beanghostprincess · 1 month
Concerned, worried, sad, confused, stressed, average reaction ! 👍🏻
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Frightened, terrified, will never sleep properly again, anxious, depressed, about to die, Usopp slipping through his fingers, trying to reach out, heart breaking into a million pieces, understanding, seeing himself in Usopp, about to have the worst panic attack, restless, not normal or average reaction, insane-
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
all my wishes • portgas d. ace
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synopsis: a lost bet, two rambunctious firefighters and an unforgettable birthday full of surprises all transpire when you decide to give your boss the ultimate gift!
content + themes: firefighter ace + reader (black coded but no heavy descriptors), fluff to smut, LOTS of humor, alcohol use, food play, finger sucking, reader spoiling ace, nipple play, so many themes bc they are whores (they talk so dirty to each other 😫) squirting, daddy’s used, spit kink, sweet ending
word count: 7.7K
📝: this started out as a small lil’ drabble but then I remembered that my baby’s birthday was LITERALLY today so I started another insane piece with my other hyperfixation and the #2 ship in the Cherry Cinematic Universe™. I hope y’all enjoy them as much as I do! 🫶🏾 (also, this is coming late becatse when I set my mind to getting something done, it will be done. I don’t give a damn how long it takes and this may the last big piece I get to write for a while so I’m enjoying it!)
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding!”
“But (y/nnnnn)! You promised! C’mon, you lost so you have to do it. You can’t go back on your word.”
“No, Luffy! Matter of fact, hell no! You know I never would’ve agreed if this was what you were going to pull. I can’t believe you set me up like this..”
The dining table set in the center of company eight’s firehouse had become the scene where quite the interesting debate was transpiring. What began as a normal conversation had quickly escalated to quite the debacle. In about a week or so, a member of your small yet close knit crew would be celebrating a very important occasion..one that everyone was looking to make absolutely unforgettable..everyone except you that was!
“But it’ll mean a lot to him. Especially if it’s from you, I mean you’re practically his wife—“ “take it back and don’t ever say something like that ever again.”
shooting him quite the menacing glare with your arms folded over your chest. Luffy was the younger brother to the vice fire chief and your secret not-so-secret fling, Portgas D. Ace, affectionately known as Ace around the community. That shaggy black top and dotted freckles splattered across his devilishly handsome face that had captivated the heart of any woman who’d been so lucky to be graced with that heartwarming smile. However, that suave charm and boyish features didn’t sway you one bit. At least that’s what you let on to everyone else. See, just like your coworkers, his baby brother was no stranger to the proverbial game of cat and mouse the two of you had been engaged in. There were many times where he’d find himself crashing at his brother’s apartment and find himself on the receiving end of your conversations. Late night calls and visits because you obviously couldn’t get enough of each other. Contacting him under the guise of fighting only to end up settling matters in a different and much more salacious way. Not to mention, in your absence, Ace had spoken quite fondly of you to both Luffy and your own adoptive brother, Usopp. Talking about how insane yet entertaining you were..which was the sole reason for this whole ordeal! See, during a routine training session, Luffy had stopped by to watch on his day off and it was during this time, he spotted an exercise that tickled his fancy..it was whilst he was there, he divulged the idea to both Zoro and Sanji about giving his big brother a surprise birthday party but as everyone knew, Ace wasn’t too particularly keen on celebrating such an occasion. Hell, even the fire chief, ‘Smoker’ and his fellow fire college graduate and good friend Marco were in on the gig. Sure, he made the firehouse lively on a daily basis and when it was time to turn up for any other event, he was the guy you wanted there but when this day came around? He’d ignore it. It was mainly due in part to him never wanting to place emphasis on himself. Ace was selfless in nature and only thought of others. So they hoped that although the two of you had your differences in the past, you’d set them aside for at least one day and grant him the night of his life. But you refused…not only would that arrogant son of a bitch never let you live it down that you did something nice for him but he may not even like it. You’d rather him bring in his special day surrounded by his actual friends. “That’s so fucking stupid!” It was all Luffy could think as he let out a hysterical laugh. Because he knew as well as anyone, Ace wouldn’t want to spend his birthday with anyone other than his precious little rookie! “My brother’s crazy about you, big sis (y/n).” So he placed a nice little wager, unsuspecting to you as he cleaned the truck..
“Let’s see who can do the rope climb and foot race the fastest. If I win, you’ll have to do something for me. And you win, I’ll do whatever you want. Sounds good?!” So with that cheeky grin and precious demeanor, you indulged him. With that, the bet commenced and Luffy challenged you. They knew you were quite the tough nut to crack but if anybody, even with no prior experience, could defeat you..it was Luffy! That hyperactivity and determination proved to be of use. So when he won by only a hair’s breadth, it was a no brainer what he’d choose! Which brought you to this exact moment..
“I don’t know why you’re wasting your breath, Luffy. She’s just going to pitch a fit, pretend she hates him and then have her tongue down his throat later on. It’s no use.”
The snarky comment coming from none other than the foul mouthed, hot headed gym rat of the crew, Zoro. The two of you shared quite the close bond because although he was highly sarcastic, he adored you like that of a sister. Not only that, he was dating your childhood best friend, Janelle. Who was equally yoked with him as a former Marine sergeant and fellow athlete. He’d constantly take jabs at the fact that you tried to wear this tough exterior even though you were a huge softy. “Shut the hell up, Zoro. Like I said, even if I was to plan his party, who’s to say he’d show up or want to be there anyways? You know how he is. C’mon y’all, please don’t make me do this.”
groaning in a loud huff as your head fell back, you’d release a deep sigh as well.
“Trust me, (y/n). I don’t like it anymore than you do..” just then, the resident cook and quintessential pervert, masquerading as a loverboy, Sanji interjected into the conversation. Causing an eye roll and deep groans of ‘here he goes’ “..seeing my beloved sweet with another man? It breaks my heart. But he deserves this. He’s always been so thoughtful of everybody else, never even taking time to deal with his own problems. If it was left up to him, his dumbass would just sleep through the day after drinking his weight in booze. I know you guys have your differences but I don’t think it’d mean more to him if anyone else did this. So please..will you make his birthday special?”
how could you possibly say no when they all looked so damn pathetic?!
“She’s only scared she might actually enjoy herself. I don’t think we need to worry. Even if she says she can’t stand him, (y/n) will never be able to live with herself if she did something half assed. Being an overachiever trumps her being a hater so it’ll be fine.” Scoffing as you donned him with a middle finger. But he wasn’t wrong. Nonetheless, you’d lost the bet fair and square so you had to see it through either way.
“..fine, I’ll do it. But don’t get mad at me when he doesn’t show up. Can’t say I didn’t try.”
it was all they could hope for at this point so they’d leave the daunting task in your capable hands. Little did they know, it was the best idea any of them would have made!
a couple days had elapsed since the dilemma of your boss’ birthday came about and unfortunately, only one remained before his twenty eighth trip around the sun would arrive. Luffy divulged the fact that he probably had a mile long list of things he wanted to do but would never say them out loud. You had been using what little free time you had acquired to research and plan out somewhat of an itinerary to fill his twenty four hours with nothing but enjoyable activities. In your time together, when you weren’t at each other’s throats, you’d learn a few things about him. Including his love for nature. He loved hiking, camping, discovering the unknown which made perfect sense, considering the profession you were in. Ace also had an affinity for dancing so you looked up a few spots that had a more casual atmosphere rather than some stuffy five star establishment. Ace may have had quite the flamboyant personality at times but he didn’t do the pompous waiters and over priced appetizers. So you opted for a Latin fusion lounge instead. Where they’d feature a live DJ and you guys could dance whilst consuming delicious food and drinks. A good compromise, finally, you’d end the evening at a hotel where needless to say, the real fun would begin! You’d also acquire quite the stockpile of gifts. With everything from his favorite cologne to some new Nikes he’d been raving about along with some fishing equipment. Just an assortment of his favorite things. It was obvious that you’d put a lot of time and devotion into this. Although no one could tell if you genuinely wanted to or if this was merely another assignment you’d complete to fruition, they sincerely hoped he liked it all!
“Hey lovebug. Need some help?”
it was around ten pm when you’d finally glare at the corner of your laptop and notice the time. It was New Years Eve and when most would be out celebrating, as always, you and your sisters doubling as roommates were inside..partaking in moderate drinking and cheesy movie viewings. Robin, who’d just entered from her bedroom sporting purple negligee, matching robe as she brandished a wine glass. Such a woman of elegance and always did things with grace. If anyone would know how to put something like this together, it’d be her.
“Hey mama. I’m just trying to finish up this plan. God, who knew doing something for a man would be so exhausting..” which elicited a laugh from her. As you tapped away at your keyboard, navigating your touchscreen with the swipe of a finger, she’d take a seat next to you. “You must really like him.” Quite obviously that was the last thing you wanted to hear! The thought of actually liking Ace beyond a physical level? It made you want to chuck yourself from a window! But the truth was, you had grown fond of him. It just seemed as if everytime you wanted to get closer to him or feel an ounce of something other than pure hatred, he comes in with some snide remark or a low blow. Not to mention, he didn’t exactly strike you as the type to be monogamous and exclusive to one woman. Firefighters were notorious for infidelity and that asshole constantly bragged about his conquests. Although you couldn’t take him seriously half the time. A real, true healthy relationship would be all but impossible with him. It was a tug of war with this man and you were exhausted from playing. You’d been hurt before and you didn’t want to experience that pain again.
“And what would make you say such a horrible thing like that, Robin?” “That lovely little pile of gifts you hauled in here the other day and the fact that you’ve been at this for almost a week. Putting all of this time and effort into planning a birthday? I don’t think you’d do that for just anyone. Even if it was just a bet..” affirming with a sip of wine. She had a point but you weren’t exactly going to admit it either..
“Yeah, well the only thing I want to give him is a goddamn knuckle sandwich with a side of fruit punch.” A comment that nearly made her spit up her fresh sip from laughter. She could see through you like a pane of glass! It was blatantly obvious just how much you adored this guy and although it wasn’t the typical bond for budding lovers, they were mutual if nothing else. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think he truly feels ill will towards you. The exact opposite honestly. If anything, I think it comes from a place of adoration. He’s obviously quite fond of you, otherwise, he wouldn’t be on your case as much. I think what you’re doing for him is going to mean far more than some overly lavish party with a bunch of people. I don’t know him very well and please feel free to correct me but…he seems like a genuinely good guy. A little misguided sometimes but he has a good heart, ya’ know? The way he rushed over to comfort you, even though his own eyes looked exhausted? He seems like he just needs someone to take care of him for once.”
you hated more than nothing else that Robin was always right! Maybe it was a bit selfish of you to not consider how he’d felt. There was obviously a reason he didn’t want to celebrate his birthday. It had been a sore subject one way or another so it was your job to give him a reason to enjoy it again. And you could lie to yourself but deep down, you wanted to see this through as well. Not just to clear the debt but to see him genuinely happy. Smiling and laughing for himself..not just to cheer up others. “Jesus, it’s hard being friends with a doctor. They always know what they’re talking about.” Sending Robin into a fit of chuckles yet again. “Well honey, even all of these degrees can’t solve matters of the heart. Trust me, I know the feeling of loneliness all too well and he’s certainly in need of someone to let him know he has a place in this world and his day of birth is not something to feel ashamed of.”
Just then, you’d hear the front door creak open and you were promptly joined by Nami and her longtime partner, Vivi who were both looking to interrupt the conversation. They had just returned from the store to retrieve your libations for the evening. “Mind if we join you ladies?” Brandishing two bottles of champagne, beelining for the kitchen to grab glasses. “It’s almost new years, girls. Let’s party!” The cavalry had arrived and it was time to set this aside and let loose. Tomorrow, you’d be celebrating for an entirely different reason and you hoped that he would share the enthusiasm someday.
page break and time skip because this is already long, I’m sorry!) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
6:00PM, January 1st
“Jesus, rookie. Do you have molasses in your ass or something? I swear you take forever to get ready.”
an agitated voice rang out through the bathroom door of the hotel suite where you had been residing for the day. A king size bed positioned in the center, surrounded by clothing you’d strewn aside. Luckily, you’d tipped the housekeeping staff generously to not only spruce it up but to have it prepared when you returned from dinner. It would be the final touch on what was shaping up to become the ideal birthday. Aside from his obligatory smartass remarks, Ace really seemed to be having a good time. Even if you could sense his reservations to enjoy himself..everything had been a success so far. See, you had begun the day bright and early, five am to be precise; setting the trap for this illustrious surprise. You texted him under the guise of wanting to meet up for a morning hike, which wasn’t out of the ordinary, as it wasn’t uncommon for you two to train together. But strictly professional, mainly because Zoro’s freakishly strenuous training would kill you and Sanji wouldn’t be able to contain himself watching your tits jiggle whilst you ran. You told him to bring his gear, which he did so..you guys met up at your usual spot, the entranceway to Twin Flames Peak and began the trek up the canyon . Although he was making his usual comments, you could tell his mood was a bit more somber than usual. He sucked at hiding his emotions, that much was apparent. But you only sensed so because you were alike in that regard and so many others. Finally, you made it up to the top. But it was there that with your back facing him, you’d place your hands to your hips and laugh, making him fear you were about to do something heinous.
