#Shinso ..... ♡♡♡♡
veenxys · 2 years
「BNHA Boys reacting to you wiping off their kiss as a joke」
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⤷ Bakugou
you were watching a movie that he honestly didn’t care much about. he changed positions all the time and it ended up upsetting you because you really wanted to see the movie, unlike him. he then whispers “sorry” and leaves a kiss on your temple as he puts his arm around your shoulders, you bite your lip to keep from smiling and run your hand across your temple, wiping his kiss away. he stops for a moment and looks at you in complete disbelief. were you mad because he moved too much? you wiped his kiss.. what the-? he couldn’t believe it, so he took the remote and paused the movie playing on the television. “what?” you ask innocently. he looks at you with the same indignant look and you can’t help but laugh at him. “oh, do you think it’s funny?” he says, crossing his arms. even with a playful smile plastered on your face, he still didn’t understand that it was just a joke. “why did you do that?” he asks seriously and you laugh more, knowing you need to talk real or else he’ll go crazy. “it’s just a joke, katsuki!” you tap your fingers lightly on his cheek and before your hand can fall into your lap again he grabs it and pulls you to him kissing all over your face as he says “i want to see if you can clear all these now”
⤷ Deku you took a pillow and put it on his lap, laying down. he smiles and starts stroking your hair with his free hand while the other one holds his phone. you stare at him for a few seconds and he puts his phone down, looking passionately at you. he leans in a little and leaves a soft kiss on your forehead that you’re quick to wipe away. he widens his eyes for a few seconds, swallowing hard because he thought he might have done something wrong that made you upset. it had to be that, right? there was no other reason for you to clean his kiss like that… he stiffens his posture and calls your name in a serious but also worried voice and you look at him with your eyes shining, wondering what was wrong. a part of him was relieved that you didn’t look angry, but another part of him looked even more worried that you didn’t look angry. so what was wrong? what happened? he decides to give you another kiss, this time on your lips. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel butterflies in your stomach, but you faked it really well by wiping your lips. you try to stay serious, but the way he looks at you makes you laugh until your cheeks hurt; he’s worried but in such a cute way that you can’t hide it anymore, so you just say it’s a joke and he sighs in relief, laughing with you before kissing you again.
⤷ Kirishima he would be so offended and scared at first that he would have no other reaction than to look at you with his eyes half wide as he stutters something. he tries to search for the right words, but all he can say - in a finely tuned voice - is “what did i do wrong?? is there something on my lips?” you try to look at him like he’s going crazy but you can’t as his expression makes you burst into laughter. and at that moment he lets out the breath he didn’t even know he was holding and shakes his head, laughing at you. “you’re bad… now you’ll have to put up with me” he says as he pins you to the couch and showers you with kisses and love.
⤷ Todoroki you were waiting for the train and he was in front of you while you shared your headphones; his two hands were around your waist affectionately. he leans down and kisses your forehead, pulling you a little closer to him. the moment would be cute if it weren’t for you wiping your forehead; he frowns and puts his fingers to his lips, looking at you he asks “is there something on my lips?” and his expression is so genuine but at the same time a little worried; you shake your head and bite your lip to keep from smiling. he touches your chin with his fingers and tilts your face so you look at him, “what’s wrong? tell me” he asks, eyes curiously scanning yours, as if searching for any trace of lying or anger. you smile playfully at him and your smile is all he needs to understand that it was just a silly joke. he smiles nervously back and you kiss the corner of his lips and his lips, which makes him laugh lightly.
⤷ Denki he would have a fit when you use the back of your hand to wipe his kiss on your lips. “heyyyyyy, don’t do this… don’t you want my kisses?” he asks in a thin but worried voice, making it hard not to laugh. he feels offended but doesn’t show it, but just the blush rising in his cheeks is enough for you to see what he’s feeling. silence taking over the room. “does my breath smell bad?” he says randomly, unable to contain his bubbly laughter. “was it my lunch? oh shit.. i need to go brush my teeth.” he got up, starting hurriedly to the bathroom. you grabbed his shirt quickly. “no wait, i’m just kidding! it was all a joke.” you eased, denki letting out a breathless groan before falling on top of you. “kaminari… get out…” you struggled, squirming under his frame of denial. “that was soo mean… i didn’t think you could do this to me. you’re paying for dinner.” he means it seriously, but you can hear a joke in his voice.
⤷ Tamaki he would feel very confused and insecure for some time. he wouldn’t immediately ask what was wrong because he didn’t know what to say; he kissed your cheek and you quickly wiped it away, it made him very worried and sad, but your behavior towards him didn’t change, which meant you weren’t angry or sad at him. he spends the rest of the day quiet, looking at you sideways and looking away when you look at him. he swallows and scratches the back of his neck as he remembers the scene; he feels so anxious and nervous he can barely talk to you. he doesn’t want to bother you and it ends up hurting you because he looks like a lost puppy with his eyes shining all day. you hug him from behind and he freezes not knowing what to do, you smile and kiss his back, which makes him melt a little. you move a little and take his cheeks in both hands, “hey bubba, it was just a joke! i’m sorry, i thought it would be fun but..” you don’t finish the sentence, just smile weakly. he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, clearly demonstrating the relief he felt at hearing those words.
⤷ Shinsou
you were watching a new series together and suddenly he feels a tender urge to leave a kiss on your cheek just to distract you a little. you instantly wipe your cheek with your hand and he doesn’t show any kind of reaction. in fact, he helped you wipe your cheek. “the popcorn i made was very buttery, make sure you take it all out so it doesn’t leave any oil on your skin.” you couldn’t even answer, there was no way to answer. you look at him a little confused and he just smiles slightly before turning his attention to the television again. he’s so cute and thoughtful that you couldn’t keep a passionate smile from appearing on your face. you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. “ugh i’m sorry” you mutter laughing against his shirt and he frowns, patting you on the back. “sorry for what?” he says when you sit in your seat again. “uhm…nothing. forget it” you say and grab a popcorn from him; really buttery
⤷ Hawks he was training and after a while he paused, sweat staining his forehead as you handed him a bottle of water to cool off. a small kiss from him of thanks was the reply, to which you easily wiped it away. “hey what-?” he winked at you with his brow furrowed and his lips still attached to the rim of the water bottle. “what was that?” he gave you a nonsensical look, genuinely confused as to why you didn’t accept his kiss. “what?” you tilted your head innocently, acting as if nothing had happened. “you… wiped my kiss.” he pouted, standing up. you shrugged your shoulders, your face utterly confused almost making your facade crack. you could see the wheels turning in his mind; he shook his head fervently, went back to training as if nothing had happened - but his mind didn’t stop for a single second. and a few minutes later he sat down on the floor. “baby?” you asked, arching your brow at his behavior. “i lost motivation. my love was rejected.” he sighed dramatically, now lying fully on his back. “what do you mean?” you crouched down, leaning in to land a deep kiss on his lips. “woah woah woah woahhh..” he gaped, his eyes bursting with amazement. “it was just a joke, love” you said, and he smiles a little “so i’m going to need a refund to get my motivation back”
⤷ Dabi he liked being the one to receive rather than give, just to see how needy you would have become if you hadn’t received attention from him. he liked to tease you and play with you, and today you thought might be the perfect time to get back at him. “dabi… can i get a kiss?” he looked from his phone to where you were. “now you’re asking so nicely, how could i say no?” maneuvering his head to softly kiss your lips, looking at you as you used the back of your hand to wipe the kiss. “hey.. what is this?” he used his foot to swivel the chair back to where you were sitting next to him “acting like a brat? is this your way of getting back at me?” his dazzling eyes read you like a book. every time. “i had an itch.” your apology proving to be more regrettable than you anticipated in your head. “oh yeah? so please let me help you.”bewildered, you shrank back against the chair with a squeak – dabi advancing on you at an alarming rate. he gives you a breathtaking kiss, the kind of kiss that makes you lose your ground. he pulls away and you’re breathing heavily. “is not fair.” you snorted, but he looked very pleased with himself.
⤷ Shigaraki
you knew it would be wrong to do this to him because he didn’t usually show so much affection through gestures and even without him admitting it, you knew he was insecure. but it was just a joke, it wouldn’t hurt, right? wrong. the moment you wiped your cheek after he gave you a light kiss, he got so angry. he didn’t say anything and that was the problem; he ignored you all day like a sulky child. on the outside he was cold and angry, but on the inside he was so broken and sad. he thought of many things; was it the scars on his lips that bothered you? were you stopping loving him? did you not like his love? he was so confused and ended up showing it in rude ways that made you back off when you went to talk to him. until you finally worked up the courage to tell him it was just a joke; you even showed videos you saw on tiktok of people doing this. he looks at your phone and looks at you, rolls his eyes and goes back to what he was doing before. you leave a kiss on his forehead as an apology and when you leave he smiles in relief.
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katanaski · 7 months
He wants to touch you he really does.
Shinso can tell by the way your toes are curling and your back keep arching off of the seat that you're close to coming. Your drenched fingers rub vigorously at your clit,ring finger dipping inside your pussy every once in a while.
