when I made Jackson I made my first world and barely a storyline, then Gareth came along and now I have over 150 OC’s and several story lines for the individual characters in Ortho. I do still make anime OC’s and such tho.
6. Describe your character creation process
Nowadays, my process consists of inspiration, wether it be something I saw, a song, a passing thought or whatever. Then I go onto Gacha Club and make their design as best I can and write about them in my character books provided I have enough space (I’m already though my second book and in need of a third 😅🥲). After that I might end up with a story line. On the rare occasion I’ll actually draw them.
7. Do you ship your OC’s with someone else’s?
... do anime characters and such count?
8. Fav OC ship
I’m going to assume this one refers to shipping my OC’s with each other, in which case my favourite/s would probably have to be Maka and Rowan as well as Azzy and Kairos
9. Weirdest OC
Just about all of them weird in their own way, so I can’t really say who the weirdest is 😅
10. Villain OC’s
Hehehe, definitely. I’ve got Creepypasta OC’s, BNHA villain OC’s and I’m planning some villains for Ortho, so yeah, villains 😈😈😈
11. Would you consider yourself nice to your OC’s
*looks at Bast, my CreepyPasta OC’s, my Experimental Giants, some other Giants, and several other OC’s* I highly doubt that
12. An OC you’ve killed? (If you haven’t, who would you kill?)
Well- techno speaking- Aria ‘Dot’ is dead and now a ghost stuck in Ishness (check him out on TikTok if you can), the Spexter twins are also ghosts, Game Master should be dead but made a deal with a demon, her sister is also dead, Henry is a ghost so dead, and Colton is a Zombie. Does that count as having killed them?
13. Are any of your OC’s parents?
So far I have one biological parent and about two or three adoptive parents.
14. Are there any OC’s you find yourself neglecting?
Definitely. It’s hard to keep up with that many, and I’ve got Ortho and Giants to worry about so it’s hard to spend time with my older ones.
15. An OC that’s difficult to write/draw/RP?
Well, I’ve mainly only written backstories for most of my CP OC’s and only write more about other OC’s in my OC books to store extra information on them so, so far none are difficult to write. Drawing is something I enjoy but don’t do a lot of so human shapes beings are already a bit hard to draw, especially hands. And feet..... and faces........ and angles.......... with RPing, I’ve only RPed with at least 5 or 6 of my characters, but either way I wouldn’t find them difficult to RP with as I know them and they’re mine so they’re never out of character.
16. Tallest and Shortest OC’s
So far tallest definitely goes to Dexan, my Ocean Giant shark subspecies, and the shortest would go to Abigale, my 8 year old Kitten twin adopted to an old raccoon.
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17. Oldest and Youngest OC’s
Bast is the oldest without a doubt, but my youngest would be Kayla, a 6 year old full furred Squirrel adopted to a red squirrel. And yes she’s taller than an 8 year old kitten. Deal with it 😎
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18. Do you dislike any of your OC’s?
Honestly I don’t think so. If I did I wouldn’t even write them down so I don’t have any that I dislike yet.
19. Have you ever made a self insert
Well I did make a Naga Giant version of myself out of curiosity if that counts. And in a way my anime and such OC’s are kind of like my self inserts, just not entirely me. Just a small mostly made up part of me.
20. An OC regret
Hmm, I don’t really have any regrets that I remember so I don’t have an answer for this question as of yet.
21. An OC you didn’t expect to be popular
None of them are, I don’t post enough of or that to happen, plus as I had mentioned earlier I don’t draw them very often so I highly doubt it’s ever gonna happen anyways
22. An OC you didn’t expect to love
I don’t know how to answer this. I make most of my OC’s in a way that appealed to me but somewhat also to others. I guess one I might not have expected was my first musical OC challenge one, Chase Pirak (yes he has the same last name as Maka, I plan to change that). I didn’t expect him to turn out so well, especially with the limited colour scheme I had so yeah, Chase.
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afoxysunny · 4 years
Robbie as Bullock
This post will probably differ from the others in structure and be a lot longer for one big reason
When choosing Miraculous for the Lazytown characters i really wanted to only use ones that we've already seen in use in Miraculous Ladybug and know how they work from there.
For Robbie i broke that rule. I don't really remember what first made me consider it but it probably had to do with the fact that i think the Ox Miraculous, just aesthetically, would fit Robbie perfectly!
So for this one i had to start from scratch completely, no reference for a canon hero design, no idea what power or weapon he'd get, no clue what the phrase to transform could be.
Of cause i used the most references for him but here are the ten i found most important
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Obviously i don't expect any of my speculations to become even remotely canon once we find out what Stompp, the Ox Miraculous, actually does but i hope it at least makes sense for now.
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I like how I've drawn all the others standing head on to face the camera and Robbie just leans there. That's because you have to think he doesn't care, the little Tsundere
Concept Overview:
In the Miraculous Ladybug episode we meet all the Kwamis, including Stompp, he is the most actively concerned about Nooroo so now that the Butterfly Kwami is back I'm sure Stompp would want to stay around him. With Sportacus partnering with Nooroo, teaming up Robbie and Stompp made the most sense to them.
Design Notes Incoherent Thoughts I had to justify what I'm Drawing:
Purple and Blue - it amused me no end that with the choices i made blue Sportacus got a purple Kwami and purple Robbie got a blue kwami. I did kinda dislike at first how little blue the costume has in comparison to purple but i decided i don't have to make a decision because apparently the canon show can't make up its mind about Stompp's colour either. The blue and purple can always be swapped if i decide i don't like it
Harness - Ox' are hard working animals, mostly used to pull heavy objects. For that purpose they get strapped into a harness. Obviously i had to include that in this design, the chain hanging from the collar around his neck has a similar purpose (it only occured to me way too late how kinky it looks please ignore that)
Cape? No cape? - because of the imbalance in colours i briefly considered giving him a cape like a Matador would have but only for a second or so. I wanted to keep Robbie's iconic body shape untouched by a bunky cape, also the few times he wore a cape in the show he really struggled with it and also i think it would've clashed with the tail
Tail - speaking of which, an ox' tail has that frizzy end to it but i really liked the chain as his tail so to emulate the thicker part at the end i hung a padlock there. And that really worked. Not only bc that's just how bulls and ox are kept in check with their strength but also because the oblong shape of a combination lock makes for a fitting shape and can be used in universe. You see, Robbie is not that good with just saying what he wants or expressing how he feels. This four letter combination lock is magic and kinda betrays and helps him at the same time. It spells out any given four letter word that fits his mood best at any given moment
Miraculous Nosering - if a Lazytown character would unironically get a nosering, it'd be Robbie. I'm sorry, i don't take criticism on that
Horns - he needed horns. He just did. Look how good he looks with horns! But for real, in Miraculous Ladybug Chat Noir gets actual cat ears so he can get actual horns, also like Chat he the white parts of his eyes turn yellow like Stompp's while keeping his signature grey iris
Hair - ox' are mostly shown with like bangs covering their eyes so i couldn't resist ruffling his usually so perfectly done hair up to make it fall a little like that
Weapon - my first thought of "Miraculous takes cliché traits for animals to base their powers on so i guess bullfighting is the way to go here" made me really sad. This "Sport" is so disgusting i wanted to cry and puke while reading about it. I'll spare you the details but in addition to the Matador in the arena there's other guys too to weaken the bull before the Matador kills it, one of them throws knives. Miraculous Ladybug likes combining weapons with toys so I'm giving him darts. They are fastened to the front of his harness and i think how they can be used is along the lines of, once he zhrows them with his super strength and they pin into something they can only be removed when he allows that, also like the ladybug's jojo they can fly how long and whatever direction he wants, and probably also is able to just manifest them back to himself if ever one gets lost
Miraculous Power - again, just pure speculation here, but the powers we so far know of are all loosely based on an exaggerated cartoon trope of each animal so for the ox that is hard working and persistent and for the bull that'd be aggression and tunnel vision. While typing this i get the urge to add blinders to his mask but i digress. So i made up an exaggerated power that'd fit both but when i told my test group (two people) one said "oh, kinda like Bloodhound from Apex Legends" and the ozher said "so like hunter's mark from DnD" i play neither so i don't know but maybe you do do that's the short version of the explanation xD his power is based on the cartoonish depiction of a bull seeing something that bothers him and then charging at it for as long as he can until he gets it. Once Robbie focuses on an enemy or someone running away or someone he is following for whatever reason he can use his power to keep track of them. No matter how far away they go or where they try to hide. It sounds OP as shit but think of the Snake and Bunny who can both time travel and then say that again. The catch is he needs to use it while that person is still in clear sight for him so i think it balances a little better
Do you know the difference between a Bull and an Ox? Well, let me mansplain it to you anyway
The reason i kept switching between drawing inspiration from bulls and ox' is because it's the same animal. Those are both names for an adult male cow. The only difference being that an ox is castrated and a bull is not. Stompp is the Ox Miraculous so tough nuts Robbie, literally. But making babies isn't really on his to do list anyway with Sportacus as his partner so who cares.
Anyway, I had the design done and like always i struggled a lot with naming it
But then i learned a Bullock is not only a cool word that seems to be a mix of bull and lock like his design is but it also is the official name of a male cow too young to be castrated yet! Isn't that just perfect? I think it is
Also I'll include in this section the phrases one needs to speak to have Stompp transform them into this Ox themed Superhero and for the power to activate. If you think of something more fitting for either please let me know!
simple version - horns up / horns down
More detailed - time to charge / time to loaf
(charging is when a bull starts running blindly at something; loafing is the professional farmer term for a resting cow)
Power: Target Charge, Locked On, or my personal favorite option Head-On. Again going with the more in depth terminology, that's what the running style of a bull is called when he's chatging at a target
Robbie lived in Lazytown but when the kids grew louder and older and he got more annoyed wih not having his peace and quiet he just up and left. He spent a lot of time traveling around, living wherever it was comfortable and leaving when it wasn't anymore. Thanks to being an inventor and overall talanted crafty person he got by pretty easily as there was always a company running on "hire a lazy person for an important job, they'll find the easiest solution for the most complicated problems" so he never really had to worry.
Whether by coincidence or fate Robbie and Sportacus run into each other and despite Robbie being a little difficult they both immediately feel strangely drawn to one another. With time going by they meet more often, at first more or less by chance but eventually they plan to meet up regularly. They might have very different ways of doing it but they share a common lifestyle: helping out others to live a comfortable and fulfilling life.
Only after Sportacus was chosen to be the new Guardian of the Miracle Box he finally asks Robbie to join him, full time by his side traveling in his airship around the world wherever they may be needed. Of cause only for moral support and such, obviously. You see, they always enjoyed each others company and sort of over time eased into a relationship like coexistence but neither of them ever really acknowledged that. Only when Sportacus got Nooroo's power to sense other people's feelings that barrier of miscommunication fully fell. Robbie is incredibly bad with conveying his emotions but now Sportacus can sense that he has potentially the most powerful and purest emotions he ever encountered. Not only is each feeling of his powerful but when there is more than one at play they don't mix together and muddy each other but instead boost even more. He knew before that he wanted Robbie to join him but that discovery made it a necessity.
Despite not being able to actually say so Robbie is thrilled to come along. Only over time and with a lot of painfully slow conversations they manage to agree to make their relationship official.
Stompp, the sassy Ox Kwami, regularly bursts out of the Miracle Box to want to check on Nooroo and slowly he and Robbie bond over telling Sportacus and Nooroo to go easier on themselves and let a little responsibility get taken off their shoulders so eventually they team up and Bullock is created.
Thanks to Robbie's hard work to better himself with Sportacus' help, Stompp's magic transformation provides him with a tail that conveys his feelings for him.
When they hear that Lazytown has been wiped clean of grown-ups Sportacus immediately flies them over there so Robbie can check on his hometown. Finding only a few children, now teens, left there Robbie recognizes them and the two form the plan to give them Miraculous' too so they can help to find their lost family, friends and neighbors and fight together to bring them back.
Wow that was so much to read and you did it! I'm so impressed and thankful! You deserve a pat on the back (if you want one) and a cookie and/or sportscandy on your way out
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excvlsior · 4 years
about: *leo fowler.
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full name: leopold kristoff fowler meaning of name: leopold = ‘people’ & ‘bold’, kristoff = ‘bearing christ’ nickname: leo, tadpole by some family members age: 23 date of birth: november 12, 1996 hometown: tallahassee, florida nationality: american ethnicity: dutch gender: demiboy sexuality: pansexual spoken languages: dutch, english profession: in lovell he’s a part time student and works at fowler’s flowers, but just the latter in st. louis
height: 6′2″ eye colour: blue hair colour: auburn??? i feel like that’s the version of if someone had strawberry blond hair bt . strawberry brown instead??? idk it’s reddy-brown voice: pretty deep, surprisingly smooth jst feel like he has the personality of someone with a rougher voice bt . alas...... obnoxiously thick southern accent tattoos: c’est la vie on his ribcage, kristoff on his hip, ‘x’ on the inside of his middle finger done in shitty stick and poke, ‘L’ done in stick and poke on the side of his wrist, heart with a knife through it on his chest, tattoo inside his lip that says ‘pussy master’* :pensive:, ‘ouch’ on the bottom of both soles of his feet*, a hand giving the middle finger on the back of his left calf, dolly parton’s signature on the top of his thigh from when he got it at one of her concerts, a smiley face on his ass* >_>, a melting popsicle on the back of his right bicep*, ghost face mask on his right shin; * = he did them on a dare LKHSDGKLHLSDG piercings: lobes, right cartilage, industrial bar in his left ear, nostril, had an eyebrow and lip piercing when he was younger clothing style: pretty dishevelled and purposely ill prepared outfits, sometimes u can catch him in just plaid and khakis but more often than not he’s in something weird, his prized possession is a leopard print shirt that has a heart in the center, steals clothes from his aunt and uncle when he has nothing clean/can’t bother finding anything, been seen in marj’s skirts and leggings bc of this, and then on the other hand he’ll wear like a lime green tank top with a monster baseball cap worn sideways his style is just carefree and eclectic
physical ailments: n/a neurological conditions: bipolar i disorder allergies: n/a sleeping habits: pretty much only falls asleep between the hours of 3-5 am, doesn’t matter if he works the morning or afternoon shift....... if he doesn’t work at all he’ll just sleep until his body naturally wakes up which is also usually around 3-5 pm KLSDGLKHSDGLKHDG exercise habits: doesn’t exactly have one..... he’s a pretty active and energetic guy so he’s usually up and about doing whatever anyway, also rides his bike everywhere since marj and steve r usually out with the only car they have sociability: loves being around people but he’ll eventually grow cranky, doesn’t necessarily need to be alone but at least with a different group of people if he gets to this point, the only time he actively doesn’t really want to see people is when he’s having a depressive episode but those don’t last too long as is drink / smoke / drugs: yes / yes / yes
positive traits: adventurous, courageous, determined, funny, gregarious, independent, quick-witted, tough, versatile negative traits: belligerent, cantankerous, foolhardy, harsh, impulsive, parsimonious, sarcastic, tactless, unpredictable, vulgar goals/desires: lowkey he’d never admit it but he just kinda wants his parents’ approval in the end, and also maybe to find something better than supervisor at a flower store (no offence to marj and steve its just not his dream) fears: staying committed and missing out on different opportunities/people that could change his life, the fact that he probably can’t do any better than be a supervisor at a flower store tbh hobbies: drinking, drawing a bit tbh, thrifting, loves collecting random knick knacks and is personally loving buttons rn, harassing his friends<3, making stupid tiktoks that somehow have gotten him a kind of big following habits: swearing obnoxiously without caring, yells in dutch when he’s frustrated which he’s mostly picked up on cuz everyone else in his family does it, stares more than what is socially acceptable tbh, refuses to walk under ladders
weather: sunny with some clouds colour: dark green music: likes a lot of 90s and early 2000s rap and rock, old school country like he loves dolly parton LKSDHGKLHSDGLK rly enjoys elvis presley too, some edm or anything that he can jst dance wildly to movies: old school slasher films, screams his fav movie series ever food: spaghetti bt specifically w marj’s Phenom homemade meat sauce<3 drink: grape juice, whiskey sour
father: steven fowler is his uncle but currently his legal guardian, he’s a co-owner of fowler’s flowers and is kind of a mess but in like the fun way....... LKSHDGKLHSLDG he just spends a lot of the day in nothing but boxers and socks w their cat on his lap watching the weather report if he’s not working, has the weird energy of someone who would be running like a joke shop instead of being a florist. archibald fowler is leo’s biological dad but he sucks Big Time, giant business typhoon i hvnt . figured out 100% wht sort of business bt hes got Money bt doesnt even rly want anything to do w leo he jst sees him as a massive disappointment bc archie’s nothing but a loser fart of a square. mother: marjorie fowler’s his aunt and other legal guardian also the other co-owner of fowler’s flowers, literally the sweetest woman on the planet like she’s never done anything wrong in her life n u can take tht to the bank. she’s a bit weird n super spiritual, their house constantly smells like random herbs and rly intensely of flowers and plants bc she makes so many home remedies bt she’s an angel a fkin ANGEL!!!!! renata kline’s leo’s mom n she’s like . fine ig she was pretty negligent n her best friend is a bottle of wine....... she rly peaked at a young age when she was a pageant girl n she still coaches n stuff now bt she’s obvs rly sad so leo tries not to lose it on her too much even tho he thinks she’s annoying LKSHDGKLHSLDKGKLSDG siblings: augustus is his oldest brother and he’s pretty cool, probs the brother leo is closest with even tho he considers him boring bt it’s only bc he’s . actually responsible n wht not they had a lot of fun growing up together tho when leo visited new york. mikhael is the devil, he’s actually a bit of a cunt n both him n leo have expressed their hatred fr each other without missing a beat i think they actually dnt hv any love or affection fr the other in the slightest SKLDHGLKSDHG. vaughn n leo r closest in age he’s not tht much younger n he’s probs the shiest of them, pretty soft spoken n well meaning, him n leo dnt rly keep in contact too much anymore bt theres a special place in his heart fr vaughn he’s pretty protective even tho he bullies him a lot bt thts besides the point. willhelm’s the youngest n it kinda shows he’s pretty idgaf attitude n rly blunt bt he’s also funny n probs the biggest partier outside of leo so he gets a pass whenever he rolls his eyes in leo’s face. pets: mitzie’s an 8 year old tortoiseshell cat who lives primarily on ppls laps shes literally more lap dog than cat significant other: n/a family’s financial status: middle class
zodiac sign: scorpio<3 mbti: estp - the entrepeneur enneagram: the epicure temperament: sanguine hogwarts house: gryffindor moral alignment: chaotic neutral primary vice: pride primary virtue: dilligence element: fire
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willddheartt · 4 years
Babylon: Neon Lights | C.H. Chapter Nine: Best Friend
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“she is both hellfire and holy water, the flavour you taste depends on how you treat her”
It had been a love-hate relationship between them the entire time they’ve known one another. Nobody could explain, or pinpoint, the anger and hostility between Calum and Cherry every time they were together. At this point, their friends get concerned when there isn’t a passive-aggressive comment made or some type of glare exchanged. They met through mutual friends, who tried to set them up, saying they’re perfect for each other, leaving everyone astonished that something so perfect went so wrong.
Series warnings: Substances (alcohol & cigarettes), Anger (snappy comments), Smut
Series Masterlist
September 4th Labor Day weekend. Well not technically yet, but I didn’t have work for the last two days and Monday the store is closed. We all showed up at Michaels with coolers full of alcohol that would surely go home empty on Monday.  Where it was our first night and the weekend was still young the drinks were light but still enough to have most passed out by 12:00 PM. 
It was shocking how much the moonlight lit up Michael's kitchen as Calum and I sat on the floor, passing a spoon between the pair of us as we dug into a tub of chocolate ice cream.  “I’m not sure,” I shrugged, handing him the spoon, “I mean I know I don’t want to stay working the same job when I’m 40, but I feel stuck. I just don't know how I could get out, you know?” I asked, answering his question on if I was doing something I truly loved.  “It's easy to get out you know,” Calum said, “Sure it seems hard when you just think about it and before you do it. But once you’re actually out it's the best thing you’ll do,” He added   “What about you?” I asked, “Is this something you love doing?” He nodded, passing the spoon my way, “Sure it's crazy and being an online presence is stressful sometimes but I wouldn't trade it. The band is the best thing I ever did,” He spoke.  “How’s it feel knowing any of the fans would probably jump on the chance of being your friend? The legal ones,” I asked  “I think some of them just say that because they know a version of myself I want them to.” 
“Mmm, I have a good one,” Calum said holding his hand up as he talked, “Your passions, tell me about them.”  I shrugged, “I don't know, I don't like saying one thing is a passion or a hobby then having people expect me do those things,”  “Okay, then what do you do when you’re not with us, or when you’re alone?” Calum rephrased  “I make what some would like to call art, doodles and some poetry, but that is something I keep for myself, I don't ever share it. I like having my secrets, even from people close to me, its my way of staying myself. But I also take photos, sometimes if I need some extra cash, I’ll sell some prints or take photos for someone but that doesn't happen a lot. When money gets involved it feels more like a job than something I enjoy doing.” I explained, noticing how Calum’s dark brows knit together as he listened to what I was saying, nodding to indicate he got it all. “Your turn, what are your hobbies?” I asked turning his question on himself 
As Calum explained what he does in his free time, I realized neither of us knew that much about each other, and that we were just as deep as the other. There were different levels and layers. That of an onion or an ogre. 
Though I was paying attention and trying my hardest to keep my focus on his words, the dark abyss that was his eyes captivated me. In any lighting Calum's eyes looked almost blacker than any darkness night could come up with, but in the pale moonlight, you could faintly see the outline of his pupil in his iris. Naturally his eyes were beautiful, just like everything else about Calum, but tonight it was consuming, how beautiful his eyes were.
I fell so far into the dark pools that I almost missed his next question, “What was your high school experience like?”  I laughed at the question, “Really?” I asked.  Calum nodded, “I know you know mine, but I don’t know much about you in school and I want to,”  “Nobody knows about it, I don’t flaunt it. High school wasn’t an exciting experience for me and I’ve mostly left it behind. I changed everything about myself when I left, name, hair colour, everything. I was alone most of the time and spent way too much time thinking about leaving and getting out. Sleeping my teenage years away.”  “Now you have us, I think your high school self would be proud,” Calum smiled. I nodded, “I would be.” I chucked “Although, I’m still mad I never got to have the high school cliche of slow dancing with my boyfriend at a school dance,”  “You’ve never slow danced?” Calum asked, astounded  I nodded, “I didn’t go to dances.” 
Calum jumped up to his feet, holding his hand out to me, “I'm going to change that right now,” He said, pulling me up once I grabbed his hand.  “Now?” I asked, “But there no music,”  “There will be,” Calum said, pulling me into him as he started humming a slow song.  I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held my waist, humming close to my ear. Calum swayed us slowly from side to side as he slowly moved us in a circle. 
A few minutes later when Calum pulled back he smiled, “How was that?” He asked  “It was nice,” I smiled 
The entire weekend went by in a slow blur. I vaguely remembered things from the days, but few from the night. It was like a weekend long bender. I spent most days tipsy and smoking, Calum by my side doing the same. Violet left Sunday morning to spend the remainder of the weekend with Travis.  The 72 hours of drinking and laughs came to an end when Monday rolled around, leaving me bedridden with a terrible hangover. 
My skull felt like it was being gripped by the hands of a giant, one who was too friendly to crush it but who also wanted to cause temporary pain. When I stumbled into the apartment the first thing I did was draw the curtains shut before grabbing a bottle of water and debating the thought of taking more than the recommended amount of aspirin.  Sleeping most of Monday away. I didn’t even hear when Violet came home in the afternoon, or the countless messages that dinged on my phone with photos and videos from the weekend that was probably full of bad and stupid ideas. 
September 8th Thankfully, the hangover from hell only lasted a day and by  I had the afternoon, or closing, shift, leaving me folding up the clothes and cleaning up the store from the people in the morning. Something I didn’t mind in all honesty. 
As I hid away folding a pile of men's dress pants back in the dressing rooms, I kept my phone on me since the manager was never in for closing shifts.  Calum and I were talking my entire shift, laughing over the weekend, talking about what we were doing tonight and eventually coming up with pizza at his place after I got off. I smiled to myself, tucking my phone back in my pocket, knowing he didn’t have just pizza in mind. Since we had distinguished our friends with benefits type of relationship, I was over at his place almost every night but Wednesday and Friday. 
When I came into work at one, I was unable to cover the marks on my neck that were a memory of the weekend we just had, and everyone gave me hell for it. Thankfully the manager wasn’t in or I would have got it worse then I already did. Sure our friends knew about Calum and I but when Rylee from the shop saw the dark purple marks peeking up from the collar of my t-shirt and lost it, rapid firing multiple questions, much like Violet did but less personal towards the person who left them. 
Although my shift was only five hours it felt like nine. When I walked into Calum’s apartment, I dropped my purse at the door, kicking my shoes off and dramatically laid down on the couch.  “Long day?” He chuckled from the kitchen, as he brought the box of pizza and our drinks over to the table in the living room “You wouldn't even believe it,” I sighed, sitting up when Calum handed me a glass of soda. 
“You got a little something right, there.” He smirked, pointing to his neck  “Every cover up attempt I tried this morning failed so they stayed,” I laughed  “Boss say anything?”  I shook my head, “They’re normally not in for the afternoon shifts,”  “What I'm getting from that statement is, when you work in the afternoons and stay over we can spend more time cuddling.” Calum smirked  I laughed, “Sure, Cal,” 
The pizza box laid closed on the coffee table, having been finished long ago. Calum laid in between my legs as we watched t.v. I absentmindedly ran my fingers through his hair. Everything about this was not your traditional FWB scenario, we did more than fuck, most times he greets me with a kiss either to my cheek or by pressing one to my lips, and most mornings we cuddle. It's more than a recurring night stand. 
Calum turned over so he was low looking at me, a small smile still tugging at the corners of his lips, one that didn't seem to leave tonight.  “Sup?” I asked softly  “Nothin,” He smiled, “You’re pretty though,”  “So are you,” I replied, bringing the hand that was running through his hair down to hold his chin, bringing him up so I could peck his lips. 
One kiss turned into another, and then another until we were making out on the couch. Calum sat back, pulling me to sit up with him as he pulled me onto his lap. My hands roamed over his body, from his shoulders down his chest, and under his shirt. Once I started tugging on the hem of his shirt and slowly pushing it up, Calum pulled away quickly to remove the article of clothing, quickly connecting our lips back and slipping his tongue in my mouth. 
One kiss, two kiss, red kiss, blue kiss, and my shirt had come off along with my jeans. His hands came down to the waistband of my underwear, he smiled into the kiss against my neck once he noticed the little bat print, looking up at me, “Batman?”  I nodded, with a sheepish smile as a slight blush crept up onto my cheeks, up until this point he had only seen my nice lacy panties.  “Cute,” Calum mumbled before capturing my lips again, slipping a hand past the waistband of my batman underwear, chuckling when an involuntary squeak of surprise slips past my lips when his fingers swiped at my heat.  “Love catching you off guard,” He teased as I tugged his bottom lip between my teeth  “Listen, I know you’re going for slow here but could you get on with it?” I breathed out.  “Is that your way of asking for me to get on with it and fuck you?” Calum laughed as I nodded, sucking on the side of his neck.
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nicknellie · 3 years
First, numbering them is absolutely brilliant because especially where paragraphs kind of change abruptly. I just keep like saying a word before it with a little dash mark just so you can (hopefully) have some reference as to what I’m talking about, but now I can do numbers!
1. Never knew I needed this until you typed it however this is everything
2. Exactly, that is the thoughts that they have and it takes Reggie breaking down for them to finally talk to each other about it because none of them wanted to approach the situation
3. Yes, I maybe should’ve chose a better point but I was like you can tell he’s passionate and it kind of shows what I mean. Also I feel like the fact that he still hasn’t processed his death might also be a sign that it’s hard for him to change his mind (Alex doesn’t like change, and neither does Luke)
However eventually Luke is able to reconsider what he said and also sometimes admit that he might’ve been in the wrong (but not often, hmm thinking of what I can reference from the show, possibly the dance ?)
