#Remus would be a hugger
basiatlu · 6 months
Wolfstar F1 🥰
Sirius: confused, happy, confused about being happy, fond as all hell
Remus: hurhur comfy snuggles
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perpetuallydaydreaming · 11 months
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do you want a hug?
how the marauders hug you.
tags: james potter x reader,, sirius black x reader,, remus lupin x reader,, fluffy,, headcannon
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james is the type of hugger that engulfs your entire torso. your face smushed into his chest, one of his arms around your waist, his warm calloused hand splayed over your back, almost covering it entirely. his other hand at the back of your nape, softly cradling the base of your head into his chest or his neck and just holding you there. you would feel how warm he is, how hard his chest is, his thumb caressing your jaw, the soft rubbing behind your back, you can smell his cologne, his soap—so close and so engulfed in his arms you can almost taste him. just james covering you with his entire body. because james hugs you like how he loves you, with his entire being.
sirius is not much of a hugger. he’s the one arm-slaps-your-shoulder-kinda guy or the rest-my-arm-around-your-shoulders-like-we’re-bros type. but on the rare times that he does hug you, he’s a full koala. if you were wearing a jacket, he would open it up and just put both of his arms around your waist. his head bent down to the crook of your neck, nosing the juncture of neck and shoulder. you would feel him breathe you in deep, you would feel him slightly squeeze you tight, like he can’t help himself, like simply hugging you close isn’t enough, he needs to be under your skin and just hold you. he doesn’t always want to hug you often but that doesn’t mean he loves any less.
remus wouldn’t hug you in public, he feels awkward about pda, but in the comfort of your home? he would definitely be the type to engulf you when hugging. his long arms around your shoulders. resting his cheek on top of your head, and breathing in your shampoo. he also has the tendency to sway you while hugging, like a soft little dance each time he hugs you. sometimes you can even hear him humming a song under his breath. you would feel him pepper light kisses all over your hair and temples and just rubbing his cheek on your head. hugging for him is intimate enough that it’s reserved just for the two of you.
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It's Christmas Eve (1/1) (jegulus)
Everyone was settled finally around the living room, sitting near the fire, hands warmed but cups of tea. Monty and Sirius were in a heated debates about the latest quidditch highlights. James was listening to Remus tell him about the letter his mum had sent him. Effie walked in with a tray of treacle tart, James' favourite, and paused for a moment taking in the scene. She was so happy everyone was there, filling the home with joy on Christmas Eve.
Her eyes scanned over the room and saw Regulus, curled up in the arm chair in the corner. James hand was on his ankle but he was not otherwise engaged in conversations. She noticed however the small upturn of his lips, the sparkle in his silver eyes, and a fresh blush on his cheeks. She was so pleased to have all of her boys home at the same time.
Effie set the tray down on the coffee table, and James leaned forward for one, "thanks mum! Reg you gotta try one these are the best," he said popping the bite size tart into his mouth. Everyone chuckled. "Present time actually!" Effie called, and she leaned under the tree to grab a few gifts, passing one to Remus, Sirius, James and then Regulus. "For me?" He asked, surprise he couldn't hide in his tone.
"Of course dear, all my children get a gift on Christmas Eve. It's tradition!" Effie clapped her hands and fell onto the couch beside Monty. "Happy Christmas boys," Monty called. Sirius and James were already ripping open matching sets of pyjamas. Every year they got some and immediately ran to change into the hem. Remus opened a book with a bright smile, and Regulus stared a moment at the pretty paper. He was never not shocked by the kindness of the Potters. James clearly got his from his parents. "Go on Regulus, you don't have to wait!" Monty prompted.
He looked up and smiled, moving his long fingers to untie the ribbon. He pulled off the glittery paper to reveal a book of his own. But this wasn't a book to read, no as he held it in his hands he felt the soft leather that bound the journal. He opened it feeling the creaking of the spine, and then he ran his fingers over the perfectly smooth but thick paper. It had a beautifully craved and intricate design running all over the cover and back. His eyes grew wide.
At some point Sirius and James had re-entered the room, ready normally to show off their matching sets. However this year they were both stopped in their tracks and all eyes were trained on Regulus, and the wonderous joys spreading across his face. He stood abruptly and moved to shake Monty's hand, but as he murmured thank you's, a bit lost for words, Monty stood too. "I'm a hugger if that's alright with you," he asked opening his arms wide. James held his breath because he knew Regulus would likely hate hugs, but then he fell quickly into Monty's arms. "This is the most beautiful gift, I don't even know what to say," he said as they parted and he turned to hug a now standing Effie.
"Happy Christmas love, we are so pleased to have you here at last" she said. And of course, Effie so easily articulated what everyone was feeling, a hole filled this year simply because Regulus was there. A special piece of all of their hearts.