He wants to touch you,taste you,fuck you. Your legs are spread wide open next to him on his passenger seat. All he did was dangle a zip in front of your face and say "It’s all yours pretty girl,that's if you can cum under 5 minutes"
He was fucking around, didn't think you would actually pop your fingers in your mouth to cover with spit, spread your legs and run them up your already naked slit. Now he's sitting there mouth dry, wet cock stupid hard against his thigh, barely registers you lean in to kiss his cheek and grab the bag of weed with cum soaked fingers before hopping out of his car all under 4 minutes...
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gardenofnoah · 10 months
hello bea i am bereft of ideas but think you should write the most self indulgent thing you can because moving and new job is hard and you deserve it. what if you had a nice time at a lake???
you move easily through the water to get to Hitoshi. you think you’d wade through concrete if it meant you could be in his orbit.
and in it you are, because he’s adept at drawing you near. he’s in up to his chest, and when you get close enough he reaches for you.
“hi,” he murmurs, bending to kiss your forehead. the water laps at both of you and he holds you steady. tethered to him and weightless.
he walks backwards until the water is shallow enough that he can sit on the rocky lakebed without his head going under, and then he does just that. he keeps you held to him and it makes you giggle.
“i feel like a baby otter.”
hitoshi laughs, smoothing a hand over your hair. “you kind of look like one too.”
“what?” he grins, catching your hands before they can swat at him, “you do. cute and fuzzy.”
you grumble but relent, laying your head back down. his heartbeat, with the gentle lapping of the water against your back and the fading heat of the sun, is enough to lull you to sleep. you’d let it, but something about the feeling that wraps itself around your bones makes you want to sit in it a little longer.
“you hungry, baby?”
“mm. maybe,” you sigh, nestling into the hair that litters his chest. “if you make something.”
he snorts, dipping his head to kiss the crown of yours. he lingers there, and you know he wants to be in this moment a little longer, too.
“as you wish, my liege.”
neither one of you move—you won’t, until the growling of your stomach becomes so offensively loud that hitoshi tows you out of the water and back up to the cabin over his shoulder. the urge to care for you will win out, as it always does—and you can’t really say you mind.
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kirbyskisses · 1 year
Kirby do you have a playlist for Shinso 👀
oh yeah, been bopping that one since 2020!
send an ask w/ a character and see if i have a playlist for them!
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call-me-copycat · 9 months
Hi sweetheart! I know you like Shinsou (I do too, like a lot 😍) so let's have these questions about him shall we?
3/ 6/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 25 I hope this isn't too much but these questions are really interesting, please feel free to ignore some of them if it's a lot to answer ❤️
Sending you much love.
Hello again Teach! Don't worry about the number, no one usually sends in any asks (apart from you send @epickiya722 ), so please, ask away! :⁠-⁠)
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Hmm, this one was a bit hard since there's so much I love about him, but I'd have to say that I once heard he joined class B instead of A, and I was a little bitter about that ( ̄^ ̄゜) I just really wanted to see him more with Aizawa!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Ooh, I really thought about this one before! I'd say that I tend to be rather antisocial like how he seems to be, and that when I have a goal I do like to work hard for it ٩(,,•ω•,,)و⚑⁎∗フレフレ
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Ah, I love to have him learn things and develop bonds with people! I just really like trying to look into his mind and attempting to write how he would interact with people and how his relationships are formed ⸜( ˶'ᵕ'˶)⸝♡
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
I love it when people have a nicely developed character for him, even if he's not the main character! Whenever he has actual thoughts behind his actions, it makes it seem like a lot of thought was put behind the writing (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
On that same note! I don't really care for fics where he's just there to move the plot forward. Nothing but the surface is shown, and his character feels hollow. I think that's just a personal bias though ╮(´・ᴗ・` )╭
23. Favorite picture of this character?
I have so many photos!! ( ₪﹏ ₪ ���՞ ՞
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All for you! ( ͜♡・ω・) ͜♡
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
My first impression of him...
Believe it or not but I didn't really have a good feeling about him or Aizawa when I first saw them (Aizawa especially)
It quickly changed though, especially after the USJ Arc and the Sports Festival, I believe that's where my obsession formed
Sorry if it's kind of vague, I first saw My Hero about 4-5 years ago, so it's kind of hard to remember exactly what I thought of them when I first watched.
Also when I first watched, Bakugo was my favorite character for a short amount of time (_˶'∀'˶)_
♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡ ♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
Thank you for being here Teach! I'm so happy to hear from you! I've been really busy so I was worried I probably bored everyone away with my absences (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) Glad to see you're still here! I hope you have a wonderful day! ୧꒰*´꒳`*꒱૭✧
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malikselfindulgence · 6 months
Kiri and Mina hear Rose literally screaming insults so loud at his phone that they get ready to beat someone the fuck up . Phone call ends and Rose is huffing and puffing and clenching xeir fists and they ask her what's wrong what happened where do they live we just want to talk . Rose shows them the watch-history log of his and Shinso's shared acc and Mina and Kiri blink comically. Turns out Shinso watched 2 whole episodes of a show they always watch together despite SWEARING on his life he'd wait for her to finish class . Kiri is trying very hard to be sympathetic and Mina's giggling unabashedly
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emjiroki · 11 months
💞 with megumi and shinso <3
Oh yay fun! I never get to talk about these two enough! Thank you lovely 💕
With Megumi it's simple little things like getting each other our favorite coffee/tea for each other, leaving silly and sweet notes around the house for each other to find. Just sweetness all around, even when he's a little grumpy ♡
With Shinso it's all about spending time together! We like watching cheesy movies on the couch with pizza, going to one of those wine and painting classes, go to concerts, anything we think would be fun anytime we aren't deciding to stay and chill at home ♡
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animehideout · 7 months
Masterlist Update.
⚠️ A/N: For those who are interested in Wattpad kpop / Anime Long Stories, You can check my Wattpad " narae_99 " . Complete Mafia Au ( Bangchan x Reader) , Enemies to Lovers Au (Leeknow x Reader)
Jujutsu Kaisen
♡⁠˖Headcanons & Reactions˖⁠♡
• JJK Men Green and Red flags ↓
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV
• JJK Men And Their Fav Place To Do It 🔞
• JJK Men Turn-ons.
• JJK Men Kinks.
• JJK Men And Their Types Of Hugs.
• JJK Men When They Want Your Attention.
• How Would JJK Men Dress Up For Your Date
• JJK Men Pet Names For You.
• JJK Men Pick Up Lines.
• JJK Men And How They Act When They're In The Mood 🔞
• JJK Men Fav Positions 🔞
• JJK Men Soft Moments With You 🤍
• JJK Men When You Kiss Them Unexpectedly In Public 🩷
• What Songs Would JJK Men Play In BG While Doing It
• JJK Men And Things They Would Say 🔞
• Jobs JJK Men Would Have In Real Life (imo) → Part I Part II
• Types Of Kisses.
• JJK Men As Types Of Love
• Love Troops Suitable For JJK Men → Part 1 Part 2
• Teasing Toji Fushiguro
• JJK Men x Plus Size Fem¡ reader.{Requested}
• Gamer Gf Ignores JJK Men . {Requested}
• JJK X HAIKYUU MEN X READER Locked In A Room ( fluff 🍭)
• Insecure Reader X JJK Men Finding Out { Requested }
• Your MBTI, Your Relationship With JJK Characters 🆕 ALL PARTS
• JJK Men X Male¡ Reader First Kiss
• JJK Men And Types Of Women They'd Be Attracted To {Requested}
• JJK Men Perfect First Date → PART 1 PART2 PART3( coming soon..) 🆕💙
• JJK Men Period Comfort 🌸 {Requested}
• SFW Alphabets For Gojo Satoru {Requested}
• Comfort Letters From JJK Men→ Gojo.Ver
• JJK Men Proposing With A Ringpop {Requested}
• JJK Men Comforting Their S/O Who's Doubting Themselves {Requested} fluff 🍰
• JJK Men Turn-Offs {Requested}
• JJK Men Reaction To Y/N With A Tongue Piercing {Requested}
• Toji Fushiguro x INTJ { Requested }
• NSFW alphabets Gojo Satoru 🔞 {Requested}
♡⁠˖Series & Oneshots˖⁠♡
Gojo Satoru:
• Birthday Oneshot
• Love Is The Most Twisted Curse Of All [Arranged Marriage ff]: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8
• My one and only [ Requested]
• Gojo Satoru X Dumb But Kind Reader {Requested}
• Gojo Satoru X ENTP f!reader {Requested}
Ryomen Sukuna :
• A Deal Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 Part 6 🔞⚠️
• Somnophilia [Requested] 🔞
• For Eternity (Sukuna x fem! sorcerer reader, reincarnated ver) [Requested]
Geto Suguru:
• Insecure Reader X Suguru Geto ( Angst with happy ending)
Choso Kamo:
• Battle with Choso, Fluff {Requested}
Tokyo Revengers
♡⁠˖Headcanons & Oneshots˖⁠♡
• How They Tease You For Fun.
• When You're On Your Period.
• Yandere Mikey + Yandere Kazutora ( Requested).
• When You Have A Nightmare.
• Their Fav Place To Kiss You.
• Taking Care Of Sick S/O ( Requested).
• Soft Moments With You.
• Jealous Baji Keisuke With Naive s/o ( Requested )
• First Date Part I
• First Date Part II
• When Someone Flirts With Shy S/O ( Requested).
• Reaction To S/O Similar To Nezuko ( Requested ).
• Tokyo Revengers Men Jealousy.
