#TA 2509
sotwk · 3 months
Historical Event in the SotWK AU:
The (Non)Involvement of Thranduil in the Sack of Erebor
Could Thranduil have helped kill Smaug and save Erebor?
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Disclaimer: The content in this post is mostly headcanon created for the SotWK AU, founded on canon details from the books and movies.
Context: Timeline of Thranduil's History in the Third Age
c. TA 1000-2000 - Thranduil, his family, and their people spend one thousand years fighting and enduring against the rise of Dol Guldur and the darkness and evil creatures that have infested and overrun the southern regions of Greenwood the Great.
Alas, by TA 2000:
Nearly all the woodlands south of the Old Forest Road had been abandoned.
The Woodland Realm's population had been reduced to nearly half of the great number it reached during the Golden Age of Thranduil's rule.
Many Silvans were killed by the onslaught of spiders, orcs, and other dark creatures or poisoned by the sick forest itself (air, water, food). A few even faded from grief and despair, which never before happened to the resilient Silvans.
The Silvans' famously high birthing rate dropped to nearly zero, leading to a "lost generation" and fears of gradual extinction.
TA 2063 - Crown Prince Mirion dies in direct combat against the Necromancer, resulting in Thranduil's vengeful razing of the fortress (SotWK HC), and the Council of the Wise's investigation (through Gandalf), all of which forces Sauron to abandon Dol Guldur. This begins the period known as the Watchful Peace. 
During the 400 years of the Watchful Peace, the Silvans regain hope and courage, and with that, their ability and desire to have children again.
TA 2210 - Thorin I abandons Erebor to join his kin in the Grey Mountains in TA 2210. The Lonely Mountain is abandoned for three-hundred and eighty years. 
TA 2460 - The Watchful Peace ends. Sauron returns with increased strength to Dol Guldur.
TA 2509 - Princess Itarildë’s mother, Nimeithel (oc), dies trying to defend her cousin Celebrían from the Orcs. Lady Celebrían sails to the Undying Lands the following year, and Queen Maereth is devastated by the loss of her two dearest friends.
TA 2589 - When their halls in the Grey Mountains come under attack by Cold-drakes, Prince Arvellas dies attempting to aid the Dwarves (defying his father's orders for the only time in his life). Dáin I and younger brother Frór are both slain, and Thrór inherits the kingship.
TA 2590 - King Thrór returns to Erebor with the Arkenstone to re-establish the Kingdom under the Mountain. Thrór's younger brother Grór leads others to the Iron Hills.
TA 2601 - Prince Turhir leaves Mirkwood, unable to cope with the trauma and guilt over his brothers' deaths. (Further details withheld to avoid fic spoilers.) His departure strains Thranduil and Maereth's marriage in a way it has never suffered before.
TA 2746 - Thorin (Oakenshield) is born in Erebor. Maereth sends gifts to honor the birth of the new prince, in an attempt to heal the friendship with the House of Durin that was broken after Arvellas's death. The gifts are accepted, but the rekindled friendship remains tenuous, especially since Thranduil has lost his desire to remain allies with the Dwarves he holds responsible for Arvellas's death.
TA 2760 - The continuing strain on their marriage forces Maereth and Thranduil to agree they need time apart. Maereth leaves Mirkwood to reside in Imladris for several years. (This is the only separation they have in the 2,900 years of their marriage.)
TA 2765 - Thranduil (trying to prove to his willingness for peace with the Dwarves again, as Maereth wants of him) commissions the jewel-smiths of Erebor to make a necklace from the White Gems of Lasgalen. However, when he comes to claim the finished necklace, he is turned away by Thrór, who (under the influence of dragon-sickness) claims that the gems were ill-begotten treasure from Khazad-dûm, and belonged to the Durins by birthright. Thranduil holds in his anger at the insult and does not press the matter, not wishing to completely sever the alliance that means so much to his wife.
TA 2770 - Smaug lays waste to the town of Dale and captures Erebor with all of its treasure.
tldr: Thranduil was not at his best when Smaug came to attack Erebor. He had many problems of his own, and he had very legitimate grievances against Thrór and his kin.
Unfortunately, Thrór was never forthcoming with his grandson, Thorin, about the deep history between the Durins and Thranduil's family, so as far as Thorin and his people believed, the Elvenking and his family just "lacked all honor". Nothing could have been further from the truth.
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How did Thranduil react upon hearing of the attack?
The Elvenqueen was still in Imladris during the attack, and was therefore not present to give Thranduil council. Because of their separation, Maereth's mind was closed off to Thranduil's, and so she could not be reached through ósanwe. The younger princes, Gelir and Legolas, lacked the ability to telepathically communicate across that great a distance.
It was Gelir and Legolas who pushed their father to ride out with their army to help the Dwarves. Even though the bitterness of Arvellas's death still remained, Thranduil heeded his sons.
They had a solid plan to kill Smaug.
Thranduil had fought against fire-breathing dragons during the War of Wrath, and he knew what it would take to kill one: nothing short of a hero's self-sacrifice.
There was one weapon in Mirkwood that was surely powerful enough to pierce dragon hide and flesh: the great broadsword (or claymore) of the late Crown Prince Mirion.
Mirion's sword was forged by the prince himself (he was the best bladesmith in the realm), and was made from a special steel sourced from Khazad-dûm centuries before its fall. (Thranduil's sword was made from this same steel, which was also crafted by Mirion and given to his father as a gift.)
The sword was so large and heavy, only three people were known to be able to wield it: Mirion, Thranduil, and Turhir. Only Mirion had the strength and sufficient practice to wield it single-handed when needed.
Therefore, any attack using the sword would have to be carried out by the Elvenking himself.
For reference, Mirion's broadsword is about as massive as "Ice", Ned Stark's Valyrian sword from Game of Thrones.
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In order to defeat Smaug, Thranduil's strategy would have been to attack the dragon himself with the sword. Gelir, Legolas, and the rest of his army would provide enough diversion to allow the Elvenking to get close without being burned by dragonfire.
What actually happened during the attack?
Thranduil was gripped by indecision and did not act as soon as he received the news of Smaug's descent. He already knew that any action they take against the dragon would mean loss of life for his people, and that made him hesitate, which caused some delay.
But he DID gather his army, his last two sons (who refused to be left behind), and marched out with the intention of engaging.
However, once Thranduil saw with his own eyes he fiery wrath of Smaug and the destruction he was capable of, and sensed the dragon's greed and evilness, the reality of the situation and the weight of old memories crashed down on him full force.
He remembered how he almost died from dragonfire, how painful those burns were, and how long it took him to recover from the physical and emotional scars. (And he only survived due to Valinor-level healing!) Did he want his soldiers to suffer the same, even if they survived?
He remembered that he had already lost one son (Arvellas) to dragons, who gave his life to help these same Dwarves, and received little gratitude for it in return. Was he ready to risk his last two sons?
And lastly, Thranduil realized, with almost full certainly, that killing Smaug would cost him his life. Was he ready to leave his wife a widow, his sons fatherless, and grandson saddled with the burden of kingship in such dark times?
The answer to all those questions was NO. So he made the difficult decision to turn back.
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Thranduil's real mistake (that you can fault him for. Maybe.)
An argument could be made that even if Thranduil didn't want to directly engage with Smaug, he could still have sent his army to shield the Dwarves of Erebor and the people of Dale and help them get to safety. Less civilian lives could have been lost.
They didn't have to completely turn around and go home. They could have still tried to to something--as his sons (especially Gelir) would argue later on.
However, at that point, Thranduil choked on his reluctance to risk anything any further, after everything his family and kingdom had already been through. His sons were especially chomping at the bit to slay the dragon, and things could have easily gotten out of hand if they stepped into the same field as Smaug.
By retreating completely, Thranduil eliminated all risk.
And yes, the bitterness of Thrór's treatment (those damn jewels), and the way Arvellas's death was handled (the Durins never properly honored the prince's sacrifice) still lingered. It certainly factored in the decision to (selfishly?) leave the Dwarves to their fate.
Thranduil HAD warned Thrór "of what his greed would summon", especially after the fatal attack of the cold-drakes on the Grey Mountains. And Thrór certainly did not listen.
What was fair, then? How much responsibility still fell on Thranduil to help the Durins, given all these facts?
Aid was delivered in the aftermath; but the Dwarves considered it "too little, too late".
When Smaug had finally locked himself up in Erebor with his precious treasure, Thranduil did send out aid to the refugees of both Erebor and Dale. When Elvenqueen Maereth finally returned from Imladris, she spearheaded this effort.
Mind you, it's not like Mirkwood was swimming in excess resources at this time. But they still gave whatever they could to the thousands displaced, including medical aid, food and clothing, and even temporary shelter.
The men of Dale accepted the aid and help in finding new dwellings, including resettling in Esgaroth.
The Dwarves accepted the Elves' aid, but only to some extent.
Thrór wanted Thranduil to prove his allegiance by helping them to force Smaug out of the mountain, which of course Thranduil flatly refused to do.
The proud and angry Durins therefore declared him and his people faithless, and chose to move south to Dunland, instead of accepting Maereth's offer to help them rebuild near Mirkwood.
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The Elvenqueen's final attempt to reconcile her family and people with the House of Durin would be during the War of the Dwarves and Orcs (TA 2793). However, her tragic death only worsened the divide between Thranduil and the House of Durin; we see this in Thorin's anger during his capture in the events of The Hobbit.
It all ends happily.
Healing and reconciliation would finally be achieved a century and a half later, during the Battle of Five Armies (TA 2941), where the Elves of Mirkwood play a role in saving the lives of King Thorin and his nephews. Once Erebor is reclaimed by the Durins, the two kingdoms become fierce allies and remain so for the rest of their histories.
(Yes, the SotWK AU is proud to be a Durins Live AU. <3 )
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This HC post was written in response to an Anonymous request for a "Family Historical Event" submitted back in July 2023.
For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
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justabsolution · 2 years
                                            TOLKIEN TIMELINE (fucked edition)                                       to be used by @glcryled & @griefmartyred​ ONLY 
Key: YT - Years of the Trees, FA - First Age, SA - Second Age, TA - Third Age, FO - Fourth Age
                                                       YEARS OF THE TREES
August 1st, YT 1350 - Nimrodel, daughter of Gaerys, is born. 
                                                                FIRST AGE
May 22nd, FA 320 - Lomion and Maeglin, children of Eol are born. 
May 22nd, FA 510 - Lomion is forced to kill her brother by throwing him from the walls of Gondolin. Often conflated with Maeglin, Lomion flees Gondolin and retreats to Lothlorien. 
August 25th, TA 532 - Elrond and Elros, sons of Earendil, are born. 
August 26th, TA 538 - Elrond and Elros are kidnapped by Maglor, who raises them as his own. 
February 20th, FA 581 - Andune, daughter of Elurin is born. 
FA 587 - Andune’s mother, Vilverin dies in the War of Wrath. Andune and Elurin move to Ered Luin as Beleriand sunk into the ocean.
                                                     SECOND AGE 
SA 119 - Andune’s father, Elurin dies. 
June 19th, SA 300 - Celebrian, daughter of Celebron, is born. 
SA 442 - Elros, son of Earendil, who chose to live the life of Man, dies. 
