#We've got this
twinterrors29 · 1 year
clones, due to their upbringing, see no ethical issues with creating new life and have access to the tools necessary to do so with all possible speed, and don't see any reason to necessarily ensure the progenitor is aware or consenting to this creation
brought to you by Mace and Obi-Wan joking in front of Cody that the whole council wishes there were at least two of them to keep up with the workload the Senate piles on them
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Mexico Grand Prix 2023, Saturday
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julnites · 10 months
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We'll get through this, one step at a time 🌱
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toomanyfanficsbruh · 1 month
you ever get a grade back and go "huh. This doesn't fit with any of my other grades or achievements recently. I guess I've failed."
Esp. as an Indian kid, I just got a grade back (38/50 = 76%) like, it's not horrible, I passed. It's a B. But like, all these A and A+? Do they not mean anything? Does my worth come down to the Bs in my life? Am I a failure?
If you ever think this, from your younger Indian sister, no. No you are not a failure. You are defined by your actions, hopes and dreams. You are not defined by this grade. You will do better. You will rise again. I believe in you. Always. 💕💖
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 7 months
I hope your second interview went well!
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It's in 3 hours
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loserwitchkid · 7 months
here's your reminder that people are not all the same! just because someone else treated you shitty doesn't mean that everyone else will! you don't deserve to be treated shitty!
there are people in this world who are waiting to meet you and they are just dying to give you the world.
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wyrddogs · 10 months
I would like a round of applause for the babydog
As many of you know, Zaku is very crittery, and I have been working extremely hard on teaching him to offer engagement and also work in the presence of squirrels and birds.
In the past couple of weeks he's been able to LLW past squirrels (still looking at them, Very Aware they are there). And today, for the very first time, he offered me eye contact while a squirrel was chittering in a tree.
That is HUGE for him!!!!
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warpedpuppeteer · 3 months
Reading Ryan's interview and looks like Buddie ain't happening this season after all 😬
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odegirlie · 6 months
16 shots 3 on target and not one goal 😭😭 can we learn to shoot please and thank you
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yaz always being the one to ask the doctor if shes alright and always being told yeah im fine dont worry about it at the end telling that lie to all the doctors friends on her behalf
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uwudonoodle · 3 months
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Thanks, but we'll take it from here.
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vanilla-fashionista · 5 months
Going Forward
I'm really sorry how inactive I've been! I have a lot going on at the moment, I'm going to be moving soon and am trying to work out specifics of that whole ordeal. In the meantime going forward, I want to talk about the kind of content I wanna post here. @mindcraftblocks being one of my favorite accounts has me inspired to start doing some of those myself, as it would be a good style practice and way to practice body types. Plus, it'd give me a good excuse to do some exciting outfits! I also might start sharing some OCs, but we're gonna hold onto that for a bit. In the meantime, I thank you all for sticking with me!
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In the 1996 movie adaptation of Jane Eyre, there is a scene where the corrupt, self righteous zealot Mr Brockelhurst considers Jane's best friend, Helen Burns' hair to be a form of vanity and decided to cut it. Jane courageously stands up for Helen but when Mr Brockelhurst insists that Helen's hair be cut, ordering Jane to personally fetch the scissors and hand them to him, Jane does so, only to surprise Mr Brockelhurst, her teachers and fellow students, including Helen, by sitting next to Helen, removing her bonnet and offering her hair to be cut, as well: an act of selfless sacrifice for a friend
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sun-dipped-quill · 9 months
living on.
I have made mistakes
I have been beaten down
I have been crushed a million times over again
and yet..
here I stand living on
you are just like me
fighting just to breathe
through depression and recessions
and if you are reading this..
you too are living on
so lets do this thing
lets fight
and keep
living on
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mrs-bartowski · 1 year
Not coming back just yet, but I felt Compelled to drop this here for anyone who may need it.
Break your cycles. You deserve everything this world has convinced you could never be possible. You are Good. You are Powerful. You are Loved. You are True. Now, Be Free.
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