#Six of Wands The Wild Unknown Tarot
ludi-cerealia · 1 year
Love! That red disease—Your spell and who’s caught it.
Welcome to my very first pick a card reading !
Breathe deeply, and choose the image that you feel most drawn to find out how you bewitch others and who thus lays spellbound. Remember to only take what resonates with you, and if you don’t feel particularly drawn to this reading, there may not be a message for you. Piles are Left to Right: Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3. Enjoy! :)
Decks used: Goddess Power Oracle, Language of Flowers Oracle, Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck, Black Moon Astrology Cards, Milo Manara Tarot, Claude Monet Impressionism Art Tarot, Light Visions Tarot, Children of Litha Tarot
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Pile 1 — Sanctum
Your spell is one of banishing — of self-imposed sanctuary within which much arcane and occult is withheld; though the hermit was not present in your spread, your energy presents as opaque, detached, independent, and deeply complex. Look, don't touch, look into the abyss and find an abyss looking back. There is more to you than meets the eye and ear yet there is so little to read, yet others are lain bare before you; dismissed only as an act of mercy. You are not to be prevailed, and much of your allure draws from your mysterious character upon which one can only make conjecture and not much else. Almost determined to be elusive and yet effortlessly so, your nature appears bent on evading capture of anyone's unsolicited curiosity. Spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally it appears you are entirely detached; thus others come seeking yet shy away at moment's scrutiny. It may be that your magic is innate and outpouring, such that you may possess spiritual gifts that are distinctly shrewd to any means of unwanted prying; you may even preemptively ward your energy from evil eye. Thus others find you sacred and untouchable, perhaps even virginal for a few of you; their worship is one of distanced awe.
Thank you so much for letting me read your energy Pile 1! I saw an image of someone being startled or alarmed then looking around the room while I was tapping into your energy (which was rather difficult), so pardon for the intrusion if you sensed it!
(Cards: Sagittarius ~ I see, Leo ~ I will , Void of Course Moon~ Missing, Crow, Lilith ~ Independence, Connection ~ Forget Me Not, Detachment~ Sacred Lotus, Emperor, High Priestess rx, Five of Swords rx)
(Channeled song: Maze// Alina Baraz )
— Forgotten
As to who is caught in your spell, you may well already know; I heard that many have fallen at your feet but one is particularly scorned. This is someone waiting in the wings for you, Pile 1, someone perhaps you know through work or social circles that feels their attempts at getting your attention bear no fruit. It may be that they are younger or more inexperienced than you are, but it feels more so that they stumble and stutter whenever they're around you, utterly disarmed. However, despite them feeling unacknowledged or unseen, they are aware it is no one else's fault but their own for not approaching you formally or directly. I heard this may be a matter of workplace crush or admiration, more so a matter of seeking validation from your approval than anything deeply emotional. They believe that in due time that you will come to see them as someone worthwhile (I even heard opponent, so perhaps a rival of yours?), but I don't think they'll get what they want from you. I heard no one can.
(Cards: Page of Pentacles rx, Eight of Pentacles rx, Six of Wands rx, Seven of Pentacles)
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Pile 2 — Alpha
Your spell is one that brings the earth to heel, but not by conquest; by the reins life is tamed in the palm of your keen hunter's hand. You bring wonder to the mundane as life's steady maker: grounded, practical, and resilient; your wisdom for living appears to know no bounds, and your patience endures evergreen never worse for wear. Your touch is a warm green, like spring, though one may think you jaded, your soul is found tender in your lukewarm gaze. To others you are a guiding star, a hunter's moon, the third man whose sound reason is sought in the thick of howling alps. In you others find a home away from home, a shelter stern yet welcoming. Others may wonder if you have an affinity for nature, that flora and fauna trail in your wake like wood nymphs of eld. They also wonder if you have a safe haven to call your own, that as you strive tirelessly in service of others, do you ever lay your weary head to rest? Does your caution know end? They wonder if there is an unseen danger known only to you, that belying stoic pride is a tired ghost that demands its due. Strong earth placements pertaining the benefics, particularly Virgo/ 6th house.
(Cards: Capricorn~ I use, Earth~ Stability, Fourth House~ Roots, Deer, Artemis~ Focus, Enthusiasm~ Delphinium , Honour~ Chinese Peony, Hierophant, Nine of Cups, The Star rx, Four of Swords (Seven of Swords))
(Channeled songs: Safe and Sound // Taylor Swift; Running With the Wolves // Aurora) 
—Lost Love
 This is someone who looks back fondly on the memories and journeys you share, halcyon days bygone. They miss you deeply, Pile 2, this is someone whose emotions for you run deeply, who at one point envisioned a perfect picket fence life with you. I heard "with you to the end of days" and "the one that got away", and I can't help but feel like the feeling is mutual. With the two of cups and eight of cups respectively, they wonder constantly about what could've been had they chosen differently. Would they have it all with you? What is everything without you? They see that you are well, it feels bittersweet but they tell themselves its better to believe it sincere than a facade. I heard knowing wouldn't make a difference, love is all they can offer but no more of what you deserve. They would not allow themselves even the fantasy of you, Pile 2, it hurts them to dream; and it hurts even more to fight for you. 