4. Yes, and if he did intervene then everyone knew that they needed to be quiet and listen (also Alex is one of the only people who Luke would possibly let change his mind and or consider the other side quicker)
5. Due to his upbringing Alex always tries to be respectful hence why he said sir to Caleb however he is a sarcastic person and has quick comebacks
6. And that loneliness only grew after the boys passed away (part of the reason why he isn’t able to get close to people in fear that they will pass as well)
7. Same here, that’s part of where my theory came from. I agree, people grieve in different ways and that could’ve been how Bobby grieved and he shouldn’t be judged for it.
8. Yes he definitely goes through their bags. I do agree with you however at the same time I wonder if the bag did stay in the garage just because at the time Bobby knew how Luke and his parents parted (possibly could be that after a while, more so after he talked to them, he gave them the bag)
9. Absolutely and Reggie kind of switches between crosswords and sudokus just because he’s interested in lots of things
10. Precisely, despite the fact that Reggie is the one who is actually afraid of heights not Alex, Reggie tried to convince Alex that he was going to climb Mount Everest. Another time Reggie tried to convince Alex that they were going coffee tasting and didn’t want to make him feel bad because all of them had toffee nut in it (Owen is allergic to toffee nut hopefully and that’s the explanation I can offer😂)
11. They can’t lie to each other at all, Alex is the best liar sometimes when talking to other people (at least in defense of the boys) and in general Luke just can’t lie
12. Luke would definitely be the person who would cut someone off for something rude that they said. (Usually after exploding and saying why exactly they are wrong, especially if someone says something bad about Alex)
13. There’s a drawing of Reggie with a cowboy hat (https://kidovna.tumblr.com/post/639425200784572416/hi-little-reggie-in-a-cowboy-hat-even-if) (oh how I hope that link will work) and now I just want to see a picture of Sunset Curve with cowboy hats because Reggie was sad and they couldn’t say no
14. Yes, alongside those songs I offer the ‘devil went down to Georgia’ (i’m basically saying it because a version of this should be this song the boys use against Caleb and it’s basically them saying that they are better than Caleb) (also because it was released at some point during the time that they were alive I believe)
15. Yes those are the only art styles that Reggie has. Sometimes he randomly has half of the picture be realistic and then the other half be like Booboo Stewart’s art (Picasso like maybe ?)
16. Reggi definitely help decorate because not only was he impatient but he wanted to eat the cake. (The shape was kind of horrendous because Alex was trying to get it to be the exact shape of the character however the cake came out fantastic)
17. Yes the boys always juggle between if they should be concerned about the fact that he’s baking or the fact that he’s baking again so happy times (once again something he did that reminds him of his parents so for a long time the boys were the only ones who got the bake goods)
18. It took me longer than it should’ve to find this link and honestly I have no clue who wrote it but it’s so good https://archiveofourown.org/works/28308108 (same for this one as well)
19. Precisely it wasn’t like he was fixing the amp and then all the sudden it started raining. He just thought that starting to fix it in the rain would be best
20. You took the words right out of my mouth, yes. Honestly Alex was another son to Emily and Mitch so the fact that he was hurting so bad made them so mad. Maybe that’s why he had his stuff because if he was kicked out then he probably wouldn’t have had time to get everything that belong to him so because of Mitch and Emily that’s how we got his stuff (if they caught the rest of the boys climbing a tree to get what belonged to Alex and honestly only provided a car they will never say) (what if they just egg the house with Emily and Mitch’s help)
21. Exactly, Alex didn’t have the courage the tell Luke for a bit and still to this day Luke has no clue that Alex spend those nights at his house. (Also occasionally that Emily and Alex would talk and Emily would give him food just to make sure that they were well fed)
22. Sunset Curve just needs more in general, any scenes for them works
23. Yes!! Sadly I don’t have the book but I did see that (sometimes you just never know with shows because they easily could’ve taken a theory that the fans had and turned it into something completely different). I’m so happy that this is confirmed, although this still does leave the potential for them to reveal her in season two maybe (not sure) (just more Rose in general is needed)
24. Thank you, yes and I get that part of the reason may be that they don’t have as much screen time and don’t have as much about them known as the boys (hence the need for past stories) however they are wonderful characters played by wonderful actors and deserve more. Also the fact that neither of them really sang in season one is my one regret. (Flynn had ‘I got the music’ however that was kind of like an alternative reality partly, and aside from a bit in ‘the other side of Hollywood’ we don’t see much dancing/singing for Willie)
Flynn just like Luke is very set in her beliefs and also would be the first person to cut someone off/explode at someone if needed. However eventually she is the first person to reconnect with Carrie. Honestly just more of both of them is needed, in any fashion.
25. He does blame himself for their death and the fact that he wasn’t there (could be part of the reason why he started therapy because he believed this for so long)
26. Honestly I want them to give Trevor more character because aside from being Carrie‘s father and stealing the songs we don’t really know a lot about him or who he is (same for Bobby as well) Agreed, I would love to see more Carrie and Trevor moments.
27. Honestly I feel like that will be how they start to process their deaths because they realize, exactly as you said, that they are not going to age however everyone else is
28. Yes, everything you just said needs to be canon. There’s no in between for Reggie song writing it’s either pure country or heavy-metal. (Once he wrote a rock-ish song for Luke but it was most so along the lines that Luke needs to let him add his country music into the set list)
29. Exactly, that is entirely my thought process as well
30. Lightsaber fights happen all the time, Ray gets concerned by the floating lightsaber but Carlos shrugs it off with ‘it’s the ghost that’s been haunting our house’ (Tia is there and is shocked)
31. Wait wait, that is brilliant. Although Reggie can do it by himself, the pictures always turn out much better when Bobby isn’t there so the last few steps of the developing process are always saved for Bobby alone. (Also once Reggie just left a picture in mix while he was soaking the film and the picture turned green, no one knows why)
32. Yes, and if for some reason a fan can’t locate Reggie, they give the stickers to Alex. also the album is not only full of pictures but the stickers that they gave him, also a drawing that a fan made of Han-solo that made Reggie cry in a good way)
33. They all cried to be honest, although Alex only cried because all of them were crying
34. Oh my yes, that is his blackmail material and he uses it well. You are absolutely right that is exactly what Luke does, (also once got stuck in a child swing set)
35. I didn’t even think about her managing it but yes that is precisely what she does and she is in charge of those photo shoots. However once during golden hour, he is the reason for that one happening (also did the same for Willie because)
36. You stole the words out of my mouth that is exactly what he did.
37. I’m just now picturing it in my head and I need this in my life (imagine Julie just bundled up and since the sleeves are long they are overflowing as well and Alex just melts).
38. Luke is such a scaredy cat although when they meet Caleb, Alex said that he would be hiding behind Luke they all knew that if it came down to it that Luke would be hide behind Alex. So obviously this sentence meant that this needed to be created
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39. They have matching costumes.. what if it’s like dirty candy where each costume is in a different colour. (Luke hates them even though he once bought them matching pjs)
40. They all dance with each other, just to displeased Luke for the longest time Bobby and Alex would just waltz around the garage (we all know that Luke joined them after the first time). Also once Willie sees Alex waltzing with Julie and decides that this is the greatest thing that has ever existed (also bamboozled because Alex never told him he could dance)
41. I wasn’t thinking about these things existing at all but I now need one as well
Ok I’m going to do my best to answer this quickly because I’ve got schoolwork to do but I absolutely love responding to these and want to do this instead, so I’m just going to expand onto each point I can and I might come back and edit it later with more detail!
2. Yes! Like one day in rehearsal Reggie just seems really out of it and the guys ask what’s wrong and he basically just asks if they even really want him there or they just keep him around to spare his feelings. Prompts Bobby to make them all sit down and talk it out because clearly they all have some issues they need to get a grip on
3. Oh yeah I get what you mean, kinda like it’s hard for him to adjust to any new or different way of thinking, even something as trivial as a song they’ll play probably like one time. I think you’re right about him actually managing to change his mind - it takes him a while and he despises admitting he’s wrong but he will do it if it’s really clear he wasn’t right
4. Oh yeah I love that! Like Alex knows just how to talk to him to get him to at least start reconsidering. Alex is a good influence in that way because he ensures Luke is always looking at every perspective and considering everyone in the band rather than only himself or sticking to only his ideas (I feel like he probably gets carried away writing songs and only wanting to include what he comes up with and Alex needs to gently remind him that he’s in a band, he’s not a solo artist)
5. Yesss you’re right - I think he has surprisingly quick wit and he doesn’t like arguing because it’s so fast that he’ll sometimes say things he doesn’t mean and finds it hard to take it back
6. Yeah omg that hurts to think about - having the boys in his life made him happy and less introverted but all that was ripped away from him too when they died
8. Oh yeah actually I like that! Seeing as we see ambulance lights/police lights in Unsaid Emily it’s likely Bobby was there first to identify bodies and collect stuff, so if he didn’t know Luke’s parents were coming then he would have just taken Luke’s things and gone through it - he finds a completed Rubik’s Cube (seeing as that’s part of where this whole massive list started lmaooo) and remembers Luke fiddling with it before the sound check and even that just breaks his heart
10. Now you mention it, Reggie being afraid of heights is something I could get behind - the boys would sometimes go to theme parks and Reggie would be the one who would wait with all their bags while they were on the rollercoasters. He preferred watching them all have fun anyway, it made him feel like a proud parent. Abbcoeprke yes definitely, Alex has the same allergy as Owen so Reggie was just panicking like “we just didn’t want to risk your health!”
11. Oh yeah definitely, Alex can lie unless it’s to one of the boys; Reggie only gets away with lies (not to the boys) because he comes up with the weirdest stuff and people just think it’s Reggie being Reggie so it’s hard to tell when he’s lying; Bobby is just way too casual when he’s lying which is how they catch him out; Luke “where is your kitchen by the way?” Patterson cannot lie to save his life
12. Luke is 100% willing to just cut all ties with someone even if they’ve been perfectly nice before - if it was an honest mistake that the person is willing to learn from, Luke would still keep them at arm’s length to avoid them hurting any of his best friends again
13. Yes omg thankfully I made the link work and that’s freaking adorable (I follow that person and I love ALL their art especially Reggie, they’re so talented) and yes oh my god. Reggie has been sad for a few days, maybe because his parents are fighting, and so Luke has the idea to do something kind of like a cowboy-themed party. It’s not really a party, it’s just the four of them spending the whole day wearing cowboy costumes and line-dancing but it definitely does the job of cheering Reggie up
14. Omgggg I listened to the song and I’m amazed at how perfectly that fits!!! Wow you’re exactly right, Reggie loves that song and he loved it even more after Julie pointed out how much it related to their situation
15. Ooooh I love that like a combination of the two styles!! Definitely a bit of Picasso inspiration in there too!
16. Yes lol the shape was weird because of that and also Reggie kept picking bits off to eat (Alex kept slapping his hand away but Reggie was so excited that he couldn’t bring himself to kick him out of the kitchen completely)
17. Yes omg and now I’m just thinking about young Alex being taught to bake by his mother back when they were really close, so now that’s all he can think about when he bakes - it gives him equal amounts of comfort and stress because he’s comforted by the happy memories but sad that he’ll never have those days back. But the cookies he’s left with at the end are great so it kind of gets rid of any sadness!
18. Ooooh I’ll read that when I’ve got time!!
19. Yeah lmao like it just didn’t occur to him that it would be a terrible idea. He kinda thought that rain was relaxing in a way and just. Went for it.
20. Asjkxbskl I love that like Mitch and Emily being good responsible parents the majority of the time but someone upsets Alex?? His own parents upset him??? Ok boys it’s time for payback get in the car
21. Yesss Alex just showing up at Luke’s house whenever he needed to just to speak to Emily! And the way she would look out for him!! 🥺🥺 plus Mitch making sure he took on the role of Supportive Father Figure
23. Yes you’re so right any more Rose content will make me so happy! I’d love to see her interacting with young Julie and Carlos, or her and Bobby being friends, or her meeting Ray, or her and Victoria being supportive sisters, plus her with her band Rose and the Petal Pushers!!! Just anything to do with Rose and I’ll be happy
24. Omg yes I’d kill for more performance from both of them! I want a Flynn and Julie duet or even Flynn and Carrie, or just Flynn becoming their resident rapper so whenever they want a rap section in a song they call on her. I desperately need a Willex duet, and yesss I need Willie dancing more - we were robbed of him and Alex dancing together at the HGC so we need any dance between them tbh. Ooooh yes I totally agree like when she’s like “watch it Carrie” in the music class, she’s just very protective and loyal and I honestly love her for that. Yesss more Flynn and Carrie!!
25. Definitely, he must have suffered so much survivor’s guilt afterwards and I think it was probably a while before he went to therapy, so maybe a lot of damage had already been done
26. 100% right, Trevor needs more character development. Honestly I kinda want to see him just losing his mind trying to figure out how the boys came back, and I also want to see him somehow communicate with them, explain his point of view and apologise. It’s an idea I’m including in a fic I’m writing but it could work here too if Trevor was to become the band’s manager to help them achieve the goals he did but they never got to
27. Especially Luke!! Him realising that Julie is growing older would be really tough for him :(((
28. Lmao yes Reggie writes songs to tell the boys to do things or to get his opinion across like “this one’s called: Shut Up, Luke, Country Music Is Good, You Just Have Poor Taste” or “I present: Alex, Just Ask Willie Out Before I Do It On Your Behalf”
30. Lightsaber fights are the way Ray actually finds out the guys are ghosts. He doesn’t believe Carlos so asks Julie and then as she’s trying to talk her way out of it the fridge opens by itself (well, Luke opens it, but that’s how it looks) and Ray is just like “are you sure there’s no ghosts?” and she has to explain everything. Tía Victoria just watches in horror and won’t come back to the house for months - eventually she does come back and bonds with Alex somehow
31. Absnfoflske yes the amount of pictures Reggie has accidentally ruined because of his terrible developing methods is unreal. Bobby stopped finding it funny when Reggie started getting really upset about it and spent like a week straight perfecting the technique
32. Awww yes Alex being like a sticker messenger and fans giving the boys fanart! For Reggie it’s almost always Star Wars (a lovely Han Solo like you said omg I love it), and for the others it’s usually portraits of them (Alex was once given a jigsaw but never figured out how people knew he liked them so much bc he never really made it public???)
34. Omg YES. Other places Luke has got stuck: halfway through the railings of a fence, inside a washing machine, his foot got stuck in a toilet, he got his arm trapped in a vending machine for five hours, in a tunnel on a children’s climbing frame (that was the same day as the swing set lmao), and once inside a suit of armour (nobody ever figured out where he got the armour from - even Luke himself wasn’t really sure)
35. Oh my god oh my god oh my god Willie and Flynn photoshoots together!!!!!! With Luke and Flynn, Willie is definitely also the most photogenic (they found out because Reggie accidentally took a photo one day and everyone looked dreadful except for Willie who was practically glowing) so some days during golden hour like you said Reggie will just take the two of them down to the beach and make them do a photo shoot omgggg
37. Yes 🥺🥺 the second he sees her he just marches right up to her and hugs her (bonus points if she’s sad (about her mum or something else) and she found Alex’s jumper and put it on for comfort and she’s crying when he finds her but he calms her down just by hugging her and letting her keep the hoodie for as long as she wants it which ends up being forever)
38. Akdbsokcod yes exactly that’s freaking amazing I love it
39. Oh my god yes! Alex had multiple outfits but his favourite was pink, Reggie’s was red, Luke’s was blue, and Bobby’s was yellow (he wanted black but Alex said no because he didn’t want him to overheat while exercising like he would have done in black). And matching PJs yes omg that’s so cute. And Julie gets them all matching onesies - Reggie absolutely adores them
Here’s a genuine real actual photo of Sunset Curve in their workout gear (left to right is Reggie, Alex, Bobby, Luke)
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(Could I have found a better picture? Probably. Is this a thousand times funnier and therefore worth choosing instead? Definitely.)
40. Yes totally and after that Willie insists Alex teaches him too and Alex once again resumes his position as resident dance teacher
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mollymauk-teafleak · 4 years
All Is Well (widomauk courtesan AU)
How Mollymauk Tealeaf came to work at the Lavish Chateau
Please consider reblogging or leaving a comment on Ao3! 
Sometimes Marion would miss it.
When she sat in her office, which she kept purposely aside from the rest of her brothel, soundproofed and even decorated in a completely clashing scheme from the rest of it all, she would sit alone with books of numbers and order forms and client lists and miss being out there. This had always been what she’d wanted, to own her own house, keep her own place, know that everything was exactly how she wanted it and that everyone who passed through her doors was safe. She had been in enough places that were… otherwise… to have it mean a lot to her.
But still, she would miss it. Never for long, never enough to regret anything, but enough.
If she had the time, if there were no jobs immediately demanding her attention, sometimes Marion would indulge the nostalgic longing that lived in the back of her mind. She would leave the accounts and books and go linger in the bar room, in the booth that was kept clear for her. The bartender would never need to be asked, within a minute there would be a flute of her favourite fruit and champagne cocktail by her hand, and the music would shift and swim in accordance with her tastes.
It was nice to watch it unfold in front of her, the games they all played, subtle, intricate little games barely perceptible to the clients or anyone who didn’t live this life. Knowing when to approach, when to lean just a little further in. When another drink was called for or when to give the server a sign in the hand language unique to the Lavish Chateau workers that the next order needed to be watered down. How to read a client’s wants and wishes, the ones they could barely admit to themselves, in slight shifts of muscle. How to subtly wave over a partner to join the conversation and the eventual revels that would happen upstairs. It was an art in itself, the foreplay and build up, as much as anything that went on in the floors above.
Marion could watch it all and fondly remember when she had been the best at it.
She chuckled to herself that night, sipping her glass, noting happily that it was peach today. You’re getting old, she admonished herself gently as the bubbles popped on her tongue, sitting here with your glory days…
She could imagine most people would think it was a terrible thing, a bitter sad irony, to be a courtesan growing old. Marion smirked in their hypothetical faces.
She came back into the room as a different song began, something softer and sweeter than before, mostly piano. And that was when she noticed the marr in her perfect view. The oddity.
Yasha had spied him too, she noticed, probably before Marion. She was a brand new hire, young and quiet but very good at her job, of course she’d already seen him and was subtly, inconspicuously making her way towards him. Marion held herself stiffer than before, ready to stand and insert herself if trouble was on the cards. Of course she wasn’t as physically intimidating as her new bouncer but she knew how to eject difficult clients.
But, as Yasha reached the figure hunched over the bar and spoke a few, stern words- the only kind of words Yasha was really capable of speaking- she didn’t move to grab him or ferry him to the door. She only looked back to Marion and it wasn’t annoyance or exasperation in her eyes.
She looked worried.
Within a heartbeat Marion was on her feet, heels clicking sharply against the floor as she crossed over. As she grew closer, she noticed several things about the stranger in quick succession, her well honed skills of observation and reading people supplying her quickly and smoothly.
He was filthy. He was young. He was thin.
And he looked terrified.
Marion sank into the stool beside him, bringing herself to his level. He was a tiefling like herself, though an unusual deep purple colour she hadn’t come across before. So not from around here. He was dressed in a dark robe, though dark by design or by the soil and dirt that clung to it, she couldn’t immediately tell.  And underneath it… well he didn’t appear to be wearing anything apart from some tattoos. Not as unusual in a brothel as it would be in some places but still, odd.
“Good evening sir,” Marion smiled as if nothing was amiss, “Are you enjoying your time here?”
He didn’t seem to have heard her at first; his pointed ears, bracketed by an impressive set of horns, didn’t even flicker. But then his cracked lips moved slightly and he murmured something softly.
Marion leaned in, frowning delicately, “M… T? Is that your name?”
“Empty,” Yasha corrected, voice soft so as to use the chatter around them as a cover, “That’s all he said to me too.”
A very bad feeling stirred in Marion’s chest, “Sir? What’s empty?”
The tiefling just gave the barest shake of his head, his curls too matted with dirt and grease to move with the motion.
“Do you need us to get you some medical attention, sir?”
Again, nothing, just a slight intake of breath like he was trying to repeat his only word but couldn’t manage. But Marion could make her own assessment.
“Call for my daughter please, Yasha, if you would be so kind?”
Yasha hesitated, looking between her boss and the young man as if worried to leave them alone.
“I’m just going to take him up to my rooms and help him get cleaned off.  We’ll be fine,” Marion assured her gently.
That answer didn’t seem to assuage Yasha any but she just nodded, “I won’t be long.”
Moving the young man was easy, there was no resistance at all in his muscles and he just half stumbled in the direction he was pointed. Now they were drawing glances, her workers picking up on the snag in the usually calm and relaxed atmosphere, but Marion gave reassuring smiles all around, answering them in their shared language of hand movements that could be so easily missed by clients. All is well.
The young man- the empty young man, as Marion was starting to think of him in her head, as horrible a name as that was- sat on the bed in her private suite, staring into thin air. Like the shadows on the wall were forming an elaborate, absorbing puppet show that only he could see.
Marion set the shower running for him and tried to gesture him to the en suite, “Shall we get you cleaned up?”
Nothing. No kind of response.
Sighing softly, Marion went over to him and guided him to his feet. The dirt clinging to him seemed to be mostly soil, there were green flecks to it if you looked closely. It was particularly crusted under his nails, as if he’d been clawing at the stuff like some kind of digging animal. The robe he wore was far too big for him, seen in close proximity, not just because of how thin he was underneath. It looked as though it was more shroud than cloak.
Marion set her jaw and helped him into the bathroom. He gave absolutely no resistance to her undressing him, like he didn’t feel the fabric against his skin. He was trans, she noted, adding that to her scant information on him. The gently warmed water falling on him drew no reaction either. Though after a moment, when she turned back to him after throwing his robe in the hamper, she could almost see less tension in his muscles, like he’d relaxed ever so slightly in the warmth.
She heard the door to her apartment open behind her. There was only one person who would ever come into her rooms without knocking.
“Mama?” Jester’s voice called, curious. Clearly Yasha had told her a little about their current mystery.
“One moment,” Marion returned, putting a hand out under the water to gently touch the man on the shoulder, not caring when rivulets of scented soap ran under the billowing sleeve of her dress, “I’ll be back soon, alright? My daughter will check any hurts you have.”
She was expecting nothing, more speaking because it would be rude not to. But he inclined his head ever so slightly, water now streaming through his filthy hair and down his face.
“Empty…” he whispered, so soft that it could just have been part of the water’s gentle voice. He sounded so young, so frightened.
Marion gave his shoulder a squeeze, feeling a slighter, smaller version of the same love and fear she held inside her for her daughter. He did look so much like her after all, he could hardly have more than a handful of years on her.
“We will fix this,” she promised, meaning it as much as she could, “And you’re safe here until we do.”
The young man didn’t say his word again and he moved back slightly, as if allowing her to go. Marion went to go but her eyes were suddenly caught on something. They fixed on the young man’s hand, fallen limply by his side. Now it was clean she could see with perfect, horrible clarity just how torn they were, how the skin of his hands was full of ragged splinters, how his knuckles had split, the awful gashes on his fingers.
And they weren’t the only wounds he had. They were simply the only fresh ones.
Every inch of his skin was covered with white, slim scars like a falling of snow. Some were nicks, some were long, all of them cleanly done with a sword that must have been as sharp as a razor.
Marion’s shout for Jester caught in her throat.
There were always spare rooms available in the Lavish Chateau. Marion didn’t have a high turnover in her staff but new faces were always welcome, provided they fit in.
Not that their new guest fit in. But he was welcome all the same.
Marion went to check on him whenever she could spare the time. When she couldn’t, there was always Yasha, who seemed to consider herself in charge of their visitor. It had started as a need to guard him, worrying that whatever violent impulses had earned him so many scars might suddenly reawaken. But now it seemed to be more protective, sitting with him while he slept for when he inevitably woke with nightmares, encouraging him to eat when he was reluctant.
Of course she was there when Marion pushed back the door after a gentle knock. She sat cross legged on the bed with the tiefling opposite her, mirroring her position. He did that a lot, copying others when he was unsure of what to do.
“How are we doing today?” Marion smiled fondly, letting the door close. Of course everyone was maddeningly curious about their guest but he needed his privacy.
“Good,” Yasha gave her a smile, “Watch…”
She faced Molly and clearly, rather formally signed to him in the house’s language. Hello. How are you?
The tiefling bit his lip and signed back to her, his own movements nervous and unsure but it was unmistakably an answer in the same language. I am fine. All is well.
Marion smiled delightedly. The difference in the young man was clear, just how much he’d improved from how he’d been a month ago. He moved on his own, his face held expressions. He still couldn’t talk but he asked for things after his own fashion. He seemed to want to be alone most of the time, the noisy brothel seemed to frighten him a little, but his hands were bandaged and his eyes were clear and present.
And now he could speak to them.
“Yasha, what a wonderful idea,” Marion patted her back fondly, “This is brilliant, it will help him so much.”
Yasha coloured a little, shocking against her pale skin, “I just thought it would be nice if he could  talk to us and if he can’t use his voice… he’s the one that’s picking it up so quickly. He’s learned that in just a few hours.”
He fidgeted a little, looking pleased by the praise. He didn’t always understand what people said to him, like it all came to him through a fog and some things would get lost along the way. But he was good at picking up on tones in people’s voices.
“Well, Mollymauk, well done to you too,” Marion smiles, happy to see him pleased.
Yasha blinked curiously, “Mollymauk? Is that what we’re calling him?”
Marion gave a delicate shrug, sitting in her reading chair, “Well, I had to call him something until he remembers his name. And people are asking about him.”
“It’s a nice name. What does it mean?”
“Well, it’s a kind of albatross,” Marion said thoughtfully, watching Molly who had retreated inside himself a little, practising the hand motions from before until they were sure and certain, “And that seemed to fit him. He’s clearly from the Coast and he just seems like he’s travelled so far. And he looks so unusual, he deserved an unusual name.”
His ears seemed to pick up at that, glancing over at the two of them and giving a small smile. A smile that looked like it might grow.
“Mollymauk,” Marion repeated, “Would that be okay with you?” She translated the name and the question into the hand gestures as she spoke. It took a while to spell out, her hands flitting through the shapes with grace and delicacy.
He tilted his head a little as he processed that, then he looked pleased, answering her with more confidence than before.
Yes. All is well.
Marion always wrote her letters to Ophelia Mardun carefully. They were good friends, lovers on a few occasions when she was back in town and the mood had taken them, but she would never be someone Marion wouldn’t watch her words with.
She was partway through the letter when the knock came at the door. She looked up and spoke a soft welcome, knowing who it would be before he entered.
A year at the Lavish Chateau had changed Mollymauk more than she’d ever have thought possible. He stood much taller than he had before, he wore his own clothes comfortably- patterned leggings and a billowing shirt under a fitted waistcoat- and his horns held bands and caps of gold. Though he’d never be anything but slender, wiry at best, he was fuller than he ever had been and a smile sat comfortably on his face like it was the norm. There were tattoos on his skin that hadn’t been there a year before and his fingers held no trace of ever having being damaged.
Though the scars everywhere else remained. Marion didn’t think they’d ever go away.
“Good afternoon, Molly,” Marion smiled easily, “Tea?”
“Yes, thank you,” he came in and sank into the chair opposite her desk, the one with the plush velvet cushions. Marion never wanted her guests to feel uncomfortable.
At first Molly’s voice had been wobbly and uncertain, just like his sign language had been the first few times. It had come back in drips a few months after his arrival. He’d remembered words here and there, a lot of it copied from Yasha or Jester or Marion, like a parrot in behaviour as well as his colouring. But once he’d mastered a few small sentences, it came to him quickly, his natural skill for quickly picking things up helping him massively. It was a nice voice in the end, gently accented, quick to laugh and joke.