SA 1350 - Celebron, Galadriel and Celebrian emigrate to Lothlorien. 
SA 1580 - Techlar’s kin, present and future, are banished from Mirkwood.
September 8th, SA 1687 - Celebena Anarion, son of Celebrimbor, is born.  
SA 1697 - Elrond establishes Rivendell. Celebrimbor, Celebena’s father, is killed by Sauron.  Anárion and Anáriel flee Eregion. 
April 2nd, SA 1800 - Luthien, daughter of [NAME], is born. 
SA 3000 - Luthien and Thranduil wed. 
March 19th, SA 3117 - Isiliel Elerosse, daughter of Tar-Palantir, is born. 
SA 3200 - Tar-Palantir, Isiliel’s father, perishes. Ar-Pharazôn, her cousin, forces her to marry him and he becomes king of Númenór.
SA 3319 - Númenór sinks. 
SA 3320 - Elendil establishes Gondor.
SA 3430 - The Last Alliance of Elves and Men is formed. 
SA 3433 -  Isiliel Elerosse perishes by Sauron’s hand. 
SA 3434 - Battle of Dagorlad. Anárion perishes from the bite of Gostir. 
SA 3441 - Isildur defeats Sauron and fails to destroy the One Ring. 
                                            THIRD AGE / Erebor Quest
October 31st, TA 87 - Legolas Greenleaf, son of Thranduil, is born. 
August 25th, TA 109 - Elrond weds Celebrian. 
TA 120 - Luthien, Legolas’ mother, perishes in Gundabad. 
July 31st, TA 130 - Elladan and Elrohir, sons of Elrond, are born. 
July 6th, TA 241 - Arwen Undomiel, daughter of Elrond, is born. 
TA 1000 - the Wizards come to Middle Earth. 
TA 1050 - Greenwood is renamed Mirkwood as darkness descends upon it. 
TA 1981 - Khazad-dûm (Moria) falls. 
TA 1981 - Amroth, Nimrodel’s best friend, drowns in Belegaer. 
TA 1991 - Erebor is founded. 
TA 2000 - Nimrodel settles in Lothlorien. 
TA 2050 - the line of Kings fails in Gondor, Stewards begin to rule. 
TA 2463 - the White Council is formed. 
December 26th, TA 2500 - Amdir, son of Telchar, is born. 
TA 2509 - Celebrian is waylaid by Orcs, receives a poisoned wound, and departs to Aman. 
October 4th, TA 2540 - Tauriel, daughter of [NAME], is born. 
September 13th, TA 2550 - Ecthelion, son of Telchar, is born. 
February 14th, TA 2746 - Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, is born. 
June 6th, TA 2751 - Frerin, son of Thrain, is born. 
October 17th, TA 2760 - Dis, daughter of Thrain, is born. 
November 23rd, TA 2770 - Smaug lays waste to Dale and Erebor, the surviving dwarves are driven to exile. 
June 6th, TA 2779 -  Battle of Azanulbizar. King Thror and Prince Frerin are killed by Azog. Thorin earns the name ‘Oakenshield’. Prince Thrain is driven mad and flees the scene of the battle, never to be seen again. 
June, TA 2850 - Dis and Thranduil’s sporadic and manipulated sexual relationship begins.  
June 25th, TA 2859 - Fili, son of Dis, is born. 
March 23rd, TA 2864 - Kili, son of Dis, is born. 
March 24th, TA 2869 - Kili is kidnapped by Azog, tortured and brainwashed. 
December 7th, TA 2879 - Gimli, son of Gloin, is born. 
February 9th, TA 2900 - Daeron, child of Mablung, is born. 
September 22nd, TA 2900 - Bilbo Baggins is born. 
TA 2901 - Ithilien falls to Orcs and Haradrim, forcing Ecthelion’s family to flee toward the Iron Hills. Telchar stays behind as a Ranger. Anairë and Amdír perish in Mirkwood to spiders. 
TA 2902 - Andune and Ecthelion meet, Ecthelion settles in Lothlorien. 
TA 2904 - Daepin, daughter of Mablung, is born. 
TA 2905 - Telchar attempts to follow his family to the Iron Hills and is caught and slaughtered by Lord Thranduil in Mirkwood. 
TA 2910 - Mablung, Daeron’s father, perishes. 
March 1st, TA 2931 - Aragorn Elessar, son of Arathorn, is born. 
TA 2933 - Arathorn, Aragorn’s father, is killed by Orcs. 
April 27th, TA 2941 - Thorin’s company leaves Bag-end. 
June 2941 - Ecthelion meets Elrond when he and Galadriel return from Dol Guldur and is gifted the name ‘Thalin’, meaning dauntless. 
October 17th, 2941 - Smaug is killed by Bard the Bowman when he attacks Dale. Lomion kills the Master of Lake-town. Daeron and Lomion meet. 
November 23rd, TA 2941 - Battle of the Five Armies. Ecthelion and Nimrodel join Tauriel and Legolas in aiding the dwarves. Lomion slays Bolg. Fili slays Azog. All important party members survive. 
April 27th, TA 2942 - Bilbo returns to the Shire with the One Ring. 
July 15th, TA 2942 - Nimrodel and Tauriel wed. 
TA 2943 - Bard rebuilds Dale and becomes king. 
May 15th, TA 2944 - Fili and Kili wed. 
October 17th, TA 2945 - Dis and Thorin wed, and Dis becomes queen of Erebor. 
September 20th, TA 2951 - Lomion and Daeron wed. 
May 15th, TA 2964 - Fili and Kili become co-kings of Erebor. 
October 17th, TA 2964 - Thorin and Dis venture to Aman. 
                                            THIRD AGE / One Ring Quest
September 22nd, TA 2968 - Frodo Baggins is born. 
July 24th, TA 2978 - Boromir, son of Denethor, is born. 
November 26th, TA 2978 - Oren Brandybuck is born. 
TA 2980 - Arwen pledges her hand to Aragorn in marriage.
June 21st, TA 2980 - Samwise Gamgee is born. 
January 21st, TA 2982 - Meriadoc Brandybuck is born. 
September 9th, TA 2983 - Faramir, son of Denethor, is born. 
TA 2989 - Balin and a company of dwarves attempt to reclaim Moria. 
January 21st, TA 2990 - Peregrin Took is born. 
TA 2994 - Balin is killed and the colony of Moria fails. 
January 10th, TA 2995 - Eowyn, daughter of Eomund, is born. 
September 22nd, TA 3018 - Bilbo leaves the Shire, the One Ring is passed to Frodo.
September 23rd, TA 3018 - Frodo and Samwise leave the Shire.  Denida Brandybuck is killed by Nazgul in search of the One Ring.
October TA 3018 -  Oren Brandybuck arrives in Druadan forest, only to find that their father has been slaughtered by orcs. They join the Rangers of Gondor.
October 25th, TA 3018 - the Fellowship of the Ring is formed. 
December 25th, TA 3018 - the Fellowship leaves Rivendell. 
January 25th, TA 3019 - the Fellowship enters Moria. Gandalf is lost during a battle with Balrog Durin’s Bane. 
January 27th, TA 3019 - the Fellowship arrives in Lothlorien. Ecthelion meets the Fellowship and decides that he must go to Gondor’s aid. 
February 14th, TA 3019 - Gandalf the White is born. 
February 16th, TA 3019 - the Fellowship leaves Lothlorien, and they are followed at a distance by Lomion and Daeron. 
February 26th, TA 3019 - the Breaking of the Fellowship of the Ring. Boromir is gravely wounded and is taken from his funerary boat to Lothlorien by Lomion and Daeron. 
February 30th, TA 3019 - the Entmoot begins. 
March 1st, TA 3019 - Lomion and Daeron begin to track Merry and Pippin. 
March 3rd, TA 3019 - the Battle of Isengard. Battle of Helm’s Deep begins. 
March 10th, TA 3019 - Gandalf and Pippin arrive at Gondor. 
March 13th, TA 3019 - Ecthelion drags an unconscious Faramir from Osgoliath after Denethor sends them to their death. Orcs capture Oren. The Rohirim and other members of the broken Fellowship arrive. 
March 14th, TA 3019 - the Siege of Gondor begins. Oren is rescued by Ecthelion. 
March 15th, TA 3019. Boromir and Pippin save Faramir from being burnt alive by Denethor, who subsequently perishes. 
March 25th, TA 3019 - the Battle of the Black Gate. The One Ring is destroyed alongside Gollum. 
April TA 3019 - Legolas and Gimli venture to Mirkwood where Gimli meets Thranduil for the first (last & only) time. 
May 1st, TA 3019 - Aragorn’s coronation as king of Gondor. 
June 28th, TA 3019 - Aragorn and Arwen wed. 
July TA 3019 - Legolas and Gimli venture to the Iron Hills where Legolas meets Gloin for the second time. 
August 25th, TA 3019 - Faramir and Eowyn wed and are crowned king and queen of Rohan. 
September 13th, TA 3019 - Ecthelion murders Lord Thranduil. 
November TA 3019 - Andune and Elrond meet. 
February 26th, TA 3020 - Legolas and Gimli wed. 
September 10th, TA 3021 - Andune and Ecthelion wed.
September 29, TA 3021 - Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf, Bilbo, Frodo journey to Aman. 
                                                      FORTH AGE
FO 15 - Gloin, Gimli’s father, dies. 
January 1st, FO 100 - Legolas begins to build a ships to travel to Aman on. Elladan and Elrohir reunite with Arwen. 
January 1st & 2nd, FO 101 - all named characters who have yet to leave to Aman now make the journey. 
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hadeschan · 6 months
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item # N18C17
RARE Pra Kaew Morakot, Wat Ban Pong, Ratchaburi, Nua Pong. A holy powder amulet with figure of the Emerald Buddha in Summer Attire, Made by Wat Ban Pong, Ratchaburi Province in BE 2509 (CE 1966) with 4 Consecration / Blessing Ceremonies, attended by many guru monks of the period, for instance; Phor Than Klai of Wat Suan Khan, Pra Archan Tim of Wat Chang Hai, Pra Archan Nam of Wat Don Sala, Luang Phu Lew of Wat Rai Tang Thong and Wat Saman Yae, Luang Phor Lek of Wat Khao Din, Luang Phor Sa-nga of Wat Nong Muang….
BEST FOR: Thais believe that the Emerald Buddha gives favorable omens, and strengthens auspicious omens which bring positive role in their lives. Anything you wish for, and it could change your life for the better. It brings endless food with wealth & prosperity. Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
The Emerald Buddha (Thai: Pra Kaew Morakot, or Pra Phuttha Maha Mani Rattana Patimakon) is an image of the meditating Gautama Buddha seated in a meditative posture, made of a semi-precious green stone (jasper rather than emerald or jade), clothed in gold and about 66 centimeters (26 in) tall. The image is considered the sacred palladium of Thailand. It is housed in the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Pra Kaew) on the grounds of the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
The BE 2509 (CE 1966) Batch of amulets of Wat Ban Pong, Ratchaburi Province, a Fundraising Batch for the restoration work of the temple building of Wat Ban Pong.
Content of the amulet
Wat Ban Pong took 5 years to collect the following materials, they are;
1)108 kinds of powder and fragments of sundried mystical plants.
2)Holy powder given by 108 guru monks from all over Thailand.
