loremanart · 8 months
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No security is too tight for hacker Tanith. While Jahi works jobs from the ground, this sharp-tongued, bewitching serpent surveys for any weaknesses to exploit. Her tech-savvy skills allow her partner access to any priceless treasure they set their minds onto.
Links: LinkTree, Twitter, Moon Rabbit
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scipunk · 3 months
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Hackers (1995)
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weedsdmagazine · 2 years
What is a security hacker? Weeds magazin
Security hackers are people who use their skills to breach security and protect themselves from possible cyberattacks. They often work for companies or governments that need to protect their networks and confidential information. They may also be self-employed. Security hackers usually have a good understanding of computer systems and programming languages.
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adobe-outdesign · 4 months
One of the more insane parts of Neopets currently is that there's a person out there who figured out how to access to Neopets' database, but they're effectively a white-hat hacker who does nothing but report on internal site workings and statistics that TNT themselves wouldn't otherwise release. TNT is aware of them and cool with it and everyone who uses the site loves and supports them dearly
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brostateexam · 2 months
Credit card got pwned today
Frankly, I'm surprised it took this long
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antvnger · 5 days
"Mr. Lang could you use the aid of a young computer genius? I can hack into any system I've taken apart and rebuilt numerous of computers." The young girl was setting in front of Scott's computer smiling at him
"I mean honestly I was able to get past the security system. So I'm the least somewhat capable don't you think?" She smirked
Scott raised an eyebrow at the young woman sitting in front of him and nodded once, a little amused, a little confused, and a little intrigued.
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“Okay uhhh first of all, the security system is off because I’m upgrading it, so I don’t know what you think you got passed, but there wasn’t anything exactly to get passed. Not to say you’re lying about your skills or anything; I’m just stating fact.
Secondly…who are you exactly?”
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legionofpotatoes · 7 months
been getting endless password recovery emails from my various socials so I finally checked my email login activity as well, and discovered almost a hundred attempts to access it since october 2nd. secure your accounts kiddos
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spectral-honey · 1 year
Civilian Tim au where hes one of those guys whose job it is to just try to break into places just to see if he can
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cypheroxide · 7 months
Building Your Own Cyberdeck:
What do you do when you have extra time between a job and your next? How about building your own Cyberdeck? Check this article out for tips on building your own!
The Ultimate Hacker Project For aspiring cybersecurity professionals, cyberpunk enthusiasts, hardware hackers, and circuit benders, one of the best hands-on projects you can take on is building your own cyberdeck. Despite overwhelming schedules full of training programs, full time work weeks, sometimes limited funds, and the endless possibilities of hardware combinations, many fans of the…
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maurifn · 5 months
Guerra digital
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La opinión de Málaga
¿Què és? La guerra digital és la guerra que es lliura en línia mitjançant accions tàctiques i estratègiques. Això inclou ciberatacs, espionatge digital i manipulació d'informació per a obtindre accés. Els actors són governs, agrupacions terroristes com *Anonymus i organitzacions malicioses que busquen controlar, pertorbar. ¿On s’utilitza? Aquestes accions criminals s'han utilitzat en conflictes recents com la guerra d'Ucraïna, també en sabotatges, segrestos i per exemple el conegut grup de hackers *Anonymus. Que poden influir en diferents decisions de grans polítics. ¿A qui beneficia? Aquest tipus d’accions a voltes violentes beneficien a les diferents entitats que les utilitzen en el seu propi benefici. I que els funciona , clar està. Ja que a voltes aquests tipus d’estratègies poden fracassar o sortir malament. I també per descomptat a les empreses que es dediquen a l'espionatge, grups «hacktivistes»... Dos articles de premsa: Opinió personal: Per a mi la guerra digital no deixa de ser la nova realitat a què ens enfrontem, ja que hui en dia quasi s’anomena «era digital». Tota la informació està pràcticament almaçenada al núvol i com diu el refrany, «feta la llei, feta la trampa». Diversos grups han descobert la manera d’interferir en informació a voltes confidencial. I posant sobre les cordes l’estabilitat d’un país o d’una multinacional. També