Before long, Marion returned with a little clay teapot, just big enough for two, soft whorls of jasmine scented smoke emerging from the spout. She filled both their cups, not wanting it to be over brewed and bitter.  She knew Molly didn’t like that, he could be quite particular about his tea.
She’d chosen his first name for him, he’d chosen his second. It seemed to amuse him, given how the first few days he’d been here- days that seemed so long ago now- he couldn’t be persuaded to take any nourishment other than weak tea. He’d also more recently gotten into different methods of fortune telling, tarot cards being his favourite but tea leaves had been his first attempt.
Marion found that passing strange, someone with no past being determined to peer into the future. She supposed she could understand it. With one being lost to him, maybe he just wanted to reach forward and have some sense of control. She’d never asked.
He still did love his tea though.
“What’s on your mind, dear?” she asked softly, watching him blow on his tea to cool it, cupping the little clay mug protectively.
Molly didn’t look surprised that she already knew he had something to say. He’d gotten used to her rather eerie perceptiveness.
“I wanted to ask you something…” he sat back, not lifting his eyes from his tea, “Seeing as I’ve officially been here a year and all.”
Marion nodded, the significance of the day hadn’t been lost on her either.
Molly seemed to take a breath, like he was steeling himself a little, “I want to work here.”
Marion absorbed that, blinking steadily, “Mollymauk… you know I’m happy to have you here. But there’s still so much you don’t know? Yet you’ve never shown any interest in looking into it…”
“I know,” Molly said hurriedly, red eyes wide and worried, “And it’s not like I haven’t thought about it. But I don’t want to.”  
“You don’t want to? Molly, there could be a life out there waiting for you…”
Molly’s face twisted with unpleasant memories, “A life that ended with me in a grave. Whatever happened back then, I have no idea and I don’t want any idea,” he sighed softly, “All I know for sure is I’m happy right now. I’m happy here. And I want to stay here.”
Marion tilted her head gently, “There’s...there’s other places, Molly, different kinds of work, if you really wanted a fresh start. Some people wouldn’t call what we do here an honourable life or even a good life.”
He didn’t seem surprised by that, the clandestine nature of their home was obvious in a number of subtle ways and inferring from that wouldn’t be difficult, “I don’t understand that. How is it any different from the city market? People need touch and comfort as much as they need anything on those stalls and giving it to them is important. It’s fun here, it’s bright and there’s always laughter and… and it’s safe. I like that. I want to be part of it.”
Marion reached out and put her hands over Molly’s where he held the cup, “Molly, if this is really what you want then of course you can work for us. You’re already part of our family.”
Mollymauk looked relieved at that, smiling hugely, the lamplight catching on the points of his teeth, “Thank you! Thank you so much, I’ll be as good as I can possibly be, I’ll always show up on time, I’ll do whatever you need…”
She laughed brightly, wondering if she’d ever had anyone be so enthusiastic. A year ago, she never would have let someone in Mollymauk’s condition sign up to be a courtesan. But looking at him now, he was so far from the scared, flinching man who’d stumbled into her Chateau just looking for warmth and light. His thoughts were his own, his words were his own, his decisions were his own.
Marion smiled warmly and withdrew, giving him her reply in their own hand language, just for old time’s sake.
You are welcome. All is well.
If she had the time, Marion liked to come linger in the bar.
It was strange how much had changed in a year and how much hadn’t. The taste of peaches and champagne on her tongue was the same. The sound of laughter and love would always be the same. The pride she felt as she sat back in her booth and let her golden eyes slide across the scene in front of her was the same.
What was different were the faces, the clients and some of the workers. Yasha was taller where she stood by the door, a greatsword visible over her shoulder that would have been near impossible for her to heft two years ago. Beauregard, a runaway from some high ranking family she wouldn’t reveal but Marion could guess, was laughing with her daughter over at the bar.
And Mollymauk Tealeaf was in the middle of it, laughing louder than anyone, playfully perched in the lap of a lawmaster, whispering something in his ear while simultaneously signing over to Yasha an unkind but hilarious comment on the scent of his client’s breath.
Marion rolled her eyes fondly, catching his eye and signing for him to play nice. Molly grinned, completely unabashed, and gave her a wave.
He wasn’t always on time. He wasn’t the most reliable of her workers. But Marion still felt a strong love for him, the same she’d felt when he’d first sat at her bar, the feeling that reminded her so much of her love for her daughter.
That hadn’t changed. And it never would.
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crampdown · 5 years
Cramp’s Comic Recommendations For Fans Of Classic Rock And Co.
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Allright here we go. This is my current list of comics/manga/graphic novels you might enjoy if you’re into classic rock. Before we get started I’d just like to let you all know:
- This list is far from being complete. I’m sure there are many more groovy comics out there that I’m simply not aware of yet so if you have any suggestions feel free to add them :)
- I know I said “Classic Rock” but some of my choices may drift into other musical directions
- Needless to say I do not own any of the following images. They all belong to their rightfull owners and I’ll use them as visual reference material only.
- Sorry for eventual misspelling
Let’s go ^^
1. Bob Dylan Revisited 
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Let’s start with an obvious choice. This is a collection of 13 well-known Dylan Songs, each of them graphically interpreted by a different artist. The most striking feature therefore is the high variety of different art styles. Some of them are cartoony, some are very abstract while others are almost photo realistic.
Dylan’s mesmerizing lyrics have always been inspirational and these beautiful depictions truly are a sight to see. 
Including works of Thierry Murat, Lorenzo Mattotti, Nicolas Nemiri, François Avril, Jean-Claude Götting, Christopher,  Bézian, Dave McKean, Alfred, Raphaëlle Le Rio, Maël Le Mae, and Henri Meunier, Gradimir Smudju, Benjamin Flao, Jean-Phillippe Bramanti and Zep.
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Zep’s take on “Not Dark Yet”
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Jean-Phillippe Bramanti’s interpretation of “Knocking On Heaven’s Door”
Definitely worth checking out not only for Bob Dylan Fans.
2. Baby’s In Black” by Arne Bellstorf
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I’ve seen several people in the Beatles fandom complain about the lack of Stuart Sutcliffe material when it comes to early Beatles history. 
Well, here it is: a graphic novel that focuses on the relationship between Stuart Sutcliffe and fotographer Astrid Kirchherr who took the very first professional photos of the Beatles during their time in Hamburg (1960-61).
Told mostly from Astrid’s point of view this comic presents itself in a grey and melancholic tone that fits the rather sad story. Bellstorf’s drawings are simplified and charming (they remind me of early sixties children book illustrations which suits the setting’s time period)
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If you’re interested in early Beatles history (especially their Hamburg days) you should give this one a try.
3. Blue Monday by Chynna Clugston Flores
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I really wish I had known about this amazing comic series a few years earlier, not only because this is a slice of life/coming of age story with teenage characters who are actually likeable and relateable but also because “Blue Monday” is an overall highly entertaining depiction of early nineties teen culture/rebellion in an American suburb that comes with a lot of references to Britpop, mod culture, Buster Keaton movies and Adam Ant (to name only a few).
To quote the author herself: “It’s like Archie on crack, with cursing and smokes”.
The art style of Chynna Clugston Flores is very vivid and expressive and has a certain stylistic touch of anime/manga (like a lot of comics from the early 2000s). I also really enjoy all of the graphic fashion details in this one. Plus, this is the first comic with it’s own soundtrack and that’s always a nice bonus.
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I’d recommend “Blue Monday” for fans of Britpop, Punk, New Wave and early 1990′s culture.
4. Punk Rock And Trailer Parks by Derf Backderf
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Another story about growing up in American small town madness, this time set in 1980s gritty Punk subculture of the former rubber city of Akron, Ohio. Protagonist Otto who likes to refer to himself as “The Baron” becomes fascinated with Punk after attending a Ramones concert. He meets several Pubk icons (thus as The Clash, The Plasmatics, rock journalist Lester Bangs and many more) and becomes someting of a local punk star himself.
Derf Backderf (who is best known for his highly acclaimed graphic novel “My Friend Dahmer” and his Eisner award winning comic “Trashed”) created a comic that is as “raw and dirty as punk itself”. His art style is an unique combination of expressionism, underground cartoons and punk magazines.
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“Punk Rock And Trailer Parks” is a must-have for punk fans (especially if you’re into The Ramones and The Clash. It made me a huge fan of both of them).
5. “CASH - I See A Darkness” and “Nick Cave - Mercy On Me” by Reinhard Kleist
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Two biographical graphic novels by Reinhard Kleist, both of them tell the story of a fascinating personality in rock history and both of them are incredibly well drawn. Kleist’s art is full of life and movement and very atmospheric due to his impressive use of stark contrasts. 
I personally love his semirealistic way of drawing people and I’d highly suggest you to check out his other works too. He made a lot of biographical comics that really amazed me.
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Definetly worth reading. Not only for Johnny Cash and Nick Cave fans.
6. Nowhere Men by Eric Stephenson, Nate Bellegarde, Jordie Bellaire and Fonografiks
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I talked about this one a while ago but I’ll gladly do it again since it’s just too cool. “Nowhere Men” is set in an alternative past/present and future where scientists became as popular as pop stars (catchphrase “Science is the new Rock n` Roll”) but somewhere along the way something definetly went wrong. 
The hype of science shares obvious similarities with the beatlemania of the 60s and the founding of Apple back then. Furthermore, the characters are partly inspired by well-known personalities of Rock history. There are many more or less hidden nods and references to musical popculture wich is why I put it on this list.
Nowhere Men is a thrilling sci-fi dystopian that requires an observant reader because there is a lot of jumping back and forth i time and inbetween information. The art style is realistic and full of very vibrant colours.
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I found myself reading this multiple times to get all of the details in the world building. A thoughtful and brilliant writing indeed. 
7. P.I.L. by Mari Yamazaki
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Japan 1983: 17-year-old Nanami couldn’t be more frustrated. Her grandfather loves to spend all of their household money on useless luxury junk and her strict school criticizes her messy hairstyle. Caught between teenage rebellion and responsibility as she tries different side jobs to earn at least a little bit of money, Nanami also has a thing for punk music and overall everything originated from England.
P.I.L. tells the story of conflict between two generations who aren’t as different as they might seem. Sometimes funny and heartwarming, sometimes with a bit of drama this is a charming slice of life/ coming of age josei with a more simplistic but aesthetical pleasing art style.
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as the title might suggest, Nanami is a big fan of P.I.L. and other bands of the punk, neo punk and new wave movement such as The Stranglers and The Killing Joke
8. Yellow Submarine by Bill Morrison
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A comic adaptation of an animated film such as Yellow Submarine? Yeah, I was skeptical at first too but hear me out: This is really great. Morrison did an amazing job at capturing the trippy and psychedelic feeling of the legendary Beatles film. As the 1968 film used the medium of animation as an actual form of art to accomplish things only animation can do, Morrison did the same thing and used the advantages of the comic medium to accomplish things only comics can do. And it works. It really works.
Every single page of this colourful book has a different panel layout. Some of them are so beautiful and creative that I’d love to have a full-size poster version of them :’D
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If you liked the film, if you love the psychedelic age, you’ll probably like the comic too. 
9. In The Pines by Erik Kriek
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“In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines...”
5 Murder Ballads, some might call them dark Country Music, each of them beautifully illustrated by Erik Kriek. Atmospheric, dark and gritty and always on point to match the spine-chilling western-like storytelling of these ballads, great for fans of horror literature a la E.A.Poe.
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10. Andy - A Factual Fairy Tale by Typex
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Allright folks this is it:
Typex’s “Andy” is by far one of the best comics/graphic novels I’ve ever red. It defenitely is my personal favourite reading of 2019 (and tbh I kinda doubt anything will top this anytime soon)
This is more than just a biographical take on of the most enigmatic pop-art artists of 20th centuary’s America, this is a portrait of the 20th centuary itself. There are so many references to art, history, literature, music and more that I could fill a book counting them all. And of course this is a monument for the medium of comic itself. Typex really managed to show what comic’s are capable of (At this point I’m really sorry I can’t explain it better I’m not good in writing stuff like this yet...)
Visually one of the most appealing things are the different art styles Typex manages to pull off so well for every chapter in Warhol’s life because each of them are a mirror of their zeitgeist. The introduction of Warhol’s childhood during the 30s is drawn in a cartoony style of old news paper comic strips. The chapter of 1967 has a psychedelic edge. The chapter of the early 60s shows similarities with the works of Roy Liechtenstein
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So many icons from the 1930s-1980s have a cameo in this graphic novel it’s just amazing. If you’re even remotely interested in anything of this time period you’d definitely should read this. (seriously, READ THIS). But at this point I’d also like to mention that this comic does not shy away from showing very explicit content and sensetive topics (please keep in mind this has a mature rating for a reason)
Yeah so I couldn’t give this piece of art enough praise. It is absolutely brilliant, a masterpiece in every sense and word.I wasn’t too aware of Typex before but appearentely he also did a graphic novel on Rembrandt. I’m gonna read this too.
Some honorable mentions:
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California Dreamin` by Penelope Bagieu
I haven’t red this one yet so I can’t say anything more about it. But I wanted to let you know that a graphic novel about the life of Cass Elliot exists.
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Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre by Darwyn Cooke and Amanda Conner
One of the prequels of the legendary “Watchmen” by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. It’ “only” an honorable mention because you’ll have to be familiar with the Watchmen universe to fully get all of the story. This prequel focuses on Laurie Jupeczyk, the second Silk Spectre and her own adventures during 1967, the summer of love in San Francisco.
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Hip Hop Family Tree by Ed Piskor
Another one I haven’t fully red yet, but so far I’m loving it. It basically tells the history of Rap and Hip Hop from the early 70s to the mid 80s. The art style is intentionally old-school wich really fits it’s tone and setting.
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Fritz The Cat by Robert Crumb
I suppose I can’t make a list like this without at least mentioning an absolut icon of the underground comix movement. Crumb created the adventures of this nasty junky cat during the 60s. Fritz can be seen as a satirical mirror of counter-culture’s zeitgeist.
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and speaking of Crumb, his “Heroes of Blues, Jazz and Country” trading cards are neat too...
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allright that’s it for now. like I said, if you have anymore suggestions, feel free to add ^^
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Strive Pt. 22
{PART 1} {PART 2} {PART 3} {PART 4} {PART 5} {PART 6} {PART 7} {PART 8} {PART 9} {PART 10} {PART 11} {PART 12} {PART 13} {PART 14} {PART 15} {PART 16} {PART 17} {PART 18} {PART 19} {PART 20} {PART 21}
Pair: Tomarry
Rating: M-E(depends)
Tags: Mild Language, Homosexuality, Sexism, Obsessed Tom, Time-Travel/Dimension-Travel, Teacher/Student, Eventual Romance, Teacher-Harry, Grey!Harry, MoD(sort of), Death!being,
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"You know, I don't want to try to control the way you do things in your life, but if you go and get a Mastery in Magical Smithing, it'll look very good on any resume you decide to build in the future."
Tom's tea cup paused against his lips as he considered Harry's words. Applying for a Mastery was a free process. And he was very young. People his age didn't often get Masteries. Especially ones centered around dying arts that were rarely mentioned anymore since it usually took extra effort to find information about them and he had the benefit of Salazar's knowledge on his side.
"Technically, you could apply for a Mastery in many subjects. Magical Smithing, Runes, Arithmancy, Legilimency, Occlumency, Defence, Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions. And for a few of those, you were self-taught. Such notes would go over well with most people and even if you end up in another profession, your status as a Master would have you called upon often by others. Few people in our community are Masters in Legilimency or Occlumency for example and you could be called in to help the Unspeakables should they have need of your… abilities."
Suddenly the idea had become very appealing. "Having multiple Masteries would make me come across as more capable, yes?" Trustworthy. Hard-working. Dedicated. If someone was to see that he'd achieved Masteries in many subjects, they'd be impressed and more willing to put their faith in him. They'd most likely take him more seriously then, and consider everything he had to say as something valuable.
If he ever personally got into politics, that could greatly help with his ideas in moving forward. And it would draw his acquaintances even closer to him because it was in a Slytherin's nature to want to be near greatness.
"You're already Apprenticed to a Defence Master who will be going for a Runes Mastery soon. With a proper attitude, good support base, and necessary skills, you could probably obtain all those Masteries before you're thirty," Harry told him confidently.
It would be around twelve years until then, but at the same time that was such a short span of time for wizards. Nine Masteries in twelve years sounded impossible to the ear, but Tom did like challenges and he always came out on top eventually.
And he liked the benefits. If Tom was one of the very few Masters of a certain Art in Britain alone, he would be asked for assistance. Could probably charge outlandish prices simply because someone's desperation didn't let them think clearly. He very much liked the idea of it.
Also proving himself better than others by holding multiple Masteries at once sounded appealing. Tom was a narcissist first and foremost.
"We're going to explore my memories of the duels," said Harry as he held up a kit full of several vials of different colours, all bearing a different label on them. "Unaltered as promised. Choose which you wish to start with."
Tom squinted at the man's atrocious writing and plucked Duel 5 from the case.
According to Potter, they were borrowing the Headmaster's Pensieve for this lesson. He'd never seen one in person before, and committed the ornate markings in the bowl to memory. They looked like Runes, but unfamiliar ones, so mostly likely those from another culture.
"Pour the memory into the basin and dip your head inside."
The memory was silver as it poured out, but turned black the moment it hit the liquid within the Pensieve. Tom took a deep breath and followed Harry's order.
The Dueling Championship had been held in a massive outdoor stadium as large as Hogwarts' Quidditch Pitch. And the space where the duels took place was just like his and Harry's Room of Requirement training had been. Every element available to make things interesting.
The stands were filled with people holding up flags from different countries and cheering on their favourite competitors.
Said competitors were standing on the sidelines looking agitated as they had to wait for their turns.
A horn blew and a portly witch in bright yellow and black striped robes took center-field, her wand activating the Sonorous Charm. "We are ready to begin the Fifth Round! The first competitors up are Harry Potter of Great Britain and John Crawford of the United States!"
The cheers erupted from the stands.
Tom backed up until he was certain he was out of the way of the entire duel as the announcer shot off red sparks with her wand.
The four duels Harry had been through before this one were enough to make his opponent skeptical of him. He didn't rush in with his wand waving and spells flying. Instead, the blond man across the field stood perfectly still and waited, his blue eyes trained only on Harry in a manner that Tom did not appreciate.
Harry mimicked his opponent, stance casual and face passive. The two let the minutes pass them by, the silence rendering the crowd into a mass of confusion.
Eventually, it seemed that Crawford had lost whatever patience he'd been trying to show off, and whipped his wand out in an upward arc. A streak of flames followed the movement like a whip, and when the wand lashed out again, the whip snapped toward Harry's position.
Of course Harry quickly proved why the majority of Slytherin was looking to him to defeat Grindelwald. Instead of pulling up a barrier of any sort to protect himself, Harry quite literally took two steps to his right, allowing the fire whip to pass his left shoulder without a backwards glance. He didn't even blink.
The whip retracted and then lashed out once again, and once again, Harry manoeuvered himself around it, avoiding what would no doubt be a painful feeling if he had been unfortunate enough to get wrapped up in it.
There wasn't even a magical application to this, it was simply Harry being observant enough to predict where the whip would go specifically and simply moving to a position away from the targeted area.
Crawford didn't seem to appreciate Harry's treatment of his skills. Perhaps to a fool it looked as if Harry was mocking him, but if Harry was honestly good enough to avoid damage without having to use magic, then why tire himself out of he didn't have to? It would be pointless otherwise.
Common sense should be a thing utilised by everyone in Tom's opinion. It could honestly save one's life one day.
"Fight back, damn you!" Crawford eventually yelled.
Harry cocked an arched, perfectly plucked brow, and flicked his Holly wand once. Nothing seemed to happen and Crawford cackled. "Not so talented, are you? That's why you keep running away!"
And then Crawford's entire body jerked out of nowhere, and his hands rushed to his face to rub at his nose. He seemed to forget that he was holding a literal whip of fire and with his wand suddenly in his face again, the whip snapped back the way it came and Crawford got a face full of burns as punishment for his boasting.
The stadium erupted in applause and cheering, the astounded faces hanging out so openly. It was because Harry wasn't very intimidating in figure and didn't look like someone capable of much beyond looking pretty. But he'd proved their assumptions wrong so effortlessly!
Harry had won using only a tickling charm. Honestly, Tom shouldn't be surprised by his strange approach to magic.
"What did you observe?" Harry asked pensively the moment he was freed from the memory.
Tom shook himself in order to center his thoughts and stop the mild vertigo he was feeling. "He was very cocksure, but mostly in an attempt to hide that he was actually unnerved by you. You got that far so you had to be a threat in some way and when you didn't use magic to fight back and just kept avoiding his attacks, he became even more frustrated and attempted to goad you into fighting."
It was a pathetic attempt. Crawford was not so good with words as to manipulate anyone into anything. He would be a poor public speaker.
"He also knew how to use a whip," Tom added. "Very well. The flickings of his wrist spoke of experience." Tom was very well aware of how a whip was used. It took a lot of time to acclimate oneself to the proper motions if one wanted the best results.
"Correct. Anything else?"
He had to think for a moment. "He was impatient but also lacked common sense. He should have tried something else when you dodged the whip for the third time. Simply relying on the same technique for several minutes was foolish of him, and it rendered his arm tired after a certain amount of time elapsed. His form became sloppy and slow and even more predictable than before."
"Exactly. In essence, nothing particularly impressive. What would you have done differently?"
Against Harry? Tom already knew Harry. He'd been dueling Harry for weeks. Compared to Crawford, Tom already had a bit over him in terms of 'knowing his enemy'. He could formulate better ideas easily, though whether they'd actually work against Harry was an entirely different thing altogether.
"I would have learned a better version of the spell. A single whip is relatively easy to dodge because it is thin and can only go in one direction, but a cat o' nine tails is not. You aren't fast enough to dodge nine individual strips of flame no matter how talented you are."
Harry nodded, seemingly envisioning the very scenario and twirling his wand experimentally. "And if that failed?"
"Probably something involving animals. I've very good at controlling animals and most people are very hesitant to harm an animal, especially if they think it looks cute." He could capitalise off their hesitancy and then take them down.
Dinner with the Malfoy family. It hadn't been since Yule that Tom had visited the Malfoys and he honestly found himself bored of them. Though it was incredibly useful that they felt indebted to him(and that was only because of Harry) he just didn't find them as interesting as he had before.
It was so strange how his way of thinking had changed so much.
During dinner, Tom had been asked a simple question. "How have things been for you, Tom?"
And he had to think about it for a moment.
"Considerably well if I ignore Dumbledore stalking my every movement," he'd answered. "I am Apprenticed to Harry Potter now."
Abraxas beamed, looking as if he had a million questions that he was only barely keeping himself from asking. His father however, merely looked politely interested.
"Our son told us you seemed less enthused the last time you met up for lunch," Lord Malfoy said calmly, not even looking up from his plate. "Are you well?"
An interesting place to insert this information. "I am am merely conflicted after I learned some sensitive information about the Slytherin family."
All three Malfoy's stiffened and turned to look at him with full interest.
"Oh?" Lady Malfoy asked.
"Indeed. Professor Potter is actually also related to the Gaunts and he is also a Parselmouth. As such he has managed to acquire many tomes about both the Slytherins and the Gaunts and has allowed me to study them. They are in Parselscript however, so it took time. I have learned that the enmity between Salazar and Godric had nothing to do with Mundanes, and everything to do with Godric's wife's younger sister starting a fight with Salazar's son over his pet snake."
"Mundanes?" Abraxas repeated with obvious confusion.
"Their older term for Muggles," Tom clarified. "Salazar sent his son away because Godric overreacted and when he found out he was in the wrong, he refused to take anything he'd done and said back, which lead to Salazar leaving as well after a time because he was too frustrated with Godric's childish behaviour."
"Ho-how did the story change then?" asked Abraxas, looking a good mix between horrified and baffled. "How could a fight over a snake escalate into him being pure evil?"
"It seems we've allowed the other Houses to dictate our Founder to us," said Tom plainly. "The whole story about the his monster is a lie. The Basilisk exists but not to cleanse the school of Muggleborns. All the Founders had a 'monster' that served to protect the school. Godric had a dragon that fell in battle, Helga had a Phoenix that still lingers around the property when it wants to be seen, Rowena had a Sphinx that was sold off centuries ago, and Salazar had a Basilisk that fell alongside Godric's dragon. So Salazar bred another to protect the children and left it there for any of his blood to make use of should the school need its greatest defence again."
The looks of shock and minor outrage on their faces was somewhat amusing and also sad at the same time. This went against everything they had ever learned about their House Founder after all.
"Essentially, we've been lead astray by the very people who hate us for the House we're Sorted into." If Tom was going to change something, he'd at least make certain proper blame was placed.
A knock on door of his rooms made Tom frown. No one ever visited him because there was no one around that would need or want to. And it was always him going to see Harry.
When he opened the door, he was greeted by the sight of one Ella Potter smiling up at him with mischief all over her face. "Hello, Tom. Care to come on a walk with this old woman?"
And the first thing out of his mouth was an offended, "You are not old. Dumbledore is old. Ancient even." He added last bit just to be petty.
Ella snorted behind her hand in a very unladylike fashion and nodded. "Such a charmer, Tom. He's only seven years older than me."
Briefly he had to wonder what happened because she looked so young and Dumbledore didn't.
Tom held his hand out and his cloak laid itself over his arm a second later. He didn't know why Elle was there at all but he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to speak with her if she really wanted to talk to him. He actually liked her company.
"Is there something wrong?" he asked as he stepped into the third floor corridor swinging his cloak over his shoulders.
"Not really. I'm merely going to have lunch with Harry and I thought you'd like to join us. You're always so alone down here. It's not healthy, you know."
"I'm not alone. I spend a lot of time with Harry," he defended since it was the literal truth. He spent so much time with Harry and still managed to not be bored of seeing his beautiful face.
She sent him an unimpressed look, left brow angled down to give the look more character. "All this time with him and you still haven't made a move. You need help."
Oh Merlin! He was getting courtship assistance from Harry's aunt. He didn't know if he should be embarrassed that his interest was so obvious to her, or grateful that she was in full support of it and wanted to see it blossom into something more.
Ella linked arms with him and gave his shoulder a fond by pitying pat. "It's really not that difficult. Harry is a bit dense but once things are more clear he will be more than receptive."
The entire afternoon was filled with Ella making certain to drag complements out of the both of them for each other. She also managed to get Tom to blush, which was a feat no other but Harry had managed. It was obvious she'd been a Slytherin. She was devious and single-minded in her purpose and didn't bat a single lash at her nephew's mortified sputtering.
And yet it was all worth it in the end just to see Harry so carefree and happy. While he hadn't been sad or dispassionate while teaching, he held a personal belief on how teachers should act when around their students. So the familiarity and fun behaviour he had shown all afternoon, was something new.
Tom felt privileged that he even got to witness it. Seeing sides of Harry Potter that others didn't get to, made him float.
Sometimes he got so excited about Harry that he'd lose his connection to the Earth for a few seconds. It was embarrassing. Thankfully no one had noticed it yet.
"The school year is starting next week," remarked Harry that evening at dinner. They'd had a long day of training in dueling and this was the time they could indulge. Harry was eying up the platter of treacle tart the House Elves had brought for after supper.
"It'll be interesting to see the Great hall from a different angle." They took their meals together for the most part. Or Tom went to the kitchens personally in an effort to avoid Dumbledore. He hadn't stepped foot in the Great hall once that summer, and it had been marvelous!
Harry snorted. "You'll realise just how big it is then. It can almost feel overwhelming at times. So many students. So many faces. You can't even see them all perfectly near the double doors at the far end."