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cutiepattotie · 21 days
being wolfstar kid A-U (i got lazy)
a : affectionate ( who is more affectionate? Remus or Sirius?)
i see both of them being pretty affectionate, but i think Sirius more! he would always rub your head, or give you hugs when you least expected
b: buyer (who buys you more stuff/who spoils you more)
definitely Sirius! he spoils you to be a good dad and Remus hates it because he'll randomly just come home with gifts for you and he would be like
"really sirius?? do they really need all that??" and he'll be like "of course the they do." but he does it because he loves you so much
c: cuddles (who's the hugger parent)
Sirius would love cuddles. and i feel like when you get older you would be like "okay, dad that's enough hugging." and he would lowkey get sad when you don't hug him as much
d: disciplinarian (who disciplines more)
i feel like it would switch between them. like sometimes Remus would be like to Sirius "i don't care, they’re grounded for two weeks" and Sirius would be like "seriously? two weeks?" and then vice versa. sometimes one would be more lenient, and then other times the other would be more lenient
e: exciting activities (what exciting activities do you partake in with your parents)
baking!! you and your parents would find recipes for cupcakes and all kinds of desserts and you would pick and day where you would all bake together for the whole day! after the day in done you guys have SO many baked goods that your dads ends up giving some away to his co-workers. but Remus be honest Remus probably eats a big majority of the desserts himself LOL (i love him being a big sweet tooth!)
f: funnier (which parent is funnier/makes you laugh more)
this is hard because they're both hilarious, but i'm gonna give this one to Sirius because he would have you laughing in situations where you shouldn't be laughing.
g: games (what games would you play together as a family)
ok this isn't really a game, but i see you teaching Sirius and Remus some slang that teenagers use nowadays. you would teach them the meaning of "tea" or "has left the chat" and i just see them totally over using it to the point where you're like what have i done. Sirius would be ranting about his long day at work and at the end of it he would be like "i just spilt the tea sis"
h : how close are you with their friends and family? (i.e james, regulus, frank, peter, and so on)
definitely closets with james and regulus! i mean that’s their best friend and brother were talking about! peter too! he comes around for holidays and always calls in to check in on all of you! (i headcanon for my self that peter never did some slick shi and i don’t tolerate young!peter slander!!!)
i: internet (what social media's do your parents allow you to have)
i think Sirius would definitely keep tabs on you, but Remus wouldn't know or care until Remus told him LOL Sirius would show him a picture of you in a revealing outfit or something and Remus would be like
"ok delete this" and you'd be like "why!?" and his only response would be "because you're practically naked"
j: jokes (which parent jokes around more and which is more serious)
Sirius would tell you such inappropriate jokes omg. and you'd be like “😶👀” and Remus would
scold the both of you
k: kid around (which parent could you kid around with more without them
taking it seriously)
Remus would take it more serious lmao. you would be watching a show and a character would do something stupid and you would be like "I'M LITERALLY ABOUT TO KILL THIS CHARACTER" and a joke, because you were mad. and Remus would over hear and be like
"why would you say that??" and Sirius would be like "oh come one moony, relax. they’re just kidding."
1: loving (something your parents do for you that shows how much they love you)
if you fell asleep on the couch, Remus would pick you up and tuck you in bed. and whenever you were sad Sirius would play with your hair, because that's what he likes to have done to him when he’s sad :(
m: money (which parent gives you more money when you ask)
Sirius definitely would. he would never say no when you ask for money. the only time he would say no is when you're in trouble or he's mad at you. Remus wouldn't give you money unless you earned it.
n: nicknames (what nicknames or pet names do your parents call you)
Sirius calls you "honey" or a short form of your name. Remus would call you "cocoa" because when ever since you were little you loved chocolate and you and Remus always ate it together. and Remus loved that because he loves chocolate and you
0: open (which parent are you more open with/feel comfortable telling anything to)
Remus! but Sirius honestly would be a close second. i feel like if you want more sentimental advice you would go to Remus. he would know exactly what to tell you to make you feel better at that time. but if you wanted more straightforward advice, then you would go to Sirius. he would tell you the truth, even if it hurts your feelings sometimes LMAO but you know you need to hear it
p: patient (which parent is more patient with you)
i feel like Remus is a little
more patient. if you were taking too long to do something, Sirius would be like "did they fall in or something??" and Remus would be like "let's just give them five more minutes." or if they were waiting outside a store for you and you were taking a long time, when you finally got out of the store Sirius would be like "what took you so long?? i've been waiting here for like 15 minutes!" but if it was Remus you'd apologize and he would be like "it's fine"
q: questions (which parent do you feel more comfortable asking questions to)
once again it depends what kind of answer you're looking for LMAO you go to Sirius for blunt honesty and you go to Remus for more heart to heart questions
r: random (a random thing you do with each parent)
you and Sirius have a SUPER long handshake and it was like a full minute showcase LOL you guys would both show all of his friends and family they would all lowkey be jealous (especially james lmaooo). and with Remus i feel like you guys would see random bakeries or restaurants on the street and go there to try it and you guys would do taste tests and stuff
s: strict (which parent is more strict and which is more lenient)
i think Remus is a tad stricter especially with your grades. i can see Sirius yelling at you for like not cleaning your room or getting a bad grade on a test. but both of them would be pretty strict about you telling them where you are and if they found out you lied to them they would be pissed LMAO
t: tasty (which parent is a better cook)
Remus is the chef of the family definitely. Remus and his coq au vin LMAO he tries to teach you how to cook it but you can't really cook, only bake and he tries the dish you tried to make and he's like "i love you so much cocoa, but holy cow this is disgusting"
u: unfortunate (what tragedy that happened to you family affected you the most)
well definitely not Sirius going to azkaban and Remus running away!! well just all pretend that didn’t happen
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foxalade · 4 months
I can't explain it but Sirius is a huge hugger.