(Cards: Two of Cups, Eight of Cups, Seven of Cups rx, Five of Wands rx)
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Pile 3 — Maverick
You make a tightrope walk seem like a cakewalk, Pile 3, you move with impeccable and eerie grace in life; as if method and madness found in you one merry union divinely orchestrated. Your magic is one of confusion, Pile 3, you leave others dumbstruck at every turn, as the can never quite know what to make of you. I heard that you're made of stardust, star stuff! You come into others awareness like a puzzle that abides by no reason, and thus begins their unexpected descent into obsession for closure and control; as if to capture you in mind is to capture you in your entirety. You take space with your grand presence Pile 3, and others seem aware immediately that within you is a deeper knowing; and even discern that within you too is a yearning for belonging, for community, that is beyond what they can provide. You have lived many lives and each skin you unburden with grace and dignity; there is no end to your power of metamorphosis. People are in awe that despite yourself in all your grand quirks and peculiarities, you are a social chameleon that finds welcome wherever you go, and yet remain a mystery unsolved all the same. However, as the saying goes, often nails that stick out get hammered down— People wonder if your past is a cross you bear :that your careful camouflage is not superfluous, but rather necessary.  The world is harsh but you have not grown harsher, rather softer; and that too is a wonder to be admired, that your curiosity survives experience.
(Cards: Mars ~ Action, Libra ~I balance, Uranus ~ Genius, Iris~ Communication, Black Egg, Balance ~ Camelia, Rebirth~ Secret Blue Lily, Temperance, Ten of Swords, Queen of Cups, King of Pentacles )
(Channeled song: crazy=genius// panic! at the disco, fallen alien// fka twigs)
As to who is under your spell, though the ten of cups was present in the spread; I was not getting anything romantic, but rather wistful. People from your past are seeing you shine Pile 3, and they wish you all the best despite having parted ways, they see that your journey has much further to go still, and they hope that your paths will join once more. If you think people from your past have forgotten or are not watching, they certainly are, Pile 3! Sorry that there wasn't much I could glean from the spread, Pile 3! 
(Cards: Five of Swords rx,  Ten of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Page of Swords)
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I hope you enjoyed this PAC! I’d really love to hear how it resonates for you. Any and all feedback is welcome. If you liked my work, do consider tipping me .
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twoofcupstarot · 3 months
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Pick A Card - General Advice #1
Hi everyone! Hope you all enjoy the Pick A Card I got for you today. I'm using The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck by Kim Krans as a jumping off point, and a Rider-Waite Tarot as an extension. Please take the time to choose your card mindfully before selecting your pile below!
I apologize in advance, somehow I had forgotten to write some or all of the cards in some of the piles, and I don't remember what was lost. I hope this doesn't ruin the experience for anyone!
Pile 1 - The Vow
The Chariot
The Devil RV
9 of Pentacles RV
Is there a promise you’ve made that you haven't kept? To yourself? To someone else? Right now is the time to reflect on this. If there's been things you’ve been saying you’ll do or commitments you've been promising to keep but have been avoiding them or faltering, why is that? Is something out of alignment? Is it what you truly want to do? Is it true to your body and heart to do so? If you do want to do it, what is holding you back? Are you scared? Why? The intentions that you have matter. The things you promise to do matter. Not just for yourself, but for others too. Its time to get your mind and heart into alignment, and become more intentional with the things that you say and do. Stop clinging onto your comfort zone and do what you know to be right. There will be a peace of mind brought to you once you have implemented this.
Pile 2 - The Venom
Page of Cups RV (CB 3 of Wands + Page of Swords)
Eight of Swords
Eight of Cups
BOD: Six of Wands RV
Whatever your situation is, there's a lot of anxiety surrounding it causing you to lash out or act unkindly. And there is a need for you to mature, and do the right thing. I think you're struggling to express yourself here, and are feeling very hurt and stuck… But there is a need to acknowledge the reality of the situation, and move on from it. Pull away, take a break, step back, find something new, whatever can be done. If you've been putting off a choice that would get you away from this situation, that choice needs to be made now. Do you really want to keep hurting here like this? Things will continue until something changes, and its not just the situation that needs to change, its also you. There's self- reflection and healing that you need to enact, and I believe that you wont be able to fully heal until you get away from whatever situation is causing you so much anguish. Even if you have every right to be angry here, lashing out and losing yourself is just making you more miserable. Perhaps you can come back to it once you’re both ready to treat each other differently, but at least for now space needs to be had. I don’t want to encourage you to come back to this if it is something abusive and there's no amends to be had, so please use your discretion carefully when deciding that. The most important thing is you need space, you need to heal, and you need to rediscover the person you are deep inside.
Pile 3 - The Mother
Six of Cups RV (CB The Hermit)
Knight of Cups RV (CB Queen of Wands RV)
The Empress RV (CB Eight of Swords RV)
BOD: The Fool
You’ve been spending too much time clinging on to the past. You may actually be a mother, and may have regrets about how you've raised your children, or your relationship with them. It doesn't have to be a mother-child issue or even a parent-child issue, though. There is something in your life that is dear to you that you've helped to blossom, that you are now clinging on to desperately. Perhaps its a friendship, relationship, job, it could even be a dynamic or situation. In any case, you’re unable to move forward right now. Perhaps you have anxieties about what other people think of you, and you're afraid to put yourself back out there or change things because that would be acknowledging what has happened up into this point. Its important to know that nobody is a hopeless case, and you do have the strength to break free from your current narrative. It has to start with respecting yourself enough to acknowledge what happened without spiraling into despair. Look at your shadows clearly, and then look at what the next steps are in this process. Holding back out of fear and despair isn't getting you or anyone else anywhere. There are still new opportunities out there for you that will help you flourish into the person you want to be, but you wont be able to reach those if you stay stuck in the past. Your loving, nurturing nature is your strength, don’t forget that side of yourself. Just be careful not to cling too hard to the things you love, and don’t forget about yourself.