To Tom it sounded spectacular. Of course it could just be his happiness over getting to be in Hogwarts still. Not having to leave his true home behind could be blinding him.
"Have you already worked out your schedules?" Harry asked him, setting his plate aside and pulled the entire platter of treacle tart closer. As they were for him to begin with, Tom wasn't offended by the the gluttonous reaction.
They'd already discussed it. Tom would be taking over the classes for the first through third years. Harry had deemed him prepared enough to handle that much work, and had already bestowed much wisdom on how to handle assignments and such. And he had Harry's own example to base his own teaching style off of. Despite him originally being incensed in regards to it, Harry's method truly worked. He raised the grade average of the entire school simply because his class touched upon applications from nearly every other class in the school and his Dueling Club had been a great help.
With Tom taking on some classes, Harry's schedule would be freed up so he could dedicate the proper time to his Deputy duties. And there were so many to see to! Every day he had something to do, even in the summer!
"I have everything set up," he told the man confidently. "Though I wouldn't mind if you'd like to look over what I've come up with."
Harry's smile could make him believe in angels, it was just that fetching. That innocent. How had he existed this long and manage to be so untarnished?
"You've come a long way, Tom. I'm proud of your progress."
Tom was not blushing he was simply a little overheated still from the intense workout Harry had put him through. His clothes were hot and there was even still sweat on his brow!
There was sweat on Harry too. It made his hair shine and his skin glisten just a bit in the candlelight. And Tom's mouth felt dry suddenly.
"Are you okay, Tom?"
"Fine! Just fine."
He was not fine.
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A/N: This chapter was finished months ago, for the most part. It was long enough and everything, but I chose to hold off on posting because it didn't feel right to me. Last night I got a review and decided to re-read the whole fic, plus this chap to see what was missing. I found it too. It was just detail. Some of the writing was just bland. I fixed it while I added 1,000 words!
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gwoongi · 5 years
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 | teacher!hoseok
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𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 jung hoseok / reader teacher + expecting parents au! genre: fluff fluff fluff (and a lil baby bit of smut) + bullet fic version :) words: 26k (so maybe read this on a laptop but if you insist on a phone then don’t say i didn’t warn you!!!!)
warnings: graphic language, smidge of nsfw content, student/teacher relationship, jung hoseok being the best boyf and parent ever :(
a/n: y/n is legal !!! hoseok is the typical cliche young teacher !!! i love this story a lot (i plan to write it in full soon!!! just whenever i have time teeheehee) ((also im really sorry the balloons look demonic idk what happened and honestly. too lazy to edit it)) (((this fic is a MONSTER!!! i’m sorry in advance!!!)))
disclaimer: as per freaking usual, keep reading does not work on mobile. i am so sorry because this is SO LONG and big but its ok :( because it’s dad hoseok :( 
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(gif is not mine!)
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happy new year (as a starting note!) i was gone for a long, long time on this blog and did actually consider getting rid of it entirely, however, i’m back to share things that i love and hopefully, you can all enjoy the things i create also. i don’t usually write like this, but i saw a variety of writers adopt a “bullet-list-style” of writing, which i found to be quite efficient. i am the world’s slowest writer and so writing like this actually helps me publish a lot of my ideas without feeling the pressure of writing out like 300k word fics that honestly get ignored. regardless, here’s my first post (technically) of the new year. (this idea has been in my drafts since the “cosykims” days, and og followers will recognise the title.)
now i don’t care what you say, every single school, college or university has that one teacher who is just way too young to actually be a teacher
you briefly remember high-school, with your physics teacher who was just way too young- like borderline could be a student themselves, and yet here they were with their rainbow stationery set teaching you the speed that light travels
and it’s universally known that some people are like child geniuses and end up graduating university aged three or something really bizarre and crazy
(obvs sarcasm)
so, for the love of god...why was there no young hot professor for you to spy on during your lectures
you’re currently a second year uni student, studying visual arts
which, by the way, is awesome
you started off initially very interested in just drawing, but taking modules in sculpting was something you actually found yourself loving and, not to brag, but you’re also pretty good at photography
like as a kid you could probably be found eating crayons and snorting felt fumes like you were an art junkie
kids in your classes were asking for leapfrogs or action figures for christmas but here you were asking for a £300 pencil colouring set along with a “by numbers” colouring book
picasso is shaking rn
like...funny how leonardo da vinci hasn’t released any new artwork since you were born….hm inch resting
“y/n. you, me, some other people, smirnoff and dr pepper, house party, saturday night, is it a yes, or is it a yes?”
jeongguk has been your best friend since your first semester at university; he also took visual arts and does extremely well in all areas, particularly photography and cinema/media study. ever since you partnered together after both being the first ones to turn up to the first class, you’ve been stuck together like glue, even going as far as to rent out a flat together for your second year (along with three other people, just to make the rent easier)
“uh, actually, no, i can’t, as tempting as that whole ordeal sounds.”
“but then when am i gonna see you?”
“i literally see you every day, we LIVE TOGETHER..”
“it’s not the same thing!!”
every saturday for you is the “flat 18 party night” which literally translates to the day that your entire flat go out to any party they can get invited to and just get smashed
it started off as a you and jeongguk thing but then when you moved into flat 18 at the start of your second year, it became a you, jeongguk, haseul, jimin and seunghee thing, and by extension, a year 2 uni student party since the rest of your flatmates found the need to invite all their other friends
basically it was the only day of the week where you were really granted a day off
and jeongguk really fucking loved party night saturdays
“well, what’s the reason then?”- the two of you are currently on your way to your last class of the day; it’s a sort of orientation day for upcoming students who can’t attend the open days next weekend, and so your visual arts professor (who happens to be an actual BEAST) ended up cancelling afternoon classes to help another professor sort out the gym
“family wedding sort of thing,” you explain as you walk. “if i could get out of it, trust me, i wouldn’t. i don’t know if my kidneys can handle another night of drinking. i hadn’t recovered from saturday until wednesday!”
“i’m pretty sure it’s your liver that gets affected by alcohol, but go off i guess...”
“ANYWAYS so yeah i’m sort of maybe like head bridesmaid and i have to be there so….yeah….can't make it :(”
jeongguk then discovers that the wedding is for one of your cousins that you were always really close to, and so even when he’s still really bummed out about you not being there for the “big shindig” he lets it go
especially because he of all people knows that you’ve never been particularly close with all of your family members and it’s only very recently that you got back in touch with them all (just after your first year of uni, to be precise) and he knows how much it means to you
haseul is one of the only other person in your flat who is an “art” major
she actually studies theatre and performing arts but she likes to still be in on the art grind with you and guk
(fun fact: the trio of you called yourselves “art attack” as a funny joke and all have printed art attack door signs in the flat)
haseul always always always tries to wait for both of you after classes because the performance hall and practise rooms are like RIGHT THERE and she’s sort of a little creature of habit and after waiting once or twice it just became a natural thing
today though she’s not waiting because apparently seunghee is doing a biology project and needed help moving it and setting it all up in the labs and haseul was free and so offered her services
usually if you’re free, anyone of you will wait for each other after classes
haseul usually waits for you and guk and then sometimes you guk and haseul go to get seunghee and jimin, especially on thursdays and fridays since they are sort of the weekday party dates
“are we going to see the project after class?”
you glanced up from your canvas stained with reds and blues towards jeongguk who actually hasn’t even looked up from his own drawing, still painting the still life ugly ass vase in the middle of the room
class is actually really quiet today, which makes sense because it’s a friday and there’s always, you know for a fact, a student union get together on thursday evenings and half the uni abuse it and get hammered
and so uni is literally DEAD the next morning
“um yes of course I really wanna see her volcano in action okay i helped make that.”
“technically we all helped make it...”
eventually your class ends early because it’s literally just you guk and some other kid who doesn’t talk to anybody and so you and guk decide to head over to the biology labs in the science department
judging by the time, their class should actually be over but knowing seunghee and her stubbornness, her volcano is most definitely still there shooting little rocks onto the floor
rightly predicted because seunghee stands really proud next to her dodgy looking volcano that everyone in flat 18 helped make while off their rockers 
and haseul is awkwardly sitting on a stool to the other side, admittedly on her phone playing zepeto or whatever
“tell me it isn’t the best volcano you’ve ever seen!”
“seunghee, baby, it’s so cute, i LOVE the way it’s literally falling apart!!” jeongguk and seunghee have a super loving friendship, sometimes you sit back and think they’d be the cutest couple on planet earth and then you realise that its GUK and HEE and you wanna erase that thought from your head
guk takes a really quick pic on his phone so he can show jimin, who would definitely complain otherwise because “i literally painted the whole thing brown i think that deserves recognition!”
“please tell me it got a passing grade” 
you sort of need seunghee’s volcanic mess to have passed because you did not have to hear her talk about how excited she was to present her volcano that actually burned things if you put it close enough for six days straight, just for it to flop and get nothing
“i personally loved the reinvented cliche of the volcano model, so i actually gave it higher than passing.”
you turn almost embarrassingly quickly
you know that voice
everybody with brain cells knows that voice
cause like
professor jung is literally THE biology professor
like he’s the king of biology
you have to admit to yourself that you were secretly so happy when guk made friends with seunghee through jimin (a physics major) because you knew through the grapevine that seunghee was a student in professor jung’s class and everybody and anybody knows that professor jung is the Daddy of biology
like he’s so gorgeous and inventive and creative and passionate and sometimes you just sit there and think “why the fuck didn't i take biology??”
and then you remember that the only thing that helped you get through high school biology was the fact that seo youngho (god bless his soul) sat next to you and gave you all his answers on internal exams
he’s also one of THOSE professors
like he’s one of the cliche fanfiction Young Genius professors
granted he’s still a solid four years older but still, it’s in the legal age frame and he’s still remarkably young to be a uni professor and that’s what you tell yourself when you feel guilty about thirsting over him and the way he looks so damn sexy in that white lab coat and black turtleneck
when you see him you kind of flush and look away
it’s not obvious that you like him tbh, because you’ve by now mastered to keep it under control unless around flat 18 and incredibly dangerously drunk
that of course doesn’t stop guk from smirking next to you and giving you little nudges which is, quite frankly, annoying as FUCK
tbh flat 18 know you thirst over professor jung and so they waste no time trying to bring it up deliberately, but you’re not obvious at showing you like him in front of him
cause he’s popular and definitely has a group of girls in seunghee’s class who like him a lot and giggle obnoxiously like its high school
you’re not THAT desperate
“oh, good, because i didn’t want it to be a waste of my time.”
he raises a brow
“...becAUse i had to listen to seunghee talk about how good her project was all week. HERS, that she worked on totally alone. like i didnt even know she was doing a project- wow, seunghee, did you make this volcano? wow hahah look at that guys!”
not that professor jung even cares that she got help
seunghee is the only student who respects his crazy biology analogies and jokes so she’s naturally one of his faves
“yeah, and, prof jung didn’t give us homework so im completely free for tomorrow’s big shindig.” seunghee says, still smiling really proudly
“first of all why is everybody saying shindig, second of all i cant go to that so im sorry please don’t post it on snapchat because it will hurt my feelings that you’re having fun without me” and everyones like :) and then like :O :(
bear in mind professor jung is literally still here, he’s just by his desk tidying up only half listening because kids are wild these days and he doesn’t remember having half as much fun when he was in university
“um. WHAT why???? you know saturdays are our days like those are the days we actually get to see you because you’re always in your room sleeping or working”
“that’s not true at all, that’s very inaccurate...”
“you literally watched all 7 seasons of game of thrones in less than three days two weeks ago and i dont think i saw you once during that time”
valid point
“im at a wedding :( and i cant miss it :( even for dr pepper and vodka :( im sorry :(”
at that point professor jung scares you all back into reality. “oh wow that’s so weird because i’m at a wedding too this weekend, actually. wouldn’t that be so weird if we were at the same wedding?”
please be at the same wedding as me “omg imagine that ahhaahha”
but then you realise that’s just not realistic
and even if it was realistic for professor jung hoseok to attend your cousin’s wedding then nothing would happen because weddings are big and busy and you like barely know professor jung beyond making small-talk with him when you’re waiting for seunghee to hurry up and pack away all three of her pencil cases after classes
you actually forgot how stressful weddings are
the last wedding you went to was your aunt’s wedding when you were like five and you were a little flower girl who ruined all the wedding photos by covering her ears and scrunching up her face because the church bells were really fucking loud
which as a kid you thought was perfectly valid, but now that you’re twenty turning twenty one you realise how annoying it must be to have a mongrel child pulling ugly faces at the front of your precious wedding photos
“remind me to never ever get married”
your mom kinda just looks at you and frowns
“i remember when i got married i had my maid of honour and bridesmaids do everything for me so i was actually really relaxed. maybe when you get wifed up you’ll be the same”
wise words from mrs l/n that you’ll probably forget within the next five minutes!
even though it’s so infuriating sorting out the brides big ass dress and making sure that the designated flower girl (who btw is not as good as you were aged 5 dressed in pink and wearing barbie trainers) doesn’t spill all the goddamn petals onto the floor before the aisle, you find that the ceremony is actually really kinda beautiful and touching and yES, maybe the vows made you tear up a little bit
and you bARELY remember the greeting ceremony afterwards which is basically another way of saying “wait for us to get back while we sign these papers” which is also another way of saying It’s time for all the guests to awkwardly wait around and not do anything
you literally haven’t met a single person from the groom’s side of the family and you’re not really interested in doing so until the after party
like most after parties this one is pushed up in a hired out room near the venue and it’s dark and slightly sweaty and hey, at least the food is nice and OMG they have baby sausage rolls
after obviously talking to your family for a little bit, you occupy your time by the snacks and the bar just kind of moving between the two
yknow just minding your own business
“woah, they have tiny sausage rolls, too?”
oh god
you instantly turn around like its deja vu or something
there is no way that professor jung is standing right there at your COUSINS wedding like its no big deal
“...prof JUNG?? omg what are you doing here??”
“i jinxed it! the groom is actually one of my family friends. yeah, he’s been like best friends with my sister since they were in school and so we were close growing up.”
it’s sort of a relief, somewhere deep down inside, knowing that professor jung isn’t like indirectly related to you through marriage
“and, please, y/n, we’re not at school!! please call me hoseok!”
you’re like tearing up inside,,,,on a first name basis with the hot biology professor.,,,,,.....,,, it’s a miracle
how does he know who you are
“i didn’t know you knew my name,” you sort of blurt it out as you think it and he starts laughing really cutely and takes like three sausage rolls off the plate on the table
“well, you’re seunghee’s friend! and uh, the bride literally said your name in the speech at dinner.”
“oh. okay well cool haha yeah. wow. this is so weird.”
you actually thought prior to this moment that talking to professor jung- HOSEOK- even when you’re with seunghee in the labs would be really awkward????
because you’re no biologist and the only thing you remember about biology was a video that scarred you for life about a whale's stomach exploding everywhere like the t-rex out of land of the lost
and plus because he’s cute and smart and also a teacher which was. pretty much a big deal...like a big big deal
“okay, but you’re also legally old enough to do it..it’s not like you’re fifteen and he’s thirty,” said the sadistic voice in your head. you liked to ignore that voice a lot
but contrary to popular belief hoseok is actually really really easy to talk to
it’s almost like he’s been your friend for like your entire life and it’s only a little bit weird for you to be laughing your ass off with your friends biology professor at your cousins wedding but hey anything can happen and at least you’re having fun !!!!
naturally…...fun can go…….well…….too far……….sometimes
it’s like quarter to midnight and the party is still going strong and your cousin is like really going for it on the dance floor with your mom and a few of your other family members and oh wow look at this at some point you’ve ended up smushed against hoseok’s side with another glass of smirnoff and dr pepper in honour of flat 18 having fun without you rn
and he doesn’t seem to mind about the way you lean up with your whole cleavage against his chest to talk to him bc its loud as fuck and he can’t hear you from up here
and haha. wow look!
at some point during this fine hour mr jung hoseok has slung an arm around your waist and has his nose in your hair with his lips by your ear because its LoUd As FuCk iN hErE and you won’t be able to hear him
“i said do you want to step outside? its really hot in here” he asks and you have to physically stop yourself from snogging his face off because there’s no way he’s actually looking that good rn
you probably look awful and flustered and sweaty
“oh yes sure yeah ok yeah lets go we can go out to the patio or something”
and of COURSE your poor mother has no idea that the man around your waist is a professor at ur university so she sees you...actually with somebody and smiles really wide and turns away
at this point she’s just shocked that you’re with somebody because lately you’ve only been with flat 18 or nobody at all
you discover very quickly actually that hoseok is stroking his hand up and down the side of your body which okay, alexa, this is epic
“it’s nice and cool out here i thought i was gonna roast to death inside of there.”
hoseok, again with his cute laughter that has apparently become throaty and deep and you almost have to double check it’s still him because it majorly caught you off guard
“right? too many people, it always makes me feel really hot and claustrophobic.”
you hummed. “yeah, and it’s so sweaty and sticky like [cousins name] really couldn’t have opened up a few windows huh.”
he nods and watches you as you just keep talking and talking and talking
“and, let me tell you, this dress is so uncomfortable”
he looks you over. “you look gorgeous. the dress- i mean, the dress looks gorgeous”
“yeah it’s just a shame it’s so itchy and tight”
“mm? wanna go and change?”
“honestly i kind of just want to get out of it.”
you sort of share a look for a solid three seconds
and there’s like a really brief moment where you regret saying it
maybe he hadn’t meant anything by stroking your body and staring at you with a darkened look and holding you tightly when one of your FAMILY MEMBERS said hi to you and smiled and brushing his lips by your ear like maybe all of that was platonic? maybe he remembered you’re a student (although not hIS student) but still!!!!
you’re 0.5 seconds away from blurting out an almost sober apology when he mutters a, “fuck it,” under his breath that you barely even register and then he’s holding your face with his hands and bringing you in for a fat smooch
at first you’re just really surprised because even though you wanted this to happen you weren’t necessarily expecting it to happen
hoseok pulls away sort of dejected because “why aren’t you kissing me back :(” and thats all it takes because you’re pulling him in for round 2 of smooching and it’s almost like you’re not in the courtyard by the patio directly near the windows of the party and it’s not as if people can see you smooching professor jung haha no way! That would be insane!
“i” kiss “really” kiss “shouldn’t” kiss “be” kiss “doing” kiss “this” and he pulls away and then kisses you really really deeply “but” kiss “itsokjustpleasedonttellanybody”
for a moment you both like ruin the mood by assuring each other you won’t say anything and most people at that point would have been like, alright let’s call it a night haha this was fun and awkward
but :( he’s already hard and ur already really in the mood to bone the Daddy of biology so it would be a waste if you didn’t just….continue
hoseok very quickly discovers the perks of being head bridesmaid because your suite is gorgeous and big
“wtf i’m sharing a room with my uncle this really isn’t fair!”
“the many pros of being related to the bride! look i even have a mini fridge and it’s got loads of strawberry milk in because like its my favourite and they really treated me here and-”
not that he doesn’t want to hear you talk because he’d love to but omg he’s hard as heck and would rather get down to it instead of talking about the excessive amount of strawberry milk in ur fucking mini fridge the size of his BED
surprisingly even though you’ve wanted to at least hold professor jung- HoSeOk-’s hand for like an entire year, you haven’t put THAT much thought into having sex with him
actually like finger fucking does not count
nor does him between your legs
no they do not count to you in your mind especially when he quite literally helps you out of your dress and strips you to just your underwear
which, BTW, thank FUCK you brought your sexy stuff just in-case the groom had any really hot friends
thankfully he had jung hoseok
y/n: 1 life: 0
rewind like 0.3 seconds
so. hoseok apparently knows this venue like the back of his hand because he manages to direct you to your wing within like three minutes which is pretty impressive considering it took you thirty to find it this morning
regardless he’s really gentle considering he wants nothing more than to plow you into a nearby hard surface and like you know when someone ghosts their fingers over your skin and it tickles but it’s a nice tickle and your whole body shudders
professor jung does that a lot
he takes a liking to sitting on the end of the bed, between the two posts, while you’re firmly seated on his laps with your legs on either side of him, which is the long way of writing You Are Straddling Seunghee’s Biology Professor
“you’re so pretty” his voice is sort of muffled by your hair and skin and you can barely even focus on his voice because there’s so many things happening rn it’s hard to process it all
do you focus on his voice? his one hand on your back? his other hand literally on your arse? his crotch against yours? the little guttural groan he does between kisses?
it all just feels surreal and amazing and oh WOW jung hoseok has a hand between ur legs
he loops his fingers around your underwear and moans (shudders? you can’t tell but whatever he just did like you need him to do it again cause WEEEWWWW) and like lets them go suddenly
and we’re back to before; hoseok moves to dip underneath your jaw and helps you out of your tight and uncomfortable but expensi-
“did. di-did you just . rip my dress?”
“....i swear i didn’t do it on purpose.”
“omg this dress was on loan oh my GOD”
“im SORRY the zip got stuck and so i tugged i didn’t know the whole dress was gonna rip in half this material must be cheap, honey you got SCAMMED”
you realise that you’re not actually going to be the one to pay for it since the bride said she’d cover the prices of dresses and you instantly sort of relax (although, sorry to your cousin that she’s gonna have to pay extra now lol)
“okay it’s fine just” and he clings to you really tightly and affectionately with his chin rested just above your boobs which is honestly cute and actually really weirdly hot “ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ʳᶦᵖ ᵐʸ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳʷᵉᵃʳ”
he has the nerve to giggle to himself “heeheehee okay baby i will be extra careful”
basically you make a mental note to tell guk and guk only that you rode professor jung to the stars and back
boi DEFINITELY put biology skills to use like this man must have aced human anatomy and sex ed because mans knows all the parts to look after and touch and kiss and it’s like he digitally downloaded every sex move possible because…..no way in hell u just snagged the best sexual partner in town
“mm fuck i wish i was a biology major” it just sort of comes out, bearing in mind you are like half sober
hoseok kind of laughs from his position and moves his hands to your thighs, “yeah?”
“yes i’m so jealous seunghee gets to see you all the time and i only get to see you when i pick her up”
“you can come and see me whenever, baby”
scoff “i’m an art student wouldn’t it be weird to turn up at a biology lab to see you?”
“i have an office yknow and it’s only open to super important people and i can make you one of them”
you realise shortly after like your second orgasm that hoseok is really good at making mediocre things sound really sexy
at long last you actually look down at him and just grin really widely and at first he’s like “yeah? you like that?” and then you start giggling really weirdly
“best.” down. up. “wedding.” down. up. “ever.”
you consider the possibility that last night was a big fat wet dream for at least four seconds until you open your eyes, see the window, roll over, and see professor motherfucking jung in bed next to you
he hasn’t opened his eyes yet and you think he’s asleep so you roll back over to grab your phone conveniently placed on the bedside table
as it turns out, mr jeon jeongguk has not listened to you and posted every nanosecond of the party last night, as well as leaving you several text messages, as he would, as your bff
from guk: are u having fun? i hope ur having fun. if not, then have fun
from guk: i guess ur dead lmao
from guk: sikegjsfkasljf i madmeout with both seujgehe and jikmin
from guk: ignore the above message
from guk: also good morning did you have fun did u get LAID was it a girl or a guy i need all the juicy details
you have to conceal a groan because you don’t want to wake up hoseok
you haven’t thought of something to say yet because worst case scenario, he could wake up and be like “wtf i slept with YOU??????” and that would not be chill for a sunday morning
to guk: im devastated bc of ur snapchat story that’s real snake behaviour
from guk: omg grow up
from guk: and answer my question horre
to guk: i will talk to you later because i am not talking to u about it over the phone bc knowing you and your monster thumbs and chaotic energy, you’ll screenshot and tell everyone in the flat and im not ready for them to know yet
there’s a few moments of silence
from guk: oh fuck tell me ur not pregnant im not ready to be an aunt or uncle yet (x)
you’re about to reply when
did you use a condom last night
you’ve been off the pill for a couple months because even though not getting periods or pregnant was pretty cool, your skin really suffered and oh hey look at that you’ve put on like 4 pounds overnight
and you can’t really remember if hoseok wore a condom or not
did he?
he must have
like he’s a biology teacher
to guk: wtf no
to guk: and how would i even know that it hasnt even been 24 hours yet this isnt breaking dawn im not gonna show after like 12 minutes
from guk: you never know
“all i can hear is your nails tapping the screen and it’s literally amongst one of the most annoying sounds to wake up to”
you drop your phone flat on your face
hoseok sort of both reaches to see if you’re okay whilst also laughing
“i’m sorry i didn’t know they were that loud”
he smiles and strokes the side of your face “mm it’s okay. woke up next to a pretty girl so it’s not so bad”
and it’s official he owns your heart
neither of you actually really address the fact that your whole...THING is really taboo until he’s like fishing around for his left sock and you’re moping over your ripped dress
“so like does this mean i can’t come to pick up seunghee anymore because it’ll be weird?”
he pauses. “why would it be weird?”
“idk cause like. idk. you’re a teacher?”
“really? fuck, i had no idea!!!”
“i’m being serious. i don’t wanna be the reason you LOSE your job!! and i’m so bad at keeping secrets what if i tell someone worse what if i tell my MOM”
he’s moved towards you as you were talking and he’s looking at you really closely with a really pretty look in his eyes
“y/n, i’m a teacher and i’m a professional. i can contain my...whatever, emotions, while i’m at work. and yes, please, come by and get seunghee because she’s one of my favourites and i don’t think i’ll see you often because you’re in visual arts and im always in my lab but my office! yes i have an office that you can always stop by when you’re bored and if i’m free i will happily see you :( it’s unfortunate that you happen to be a student but technically….like you’re old enough and it’s not that weird?”
“okay it’s a little weird but if you want it can be just one night. we can ignore it happened.”
you really don’t want to ignore it
like you really don’t want to at all
hoseok easily was the best sex you’ve ever had and ugh he’s so nice and pretty and warm and caring and smart and yeah he made a joke about cells during sex but it was perfectly timed and funny and ugh he’s the perfect guy
but he’s also a professor at your university and above all else, you really don’t want him to lose his job that he worked his ass of for just because you couldn’t control yourself
so you sort of suck in a frown very poorly and you both agree to kind of...let it be pushed under the rug
it was a one time….two-time thing
because he definitely fucked you into the mattress one last time before you walked out the door and acted like teacher and student again
“you look...disgusting, give me all the gossip!”
you’ve barely been in flat 18 for five seconds and jeongguk is already at the door with a glass of water and a bag of what you can only pray is cookies
(nice attempt: it’s actually tiny meringues which is good enough)
as usual jeongguk cradles a hangover right into monday morning and thankfully for you, haseul and himself, arts lectures and classes don’t usually start until the afternoon on mondays
even though haseul is 77% sure she wont turn up because she’s way too comfy in her pjs on the couch in the living room
and honestly the pressure of telling jeongguk about what the hell happened on saturday night is intense because….haseul is there too now
which isn’t ideal to be very very honest
and haseul is literally your Girlfriend like she would be there to wipe your arse if you asked her nicely
but she can also be a little bit judgy and you’re feeling particularly sensitive today
but you also can’t not tell her because she’s one of your best friends and you’re probably definitely going to tell hee and jimin when they’re back so. might as well do it fast
you trust flat 18 with your entire heart and you know they’d never tell anybody
((this is not foreshadowing they are little angels))
“holy fuck you’re literally covered in hickeys, this story is gonna be so good, let me get a cup of tea before you start holy shit-” and so haseul makes three cups of tea and sits back down like ten minutes later
“okay im ready literally LAY it on me im ready”
deep breath
sip of tea
setting the cup down
“so i went to my cousins party. pretty normal right, not expecting much to go down at all like it’s a family wedding and there’s kids around”
“yeah, right, okay, AND”
“and so i’m minding my own business by the snack table and then somebody comes up to me and YOU’LL NEVER EVER GUESS WHO IT WAS”
they both sit there like “how am i supposed to know?”
deep breath
“i turn around and it’s only PROFESSOR JUNG”
“wait wtf why was he at your cousins wedding?” haseul is so lost
“HE did say he was going to a wedding last week,” jeongguk adds. “that’s so weird omg he literally called it wow haha he’s so cool”
“right right, but like how is that the tea,” haseul frowns. “that’s like...cold stale tea. i wanted scorching hot tea. there’s GOT to be more to it”
you sit there awkwardly and wait for them to figure it out because haseul is looking at you really intently trying to figure it out
jeongguk is looking back and forth between you and haseul
he knows she’ll figure it out before him because out of the three of you, haseul has the brain cells
haseul literally just stares at your face until she kinda looks down at your neck
and remembers the hickies
and then looks back up at your face
and then back down
and them back up
“oh my fucking god you DIDN’T”
“wait what what what WHAT HAPPENED”
“oh my fuckING GOD. OMG. OH MY GOD??????/ NO, NO.”
jeongguk is like O_O “what omg tell me”
you’re holding your face in your hands rn
haseul is up off her seat and pointing a finger at you with her mouth so wide
she looks kinda like the pikachu meme
jeongguk laughs
“....wait WHAT THE FUCK”
chaos ensues
“i didn’t say that!”
