#Terushima Yuji
rjhpandapaws · 27 days
Terushima Yuuji
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bunny-eats-fox · 1 year
first love 
terushima yuji
wc: 3039 warning(s): female, chubby reader
“Urgh, Terushima…” Your friend gagged and shook her head as she glared at him. “Always trying to slip into the girls’ panties. Unbelievable. Look at him trying to get her number. Ugh, what a fuckboy.”
You just faked a small little laugh. 
Terushima was quite well known in your school. The playboy who had slept with almost every girl in his grade - or at least he had tried. That’s what the rumors said. Did you believe them? Yes and no. It was for certain that he was very flirty with all the girls and definitely had managed to go past that, but the whole grade? You doubted that.
However, did it really matter? Yuji had (apparently) tried to sleep with everyone….except for you. Of course, you knew why that was. You were not like most girls in your school. You weren’t pretty, thin or athletic. Quite the opposite (that’s how you felt about yourself at least).
Yet, when you passed him in the hallway as he had kabe-donned the girl, he still greeted you with a little grin and a nod. That was simply because you were the team’s manager. Yuji was not mean to you, or ignored you or anything like that. He was fun to be around and you got along pretty well in the past two years. The harsh truth simply was: he was not interested in you, neither romantically nor sexually. And for you, who had been heavily crushing on him since your first year together, that was painful, but understandable. 
Terushima would never make a move on you.  
“He’s such a jerk, right, (Y/n)?!” She started huffing and puffing again.
“Ah, mh…” You quietly approved because you didn't want to explain yourself. 
However, you wondered what would happen if anyone would find out about your feelings and the oh so many fantasies. Very explicit fantasies at that. Like the fantasy of you and Yuji being alone and he would needily drag you into the storage room of the gym to have his way with you. Or the fantasy of giving him head in the club room when you two would stay behind to discuss something. Or making out in the gym before morning pract-
“(Y/n)? Hellooohoo?” Sara snapped her fingers in front of your eyes. “You’re not listening to me at all! Stop daydreaming already, we’re late for our science lecture.”
“Ah, shit you’re right. Sorry, Sara.” And thus, you hastily followed her - very, very happy that your arousal couldn’t be seen by others. Seriously, you should stop daydreaming and get over this stupid ass crush. It was hopeless anyways!
Sadly though, those feelings and fantasies were very hard to get rid of. You had tried all throughout your second and also last year of high school. But the more Terushima flirted with anyone and got confessed to constantly, the more your heart ached. You desperately wanted to be one of his many “girlfriends” (hookups) just once. 
But what could you do despite longingly sigh and look at him from afar?
Hence why, by the time you were all ready to graduate, you still didn't manage to tell him your feelings. Too scared to ruin your friendship or make things awkward between you, the manager, and him, the captain of your team. You didn't want to pull the team down, so you restricted yourself to just daydreaming and fantasizing. Even though all you wanted was to finally let this crush die already! 
After the ceremony was done, you looked back to the old school building. All the memories, good and bad, you would leave them all behind right there. You would never, ever see Terushima again. Your relationship was that of captain and manager; you didn't even exchange phone numbers. He never asked and you were too afraid to come off as “the fatty thought because I was talking to her normally she would have a chance”. So, that was it. At last, you needed to tell him how you felt. Just so Terushima would reject you properly and then you could finally move on after three years of pining after him. 
“Terushima-kun.” You walked over to him and a few of his friends.
“Oh, hey, (Y/n)-chan. Can’t believe we’re done, huh?” His usual grin played around his lips. You had to smile as well. 
“Yeah. One last time, can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?”
“Oooohhhh~” His friends whistled.
“Aw shut up!” Yuji immediately said and jokingly kicked one of them. “Let’s go, (Y/n)-chan.”
Your heart started throbbing uncontrollably. So that was it. You would tell him. And then move on. Everyone would go their own ways and you could get over this stupid first love. Your hands shook and you thought your knees would give in. Every step you took was a gamble if you would make it or not. Then you reached the place. The so-called “confession corner” as your high school had dubbed it (very original, right?). How many times had you watched from the windows as someone confessed to Terushima (and other dudes but that wasn't important)? Today was your day to do that. 
“Oh…” Yuji knew exactly what was going to happen and somehow, his grin faded a little. 
Oh no. Oh no, he was disappointed. At last, the fatty confessed. That’s what he probably thought right now, right? He didn't want to hear it, you knew it, but you had to hear it from his own mouth. That he didn't like you. Otherwise, you couldn't forget him. 
“So… Well, I think you know what’s coming, haha.” You nervously looked through your bag and then pulled out a neatly wrapped little box.
Terushima knew indeed what was coming, but he didn't walk away. He faced your confession.
“Every Valentine’s Day I made you homemade chocolate and cookies, but every time, I was too scared and ended up crying in my bed eating it myself. Kinda pathetic, huh?”, you laughed, because you were nervous, “So uhm…I don’t want to end up in my bed eating my own chocolates again. That’s why, please take them as a graduation present. And also…”, you suddenly bowed and reached out your arms to hand him the box of chocolates, “I like you, a lot. Will you go out with me?”
Your hands visibly shivered, your heart wildly thumped and you started sweating- how pathetic. However, Yuji not saying anything just made it harder.
But then, he took the box of chocolates.
“Thank you for these. I’ll make sure to really enjoy them, but… I’m sorry. Right now I just wanna have fun and not commit..”
When you looked up, he didn't look disgusted or annoyed. It was a new expression. A shy smile. Oh no. How were you supposed to forget him when he would show you such a new, cute expression. So, you forced yourself to smile as well. 
“Mn. Thank you for being honest and also for listening to me. I am glad we could work together during the past three years.”
“Me too. It was fun.” He took a step forward, but then stopped and instead asked, “Is it okay if I give you a hug?”
Thus he wrapped his arms around you. The reality was 10 times more amazing than just your imagination, dreams and fantasies. At least you had felt his arms around you just once. Terushima rubbed your back a little, as you still trembled, before you separated, smiled at each other and then he walked away.
Why did it still hurt so much even though you had known his answer from the beginning? You thought you had braced yourself for rejection enough. But, once Yuji was out of sight, tears still blurred your vision before they rolled down your chubby cheeks. Hearing it out loud was much more painful than just playing this scenario out in your mind. 
Your first love, before it could even start, had already ended that day.
#  8 years later #
When the bell above your door rang, you came to the front; as you wiped your hands on your apron, you hastily approached the counter . 
“Welco-” But you stopped mid-word. 
Oh no. Oh no, no, no. Everyone but-
“(Y/n)-cha- (L/n)-san? Shit, it’s been a hot minute. You remember me, right?”
FUCK! He was HOT. Or rather, Yuji, who you hadn’t seen since your graduation, had matured but still looked as handsome as he was back then. Maybe even a little more handsome. Crap. How could you not remember him? The guy you thought you had finally forgotten. 
Well shit, you didn't.
“S-Sure, Terushima-kun. How are you?” You stuttered for a moment, though tried to compose yourself again quickly. 
“Great! I’ve been doing amazing. What about you? I heard about the new bakery that had opened and was super popular. Didn’t think I would see you here.”
“Ah, yeah, a lot happened…” New customers then came in as the doorbell rang again. “Ah, Ryo?” 
“Sure, (Y/n)-chan.” You didn't have to say more than his name and your co-worker, a very handsome young man, rushed to the front desk as well to serve the customers. 
“(L/n)-san, I see you’re very busy. Here.” Terushima suddenly pulled out his phone, unlocked it and handed it to you. “Give me your number and we can catch up.” 