Pile 4 - The Shapeshifter
You need a good balance of going within and spending time with others. I think your fears and worries are holding you back, but its time to make a change in your life. You may be frustrated that things aren’t going the way you want them to, but this may be because your mind is stagnant. It may be time to let go of some of your doubts and listen to your intuition more. There's a need to share yourself with others more, yet a need to spend some time going inward and finding your truth. Somehow, I feel like you haven't been doing nearly enough of either of these. If you're trying to start something new but don’t know what you're really doing, putting out whatever effort you can can get you closure to the truth. This isn't a call to overextend yourself, the opposite really, but worrying and not trying anything at all will keep the situation the same. You may fail at first, or at least not get the desired outcome right away, but that isn't a sign to give up immediately. If you find yourself feeling upset or moody, expressing yourself truthfully to someone may be helpful. I think you feel a need to keep things light when you're feeling troubled, but in the end this doesn't necessarily solve any problems you're having. Is there an issue you have been avoiding? Now is the time to start giving towards it to see it heal and grow. Over time, the issue is likely to mend and come to completion. Do not be afraid. Listen to your heart.
Pile 5 - The Medallion
The Moon RV (CB Ace of Pentacles RV)
Seven of Cups RV (CB The High Priestess RV)
The Magician (CB The Empress RV)
Are you confused right now? It seems you're feeling a lot of exhaustion, and you might not be taking care of yourself properly, and honoring your own truths. If you’ve been moving forward without reflecting inward, I think now is a good time to do so. What is it you really want? What is it you really feel? I think you have a lot of anxiety, but you've been trying to just push it all away and ignore what your heart is trying to say. Are there things about your situation that seem off? That you don’t like? What is it you need to do about this, honestly? That isn't just forcing yourself to suck it up and ignore your true feelings? You have the power to change the narrative, but to get to that point, you need to take care of yourself first. Don’t be afraid to rest. With a clearer mind, options you hadn't seriously considered before may seem more viable, or the path to the future you desire may become more clear. Consider the path you're taking right now seriously, and all of its implications. Is it what you really want? Does something need to change? It’s okay to say no sometimes, its okay to put yourself first sometimes too. Without doing these things, the outcome of everything thats happening may turn out more detrimental than you hope. Be honest with your heart.
Thanks for reading! And remember, nothing is set in stone, energy is always changing, and you have free will.
If you enjoyed this reading, consider supporting me on Kofi@cupstarot
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theoraclej · 1 year
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wrote up a little tarot spread tonight and then tested it on myself, with these crystals in attendance:
a spread to celebrate that xmas is done, whew. with the this might hurt tarot deck and crystal friends who demanded to attend:
1. knight of cups (unknown). wild romantic dreams should come to an end, is what immediately comes to me, though that is the hallmark of an aphrodisian devotee. so i cannot and will not give up on them. let’s look deeper. yes. so i am the knight in this situation, dripping with desire and zeal to achieve pure sweet reciprocal love, and it is such that i am definitely ignoring other aspects of my life. that is what i must throw away. my focus can and must be split over all things that are important, not just this one thing. widen awareness and remember that a person has multitudinous aspects to balance. that goes both ways.
2. six of cups (blue aventurine). that which was, swelling in prominence during these torrid holidays, are to be kept as if gifted from my favorite person. that is well enough, what i received were spiritual gifts, anyway, and glisten as i find places for them amongst my other things. memories of my past sustain me more than they should, in all probability. but during my short hiatus from work, i will make the sincere effort to engage in play and fun and all that makes me smile. i need the break, i need the investment of such gentle simple therapies.
3. knight of wands (dalmatian stone). the fire in our darkness. she is encouraging me to really for real get into some serious projects and push them to completion in this time i have away from my work, but that i should create a plan for it first, so as to keep it on track. that’s the structure in my ruling planet, saturn, that i constantly buck against and refuse. but you cannot refuse the reaper. so i should plan out exactly what i want to do for these days off so that they do not burn up in the knight’s flaming intention.
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strang-news · 2 years
//Front Desk Astrology//
by Stephanie Maltez
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The cards drawn up this month are from The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck & Guidebook by Kim Krans
Steph’s Amateur Front Desk Intuitive Interpretation of the Energy in August: Strong guidance to do everything the right way. Don’t take shortcuts. Follow the instructions. Follow the rules. Etc. This is because, should something uncomfortable pop up, your guides need you to not blame yourself or feel shame or guilt that you could have done something different - especially when you did/said everything right.
Leo, Happy Birthday!! Your card for the month: Father of Cups Diplomatic, Open-Minded The Father of Cups has a truly unique and dynamic personality. He’s the most feminine of all the fathers within the tarot and usually a patron of the arts. He’s a dignified man who supports his family and community. The only thing holding this man back are his deeply rooted insecurities; they are vast and affect his personality in many unpredictable ways.
…and Happy Early Birthday Virgo! Your card for the month: 6 of Pentacles Prosperity, Growth, Generosity The Six of Pentacles indicates that your long-awaited fruits are ready for harvesting, bringing more wealth than anticipated. Make sure you are generous during this bountiful time. This card can also signify generosity coming from someone else. If this is the case, accent the help with grace and put the resources to good use.
Libra Your card for the month: Wheel of Fortune Destiny, Change of Course Whether day or night, the Wheel of Fortune is always in motion. Some call it fate; others, destiny. It’s possible to go for months or years without feeling its presence…but when this card appears, the eye of the wheel is fixed upon you. Don’t be surprised if there’s a change of course heading your way, something you’d least expect. Whatever happens to you during this time, know that it is bringing you closer to your life’s purpose.
Scorpio Your card for the month: Father of Wands
Charismatic, Creative The Father of Wands is a man of mystique and charisma. Others are drawn to him naturally, and he welcomes them with an open and loving heart. Usually you’ll find him involved in the healing arts, as he’s deeply compassionate and in tune with life and nature. He is able to hold steady and still during conflict.
Sagittarius Your card for the month: The Hierophant Mentor, Seeking Knowledge In its simplest form, the Hierophant represents a mentor or teacher. This card signifies a hunger for knowledge, whether it is in the practical or the spiritual realm. You’ve come as far as you can on your own; now it’s time to deepen your practice. Don’t hesitate – join a class, go to a workshop, don’t be afraid of new experiences. A new ceremony or ritual may prove to be both comforting and rewarding. Open your heart, and your teacher will soon appear.