3)108 kinds of sundried auspicious flower pollens
4) Din Lak Muang Jet Lak, earth taken from 7 Holy City Pillars at Holy Pillar Shrines in Thailand that guarded by angels and devas. City Pillars are believed to accumulate the power/energy of protection, prosperity and abundance.
5)Earth taken from four sacred sites in Buddhism: Lumbini, Bodhgaya, Sarnath, and Kushinagar.
6)Din Jet Ta, earth taken from 7 bus/boat/railways destination terminals. Thais believe that these areas filled with lovers’ mind power while waiting for one their love one to come homes.
7)Din Jet Phong, earth taken from 7 forests where deposit of salts and other minerals are. A mineral lick (also known as a salt lick) is a place where animals can go to lick essential mineral nutrients from a deposit of salts and other minerals. Din Jet Phong is believed to have the force of temptation and distraction.
8)Sundried flower after offering to Buddha Statues taken from 108 holy temples.
9)Powder crushed from earth under the chambers where ancient amulets were stored including broken ancient amulets taken from 108 places in Thailand.
10)Holy water taken from 108 holy temples
11)Holy water making at the Consecration / Blessing Ceremony of the Batch of amulets of the 25th Century Cerebration of Buddhism at Wat Suthat
NOTE:  the number 108 in Thai means “various or countless”.
The FIRST Consecration / Blessing Ceremony was on Saturday, September 3, BE 2509 at the temple of Wat Ban Pong, Ratchaburi Province at 10.20 hrs, attended by 14 guru monks, namely;
1)Chao Khun Ratchathammaporn (Luang Phor Ngern), Wat Don Yai Hom
2)Luang Phor Noi, Wat Thammasala
3)Chao Khun Indrakemachan, Wat Chong Lom
4)Chao Khun Piboon Thammavatee , Wat Pak Tho
5)Chao Khun Photaram Kanaruck , Wat Chalerm Art
6)Chao Khun Sadhikitvimon, Wat Nong Din Daeng
7)Pra Kru Prasatlangvorakit (Luang Phor Inn), Wat Bot
8)Pra Kru Palat Phrom, Wat Sattanat Pariwat
9)Pra Kru Anuruckvorakhun (Luang Phor Sa-nga), Wat Nong Muang
10)Pra Kru Prasit, Wat Ubon Wannaram
11)Pra Kru Archan Sophon, Wat Klang Wang Yen
12)Luang Phor Kaew, Wat Nong Ian
13)Luang Phor Odd, Wat Ko Si Na Rai
14)Luang Phor Sam-ang,  Wat Tha Krathum
The SECOND Consecration / Blessing Ceremony was on Saturday, September 10, BE 2509 (CE 1966) at the temple of Wat Ban Pong, Ratchaburi Province at 09.30 hrs, attended by 17 guru monks, namely;
1)Chao Khun Thep Langvorapapimon , Wat Charoen Sukaram
2)Chao Khun Samut Suthee, Wat Chong Lom
3)Pra Kru Photapirom, Wat Ban Luak
4)Chao Khun Rachavachiraporn, Wat Yang
5)Pra Kru Vachirarangsi, Wat Marukataiyawan
6)Pra Kru Phrom Vihantham, Wat Phrom Vihan
7)Pra Kru Archan Sophon, Wat Klang Wang Yen
8)Pra Kru A-ton Vachiratham, Wat Phlap Phla Chai
9)Pra Kru Bannakitsoonthorn, Wat Pho Tharam
10)Pra Kru Palat Phrom, Wat Sattanat Pariwat
11)Luang Phor Huan, Wat Pho Soparam
12)Luang Phor Sa-nga, Wat Nong Muang
13)Luang Phor Odd, Wat Ko Si Na Rai
14)Pra Kru Peuk, Wat Suan Luang
15)Pra Kru Archan Sophon, Wat Klang Wang Yen
16)Luang Phor Kaew, Wat Nong Ian
17) Luang Phor Sam-ang, Wat Tha Krathum
The THIRD Consecration / Blessing Ceremony was on Saturday, September 17, BE 2509 (CE 1966) at the temple of Wat Ban Pong, Ratchaburi Province at 11.50 hrs, attended by 20 guru monks, namely;
1)Luang Phor Kaew, Wat Aranyikawas (Wat Pa), Chon Buri Province
2)Luang Phor Naat, Wat Sri Loha Rat Bamrung, Kanchanaburi Province
3)Luang Phu Lew, Wat Sanam Yae, Kanchanaburi Province
4)Luang Phor Hom, Wat Chak Mak, Rayong Province
5)Luang Phor Sam-niang, Wat Weluwanaram, Nakhon Pathom Province
6)Pra Kru Vijit Sarakhun, Wat Lat Bua Khao, Ratchaburi Province
7)Luang Phor Deang, Wat Thung Kok, Suphan Buri Province
8)Luang Phor Huan, Wat Pho Soparam, Ratchaburi Province
9)Pra Kru Maytha-dhikan, Wat Pho Banlang, Ratchaburi Province
10)Luang Phor Ngern, Wat Chantharam, Ratchaburi Province
11)Pra Kru Photapirom, Wat Ban Luak, Ratchaburi Province
12)Luang Phor Khan, Wat Phra Sri Arn, Ratchaburi Province
13)Pra Kru Anuruck Vorakhun, Wat Nong Muang, Ratchaburi Province
14)Luang Phor Pim, Wat Hub Maklam, Ratchaburi Province
15)Luang Phor Gliang, Wat Khao Yai, Ratchaburi Province
16)Pra Archan Sawang, Wat Nong Ya Plong, Ratchaburi Province
17)Pra Kru Palat Phrom, Wat Sattanat Pariwat, Ratchaburi Province
18)Luang Phor Thong, Wat Mo Sor, Kanchanaburi Province
19)Pra Kru Bannakij Soontorn, Wat Pho Tharam, Ratchaburi Province
20)Luang Phor Sam-ang, Wat Tha Krathum, Ratchaburi Province
The FOURTH, and the LAST Consecration / Blessing Ceremony was on Saturday, October 8, BE 2509 (CE 1966) at the temple of Wat Ban Pong, Ratchaburi Province at 10.30 hrs, attended by 24 guru monks, namely;
1)Phor Than Klai, Wat Suan Khan, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province
2)Pra Archan Tim, Wat Chang Hai, Pattani Province
3)Chao Khun Vimon Kijjaruck, Wat Chana Songkram, Bangkok
4)Luang Phor Nor, Wat Klang Tha Ruea, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province
5)Pra Archan Nam, Wat Don Sala, Phatthalung Province
6)Luang Phor Yeuang, Wat Cha-Uat, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province
7)Luang Phor One, Wat Rattanaram, Phatthalung Province
8)Pra Bai Deeka Champee, Wat Protket, Nonthaburi Province
9)Pra Archan Sawang, Wat Nong Ya Plong, Kanchanaburi Province
10)Luang Phor Ngae, Wat Charoen Suka Ram, Samut Sakhon Province
11)Luang Phor Cheun, Wat Tamnak Nua, Nonthaburi Province
12)Pra Kru Samut Suthee, Wat Klang Nua, Samut Songkhram Province
13)Pra Kru Visan Tavornkij, Wat Ban Mo, Ratchaburi Province
14)Luang Phor Lek, Wat Khao Din, Kanchanaburi Province
15)Luang Phor Sa-nga, Wat Nong Muang, Ratchaburi Province
16)Pra Kru Vorapot Thada, Wat Tan Pak Lat, Ratchaburi Province
17)Pra Kru Varapiwat, Wat Ban Muang, Ratchaburi Province
18)Luang Phu Lew, Wat Sanam Yae, Kanchanaburi Province
19)Pra Kru Bannakij Soontorn, Wat Photaram, Ratchaburi Province
20)Luang Phor Kaew, Wat Nong Ian, Ratchaburi Province
21)Luang Phor Huan, Wat Pho Soparam, Ratchaburi Province
22)Pra Kru Lon, Wat Hua Hin, Ratchaburi Province
23)Luang Phor Sam-ang, Wat Tha Krathum, Ratchaburi Province
24)Luang Phor Odd, Wat Ko Si Na Rai, Ratchaburi Province
DIMENSION: 3.10 cm high / 2.20 cm wide / 0.80 cm thick
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bookien · 7 months
Những ngày tháng này, tôi đang tập đối diện với những điều mình đã né tránh suốt những năm qua.
Tôi đọc lại những gì mình đã viết. Dù thỉnh thoảng vẫn đọc, nhưng lần này, tôi vừa đọc vừa tìm những thứ tôi giấu sâu trong những dòng chữ năm ấy. Rằng tôi, đến những nơi chốn của riêng mình, vẫn ko dám đối diện với chính mình.
Tôi hèn nhát. Và sợ hãi.
Tôi sợ phải thừa nhận rằng đến cả người tôi yêu thương, tôi cũng ko dám sống vì họ. Tôi luôn để cho mình một đường lùi. Để nhỡ nhàng, tôi lại trốn đi khỏi sự thất bại của mình.
Tôi thương người ta. Người ta cũng thương tôi. Nhưng tất cả chỉ dừng lại ở đó. Chúng tôi đi qua nhau để lại những nỗi buồn rồi cũng xa tít tắp, ko còn ai có thể chạm vào nữa.
Tôi có quá nhiều sự ân hận, mà ko làm cách nào gột bỏ. Đến giờ, khi thật sự thừa nhận, tôi bỗng ghét bản thân mình vô cùng.
Em bé ấy, còn nói được rằng “nếu như ân hận, thì đừng làm gì khiến mình ân hận nữa”…
Bởi thế những ấm ức những ngày vừa qua, chắc hẳn cũng vì sự vị kỷ mà khiến tôi đã nghĩ rằng mình sẽ từ bỏ.
Tôi không muốn mình phải hối hận, hay hối tiếc bởi sự hèn nhát của mình nữa.
Tôi từng nghĩ rằng, tôi ko muốn mình phải hối tiếc, nhưng chính là vì ko chịu nổi sự từ chối, ko chịu nổi việc mình ko có được điều mình muốn, nên ăn vạ để mà đòi.
Còn giờ,…
Hôm nay, tôi nhìn thấy hình dung ấy, lòng tôi chùng xuống. Tôi không muốn đánh mất những điều quý giá đối với mình. Nên dù phải lặng im và giữ gìn mối quan hệ này như những gì nó vốn là, tôi sẽ làm. Miễn sao hình dung ấy, tôi sẽ còn được ngắm nhìn. Và ở cạnh bên, theo bất cứ cách nào.
Tôi có thể sẽ chờ đợi, và hy vọng. Hoặc không cần hy vọng. Miễn sao cô ấy còn ở cạnh tôi, theo bất cứ định nghĩa nào. Ko né tránh, ko đẩy ra xa, cũng ko vồ vập hay níu giữ. Chỉ cần còn nhìn thấy cô, trong những khoảnh khắc cuộc đời này cho phép.
Và, những nỗi ân hận xưa cũ, cũng vậy. Tôi mang chúng đặt lên bàn, học những bài học chúng mang lại, nâng niu và trân trọng chúng.
Bởi lãng quên, là điều không thể. Tôi chỉ còn cách vượt qua mà thôi.