Haven't seen someone in like a day? He'll hug them.
James too and I feel like Remus would be a victim of their excessive hugging.
Now Remus is a face grabber, especially when kissing. Idk it just makes sense to me??
I also think that Remus would try to comfort you through physical contact, even if it's just the slightest bit like making sure your shoes touch under the table or his shoulder is brushing yours or something. He wouldn't say anything but if he can tell you're upset about something he'll be there and letting you know he is there for you
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just-a-honey-badger · 2 years
Random marauders HCS because I totally don't have enough of these
James has ADHD
James is Desi and adopted (forgot where I heard this one but it's not really mine)
James is a hugger
James and Alice grew up as neighbours and best friends
James is allergic to strawberries
James' favourite number is 7
James' favourite colour is red
Peter makes friends with every single haunted house actor
Peter always has toast for breakfast, no matter what
Peter is obsessed with puzzles and can do the 1000 piece ones in two days
Peter can do a backwards somersault but not a forward one
Peter's favourite number is 3
Peter's favourite colour is blue (like that one in Google docs, corn blue or something)
Sirius has ADD
Sirius loves giving piggyback rides
Sirius's favourite ice cream flavour is rocky road
Sirius can do a cartwheel and a handstand
Sirius is fluent in French
Sirius's favourite number is 1
Sirius's favourite colour is navy blue
Remus has dyslexia
Remus loves pineapple-mango smoothies (that fancy bastard we all know and love)
Remus is a nail biter
Remus has the ability to sleep in until five minutes before class and still be on time
Remus' smile gets progressively wider as they spend more time with his friends
Remus' favourite number is 11
Remus' favourite colour is forest green
Regulus wears anything black or from the Victorian era
Regulus has a black cat named Lyra
Regulus is allergic to walnuts
Regulus is afraid of spiders
Regulus can bend their index fingers backwards
Regulus is fluent in French
Regulus' favourite ice cream flavour is mint chip
Regulus only likes chocolate sprinkles, not rainbow ones
Regulus' favourite number is 2
Regulus' favourite colour is ice blue
Frank is autistic
Frank is allergic to peanuts
Frank used to be afraid of magical plants (shh)
Frank is afraid of the dark
Frank is a little spoon
Frank is addicted to cookies n' cream ice cream
Frank is weirdly good at leap frog
Frank's favourite number is 7
Frank's favourite colour is any shade of blue
Alice is also autistic
Alice makes incredible dandelion honey
Alice's smile makes everyone else around her smile
Alice is plus-sized
Alice has 9 freckles on the left side of their face and 11 on the right (Frank counted)
Alice has never gotten a mosquito bite
Alice always wins at crazy eights
Alice loves bees
Alice's favourite number is 7
Alice's favourite colour is orchid
Pandora would love Lana Del Ray
Pandora has two piercings in each ear that she did herself
Pandora used to do ballet
Pandora can do the splits three ways
Pandora naturally has two different coloured eyes (blue and grey)
Pandora can do *perfect* winged eyeliner
Pandora can take down anyone in an arm wrestling match
Pandora's favourite number is 2
Pandora's favourite colour is silver
Marlene is a power bottom and we love her for it
Marlene has a pet tarantula (but he left in in the care of her parents, thank Merlin)
Marlene can lift a hundred pounds if he wants
Marlene skateboards better than anyone in her year
Marlene loves frogs
Marlene is a sucker for Marvel comics
Marlene is scared of koalas
Marlene's favourite number is 7
Marlene's favourite colour is maroon
Dorcas is a great story teller
Dorcas writes poetry
Dorcas doesn't drink
Dorcas is ambidextrous but favours her left
Dorcas has glasses but never wears them
Dorcas can drive a boat
Dorcas' laugh makes Marlene's heart melt every time
Dorcas and Peter do puzzles together
Dorcas' favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry
Dorcas' favourite number is 6
Dorcas' favourite colour is raspberry pink
Mary is Muslim
Mary loves sunflowers
Mary could single-handedly teach Arithmancy
Mary is scared of snakes
Mary loves turtles
Mary does competitive swimming every summer
Mary can do 12 crunches in a row, no more
Mary's favourite ice cream flavour is orange sherbet :/
Mary's favourite number is 4
Mary's favourite colour is yellow-orange
Lily giggles when she's nervous
Lily doesn't like the smell of cinnamon; it makes her dizzy
Lily's guilty pleasure is fried chicken
Lily is scared of the dark
Lily is a cottagecore lesbian (like me :3)
Lily has worn a dress three times in her life
Lily has claustrophobia
Lily occasionally joins Dorcas and Peter on their weekly puzzle nights
Lily's favourite ice cream flavour is mint chip
Lily's favourite number is 12
Lily's favourite colour is lavender
Evan writes poetry
Evan loves Shakespeare
Evan is terrified of bees
Evan has seasonal allergies
Evan is scared of the dark
Evan gets nervous around strangers
Evan hates public speaking
Evan loves the moon (for this reason Remus doesn't like Evan at first)
Evan's favourite number is 9
Evan's favourite colour is royal blue
Barty writes poetry about Evan
Barty claims to be allergic to James
Barty sleeps with a night light
Barty ate a fried cricket once
Barty decorates his room with wildflowers
Barty had an obsession with Batman
Barty's favourite number is 13
Barty's favourite colour is blue-grey
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asksuccubussides · 5 months
What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn't that be fucked up or what
Chapter 10
Masterpost of chapters
When a demon is speaking in their native language (Demon) the text looks like this
11 days since Remus was cast out of hell
Virgil had been sitting on pins and needles ever since he'd gotten the string of texts from Janus talking about what an absolute buffoon asshole motherfucker of a muppet sod Remus was. When the door to their dorm opened and Janus came in it felt like he could finally breathe for the first time in over an hour.