Capricorn Your card for the month: The Chariot Strong Will, Triumph The Chariot is your confidence, your will, and your inner warrior. At points in your life when you felt the bliss of achievement or triumph, you were riding on his back. Build a relationship with this part of yourself. Try to “see” the chariot inside you. The more focused your mind, the easier it will be to sense his presence and stay mounted on his back. With a fixed gaze and sure floating, you’ll be headed toward all you dream of.
Aquarius Your card for the month: 8 of Pentacles Craftmanship, Skill The spider is a true master of her craft. She weaves against all odds with skill, intricacy, and confidence. The Eight of Pentacles requires a similar approach. Hone your skills. You are close to finding mastery at your craft, so strive for it. Pay attention to all the details. In some cases, this card means you need to find a new hobby, something you truly enjoy. Start a project. Become good at it.
Pisces Your card for the month: Mother of Cups Insightful, Psychic
The Mother of Cups rivals the High Priestess with her natural psychic abilities. She’s a gentle, tranquil woman whose insights bring healing to those around her. She thrives when amidst her family, the arts, and music or beauty of any kind. Like a true swan, when the Mother of Cups is pushed, she becomes aggressive and defensive. She’ll commonly see herself as the victim when distressed in a situation.
Aries Your card for the month: The Tower Unexpected Upheaval When The Tower card appears, it’s time to brace yourself for a change. The well-rooted tree that’s been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. Your world may feel as though it’s literally falling apart – and you didn’t see it coming. Even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. You’ll look back and feel grateful things changed course. You might even see it as a personal “breakthrough” in the end.
Taurus Your card for the month: Justice Decisions, Karma With tails entwined, two cats look directly at you…waiting for you to choose between them. Which is right and which is wrong? The justice card implies a weight or heaviness surrounding a choice you have to make. Now is not the time to shun the concept of divine balance, or karma. All of your choices affect your life, and sometimes the lives of those around you, both now and in the future.
Gemini Your card for the month: 3 of Swords Betrayal, Heartbreak, Turmoil A dark complex card, the 3 of Swords is rarely a welcome sight. Its wrath may come in the form of lies, betrayal, cheating, or heartbreak. There will be emotional entanglement and confusion. Do not try to make any decisions while in this state. Wait for your heart and spirit to mend.
Cancer Your card for the month: 8 of Swords Trapped, Powerless Surrounded by obstacles and threats on all sides, you find yourself the victim. You see no way out, no available choices. Your perceptions keep you from opening your wings and taking flight. What keeps you suspended here? Yourself or others? The Eight of Swords demands an answer. You cannot hang here much longer.
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kayhazelwood-blog · 5 years
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✨Some recent spreads 🔮
🔥 🌎💨🌊
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powertochoose · 5 years
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Clarity Spread - Ace of Cups (the overall situation), Seven of Wands (contributing factor), Seven of Pentacles (contributing factor), and Six of Swords.
Shadow Card - Wheel of Fortune
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sidheandthefae · 3 years
Hi there, I hope you’re well :) I was wondering if I could get a tarot reading if you’re still offering them? I dont know any of those decks so I dont have a preference, but the wild unknown one sounds kinda neat. Thanks in advance!
Hello my dear! For your reading, I drew the Six of Wands from The Wild Unknown Tarot.
At this moment in your life, you are beginning to rise above your current situation. If you are not currently in success, you will be quite soon, for victory is imminent as you take flight and rise above the branches. Now is the time to look forward: where will this newfound success lead you? What is the next step in leading you towards your goals? It is a great time to reflect and take a moment to appreciate where all has lead you. After this reflection, however, look forward and do not hesitate. It is the time to flight, my dear.
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foreshvdowing · 6 years
N.C.B are my initials and thank you
Six of Wands.This card indicates growth. I see that your life is becoming more stable, and that there’s improvement all around you. I’m sensing a bit of spiritual awakening currently happening, or happening soon.
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saucysunflora · 6 years
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12.5.17 : Four of Wands : Six of Wands : Father of Cups
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Six of Wands - progress, public recognition, self-confidence
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skylinesnsunshines · 3 years
txt reading: yeonjun ideal type + as a boyfriend
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hi everyone! today i’m fulfilling this request which is yeonjun’s ideal type + as a boyfriend, as usual feel free to send me requests but PLEASE make sure you read my rules first or i won’t fulfil your request. thanks :)
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
decks used: modern witch tarot, archetype cards by caroline myss, heavenly bodies astrology, the wild unknown animal by kim krans
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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the magician, the star, 10 of pentacles, 9 of wands | fool, warrior, lion, house six: establishing a foundation, health, daily life and practical details
with the magician card, yeonjun definitely wants someone who’s very resourceful and high-achieving as i can envision his person being the type to have very big goals and believes working hard is the only way they can make it a reality, basically someone who has the actions to back up their words. in prior readings, i described the star card as someone who’s unafraid to be vulnerable and has pure intentions which i do believe are characteristics yeonjun looks for in a partner HOWEVER the vibe i mainly got from the card in this specific spread is someone who’s unafraid to be in the centre of attention as people naturally gravitates towards them because they exude a naturally magnetic aura. the star card represents the sign of aquarius whereas yeonjun’s venus is in the sign of leo, since they are opposites i feel yeonjun could possibly resonate with the term opposites attract as he wants someone who is similar to him but in unique ways, such as leos purposely wanting to be the centre of attention and aquarius naturally standing out because they refuse to conform. with the magician + star card i do get the vibe that yeonjun is possibly attracted to those in the public eye and are very skilled at communicating as the magician rules mercury (gemini/virgo) and the star rules aquarius so heavy air energy is possibly very attractive to yeonjun (unsurprising cause of his libra moon). 10 of pentacles talks about someone who’s surrounded by wealth and highly-respected, yeonjun wants someone who’s able to be stable with him and have stability within themselves wether that’d be financially/emotionally/physically, 10 of pentacles can also talk about someone who thinks of the future and places a lot of importance on family structure and tradition which is unsurprising that yeonjun wants someone like this since he is a virgo sun after all, so with these 3 cards yeonjun wants someone who works hard for their wealth, is well-respected and gives back to those they love. with the 9 of wands at the bottom, i feel his person could be someone who is very resilient and confident but can be defensive at times if they’re exhausted, the theme of independence is huge with his type.