“Would you stop being so damn sad? It’s your birthday for god’s sake, at least smile a little. I know you’re getting old but I’m not used to seeing you without that stupid ass grin. It scares me.”
to which he’d audibly yet softly gasp. There was no way you of all people had remembered that! Although you teased about hating each other, it was the furthest thing from..even so, you kept your distance in personal affairs outside of sex. It’d feel too intimate and getting attached was something both of you feared. But that was all but thrown out of the window when you gave him his first gift of the day. “What?.. you didn’t think I’d remember, did you? Well too bad, you’re stuck with me and you’re gonna have a good time whether you want to or not. You’ve got a big day ahead of you. The only thing I want is for you to enjoy yourself..you have to promise me that.” His dumbfounded expression soon curved into a toothy smile, along with a hearty cackle. You managed to get one over on him and if nothing else, he could grant you that! You’d instruct him to search his bag, to which he’d find a card..sealed in a bow. How you’d manage to sneak that in, he’d never know but once he opened it, he nearly collapsed. Inside was a photo of him and his parents. He hadn’t seen either of them in years due to his work and then living states away back home but you could tell he loved them dearly. His mom had experienced some health issues recently but thankfully she was doing better but it was looking grim for a while. He’d call them every week, especially his mother whom he bonded with the most. So you took the liberty of reaching out and having them record a nice message to their son, wishing him a happy birthday. Telling him how proud they were and how much they loved him. He was already emotional and the sun had barely risen.
“Damn you, rookie. Who put you up to this?” Sniffling and laughing through tears. Because there was no way you were doing this of your own volition. Which was halfway true. Although you lost the bet, you’d still gone far overboard from what anyone expected. Spending rent like prices on this man and planning out an extravagant schedule. Even other first responders from his academy class who were no longer working for a set company came to fill in for the couple days. Turning on your heel, you’d giggle and walk towards him, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Oh Ace, my sweet dumb boy, you’re so cute thinking that anyone alive could tell me what to do. Now let’s go before we miss our check in time at the hotel.” “Hotel? Makes me sound like a cheap slut you’re renting out for the day.” “You are a slut, my dear but you most certainly aren’t cheap.” Having checked in for two days. And already, it was shaping up to be a wonderful day. From there, you two would head to the Laporte Hotel in the next town over, where you’d be spending the day. The car ride back was much more lively as the two of you laughed, spoke and talked about different things. The most amicable you’d ever been. He’d tell you about his upbringing and how he’d grown up with Luffy and his other adoptive brother. He’d talk about cooking and helping around the house for his mom and hunting with his dad. He was genuinely excited and a part of you thought it was the cutest thing. Next on the docket was breakfast..you took him to this bistro where you guys had eaten once when you were invited to a summit for firefighters on public safety. You recalled the first time you saw him in that dress uniform. Hat and white gloves accenting the ensemble..he looked so good! You hated to admit it but that charisma and confidence he exuded while delivering his speech was such a turn on. His favorite thing on the menu were the crepes and you ordered him the biggest stack he could eat. You two chowed down on delicious foods before checking in with bags in tow. You even managed to snap a couple of photos and videos of him, wearing a bright smile in case he decided to lie and say he didn’t enjoy himself. He entered the room and jumped on the bed like a child..causing you to shake your head.
“Would you get down from there?! You know you’re getting up there in age, old man. One wrong move and that hip is out of place.” To which he retorted and stuck his tongue out. “I’m twenty eight not ninety eight, you smartass. Besides, I think you of all people know how great of shape I’m in.” Flashing you a wink, which only prompted you to snark your lips before turning around to pin your hair up before going to the pool. Platinum gray tresses atop your head from that new install you’d gotten. In all fairness, it was his fault it had to be redone anyway so you figured you’d change it up entirely. He wasn’t mad in the slightest because that color complimented your skin so well. “If you’re referring to that weak ass stroke game of yours, spare me—“ but it wasn’t even a full second before you could finish the sentence before you found yourself tousled over his shoulder with your half covered asscheek being smacked. “Oh shut up. You didn’t even believe that when you said it.” Cackling before tossing you onto the bed for a little pregame makeout session. It was nice, honestly and from the way he was kissing and caressing you, it was hard to tell who exactly was supposed to be getting pampered today! Even letting out a whimper when he licked and bit on your neck. “I know what I want more than anything today..” “..mmm, what’s that?” and his response: “that’s a secret. Classified information..” The spontaneity of his was such an attractive trait..a man of adventure and strong will. “Save your energy, baby boy. You’re gonna need it for later…”
but unbeknownst, he had no interest in waiting to unwrap his most sought after gift. It was around noon time when you guys hit the giant indoor pool. Filled with crystalline blue waters and most importantly, it was heated because the one outside was more than likely freezing. Swimming around and splashing water on each other. You’d even rent out the private jacuzzi, where he’d down flutes of champagne. Something he never thought he’d do in his entire life! Ace grew up in rather humble beginnings and in rough terrain. His entire life consisted of rough conditions..now here he was being catered to like a damn princess! It wasn’t his style in the slightest but it was something he could acclimate to, at least for a day or so..
“Never thought I’d be day drinking in a fucking jacuzzi like a divorced aunt but here I am.” Uttering with his arms outstretched as you swam over to him. “Well even a jackass like you deserves nice things every once in a while.” Teasing as you rubbed on his bare chest, trailing over his tattoo. Still insisting on committing to the bit of insulting him. Honestly, he wouldn’t want it any other way though! It was his favorite part of your charm and it showed that you guys shared a bond that he couldn’t with any other woman. He liked that you challenged him..that you made it worth the chase. He’d wear you down eventually and when he did, the moment would be that much sweeter. “God, I can’t wait to shut that pretty little mouth of yours later..” setting the tone for the sexual tension that was sure to be insurmountable by the end of the night. “We’ll see. You should know by now you can’t tame a girl like me.” Flicking your tongue around those glossed lips before wrapping them around your champagne flute, which made him twitch behind those swim trunks.
his resolve proved to be rather weak because the second you made it back to the room, swaddled in warm towels to dry your damp bodies, he’d just have to get himself a small sample. You’d been straddling his thigh in the water and although you were floating intermittently, you could feel that cock growing erect when you brushed it. So once that door was locked, you’d find yourselves in the shower..tongues deep down each other's throats; your head spun around as he fed you back shots. Holding the center of your stomach whilst he did so. From the bathroom back to the bed, your nude bodies made contact with the cool air as he flicked his tongue around on that exposed clit. Spreading you open on the crisp sheets and devouring that sloppy cunt. Slurping on that bud with strings of spit fluttering all around those plump lips..enjoying his feast. “..c’mon, baby. It’s my birthday…I think I deserve a little treat.” Taunting for his reason as to why he couldn’t hold back his urges. Hopelessly moaning and rutting the mattress as he spouted all sorts of debaucherous thoughts. Your white painted toes resting atop his shoulder blades as those brown eyes darted back into your skull and your breath caught. “I see one of my wishes came true. Finally got you to shut the fuck up.” “You got lucky. That’s it.” Even gliding a hand up to your throat for added pleasure. You were in for it today, that was certain! The remainder of the afternoon was spent lounging and lazing around, a luxury that didn’t come often in your profession. You spent every waking moment thinking of the dangers that surrounded you. You had witnessed gruesome scene after gruesome scene and oftentimes, the only way to cope was through your vices. It felt nice not to have that lingering over your head for at least a day. Your head on his chest as you slept and naturally, he took the opportunity to plant a few kisses on your forehead, along with snapping pictures of you with drool seeping from your mouth!
finally, the moment had arrived and the two of you were setting out for dinner at Viva!, the Latin fusion lounge that had been all the rave around here. You told him that you wouldn’t do anything too extravagant but you couldn’t help but to splurge a little. The two of you spent the next couple of hours getting ready. You’d FaceTime your friends whilst patting on makeup with cameos from the birthday boy himself. They were thrilled to see him enjoying himself..and the both of you looked absolutely stunning! Ace dressed in a black button down with the chest slightly open. Short sleeves to display his array of artwork..a gold plated belt buckle with the Gucci emblem in the center of his waist with black slacks on and suede loafers on his feet. The face of his gold wristwatch reflecting from the light, fragrant scent of cologne wafting from his body. He looked and smelled absolutely delectable. Unraveling your curls from underneath your bonnet, (y/n) sat before the vanity mirror with your makeup setting. It was whilst you were applying your lipstick that he’d steal another kiss. Swatting him away, you’d try to stop him before your hard work was muddled. “You’re going to ruin my makeup, quit!” Attempting to evade his barrage of smooches. But he was insatiable, absolutely enthralled with how beautiful you looked. “Might as well get a head start.” Only earning him a deep scoff and a hard eye roll!
“You’re impossible. I’m going to put on my dress, I’ll be ready in a minute and try not to beat your dick while I’m gone, you pervert.” “That honor goes all to you, my beloved.”
rising from your seat and strutting over to the bathroom, where you’d strip from your coverup and begin to place on the ensemble of the evening; a form fitting red dress with velvet material and a thigh high split. Strappy heels curling your calves and jewelry adorning your neckline and ears. Almost entirely different contrasts from your day jobs..it’d be hard to even recognize the two of you without yellow armored suits and soot covering your faces. You had to admit, it felt nice to be dressed up for an occasion that didn’t involve work conferences. You had been in there a little too long for his liking, mainly because he was growing impatient and wanted to see the final product. In truth, he was sweating bullets, wondering just how he’d react to seeing you all dolled up..knowing you’d gone through the trouble just for him. Even his palms perspired..
“Jesus, rookie. Do you have molasses in your ass or something? I swear you take forever to get ready.”
but you wouldn’t keep him in suspense for long. He’d rise to his feet and moments later, he’d be graced with the sight of quite possibly the most beautiful thing he’d ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on. “Don’t rush me. I know it’s your birthday but you don’t have to be a jerk..so, what do you think?” the door swung open and you came strutting out, an absolute vision of beauty and the sole object of his desire! Ace couldn’t even fathom what he was feeling. His eyes stretched wide open and voice caught in his throat. If you guys stayed in this room any longer, he had no guarantee you'd make it out! So he’d merely grasp your hand, placing a gentle peck atop it. No jokes or snide remarks. “..you look absolutely beautiful, mi amor.” The compliment brought you sheer butterflies. Smirking as he led the two of you out of the room. Tonight was sure to be one for the books.
Viva! was unlike any other place either of you had frequented before. Ambient orange lighting set the tone for the atmosphere..lively music thumping through the speakers with Spanish lyrics and sleek, elegant interior. You guys arrived right at the rush..the late night date crowds and parties of young people chopping it up. It was bustling but amid all the chaos, Ace only had eyes for you..
“Alright, so I gotta ask and you better be honest with me.”
surrounded by a table full of emptied plates that were once carefully curated and styled with beautiful dishes, now consumed along with intricately mixed drinks, you guys sat across from one another, discussing the day and various other topics. Akin to that of a real couple..
“Go for it.”
“So why do you hate celebrating your birthday so much? I mean, it’s the one day out of the year that you get to feel special. It doesn’t make sense.” It was something that you and everyone else was dying to know as well. But the answer wasn’t exactly a simple one either. Truth be told, it had always been a sore subject for the vice fire chief. It started in his youth and the habit had stuck with him ever since. A secret he’d disclose only to you.
“Truth be told…my family was really poor growing up. My brothers and I were raised by our grandparents mainly, because our parents were in and out of trouble. Not that I hold it against them or anything because they were products of their environment, I still love them..but we had to grow up pretty fast because of that. We didn’t have time to focus on trivial things like birthdays, we had to survive and that was our only goal. So I guess it stuck, y’know? As you get older, the less people tend to care about those things. It’s just another day..” suddenly, you’d feel your heart sink and become heavy with a tinge of sadness. This entire time you’d spent giving him hell and he’d come from the very same side of the tracks you had. You two weren’t all that different, maybe that’s why you couldn't stand him because he was all too familiar..reminding you of your own trauma and upbringing. Without saying a word, he’d continue on with his speech. Continuing to pour your heart out now that you had him feeling sentimental..
“…I know you were probably convinced by my brothers and the guys at the firehouse to take me out. Hell, I don’t think anyone would willingly want to be around me this long. Even so, I appreciate you, rookie. For all of this. It means a lot.” ..in that moment, something within you broke. Those steel, guarded walls that had been shielding your heart finally began to crack. In that moment, Robin’s words would begin to sound off in your ear and all you could do is laugh. She was right! Dammit..she was always right. This man was so much more than what you thought of him and it took this whole ordeal to come to grips with that. Lowering your head, you’d begin to chuckle and reach over for his hand.