"If you say I told you so I will jump out of that window" Janus said before Virgil even had a chance to open his mouth.
From head to toe Janus was dripping wet with his clothes smelling musty and his nose red from the cold. He yanked a bathrobe and some warm clothes from the drawer before turning to leave again.
"I'm retreating into the shower"
While his roomate was gone Virgil put on some warm water for tea, mostly to keep his hands busy. Personally he only ever drank energy drinks so the only reason he kept buying tea bags and honey was because he knew Janus liked it. He spun around on the desk chair while waiting for him to get back. getting back into bed wasn't even on his mind.
Finally Janus came back but all he did was quietly put his wet clothes against the radiator to dry them before rolling onto his bed with his face against the wall and his arms tightly wrapped around himself. Virgil pushed the chair to scoot closer to the bed.
"So like is this one of the times where I should summon a spectre to haunt him or?"
"Oh yeah throw the next worst Bond movie onto him. That'll work great" Janus muttered back.
"You know I meant ghost!....So Cryptid then? Monster of the black lagoon? A gremlin?"
"He already is one!"
"Sure. Okay dude are you just planning on moping and whining all evening-"
"YES! Yes I am! I love moping and I adore whining! They're some of my favorite activities to do ever in the whole universe!"
Virgil crossed his arms against the back of chair and let out a long sigh while sinking his head aginst his arms "You know I'm sorry about saying that uh whole thing earlier right?"
"Oh please Viv Do remind me of exactly what you're apologizing for and add some extra groveling while you're at it"
He let out another sigh "I'm sorry for like saying you chose to have energy to hang with Remus but not to like go to class or buy groceries or something. I know you can't control your energy! Or your pain levels! Or anything like that! I knooow. I was just being a bitch"
"Yes you were!" Janus turned around to face his friend.
"Alright so what happened then?"
"Nothing! He just decided to ask me about my scar right when we were about to- about to" Janus waved his hand around in the air "Which is such a normal and nice thing to do! Nothing wrong with that!" Virgil swung side to side with the chair while waiting for his friend to continue. Jan nervously scratched at his nails "Iit's such an enjoyable feeling to just know that he's laughing about me right about now"
He looked to Virgil as if searching for if his friend would agree with him or not. To his surprise his friend moved away from the chair to sit down beside him on the bed and with some hesitation Virgil held out his arms to embrace him.
Normally Janus wasn't much of a hugger but it had been such a long time since Virgil last accepted any physical touch from him, aside from to calm him during panic attacks, that he hugged his friend like it was a single drop of water in a vast desert. He let his head lean against his friend's shoulder and closed his eyes as he pressed his fingers tightly against his back.
Virgil counted the seconds as they embraced. He hoped Janus didn't notice as he angled his face so he could ever so carefully breathe in the smell of the other man as a few strands curls tickled his nose. He moved his arms closer around Janus' back and lingered on the feeling of his chest touching his.
"People are just shitty Jan. It's like Paramore said, Everyone is a bad guy!"
"Ah yes the very famous Paramore lyric"
"It's from their latest album okay" Virgil moved back from the hug and held his hands against Janus' shoulders at an arms length "....Sometimes when the anxiety is all over me I just blurt shit out...Maybe..." On the inside Virgil was kicking at himself for showing Remus some grace but if he could make his friend feel any better it might be worth it "Maybe he was just anxious over uhm whatver you were doing and just shat some random sentence out"
"Hmm maybe" Janus replied without really speaking directly to him, more like a musing out into the air.
"Alright now we forget about that twat and we can watch the new scream film"
"Karma's a very nice lady and she knows I've done nothing wrong ever" Janus continued while smiling to himself.