♡⁠˖Series & Oneshots˖⁠♡
Baji Keisuke:
My Reason ( s/o stops Baji from killing himself [Requested] )
Toman's Little Fighter ( Fluff - Angst - Happy Ending )
Takemichi :
( Discovering S/O is a gang leader [Requested]).
♡⁠˖Headcanons & Reactions˖⁠♡
• Green And Red Flags ↓
Part I / Part II / Part III
• How They Show Affection.
• When They Realize They Have Feelings For You.
• How Would Haikyuu Men Dress Up For Your Date.
• Haikyuu Boys x fem! volleyball player 🆕✨
My Hero Academia:
♡⁠˖Headcanons & Reactions˖⁠♡
• Types Of Kisses.
• Reader Wants Cuddles.
• Night Routine With BNHA Men.
• First Kiss With BNHA men.
• Finding Out They're Gonna Have A Baby ( requested ).
• Shinso Hitoshi ( falling asleep together [Requested]).
• Asking About Tampons ( Requested ).
♡⁠˖Series & Oneshots˖⁠♡
Cursed Touch { Bakugo Katsuki x Dabi x Reader} ↓
• Whole story + Angst Ending
• Happy Ending.
Attack On Titan
Relationship Headcanonsノ⁠♡
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koishiro · 2 months
< 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ moodboards 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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𝓂𝓊𝓁𝓉𝒾𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒹ℴ𝓂 .ᐟ‪‪‬ [cw: afab!reader]
2nd moodboard mlist here .ᐟ‪‪‬
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.ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛsᴜ ᴋᴀɪsᴇɴ.
— # 𝒿𝒿𝓀 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating satoru gojo ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
Dating satoru gojo pt.2 ⋆˚✿˖°❀
Dating geto suguru ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
Dating geto suguru pt.2 🌱⋆。°₊ ⊹˚ 🍵
Dating kento nanami ⋆˙⟡♡
Dating shoko ieiri 💌 𓆩♡𓆪
Dating toji fushiguro ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
Dating megumi fushiguro ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘
Dating megumi fushiguro pt. 2 ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
Dating megumi fushiguro pt.3 💌
Dating nobara kugisaki ✧˖🎀 ✧˖°
Dating yuji itadori .ೃ࿔*:・
Dating yuji itadori pt.2 💌 […coming soon] 𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ‧₊˚ 🐇
Dating ryomen sukuna *ੈ✩‧₊˚
Dating ryomen sukuna pt.2 ✧˖°.
Dating yuta okkotsu 💌 ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
Dating toge inumaki ✉⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨୧˚
Dating toge inumaki pt.2 💌 ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Dating toge inumaki pt.3 💌 ⋆.°𖦹🎱.★⊹
Dating maki zen’in ₊˚⊹꒷
Dating naoya zen’in 💌 ‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡
Dating choso kamo 💌 ⋆☆ ⊹°˖
Dating takuma ino 💌 ꒰ 🥥 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
.ᴍʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ.
— # 𝒷𝓃𝒽𝒶 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating katsuki bakugo ★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆
Dating katsuki bakugo pt.2 .° ༘⋆🖇₊˚ෆ
Dating katsuki bakugo pt.3 ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ⁩
Dating katsuki bakugo pt.4 💌 ⋅ᯓᡣ𐭩
Dating eijiro kirishima ꩜ ⋆⑅˚₊ ༘⋆
Dating eijiro kirishima pt.2 ⋆♱✮♱⋆
Dating izuku midoriya 💌 ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Dating izuku midoriya pt.2 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ🍈 ⭒
Dating shoto todoroki ⋆。°✩
Dating denki kaminari 💌 ✩₊˚ ⚡️ .⋆☾⋆
Dating dabi todoroki ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨୧˚
Dating tamaki amajiki ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅ ☆
Dating tamaki amajiki pt.2 💌 𐙚🧸ྀི
Dating shōta aizawa 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ ᰔᩚ
Dating keigo takami 💌 ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖
Dating hitoshi shinso 💌 ₊˚⊹⋆
Dating hitoshi shinso pt.2 💌 ₊˚࿔*:・୧
Dating fumikage tokoyami 💌 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
Dating mezou shouji 💌 ✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩
Dating hanta sero 💌 ✧˖°
Dating present mic 💌 ₊˚࿔*:・୧ 🎤
Dating mr compress 💌 / 💌 ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
Dating snipe 💌 / 💌 🔫 .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Dating himiko toga 💌 *ੈ𑁍༘⋆
Dating kyoka jiro 💌 𓍢ִ໋🍓͙͛ ๋࣭
Dating rumi usagiyama (mirko) 💌 ᐟᐟ☆🗒️💭.ᐟ
Dating neito monoma 💌 ୨ৎ⊹ ࣪ ˖⭒
Dating tomura shigaraki 💌 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
Dating mashirao ojiro 💌 *๑♡՞
Dating twice 💌 ᡣ𐭩. ݁₊ ⊹ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ₊ ⊹
Dating taishiro toyomitsu (Fatgum) 💌 ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺
Dating momo yaoyorozu 💌 ˚ ༘ ౨ৎ⋆。˚
Dating tsuyu asui 💌 […coming soon] ⋆。˚୨୧˚。⋆
Dating ochaco uraraka 💌 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨🍇୧⋆ ˚。⋆
— # 𝒷𝓁𝓁𝓀 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating nagi seishiro ‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊
Dating nagi seishiro pt.2 🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:
Dating itoshi rin 。 ゚ ꒰ঌ ✦໒꒱ ༘*.゚
Dating itoshi sae 💌 ⋆˚☆˖° ⚽️
Dating itoshi sae pt.2 💌 ⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
Dating michael kaiser 💌 ₊˚⊹ ʚɞ
Dating alexis ness 💌 𐙚⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𐙚
Dating hyoma chigiri 💌 ⛧🦇⋆♱✮♱⋆
Dating kenyu yukimiya 💌 ·.༄࿔
Platonic!charles chevalier 💌 ଳ ‧₊˚
Dating barou shouei 💌 ˗ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗˚⊱🪷⊰˚౨ৎ
Dating ranze kurona 💌 ⋆.°𖦹🎱.★⊹
Dating eita otoya 💌 […coming soon] ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
— # 𝒸𝓈𝓂 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating aki hayakawa 💌 ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
Dating aki hayakawa pt.2 💌 💋⋆˙ᝰ.ᐟ
Dating yoshida hirofumi 💌 ᐟᐟ☆ ゚.
Dating kishibe 💌 […coming soon] ☕︎ ₊˚ ⋅☕️ 𐙚
— # 𝒽𝒶𝒾𝓀𝓎𝓊.ᐟ‪‪.ᐟ‪‪‬𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating kenma kozume 💌 📓♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。☕︎
Dating kenma kozume (time skip) 💌 […coming soon] ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ
Dating kei tsukishima 💌 ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
Dating tobio kageyama 💌 ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆
Dating keiji akaashi 💌 ⋆ ☄︎.·˚ * 🔭
Dating satori tendo 💌 𖦹⋆彡🫧꩜♪⋆
Dating yu nishinoya 💌 ₊ ⊹ ᰔ
Dating ryūnosuke tanaka 💌 🏀 ౨ৎ .⋆☾⋆
Dating koshi sugawara 💌 💭.ᐟ 𖦹°‧★
Dating suna rintaro 💌 ₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚.
Dating toru oikawa 💌 ᯓᝰ.ᐟ
Dating kuroo testurō 💌 […coming soon] ⋆♱✮♱⋆
— # 𝓉ℴ𝓀𝓎ℴ 𝓇ℯ𝓋ℯ𝓃ℊℯ𝓇𝓈 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating izana kurokawa 💌 🫀⋆ ࣪.
Dating rindou haitani //b4 bonten// 💌 ೃ࿔*:๑♡՞
Dating rindou haitani //bonten// 💌 ꩜♪⋆☆₊˚⊹
Dating kakucho 💌 [coming soon] 🌷͙֒ ⋆ ˚。
Dating hajime kokonoi 💌 […coming soon] ˖°❀ ᡣ𐭩
Dating bonten sanzu haruchiyo 💌 ᡣ𐭩. ݁₊ ⊹ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ₊ ⊹
Dating mikey sano 💌 𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🏮𖦹 ๋࣭ ࣪
Dating ken ryuguji (draken) 💌 / 💌 ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ⁩
Dating hanma shuji 💌 ๋࣭ ⭑
Dating baji keisuke 💌 εїз
Dating inui seishu 💌 […coming soon] _ ★₊˚﹟🪐 '
Dating toman hakkai 💌 […coming soon] ୨ৎ⊹ ࣪ ˖⭒
Dating hanemiya kazutora 💌 ᡣ𐭩ᡣ𐭩
— # 𝒽𝓈𝓇 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating jing yuan 💌 ᡣ𐭩 *.゚
Dating blade 💌 🌱⋆ ⊹˚ 🍵⋆˙⟡₊ ⊹
Dating sunday 💌 ˚ ༘ ౨ৎ⋆。˚
Dating aventurine 💌 […coming soon] ʚ ✮ ɞ
— # 𝒶ℴ𝓉 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating levi ackerman 💌 ✧˖°.
