#Ty for the ribs :3
stealingyourbones · 2 years
I love your posts, think if i slid you some funky bones like say i don't know, a rib cage and some vertebrae i could get some story about something that danny does in gotham affecting damien specifically?
I like the stories where damien is suddenly inexplicably nice due to simethung danny did, and it scares the other members of the batfam.
Ya know… I wouldn’t be opposed to some extra rib bones.
Ok ok let me put on a 10 min timer and just write as many prompt concepts as I can and hope that appeases you in exchange for some ribs:
Danny is unaware that as the ghost king, he is able to command liminal beings. After being mockingly harassed by Robin he just says “Geez man. Can’t you be nice for once?” Robin can’t disobey. He can’t say no to any asks for a favor. He can’t tell anyone when they’re making him uncomfortable or distressed in any way. He can’t speak his mind because it could be considered rude to that person. How long does it take for the Bats to figure out what’s happening and how does Damian let the batfam know that something is wrong.
Danny starts dating Damian. The bats don’t know shit about it. Damian meets Jazz who helps give him tips on how to interact with people because he doesn’t really know how normal interaction works. The Bats don’t know how this change happened but it’s kinda weirding them out.
Danny is a Mermaid that lives in one of the underwater caves in the same cave system that the Batcave is in. Damian goes exploring and finds Danny. Why Damian spends a vast amount of time exploring the caves and why he suddenly is very politely asking for vast amounts of raw seafood to be brought to the house is beyond the rest of the family.
Damian has a new dog. Shame that the poor guy seemingly got dipped in glow in the dark green paint. He dotes on the lil guy like a child and it’s adorable.
Damian somehow knows information about various crimes and crooks in Gotham. He says he has a new source he contacts to get info from and refuses to let any other Bat to meet them. Apparently if they do it violates their agreement and he will be unable to meet this person ever again. That person is Danny. The fucker is omnipotent after becoming the Ghost King and he’s grown a liking to Damian so he tells him whatever he wants to know in exchange for just hanging out together.
Damian knows a bunch of rare human customs on Ghost King Worship. The practices have been lost to the Ghost Zone’s side of the realm so Danny just pops on over and asks Damian about it. Damian, confused yet intrigued, tells this strange glowing boy about the League of Shadow’s customs.
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
The should invent bodies that don’t hurt and aren’t in pain actually
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luveline · 7 days
coworker!james and readers first kiss pretty pretty please? with cherry on top? i love these pining idiots in love so much!
ty for requesting <3 fem, 1.4k
“What are you doing?” 
A warm voice and a warmer hand pressed to your shoulder. You hide the mug under your palm and look up, finding yourself face to face with a grinning James. 
His glasses make his eyes a little smaller than they are in actuality. Closer, you can see all the different shades that surround his pupils, and his hedging of dark lashes, so dark it’s like he’s wearing makeup. 
“It doesn’t look like nothing.” His hand remains on your shoulder, a brand as the other grabs at a torn corner of a packet you’d failed to throw away. Your lips part in horror, but he can’t be stopped now. “Um, excuse me, lovely girl, but you wouldn’t know what this is off, would you?” 
“You, yeah.” 
“Um…” You squint at the packaging in mock confusion. “No, don’t think so.” 
“Well, there’s one way to get to the bottom of this.” 
He moves his hand, for which you’re thankful and disappointed at once. It had been close to a hug, that warmth lingering as James opens the kitchen cupboard and sorts through tens of boxes before pulling down a hastily returned cardboard box. ‘JAMES’ has been written across it in bold sharpie. 
He slips out a hot chocolate sachet from the box and compares the scrap he’d found to the corner. They are, unfortunately, an exact match. 
“Where do you get the audacity?” he asks plainly. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“So what’s that, then?” 
“It’s nothing,” you say, sliding the mug further away from you both. 
There’s a silence. James puts the box back in the cupboard and peers at you where you’re curling in on yourself. He’s trying to intimidate you, at least for fun, something weighted and smiley about his gaze as he slides his arm between you and the counter. “If it’s nothing,” he says quietly, “then show it to me.” 
You angle your face up to explain yourself. He’d looked sad, tired even, and you’d hoped making him a cup of hot chocolate would cheer him up. Things between you lately are clearly different, not just to you but to everyone around you. All your interactions feel watched. James’ hand curling against your waist doesn’t even feel new, it just feels firm. 
A big hand, his thumb pressing into your soft stomach. 
Your breath catches as he moves you out of his way. 
“Is this my mug, too?” he asks, all tension draining, your relief a quick breath. (Your disappointment somewhere hidden beneath it.) “You’re the cheekiest girl alive. Shame on you.” 
You give him a strange look. He can’t ignore it, you’re too obvious. 
“What?” he asks, nudging the mug back toward your hand. 
For a second you…
“I’m just kidding,” he says, his eyes widening the longer you remain speechless. “You don’t have to panic. I’m joking, I don’t care.” 
“I was making it for you,” you say. 
James’ brows relax. “You were?” 
You give him the mug, and you don’t know what to do, what can you do? If you linger he’ll work out what you’re thinking, he has a detector for all your most embarrassing thoughts, you’re sure of it. You nod emphatically and weave around him without another word. 
“Y/N,” he says to your back. The door handle is cold in your hand. You almost walk straight into it. “Y/N, wait a second!” 
You turn around, weary of a scene. “I’m fine,” you say, startled by his reaction, “I just need a minute.” 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. 
“I’m fine.” You summon your most convincing smile. Your heart bends against your ribs. “Really.” 
You leave him standing in the kitchen, nonplussed, rushing out of the main part of the office and down the two flights of stairs. Out past the receptionists, down the concrete steps, where you stop at the bottom, and sit down hard. 
What are you doing? 
Where can you go? You can’t go anywhere. James is going to know exactly what it is that made you react like that, is going to realise you have feelings for him entirely outside of the common realm. And you’ll have to keep sitting at your adjacent desks pretending it’s not true. 
Why would he do that to you? His hand on your waist turning you toward him, your faces much closer than they’d ever been. James must know that’s an intimate touch. 
He’s messing with you. 
You spend five minutes glancing out at the car park before he comes to join you. It’s awful that you know that it’s him. The wind blows in pangs against the side of your face. 
“I’m really sorry,” James says, sitting on the second to last step beside you, a strange lack of space between your two bodies. “I didn’t mean to do that to you. To freak you out.” 
“It’s okay.” 
“I really didn’t. I know I’ve messed with you before, but you were looking at me like…” 
You rub your eye, a migraine brewing behind it. “Like what?” you ask. 
“I don’t know. Like that.” 
“How was I looking at you?” 
“I don’t know. Like I– Like I broke your heart.” He laughs ‘cos it’s stupid, but his laugh peters off strangely. 
“James, you were looking at me like you were…” What’s unsaid stays heavily between you. 
He looks off to the side, his hand coming up behind his hand to scratch his hair. Curls pull and plink as his fingers comb through them, he’s rough, but the lengths of his hair are shiny under what little of the sun floods through the cloud cover above. You watch him, stomach aching for an answer, some confirmation, but the more you look the less sure you are that you need it. Everything you feel for him wells to the surface. It’s hot, and urgent, and it’s getting too much for you to hold alone. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he admits quietly. 
“James,” you say, wanting him like a palpable wound. Wanting him to need you too. “James,” you say again, putting your hand on his thigh carefully. 
He covers it instinctively. “What?” he asks. 
“Please, can I…” 
His eyes bore into yours, and follow your gaze when it tips down to his mouth. 
The skin between his brow creases with one deep wrinkle, his full lips twisted into a heart-hurting frown as he leans in. You close your eyes before he can close his own, waiting for him, to kiss you and to get this tugging yearning dealt with, but he doesn’t kiss you. His breath warms your lips and he turns to you completely, but he doesn’t kiss you. 
You want it so badly, you tip your chin up and press your lips to his. Terrified of him, because you really are in the palm of his hand now. It’s worse than when he hated you. 
He has the power to be a thousand times more cruel than he ever had before as you kiss him softly. 
James kisses back a second too late. He’s giving in to it and you’re pulling away, pins and needles in your hands. “Wait,” he says, his voice a shade of longing you’ve never heard, your eyes flashing open at the same time. His hand leaps for your waist. “Wait, please.” 
His fingers press into the dough of your side, holding you still, butterflies alive and riveted under his hand. 
You close your eyes on a whim, and he kisses you soundly. His lips part against yours to encourage a similar movement, his head tilted ever so slightly to one side and your noses smudged together. “Please,” he murmurs against your lips. 
You kiss him back like he kisses you. Soft, open-mouthed. 
His hand comes up to your face, pulling you forward, desperate to keep you close as he sighs against your mouth, the sound a vibration you feel at the back of your throat. 
Please, he’d said, like he wouldn’t get another go. 
Please. The tie on you snaps. 
You kiss him like you’ve never kissed anybody, hoping it isn’t just another obvious trick. 
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queen-of-reptiles · 4 months
description: in which kyra cannot help but fall in love with the baby of the arsenal team, the 20 year old nicknamed 'cherry' was as sweet as anyone could be
kyra cooney-cross x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: just plain cuteness, like a few kisses and curse words but mainly just fluff and mutual pining
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uta (women)
mccard: guys i've added kyra to the gc !
goonerno.1: ayy, she finally got the right sim card
y/n: leah never say ayy again
thegoat: hi kyra!
beffy: hi!
kyra: hi guys!
y/n: hi kyra! <3
kyra: hi y/n! <3
foordfiesta: awww look at them! 😩
littlescott: you all better be on you way to training!
y/n sent a photo
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y/n: on our way
kyra: 🚗🚗
beffy: hmmmm 😏
y/n pulled up to her usual space, Leah already bending down to pick up the sign which said 'cherry's space' on it as she pulled in. y/n laughed at the blonde who waved at her as she waved back.
"Thanks for driving me." Kyra repeats for what felt like the hundredth time to y/n.
"Of course!" y/n smiles, leaning over to peck Kyra's cheek before getting out and running over to Leah to hug the blonde. Kyra follows, gaping dumbly as she holds her bag with shaky hands.
"You okay Kyra?" Leah asks the girl with a smirk. Kyra nods, rubbing her arms in the November wind.
"Are you cold?" y/n asks worriedly before tugging her jacket off and wrapping it around the Australian.
"I'm fine." Kyra promises but a raised brow from y/n has her blushing and shutting up.
"Ayy, cherry!" An Irish voice calls out, y/n suddenly being hoisted over Katie's shoulder as she carried her inside, Kyra watches with a laugh as Leah picks up y/n's discarded bag.
Caitlin follows Katie inside, shrieking when Kyra launched herself onto her back, groaning as the twenty-one year old clung onto her with a cheeky grin.
"I've brought her!" Katie yells as she kicks open the door and places y/n down, the girls in the locker room laughing as y/n spins and sends a wave.
"Bag." Leah warns as y/n moves to her locker.
"Oh, thanks Leah!" y/n grins, kissing the blonde on the cheek as Kyra follows her to their lockers, which happened to be next to each other.
The two changed quickly, talking and giggling as they did so, the team around them sending them knowing looks as y/n finally sat on the bench waiting for Kyra.
"Here!" y/n chimes, moving Kyra's foot onto her lap and tying the laces, before tapping the other thigh.
Kyra flushes pink, switching her feet to let y/n tie the other lace and once she has removes her foot all together from her lap. Caitlin watches from the doorway a smirk on her face.
"Thanks." Kyra smiles, y/n grins kissing her cheek before running over to Katie who wraps and arm around her shoulders and tugs her outside.
"Awww, kywa got a cwush." Caitlin teases as Kyra rolls her eyes and shoves her into the lockers. "Oi!" Caitlin yells, chasing after Kyra who runs away.
Katie and y/n turn to see Kyra waiting behind the tunnel as as Caitlin comes out, shouting her name, Kyra sticks her foot out, grinning widely as she watches Caitlin sprawl on the floor.
"Enjoy your trip!" Kyra calls before Caitlin scrambles up. "Uh oh." She realises before screeching and running from her angry friend.
Kyra moved quickly, barrelling into y/n who gasped as they sprawled out along the floor. y/n groaned as Leah stormed over, her and Steph gripping Kyra under the arms and pulling her to her feet.
"Careful!" Steph chides Kyra as Katie helps y/n onto her feet, the player wincing as she presses a hand to her ribs.
"y/n I'm so sorry." Kyra says but y/n just smiles at her kindly as she reassures her that it was okay.
"No it is not, we know how easily she gets injured." Leah chides. Katie moves and picks y/n up, the girl laughing and clinging to her like a koala, running her away from Kyra who pouts.
"Come on kid." Leah sighs, pulling Kyra into a walk to join the group.
The group finally start training, going through their stretches and runs up and down the pitch, warming their bodies up to get into a solid training session.
They are told to pair up and Kyra slides next to y/n, the two sharing a grin before Caitlin and Katie appear either side of them.
"Kyra, you're with Caitlin, Cherry you're with me." Katie warns.
"Aw. Okay!" y/n shrugs, taking Katie's hand and pulling here to get a ball.
"How'd you get stuck with me?" Kyra asked Caitlin who had glared at Katie.
"We played rock, paper, scissors." Caitlin huffed and Kyra sighed, looking over at y/n one more time, but the girl was too focused on the drill she was doing with Katie.
Caitlin and Kyra usually fought like sisters, Kyra was nothing short of complete chaos and it did Caitlin's head in to the upmost. However, Caitlin watched her younger teammate watch y/n.
The way her entire body had tensed while she watched her, arms floppy in front of her like she was mimicking a T-Rex. Her eyes glued tightly to y/n.
"You really like her, huh kid?" Caitlin asks Kyra who looks over at her with a defeated sigh.
"She's like my best friend. But she's so pretty." Kyra admits softly and Caitlin sighs, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her away.
"Come on, lets go kick some balls." Caitlin says and Kyra hums.
Eventually training came to a stop for lunch, the group of footballers all piling in to the cafeteria. Kyra looked around, trying to catch a wisp of y/n's hair as she grabbed her lunch.
"Kyra!" y/n called, already sat with Beth and Viv, she gestured the girl over and Kyra bounded, almost leaping into the seat next to her.
"Hey." Kyra breathed with a smile.
"Hi." y/n smiled. "I got you some strawberries, there weren't any left after this." She adds and Kyra flushes pink once again.
"Thanks Cherry." Kyra smiles, y/n flushing at the nickname.
Beth and Viv share an exasperated look, almost in shock of how oblivious the two idiots were as the continue to talk and giggle with one another.
As they ate, y/n found her ankle hooked around Kyra's, the girl's arm wrapped around her shoulder as she ate her strawberries with the other hand.
The four on the table were discussing Beth and Viv's new puppy, happily chatting away, unaware of the amount of team-members that were snapping photos of Kyra and y/n.
y/n's head leaned onto Kyra's shoulder as she continued to talk to Beth, Kyra's sweet smell infected y/n and she couldn't help but sink closer into Kyra's side.
"Comfy?" A voice asks, and suddenly Kyra and y/n are pulled apart, Leah pushing herself between the two and wrapping an arm around both of their shoulders.
"Yeah I was." y/n pouted, Kyra however rolled her eyes and pushed her elbow into Leah's side, the blonde yelping before turning to y/n.
"Come on munchkin, let's get to the gym for strength training." Leah says to y/n who nods and the two get up as Kyra watches.
"What did I do wrong?" Kyra asks Beth and Viv who both sigh.
"Leah is just protective of Cherry, has been for years." Viv explains kindly to Kyra.
"They grew up together, from the same place, trained together, and when Cherry made her first debut 4 years ago, take a wild guess who calmed her down from her panic attack." Beth says and Kyra sighs.
"It'll be fine." Viv promises Kyra. "Don't worry..." She begins.
"Be happy." Beth sings, interrupting her as she and Kyra start singing said song, both pointing at Viv to finish the chorus for them.