“what, so you DIDN’T sleep with professor jung?”
“...okay so maybe i did but you can’t tell ANYONE PLEASE”
jeongguk is literally laughing his ass off rn
because he’s your best friend and honestly that’s what best friends would do in this situation
haseul on the other hand is the responsible friend who’s thinking of the bigger picture
“holy shit, okay. um. wtf he could get sacked for this!”
“we talked it out and we promised to not tell anyone, and it’s not like we’re gonna hook up again so it’s fine!!!! which is why you both cant say anything PLS”
haseul moves to sit by you really comfortingly, “omg baby no i would never!!! it’s not my secret to tell and YES, i’m very surprised right now and i don’t really know what to do because what SHOULD i do??? this has never happened to me before omg this is insane. this is fuckING INSANE”
you end up having to explain the entire night in detail (missing a few details because let’s be real, you were hammered and dick drunk)
jeongguk has calmed down and now realises that this is sort of serious
mostly he’s just finding it funny that you actually ended up hooking up with professor jung, because you and him used to joke around about it all the time
even though he was initially quite childish about it, jeongguk knows that it’s serious and something that is clearly bothering you so he knows when to pack it in and be the supportive friend
because gukkie is a good friend and oh no we’re dropping all the uwus everywhere
“was it good?”
yes, haseul it was good
“was it SAFE?”
you’re about to answer jeongguk and then you pause
“....i don’t know”
and haseul’s off again
“holy mother of hell what do you MEAN you don’t know???”
“i can’t remember!!”
“and you didn’t ask the morning after???”
“im sorry he was too busy rearranging my GUTS it must have,,,crossed my mind”
now haseul has another thing to worry about on top of midterms
from y/n: jesus christ
from jimin: um
from jimin: WHAT
from jimin: PLEATHE tell me its hot biology professor jung and not ugly middle aged literature professor jung because else my reaction is gonna be vERY different
from y/n: wtf why would i want to sleep with literature jung he’s like 50 and married
from guk: wait omg what if hot prof jung is married….did you ask
from y/n: let me move my bang and read that again,,,,
from jimin: i literally cant breathe MY LUNGSSSSS
from jimin: WHAT KINDA FANFICTION IS THIS RN how and when and why did u sleep with him i have SO MANY QUESTIONS i should be studying for my physics midterm rn but whatyueijgn this is too good
from y/n: this is why i wanted to tell u in person
from seunghee: TELL ME UR JOKING RN
from y/n: :D heehee. um. haha. well haha. uh
from seunghee: omg….u had his PEEPEE inside of u….holy shit i need to sit down rn
from haseul: mood
from guk: she did THAT :’)
from seunghee: i mean…..when we joked around and said you should hop on professor jung’s dick i didnt think you’d DO IT FOR REAL
from y/n: it was the dr pepper u guys…..he made me do it
from seunghee: oh god professor jung came out to see if i was okay and i screamed i cant look at him i cant
from seunghee: omg he was in ur GUTS i cant im dropping biology
you dont immediately see professor jung
in fact you try and avoid him because even though you both agreed to not hook up again you’re afraid that the demon inside you will try and jump him and knowing you, a professor will probably end up catching you
and you like uni you dont wanna leave
and you like hoseok you don’t want him to leave and lose his job
flat 18 have calmed down from the initial shock and humour of the situation
i mean they’re all still in disbelief that it happened
and jeongguk and jimin make jokes about it sometimes
but it’s calmed down
it’s actually like a full week before you see him
because all of flat 18 for some reason offered to help on the open day for uni, party night saturday had to be cancelled >:(
seunghee shudders at the thought of being one of the only biology volunteers and having to pretend like she doesn’t know that her professor was balls deep inside her best friend last weekend
jimin and seunghee are together in the science department and haseul is happy performing for families checking out the performance department
jeongguk was asked to help promote the art department
and you were forced into giving campus tours :(
which sucks
because you have to try and pump out your best energy for the day
due to the amount of students doing tours on the same day, you’re only really expected to give one tour before going to your selected department
and you wouldn’t actually mind giving tours if it didn’t mean that you had to go everywhere on campus and by everywhere you mean having to go to the science department and inevitably seeing the brief love of your life
“..and right here is the art department! as an art student i sure have a lot to say about it- everyone is super duper nice and all-well, MOST of the professors are really helpful and critical and i’ve really improved drawing since i’ve been here. we do a lot of still life in this room but next door is the main drawing room and just off campus, we have the drawing labs!!! and oh, downstairs is the photography department; we have a red room and three studios and next door is the cinema”
“do you get to watch films?”
“technically no but when nobody is looking we do watch a film heeheehee i mean. what? no we would never break the rules..,,.”
you give jeongguk a cheeky bum shake before you leave and he laughs
yes an old man sees and scowls but it’s ok
“so yea like i said, the staff are friendly and mostly helpful. i mean, there are obviously some professors who aren’t amazing but hey we have a higher rating than other unis in this area so haha”
“mostly helpful?” a mom says. “can you elaborate on that?”
“not really, karen.”
after hurling your group around everywhere, you FINALLY make it to the science department
which you came to last because you were not prepared to see You Know Who
you step inside and start listing off things in the department
like Oh yes jackie look that’s called a bunsen burner
Oh michael sweetie don’t touch the gas taps we don’t wanna die now do we?
“our uni has some of the best science professors,” you explain. “they’re incredible and so dedicated to their profession and it’s really a great environment- two of my flatmates study science and they love their classes and lectures. professor min teaches physics and my friend jimin says he teaches it like no other- he’s amazing!”
“and what about professor jung?”
“ᵉˣᶜᵘˢᵉ ᵐᵉ?”
“what do you think of professor jung, hm?” WHY IS THE HM SOUNDING A LITTLE CONFRONTATIONAL
you stare at this mom like OoO because this is weird there’s no way she kNOWS how does this mom know omg did you say something dumb how does she--
“i heard he wrote books and went on tv! he also attended conferences at oxford uni,” the mom says, almost annoyed and your heart goes WOOOOOSH out your body. “my son wants to study biology and so we’re excited to see and hear about professor jung.”
“oH yes RIGHT well he’s...well he’s great.”
“can you elaborate-”
“no susan i can’t. let’s just go and meet him, yeah?”
inside the science rooms open for showing, you’re oddly relieved to see another tour group just finishing up meaning that half of the professors are preoccupied already
that includes hoseok in his cute ass lab coat talking to a group of students and parents
suddenly that female student is standing very close to him and you have to look away before you get annoyed for literally no reason
y/n: 1 life: 1
seunghee is actually free talking to jimin and professor min (jimins weirdly hot professor) sees you standing awkwardly in the doorway and he comes to the rescue with a small smile and nods his head at you
wow jimin never told you how pretty he was
scary as fuck
but pretty
“hi! welcome to the science department…”
you kind of step to the side because science is not your subject this is not your element and you dont wanna mess up
while seunghee is so happy showing off her booth and YES the volcano made an appearance, jimin is content with not doing his job and coming to stand with you
“is it just me or is prof jung looking delicious today?” jimin sort of nudges you in the side and you have to give him a sickeningly sweet smile that translates to You’re Getting Your Ass BEAT Later
“...and we do all sorts of projects to help us constantly develop our skills!!! and it’s actually a really good way at making friends and bonds-” a few parents laugh “-and actually, two of my flatmates are here over there--”
oh great eyes are on you and jimin :)
jimin smiles like :) hell yes :) thats me :)
and you’re flushing as fuck because 1) you don’t really do well with being the center of attention like having to speak and tour people around campus is BAD ENOUGh and 2) hoseok has just been made aware of your presence
you’re trying not to look at him like :) i’m not here :)
“-they helped me make this volcano!!!! and it’s so cute!!! look- it shoots rocks- oh, careful sweetie- look!!! it’s so cool y/n helped me a lot and i got a good grade and we do loads of this sort of stuff, haha, prof jung really works us to the bone but makes it super fun at the same time!!!”
braving a chance to look at him you clam up noticing that he’s already looking at you
he does that THING where he smiles and his eyes look really soft and warm and he ducks his head to look at the other parents and stuff
jimin contains a snort and seunghee is like o_o because she had to witness that LOOK as if she wasn’t trying hard enough to forget about what happened
professor min looks between you and hoseok like “-_-” and you wanna DIE
hoseok manages to talk to you before you leave though which is smooth and you can feel your heart in your vagina literally pulsing as he approaches you and jimin
“having fun?”
you smile like :) how is giving tours :) fun :)
“i guess so!!”
“hey thats good!” he replies enthusiastically. “looks like people like the volcano you helped make.”
“....i didn’t make that. seunghee lied i did not help her on her graded project We did not help I don’t know why she would say that”
and he kind of laughs and forgets where he is and his hand touches your back
jimin chokes
you sort of look at him like OoO BRO
he pulls away so FAST like you’re on fire or something
“it’s okay. it’s a pretty volcano.” clears throat. “a-anyways. have a nice day guys.”
he looks like he wants to say something more but cant really afford to, so he sulks away and talks to more parents
“omg….he just had sex with you again” jimin said quietly. “omg. that was wild”
“he literally touched me what are you TALKING ABOUT”
“can’t believe you just did that….right in front of me….”
again you don’t see prof jung often
you see him a couple of times when you wait for seunghee
its been a hot minute, like a few weeks
he doesn’t speak much but when he does it’s like “oh hi y/n! waiting for seunghee?” or “you can come in for a bit while seunghee packs up” or “plans for the weekend?”
once you dumbly said “i miss you” before you left and both prof jung and seunghee are like “oh hoe you didnt”
“huh?” he asks.
“I said i’ll see you,” you say. “like...i don’t know. see you soon? i guess”
he knows what you really said
he raises his brow’s and laughs and’s like, “me too, y/n. i’ll see you both soon. enjoy your weekend!”
“you’re literally so dumb,” seunghee says whilst walking back to the dorm, “like really so fucking dumb. i MISS YOU??? REALLY? THAT’S ALL YOU SAID??? I’M LIVING OFF CRUMBS HERE”
“wtf do you MEAN???”
“yknow he always asks me, “how are your friends? y/n, the others?” like why would he ask about you...unless he missed you too….and wanted to see you…..omg you’re both really so dumb”
you think about that for a while
back at flat 18, everybody is out of classes for the weekend; jimin is finishing up an essay so he won’t have to do it last minute monday morning, haseul is watching vines on her phone and guk is currently eating the peaches that you were craving and wanted to eat so bought and stored away for later
later as in now
he offers you one but afterwards you feel like…?? weirdly nauseous
“do you need some water?” guk is on alert rn “i swear i didn’t poison you or anything!!!!!”
“i...literally didn’t even think you had but now that you’ve brought it up…”
like this sickness is so sudden you just wanna throw up all your internal organs
“you should go to bed,” haseul says and she’s like rushing to you to push you towards your room. “i will get a hot water bottle ready and blankets and oh- actually no, you can’t risk eating in-case it makes you feel worse. at least try and eat like these bland ass biscuits seunghee brought because then you’ll throw up something instead of nothing. are you okay, did i ask if you were okay? are you?”
the best thing about flat 18 is that they’re like a little tight family and if one of you is sick, they become worried parents and it’s so cute
anyway so you stay in bed for the rest of the day
and most of saturday morning
flat 18 are debating whether or not to really go out on saturday but you groggily tell them to just go and have fun and you’ll stay at home :( crying :( watching peaky blinders on netflix :(
haseul and seunghee decide to stay in with you for a girls night while jeongguk and jimin head to their friend taehyung’s dorm
at some point during a very intense sex scene between tommy shelby and some random woman you don’t care about currently, you feel a very intense wave of sickness
as you’re throwing up you’re thinking over every possible reason for being sick
food poisoning?
and then you pause mid heave
could…..could you be pregnant?
omg no
wait omg yes you totally could be
you panic so much that you throw up again
seunghee and haseul are right outside the door asking if you need anything and haseul comes in to hold your hair and seunghee is rubbing your thigh like “honey please what do you need?”
sheepishly you look at her and squeak out, “i don’t think im sick.”
seunghee’s like “well obviously you are you’re throwing up like crazy right now, oh, yeah, okay baby yeah let it out let it all out” 
makes mental note to buy air-freshener
after throwing up you just hAVE to ask
“hee...i need you to go out and get me something”
“sure honey, anything. what do you need?”
“......i need you to get me a pregnancy test.”
haseul and seunghee share a look
“are you serious?” seunghee’s voice is really gentle and quiet
“yes i need to be sure,” your voice is croaky and you keep crying in between each word and seunghee just squeezes your thigh assuringly and nods
“y-yeah, of course, wow, oh my god, okay. i’ll go and get one- no, wait, haseul should i get three? is three the safe number?”
“yeah. three is safe. like, you do an experiment three times to get a fair result and the test could read wrong”
“please stop talking about science im actually really scared right now”
seunghee is already half out the flat with her keys when she says, “do you want me to call guk and jimin?”
and you debate it but knowing guk he’d have a meltdown and tell taehyung what’s going on and it’s supposed to be a private sort of thing
and what gives you might not Actually be pregnant
“have you missed your period?” haseul asks
“yeah but i thought” sniff “it was just late :( my periods are always irregular but if i did the math” hiccup “right then it should have come four days ago :(”
seunghee comes back with three pregnancy tests
(“the cashier said, ‘oh, good luck dear! you look like you’ll be a wonderful mother!’ like HONEY IM NOT LOOKING FOR KIDS I’M TOO YOUNG” “s-seunghee-eeEEEeee im also too young what am i gonna doOOooOoooo i cant do this”)
they both promise to be in there with you while you find out because you’re literally sobbing and shaking and lets be real, they’ve showered with you like ten times and they’ve seen all your bits and pieces and it’s just pee! everybody pees
you’re sitting down in a ball shape by the bathtub like TERRIFIED of looking at the little stick
“is it...professor jung’s?” seunghee asks quietly
“he’s the only person i’ve slept with in like three years, i’m positive it’s his,” you reply. “if im even pregnant, that is…”
haseul rubs your arm lovingly. “want to take a look? should be done by now.”
it takes you a few minutes and then eventually you nod
here goes nothing!!!!!
you peer over at the stick and like
your heart drops
maybe you wanna throw up again
all three sticks say: PREGNANT: 5 WEEKS
“what’s it say?” haseul asks gently and you set down one of the tests and look back at seunghee and haseul with an unreadable expression
“congrats. you’re gonna be an auntie.”
haseul is the first to crack
it felt weird to have friends excited?? about your second year of uni pregnancy? unplanned accidental pregnancy with a bIOLOGY PROFESSOR AT UR UNI????
but haseul brings you in for a hug with an excited laugh and seunghee braves taking a stick in her hand and looks at it for herself
yep, you’re having a baby all right!!!
everything is fine until you realise the big problem
how the hell are you going to tell hoseok you’re carrying his baby
does he want kids? probs not! and you never asked if he was married?? WHAT IF HE ALREADY HAS KIDS? WHAT IF HE HAS A WHOLE FAMILY??????
then you start crying
“omg, y/n, please don’t cry, it’s okay, we’re going to figure something out!”
“you don’t necessarily have to keep it if you dont want to,” haseul points out, even though you know she’s already planning dates to look after baby y/n when it’s been pushed out into the world
“h-how am i gonna tell h-hoseok that im having his baby….and i dont wanna get r-rid of it i dont wanna hurt this baby i love this baby i only just f-found out about it but i want this baby i wanna look after this baby this is my BABY?? im having a baby holy fuck you guys! im gonna be a mom this is so scary what the fuck am i gonna do????”
seunghee makes a call to jeongguk and jimin asking them to come back with ice-cream because they have things to talk about
jeongguk is worried like “oh god did i leave my underwear on the couch again? i said i was sorry and i thought id moved them this time”
and seunghee says, “um...no but now im going to double check the couch...dont forget the ice-cream BYEEEE”
needless to say that they’ve very VERY surprised to come home and discover that they’re gonna be uncles
and that the baby belongs to the Daddy of Biology
“i………..what did i miss while i was gone wtf you’re PREGNANT?”
“omg i’m gonna be an uncle??????? really?????? reAlly!!!”
of course the big issue right now is telling hoseok about it
like what are you supposed to do? go up to him and be like Hey hot stuff you’re gonna be a dad!! Happy Monday!!
“if he doesn’t want to help look after it, i would be happy being the adoptive dad of your baby,” jimin offers, staring at your stomach for the fifth straight hour. “because i love you and i also like babies.”
“aw, min, i love you too, but if hoseok doesn’t want to be the dad to this baby, i was already planning to ask guk because GOD KNOWS you would be the worst at looking after kids- dont look at me like that, i know you i CAN SEE THE TYPE OF PERSON YOU ARE!”
you decide to skip classes on monday and only head out when you need to
and by “need to” i mean you decided that today would be the day you told hoseok
you had the whole of sunday to think over it and seunghee helped you devise a plan
hoseok has office hours from around 3pm to 9pm on mondays and her class finishes at 2:45pm, and apparently people use his monday office hours on the evening so “you should probably come then, and you and him can talk in his office where it’s more private!”
and thank god seunghee has the brain cells in this friendship because you were about to announce it in the open and you doubt that mr min would be thrilled to hear his colleague knocked up a visual arts second year student
it’s 2:30pm and you leave the flat to make it to campus for around 2:37pm
it doesn’t take long at all to walk across campus to the science department and so you’re a little bit early to seunghee’s class because they’re still clearing up by the time you get there
the science department has chosen to smell like a hospital even more today and you shudder, already mulling over the idea that you could be going to a hospital soon to get baby scans and then eventually labour and holy fucking SHIT you’re gonna have to push this thing out of your vagi-
the class leaves at 2:45 on the dot (because hoseok likes to let his kids out early because he’s a cool teacher and apparently nothing like the grouchy art teachers in your department) and actually, today seunghee hasn’t turned up to class so you’re sort of waiting for nobody rn
just >:) as >:) planned
when everybody else has gone you head inside really quietly
hoseok hears you anyway and looks over really quickly and smiles so wide like :D
“y/n! how are you!”
“haha yeah im just great professor like really Uh yeah doing great”
“seunghee’s actually not here today. i thought you guys lived together, didn’t you know that?”
and you’re like like “uh yeah i knew. i’m, well, i’m actually not here for her. i’m here for you.”
“is everything ok?”
you smile at him as a way of reassuring him
on the inside you’re like oh hoseok sweetie you have no idea what’s coming
“yeah. i asked seunghee what time your office hours were and she said from around 3 to 9? and obviously, its like five to three and so i am early but. look i just- i really need to speak with you.”
he stands up quickly. “is something wrong?”
“i’m not sure yet,” you reply honestly. “shall we. um. can we go to your office?”
he blinks. “oh! yeah, sure, let me get- my coat and yeah let’s go. i’ll lead the way.”
along the way you just so happen to bump into professor min and he smiles at hoseok and then at you and he’s like “oh? miss l/n, what are you doing here? i didn’t know you took science?” (he only knows who you are because of the open day)
“Oh, no i don’t. um. well,” you pause. cause what are you supposed to say???? “i’m just getting some work for seunghee. she’s...sick and bedridden, so, here i am!”
professor min is just like “huh. okay well have fun i’m going to take a nap in my office :D” and leaves
hoseok’s office is surprisingly clean and cute and there’s flowers everywhere and a cute little yellow rug and you stop to just take in how this room is hoseok in Room Form
like a room has never looked so much like a person it’s him as a room and you love it
“i didn’t really clean up because i didn’t expect anybody- especially you- to be coming. uh, here, let me just close the door. want to sit?”
you take up the offer and sit on the couch opposite his desk and he sits on the desk looking at you really worriedly. “is...everything okay?”
he wants to ask if somebody found out, but at the same time, he really doesn’t want to make you think that he was like repulsed by having sex with you because it was The best sex of his life and he’s not afraid to admit that
“yes. i just” sigh. might as well get on with it. “how long has it been since the wedding?”
hoseok pauses. thinks. “well...i mean, like, probably six weeks? yeah, six weeks. why?”
“okay, and usually, what does it mean when a woman misses her period?”
“wha- well, sometimes it could be an irregular cycle. but it’s usually because they’re conceiving...”
hoseok really doesn’t wanna overthink but...like….he’s overthinking rn
“and how long does it take for them to start showing?”
“well someone can know that they’re pregnant as early as four weeks, usually. although 50% of women say they show at five, and 70% said they show symptoms at six weeks-”
there’s a beat of silence
you worriedly look at hoseok and he’s just. quiet
you can see the clogs moving in his head and his eyes are flitting up from your stomach to your face repeatedly and wow he’s gone a bit pale?
“i’m...i’m pregnant.”
“i…” he starts to speak but literally stops and he’s just really quiet
you can feel your eyes filling up because oh god he doesn’t want the baby you’ve ruined his LIFE
but really he’s just thinking really hard rn
a beautiful girl he likes is carrying HIS BABY
and then he’s like but shes a student at my uni is this weird? its weird its wrong but i love babies and ‘im gonna be a dad????? and she’s really pretty????? and i like her?????? and that’s my kid??????????
you’re seriously about to cry and be like its ok if you don’t want it i can look after it alone and my flat are okay with it i just would want some help like maybe a little bit just for the first few months when he moves from the desk towards you and drops to his knees between your legs
“is- is it mine?”
“what- of course it’s yours!”
“i’m sorry! i didn’t want to assume!!!”
“i wouldnt be here if it wasn’t yours!”
he huffs out a laugh and then just starts smiling so wide
“omg are you actually pregnant? really?”
and then you start laughing like “YES omg why would i lie here’s a test for proof i was crying a lot over the weekend.”
now that he has concrete evidence hoseok is getting a bit excited about this
above all circumstances he is gonna be a dad and wow he’s always wanted a family!!
you’re so relieved that he’s happy :)
but then he has to think realistically about this: you’re still a student, probably barely twenty one, and he’s a professor and things will be extremely complicated
he debates whether or not to tell professor min
because yoongi has been his friend forever and he actually helped him get the job at this uni and he probably wouldn’t judge him for it because he had seemed excited when hoseok told him about the wedding night (obviously spared of the details that the best Pussy of his life was miss y/n l/n)
“do...do you want to keep it?”
you look at him like OnO “yes :( is that okay”
“YES omg it’s okay!!! that’s our BABY!!!”
ok he’s so excited
“this is so weird and i never ever thought this would happen but!!!!!! i’m gonna be a dad???”
“wait fuck are you married or anything?” you have to ask it’s been bugging you all weekend. “because i’m happy with raising a baby with you but i don’t think i can handle telling ur wife or whatever that we had sex at a wedding.”
he finds this really funny
“no, i’m not married. i was drunk at the wedding but not drunk enough to cheat on someone :( i would never do that :(”
now he has to make plans to like. get to know you because there’s no way in hell his baby is gonna grow up with complicated parents like he wants his kid to have the best life ever :(
hoseok now also has to come to terms with the fact that seunghee knows he had sex with her best friend and is having a baby with her and now he’s horrified
“you did wHAT”
hoseok decided against his better judgement to tell yoongi about what’s going on
since you told your entire flat about it he figured it was only fair that he could also tell somebody he trusted
he has a couple of friends outside the department who he really trusts, like namjoon and seokjin, two married professors who teach literature and creative writing, and sociology, respectively, who will eventually find out, whenever he’s figured out what he’s going to do
considering everything, yoongi isn’t that put off by the fact that he knocked up a student
i mean, yes he’s shocked that it was you of all students ever and then he pieces together you going into his office and the way he had literally described you as “artistic and fascinating” and fucking hell he should have realised sooner
“i...kind of got her pregnant. which- before you yell at me, isn’t the end of the world because we’re both willing to give it 110%!”
“yeah i dont give a fuck about that- i’m still on about the fact that you came back here after that wedding and told me all the raunchy details about you and y/n and i called it hOT and now i find out its a student i KNOW?????? oh my god i need to lie down again.”
(he takes it well, and congratulates him)
meanwhile you’re already making plans to tell your family about it but you want to do it after the first scan
seunghee has done so much research on pregnancy that she was worried the school would catch on by reading the wifi bill and seeing that all she ever googles is “how big is a baby at six weeks?” or “when should i go for a baby scan?”
she seems to think that twelve to fourteen weeks is a good time to get the baby scan and that you’ll probably start showing by then which is the PERF time to tell everybody about it
at the moment you’re not too worried about telling your family
your mom is pretty understanding and your dad has been out of the picture for a while now, and you’re the baby sibling so at least she still has an older daughter to brag about
because from now on it’s gonna be “yeah this is my eldest she’s a LAWYER and this is my youngest haha she fucked her biology professor”
not that she’d use those words
you’re actually more afraid of what people at uni are gonna think when you start showing because you’re not really up for missing out a whole 9 months just to be a year behind your friends
and morning sickness was so awful this morning that you just couldn’t be bothered to go in for class today
thankfully it was just a free sort of day where kids either did the art marathon or worked for their midterms so you could sort of afford to miss a day
guk went to class for an hour before coming back to the flat and haseul didn’t have classes that day so once again, art attack squad just had a nice day at home
haseul is most concerned about the baby and the baby’s health and so went through a crazy moment of trying to eliminate foods that are bad for you during pregnancy
“where’s all my chocolate gone?” “well i moved it so that you can limit yourself on what you eat! chocolate isn’t great for your skin and you should probably start eating healthy if you want the little honey to be nice and healthy when they arrive!”
haseul has money on it being a little girl
guk and seunghee want it to be a boy and jimin is the type of person to have no opinion until the baby is born and then proceeds to say, “see! i told you it would be a boy/girl!”
since you last saw hoseok, he hasn’t really decided what he’d like them to come out as yet; yoongi wants it to be a girl, though
seunghee actually went to class and ended up waiting behind afterwards to give him all the updates
“is she doing okay?” “yES she’s amazing and the baby is doing so well too!!! i mean it’s only been about seven weeks and so y/n is like barely showing, but he’s about the size of a blueberry! isn’t that cute?”
then she pauses and is like, “wait...we live off campus so like. do you want to maybe come round? and see her? i think she’d appreciate seeing you.”