"That's right"
"And shes's going to make sure Remus gets a brick thrown through his window any night now"
"Sure dude!"
"And that he slips in the shower"
"He would have been lucky to even breathe the same air as me"
Virgil tried to playfully dunk his fist against Janus' shoulder but instead his hand slipped and he awkwardly butted his fingers against the other man's neck "Okay let's not go that far. Why do we have to bring up uhhh romantic stuff. Why? Who nee- I mean. We're- We are living the nice bachelor life right? College yaaaayyy" He said it in the least energetic way possible "Just two dudes hanging out. No uh dates needed right!?"
Though Janus' expression didn't change one bit he silently thought he'd made his (sadly straight) friend uncomfortable by talking about his date with Remus too much. He mimicked the dunking of his fist against Virgil's neck before patting him on the shoulder.
"Ssssure, let's watch whatever Scream film you want to show me so badly"
At about the same time on the other side of town Remus staggered out of a club toilet stall and gave way to let the human he'd fed off pass by him and leave. He continued to stumble forward towards the bathroom sink and leant over it but crossed his hands over his mouth to stop himself from puking since he knew he couldn't waste it. He swallowed the puke back before smashing the bathroom mirror with his tail and chuckled when a random bystander got startled by the sound.
He stumbled out from the bathroom and pushed warm bodies away from him to try and get out of the club. If he stayed any longer he would start arguing to himself that since he'd already been punished for trying to eat a human once he could surely try once again.
A presence beckoned him halfway across the crowd and when he looked up he saw the top of a pair of blue horns peak over the heads of the humans. The hair on Remus' arms raised at the sight of a fellow demon and he began to swat humans away with his tail to get across the room. As he got closer he became sure it wasn't any succubi he recognised but damn any succubi at all was Amazing news!!
Remus grabbed onto the fellow demon and let up into a wide grin to which the succubi let up into a smile and held their hand against his shoulder with the same warmth as a bus driver waving to a fellow bus driver has. They took a quick look at him but their eyes stayed at the white patch of his hair as their smile slowly died out on.
"E- Excuse me but I'm working" The succubi spat out while beginning to back away from him.
All Remus could do was hold onto them even harder as his mind raced for a way to communicate. Some piece of paper nearby he could write on maybe. Maybe he could write in the dirt outside.
"I really have to go"
His nails started to dig into their skin. If he could just get them to open a door home!
"I don't want a white hair to touch me....Please"
In desperation he started to gesture to his mouth before trying to mimick the motion of writing. He even tried signing in hope of the tiny chance that the succubi would somehow understand.
The succubi swatted at his head with their hands to try and get him away "You're a Patton! I don't want to get in trouble for helping a Patton! Fucking traitor!"
Remus grip around the succubi's shoulders crumbled the second he was called a Patton. His legs felt weak and his hands shook as he watched the stranger turn and expand their wings so they could fly away as soon as they got out of the door.
The club music continued to blare into his eyes but he couldn't hear any of it. A Patton. A Patton. A Patton.
His eyes pierced onto the nearest human he could see and tore the bottle out of their hands to throw it at the wall. As the glass shattered onto the floor he tried to scream but as usual not a single sound came.
12 days since Remus was cast out of hell
"You are looking unwell" Logan commented at the end of his english lesson.
The two demons were sitting in the tiny office Logan was using as a substitute teacher. It was where he held the private lessons to the succubi. The instructions Remus had gotten for today was to memorize some verbs but at this point he'd gotten so bored he'd started to eat the paper.
The succubi spat out the paper and wrote in the saliva slicken mess 'Fed last night'.
"As far as I am aware we are supposed to look and feel rejuvinated after feeding, though I suppose just as some humans become sleepy after a feast and some energetic we are the same"
'Im just kinda fucked up'.
"Nobody is 'fucked up'. We are all different variations of functioning" He eyed the clock on the wall and began to shuffle his papers together "It has been an hour. I will see you in two days. Same time"
The older man abruptly stood up from his desk but he didn't even get to the door before Remus had wrapped himself around Logan's leg. He was sitting on the floor with his arms tightly crossed around his leg like a little kid.
Logan looked down at him "You can not keep doing this at the end of every lesson. You are well aware i have my own private life outside of this that I would like to spend my non working hours on"
Remus shook his head and only let go with one of his arms so he could gesture in the air the motion of writing.
"Do you have something productive to say?"
He nodded violently.
After prying the succubi away from his leg Logan gave him a paper and pen and waited patienly by the door for him to finish writing. Remus scribbled down a description of what he and Janus had done on the date before ending it with 'Can I kill him now?'
After skimming the text Logan gave him an unimpressed look "People typically have more intense physical touch than this during sport games. I doubt this is hardly enough to be deemed a sin" He sighed but let his expression ease a little as he saw Remus shrink in on himself "But it was a good first attempt. If you keep working on it you will surely see results"
16 days
Remus had been living in the corners of the library ever since he came to earth. When the janitor closed he simply hung to the ceiling by his tail until everything was dark and quiet. He waited and hoped to catch Janus either studying or working but up until now he'd had no luck.