Oh hell no! That was not good at all. It all just came back to you. The pain, the heartache, the rejection. But goddammit. It took just one smile from him and you were smitten once again. And you saw he had kept his tongue piercing, too… Shit, where did your mind go again?!
Thus, you took his phone and gave him your number. Your brain screamed at you for your stupidity. 
“Thanks. I’ll call you. Now… I’ll have these.” He pointed to the boxes of chocolates displayed in your showcase. God, he knew exactly what he did when he flashed you that teasing grin. So he hadn’t forgotten how to be a tease and a flirt. Yuji was still just like he was back then.
“I always thought they were spectacular.” 
“T-Thank you.” AHH, you wanted to slap yourself. 
How was it possible that you would meet the guy you’ve had dirty dreams about again eight years later!? You thought that, in a small city in Hokkaido would be the perfect place to never meet anyone from your school ever again. You thought wrong. So wrong.
Once Yuji was gone, you sighed heavily and turned to Ryo. 
“I’ll take a quick break, can you manage the counter for a moment?”
“Sure, (Y/n)-chan.”
Once you reached the little break room in the back of your bakery, you slumped into one of the chairs. Of course the one person you’d meet would be Terushima. God, if only you would have had an amazing transformation and glow up, became thin and pretty. But no, instead you were at your heaviest at the moment and you still found yourself the complete opposite of pretty.  
But then again… Terushima had your phone number now. Even though you should have been over him by a long shot -  just one word was enough and he turned your whole world upside-down again.
“I hope he comes by again…” Damnit! 
Terushima, on the other hand, looked down to the phone in his hand and had to really suppress a stupid grin. He got your number. After eight years, he finally managed to get your number. 
The truth was, he had always found you cute. And working with you was also fun. He had tried to flirt with you on multiple occasions but you never responded and just ignored it (how could he have possibly known you didn’t realize it because you were too insecure to take it as anything more than just being friendly?). So, he didn't bother you any longer after that and thus, he hadn’t asked for your number or anything. Safe to say, when you confessed after your graduation, he was confused and surprised, but he genuinely didn’t want to commit to one person. Back then, he was an ass who might have even cheated if he had forced himself to stay with just one girl. So, in the end, even though his younger self would have probably said yes to anyone else and ignored their feelings along the way, he couldn't do that with you. Because even back then, you were still special, even if he had realized it way too late after he had already rejected you.
But now, he saw you again after so many years! Terushima couldn’t stop his heart from thumping louder and harder than ever before. You definitely got cuter in the last few years. Plus, he was also rather chill now. He was seldomly going to parties anymore. The last time he brought home a girl was also ages ago. Basically, he wanted a relationship, something that would last and was serious. But… Yuji couldn't help but wonder about that Ryo guy…
Was he your boyfriend? Or were you just colleagues? Ryo hadn't used keigo… and he even called you “-chan” and you called his first name too. Damn. What was your relationship?
And while he asked himself all of that, another question crept into his mind: Would you give him another chance if he tried? You probably hated him and had gotten over him already. Though, there was nothing wrong with asking or trying first, right? 
That same night, you rushed out of your bathroom when your phone suddenly rang. You, however, didn't expect to see an unknown number. As your heart thundered against your ribcage, you couldn't help but wonder if it would be… No. He wouldn't, right? Terushima probably just wanted to be nice and not actually catch up with you, right?
Curiosity got the best of you at last and you picked up, “Hello?”
“Ah, hi! (L/n)-san? It’s me, Terushima Yuji.”
For a second, that one sentence took your breath away. All those years of yearning and secretly crushing on him just hit you in the gut once more as your heart almost combusted. It was really Terushima. 
“T-Terushima-kun! Hi. Uhm… I didn't expect you to call.”, you truthfully said and immediately regretted it. Stupid!
“Haha, told you I’d call, right? Honestly I am also surprised you didn't give me a fake number.” Yuji might have chuckled but he sounded a little nervous. 
“No, I mean, why would I?” You sat down on the bed, still wrapped in your towel. Even though you just took a nice refreshing shower, your body was hot. Listening to his voice like that was heaven and hell. 
“Well…I was an ass to you, remember? Our last day.” Yuji nervously scratched his neck which made the many rings on his fingers clink. He didn't like remembering the past that much. 
“Aahhh, nhn not at all.”, 
It was embarrassing to think back to your confession, hence why you hastily tried to end the topic, “You weren't interested in me and you let me down really gently so it was totally okay, Terushima-kun! Really, no problem.”
He just sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Thanks.”, Yuji chuckled a little, but he still sounded a bit strained, “But I mean… I already had a crush on you in our second year so when you didn't even react to any of my flirting, I gave up; so your confession surprised me and then I rejected you for a really stupid reason too.”
When Terushima suddenly confessed he had a crush on you, it sent your heart into overdrive. Heat surged through your body like an erupting volcano; you were certain you could dissolve the drops of water on your skin into thin air with how hot you felt. 
“Ah, shit, wait. Why am I even telling you this now?”, Terushima nervously laughed again. 
“I think seeing you again kind of made me realize how stupid I was and it made my tongue loose so, uhm, all I wanna ask is if you wanna maybe go out and grab a coffee or something? Like, I don't expect any-”
“I’ll go!”, you yelled into the phone.
Then it was silent. Your face was so hot, you were ready to melt into the towel that was still wrapped around your plump body. And it definitely wasn't any better once Yuji started to laugh. His genuine, cute laughter was something your heart wasn't ready for. 
“I-I’m sorry, I-”
“Cute.”, he interrupted you, “You’re really cute, (Y/n)-chan. Ah, sorry, old habits die hard, is it okay to call you that?”
“Mn.”, was all you managed. 
That was the first time someone had called you cute. For some reason, your vision blurred as tears sprung to your eyes. Maybe, you could really believe in his words?
“Heh heh, thanks, you can also just call me by my first name though.”, Yuji still chuckled, before it was quiet once more. Though only for a few moments.
“So… uhm (Y/n)-chan…is it okay to get my hopes up?” Terushima didn't even hesitate. Like back then, he was still as straight-forward when he wanted something or someone.
You just hid your face in your free hand and suppressed a squeal. Was that really happening? Not just a dream? 
“Yeah… Yuji-kun.”
As you heard a small thud, you thought he fell down somewhere, but all you could hear on the other end was then, “… You’re unfair, (Y/n)-chan.”
Even though he had just confidently told you to casually call him by his first name as well, he didn't think you would immediately say it (and truth be told, he didn't think it would affect him that much).
So, in the end, you were both utterly embarrassed (but also happy) and melted into the beds. Though it made one thing very clear to him: If he already reacted like that, the feelings he had harbored and suppressed for all those years (and that came back full swing once he saw you behind the counter today) were stronger than before. And now, he was going to make it up to you that he didn't realize those strong feelings he had towards you sooner.
all characters canonically under 18 are always aged up ; english is not my native language so i apologize for any mistakes
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ugh-tsumu · 1 year
POV: Jowa mo si Terushima Yūji
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tojiphile · 10 months
thinking about big boys who make it fit. you try to protest, fidget and squirm out of his calloused hands but he grips your waist firmly, pulling you back towards him.