Dating eren jeager 💌 ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆
Dating erwin smith 💌 […coming soon] 。⋆°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Dating jean kirstein 💌 […coming soon] ᐟᐟ☆🗒️💭.ᐟ
Dating armin arlert 💌 ⋆ ☄︎.·˚ * 🔭
— # 𝓉𝒹𝒾 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
Dating gwen 💌 ⊹ ࣪ ˖
Dating Alejandro Burromuerto 💌 […coming soon] 𓍢ִ໋🍓͙͛ ๋࣭
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angelshimaa · 4 months
⤷ feat. kaminari and shinso
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✧ cw :: gn!reader, fluff, smau, them reacting to a low result on a love calculator, food mention in denki’s, shinso calls you ‘baby’, denki calls you all the synonyms of 'beautiful', 'babe' & 'baby', maybe sliiightly ooc!shinso?
✧ a/n :: third one let's goooo !!
pt 1 | pt 2
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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taglist (complete this form if you'd like to join !) :: @maeby-cursed @katsukismrs @himikoslove @pasteldaze @afairywithacrown @moonshuul @https-spacekay @k0z3me @frannky @sweeteaas @niktwazny303 @justbepeace @bookcluberror @ur-local-simp @awkwardaardvarkforever @dreamcastgirl99
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bakubunny · 8 months
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thinkin abt denki, who most definitely fucks like a needy puppy with one of the biggest dicks you’ve ever had. not because he’s into pet play even though he probably is, but because he needs your pussy “sofuckingbad.” he can’t get enough of the way you squeeze down so hard on him that it makes him dizzy, delirious with need. his kisses are chaotic and sloppy. he’s whining, fucking you hard as he stares at the mess you’re leaving on his cock, drunk on the way you moan and cling to him and the way his name sounds on your lips. he groans and gets tense, voice desperate when you cum on his cock because fuck he’s going to lose his goddamn mind from how good you feel as he cums inside of you. but all you can think of the entire time is how he’s splitting you in half. it surprised you the first time, but you should have known, really. it’s always the skinny guys, the ones no one expects that are packing more than they let on and fuck you like they need you more than you need them.
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gremlins: @callm3senpaii @shinsos-puppet @dcsiremc @i-literally-cant-with-this @darkstarlight82 @breadandbutter33 @she-who-writes-for-multi-fandoms @bookcluberror
if you’d like to be added to my tag list, let me know. ♡
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veenxys · 2 years
「Things you do that BNHA Boys think is attractive」
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⤷ Bakugou
when you kiss him;
he loves to kiss you, but he loves when you start the kiss. the way you pinned him to the wall the first time because you were madly drunk and he wasn’t; you tugged on his tie to bring him closer while your hand rested on the wall. he was completely surprised and in love, it was something hot and daring for you to do. and he didn't hesitate to place his hands on your waist, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss, tasting all the drinks you consumed a few moments before.
⤷ Deku
when you wear his clothes; it started out simple, like wearing his hoodies and sweaters when it was cold. he thought it was really cute and never missed an opportunity to say how beautiful you looked in his clothes, but everything changed after he saw you in his shirts. he offered you one when you went to spend the night at his house, he didn't imagine you would look so beautiful and cute in his clothes; he opened his mouth when he saw you coming out of the bathroom, looking you up and down. you smiled and walked over to him, flicking his nose. he smiles and comments again about how beautiful you are.
⤷ Kirishima
when you are focused on something; he can't take his eyes off you when you're working on something important on your computer or when you're going to follow some recipe you saw on the internet. something about your expression and your posture makes him weak; you are so beautiful without even trying. when you take your eyes off what you were doing before to look at him, he smiles at you, finally confessing how beautiful you are to him.
⤷ Todoroki
when you are driving; he was always very loving and patient when teaching you to drive, and he was so happy and excited when you passed your driving test and got your driver's license. and to reward you, he said you two would go to your favorite restaurant and he would let you drive his car. it was very unusual of him, but you promised you would do a good job. he finds it hot even when you were still practicing, the thought of you picking up speed, the wind in your hair, your face of concentration but quickly turning into a joyful laugh when he comments something funny. he loves to see you so beautiful driving, it's something he can't explain, just feel; and just a crooked smile is on his face, seeing how well he's trained you. your boyfriend could only relax in the passenger seat and look at you.
⤷ Denki
when you laugh at his jokes and pranks; your boyfriend makes corny jokes sometimes and you know it; maybe they aren't funny all the time, but they manage to end up being witty. it wasn't just about his jokes but how he reacts afterwards, his laugh is infectious, the amused look in his eyes and a growing excitement on his face which makes you laugh with him in the end. he would take this opportunity to hear you laugh and look at you as if you were the most beautiful person in the world; you wouldn't understand how his heart raced every time even if you said how you hate your laugh sometimes. but for him, it's one of the reasons he loves you.
⤷ Tamaki
when you play with dogs or children; he can't do anything but stand there admiring you as you bend down to pet a stray kitten or a dog that has wagged its tail at you. he finds it so purely cute how your eyes sparkle and how you stop whatever you’re doing to caress them. and his heart races in his chest when he sees you doing baby voice to talk to your nephews or cousins kids, and how they look at you happily. he thinks you're so precious and amazing and he can't stop thinking about it, and how lucky he is to have you by his side.
⤷ Shinsou
when you lower your voice to talk to him.
it doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night when you're lying sleepless, or when you come over and whisper something in his ear. the way your voice is so seductive and sweet makes him shiver and want to hear you talk more and more, especially when you give him a not so innocent smile.
⤷ Hawks
when you sit on his lap; he won't do it if you're not comfortable, but he loves pulling you into his lap, especially when you're facing him. it all started when he came home late at night and was so exhausted; his head fell against the back of the sofa while he looked at the ceiling, his body wanted at least cuddles and that's why you came sitting on his lap to hug him. all he did was blush and hug you back, burying his face in your shoulder, leaving a kiss. your boyfriend couldn't help but smile and completely melt against you, and this has become one of his favorite things that he looks forward to doing every time he comes home.
⤷ Dabi
when you put on makeup or lipstick; he loves watching you do your makeup, your eyes occasionally meeting through the mirror. you ask why he looks at you so much while you apply your mascara, and he just smiles like a lovestruck fool. but for him, the best part is when you put on lipstick or just a lip balm; there's something attractive and sensual about it and he can't wait to get that color off your lips, just for you to pass it again - a little mad at him, but you don't complain.
⤷ Shigaraki
when you adjust your clothes; it seems simple, but he finds the way you adjust your skirt by wiggling the waist up a little attractive. that little movement is guaranteed to draw his eyes and make him to do a silent 'ooohh…' or how you fit his jacket around you with so much love and care, as if he were there hugging you.
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katanaski · 1 year
You send Bakugou a video of you humping your pillow. Sticky drippy cunt dragging all over the margin,clit bumping and grinding on the corner just right
And when you're done,when you're so lazily dragging a soft towel between your legs. Cleaning up the mess that is your slit he send you a message. A request..
'Let me see the corner'
He palms his cock beneath his desk,when he gets another video.
This one doesn't show your body. Just your fingers. Pointer and thumb squeezing and rubbing,pulling away to show the silvery streaks of your cum soaking the corner
— 'Could of been you 🥺♡'
Your phone vibrates in your hand before you get the chance to put down.
— 'Leaving work right now'
—'Keep your clothes off''
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daisiescomelate · 2 months
Hi I don't know if your requests are open or who you write for, but if you write for Shinsou can I get a Shinsou in love headcanon list? ♡
Hello!! I've never written Shinsou before but I'll try :3 It's a little bit longer than the post about Katsuki in love but I hope you like it ❤️
A/N: Shinsou always striked me as an overthinker.
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💜 Shinsou in love is very self aware. He was quick to admit to himself that you were his type since the moment he saw you from a distance, and even if it made him feel troubled, he noticed pretty much immediately when those feelings started to develop as something else, something more.
💜 Shinsou in love had never approached someone he liked before so he was kind of awkward the whole time until he decided there was nothing else he could do other than gather some courage and tap on your shoulder to just say whatever.
💜 Shinsou in love made a total of two attempts to strike a conversation with you, but because you didn’t completely understand how his quirk worked you got caught by it almost instantly both times. It was too embarrassing for him, embarrassing to the point he didn’t want to risk it again a third time; and to make things worse, it made him fall a little bit self conscious about his quirk like in the old times.
💜 Shinsou in love who dropped any thoughts of ever going to get anywhere with you because of this issue, and decided to let his crush die with time.
💜 Shinsou in love who never expected to be the type to experience a pinch in his heart when seeing his crush from afar.
💜 Shinsou in love who after a few months thought of a different approach because giving up so soon seemed a bit lame. He came up with the idea of getting closer to you by trying to get along with the people who were usually around you and with whom he didn’t mind messing up with. He failed. He had never been the popular type, anyways –people were usually scared of him for being the quiet, serious guy with the bad attitude.
💜 Shinsou in love who called it quits and told himself this wasn’t that big of a deal.
💜 Shinsou in love who eventually stopped checking social media as often as he usually did because you kept popping out on his feed. He didn’t want to block you or unfollow you because he didn’t want you to get the wrong idea. He got a new hobby instead, doing crafts. He wasn’t that good at it either to be honest, but he needed something to kill time –and to keep his mind busy, distract himself.
💜 Shinsou in love who began to avoid places you usually frequented because any progress he felt he made about overcoming his crush shattered the moment he saw you somewhere.