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hepecoxixi · 2 years
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vaultcut6 · 2 years
Wychowaniefizyczne.net | WF - Za Co Trzeba, I Za Co Nie Dokładnie Oceniać?
Nie brakuje jej oraz podczas wyborów parlamentarnych, w jakich partie są różne pomysły i plany na ostatnie, gdy tenże system przechodzi w Polsce wyglądać. W Polsce właściwej używano form pochodzących od tego określenia, takich jak np. Marianna, Maryna itp., w formie spolszczonej Marzana. Również w "Non serviam", jak w mało opowieściach Ijona Tichego, pojawiają się postaci twórców sztucznych światów i oryginalnych świadomości; ich wyniki nie zdają sobie przygody z odmiennej sytuacji ontologicznej a wynoszą się za bytowo oryginalne i niezdeterminowane. Umysł udawał, że posiada dużo dodatkowo stanowi najistotniejszy, aby tym jednym blokować dostęp do szkolenia innych ofercie, sobie i. 24. Co chodzi ofiarować Chrystusowi, aby mógł w nas królować? Z tym, że jako mężczyzna nie powinien pan krytykować bezspornych osiągnięć dokonanych dużym wysiłkiem na bliskim podwórku. Dziś majątek tenże jako własność prywatna córki aktorki Beaty Tyszkiewicz i reżysera Andrzeja Wajdy nie pełni funkcji muzeum. 4. Jako pracę domową proszę zrobić pisemnie w zeszycie ćw.
153. Konspekt napisz w zeszycie. 2569 Budowlana Import Eksport Sp. 2456 Grad Import - Eksport Sp. 2454 ZAKŁAD BUDOWLANY HYDROMEL - 3 Sp. 2543 ZAKŁAD MELIORACYJNO - BUDOWLANY W Oraz R WIESŁAW MŁYNARCZYK - RYSZARD BIEDROŃ S.J. 2485 Przeds. Budowie i Budownictwa Przemysłowego S.J. 2453 TARPIS PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO INSTALACJI SANITARNYCH Sp. 2544 PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO WIELOBRANŻOWE POL-REM Sp. 2540 PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-USŁUGOWE TERMO S.J. 2492 PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO ROBÓT INŻYNIERYJNYCH PRINŻ Sp. 2509 KJM - BIS Sp. 2445 RYMIX - BIS S.A. 2545 HEFAL SERWIS S.A. 2562 Jaso Serwis Sp. 2520 Gołuszka Firma Budowlana S.J. 2446 Jarbud-Res Henryk Jarnot, Maria Jarnot S.J. 2498 Fagro Dach S.J. 2515 Nova DACH Sp. 2450 MK DACH SYSTEM Sp. NA CZYM POLEGA OPERACJA PIERSI? Na czym polega ta "późność", o jakiej tutaj mowa? 7. gościa będącego małżonkiem, wstępnym lub zstępnym (dzieckiem, wnukiem), obywatela Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, pozostającym na polu Polski. Między nami 6. Język polski. Fortuny na doradztwie w handlu między Cesarstwem a Królestwem zbili wówczas m. PKW liczył wówczas 122 żołnierzy stacjonujących w bazie Bagram. Religia ma prowadzić mężczyznę do jego nadrzędnego planu i celu, oraz tymże jednym do ważnej szczęśliwości. „Talenty” Messinga, jak powstaje spośród jego biografii, mają znacznie wyrażoną demoniczną przyrodę dodatkowo są oparte na uszkodzonej dziedziczności, oczywiście jak i jego „rzeczy o Rozumnym Kosmosie”, o przesądzeniu wielu działań własnego mieszkania, o dane odczytywania danych z dowolnego tajemniczego wszechświatowego „Czegoś” …
Co warto zobaczyć, wielu lekarzy, mimo możliwości przeprowadzenia operacji jajowodów, proponuje swoim pacjentkom z niedrożnością jajowodów właśnie zapłodnienie pozaustrojowe. Choroby krwi, szczególnie takie poważne jak białaczka, białaczka, potrzebują nie tylko skomplikowanego i długiego leczenia, a też ścisłego przestrzegania zaleceń lekarzy, ich zaleceń. Powinno się i chronić krajobraz ekologiczny, charakterystyczny dla danego terenu nie tylko ze powodu na jego specyfikę przyrodniczą, lecz także ze względu na jego strony estetyczne. Efekty realizacji: Dzięki tym zadaniom poznałam sytuację socjalną dzieci należących do naszej szkoły, a dodatkowo problemy, jakie prezentują w towarzystwie. I pokazywać, jakie są efekty mieszania kolorów. Polska przyroda jak krwiobieg przenika naszą klasę i historię, od zarania do współczesności. Woś, dziękując wszystkim zaangażowanym, podziękował też prezydentowi Andrzejowi Dudzie, który - jak prowadził minister - zaangażował się w koordynację działania służb, zorganizował specjalny sztab kryzysowy, istniał ponad na znaczeniu. Król Artur traktował stanowić znacznie odpowiednim władcą, który wprowadził należeć w Brytanii. Jeżeli towar został uszkodzony podczas dostawy, Konsument zobowiązany jest przesłać protokół uszkodzenia przesyłki, spisany wraz z kurierem.
Wykluczenie zawodnika na moment 2minut jest znaczenie gdy wystąpi błąd podczas zmiany zawodników, przenoszące się faule lub niesportowe wzięcie na przeciwniku, wielokrotne próby przeszkodzenia we wznowieniu gry. 20. wypracowanie - nieważne z kim, nieważne gdzie, ważne żeby znaleźć wspólny język. 2470 Malak S.J. Przeds. 2451 Przedsiębiorstwo VOLFRAM S.J. 2452 Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe Pogbud Józef Dyc, Andrzej Wadelik S.J. 2449 Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Inżynieryjnych Centrum Sp. Dziś zawiera się w nim Centrum Edukacyjne „Szklany Ród” z pokojami przyjaznymi i miejscem spotkań miłośników twórczości pisarza. 2474 Przeds. Remontowo - Montażowe Remo Sp. 2552 Przeds. Inżynierii Sanitarnej PIS Sp. Nauczyciel powinien badać to, czego uczy, co pisze u ucznia. 2542 Descon Sp. z o.o. 2526 BBWW Sp. z o.o. 2548 AMP Sp. z o.o. 2541 Biprokabel Sp. z o.o. 2517 Conrad Sp. z o.o. 2536 SEAN Sp. z o.o. 2457 Taylor Sp. z o.o. 2483 Agmet Sp. z o.o. 2530 Ets Sp. z o.o. 2551 Omega Sp. z o.o. 2533 PIASCOL Sp. z o.o.
2493 ELWA Sp. z o.o. 2538 Katel Sp. z o.o. 2460 Dynamix Sp. z o.o. 2553 Prowinex Sp. z o.o. 2518 Wodmel Sp. z o.o. 2570 ALUTHERM Sp. z o.o. 2555 Modus Sp. z o.o. 2499 HAZEL Sp. z o.o. 2525 Tent Sp. z o.o. 2472 Budwoj Sp. z o.o. 2497 PEGAS Sp. z o.o. 2539 UNIWAP Sp. z o.o. 2546 Szurgot Sp. z o.o. 2521 ELEKTROTERMIA Sp. z o.o. 2537 Zakład Ogólnobudowlany Pogorzelscy S.J. 2502 Zakład Wykonastwa Sieci Elektrycznych Białystok Sp. 2494 Zakład Budowlano-Remontowy Later Sp. Praca jest cel bogato ilustrowanego zeszytu ćwiczeń stosowanego do uczniów szkół podstawowych oraz gimnazjów. Zakres ćwiczeń ogólnorozwojowych do zrealizowania w zakładu w siódmym tygodniu dla uczniów klas IWA , IIWA, II LOAB, III TI, IIITEL, IVTL, Zespołu Szkół Zawodowych w Nasielsku. 2567 Tryboń - Projektowanie i Powiernictwo Inwestycyjne Sp. 2560 Tetera Projektowanie Przemysłowe Sp. Samorząd terytorialny - Kalendarze i informatory branżowe - C.H.Beck - nowościZabawki do kąpieliZabawki edukacyjneZabawki kreatywneZabawki muzyczneNauki społeczne, humanistyczne, ekonomiczne - Ekonomia - - Ekonometria i badania operacyjne - - Finanse - - - Bankowość - - - Finanse międzynarodowe.
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elvish-sky · 3 years
A Light From the Shadows Chapter 2- Wow! An Uncle?! Great! Oh No, Wait, he Sucks
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A.N: Ahh, chapter 2!!!! I'm delighted to go deeper into Aeri's story, and I hope you guys are too. Thank you for your lovely responses to chapter 1!
Warnings: Descriptions of blood, torture
A Light From the Shadows Masterlist
Read on AO3, WATTPAD
Aeri was five, feeling the tickles of the grass brushing her feet as she sped across the meadow, running as fast as she could. Footsteps pounded behind her as Eddard chased her. She ran as fast as she could, short legs pumping as she leaped over a log and ducked around a tree, rounding the trunk to find Eddard smiling at her. He grabbed her and hugged her.
Calenglîn watched from the porch, smiling, as her husband grabbed their daughter, tossing her up in the air, the sounds of his hearty laugh and her giggles drifting on the wind. Eddard threw Aeri over his shoulder as she watched, marching them back towards her.
Eddard turned when they’d reached the porch, showing his wife the grinning face of the child slung over his shoulder.
“Look what I caught!” he told his wife.
She laughed, springing off the porch and grabbing Aeri from his shoulder. Calenglîn set her daughter down, gesturing for her to run.
“Go, Aeri!”
Aeri sprinted away again, and Eddard moved to chase her, but was tackled by his wife. They tumbled into the grass together, Calenglîn giggling as she fell on top of him. Eddard gazed into her eyes, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face, and kissed her.
“Ew,” Aeri, jealous that no one was paying attention to her anymore, had doubled back to see her parents kissing in the grass.
Eddard chuckled at his daughter, Calenglîn laughing with him as she rolled off and sprawled next to him. She shifted slightly further apart, and gestured to Aeri.
“Come here.”
Aeri did, snuggling in between her parents as they lay in the meadow, watching the clouds roll through the sky above.
Eddard sprawled into the long green grass, Aeri next to him, both of them laughing.
Aeri jolted awake, eyes opening to complete darkness. She blinked, trying to see anything in pitch-black but couldn’t. She shifted, something like stone digging into her back, and something brushed against her wrist.
Aeri tugged at it and realized it was a rope, binding her down. Wiggling her legs, she noted that her entire body was bound down to the stone. She was trapped.
A crushing feeling of hopelessness set in as the memories flooded back. She remembered her parents’ frantic voices as they prepared to leave the cabin, the panic and despair in their eyes as they shut the door for the last time. She remembered their urging for her to abandon them, her frantic flight through the forest, their screams ringing out in the air, the fact that they were-
Killed by her uncle.
Aeri tugged harder at the ropes binding her, trying to get free, struggling, pulling wherever she could.
A scraping sound suddenly rang out, and footsteps padded into what she could only assume was her cell.
“Hello, Aerinithil,” a voice rang out into the darkness, “I’m your Uncle Rhugar.”
“I know who you are, you traitor,” Aeri spat.
“Ah yes,” said Rhugar. “But do you know who you are?”