“my darling girl,” he coos, “don’t you trust me?” he brushes a stray hair out of your face, wiping the tears streamed down furiously, your eyes squeezed shut. he laughs and presses a large hand to your stomach, “you’ll be a good girl for daddy, won’t you?”
through sobs, you find the strength to nod as he aligns himself at your entrance. he uses his thick fingers to spread your soaking cunt, the other hand guiding himself in slowly. “that’s it baby, you got this.” his fat cock inches his way in, and you feel the stretch, clenching down on him, shaking your head as if in a trance. he shushes you, leaning down to press a kiss on your forehead. “relax, it’ll hurt less.”
you heed his words and release the tension in your stomach. he audibly sighs as he continues pushing his way into you, causing you to whimper until the tip of his dick has pressed up against your cervix. satisfied, he traces the outline his cock is leaving in your tummy, giving it a squeeze as you barely get out the words, “so- full!” he laughs and grips your waist, pulling you off his cock and making you gasp at the sudden movement. before you have time to protest, he’s slamming himself into you again, the lewd sound of his balls slapping against your ass and both your groans fill the room. your cries of pain seem to only spur him on as he continues thrusting into you harshly.
“look at me,” he pants, “look at me while i fuck you silly.” you open your eyes only to meet his, then quickly shutting them in embarrassment. he laughs, “look at my sweet, darling girl, being fucked like the whore she is.” you whine in response but release a gasp when his fingers find your swollen clit, rubbing in quick circles and forcing your stomach to clench up. “don’t cum yet, my darling, hold it there, wait for me.”
you try your best to not cum, squirming from both the pain of him bottoming out and the pleasure from him toying with your sensitive bud. “i’m close baby, just say my name. say my name.” he can’t tell if you’re obedient, or just too fucked out to do anything but obey but when you cry out “daddy!” it’s all over for him.
“now.” he presses the bulge in your stomach down and you can feel the orgasmic joy washing over you like blinding lights, your body shaking, absolutely overwhelmed by him. he fucks you like a man in heat, bottomming out as he reaches his peak, gripping you hard. you can feel the warmth of his cum spreading in your cunt as he collapses on you, kissing your cheek.
TOJI FUSHIGURO, gojo satoru, geto suguru, TODO AOI, bokuto kotaru, TERUSHIMA YUJI, kaeya, ARATAKI ITTO, childe
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sunkeji · 1 year
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You're having a sleepover at his house and he just wishes the night would stretch on forever. You're sleeping peacefully with your head tucked between his neck and shoulder.
You look so snuggly next to him; even with the way your hair is untidy from the many playfights you had before bed.
He has to restrain himself from kissing you right now. He doesn't even know if he'll even stop at just one kiss.
He settles for a kiss on the top of your head and whispers to you an I love you. As if you were awake, you snuggle up to him back and he let's out a soft chuckle.
With how affectionate you were being in your sleep today and the serenity of the situation, it's no wonder he'd want this night to last forever. Just you and him.
— Kuroo, Tendou, Ushijima, Akaashi, Daichi, Tsukishima, Terushima, Semi, Bakugo, Kirishima, Midoriya, Todoroki, Sero, Denki, Suna, Mugumi, Geto, Itadori
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pinkpolicelight · 15 days
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Random Though:
The Priest: Cock worshiping
Pt 1 Pt 2
Men that are priest greeting the congregation, as his eyed drifted over to you. He begins to talk in a low, pleasant tone. With his eyes still on you, you began to uncross you legs, showing off you inner thigh. He turned towards you, your legs spread just a big further, the skirt tugged a but higher up, giving him a glimpse at your bare cock, and slight puckered up hole. He looked away quickly before he could stumble on his words. You hitched your skirt higher with a smile and rested your fingers against your inner thigh. He trailed off when his gaze skimmed over you, with your fingers brushing up your thigh, slowly, and you slid over one finger lightly against your cock, he could see the pre cum gathering on the tip of your cock.
As lunch soon came, and every on went. You stayed. The priest walked up to you and said "Join me, won't you". One hand squeezed your shoulder tightly, and the other slid up to grip the back of your neck. He guided you to the chapel doors.
"Not a single noise", he purred in your ears, and you covered your mouth with a hand desperately as he plunged his fingers in and out of you at a rapid speed. Lewd sounds of his fingers fucking you filled the empty church, your legs shooked as you tried desperately to do as he said. A knot was building, and your ass began to tighten around him, he leaned over you, as you opened your eyes, you saw a flushed face, watching you struggle.
"Do, Not, Cum." he growled, and curled his fingers inside you as he thrust. You managed to smother the scream to a tiny squeak as you strained to hold back, but his fingers were curling so perfectly inside you. Suddenly his fingers slid out of you and you let out a heaving breath that was accompanied by a whimper before you could stop it.
He whispered in your ears with a smile, and said "It's now time that you worshiped my cock."
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Loid, Dio Brando, Jotaro Kujo, Haru Yoshida,Victor Nikiforov ,Son Hak, Daisuke Kanbe, Shoto Todorok. Ken Keneki, Dazi Osamu, Yuki Sohma, Yuji Terushima, Keiji Akaashi,Hajime Iwaizumi
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teamatsumu · 8 months
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kinktober 2023 -> day 6
oral - terushima yuuji x reader
word count: 961
kinktober masterlist
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You had always been curious about Terushima Yuuji.
Your university’s local fuck boy. Bold, brazen, sometimes sleazy, and unbelievably confident in himself. He had been in your first ever uni class, and somehow you had managed to grab his attention. You couldn’t imagine why. You were as bland as they came. Quiet, distant, sometimes oblivious, often apathetic. You knew how you came off to people. Nothing special, nothing to write home about.
Yuuji seemed to think otherwise.
He was convinced you were hiding something from him. Some part of you that made you ‘interesting’. You would roll your eyes and brush him off, telling him he was delusional, and he needed to mind his own business, while trying to disguise the shiver that went down your spine as his narrowed eyes would run down your figure.
You were still a girl. A college girl at that. Young, hot-blooded, and of course, occasionally horny. So you weren’t immune to his charms. And boy, was he charming. No wonder you had found yourself giving into him, until you were here in his bed.
“I knew it,” his smirk was sharp and giddy, his eyes heated, trained over your shaking, writhing figure, fingers still moving with precise strokes, running over your spongy walls in all the right spots that had you bucking against him, bare chest rising and falling. “I knew you were special. God, you should see yourself right now, baby. You look delicious.”
Your mouth dropped open and you whined, one hand fisting itself in his t-shirt as you tried to squirm away from his intense gaze. He wouldn’t stop looking you up and down, like you were his last meal. It made your body burn all over.
“I wonder,” he continued, mumbling more to himself now than you. “Wonder how far I can push you.”
You barely registered when his fingers left your body, blinking at the loss in sensation, but it didn’t take long before something else, something much softer and wetter- hotter- slid through your folds and found home inside your gummy walls.
You yelped at the feeling, legs instinctively closing around his head before he pried them apart and held them there with his hands, effectively pinning you in place. His tongue buried deeper inside you and- oh.
What the fuck was that?
It was hard and cold, colder than the rest of Yuuji’s tongue, and it made you tense up in his hold as it ran over your walls in twisting lines, tracing over the sensitive insides. It was so different to anything you had experienced before, you gasped and your hand shot down, gripping so tight at Yuuji’s hair you were surprised it didn’t tear out.
You could feel his lips curl into a smirk, head tilting enough that he could look at you with half-lidded, cunning eyes, a knowing look in them telling you that it was indeed what you thought it was. Yuuji’s infamous tongue piercing.
His efforts seemed to double then, eating you out with a vigor you had never seen before from any of your past lovers, eyes falling shut as he concentrated solely on mapping out every part of your pussy with his tongue. Your legs shook and his grip on them tightened, your nails now scratching at his scalp to try and ground yourself in some way. And when his tongue left your hole to travel up, the hard piercing dragging over your clit, you fell apart.