"I don't like it." Viv states, before getting up and walking off, leaving Beth and Kyra to finish the chorus together.
uta (women)
foordka: everyone who wants to know, the shrieking cats are beth and kyra who are running down the corridor screaming 'don't worry be happy'. 👍
goonerno.1: wondered what it was!
y/n: it is very off key 🫣
kyra: how dare you! we sound beautiful
y/n: you are beatiful - text deleted
y/n: keep dreaming CC 😙
beffy: OI CHERRY
y/n: see if Jen's guitar can save you
beattiejuice: it cannot
littlescott: if the SIX OF YOU are not in the gym in ONE MINUTE you will be doing bulgarian squats for twenty minutes
beffy: OMW!
kyra: please no, please
mccard: jesus - keep ya hair on we're coming
y/n: i don't understand how I read Katie's texts in her voice 🤨
foordka: because she's got an annoying voice!
mccard: OI
Once the gym session had finished and everyone was showered and ready to go home, Kyra had looked across at y/n hopefully, the girl not having seen y/n much in the past few hours due to Leah keeping y/n protectively close.
"Do you wanna come round for dinner tonight, munchkin?" Leah asks y/n who was trying to pull on a jumper.
"Um." y/n says, stuck in her sweater.
Kyra giggles and leans over, pulling the jumper over the red sports bra y/n had on and the girl grinned in thanks, Kyra sending her a smile back.
"I can't tonight, sorry Lee!" y/n smiles and Leah huffs. "I promised Kyra we'd have a movie night, we've already postponed twice." She adds.
"No junk food and not too many sweets, you have a game tomorrow." Kim calls. "Early night." She adds.
"Okay Kimmy!" y/n calls before Leah sighs and kisses y/n on the forehead.
"Okay, have fun." Leah says and y/n grins, yelling out a goodbye to everyone before grabbing Kyra's wrist and tugging her out of the room, Kyra yelping in shock.
Leah watches them go with narrowed eyes, arms folded as Kim comes over and pats her on the back, sending her a pointed look which made the blonde defender huff.
"I don't like it." Leah denies.
"Kyra's a good kid, and they are cute together." Kim chides.
"Still don't like it." Leah mutters.
In the car park, y/n and Kyra were now in her car, Kyra fixing on some music as y/n slowly pulled out the two driving toward their usual coffee spot which they went to.
"Sorry to take you from Leah." Kyra said sheepishly and y/n shrugs.
"I don't mind Ky, I spend two nights with her anyway." y/n giggles. "Besides, I like spending time with you." She adds, pink heating her cheeks up.
"I like spending time with you too." Kyra says quietly, smiling softly as y/n pulls up in the parking space. The two get out heading into the coffee shop to order their drinks which are quickly given to them.
"Smile!" y/n calls, taking a photo of Kyra sat on the bench, she glares and whips out her own phone, y/n screeching as she tries to hide her face. "Stop, stop!" y/n calls, almost beggingly.
"Why?" Kyra asks. "I think you beautiful." She adds as she pockets her phone and y/n looks up at her. "Not as beautiful as me of course." Kyra hums and y/n laughs, moving over to shove her.
"Dork." y/n laughs and Kyra smiles, y/n's laugh making her feel like mush. "Come on, let's go get our snacks. I've got our chicken pasta ingredients already." She hums.
y/n just posted on their story
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kyracooneyx just posted on her story
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The two had started movie nights a few months ago, making them a weekly thing after Kyra joined and y/n did her best to make her welcome.
The two had seen a creamy, chicken and spinach tagliatelle meal and made it that evening, the two making it every week together there after.
The plates now sat on the side, the two having completely licked them clean, and they sat close together, oversized hoodies on as they watched Friday Night Dinner, a TV show Kyra had found a lot of humour in.
y/n moved under the blanket, pushing herself closer to Kyra and onto the girl's shoulder, Kyra let out a breath and wrapped an arm around her pulling her closer.
"You're so warm." y/n hummed, as if she was a purring cat. Kyra giggled and lent back against the sofa arm, pulling y/n with her so the two were happily cuddling on the sofa.
"I really like this." Kyra said after a moment. y/n slides up slightly, so she could see her face, trying to decipher the words.
"Me too." She tells the Australian who watches her.
"I really like you." Kyra says after another moment. "Really like you." She adds and y/n smiles shyly.
"Really?" She asks and Kyra nods. "I really like you to." y/n hums, her fingers tucking a strand of Kyra's hair behind her ear. "Really like you." She adds.
Kyra grins, her eyes shining excitedly as she suddenly races forward, her forehead slightly bumping y/n's as she kissed her. y/n gasped, not expecting it but quickly sunk into the kiss. Ignoring the head bump from Kyra's enthusiasm.
The two held their lips together, hearts both beating nervously as they did so, their hands found each other and they held on tightly, pulling each other closer.
Kyra hummed happily into the kiss, having been waiting for it the moment she met y/n, and when they finally pulled away, Kyra couldn't help but run her fingers over y/n's lips.
"Cherry lip balm." Kyra whispers, y/n giggling softly.
"Thought it was appropriate when I first bought it." She admits and Kyra smiles, before gasping.
"Leah's going to kill me." She realises.
"Maybe." A voice says and the two turn to see Leah, spare key in hand and y/n's kit bag in the other.
"Oh shit." Kyra says.
"Definitely." Leah then says and Kyra screeches before throwing y/n back onto the sofa and sprinting toward her room.
"Leah no!" y/n tries but the blonde has already run after her.
"You break her I break you!"
y/n just posted on their close friends story
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kyracooneyx just posted on her close friends story
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uta (women) foordka: NO FUCKING WAY 😭😭😭
littlescott: so happy for you two trouble makers 😌
beffy: literally crying - i was so sick of the pining
thegoat: proud of you both!
beattiejuice: cuteeeeee!!! 😍😍
angelotte: aren't you two the sweetest
y/n: thank you all - however we won't be if leah keeps trying to kill her 😞
beffy: WHAT
mccard: hell no - I've waited too fookin long for this
foordka: we're on our way
catlady - but she has a dog: I'm already here 😎
y/n: i texted steph first - and she got here in fuckin moments it was crazy
littlescott: i'm omw too!
y/n just sent a photo
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y/n: please come quick
thegoat: i'm going to bed...
private message from goonerno.1
goonerno.1: you're such a snitch
y/n: ...
goonerno.1: if she upsets you - if she even annoys you - you come to me okay?
y/n: love you lee xx
goonerno.1: love you too kiddo x
Arsenal babies do your thing !!!! xoxo <3
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can I request a gn mc asking the brothers (and maybe dateables too if you want) to play with their wings/tail? I’ve always had the urge to just mess with Mammons wings and Levi’s tail especially
it’s okay if you don’t want to do it tho! Thank you :) 💙
touching the brothers' tails/horns/etc.
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includes: the brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list | pt 2
a/n: wow i almost want to explore lucifer's a lot further </3 anyway i hope you enjoy and ty for requesting! my inbox is open to chat, leave feedback, or req so come stop by!!
reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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➳ lucifer stiffens as he feels your hands gently running through the feathers of his wings. you slow, but when he reminds silent, pick up the action again, every movement intentional and soft. it feels so good. lucifer cannot remember the last time someone other than himself had touched his wings. after he became a devil, they were something he was ashamed of for a long time and his brothers quickly learned they were no longer to touch them, and by the time he’d be okay with it, it was too late. but your touch feels like heaven, and lucifer’s afraid to look at your face out of fear of revulsion, he can’t find himself to pull away either.
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➳ mammon yelps when he feels a touch on his wings, turning quickly. you yank your hand back, apologetic. “you’re good to touch them,” he says, “i was just surprised.” taking his invitation, you stroke the bones, following them from the bottom up, moving to the skin on his back. he shivers as you trace your way across his veins, feeling oddly exposed. but it also feels kind of nice, like you’re scratching an itch he hadn’t realized he had.
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➳ levi flushes when his tail lashes, bumping against your leg. “sorry, it has a mind of its own,” he says, and you laugh. without asking, you run a hand down the scales, scratching your fingernails carefully over the smooth surface. “that feels good,” levi whispers, and you smile, continuing to run your hand up and down and up and down. honestly, the touch is more soothing that he’d have thought, and before he knows it, he’s half asleep, leaning against your side.
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➳ satan wakes up with his head in your lap. he must have fallen asleep reading. as he gets his thoughts in order, he realizes he’s in his demon form, and you’re gently scratching his head, running your hands across his horns in a slow, repetitive motion. nobody’s ever touched his horns like that before. with his brothers, they were merely a place to grab onto when they scuffled, and he himself had never paid much attention to them, simply accepting them as part of his appearance, but your touch is making him reevaluate everything. content to stay where and as he is, he lets his eyes slip shut once more but doesn't sleep, simply reveling in your touch.
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➳ asmo giggles as he feels you stroke his wing. “that tickles!” you chuckle, smearing lotion across the course skin, making sure to get every wrinkle and fold. asmo’d never been able to reach all of his wings himself, and only was able to convince one of his brothers to help once in a blue moon, so hanging out around to help him groom and moisturize was truly amazing. especially since you were so gentle and careful, your attention to detail showing in every movement. your hands felt nothing like his brothers’, and for that, asmo was immensely grateful.
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➳ beel shivers as your fingers follow the striped birthmarks that go down his neck and collarbone. your fingers are slightly cold, especially considering he runs warm, and the touch feels almost ghostly with how light your touch is. it’s amazing, really, as you make every part of him feel special, including the parts he'd never cared about before, like his markings. your hands dips lower for a brief moment, to his chest, and he inhales slightly, but it doesn’t linger, moving back up before he knows it. his heart pounds behind his ribs and he’s sure that if your fingers were to explore the area over it, you’d be able to tell.
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➳ belphie flinches as you touch his tail. “i know it looks soft but there are thorns in there,” he says, striving for casualness. “so don’t complain if you get pricked.” your hands slow down slightly, but you don’t pull away, combing out the hair at the end of it. it’s frightfully tangled but you’re patient and belphie knows that when you finish it will be fully untangled and neat. your administrations feel kind of nice, actually, but he wouldn’t dare admit it. (something in him tells him you know that already anyway, so what’s the point?)
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captainjamster · 17 days
Hey if you're comfortable with it, do you think you write about how 141 would react to finding out you're ticklish? Preferably nsfw. Maybe they just tease you with it or maybe they have a session with you after a while and enjoy how it drives you crazy. It could be poly141 or just a drabble with each members reaction.
I love your writing sm
I'm sorry this took a while anon, thank you so much for your request!! This is the first time I've written about tickling, so I hope it came out alright. I loved researching this lmfao it's so cute
Pairing(s): 141 x reader (separately, not poly or sharing this time sorry! :p) Warnings: Bondage and restraint, tickling, tickling during sex Wordcount: 1.2k Summary: How each of the boys enjoy tickling you :p AO3 Link: Right here! <3
Full drabbles under cut <3
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Price loves your laugh; just the sound can get him hard. Maybe you should’ve seen it coming from the first date. It was the first thing he complimented you on in the small bakery – heart eyes over the brim of his coffee cup that had your cheeks red, already breathless at the story between a cheeky sounding sergeant and someone’s poor dog. He stores every terrible joke exchanged amongst his boys, bringing them home just to fill your ears with them, to get anything from that exasperated little giggle to a shocked cackle at some of Ghost’s darker ones – the first time he hears you belly laugh, he writes the beginning of his wedding vowels.
For him, there’s a privilege in being allowed to bring you to such a vulnerable state, dazed and breathless, whether it’s scrabbling against the material of his shirt as you’re bent over in hysterics, hiding behind your hands, gasping for air at the comedy he’s been nagging you to watch, or between his thighs against the mattress, straining with hiccupped shrieks and pleads at his weight as he tortures your overstimulated skin. The only thing he uses is his fingers, and he’s stubborn about it, possessive of the tactile connection between his fingertips against your skin. The furthest he goes is a plug in your pussy, with a command to try and keep it there at the threat of a good spanking (though you both know you’re going to fail).
He challenges himself to make you come with just tickling – he neglects your needy pussy, wet and fluttering with arousal, until the delicate dragging of his nails down the plush insides of your thigh has you spasming around nothing.
Gaz, poor Gaz. Gaz, with blood under his nails he just can’t scrub, who sees someone’s face with every punch he throws at the bag. He’s heard the way his peers talk all throughout his service – spank their ass, slap their face, tight grip to the throat, till they ache.
There was only one part that ever stuck with him – till they ache.
The only time he raises a hand against you is to watch you squeal in anticipation before it flies down to your stomach, skittering up and down the soft skin as you twist and writhe against the sheets. It’s everything he needs – he can make you cry, beg, scream, with the whisp of a few touches, the softest of caresses. Tracing the marks that scatter your skin, only love bites and the imprints of restraint. On some nights, Gaz loves tying you up and tickling you, watching you squirm and contort against his ropes in an attempt to escape. The knots dip into your flesh, keeping your arms straight and pointed to the metal hook that meets the rope stemming from your wrists, legs spread wide with the thick bar anchoring your feet flat to the ground. His fingers dance over every inch of skin bare to him, honing to the areas you try to pull away from, watching you sway this and that way in peals of laughter as he switches between sides on your ribs.
Unlike Price, he doesn’t care for games – he’ll give you what you want. A toy, his fingers, his cock. Slow and steady, letting the rope drop a little to bend you at the waist, rocking back and forward into him, clenching down those slick and warm walls in sync with each ragged laugh. He doesn’t mind wielding a tickle wand, dragging the feathers up and down your thighs, your armpits, behind your knees. It’s not over until your eyes are puffy, cheeks tear stained as you sag under your own weight, kept suspended by the rope as your knees shake.
Soap becomes aware of your ticklish nature very quickly, being such a tactile partner. He’s always touching you – whether it’s an arm around your waist, foot rubbing against your calf, pinkies linked together – and it isn’t long before he unintentionally makes you squeal, accidentally brushing up against one of your most sensitive areas. The noise makes him jump, worried he’s hurt you, but when he sees the red of your cheeks and the shy smile on your face? Oh, it’s over for you.
“Y’ticklish, bonnie?”
He’s all a-grin every time, hands raising menacingly with wiggling fingers.
For a while it stays non-sexual, but poor Johnny can’t help himself. The tickle fights start to linger way past what’s appropriate, making home in his mind – how you get so panicked and squirmy, trying to get away from his fingers, your breathless laugh and gasps as his name whines so desperately from your lips. Your squeals rings through his ears during overdue paperwork in his late nights, so clear that he swears your lips brush across the tips of his ears, and Price avoids looking at him too closely as he turns in the files before leaving.
Sly, smart Johnny starts off slow. When the mood is playful during sex, he purposely rubs his hair and beard up against your neck, your back, feeling you pulse erratically around him with each giggle. He introduces it in increments, a foot in the door as you warm to the idea. Things really get going when he confesses, head buried in the crook of your neck as he groans how the way you flutter around his cock with each giggle brings him so close, and you can't help but laugh at that too. Poor Johnny comes harder than he ever has, and you can't help but want to indulge the glassy, lovestruck expression on his handsome face.
Unlike Gaz, he’d never restrain you - Johnny loves fighting you to stay still, caging you in or dragging you back by the ankle into his reach.
For Ghost, he loves the chase and anticipation beforehand, and his favourite way of being a pest – catch him brushing against just the right spot to make you jump and squeal as his arms slip around you, or his chin nuzzles into your neck.
But it starts with a morning of productivity, taken with your own domestic chores in a quiet co-existence. He’s finished a spot-tidy, bringing some discarded rubbish and checking on you in the kitchen. You’re unsuspecting, caught up in your respective daily activities, fixated on the job in front of you – and something hits him. The way you bob along happily to the music in your head, scrubbing at the dishes with a sway in your hips, caught up in your own world. Your happiness is magnetic, beckoning him and basking him in the same warm rush of dopamine. A light bubbles up through his body, something that forces its way from the depths of his chest more often when you’re around, and his feet are moving towards the kitchen before he thinks twice.
“Hey love?”
You hum questioningly, putting elbow grease into a particularly stuck blemish from the morning’s dishes.
“Got somethin’ for you.”
You finally turn around, soapy hands in the air as droplets cascade from them. Simon gives you a second to stare quizzically, watching your expression morph into a pleading grin as his hands creep up from his sides, fingers curling over into a leering grab.