Aeri shifted, trying to face in the direction he was, the sound of his footsteps circling around her reminding her of the hawks she watched as a child, circling before diving down for the kill.
The sound of a blade being drawn rang through the room, and Aeri tensed.
And then suddenly, a little light was let into the chamber and she could see Rhugar hovering above her, knife in his hand gleaming despite the darkness. Rhugar drew closer, knife in his hand still gleaming despite the shadows in the room.
He drew closer, and closer, until he was right above her, knife pointed towards her. Aeri took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever came next.
Rhugar brought the knife down.
Aeri screamed.
She screamed as the burning knife carved a path of horror into her skin, traced its terrible trail all over her breaking body. She couldn’t bear it, the pain was boring its way into every inch of her, hammering on her insides, crushing her down further and further- until everything faded into black as her mind tried to escape from it all.
Aeri was seven, in her father’s arms, meeting her mother’s family for the first time. The tall, regal elves overshadowed even Eddard, and it was the first time Aeri thought her father was small.
She was passed from elf to elf, saying hello and trying not to get too overwhelmed by it all. She somehow made her way back to father, who put her down.
“Go find your mother, Aeri,” Eddard told her, so Aeri tried.
She wove through the elves, trying not to trip on anything or anyone until she bumped into a tall elf with eyes just like hers.
He looked down at her with a smirk. “Hello, Aerinithil.”
“How do you know my name?”
He knelt, suddenly looking her in the eyes, “I’m your Uncle Rhugar.”
Aeri had told him that he looked like her mother, at which he smiled, and then moved on. She wanted to see her father again, the only other person who felt as out of place as she did, so she set off, weaving through legs and ducking behind skirts.
She reached the railing of the terrace they were, on, and turned. And then she stopped.
An extremely tall elf was facing her, blonde hair in waves that reached down her back, a circlet crowning her head. Ancient blue eyes stared into Aeri’s, as they stood there.
“Wait for the sword that was broken,” Galadriel spoke into Aeri’s head.
Aeri blinked at her in confusion. “What sword?”
“You’ll know.” And with that the blonde elf with eyes older than Arda swept back into the crowd, elves parting around her like the sea as she walked.
Wait for the sword that was broken.
The next thing Aeri knew, she was bleeding on the same stone table that she’d been so brutally cut open on the night before. Blinking her eyes open, she again couldn’t see a thing, wrapped in that overwhelming darkness.
The scrape of metal against stone rang out once more, and Aeri lifted her head. Rhugar was silhuotted in the murky light at the doorway, a shadow perfectly tracing the scar on his face. He padded into the cell, eerily not making a sound as he walked. Behind him followed an orc, with something cradled in his arms.
“There’s someone I’d like you to meet,” Rhugar said.
He walked over and kicked Aeri, knocking the breath out of her chest before strolling back, nonchalantly like he hadn’t just hurt his niece again, and took the thing from the arms of the orc.
Aeri sucked in a breath of shock at the sight. Rhugar held an elf in his arms. Her face was bruised and bleeding, blood covering her fine clothes, and she was clearly unconscious.
“Say hello to your new neighbor.” Rhugar held the unconscious elf up, then threw her into the cell next to Aeri’s, her body crumpling onto the floor.
With that, Rhugar walked back over to Aeri, kneeling beside her. His red hair fell over his forehead, casting his face into darker shadow, his gleaming blue eyes contrasting with the bright hair as the only two spots of color in the room.
“And niece?”
Aeri stared up at him, paralyzed with terror of the man she remembered so fondly from her childhood.
“You are a blight upon the world and blemish upon the elves. You do not matter, to anyone.”
Rhugar leaned down to her ear, and she could feel the brush of his hair against her head.
“You are worthless.”
Rhugar drew back his fist, and Aeri tensed, cringing away from the blow she now knew to expect. He brought it down, striking her cheek, knocking her head back into the cold stone floor. Her face throbbed, head pounding, but she clenched her fists and willed herself not to cry.
He rose, wiped the blood from his knuckles onto his tunic, and left, the cell door screeching shut behind him.
Aeri lay there, broken on the floor, encased in total darkness, barely there anymore. She felt a shadow, a wisp of darkness brush her face, whispering as it covered her. The other shadows did the same, murmuring over her broken body as they patterned her skin.
The shadows whispered to her, tried to break her, but they couldn’t.
Aeri started to learn their language. And as they whispered, murmuring darkness, she began to whisper back.
A.N: OHHHHH BOY! Stuff is HAPPENING!! Anyone have any guesses on who the mystery prisoner is? Or what’s going on with Aeri at the very end? I’d really love to hear all your thoughts!!
Everything tag: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1 @kumqu4t @katbby16 @thewhiteladyofrohan @kirstenscaffeinateddisaster @beenovel @shethereadinghobbit @guardianofrivendell @hey-its-nonny
ALFTS tag: @lothloriien
@laurfilijames i can’t remember if you asked to be on the taglist or not and i can’t find the post, but let me know and i can totally remove your tag!
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abeautifuldayfortea · 3 years
Summary: For the lovely @ladylouoflothlorien who requested this, I hope you enjoy! A/N and timeline for this story is below the story. Reader is an elf child from Celebrian’s escort travelling from Imladris to Lothlorien in TA 2509. For context, Osgiliath was lost in TA 2475. Quote in italics from Unfinished Tales, JRR Tolkien.
Hi hon, could I please request something with Saruman & Reader where the reader was rescued by him as a child and has been raised by him. Something a little angsty where they’re watching his descent into madness and serving the dark lord. Maybe he tries to hide what’s going on from them but they were raised smart and it’s not exactly difficult to figure out. I think this definitely calls for some(?) angst but as for where the loyalties and morality of the reader lie by the end of it is completely up to you. I just saw you were interested in writing for Saruman and this popped into my head, which is strange because I haven’t written anything like this before!!
Words: 1380
From his window in Orthanc, Saruman watched with calculated interest as a lone figure rode hard, out of the safety of Isengard, shrinking and disappearing altogether as they turned behind the feet of the mountains. It was for the north that they rode, onwards toward Imladris and Doriath, seeking Radaghast with his message, and in time they would return, bearing news to him from distant lands. Something about the child had changed irrevocably and though they tried to conceal from him its nature, he could sense their mind had altered from the course that he had set it on. Even the firm persuasion of his voice could not fully ease their troubles.
Making fully sure they were out of view, he sat smoking in thoughtful silence within the privacy of his chambers. Never before had he reason to doubt their will or their capability ere the shadow of Sauron had taken up his mantle in Barad Dur. Yet now, his faith in them wavered for he saw within them a growing doubt, no more than a flicker, but what he was sure would in time grow to a fire that would consume them both. This he feared beyond all else and though he knew it was wise to dispose of them, his heart refused and reminded him of a simpler time, if ever there was one.
Beyond the whistling despair that painted the skirmish he had found them by  the gaping mouth of the Redhorn Pass as he journeyed south to the new capital of Minas Tirith to proffer advice. His absence had cost the Gondorians dearly and thirty years on, the sacking of Osgiliath still marred the hearts of many like a suffocating tar. They needed guidance and he would be the one to give it.
But there, at the Redhorn Pass he sensed the biting sharpness of a greater grief and fear. Overhead, the looming shadow of Caradhras cast itself, breathing its chill on the very ground at its roots like the beckoning onset of winter.
The hewn earth. The song of the mountains echoing down the channels. The iron tang of blood on the wind. A memory came to him then on the same winds, a time long ago, far away and hazy as though he stood on the other side of a frosted window, intruding on something that was both intimate and distant. The shaping of iron, the forging of rings and a young man with dark hair and his master by his side. His name was Curunír then.
The vision awoke with him a great unquenchable desire for a past he could not quite remember and yet he yearned for every ounce of it, but as he did, it faded and however hard Saruman pursued it, he could grasp at nothing but a frosty wind. Before his feet lay the scattered bodies of elves, the battered standard of Imladris laying torn … and something else. The bated breath of a child. He was watched.
Saruman turned then beyond the violence and bloodshed, and toward a copse of shivering young oak trees. An elf child. Young but not quite naïve. Impressionable still. His eyes lit.
He remembered with sour hatred the founding of the White Council and Gandalf. His endearment with the hobbit people of the north and though he had mocked him then, he understood now what bound him so tightly to that merry folk. And while his heart went out to the child, he was struck with the bitter undercurrent of jealousy for Gandalf’s hobbit folk. He would take them under his wing to forge as his creation. Not as a child of the woodlands but one that would love fire and iron.
“Well, will you not come forth and tell me your name?” His voice was a gentle suggestion, light, guised as an offer but beneath it was a power so compelling that they could not refuse it. And so it was that the child strode forward to meet Saruman without fear or suspicion and gave him their name. And it is told that they were ensnared and spellbound to him, for a person’s name is ever sweet to the ears of the one it belongs to. In Saruman’s face, the child saw the visage of their lifeless father, only older and wiser for that was the veil he assumed to their eyes. Everywhere Saruman went, the child followed, growing tall and lithe like the long shadows of dusk in the even longer march of time. Their sharp eyes were ever watching and learning, for along his many wandering travels, Saruman taught them the secret way of words and to delve beyond them to discern secret thoughts.
By the time Saruman received the Keys of Orthanc, he was just as endeared to his charge as they were to him and it was as though they were molded from his own flesh and blood. To his charge, he spoke openly of preserving the Free Peoples and while they knew of his research of magic rings, he hid from them his truest desire to be recognised and undisputedly powerful. To rule. Yet this they discerned also, for they walked together through many centuries and as the time passed them by, they saw that he strayed from the road he had set himself upon, walking in the murky in-between of good and evil.
It was at the second meeting of the White Council that it was revealed to them, clear as day. There would be no attack upon Dol Guldur despite Gandalf’s protestations. It was unlike him to be careless, to claim the Ring had fallen to the sea, to deny the possibility of Sauron’s return. Saruman was always thorough, and they knew this to be true. Gandalf sat then, silent, smoking and Saruman mocked him as he always had done.
A beat.
It was in the space of a thought that Gandalf passed his gaze over to the elf by Saruman’s side, searching for some unknown thing within their gaze.
Looking keenly at Saruman he drew his pipe and sent out a great ring of smoke with many smaller rings that followed it. Then he put up his hand, as if to grasp them, and they vanished. (Unfinished Tales, Tolkien)
And the moment passed as quickly as though it never happened. The child who was now no longer a child, watched on as the hazy fumes meandered lazily out of his hands and they knew then that they were not mistaken.
Altered and seduced as Saruman’s mind was, his charge remained steadfast by his side, for the love between them was too great, though they grew ever more uneasy at the methods he resorted to. A ring he had crafted and many coloured robes he wrought, but he did not don them. They noticed the long nights Saruman spent secluded within the high chamber of Orthanc, casting his mind this way and that and communing at times with some veiled power that they shuddered to think of. A host of orcs and men arrived at the gates of Isengard and were welcomed. “As I have given you a home, they too shall have theirs” he had said, and he cast such a pitiful look at them that his charge relented. Great pits were delved and filled with fire and it was with despair that the young elf found themselves at the shores of darkness, upon the cusp of a war that should never have been.