“ᶜᵃⁿ ᶦ?” hoseok is really excited because yeah he does like you and he’d see you whenever he could but 1) he didn’t know how to contact you and 2) where do you even live because if its on campus he definitely can’t pop round and be like “wassup where’s my baby mama”
anyway he comes round with her and you’re very unprepared to see hoseok and seunghee step through the front door
jeongguk is like midway through kissing your tummy over and over and haseul is on amazon looking at baby clothes because she “has to be ready for any opportunity”
of course anything can happen and she’s praying that nothing bad happens because she just found the cutest bear onesie ever and OOPS its in her cart
“it’s,” gesturing to guk and his lips on your stomach, eyes wide, “not what it looks like!”
but hoseok just laughs and puts down his bag and is like, “hehe i know. how are you!”
guk clears out to another part of the couch and decides that he has to, before he dies, see a y/n and hoseok interaction and he can hardly contain his excitement when hoseok sits down next to you and looks at you with a fond ass expression
“good! i had a little bit of morning sickness, but i’m okay. how are you?”
and hoseok’s like well i’m not currently carrying a baby im fine of course i’m fine i want to know about you
because it came to his attention when he was with yoongi earlier that he really doesn’t know anything about you PERIODT
and he wants to know everything and anything
at that point guk takes his leave and he, haseul and seunghee go to the kitchen to give you and hoseok some of your own private space
“i cant believe professor jung is in my living room right now...”
meanwhile you and hoseok are taking the moment to get to know each other
because in about 9 months time or whatever you’re gonna be parents
so you gotta know everything
hoseok learns a lot of things about you: your love for chocolate, that strawberry milk is your favourite flavour, your favourite colours are natural colours like white and beige and browns, your favourite movie or your favourite song…….
and you learn quite a few things about him in return: growing up he always loved science, he wanted to go into dance during high school but it clashed with science club so he gave it up, his favourite flavour milk is banana and his favourite colour is yellow…...
“mm i knew the yellow already :)”
“oh yeah?” hoseok has an arm around your shoulders, one hand stroking the side of your face and the other brushing against your stomach. “how?”
“the rug in your office. and the fact you like banana milk,” you laugh.
“what? the banana milk has nothing to do with it.”
“it does, don’t lie.”
“okay, but it’s not the main reason!!!”
once again it begins to feel like you’ve known hoseok for years and wow it’s so easy to talk to him and he’s so gentle and nice You’re ready to donate your whole heart to him on the spot
“so i was thinking actually,” you propose suddenly, and at this point the gang have come out of the kitchen and are gathered in the living room (jeongguk said that he’s technically in-laws with hoseok now and so there’s no point avoiding it) “that we should go out together this weekend.”
hoseok grins: “are you asking me out on a date right now?”
“yes,” you nod with a firm look. “yes, i am. i am taking authoritative because you’re slow and i want to go on a date with you. i wanna get to know you and work on this.”
hoseok agrees and presses a warm kiss to your temple. “mm, okay then, honey. it’s a date.”
(jimin gets home late and kicks off his shoes by the door. “GUYS!!! YOU’LL NEVER GUESS WHO LOOKED MIGHTY FINE THIS MORNING!! If you guessed Professor Min, then you were RIGHT!! At this rate, Y/N won’t be the only person knocked up by a science professor cause I’m telling you, I’m ready for Professor Min to tell me the exact speed of light whilst balls deep in my a- OH. Uh. Hi, Professor Jung. Nice day?”)
((nobody knows how to move on from that.))
it’s been exactly 9 weeks since your little honey has been conceived :D
hoseok comes to visit more frequently and he now has your number and emergency contact details so whenever he can, he’s asking how you and the baby are and stuff
he texts asking about your day a lot
mostly about the baby though
from hoseok: what are naming it ^_^
to hoseok: hmm i believe we haven’t gone over the names yet :)
from hoseok: i meant like a nickname!!
from hoseok: yoongi has been calling them “squid” because when we became friends we bonded over someone calling a sperm cell a squid cell and i guess it kind of stuck
to hoseok: omg i dont wanna call them squid then :-(
from hoseok: hmm how about simply ‘baby’?
but i want u to call me baby…
from hoseok: but i wanna call YOU baby and it might get confusing...little one? little guy?
to hoseok: haseul thinks its a girl teeheehee
from hoseok: so i’ve been told
from hoseok: okay, how about honey? i know i call you honey sometimes but honey can be exclusively our baby name
to hoseok: hmm
to hoseok: honey is cute :3
from hoseok: haha okay baby, honey it is then!
you’re waiting until week 14 for an ultrasound
seunghee did more research and said 14 is a lucky number and so it just seemed right
and also most women go around 14 weeks and later because by then the gender will be revealed and that’s exciting!!
THANKFULLY you weren’t planning to visit family for christmas because they’re abroad visiting family and so at least you can surprise them when they’re back with a baby scan and hoseok :D
“did you also know that the baby is now the size of a cherry?” guk said suddenly one evening, as he lay next to you in his bed, by the way, WHY you were in his bed when he woke up he has no idea. “that’s so cute. little cherry all snug in there, huh.”
you find that jeongguk is now...abnormally nice
like you loved that you and jeongguk could be brutal to each other and still be fine in the next three minutes
but ever since you found out you were pregnant, he’s been toning it down a lot
truthfully he doesn’t want to overdo it and add any stress on you during the pregnancy, and he just wants to be supportive and be ‘the best uncle in the business’, to which jimin competes
haseul and seunghee are the ideal best friends in this situation: haseul is so ready to be an aunt it’s crazy and she already has an amazon cart full of cute things and seunghee already claimed dibs on helping you and hoseok set up a nursery for the baby
it’s still being decided but there’s a big chance you and hoseok will move in together to raise baby honey together
the house you were eyeing is relatively close to campus and to flat 18, which they’re planning to rent out for the next two years of uni after this one
so it’s close to honey’s aunts and uncles and also close for hoseok to get to work and for you to get to classes
jimin is the friend who still doesn’t really know what to do in this situation
he replaced jeongguk as the annoying younger brother type, even though he’s a few months older than both you and jeongguk, he’s such a brat lmao
10 weeks
“i’m convinced that my boobs have got bigger- haven’t they gotten bigger?”
so it is one of those days where hoseok is free to come and visit you at the Holy flat 18
it’s become his second home because he comes by so often
seunghee isn’t so weirded out by her professor being basically one of her friends, and in-fact she tries to abuse this by trying to get him to give her “in-law special treatment”
(“i gave you special treatment on your ugly volcano!” “OI the mother of your child helped make that volcano!!!”)
he really doesn’t give any bias tho he basically passes everybody
“i mean,” hoseok begins, and you move between his legs for him to get a good angle. considering you two haven’t been ‘together’ long, you’re incredibly comfortable around him. “yeah, actually. wow, they have!”
“rIGHT? none of my bras fit me anymore. oh god, i’m gonna have to start buying granny bras- do you think they’ll get that big?”
“it’s possible. all women increase in size during pregnancy. actually, some can lose weight instead of putting it on.”
“not me.”
“no, but you look healthy and gorgeous and i like it.”
you giggle- the same giggle he remembers you doing on the Big Night- and shuffle into some bigger trousers that you and haseul went to buy a few days ago
clothes just aren’t fitting anymore and so while you’re upgrading to trendy maternity-style clothes haseul and seunghee are super excited to go to town with outfits they can make from your wardrobe
“well, good! because you’re stuck with me for the next….like, nine months.”
“technically, it’s seven months now.”
you glare
“but i’m gonna still be here after those seven months!!!”
“good!!! you better be,” you shuffle over to sit next to him with your legs around him- one behind and one over his lap and he smiles down at you, “because i’m growing fond of you.”
“well that’s convenient, because i’m rather fond of you, too.”
outside the door, jimin starts laughing “wtf it’s 2018 who says fond anymore?”
12 weeks :)
this morning you realise
i’m actually pregnant pregnant
you’re starting to show now and honestly...looking at it, you realise how creepy baby bumps are
“oh my GOD, seunghee come look at it now it’s gotten really big!”
it’s not even that big
but it’s bigger
seunghee is so excited about this fact
the flat have been taking pictures of the bump every week and printing it so they can keep a timeline for when honey is born
jeongguk and seunghee are still dead set on honey being a little baby boy but haseul is trying to convince them otherwise
“we’re calling her honey for now, right? so, what i have planned, is, we buy her a bee onesie. representing both bees AND the bee movie. worlds best dressed baby.”
you started to develop a fear of going to class because you’re unsure on how people will take the news that you’re pregnant
you’re not that much of a popular person but everybody in the class knows you well enough to know that you’re not the type to sleep around
so it would be a valid shock to hear that you’re pregnant
but you have to go because you can’t afford to miss anymore classes
and you also have to….break the news to your professors because at some point you’re going to have to have a lot of time off to pop out a human being
“he’s the size of a plum by now, isn’t he?”
jeongguk is particularly excited about honey this morning and he has literally not shut up about them since you got into class
“yes, THEY are about the size of a plum- did seunghee tell you that?”
“omg no im a good best friend and i did all my research!! it’s so cute that they compare honey to fruits online- next week he’s gonna be as big as a lemon!”
class is….just your luck, pretty busy today
most students are in the drawing rooms and a few are drawing a still life model
jeongguk gets right to work finishing his final project while you head to the office to speak to your professor, who is really lazy and sits in his office all day and doesn’t even supervise
professor choi, the lovely lady who ends up running all classes, is the dearest angel and you’re ready to chat to her next
professor bowen, your grouchy art professor, is literally so :| when you break the news
like he could not give two shits
he puts down his coffee and is like “oh. well, i couldn’t tell. congratulations, talk to the dean about your maternity dates. and shut the damn door behind you.”
damn sir okay
professor choi <3 is so <3 excited <3
she immediately goes to touch your stomach and then quickly stops herself like “oops, silly me! i remember when i had my first child i was so picky with who could touch my belly!! heeheehee how many weeks are you darling!!”
she’s already getting so excited and inviting herself to the birth
like please professor choi
we love you but please don’t turn up for the birth
she keeps making invitations to bring the baby to classes when they’re born because “obviously im amazing with babies and ooh i just can’t wait to see them! jeongguk- don’t tell me you stepped up and did this all by yourself?”
jeongguk nearly throws up
“EWWWWWWW wtf i mean y/n babe i love you but EWWHJFHJKS why would i want to be with y/n she’s like my annoying sister! no the daddy is ho-”
and you’re like BITCH STOP!!!
“....honestly the best man on planet earth? you definitely don’t know him at all.”
14 weeks :)
“okay, miss l/n. it’s going to feel a little bit cold, but we’re going to put some ultrasound gel on your stomach now, is that okay?”
it’s the day of the ultrasound!!!
for you and hoseok this is the Big moment next to birth because it’s almost like final confirmation that there’s a baby in there
at this point you’re starting to show a lot
it’s big enough for you and flat 18 to know there’s a difference
but tbh if people didn’t know you they might just think you’ve got a few pounds on you and nobody cares at all at uni like literally nobody gives a fuck about what anybody else looks like
hoseok got permission of the dean to get the day off (he told them that his girlfriend was going for an ultrasound and so he just had to be there, and the dean, not knowing any better, was all smiles and said, “of course, professor jung! congratulations! i didn’t know you were expecting, or even dating!”)
because the best thing about being jung hoseok is the fact that he’s well known and it gets him out of trouble sometimes
thankfully the dean is old and dumb and didn’t clock on to the fact that you paid her a visit like a few weeks prior asking about maternity dates :)
jung hoseok’s job: saved
hoseok is holding your hand reassuringly and is sitting to your left, the other hand on your ankle and his leg is going cRAZY it’s just bobbing like heck next to the bed
a part of him is still really sort of insecure because even though the sonographer and nurse present don’t know that hoseok is a professor at your uni, he still feels really weird knowing who he is and how you could do better and could be doing better and more if it weren’t for stupid him not putting on a condom
he is so excited to have this baby but he thinks about that a lot, about how he’s basically ruined your life by putting a baby inside of you
you look incredibly excited though, lying on the bed with your eyes really wide and expectant because omg this is your baby!!!!
now that you’re here there’s some finality
ever since you found out you were pregnant there had been so many doubts but now that you’re here, with hoseok, about to see honey for the first time…
alexa play Despacito cause this is epic
“okay. let’s see what your baby is getting up to in there!”
this sonographer is really enthusiastic apparently
“alrighty. so, as you can see...oh! always a good sign- we have a confirmed heartbeat. usually that puts parents at ease, knowing their baby is all okay and healthy in there!”
and then she starts listing off various body parts but in all honesty you cant see a thing
hoseok is very interested in the screen and his smile gets wider at every body part she lists off
you really should be invested in the baby inside of you but when he smiles like that :( you just wanna grab him and kiss him really deeply
“everything seems to be perfectly fine with your baby, miss l/n. a very beautiful baby. they’re about the size of a peach right now, isn’t that just incredible?”
hoseok’s grinning like it’s his default facial expression
he squeezes your hand really tight and kisses it three times
“that’s our baby,” you say, still in motherly awe. “they’re real! we did THAT!”
“yeah, we did,” he replies, lips still pressed against your skin. “i’m proud of you.”
“i haven’t done anything yet!”
but really you have
to him you’re one of the bravest people he’s ever met in his entire life and he knows it must be so so hard for you to accept the fact that you’re having a baby aged 20 during uni
not that it’s uncommon but it’s just….not particularly ideal? at this moment in time?
“im so happy right now.”
“me too, baby.” you squeeze his hands, “me too!!!! our baby!!!! honey is the size of a peach already!!!”
he starts laughing
hoseok is just so overwhelmed with emotions he genuinely feels like he might cry rn
“i’m so happy it’s with you,” he says honestly and like the nurse is like :’) and you’re like :’o “it could have been anyone at any point in my life, but i’m so glad it’s with you.”
you look at him in awe
because that’s the most romantic thing anybody has ever said to you
you tug him gently by the hand and he brings himself forward and
you believe this is the first kiss he has given you since the “big shindig” (for some reason, flat 18 are obsessed with calling everything a shindig and so it just sort of stuck)
so it’s a big deal
and it’s also at the place where your pregnancy was confirmed
it’s perfect
the nurse is like AWWWWWWWWW
the sonographer is just like “anyways ! do you want to know the gender !!!”
you and hoseok have talked about maybe finding out sooner
it would put flat 18 at rest knowing if honey is a girl or a boy
but deep down it’s like...if honey is a boy or a girl for definite you don’t want the nickname honey to go away when you start referring to it as a name you both like...and plus like isnt it way too early
hoseok is happy with whatever choice you want because he likes the element of surprise
you two decided a couple of days ago that it could be super cute to have a reveal party
jimin was particularly excited about that idea (“I’M GONNA MAKE THE CUPCAKES”)
“um actually, can you like put it in an envelope!! we want to have a reveal party so it’s gonna be a surprise for now!”
the nurse and stuff are like “omg yes of course!!” and so it’s sealed away in a little envelope
“i can’t believe we’re actually like...almost parents,” hoseok says on the way back to the car.
“i know. it’s so weird. i can’t believe WE’RE having a kid together.”
hoseok helps strap you in because he’s one of THOSE expecting fathers who like as soon as he knows it’s happening he’s cautious about EVERYTHING
literally everything
falling out of bed when he’s staying over? not allowed, he’s making pillow barriers
tripping over rugs? the rug is being rolled up and put away
hotel? trivago
“it’s actually super funny to me because like i always fantasised about boning the Daddy of biology and look at where we are right now!!”
he starts the car- “the ‘daddy of biology’? what??”
and you’re like, “oh yeah oops haha basically i had a fat old crush on you and we all started calling you that.”
“i’m...honoured? well i knew you had a crush on me already, heehee”
as he pulls out of the hospital he glances over and grins to himself. “if it makes you feel better, i remember telling yoongi about the cute friend of seunghee who comes to my class every other day. yoongi made fun of me for weeks afterwards, and now look at us!!”
(yes it boosts your ego a little bit)
when christmas comes around hoseok makes an ultimate surprise
you end up showing off the baby scan like it’s a broken wrist in primary school because everybody wants to see the little honey
jeongguk is CONVINCED he can see a penis and so he’s like 98% sure it’s a baby boy
haseul tells him several times that it’s literally honey’s foot but he’s having none of it
you call your mom and tell her that you’re coming to see her in early january
(specifically january 4th)
she’s weirdly suspicious about it but nonetheless excited
hoseok has made plans for you to meet his family just afterwards so you’re going to be showing off the scan quite frequently
flat 18 don’t like doing gifts at christmas but jimin always bakes goodies for the flat
this year you’re particularly upset because you have yet to taste jimin’s christmas cookies and you already took your recommended amount of sugar by the time his cookies are done
“one cookie won’t hurt honey,” seunghee says
“i’m not taking aNY risks with it!!!”
hoseok makes a stop by the flat after you’ve had your first christmas dinner as a flat <3 aw
he shocks everybody when he walks in because he’s gone the extra mile and got gifts for everybody in the flat
“it’s just a way of me saying thanks for looking after my babies,” he says as he hands out the gifts
you can literally feel jeongguk’s smirk
and of course !!! he got you like three gifts because you’re secretly like the love of his life
even though it’s really not a secret but still
he mostly gets you the typical christmas things like things he knows you wanted (like that sailor moon designer ring that you don’t need really but omg its gorgeous and you want matching)
the last gift is really small and you’re like :O because the small gifts are usually the super thoughtful ones
it’s keys….
you’re almost like “HUH”
then it clicks
hoseok bought the place you and him went to check out a few weeks back (the one just a few minutes away from the flat and campus)
he’s all giggly and happy when you start BLUBBERING about how you own a house and now you can get a nursery and omg no more listening to jimin and jeongguk screaming over super smash ultimate in the living room
“because i think it’s time we live together, as a family, you know?” he says, holding you in his arms and kissing your face really sweetly. “it’ll be so good, living with my girlfriend and soon enough, my baby.”
“well, yeah baby, of course. wanna be my girlfriend? please?”
you cry even more
“wtf yes of course i do :(”
(flat 18 are extremely territorial and are only settled and content with you leaving when hoseok takes them to the house and they’re like :D okay we’re coming over every weekend)
((haseul cries when she sees the room that’s gonna be the nursery))
15 weeks ^_^
“what if your mom beats my ass?”
today is january 4th which means it is the day that hoseok is going to meet your family
and also the day they are going to indirectly meet the little honey :’)
honey is now the size of a navel orange according to the website that everyone in flat 18 has pinned on their laptop chrome browser
which is really cute
jimin is the flat 18 member who likes to call honey everything but honey and recently started nicknaming them after the fruits on the website
so he’s like, “good morning little satsuma!” or “hello navel orange, how are you?” when he sees you around the flat
you’re probably going to be officially moved out by next week which is really exciting teeheehee
“she won’t….probably. my mom is really nice! she’ll like you!”
“will she still like me when she finds out i teach biology to seunghee?”
“yes probably, i don’t think she really knows what that means.”
“what, biology?”
“no, i don’t think she’ll realise that you’re a professor at my- you know what, never mind that. did you lock the car?”
since christmas and becoming hoseok’s official girly, you two have just been closer than ever
hoseok is still really cautious about the baby stuff because this is obviously his first baby ever
he’s that person who thinks having sex will like kill the baby
of course, he did try it once
just to say he’d had sex with a pregnant lady
“that’s one for the bois.”
“what bois, you don’t have any friends, baby.”
“NOT true i have like 3 friends!!”
when hoseok timidly knocks on your mom’s front door he’s so so nervous when a big buff man opens the door instead
inside he’s like wtf i thought y/n’s dad was like GONE
but then you’re like “oh hi daren! yeah, this is my boyfriend, hoseok, hoseok this is my mom’s boyfriend!”
you didn’t tell hoseok just because you got pleasure seeing him look so terrified at the thought of telling ur Dad that he knocked you up
thankfully you’re not close enough to daren for him to have any protective feelings for you
not like a close dad would anyway
when he meets your mom it’s literally like meeting an older You
your mom is so nice :(
she greets hoseok really really excitedly and is all for embarrassing you within 5 minutes of you coming home
“did you know that it’s been exactly four years and five months since y/n came home with a BOY? she never comes home with anybody!!! i thought she was joining a nunnery!!!”
like omg…..so funny…...really, like, joke of the year
your sister is also here and she’s looking at hoseok like -_o because…. “i’ve seen you somewhere…”
now you’re shaking
omg does she KNOW
“i mean, he was at [cousin’s name]’s wedding hahahha...that’s probably how u know him….small world.”
“ew what do you MEAN he was there- he’s not family is he?”
“wtf no he’s a friend of [groom’s name] wtf Why would i be dating him if he was family What is wrong with you?”
you guys have a nice little snack and tea together and hoseok starts to feel really comfortable
but then Mrs y/n puts down her tea and sits back in her chair, slapping her thighs: “alright then. so what’s this big surprise you have for us?”
oh yeah he forgot about the fact that you’re having his kid and you’re about to drop the news
suddenly he wants to throw up the brownies he just ate
and your sisters blue shirt looks like a perfect place to throw up <3
“well, it’s kind of been a surprise to us all, actually,” you begin, and you take hoseok’s hands in your own and your sister narrows in on it and she knows like right away
she thought she saw the bump but didn’t want to mention it because You’re the sensitive sister and if it was just weight gain she didn’t wanna handle you crying everywhere
but now she knows and she sits back in her seat and starts to smile
she wants to say something but hoseok looks at her like owo please don’t say anything sis
(she doesn’t)
“but, me and hoseok are in a very...close relationship-”
“oh god you got married didn’t you.”
“um, no, but, i’m sure that’s in the future, right? y-yeah? right, yeah, um…”
“it’s not something we’re discussing right now,” hoseok blurts out. “but, i mean, i want to? soon? like later?”
your mom is literally there like “well what is it????”
“.....i’m pregnant.”
your mom is shook to the core
she really doesn’t believe you until you whip out the baby scan
and she starts sobbing
like full on sobbing like she’s just been punched in the face by bowser
daren is all smiles and is like “wow congrats!”
your sister hugs both you and hoseok and says to hoseok in his ear “can you please sign my copy of “ouch mitosis” because it’s my favourite book and i totally knew you were famous the moment you walked in” and pulls away and is like “im so excited to be an aunt!!! what’s the gender!!! when are they due!!! what are you gonna call them!!!!”
needless to say your sister leaves with a signed copy of hoseok’s big money book
and your mom is now 100% hooked on the baby being called honey
week 17 :-)
you and hoseok are now homeowners officially !!!!!
flat 18 have come down to visit as a sort of moving in house-warming party and hoseok invited his “three friends” (by friends he means work colleagues lmao)
jimin is still weirded out by the fact that professor jung heard him talking about his fantasy of having professor min inside his GUTS and so tries to avoid hoseok and yoongi when they are together
hoseok also cannot forget hearing that :-( his ears :-( are tainted :-(
it’s your first real time meeting hoseok’s friends
like you’ve never really met namjoon or seokjin but you know of them
because everybody knows about the married Gays of your uni like it made the news and everybody was invited to their after party last year
(yes you went but only like for fifteen minutes because you remembered that you had an art history essay due the next morning that hadn’t been done)
for the sake of you and honey, seunghee tries not to be weirded out by the fact that so many members of staff are at your house and wtf hi professor min WHY are you here again
“can i touch?” seokjin asks really suddenly after hoseok is showing yoongi and namjoon the room that will be the nursery
currently it’s empty with like one box and that one box is full of clothes haseul ordered on impulse
“um. yes!!”
“are you sure? i know some moms get really protective over who touches and i don’t wanna overstep-”
“put ur freakishly big hand on my belly right now!”
he does and he gets really excited touching because he’s never actually touched a baby belly before
namjoon is most excited about the nursery and he’s listing off things hoseok could get
like “OOOO you could totally get one of those really big stuffed bears if you’re going for neutral tones- wait, that’s such a good idea? i’ll order one.”
and hoseok’s like mm okay sweetie sure whatever spend your money on me it’s okay
yoongi is really just. in awe of the baby scan
like it’s not even his baby and he’s tearing up like wtf that’s his niece or nephew that’s his mf baby!!!!!! that’s gonna be the person he spends all his cash on!!!!! he’s so excited to be broke and baby whipped!!!
“and so what, you’re like seventeen weeks?”
“yep! i’m almost four months uwu!!! honey is as big as a pomegranate, how cute!! time flies when you’re having fun huh!”
seokjin pauses and asks the big question like “but like what are you going to do about maternity? are they letting you have days off school? because i can totally send one of my sociology kids to take notes in your lectures because i have authority apparently and you’re like. family? i could do that.”
and you’re like “omg pls no that kid needs their own education!!!” and you tell him that your professors and the dean let you have time off near the due date (which should probably be around june!! a summer babie)
“but it sucks because i wanted to have a gender reveal party and invite some people from uni but then they’re gonna find out that hoseok is the dad and he could like lose his job :(”
and then seokjin is like: “wait but you study art and not biology?”
… “what do you mean?”
“well, policy says that you can’t have a relationship between a teacher and their student. but if you’re in completely different departments….and he doesn’t teach you, therefore can’t have bias over your grades or anything like that…..then really you’re allowed to be with him.”
“since when is that a thing????”
“since like. the day our uni was founded?????”
ob viously when hoseok finds out he’s like O____O “how did you know that omg??”
and seokjin is so done he’s just sitting there with his face looking like this -__-
“it’s literally in the Faculty Handbook that you’re supposed to read before you join the uni as a teacher…”
and hoseok scoffs and grins sheepishly, “yeah well yoongi got me the job so i didn’t read any of that.”
(from across the room jimin groans)
((“so i guess this means i can’t seduce yoongi at a family wedding huh.”))
week 20 :’)
you have somehow adopted the name of “campus milf”
which jimin doesn’t think is that bad of a nickname
“it could be worse, y/n. let that sink in.” and he’s right it really could be worse
nobody actually really cares that you’re pregnant like really they could care less
some students say weird things but it doesn’t really bother you bc like lmao? who even are you Jongin Get out of here!
people aren’t 100% familiar with hoseok being the father but it goes without saying that it will be around campus in less than 15 hours because majority of the art department were present for the gender reveal and oh look
jeongguk invited taehyung and taehyung invited his friends and now there’s a whole bunch of jocks at the gender reveal party?????
the party is obviously at your house
you invited your close family and flat 18 of course and jeongguk invited taehyung who invited his girlfriend binnie and his roomie jackson and jackson, being part of the football team, invited some of the jocks
you would have cared if the jocks hadn’t brought gifts but half of them turned up with a gift or food and so you’re like “okay well come on in boys i’m y/n hi we’ve literally never ever met”
it looks really funny seeing jocks in their fucking JERSEYS (like they couldn’t have changed for this one occasion) standing around your backyard with glasses of wine
oK maybe jeongguk has a vodka and dr pepper but that’s because he did blow up all the balloons from his lungs alone and he deserved a reward
hoseok invited his family too and his friends and that’s about it
your art professor is also here too and she is technically half of the art department (or half of those you care about because weird quiet kid Jisung didn’t wanna show up which is honestly really rude and suddenly you’re not friends anymore)
even though this party technically reveals the gender, you both asked for “gender neutral” clothes and by gender neutral you meant any colour besides the stereotypical blue and pink
because what if honey really likes the colour green? what then
you and hoseok let jimin be in charge of the reveal party and he’s done a pretty good job
for some reason he’s wearing his hoodie up and you’re like “literally what the fuck it’s sunny today?”
and he’s all surrender hands: “that’s exactly why. i don’t...like the sun.”
“what do you mEAN??????? you love the sun don’t lie??!!”
a couple of weeks ago you and hoseok made another visit to the hospital to see if the gender was 100% accurate
the process was weirdly fast and the sonographer was like “lol yeah it’s right” and then dipped
so when you have jimin the envelope he has peeped and done the thing
“haha lol i knew it.”
“no you didn’t??????”
but he did a really lovely job; there’s a cluster of balloons and cakes decorated with the Blue and Pink and there’s like a cute game on like guess the gender or something you don’t really care much about
hoseok’s family really want it to be a boy <3
mrs y/n wants it to be a girl and so does your sister <3
you don’t really care just as long as the baby is okay and healthy <3
when it’s time to reveal the gender jimin has decided that a fantastic way to do that is by giving you and hoseok like one of those party poppers that when it pops it bleeds like coloured confetti and stuff
you actually really like the idea because it’s not as awkward as a cake where you cut and it’s awkwardly long and the reaction feels kind of forced (you youtubed reveal parties)
so this one is really like a quick reaction so hopefully it will feel a lot more genuine!