💜 Shinsou in love who accidentally made friends with someone you knew on a random day. He found out when that person introduced you to him during a friend’s night out and he couldn't believe his luck.
💜 Shinsou in love whose heart squeezed and whose stomach did a little flip when after a few outs together he realized you had learn about how to communicate with him without falling for his quirk. He suspected your common friend taught you how, after noticing the way Shinso went quiet around you not to set you up by accident.
💜 Shinsou in love who made his best to keep his face from showing what finally being able to have silly, random conversations with you did to him.
💜 Shinsou in love whose number you got from the group chat and you messaged once to send him a video you talked about to him during lunch.
💜 Shinsou in love who, despite himself, since then tried to come up with endless excuses to keep texting you in your private chat.
💜 Shinsou in love who at last found himself staring at his ceiling at three in the morning on a random thursday, his phone screen lighting up the dark of his room. He had realized what he felt for you was beyond a crush after he caught himself rereading for the third time the texts you two had been sending to each other until late hours of the night, when it became too hard for you to stay up and you had to apologize to go to bed.
💜 Shinsou in love who felt his chest hurt, laying on his bed and covering his eyes with both hands, trying to think how to get himself out of this mess. What hunted him the most was the fact that you were as nice and dedicated to everyone as you were to him. It was quite obvious to him that you just saw him as a friend.
💜 Shinsou in love that couldn’t think of confessing without feeling like he was overstepping and putting you into an awkward position.
💜 Shinsou in love who tried once again to swallow his feelings but started to feel suffocated by them.
💜 Shinsou in love who never expected to be this kind of a coward.
💜 Shinsou in love who stood up, turned his nightlight on and grabbed pen and paper, and told himself to just ‘get it over with’.
💜 Shinsou in love who wrote his confession in the form of an apology and put it on his pocket. He told himself he had one week to give this to you because if he kept delaying this whole deal there was no way his feelings wouldn’t eventually mess with your friendship.
💜 Shinsou in love who gave you the letter feeling like an idiot one night outside of a restaurant after having dinner with your group of friends. As he handed it over, he told you that if you decided not to bring up the letter after that night he would know what it meant, and would do his best not to ever mention it again either.
💜 Shinsou in love who got startled when you suddenly jumped to hug him without even looking at the letter. You knew exactly what it said without reading it because of the way he avoided your eyes while he handed it to you, and because you felt exactly the same way.
💜 Shinsou in love who after his initial shock hugged you back and buried his nose on your neck.
💜 Shinsou in love who got just a tiny bit emotional about it but will forever deny it.
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love-fictional-ppl · 2 months
xoxoxooxox thank you sm if you do xoxooxox
Omgg yesss I love stoner bakusquad. Tyy for the request loveeee
.·:*¨¨*:·. 𖣁 .·:*¨¨*:·.
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Part 2 of this
Summary: reader and quirkless au!Bakusquad are stoners
Pairings: platonic!katsuki bakugou x gn!bisexual!reader, platonic!Eijiro Kirishima x gn!bi!reader, platonic!pan!Denki Kaminari x gn!bi!reader, platonic!plug!hanta sero x gn!bi!reader, platonic!bi!mina ashido x gn!bi!reader, Eijiro Kirishima x bi!mina ashido, past!Hanta sero x bi!mina ashido, pan!Denki Kaminari x bi!plug!hitoshi Shinso
Warnings: language, Marijuana duh, vaping, alcohol, making out, shrooms, OF, masturbation, etc.
A/n: I was personally geeked writing part 1, so I forgot to actually include the vaping part lol. If you don’t know who Harold and kumar are, watch the movies.
Ok so to start off, Sero’s day/night Job is deejaying. He’s actually really good at it. A lot of people would think this job would go to Denki but nope.
Speaking of Denki, he actually is a streamer. He reacts to people’s videos and plays horror games. He plays a lot of Roblox too.
Bakugou likes Sam & Colby. He’s liked them since trap boys. Honestly his favorite trap boy is Corey tho.
When Mina drinks she gets the spins really bad and throws up. Every single time. Without hesitation.
Denki cries sometimes when he’s drunk.
Kirishima greened out at the first smoke sesh.
Mina is seriously super horny when she messed up. She even convinced bakugou to make out with her while he was super stoned
Denki started vaping when you guys were in sophomore year, he eventually put u all on.
Bakugou had to bail Sero out of jail once, Sero was pulled over while he was making a delivery
Mina makes Kirishima take her to concerts, he trip sits her while she takes shrooms
Sero likes to watch cartoon network and adult swim when he’s stoned
Eventually, Shinso and Denki get together. You all excepted Shinso practically immediately, and invited him to the smoke seshs
Mina buys pink joint papers. The guys hate when she rolls up with them, except for Denki he loves them<3
Mina has an only fans. She isn’t embarrassed by it either. Denki has also watched her videos while jerking off
During smoke sesh’s you guys like to watch South Park. Sero likes to laugh and compare bakugou to cartman.
Sero has a unhealthy amount of bongs
Kirishima is the designated driver for after the hangouts. Whoever doesn’t just sleepover, he gives a ride.
Kirishima always makes a crap ton of snack when him and Mina host. Mina doesn’t like hosting tho.
Depending on how high bakugou is, he will let you play with his hair. It’s actually so soft.
Denki and Sero almost got kidnapped by Sero’s plug one time. It was Denki’s fault, he tried to still the guy’s knife.
Sero loves Shinso’s cat especially when he’s stoned he says he’s the group scooby doo. Shinso is forced to bring muffins(the cat) every time
Shinso also sells weed so Sero claims they’re competitors
Denki is so girly with his vapes it’s funny. Like this boy will kill for a minty Hyde. He also always has to tear apart his bed just to find the shit.
I think everybody agree and say bakugou and kirishima drink whiskey. Grown ahh ahh men💀
Bakugou literally will catnap when he is baked. He likes to sleep with his head on your thighs
Kirishima always brings blunt wraps since you and Denki always forgets to buy them. Baby boy kiri is a angel🥹😇
Reach in Sero’s couch cushions and you will find a kingdom of lighters
Denki says him and Sero are Harold And Kumar. Denki and you love those movies.
Sero’s kitchen is stocked on all your favorite foods and drinks.
Not Proofread!
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ghostsy · 2 years
A Spotted Mind
WARNINGS: yandere, abuse of power, possessiveness, nsfw, smut, non-consensual implications, implied kidnapping
A/N: i'm not sure how i feel about this, but it took me longer than it should've, so i'm posting it. ^^
read at your own discretion.
“I don’t understand.”
“Look, I know it isn’t exactly fair, but–”
“No. I mean, I don’t understand.” Calloused hands ran through purple locks, pulling, tugging, anything to alleviate the building frustration. 
“Years. Years risking my life, years saving lives, years doing everything a hero is supposed to fucking do.” There was a humourless laugh cutting through the words.
This couldn’t be fucking happening. He started pacing, hands unsure, clenching and unclenching their fists, rubbing down his face.
“And where does that get me? Back in elementary school apparently, where everyone’s scared of the freak with the villain’s quirk.” His eyes hardened, flashing with memories he thought he’d long buried, fears he had long killed. 
“Stop.” His former mentor’s voice, monotonous as ever, made him pause; he turned to meet his eyes–well eye and eye patch. “Those are the terms, like it or not. And while I, personally, err on the side of not, that won’t get us anywhere.”
“So what? I don’t have any choice? Let the Hero Commission fuck about with my life all they want, or give up my hero license? You can’t be serious.”
The black haired man sighed, “Things are a little different than in my day, kid. Even underground heroes have to appeal to the public now–”
He scoffed, “I’d hardly say I’m the most unlikeable hero. Or did they happen to forget the guy who explodes buildings and yells at reporters like it’s a sport? Oh, but he’s number two, and makes tween girls wet, so fuck me, I guess.”
“You can sit here throwing a pity party for yourself, if that’s what you want. But you have a choice to make: give up the dream you’ve worked so hard to achieve, the dream you’ve bled for, the dream people have died for…” Uncrossing his arms, his mentor pushed off the wall.
“Or,” He headed for the door, hand catching on the frame, “Go to therapy.” 
He paused, turning; a sly smile played at his lips, “Who knows, you might actually like it.”
. ♡ .
“Nice to meet you! No…Nice to meet you! Ugh, that’s worse. I feel like I’m going to throw up.”
She huffed out a sigh, smoothing over her pencil skirt in the floor length mirror, and shook the nerves from her body. She squared her face into a serious expression, reaching a hand towards her reflection.
“Nice to meet you, Mr…” Her hand hung mid air, eyes searching the ceiling for an answer before she groaned, smacking a hand over her face. “What am I even supposed to call him? His hero name? Or…is that too impersonal?” 
She started pacing, “No. You don’t know him, you aren’t friends.” Her hands rubbed at her face, “But this is supposed to be a comfortable environment.” 
She didn’t hear the knock at her door as she muttered to herself, “Hero name or real name. Hero name or real name…eenie meenie–”
“Uhh, am I interrupting something?”
She yelped, jumping a bit in her skin, before scrambling to contain herself.
“Ah! Hello!” She cleared her throat in an attempt to rid herself of the squeakiness, “Hello, it’s nice to meet you, Mr–” She tripped over the plush chair in front of her on her way to greet him, only to be caught by toned arms instead of old leather.
