#The Fairly OddParents Vicky
sugar-miss1 · 1 year
The Fairly OddParents in French 🇫🇷 , Timmy's Christmas Song 🎵🎶🎤🎄
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ramune-raven-art · 8 months
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Okay here they all are together
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natfoe · 9 months
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The babysitter is here!
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anticosmo13 · 2 months
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I tried to draw the whole fairly odd parents characters but there’s to many, welp maybe next time😴🛏️👼🏻
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shima-draws · 1 year
About to break down in tears over this actually
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winterflwers · 7 months
If i had a nickel for every time Rob Paulsen voices a character who falls in love with a redhead, i'd have four nickels.
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened four times.
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writingpencil · 2 months
It was funny really, Timmy avoiding touching anyone like it would make him sicker than the plague.  It was funny when he jumped out of his skin, getting as far away from the person who touched him as he could. It was funny. Or, at least to Vicky it was. The ruthless redhead would make it her mission to torture Timmy every chance she got. A hug in front of his parents, squeezing him tight like they were sister and brother. Picking him up by his hair, his wrist, his ankle, and throwing him in his room, or a closet, or outside in the rain. The occasional time she forcefully held his hand when they crossed the street. Vicky found this the most funny because, she discovered, the little twerp hated anyone touching his hands the most.
But that was years ago, when she was an evil babysitter, when her anger issues and teenager brain ruled her, and she found herself much more improved. Her meds were keeping her regulated, she found good friends who stuck with her through and through, and she even had herself a squeeze who didn't even look like Chip Skylar. Now twenty-two, Vicky decided she had to make amends with the kids she tormented. Most of them were teenagers, some of them her age, and they still had the most incompetent parents ever. Almost all of the parents were either not home or treated her like an old friend, gladly letting Vicky in with warm smiles and fond memories, served with a side of tea. The trauma in the kids eyes hurt Vicky's heart and most of them ran away, cowering in their rooms. Vicky told their parents she wanted to catch up with the kids, which the parents were so thrilled with. Some even asking for a babysitter, despite their kids being teenagers. Vicky accepted, knowing she was only working part-time at the dentist office. 
It was a slow process. Most kids refusing to even be in the same room as her. Even when Vicky showed she meant no harm, no one trusted her. Vicky understood, even stating none of the children had to forgive her, just that they would hear her apologies out. Most refused this too.
Vicky knew one house wouldn't even humor her. They've seen her abuses over and over again, even laughing about it, but, surely, wisdom comes with age. The nervous redhead took a deep breath, sighing away her worries, and knocked on the front door. When the door opened, she gave her old speech, out of habit that never died.
"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Turner-" Vicky paused. Instead of the Turners, there was a boy with very dead looking eyes. His bottom half of his hair was white while the rest was black, wearing a bright blue jacket with cartoon jellyfish on it. "Hello, sweetie, does Mr. and Mrs. Turner still live here?"
"Uh, yeah…?" The boy glanced over his shoulder. "Uh, they're… unavailable right now, sorry."
Vicky wondered if the Turners decided to have another kid. "Okay, well, is Timmy home?"
The boy narrowed his eyes. "Why…?"
"I'm his old babysitter, Vicky-"
The door was slammed in her face. Only to be opened slightly.
"And I came here to-"
Once again, it was slammed shut.
Vicky slumped her shoulders, still disappointed despite knowing this would happen. She turned to leave, sighing.
Vicky was surprised, turning back around to see Timmy. He was older, of course, wearing a pink beanie instead of his usual cap. He had a small scar along his lip and piercings. One green, one pink.
"Hi, Timmy-" Vicky smiled. "It's been a while, right, twerp?"
Timmy cringed.
"Uhm, so… may I come in…?"
"No." Timmy crossed his arms. "What do you want?"
"I… wanted to apologize," Vicky said. "I was horrible to you… and there's no excuse to excuse anything I did, nor do I want to give one. I just want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that I'm sorry."
Timmy paused, unsure what to do. Then, slowly, he nodded. "Uh- thanks- look, this is a bad time so, uh, can you just go-"
There was a small explosion inside the house, shaking the ground with such a force, Vicky fell on her ass. 
"God fucking - Jimmy, I swear to God!" Timmy slammed the door shut. 
Vicky blinked. 
She didn't know what to do. Did she just leave? Surely it was under control? There were other people with Timmy- and he didn't seem scared. 
But when Vicky heard a high pitched scream, she booked it inside and followed it upstairs. She didn't hesitate bursting into Timmy's room, ready to fight anyone who was messing with the kids- only to find no direct threat. Instead, four boys were standing in some sort of circle - more of a triangle, with one tan, blonde boy hiding behind the dead looking boy, scared out of his mind. The only other boy Vicky hasn't seen was the one with the major cow lick hairdo, holding a glowing, ooie-gooie green slime thing.
"Uh…" The cow lick boy said. "Oops?"
"Sorry, sorry, it moved!" Said the tan boy.
"It's okay, S.B-" Dead boy promised, fluffing up tan boy's golden curls. "It's non-toxic. Right, Jimmy?"
