nuitthegoddess · 7 months
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The most chaotic dorm of all 😭
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kenchann · 7 months
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rollo and ramshackle 🍤🔔🐱
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tartppola · 7 months
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The conversation at Topsy-Turvy Square, gone differently
dialogue written by the talented @zgvlt
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aitsullearchives · 8 months
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Why is the ocean blue? (Art by me)
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stupid-neko · 2 months
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Reposting this au
The fae Prince has been captured by the human king, yet he shortly manages to escape.
Unfortunately his wounds were quite heavy since they weren't made by simple human weapons.
The young lady who fled away from home cause her parents wanted to marry her off. Has a weak personality yet on impulse she can be quite the trouble maker, she didn't wish to marry in the first place, especially with the young priest who happens to be a mean childhood acquaintance.
As she managed to flee quite far with the help of stolen goods from her home, she ended up living in a small abandoned cottage( which is actuallybetween the Briar Valley and human Kingdom territory).
Yet as the days passed she one day woke up with a stranger trespassing her home! The unknown man almost killed her on the spot yet due his dire injuries he fell unconscious before he could strike.
What shall she do ?! All I can say is that they
somehow end up living together for a while lol
+ comic page explanation:
this takes place a few day later after Malleus left(the briar valley knights found him so he managed to be treated properly and return home) our FM finally had been freed by the burden of sheltering Hornton (she doesn't know his real identity) only for her ex-fiancé to find her ! why keeps the young priest who happens to be from a prestigious family being so insistent on marrying this countryside pumpkin??
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estcaligo · 2 months
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Twst Unveil Event Part 3
Philomela: I hope everyone had a good night's sleep!
Philomela: Great! Because you all are going to experience some body pain today!
The students: ...
Epel: Haha... Not everyone seems excited now.
Yuurin: She's never good in motivating anyone.
Malleus: How come she became your mentor?
Yuurin: My mother.
Malleus: Oh.
Philomela: I'll be explaining to you the mechanics now!
Philomela: Today will be the elimination round! You are free to attack anyone you please! And you have all the permission to use any type of moves even magic to your own advantage!
NBC student A: Eh? Isn't this a wrestling event?
NBC student B: If magic is involved, then we'll have better chances of winning.
RSA student A: Won't it be fair to not use any magic at all?
RSA student B: Yes. It feels wrong.
Philomela: Ha! Why? Do you think you can win just because you use magic?
The students: ...
Rook: Madame is right! There are many factors we need to consider!
Ruggie: Hm. Yuurin, you never used magic in any of your wrestling competitions, did you?
Yuurin: No.
Jack: I see. Does that mean...
Yuurin: Philomela is not impressed to any of them. That's why she's willing to give them a leverage to make this match worthwhile.
Floyd: Ne~ Mrs. Whale~ What other things we should remember for this elimination round?
Philomela: Nothing much, except that you have 30 minutes to fight anyone.
Floyd: Yay~!
Jade: Oh dear... *chuckles*
Epel: Can't I really join?
Rook: You'll get yourself hurt, Monsieur Crabapple.
Epel: *pouts*
Sebek: I promise to win this round, Waka-sama!
Silver: This is only an elimination round, Sebek.
Malleus: Do your best, Sebek, Silver.
Sebek/Silver: Yes, Waka-sama!/Malleus.
Ruggie: I guess this is the part where we start recording—
Philomela: Spectators! There is a designated room for us!
Malleus, Ruggie, Jack, Jade, and Epel: Huh?
Philomela: *leads them to a room that offers a panoptic view of the locations in the Kingdom of Heroes*
Epel: Whoa... *in amazement*
Philomela: Sick, isn't it?
Jade: Indeed. I've never been to such place before.
Jack: Ah! I can see everyone clearly!
Philomela: *laughs* Yes! This room will cater to your needs! Foods, drinks, and a good entertainment!
Rollo: *looks displeased*
Neige: This is great! Principal Ambrose will surely love this place!
Epel: Neige Le Blanche?!
Neige: Hello~!
Malleus and Ruggie: Flamme/Rollo.
Rollo: ...
Rollo: It's a pleasure to meet you again, mages.
Malleus and Ruggie: *smirks*
Jack and Jade: ???
Philomela: Everyone! Take your seats!
Epel: Um... But there are no seats— *a seat in front of him appears*
Epel: ...
Philomela: This room will cater to your needs. *smiles proudly*
Epel: Neat!
The students: *listening to Philomela's voice*
Floyd: Can we do a war cry~?
Philomela: *laughs* YES!
The students except Yuurin and Silver: RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Yuurin and Silver: ...
Silver: Good luck to you, Yuurin.
Yuurin: *nods* You too, Silver.
Epel: Wow... Just wow...
Jade: That's Floyd for you.
*Floyd unleashed a flurry of clothesline strikes, taking out multiple students simultaneously with each powerful swing.*
Ruggie: Poor NBC and RSA students.
Malleus: Sebek and Silver are doing well.
*Sebek asserts his dominance by executing his running bulldog move; swiftly seizing his opponents by the head and driving them face-first into the ground with decisive force.*
*Silver expertly wraps his arm around the neck of each approaching opponent, applying precise pressure to cut off their air supply and induce unconsciousness.*
Epel: Wow... Everyone is amazing— Wait. Where's Rook?