And yet now they rode hard to find Radaghast and set his beasts to Saruman’s task. Before them lay the chance to turn away, to divert the course of the coming war. A chance to warn of bloodshed. A chance to stop children being orphaned before their time. In a sleepless dream, they walked in the halls of memory, to a bloody day at the Redhorn Pass, Celebrian’s abduction, the loss of family and the beginning of a new one. A day when a weary traveller came by and took them in as his own child. 
An impossible choice. One that would result in war either way.
They laughed at the folly of it, a peal of bright bells on the air for in the moment for there was nothing they could do but bask in the freedom of clear air with the countless miles between themselves and Isengard. A fair wind danced beside them, masking the foul tang of iron deep beneath the impenetrable tower of Orthanc. Overhead, the stars wheeled as night came and went like the swift kiss of ignorance upon their brow and for a moment in the wan gaze of the moon, everything in the world was as it should be. The knowing silence of the coming storm.
A/N: This was a challenging request (and my first for that matter) and I had much trouble trying to fit in a plausible scenario that matched the original timeline. A goodly amount of research and two weeks worth of fretting over the timeline went into this, but it still feels off :/ and I can’t say that I’m happy with the finished product.
Because the request asked for the Saruman’s descent to evil, the child/reader would need to have a lifespan that would need to stretch for a minimum of 500 years or so. Elves are the only race (bar Tom Bombadil and other strange beings) that has a lifespan matching this and so it is the race that the reader in this story belongs to. Personally, I am of the opinion that elves would take in other orphaned elves and so the scenario from which the child is rescued from must be far enough from the major elf cities to warrant them being raised by Saruman. Hence, I placed them as a part of Celebrian’s escort bound for Lothlorien from Rivendell in the year TA 2509. This small party was ambushed by orcs at the Redhorn Pass (I chose to set the scene at the junction between the Redhorn Pass and the Redhorn Gate because the Pass is described as ‘narrow’ along the cliffs and hence there would not be much room for the reader to hide! The general timeline I used is below:
TA 1000 – Saruman arrives in ME and goes into the east on regular trips
TA 1601 – The Shire settled
TA 2400ish – Saruman returns to the west, discovers Gandalf’s possession of Narya
TA 2463 – White Council formed, Saruman becomes jealous of Gandalf because he is mooted to be head of the council instead of Saruman
TA 2475 – Osgiliath taken
TA 2509 – Celebrian captured
2759 – Saruman gets the keys to Orthanc and settles in Isengard
2851 – 2nd White Council meeting, Gandalf urges attack on dol Guldur, smoke ring incident
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simonastefania · 5 years
Un timp îndelung am încercat să cântăresc emoții sincere în palmele tale, însă brațele tale analfabete m-au hrănit cu venin, devenind într-un târziu, cămin pentru un străin. Am îngropat fiecare sentiment pe rând, în gânduri amorțite într-un trecut stins, încercând să te pierd, să mi te desprind de prezent. Nu îmi doresc să mai fiu, nici invitat în gândul tău, nici suvenir al dragostei noastre. Ai ajuns doar o călătoare prin sufletul meu, fără bilet, refuzi să te oprești, cu nerușinare. Nu te mai caut, refuz să îmi fie dor și te rog, nu îmi strecura psihoze dulci prin gaura cheii, căci toate lumânările iubirii noastre au fost stinse în fugă de buzele tale mușcate de regret. Totul tău este cuprins de un întuneric prăfuit. Parfumul tău miroase puternic a rutină și cearcănele sufletului tău sunt atât de profund conturate de zâmbetul sec, încât uneori îmi e greu să te păstrez în cușca disprețului, spre care ai alergat besmetică. Umbra ta încă dansează lângă mine, încrețindu-și conturul spre un întuneric necunoscut. Îți trădezi propria ființă, te simt cum regreți fiecare zâmbet și mă renegi ca pe un nenorocit. Nu sunt aici să te cert, nici să te iert, doar vibrația sufletului tău îmi lipsește teribil..
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Celebrían's birth date is unspecified, though she may have been born near Lake Evendim between SA 350 and SA 400. She lived with her mother Galadriel in Eregion, and later fled to Lórinand sometime between SA 1350 and SA 1400. After a time, Galadriel and Celebrían passed through Moria and dwelt in Rivendell. There, she met Elrond, who, though he loved her, said nothing about it.
💫 🌟 💫🌟💫🌟💫🌟💫
In TA 109, Elrond wedded Celebrían. She bore him twin sons, Elladan and Elrohir in TA 130, and then a daughter, Arwen in TA 241.
In TA 2509, Celebrían was on her way to visit her parents in Lothlórien when she was waylaid by Orcs in the Redhorn Pass of the Misty Mountains. She was then tormented by the orcs and received a poisoned wound. Her sons arrived much later to rescue her, and Elrond healed her wounds, but Celebrían was never fully-healed in mind and spirit. Horrified and haunted by the memories of her torture, she no longer desired to remain in Middle-earth, and sailed west the next year.Elladan and Elrohir never forgot or forgave their mother's torment, and frequently rode with Aragorn and the Rangers of the North, striking back at the orcs and other servants of Sauron whenever possible.
Art by me middle earth Tolkien fantasy art by Corinna Springl
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banshee-cheekbones · 7 years
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and we’re back for round three! like it says on the tin, here’s a masterlist of all fics I wrote from the beginning of July to the end of September. links to both ao3 and tumblr are provided when available! 
this period is definitely the slowest I’ve had all year, both fic number wise and word count wise. however, some great things happened, those being: I hit one million words on ao3, I finished both my Teen Wolf Bingo & Rare Character Bingo cards, and I ventured back into the world of original fic! so yay!
some statistics:
total number of fics: 33
total number of fandoms: 7
total word count: 41,119
most common pairing: Camille/Clary, with 4 fics!
and now, for the fics!
American Gods
run right back to her. Audrey/Laura. Rated G. ao3.  "What?" she asks wearily, rolling to face Audrey. "Do you want to cuddle or something?"
New In Town. Barbara/Tabitha. 250 words. Rated T. ao3.  "You're lookin' awful lonely there, angel."
Original Work
swallow me whole. OFC/OFC. 250 words. Rated T. ao3.  "We have to be quiet," she murmurs, pressing her lips to your temple.
these games we play (or, a study in trust). OFC/OMC. 4651 words. Rated E. ao3.  Rather than a summary, a list of kinks found within: breathplay, knifeplay, light BDSM, restraints, and facesitting.
first time for everything. Emily/Tulip. 250 words. Rated T. ao3. "No one's ever gone down on you before?"
Twice. Alice/Hermione. 250 words. Rated G. ao3.  "I have another idea," Alice counters. "You come over here, we drink Mom's vodka and watch movies. And I'll eat you out."
a pleasant surprise. Izzy/Maia. 250 words. Rated G. ao3.  "I think you'll be happy to know that I'm not wearing any underwear."
a quick study. Clary/Izzy. 250 words. Rated M. ao3.  "What you said earlier," Izzy says, still regaining her breath, "about this being your first time. You're serious?"
and in that moment (she was all mine). Camille/Maia. 1190 words. Rated T. ao3.  Maia may be beautiful, astoundingly so, but she’ll be nothing more than a blip, a single sentence in the pages of Camille’s life, a passing fancy.
cages & coals. Dot/Jocelyn. 250 words. Rated G. ao3.  Dot had known that Clary's eighteenth birthday was going to bring difficulties with it.  
Coiled. Izzy/Lydia. 250 words. Rated T. ao3.  “Is that too tight?”
Distraction. Dot/Jocelyn. 250 words. Rated T. ao3.  "Sex pollen? You're serious?"
ecology & pathology. Isabelle/Maia. 250 words. Rated G. ao3.  "You're not the only one who has to study tonight. And before you say anything, I already told Luke that if he catches either of us not studying, he gets to tell the kitchen not to serve us. Deal?"
give me something to be scared of. Camille/Clary. 2509 words. Rated E. ao3. She’s fairly certain that even if she drained Clary every single day for the rest of her life, it would never be enough.
hard to breathe (bring me to my knees). Camille/Clary. 1701 words. Rated T. ao3.  The one that completely exploits the trapped in a closet together trope, but the closet is a coffin.
in the still of the night. Clary/Jace/Simon. 3247 words. Rated T. ao3 & tumblr. The camp counselor au where Simon doesn't want the thing that him and Clary have with Jace to come to an end with the last day of summer.
Mirror Image. Camille/Clary. 250 words. 250 words. Rated G. ao3.  It's the hair that makes Camille stop in her tracks.
Solemnity. Clary/Izzy. 250 words. Rated G. ao3.  Much like the city that it's located in, the Institute never sleeps.
the night before. Jace/Simon. 1582 words. Rated T. ao3.  “God, I’m so into you,” drunk Simon says, dropping his head to rest against Jace’s shoulder. “When we get home, can you please get into me?”
the sun wil rise with my name on your lips. Camille/Clary. 3000 words. Rated E. ao3.  The sequel to “give me something to be scared of,” featuring more blood drinking with a bonus of hate!sex.
we built this tomb together (I won’t fill it alone). Camille/Simon. 4200 words. Rated M. ao3.  With graveyard dirt frosting his hair and blood drenching his front, Simon runs.
Teen Wolf
ambition and inhibitions. Kate/Violet. 250 words. Rated T. ao3. "Are you in this because you want to be or because it's the only thing you're any good at?"
came home like a stone (and fell heavy into your arms). Lydia/Kira. 3781 words. Rated G. ao3 & tumblr. Ten years after Kira disappears into the desert with the skinwalkers, she comes back.
Five Times Malia Wants to Propose to Kira. Malia/Kira. 1500 words. Rated G. ao3 & tumblr. ...and the one time she finally does it.
I (Will) Possess Your Heart. Kali/Violet. 1000 words. Rated T. ao3.  The fact that he absolutely reeks of Violet, of her girlfriend, is enough to make her want to tear out his insides and sodden the dirt with his blood.
make it to tomorrow. Isaac/Scott. 2153 words. Rated E. ao3 & tumblr.  The Pacific Rim AU with "I'm so happy that we're alive" hand jobs
making up for lost time. Lydia/Parrish. 607 words. Rated G. ao3 & tumblr.  Between the dreary weather and Jordan's early return from a law enforcement convention, Lydia’s plan for the morning quickly changes.
Partners. Laura/Stiles. 891 words. Rated G. ao3 & tumblr. The one where Laura and Stiles are partners in more than one meaning of the word, and Laura hates nightclubs.
Predictability. Kali/Violet. 250 words. Rated T. ao3.  Baiting a werewolf is certainly dangerous, but Kali's sheer predictability, no matter how many times Violet pulls similar stunts on her, makes it so much fun.
raise me to your lips. Isaac/Stiles. 2495 words. Rated E. ao3 & tumblr.  The one where Stiles blows Isaac in their TA’s office to celebrate the end of the semester. That’s it. That’s the fic.
Supportive. Kira/Lydia. 250 words. Rated G. ao3.  Lydia gives Kira a piggy-back. That’s it. That’s the fic.
the best part of a bad situation. Malia/Kira. 2364 words. Rated G. ao3 & tumblr. The one where Malia and Kira go have their first date at a painfully unfunny comedy show, courtesy of Stiles.
welcome home. Braeden/Melissa. 250 words Rated G. ao3.  Domestic fluff. That’s it. That’s the fic.