You shrieked as you came, back arching dangerously off the bed, pushing Yuuji’s face harder into your cunt as waves of pleasure coursed through your body like electricity. He didn’t stop for one second, tongue running dizzying circles over your clit, making your body jolt whenever the piercing would hit it, lips wrapping around the little nub and sucking hard until you cried, until liquid squirted from your pussy and coated the lower half off his face, making him groan into your core and hold your legs farther apart.
You felt dirty, having a man licking between your legs as you wet his face with your juices, his tongue running up and down your entire pussy, cleaning up anything still left behind. It turned you on to no end, having him ravish you like this, and as your body slowly unwound from your orgasm, you wished he would just stay down there forever, bringing you to orgasm after orgasm with his miraculous tongue.
When Yuuji finally resurfaced, he had a shit-eating grin on his face that would’ve made you roll your eyes if you had the energy for it. You did huff at him and give him a look that said ‘drop it’, but you weren’t surprised when he didn’t listen.
As he started boasting in detail about how you looked and acted around his tongue, you had half the mind to just put your clothes on and leave. But a better idea formed in your head as you listened to him ramble, and it brought a smirk to your face.
Yuuji abruptly stopped talking when you sat up and pushed him to lay down on the bed, eyeing you questioningly until you scooted up, legs planting on either side of his face. Then his eyes lit up in understanding, smirking as he brought his hands up to hold your hips and push you down on his face, getting back to business rather quickly. You sighed at the feeling.
He had no problem doing whatever you wanted the rest of the night.
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@bxbyyyjocelyn @thisbicc @lazuliquartz @dreamayy @kuroosluthoe @true-form-hoe @akumakitsune21 1 @cham0mil3-and-h0n3y @samisfunky @universal-s1ut @msbyomimi @dohwaesu @leothesquishy @n0tmykays @tsukiran @reyofsunshinelol @bleach-your-panties @galaneiaeris @leyra-giovanni @erenspersonalwh0re @peachesncats @soapsoftheworld @iwannabecamiloshovel
A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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thelingodingo · 2 months
Haikyuu Miyagi Dialect
So I mentioned in my Inarizaki's Dialect post that Karasuno (and the other Miyagi schools) would actually speak in the Tohoku dialect (technically). They don't really speak in the dialect (they speak the standard dialect since they live in a suburb of Sendai, which is big enough and close enough to the Kanto region (tokyo)), but theres a few lines in which some characters do use a little bit of dialect. So here are some examples that I can think of:
disclaimer - im too lazy to properly rewatch the show so im going off memory, therefore i cant guarantee 1000000% accuracy
Sugawara, Terushima, Hinata, Oikawa, Asahi, and Iwaizumi seem to have the most noticeable Tohoku dialects from what I remember hearing??
Suga (and Terushima?) especially ends his sentences with "-yarube", "-dabe", "-be" quite often which is very miyagi of him, he definitely has the strongest dialect out of all of them.
A specific example from Asahi is him saying 俺は昨日残るって言ったべよ! (ore wa kino nokoru tte ittabeyo).
I also remember Iwaizumi saying バレーはコートに6人だべや! (bare wa koto ni roku nin dabe ya).
Hinata says 昼飯食うべ (hirumeshi kuu be) along with other tohoku-like sentences
and I think Daichi once says 一回聞いとくべ (ikkai kii toku be)
I also remember reading somewhere that "boke" (often used by Kageyama and Iwaizumi) is reminiscent of the Tohoku dialect but im honestly not too sure....?
OoOOOooOO i just remembered a specific dialectal word that Oikawa once uses towards Kageyama is おがったね (ogattane). he uses the verb おがる (ogaru) which means "to grow up" in tohoku dialect.
Ukai once uses いずそうな (izusouna) which is also part of miyagi dialect
basically, you can assume that sentences ending with "-be" in haikyuu are miyagi dialect
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(this is a completely different anime but in jujutsu kaisen Itadori actually uses some tohoku dialect closer to the beginning of the story which I thought was also interesting)
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xfgpng · 1 year
𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐦 —
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— : [ nsfw ] yakuza boss terushima, stripper y/n, cunnilingus, pussy slapping, pet names, fingering [ sir kink if you squint ]
— wc : 1.3k
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the way you moved your hips was hypnotising. try as he might, terushima could not bring himself to look away from your body. he can hear kuroo talking, something about shipments and guns. he should be paying attention, he’s their boss after all but he can’t look away.
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why would then have a meeting in the new club? he usually doesn’t pay attention to the dancers. they’re beautiful sure but he knows they want his money and to be known as his girl. he finds it amusing more than anything else.
you’re beautiful and he loves the way he strobe lights shine from above you. you’re so confident with your body and the way you move has everyone hooked. he has no doubts that his club his going to be raining in a lot of money tonight.
“she’s new” kiyoko says, placing their tray of alcohol on the expensive glass table, “she started on thursday”
“you didn’t think to take it up with me?” terushima asks, eyes never leaving you as you grip the pole with both your hands. his mind wonders to other poles you could hop onto.
“you never take interest in our dancers” she says dryly, “just as long as they keep customers coming back, right?”
he ignores her and stands to loosen his tie. he didn’t like the way the men down below were watching you, drooling over your body. it made him clench his jaw.
“send her to my office” he says, tone dismissive and leaving no room for anyone to argue. they know better anyway.
you weren’t scared. you knew all about the shady business and the owner of the club. you enjoyed dancing and the extra money wasn’t bad either. whatever they did wasn’t your business but when mikasa told you the boss wanted to see you, your palms felt a little clammy.
“come in” terushima, your boss, grins, “close the door sweetheart”
“yes sir” you say softly. not because you’re scared but because you’re in shock. you didn’t know this was your boss.
“have a seat” he says, “would you like a drink?”
“sure” you shrug, taking a seat on one of the luxury leather chairs in front of his desk. he smells good, even from where you’re sitting. he licks his lips and you notice the small metal ball on his tongue.
“no need to be so nervous love” he chuckles, handing you a glass of wine, “i don’t bite”
you wouldn’t mind if he did bite but you don’t say anything, subtly squeezing your thighs together as you take a sip of the wine. after a long night, it felt good to sit down and have a glass of wine.
“i don’t usually meet the dancers unless it’s for work or events” he taps his desk as he crosses his legs, “but i saw you out there tonight and i had to meet you”
you don’t really know what to say so you nod, smiling when he grins at you again. he really was so handsome but the piercing you knew he had was distracting you.
“want to see it up close?” he smirks
you feel flushed.
“i’m sorry” you say quickly, not realising you had said that out loud.
“don’t apologise sweetheart” he laughs, giving you a perfect view of the piercing again. “do you want to come sit closer?”
you don’t know why but you do. walking over, you sit on his desk right in front of him. you lean back on the table and look down at him as he eyes your legs. he’s not ashamed to check you out and even though it’s the bare minimum and he could probably get away with doing whatever he wanted, he doesn’t touch you.
“i didn’t ask for a private show but i’m not opposed to it now” he bites his lip when you tilt your head sideways. you look so pretty perched on his desk. when he invited you upstairs, he really was only interested in meeting you. he wasn’t against playing the long game.
“did you ask me up here to talk, sir?” you ask, pretty eye lashes batting at him as you teasingly spread your legs. you were usually confined so you had no reason to be shy around him. it was obvious he liked what he saw.
he groans and runs his hand through his dirty blonde hair. he narrows his eyes at you and you hide your smile.
“y/n, you’re testing my patience” he warns, “i didn’t call you up here to fuck you”
“no?” you pout
he sighs. he was known for getting around but he was more interested in you than he’d ever been in anyone else for a very long time. he doesn’t really remember a time where he was this interested.
you weren’t necessarily intimidated by him and you seemed confident which he appreciated. people enjoyed kissing his ass and he hated brown nosers.