He helped her up as she dusted herself off, flustered, and embarrassed. Looking into lilac eyes, she found indifference and annoyance. How should she deal with this?
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. That was incredibly unprofessional.” She sighed, introducing herself, “How would you like me to address you?”
He gave her his name, “I’m not exactly a working hero right now, anyway.” His face twisted in irritation, and she made a mental note, painting a pleasant smile on her lips.
“The Hero Commission informed me of your situation. I promise, spend the next six months with me, and I’ll send you home with a stamp of approval, and then you can get right back to saving lives.” She giggled a bit, reaching a hand to her face like a schoolgirl sharing a secret, “But, between you and me, I think this is complete bullshit.”
His eyes widened a fraction in surprise, softening a bit, and she fist pumped in her mind. Nailed it!
“In any case, we should get started. Sit, please.” She gestured to the couch across from them, and he took a seat. She cleared her throat as she sat herself in her chair, “I assume you know why you’re here with me today?”
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah.”
A beat. Nope, okay, that’s all she was getting right now. Time to change tactics.
“You know, since we’re going to be spending a lot of time together these next few months, it might be best to get to know each other a bit before diving in head first. Is there anything you’d like to ask me?”
His eyes scanned her, analyzing, sizing her up, “You look a little young to be a therapist.”
Internally she sighed, she was expecting that one, “I’m twenty-four, so you’re technically correct. However, I assure you, I am more than qualified.”
He scoffed a bit, “What, am I your first client or something?”
“As someone who has worked as a hero since age fifteen, I’m sure you understand that there is no age requirement to start helping people.” She supposed it was her fault for opening this door in the first place.
He huffed, rolling his eyes, “Whatever you say, doc.”
Well, that was annoying. She sighed, No, she could do this.
“Do you know why the Hero Commission sent you to me?”
“Like I said, I–”
“No.” She kept the pleasant smile on her face. No time like the present, she supposed, “I mean, why they sent you to me.”
He was growing agitated, she could tell, “No.”
“Well, I may know a thing or two about having a villainous quirk.”
. ♡ .
So she could read minds. Big deal. He kicked a stray rock along the sidewalk as he walked home. He huffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. That was hardly villainous. It’s not like she could do anything with that. He could mind control, for fuck’s sake.
But, he paused, he supposed he could see her point. He’d spent a good part of their hour and a half session on edge, wondering if she had looked into his mind, violated his privacy.
She had given him a sheepish smile, and assured him she wouldn’t use her quirk without his permission. To which he became even more suspicious. If she wasn’t reading his mind, how did she know what he was thinking?
“How do I know what you’re thinking if I’m not reading your mind, right?” She’d giggled. He had had half a mind to walk out right there.
“Believe it or not, you’re an incredibly easy person to read. Your emotions are written all over your face.”
Well, fuck you too, then. No one on the planet had ever told him that. In fact, he took pride in the monotonous, uncaring mask he’d perfected over the years.
“Oh, please don’t take offense,” She fiddled with her fingers before looking back up at him, “it’s…a side effect. Of my quirk. I can’t really turn that part off–the…understanding people part.”
She was an endearing little thing, he’d give her that. “S’fine.” He’d avoided her gaze in part embarrassment, and part annoyance. No. He wasn’t supposed to like her. This whole thing was happening against his will.
He huffed out a sigh, eyes following the setting sun. Six months. Six months, and he’d be free. He could do that. But he’d be damned if he enjoyed it.
. ♡ .
She laughed, almost doubling over when she met his dull eyes, “I’m serious!”
“You’re just trying to one up me right now; there’s no way you got expelled for using your quirk,” He scoffed.
“I did!” She stifled her laughter to explain, “Granted, I’d read the teacher’s mind to get answers to a test, so it wasn’t completely unwarranted.”
He quirked an eyebrow, and she knew she was being judged, “In my defense, I was like twelve, and terrible at algebra.”
He remained unimpressed, “So you cheated,” he crossed his arms, “How did they even know you used it?”
“Well, I have to make eye contact, you know,” He nodded as she explained, “So, it’s not exactly discreet, but–”
“Okay, but if you’re in someone’s mind, how would they know that?”
“Let me finish! So, I’m flipping through Mrs. Kamakura’s mind, and–”
“Mhmm! People’s minds are like…storybooks. You get little flashes of images as you–sort of think of it as–as you’re flipping the page,” She paused, “Wait, you don’t get that?”
“What the fuck? No, IMAX, I don’t get that. It’s like…” He trailed off, eyes searching for the explanation, “It’s like once I’ve got them, I’m holding a leash, and wherever I guide, they follow. There’s no image, just a feeling of…control.”
She blinked, and he nearly cursed himself for freaking her out, only to be met with the sound of laughter, “Wait, wait, so–oh my god–that’s like, you gotta know that sounds kinky as fuck, right?”
He felt his face heat, and while he knew he should be disgusted, he let his mind flash with an image: he had to admit, she’d look good like that, at his feet, eyes wide, thighs pressed together in anticipation of what he’d make her do next—thank god she was too much of a goody two shoes to look inside. 
He squared his face back to neutral, “I could have your license revoked for that, you know.”
She settled, a warm smile at her lips as she shrugged, “You’re more than welcome to take your complaints up with the Hero Commission, but I can’t guarantee your next therapist will be nearly as fun as me.”
He rolled his eyes, fighting back a smile, “You’re hardly a therapist.”
“Oh my god,” She gasped mockingly, “You are so rude! No wonder you got stuck with me.”
He laughed, and as he caught sight of the twinkle in her eyes, a feeling he couldn’t quite place bubbled in his chest.
. ♡ .
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Look, I know it’s not exactly a pleasant memory, but–”
“I said, I don’t want to talk about it.” He crossed his arms, avoiding her gaze.
She sighed out his name, “You’ve been coming to see me for a few weeks now, and we have yet to even talk about the reason you’re here in the first place.” She really did like talking casually with him, but she had a job to do, never mind how he huffed at her like a petulant child.
“You’re the one who said that reason is bullshit, so I don’t know why you’re pressing the issue.” 
Yep. She knew that would come back to bite her. 
“Just because it’s bullshit doesn’t mean it has no consequences,” She was trying so hard to stay the good guy; she finally felt like he’d started to trust her, “I understand what it’s like to–”
“You don’t understand anything. So you got kicked out of school when you were twelve for cheating on a test,” He scoffed, “Do you have any idea what it’s like to have the people you’re trying to help look at you like you’re a—like you’re a fucking monster?”
She opened her mouth to respond, but he cut her off.
“No, you don’t,” His eyebrows knit together in frustration, “I’m out there trying to save the lives of people who hate me while you’re in here making small talk with whoever’s unlucky enough to pass through your door. It’s not the same thing.”
There was a beat of silence, and something twisted in his chest when he caught a glimpse of the kicked puppy look that crossed her face. Before he could apologize she began speaking. 
She rolled her lip between her teeth, sighing, “You know, you’re the first hero client I’ve ever had.” He opened his mouth to respond, but she wasn’t finished, “I mean, technically, you were right, I haven’t really had clients before, either.”
His brow furrowed in confusion, “Then, what–”
“I told you I was expelled from school when I was twelve, but I never told you that that was the last school I ever went to,” A melancholy look glazed over her eyes, “Somewhere along the line, don’t ask me how, the Hero Commission was informed of my quirk–apparently mind reading is rarer than you think.”
She started to fiddle and pull at her fingers as she avoided his gaze, “I spent the next six years in special schooling, before interrogating captured villains for the Hero Commission,” A humourous laugh left her, “my parents were just so excited at the prospect of their little girl being some type of hero.”
“But, you know,” Her voice started to shake, “When you’re invading someone’s mind, stealing their thoughts, no matter how many bad things they’ve done, no matter how villainous they claim to be,” she swallowed the unshed tears, eyes hardening, “When they fight, and claw, and beg for you to just please, get out of their head, you don’t feel like anyone’s hero.”
He knew the feeling well, and as he listened, he found a sort of familiarity in her words. Had anyone been able to put his thoughts into words before?
She smiled a bitter smile, “So, yeah, I know what it’s like to be looked at like a…fucking monster.”
He swallowed, hating the break in her voice. “I didn’t know that.”
She cleared her throat, “As the years went by, I wasn’t just interrogating villains, I was talking to them, helping them,” Her eyes shifted, “They’re people too, you know. They deserve a chance just like the rest of us–to change.”
That bubbling feeling in his chest started to boil. He decided he kind of liked it. The warmth of it. Of her.
She huffed out another laugh, “So imagine my surprise when the Hero Commission came to me with a new challenge. Not a villain. But a hero. A hero to help.” She finally met his gaze, “You.”
. ♡ .
She tossed a few newspaper articles on the glass table in between them, gesturing for him to sort through them. He rolled his eyes, reluctantly obliging.
“Well?” She asked earnestly.
He quirked a brow, lifting his gaze to meet hers, “Well?”
“How do those articles make you feel?”
He scoffed, “Oh, fuck off.”
She laughed lightly, “I’m serious. Come on, tell me. How do they make you feel?”
“You know, for a fake therapist, you’re awfully stereotypical.”
“Now you fuck off, I’m not a fake therapist,” Her lips pulled into a crooked grin, “You know, if you don’t wanna talk about it, I could always take a peek? Would just take a second.” Her smile turned mischievous.