with the fool + warrior cards yeonjun wants someone who has two sides to them, one of them being someone who’s very humorous and able to lighten any situation with their words, and the other being the warrior who is someone who again is very independent and works hard for everything they have + unafraid to stand their ground. we have a venus in leo getting the leo card for their ideal type are we even surprised, lion talks about someone who’s patient and regal but also being a complete master in whatever they do, i feel yeonjun’s ideal type might intimidate a lot of people as people often sense how powerful their aura is before even hearing them speak. house six rules virgo and since yeonjun’s a virgo sun this again is unsurprising, yeonjun wants someone who’s very observant and practical which is reiterated by the magician and lion cards.
5 of cups rx, 8 of swords, the chariot, 6 of wands | detective, hermit, elk, venus: give and receive love, find value and see beauty
with the 5 of cups rx card, this tells me that yeonjun could be the type to keep to himself regarding his problems and sometimes even be an optimist (sag mars), he could be the type to overanalyse everything he’s done wether good or bad as virgos are prone to be hypercritical especially with themselves. the 8 of swords can indicate someone who has sort of a victim complex or someone who’s inner critic often chimes in, i feel in a relationship yeonjun expects himself to be perfect and has a tendency to hyperanalyse everything he does and if he makes a mistake he would be the type to think about it over and over again so he could be a bit detached as he lives in his thoughts, with these two cards i did also get the vibe though that he could be someone who could possibly find it difficult to be objective as he’s too intertwined with his own thoughts (unsurprising leo venus + virgo sun) but i don’t think this is too extreme as he’s a libra moon and they’re known to be very fair whenever difficult situations arise. the chariot does tell me that he’s more of an action-oriented person and would rather show his partner his love rather than verbalise it, definitely can see him being the type to hype his significant other and could be very touchy with them as well, but he can be very stubborn due to his deterministic nature so if his partner tries to control him it’s not gonna work lol. the 6 of wands tell me that yeonjun is definitely the boyfriend that wants to see his partner succeed and is willing to help them get there if needed, definitely wants to share his positivity with those around him and loves being the centre of attention. 
with the detective card yeonjun’s definitely an observer and i feel he can tend to mimic his s.o if he spends a long enough time around them as libra moons are known to “mirror” their partner, he’ll definitely be the type to want to learn about his person and know them like the back of his hand. a virgo sun pulled the hermit card how fitting, basically reiterates my points earlier about how he’s observant and can be detached but i feel this card also talks about the fact that communication is a huge need for him and he needs to be able to have a good level of communication with his s.o in order for him to commit as the hermit card rules mercury. the elk card talks about someone who’s very wise and can be seen as a sort of “father figure” which definitely emphasises the hermit card earlier and the stubbornness i touched on earlier, the elks are described as being supportive, kind and consistent so he’s definitely loyal and reliable. the venus card tells me that yeonjun ultimately loves being in love, his libra moon definitely is a big hopeless romantic and being romantic/showing love is second nature to him.
that is all! if you have any feedback, comments, queries or requests please don’t hesitate to reach out to me my ask box is always open. sending you all love, light, positivity and abundance <3 much love
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geminitarotmagick · 3 years
Please do a MX and Wonho’s friendship reading. Thanks 😊
Hi! This is a very loaded question considering everything that happened, but it's my civic duty as a ot7 monbebe stan to bring to you the current energy around Wonho and Monsta X's friendships.
Please be warned that this is not a fluffy reading where I just say "they're brothers and they love each other." As much as I'd like that to be true as a monbebe, we actually get into some deeper issues and feelings here, and this reading is being kept very realistic, even if we as fans might not want to hear that there are negative feelings.
But with that said, let's get into it! In the center, we have how Monsta X as a whole see Wonho (left), and how Wonho sees Monsta X as a whole (right). The top row is Wonho's friendships with Shownu, Minhyuk and Kihyun, and the bottom row is his friendships with Hyungwon, Jooheon and IM.
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Cards used: Wild Unknown Animal Spirits, Light Seers Tarot, Way of the Panda Tarot Baby Panda Edition
So, we start with how Monsta X as a whole view Wonho currently, and we have the Camel, the Eight of Cups, and the Seven of Swords. They, as a group, admire the fact that Wonho really knows himself, and that he had the courage to do what he needed to do, and has been able to hold his own as a solo artist. He think it's really cool how he's sort of walking his own path and challenges the norms of being an idol and coming back from a scandal and doing the type of music and things he wants to do. However, they still hold in the back of their mind that he walked away. They know why he did it, and they know that he thought it was for his best interest, and that it was probably for their best interest as a group too. But at the end of the day, he still walked away, and there are some negative feelings that they harbor from that, which is totally understandable.
Next, we have how Wonho sees Monsta X as a whole, and we have the Elk, Temperance and the reversed Fairy Godpanda. He appreciates the fact that they still support him and are there for him, even after everything that happened, and I can see that their support is something that's really really important to him. However, he has a lot of mixed feelings when it comes to the group, and once again, that's totally understandable considering everything that happened. He sees them as a strong unit, and sometimes I think he wonders if they're doing better without him, and that leads him down a negative thought path that he doesn't really like. But he still holds all of his positive memories with Monsta X very fondly in his heart, and he wouldn't replace them for the world.