“unless you want me to” he rolls his sleeves up, “you’re a big girl, speak up”
you spread your legs slowly, revealing just now interested you were. it was embarrassing but you wouldn’t let him know that. your sheer panties left little to the imagination up close.
“you let everyone fuck you?” he scoffs, eyes never leaving your pussy even as he mocks you.
“no” you frown, “but can you blame me right now?”
he laughs and shakes his head. he could tell you were going to be a handful and he would enjoy keeping you in check.
you lean down and kiss his jaw, trailing soft wet kisses down his neck and he bites back a groan.
“touch me sir” you whisper, “please”
he grabs your hips forward, causing you to yelp and fall backwards. he nips and bites the inside of your thighs as he grips your ass. he slaps your pussy when you try to close your thighs.
“behave baby” he says, voice sounding slightly hoarse
he kisses your clothed pussy before pressing his tongue flat against you. the feeling of the ball presses against your clit and you moan, grabbing his hair with one hand as the other travels up to grab your breasts.
“you’re so fucking wet” he moans, pushing your panties to the side as he sucks his fingers. “all for me?”
“yeah” you nod your head, grip in his hair tightening as he slips his middle finger into you. you’re tight and he feels his dick throbbing in his slacks. he was going to ruin you.
“fuck” he groans before going back in to eat your pussy. he sucks on your clit and adds a second finger. he scissors you open as he makes sure to teases your clit with his piercing.
the feeling is so foreign but so good. your sweet moans fill his office and he hopes everyone in the next room can hear just how good he’s making you feel.
you were his now.
his tongue joins the two fingers inside you and you arch your back, struggling to keep your eyes open but you want to see him so you look down.
he’s watching you intently, eyes narrowed into slits and it makes you squirm. he’s smirking against your pussy, fingers deeper than you could ever hope to achieve on your own.
“that’s it baby, ride my fucking face” he slaps your clit which causes you to scream. you grip his hair and move your hips against his face. it’s so messy and sloppy but it’s turning you on and you’re so close.
“fuck” you cry out, tossing your head back when you feel your orgasm approaching “i’m close”
“let go” he says, “cum on my face”
your legs shake from the intensity of your orgasm. you can barely catch you breath and he’s helping you ride it out. you’ve never felt this good just from being eaten out or fingered.
“you’re so fucking sexy” he groans, standing to remove his shirt.
he gives you some time to calm down. he was far from done with you and after tonight, you were his girl.
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princessgojolover · 2 months
Smiles for the camera
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Terushima Yuuji thinks he's going insane when he sees his cute little college crush on a porn site.
Terushima Yuuji x Camgirl!reader
CW: NSFW, enemies with benefits -> enemies to lovers, sex, oral sex, dick and tongue piercing, masturbation, porn, praise kink, hair pulling, creampie, camgirl!reader, college/University AU.
wc: 4320
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You're halfway through your first year of college. It seems to be going relatively well, excluding a couple of irritants. The early classes. The busy hallways. The monthly bills. The noisey hallways. But worse of all. Terushima Yuuji. You’re not particularly sure when your little feud began. Maybe it was when he irresponsibly found a way to spill his entire energy drink all over you in the first week. Or maybe it was when he’d completely ruined your spring project with him as he refused to work properly. It could’ve been that he would always ask you for stationary, only to never return it. You don’t know, and you don’t care. One thing you do know is that Terushima Yuuji was not your friend.
Tiredly, you sigh as you take your glasses off, trying your hardest to ignore the pest beside you. A handsome one at that. “If you rub your eyes like that, they’ll get damaged.” Terushima warns you. You roll your eyes, looking down at your watch eagerly. “Why so agitated, cutie?” Yuuji teases. You gag. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop with these pet names?” You complain. Terushima only smirks. “What? You don’t like that one either?” He asks you, fiddling with the hem of your cardigan. “How about my actual name?” You ask.
“Where’s the fun in that baby?” He jokes. You groan in response, practically slamming your head on the desk in annoyance. Terushima only smiles in adoration. Anything and everything you do seems to please him. In reality, he obsesses over you. Every name you call him, every time you slap him, he loves it. He loves the attention. He can’t help it. Not when it’s you, the cutest girl he’s ever seen. But why can’t you realise that?
The end of the day approaches fast. Soon enough, you’re in your dorm, studying, as Terushima is in his, although, he is not quite studying. His delicate fingers slightly tremble as he types into his phone. He feels guilty. Sexualising you like that. But he can’t help it as he searches on whatever porn website, “Girls with glasses..” “College girls..” “Nerdy girls..” He scrolls lazily in slight anticipation. Suddenly, he scrolls back up, his heart stopping immediately.
No way.
No fucking way.
He thinks he’s dreaming.
He thinks he’s crazy.
He thinks he’s officially lost the plot when he sees the girl of his dreams, on Pornhub. Pornhub of all places. He almost cums when he sees your pretty face in the thumbnail. Your pretty body is set in a very compromising position. The first thing he does is screenshot what he’s seeing, to save it for later. The next thing he does is the beginning of your interesting relationship with Terushima Yuuji.
Still in shock, Terushima, so nervously, clicks on the video. It’s only a minute or so until your erotic moans are playing into his, now blushy, ears. His mouth falls open, amazed. The throbbing in between his legs is unbearable. But despite that, he can’t bring himself to move. Not when he is watching you fuck yourself with some sort of dildo. Not when you’re moaning like that. The image of your angelic body will forever be burned into his restless mind. He could never complain. Terushima stares in awe as you grind your hips fluidly, rolling your eyes through your trademark glasses. He can’t help but wish it was him beneath you. The next 16 minutes are discourteous. He strokes his dick slowly, trying to hold himself for whatever reason. Maybe it’s because he’s imagining you. Imagining what you’d feel like riding his dick. In a matter of seconds, he begins to wonder what you sitting on his face would be like. He spends the rest of his evening going through your content, tipping all kinds of bills under a fake name.
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As you stroll on through the rowdy hallways of the college, you spot Terushima in the corner of your eye. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you catch him walking with the smallest limp. Oddly, you of all people notice it. Curiously, your mind wonders. Did he trip over? Did he do something stupid and irresponsible again. Your eyes scan his face and you realise he seems awfully chipper about something. You then sigh. The idea of Terushima having sex with other girls irks you. You’re not sure why it makes you angry. Maybe it’s because you’re supposed to hate him. Or maybe it’s because you’re jealous. Who knows? Your mind couldn’t come close to figuring out just why Terushima is acting like this on such a boring day. Not even an inch close.
You avoid sitting next to the boy in your next class, instead opting to sit near a friend. Regrettably, you fail to see the way Terushima’s eyes fault in distress as he is under the impression that he has done something wrong. Yes, he did stalk your entire account the day before, going 4 or 5 rounds before he called it a day. But you didn’t know this. What could possibly be the issue? Eventually you are distracted from all and any work at the buzz of your phone. You move to switch it off until you see that the notification is from a recipient by the name of Terushima Yuuji. Inquisitively, you turn your head to look at the blonde boy, a questioning look on your innocent face. He only shakes his phone, signalling for you to read the message. ‘Did I do something?’ The message reads. ‘What a stupid question!’ Is all you can think. You ask him what on earth he is on about, to which he responds explaining how you’re not sitting with him. This has you puzzled. Since when did he care?
