one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I was sent to a very prestigious private school to study computer science, and they were definitely teaching me cybercrimes.
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dustrial-inc · 6 months
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🎨 Creative Pros Only
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mapsontheweb · 5 months
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Cybercrime cases in India
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0where2go · 2 years
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Hajime Sorayama cyber lady
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spamreports · 1 year
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Google Forms used by scammers for tech support crypto scams
🎣 Remember, the technical support of UniSwap, PancakeSwap Balancer, Metamask, TrustWallet, CoinBase, Kraken and so on will never give you a Google form link to fill out! 🛑 Never fill out anything in google forms, no matter what is the fake reason. 💸 Filling out data via google forms is a guaranteed way to get immediately robbed blind.
🏦 Never reveal nor enter your seed phrase (or wallet JSON) anywhere!
But some end users get desperate, are scared, insecure, inexperienced or plain old gullible and naïve, conveniently falling for the same scams that have been floating around since the ICO craze of 2017. Meanwhile E Mask allowed anyone to buy a blue tick on twatter, so this type of scam is more successful than ever, gee thanks. 6 years later, literally the same scam from 2017 is still pocketing ill gotten gains to cybercriminals.
h/t Daniel Lopez
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ophilosoraptoro · 1 month
China Is Threatening to Kill Americans
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poorlilthings · 6 months
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Instagram: bydaddy
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maurifn · 3 months
Guerra digital
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La opinión de Málaga
¿Què és? La guerra digital és la guerra que es lliura en línia mitjançant accions tàctiques i estratègiques. Això inclou ciberatacs, espionatge digital i manipulació d'informació per a obtindre accés. Els actors són governs, agrupacions terroristes com *Anonymus i organitzacions malicioses que busquen controlar, pertorbar. ¿On s’utilitza? Aquestes accions criminals s'han utilitzat en conflictes recents com la guerra d'Ucraïna, tamb�� en sabotatges, segrestos i per exemple el conegut grup de hackers *Anonymus. Que poden influir en diferents decisions de grans polítics. ¿A qui beneficia? Aquest tipus d’accions a voltes violentes beneficien a les diferents entitats que les utilitzen en el seu propi benefici. I que els funciona , clar està. Ja que a voltes aquests tipus d’estratègies poden fracassar o sortir malament. I també per descomptat a les empreses que es dediquen a l'espionatge, grups «hacktivistes»... Dos articles de premsa: Opinió personal: Per a mi la guerra digital no deixa de ser la nova realitat a què ens enfrontem, ja que hui en dia quasi s’anomena «era digital». Tota la informació està pràcticament almaçenada al núvol i com diu el refrany, «feta la llei, feta la trampa». Diversos grups han descobert la manera d’interferir en informació a voltes confidencial. I posant sobre les cordes l’estabilitat d’un país o d’una multinacional. També pot ser usada aquesta tecnologia per a un fi benèfic, tenim com a exemple la guerra d’Ucraïna, aquestes últimes setmanes un grup de hackera han estat recaptant en aquest cas criptomonedes per a ajudar a combatre la presencia russa. A més gràcies a l'experiència que està adquirint el govern Ucranïa li podrà ajudar a tornar a tindre una certa estabilitat econòmica i social. En Espanya hi ha un cas de Hacker molt famós, anomenat Alcasec actualment té uns 20 anys i és conegut per haver-se pogut infiltrar en HBO, Glovo, Mediaset, Policía Nacional, Consejo General del Poder Judicial, Bicimad o Burger King. Ell és un prodigi tecnològic i ha aconseguit regalar menús de burger king als seus seguidors i afirma tindre les dades personals del 90% dels espanyols. Ell diu que el seu principal objectiu no és la recaptació de diners, ja que si haguera volgut, ho hauria pogut fer. En la seua comunitat, és conegut com un petit «Robin Hood». En conclusió, aquestes guerres digitals, extorsions que s’utilitzen per a beneficis de grans associacions em pareixen la nova forma de delinquir en aquesta època. I per a finalitzar vull recalcar que hui en dia va ha estat impossible no conviure amb aquests tipus d’amenaces en aquest cas digitals. M’agradaria afegir que no estic a favor de cap actuació criminal.
Artícles de premsa:
Mauri Calduch Arnau 24/1/24
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indizombie · 7 months
When you are the victim of a crime, if you are robbed, for example, you file a complaint and you don't hide because the other person has caused you harm. But with crimes of a sexual nature the victim often feels shame and hides and feels responsible. So I wanted to give that message: it's not your fault. We didn't know how many children had the images, if they had been uploaded to pornographic sites - we had all those fears. Women from different parts of the world have written to me explaining that this has happened to them and they don't know what to do. Right now this is happening across the world. The only difference is that in Almendralejo we have made a fuss about it.
Miriam Al Adib, gynaecologist, and mother of one of the 20 girls in Almendralejo, in the south-western province of Badajoz, whose AI-generated naked images had been circulating on social media
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gwydionmisha · 11 months
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informatology · 1 year
The Dark Web: What is it and Why Should You Care?
The term “Dark Web” has become increasingly common in recent years, but what exactly is it? In simple terms, the Dark Web refers to a portion of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and can only be accessed through special software. This allows for a degree of anonymity and privacy that is not possible on the regular internet.
While the Dark Web is not inherently illegal or malicious, it is often associated with criminal activity. This is due to the fact that the anonymity it provides can be used by individuals and groups to engage in illegal activities such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and the sale of stolen goods. It is also a haven for hackers and cybercriminals who use it to buy and sell malware, exploit kits, and other tools of the trade.
But it’s not all bad news. The Dark Web is also home to a number of legitimate uses. For example, journalists and activists in repressive regimes may use the Dark Web to communicate and share information without fear of retribution. Whistleblowers may also use it to leak sensitive information without being identified. Additionally, some individuals may simply use it for privacy reasons, such as to browse the web without being tracked by advertisers or governments.
So, why should you care about the Dark Web? Well, even if you have no interest in engaging with it yourself, it is still important to be aware of its existence and potential dangers. Hackers and cybercriminals can use the Dark Web to buy and sell your personal information, such as credit card numbers and login credentials. They can also use it to launch attacks on websites and services, causing disruptions and potentially exposing sensitive data.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. First and foremost, it is important to practice good cybersecurity hygiene, such as using strong, unique passwords and enabling two-factor authentication. You should also be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments, even from sources you trust. Finally, consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet traffic and protect your privacy.
In conclusion, the Dark Web is a complex and often misunderstood aspect of the internet. While it can be used for both legal and illegal purposes, it is important to be aware of its potential dangers and take steps to protect yourself online. Stay safe out there!
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dustrial-inc · 1 year
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"In the future, everyone will make a soup art for fifteen minutes." -R. Mutt
[ https://dustrial.net/products/copium-unisex-tee ]
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Percentage of machines that experienced cyberattacks in Europe, Jan-Oct 2019.
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flipperzero · 1 year
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If you don't have this gadget then your not qualified to be a cyberpunk or hacker. It's extremely amazing.
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christainstarc · 2 years
If you are pursuing a cybercrime course and want to select a cybercrime research topic for your project. Then this blog can help you. Because this blog is written by our expert team member. They are trying to cover all possible topics that can help you to choose the topic for your project. We love to help the students.
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angelicfruitcake · 1 year
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