*Rook's grin widens as he expertly locks his poor opponent into the sharpshooter.*
Epel and Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: That savage.
Jack: Ruggie-senpai! Look! Some of the students are attacking Yuurin!
Philomela: *smiles*
*Yuurin remains composed as everyone closes in on her. Then, she swiftly grabs one attacker, lifts them, and slams them to the ground with a powerful spinebuster move. With each opponent, she repeats this action, using their momentum against them to quickly take them down, one by one.*
Epel, Jack, and Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: Oh shit, wait— I need to document this.
Floyd: Whoo-hoo~! This feels great~!
The students he defeated: *groaning in pain*
Sebek: Ha! I've defeated 25 students!
Rook: Oh! That's impressive, Monsieur Crocodile!
Silver: Should we be counting?
Sebek: How about you, Yuurin?! Bet you didn't—
Yuurin: *students piled up like a mountain beside her*
Yuurin: It seems we're the only remaining ones.
Floyd, Sebek, Silver, and Rook: ...
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noteriezan1 · 11 months
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This was originally black and white with some colored parts as usual, but I kinda miss coloring... and I end up creating a book/ manga cover-ish art.
|| No text + Sketch ||
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crystalmoola · 9 months
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Look at that disgusting display!
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twstfanblog · 9 months
(Reblog for the new event on EN servers!)
*At the Glorious Masquerade*
🎯: *Staring at Yuu's boobs*
🐍: Excuse you!?
🐙: Hey! No ogling without proper payment!
🎯: The mole is new, mon trickster!
🐍: Why do you know that?
🔪: I used my eyeliner to add a tasteful beauty mark.
🐲: How delightful. You've decorated your bosom for the festivities.
🔪: Wanted the girls to look nice.
(Rollo) 🔔: *Struggling to not look*
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boopshoops · 2 months
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Please welcome Yuu Shi as a limited time (fan)summon!
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Upon Summon: You know, at first I thought I'd like this social, but now... Ah, forget it! I'm just tired. Shall we dance? I'll lead.
Groovification: ???
Set to Home: Stunning? I know.
Home Transition 1: R-Royal Sword Academy is here too? Ahaha.. no, no! That's... fine.
Home Transition 2: Did you see how many skin products Vil made Epel bring? Like, I get caring for yourself, I do the same, and it's VERY important... but... there's such thing as too much sometimes.
Home Transition 3: GRIM! Quit sneaking bites of food from the bakery! I can't keep paying for it! Haaa, when I get my hands on him...
Home, After Login: I spend ages getting myself all dolled up, only to end up in the middle of yet another catastrophe. Figures. I should be used to it at this point.
Home Transition/Groovification: ???
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Tap Home 1: I admit, I worry about Deuce being paired up with Azul. It's like I'm babysitting my siblings all over again... but hey, he's a sweetheart. He gets a pass.
Tap Home 2: My mask? I know! It's so heavy, but I got to make sure no one recognizes me, right? It's not Yuu Shi tonight, it's just me!... and remember to keep that to yourself~
Tap Home 3: Trying to get all buddy buddy with Rollo is exhausting. He's such a drag, and that makes mirroring him a drag. Talking with him makes me feel like I'm taking a bite of aluminum.
Tap Home 4: Ahh... I'm getting all nostalgic. I remember when I learned how to ballroom dance at my old school back home... I much prefer contemporary. Not a fan.
Tap Home 5: QUIT- Oh! You! Q-Quit tugging on my sleeves like that. I had to rent this dress, you know, I don't exactly have the funds for it. Hmph... personal space, please.
Tap Home/Groovification: ???
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Writing and art tag list! Just lmk if ya wanna be added @lowcallyfruity @cecilebutcher @skriblee-ksk @kitwasnothere @justm3di0cr3 @thehollowwriter
✨PART 1/2✨
Part 2/2
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r-aindr0p · 4 months
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Canon first interaction between Cater and prince Jean. Welcome to heartslabyul mr.british lion
Used that one Miku audio as reference, it haunts me, it became a brainworm.
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kenchann · 2 years
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i love this event  edit: forgot to put the grim image asdsdfdfg
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rollo haters dont go after fellow honest bc he has pretty privilege...
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randomshenaniganery · 2 years
Rook Hunts
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we only need one person with straight cut bangs /j
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tartppola · 2 years
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“You two.. who might you be?”
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“‘Tis I, the Great Grim! A future archmage!”
“….Yuulis Crowley,”
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“Ahh, you’re the attendants Mr.Crowley talked about. It shouldn’t be a surprise for him to send his own relative,”
“I heard that you are unable to use magic, but I hadn’t expected for you to bring a familiar along,”
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“Are you talking about me?! You got it all wrong, I’M the boss!!”
“Hnm, what a reliable subordinate,”
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“Yuulis, it must’ve been arduous to be surrounded by mages everyday”
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“Whilst you are in the City of Flowers, please forget all about your duties and rest your wings,”
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“…the same goes for you gentlemen as well, of course,”
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