In time, the conversation gets to a point where you ,so boldly, state, ‘I’m not interested in being one of your fangirls or flings.’ When he asks you what you mean by that, you bring up his subtle limping. The conversation stops for a minute. You look around the classroom confused, only to see him smirking at his phone before he’s typing again. What is he up to? Yuuji is quick to clear up the miscalculation as he explains that the reason he is limping is because he was up all night fucking himself to you, attatching the screenshot before sending the message. After reading the bombshell of a message, you turn around to see Terushima smirking slyly at you, pure confidence in his dark eyes. You’ve never looked back down at your desk so fast, stressing out as your heart rate increases.
At the end of the lesson, Terushima apprehensively follows you out of the lecture hall, his light footsteps echoing behind you as you speed up. He calls your name tauntingly. He does it again. When you’re further away from the crowds, you turn around, your precious eyes locking with his own. Yuuji is left in a duel state of excitement and shock after you slap him across his smug face. “Fucking pervert.” You complain. You couldn’t fully complain when the idea of him getting off to you is all you can think about. “My bad, sweetheart, I was under the impression that you wanted people to masterbate to you.. Especially if you’re a camgirl.” Yuuji responds, gracefully taking your hand and lowering it. You cannot help but become flustered at the statement, and the fact that he is holding your hand lightly. “But if you wanted to be pleased, you could’ve just asked me.” He jokes. Although, he most definitely isn't joking. And you are very much aware of that.
Enough of his constant fooling around, you decide to bite back. “I don’t know Teru, I wasn’t under the impression that a boy could please me the way I need to be pleased.” You tell the boy. Terushima’s eyes widen. “Well that’s just because you haven’t tried me yet.” He argues. He’s desperate and you both know it. You take a step forward closer to him and look him directly in the eyes. “Hmm..” You falsely begin to ponder. “Who knows, maybe you could put that tongue piercing to use.” You suggest, sliding one of your fingers onto the shiny ball sat on his tongue. Yuuji blushed tremendously, surprised by your unexpected gesture. “I’ll see you around dumbass.” You mock him, walking off into the distance. Belatedly, Teru pieces everything together, baffled that he could’ve made such a huge mistake of thinking you were a sweet, innocent girl. He recalls how you would always seem to have new clothes and expensive things, wondering where you could have possibly gotten the cash from. You were going to be the death of that poor boy.
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Terushima is doing some last minute studying when the clamorous sound of an untimely message alerts him. He sighs, picking up his phone, only to relax as your name flashes on his screen. He reads the message. Simply put, it’s your dorm room and an instruction. Bring condoms. That evening, his homework is neglected and so is his self respect and composure when he practically runs across the campus to your dorm. He couldn't care less about the strange looks he receives on the way. You almost jump as you hear an urgent banging at your door. You roll your eyes bitterly and stand from your sofa to open the door angrily. “Terushima what the hell is wr-” You’re cut off with the feeling of his soft lips on yours. The door slams behind him as his hands slide down to your waist, gripping the sides of your body. You shudder as the metal ball of his piercing slides off your tongue.
As if this story wasn’t cliche enough, he bends down slightly to grab onto your soft thighs, lifting you up to press you against the pale walls as the two of you kiss lustfully. Small moans escape from both of your mouths in anticipation, only yours become more frequent as you feel the rock beneath you. Terushima has never felt so hard and needy in his life. His dick, which is covered by pesky clothing, rubs against your clit, which is protected by the thin layer of silky underwear. It’s only until you feel an odd, ball shaped structure roll against your throbbing clit when you are brought out of your daze. “What is that..?” You question in a slow mumble. Teru only chuckles against your lips as he carries you towards your bed, gently laying you down on the soft sheets before he moves to kiss your neck sweetly. You run your gentle fingers through his blonde hair, gripping onto it tenderly as he smells the sweet perfume radiating off of your chest area.
The boy wastes no time taking off your clothing, careful not to rip them. You fail to see when Yuuji sneaks the silky pair of panties that you were wearing into his trouser pocket. He lowers himself back down to cover your breasts and stomach with kisses, very affectionately. Finally, his face is between your legs, and you feel him smirk against your supple skin. Terushima sticks his tongue out, licking the wetness from your pussy. You relax in exhilaration as his piercing glides up, down and around your throbbing clit. Your graceful hands make their way back to Yuuji’s head as you pull him closer towards you and tug at his hair. “Teru..” You begin to moan. A small creak of the bed echos throughout the room as he rubs his hardened cock on the edge of your bed, moaning into your wet pussy. “Just like that..” You whimper.
It doesn’t take long before you cum onto his tongue, gripping his hair harshly as he continues at a faster pace. Your thighs begin to close around his head as it starts to become too much. But that’s when the fun begins. Terushima forcefully pushes your thighs apart and grips them lovingly. He goes right back into your pussy, lapping up your cum with his tongue as if he was starving. You begin to think that he’s not doing this for your pleasure. And you’re right. Just the act of you whimpering beneath him is enough to get him gone. He begins to thrust his hips towards the edge of your bed, hoping for some sort of stimulation as his dick throbs painfully. “Oh, God! Yuuji that feels so good.” You burst. You feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as your hips jerk up and down his tongue while he overstimulates your sensitive clit. Your glasses are now starting to fog up from the heat and pleasure coming from your body. At last, he finishes eating you out when he leans upward to give you a kiss on the cheek. “Do you wanna continue?” He asks you. You nod undeniably.
Teru steps away from the bed to undo his jeans. The sound of the buckle on his belt has you rubbing your thighs in anticipation as Yuuji undresses before you. When he finally lets his hardened cock free, your mouth widens slightly. His dick is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, you think. It’s perfectly long and thick, with a few veins here and there. But that’s not what you’re focused on. It’s hard not to stare at the bold piercing at the tip of his dick. “Teru.. I didn’t think you’d actually pierce your dick.” You mutter in surprise, referring to a joke he’d made a couple months back. Teru only chuckles in response, focussed on the task at hand. You sit up as he crouches onto the bed before your lips meet for yet another makeout session. This time around, you’re sat straddling his toned thighs, which feel hard beneath you. “Let’s see how big you can get for me.” Teru groans as you tease him, jolting in pleasure as you feel the veins from Yuuji’s dick rub against your clit. While you’re busy kissing the boy, your hips automatically begin to grind on the boy’s lap, causing him to bite onto your soft, cherry-red lips. “God, I've been waiting weeks for this..” Terushima confesses as he pulls away to breathe. This suddenly gives you a brainwave.
“Oh yeah?” You change the tone in your voice, questioning the needy boy.
“Fuck yeah..” He admits. You smirk, raising your hand to meet his pretty face. The look of confusion on Terushima is adorable as you push the boy down onto your bed, his head slamming softly against your pillow. “Well you’re gonna have to wait a little longer.” You reveal. “Come on.. please don’t do this to me, baby.” Yuuji begs, tears in his eyes as he feels he can no longer hold it in. He gushes internally as you giggle before climbing onto his face, your soft, plush thighs hugging the sides of his head as you straddle him, your pussy directly on his mouth and his nose pushing into your clit as you set out to ride his face. This is Terushima’s dream come true. The boy refuses to complain as his hands find their way to your thighs to support you as you, so elegantly, ride his face. You hold onto Terushima’s strong-built, muscular thighs for support as you grind yourself on his tongue, becoming addicted to the feeling of his silver piercing exploring all over your wet pussy.