“You really are dumb. How many times do I have to tell you..no one gives me orders. Not even you..I’m exactly where I want to be right now. So enjoy yourself and stop acting as if you’re wrong for finally doing something nice for yourself. It’s your night.”
it was all he needed to hear, honestly. So he’d do exactly that! He’d indulge in all of the drinks, laugh until his stomach hurt, he’d even ask for your hand in a dance. Promptly teaching you how to do a quick bachata. He truly had fun, and for the first time in his young life, he lived without guilt or consequence. No limitations or reservations and he allowed himself to enjoy the things he denied himself for so long. Peace, happiness and selfishness. For one night, it was all about Ace! The staff would come out with sparklers blazing around a tray with a slice of lava cake plated in the middle. Reading ‘Happy Birthday Ace’ around the perimeter. He’d stare at the dessert, contemplating for a moment before you spoke.
“Well, what are you gonna wish for?” And he knew just the thing..the only thing he wanted..blowing out the single candle as he closed his eyes and set his manifestation into the universe. You’d catch the whole thing on film to commemorate the moment. It was a night that would remain freshly implanted in your memories for a long time. But it was far from over..
so fast forward an hour or so..from a quick Uber ride across town to the hotel elevator where you couldn’t keep your hands..or lips to yourselves, you’d vehemently make out the entire way to the room. Tipsy on one another with both alcohol and admiration..peeling each other out of those clothes and whispering naughty nothings into each other's ears. Him telling you how he was going to make you come until your mind went blank..and how you were going to let him use your mouth and throat to his heart's content. So debaucherous and lewd, but the steamy moment was only set to intensify. Because while you were gone, the hotel staff was equipping your suite with more of that delicious champagne from earlier, along with strawberries, ice, chocolate sauce and a few other things. He had no idea what was coming to him. As quiet as it was kept, you’d always wanted to spoil your partner like this and although your relationship was fairly complex, you’d take this all the same. So with pure lust fueling you, you’d rip one another out of those designer threads, letting them fall to the floor before you’d jump into his arms and he'd place you on the bed where he wasted not another moment utilizing those delicacies left here.
“Strawberries and chocolate, huh? If I didn’t know any better, rookie..I’d say you were a little freak. What’s next, handcuffs?” “Oh please, this pussy drives you crazy enough as is. You sure as hell wouldn’t leave me alone if I pulled that out.”
the real reason he couldn’t get rid of you is because you matched his wit perfectly! Always with a slick remark to his jokes. With you sprawled out before him, completely on display for his taking, you’d lie there as he dredged a strawberry over your lips before allowing you to suckle on it. Meanwhile, his fingertips, brandishing a piece of ice, slowly trailed down your torso all the way to your sensitive center. He watched your reactions in real time. Seeing you writhe, whimper and moan; begging him for more with your reactions. Tongue extended and lapped over that strawberry before biting into it. “More, baby? Is that what you want?” Taunting the question whilst that ice cube resided over your clit. Making it melt with the direct reaction to your sticky heat..such a beautiful sight. “Yes!..please..” the first time in a while since he’d heard you in such a submissive manner. He wanted you so badly..to sink his cock into you once more but he wanted to truly get you so stimulated and aroused, you wouldn’t be able to bear another moment without him. Very lightly coating his fingers in that sweet sauce, he’d allow you to suck every remnant of it off whilst still circulating that cube over your bud. Positioning that head up as if he were cradling you. “Good girl..show me how you’re gonna use that mouth. Keep sucking like that and I’ll let you get the real thing..” just that quickly, he’d turn you from sarcastic, snarky brat to his obedient, whiny slut. He couldn’t ask for more!
Ace persisted with his foreplay for as long as he saw fit; bringing you to the edge of climatic bliss, only to snatch it away. Upon training your mouth, he’d graduated you from strawberries and fingers to the beaming tip of his cock. Positioned on his knees as he instructed you to keep yours parted whilst his fingers explored your dripping core. Maneuvering around to stretch that tight little cunt to his liking. Meanwhile, your throat served as merely a vessel for his unrelenting pleasure. Gagging erupting as he pushed and forced your head down onto his shaft. Becoming far more aggressive than he was prior. It seemed that he was finally sick of showing restraint. “That’s it, baby…take it deep. Take that fucking dick down your throat. Gag on it—fuck, just like that.” His deep tone teeming with lust. Meanwhile, the only thing that you could do was whimper, moan and gurgle as he used your mouth so carelessly. Those eyes were smeared with the beautiful application of makeup you had worked so hard on. You looked an absolute mess but your body told a different story. That juicy little center was leaking from this brutal treatment. Loving the sensation brought forth by being manhandled. Choked, slapped and even your jaws getting filled with globs of saliva. Swallowing and licking his balls as he jerked himself above your face. “Yeah, look at me while you do it, baby. Let me see how much you love being my little slut.” He may have been bashful but the two places his confidence shone were on the battlefield and in the bedroom. This man was like an entirely different person behind closed doors. One you’d gladly allow you to use your body in any way he saw fit. “What do you say when I spit in that pretty mouth, huh? Don’t tell me you forgot your manners..” “..thank you, daddy. Give me more, please.” To which he’d oblige. Before long, you found yourself on top of him, positioned perfectly on his cock as it resided in your hilt. Although you were a complete wreck already, he was far from done. He wanted to claim you in mind, body and spirit..have you so addicted, you would feel like oxygen had escaped your lungs when he wasn’t around. Turned in a reverse cowgirl position, Ace clutched your hips and guided you up and down to his leisure. Your pussy stuffed to the brim and throbbing around his cock. All you could do was gasp as those hard thrusts jolted you around.
“You didn’t think I’d take it easy, did you? Nah, baby. I wanna hear you fucking scream. I want you coming all over this dick..”
firm in his intent, roughly bucking those hips into the plump of your ass. When you couldn’t contain yourself, he’d take the liberty of folding your legs behind your head in a sitting full nelson. An intricate but effective position. One he could claim that cunt in without limitations. Your eyes would fluctuate between open and closed, stuck in your skull and front and center. Your entire body was riddled with ecstasy and it wouldn’t be long until you’d find yourselves reaching that breaking point. Even so, it didn’t stop either of you from wanting more than your share. You wanted it to hurt..to feel every part of him. To fuck his frustrations, emotions and all out on you. All those times he couldn’t have a happy ending. For when he’d spent another year getting older but all alone..drowning his sorrows in a bottle, you wanted tonight to be the atonement for that. For him to feel nothing but joy!
“Oh my God! Right there, baby. Please..take this pussy. It’s yours..fuck—“
so through all of the salacious cries and dirty desires, you wanted to know above all else..he was special.
“Yeah? It’s all mine?” His tone was still rough but cooing as he relentlessly pounded up into you. Forcing tears down your cheek. Although they were purely of joy. That much was apparent by the look on your face. You were in utter bliss. So full of ecstasy and happiness! You’d never felt anything like this. What was it?…it was far more than just the normal lust you two experienced together. “God, I love this pussy so much..I love you. I love you so much, baby. Oh my gosh, I can’t get enough of it..” admitting so carelessly. He had no regrets. He’d known that he’d felt that way from the very start and maybe the alcohol made it easier to admit but he was done pretending. You were the only woman for him! So through tear filled eyes, you’d pant and try to hold it in, along with that brimming orgasm, but you couldn’t any longer.
“I love you more! I love you so much, Ace…please, I need you..”
those words were the ones he’d been dying to hear all along and he could tell you meant it. Meant every one..all he could do was think about how relieved he was. His heart couldn’t stop beating and neither of you could stop crying. It made an already surreal moment even more magical. When he’d instruct you to release at the same time as him. On the count of three, your trembling bodies explode like fireworks in a fit of pleasure and passion. The intensity dredged up so many feelings but only one thing was for certain when he found the strength to reposition you onto your back..cradling your face into his palm as he hoped to quell you. Telling you how great of a job you’d done. He had to know, he had to say it for real this time.
“Did you mean that, baby? Do you really love me?..” and it was simple. It was the same a million times over:
“Yes…I love you, Ace. And I’m so sorry it took me this long to realize it. You were never my enemy. I should’ve seen that sooner. I hope you can forgive me.”
touching his face and swiping his tears away with your thumb. All he could do was sob tears of utter bliss in that moment. He was finally able to be vulnerable, no longer able and not needing to hold back his emotions. It made you see just how much he needed you all the same. “Wait, what’s wrong?” You were worried. But truthfully, there was no need. Because as it turns out, you’d granted him the one thing he’d wanted more than any shoes or watches out of today and that was your heart! He wanted to hear you finally utter those words and he got it. To him, this was hands down the best birthday ever!
“Nothing at all. It’s just that..all my wishes came true tonight. If that’s not heaven smiling down on me, I don’t know what is.” “Because no one deserves it more than you..happy birthday, my love.”
and you only hoped that you’d get to experience so many more by his side!
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° .** . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° .** . °•★|•°∵
@ichigosluvrr @dancingwithdeities @hoesluvshanti
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
You Cook For them even though you suck at it-
Buggy, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Shanks, Mihawk
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You you offer to cook for him he is hesitant. Buggy is actually a great cook and will take over making food for you if he catches you in the kitchens of the Big Top.
"I don't know about that (Y/N)-" He would say quickly as you smile at him.
"It will be fine I promise! I've gotten better!" No the fuck you hadnt- he shouldn't have trusted you with this when you set down a bowl of slop.
"Oh What the fuck (Y/N)!? What is this?! Why is it still moving?" He yelled poking some form of meat with a spoon and watching it twitch back.
"It's just rare!" You argue back. "Rare my ass!!" He yelled before forcing himself to take a bite.
He quite literally falls apart to the ground.
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Luffy would be excited that you offered to cook for him. Being too happy to ignore the weird smell from the kitchen and from the bowl you set down.
He quickly tucked in, eating away at the bowl until it was gone and smiling brightly at you.
"Thank you for the meal (Y/N)!" He said cheerfully, you smiled excitedly.
"Did it taste good?" He stares at you for a moment like he was thinking. "No it was pretty disgusting" you stare at him shocked.
"Why did you eat it then?" You question at his bluntness of willing to eat something gross.
"Cause you made it!" Eh Good enough-
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Is equally as bad as a cook as you- So when the two of you come together it only means chaos.
"Zoro im going make us a special meal!" You chime, watching him nod and follow along.
In the kitchen he drinks as he watches you attempt to cook. Even using his sword to cut up random vegetables and fruit. Once done it is a jet black color pouring out purple steam- He stares at it a bit afraid before taking a bite.
Zoro body would lock up- Like he had been hit with electricity. His eyes beginning to water and he grabbed the booze again to down if quickly- all of it very quickly.
"....That was awful-"
He manages to groan out as he rubbed his face.
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Will be head over heals for you, and when you offer to cook for him his whole body freezes- His eyes wide and practically screaming to not have this done-
"M-My Love! My Sweet! No need for that I can cook for us!" He insist sweat hitting his brow.
"No No, You cook for us every night! Let me do it!" You'd insist and go into his kitchen. It would quickly turn into a battle of if he loved food more then you- Once he sees you hold the knife wrong and damn near cut off a finger he steps in.
Shaking his head at this and taking the knife from you.
"Please dont- Love you um.. are cookingly challenged- I'm taking over"
Before he kicks you out of his kitchen.
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Usopp has actually pretty good taste in food, He enjoys food and has been heavily pampered by Sanji's cooking and food he be served when visiting Kaya.
So when you offer him food at first he's happy and talks about his experiences as a 'Chef' but when you bring down a half burned and half raw fish that still seemed to be twitching and some other odd trimmings that seemed to be stewed.
"Uhhh (Y/N)- you made this?"
He would question as he stared at the questionable plate.
"Yep!" Hearing your cheery voice he tries to sweet talk and lie his way around eating it at first. But once you insist he would nod and take a hefty bite. His face draining of all color as he chewed, forcing himself to swallow as he sits frozen.
He ends up fainting-
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Shanks will try anything once, however he found out early on that you couldnt cook- While he never openly confronts you about it he does know damn well you shouldn't be near a kitchen.
Once you offer to cook for him he is jovial as normal and supportive. However when you bring out the bowl of- what looked like what a sea beast would vomit he started to sweat. Taking a big swig of his booze before taking a bite.
His whole body shivered in disgust and paled. Slowly trying to chew as he gave you a watery smile.
"It's alright It's Alright-"
Shanks said, his face turning purple as he tried to keep the food from coming back up as quickly as it came.
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While it may be surprising but Mihawk is the pickiest of eaters- So when you say you made him a meal, He tries to hold himself back from making any comments before he's seen it.
'Maybe it's not that bad?...'
He thinks as he takes a seat at the dining room table. Waiting quietly as he hears you clattering in the kitchen- however he knew knew it would be unpleasant when the smell hits him. You step out cheery and happy as a massive bowl is set infront of him. His eyes widened at the sight- he had seen many horrible things in his life but nothing like this-
"Why is it that color?-" He would ask as you explained away that you didn't know the exact ingredients to make it so you improvised. Mihawk took a shaky breath and leaned down to give a sniff- once the fowl odor hit his nose he pushed the bowl back.