“are you ready, baby?”
hoseok has one arm wrapped firmly around your waist and oh LAWD
he’s doing the smile
you know the smile
you nod and grin at him like “yep! let’s see who honey really is!!!”
so everybody is ready
so excited
jeongguk is filming like he can feel it in his bones rn that this babie is gonna be a boy
like it’s gonna be his son...half son….almost son….technically his non biological son
everybody does a countdown
hoseok smiles super excitedly
he kisses your lips super fast and laughs quietly
he’s so excited
wait what
you can feel your stomach CHURNING when the party popper releases literally nothing but black and white confetti
what just happened?
what does black and white mean?
you’re looking desperately between hoseok and the popper and then back to jimin who’s faking a :O by the patio doors
jeongguk is like “aw fuck should i restart?”
“omg is it a dud? what happened is this a busted popper please say it is omg is there something wrong with honey? is honey okay? oh my god is honey dead? oh my god why would we party pop that?????”
hoseok’s like “omg calm down it’s just a dud omg it’s okay”
you’re literally like about to cry
then jimin steps forward
and everybody looks
“yall gonna stress me the fuck out”
and in a viral video like fashion
he yanks down his hoodie and
oh wow
his head is a giant mop of blue
everybody starts screaming and clapping and jeongguk is laughing his ASS off like this shit about to be the blurriest gender reveal video ever
“omg a boy!!! a boy!!! y/n we’re having a son!!! omg y/n our baby!!! our little honey!!!”
hoseok is over the freaking moon
like he has not been this excited since the first baby scan
you actually start crying now
“i’m not CRYING it’s just the pregnancy…. ok fuck OFF IM CRYING IM SO HAPPY!!! i’m having a son!!!!”
time for haseul to be both happy and sad at the same time
seunghee and jeongguk are like sucking eachothers titties right now like they are so hyped
“TOLD YOU !!!! I KNEW IT!!!!!”
hoseok brings you in for the biggest and longest kiss Ever
like you haven’t had many long kisses with hoseok because it’s been trying to build up a relationship time for the past three months of your life
but this kiss is so loving you almost faint
he brings you in so gently and holds your head in his hands
one thumb rubs across your cheekbone and wow. this kiss...is so good like are those stars???
“i love you.”
“i love You more,” you whisper against his lips and he makes this really cute noise at the back of his throat (kinda like one of those whines you do where it’s like too good to be true) and he kisses you again
jeongguk zooms in
“look at this….ugh, no respect for any single people here.”
(for a brief moment jimin’s bleached blue scalp goes unnoticed until yoongi compliments him on it)
((he disappears for like fifteen minutes in the toilet and yoongi doesn’t wanna know what he was doing))
22 weeks!!!!
hoseok really probably shouldn’t find you sexy right now
you keep going on and on and on about how un-sexy you are with swollen ankles and stuff
in his opinion you’re looking really good considering and he won’t say it but the weight gain looks good on you and it gives you a nice natural #dewy look that he really loves
he remembers how cautious he was about having sex with you at like. what? 10 weeks
character development time
he’s very aware of the research and the facts and so when you shuffle over to him and huff and act all extra EXTRA touchy he’s just knows
“omg are you horny AGAIN”
and he doesn’t really care that you’re big and pregnant and yeah actually your ankles are kinda swollen but it’s fine
hoseok discovers that he actually really likes pregnancy sex
pregnancy sex always scared him bc omg what if my dick touches my KID that would be all levels of weird
but he is like a biology professor and knows that’s not realistic (he thinks)
and like he was aware that at some point during pregnancy, your body is gonna be producing a lot more fluid
but my GOD
he nearly bust a nut after 3 seconds because he just slid right in
unlike the big shindig 22 weeks ago, hoseok is so so SO careful during pregnancy sex
like he’s extra loving and strokes your hair and kisses your face and arms and stomach
he loves kissing ur tummy :(
esp after sex because he’s like “im sorry honey :( i know you must be traumatised in there.”
but in the moment he really does take advantage of the fact that your hormones are going crazy and it’s not gonna last forever
you’re a talker in bed and he knows that
you’re very vocal about how things feel and some of the things you say really get to his ego like his head is so big rn
“oh...OH, omg, yep, you found it, oh fuck- yes! hoseok, yes, right there-”
and you sound so fucking hot but he can’t be rough bc like Honey is gonna be SCARRED FOR LIFE
your thing is saying i love you during sex
like a lot
hoseok finds it so endearing that you talk and whine with like every thrust and then spill out a thousand “i love you’s” in under thirty seconds as you cum <3 because <3 that’s his girl <3 that’s the love of his life <3 and she loves him back <3 heeheehee
his heart swells with pride
((hoseok also gets extremely turned on that one time you call him daddy during sex and he HAS to find out how to get rid of that kink before honey gets here))
23 weeks :P
as promised, you invite seunghee to help you and hoseok paint the nursery
jimin came too but he literally did nothing
all he did was sit on the floor looking at baby furniture like
jimin sweetie these walls aren’t gonna paint themselves
you have decided on a cream and beige coloured nursery
because it’s unisex and also makes the room feel really bright and clean and nice for when honey arrives
hoseok loves yellow and since the nursery is primarily your favourite colours, a lot of smaller accessories are yellow around the room
seunghee had so much fun looking for ~yellow~ items because “monkeys totally match the theme and omg this mobile is monkeys and bananas its already on its way i’ve just ordered it.”
the nursery takes roughly around a week to get done completely
alongside your studies, some other art students who are now very aware of the baby and the bump helped paint some of the furniture while you were catching up on some work
example a: you accidentally ordered a dark brown chester drawers and when it arrived you cried for like 45 minutes
jeongguk asked some kids from class to come by your house after class and help paint it so you didn’t feel so stressed and so you could actually finish your art assignments in prep for exams
hoseok and jeongguk helped put up the crib because “this is not a one man job, y/n, this...this is a test of skill.”
yoongi comes around often to look at the nursery and he’s the person who won’t buy anything until the baby is out and in the world
namjoon definitely does buy the huge stuffed bear for the corner of the room and often you catch seunghee asleep against it because she comes by the nursery so often to help you and hoseok make it perfect
because hoseok has a full time job that really requires all of his time and sometimes he can’t be working on the nursery and marking essays at the same time :(
“hee, can you pass me the blankets from that box over there?” you point to a collection of boxes by the wardrobe and seunghee nods, practically running over
you’re both working on the nursery (it’s friday afternoon and classes are over, but unfortunately hoseok had to finish a meeting and he’s currently in his office ((at home)) finishing these essays for the weekend)
yoongi called and said he’d be round later because he wants to check in on honey (and you of course) and he’s also coming for dinner because it’s normal to invite jimin’s physics professor around
it’s totally fine
at this point you sort of forget that he’s a professor
yoongi has become like a permanent figure in your life since hoseok and you moved in
like flat 18, he’s literally always over
seunghee fishes out like three blankets because lord knows you have about three hundred thanks to haseul and namjoon and their impulsive buying
the nursery is basically finished at this point
all you’re doing is adding blankets and a few cute little pillows to the crib and then
hey pasta
it’s done :)
“y/n, i really can’t wait for honey to be here.”
you turn slightly and see seunghee running her hands over the chester drawers, looking at the cute little decorations and pictures on the wall and the monkey mobile and, her favourite part, the little bee wall stickers that hoseok found and thought were cute (“we call him honey, it seems fitting!”)
“me too,” you reply super honestly, setting down the blanket. “if you had told me at the start of september that i’d be here right now, in a house i own, pregnant with jung hoseok’s baby...i would have seriously laughed in your face.”
“i’m just...so happy that everything is working out for you!”
it’s time for seunghee to get especially sappy
“and i know that having a baby at twenty can be really hard and it hasn’t been easy for you- but i’m 100% here for you whenever you need me and i’m so so so so happy that jimin introduced us as friends because i love having you in my life….even though you slept with my biology professor….it’s okay….i love you so much….you’re like my sister and i’m so excited for honey have i said that i’m excited yet? cause i am!!!”
you blame pregnancy hormones because you start sobbing when seunghee blurts out all these lovely things
like how she’s grateful to be helping you in the nursery and how she thinks you and hoseok are such a good match and how she misses having you around the flat <3
“seunghee…” you bring her in for such a tight cuddle
seunghee is definitely that friend who even though she’s older she feels like the little baby sister that you want to protect from all harm on earth
even though she’s the oldest out of the flat 18 gang, you all look to her as like a baby sibling
(minus jeongguk that ONE TIME he made out with her….yes you remember the text message)
so you’re just hugging her in the middle of the nursery
hoseok is just about finished with essays and he refrains from like screaming out of joy
he loves being a professor but fucking hell
some of the GARBAGE his students write because they know he’s the cool professor who takes it easy on his kids
so he’s already packing everything away when he pauses
...is that...SQUEALING??
what’s happening??????
he assumes the worst and ZOOMS out of the office towards the nursery where you and seunghee are
safe to say that he’s so thankful nothing bad is happening
you’re holding your stomach with the widest eyes and smile and seunghee is like SQUEALING LIKE A DAMN PIGLET
“is everything okay???? what happened???? is honey okay?????? are you okay?????”
he blinks so confused when you wave your hands at him and beckon him closer
seunghee is like crying to the side of the room and hoseok has both hands on your stomach
honey stopped kicking when hoseok put his hands on there
and he was like :( oh
“maybe he went to sleep?” seunghee doesn’t want hoseok to feel bad about it
you put your hands over his and then stroke your tummy
“it’s okay, honey, it’s just daddy! say hi to daddy?”
hoseok’s like seconds away from crying
like omg R His Eyes Filling Up
but then
honey starts kicking again
and hoseok goes from :’( to :’D in like 2 seconds
“oh my god he knows it’s me!!! hi honey!!!! hi!!!”
he drops to his knees so that he can be level with the stomach and around about where honey is kicking
“hi honey! it’s your daddy,” he puts on this really cute cooing voice Like the typical baby talk voice
seunghee is texting the flat like HONEY KICKED ME
“he knows your voice,” you say with a little laugh, one hand on your tummy and the other threading through hoseok’s hair
“this is amazing,” he mutters, and then kisses your tummy and smiles, “did you feel that, honey? can you hear me?”
“omg yes i think he can hear you holy SHIT-”
“don’t swear in front of honey!!!”
“he HURTS!”
everybody forgot that jimin was still here because he was napping in the living room and so he comes in really late and is like “OMG HONEY IS KICKING? WHY DIDN’T ANYBODY TELL ME??”
honey seems to be familiar with a lot of voices
he obviously really likes mommy’s voice and when she talks to him he likes to kick every once in a while
honey really loves daddy’s voice because when hoseok does his daily chit-chat honey goes crazy
honey also knows jeongguk’s voice really well
jimin is afraid to go near honey because he kicked him when he went to kiss your tummy
he also kicked haseul but she was like “OOOH HE HEARD ME!!!!” and doesn’t let it bother her because!!! she felt the kick!!!! that’s her nephew!!!!
26 weeks (yawn)
it’s starting to hit
the Pregnancy Pains
up until now you’ve been pretty blessed and actually it’s been a nice pleasant journey
but good grief it’s 4:56am and everything hurts
you physically cannot stay in bed any longer
for a moment you actually get really panicked because oh GOD labour is gonna be so much worse than this
like this is nothing
girl you have no idea what’s coming
hoseok has learned to become a light sleeper
you have a really weird sleeping schedule during pregnancy and sometimes he’d wake up at 6am to go to work and you’re already up doing stuff and he gets home at like 6pm sometimes and you’re flat out, then waking up at 3am to continue the day because you were in agony
so when you wake up at (nearly) 5am on a SATURDAY he’s like already up
his body clock is so weird now thanks to you and your weird sleeping habits
“hurts?” hoseok asks rubbing your back as you’re slumped over the side of the bed. he barely catches a nod and kisses your temple and hugs you, “i read on that baby website that baths can help ease the pain sometimes. should i run one?”
you nearly CRY
“yes yes Yes please omg :(”
so that’s how he got to where he is right now
sitting on the bathroom floor running a bath
he’s so careful to get the temperature right and he spends a good three minutes deciding which lush bath bomb is going to be used
(he settles on “honey bee” which was actually a gift he got you on valentines day but you never got around to using) ((he was skeptical because of the colours but baby is called honey so he thought it would be cute)) (((you loved it)))
you hobble into the bathroom and he’s just about finishing it up, running his fingers in the water to make sure it’s not toooOOO hot
you love watching the colours fizz in the bath and so naturally you have to be there to see it happen
seeing all the yellows was pretty exciting and hoseok’s just like :D watching you get happy by the colours
hoseok helps you get undressed as you just talk on and on and on
how do you have so much energy at like 5am in the morning…
he can’t help but notice how much you are GLOWING
like he hasn’t really seen many pregnant women
if any at all besides you
but you really look so pretty and natural and just wow he’s full of love
as you sit down in the bath, you grip onto his hand as he moves to get more comfortable and you’re like “do you wanna get in with me!!!”
“baby, i don’t think i’m gonna fit.”
“you will i promise, get in here!”
he’s skeptical
“yea...i don’t think im gonna fit, love.”
oh he does
he fits
if he fits he sits and he FITS
he really underestimated how wide this bath was and he sits with his back near the taps and you’re facing him
you have enough room to put your legs on either side of him and you’re like sitting between his legs and in all honesty the tummy is the only thing between you and him and his dick
but like you’ve seen it before you don’t care
and he certainly doesn’t care about seeing any bits of you bc your his bABY thats his GIRL
“this smells amazing.”
“yeah, smells like-”
with hoseok being like. a full time professor and with you trying to make it to classes in between awful pregnancy pains, it’s hard to find time to spend with you because he’s really busy
sometimes you do actually go to class and end up like falling asleep on the desk and professor choi is like torn between letting you stay there or sending jeongguk to get you and take you home
“thank you for this, hoseok.”
:D “hey, hey, hey...anytime you need anything, i will do it, okay?”
“i know babe and you’ve been so so so so helpful these past few months and i know it must have been hard and a big adjustment but im just so glad you’re here and that we’re raising a family together like this means so much to me that you’re here with me and i just love you a LOT okay like a lot-”
“y/n l/n!” hoseok playfully cuts you off and holds your face in his hands (his signature pussy-throbbing move)
his hands are wet and now so is your face but you really don’t care
“you are,” he continues, “the love of my life. i couldn’t let you do this alone. meeting you, being with you- starting a family with you has been one of the best experiences of my whole life. and i wouldn’t change that for anything!!! i love you so much, and i love you even when you’re cranky, and i love you when you ask for really disgusting things to eat, and i love you when you sing to honey in the mornings. i’m just...so in love with you and honey, i can’t even put it into words!!!”
and he starts speaking so damn fast
like you BARELY catch it
“and you’re thebest thing that has ever happened to me and introducing you to my family was the proudest moment of my life and we’re gonna be the best parents ever and god i love you more than anything i would Die for you.”
“...i think writing a best selling book is probably more worthy of pride than boring old me.”
“books are like a ten man job thing. you and me and honey are a two person job thing and i’m so proud of us, so proud of you :(”
he draws you in with a really soft kiss and its so. soft. and nice.
yep his dick is right up against honey right now
honey, sweetie, im so sorry oh god close your eyes baby close ur eyes
“we should get out soon bc this water is looking really ugly.”
“yeah i agree let’s get out”
30 weeks :3
<Y/N has created a new chat!>
from haseul: eye
from y/n: baby shower. 2 weeks time. my house. bring gifts or food
from y/n: preferably mustard sandwiches or sardines :)
from guk: thats fucking NASTY nobody bring that
from hoseok: last week she wanted meatballs and milk………….
from guk: do pregnant women deserve rights? be honest
from y/n: well looks like guk is no longer invited :)
from guk: NO PLS
from yoongi: why did y/n just privately message me asking for blended sardines Hell nah pregnant women dont deserve rights
from y/n: WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN RN :(
from hoseok: so! bring cakes !!!!!!
from namjoon: i have the best gift ever Not To Brag
from jimin: hi professor min how do you like the weather today
<y/n has removed jimin from the chat>
from y/n: can you let taehyung know the date? i dont have his number but he gave really warm hugs when i last saw him and i want another one
from y/n: tell him to bring his girlfriend too she looks like she’ll bring me a good gift
from hoseok: omg im dating a gold digger….
32 weeks !!!!!!!
“baby showers are technically just a way for the mom to get gifts. this is technically baby exploitation-”
“oh my god jeongguk if you don’t shut up im gonna shove this stick of celery up ur ass”
not that you’re ready to admit it to anybody
but yeah you organised a baby shower just to get gifts
it’s really only small
in comparison to your gender reveal party which was quite large
and even though a lot of expecting moms like having “women only” baby showers
you realise that you really want hoseok to be there
he’s been as important in the process as you have and you wouldn’t want him to feel left out
so this baby shower is open to everybody
again it’s only small: attendees are hoseok, yoongi, namjoon, seokjin, flat 18, hoseok’s mom and sister, your sister and mom, taehyung and his gf and professor choi because she was so excited
that seems quite large but in comparison to the gender reveal party this is really quite small and humble
“i can’t believe it’s almost been 8 months already,” haseul says, already starting on the cupcakes
jimin has started baking things more frequently to keep himself busy during exam season
“mhm!!! not long now!!!”
thankfully hoseok’s mom and sister get on really well together with your family and professor choi is like boring yoongi to death talking about something art related
namjoon and seokjin are taking a look at the finished nursery because hoseok’s really proud of how it turned out
it’s time to open gifts uwu!!!
most of the gifts are for honey
thankfully everybody stuck to the cream theme and there’s a lot of cute cream things for honey to wear and use when he’s born
seunghee keeps buying monkey related things for honey meanwhile haseul is hung up on bees
namjoon buys a lot of bear things
you just hope that honey doesn’t grow up as a furry
jimin and jeongguk are the friends who buy those cringey weirdly inappropriate baby shirts that have quotes like, “daddy’s fastest swimmer!” or like onesies that say “my favourite food is titty!”
you sit there like what the FUCK is this
and jeongguk is like “it’s a shirt !!! honey will look so cute in it!!”
yoongi is weirdly fashionable with his baby clothes
like he has a thing for those teddy coats and he bought like eight in different colours
“honey might like red, you don’t know yet.”
namjoon and seokjin together :( give the cutest gift :(
“oK so most professors end up writing books and stuff-” side eye at hoseok - “and so i just thought that, well, honey is gonna wanna grow up reading and stuff so i made this book!!! well, we made this book. everyone helped somehow and jeongguk drew the pictures and it’s just a little something for honey to grow up with reading”
you wanna cry
hoseok wants to cry
haseul cries
it’s not even for her but she cries
you think it ends there with everybody giving gifts
but oh no
hoseok has a gift??????????????
“this gift is for mommy” he says with a bright smile and out the corner of your eye yoongi is squirming with a smirk
...what does he know that you don’t….
your sister is also smiling……
where’s ashton kutcher…….
you unwrap this little box and open it and
you’re so still staring at this really gorgeously simple ring that you don’t even notice hoseok getting down on one knee
“with honey close on the way, i figured i ought to ask before things get crazy.”
omg you brave looking at him and hes got that look again
“y/n l/n i love you and i wanna spend the rest of my life with you :’) will you marry me?”
there is not a dry eye amongst flat 18 right now
haseul actually has to go outside because omg she’s so happy for you
seunghee teared up a little bit and jimin cried but then started laughing
jeongguk is being so dramatic about it
he’s crying as if his pet dog just died
“i...cant believe….my girl is all grown up….i cant...breathe rn omg…..can someone get me a drink?”
35 weeks :o
finals are here
but since jeongguk and haseul are art (sort of) majors their finals were earlier than other subjects
and so you decide to brave life and visit flat 18 :’)
you see a bunch of people on the way there because apparently a lot of people live off campus and walk at the same time as you
like why is everybody here rn
at this point you get a few more stares because
omg is that y/n l/n she’s HUGE!!!!!
you’re genuinely past caring at this point
you’re huge and your pregnant and you’re confident
jeongguk and haseul are the only ones at flat 18 when you arrive
it feels weird being back but it’s nice because flat 18 was once your home
your room hasn’t really changed much and you discover that . sometimes taehyung stops round and crashes in YOUR ROOM???
and if it’s not taehyung then it can be any one of their friends they invite around
which you’re only slightly hurt about
“jesus CHRIST you’re massive!!!”
“thanks jeongguk that makes me feel soOoooO good about myself <3”
“NO, fuck,” and he pauses because there’s a No Swearing Policy around honey since it’s not apparent that since he can hear everything he can probably hear jeongguk swearing too. “i just meant that! wow honey got really big :D not long now!! five more weeks until due date!!!”
haseul plops down on the other side of you
“i can’t wait until he’s here,” she says. “little honey is already the size of a pineapple- which is really crazy to think about!!”
it’s nice to spend some time with your friends after like weeks of being with hoseok
and don’t get me wrong you LOVE hoseok with like every single cell inside your body
but it’s nice to have some You time
and You time has always involved flat 18 like they’re drugs and you’re the addict you genuinely can’t be away from them because it starts to hit you hard :-(
haseul is like halfway through telling you something when you Feel it
and it feels Disgusting
you freeze and look down at your stomach
and you watch as honey makes a grand appearance
honey sort of “rolls over” and for a moment everyone is like >:O as honey’s whole body is visible moving across your stomach and it’s literally like there’s an ALIEN inside of you
“OMG OMGOGG that was so beautiful!!! honey, do it again for me, we have to film this for your dada!!” haseul runs to get her phone
meanwhile guk is looking at your stomach like “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT”
“i dont know but it felt weird”
you bet that honey is like giggling inside
honey: 1 jeongguk: 0
39 weeks…
at 39 weeks, with the due date so close by, you start to feel like something is really wrong
you did some research and while contractions were normal, this pain doesn’t really feel like contractions?
“baby please talk to me, i need to know what hurts so i can call the hospital and let them know.”
hoseok has never ever had to take a call in lecture before but this time he had to
he is so frantic that he set the lecture to a task and really quietly answered the phone at the front of the class
nobody is stupid and they’re all aware that hoseok and yourself are having a baby and so they really don’t mind that their lecture is being paused by you crying on the phone
“i-i-i don’t know...my body hurts and i can feel h-honey moving but he feels stuck or something...hoseok s-something is wrong i think i need to go to the hospital right now”
hoseok goes into full blown panicked dad mode
seunghee is sitting at the front of the lecture like, “hose-i mean, professor jung, do you need me to go and get another professor?”
he doesn’t reply, obviously distressed, and so she ends up waking up yoongi from a nap saying that she thinks maybe you’re going into early labour???
yoongi lets the head of the department know that hoseok has go to like right now and he enters the lecture hall like, “hoseok you need to go and see if she’s okay, don’t worry, i’ll try and go through the rest of the slides, just go, everything is fine”
and so hoseok BOLTS out of the lecture hall
forgets to set homework
and runs across campus to the car-park whilst still on the phone
(yoongi lets the class go because he really doesn’t know SHIT about Behaviour and Physiology of Organisms)
when hoseok and yourself end up at the hospital you realise that it’s not labour like seunghee thinks but things are equally as worrying
honey is currently in the breech position
“most babies are supposed to have moved at around 36-37 weeks, so it is alarming that your baby is still in breech, miss l/n,” the nurse is particularly sympathetic as she lets you and hoseok know
you’re totally lost but hoseok is holding your hand so tight and is so so worried
it’s not really the end of the world that honey is feet first but it’s problematic and means that labour is gonna be a bit more difficult
“well what does this mean? is he okay?”
“your baby is fine, it’s his position that is concerning. it will be more difficult to birth the baby because of his position in the womb- what is more concerning is that we were aware of this at your last scan. last time we saw you, miss l/n, your baby was in the footling breech position. of course, it was possible that he might shift during the time away, but he is now in the flexed breech.”
“w-well….what does that mean? is he gonna be okay?”
“when you are in labour, we will have two options; we can either go through with a vaginal breech birth, or a caesarean birth, depending on how willing he is to come out.”
when hoseok squeezes your hand you just. cry a little bit
“i dont wanna hurt him omg i dont want to have a c section either wtf i thought i’d just have to push him out oh no”
hoseok is feeling awful :( because what is he supposed to do :(
“so what should we do?” he asks really timidly
the nurse frowns and cleans up her things, “i would only suggest going home and staying at home until due date. it really is not recommended that we induce labour naturally but you need to be very careful. your son is not willing to turn on his own or with our help, so we will see what the situation is like during your very early stages of labour and we can discuss what method we go through with. are we leaning more towards a vaginal birth, miss l/n?”
you’re all snotty and sniffly but you nod. “please :( i really don’t wanna be cut open i saw what bella had to go through and im not doing that”
hoseok scoffs “twilight is not a reliable pregnancy source, baby.”
“i do believe that bella had no real pregnancy equipment and that her vampire husband had to cut the baby out of her without any sort of painkillers. in a worse case scenario, you do have to go through with a caesarean birth, you will be safe and we will do our best to relieve the pain for you.”
well that’s reassuring
when you two get home after a long day of panicking you’re incredibly alarmed to find that flat 18, hoseok’s close friends and your sister are all at your house like ??????? what are YOU DOING HERE
it’s like the spiderman meme
“what am i doing here??? i LIVE HERE??? what are YOU DOING HERE????”
“seunghee and yoongi said you were in labour???”
“well im not!!??? why would you think i was in labour?”
seunghee gets really defensive “UM hoseok was like on the verge of a mental breakdown at the front of the classroom and so it made sense that you were in labour?? im sorry???? at least we’re all here???”
you end up having to explain to a whole bunch of people that you’re NOT about to birth a pumpkin sized baby yet
but it’s really hard telling them that honey is like the wrong way :(
surprisingly it’s jimin and the married kims who are most worried about it
jimin just thinks that this means honey is like in real bad danger and he’s like omg :( my son from another mum :( wtf is honey okay?
and the married kims are never going to go through birth like this and so they do feel really alarmed
after hoseok reassures them that everything is (hopefully) okay everyone is sitting there like
:) ok what now
“....shall we order chinese food?” guk suggests
and so you all end up piled in the living room in weird positions watching hell’s kitchen whilst eating chinese food because :) might as well :)
your due date is like 4 days away
and you’ve been lying awake with really bad contractions for like 2 hours
but you’re so indignant like you refuse to believe you could be going into labour
hoseok is awake too and omg he’s doing his best
like he just doesn’t know how to help besides hugging you
and he does hug you like so closely and his hands running up and down your side and he’s like humming in your ear to try and take your mind off it
“i feel like im gonna fucking SHIT myself wtf”
he cant help but laugh sometimes, “wanna try for the toilet, baby?”
and you’re like “yeah im not really in the mood for like POOPINg in our bed is that okay?”
he’s already up and getting ready to help you walk across the room
lately you’ve been really wobbly whilst walking and in a lot of pain so he does whatever he can to help
he’s at the bottom of the bed and you’ve just stood up
“i think i just peed myself?”
“what? why?”