“No! I’m washing dishes, please!”
His grin widens, fingers wiggling threateningly. “Then dry your hands.”
Your hands fall to your shirt, squeezing the material as you ready yourself to bolt. He squares up, arms outstretched, but he doesn’t close them as you swoop by close enough, out the kitchen in a mad dash. Though the chase is superficial, it doesn’t stop the thrill that jolts him with each impending step, following you through to the loungeroom. The sofa keeps him at bay, circling each other in a practiced synchronisation around the furniture as you feint left and right, keeping him guessing which way you’ll take off.
You bluff right to distract him from your plan to run the other way, but Simon lunges left anyway. He’s faster than you can think, reading the tensing of your muscles, and unable to rectify your charade as you scramble, his arms clamp around you in a swooping grab.
And as you gasp and giggle underneath him, something stirs to life.
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dividers by cafekitsune
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osamusriceballs · 8 months
Kinktober Day 11 <3
Tsukishima x sensory deprivation
Warnings: NSFW, fem reader
Words: ~ 1,1 k
Kinktober Masterlist II -> Next day
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"Come on, just let me take off the blindfold."
You sigh and wiggle your wrists in his grasp, only for him to snicker amusedly. "I feel like you don't fully understand the concept of sensory deprivation. The blindfold is essential for this." You can hear him click his tongue at the end of the words, feigning annoyance while he answers. "I know, but isn't it enough that you're chaining my hands to the bed?" As a cue, he wraps the silky tie around your wrists, tight, but far from painful, expertly tying the knot around your hands.
"I don't think so." He squeezes your cheeks, and you try to protest but the words come out as nonsense. "Just be patient for me. Can you do that?" You feel him shift his weight on the bed, his lips now at the shell of your ear when he whispers the words. A shiver runs down your spine and you quickly nod- maybe a bit too eager because he is quick to release a mocking snort.
You hold your breath when you feel his hands on your body, his thumbs rubbing the material of your blouse above your collarbones. Goosebumps form on your skin, his touch warm when his knuckles brush against the swell of your breast as he starts to unbutton the fabric. His hands roam around your stomach, to the cage of your ribs, just barely grazing along the fabric of your bra as soon as he has finished unbuttoning your blouse. Anticipation rushes through you, your body ever so sensitive to all of his touches while you tried to predict where he is going to touch you next. No words are exchanged when you feel him pulling back, leaving the bed for good.
"Kei?" you ask hesitantly, hearing him shuffle around and arranging some things. "Hmm? You good there?"
"Yes- but come back, Kei. Don't make me wait." You know that you sound desperate, but you can stop replaying different scenarios in your mind when you're tied to the bed like this. He clearly enjoys seeing you go crazy with anticipation. A few more moments of him arranging and rearranging stuff that feel like an eternity to you while you can't see, and you feel his weight dipping down the mattress again.
He's close.
You can't see him, but you can feel him. Feel his presence right next to you, his even and deep breaths, his smell- all of your other senses seem to tell you that he's close. Your body jolts when you suddenly feel his breath on your neck, softly breathing against your skin. "You look so pretty like this." A ragged breath escapes your lips at his words, the sudden softness in his tone adding to the intimacy of the moment.
A sudden cold sensation on your bare stomach makes you squirm. You hadn't noticed that his hands have been busied with something else, and when he presses it harder against you, you whine, feeling the cold wetness drip down to your navel. It lingers a few more moments on your skin, causing you to gasp at the freezing sensation, goosebumps forming on your skin already. You hear an almost metallic sound when the coolness disappears and he puts something away.
"Ok. Tell me what that was." His voice sounds teasing, a smirk adorning his lips for sure. "An ice cube," you reply, trying to sound neutral and put together. "Hmm, really good. I think you deserve a little reward for getting this one right." His lips travel down your collarbones, softly sucking and nibbling on your skin, causing your head to fall back and your toes to curl. His fingers hook into the cups of your bra and pull the fabric down, just enough to free your tits. His tongue softly glides over one of your hard buds, swirling and sucking just enough to make you clench your legs. He pulls back way too soon, your other nub aching for attention too. "Can you guess what's this too?" A soft and light sensation meets your neck, moving along your jaw and down your throat.
You wiggle even more in the ties when the tickling sensation doesn't stop, the soft caress going down to your collarbones, sending shivers down your spine when you can't anticipate where he'd touch you next. "And?" He sounds smug at this point, clearly satisfied when he sees how much you squirm.
"A feather." You sound breathless for sure, but it's simply the effect of the feather now tracing along your exposed breast and moving down your stomach. "You're so good at this, darling."
You ball your hands into fists when he brings his lips to your chest again, replacing the feather with his lips and giving your nipple a soft bite. "Kei-" the sensation so unexpected to you that you moan his name, the sound echoing through the room in a way that makes you burn in embarrassment. "Hmm, what is it?" he answers with his lips still attached to your skin, his voice barely a whisper in the room. "Feels good." Your head is thrown back into the pillows, your back arching your chest into his mouth.
"I'm sure it does." He pulls back, much to your disdain. "Are you ready for the next one?" Tsukishma moves further down, your body jolting when his hands open the button of your pants, slowly pulling them down your legs. You shiver when you're basically lying in front of him in your underwear, a hot wave of need rushing through your body when he hooks his fingers in the hem of your panties. Heat rises to your cheeks when he removes your panties as well, not saying anything, instead, you're only met with nerve-wrecking silence.
"Kei? What are you-" a surprised moan leaves your lips when you feel a soft sensation between your legs- his lips without a doubt, pressing kisses to your already wet folds. Your muscles tense and you involuntarily try to reach for his head, only to be restricted by the tie. His tongue licks along your folds, his nose brushing against your clit, and he has you moaning his name with these few touches already already. The wet noises of his kisses fill the room, your breaths uneven when he pushes his tongue unexpectedly in your entrance. "Oh god- Kei- so good-" you whine when he picks up his pace, licking inside of you with no mercy until he has your thighs clenching around his head. "Yeah? What feels good`? Tell me, darling. Can you guess?"
"Your tongue-" you whine when he rewards you with extra attention to your clit, sucking on the sensitive nub and toying with it with his tongue. Your body is burning from his touches already, eager for more, eager for him to fuck you like this-
"You're so good at this." He presses one last kiss to your pussy, and you feel his weight shifting on the mattress, knowing exactly what he will do next when you hear him fumble with his belt.
"I think you deserve another reward."
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partycatty · 5 months
i had a vision and drew it - and even better, i got a fic idea from it!
johnny cage > discovery
johnny discovers his new powers unexpectedly. maybe he wasn't as ordinary as others thought.
warnings: johnny thinks he's dying and gets all crisis-y, established relationship
notes: imagine instead of activating his powers in a life or death situation, it randomly bodyslams him like a heart attack - and it scares the hell out of him. also i hope u like my silly sketch :3
masterlist <3
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• johnny's life was crumbling. his movies were flopping hard, and people were starting to forget his name. his spending habits were out of control, and you two were arguing about it so much that you grew tired of hearing your own voice. most days were the cold shoulder or shouting matches. things weren't looking great.
• it was during one of these matches when the shouting on his end abruptly paused, and he doubled over. your anger was shoved aside as you dashed forward to inspect his current state. but, just as soon as it started, it was over in a flash. johnny was startled, to say the least. his eyes were wide and he was panting.
• you guys assumed the stress was taking a toll on him, a physical toll. out of respect for his well-being, you held your tongue from that point on. or at least, you tried to. everything was relatively quiet until a mysterious yakuza member demanded the sword on your shared mantle. you would've thrown it at him if given the opportunity since the damn thing sent you back millions. johnny, however, wasn't as willing. fortunately for your safety's concern, he was the ultimate home security system, tying up the man after knocking him unconscious.
• we all know the rest. "what in the actual-" "i am the god of fire" "get your damn hands off him" "that's no special effect" "change the arc of your lives." blah blah blah. it was all a weird blur. apparently, you, johnny, and this new "friend" of yours were all chosen to fight for something bigger than a malibu disagreement. you were a fighter alongside your husband, but you did it competitively. johnny did it for the cameras, which isn't to say he's worse naturally. he could kick ass, and so could you, just in different directions.
• liu kang warned everyone that training would take months, as the tournament was far down the line. johnny grew impatient, and you grew tense with his lack of eagerness to actually train. regardless, you sparred and took the monk's advices to heart.
• johnny wouldn't tell you at first, since he didn't want to distract your own progress, but he would oftentimes catch himself feeling... funny, for lack of a better phrase. during meals, his eyes would unfocus and his hearing sounded underwater. at night, he'd toss and turn for hours in the cot beside yours. something felt wrong, really wrong. his chest felt fluttery and cold, like a sprite weaving between his ribs. it scared the holy hell out of him, considering how prone is family is to heart attacks.
• "great session! whaddya say to a well-deserved break?" he'd announce out of concealed desperation to the other earthrealmers, hoping that someone would agree and he'd be able to excuse himself to loosen his collar and sit down for a moment. it was after the fifth time asking in a day that you approached him with genuine concern.
• "honey, are you alright?" you asked gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. his eyes followed your touch and he sighed, moving your hand to his chest.
• "i-i'm afraid," he'll confess quietly, glancing behind you to make sure nobody was overhearing his moment of worry. "i haven't been feeling well, but i can't just drop everything and leave. not when my career's in the shithole. we've got nothing to return to. this fire god guy needs me, needs us, and i know damn well you'd follow me out if i stepped back from all of this."
• johnny's tragic worry struck a chord in your heart and you couldn't help but agree with his words. you advised him to ask a monk about decongestant tea, or some other simple remedy that would keep you at the academy.
• things died down, or at least, johnny's pain wouldn't be verbalized for a while. you and the boys were actually gaining significant strength and conditioning with the brutal training regime liu kang assigned. when he felt everyone was finally prepared to choose a champion, he assembled a king of the hill type of tournament on campus grounds.
• you stood between johnny and kenshi, a palpable tension on your husband's shoulders. his jaw was clenched tight, as were his fists. he looked... terrified. this wasn't a normal expression for the star.
• "johnny?" you whisper to him, reaching down to intertwine your fingers with his. before you could fully articulate your concerns, he speaks up.
• "i don't feel well," he murmurs in return, eyes fixated at the platform in front of you all. he visibly pales.
• liu kang calls you to the platform as the first contestant, and you obediently oblige with a bow, waiting for further instruction. your eyes danced across your potential competitors — raiden and kung lao, the humble farmers. kenshi, the enigmatic swordsman... and your husband, who looked as if he was shitting himself and moments away from puking.
• "you will face (reader), johnny cage."
• "a-are you sure? because that's my spouse, and i'd hate to—"
• liu kang frowns. johnny puts his hands up in a surrender motion, a pathetic attempt at remaining playful, and hoists himself to the platform across from you. his position readies, as does yours.
• though he may be visibly under the weather, the technique is still there. johnny's fighting style is unique and calculate, effortlessly playful and charismatic, just like him. even so, the match becomes quite even as you're familiar with his style. you parry many blows, mirroring others. the crowd is pleased and excited by the potential outcomes.
• you land a good kick to johnny's face, sending him spiraling in the air and landing on his back with a deep thud. the color in his face returns (due to the bruising) as he stares up at you, licking his lips before flourishing his way back up.
• but then, he lets out a strained cry.
• johnny clutches his chest, clawing at the layers of fabric across his body as if they're an anvil sitting atop his torso. his face twists as he doubled over in complete agony.
• "by the elder gods!" liu kang shouts, standing from his spectator chair. others let out their own concerns and shouts, but you're the first one rocketing to his side. you get to his level to inspect his face. you make a desperate attempt to push his damp hair from his face, but his neck snaps the other way as his body tries to expel this sudden onslaught of pain.
• as the fear that a heart attack is imminent, a sudden glow of green burns bright even past johnny's robes. it spills out like an angry cloud, seeping through johnny's fingers as he cries out in the worst pain he'd ever experienced. it is here that liu kang tenses up, then relaxes. he steps to the side, and does nothing but watch blankly. you come closer and part his clothing, giving yourself access to his bare chest to inspect the source.
• shockingly, the problem is... internal. his veins are glowing a bright green shade and when his eyes aren't deeply clenched, you sense a faint trace of emerald in his irises. right where his heart is, is a rhythmic flashing pattern.
• "make it stop!" johnny begs helplessly, and you reply on the verge of tears that you don't know how to help. however, almost as if on cue, he takes a deep breath inward and sits upright, eyes wide and jaw slack. and, just like that, everything seems normal again.
• you run your hand frantically across his bare skin, trying to feel for abnormalities as he catches his breath. you're crying now from the fear, and you catch a glimpse at his watery eyes.
• "are you okay?!" kung lao asks, putting a hand on his back to help him stabilize. "what was that?!"
• "i don't know..." johnny breathlessly replies, reaching a hand up to fix his hair nervously. however, as his hand traveled upward, he noticed the same emerald aura clouding around his hands, and he shouts out and scurries as if he's trying to run away from his own arm. as it's outstretched, it shoots a ball of energy outward, frying a mannequin that sat innocently off to the side. the crowd's eyes go from the mannequin and back to the celebrity. your fists ball up on his back, fistfuls of fabric keeping you upright otherwise you'd fall back from shock.
• "that is not how i anticipated that happening this time," liu kang muttered, coming closer to inspect johnny's palms. johnny stares at his hands like they grew overnight. his eyes shoot to the fire god, incredulous.
• "what the hell do you mean, 'this time?!'"
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misojunnie · 10 months
Imagine Won's reaction when reader surprises him on tour? His eyes light up and he literally jumps and runs over nearly knocking everyone and everything over in the process. I live for soft Won. Could you please turn this into a drabble? 🥺♥️
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✧ surprising bf!jungwon on tour!
Sweat dripped down Jungwon's forehead as he exhaled heavily. Three hours later, and the last concert in New York was over. After this, it was Aichi, then Konogawa, then Osaka as the grand finale. Aka, 28 days and 11 hours since he had seen you, 31 days and 13 hours since he would see you next. He thought he might die of a broken heart before he even got the chance.
Since you and Jungwon started dating, you hadn't been apart for more than a week. Despite his busy schedule and your own occupations, you managed to squeeze in time wherever you could. A kiss during dance practice, an embrace between train stations, whisking each other away for a brief moment just to say hello or press a chaste kiss to each other's forehead.
Without you, he felt like he was dying. He was beginning to think he was a little too clingy.
He sighed, patting Riki on the back as he passed by him, a stormy frown on his face. The younger boy took notice, a grin passing across his lips as he toweled the sweat off of his forehead.
"You missin' y/n?" he asked observantly, and Jungwon looked at him with a raised brow.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Pretty much," Riki chuckled, slinging his towel over his shoulder. A mischievous twinkle filled his eyes as he pointed down the hall. "The manager is asking for you. Down the hall, first door on the right."
"What does he want now..." Jungwon muttered, striding down the hall with his hands crammed into his pockets, shoulders hunched. His hand reached for the doorknob, turning it with a frown. "Hello? Manager-"
He straightened up as if pulled by a string, his eyes going wide as saucers the minute he laid eyes on you. A proud grin on your face, looking like a dream, in his own hoodie no less. It felt like someone had stole the breath from his lungs.
"Honey, I'm home!" you giggled playfully, eyes scrunched into smiling crescents.
He ran to you in the blink of an eye, his body colliding with yours as he reached for you, knocking a folding table over in the process, water bottles and various hair products crashing to the linoleum.
"Y/n!" he practically shrieked, his arms squeezing you so tightly it felt like your ribs were going to shatter. "What are you doing here?"
"I flew in to surprise you. Came straight from the airport." you laughed against his skin, his hair in your face as he nuzzled his face into your neck. "You miss me?"
"More than you can imagine." he replied, raising his head and pressing kisses all over your face, twice on your nose, once on each cheek, and longer one on your lips. "You smell good."
You giggled. "I'm wearing the perfume you like." He sighed contentedly. Just your presence had pushed him to the point of euphoria. He could already feel his heart mending itself back up again as you smiled at him shyly, grabbing his hand. "Wanna go to my hotel? We can order food and catch a movie."