He hated the way his chest warmed, a smile pulling at his lips, “What, you spill your deep dark secrets to me, and it only takes two months to start threatening me?”
“I’m not threatening you.” 
The singsong in her voice made him want to take her over his knee. Brat. Wait. Fuck–he really needed to stop thinking of her like that. But he couldn’t help the way his cheeks heated as he imagined it.
Ass on full display, glowing red. Hands numb as he trapped them in one of his own while she cried. Her hair sticking to her face with the wetness, begging for his forgiveness. He’d give it to her, of course he would. But, he’d tell her, stroking the dome of his canvas, she needed to earn it first.
He shook himself from his thoughts and rolled his eyes playfully, turning back to the articles.
and another few with his hero name plastered at the top,
“I feel like these are complete bullshit.”
She looked unimpressed, “Bullshit is not a feeling.”
He searched her eyes for mercy, and found none, “Fine,” he groaned, “I feel angry. I feel like no matter what I do, I just can’t fucking win; I’m always the bad guy, like this one–”
He pulled up the second article, “Unsuspecting civilians?” He scoffed, “I was responding to a domestic violence call, sue me for telling a guy to stop beating his wife.”
“And this one,” He pulled out another, “What, villain in disguise? Just cause the paparazzi got a picture of me half awake at four in the goddamn morning, and I had the audacity to look annoyed?”
He went on, listing the problems with each and every one, before sighing. “I just don’t understand. Tabloids print stupid rumours about heroes all the time, but because of my quirk, everyone thinks they somehow must be true?” 
He was getting heated, hands becoming animated as he spoke, “What? I make one real mistake, and I’m suddenly like some burnt out celebrity who gets sent to rehab, so that they can get back in society’s good graces. It’s…bullshit.”
“You know,” He laughed a bit in disbelief, “I don’t give a shit if you’re a fake therapist or not, I’m telling you this in confidence, okay?” He looked up at her.
Startled a bit at the abrupt pause, her eyebrows raised, but she nodded quickly in affirmation, gesturing for him to continue.
“It’s almost like they want me to be a villain,” he huffed, hands pulling at his hair, “And…and sometimes…sometimes I feel like…maybe I’d be better off as one.”
His eyes shifted, “No,” searching desperately for the words, “That’s not true,” he sighed, hands rubbing at his face.
“For once,” he lifted his gaze, “Just for once, I’d like to be someone’s hero,” his eyes seemed to burn so intensely into hers that she had to remind herself to breathe.
“I want someone to look at me and think, that’s my hero.”
. ♡ .
She fiddled with her fingers as she stood in front of the boardroom, willing herself not to rock back and forth on her heels. Her eyes scanned the room, searching the faces for any discernible shifts in emotion.
“And you’re positive?” One of the men finally spoke, “It’s only been four months–the agreement was six.”
She opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by another, scratchier voice.
“You’re kidding, right?” He scoffed, “four months of chitchat, and you’re ready to send him back into the field?”
Someone else cleared their throat, “I’m inclined to agree–the severity of the situation demands more promising results than simply your word.”
She nodded, and, at the ensuing silence, realized that was her cue, “Ah! Yes, well. I really do think we’ve made progress. Of course, I’m willing to wait two more months, but–”
“But he has some of the best capture numbers on the Hero Billboard,” The man at the head of the table interrupted, “It’s in our best interest to get him back to work as soon as possible. If you’re sure we can assure the public of the anomaly of the matter–”
“She hasn’t even used her quirk,” The man with the scratchy voice interrupted, “At least give us that assurance,” He scoffed, “The man publicly dismembered a villain on national television.”
“With all do respect, sir, he didn’t dismember anyone,” She interjected, letting her annoyance get the better of her for a moment before containing herself, “While I agree the reaction was extreme–”
“And the fact that children watched as a man ripped his own limbs off.” Another scoffed.
She cleared her throat, “Yes, well,” Her eyes shifted, searching for the answer, “Had he done nothing, none of those children would have lived to see another day–lest we forget the damage those limbs were capable of–he’s a hero, at the end of the day,” She was getting heated again, “He did his job; we should all be grateful.”
There was a beat of silence as the words were absorbed, and the man at the head of the table finally spoke, “I trust your judgment,” Her eyes nearly lit up, but then, “But, I also see the appeal of assurance we can give the public. Look into his mind–the knowledge that this won’t happen again, that he isn’t a threat, will ensure we don’t end up right back here in a few months time.”
She deflated, but regained her composure, swallowing the unease building in her chest, “Yes, sir.”
. ♡ .
“No fucking way.”
“Oh, come on! I just wanna know what it feels like. You’re the only person I’ve met with a quirk even similar to mine–”
“I said, No.”
“How ‘bout we make a deal?” She stamped down the building feelings of guilt–this was the only way to help him, really help him.
He turned the words over in his mind, “What deal?”
Stop it. This is for the best. “You use your quirk on me, just like I asked.”
His eyes dulled, “I’m not seeing the deal part of this arrangement.”
“Hear me out,” There was a thrumming of anxiety in her chest, “You use your quirk on me, and to make it fair, I use mine on you. That way we’re both equally culpable.”
There was a beat of silence before he snorted, “Never knew you were such a pervert, doc.”
Her face heated, and she tripped over her words, “That’s not what I mean!” She huffed, collecting herself, “You don’t want to use your quirk on me, and I don’t want to use my quirk on you–this way, we both have to do something we don’t want.”
“Who says I want you in my mind, pervert?” His eyes narrowed playfully.
“Stop calling me that, or I swear I’ll make sure you’re stuck with me ‘till you die.”
“Would that be so terrible?” He surprised himself with the words, but the way her cheeks heated soothed his own embarrassment. Fine, he figured, he’d give her a bone. “Alright, alright, don’t blow a gasket, deal.”
“Really?” She nearly sighed from relief, but then he continued.
“But” He told her, “You better stay surface level, I don’t need you seeing all that dark shit in my brain.”
It was her turn to narrow her eyes, scanning him for a moment, before deciding, “...Do you look at foot fetish por–”
“Okay!” He interrupted, flustered, “ Deal’s off.”
“Nooo!” She whined, “I take it back, I was kidding, please.”
She paused a moment, “You know, you shouldn’t be ashamed, everyone has their own ki–”
“I swear to God, I’ll use my quirk on you just to get you to shut the fuck up.”
She hummed, content, “Lovely,” She gestured for him to continue, “take it away.”
He rolled his eyes, “I have to ask you a question, what are you, stupid?”
“Hey–!” And she was gone.
He found himself staring into blank pupils, and missing the color. Though, he couldn’t help the giddiness that bubbled in his chest of having her under his control. Fuck. He knew he shouldn’t have done this. She was wrong–he enjoyed the fantasy of this moment far too much–it was her fault for pressing the issue in the first place.
He shook himself from his thoughts, opting to scan across her body. How easy it would be. He thought. She wouldn’t even remember. He could be buried balls deep inside her, ruin her, and she’d be none the wiser. But, he sighed, he’d really rather her a conscious participant.
He glanced down at the table where a glass of water sat in front of her. She’d be so pissed. But, he’d be able to see her tits through her ruined white blouse without committing a felony. Yeah, that would do just fine.
“Pick up that glass of water.” She obeyed. “Pour it over yourself.” She did. Well, fuck. He knew he’d enjoy the view, but felt embarrassed at the growing tightness in his pants.
I mean, he hadn’t let her go just yet–he could alleviate himself–No. He told himself. He promised he’d behave. He waited a little while for the bulge in his pants to die down before releasing her.
“Wha–” She groaned, but it fell to a whine when she felt the wetness on her chest, “Are you kidding me? You are such an asshole!” 
He huffed out a laugh as she lamented the ruined shirt, “Hey, you made your bed–I told you I didn’t want to do it.”
“Fuck you,” she said, stamping, and twisting at the shirt with her hands, “You owe me a new shirt.”
He shrugged, “Your turn, doc,” He paused, would she see those dirty thoughts of his? “Surface level, okay? Surface level.”
She nodded, smiling a bit when he handed her his jacket–-only for her to use it as a towel, wiping at her shirt. He really couldn’t win, could he?
“It’ll be easier to do that if you relax,” She adjusted herself in her seat, meeting his eyes, “That way, no stray thoughts pop up in your brain that you don’t want me to see. Otherwise, I won’t be able to control what I find.”
He wondered if she was aware of his thoughts already, but a look in her eyes, and he found nothing but earnest innocence, trust. He sighed internally, the shit he’d do for her. 
“Fire away, doc.”
It was always a bit strange at first. Storybook analogy aside, everyone’s mind formulated its thoughts a bit differently, and each time she’d have to navigate a different type of maze. She made a point to look only for what she came for, no matter how curious she became. But, as she sorted through his mind, she couldn’t find any truly villainous thoughts.
She sighed internally; she was right. The Hero Commission was wrong. And now, she could give him what he’s wanted these past few months, and send him on his way. Though, she found herself a bit disappointed she wouldn’t be seeing him around anymore. No, she shook herself from her thoughts, Don’t be selfish.
Nothing out of the ordinary; she should leave before things became more complicated, and as if the universe could read her mind, she was met with a flood of thoughts.
He watched as she sat across from him, eyes boring into his, mind elsewhere–well mind inside his. Think normal thoughts, he repeated, think normal thoughts. His eyes caught sight of the sheer fabric sticking to her skin, and he felt himself slip.