"(Y/N) Darling. You can't cook- I can't eat this... I love you dearly but whatever is in this bowl has been damned"
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owlight · 2 years
Strawhats men with a short s/o(crewmate) who is very salty about begin short
Characters: Luffy, Zoro,Sanji,Brook,Jinbe,Usopp,Franky + chopper
Tw: non ,fluff
Notes: some can be seen as paltonic I think,sorry for the Zoro slander here 💀🫰
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The fact he is short and you still shorter than him? Smh...He won't bully you for it but you were compared to chopper multiple times ,Yes he was the one to do so,no he wasn't thinking when he said that ,No he never think before he talk
You were both running from the Marine and Luffy had carried you to get away to the ship,it was chaotic,the moment you both back to safety Luffy let you down with a smile "(y/n) you're as light as chopper!-actually you're not much taller than him,I never noticed that before" He tease you light-heartedly ,you look at him with a deadpan face " say that again and I will stab you with a rusty spoon"
He find your very creative salty insults funny ,he love that you're fun sized and doesn't see why you are so salty about it, you're still strong and smart! Like height shouldn't matter ,but ofc he wouldn't understand the struggle of begin the shortest mf after chopper on this large ship
You are always picked up by him,you have no choice it's a habit you will have to get used to
Does Not allow anyone else to tease you about your height though,He Will fight for u 🫶
Do not stab him with a rusty spoon please 😔
He tease you for it a lot Knowing you would throw one of the most Unhinge threat known to man kind always crack him up
"Hey shortcake need help with this?" Zoro tease you with a grin as he look down at you as you try to give him a kiss as you stand on your tip toes,he usually lean down for you but it seem today he decided to be a clown ,you quickly change your mind "I'm going to kiss Sanji" you simply say leaving wiping the grin off his face , Zoro Eye widen as he run after you " hey come back I was joking!"
He like to tease you about it light-heartedly only because your reactions are cute and he loves how much sass you got in you ,it turns him on
Like he would fight for you if anyone make fun of you,like he is the only one allowed to tease you about this , you're his lover and you know he mean no harm by it
He would carry you like a sack of potatoes all the time if he could, you don't like it but it's probably because you have short legs and he walk faster than you and it's how your life is with him
Good luck with him,just remember his kneecaps are very close and so is his balls,Never let him forget what Short kings capable of <3
The most respectful guy out of all of them , you are not going to have him tease you about it,he would rather die than have you upset from him
He would be defending your honor with you,he would kick mosshead for you if he ever teased you about your height like He is fight or die for you , you're his Short beloved and he Drink (y/n) respect juice every day
Admire your sass and your unhinged threats when you get salty about it ,very adorable in his opinion, you're very cute
" hey shorty ,wanna train with me later?" Zoro asks you and you can't help but huff "Hey don't call me that ,you don't see me calling you a giraffe-but yeah maybe if you ask nicer!" you glares at him "hey mosshead! Stop harassing my love!!" " Oh shut it you stupideyebrows-" ah shit here we go again
Those moments happen way too much but at least you got Sanji to carry you so you can sass Zoro face to face 😔
He is your ride or die ,ur moral support but that doesn't stop him from carrying you at every possible and finding you cute,it's merely a small price you gotta pay for begin small😔
He treat you normally 😭like this man see no problem with it since you're not that Short compared to him
Only because he fear your anger and salty side ,you did try to burn Zoro ass for teasing you once , you're a force he would rather not anger
Usopp was walking around the ship when he found you sitting holding few bottles of alcoholic drinks that for sure belong to Zoro " oh hey (y/n),what are you doing?" You look at him with a smile " hey love! Zoro had called me short five times today, I'm going to put salt in all his bottles" you tell him as you walk to the kitchen, leaving Usopp staring at you leaving,damn.
He find you adorable,he can admit that you look very carry worthy but he doesn't carry you unless you ask of him Because he doesn't want to offend you on accident
He is very sweet about it ,might tell Zoro to stop his teasing if he sees that it's making you sad
He is very sweet ,give him a hug and tell him you will let him carry if he asked nicely ): <3
Everyone is shorter than him but you're just SUPER Short compared to him haha yeah unscrew his dick for that joke for sure
" oh (y/n) don't be so upset ,I was joking!" He tells you as he watches you bring a screw driver " hey! What are you doing with that?'" He asks as he steps few step back,you smiles menacingly " I'm going to fix this!" Franky look slightly scared "hey my legs are still mine!" He run away and you run after him "they won't be after I catch you!"
You traumatized him for real but he deserved it ,he needed to be humbled and made example of ,never mess with (y/n) ,he no longer make fun of your height but you bet your sweet ass he still pick you like you're a sack of onions
Nothing will stop him from doing so,you can't kiss him unless he does that so you gotta swallow your pride for love 😔
He still tease you about it but more lightheartedly ,he find your reactions very adorable when they aren't very scary<3
He offer to make u taller if u want ,think about it and decide baby gorilla 💖
He is the tallest mf out there 💀 like idk what to tell u
He will joke and tease and pick you and you can't do anything to stop him,he might love you but You don't even reach his hips it's so funny to him 😭
You were both outside as a thunderstorm started ,you were both looking at the sky when brook broke the silent" Hey (y/n) how is the weather down there? Yohohoho" he asks you as he look down at you ,you look at him giving him the middle finger " I hope the next lighting get your tall ass" you tell him with spite,brook laughs as he pats your head ,you chuckle slightly as your wish come true and he is Hit by the lighting causing him to fly away from your side , karma is good
He pick you up and put you on his boney shoulders and it's a whole different point of view ,yeah he might be annoying but this is fun and he is a pervert who is doing this out of his desire to be crushed by ur thighs 😔 but you don't know that so it's still kinda wholesome activity you both do
He will be pleased to see you sassing to anyone who anger u about ur height like that's very hot of you ,he is as hard as a bone-yo know because he is a skeleton 💀🫰
Root for u when u fight Zoro for calling you short ,kick him in the nuts ,Win (y/n)!!!
Very polite about it <3 king won't even mention it ,most humans are shorter and smaller than him ,and he really doesn't really like to tease someone for something they can't control
He will try to help you with staying calm when someone tease you, channel your chaotic unhinged energy into something positive rather trying to poison Zoro for calling you a mouse
" he is your crewmate! Why would you try to fight him over a comment dear (y/n)?" He asks you as you grab your weapon of choice which is a shoe "to get a message across Jinbe,I can't let him keep calling me these names !" You huffs as you aim to throw the shoe ,Jinbe sighs deeply as he goes to stops you from giving Zoro memory loss
He does carry you around in a nice cuddly way and u allow it cuz it feel safe and nice when he carry you,this man is the best in begin a good vibe
He slowly teaches you to stop caring about what people says about you and start teaching you how to be more carefree about it so you don't have to waste your energy on begin a ball of salt nd sass
He does loves ur small salty self tho so don't worry if u can't stop fighting ppl he will still support u <3
Chopper (paltonic)
" you're just like me for real " he tells you as you both sits together on the ground,both drinking juice as he comfort you from an earlier tease from nami
He will defend ur Honor with all his might , short gang never leave each others fr
Even when he turn into his more monsterous and taller self,this king will still be in ur short team
He does not support ur salty plans of revenge but he understands and think Zoro always have it coming for teasing you about it so much
10/10 he wishes he had ur attitude sometimes 😔
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
i think truly the most absurd parenting scenario we could put sanji in is with Real Pirate King Buggy 🦅🦅🦅🦅
Sanji would really suit that like. commedia dell’arte venetian theatre. Sanji would make a fine Arlecchino or Tartaglia (both lover roles, but Arlecchino or ‘the Harlequin’ is often a trickster character too)
Buggy would unironically be an incredible father tho. like. i am fully confident that there is nothing Buggy doesn’t excell in despite his pathetic soppy wet cat existence. He’s a COMPETENT soppy wet cat.
Sanji growing up as an acrobat in Buggy’s circus and getting doted on by all the crew oh ya know he’d love the dramatic flamboyance of it all.
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Listen, you're cooking. And it smells GREAT! But I think we need to adjust the seasoning a bit. Buggy managed to successfully hide in the East Blue and be forgotten from Roger's crew and all his adversaries. Like Buggy has to be running a network of some sort. He probably has informants in the New World ya know? For sure in the Grand Line.
I don't really fuck with Shuggy ATM(crossguild brain rot) but like also Buggy probably knows about Usopp and Luffy and that's part of why he signed the(forged) adoption papers. Sanji is also probably skilled with all sorts of weapons? His kitchen knives are not weapons but like he has a set of knives that are always hidden on him. He probably shows Usopp a bunch of spices and stuff that are good for bombs and Nami and Robin are confused about exactly how much in universe Shakespeare, albeit Robin is impressed. Luffy just knows but imagine Zoro finds out when the cook, who doesn't fight with his hands just swallows a Marines sword to distract them right before Luffy Gum Gum Pistols them.
Rayleigh talks more about Shanks and Sanji is just looking at his nails and briefly brings up Buggy. And Sanji can't help himself when he says "at least he's not a dead beat, he didn't abandon me" which makes Robin laugh and Luffy and Usopp ask what means and Sanji is like "you both haven't seen the Redhair crew since you were in the single digits, Buggy saw me at Baratie three weeks before you lot wrecked it and he would stop by every couple of weeks normally" And the crew is shook.
Like then Sanji just proudly showing everyone his photo of the Buggy Pirates, him, and Buggy in the adoption office and then again with just Buggy and Sanji and the paper and the jolly Roger. Rayleigh is having heart palpitations as Nami, Luffy, and Zoro scream at how lame his dad is and Sanji is like "oh you guys are the reason he's in Impel Down this makes sense" and Rayleigh is losing it. Shakky is laughing so hard. Rayleigh asks if anyone is planning to get Buggy out of prison and Sanji shrugs and says the lion is in charge now.
And then after the time skip to the forming of the crossguild everyone keeps shitting on. Like imagine Mihawk and Croc walking into Buggy's tent and seeing Black Leg Sanji as a child in full clown get up sitting on his own head in a photo and next to it is the adoption photo. When they ask Buggy about it hes just like "oh yeah, I adopted him at ten. Saw him all the time after he started at Baratie. Unfortunate he's not out of his civilian phase yet." And Croc and Mihawk are reeling. "Then again I think having to relive his trauma in Germa and with Big Mom probably didn't help, oh well. I'll talk to him about it when I see him."
When they see each other is some meeting between the Hats, the Guild and Redhair Pirates Luffy and Usopp are really happy to see their dad's. Sanji is probably being passed around by Buggy's crew and petting Richie who has him pinned to the ground and Crocodile is groaning that the clown's kid did the whole Mr. Prince thing and Shanks is confused because "you didn't tell me you had a brat?"
"well I legally adopted him eleven years ago and when Garp found out he said I was a better dad than you and Roger and Rayleigh so."
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lankayu · 5 months
sanuso worms in my brainnnn😵‍💫 welcome to sanji’s struggle of being in love for the first time and not quite knowing how to go about confessions
i am a firm believer of sanji being in denial from little garden to water 7. after usopp returns to the crew, sanji finally comes to terms with his feelings for usopp as that gaping hole in his chest is filled by his presence — and following the acceptance comes the unbearable tension when he’s around the sniper. nothing has changed between them; sanji still respects usopp as the brave talented sniper he is…in fact, they’re even closer after the battle at enies lobby. sanji argued that it made the matter of his intensifying crush worse. but of course, the awkwardness was all in his head and it was his fault he couldn’t act normal around usopp or talk like they used to
but he misses talking to him. he couldn’t stand the thought of usopp permanently leaving the crew and never getting the chance to see him again. and now usopp is here, sailing alongside them, as things should be. he misses him so much so pulls himself out of his head and musters the courage to make a decision; he’ll tell usopp how he feels. it’ll fix whatever’s going on with him hopefully, because he’s been swatting these thoughts away like flies for months now but he can’t deny any longer how much more than a friend he wants to be to the sharpshooter. the only problem is that he can’t quite figure out how to tell him
sanji remembers that sunset at water 7, that bridge, where he had overheard usopp rehearsing stupid scenarios to get the straw hats to take him back (he still cant quite place why he had stuck around to listen to the idiotic display) and it gives him an idea. next thing he knows he finds himself pacing back and forth in the kitchen, rehearsing different scenarios of “the big moment.” he doesn’t want to come off as a sap, but he also doesn’t want to play it casual because he needs it to be special. this could either completely ruin them or complete them and sanji couldn’t fuck it up
after writing out a declaration of love on a piece of paper and practicing said declaration out loud and probably getting walked in on a few times by the sunny’s local food thief (luffy) he decides this rehearsing stuff is stupid and usopp is an idiot for doing silly stuff like this and why the hell did he even try something so ridiculous and fuck it all, he was just going to wait until the right moment because that’s maybe the most romantic way to go about it (even if it means this’ll take 5 more months)
there’d definitely be multiple instances where sanji has the perfect opportunity and tries to tell usopp before immediately backing out, muttering serious “it’s nothing” “nevermind” ‘s and whatnot, leaving usopp dumbfounded everytime. but he already sorta knows (more so just has his suspicions and mutual feelings to return) so he decides he’ll let the cook figure things out on his own until he’s ready. because knowing sanji, he’s probably going through an identity crisis because of him…usopp does feel the slightest bit bad that someone like him has put sanji in such a dilemma
I think the moment that the confession leaves sanji’s mouth would be the most inconvenient moment possible. possibly…. in the middle of battle, when they’re both pumping with adrenaline. possibly when usopp snipes an enemy that was just about to slice a distracted sanji in half — and the cook is so pathetically head over heels at this point, his bottled up love and the overwhelming feeling of admiration in his chest overflowing all at once, he just outright blurts out “i love you” when usopp asks if he’s okay and he doesn’t even realize what’s been said and done until usopp is cheekily smiling at him, saying something along the lines of “i know”
sanji doesn’t even get a chance to process what just happened in the span of 10 seconds before he’s forced back into battle, another wave of opponents storming the battlefield. he’ll have to deal with it later
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sabo-has-my-heart · 11 months
Hii :) I was wondering could you maybe write a scenario where the monster trio + law and ace react to their s/o who has a very bubbly personality (kinda like luffy) being hit by a personality swap devil fruit and become temporarily shy and apologetic
thank you <3
Warnings: personality swap, shy!Reader, GN!Reader
Word Count:1370 
     Your outgoing, happy, joyous demeanor was a constant, as unchanging as the sun in the sky. It was a blessing to him, unafraid to show him how much you adored him, always wrapping him in the love that you held. A paradise that wrapped him in your warmth and eased any fears or doubts. A beautiful memory of who you should be. He cursed the devil fruit and user that had done this, that had turned you into this meek, shy, nervous thing that apologized for everything, whether or not it was your fault. It was your face, your memories, your… you, but it wasn’t how you should be, it wasn’t the person he’d fallen in love with. He’d fallen for your energy, your smile, your spirit. The way you happily ran down the streets, shouting in excitement when you found something of interest or running back with something intriguing. He swore that he’d find the person who’d done this to you, find them and force them to change you back! While he’d always love you, even if you stayed like this, he wanted you to be you, bubbliness and all.