"I'd love nothing more." His lips spread into a grin as he squeezed your hand enthusiastically, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips as he led you out of the room.
And he could've swore he saw you high five Riki as you passed him in the hallway.
a/n: oh my godddd this actual made me blush I could barely write. I love soft won too </3 also I'm sorry this took a million billion years for me to write, I was on vacation and got super distracted ;-; ty for the cute request!
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atlasofthestaars · 7 months
[MK X READER] New Era - Chapter .013
first part | previous part | next part
NOTE: Sorry these chapters are taking a while, I hope the longer length makes up for it all! <3 Experimenting with a more descriptive style of writing, so sorry if it is a lot!
Would you guys want a repolling of Rain? I’ve been considering it after seeing all the love for Rain recently in the comments, let me know!
Also I went back and added chapter names for everything ! ty for avianlily for the help!
I know it’s Mortal Kombat, but warning for descriptive gore!
That night your memories returned to you, for the first time, in a dream.
You found yourself standing in the middle of a grand coliseum. At least, that’s what you remember it as. The walls rose high around the arena to accommodate for the massive amount of seats needed for all the people that filled them. It almost felt like a cage with how high up the walls were. The sun beat down harshly upon you, bestowing you with a thin of sweat upon your skin. The scent of dust and blood mingled in the air and your nose scrunched up at it.
You craned your head up to look into the crowd. The stares of the people were unnerving. It was as if you simply breathed wrong they would be ready to jeer at you. You felt more like a zoo animal rather than a person. You took in a deep breath, straightening your back. You would not let their stares make you cower and back down.
Despite all that, you were not the person of interest among the many who were in the coliseum. The crowd was much more focused on the fight happening in the center of the arena. A bandaged man with glowing eyes was beating Johnny Cage to a pulp as if he were a mere training dummy. Every blow the man dealt seemed to echo throughout the arena with how strong it was. Johnny probably had a few broken ribs at this point. 
The crowd’s approval roared in your ears, but you could only grimace as you crossed your arms. How could anyone find enjoyment in such a sight? You’ve never understood why anyone would enjoy bloody fighting as entertainment. What drove people to enjoy such bloodlust flew completely over your head. You understood enjoying sparring and friendly fights…nothing like this.
Johnny, worn down and bruised, threw a sloppy kick in the man’s direction. Predictably, it was caught. Your eyes widened as you saw the bandaged man reel his arm back. You already knew what was going to happen. You averted your eyes, gritting your teeth as you heard the sickening crack of bone. That man had broken Johnny’s leg like it was a simple twig. You heard a thud, then a groan, and then you knew it was over. 
“Ermac wins!” A voice announced among the crowd’s cheers.
“I’ll help him.” You said to the thunder god at your side. Raiden’s eyes looked at you, an unreadable look on his face, then he nodded. You strode over, looking at the tarkatan who had tried to drag Johnny away. There was a grumble, a reluctant growl, before he let you retrieve your ally. Despite the resistance, you nodded respectfully to him. No reason not to be disrespectful. “Brace yourself, Cage.” You muttered, hoisting Johnny up. You slung his arm over his shoulder, doing your best to keep the pressure of his leg now that he was lame.
“Thanks.” Johnny muttered, a groan leaving his lips. You knew he probably was aching all over. You could also tell he was swimming in and out of consciousness with the weak way his head rested against your shoulder. You looked over to his face, or at least the parts of it you could see, noting how the bruises painted his skin like grotesque watercolor. You sighed, wishing all of a sudden that you had healing powers instead of your shifting ones so you could whisk away his pain.
“Thank me later, try to keep awake.” You chided, your firm tone dissonant with the way your heart was hammering in fear for your ally. He was lucky they showed him mercy, you knew he could have easily been wiped out like nothing. With a grunt of effort, you led him to the back of the crowd, making sure he was situated away from the fighting and beasts Shao Khan let roam in his coliseum. He had enough for today, you figured. Looking up, you noted Kung Lao and Liu Kang walking in.
Relief washed over you as you saw them. They were safe.
Liu Kang had made a beeline for the princess. You sighed, watching him walk past. You had been caught up in the whole tournament and unable to help assist her. Well, at least Raiden had insisted you were more needed on standby than to help the princess. As you watched your long time friend go to assist her, a pit of guilt formed in your stomach.
You should have helped her.
You knew you were justified in staying back, after all you had to be on standby just in case you needed to fight. After all, the number of champions fighting for Earthrealm were much, much less than those for Outworld. But still the guilt grew. 
“Not now!” Raiden pleaded, chasing after the man. “Smoke and Johnny Cage have been defeated, and I no longer sense Jackson Briggs’ and Sonya Blade’s presence in Outworld.” The thunder god cried out, trying to make Liu Kang understand the gravity of the situation. You walked by them now, deciding you better listen in on the conversation. You walked to the right of Liu Kang. “Despite my doubts as to whether you are Earthrealm’s savior, you must fight!”
Liu Kang looked at Raiden, a look akin to a betrayed pet. The pyromancer’s gaze drifted towards you, his gaze seeming to search for something as he looked at you. Your eyebrows furrowed at the expression. Was he looking for your approval? What good would your approval do, compared to a god’s? Still, despite your self doubt, you thought about it. You took in a deep breath, then you looked away, down to the dusty ground. Then, after a moment of contemplation, you nodded your head towards Kitana.
“I have other things to do.” Liu Kang, with the voice of a man scorned, told Raiden. His determination seemed to have been bolstered by your encouragement. The man looked at you once more, his gaze much softer. Instead of the smoldering embers of hate, there were merely cinders. He walked forward, not caring for the threatened stances the tarkatans gave him. Shao Khan’s gaze followed, his cold orange eyes assessing the man. He let him pass, not caring for what he did with Kitana.
Vile man.
“Raiden!” Shao Khan’s voice boomed out, his voice sticking out loud and proud among the cacophony of sounds. He looked all too smug on his stone throne situated in the middle of the arena. He lounged too casually, as if he knew his victory was assured. It riled you up, making you grit your teeth and glare at him. “Put forward a worthy champion…if you can.” 
From the corner of your eye, you spotted Kung Lao moving forward. A mixture of emotions swelled inside you at the sight. The first emotion you identified was pride for your friend at his confidence in his skill. The second was fear, especially after the brutal beatings you had seen Smoke and Johnny Cage take. You feared he would suffer the same fate, if not worse. He had not fully stepped forward, looking towards the thunder god before stepping back into place.
Kung Lao’s desire to prove himself and to fight for Earthrealm was obvious. You tried to keep your mixed emotions on the matter less obvious. You knew your friend had issues with feeling equal to Liu Kang, your look of mixed emotions would only drive him to doubt himself. That among many other things was not what you wanted.
Raiden looked at you first, a contemplative look on his face. For a moment, you considered whether he was planning on throwing you out there. You took a deep breath in, preparing yourself for that very possibility. You were strong enough, you believed, but your faith in your abilities wavered after the brutalities you witnessed today.
Raiden then turned his eyes towards Kung Lao, noting his more eager attitude. It was like night and day. It was as if he were trying to volunteer to pick up the mail, not to fight in a bloody tournament. You knew he was eager to prove himself, but did he not realize the gravity of it all? You felt your nails create marks on your palm from how hard you clenched your fists upon the realization of what was to come. 
It was obvious who he would choose.
“Perhaps you are meant to be the victor.” Raiden said. His words felt like the final nail in the coffin. Your stomach churned with fear as you watched the all too pleased look on Kung Lao’s face. You felt guilty at the conflicted emotions within you. You shouldn’t be doubting your friend’s ability, and in truth, you didn’t. But you just didn’t want to see him get hurt like Johnny Cage and Smoke already did.
“One second.” You said, stepping forward in front of Kung Lao. For a moment, you sucked in a breath, trying to seek the courage to tell him to not do it because of the way your gut twisted and turned. And yet, upon seeing the look on his face, your resolve crumbled. Your gaze dropped, and you raised a hand to rest on his bicep. “Just…stay safe, Kung Lao.” Your fingers pinched at his skin. 
“You worry too much.” Kung Lao told you, your name spilled from his lips with a comforting tone. He placed a hand on your own bicep and pinched it back. A light laughter left his lips, and your lips pressed together. “I’ll make sure to beat these Outworlders and come back victorious, for all of us.” He paused, squeezing your arm. “I promise.”
You could only hope that he kept that promise/
“May the elder gods bless him.” You whispered to yourself as you stepped to the side and watched Kung Lao walk up to take the challenge. You were unable to keep out the hint of fear in your prayer. Thankfully, the sound of the crowd washed out your voice so your friend would not hear it. The air was filled with sounds of disapproval towards him, but Kung Lao preserved. You only hoped that your prayer still made it out to the gods despite all the noise. 
You felt Raiden’s eyes turn to you. His glowing eyes felt like lasers burning into your head with how intense it was. He surely must have heard your plea. You avoided eye contact, keeping your eyes trained on your razor hatted friend. You didn’t want to know what the thunder god’s reaction was to your prayer, though you had a bit of an idea already.
You heard a pained grunt come from behind you, tearing your attention away from the announcement of the fight. You spun around to look at the person who made the noise. Your eyes scanned the crowd, scrutinizing all the faces. With a sigh, you noticed that it had come from Johnny Cage who had moved from his spot. His leg was now displaced from an attempt to move. With a disapproving shake of your head, you strode over to deal with the actor. 
Kung Lao would be fine, surely. You had to have faith in your friends.
“What did I say about moving?” You chided, straightening out Johnny’s leg so it was no longer bent at an awkward angle. You were used to gore and gruesome sights, but you couldn’t help the little hint of distaste you felt upon seeing the injury. At least no bone was sticking through his pants. You couldn’t tell the full scope of how bad it was from his pants, though. “I should help you now that I’m not needed.” You muttered, kneeling down as you took out the medical bag you kept with you.
“Sorry.” Johnny muttered, and you could hear guilt dripping from his voice. “I saw that Kung Lao was going to fight…wanted to see.” He explained to you in a labored tone, his voice lacking his usual cocky tone. He was still slightly out of it, and it was hard to look at his bruised face. You huffed as you pushed the man down so he didn’t strain himself any further than he already did. 
“Don’t talk, don’t move. You’re going to hurt yourself doing that.” You told him, sending him a small glare. It was a half hearted attempt as your gaze softened as you saw how tired he looked. “I appreciate the apology though.” You sighed as you observed the cuts and injuries he had sustained. You reached into your bag, taking a rag to clean the open wounds. “This will sting, feel free to squeeze.” You warned him, offering your hand out as you swiped the rag over the wounds. 
His hand hesitantly took yours. You heard a hiss come from the actor as you began to disinfect his wounds, and you knew from how hard his hand was gripping yours now it must hurt like the deepest part of the netherrealm. You made sure to bandage his wounds properly, watching with slight concern as bits of the bandages turned slightly red. 
“You’re doing good.” You reassured him, running your thumb over the back of his hand which had lessened its grip. “You’re brave for going out there, Cage.” You said, deciding to distract him from the pain by playing up to his ego. You felt his hand weakly squeeze yours. You smiled at him, it was at least reassuring to know he could at least do that.
You nearly jumped as you heard the creaking of metal. Turning your head, you heard the crowd roar in approval as a metal gate opened on the side of the coliseum. A tirgar shokan emerged, and you recalled that he must be the one named Kintaro that your father had told you about. He roared as he exited, the sound echoing throughout the area. The crowd seemed to be bolstered at the display.
With heavy steps, he approached Kung Lao who seemed to be faring well after his last match. He wasn’t badly hurt like Smoke or Johnny was, at least. Relief filled you at the sight. He was okay, and that’s what you really needed to see. You huffed at the threat that Kintaro gave Kung Lao, telling him that he would eat his heart. How brutish.
The match captivated you. You knew Kung Lao was skilled, you helped train him after all, but it was something else to watch him in motion in a real fight. His technique was top tier, and the way he moved with his hat made it feel like it was merely a part of him.
His punches felt impactful with every blow he landed, and you swore you heard the crack of a rib from all the way back here. His hat sliced through flesh and muscle with ease. Kintaro’s blood splattered upon Kung Lao, decorating him with his signs of victory. Long gone was the proud tirgar shokan, he seemed like a pitiful kitten with the beating he was suffering. Anyone who watched could tell Kung Lao had been training his life for this.  
How could you have doubted him?
It didn’t take very long for him to defeat the shokan. With a weak yowl, he tumbled into the dirt. Dust clouds rose up from the heavy impact. For a moment, the arena went silent. Then, the crowd around began to boo and jeer the man. You frowned at the noise. The hate sent his way left a bitter taste in your mouth. Yet, Kung Lao didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he basked in all the attention, spinning and bowing, You sighed and turned away. While he didn’t mind it all, you were uncomfortable with it all. You didn’t want to watch it.
You continued to bandage Johnny up, having paused the task to observe the fight. You furrowed your eyebrows as Johnny began to move. Or rather, struggle to move. You pushed him back, sending him a disapproving look. You already scolded him, he surely didn’t need more lectures? The actor was arrogant and headstrong, but he wasn’t this stupid, was he? It wasn’t until he pointed behind you that you realized he was trying to warn you of something.
“Shao…Khan.” Johnny rasped, continuing to intently point behind you.
“What?” You said, furrowing your eyebrows at the words he said. You turned to look where Johnny was pointing. As your eyes landed on the man creeping behind your friend, it felt like the wind was knocked out of your lungs. You stood, dropping your medical supplies all upon the ground. You didn’t care though. You dashed forward towards the crowd, limbs trying to transform into whatever would get you there faster. Your hand was outstretched to the man. “Kung Lao!” You called out, heart hammering with fear.
“Earthrealm is free-”
You were too late.
Time slowed as you collided with Raiden, but the impact did nothing to tear your eyes from the horrific sight of Kung Lao’s neck being snapped. You barely registered the shriek that echoed through the coliseum as yours, you were far too focused on the sound of his neck being snapped. It was a loud crack paired with the sickening sound of muscle and flesh twisting in a way that the human body was not meant to go.
It was ugly and wrong.
Your limbs felt like they were suddenly made of lead as his body, all too limp and still for a man who had just been breathing a moment ago, slumped to the ground. As it finally hit the ground and dust clouds rose, you felt like you could finally move properly.
You threw yourself to the ground, ignoring the sneer the tyrant sent your way as you dragged Kung Lao’s body into your lap. Terrified prayers to the elder gods hoping that somehow Kung Lao was okay left your lips. You stared down at his head which was grotesquely twisted in an unnatural angle. His eyes were wide open, yet they had no life behind them. Although all the signs were there that he could not possibly be alive, you shakily raised a hand to check his pulse, desperate for anything at all.
Nothing. Just a body that was quickly losing its warmth.
He was, without a doubt, dead.
A scream left your lips as you tumbled out of bed. 
You hissed as you felt the impact of the floor. Thankfully it was not a long fall for you, so at most it would only be a minor bruise. Your side ached dully as you laid there, processing what you just witnessed. Through all the noise in your head, all you could hear was your shaky uneven breaths. You turned to face the ceiling, staring at what you could see with the assistance of the crystal lamp.
What was that?
Your vision was blurry, as if you were looking through a foggy window. You reached up to your face, rubbing at it harder than you needed just to make sure you were even awake. You winced at the rough texture of your hands. Your limb, despite you not willing it to transform, was a reptile claw. Still, it did not deter you from wiping at your eyes. 
Tears were wiped away, and you saw your other limbs were in a sort of disarray. You were mostly not human right now. You stared at your limbs, flexing them and trying to return them back. Your vision blurred again, but this time with tears of frustration. No matter how much you tried to will it away, you could not transform back. 
You were no stranger to gruesome and awful sights in your memories. It seemed whatever life you once lived was filled with grief and pain, it was something you’ve come to learn with the memories you’ve recovered. You’ve seen bloody scenes and lifeless bodies, moments of grief and solitude. And yet what you had just seen had shaken you to the core. 
You’ve never seen someone you cared about, or used to care about, die in front of you.