More detail on each individual member's relationship with Wonho under the cut.
Now, we have Shownu and Wonho's friendship, and for that we got the King of Cups, Judgment and the Five of Pentacles. They still hold a lot of love for each other, and as the leader, Shownu understands why Wonho did what he did, and realizes that he especially did it to look out for Shownu once his name started getting dragged through the mud as well. Shownu is very very supportive on Wonho, and Wonho is the same back to him. He understands that Wonho had pure intentions, even if he went about things the wrong way, and I think he sees that Wonho walking away has changed both of them, and their relationship, for the better, and the whole situation caused them both to grow personally apart more than they could've grown together. He admires Wonho and his patience and resilience in still striving to create music even after everything that happened, and that's why he'll always support Wonho's solo music.
Next, we have Minhyuk and Wonho's friendship, and for that we have the reversed Six of Cups, the Tower, and the Hierophant. Wonho walking away was a big event in their friendship, and it really hasn't ever been totally the same since. Minhyuk is definitely one of the members who didn't understand Wonho's reasoning as much as someone like Shownu did, so I can see that their friendship was definitely fractured for a time, but at the end of the day, Minhyuk was able to forgive Wonho for what he did, and also forgive himself for not being able to be enough of a support system that Wonho felt like he needed to do that. At this point, their relationship is different, but it's healed, and they learn a lot from each other, and I think they come to each other for advice when they need it.
Next, we have Kihyun and Wonho's friendship, and for this we have the Four of Cups, the reversed Eight of Wands, and the Six of Swords. This one is really interesting to me, because it seems like Kihyun was actually the member who was the most hurt by Wonho leaving. We know that they were close, and so sometimes it's the people closest to us that we hurt with our actions. I can see that Kihyun felt like Wonho was so focused on the rumors and on being self sacrificing that he didn't realize that Monsta X was there for him, and I think he's held resentment against Wonho for not letting the members be there for him and try to get through the situation together. Their friendship was severely damaged by Wonho leaving, and I think it was something that kind of left them not knowing how to approach each other. I can see that they're working through everything that happened and working to rebuild their friendship, but it's not something that's so simple. There's trauma and pain that they have to talk through together before they can really get their friendship back to a good place, but they are working on it and working to get to a better place together.
Next, we have Hyungwon and Wonho's friendship, and the cards we have for that are the reversed Three of Cups, the reversed Sun, and reversed Devil. This is another case of the fact that Wonho's actions hurt the ones he was closest to the most. I can see that most of all, Hyungwon was hurt that Wonho decided to leave the group without consulting anyone, and he felt left out. I can see that after that, it was hard for Hyungwon to focus on Monsta X, and that he kinda felt disconnected from the group because of the negative energy surrounding it all. There was definitely a need for them to make amends and talk things through, and even tho they have, I can see that there's still some repairs that have to be made to their relationship. Despite everything, I think there are still feelings of betrayal that Hyungwon has, and it hasn't been so easy for them to move past that.
Next, we have Jooheon and Wonho's friendship, and for them we got the Five of Pentacles, the reversed King of Pentacles, and the reversed Queen of Wands. I think Jooheon definitely worried about Wonho feeling ostracized and left out when it came to the group and moving on without him, so I think he was one of the members who stayed in touch with Wonho the most to make sure he was ok and check up on him. I think they cleared their grievances out pretty quickly and were able to move forward a little easier than some of the members. He also understood that Wonho needed to take time away partially to get his mind right again after all of the malicious rumors targeting him, so I don't think he ever took him leaving as personally as some of the other members might've. He didn't think it would've been right for Wonho to stay if he didn't feel like it was right anymore, so he admired Wonho for making the choice that was right for him at the time, and I think that actually inspired Jooheon to have the courage to take HIS hiatus when he was feeling anxious and needed to get himself centered again, too. I think their relationship is definitely one of the better ones of the group, and I think they both talked each other through their hiatuses and hard times together.
Last but not least, we have the friendship between Changkyun and Wonho, and we got the Ace of Cups, the reverse Six of Swords, and the Nine of Pentacles. Interestingly enough, even tho they weren't the closest while Wonho was in Monsta X, I think their relationship is actually better than ever now. Changkyun is someone who's very resistant to change, so I can see that he didn't want to accept that Wonho left, and that that was baggage that they both carried into their friendship for a while. But I can see that at some point, they decided to have a fresh start, and that since that happened, they've been able to thrive as friends in a way that they never really were able to before. Wonho leaving was actually the best thing for their friendship, and they've been able to transition into this new phase in their relationship with relative ease, and their relationship has been one of success and mutual support of each other.
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strang-news · 2 years
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The cards drawn up this month are from The Wild Unknown Tarot Dec & Guidebook by Kim Krans
Steph’s Amateur Front Desk Intuitive Interpretation of the Energy in September: Lots of double life energy. Are you acting as the person you believe yourself to be? Time to reconcile your ideal self with who you are today. Old behaviors are causing uncomfortable feelings.
Virgo, Happy Birthday!!
4 of Wands / Completion, Celebration
You’ve done it! The Four of Wands is a card of completion. Your labors have been steady and strong, and the harvest will be plentiful. In other words, it’s time to party. There might be an upcoming event to mark this occasion...a graduation, wedding, or celebration of some kind. So enjoy yourself and those you love. This is an exciting and prosperous time.
…and Happy Early Birthday Libra!
7 of Swords / Secrecy, Self-Interest
Six swords hang in plain view, while the seventh is tucked under the sly fox’s tail. So goes the story of the seven of swords...a secret is being kept. You’re either the keeper or the kept-from, and it’s time to identify which. Deceit and avoidance linger in the air. Face the cause of secrecy or rixk ostracizing yourself.  