There was a flash of him bent over a woman on a desk, her desk–was that her? Her wrists caught in a deadlock by his hand as he rammed into her. She was crying out for him, back arched, ass pressing into the hips that slammed against her. Fuck me. His other hand wound around her hair, yanking her head up to look at him. Fuck me! Kissing up her neck, his teeth left bruises in their wake. 
Love me. Sweat dripped down from his brow, and he licked up her cheek, biting at her earlobe. Love me! He took her jaw in his fingers, turning her face to kiss her–she was sure that was her now. Spit glossed their lips as he pulled back, rutting into her in a way that had pornographic whines forced from her throat, drool coating her chin, and staining the desk below them. Her face heated, and she scrambled to leave his mind before finding something newer, something more disturbing. 
Oh my god, she thought. Was he walking her on a fucking leash? No. Don’t kinkshame. That’s fine–
Yes, Master. The woman, this abomination that was her, purred. Whatever you want, Master. 
He watched her face as she knelt below him. Fingers running down between her tresses and pulling, letting her whine, and squeal, choking as he guided her bloated lips up and down and up and down his cock. Come on, He told her, Beg me, a sharp smile, canines dripping, Beg me to let you breathe. Her tears wet the purple tuft at his v-line, lips stained with precum, eyes shiny and wide, looking up at him as she tried not to spasm from the bulge shoved halfway down her throat. Searching for approval.
It’s just a thought he can’t–
They were on a bed. She was crying–his hands around her throat, fingers curled into the collar secured tightly around her neck–as he fucked into her. Her eyes crossed, tongue hanging from her mouth as her tits rocked from the force. Sweat dripped from his abs to where her legs were spread by his hips. He mouthed at her tits, pulling a nipple between his teeth while he took the other breast in his hand, kneading, squeezing. She was squealing. Please, sir. That didn’t sound like her. Can I cum?
Her hands reached up to tug at his locks, but he forced them into the mattress, fingers intertwining with her own. He snorted, You cum when I say you can, pet. She whined as his hips sped their motions, moaning, and turning, trying and failing to pull her hands from beneath his grip.
Please, Master, can I cum Master? I’ll be good. I promise I’ll be good, Master. That god forsaken collar tethered her to the bed like a glorified sex doll–little bell jingling each time he thrust into her. He laughed, and she couldn’t help the chill in her bones. Who do you belong to, huh? His breath ragged from exertion, Tell your Master who you belong to.
What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.
She forced herself out of his mind, heart threatening to break out of her chest.
He looked startled as she came to, and she willed her breathing to slow, swallowing the nerves screaming at her inside her mind. She couldn’t read the emotion that crossed his face, but his eyebrows raised as he waited for her to say something.
She let out a shaky breath, forcing out a laugh, “So,” She swallowed, “Kind of disappointed I didn’t find that foot fet–”
He snorted, “Fuck off,” She followed, but the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
. ♡ .
“So, that’s it?”
“There’s already a message out to the press,” His mentor told him, “You’re off the hook as soon as it airs.”
“But it’s only been four months?” This didn’t make sense, “What happened?”
“Must have made quite the impression on your therapist,” The older man snorted, “She went right to the Hero Commission, gave them a full clean bill of mental health.”
He knew he should be happy, but there was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind. “Can I talk to her?”
The man shrugged, “Don’t see why not, though,” A yawn cut through the words, “heard the Commission’s transferring her–something about the branch in America.”
His heart fell through his chest. She was leaving him without so much as a goodbye? Scratch that. She was leaving him.
“I at least owe her my thanks,” He sighed, eyes hardening in determination, “Let me meet with the Commission."
. ♡ .
She was dodging his calls. A part of her felt badly for her trepidation; he was attracted to her, so what? He was an attractive man. Even she had the stray thought now and then. She’d seen so much worse in the minds of villains, some things that still gave her nightmares. He’s a guy; of course he’s gonna be thinking about sex.
But there was a nagging feeling in the back of her head. She’d been in so many minds, his wasn’t any different. Except it was. 
“It’s like once I’ve got them, I’m holding a leash, and wherever I guide, they follow. There’s no image, just a feeling of…control.”
That was it. He’d enjoyed it in his thoughts. She knew it. A palpable feeling in the atmosphere of his mind, drunk on the idea of controlling her. 
She’d joked about his kinks, about sex. Maybe a bit unprofessional, in retrospect. But she was trying to lighten the mood. He was her patient, and she was there to help him, to get him to open up. Sue her for trying to be personable.
But it wasn’t just controlling her in the bedroom, where he imagined her beneath him, kneeling at his feet in reverence, like he was–
Like he was her hero. She realized. 
“I want someone to look at me and think, that’s my hero.”
That’s what he had said. She thought it endearing at first, convinced he had more than earned his freedom, but…the way he looked at her,
“You better stay surface level, I don’t need you seeing all that dark shit in my brain.”
There was something darker. Something lurking under the surface. She couldn’t quite place it, losing herself in her thoughts. As she racked her brain for the answer, she didn’t hear the knock at the door.
“Am I interrupting something?”
She jumped, yelping as she turned to catch sight of the purple haired man standing too casually, too comfortably, in her doorway.
“Ah! Oh my god,” She cleared her throat of its squeakiness. She didn’t want to seem vulnerable. “You scared me.”
She stood, not so much to greet him, but in an effort to feel more secure. “Can I ask how you got my address?” She forced a laugh to lighten the atmosphere, “What, you stalking me or something?”
He shrugged, pushing the door closed as he made his way over to her, “Perks of being a working hero,” He paused as he neared her, “Thanks to you.”
Yeah. Way to go. She really tried not to back away as a hand came to brush at her hair, but her feet moved on their own. A look of hurt passed lilac eyes before settling on annoyance. Wow. You nailed it. Shut up.
He cleared his throat, “Heard you were leaving,” He studied her as her fingers started pulling at each other. Not a question. Good. Wait–why was she thinking about that?
“Yeah,” She thought she might rip off one of her fingers with the tension, “They’re opening a new rehabilitation program in–”
“You didn’t say goodbye.” He stepped closer. You know him. Stop freaking out.
“Yes, well, I’m s–” She stepped backward. 
“You know,” His eyes flickered to where her hands fidgeted, “You do that when you’re nervous.” A step forward.
“I’m not–” Another step backward.
He sighed, “I told you to stay surface level.” His eyes shifted, and he huffed, “If you’d just stayed surface level,” Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
She forced a laugh, “I don’t know what you’re–”
“Cut that out.”
She sighed, “I’m sorry,” Maybe he was just angry at her for violating his privacy. That must be it. “That was wrong of me. I understand if–”
“Honestly, did me a favor,” He huffed out a laugh. What. “Don’t know if I’d ever have had the guts in the first place,” Oh. Was this a confession?
She breathed out his name, “Everyone has feelings,” This was fine. Deescalation. This would work. “And you can’t control all your thoughts. Maybe we should start over.”
He looked at her a moment, eyes widening a fraction before softening. “I was hoping you’d say that.” Almost out of the woods. “Would’ve hated for it to go the other way.” The other way?
“The other way?” It tumbled from her mouth before she could stop it.
He shook his head, “Nevermind,” He looked around, “I’ll help you unpack.” What?
“Unpack?” She felt like a goddamn parrot at this point.
“Well, yeah,” He said it as if it were obvious, “Can’t start over if you’re halfway across the world.”
He was being purposely obtuse, right? This was a joke?
She laughed, but his face remained neutral. She cleared her throat, Professional. Be Professional. “While I appreciate the humour, there are people who need my help in Am–”
“You know, The Hero Commission are fucking terrified of me,” he said, eyes hardening, as if gathering resolve. Where was this going?
“Should’ve realized sooner,” His eyes were cutting into hers, “They’d do just about anything to keep up their image.” He stepped forward again.
“Do anything to keep from another incident,” Her back hit the wall. This was wrong. Everything was wrong.
“You said it yourself, I’m not a villain,” Something shifted, and she saw a glimpse of the kind man she’d come to know these past months. He was gone the next second, “I’d really hate it if you made me a villain.”
“Listen, I’m not sure what–”
“Let’s make a deal,” He smirked, “You use your quirk on me, and to make it fair, I use mine on you. That way we’re both equally culpable.”
“I don’t want to–”
“You don’t want to use your quirk on me, and I don’t want to use my quirk on you–this way, we both have to do something we don’t want.”
He was using her own goddamn words against her.
“You go first,” He brought his face to her level, hand pressed to the wall above her, “C’mon, fire away, doc.” She whimpered, She tried to rationalize the situation in her mind. She knew this man. Didn’t she? 
Stall, and you’ll figure a way out. Maybe she could find something useful in his mind.
She nodded, swallowing. She shook her nerves, feeling drowned by the lilac eyes in front of her. It wasn’t like the last time she’d been inside. Everything he’d been keeping under the surface bubbled up, overwhelming all her senses. It was suffocating. It was fucking terrifying.
She didn’t like this. She didn’t understand this. What the fuck was she seeing?
“Hey,” His other hand took her jaw between his fingers, eyes inside his mind, but ears open, “How does it feel, huh?” His lips were brushing hers.
“How does it feel to be able to see every single thing I’m gonna do to you, and not be able to do a damn thing about it?”
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