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anisimport · 5 years
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lindirgoogles · 7 years
In TA 2509, the brothers (Elladan and Elrohir) rescued their mother from her imprisonment with the Orcs. Although she was physically healed by Elrond, after fear and torment from the Orcs she lost all joy from Middle Earth, and so she departed for the Grey Havens the next year. Due to this, the twins harbored great hatred for Orcs.
That... that was physically painful to read.... *hugs @thetwinsgoogle*
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hadeschan · 5 years
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item # D6043291N
Pra Somdej Wat Suthat, Pim Chedi, Roon Indochin. A holy powder Buddha amulet with figure of Buddha and tiers he is seating on is in form of a chedi or stupa, made by LP Suphod of Wat Suthat in BE 2484 (CE 1941), made of 100% Holy Powder of Wat Rakang made by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh, Somdej Pra Buddhabath Pilan, LP Nak and LP Hin of Wat Rakang. This amulet was in Phi Thee Indochin Blessing Ceremony at Wat Suthat, Bangkok in BE 2485 (CE 1942), and Blessing Ceremony at Wat Prasat, Bangkok in BE 2506 (CE 1963)
“You will NEVER die screaming” Thai people believe that “One will never die screaming and one will die without any suffering at end of life if one is wearing an amulet made by LP Nak, LP Hin and LP Suphod.”
*Phi Thee Indochin was a Grand Blessing Ceremony for Batch of amulets given to Thai troops at war for their safety which turned Thai soldiers who wore these amulets to“Taharn Phee”(Ghost Soldiers), the soldiers that could not be killed!
BEST FOR: Kongkraphan (makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Klawklad Plodpai (brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Maha-ut (stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Sanay (helps turn you to a Prince Charming through the eyes of women),  Maha Larp (brings Lucky Wealth), and Kaa Kaai Dee (helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back.
DIMENSION: 3.30 cm high / 2.20 cm wide / 0.30 cm thick
Phi Thee Indochin
The Imperial Blessing Ceremony with 108 Guru Monks held at Wat Suthadt Thep Vararam, Bangkok on Feb 1st, BE 2485 (CE 1942), the 12th Supreme Patriarch of Ratthana Kosin Era (Bangkok Period), Somdej Pra Sangglaraj Pare, Wat Suthadt was Master of Blessing Ceremony. The intention of this ceremony was to make and bless amulets for Royal Thai Troop who joined Franco-Thai War (in Thai called Songkram Indochin) in CE 1942 for safety and protection. The French called Royal Thai Troop “ghost soldiers” because they couldn’t be killed.
*The Franco-Thai War (1942–1943) was fought between Thailand and Vichy France over certain areas of French Indochina that had once belonged to Thailand.
The Blessing Ceremony was held at Wat Suthadt with 108 Guru Monks including:
- Somdej Pra Sangglaraj Pare , the 12th Supreme Patriarch of Ratthana Kosin Era (Bangkok Period)
- Somdej Pra Buddhachan Nuam of Wat A-nong-ka-ram
- Somdej Pra Sangglaraj Cheun of Wat Bovornnives Viharn, the 13th Supreme Patriarch of Ratthana Kosin Era (Bangkok Period).
- Somdej Pra Buddha Kosachan (Chareon) of Wat Thepsirin
- LP Nak of Wat Rakang
- LP Prink of Wat Bang-pra-kork
- LP Chong of Wat Na-tang-nork
- LP Plueak of Wat Kingkaew
- LP Opasri of Arsom Bangmod
- LP Changg of Wat Bang-pheng
- LP Eee of Wat Sattaheap
- Chao Khun Sri (Sont)
- LP Seng of Wat Kanlayanamit
- LP Cham of Wat Ta-kong
- LP Ding of Wat Bang-wua
- LP Thongsuk of Wat Ta-nord-luang
- LP Derm of Wat Nongpho (not at the ceremony, but his mind was)
- and other 91 Guru Monks
A Wat Prasat BE 2506 Batch of amulets was made by Pra Samut Ampol, the Chief Abbot of Wat Prasat between BE 2505 – 2509 for fundraiser of the restoration work of the temple of Wat Prasart. Pra Samut Ampol had collect various type of holy material to make this Batch of amulet such as:
- Broken Pra somdej Bangkhunprom made by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh discovered inside Chedi of Wat Bangkhunprom
- Broken Pra Somdej Wat Rakang made by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh
- Broken Pra Somdej Pilan discovered inside Chedi of Wat Rakang
- Holy powder left-over from the production of Pra Pong Kwong Kwan of Wat Paknam Pasrichareon, Bangkok given by LP Sod in BE 2497
- Broken ancient amulets from Wat Mahawan, Lamphoon Province
- Holy Powder crushed from Pra Kru Wat Plub made by Somdej Pra Sangglaraj Suk Kaituan
- Holy Powder left-over from the production of BE 2497 LP Tuad of Wat Changhai amulet given by Archan Tim of Wat Changhai, Pattani Province
*This BE 2506 Batch of amulet contains high proportion of holy powder and fragments crushed from Pra Somdej Bangkhunprom much more than BE 2509 Batch of Pra Somdej Bangkhunprom made by Wat Mai-amataros (Wat Bang Khunprom).
The Blessing Ceremony was held continuously for 3 days and 3 nights from the 6th to 9th of March B.E.2506. The second time was held for 4 days and 4 nights from the 13th to 15th of November B.E.2506. Blessed by over 200 Guru Monks including:
- Archan Tim, Wat Changhai
- LP Tim, Wat Laharnrai
- Phor Than Klai, Wat Suan-khan
- LP Noi, Wat Thammasala
- LP Toh, Wat Pradoochimplee
- LP Dang, Wat Kao Bandai-it
- LP Mui, Wat Donrai
- LP Ngern, Wat Donyaihom
- LP Guay, Wat Kositaram
- LP Phrom, Wat Chongkae
- LP Thop, Wat ChonDaen
- LP Chong, Wat Natangnok
- LP Kheaw, Wat Rongboon
- LP Doo, Wat Sakae
- LP Pare, Wat Pikunthong
- LP Nak, Wat Rakhang
- LP Hin, Wat Rakhang
- LP Boi, Wat Manao
- Archan Nam, Wat Donsala
…and others
item # D6043291N
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Bangkok, Thailand
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Alipay / Wechat Pay
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phamthituong · 4 years
PHÁP ĐẦU ĐÀ – Gương Tốt Trong Pháp Đầu Đà
Gương Tốt Trong Pháp Đầu Đà
Một hôm Đức Thế Tôn kêu Đại đức Ca Diếp mà nói rằng: “Này Ca Diếp, bây giờ ngươi đã già rồi nên nghỉ hành pháp đầu đà “lượm vải dơ để may y” đi, vì mặc y paṃsukūla rất xấu xa nhơ bẩn, nặng nề và phải cực nhọc để tìm kiếm, nên vui thích y của thí chủ dâng cúng cho, đã được nhẹ nhàng và thuận tiện”.
Đại đức Ca Diếp bèn bạch với Đức Thế Tôn rằng: “Bạch Đức Thế Tôn, đệ tử nghĩ rằng: tuy 16 phận sự trong Phật Pháp đã thực hành xong rồi, không còn thấy có phận sự nào cần phải làm nữa, đệ tử nghĩ rằng tuy phận sự đã xong nhưng cũng cần phải thọ trì những phẩm hạnh cao thượng nhứt là pháp đầu đà để làm gương lành cho các đoàn em sau này không dám dể duôi và noi gương ấy mà hành theo cho được tốt đẹp trong Phật Pháp và có thể làm cho người chưa phát tâm trong sạch được trở nên trong sạch trong Phật Pháp, còn như người đã trong sạch rồi thì lại càng được trong sạch nhiều lên thêm, vì vậy mà đệ tử vẫn cố gắng thực hành cho đến suốt đời”.
Đức Phật bèn khen rằng: “Sadhu! Sadhu! Lành thay!” Rồi Ngài nói tiếp: “Này Ca Diếp, được nghe rằng người cố gắng thực hành tất cả 13 pháp đầu đà để làm gương lành cho đoàn hậu tấn sau này thì Như Lai đâu ngăn cản làm chi” (Đức Phật vẫn hiểu biết hết nhưng Ngài có ý hỏi để Đại đức Ca Diếp trả lời rồi luôn đó để Ngài xác định lại lời của Ca Diếp là chí lí).
Trong Phật Pháp có vị tỳ khưu chỉ hành 1, 2 pháp môn đầu đà hoặc 3, 4 đến 12 pháp môn mà thôi ít có vị nào hành cả 13 pháp môn như Đại đức Ca Diếp. Sự tích 1 vị tỳ khưu có tri túc trong pháp đầu đà:
Có 2 anh em cùng đi xuất gia trong Phật Pháp, người anh thì ưa lẫn lộn chung chạ với bè phái nên ở nơi chùa chiền để học Kinh, Luật, còn người em thì thích về pháp hành, mới đi ở nơi phương xa để hành đạo và thọ trì các pháp đầu đà nhứt là thọ trì pháp môn thọ thực trong 1 chỗ ngồi là thọ thực có 1 lần mà thôi.
Một hôm có dịp đi ngang qua chùa chỗ anh ngụ bèn vào để viếng thăm, trong lúc ấy thì ông đã thọ thực xong rồi. Khi vào đến nơi người anh rất mừng rỡ, sẵn có nhiều món vật thực ngon ngọt mà các thí chủ vừa dâng cho bèn kêu mời em cùng thọ thực.
Ông em trả lời rằng: “Sư huynh dùng đi, đệ đã thọ thực xong rồi”.
Ông anh bèn mời tiếp thêm: “Độ rồi dầu có thọ thêm lần nữa có sao đâu, hay là sư đệ đã thọ trì pháp đầu đà chỉ thọ thực trong 1 lần mà thôi?” Nghe hỏi ngay chỗ mình muốn giấu, ông em liền nghĩ rằng: “Nếu ta không thọ thực nữa thì sư huynh ta biết ta đã thọ đầu đà ăn trong 1 lần”. Vì sự tri túc không muốn cho ai biết mình là người thọ trì đầu đà, rồi ông bèn thọ thực với anh, cố ý không cho anh biết mình đã thọ trì đầu đà vậy, sau khi khỏi nơi này ta sẽ nguyện thọ trì lại.
Người thọ trì pháp đầu đà có pháp tri túc cao thượng như thế, đừng nói chi cho dầu bực xuất gia đồng đạo mà cũng không có ý khoe khoang, cho biết thay thì cần nói chi đến người chưa thọ cụ túc giới. Đây là tư cách tri túc trong pháp hành vậy.
Hơn nữa, một khi hành giả đã nguyện thực hành 1 pháp đầu đà nào và nhất định thời hạn thì dầu cho có 1 nguyên nhân nào phát lên làm cho tổn hại đến sanh mạng cũng ráng cố gìn giữ cho đến cùng, như vậy mới có thể đạt được pháp cao thượng nào mà mình đã ước nguyện. Như mẫu chuyện của thầy tỳ khưu Cakkhupāla.