Daughter of Pentacles / Responsible, Kind, Supportive
You’ll usually find the Daughter of Pentacles behind the scenes rather than out in the spotlight. Though quite shy, she’s extremely hardworking and responsible. She handles details and logistics well – people depend on her. She has vast amounts of inner strength. Like all of the pentacles family, the Daughter thrives when in nature.
The Moon / Vivid Dreams and Fears
In many ways the Moon card encompasses the idea of The Wild Unknown. It is the shadow realm, the place where dreams, fears, and mysteries are born. Much darkness can linger here, and if you aren’t careful, this can lead to periods of anxiety and self-doubt...almost as though you’ve lost your way in a house of mirrors. Many great artists have roamed this inner landscape. It’s where imagination and creativity drift freely upon the midnight air.
8 of Cups / Stagnation, Ill Health
The Eight of Cups sends an urgent message to pack your bags and move on. There is no hope of rekindling what’s been lost. You must start anew. This card also points to phases of illness and physical stagnation. The message could not be more clear: nothing good remains for you here. Lift your eyes to the horizon, and let your feet lead you forward.
Mother of Wands / Attractive, Domestic, Vibrant
The Mother of Wands is a vibrant woman and happy mother. Family comes first in her world – she's very protective of it and is the dominant parent within the home. Though proud and determined, she has enough grace and beauty that you’d hardly notice her forceful nature. Oftentimes she has overcome great pain or trauma in her life. It’s important not to get on her bad side.
5 of Cups / Grief, Disappointment
The Five of Cups indicates a time of sorrow. A relationship may fall apart or an old friend could slip away. There will be disappointment and even regret. When this card appears, it’s important not to make any hasty decisions. It may also be helpful to look at the type of expectations you place on others. Perhaps they can never do enough to please you.
The Sun / Vitality, Enlightenment
Imagine for a moment that you’re saking in the warm rays of the sun. It feels nourishing and healing; all your aches and pains just fade away. The Sun card brings this amazing energy into your life. Vitality and health abound, while you feel assurance and clarity in all you do. Spend some extra time outside today, be grateful for the radiance of the sun and the life force it gives all creatures.
The Star / Hope, Peace of Mind
Standing outside on a dark night, you gaze up at the starts and sense glimmers of wonder and hope. Even though you can’t find concrete answers to life’s many questions up there in the sky, you can’t help but feel comforted and renewed. Such is the energy of the star card. It is not about actions or situations. It’s simply about connecting to the part of you that is hopeful and serene. This force will bring light back into your life and infuse you with positivity. A lovely card.
6 of Cups / Memories, Childhood, Joy
A card of beautiful implications, the Six of Cups focuses on the magic and innocense of childhood. The roots of years past are alight with color and vibrancy...look back upon them, get lost in your memories. Old friends may surface and seek you out. All reunions will be joyful. Enjoy simple pleasure and wonder in all areas of your life.
Strength / Mastery of Emotions
It’s common to think of this card as the roaring, devouring side of the lion. But look again – the “strength” this card suggests is a much deeper force that’s found within. The lion represents our most patient, composed self. He’s a master of focus, compassion, and self-control. When this card comes up, you’re in need of harnessing this power for yourself. All the courage you need can be found in the muscle known as the heart.
10 of Cups / Radiating Energy
The Ten of Cups overflows with positivity. Your goals are being realized, and the excitement surrounding you is magnetic to others. You may feel as though light, or color radiates outward from you – almost as if youre shining. Experience sensations like this with an open and joyful heart. Do not doubt this power.  
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madidailytarot · 7 years
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7.21.17 Q: What do I need to understand about my goals? A: Short term goals: Seven of Wands Card Keywords:Courage, inner strength, aggression, defiance, conviction, asserting oneself, taking a stand, resisting authority, perseverance, maintaining control, defense, and firm resolution. Wands: Fire; Passion, Desire, Will Sevens: Spirituality, Wisdom, Exploration Long term goals: Six of Cups Card Keywords: Nostalgia, happy memories, reunion, "happy meeting between past and present", reminiscing, childhood, kindness, innocence, playful, youthful, reconnecting, old friends, past influence, childhood sweetheart, harmony, being taken care of, good will, sharing, noble impulse, blessed, goodness, blissful, contentment, simple joys, clear conscience, carefree Cups: Water; Emotions, feelings, relationships Six: Cooperation, harmony, compassion Personal Interpretation: I need to assert myself and act with conviction to ensure that I achieve my goals. In order to accomplish short term goals, I need to have the courage and inner strength to pursue them. My long term goal is simply happiness, and this spread suggests that in order to be carefree and joyful in the future, I need to reignite my passion and discipline in the present. Once I achieve my long term goal, I will be able to help foster more good will in the world by sharing with others and acting on noble impulses.
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taystarotoverload · 3 years
Week Ahead Reading
for my lovely followers,
ive decided to give you all a week ahead reading :)
You can choose from these three piles...
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How do I choose a pile?
Dont pick the one you think is the prettiest or coolest. It’s all about your intuition and what is guiding you to which pile. Close your eyes and take three long deep breaths. Open your eyes and continue to manually breathe, but you can say out loud or in your head, “What do I need to know for the week ahead?”. Your body might guide you to which pile, your eyes might guide you to a pile, maybe trying to feel the cards energy and whichever one sparks is yours.
Another way can be,
Again breathing three times with your eyes closed. Then opening your eyes and manually breathing, but you can say it out loud or think it in your head, “What do I need to know for the week ahead?” Since there are three piles, allow yourself to ask for each pile. Then close your eyes and the number that pops up is the one you should choose.
I hope that helps you for choosing the pile :)
ALSO!! Some readings and messages aren’t meant for you. Since this is a general reading, some messages are meant for other people. I advise if one reading doesn’t resonate to you read the other piles to see if one fits. If one doesn’t fit maybe this reading wasn’t meant for you, don’t worry though! there are many other readings that are meant for you! <3
Lets get started...