Your mind raced with the details you witnessed, trying to catalog every moment you had seen. Part of you wanted to squeeze your eyes shut and try to force out the memory. To try and forget whatever you had seen and how it would inevitably scar your memories. Before you could let your irrational thoughts get the better of you, you forced your eyes wide open with a single thought.
You had to be calm to dwell on whatever horrifying sight you had witnessed, you couldn’t let yourself forget. Maybe, just maybe, a calm mind would help your body come back to normalcy as well.
You rubbed at your eyes with the heel of your palm using the other hand which had turned into a bear paw. You counted carefully the amount of time you took to breathe in, trying to regulate yourself. Then, for the same amount of time, you forced yourself to breathe out. The panicked frenzy of blood rushing through your ears settled down, turning into a quiet stream.
Your limbs slowly transformed back into your regular form, and you worried a little less now.
You laid on the ground, sprawled out as you let your body and mind recover from the memory. As your rational thoughts overtook the frenzied ones, you finally let your eyes close. You flinched at the flashes of memory the darkness brought. A broken leg, an angry glance…a snapped neck. You groaned at the vision, trying not to remember that particular part.
Taking another deep breath, you focused on what you remembered. That place indicated a tournament, why else would you all throw yourselves into such bloodshed otherwise? You couldn’t tell if it was the same tournament that you remembered yesterday or not, but it was definitely in Outworld. Kitana was captive, but why? She had been a princess of Outworld, there was no reason she should need saving, especially from Earthrealm.
Why were you all even fighting? Somewhere in the back of your head you knew it was for an important reason. You knew that the thunder god wouldn’t send you into meaningless conflict. You stared up at the ceiling for a few moments more, trying to piece together the pieces you barely had. Why was Liu Kang so upset with the thunder god? Was it because Raiden had doubted he was Earthrealm’s savior?
It couldn’t possibly be, the Liu Kang you knew now was far too humble. But then again, was he always? You weren’t sure, in all honesty, your memories with Liu Kang felt blurred. You let out a resigned sigh as you draped an arm over your eyes. This was far too much to think about for just waking up. You rubbed your eyes once more. 
Maybe right now wasn’t the time to think about all that tragedy. With another sigh, you forced yourself to get up. As you stood, you grimaced at the mess you made of the bed. It was like staring at a massacred corpse. Deep gashes exposing the mattress were left, and the pillows were torn. The blanket you had tangled with as you fell was even shredded.
You reached up and fiddled with the dragon necklace you wore, a habit you developed. You had no idea how to explain the mess you had made. At least, not without either seeming suspicious or having people worry about you. You’ve never lost control before, how could you explain that a dream…no. How could you explain that a nightmare had made you go berserk? Not to mention you could only confide the contents of your dream to Liu Kang, and after the conversation with him yesterday, you were reluctant to. 
You rubbed your face, agitated. You’d deal with this all later, you decided. You were far too stressed out for this right now. You felt a tad bit guilty about just abandoning it, but you decided it was for the best. With how unstable you were earlier, it might act up again if you looked at it too long or stressed over it. Still, even with your rationale, the pit of guilt didn’t go away.
To move past it, you sluggishly moved towards the mirror. You saw your appearance, you looked like you had just been in a scuffle. Grabbing a new set of clothes, you quickly changed into it. You chose not to look at your back. Then, after feeling a bit better about donning a new outfit, you took the time to make yourself seem more composed.
By the time you were done, you looked normal. The only indication of your earlier frenzy was the slight redness of your eyes. That was only when someone got close and really took the time to look at them. You rubbed at your eyes once more, wishing it’d go away faster. Alas, it didn’t work. Shaking your head, you tested out a smile, seeing if you could fool yourself.
Good enough.
Smoothing out your outfit one last time, you stepped out of the room. You took in a deep breath as you stepped into the light. At least the beauty of the palace was somewhat comforting. It wasn’t quite the same as waking up for the sunrise, but it was still a wonderful sight.
Footsteps echoed from the hall. You looked away from the wonder around you to the otherside of the hallway, half expecting to see princess Kitana. After all, who else came down this way around this time of day other than her? Or anytime in general. it felt like. And yet, the person you saw walking from down the hall was perhaps the last person that you wanted to see right now.
Kung Lao. 
“Ah, Kung Lao.” You greeted, hoping the smile upon your lips didn’t seem too forced. You scanned his face. It seemed he was far too tired to notice any strange behavior. The drowsiness that clung to him seemed to go away slightly as you walked closer. A smile appeared on his face. You held back a grimace upon noticing how it looked all too similar to the one he had before he died. “How are you?”
“Tired.” Kung Lao admitted, a yawn escaping his lips. His eyes traveled downwards, and his expression seemed to brighten at what he saw. “I’m glad you like the necklace.” He commented, with amusement twinkling in his eyes. You blinked owlishly at his seemingly random comment before drawing your own gaze to where he was staring.
The dragon necklace. The very same you were fiddling in your hand. Your gaze softened as you looked down at the design, then looked back up at the Kung Lao in front of you. Your eyes traveled to the dragon insignia upon the left side of his chest. Perhaps it was not exactly the same size or design, but the similarities between the two designs of the two versions was enough to made you grip the necklace just a bit tighter. For a moment, you allowed yourself to wonder why there were so many similarities between the two worlds.
Then you stopped, feeling that damned headache remerge at just the thought of overthinking again. 
“Yeah.” You said, nodding as you continued to stare at the design on his chest. Bringing yourself to look up at Kung Lao in the eyes felt like a herculean task at this moment. Your smile melted into one that was a touch softer, a bit smaller. “I really like it, actually.” You looked back at the dragon which you rubbed between your forefinger and thumb. 
“I knew you would.” Kung Lao remarked, a nearly smug grin on his lips. A satisfied expression settled on his lips as he observed you for a moment more. Then, in the next he stepped over so he was by your side. “Let’s go to the Great Hall, I’m starving.” You nodded a small chuckle leaving your lips. You followed him to the Great Hall. Your eyes kept wandering around like a duckling without its mother. They seemed to land anywhere but the man beside you.
Even if you were composed right now, you didn’t quite trust yourself if you were to look at Kung Lao too long. They were just so…similar that it made your chest hurt. You weren’t sure what was quite causing it: the idea that the man beside you could succumb to a gruesome fate like the one you had seen before, or the fact that the man beside you was close enough to the one who had died. It was like seeing an imperfect recreation of the man before.
All too similar to give you a sense of nostalgia and to nearly trick you into thinking he was the same. And yet different enough that you were bitterly reminded that the man you had known as a friend was gone for good. Part of you was comforted by the sameness, but another part of you wished that he was just different so you weren’t reminded of a man whose death was seared into your memory.
The walk there was shrouded in a veil of awkwardness, but thankfully your walking partner didn’t notice. You were too conflicted internally to initiate much conversation, battling yourself with the newfound feelings of sorrow and grief for a man who has passed long ago. You did, however, talk back whenever Kung Lao attempted to throw in conversation.
Would Kung Lao ever believe you that you once knew him, in another life?
You were never more relieved to see the Great Hall than now. Trying not to make your excitement to not be alone with Kung lao too obvious, you slowed your pace just a little to allow the razor hatted man to reach the fire god and his friend first. 
Both Liu Kang and Raiden greeted the two of you cheerily. You smiled upon noticing the more upbeat attitude the champion held today. The nerves that once clung to him the past few days seemed to be gone. Or at least, gone for the most part. The only indication of his nervousness was in the smile that was a little too wide as he handed you and Kung Lao some breakfast foods. Your heart seemed to flutter at the simple gesture.
Well, that was breakfast sorted out.
You gratefully took your portion, and noted the excited way Kung Lao snatched the second serving that Raiden had also gotten him. You felt a little relieved to be falling back into some sort of normalcy after that horrible dream. Eating the bit of food also helped calm you down and not make you feel like you were walking on a tightrope around others.
“So who are you fighting today?” Kung Lao asked, peering over to Raiden. He wiped away the remnants of the food he devoured. By the time you had finished your portion, he had finished both of his. How he managed to scarf down food that fast alluded you to this day. “Not that it matters since you’ll easily beat them.” The former farmer sent his friend a confident grin, to which Raiden returned, albeit not as confident.
“Raiden will be facing the Osh-Tekk known as Ko’atal, or Kotal.” Liu Kang answered. His eyes seemed to squint just a touch in warning towards Kung Lao. The man sent a grin that was only partially apologetic. You felt the familiar buzz of nostalgia in your head at the name. You wondered if there was ever a time you’d stop experiencing this sensation. “He’s one of their best.”
You supposed you wouldn’t. Not until you unraveled all of your memories, at least.
How many more bits and pieces did you have left to find? That question lingered in your head as idle chatter was passed between the group. You didn’t realize how long you spaced out until you were surprised to feel an arm slung over your shoulders. You jolted in surprise at the contact, looking over to see the culprit.
It only made sense that it was Johnny Cage.
“How you doing, Teach?” The actor asked, a wide grin on his face. He leaned his head towards you, his eyes seeming to search your face. He seemed more chipper this morning. Everyone in general seemed in a better mood. Well, everyone but you. You felt a bit guilty that you didn’t share their energy. Still, you put on your best smile. Fake it until you make it, isn’t that what actors say?
“I’m fine, Cage.” You responded. Your eyes dragged over his arm which draped over your shoulders. For a moment, you considered shrugging it off, but there was something about the contact that felt…comforting. “You seem to be in a better mood.” You pointed out, looking back to Johnny. His smile seemed to grow a bit wider.
“I was conversing with one of the princesses yesterday, she was totally giving me the look.” He said, all too proud of himself. You found your somewhat fake smile turn a little real as you wondered what the look on the actor’s face would be if you told him you’ve been conversing with both of the princesses for a bit now. Granted, one was more willing than the other, but he didn’t need to know that. “She’s totally into me.”
“Are you certain she wasn’t just amused by you and your attempts to woo her?” You joked, sending Johnny a look with raised eyebrows. You heard what you thought was a little muffled snort covered up by a fake cough. Looking over, you saw Kenshi covering his mouth with his fist. You could barely detect the amused crinkle in his eyes. 
“Ah, you’re just jealous of how close I’m getting to them.” Johnny teased, you let out a short bark of laughter as you rolled your eyes. His hand rocked you back and forth in a playful manner. In what way did he want you to interpret that? You getting jealous of the princesses, or getting jealous of him? “Don’t worry, Teach, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I know, unfortunately.” You replied in jest. There was a shout of protest from the American at your comment. In the midst of your light hearted banter, you temporarily forgot your woes. How Johnny manages to keep on cheering you up seemed to be a secret talent of his. You wondered if he knew what he was doing, or even was aware of it.
The same fanfare from yesterday played out once more. The entrance of the Empress and princesses was followed by the parting of the crowd. It felt almost comforting to fall into a routine again. You watched as once more, Sindel rose again from her seat on the throne to address the crowd. 
“Yet another day of this wonderful tournament.” Sindel announced, a smile on her face. Her arms were spread wide as she looked among the crowd before directing her gaze at Raiden. There wasn’t quite hostility in her eyes, but you sensed there was a sense that she was becoming just a touch less warm towards the champion.
You assumed, or at least hoped it was only due to how he was progressing further than she had expected.
“You have proven yourself well against Reiko yesterday.” Sindel commended, though that lingering sense of little contempt was underneath her welcoming tone. “Let us see if you can continue to prove your fighting prowess within this next match.” She sat down once more, leg crossed over the other. Her head turned to look at General Shao. “General Shao, whom did you choose to fight next?”
“Your Majesty.” General Shao stepped forward once more. You looked away from the man, deciding that after the dream you had today you really didn’t want to look at him. “I have chosen one of my respected officers, Ko’atal.” 
A figure you have not seen before, at least in this lifetime, emerged from the end of the hallway. He strode forward, his figure muscular, broad, and tall. His eyes seemed to have a hint of glow to them, though they did not shine like Liu Kang’s. Glowing paint was streaked in jagged patterns down his chest and limbs. He strode in with a humble confidence, much different than Reiko before him. Ko’atal’s face was set in fierce determination as he marched forth. 
Just as you predicted, your head seemed to buzz at the sight of him, but you could not glean much else from his appearance.
“Kotal is the pride of the Osh-Tekks, and one of their fiercest warriors.” As the General spoke, Kotal seemed to flex his muscles as if to show off the paint upon his skin. His armor, though had traits of the other uniforms that Shao and Reiko wore, had unique gold embellishments to them. “He is ruthless and loyal, and knows how to take down an enemy easily with the strength he has earned.” You rose an eyebrow at the toned down speech compared to Reiko. Seems like someone has favorites.
“So you are the one who took down Reiko?” Kotal asked Raiden, stopping a few feet away from his opponent. His voice was deep, and boomed naturally. His eyes searched Raiden, sizing him up with a natural caution. It seemed like he respected the man in front of him, or at least as much as he respected any other opponent. Raiden nodded after taking in a nice long breath. “Then let us see how you did it.”
And without much else bravado, the fight began. 
Ko’atal fought in a very brute force style. He knew he towered over Raiden, and used it to his advantage. His strikes were much slower than Raiden, but they were filled with such power that every time he did manage to land a hit they seemed to knock the wind out of the champion. His paint, or were they tattoos? glowed as he fought. They changed color depending on what he did. He even summoned totems within the battle. 
The warrior even seemed to naturally bask in the sunlight that filtered in through the open architecture. It was like he was charged by the light, and used its power against the electricity user in battle.
How strange, how different.
And yet even with the different fighting style, Raiden adapted. He used the bulkiness to his advantage, going in for quicker strikes to counter his opponent. He used his weight against him, having him fumble and falter when he did miss. It only made sense that Earthrealm’s champion remained victorious during the fight.
“It was an honor fighting you.” Raiden said, his breath coming out labored as he recovered from the intense fight. Kotal, sluggish from the exertion, nodded at his words. He got up, seeming worse for wear. Both men seemed to nod once more in respect for the other, before Kotal walked away, taking his loss respectfully.
“Another well fought match.” Sindel complimented, though her smile felt just a tad bit more strained at the sight of Earthrealm’s victor. She cleared her throat as she stood to address the mass of people. “Once more we shall adjourn at first light.” The Empress declared. Then, after another moment, the crowd began to disperse, even more people seemed to send glances at Raiden’s way this time.
“Another well earned victory.” You commended the former farmer. He seemed to brighten up at your words, eyes wide with joy at the praise. He nodded quickly. “Keep it up, and at this rate victory will be assured for Earthrealm.”
“Thank you.” Raiden said, his voice a bit breathy from the battle. You returned the smile he sent your way. Then, the rest of the champions seemed to join in, throwing their compliments towards their friend. “I have never seen someone fight like him before.” He admitted, adjusting his hat. “It was a very interesting fight.”
“The Osh-Tekks have an innate connection with the sun.” Liu Kang explained, his hand gesturing to the sun which shone in the sky. “Ko’atal in particular had a stronger and closer connection with it, which allowed him to fight so valiantly.” He regarded his champion with a smile. “It is exceptional that you took him down.”
“Do you think he would be open to acting?” Johnny asked, looking towards where Kotal had left. Upon seeing all the looks sent his way, he held his hands up. “Hey! I’m just saying this movie I was working on would kill to have someone like him! I personally think I would be doing him a favor.” He huffed, crossing his arms.
“You could start by doing us favors, Cage.” Kenshi piped in, his own arms crossing as he sent a glare towards the actor. “For example, by giving me Sento.” This now prompted a little bickering between the two men. While amusing, you couldn’t help but to let out a small sigh at the antics. Your eyes drifted away from the duo, before they landed on a figure heading your way. You perked up at the sight.
“Ready for your tour?” Rain inquired, a small smile on his lips as he stopped near you. You nodded enthusiastically, the whole tour plan having slipped your mind due to the dream earlier. At least you had something exciting to get your mind off of that. 
“Tour?” Kung Lao piped up. You turned your head to look at the man. He looked between you and Rain, eyebrows raised. It looked like he was trying to scrutinize what was going on, his face changing slightly as he processed it all.