Câu chuyện thuật lại rằng: Có 1 thầy tỳ khưu tên Cakkhupāla khi sắp nhập hạ mới hội các vị tỳ khưu khác mà bàn luận rằng: “Trong khi nhập hạ chúng ta nên nguyện mỗi vị 1 pháp đầu đà tùy sở thích, riêng phần tôi xin nguyện không nằm trong 3 tháng để chú tâm vào pháp giải thoát”.
Thế rồi thời gian trôi qua, thầy thực hành không nằm được hơn 2 tháng, một hôm vì quá tinh tấn không nằm mà phát sanh bệnh đau mắt rất nặng. Trong xứ ấy có một ông thầy thuốc trị bệnh đau mắt rất hay, ông chỉ nhỏ thuốc một lần thì mạnh nhưng bệnh nhân cần phải nằm thì phương dược mới hữu hiệu.
Có người đem thuốc dâng cho ngài, ngài vẫn ngồi mà nhỏ thuốc thành ra bệnh không thuyên giảm mà còn tăng thêm. Ông thầy thuốc lấy làm lạ mới đến thăm và khuyên ngài là nên nằm mà nhỏ thuốc thì mạnh liền tức khắc. Ngài hứa sẽ hỏi lại rồi sẽ hay (chỗ này quí vị lấy làm lạ không biết ngài định hỏi lại ai, nhưng kì thật ngài sẽ hỏi lại tâm ngài cho thật kỹ coi nên làm đứt pháp đầu đà mà mình đã nguyện hay không?)
Tối hôm ấy khi ngài ngồi thiền định bèn nói với tâm rằng: “Này tâm ơi trong vòng sanh tử luân hồi hằng hà sa số kiếp ngươi đã từng bị đui mắt nhưng không hề gặp được Giáo Pháp của Đức Phật để thực hành vì vậy ngươi phải chịu xoay đi chuyển lại và phải chịu đui mắt ở trong màn vô minh đã vô lượng kiếp, kiếp này đây ngươi đã hữu phúc gặp được Giáo Pháp của Đức Thế Tôn mà ngươi còn gìn giữ bảo bọc tấm thân giả tạm này và làm cho hư hoại pháp hành mà ngươi đã nguyện hay sao?” Nghĩ thế ngài cương quyết thực hành luôn không nằm mà nhỏ thuốc dù cho con mắt có đui đi nữa miễn là “con mắt Pháp” (dhammacakkhuṃ) phát sanh lên thì mới mong thoát cảnh đui tối trong màn vô minh được.
Thế rồi ngài bỏ không chịu nhỏ thuốc cứ tiếp tục ngồi hành đạo luôn cho đến khi con mắt ngài nóng quá chịu không nổi phải nổ ra thì đồng thời tâm ngài cũng vừa thấy Đạo Quả Niết-bàn và đắc thành 1 vị A-la-hán.
Soạn xong tại Kim Biên, mùa Thu năm Ất Tỵ.
PL 2509 –10-11-1965
– Dứt tác phẩm Pháp đầu đà –
from Theravada - Dhamma Bậc Giác Ngộ Chỉ Dạy Được Các Bậc Trưởng Lão Gìn Giữ & Lưu Truyền - Feed https://theravada.vn/phap-dau-da-guong-tot-trong-phap-dau-da/ from Theravada https://theravadavn.tumblr.com/post/625256450566029312
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theravadavn · 4 years
PHÁP ĐẦU ĐÀ – Gương Tốt Trong Pháp Đầu Đà
Gương Tốt Trong Pháp Đầu Đà
Một hôm Đức Thế Tôn kêu Đại đức Ca Diếp mà nói rằng: “Này Ca Diếp, bây giờ ngươi đã già rồi nên nghỉ hành pháp đầu đà “lượm vải dơ để may y” đi, vì mặc y paṃsukūla rất xấu xa nhơ bẩn, nặng nề và phải cực nhọc để tìm kiếm, nên vui thích y của thí chủ dâng cúng cho, đã được nhẹ nhàng và thuận tiện”.
Đại đức Ca Diếp bèn bạch với Đức Thế Tôn rằng: “Bạch Đức Thế Tôn, đệ tử nghĩ rằng: tuy 16 phận sự trong Phật Pháp đã thực hành xong rồi, không còn thấy có phận sự nào cần phải làm nữa, đệ tử nghĩ rằng tuy phận sự đã xong nhưng cũng cần phải thọ trì những phẩm hạnh cao thượng nhứt là pháp đầu đà để làm gương lành cho các đoàn em sau này không dám dể duôi và noi gương ấy mà hành theo cho được tốt đẹp trong Phật Pháp và có thể làm cho người chưa phát tâm trong sạch được trở nên trong sạch trong Phật Pháp, còn như người đã trong sạch rồi thì lại càng được trong sạch nhiều lên thêm, vì vậy mà đệ tử vẫn cố gắng thực hành cho đến suốt đời”.
Đức Phật bèn khen rằng: “Sadhu! Sadhu! Lành thay!” Rồi Ngài nói tiếp: “Này Ca Diếp, được nghe rằng người cố gắng thực hành tất cả 13 pháp đầu đà để làm gương lành cho đoàn hậu tấn sau này thì Như Lai đâu ngăn cản làm chi” (Đức Phật vẫn hiểu biết hết nhưng Ngài có ý hỏi để Đại đức Ca Diếp trả lời rồi luôn đó để Ngài xác định lại lời của Ca Diếp là chí lí).
Trong Phật Pháp có vị tỳ khưu chỉ hành 1, 2 pháp môn đầu đà hoặc 3, 4 đến 12 pháp môn mà thôi ít có vị nào hành cả 13 pháp môn như Đại đức Ca Diếp. Sự tích 1 vị tỳ khưu có tri túc trong pháp đầu đà:
Có 2 anh em cùng đi xuất gia trong Phật Pháp, người anh thì ưa lẫn lộn chung chạ với bè phái nên ở nơi chùa chiền để học Kinh, Luật, còn người em thì thích về pháp hành, mới đi ở nơi phương xa để hành đạo và thọ trì các pháp đầu đà nhứt là thọ trì pháp môn thọ thực trong 1 chỗ ngồi là thọ thực có 1 lần mà thôi.
Một hôm có dịp đi ngang qua chùa chỗ anh ngụ bèn vào để viếng thăm, trong lúc ấy thì ông đã thọ thực xong rồi. Khi vào đến nơi người anh rất mừng rỡ, sẵn có nhiều món vật thực ngon ngọt mà các thí chủ vừa dâng cho bèn kêu mời em cùng thọ thực.
Ông em trả lời rằng: “Sư huynh dùng đi, đệ đã thọ thực xong rồi”.
Ông anh bèn mời tiếp thêm: “Độ rồi dầu có thọ thêm lần nữa có sao đâu, hay là sư đệ đã thọ trì pháp đầu đà chỉ thọ thực trong 1 lần mà thôi?” Nghe hỏi ngay chỗ mình muốn giấu, ông em liền nghĩ rằng: “Nếu ta không thọ thực nữa thì sư huynh ta biết ta đã thọ đầu đà ăn trong 1 lần”. Vì sự tri túc không muốn cho ai biết mình là người thọ trì đầu đà, rồi ông bèn thọ thực với anh, cố ý không cho anh biết mình đã thọ trì đầu đà vậy, sau khi khỏi nơi này ta sẽ nguyện thọ trì lại.
Người thọ trì pháp đầu đà có pháp tri túc cao thượng như thế, đừng nói chi cho dầu bực xuất gia đồng đạo mà cũng không có ý khoe khoang, cho biết thay thì cần nói chi đến người chưa thọ cụ túc giới. Đây là tư cách tri túc trong pháp hành vậy.
Hơn nữa, một khi hành giả đã nguyện thực hành 1 pháp đầu đà nào và nhất định thời hạn thì dầu cho có 1 nguyên nhân nào phát lên làm cho tổn hại đến sanh mạng cũng ráng cố gìn giữ cho đến cùng, như vậy mới có thể đạt được pháp cao thượng nào mà mình đã ước nguyện. Như mẫu chuyện của thầy tỳ khưu Cakkhupāla.
Câu chuyện thuật lại rằng: Có 1 thầy tỳ khưu tên Cakkhupāla khi sắp nhập hạ mới hội các vị tỳ khưu khác mà bàn luận rằng: “Trong khi nhập hạ chúng ta nên nguyện mỗi vị 1 pháp đầu đà tùy sở thích, riêng phần tôi xin nguyện không nằm trong 3 tháng để chú tâm vào pháp giải thoát”.
Thế rồi thời gian trôi qua, thầy thực hành không nằm được hơn 2 tháng, một hôm vì quá tinh tấn không nằm mà phát sanh bệnh đau mắt rất nặng. Trong xứ ấy có một ông thầy thuốc trị bệnh đau mắt rất hay, ông chỉ nhỏ thuốc một lần thì mạnh nhưng bệnh nhân cần phải nằm thì phương dược mới hữu hiệu.
Có người đem thuốc dâng cho ngài, ngài vẫn ngồi mà nhỏ thuốc thành ra bệnh không thuyên giảm mà còn tăng thêm. Ông thầy thuốc lấy làm lạ mới đến thăm và khuyên ngài là nên nằm mà nhỏ thuốc thì mạnh liền tức khắc. Ngài hứa sẽ hỏi lại rồi sẽ hay (chỗ này quí vị lấy làm lạ không biết ngài định hỏi lại ai, nhưng kì thật ngài sẽ hỏi lại tâm ngài cho thật kỹ coi nên làm đứt pháp đầu đà mà mình đã nguyện hay không?)
Tối hôm ấy khi ngài ngồi thiền định bèn nói với tâm rằng: “Này tâm ơi trong vòng sanh tử luân hồi hằng hà sa số kiếp ngươi đã từng bị đui mắt nhưng không hề gặp được Giáo Pháp của Đức Phật để thực hành vì vậy ngươi phải chịu xoay đi chuyển lại và phải chịu đui mắt ở trong màn vô minh đã vô lượng kiếp, kiếp này đây ngươi đã hữu phúc gặp được Giáo Pháp của Đức Thế Tôn mà ngươi còn gìn giữ bảo bọc tấm thân giả tạm này và làm cho hư hoại pháp hành mà ngươi đã nguyện hay sao?” Nghĩ thế ngài cương quyết thực hành luôn không nằm mà nhỏ thuốc dù cho con mắt có đui đi nữa miễn là “con mắt Pháp” (dhammacakkhuṃ) phát sanh lên thì mới mong thoát cảnh đui tối trong màn vô minh được.
Thế rồi ngài bỏ không chịu nhỏ thuốc cứ tiếp tục ngồi hành đạo luôn cho đến khi con mắt ngài nóng quá chịu không nổi phải nổ ra thì đồng thời tâm ngài cũng vừa thấy Đạo Quả Niết-bàn và đắc thành 1 vị A-la-hán.
Soạn xong tại Kim Biên, mùa Thu năm Ất Tỵ.
PL 2509 –10-11-1965
– Dứt tác phẩm Pháp đầu đà –
from Theravada - Dhamma Bậc Giác Ngộ Chỉ Dạy Được Các Bậc Trưởng Lão Gìn Giữ & Lưu Truyền - Feed https://theravada.vn/phap-dau-da-guong-tot-trong-phap-dau-da/
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