“i didnt mean to!!!”
and you glance down
and wow thats a lot of pee
and oh my god hoseok has NEVER MOVED SO FAST IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE
he rushes to get all his things and honestly your stuff has been in the living room for the past week just in case
all you need now is to spend at least fifteen minutes trying to decide which book to take because obviously you’re gonna have loooaaaads of time to read
what makes hoseok more panicked is the fact that yOU’re panicked
“omg y/n please calm down i’m driving as fast as i can please please please omg”
hoseok crosses like 2 red lights and he’s freaking out double
you’re an angry birther
as he drives you decide to call jeongguk through the car because #technology
he answers like immediately
“hi babe whats up”
“YES PLEASE TELL EVERYBODY- oh fuck hobi it hurtSSSS i wanna go home im not pushing him out yet-”
in the background guk has dropped his phone and is literally screaming around the house
in the back you can hear all of the flat screaming together because HONEY IS COMING
nobody is calm
when yoongi finds out he literally does not know what to do
when you hang up mid sentence he sits staring at the wall like “....omg”
quite literally everybody is a little stressed out when you’re at the hospital
your room is really nice and you’re like “oh wow hoseok you really spoiled me here, too bad i can’t enjoy it because im pushing out a WATERMELON”
obviously because honey is bum first instead of head first things are a little complicated
you’re actually really far in labour already like your mom said it took her like 5 hours to have your sister but turns out it’s been like 32 minutes exactly since your waters broke at home and the nurses seem to think you’re ready now
“yep!! let’s bring your son into the world!!”
you discover by simply listening to the nurses that you’re going to be attempting an assisted breech vaginal birth and immediately you get panicked and flustered
you promised haseul and seunghee that they could be there during the birth :(
you had offered it to guk at first but he was like “i am nOT ready to see your vagina i’m sorry” and jimin said he wasn’t sure if he was up for seeing you in a lot of pain during the birth
and yoongi didn’t really want to be there for it because he’s a bit like both guk and jimin
hoseok didn’t mind at all that seunghee and haseul were asked to be there
in fact he was really encouraging of that fact
because both of them were there since the start
they watched u pee on those pregnancy tests
so you’re getting really anxious because what if honey comes before they’re here
“miss l/n i need you to breathe for me- please control your breathing! are miss l/n’s scheduled guests here?”
“...they’re in the lobby right now. they’re on their way, miss l/n. keep doing those breathing exercises- yes, there we go!”
hoseok is being nothing but supportive
he’s wiping down your head and holding your hand so tight
“you’re doing amazing, baby, you’re so so brave, i love you”
FINALLY haseul and seunghee bust through the doors
guk, jimin and yoongi are currently like milling around somewhere and your parents and hoseok’s parents have been told the news by guk and yoongi
you’re really fucking scared to have this baby
you did the stupid thing of googling what happens during a breech birth and it made you have a full blown panic attack after reading that honey could die during delivery
now that everything is ready for birth you’re really so scared that honey might not make it
before the midwives prop up your legs on the stirrups you take a good amount of gas an air
an epidural was suggested but hoseok knows that it’s not going to make that much of a difference for honey
and you just want to get him out of you quite honestly Nobody has time for an epidural like just get him out
hoseok feels AWFUL when you’re literally screaming in agony over honey
seunghee and haseul are being so encouraging but all hoseok can do is like stare with tears in his eyes because oh no WHAT HAS HE DONE
the midwives encourage you also with a hands off approach until honey’s bum and bottom half is out
their so vocal and warm like “you’re doing amazing, y/n, just keep pushing!! i can see his feet!!!”
and so you just go for it
you’re mentally praying you don’t like pass out from pushing too hard or worse, shit all over the bed because apparently THAT’S A THING
you’re too busy crying to notice that the midwives look really shocked when honey’s bottom half is out
hoseok gets curious and decides to make sure honey is okay
and he looks and is like “oh WHAT THE FUCK?”
only he doesn’t actually say that
actually he doesn’t say anything
“keep pushing, y/n, h-he’s almost out.”
why are they so hesitant
oh god it hurts so bad
you want to die
you don’t want to have a baby anymore
and then finally
you feel like you can’t breathe but oh my god
the sound of honey SCREAMING is like music to your ears because
but why is everyone acting so WEIRD
you peer up over your legs and take a glance at honey like squirming in the midwives hands
“oh my god his penis fell off!!!!!!!”
honey is a GIRL???????????
you don’t really care that it’s not a boy but like. YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS A BOY
regardless the midwives do their thing and hoseok is back next to you like :O
“you did so well i’m so proud of you i love you so much- you did it! you did it you’re okay honey is okay!”
“honey is a GIRL?”
haseul is torn between being sad and happy because she wanted it to be a girl she kNEW FROM THE START THAT HONEY WAS DESTINED TO BE A GIRL
it turns out that the sonographer was never 100% on it being a boy and all this time the “penis” was probably just a toe or something or a glitch
because honey is definitely a little girl
a precious beautiful little baby girl
hoseok’s baby girl
he totally cries
there are no dry eyes in the birthing room rn
honey is so gorgeous
she definitely has hoseok’s features like she has his eyes and his nose and his ears :(
the midwives let mommy hold honey for a little while
“skin to skin is very important!!! she’s not a little boy like expected, but she’s a perfectly healthy baby!”
if she wasn’t covered in disgusting gloop you would have kissed her all over
but as a mother that instinct is there
you kiss her forehead and her hands and you’re looking up at hoseok like what the fuck we mADE THIS PRECIOUS LITTLE HUMAN
hoseok is crying as if he just had to endure twenty five minutes of agony and had his vagina ripped open
he’s just so happy right now
thats his kid
his emotions have been a big fat rollercoaster like it went from panic when your water broke to major panic when seunghee and haseul hadn’t arrived and then horror when you were like screaming in agony and then shock when he thought that honey’s penis has fallen off during BIRTH because NOBODY EXPECTED HONEY TO PULL THE BIGGEST PLOT TWIST OF THE YEAR
now he’s like over the moon he’s so so so so happy
the nurses help get the placenta out but honestly you’re just numbed like you barely register it shooting out
“okay daddy, wanna cut the cord?”
he’s like “no i really dont it looks like a big weird worm”
he still does it anyway
it’s a weirdly fulfilling experience
when it’s time to clean up little honey, you finally break the news to everyone outside
they’re in a mild state of utter confusion
guk is like “well what happened? did it like. grow inside? where did it go?”
and jimin’s like “oh. so it was just a toe or something”
guk is really a little bit disappointed because he wanted a boy so badly but !!! a baby girl !!! a niece!!!!!
(he figures honey will like dinosaurs and naruto all the same as what boy honey would have)
hoseok has made the bed his bed also
he’s snuggled next to you and you have honey on your chest and she’s sleeping so soundly :’)
“have you guys picked a name?”
guk is halfway through eating the fruit salad that haseul made before leaving to get here on time (“you were late because you were making A FRUIT BOWL?” “IM SORRY I WAS HALFWAY THROUGH MAKING IT AND I COULDN’T JUST LEAVE IT”)
you and hoseok hadn’t thought much about it to be honest
although you had talked about it a few weeks earlier
(“i like the name jiyun for a boy” hoseok had said one evening. the two of you had decided that honey should have a korean name like their daddy and you were a-okay with it!! for the sake of your family you were willing to give him or her an english name that you were still undecided on.
you tested out the name. “jiyun. jung jiyun. omg it sounds really cute! what does it mean!!”
“hmm it can mean many things usually, but its usually meaning happiness and posterity, soft sleekness.”
“oh, so it’s one of THOSE names where it has like three meanings.”
“yeah :D”
you laugh. “okay, and how about a girl?”
“how come I’M the one making the decisions???”
“i’m saying yes or no, i’m helping!!”
hoseok huffs and hugs you closer. “uhh, okay. well. me and yoongi had talked about this, and he agreed that yeojin is a cute name. jung yeojin. it means beautiful and precious.”
you...fall in love with that name
“ngl i kinda want honey to be a girl now.”
“omg just for the NAME??? thats cheap”)
you nod at guk sleepily
the room is actually sort of filled with people
because hoseok wrote a book and was on tv he’s Hashtag special
flat 18 are in the room rn because yoongi had to run to pick up namjoon and seokjin and your parents are still like. not ready or here
hoseok’s family couldn’t be here because they were vacationing in europe and their flight got cancelled
“jung yeojin!”
everyone is really satisfied with that name
“are you giving her an english name, too?” seunghee asks, sitting next to the bed with her finger tucked in yeojin’s grasp
you have this twinkle in your eye as you smile down at yeojin and then up at hoseok
“i think the name honey has quite a ring to it, don’t you think?”
hoseok can’t smile any wider holy fuck
“mhm. i couldn’t agree more.”
(seokjin and namjoon arrive later than expected, but seokjin cries as if he was there for the entire thing.)
this. took. so . long. to. upload. but. i . love /. it
+ for visuals and more info please visit here!!
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Really Long Headcanon Bio Thing
full name. Shigure Kirisame (時雨霧雨) pronunciation. Shi-goo-reh Kee-ree-sah-meh nicknames. Sugar
height. 6′ even age. 21 (I need to update it on blog lol) zodiac. Gemini languages. Hoshidan, common
hair colour.  Light blue eye colour. Golden skin tone.  Pale, but can tan fairly well body type. Lean and not very toned, but quite strong. Especially strong in his lower body accent. Slight Hoshidan dominant hand. Ambidextrous, but leans towards right posture.  A sturdy, upright posture most of the time scars. Many from battle, childhood mishaps, and other such things tattoos. None most noticeable features. Them strong legs
place of birth. Deeprealm hometown.  Unknown birth weight / height. Average manner of birth. Normal delivery first words. “Hi” siblings. Matoi/Caeldori
parents. Azura (mother), Subaki (father) in the default verse parental involvement. They were as involved as they could be, but Shigure still felt very distant from them. Especially his mother. That is, until he left his Deeprealm. He started to grow much closer to them at that point.
occupation. Singer, Order of Heroes member in main verse current residence. Askr close friends. Corrin, Niles, Asugi.... he needs more friends tbh relationship status. Taken in main verse, but I’m multiship so always open to side verses! financial status. Doing alright driver’s license. Nope criminal record. Technically no vices. Wrath, Lust sometimes
sexual orientation. Bisexual romantic orientation. Biromantic preferred emotional role.  submissive | dominant | switch  |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed | unsure libido. Towards the high end believe it or not turn on’s. Lingerie, being given a show turn off’s. blood, too much pain love language. Quality time for sure, and acts of service. Though physical affection is fairly high up there too despite how averse he seems to it at time. relationship tendencies. He’s prone to being... secretive. He doesn’t like people poking around in his business so he’s known for wanting to keep his relationships hidden. Still, he’s quite the romantic when he wants to be. Painting for his partner, singing to them, all that.
character’s theme song. Lost in Thoughts All Alone but the version he sings hobbies to pass the time.  Drawing, painting, singing, birdwatching, Pegasus riding, creature spotting, reading mental illnesses. PTSD, anxiety, probably depression physical illnesses. Using his mother’s pendant gives him chronic pain eventually left or right brained. Right I think? fears. Being hunted/pursued, losing loved ones self confidence level. Depends on the situation. Normally he’s at about a 6 or 7 out of 10 vulnerabilities. Very reclusive, rejecting affection even when he really wants it, which pushes some away and leaves him more lonely than before.
tagged by: stole from @fatedcomrades tagging: steal it binch
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myfriendpokey · 5 years
50 Short Years!
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This January makes a full 5 years since releasing 50 Short Games!
I admit, it is weird to think about.
In general I don’t have very strong feelings about anything I’ve worked on, since anything like that has usually burnt itself out somewhere in the process of making the thing.
But it feels a little startling that this particular game came out 5 years ago, because in many ways I feel like I’m still working somewhere in it’s orbit – it still feels “close” to me in terms of, I guess, setting up the way I’ve been thinking about and working on these things ever since then. I still feel like I’m working out some of the stuff that came up in its production.. compare to older games which can feel like they were made by different, mercifully forgotten, people.
The game is temporarily discounted on itch down to just $1, until valentine’s day - good for friends, good for lovers.
When this first came out, I included a big note file of the processes and ideas and etc that went into it. I have posted that to my website for free to mark this little anniversary. But since a decent bit of time has passed since those impressions, and since I don’t feel like refreshing them, I thought it might be interesting to try writing up a sort of “afterlife” of this game, specifically the ways it sort of covertly turned out to influence what I did for the 5 years after it, as well.
Here are my notes seperated by theme.
- colour - mice - pacing - work / life - gameplay - theme - writing - distribution
- COLOUR: this is a strange one. 50SG felt like the first time I was really aware of / interested in trying to add “colour” as an element I could play with within my games, trying to add it to the lego set along with “rocks” and “little guys”. More colours, interesting colours, colour combinations, games which would be colourful as images. Because I’ve never actually been a very visual person (surprise surprise ha ha ha) and even when I draw, or sculpt, I tend to focus on lines and omit colour as much as possible... When I was a kid I disliked any kind of colouring or painting, as opposed to scribbling, but just before 50SG I’d been working on an uncompleted game with painted textures, and enjoyed it enough to want to explore the effects more.
The reason I call this a strange one is that, mostly - - I failed!!! I feel very aware now of how much of this game is just scratchy line drawings, how little colours are actually used once I'd worked out which ones I preferred working with from the set. I did try to change things up over the course of the series and some games (specifically the Mogey ones) tried to use flat colour or colour patterns more. But when I think about the game now the memories I mostly have are of essentially monochrome or mostly-monochrome drawings.
In fairness, some of this was technical too - I never had any kind of consistent way to light my pictures for when I was photographing them, and a lot of the time the bright markers came out muddy, which sort of discouraged me from trying to do anything specifically with colour effects. Strong lines are also a lot easier to chop up into discrete little game-shapes.
But I think this sense of missed opportunity - having this big bag of markers in all colours, all translucent lines, and not really using them - was specifically what made me spend the next few years trying to work with colour even more. Hence stuff like Mouse Corp, and certain entries in the Hardpack 11-in-1, and Magic Wand. I think I moved more towards pixel art again because it gave me a very quick way to play with colours, and swap them in and out, without having to worry about correctly photographing them first. And in fact my current game came about directly from trying to play more with ideas of translucent outline sprites on top of flat fields of colour – trying to combine colour with line in a looser way than just colouring stuff in.
I'd like to go back to playing with markers some time.
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- MICE: I think this was the first time I used mice in my games. Previously the emblematic animal was the Dog – Murder Dog, Goblet Grotto dog... The dog is a "LAWFUL" animal, one which can be aimlessly malevolent on behalf of some higher system or master. The dog stands in for the implicit malignity of the game system as a whole. 
Meanwhile, mouse is the "UNLAWFUL" animal - they live in spaces they do not construct, and scavenge from what they find within, they are constrained by those spaces but also have something of an independent life within them. By this time, I had been working on a lot of games where the gameworld itself was sort of an ominous presence - Crime Zone, Goblet Grotto, Drill Killer etc - and I think the move from "dog" to "mouse" came about as a way to think about these spaces as just kind of indeterminate and abandoned instead of actively malign. Places which don't really notice your being there, which were constructed and then left for some unknowable purpose. I cannot say if this shift in thinking is good or bad.
- PACING: I forget whether I mention it in the notes - but the prototype for all the marker games was an earlier one-off called "Gold's Enigma", done with crayons and in Klik N Play. And that game felt like sort of a revelation because it was so quick to just add new areas to it, or copy and paste elements around, or switch from one game control system or mode of representation to another.  So you could have an extremely short, quick game that still contained enough of a shift to make you feel like you’d gone somewhere or like the view from one side of the game was different to the view from the other. I don’t know how consistently or successfully this was ever really done (the end of Happy Bird is my personal favourite version) but it did stick in my head, as an ideal to work towards. And I think something like the more longform Magic Wand was still sort of driven by a desire to try a “fuller” take on this same idea.
- WORK / LIFE: I don't remember exactly but I think this was my first time successfully trying to start a new, slightly longform project while also having a day job. With other games either they were short enough for me to just blow through in a concentrated rush or else enough pieces had already been laid down (eg  Goblet Grotto) that I could just brainlessly slam together any remaining levels in the  mornings before I went to work. Making games as a hobby isn't necessarily hard but figuring out how to do it consistently over long periods took me a long adjustment period. For the short games I ended up doodling ideas at lunch, coming home, eating dinner, and then around 7 or 8 I'd start chopping up my image sheets and putting them into the game. And hope to finish by 11 so I wouldn't be too wiped the next day. These days it's more like 8-10pm. Working in the early mornings can be good if you're very determinedly getting through some pre-assigned tasks but can be harder and more frustrating if you're trying to be more exploratory about things. I guess to the extent I’d draw any lesson from this it’d be, set aside a very specific time period for working on stuff but also try to have a process where “working on stuff” can involve a certain level of constructive busywork just so you don’t come home and have to immediately face a blank page? “Placing stuff around on a screen” is ultimately what absorbs me so working in a way that let me do that as quickly and aimlessly as possible helped a lot. Well, that’s my opinion.
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- GAMEPLAY: I used the default 8-directional walk system in MMF2, and the default screen-follows-the-player function, so many times in the course of these games that I just burnt myself out on them entirely. They’re fine, but using them so many times over a brief period made me more and more conscious of them to the point where it could feel like I was just filling in the same template each time... I think part of why I shifted to Unity, even though it’s more of a hassle, is just to be able to escape that sense of a singular unchangeable “point of view”  and make things where moving or looking around would feel a bit looser and less set in stone. I hope this helps explain my gradual, doomed love affair with extremely idiosyncratic camera systems.
- THEME: Did any themes carry over to any of my post-50SG games? Maybe some but to me it’s less noticeable than seeing what was stripped out. Having a deadline and a very fixed scope did sort of push me more towards including “real world content” in whatever strange way – dreams, specific moments of the early morning or the night, events like work nights out, locations I knew... Compare that to the longer games I’ve done which all kind of take place in these dreamy, private fantasy dimensions. I enjoy that too, and it’s easier to do that when you’re making a game that’s just sort of endlessly adding to itself over time.. It’d be good to get back to working in a way which encouraged that material connection.
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- WRITING: I think the notes file that came with 50SG was the first time I did any real writing about the process of making these things, or ideas and notes, etc. And now I can’t shut up!! Well, I did a similar writeup document for Magic Wand, and hope to do so with my current game eventually as well. I think writing that, and having people be encouraging about it, did help me become more interested in looking at and recording the state of my brain as it’s slowly rotted into goop from exposure to these terrible machines. Which is in itself not a bad reason to keep doing it. 
- DISTRIBUTION: This was my first commercial game and probably the biggest impact of that was in getting me to move away from PC-only tools. I'd planned a mac version of this game at some point, or specifically to do HTML versions and then use a workaround I'd read about to convert HTML files to Mac and Linux apps... but the HTML conversion sometimes led to strange bugs, and I never had a testing computer to see whether the actual ports would work, and the multiple layers of things that could go wrong (making a html export, to be put into a mac or linux wrapper, to be loaded from a Unity scene...) eventually made me slowly give up on this. I think of getting back to it but to be honest I have such limited energy and for the five months a year I don't just want to hibernate I'd rather keep working on new projects.... I am sorry.... Well, this was a big impetus to try moving to pure Unity and HTML which had more multiplatform support from the get-go. I don't know if I took any other commercial lessons from it! It sold around 500 copies, and talking to other people making weird scrappy narrative type games it sounded like they mostly also sold 500 copies, maybe to the same people or maybe just to each other. At this level of economic activity you can just do what you like.
So in conclusion 50 Short Games is a land of contrasts. It feels distant to me, I don't have any strong feelings about it anymore, but I also feel sort of like I'm still moving around in the terrain this game originally sketched out for me, and still kind of responding to it in either positive or negative forms. Thank you to anyone who bought it. I just put it on sale again to mark the five year anniversary, you can find it on itch.io, gamejolt or kartridge. Please buy several hundred copies and salt them around through hidden disc drives buried in a desert somewhere so that some day they can inspire some form of apocalypse cult.
In the year 2525 if man is still alive if woman, still survives they will find.....
- stephen 2019
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ilcaeryx · 5 years
Tenacity: Chapter 2 - Shaft [Bakugou Katsuki/Reader]
SUMMARY: It was impenetrable.
TAGS: Reader-Insert Collection, Action
Link to Chapter 2 of Tenacity on AO3
or continue reading below.
Chapter 2: Shaft
The darkness was dense enough that counting down the seconds until impact was impossible.
All of a sudden the freefall ended with your left side striking against a wooden construction, pain flaring up your pelvis and shoulder. It reverbed up your ribcage and leg before you hit the ground. Smack. A clear, metallic sound drilled out and quickly phased out into nothingness, your forehead blooming with pain. Through the emptiness in your ears you couldn't hear your scream, though the air did pass through your lungs and throat. You weren't sure if you were even alive; when you opened your eyes an impenetrable darkness enveloped you. Weakly, you dragged your hand in front of your face and moved your fingers. You could perceive nothing, no contrast nor movement.
Behind your ears a ringing gradually increased as you palpated your eyes frantically with your fingertips.
There's nothing wrong with them. Am I..?
Despite the protest in your body you gathered yourself up on your knees, patting your temples, ears and back of your head. Your hands were shaking violently, tapping desperately for wounds. No way you could fall this far without some injury. There was a silken softness on your hairline and when you drew your fingers to your nose you felt the unmistakeable scent of fresh blood.
A loud thrashing above you transcended into a cacophony of empty creaks when something heavy crashed down a few meters away.
In your terror, you receeded away from whatever it was. Because depending on what had fallen down the mineshaft with you, you would either die a viscious death now or later.
Please, let them remain above.
If you had to, you could fight - your Quirk was an offensive transformation type. Slowly, you clung against the stone wall and rose to your feet, ears fixed on the unknown intruder. Could you fight in the darkness, in this state? Maybe. Survive the fight itself? Probably not. The Quirk itself taxed your body quite severely, even when you were in tip-top condition.
You could feel the familiar prickle beneath your skin on your fingers and forearms, quills ready to erupt through the surface. The ringing abated as you tried to focus on the sounds around you.
It wasn't silent for long. The something let out a raspy groan from the depths of its lungs. You imagined limbs confusedly moving around the wood pieces, splinters digging into the body. A dull boom echoed when it hit the ground, accompanied by a low growl.
"Son of a bitch..!"
You scrambled to him, falling to your knees and crawling until you found him. With a light hand you trailed across his chest, up his neck, into his hair, searching for any clues that it really was him. Going by the unruly hair, it was. Katsuki sat halfway up, perched on his elbow.
"What the fuck are you doing, woman?" He swatted your hand away. "More importantly, are you alright?"
Your throat squeezed up. "I don't know… I think I may be blind."
"Don't fuckin' panic. It's pitch dark in here. I can't see shit either."
"I hit my head pretty hard."
Katsuki groaned as he sat upright. You grasped his hand and held his index finger against your forehead, the digit gliding softly through the blood. There was a short break in his breathing, a pause mid-inhalation that would've gone unnoticed by others.
"I can get us out." His breath spilling over your eyelashes and cheeks gave you some comfort, as did those words. You felt him move around in front of you and he hooked his right arm behind your back. In turn, you wound your right arm behind his neck. His neck muscles tensed as he rose to full height, now keeping you in a steel grip with both his hands.
"I think I can stand by myself," you said and grasped the collar of his shirt. "You're hurt too."
"Nah, I'll carry you. I've been worse."
Sometimes he came home quite mangled, so he technically wasn't lying.
His left hand left your leg. The well-known sound of miniature firecrackers set off and a tiny speck of light blew the room up into life, colouring your sight a sparkling white. You blinked in annoyance when random blotches swirled around your vision but it gave you a deep catharsis - you weren't blind.
Katsuki followed the left side of the corridor you had entered closely, relying on his memory after each blast. It was a pretty ingenious use of his Quirk. Every ten or fifteen seconds he'd create a blast of light, then he would move forward. Rinse and repeat ad nausem.
The two of you couldn't move very fast. Because this was an old mineshaft, the stone walls were bare except for wooden beams and the ground was uneven and littered with pebbles. Sometimes Katsuki would lose balance for half a second and clutch you closer out of instinct, causing your ribcage to ache. Actually, whenever he moved his torso any given bodypart would ache. Other than a sharp curse every now and then you didn't complain.
There were parts of the mineshaft system where murky water would hide the bottom. None of you could cross without putting yourselves in danger, so you avoided those sections. You weren't sure if the water wasn't contaminated either. Thus, some parts were inaccessible and you both had to go thirsty.
Eventually, the two of you took a rest. You were tucked in between a pillar and Katsuki, leaning your head against his shoulder. He kept cracking the joints on his fingers, stretching and bending them.
"Do you think those were zombies?" you asked, re-lacing your hiker boots. There had been something bothering you about this scenario. You had fallen down the mineshaft after fleeing five assholes that had attacked you two while dusk was settling in the woods. Other than five grown men ganging up on two camping adults, the strangest thing was how blasting off their limbs and hitting them with blunt weapons didn't stop them. At all. Had he been alone, you're certain Katsuki would've turned them to ashes. However, you were in a public hiking area and it hadn't rained for quite a while. Not a good idea. Thus, you had fled and ended up there.
Katsuki reflected on it and answered: "Probably not. How convenient would it be for these non-factors to appear right in the middle of fuckin' nowhere where we're at? A zombie outbreak wouldn't take place here. If anything, it's probably a villain with a Quirk."
"That has to be one of the most powerful Quirks I've ever seen, then."
He sighed and you were sure he was side-eyeing you.
"You're so easy to impress," he commented and stood up. Your hands met in the dark. Without much effort, he pulled you to your feet.
His hands were damp and you laughed quietly when your fingers glided on his skin. "God damn, your hands are slippery as fuck. You're like an eel or something."
"Let's hope I don't drop you then."
Your perception of time was essentially non-existent. These identical corridors provided no clue whatsoever to how much time had passed.
In fact, your first inclination of a clue had been a humid draft hitting you, drawing your hair away from your face.
"Yo," you pulled on Katsuki's shirt to catch his attention. "Do you feel that? We're close to the entrance."
Katsuki fired off a light blast, the corridor developing into a larger space further up ahead. The blast only lit up a few meters into the room but it was definitely a broader space than the corridors.
"Stay low and be quiet," Katsuki whispered in your ear and slowly let you down.
Katsuki traced the wall with one hand, keeping the other hand outstretched in front of him. Warily, listening for suspicious noise from behind aswell as in front, he crept up to the entrance. He couldn't feel the breeze anymore, though a faint hiss came from one of the two entrances, or both. It sounded like wind wafting through leaves.
The build-up to the flash explosion made his palm itch. Compared to the output he usually worked with, it was almost imperceptible. Since the flash explosion was a lesser version of the Stun Grenade it didn't require as much nitroglycerin and time but if he didn't have to he wouldn't continously use it. There were, with 100% certainty, more of those zombie motherfuckers outside.
Flash one. Room was around ten by five meters with two exits on the opposite side. Spread out in the room were many pieces of what possibly could be mine equipment. No movements.
He held his breath and cocked his head to the left, listening. Nothing from behind, at least.
Katsuki created another flash, taking note of the terrain and advancing towards the middle of the room. Airflow was definitely increasing now.
Suddenly, footsteps about seven meters ahead in the darkness. Hand-to-hand, concentrating the boiling on his palm to the size of a quarter, he charged an AP Shot and fired. It lit up a path straight to an exit, the explosion ripping through a piece of the wall, gravel and dust spewing out. No time to see if it hit. Katsuki loaded the next shot, adjusting his aim to the left. Through the build-up a shrill shriek alerted him, followed by the the contour of something moving in the dark. Boom!
Next shot fired off, he heaved himself over a machine and dashed forward. Half a second of light revealed a man-shaped figure furiously charging towards him, tendrils of smoky dust clinging to the upper part of the torso. In the weak afterglow of the AP shot, his caninas glared before disappearing into nothingless.
If Katsuki couldn't stop him from breathing, he would at least stop him from moving.
He shot off another AP Shot, the left arm ripped off from the body. When Katsuki caught the man stumbling forward, he grinned.
Game over.
Turning his palms behind him and jumping into the air, he blasted himself high enough to almost hit the ceiling and descended upon the fucker. A close-contact explosion to the face would disintegrate his nervous system.
Too god damn easy.
In his right palm, the incoming charge illuminated the space beneath him. There was nothing there.
His heart dropped to his stomach.
"Katsuki?" He heard you scream.
The distinct sound of footsteps continued behind him
When his feet hit the floor, he was on the move. He loaded a weak shot meant to distract.
But it was too late.
The man's feet were dangling limply above the floor, torso and head completely penetrated by dozens of quills, thick as cucumbers. With a sickening, slick sound the head detached from its body.
Your Quirk, under the right circumstances, was very effective.
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