“Oh, Rain’s the High Mage.” You introduced him, your hand gesturing to the man you were talking about. Rain bowed his head. “He offered me to go see the Imperial Academy yesterday due to my interest in magic.” You explained, recalling just how you got into this situation. “I’m quite honored, by the way.” You said, turning your attention back to the mage.
“Can I come?” Kung Lao inquired, his eyes seeming to light up at the prospect of going to a place that had such a high reputation. Your eyes drifted over and noticed how Liu Kang had even taken notice of the conversation.
“Sorry, but you can’t.” Rain said, his voice polite but firm. He offered your friend an apologetic smile. “I already arranged for just one visitor. The Academy is quite strict with who is permitted to visit, but seeing how your friend has such potent magic I was able to pull some strings to arrange a visit.” You looked over, surprise upon your features as you heard about the lengths he went through. 
“Sorry, Kung Lao.” You said, shrugging at the news. You sent him a reassuring smile at the pout he displayed. You put a hand on his bicep, rubbing it gently. You swallowed your nerves upon seeing his eyes, fighting the memories of what he used to look like. “I’ll be back for dinner, don’t worry, okay? I’ll tell you all about it when I return.” You pinched his arm lightly before letting go, only realizing what you had done until after it was done.
“I’ll be holding you to that.” Kung Lao said, your name cheerily falling from his lips. For a moment, you stared at him, hoping that he would return the gesture, but he didn’t. You nodded, looking back to Rain who looked at you expectantly. You nodded at him, watching as he gestured towards the hallway leading to the outside.
“Well, shall we go?” He inquired. You nodded, stepping to be by his side.
“See you guys later.” You said, waving to the group. A chorus of goodbyes arouse, sending you off. You, however, didn’t notice the lingering stare that was sent your way as you left. You both walked in relative silence before you noted how you were alone now. “I’m honored you invited me to see the academy, but I’m a stranger to you, why go through the effort?” You inquired, peering over to the man. 
“You have a very powerful magic, like I mentioned.” Rain answered simply. “And our ideals of growing stronger, pushing past our limits…it’s very rare to meet someone else who understands that drive. I could tell the look in your eye when you said that was genuine.” There was a pause. “I simply wished to extend this invitation as a sign of friendship.” 
“I see.” You said, scanning the man for any sign of ill will. When you saw none, a smile pulled at your lips. “I accept your invitation of friendship then. I hope we shall have a pleasant one until I must go back to Earthrealm.” 
The Imperial Academy towered high over you, a place of majesty and wonder. It was almost nearly as tall as the palace itself. It even resembled the palace, being made of the same white stone. To set it apart, black stone of the same quality made up the rooftops of the academy and accented certain arches and overhangs. This provided great contrast to the golden embellishments which were set into the building. Symbols were carved into the architecture, giving the building texture rather than letting it be simply smooth.
Lush foliage draped along the railings of the academy akin to banners. Deep red and purple flowers peppered the vines. The way the flora intertwined with the building imbued it with life, as if the nature here and the building were made to coexist rather one conform to another. It was harmonious. 
It was located a little further on the outskirts of Sun Do, but it was still close enough that one could travel to and fro from the city. It was nearly intimidating to see it. You could practically feel all the power and magic held just from standing outside of it. It was potent enough that you could almost describe the scent of what raw magic was. 
“Wow.” You said, your jaw dropping at the sight of it. It felt almost wrong to be here, especially since you had heard of just how difficult it was to get into this place. “Are you certain I’m allowed here?” You asked, looking over to your companion with raised eyebrows. 
“I was just as amazed when I got here.” Rain admitted, looking at you. A slight amused look was on his face, but he did not appear to be judgemental of your awe. If anything, he seemed to take pride in what he deemed was an acceptable reaction. He looked back at the building, a gleam of nostalgia in his eyes. “But when I finally stepped foot in here, it felt like I finally understood my destiny.” He looked at you once more. “I wish I could say perhaps the same will happen for you, but you are from Earthrealm.”
“A pity.” You said, not knowing how to feel about that last sentence. Your gut twisted with unease. You drew in a deep breath, driving out your nerves. “Let’s hope I don’t get too attached then.” You told him. You could only hope to yourself that your own words would become true. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you found a piece of yourself here, in a place that didn’t think you belonged.
“For your sake, I hope so too.” Rain replied. nodding. His words were tinged with pity, a sentiment that made you feel a bit worse. You didn’t blame your companion for your feelings but…pity was one of the worst feelings in the world. You followed him, stepping carefully over the bridge that led over a stream that was in front of the academy. It bubbled softly beneath you like a little lullaby from nature.
Your fingers trailed along the handhold of the bridge, the bumpy surface becoming engraved in your mind. As you two approached the entrance, the doors loomed even taller, dwarfing both of you. You couldn’t even recall if the palace had doors this extravagant. The High Mage cast a look your way once more, his eyes searching yours. It was like he was searching for validation within your reaction. You offered him a smile, one that he returned.
With a wave of his hand, the doors parted. They glided open effortlessly, revealing the building’s contents with ease. They didn’t even make so much as a creak. The both of you ascended the steps to get a closer look of the interior. 
To say the inside was immaculate would be an understatement.
The grand hall opened wide and tall to accommodate for a grand statue of a woman you couldn’t quite name. Even without knowing her, you could easily tell she was revered and beloved. At the base of the statue was an altar that was littered with gifts and more of the breathtaking nature. The vines and flowers wound and rose around the woman’s carved dress up around her waist and into her arms which were presented forward with hands cupped. Her eyes were alight with life despite being made entirely of stone. Despite all the foliage that grew around the woman, the statue itself was well maintained.
Even with the stunning statue in the center of the hall, the rest of the building was not any less disappointing. The marble stone below, checkered white and black in a hypnotizing fashion was polished to perfection. You leaned forward, and you were met with a smiling reflection that was almost substitute enough for a mirror.
The walls around you opened wide for many rows of hallways that seemed nearly endless. Stairs that were perfectly symmetrical in fashion twisted up and around to lead to a secondary floor that stood a little higher than the waist of the woman before you. These too lead to more hallways of the academy. Just how many rooms did this place contain?
“What do you think?” Rain asked, his voice snapping you out of your admiration of the area. You sucked in a breath, your eyes traveling over the area once more. It was only now that you noted the hustle and bustle of the area. Students rushed around, brushing past each other perfectly as if they were performing a choreographed dance. The footsteps, which would have sounded chaotic and overbearing anywhere else, sounded almost rhythmic. Magic danced in the air, whether it be in the form of sparks, light, or a creature soaring through the air. Some attendants knelt at the base of the statue, mumbling softly.
“It’s amazing.” You admitted, eyes darting around. A few glances of curiosity were sent in your direction, but ultimately no one approached you. It was like stepping out of their little routines would ruin the delicate ecosystem set in this place. “I’ve never seen anything quite like it. It’s like everyone and everything here are in perfect harmony.”
“That is why the best of the best are permitted here.” The mage reminded you with a small tilt of his head. He caught the glance of a student who peered at him. A smile was sent the student’s way, and it sent them into a grinning mess before they scurried off. For a moment, you felt special. After all, you were allowed to be among what must be the most elite magic users to glance into a peek of their lives. Not only that, but you were also accompanied by the High Mage of the royal court. “Come, let’s pick up what I came here for before I give you a tour.”
“You needed to pick up something?” You inquired, peering at the man. Your footsteps tried to match his as he led you down a hallway. Perfectly spaced doors lined the walls. Each was labeled with a neat golden plaque which was also engraved with an equally neat font. “I thought you no longer studied here?” You asked, hoping your tone did not sound too blasphemous.
“I don’t.” Rain confirmed, a small nod showing that he did not think your question was overstepping. “But my studies sometimes require equipment and items that can only be found at this institution, as of late I have been conducting research to help a fellow court member.” You both took a few turns before you arrived at a door which had Rain’s name labeled on it in bold lettering. “This is the laboratory I use at times.” 
Opening the door revealed a neat and orderly space. A tall bookshelf was on the left side wall. It was filled with hefty books and some scrolls. On the back wall was a shelf that was lined with various equipment. Some of them you could guess the usage, but some were far too odd to even think of what their usage could possibly be. 
Then, on the right was a simple desk right next to a table. The desk didn’t have much of note, but you did spot a simple picture frame. In it was Rain with an older woman. His mother maybe? The table next to his desk was the only place that had an indication of disorder. Some paper with notes written upon them were scattered. Vials and tubes bubbling with unknown substances sat upon a higher section of the table.
“Excuse the mess.” The mage said, stepping into the room. With more caution, you followed. He wandered over to the table, picking up a vial that had been bubbling while sitting atop a gentle blue flame. He swirled it, the soft blue being reminiscent of ocean water. “Feel free to look around.” He told you, his eyes concentrated on the liquid he inspected.
“Alright.” You said, your gaze falling on the shelf lined with equipment. You stopped a foot away, squinting at the items. In your head, you tried to guess the use of them from their looks alone to pass the time. One item in particular caught your attention. 
A small cube colored gold sat away from the other items in its own little section. It was rather unsuspecting. You couldn’t quite put a finger on why it drew you in, but you were enraptured by the small thing. Your fingers twitched, wanting to reach out to grab it, but you restrained yourself. A gentle footstep behind you snapped you out of your daze.
“Something caught your attention?” Rain inquired, stepping beside you. He looked towards the shelf, peering at where you had been moments before. He reached out to pluck the cube and looked at you, before holding it out to you. You held your hand out, and the cube, which was heavier than you were expecting, was dropped into your hand. “That’s a magic sensor of sorts. We use it to sense the potency in magic in things, whether it be solutions, in the air, or even in a person. Give it a try.” 
“Okay.” You said, looking down at the cube. You stared at it, perplexed before glancing back up at your companion. You saw his hand squeeze at the air, indicating what you should do. Gently at first, you closed your hand around the cube, before putting all your strength into it. When your hand released, the cube began to glow.
Letters in a language you didn’t quite recognize appeared on the cube. A soft white glow appeared behind them. Your gaze flicked from the cube to the man. A delighted look appeared on his face, like he expected exactly that. Then, cube began to glow stronger before bursting into a flurry of colors. Bright pinks, greens, yellows, colors of any kind began to erupt out. You nearly took a step back, and you returned your gaze to Rain.
His reaction was a mixture of surprise and awe, far different from the reaction he had previously.
After the color show died down, you stared at it for a moment, eyebrows raised. You were dumbfounded, not knowing what any of that had meant. There was a brief silence that hung in the air. You sucked in a breath, putting a smile on your lips.
“Did I pass?” You joked, trying to diffuse the tension. You looked back and forth between the mage and the cube. The awestruck look on his face faded into something that seemed to indicate respect. He nodded as he grabbed the cube. He held it up, looking over the fading glow of the letters before placing it back onto the shelf. There was an undeniable gleam of interest in his eyes.
“With flying colors.”
“I’m back.” You announced, walking up to the table where all the Earthrealmers had been. The tour had gone all afternoon and leaked into the night. You both had been amazed by the fact that time had flown so fast past the two of you. The sky had just begun to turn dark when you had exited. “Did I miss much?” You inquired, looking at the group. You spotted an open spot, right between Kung Lao and Kenshi, and walked over to claim it.
Your mouth watered at the smell of the foods laid out to feast on. Your eyes alone feasted on everything in sight, and in that moment you understood what Kung Lao must feel like. After that realization, you snapped out of it.
“We all did our own thing, for the most part.” Kung Lao responded after swallowing the large mouthful he had been eating. You reached over and grabbed some food that had been out on the table, adding it to your plate. His eyes twinkled with excitement, the same excitement that made you tense up at how familiar it was. He leaned towards you with a happy grin. His elbow nudged your side. “So, how was the academy?”
“It was beyond anything I could have dreamed.” You admitted, cutting into your food. You popped a bite into your mouth, chewing it carefully as you considered the right words to say. It tasted even better than it looked “I was honestly amazed at how much magic could be contained within one place. Magic seemed to spill from even the walls.”  Your eyes lit up as you recalled the grand statue in the academy. “They even had a grand statue to the goddess Delia. She's the goddess of magic.”
“They worship someone else than my main man, Liu Kang?” Johnny asked, eyebrows raised as he looked at you in surprise. He shrugged, and muttered something under his breath along the lines of go figure.
“What else do you expect?” Kenshi asked, sending a sharp look towards Johnny. There was a hint of exasperation in his face and his voice. “Do you really think Outworlders would worship an Earthrealm god?” He paused and sent an apologetic look to Liu Kang. “No offense, Lord Liu Kang.” He quickly added before returning to his meal.
“I take no offense, Kenshi.” Liu Kang replied, a pleasant look on his face. He turned his attention back to you. With a fork he gestured for you to go on. “Please, go on. I would like to hear about your little adventures within the academy.”
You nodded, a wide grin splitting your face. You went on and on, retelling all the wonders you had seen within the walls of the academy. From your lips was the praises of magic and how beautiful it could really be in the hands of those who wielded it. You talked on and on to the point where your food had gone slightly cold. As your speech ended, you noticed the way the others looked at you. Your cheeks flushed.
“Sounds like you fell in love with the place.” Kenshi observed. His eyes peered at you with careful observation. There was no judgement in his voice, something you were thankful for. You spotted a gleam in his eye, even.
“Yeah, the last time I’ve seen you this excited was when I told you that there was another Ninja Mime in the series.” Johnny pointed out, his fork pointing at you. He let out a small laugh. “I didn’t take you as the type to like magic that much, wildstyle. I thought you were all in on the whole teaching people how to fight thing.” 
“A person can have multiple interests, Cage.” You said, rolling your eyes. “But I guess you’re not wrong, Kenshi.” You said, thoughtfully staring down into your plate. Even the marks left by the food you ate seemed to remind you of the swirls of magic you had seen earlier that day. “I ended up liking that place more than I was expecting. I forgot how much I loved to learn about things.”
“Do you think you would take an opportunity to study here if you could?” Raiden inquired, curious brown eyes looking at you. You paused, moving your fork around to push your food. Your lips pursed, and you looked up to see the gaze of Liu Kang staring at you. You remembered, for a brief moment, how this question felt all too familiar.
You tore your gaze away.
“Maybe.” You admitted, shrugging. You felt the burning gaze be lifted from your form as your answer left your lips. “I doubt I would be given a chance anyways, I’m an Earthrealmer.” You said, your gaze now falling down to your plate. “Plus, I think I’d miss you guys too much.” You added on, offering a small smile. 
“We’d miss you too.” Kung Lao said, a wide smile pulling at his lips. His shoulder bumped yours. Your heart warmed at the sentiment. Your little smile grew a little wider as you picked up a piece of food and put it into your mouth. Mentally you replied to him. The mere thought of telling them this sent your heart aflutter and your cheeks went a little warm.
I know. 
Sitting under the moonlight, you gazed up into the stars. You were sitting on the same bench, this time being the one waiting for the princess. You tried to see the constellations, the ones you had learned about earlier today, within the myriad of dots within the skies. This realm apparently had different stars, it was all so…interesting.
“Waiting for me today I see.” Mileena’s voice rang out, capturing your attention. You glanced over, seeing an amused smirk on her lips. You nodded, glancing back up to the starry night sky for a moment more before turning your full attention to the princess. She caught your gaze before looking up to the sky herself. “What is so enticing about the sky tonight?”
“Oh, nothing in particular.” You said, also returning your gaze to the sky above. “It’s just…different from Earthrealm.” Your hand gestured to the stars above. “For example, I learned that you have different constellations than we do back in Earthrealm. I suppose I just appreciate the differences between our homes.”
“Really?” She said, her gaze lingering on the sky for a moment. She squinted, as if trying to see what you did within the sky. “I never thought someone would be captivated by something as simple as a mere night sky.” The princess admits. Though her words felt almost demeaning, there was no bite behind them. It was just mere honesty. She stepped over to the bench and finally took a seat at the other end. 
“I guess it is because our skies are a lot different.” You said, giving the princess a soft smile. “Our skies are a deeper blue, and our stars are not as numerous.” You say, indicating with your hand to the sky. “Some places can’t even see the stars even with a clear sky.” You paused, thinking back to the night sky back home. “But it feels like our stars do glow brighter where I’m from.”