Butterflies filled his stomach as he saw the librarian ending their shift and being replaced by Janus. He had to excitedly tap his feet into the ground to keep himself from immediately running and pouncing on him. The demon watched from a distance as Janus paid half a mind to pretending to look busy by the front desk. The human had dark bags under his eyes and he was still wearing the same skirt he had had on the date. When only a few people were around Remus went forward while grinning ear to ear.
"Jannie!!" His voice had gone hoarse from being unable to speak for a several days.
The human only looked up to give him an annoyed glance "I am already having bad back pain today, I dont need a headache as well"
"I was-"
"I am working" He interrupted "Unless you need help in some librarian way you can't talk to me"
Remus kept his eyes on Janus the entire time as he backed up to the nearest bookshelf, grabbed a random book and procedded to tear out a page before stuffing the paper into his mouth. He went back up to the desk and slid the book towards the human,
"Hi I would like to report a fucked up book!" Remus' cheeks were still stuffed with paper as he muffled it out.
Janus let out a long sigh "It's not a burn scar, it's discolored skin grafts. Yes it's real. No I was not born with it nor did I do it to myself. And yes I do still have partial feeling in that half of my face so do not try to poke at me to check if I will react" He listed it off as if he had said it so many times it was planned "There. All of the information you would want, now you can leave and stop pestering me"
"Im working. Here let me show you" Janus tapped his finger into the desk "That was a dot. The end of the conversation. Bye! Have the most wonderful day! I hope you find succes in breaking both your legs!"
A small line had been created behind Remus and from what Logan had told him jobs were important to humans as well so for today he backed away.
17 days
Sleep hadn't come easy to Janus in a long time now but lately his thoughts consistently wandering to Remus didn't help. While tossing and turning all he could think about was the fuzzy hair creating a trail up his stomach, the way his arms had moved when he had taken his tank top of and most of all those damn shorts!
Somewhere at the back of his mind the instant shift in Remus' eyes as soon as the began to touch him replayed but it was hard to focus on it among all of the other impressions to rememeber.
After tossing and turning some more he finally decided to get up and go to the bathroom so he could touch himself without the fear of waking Virgil. Little did he know that Virgil had been laying awake just the same and as soon as Janus left the room he got up and moved to Janus' bed.
Virgil pushed his face into his roomate's pillow and took in the warmth that had been left.
19 days
It was nearing two o clock in the night when Remus sensed someone else in the library. He hid in his usual corner until he heard the person settling down by a table. His tail started to wag when he caught a faint whiff of the cologne Janus liked to wear though he decided to wait for a bit until sneaking forward since he didnt want to make it seem like he was stalking Jan.
Waiting even 15 minutes was like torture for Remus and not even the type of torture he would enjoy!!! After using up his entire supply of attention span he let himself drop down from the ceiling and inched forward to get a better view of Janus from behind the bookshelves.
The human was sitting by his usual table facing away from where the demon was hiding. Remus smiled to himself over how smart his human was. Though the demon soon noticed the way Janus' shoulders were shaking. He moved a little closer and heard a muffled cry.
The light from the computer was illuminating Janus' face making the rest of him look enveloped in shadow. unless Remus moved to the other side of the room he couldnt read his expression but he could just about make out what was written on the laptop. He'd seen similar pages open on Logan's computer sometime, someting about grading classes. Though it sort of looked like the page of Janus' computer was different from how the usual grading looked.
Every part of Remus' body urged for him to go forward and hold Janus but he knew in his mind this was one of those times him disturbing and being his annoying self was to be avoided. He silently stayed in the shadows until Janus had dried his tears and left.
23 days
"No! No! Put- put those back!" Virgil's words were twisting over each other to get out leaving a stuttering mess on his tongue "Stop packing your shit up! You're not moving! We're not moving! WHa- Why-"
"Sure Vivzy let me just put this fake candle from tesco back on this desk and everything will stay the exact same"
"Why didn't you tell me dude! 4 days! You've known for 4 fucking days! Just throwing a big life shitsurprise in my face so I can- I-"
Virgil's eyes stagnated and stayed staring unblinkingly at some spot in the air as his entire body crumpled in on itself. His shoulders bending inwards and his hands going up to his chest to drag the zipper of his hoodie up and down.
"Nononono" Janus let out in a single breathe. He reached his hands out and cupped Virgil's cheeks to make his friend face him. His eyes stayed unfocused looking right through him but it was better than staring at the air. "Long breathes Viv, long breathes"
He carefully took Virgil's hand in his and moved it against the pulse on his neck. He kept his breathing slow and gentle and waited for Virgil's eyes to focus on his.