pot ser usada aquesta tecnologia per a un fi benèfic, tenim com a exemple la guerra d’Ucraïna, aquestes últimes setmanes un grup de hackera han estat recaptant en aquest cas criptomonedes per a ajudar a combatre la presencia russa. A més gràcies a l'experiència que està adquirint el govern Ucranïa li podrà ajudar a tornar a tindre una certa estabilitat econòmica i social. En Espanya hi ha un cas de Hacker molt famós, anomenat Alcasec actualment té uns 20 anys i és conegut per haver-se pogut infiltrar en HBO, Glovo, Mediaset, Policía Nacional, Consejo General del Poder Judicial, Bicimad o Burger King. Ell és un prodigi tecnològic i ha aconseguit regalar menús de burger king als seus seguidors i afirma tindre les dades personals del 90% dels espanyols. Ell diu que el seu principal objectiu no és la recaptació de diners, ja que si haguera volgut, ho hauria pogut fer. En la seua comunitat, és conegut com un petit «Robin Hood». En conclusió, aquestes guerres digitals, extorsions que s’utilitzen per a beneficis de grans associacions em pareixen la nova forma de delinquir en aquesta època. I per a finalitzar vull recalcar que hui en dia va ha estat impossible no conviure amb aquests tipus d’amenaces en aquest cas digitals. M’agradaria afegir que no estic a favor de cap actuació criminal.
Artícles de premsa:
Mauri Calduch Arnau 24/1/24
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I refuse to be called "transgender." I should now be only known as "biohacker."
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scipunk · 2 months
Person of Interest (2011-2016)
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m0thisonfire · 1 year
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High quality Faux Pas sketch. She is… quite the problem in Detroit-
BattleBlock Theater (main theme)
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burningspy · 7 days
Even after everything I attempted to protect after yesterday's hack, they still got into my Instagram account this afternoon.
I received the automated email from meta about my email address being changed (yes, I checked to make sure it was authentic). There is a link in that email to click on to secure your account if you didn't actually make the change. Except, that link goes to a "Page Not Found" error on Instagram's website.
After two hours of fighting through numerous pages and links on meta's support site, I FINALLY got my account back.
I even called every support phone number I could find, and they all just give an automated message saying they do not take support issues over the phone and you have to go through the website.
There's no telling what else the hackers may have got into. I think I've at least changed my passwords to everything important (banking, my million email addresses, and now social media). I'm sure there are websites out there that I haven't accessed in years and can't even thing of right now that they may be trying to get in to. I have no idea, and unfortunately will not know until after it happens.
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shirajumbillah · 1 month
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ausetkmt · 7 months
The Daily Hodl: Hackers Hit World’s Largest Bank, Forcing Financial Giant to Rely on USB Stick to Settle Trades: Report
Engineers are investigating how hackers managed to crack the New York arm of the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) – a financial institution with $5.74 trillion in total assets.
The hack forced the ICBC to settle trades using a USB stick while forcing banks, brokerages and market makers to reroute trades, reports Bloomberg.
The attack also disrupted the bank’s ability to participate in the Treasury’s bond auction on Thursday.
Investigators believe the ransomware gang Lockbit, which has ties to Russia, is behind the attack.
Without naming names, Bloomberg says banking leaders admit the hack highlights fears that a system-wide attack could one day bring the traditional financial system to a halt.
“The incident spotlights a danger that bank leaders concede keeps them up at night — the prospect of a cyberattack that could someday cripple a key piece of the financial system’s wiring, setting off a cascade of disruptions.”
The ICBC says it’s debating whether to ask for assistance from China’s Ministry of State Security.
The number of ransomware attacks on the financial industry has increased in recent years, according to a report from the cybersecurity firm Sophos.
“The 2023 survey revealed that the rate of ransomware attacks in financial services continues to rise. It went up from 55% in the 2022 report to 64% in this year’s study, which was almost double the 34% reported by the sector in the 2021 report. Although the sector experienced an increased attack rate, it was below the cross-sector average of 66%.”
Sophos says financial institutions are stepping up their efforts to stay secure.
The firm’s survey of 3,000 cybersecurity/IT leaders, including 336 in the financial services sector, found 81% of organizations say their data is encrypted, a 50% rise over the previous year.
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