#The Wolf Man and the Girl Wolf
whistle-whisper · 4 months
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pelipper · 8 months
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I have a type.
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gemhoundwings · 6 months
Which couple is your favorite?
someone take the poll option away from me o.o
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slasherhoe87 · 1 year
Let's hear it, friends:
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I'm pretty confident I'll survive.
Wolf Man / R.J MacReady / Shotgun
No pressure tags: @lussiane333
And anyone else 🙂
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xcherryerim · 2 months
Futturman: You know where to find me
Wolf: And I know where to look…
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s0livagant · 1 year
What are our guesses for our Spotify wrapped so far? I’m guessing Noah kahan sweep for my top artist and top song personally
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malleepp · 7 months
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Peter a single father with many children (and he tired of this) by the jokes @sweetyart
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mylifestiles · 1 year
I think what I hate most about the Teen Wolf movie is that there were at least three instances where Scoot was parenting Eli and basically stealing formative moments from Derek in an attempt to endear the audience to an Eli and Scoot relationship and prime us to accept Scoot adopting Eli….
Crime #1: growling in Eli’s face to get him to transform??? What dude? How does that even work when Eli faints at the sight of a transformation? And if it’s that easy then Eli should have transformed anytime Derek flashed his eyes. It’s so messed up because Derek would have LOVED to be there for his first transformation, even just partial, but it was ripped from him bc Scoot wanted to be Mr. Alpha badass.
And no, I don’t think Derek guiding Eli through his first beta shift makes it better because Derek should have had the opportunity to guide him from his very first shift and help him maintain that shift so he could do it at will.
And don’t try to tell me it was necessary because super strong and fast alpha wolves should be able to carry fifteen year old scrawny boys.
And super strong and fast alpha werewolves should be able to outrun their half dead ex girlfriend without breaking a sweat.
And don’t get me started on Derek being injured. Actually I will get started!
when you consider Derek was originally hurt bc Scoot didn’t just go after Allison with his fast werewolf speed or sniff her out with his super werewolf nose tells you all you need to know about Scoot and his connection to his werewolf. he won’t be a great wolf teacher BECAUSE HE DOESNT KNOW SHIT. And I am blaming him (for the reasons above) for Derek being injured in the first place, so Scott set the whole stealing Eli’s first transformation from Derek thing into motion.
Crime #2: Derek is basically begging Eli to practice with him, but Scoot is the one who gets to play with Eli?? No way. That’s stupid. I reject it
Crime #3: DEREK DIDNT GET TO WATCH ELI PLAY OR MAKE THE WINNING SHOT??? After he convinced coach to give him some time on the field?? Blasphemous.
ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING he was only prevented from doing so bc of some stupid shit that didn’t even really involve him?? Like none of that shit was his business???
It’s like Jeff is trying to make Derek seem like a bad parent who doesn’t know how to help his own son and Scoot is a natural born parenting genius. He posits all these moments of good parenting but gifts them to Scoot instead of Derek. Derek is trying and trying and instead of having even one scene where Derek and Eli aren’t being standoffish and frustrated, Jeffery attempts to give us some easy as pie, natural, buddy-buddy relationship with Scoot and Eli.
we were given crumbs for Derek and Eli’s relationship and it’s sick, really.
And I will never forgive Scoot for being tongue deep with Allison THE MOMENT Derek is BURNED TO DEATH (a crime punishable by life in prison)and RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS GRIEVING SON (have some class! You’re thirty or whatever!)
There are so many more crimes in this movie but I’m trying not to remember the movie at all, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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dice-eater · 1 year
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Image Description: An image of Ylfa Snorgelsson and the baron of bricks sitting at an ornate table together to share a meal rendered in simple black, white, and red. On Ylfa's side, a black wolf's corpse lies belly up, ribs exposed, and she uses her teeth and hands to rip at a chunk of meat. On the Baron's side a wine glass is set face down neatly next to a lidded pot which he ignores in favor of messily pouring a massive bowl of a red liquid into his open mouth. Both their clothes are plain red, and both their faces are smeared with blood. The Big Bad Wolf looms in the background with a furious snarl. End Description.
a grisly communion.
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twilight-deviant · 1 year
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whistle-whisper · 3 months
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anakinsvoid · 1 year
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Sarcastic boys are my favorite genre 🫶🏻
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fyeahnix · 14 days
What gets a little annoying about some people who also enjoy werewolves as much as (or more than) I do is when they try to say a werewolf can only be THIS PARTICULAR WAY and NO OTHER WAY.
"werewolves are SUPPOSED to be mindless scary monsters who look exactly like this one portrayal I really like" 🤓
Like buddy..... Werewolves do not exist. They have myths in multiple cultures. They have different portrayals throughout time. They've been a metaphor for many different things (chronic illness, mental illness, disease, puberty, sexuality, adulthood, racism, cultural assimilation, etc etc). If you prefer that they exist and look a certain type of way in your head and writing/art, then good for you! I have my own preferences too! But you can't dictate how others envision them or use them. And you cannot say that what they look like or how they're portrayed in the media they're in is wrong. It's the artist's and writer's interpretation. If you don't like it, that's fine, just move on.
Them not existing is what makes them so versatile. You can make them look however, make whatever strengths and weaknesses, make them represent whatever, whatever works for you is FINE.
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pushing500 · 5 months
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Today there was a spectacular space battle over Parish-by-the-Expanse, so our cultists were looking forward to some fresh meat and potential new recruits.
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These two survivors in particular caught my eye, so we'll start trying to convert them ASAP.
Euclid is a genie with level 17 crafting skill, which we need to craft a new leg for Socks so she's not stuck with the peg leg anymore.
Magic Man is a Drakonori and, I'll be honest, I didn't even look at his skills or traits. His name is Magic Man, and he looks like fun to draw, so he's staying whether he likes it or not.
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Laursen put his skills to good work making a new bed for Cecil, who I'm sure will appreciate the effort.
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And finally, I wanted to show off the girls' new bedroom because I'm quite proud of how it turned out. You can even see Cecil's masterwork human-leather bed in the bottom left, next to Salvatore's human-leather cat tree!
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eerna · 10 months
me: ewwww animal-like boyfriends in books are sooooo cringe stop prowling and growling you nasties
Wolf TLC: hi
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waspgrave · 3 months
Perhaps I’ve been artistically struggling for a while but I have made some good ttrpg ocs
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