     He was pissed as he paced the deck of the Sunny. How dare someone mess with you! And worse yet? You kept apologizing! He’d tackled you in the hall and said he missed you while he’d been playing with Usopp and Chopper, you apologized for not wanting to play with him. Pulling you towards the kitchen for dinner, saying to hurry up and you apologized for slowing him down. Cuddling on the grass with you stating that he wanted to spend more time outside with you, you’d apologized for not coming outside more. Of course there was also how you now hated showing your affection. You used to be happy to give him a kiss on the cheek in front of the crew, in front of an entire town! Now it was hard to just get you to hold his hand in front of a couple of the crew. The one who did this would pay dearly.
     Sanji sighed as he sat at the table with you, a worried, sad smile on his lips as he caressed your hand.
     “I’ll always love you no matter what, you know that, don’t you?” he asked softly, not wanting to make things worse by being overly loud or energetic.
     “I’ll always love you too.” you said quietly, your cheeks bright pink simply from his hand in yours, your eyes looking down at the table.
     “My sweet Y/n, please look at me.” he said, putting a hand under your chin and lifting your face to look at him.
     “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to.” you whispered, looking into his eyes before looking away, ducking down as if afraid that someone would see you. Sanji sighed slightly, caressing your cheek. As cute as you were like this, as much as he still loved you, he’d begged Luffy to do whatever was necessary to find the bastard who had done this. He wanted you back to normal, wanted to hear you singing while cutting vegetables with him without a care in the world. Wanted to pull you into a dip and kiss under the moonlight after a slow dance on the grass. If he had to accept that you couldn’t be changed back, he would, but if he could, he’d change you back to your normal self, no matter what.
     Swinging his weighted practice sword, Zoro glared at the imaginary image of the person who’d done this to you. You’d trained with him, napped with him on the grass, gotten hella fucking drunk with him! The two of you would laugh as you downed drink after drink, not caring who heard, just rolling on the grass at something stupid that you probably wouldn’t remember the next day. The naps you would take with him, one arm around your waist, your head resting on his chest as you slept in the warm midday sun, unconcerned with who was watching, uncaring about how you were sprawled out with the swordsman. His swords clashing against your own haki infused weaponry, a grin on your face, a challenging look in your eyes as the sound of his practice swords hitting your own practice weapon rang across the ship, despite training in the gym. Giving Sanji good natured hell just because you could. It wasn’t like with him where the two actually fought, yours was more affectionate, but it was the thought that counted. He swore, if the man who’d done this couldn’t change you back, he’d slice them into a thousand pieces. 
     Already he’d tried everything in his power to change you back, hoping that something in his own devil fruit would allow him to fix the swap that had been made. No effect. You still tiptoed around the sub, trying to avoid ‘getting into trouble’, meaning that you avoided anyone and everyone at all costs so you wouldn’t ‘do anything wrong’. Poor Bepo, beside Law, he’d been the one who appreciated your bubbly personality the most. The polar bear had since started crying about how you didn’t want to spend time together anymore, how you didn’t want to listen to music and sing together anymore or just generally have fun together. At first, you’d apologized over and over for not spending more time with him, quiet yet repeated apologies, but after a while, Bepo stopped seeking you out, knowing that you’d just apologize and run away. Law himself had never been particularly extroverted, preferring his studies over most human interaction, but this was a bit much even for him. Even when it was just the two of you, you didn’t show him the kind of affection he’d gotten used to with you. You didn’t lay his head in your lap and hum as you ran your fingers through his hair, didn’t laugh mischievously as you took his hat, forcing him to chase you until he gave you a kiss to get it back, didn’t rest your head on his shoulder after a long day. He had to find the one who did this to you! 
     The devil fruit user growled angrily as he threw various fire attacks across the wet deck. Pops had agreed to find the one who’d switched your personality, not very fond of your new, shy personality. Ace had since become angrier and angrier, taking said anger out on either Marco, who would spar with him, or on the deck as he trained. Normally you’d be there to calm him down, wrapping your arms around him from behind, hands resting on his chest as you took deep breaths, causing him to breathe with you until he’d calmed down. He missed when you’d sneak up behind him, jumping on his back and screaming something stupid like ‘forward my brave steed!’ and he’d start running across the deck as the two of you laughed. The two of you raiding the fridge in the night, both trying to hold back your laughter as you snuck out with armfuls of food. Now you kept apologizing to Thatch for ‘any inconvenience’ in taking ‘too much’ food, barely even held his hand outside of his room, and the closest you’d come to jumping on him was when he’d made you jump out of your skin after tapping you on the back. He’d turn the person who’d done this into a crisp!
Facing the man responsible, he looked on in fury, about ready to wipe him off the face of the planet.
     “Wait, wait, please, don’t hurt me! I can’t change them back, but it’ll wear off, I promise!” the man whimpered, cowering before him.
     “Then you’re coming with us until they do. I won’t let you slip away this time.” he said, grabbing the man by the collar. The man groaned, knowing there was nothing he could do. One or two people, he could swap their personality and escape, but this was an entire crew who were furious with him. Thankfully, you only had a few days left before the effects wore off and were back to your normal self. They’d let him go once you were back to normal… right?
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thebunnednun · 4 months
LA!Buggy the Clown x Fem!Reader Enchanted meeting Part 2
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Clown fuckers of the world unite!
Part 1
Chapter 2 my loves! I forgot to mention this in my last post but please comment your thoughts! I want to see what you all found humorous and what you’d like to see more of. If there are any tags I missed feel free to comment on them! :3 <3 Btw, the reader almost kisses the clown. ON WITH THE SHOW! 
“I can’t fucking believe you convinced us to do this.”
Zoro was being a drama mama in the corner of the massive tent you built. Who knew that a 120-berry tent would come in handy? After a little bit of sweet talking you managed to convince some of the entertainers to sell you a tent the Russian circus could be proud of.
Everyone was able to fit inside and even used the piles of salvageable goods for makeshift walls. Zoro had gotten ready in a black fitted vest and some casual grey slacks. You were applying some smoky black eyeliner and purple eye shadow with a light hand. “Sanji finally got Usopp to stop crying. I don’t think it’s healthy for him to be here right now. I mean he finally put down that piece of wood.” This ship was more than a vessel, it was your home. Where Sanji cooked meals, and everyone took their place beside each other. 
“Yeah, well, it would boost morale. Let’s try to put on a brave face for the others tonight." Your offer of reason just made him sigh, "Fine. But then back to reality." You roll your eyes and shoot him a smile. You knew Zoro was just being a butthead. Exiting your “room” together allowed you to bump into Robin and Chopper. “Looking cuter than usual, papa.” Chopper basked in the compliments and gave you a twirl. He found a big red bowtie and some matching blue shorts.
Robin was wearing a royal blue jacket that resembled a ringmaster's coat. She offered a warm but tired smile. “Where’s Usopp?” “Right here my sweets!~” Sanji emerged with a red-eyed Pinocchio. Sanji was dressed in simple black and blue attire while Usopp managed to find something of a forest green. You yourself decided on a vampy look. A black dress with red mesh for sleeves and a pair of deep red chunky heels. Who gives a shit about practically when you look sexy? 
Luffy emerged scratching his rear with Nami swatting his hand away. He was in his usual chances but was convinced to put on a normal T-shirt with a star design. Nami looked like a magician's assistant with a similar smoky black vest and plum skirt combo that complimented her figure nicely. Brooks looked as though he was auditioning for the part of a lion with how voluminous his fro was looking. 
You nodded at each other and he spoke, “I’d say we clean up rather nicely for having just been shipwrecked.” It was good to see him returning to his elegant self. “Of course, we can’t just parade around as is. So.. I brought masks!” You gleamed while holding up a shopping bag. A mix of groans and snickering.
Everyone took a mask that hid their face completely or partly. To be fair, it would be easy to spot the Straw Hat crew even without the literal skeleton following around. Seeing the sun begin to dip you all decided to get going before night. On the way everyone soon fell into pleasant conversation while following you and Zoro. 
“Okay, first we eat! Then, we can play games.” Luffy cheered while running to the outdoor food court. Zoro (finally smiling) rolled his eyes and chuckled,” I’ll go with him and make sure he doesn’t eat the stall itself.” Robin took Chopper to the bounce house while Sanji’s interest was captured by a woman in a red leotard. Usopp was looking around some of the merchant stalls and you were happy to trail behind Brooks as he began to try his bones at ring toss. 
The night was a serene affair with warm, salty air, and a gentle breeze that stirred the surrounding foliage. Sitting on a bench overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, you felt a sense of happiness and contentment. As you looked around, you noticed that the darkness of the area was a bit creepy, but the beauty of the surroundings made up for it. Your friends had survived a shipwreck and were now enjoying the town's festival, but you had no idea what it was about.
Looking over the crowd, you saw many people, including children, wearing masks of all shapes and sizes. As the newest member of the group, you didn't even have a wanted poster yet. Since you always hid your face, there was no point in wearing a mask, right? 
Just as you were about to remove your sweaty mask, you heard deep chuckling, sounds of thunder, and children screaming. The mixture of sounds was strange and unnerving, and you felt a sense of curiosity rising within you. Turning away from the ocean, you followed the sounds and found yourself making your way towards the fun house.
Children began to pour through the back doors of the fun house as you did your best not to bump into anyone. Coincidentally, Brooks and Usopp had the same idea. “AHH Y/N DON’T DO THAT!” Usopp shrieked, jumping into Brooks' bony arms and immediately falling. The surrounding children found this amusing. “It’s not MY fault if you’re so jumpy.” You dusted off your heels and looked around. Things seem to be calmer now but something about the house seemed…. Off.
Brooks seemed to sense your discomfort. “Maybe the lady would prefer if we left this area? We could still catch up to the captain and grab some tea before the show.” You shook your head, ”Nah, I’ll be okay. Let’s go in together though. There’s something strange about this house.” 
Taking one last look at the outside the three of you stumble into the “fun” house. ‘Fun house my ass,’ you thought while trying to regain your footing. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness you realized it was indeed an old house. However, it was decorated more to the liking of some 1860s vampires. There was the faint smell of mothballs.
“This looks more like a horror house,” Usopp quipped and began touching the walls. Brooks was silent looking at a skeletal dummy in the corner. You placed a hand on his scapula,” Yeah buddy, try not to think about it too much.” Slowly you all made your way into a corridor that split into different hallways. “Do we split or stay together?” You wondered out loud. 
“Ya don’t get a choice, sweetheart.” A gruff voice answered. 
Suddenly the floor gave out from under your doormat, “Y/N!!” the unusual duo screamed with hands outstretched. You slide under the floor, barely missing their fingertips. A metal slide was delivering you somewhere but there could only be a basement under the house, right? Seeing a neon light at the end of the circular tunnel you stopped yourself before falling out completely. You placed a hand out to feel some surface before slipping and dropping onto a concrete floor.
“Fuck,” this was harder than the sandy landing you were blessed with earlier. After regaining your breathing and sitting up your eye finally adjusted and noticed that the neon light was actually multiple lights. Surrounding you was a maze of silly mirrors that distorted your image completely. “No wonder those kids got out. But NOOO I just had to bring Scooby and the gang in here!” You rubbed your sore ass before dusting off. Thankfully, your heels weren’t broken and you didn’t feel any bumps on your head. 
But, getting outta this one was going to take some skill. You notice that the wood surface you felt was another trapdoor that spits you out. However, it was already closed, and no telling when it would open again. Your only option would be to try the maze and do your best. Sighing you pulled out a little tube of red lipstick from your cleavage. Better to Hansel and Gretel your way out than be lost the whole night. That was if you made it out at all. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. The staff has to do a sweep and my friends wouldn’t leave without me anyway.’