Pile 1
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your cards
Tarot; The World, The Chariot, Ten of Wands rev.
Oracle; Bad Dragon, Jewel of the Sea
Immediately for tarot i’m seeing that some of you are working on a project or are starting a project. Maybe this week you’ll be paying more attention towards this thing you’re working on. Some of you have been working on soemthing for awhile now and may be coming towards the end... i’m seeing anxiety? some of you might be dealing with some anxiety because the project is ending soon? But i’m seeing lots of success and determination!
your message is...
Have you been feeling jealous lately? Or others around you have been expressing jealousy? Remove yourself from that ego and walk outside, breathe the air. what do you smell? feel deep within how that made you feel, how the sky looks, maybe if it’s raining how the droplets hit the ground. what is the feeling you feel? reflect that on your true self and breathe again. We don’t know the unknown, but if we stay with the reality... the future will shows us glory.
how cute.
did that resonate? if it did leave a note in my inbox on how this made you feel! much love <3
Pile 2
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your cards
Tarot; two of swords rev. , six of swords, five of cups
Oracle; Beloved, Moon Dragon
Do y’all have someone in your life that’s toxic? maybe they’re releasing their anger out on you, or making you feel down. Maybe you’ve felt like a disappointment or things haven’t gone your way. I see this week some of you will strive to change those thoughts, and others may soak in all of the negative messages.
Remember; no one is perfect. if someone expresses their hatred towards you, it’s them pressing their own insecurities onto you.
Your message
Lay down and relax. Make sure you’re on your back and your body is sprawled out. Allow yourself to feel every part of your body, your arms, legs, fingers, toes, thighs, chest, neck, head, every small or large detail about your body. remember to breathe, feel the tingles your body makes, the noises it might make, how the heart keeps beating and your mind keeps wandering even while you lay ‘paralyzed’. Take my words into consideration,
youre trying your best. allow the world to speak to you. when you think there’s no one, your angels and elementals are always there. When you’re feeling stuck, they’ll whisper to you. That sudden blow of wind you feel on your face, they’re reassuring their presence. The sudden feeling of a hand on your shoulder, they’re here with you. Jealousy is a disease, and if you keep allowing this into your head, it’ll only feed away the good. Passed friend and family are watching over you and they’re proud. never give up.
might start crying now :,)
did that resonate? if it did leave a note in my inbox on how this made you feel! much love <3
Pile 3
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(notice the lighting change)
your cards
Tarot; Temperance , four of wands rev. , son of swords rev.
Oracle; something wild, Magic Frog
Im seeing some of you being laid back sort of. some of you could be resting and re energizing after a really rough week. Son of swords gives me the sense that you’re dealing with a burnout, and are having to get away with your thoughts. this week is all about relaxation, until next week when you get back into what you were originally doing.
Messages for you;
Think before you speak. Give yourself time to think before immediately jumping to conclusions, allow your inner child to sprout and grow into your old roots. Finishing quickly with things before seeing the bigger picture is never a good idea, always be ready for the future.
did that resonate? if it did leave a note in my inbox on how this made you feel! much love <3
Sorry this took forever!!! im going to do a few private readings now... Taehyung and Jimin FS tomorrow , see you then!
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actiaslunaris · 2 years
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A new tarot deck, my first bought and in my possession. I use tarot as a gateway to inner spiritual awareness and understanding of emotions.
This deck -- The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot by Kim Krans -- attracted me with the art of the Six of Wands, pictured on the far left, and the not-pictured Daughter of Swords, which features an owl. On opening it and reading the guidebook, it seemed to me to be a very grounded deck, with its emphasis on nature and animals in the artwork. I like the small nature of the cards, and chose it over the larger version purposefully. My first observations in how it differs from other tarot decks is that it uses a ‘family’ in place of the court cards. Those are usually designated as Page, Knight, Queen, and King, but here are called Daughter, Son, Mother, and Father. It also hews closer to pagan symbols in its usage of moons and pentacles, the first in additional imagery, and the second for the suit. This deck also does not provide reversed meanings, instead providing cards that come with negative connotations built in to their reading.
The spread you see here, which I laid down right to left instinctively, is the Fool’s Journey, a spread for interviewing and getting to know the deck. Each card has its own question to be asked.
Ten of Pentacles
1. Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic?
The Ten of Pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life.
As I thought, a grounded deck, one that wants to bring a sense of wholeness to my life. Also, very confident of showing me what I will need to know.
Four of Pentacles
2. What are your strengths as a deck?
Yet underneath the surface this is a card of warning: do not become possessive or controlling.
I must be open-minded and accepting of how I take the information that is given to me, otherwise it could turn against me.
The Magician
3. What are your limits as a deck?
The Magician is a card of boundless, expansive energy.
No limits, then. A very promising and surprising answer, since I’ve never drawn this card before, to the best of my knowledge.
Six of Cups
4. What are you here to teach me?
The roots of years past are alight with color and vibrancy...look back upon them, get lost in your memories.
I must rely on myself and my experience, to be guided by it, but also remain hopeful, because this card refers to the years of childhood. This means a lot to me right now, because of how I’ve felt I’ve lost a lot of that specific type of hope.
The World
5. How can I best learn and collaborate with you?
So when this card appears, contemplate for a moment the idea of “being whole.”
To me, wholeness means healing and integration, so I should approach readings with an eye to information that is contained in one, not divided into separateness. A deck that seeks to help me be whole is overall one that I can rely on.
Six of Wands
6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?
The Six of Wands is a card of victory, of rising up against the odds ... Where will you go with your new set of wings?
Successful victorious change is another good promise. I’ve never had a spread be this positive before, or so bold. I like it.
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