The boys bickered but Timmy was the only one who stared at Vicky. There was animalistic fear in his eyes, like a rabbit caught by a hungry, ravaging wolf. It was then, chest heaving in and out, that Timmy's eyes rolled in the back of his head and he collapsed. At once, a green and pink pillow transformed under Timmy, catching him as they screamed his name in panic. 
"Timmy?!" The dead boy dropped to his knees, checking over the unconscious boy. "Hey, hey, breathe… breathe…"
The cow lick boy checked Timmy's pulse. "It's high- help me move him to bed,"
"I got it-" The blonde one was pacing back and forth until he picked up Timmy and set him gently on the bed. "There we go… there we go… oh, Neptune, Timmy-"
The pink and green pillows soon formed into two adult sized people; faeries with little wings and floaty shiny crowns and wands with a star. The others but cow lick got out of the way, allowing the adults to hold Timmy's hands.
"C'mon, sport…" The pink lady said, her wings fluttering in worry. "You've given us all a scare, time to wake up now…"
The green man was already sobbing. 
"Guys." Cow lick huffed. "He will be fine. His cardiovascular muscle is overreacting with a sudden shock to his frontal lobe-"
"Speak English!" The green man cried.
"He's having a panic attack and the sudden lack of oxygen caused him to pass out." Cow lick clarified, then looked over at Vicky. "Because of you."
"Wait-" Vicky took a step back. "I- I didn't mean to- I heard screaming-"
"Oh Neptune, th-that was my fault," The blonde raised his hand. "Hi, I'm Spongebob…"
"Hi, I'm-"
The pink lady and the green man stood up at once, realizing who was in the room. They brandished their wands and stepped in front of the boys.
"Stay back, boys," Said the pink lady.
"Yeah!" Followed the green man. "She's a real bully!"
Vicky held up her hands in defense. "Wait, wait, wait, I'm not anymore! I came to apologize and I was worried- I didn't mean to cause any of this!-"
"We don't believe you!" Green man shouted.
"You tormented Timmy and other children relentlessly for years!" Pink lady was shaking. "Give us one good reason to not blast you right here and now!"
"I just wanted to apologize!"
Sparkling magic swirled from the stars and Vicky braved herself for impact.
"She's telling the truth." 
The faeries paused and glanced over at the dead boy. 
"Danny…" The pink lady looked unconvinced. "Are you sure?"
Danny nodded, his eyes glowing a soft green. "One-hundred percent."
The faeries slowly backed off.
"If she gets even an inch from Timmy," The pink lady warned. "I will not hesitate."
"Yeah! We're godparents!" The green man's wing fluttered, agitated. 
Vicky stayed by the door, hugging herself. Spongebob was the only one not afraid to approach her.
He smiled, revealing his tooth gap. "So, I'm Spongebob, I've heard so much about you! Over there is Jimmy, then Danny, and the faeries are Cosmo and Wanda! And you know Timmy…"
"Hi," Vicky said. "I'm Vicky…"
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fem-the-artist · 3 months
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Timmy finds it much easier to get along with Danny than Jazz not that he has anything against her personally he just has bad history with redheaded teenage girls
And the fact that Jazz keeps pushing trying to show how nice and friendly she is only makes Timmy more suspicious, considering how Vicky is in front of his parents (got a lot of work to do to earn his trust Jazz I believe in you 
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lakinpurple5 · 3 months
Enemies to In-Laws is the funniest trope there is, like you guys tried to kill, sabotage, or down be petty towards each other but now here your enjoying some homemade pasta salad from one of your aunts (or aunt in laws).
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zephyrfromavalon · 5 months
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dib and timmy go out for a nice drive together 😊
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supersonicbros2024 · 4 months
Fairly Odd-Pocalypse Concept Art
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Since my new fixation is on The Fairly OddParents (as of this moment in time), I've been in process of brain storming a zombie apocalypse story for it. So why a zombie apocalypse story? Well I was inspired by the Metal Virus Arc from the Sonic IDW comics (more specifically the comic dub from Adrenaline Dubs) and I loved it so much I wanted to write my own.
-SYNOPSIS- Denzel Crocker has created a virus that have turned the citizens of Dimmsdale into a zombie like mob. Not only that, Crocker himself is immune to the virus AND the zombies are loyal to him and follow his every command. Their main goal? Capture Fairies or any magical creature and bring them to Crocker. Any uninfected humans the hoard find are to be converted into "Fairy Hunters" by simple contact, as the virus is contagious. By the time Timmy Turner and his fairies find out what's happening, it's already too late. Now Timmy must team up with his friends and enemies (human and fairy alike) to stop Mr. Crocker from taking over the world.
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ramune-raven-art · 7 months
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Five nights at Timmy’s
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fuzzychildchopshop · 3 months
Jazz should be Timmy’s babysitter
because Jazz would treat Timmy better than Vicky
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natfoe · 11 months
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jul1an-t00ns · 1 year
Shit post :0
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millieueu · 2 months
On this day 23 years ago, The Fairly Oddparents aired on Nickelodeon..
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Happy 23th Anniversary to Timmy and his godparents! :D
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