The thoughts you offered yourself held comfort. But you’d be lying if you didn’t feel scared. Particularly, it felt as if someone was watching you. Looking around the room and doing a little head shake you strolled up to one of the mirrors and fixed yourself before uncapping the deep red lipstick and touching up your lips.
However, your gaze wandered and you could see something watching you from behind another mirror. “Ah!” you turned around suddenly with your back against the cold glass. Nothing, of course, was there. Simply a figure of your imagination. 
But, you knew something was there. And you began to mark each mirror with an angry red slash. Looking over your shoulder gave you little security. 
Great, now you were hearing things. Because you could’ve sworn you heard a faint,” Yo ho,” and the sound of men's boots following you. “I need to get the fuck outta here.” Step, step, step, step, silence. What was the voice you heard before you fell? It was too deep to be Usopp but also not mature enough to be Brooks. Maybe someone over a monitor was watching you guys? Finally, with mercy, you reached a door that led to a staircase. Taking small quiet steps you held your breath and felt relief when you heard no sounds behind you. 
Just as you were about to reach the door it was flung open and strong cold hands grabbed you. “Y/N!!!” You felt a familiar long nose and afro in your face crushing you into a tight hug. Your sweet goofballs have found you! Returning the hug with much vigor you breathed a sigh of relief. “Now don’t you ever disappear through the floor again!” Brooks scolded, waving his arms widely. You let out a soft giggle and he couldn’t help but let the anger melt away. “I can’t promise anything. But what happened to you guys?” Usopp began to spin a wild tale about fighting off monsters and being the one to locate you. “There is Pinocchio ass goes again,” mumbled Brooks rolling his sockets. You could see why those kids were scared. But something deep down inside told you that it wasn’t because of the mirrors. “Let’s get outta here already. I’m sure the others are looking for us.” 
The trio made their way to the food court where Luffy was arguing the advertised size of a Jumbo Philly cheesesteak hotdog with an embarrassed Nami and Zoro patting his stomach. Robin was enjoying some warm tea in a travel mug and Chopper had gotten you a big soft pretzel. “Nice job papas,” you mused and rubbed his head affectionately. Sanji strolled up (having just been banned from the kissing booth) and handed Nami a cake plushie. “Something sweet for someone sweet~” She rolled her eyes but accepted the plush peace offering. You tried to shake off the past events but could see Brooks whispering to Luffy and Zoro. 
They looked at each other and continued to talk in hushed whispers. 
Looking around you realized the booths seemed to be… Deserted. There was no life in them anymore. “I think it’s time for the show. Let’s get going.” Zoro took the lead and everyone gathered their goods. He bumped his hip with yours slightly and you looked up from your pretzel. The green bean haired male raised a single eyebrow at you and you shrugged looking ahead. It’s not like you actually got trapped down there. It was just.. nothing. “It was nothing,” your explanation is accepted, for now, as the Green giant hummed in response. You decided to hang back a little and joined hands with Robin and Nami. Chopper got to ride on Usopp's shoulders for the sake of time. 
Arriving at the big top you all paid 4 bounty a ticket. It was a little dark when you first stepped in. Looking around you decided to take hold of Zoro's arm for a little help walking. Luffy whipped out a wad of cotton candy and you traded half your pretzel for it. A hum of excited children and families surrounded you all as everyone took their seats in the middle of the stands. 
Suddenly, the spotlight came on and a huge puff of smoke developed inside the ring. Whipping your eyes, you found yourself staring at all the performers. You even saw the lion from earlier! Searching for the man that gave you the flier your eyes tried capturing everyone from the sea of entertainers. Acrobats, jugglers, contortionists, and… a single clown?
His eyes were closed but he stood in the center of all the chaos. Around you, children and parents lost their minds cheering, clapping, and waving to all the performers. 
Finally, the clown opened his eyes. He wore a ringmaster's coat, nothing like Robins, and sported a blood-orange pirate hat. Two blue ‘ribbons’ (you guessed) hung from either side of his hat. The boots he wore didn’t look like performance shoes either. And the makeup he wore didn’t look like a typical clown. He had painted his mouth into a permanent blood-red smile. And then you noticed his nose. It looked as though he tapped a rather large orange to his face.
Wait. Did you just see the nostrils twitch as he breathed?
“Huh, that’s pretty strange-” “BINKY?!” Luffy shouted prompting Nami to immediately slap her hand over his loud mouth. “SHHHH!” she hissed into his ear. But she herself looked slightly worried.
The clown man immediately seemed to shift his focus on the group ahead of him. Zoro was now sitting tensely and at attention. “Psst, whose Binky?” you whispered. “Tell you later. Right now, we all need to leave this circus.” Your brow furrowed. Leave? Over a pirate clown?
“There’s no way we could get up without him seeing us,” said Usopp, putting a hand on your shoulder. You could tell his energy was off. “I knew I remembered that voice from somewhere.” Luffy’s smile deepened into a frown. Everyone was acting so fucking weird. You were about to voice your concerns when a familiar voice cut you off-
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, children of all ages, thank you, truly. It will be my personal pleasure to entertain you all this evening.~”
The clown had now stepped closer to your group. Zoro tugged your sleave but you couldn't help take your eyes off the flashy clown before you.
You caught yourself about to speak but quickly bit your lips together. Not to be dramatic, but his eyes were a really fucking pretty shade of green. The blue tones around his eyes complimented them so well. You didn’t hear much of what he said, only noticing when he waved his hands at the other performers who either disappeared or got into place. 
Zoro couldn’t help but spare you a glance. “Y/n, are you seriously checking out the clown?!” He grunted through closed teeth. Quickly, you shook your head no and looked around that stadium. Luffy was still frowning. Nami was holding onto his arm and you could see Robin pull Chopper into her lap with Sanji putting a protective face on. “Damn, clown,” was all you heard from the seats next to you.
Placing your hand over Usopps, you try to offer him some comfort by running your thumb over his hand. The first act was a simple trapeze act with the performers mixing it up at the end by juggling and riding a unicycle out. Then there was the lion and sheep man but the routine wasn’t comedic. However, you couldn’t stop sweeping over the crowd looking for that green-eyed clown. 
And from the looks of things he had no problem finding you.
“Mmm,” you let go of your ruby lips to see him transfixed on your face, head tilted. Almost like he was studying you. You quickly looked away from the act and touched your cheek. Wait, Fuck. You must have dropped your mask in the funhouse when you fell. Looking out the corner of your side, you could still see him staring at you curiously. You decided to close your eyes and try to land back on earth.
‘Everything is going to be okay. I’m safe right here and Zoro will tell me what happened when we get back to the ship.’ The reasoning was stopped when you heard loud screams.
A mother (presumably) had cried out along with many other children.
Opening your eyes, you saw the clown's body standing perfectly still as the lion’s face made a puffy expression.
Regrettably, you couldn’t stop the, “Oh Shit!” that came out of your mouth causing you to gain a few harsh glares from the parents around. Unconsciously rising to your feet, you leaned in closer to see the damage done. “Where’s his blood?” A few children began to cry a disembodied voice could be heard from the lion.
The sheepman ran over, opened the lion's jaws, and the clown's body walked over and plopped his head back on like nothing happened. The stands fell silent once more before more cheering and screams EXPLODED from the people around you.
“Y/n sit down.”
Oops, forgot you were still standing.
The clown seemed to be drinking in all the attention and flashed an admittedly sexy smile. He raised his arms over his head and a hush fell over the people. “Thank you all for your attention. Now for this next act, I need a volunteer please.” If you weren’t interested before you sure were now, even if you didn’t raise your hand. Zoro, clearly annoyed began to tug at your hand, “Y/n sit-”
“Would the young lady with the cherry red lips please step forward?”
You were blinded once more by the other spotlight as you held your hands up to protect your vision. The light dimmed a bit and you could see everyone, staring at you expectantly, excluding your crew mates.
They were busy staring at the clown in front of you with an outstretched hand. Taking his cue, he shot you a wink and urged you forward. If only your feet would cooperate.
“Don’t be shy now. I don’t bite~” he teased while flashing his teeth. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t do something for you. Not to mention there was this little heartbeat down there that started-
“Aww, maybe she’s shy. Everyone! Let’s give this young lady a round of applause!”
He raised his arms once again and began to clap along with everyone. A single gloved hand shot out towards you urging you to take its hold. Softly pressing your smaller hand into it you were then gently tugged forward towards the ring. 
However, you couldn’t feel your legs and as you stepped forward your heels betrayed you again, leading you to tumble down the stands into the arms of the clown before you with your lips-”
And that wraps up chapter two, my loves!!
Part 3 Here!
Please remember to follow and like! Also don't be shy in the comment section! Requests are also open. See you all soon! <3
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
I don’t have many Op friends I can talk about this with but one of my top ship tropes is when it’s established that Luffy is slow on the uptake regarding people’s relationships and even HE knows someone is in love and pining. Like, to make a point at how utterly obvious it is. Sanji cuts food for Usopp into little bite sized pieces? Luffy just asks him something that indicates Sanji and Usopp are in a relationship and the cook almost chokes. Nami tries to write a letter and is getting visibly frustrated at not finding the right words and he just looks over her shoulder like „Say Vivi I said hi!“. He witnessed Shank and Buggy finally meeting at laughtale and there is just a bunch of „I WOULD HAVE FOLLOWED YOU!“ „I never wanted you to leave!“ „YOU WERE A COWARD!“ „Why does that matter now?!“ „BECAUSE I ALMOST GAVE UP MY DREAM FOR YOU!“ and Luffy just looks at this insane display in front of him while his idol does a homoerotic sword vs dagger fight with a clown and just „Are you seeing this shit Zoro?“ like… congrats . You’re being such a lovesick idiot even Luffy is like „Damn bitch you got it bad“
Honestly, this is extremely in character and pretty much not far from the truth. Luffy, despite being a dumbass, is a very perceptive person when it comes to people's feelings. One of his best traits as a main character is that he's empathetic to the point of knowing how people feel or what they want without needing to know the background or the rest of the story. I actually hate when the fanon perception of Luffy gets simplified to "he's an idiot" because yeah, he might be reckless and stupid and he's very silly, but he's emotionally mature to a sickening extent. Savior complex much? (Not that he wants to be a hero, god forbid, he would hate that. I just mean that his constant need to save everyone so nobody he cares about dies on him or gets hurt again has made him really aware of his surroundings and people's feelings). And, well, tbh he has always been like that. Very honest and perceptive, I mean. He might be a bit slow when catching up to some things and he might not know why people feel what they feel sometimes, but he knows what they're feeling. Get me? Like he might be aware of Nami being mad at him, for example, and not knowing why, but being aware that he has to do something to change that.
What I want to say with all of this is that Luffy noticing romance within the crew is extremely canon because he knows how his friends act, and if he notices changes in a person towards someone else, he might be stupid but he's not that oblivious. Like, he knows something's up. And to him the whole concept of pining is so stupid because if you feel something, just let the other person know! But then again, his relationship with Zoro is just different from that, and not everyone can have a devoted long-term marriage without saying a word.
And his reaction towards people pining would be hilarious because the guy would be exhausted from the crew having crushes and not doing anything. A Sanuso trope I love is Luffy going to Usopp like "Hey, confess already because Sanji has been distracted lately, and if he stops cooking because he is sad and pining for you I will be very mad" and he says shit like this and goes away and leaves Usopp alone with that information as if it was the most obvious and normal thing to do. But, you know, Luffy gets things done around here, at least.
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possessionisamyth · 4 months
Not sorry, but I believe Sanji's arranged marriage made WCI worse. I didn't like the arc that much already, but the marriage was extremely unnecessary.
I know the framing is supposed to show Sanji is kind, but to me Sanji's kindness was never called into question. Whole Cake did not bring it back or highlight it. We knew Sanji was kind when he was told to leave Gin to die on the baratie and Sanji fed him anyway. We knew Sanji was kind when he trusted Nami even after barely knowing her and tried to reassure the rest of the crew there must've been another reason for her leaving. He extended that same kindness to Usopp by defending him from Luffy during Enies Lobby. He even blamed Zoro for Usopp leaving at all!
He's kind enough to remember everyone's favorite foods and preferences BEFORE Whole Cake Island. His kindness is shown equally to men, women, and kids in multiple arcs both main, filler, and in one piece movies set during pre-time skip. Of course Sanji is kind. THIS KNOWLEDGE CAME FREE WITH YOUR PRE-TIME SKIP ANIME.
The poor attempt Whole Cake does is try to remind people Sanji is a nice guy after the horrible character assassination of making him an even bigger pervert which are two separate problems. The kindness was never drawn into question! We knew! We always knew! It's Oda's fault for deciding over and over again to make Sanji behave one step removed from "accidentally" groping women!