"I've been trying to see if the collegeboard would let me keep living here and therefore I didn't want to tell you immediately incase everything would work out. Stressing out for no good doesn't help anyone does it now" Janus said while rubbing his thumb up and down Virgil's cheek "I failed my philosophy class Vivzy. It wasnt even close. Obviously that was my most dreaded least favorite not at all loved subject! If I couldnt even pass that I...I am not sure it is worth it to keep trying to get a deegree. I simply don't think my brain is built for the school system"
Virgil struggled between forcibly calm breathing to get out a few words "Your brain isn't wrong. You're smart"
He sighed softly "I know. I know. Such an insightful little nugget of wisdom. Sorry, couldn't stop the sarcasm. If everyone tells me i'm sssoo smart and that I have such a bright future in academics and I'm so bloody gifted and yet I can't function in this system what reason is there to not leave the system"
"You..can't leave me"
"Viiivzyy. Cmon now. Yes the moment I move I become legally unable to keep contact with any college student"
"But I live here and you're my roomate can't they-"
"Obviously i would neeeever ask that as my first thing. They told me that if I decide to drop out I have to move out in a month"
Virgil took a deep breathe "I can still study even if i have take the trolly every morning. We can look for an apartment together. We can live together! We're basically already doing that!"
"It won't be as cheap as here"
"Do they let you keep working as a help librarian?"
"great. And without the studies you have more time to work. And I can take more night shifts. We'll split the rent. Live in some shit place"
"Who abducted my Virgil and replaced you with someone just a tad bit optimistic" Janus said while letting go of his friend as he felt his breathing slow down and stagnate like normal "We can shoot a few shots to keep the rent low"
"No. JAN you cant bring up doing crimes! You know how fucking anxious even the thought makes me!"
"Do a few drugs"
"Publicly indecieve ourself even"
"Do my most favorite activity: tax evasion!"
"I'll do an ouija board seance and tell on your parents!"
Janus let up into a snort "Aww Vivzy, I could never leave you. We're like....BRothers!"
The other man's face went as pale as a sheet and it felt like his brain had just dropped to his stomach. Until Janus clapped his hands together and laughed so hard he had to turn away.
"Your face! Hah! I knew you would hate such a cheesy line!" He pretended to wipe away a tear "Ah nothing like some good comedy to cheer you up"
"..Right yea...It was too cheesy....That's why I reacted" Virgil hoped his blushing wasn't visible. He rolled his eyes "But I'm not helping you pack! That's what you get for stressing me out like that!"
"Aww no packing for lil ol me????"
"None of this furniture is ours. Im pretty sure you can handle putting all of those bottles of face creams in a box without breaking your arms"
Janus held his hands up and did an overly extra pout "You never know!"
Virgil let out a deep breathe before punching his friend in the shoulder "You asshole! You really fucked me up with thinking you were going to leave! Dont do that! Dude!!"
He continued to pout "Would playing boyfriend and girlfriend help? Like when were little? Cheer you uuuupp?"
"Shut up! You keep packing and I'll start looking for cheap rentals" Virgil was quiet for a minute before hesitantly asking "...So you are dropping out? For sure? Just like making extra sure here dude"
"Really sure?"
"...Okay then...Im glad or something dude I guess"
25 days
Remus arrived late to his lesson with Logan and didn't even bother to sit down before sliding a poster onto the desk right in front of the older demon. It was a poster showing all of the plays the local theather troupe was going to put on within the next 2 months.
"I understand that you are lonely but I can not say in honest that I have any particular interest in plays" Logan replied.
He shook his head and moved to write on the closest paper but Logan waved his hand to stop him.
"Could you try signing it to me? When I told my husband we couldn't communicate he thought it was a brilliant idea to learn sign language so therefore ever since I have been practicing"
Remus dumbed his signing down a lot and moved his hands slower than usual to help his teacher to understand 'My human loves theatre. Date idea. you understand. Need help which theatre I should invite human to?'
He gave Logan a look to see if he'd understood and in response Logan put on his reading glasses and skimmed the poster once more.
"Am I understanding it correctly as you intending to hear explanations of the plays plots from me so you can decide which to ask the person out on?"
The demon's tail wagged as he nodded.
"Well I might not be the most knowledgable on this particular topic however I am knowledgable in general and I unlike you have acess to google, in other words sure"
30 days
"Whos afraid of Virginia Woolf!" Remus exclaimed at the same time as he slammed a poster on to the front desk of the library.
Janus glanced at the poster before clapping with the least energy possible "Wow. Congratulations on learning how to read"
Once more Remus had gotten all jittery when he had seen Janus starting his shift at the library. This time he had already prepared a damaged book he'd found in one of the shelves so he would have a reason to talk to the human and he'd made sure to wait until all of the most impending work had been done. His human's shoulders had slumped as he worked like he was exhausted just from existing and his eyelids were dropping down threatening to close any second now.
Remus furrowed his eyebrows together and pointed at the poster again.
"In case you're genuinly asking I for one am not afraid of Ms. Woolf because she has been dead for quite some time now and I am quite sure I could easily defend myself against a rotting corpse. A remarkable cool death though. Anyhow, I am working. Goodbye"
Janus took ahold of a cart with a few large bookstacks on top and started walking around shelf to shelf and placing the books into the correct order. It only made Remus walk beside him instead.