“I see.” She said, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue. She stared at you, scanning your nearly awestruck look. “Not even our astronomers seem to hold the same reverence for the sky as you do.” She pointed out, a teasing tone to her voice. 
“Maybe it’s because they haven’t seen the stars in other realms.” You offer up as an explanation. “Sometimes, to appreciate what you have you must see other perspectives and things that you are not used to.”
“Perhaps.” Mileena replied, a tone you couldn’t quite place down in her voice.
“I must be boring you.” You said, realizing you had rambled on about the stars for a bit too long. You forced your eyes away from the sky, back onto the ground. You cleared your throat and straightened up, collecting your thoughts. “What type of story would you like to hear about today?” You asked, already trying to narrow down which movie to recollect to her.
“I think tonight I would like to simply hear you tell me about the differences between Earthrealm and Outworld.” Mileena said, her eyes seeming to hold a hint of encouragement. “I’ve never heard someone speak so kindly about both realms…it’s refreshing.” Her hand gestured to you, and you couldn’t help the wide smile. “It almost makes me want to seek out these differences when the next tournament comes.”
“If that’s what you wish, then let me fulfill your request, princess.”
And so on this night, the story you told was of two realms, and just how their differences made you appreciate them both a bit more. 
part fourteen
tagged - @bonezisded @lollipopin @simpxinnie @zhivaxo @koisuko
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luminoustarlight · 9 months
Tell Me Again Tomorrow | Din Djarin
You are injured in an attack, The Mandalorian takes care of your wounds, and you admit your feelings for him.
rating: general audiences | pairing: din djarin x f!reader | wc: 2.6k | read on ao3 warnings: blood and injury, hurt/comfort
this is a repost from old blogs of mine but it is my writing &lt;3
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You think you're done for as soon as the side of your head makes contact with the rock. The pain in your body is excruciating. How can it be so dull and so sharp at the same time? The pang in your side— it’s sharp. Continual and constant, like the pointed tip of the blade is repeatedly slicing through your flesh, even though you know it’s gone. There’s the ache in your chest and around your ribs, and the pounding in your head is dull but ever-present. 
You think you hear Mando’s blaster and the attacker’s body fall to the ground, but everything is hazy. He rushes over to you and kneels on the ground. It’s wet and warm and he realizes he knelt in your blood. 
“Dank ferrik,” he huffs. Your eyes begin to flutter closed but the distinct outline of your Mandalorian hovering over you makes you feel safe. “Don’t close your eyes. Stay with me.” His modulated voice is tender but urgent. 
“H-hurts,” you push out, squeezing your eyes tightly. (Doing the exact opposite of what Mando told you not to do). 
“I know, starlight. Just try to keep your eyes on me.”
Starlight. Starlight? Is that a term of endearment? He’s never called you that before. You might be slipping in and out of consciousness but you know what you heard. Starlight. 
“You look horrible,” Mando follows up. 
You’re pretty sure you’re dying and this is what he chooses to comfort you with? You want to laugh but it hurts. It all kriffing hurts. “You… you should s-see the other guy.” 
“He’s dead.” 
“Exactly,” you slur. Your lips quirked up into a small smile until you feel a sting in your lower lip. You try bringing your hand up to your mouth, but the effort is unsuccessful. 
Mando needs to assess your injuries but he doesn’t even know where to start. The gash on your forehead, the blade wound in your slide, your split lip, and your puffy eye. His chest tightens at the sorry sight of you. He should’ve never left you alone on the streets of Coruscant. But he did and now you’re both paying the price. You, physically, and him, mentally. 
The cut on your head is superficial. There isn’t much he can do about your lip and your eye. It is the stabbing injury that concerns him the most. Since the attacker removed his blade, you are losing a significant amount of blood. It has completely saturated the right side of your shirt and the ground beneath the two of you. Mando needs a plan of action and he needs one quickly if he’s going to keep you conscious. 
Apply pressure to the wound. Mando tears off a long piece of his cape and wraps it underneath you, tying it tightly. He then moves to the other side and scoops you up, pressing his hand against your wound for extra pressure. 
“Owww,” you drawl.  Your head starts feeling light and your eyelids are terribly heavy. But it’s good that you’re reacting to him. It means he hasn’t lost you yet. 
“Put your arms around my neck. Can you do that, starlight?” Mando has already begun a quick pace toward the Crest. Your head rests against the cool pauldron on Mando’s shoulder, and it relieves some of the pain from your cut. You weakly manage to sling one arm around Mando, holding onto his cowl as tightly as you can. It hurts to breathe but he smells good. Like sweat and musk and him. It’s grounding you, keeping you on this plane with him. You’ve never been so close to him. So weak and so vulnerable.
You’re quiet under Mando’s grasp but he can still feel the expanding of your ribs when you breathe. “You with me? We’re almost at the ship.” 
You’re conscious. You know because you deliberately close your eyes to keep out the bright lights of the bustling cosmopolitan planet. “‘M here,” you mutter. 
You decide that you want him to hold you forever. You fit snuggly and perfectly in his strong arms. It’s not the most comfortable thing being pressed up against beskar, but you wonder how wonderful it would be to lay on his broad chest, kiss his sturdy shoulders, and nuzzle into his neck. You feel like your head is turning to mush when you think you should’ve gotten hurt ages ago if it meant being held by The Mandalorian. 
Mando fiddles with the controls on his vambrace and before you know it, you hear his heavy boots clink against the ramp of the ship. He slams the door control with his fist and gently lays you on the cool ground. The duality of your Mandalorian fascinates you. 
“Be right back, starlight. Gotta grab the medkit. Stay awake, okay?” 
“Mmkay,” you roll your head on the floor and look around the ship to refamiliarize yourself with your surroundings. The pain all around your body makes you feel unsure about a lot of things. Is Mando actually calling you something resembling a pet name? Are you actually back on the ship, away from all the slime and grime that makes up the streets of Coruscant? 
You are staring at your bedroll when Mando comes back to you. He was probably gone for no more than 3 seconds, given the medkit is only a few steps away. He kneels by your side and unties the fabric of his cape. You hear him sigh as he opens the medkit. You know he feels guilty you got hurt. He always tells you to watch your surroundings, to be careful. And you always tell him you’ll be fine, you can take care of yourself. And usually, you can. Today was just not one of those days. 
“Need to lift up your shirt, okay? Need to see what we’re working with.” Mando’s gloved fingers sneak beneath your woven shirt, brushing against your skin as he does so. You nod lazily, which is all the permission he needs to push the fabric up your torso. With all the blood you’re losing, it is difficult to see the exact location of your wound. He grabs all of the gauze from the kit, making a mental note that he needs to restock the next time he gets supplies. As the gauze absorbs and sops up as much of your blood as it can, Mando pulls off his gloves to see if he can get a feel of your incision. You inhale sharply when his fingers find the outline of it. 
“ Sorry, mesh’la.” He reaches for the cauterizer. 
“S’okay,” you mumble. “J-just close me up. ‘M not feelin’ so great.” Blacking out seems like such a nice escape from all the pain. Your swollen eye is almost entirely shut, anyway. 
“It’s going to sting a bit.” Mando pinches your skin together, joining the seams of what was once a complete and untorn canvas. “Scream if you have to.” 
He doesn’t even give you a grace period to prepare you for the stinging, zapping, burning sear of the cauterizer on your skin. “GAH!” You yelp, back arching and heels digging into the floor of the ship. That’s the most response you’ve given Mando all night. It’s a good sign. 
“I know, starlight, I know it hurts.” He knows it hurts because you’ve mended him with the same tool at least five times now. It’s a utilitarian tool he didn’t have on board before you joined and now it’s the second-best thing Mando has. 
“How do you not have a cauterizer on board?” You asked him when you were taking inventory of his medical supplies. 
Mando shrugged. “Haven’t had a need for one.” 
“You’re telling me you’ve never come back to your ship battered and bloodied with no one to tend to your wound and never wished you had a cauterizer to quickly and efficiently stop your bleeding?”
He shrugged again. There had actually been several times… perhaps you were right. He should get a cauterizer. “Well, now I have you.” 
“Try to stay still,” Mando brings you back to the present. Zzz; Zzz. The cauterizer zaps rhythmically, sending up wisps of smoke and the burnt smell of blood. It’s putrid. You can’t decide which is worse: all the kriffing pain you’re in, or Mando seeing you like this— weak, vulnerable, injured and being roasted like a piece of meat at the market. The latter. Definitely the latter. 
“You’re doing so well, starlight. Almost done,” Mando praises while gently wiping the remaining blood from the incision.
You take a slow and steady breath and you brace for the next shock against your skin. Maybe talking to him will get your mind off the pain. But words feel so heavy on your tongue. It takes so much energy to move your lips in a way that forms words. You try anyway. “B-being so— ow!” A line forms between your brows. “S’nice to me.” 
“Shh, save your strength,” Mando hushes you, running his hand along the soft skin of your stomach. Although he is gentle, you wince when he reaches the other side of your ribs. With the blossoming of bruises, he wonders if you didn’t break a couple of ribs. “Sorry, starlight.” 
There’s that name again. How many times has he called you that tonight? You aren’t imagining it, are you? Starlight. His inflection is soft, but also hesitant every time he says it. Like he’s just testing it out. No better time to be calling you something other than your name when you probably won’t remember in the morning. 
The cauterizer had effectively stopped your bleeding, so now Mando can tend to your other wounds. And he needs to get you out of your blood-soaked clothes. “Be right back. Gonna get fresh clothes and a wet cloth.” 
When Mando leaves, you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. There’s still an ache in your chest, but there’s something else there. A warmth. Bright and overwhelming. You suck in another breath when Mando returns with some sleep clothes and a cloth in a small bowl of water. “Can I… can I undress you, starlight?” 
“Mhm,” you hum gently. He’s being so sweet. Is he always this sweet? He’s moving hesitantly and tenderly. In no way does he want to take advantage of your current state or hurt you any more than you already are. Leaving you alone on Coruscant has done enough damage. 
Mando grasps your wrist, placing your arms over your head. His skin against yours sends electric currents through you— the cauterizer barely holding a candle to the way his touch makes you feel. He slowly starts to lift off your shirt, pausing before he goes over your breasts. He closes his eyes and blindly removes your shirt. He feels around for what he hopes is your sleep shirt and continues to dress you with his eyes closed. Of course, you don’t know that his eyes are closed and you’re too loopy to notice that he sticks your arm through the head hole at first. 
He then removes your pants and slides on a new pair much easier than he did your shirt. Then, he crosses his legs and gently takes your head into his lap. He dabs the cloth over the gash on your forehead. It stopped bleeding, so he’s just removing any dirt and debris that might’ve caused an infection. He places a Bacta patch over your wound and you muster all your strength to wrap your hand around his wrist. Despite your head being in haze, you know one thing is clear. 
What did you just say? Your voice is so fragile and quiet, Mando’s not completely sure he knows what you uttered. It sounded like ‘love’. But that can’t be right. 
“We’ll talk tomorrow, starlight. You get some rest now.” He scoops you up again, conscious of all of your bruises, and walks you over to the bunk. 
“Mm,” you hum as he places you down on his bed. The Bacta patch is starting to kick in. The haze is beginning to disappear. “Stay with me?” 
Mando wants nothing more than to stay with you. What he wouldn’t give to lay down in that bed beside you and hold you close and tight in his arms as if it is the only thing that will heal your wounds. “Let me get the ship in the air. I’ll be back.” 
You yawn, “‘kay.” Your head is sinking into the pillow, but you call for Mando once more.
“I love you.” 
He hears you loud and clear. His heart bursts before it sinks to his feet. He just can’t let himself be happy, can he? You are in such a dazed, pain-filled, drowsy state of mind. You most likely don’t even know what you’re saying. “Tell me again tomorrow.” 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── 
When you wake up, you’re surrounded by unfamiliar bedding. You feel like you’re suffocating in the small space. Are you… are you in Mando’s bunk? You shoot up quickly and then groan. Your hand goes up to where your blade wound is. Everything comes back to you. 
“I love you.” 
“Tell me again tomorrow.” 
Dank ferrik. You told The Mandalorian you love him. And he didn’t say it back. He told you to tell him tomorrow. He probably thought you wouldn’t remember. But you remember it all. The attack, being stabbed, being punched, and hitting your head on your way down. You remember the tear of his cape and it wrapped around your body. You remember clinging to his cowl and the pressure he was holding to slow your bleeding. You remember being on the cold floor of the Razor Crest and Mando’s warm hands. His bare hands. 
Then you asked him to stay with you. He said he would be back. Did he come back? Did he sleep with you? Hold you in his arms? Why don’t you remember that part? 
And then there was that name. 
Starlight, starlight, starlight. 
You shimmy out of Mando’s bunk and hobble up the ladder. Before you reach the control panel, Mando has already opened it, seemingly waiting for you on the other side. 
“I was just coming to check on you. How are you feeling?” He hates the way you look. He hates himself for letting you look the way you do. The swelling in your eye has gone down, but it’s as bruised as ever. He should remove the Bacta patch to see how the gash is looking. And he should check the bruising on your ribs and make sure the blade wound is going to heal alright. 
“The thing… you told me to tell you tomorrow.” You ignore his question. It’s now or never, you think. You said it last night and he gave you the perfect opportunity to say it again. He wouldn’t tell you to tell him tomorrow if he didn’t want you to say it. Right? “Well, I presume it’s tomorrow. So…” 
You stare into the onyx of his T-Visor. Ideally, you’d be looking him in the eyes. It wouldn’t make any difference knowing what he looks like, though. You love him whether his eyes are blue, hazel, or brown. You love him whether he has blonde, brown, or black hair; curly, frizzy, or straight hair. You love him when he’s grumpy, you love him when he’s a little more talkative than normal. You love him when he sasses you, you love him when he takes care of him You just love him. Everything about him makes your heart swell.  
“I still love you.”  “I…” Mando says one word and panic washes over you. Shit. You didn’t think about what he would say back. He doesn’t love you. He doesn’t want you. But then, clear in affection, fuzzy in transmission, he replies back: “I love you too, starlight.”
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luv my dinny boy
◂ din masterlist ▸ main masterlist
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Okay how about Kidnapper!Konig who ends up crossing paths with you. A case file was dropped onto his desk one day. The manilla file consists of a couple of personal documents of yours and a glossy copy of your passport photo. Your hair brushed out of your face with wide eyes and beautiful lips pouting back at him. He knew from that moment you were more than just a mark.
In no time he is in your city, memorizing your schedule. It wasn't hard to do. You are very predictable. He doesn't even need to trail far behind as you walk through parking lots and sidewalks. He once followed you all the way back to your front door, caught up in the scent of your fading perfume. You never even looked behind you. You really shouldn't wear headphones all the time. You're far too pretty to be this oblivious to your surroundings.
You have a shitty live-in boyfriend who has gotten you into this whole mess. Konig hates watching you through your window when you get home. Seeing the loser guy lounging on your couch. Eating all your food and complaining about anything he can pick on. He watches as you pace room to room picking up after that pig. Thankfully, you were only targeted due to your connection to him. He's not sure how a sweet girl like you got involved with such a dangerous man.
After almost a week of tracking you he determines the time to act. You like to take a scenic side street when you walk home from work. The cobblestone path between two blocks of old historic buildings. The ivy and overgrown trees taking over the space creeping through the iron rod fencing line either side of the walkway. It's late in the evening, the lampposts lighting your path with a yellow tint while you walk down the cobblestone. You're heels click along the stone and once again you have those damn headphones on. Konig is thankful he able to be here instead of some creep. You step along your way so comfortable in your routine now.
You don't even notice when Konig's wide stride catches up to you. You don't see his large shadow looming over you while you mindlessly scroll through your social media feed. He can't help the smile that pulls at his lips underneath his hood when he sees you liking a silly cat video. Then he wraps his massive arms around you. Before you can make a sound he covers your mouth with a rag soaked with a certain special sedative. He shushes you gently as you scream against the dense fabric. You don't struggle for long. Nails scratching at his forearm don't cause real damage through his thick sweatshirt. You kick and thrash but he holds you tight to his chest. He feels your heart thumping against your rib cage like a scared baby bird until finally, you relax. Your head lulls to the side and falling into the crevice of his arm. He stare down at your closed lids, you look so peaceful now. The scent of your hair product penetrates the material of his mask.