Like, Sanji's fandom wasn't built because he's strong like Zoro or fun like Luffy. Sanji's fandom derived from his gentleman schtick pre-time skip where he's genuinely fucking sweet when he's not twirling around like an idiot. If he was actually an intolerable gross pervert, it wouldn't matter how well he cooks. People would either have mixed feelings about him or they'd hate him. But post time skip Sanji???????? They were riding the fucking edge with that behavior. Like REALLY riding the edge! It was the cushion of his history that kept him popular along with the hope that they'd fucking tone it down!!!!! They wanted the grossness toned down! They didn't need a reminder of the kindness!
Add the fact that he didn't need A SECOND ALTERNATIVE BACKSTORY???? Apparently nearly starving to death on an uninhabitable island with a man willing to eat his own leg so the child had a shot at survival wasn't tragic enough for some people?!??!?? What does Judge's relation to Sanji add other than a last name he doesn't want and never claims? What do his supposedly emotionless family generate when Sanji has already been the character that chooses kindness when surrounded by cruel people. He's a freaking pirate! That's a normal Tuesday on some of the islands they go to! What did this arc add to him that made me look at his behavior differently? Should I thank Oda for adding another dead mom to his corpse arsenal, or will I acknowledge the fact he probably just wanted to add a super sentai reference so he could cover every style of anime in his giant storybook?
And I don't want to say Whole Cake was a bust. I mean Jinbei is there!! We finally get to see what kind of real threat Big Mom is!!! The Charlotte family is a colorful and tasty looking cast!!!! Sure the Katakuri fight wasn't nearly as exciting as other big encounters but there were big plot relevant things within the story including a connection to punk hazard! Yet, the whole thing with Sanji's biological family and this arranged marriage was the dumbest segway for us to get this information!
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licorice-tea · 4 months
Pirate Bias
Pairing: Nico Robin x reader
Content: reader is a straw hat/ pirate fan (just like me fr), a little nervous around their fave, robin! could be sent as platonic or romantic since its just a first meeting! part of my 100 follower event <3
Word Count: 0.8k
A/N: (cringe title? perhaps…) I'm not really into kpop so I hope I used the term “bias” correctly lol :) also I haven't really edited this super closely yet, so if there are grammar mistakes I'm sorry about that!!!! pls enjoy, ty to the anon who requested!
The last thing you expected to see upon entering the bar for a midday pick me up, or the last people you expected to meet rather, were the Strawhat Pirates. Yet there they were, in all their glory: from the boyish captain to the grandiose cyborg, the latest addition to their crew. Still in a state of disbelief, your eyes scan the bar trying to get a headcount on every one of them.
And low and behold- almost the entire crew is somewhere within the dimly lit bar. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper are gathered around an old arcade machine. Zoro and Nami are at the bar, and Sanji and Franky are eating at one of the few regular tables. It's kind of strange to see them all in such a normal setting, acting like normal people instead of, well, The Strawhat Pirates. “What are they doing here, of all places?” You wonder. The only one you don’t spot is one Nico Robin, with her gorgeous black hair and blue eyes. Perhaps she’s watching their ship; you’d heard that was common for pirates, to leave someone to watch the ship since being attacked was always a possibility.
However, your curiosity is overridden by the pure excitement in your veins. To say you're a fan of the Strawhat Pirates would be an understatement- you had followed their story closely through the World News ever since the events of Alabasta. You thought they were just what the world needed: people who fought for such righteous ideals as freedom and happiness and peace. Still, Robin is your favorite, so it is just the slightest bit disappointing that she isn’t among the others. If she was, you’d surely approach her and strike up a conversation, even compliment her on something. Her intelligence, her power, her beauty…
“Hi there.” A calm voice greets you to your left.
You turn your cheek and blink in astonishment when you find Nico Robin in the bar stool next to yours.
“Oh- hi!”
“You’ve been watching my friends. Why is that?”
“I- I’m so sorry, I didn’t think anyone would notice, um… I just, well, I’ve heard all about you guys from the World News, and, gosh this is embarasing, I just think you’re a really cool crew!”
Robin tilts her head and leans her head on her hand. You can’t decide if she’s suspicious or -, so you continue rambling. “I don’t mean you any harm, really I… I have your wanted poster on my wall!”
At this shocking and unintentional reveal, Robin quirks a brow and her lips twitch up in the subtlest of smiles. “Is that so?” She laughs politely behind her hand. “I didn’t know I had a fan!”
“Well, y-yeah, I guess you do!” You laugh along, albeit more awkwardly.
Robin hums contemplatively. “So, are you on a crew yourself? Or a marine division perhaps?“
You shake your head rapidly. “No, no I… I couldn’t live that kind of life. I’m not as strong as you guys…”
“That’s too bad,” she smiles softly, “I’d love to get to know you better.”
“Really?” You didn’t mean to sound like such a fan, but you couldn’t help it. It was Nico Robin, for fuck’s sake; she was practically your pirate bias!
“Mhm. What’s your name?”
You smile back and shake her hand. Her grip isn’t espescialy firm, but it is stable. “Y/n, it’s very nice to meet you.”
“Nico Robin,” she nods and extends her hand- the one she isn’t resting her chin on- toward you in greeting, “but I suppose you already knew that.”
You can barely contain the way your smile breaks out into a grin. “Yeah, I did.”
“So, I expect you want an autograph then?”
Your mouth gapes- is she serious? Not that you’d turn down an autograph from the Nico Robin, but… isn’t that kind of a weird thing to ask for? Especially when all you want is just to talk to her, and get to know her better, too.
“I’m kidding.” She laughs again, but it’s more unrestrained this time around. Then she looks around the bar at her crew mates, and back at you. “Come on, y/n. Let me introduce you to the others.”
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uttsuo · 7 months
"Oruburu, butterflies worst nightmare"
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(For those wondering, this lil man isn't Usopp but it's a sanuso fanchild I decided to do a while ago after I had seen a post about how beautiful a Sanuso fankid would be and wanting to try myself at it 👀 it's my 2nd art of him, my 1st being his ref 😌)
I've put some anecdotes about him+bits of his story after the cut so that ppl that might be interested by him can check out 🥹👉👈
his name is Oruburu which is just the literal translation of "all blue"
even though one of his dads is one of the best cook ever, he's pretty bad at cooking himself (it never stopped him from learning about it with Sanji at his side though)
Usopp often teaches him to draw and be creative in general which helps Oruburu express his feelings a bit better!
He's extremely fond of bugs, owls and plants!
He often tries his hardest to succeed at everything he does and easily gives up when he's unable to perfect something on the first try
Oruburu is really sensitive to everything and often shuts down when he's overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings
He also happens to have a strong sense of justice
He's quite the loner but not because he's bullied of anything, only due to him not feeling able to connect/relate to anyone else
He's really clumsy and cannot walk straight to save himself
He could talk about owls for hours and not get tired (but his mother sure is tired after having to hear the process of an owl regurgitating a pellet at each dinner they're having)
Oruburu is extremely hyperactive and often doesn't know what to do with his two hands other than draw and spread chaos around the bugs kingdom with them
He has his own den den mushi that's only contacted by the mugiwaras just to let him know that they're almost at port and to come greet them there!
His favorite mugiwara are Franky, Brook and Jinbei (Jinbei is only his favorite for hugs though-)
It all started with Usopp and Sanji wanting a child of their own;
The more time passed the worse their baby fever was becoming and so they decided that they'd just go for a child;
They already had ideas on how to go at it and just decided that Sanji would seek an agreeing surrogate mother that resembled Usopp so that the kid could look like the both of them even tho he would only be blood related to Sanji;
After finding an agreeing woman named "Zeeha" that fitted the profile perfectly, "Oruburu Vinsmoke" was born.
Oruburu grew up living inside of his native village with only his surrogate mother as sadly Usopp and Sanji had decided that the pirate's life was still way too dangerous for him to embark in;
To make up for it, whenever they could the mugiwaras would visit Zeeha and Oruburu to spend a whole day/week with them before going back on another adventure;
Because of it, while growing up Oruburu would often get mad about his dads "abandoning him";
He'd throw tantrums and would scream at the top of his small lungs for his dads to stay as they both felt horrible but had no other choice but to leave him for another day, month or even maybe year.
(Usopp often feels tons of remorse about it as he knows how it feels to know your dad is out here but that you just can't see him)
Because of his fear of abandonment, Oruburu was staring to grow bitter and mean at both his parents, to the point where he one day had a meltdown during a dinner and screamed at them that when he'd grow up he'd join the marines just so that at least he could see his dads more often since he'd spend his time chasing them.
That day chaos erupted around the dinner table as all the mugiwaras started to choke on their own food out of surprise and Sanji proceeded to lightly kick some sense back into his son.
That burst of hatred wasn't normal with Oruburu as he usually was really kind, so it came as a surprise to them to hear him say such a thing but they also couldn't ignore the fact that the boy probably felt abandoned and scared without his parents;
And both Usopp and Sanji felt horrible about it.
Oruburu had taken a duty of providing everything to his mother at such a young age just because he didn't wanted his own mom to be alone like him and that duty had started to weight heavily onto his small heart and shoulders.
After Oruburu fled the dinner table that night Luffy came to see him, the boy was angry and sad but he confessed that he often had a reoccurring nightmare of seeing the mugiwaras go back on their ship and die during an adventure but that in the nightmare he'd know nothing about it and would keep on hopelessly waiting for them to come back until the end of time.
Luffy reassured him in his "Luffy way"..
Saying that if they were about to die/be executed, Oruburu would hear about it everywhere, hell! It probably would even be broadcasted around the world!
That just made Oruburu cry.. So Luffy decided to make a promise to the boy as to give him some hope back (and mainly for him not to join the marines) Luffy's promise was that if Oruburu were to ever beat him in a fight he'd be free to join his crew, alongside his parents!
The boy instantly lit up and agreed, promising that he'd grow strong and would one day defeat Luffy!
This promise started a long tradition casually named "Oruburu getting his butt kicked o'clock";
Where each time the crew came back to visit Oruburu, this one would rush in a straight line to fight Luffy, both of them with a bright smile on their faces while getting ready to knock out one another;
But also the Luffy mainly being happy as he knew he had managed to give some hope back to what was once a scared boy.
That's it for now 👀
It was long as hell but if you checked all of it I cannot express how grateful I am that you took your time to read my dumb lil ideas and story, thank you! 🥹💕
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cosmicatta · 1 year
I have so many questions about your lawlu childeren, I love them 😭❤️
What does Ola usually write? 👀 (somehow I can see her writing the weirdest stuff no matter the genre xD)
And is Taiga's garden more flowery or more vegetable/herb/Usopp type garden?
And the golden question, how did the crews react when they first found out there's going to be a baby around and worse, that it's going to a mini Lawlu mix? There are so many ways I can imagine that going and I need to know how it actually went xD
AAAHHH thank you so much, I'm really glad! 🥺💜 I love talking about them, these questions are making me vibrate:
1 - What does Ola usually write?
She has a preference for fantasy and sci-fi, and you're absolutely correct, it's always weird. The kind of weird where you're not sure if it's pure surrealism or if you just don't get it because you're dumb.
Law seems to get it though, he says her writing is "deeply allegorical and profound, a reflection of human nature through a distorting mirror." Whatever that's supposed to mean. He's proud.
2 - What kind of garden does Taiga keep?
Flowery garden! He grows some herbs and fruit trees too, but it's mostly flowers, vines, cacti, etc. He's very dedicated to his plants, it's a huge tragedy whenever something bad happens to one of them (which is not very often, because he's extremely careful).
He never kills the bugs though. If they are damaging the plants, he takes them somewhere else and feeds them (sometimes he ends up keeping them too).
3 - How did the crews react to lawlu having a baby?
There were mixed reactions for sure. The Heart pirates were shocked at first, and definitely a little worried, but overall just very happy for Law. All of them wanted to be "the cool uncle/auntie" and couldn't wait to spoil the baby (everyone was jealous of Bepo once Ola was born, because he was very obviously the favorite).
The Strawhats, on the other hand... they know Luffy enough to know there are things to be very worried about. Well, at least some of them were worried. Robin and Zoro were just like "omg congrats :)", Franky got "SUUUUUPER" emotional, but I can see Nami, Sanji and Usopp having some kind of "emergency meeting" about the news:
Usopp: Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them—a litte weirded out, yes, but happy—but, guys... A human being that's half Luffy and half Trafalgar Law? I can't be the only one who thinks this is a dangerous idea. That baby is going to be terrifying.
Sanji: Oh my god, what if the baby eats as much as Luffy?! What's going to happen to me?!
Nami: Guys, calm down, this is important! Our mission is to be positive role-models for the baby once it's born. That way, we can maybe mitigate the effects of the Trafal-Luffy genes. The child can still be normal if we try hard enough.
But once Ola is born, their only concern is "protect Pirate Princess!" The child did not, in fact, turn out normal at all, but they all still love her (and Taiga!) to death.
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idreaminmugiwara · 6 months
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Major Spoilers for Whole Cake Island Arc
Turn back if you haven't gotten into the 800s!!! I'm about to give a TED talk about episode 808, which is arguably one of the most emotional episodes of One Piece.
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I FINALLY have my computer back!! Which means I can finally get to the myriad of posts I've been wanting to make over the past few days. I've been able to go from Zou to the beginning of Wano in record time and I have SO MANY THOUGHTS.
Starting with this episode right here.