Head thrown back in pleasure, you moan in ecstasy as Yuuji licks everything you have to offer down there. You fail to see as Terushima’s hips jerk upwards, his dick DESPERATE for any kind of stimulation, which he has yet to receive. By now, there is plenty of cum already seeping out from the tip of his huge cock, which is ready to cum all over himself. His dick is twitching in agony as he slowly gets off to the act of eating you out. Your thighs completely crush into Teru’s head below you as you cum for the third time that hour. Your hips slow down drastically as he laps up the remains of your cum. It isn’t long before you feel an abrupt wetness on your hand, as you turn around to see that Terushima Yuuji has cum from simply having you sit on his face. “No way..” You fawn. Finally, you climb off his face, sitting down next to him to regain your breath. You look at Yuuji to see him blushing in embarrassment. He is about to explain himself before you interrupt him. “You’re so fucking cute.” You tell him before grabbing his face and kissing him.
“Please.. I just wanna feel you.” Terushima begs. You take his pleading as a sign to straddling his thighs for the nth time of the evening, lowering yourself onto his cock which is already smothered in his own cum. “The condom..” Yuuji winces.
“Forget about it.” You order, as you start to bounce onto his cock and wrap your fingers in his hair and hold onto his precious face. The idea of Yuuji fucking you raw has the two of you feral. Yuuji is already whimpering as you bounce on his cock, your beautiful tits flaunting themselves right in his face. He takes the opportunity to lick on your nipples before accepting your breast into his mouth as he sucks on them. The pleasure that Yuuji’s dick is feeling is barely explainable. It doesn’t take long for him to fall in love with the warm feeling of your wet pussy, which is tight, despite all the pleasure you are feeling that makes you relax around his perfect dick. There is still some pain from the sudden thrusting but you’re quick to forget about it, your mind only focussed on one thing.
Tears threaten to prick from Teru’s darkened eyes as he’s overwhelmed with unknown pleasure. Being with you is new to him and he’d like to get used to it. The feeling of his tongue piercing rolling against your hardened nipple has you feeling like you’ve never felt before. You swear to yourself that nobody has pleasured you like Terushima has. It only gives you a bitter feeling as he must have fucked several women before to obtain such skills. “What’s wrong?” Yuuji chokes out as he manages your change in expression.
“Nothing..” You stutter before grabbing onto his face and kissing him. Teru’s soft hands wander around your body and settle at your waist, bringing you closer to him. The warmth that he’s feeling is just right and he promises himself that he’ll do things right this time around.
The two of you are close to orgasm, which makes Yuuji’s body act alone as he begins thrusting hard into your pussy, shocking you in the process. He leans back against your headboard and he grabs the bottom of your thighs, lifting you upwards to fuck you himself. You fall slightly onto him and hug him close, your head resting on his broad shoulder as he brings himself close to cumming. “You want me to pull out?” He asks you, concerned.
“I’ll just get plan B.. Yuuji I’m gonna cum.” You respond, your arms wrapped around his neck as you hug him tightly. That’s all he needs to hear before he’s fucking himself at a godly pace, ready to cum inside you. You moan erotically as you cum for the final time of the evening all over Yuuji’s dick. The sounds are what brings Terushima Yuuji to his orgasm, feeling a small sense of pride as he cums all inside your throbbing pussy. He slows down to ride out both of your orgasms before you completely fall onto his chest and he relaxes back, his cock still buried inside you. He takes a few moments to recollect himself, as you calm down.
“Oh fuck me..” Yuuji sighs angrily.
The sudden shift in mood has you confused. “What’s wrong?” You ask Yuuji, confused, to which he responds, “I forgot to complete my assignment that’s due tomorrow and I’m fucked.” You pull away from him to face him.
“What topic was it?” You ask him, equally concerned as him.
“Literature..” Terushima mumbles. Literature happened to be your shared topic in your sociology and liberal arts course. It also happened to be your strong suit.
“Well, if you want I can help you finish it tonight? I did mine already and it wasn’t too hard.” You suggest. Terushima lets out a quiet sigh of relief. He looks you in the eye before thanking you. You lean in and provide a final kiss on his forehead before easing off his dick. It’s at that point in time when Teru realises his feelings for you are not just lust, but love. Terushima Yuuji is in love with you. And you still can’t realise it.
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The two of you have been going at it for a few weeks since the moment he found your little collection online. You’ve tried out new things, recorded some things and shared quite interesting moments between the two of you. However, it is still strictly a frenemies with benefits situation and Terushima cannot help but die internally. He cannot seem to find a way to confess his undying love to you or figure out exactly what you want from him. Maybe that’s what happens when you have a reputation for being some kind of fuckboy. Since your first sexual encounter, Teru’s feelings for you have only grown stronger and more secure. He’s never been more sure of anything in his entire life. As the days go by, Terushima watches as boys from your class start to take a liking to you. He watches with a heavy heart as you give them small bits of attention, despite knowing that you’d never give them a chance. It puts him at ease to know that it’s his face you’re sitting on every week, but he simply wants more. It’s starting to eat him up inside. He never thought he would be in this predicament. As opposed to searching up your name online, he starts to search for answers.
How to ask a girl out? How to make her know you want her? How to know if she wants me?
Terushima Yuuji is down bad.
And you’re not helping him as you flirt with him like it’s nothing.
At the end of the week, Yuuji is at his limit. You, on the other hand, are only beginning to realise your feelings for the blonde. He’s grown on you. After a couple weeks, he stays on your mind 24/7, but this time, it’s out of love. Terushima’s presence used to irritate you and inconvenience you, but after many interactions, it’s made you feel safe and happy. Which is why your heart aches when you hear Teru’s voice coming through your speaker, not sounding as cheery and excited as per usual. “Can you come over?” He asks, trying to hide the pain in his voice. “Sure.” You respond, thinking it’s just a casual fuck you’re in for.
You’re quick to finish up your work and get changed before heading to the boy’s apartment. The door is already open as come in and make yourself at home. Yuuji is found on his bed, lying down lazily.
“Morning loser.” You joke, despite it being the afternoon.
“Good afternoon, beautiful.” He tiredly responds. Something is definitely not right here. You calmly remove your soft jacket before you go to straddle Yuuji’s tired legs. You’re confused when he doesn’t sit up or aim to hold your waist. “Did you not wanna fuck today?” You ask him.
“Can we just lie down?” Terushima nervously asks.
“Sure.” You sweetly respond before moving upwards to rest your head on his chest, covering the two of you with his blanket. You wrap your arm around his toned, naked abs. He’s only wearing pyjama bottoms. Teru gently runs his slender fingers through the hair at your scalp and strokes your hair.
This is nice.
At least for you. Yuuji is dying on the inside as his brain searches for ways to start the conversation and confession of him wanting more than to be friends with benefits. Something wrong is confirmed when you hear his heartbeat increase as he grows nervous. Just as you are about to ask what’s wrong, he speaks up. “I can’t do this anymore.” He claims. You start to worry. It's probably not the best conversation starter. You sit up to face him, your hand resting beside his body for support. “What do you mean?” You ask him, making the most uncomfortable yet heartwarming eye contact. “Not like that..” Yuuji corrects himself. “I can’t take this anymore, woman! I am in love with you for fuck's sake. I don’t wanna be your fuck buddy anymore. I wanna be your boyfriend.” He finally confesses, an evident blush on his face. You feel your face heat up, and your stomach does flips while your mouth opens in surprise. Yuuji realises you are silent. “Sorr-” He starts.
“How long have you felt this way?” You interrupt nervously.
“Months.” He answers shortly. Suddenly it all makes sense. The reasons for him making you avoid certain boys. The reason why he’s barely seen talking to other girls these days. The reason why there’s an unexplained look plastered on his face whenever you flirt with another boy. “Teru..” You start.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way.. I just had to get that off my chest.” Yuuji calms down, at ease as he’s confessed it all. “Shut up.” You mumble before leaning in to kiss him.
“I love you.” You tell him when you pull away. He is shocked for a split second before he accepts your affection and returns it seconds later. “I love you too.”