There is plenty of time to adore your sleeping form, not here though. He hoists you up in his arms, carrying you bridal style back to his van. Carefully slipping you into the back but not before zip tying your hands and feet. You shouldn't be awake anytime soon but he's not one to take chances.
I'm just writing down some things I've been thinking about lately. Please let me know if you want more of things like this or if you want me to do a part two. Any comments or tags I see make me smile <3
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elsweetheart · 1 year
braiding abby’s hair before her patrol in the morning n tying a pretty pink ribbon at the end without telling her n she doesn’t really care to look.. but then she’s on patrol and a couple of the guys she’s with start kinda laughing at her n she’s like what?? what’s going on?? until she notices the pink bow on her braid n sighs but then shoots them a threatening look like “yk what yeah. what about it. my baby did that and i will wear it proudly >:(”
YEPPPPPP !!!! very cute girly fun activities <3
manny snickering when he sees it, walking up behind her and flicking her braid over her shoulder so that it rests on her collarbone, the ribbon coming into view.
“tryin’ out a new look, huh?”
she glances down at it, cheeks colouring a dusty pink for a millisecond before squaring her shoulders, deciding to wear it proudly.
“you jealous manny? no girls wanna braid your hair?” she smirks, passing him with a light jab at his rib.
“please, i get girls… just no princesses with access to ribbon.” he smirks, wiggling his brows. “nah, it’s cute though — really. not sure what she sees in you, but it’s cute.”
“yeah yeah, that’s that jealousy talkin’.” she chuckles, the two of them moving on to join their group.
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gooppoo · 1 year
hello! can i please request a jake x reader oneshot where they’re not together yet, so he uses english petnames (love, darling, etc) with her to express his feelings in some way and she’s always confused by it, not knowing what they mean. i hope this made sense and ty. <3
my baby, my baby
Requests Open!
warnings: none, a tad of angst
A/N: my first request yipee!!
Jake knew your English was rocky. Particularly slang.
So while he learned Na'vi, you learned English in exchange. Unfortunately for you, Jake was picky with what he taught you. So if you were to teach him the name of a certain plant you crossed that piqued his interest, he'd reciprocate with the English term (if there were one), but Jake would always have something extra to say.
"Yeah, an elephant ear - that's what it looks like at least."
"Eleephant ear." You tried, frustrated your tongue and lips couldn't annunciate with ease like Jake.
"Elephant ear, that's right baby."
You smacked his arm and scowled at him, "What is this 'baby' stuff you keep saying?! Tell me what you mean."
His ears would tug back, "Just keep going, quit asking questions you don't want to know the answer to." Though his body was guilty, his voice was stern.
You tsked him and purposefully scurried deeper into the forest, fast enough so he was barely on your tail. The chase was thrilling for you; swirling around trees and crouching through tall patches of growth, even splashing through creeks.
Jake panted, hands on his knees and searching his surroundings tiredly. From your spot, perched in a tree, you held your hand over your giggling lips, but your laughter still tickled his extraordinary ears. His head snapped up to where you nearly camouflaged with the tree and his pupils bounced with primal excitement.
"Hey!" He protested, urging you to come down.
"If you say so, Jake." Giddily, you scampered silently down the tree and off to blend in with your surroundings.
You were careful to be quiet, sometimes double backing to cover your tracks, and teasing Jake with your mewls. But something was off. Soon, only your footsteps were heard, your panting and laughter. Cautiously, your vision wrapped around the thick trunk of a tree to spy on your environment in search for Jake, but the athletic Na'vi was missing.
"Hey darling."
You yelped and spun against the tree, digging your nails in terror into its thick bark. Like a powerful hammer, your heart pounded against your ribs. Once you registered Jake's annoyingly smug grin, you smacked his chest and jutted out your bottom lip.
"Don't frighten me! And tell me what is 'darling'!"
Jake rolled his eyes, "It's irrelevant,"
"And what does that mean?"
He kissed his teeth impatiently, "Like - not important, you don't need to worry."
You groaned, "You always say I don't need to worry, like you are holding a secret. What are you hiding?"
Jake chewed his lip at your confrontation, scheming a way to deflect the topic and take your mind elsewhere. He noticed by the dip of your brows you grew irritated, so he acted impulsively.
With agility, he leapt from the ground and grasped the sturdy branch above him, strongly pulling himself up.
"Keep up sugar and I'll tell ya." He taunted, reaching for his next climbing point.
Accepting the challenge, you remarked, "You are mean!"
With each passing branch, you fell just enough behind you could grab for him, but each time his skin barely scraped by your nails. The frustration made you groan and climb more persistently, only to be just out of reach again.
"Jake!" You whined, "Please, this isn't fair."
His laughter fondled the leaves and vines surrounding you, his smile out of view, "I know it is love, doesn't feel good, does it?"
You'd officially run thin on patience, motivation too. All your brewing resentment bubbled over into a defeated grown. Tiredly, you let your legs dangle over each side of a legendary branch, your back to the main column of the tree.
It was Jake's turn to recognize the lack of your grasping hands at his tail. He called your name, but you kept your lips in a fine line.
You heard his faint scoff, "Are you giving up that easy babe?"
"Yes!" You shouted back at him, childishly crossing your arms and pouting.
Lucky for Jake, your rebuttal was enough to locate and rejoin you, swinging nimbly to your branch and mocking your sitting stature - one leg on either side of the bark.
Jake's presence was normally joyful for you, but right now you wanted to scream until he retreated so you could sulk. Even holding his like of sight made your jaw tense.
"Y/n, honey," his abnormal hand reached for your thigh, "Is this really upsetting you?"
Your eyes snapped in his direction, narrowing lethally.
He nodded in understanding, biting back his amusement and inching closer, even his expansive palm venturing further up your muscle, "Look, it's..." he sighed.
Two options were in a ferocious battle of tug of war in his mind. Exposing the true reason for his pet names would unfold many more conversations he wasn't prepared to have. Yet, he had teased you long enough with this concept, and if he carried on any longer it could really take a toll on your dynamic. He decided on:
"I know I should've just told you, it was dumb to keep beating around the bush. It's just my way of teasing you, I say those things instead of saying your name."
Cleverly, you noticed his vagueness, "And why not say my name?"
Jake ran through his dilemma once more. Before he could make a final decision, words began spilling from his lips.
"They're supposed to be endearing - caring. You use them when you're talking to someone you care about...more than in a friendly way."
As the realization dawned on him, his heart rate grew rapidly. Even his breathing was uneven and shallow. Some ease was blanketed on his tension when your brows lowered their defenses.
"Jake..." you began, "you care about me?"
His eyes darted from his lap to your expression, scared to register your emotion, but once he got over his uneasiness and saw your smile, he became adorably bashful.
"Oh don't be an asshole!" He scoffed, squeezing your leg.
Laughter erupted from you and left you reaching for him to soothe his difficult feelings.
"I care for you too...baby."
Through the stoicism, a grin curled the corner of his lips upward.
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
how about mc/reader tries secretly doing something helpful (can be anything) for the brothers when they think they're sleeping, but they're actually awake??? AND/OR VICE VERSA WOULD BE REALLY COOL TOO!! i'm not sure if it's already been done but, if not, it'd be cool to see you write it!
caring for the older bros while they're 'asleep'
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includes: lucifer, mammon, levi x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .6k | rated g | m.list
a/n: ugh THIS WAS SO ADORABLE i hope you enjoy!! ty for requesting! my inbox is open to chat, leave feedback, or request, so come say hi!!
i like reblogs btw,, if u even care tht is </3
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lucifer hears you come in but can’t summon the energy to open his eyes, on the verge of falling asleep. you still, presumably seeing him, and he waits to see what you’ll do next. you begin moving again, noticeably quieter, and after a few moments of rustling, he feels you walk over to the bed. you stand there for a long moment, then pull the covers up over him, smoothing them across his shoulders. your hand touches his cheek, feathery light, and when it pulls back, he mourns its loss.
fondness explodes in his chest, warmth spreading between his ribs. when was the last time he was cared for like this? without the expectation for anything in return, without the need for a response?
…the only times he can remember are other moments with you.
you circle the bed, sliding into your spot next to him, movements gentle. you slot yourself against his side, and lucifer can’t resist the urge to wrap his arm around you, pulling you even closer.
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mammon has his face pressed into the pillow when you knock on his door, and rolling over just seems like too much effort. he stays where he is and hears you close the door behind you, moving further into his room. you set some stuff down, probably your bag, doing your best to be quiet.
“oh, he’s asleep,” you whisper to yourself, barely audible. mammon really isn’t but he’s close enough that waking back up fully sounds too hard.
you mess around for a few minutes more, and mammon’s curiosity piques at the noises. when you enter his attached bathroom, he rolls over, opening his eyes a crack so he can see what you were doing.
when he’d laid down his desk was a mess of papers, clothes, and other junk, but now it’s neat, clothes folded on the chair and papers in stacks. the action is small, seemingly almost habitual to you, but to mammon, it means the world. he always says how much he loves the big gestures, and really, he does, but something about the small, domestic moments really get to him too.
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levi wakes up when you open the door, but doesn't open his eyes, still half-dazed. your footsteps stop for a moment, then pick up again. the tv shuts off, assumedly due to you, and he hears his door being closed fully.
he can tell by the illumination behind his eyelids that you turn on his nightlight - levi rarely sleeps in complete darkness - and the fact that your remembered is super touching. he really lucked out with you!
you walk to his bed and levi feels the covers getting adjusted. you gently pull his forgotten handheld gaming console from under his arm, setting it aside, then smooth his hair down, combing the strands back. levi sighs under your touch, and after a long moment, you move away, much to his disappointment.
disappointment that doesn’t last long, since you return, crawling in bed next to him. how lucky he is, to have such an awesome and loving person in his life. he needs to tell you that more often! you always do nice things for him, and while he doesn’t say it, he really appreciates it.
you settle in easily, and heart warm, levi falls back asleep quickly.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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alixlives · 1 month
lee!Charlie ler!Alastor with 5 (“Sorry, was I tickling you?”) please?
they’re literally my favs rn. i see father daughter dynamic when i see them and NOBDOY EVER LISTENS TO ME WHEN I SAY IT🤬🤬🤬
here is a friendly reminder that this is a STRICTLY SFW & PLATONIC FIC!!! and it is NOT to be viewed otherwise!
this has been in my drafts for months.
Alastor had grown quite.. accustomed, as he would say it, to the ‘wayward souls’ in the Hazbin Hotel.
But he found himself bonding with Charlie more than anyone.
She’s a nice girl to be around, he must admit.
..So now Alastor has found himself sitting on the edge of Charlie’s bed, Charlie on the floor infront of him, and him tying Charlie’s hair into her signature 3-sectioned ponytail as she rambled to him about new ideas for the hotel.
“—And since we’ve kind of practiced apologizing, you know, with you and Sir Pentious, I was thinking we do a lesson on forgiveness!” Charlie turned her head a little to check that Alastor was listening.
“What a wonderful idea, my dear!” Alastor exclaimed. “And I can assure you, Charlie, I am listening to your little rambles, no need to continuously check! You turning around, it may mess up the way this will look.”
“Oh, right! Sorry,” Charlie chuckled lightly and turned back around.
Alastor brushed his fingers through Charlies hair as he sectioned it, not paying too much attention as to what he was doing; He has done Charlie’s hair countless of times now, it was like muscle memory. He didn’t feel a need to pay attention.
The sound of a small squeak and Charlie jolting her head forward is what made Alastor suddenly feel he needed to pay attention.
“Are you alright, my dear? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Alastor leaned forward to get a better look at Charlie’s face as he let go of her hair.
“No, no, it’s okay, Al. Your finger just kinda brushed my neck, it didn’t hurt.” Charlie turned and gave Alastor a reassuring smile, Alastor raised a brow.
“Sorry, was I tickling you?” The deer smiled, almost chuckling as he saw Charlie’s smile just barely falter.
“Only a little!” She quickly reassured, “It’s okay, I promise.”
Alastor hummed. “Well, again, I do apologize. It won’t happen again, dear.” His tone was too genuine for Charlie not to believe, and Alastor then continued with her hair.
Foolish of Charlie, really, to believe the known manipulator.
After a few moments, Alastor, now intentionally, dragged a few fingers along the back of her neck.. then acted like nothing happened.
“Hehey! Alastor!?” Charlie flinched and turned to face Alastor. Alastor smiled.
“Yes, my dear?” The Radio Demon tilted his head with mock-confusion.
“Nothing.. Anyways, so I was thinking we….” Charlie continued her rambling, brushing off Alastor’s action as another accident.
With Charlie being oblivious to her surroundings, Alastor took it upon himself to summon two of his tendrils and slowly, quietly, bring them to poke Charlie’s sides before they disappeared. Charlie squeaked and jolted back against Alastor’s leg.
“Alastor! Okay, that was definitely on purpose!” The princess turned around and pointed an accusing finger at Alastor.
“Well, I do apologize, dear. However, you cannot expect me not to tickle you upon finding out you possess such sensitivity!” The deer chimed, deciding that finishing Charlie’s hair can wait. In the moment, this was more important.
“Wait, Al? Alastor, no. NonononOHOHO!” Charlie squealed as she was suddenly lifted into Alastor’s lap, ten fingers gently yet firmly digging into her sides to make her shriek with laughter.
“My, my, what a discovery! And an adorable one at that; I can’t believe you’ve kept this hidden for so long!” Alastor smiled politely, as if he wasn’t causing the princess of Hell to squeal and laugh at his mercy. He brought a hand up to her ribs, his fingers vibrating against the spaces between each bone. He couldn’t help but quietly chuckle along, Charlie’s laughter was truly contagious and he did find the situation quite amusing.
“AHALASTOR! Ihihit tihickles!” Charlie’s eyes squeezed tightly shut as she endured the ‘torture.’ However, Alastor couldn’t help but notice that the princess wasn’t exactly trying to stop him.
“Well, I believe that is the point in tickling you, dear! It’s supposed to tickle!” Alastor beamed. “You know, Charlie, I seem to have noticed something with you.”
Charlie would have raised an eyebrow in confusion had she not been being tickled silly. “Whahat!?”
“You’re not exactly trying to stop me, now are you?”
Well, shit.
“Do you like this, dear?” Alastor queried, his ears perked in expectance for a quiet response. He slowed the tickling, beginning to gently trace shapes on Charlie’s sides so she can muster up something to say with little-to-no struggle.
“Mahaybe..?” The Princess could feel the heat rise to her cheeks. She didn’t have to look at Alastor to know how he was looking at her.
“Aww, how adorable! Well, now I have to continue!” Alastor was quick to start scribbling his claws across Charlie’s stomach, eliciting a squeal and loud, happy laughter from the princess.
“Alastohohor! NohOHO!” Charlie squirmed in Alastor’s lap, keeping her face hidden in her hands.
“Oh, let me see that smile, darling! You’re never fully dressed without a smile~!” Alastor grinned, and used one hand to hold both of Charlie’s hands away from her face. He made sure to hold on gently, so that she could move away if she really wanted to.
“Thihis is cheheheating!” Charlie whined as her hands were held away, but she let it happen. Alastor’s smile was fond, before suddenly becoming mischevious as he blew a quick raspberry on the crook of the princess’s neck. He cackled with her, humoring himself.
Eventually, Charlie did pull away from Alastor, and he stopped as soon as she did. She lied next to him, a blushing mess of soft giggling. Alastor rubbed her back to soothe her, and she appreciated the gesture. The two sat in silence for a few moments as Charlie recollected herself.
And Charlie was the one who broke the silence.
“Thank you, Al,” The princess mumbled against the matress. “I- I needed that.”
Alastor hummed. “You’re welcome, darling. Now, would you like me to continue with your hair?”
“…I think I’ll just keep it down today.”
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