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I had heard some hype about Sanji v Luffy but until I actually watched the episode, I hadn't been terribly excited. I (like many others) have very complicated feelings about Sanji. I loved him before Thriller Bark, after which his predatory nature became impossible to overlook and made the majority of scenes with him uncomfortable to sit through. I've had relationships with guys that seemed amazing save for the fact that they refused to acknowledge and appreciate boundaries around women and femmes, and I've watched those guys get away with their bullshit over and over because no one takes it fucking seriously. Sanji can be borderline triggering for me with the kind of abuse history that I have. With that out of the way....
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Whole Cake Island Sanji feels almost like a different person than he did in Thriller Bark and Fishman Island. He ceases to be the token perv and becomes an extremely emotionally complex character in a way we haven't seen up until this point. Normally incredibly sarcastic and stoic in the face of drama and tension, he begins to crack at the seams. Being around his abusers brings out a side of him that I hadn't even imagined up until now. His fight with Luffy is EXTREMELY challenging to watch because this isn't about someone flexing their strength or winning a contest, it's about fucking trauma.
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It was difficult enough watching Luffy get the absolute shit kicked out of him by one of his dear friends. Then Sanji had to go and shatter Nami's heart. We've seen Nami (rightfully) slap the shit out of him before when he acts a fool towards women, but this literally hit different. The tears started falling for me after that "Sayonara." It felt so definite, so devastatingly conclusive. I don't think we've ever seen Nami angry like this before, not towards a crew member. As a viewer, I hadn't felt this uncomfortable since Luffy's falling out with Usopp.
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I could be wrong, but I think the only other time we've seen Sanji cry was when he was saying goodbye to Zeff at Baratie. One of the things I've always loved about One Piece is how little Oda holds back when it comes to allowing his characters to FEEL. Crying is normalized in this world, no matter what one's gender is. But Sanji is typically presented (much like Zoro) as the stoic butch, the cool as a cucumber James Bond type who doesn't seem nearly as affected as the rest of his compatriots by the crazy shit they go through. Seeing him break down as Luffy cried after him, reminding him of how much he cared about him and how he wouldn't give up on him was fucking powerful and gave Sanji some much needed development after over 800 episodes.
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Lastly, I just have to commend all the voice actors in this episode, particularly Hioraki Hirata and Mayumi Tanaka. The amount of nuance that went into these performances gives me goosebumps and cemented this as one of the most powerful episodes of One Piece for me. I wish this was the Sanji that could have stayed with us in Wano, but alas and alack. Watching this arc play out in Live Action is going to be absolutely insane.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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deateath · 2 years
Ykno what I’m thinking about on this fine day? Sanji. Who is surprised. BUT I was rereading this post by @demonzoro and got to thinking specifically about the “started smoking to make himself seem more mature” thing and how pretending (or being forced by circumstance) to be mature as a child can lead to emotional underdevelopment as an adult.
As an oldest sibling and a former Little Girl with Undiagnosed ADHD™, I was always told I was mature for my age, talked well with adults, was very responsible and self-sufficient, etc. I was by no means forced to be like this, but I understood this was praised behavior so I kept up with it and now look at me lol. So I find myself coming across this problem of emotional maturity occasionally. Emotional maturity is influenced by both your adult mentors and younger peers. And who out of the crew had older siblings, other children as friends, or actual adult figures around who loved them? Most everyone EXCEPT Sanji and Usopp, whose mothers died when they were very young and had almost no other children their age in their life.
BUT TIME OUT: by this logic, am I saying that Luffy is emotionally mature? I guess I am. He’s a goofball and impulsive, sure, but he is the one to bring so many people to these significant moments that realize emotional maturity. He makes Nami ask for help in Arlong Park. He makes Robin say she wants to live. He helps Chopper realize he’s not a monster, and to take a step towards achieving his dream by coming with them. He makes Sanji say what he truly wants and ask for help in Whole Cake AND yells at him at the Baratie (which I mentioned here talking about Sanji’s martyrdom). Not to mention the countless side characters who are inspired by him. OKAY TIME IN.
We clearly see Usopp’s emotional immaturity with his pathological lying and inability to take full responsibility for his mistakes. Though, he wasn’t necessarily robbed of a childhood, he didn’t have figures in his life to teach him about becoming an adult, and his childhood is extended when he didn’t want it to be. He’s not fooling himself, he knows he’s a chicken. And his dream is to become a brave warrior! Usopp’s dream is to leave behind his primary hallmark of emotional immaturity.
Sanji, on the other hand, thinks he’s the epitome of sophisticated manhood, but he is clinging to a childhood he never got to have. We see it when he talks about the All Blue and the way he treats women. Sanji’s dream is to find this fairytale place. And unlike Usopp who as a child lacked adult figures and had plenty of (younger, granted) kids on the island, Sanji lacked other children to be around. His siblings were not normal children, and he spent the whole rest of his youth with grown-ass pirates. To fit in and survive, he had to act mature. But he never learns true maturity. Everything Sanji does is him mimicking how he thinks mature people behave. But he hasn’t learned boundary setting, he hasn’t learned to ask for help, he hasn’t learned to be vulnerable.
(((Also I know Robin had to be mature at a young age as well, but she is 8 years older than the east blue crew so we don’t see her moments of emotional immaturity in the canon storyline. In fact she is likely regarded as the most mature before Jinbe joins. Though one could argue water 7/enies lobby is a demonstration of emotional immaturity from Robin, I think it’s specifically trauma-informed due to the whole Devil Child thing bringing ruin to everyone she ever met until that point. Also Spandam is there and his connection to Ohara/threat of buster call is a bfd. Fic ideas for Robin in her late teens/early twenties struggling with emotions anyone…?)))
Anyway. There’s a point in here somewhere. Sanji is prepared to spend his entire adult life to find this childish fantasy. It could be said that both Usopp and Sanji’s dreams are to obtain what they never had. But the key difference is Usopp is searching for emotional maturity, bravery, because he knows he needs it. Sanji is searching for the childhood he never got and he doesn’t realize he’s missing it.
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imaeraser · 3 years
Hello there
Can I please get the straw hats reaction to reader who is an marine admiral quitting the marine and wanting to join the them
Gender neutral please
Thanks for the request!
He is ecstatic
Another crew member that he can hold dear to his heart
Unlike most of the crew, you came willingly
Of course, this caused the crew to be suspicious, but Luffy is bouncing around with excitement
I mean he already has two people in the navy who like him, what could go wrong by accepting an Admiral into his crew?
“Show me that move again!” He will constantly be watching you train, and ogle in awe at the amount of strength you have
But be warned, once you show him it once, you’re gonna have to do it again
You’re gonna have to get used to the chaotic nature of Luffy and his “plans” because it isn’t structured like the Navy
But that also gives you more freedom to do what you want… as long as you help/save Luffy on the way
He’ll kinda treat you like a new toy, and after that wears off he’ll treat you like the rest of the crew
Don’t delude yourself though, he is still your captain, and when in desperate situations he will get serious with you (another thing you have to get used to)
8/10 is not bad, but he needs to chill a little— can’t blame him though, you are an ex-navy admiral
Opposite of Luffy
Not excited, but suspicious and a little angry
Sure it may be nice to have one less “enemy” and one more crew member, but he is on edge about your allegiance
You could be a spy for all he knows or an underhand way for the navy to kill Luffy and his crew
And he won’t be having any of that
He’ll be taking fewer naps, and opt to watch you instead. He’ll always be tense around you. He’s getting ready in case you attack
He won’t say anything since his captain already accepted you, but that doesn’t mean he’ll welcome you
Don’t think that trying to suck up to him will help you either. He’ll accept whatever you offer (ex: money for a sword), but he’ll only see that as you trying to gain his trust to backstab him later
The only way for you to gain his trust is to a) give them your backstory and why you quit the navy and joined them b) Stay with them long enough to just naturally become a member (as well as help them in ways that hurt the navy— several times) c) nearly die trying to save someone from the crew
After one or a combination of all of those things, he will no longer question you and relax and open up a bit
You’ll know that the first mate trusts you when he’ll share a cup of sake and take a nap— right in front of you
3/10 the only good this is that he’s not cutting your gut open
She is also suspicious of you too, but she hides it better than Zoro
Instead, she’ll leave the watching to Zoro, and go to Robin to discuss her worries (they are such an iconic duo)
Nami knows that Luffy will accept anyone onto the crew, so she feels responsible for making sure it’s in the best interests of the Strawhats
She’ll weigh the pros and cons carefully and advise everyone to be careful, but at the end of the day Luffy listens to no one
She won’t outright shun you, but she’ll be wary around you
That is until… you give her money
This tactic may not work on Zoro, but it will work on her
All of a sudden you’re her new favorite person
Just sit out on the deck with Nami and Robin and listen to Nami talk about how stupid the rest of the crew is
If you make cool-headed decisions and can stop the crew from getting into disasters, Nami will forever be thankful
It might take a while for her to warm up, but when she does (or when you give her money) be prepared for a feisty friend
7/10 can be unwelcoming, but it doesn’t take much to win her over
Like everyone except Luffy, he is wary (and mostly scared, you could beat him up)
Seeing his nervous and pessimistic nature, he would not believe that you are on their side
He’ll try to act cool and distrusting, but once he sees you do something funny he’ll buckle
Bad people can’t be funny - Usopp. At least that’s what he seems to think
If you mess around with him, Chopper, and Luffy you’re good
No suspicions after
He’ll show you his inventions and will prank you from time to time
He’ll welcome you with wide arms
(He’s just glad that he doesn’t have to fight someone so powerful)
He act’s pretty normal
He just treats you like any other crew member
8/10 fun, until he tests out a new invention on you
Isn’t really on edge
He knows that he can’t change Luffy’s mind so he won’t bother trying
Of course, he’ll be careful, but he trusts that the crew can handle it if something does arise
As long as you appreciate his food you’re fine
Just don’t waste it
Because if you do, that’s when his unwelcoming side comes out
But I don’t think that’ll be a problem, because his food is amazing
6/10 he is pretty indifferent
Is nervous, but if Luffy gives the okay, then it's okay
Is confused on why you would quit the navy and join a pirate group (just like the rest of them), but he doesn’t ask why
If you get hurt, ad go to him he’ll treat you
Then compliment him and he’ll get all gushy
The moral of the story— just compliment him and you’ll be fine
Hang out with him, Usopp, and Luffy—> and the goofy trio will become a quartet
Make him Cotton-candy and he’ll let you pat his head
It truly isn’t too different from how he treats everyone else, aside from the rocky beginning
He is amazed at how strong you are
(And then he thinks about how difficult things could’ve been if you stayed in the navy)
8/10 nothing to complain about here
Isn’t on edge
After all, didn't she join similarly?
And she knows that Luffy will do what he wants to do, so she’ll just stick to reading her books
I feel like she would be the most welcoming (without having to do anything on your part)
You can come to her and talk about how you feel like you are somewhat an outcast in the group, and she’ll listen and sympathize
You guys could relate to a lot of things
This doesn't mean she isn’t watching you
She is very observant due to the way she grew up, and old habits die hard
But don’t be too sad, she watches everyone (mostly to make sure no one gets hurt)
If you ask her she’ll give you tips on how to win over each of the crew members
She would know because she had to do it
10/10 super helpful and welcoming
I can see him being suspicious, but not caring
Again, no one can control Luffy, so he’s just gonna do whatever he usually does
He’ll let you watch him, and help him out with whatever
He’ll joke around, and act pretty normal
He’s still suspicious but he is too super to care
Because he also trusts that the crew can handle anything if things go south
If you can connect him with Vegapunk, I think you would be his favorite person
That’s because he can make more beams
Giving him cola would also help ease his suspicions
6/10 Like Sanji he’s indifferent
Will quirk a non-existing eyebrow, but your joining would not be the strangest thing he’s seen
He’s gonna try to be welcoming and get you settled since many other members are still on edge around you
He knows that Luffy wants you on the crew, so he’ll do everything in his power to try and make you as comfortable as possible
But he will not hesitate to protect the crew if he thinks you are up to something
His loyalty lies with them, and not you— yet
He can’t afford to lose his crew again, don't be upset about it
But after sailing around for a while, he’ll accept you into the family
I can see you two having tea time, while he asks you what it was like being a navy admiral
And he will admire the fact that you were able to attain such a high rank and respect you as such
9/10 is not bad, and he’ll hide his suspensions well
Does not think it’s a smart idea to accept you on the crew
And he will voice his opinions
But don't worry, Luffy won’t listen anyway
Seeing as he is an ex-warlord of the sea, he would probably somewhat know you. Or at least heard about you before
He just doesn't trust that an admiral would drop their position to sail with the Strawhats
He won’t show his distrust like Zoro (he’s more mature than that), but that doesn't mean it’s not there
He just wants whatever is in the best interest of Luffy
But what is done is done, so he does try his best to push aside his preconceived notions and get to know you and welcome you
Like Zoro, he wouldn’t trust you until you prove your loyalty
I can see him joining the Brook tea times, and listening in on what life was like as and Admiral
And if you’re lucky he’ll share what it was like on Fishman island
8/10 nothing to complain about, other than him being a bit cold
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