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not edited :(
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aztecbrujeria · 6 months
I wanna talk about men in lingerie…like the way their tiny waists and fat asses fill out the pretty lace better than any woman. And let’s talk about the tuck…and their juicy bulges in them tiny panties…
like if they tuck and then you slide your hands up their muscular thighs and undo the strings upon the holiday pretty things…and when they moan and spread their legs their weeping hard dick pops out begging to be sucked on…
Of their big bulges straining against the fabric, flesh spilling from the sides…their aching throbbing cocks behind to poke up and out of the band of the lace…
Ushijima, Terushima, Bokuto, Capitano, Choso, Yuji Itadori, Megumi, Lt. Hinawa, Adrian Tepes, Zhongli, Neuvillette, Aone, Kuroo, Kenma, Xie Lian, Hua Chang, blade, Jing Yuan, Konro
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Give and You Shall Receive
Various HQ guys X GN! Reader
— oral (M Receiving)
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The first time it happened, it caught your boyfriend by surprise. And he thought it was a one time thing.
You had just woken up from a nap, your hair a tangled mess, a little bit of dry drool on the corner of your mouth as you wondered into the kitchen ready to eat after your great nap. And if you didn’t eat soon, it would not be a pretty sight. Your boyfriend who was in the kitchen already eating some onigiri offered you one. You hurry over to him and take it. Even in your slightly disheveled state, your boyfriend can’t help but think how adorable you look.
Once your tummy had been filed by the delicious rice ball, you thank your boyfriend by giving him a kiss. And another. And another. Soon you feel that all too familiar bulge forming in his sweats. With a smirk, you gently begin to palm over him. His whimpers and groans give you the confidence to keep going.
Eventually you find yourself moving down, pulling down his sweats and boxers, revealing his mouth-watering cock. The tip already angry with a bead of pre-cum waiting for you. You immediately take him in your mouth, working his cock in the way you know that drives him crazy. It doesn’t take too much longer for him to reach his orgasam. He always looks so good when he cums. You can see the veins in his neck and how his stomach flexes with each spurt of his cum. The two of you make eye contact as you swallow and you can hear him groan as he watches you. You release him with a pop, stand back up now face to face with him, and say, “Thank you for the snacks.” Giving him another kiss.
Then it happened again.
And again.
And again.
Most boyfriends dread when their partners are hangry, but yours has grown to love it when you’re hangry. He feels himself bricking up when you go lay down for a nap, already knowing what’ll happen when you wake up.
Osamu, Kuroo, Matsukawa, Kageyama, Yuji, Tanaka, Futakuchi, Semi, Bokuto, Daichi, Ushijima, Your fave <3
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Likes, replies, and reblogs are always welcome and appreciated <3
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im-n-your-walls · 2 months
Anime characters I Will write in the future and guide lines
A/n please don’t expect a consistent upload schedule 🙇 If you want any other anime’s please request them!
requests are open! :p
I can write for
-Sakura haruka
-Teru Minamoto
-satori Tendou
-yu ishigami
-Yuji Terushima
-x gn!reader
-one shots (please don’t expect them to be long)
I will not write smut or any 18+ content!
🖋️- author-San
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spiteful-sapphic · 2 years
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i wanna put butterfly clips in ukai’s hair idc
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How Haikyuu!! Boys Noticed They Fell In Love
Suguru Daishou, Yuji Terushima, Kenji Futakuchi, Tsukasa Iizuna, Shinsuke Kita x reader
Yuji Terushima:
Yuji noticed he fell in love when he accidentally blurted it out during an arguement. You guys were arguing about him being a flirty asshole and he accidentally blurted out something from the soul that he hadn't even realized himself. "I keep doing it to get your fucking attention y/n! I fucking love you! I want your attention!" It was a random thing he definitely didnt mean to say and he stormed off when he did, crying for a while and trying to figure out his emotions. After a few days he finally figured himself put and confronted you with his newfound love, expecting rejection but being overjoyed when you sighed and smiled, making him promise not to flirt with other girls. He promised. Now that he understood who he truly loved, he didnt need anything else.
Suguru Daishou:
Suguru noticed he was in love with you on a quiet night with his head in your lap. You were talking about something and running your hands through his silky hair, laughing as he yawned and shifted only slightly to get more comfortable. The domesticity of it made his heart do flips in his chest and his mind finally settle on the inevitable conclusion of his feelings. He loved you. Before he drifted to sleep he confessed, a hand gently on your face to keep it tilted to his height in your lap. You shared a kiss before he layed back down in your lap and allowed himself to nap happy knowing he had you.
Shinsuke Kita:
Shinsuke noticed he was in love when you cried to him because you had a rough day. You had been sobbing and he was quietly comforting you when you muttered "you always make everything so much better Shin.." under your breath as you hugged yourself closer to him. He felt his mind stop. When you fell asleep in that position he stayed up, rehearsing what to say to you, how to confess he loved you.. when you woke up the next morning he had only hugged you closer in his late night slumber, head placed gently in the crook of your neck as he slept. When he woke up he confessed to you, and despite how awful your day was that lead to it, you swore up and down it was probably the best of your life.
Tsukasa Iizuna:
Tsukasa noticed he was in love at a game where you had cheered for him. Not the team, him. Your bright eyes and grin as you cheered him and his team on and waved your hands to get his attention made him almost miss the ball as the wave of realization crashed over him. After the game was over he kind of tugged you off to the side while he team was regrouping and kissed you. He didnt have any words, didnt have any idea what he was doing, so he followed his instinct. When you both pulled away breathless he muttered a small "fuck I love you.." and nothing more as your eyes met.
Kenji Futakuchi:
You were at his place with the team for a movie night and clung to him during the last movie because you were sleepy. Kenji's eyes scanned your figure, sleepy and comfortable pressed to his side and let out a small sigh as his mind raced. "Sorry Kenji- I'll move-" you muttered with a yawn realizing you had turned him into your personal teddy bear but he only rolled his eyes, moving an arm to press you even further into his side. "Dont bother. " was all he said at that time, but the next morning after the team left he admitted what he felt, and he gave you a lopsided smile of adoration as you admitted you loved him too. Kenji mentally promised he would make sure to have another movie night soon just so you could cuddle up into him again, it was nice, especially now that you were his lover.
Uh- you can reccomend more characters for this series using the ask button but if I dont get any requests, up next will be the vice captains!
Next part will be here if/when finished: ___
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pinkpolicelight · 14 days
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Random Though:
The Priest pt 2:
Pt 1 Pt 2
You dropped to your knees immediately, as he slipped his cock from his pants and it was already dripping. He reached down, his thumb pressing against you lower lip as you parted them obediently, his hard cock dripped precum out and slid it into your mouth.
His fingers returned to your hair, and he trust forward, stuffing you with his cock, as you choked for a moment, then swallowed eagerly against him, and his cock filled you throat.
"Get bust worshiping, like a good little whore you are."
Your hand was beneath your skirt, reaching down between your legs to grab you're own cock as you sucked him, and he chicked.
"The second sermon is about to begin" he purred as the crowd began yo trickle back in, and his gleamed as they return to you. He stroked his thumb across your cheek.
"You can cum now sweetheart."
You nearly whined with relief, speeding your stroking motion, when he added with a wicked smile.
"When the sermon is over, lets have another worshiping session."
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Loid, Dio Brando, Jotaro Kujo, Haru Yoshida,Victor Nikiforov ,Son Hak, Daisuke Kanbe, Shoto Todorok. Ken Keneki, Dazi Osamu, Yuki Sohma, Yuji Terushima, Keiji Akaashi,Hajime Iwaizumi
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