"You like plays! I remember! You said so! I asked teacher Logan about it and I think you would like it!! it has uhh lying and trickery and deceiving! And it has Wolf in the title. Logan said my name means wolf" He had a stupid smile on his face as he said it.
"Really, I thought your name meant that you're the less interesting twin" Janus muttered back while continuing to put up books without looking at the other man.
Remus pressed his face up against the bookcase to try and get Janus to look at him "If I did something wrong you gotta say it! I am literally stupid!!! If you looked at my papers my gender marker would be write as idiot!"
In response Janus pushed the cart directly into Remus' abdomen so he was forced to move back "Oh great! Play the idiot card, What a classic! Are you planning on having me recite all of it so you can laugh about it. How sweet. Would love to go into every detail but I have to go and get an axe to chop your dick off with"
"Hah! Jokes on you! I would like that!"
"Actually I was lying. I can't afford an axe. Just this cart" He pushed the cart right into Remus' stomach again.
Remus grabbed onto the side of the cart to not fall over "If I did something say something! Was it- Did I suck at kissing? At sex? At driving? Everything??"
"Sweetie it's because you killed my beloved pet hamster"
"Wha- Noooo. I think I would remember that- Oh you were being sarcastic..." Remus replayed everything he could remember from the date as he continued to walk close behind his human. All of a sudden it was like a lightning bolt from the sky hit his head and he spat out "Was it cause I asked bout your face?"
Instead of a reply he simply got a glare.
"OooooOOh. OoooooOOOOOHHHHH. JANNIE! I didn't even think that has possibility to be the thing I did wrong! I had forgotten! I-"
"Don't even"
With another cart slam Remus was pushed out of the way and Janus continued down the shelf. The demon could feel his body turning cold down to his bones and he gulped back bile as sweet as heaven.
"DON'T YOU THINK I FEEL LONELY TOO!?" Remus yelled out.
Janus stopped and scowled at him for a moment before moving close to him and pressing a finger against his lip "Are you insane!?" He whispered "We're in a library you stupid muppet!"
Remus pushed his finger away and continued in a hushed tone "I haven't seen my brother or my friends in a month! YOU! You're the only fucker I have right now. Do you really think I'd give all that up for for some stupid fucking lie!? To insult you? For what? Tell me ONE thing that you think is worth jokes about that I am not more worse about!"
To both of theirs surprise tears welled up in Remus' eyes. Ever since getting cast out he'd been trying to hold them back and even now he fought to keep them from rolling down his cheek.
"You-" His voice cracked "You're the only one I have Jannie. Do you want a sorry 'cause I didnt think. I said stupid shit cause my brain is snot during sex and I hadn't noticed your scar until I was smooch drooling all over your cheek!"
Janus let out a scoff "You hadn't seen the scar covering half of my face until just then, well what a coincidence darling!"
"OKAy Okay I have not gouged eyes out yet! I did see but-" The argument, or rather, arguments he had had with his brother suddenly came to the surface of his mind and he took a deep breathe. He crossed his arms to form an X "Break time. I am not thinking clearly..I do not want to be mad and spew shit. Can I breathe for few seconds and explain then?"
The human was taken aback by it but nodded eventually. He leant up on his toes to wipe a tear away from Remus cheek "It's time for my break anyhow. Fancy a cup of tea?....You bastard" He added that last part to not give any impression of friendliness.
The demon trailed behind into the worker's tiny break room. Since Janus was alone on his current shift the two of them were the only ones in there. Remus sat down by a table and gathered himself while the other man made some tea.
"Honey or milk in it?" He asked over his shoulder.
"Salt and poison thanks"
" Of Courssse"
He sat the cups down on the table "Finished with breathing for a few seconds" Janus asked half sarcastically.
"Uhh yeahh. So you uhm I didn't do anything wrong except asking bout your face?"
"You did also ask it right when we were about to have gay sex so that was also very much appreciated" Janus had been hung up on the dead look in Remus eyes as soon as it started to become intimate but he didn't want to bring it up in case it was some sort of sore spot. He wasn't completely heartless after all.
"....Bad timing?...." He genuinly asked.
"Noooo. Perfect timing. No notes!"
"Ougghghg ouch. I did see your face when we meet but didnt think of it. Thinked as much about Virgils pimples when I saw him for first time. I only thought about your face because the uhm Texture...." he searched for the right word while snapping his fingers "The uhh feeling? The feeling of your skin was so new and cool and other good words-"
"I will actually throw you out the window if you even try to imply my scar makes me beautiful somehow. I am unbeliviable hot and beautiful" He said it in a completely neutral tone "And my scar does not add or subtract to that in any way. It's simply a part of my face. The only idiots who make a fuss about it are other people"
"No. No. Jan. Feeling! Cool feeling! I wanna like lick your face or rub me fingies to it. I don't think it is a whole thing"
Janus pretended to check his nails while still wearing gloves.
"My best friend" Remus continued but stopped as he didn't know how to explain the way having white hair made Remy...different "My best friend has similar stuff. That's why I know sign!" He remembered the incident at the club, the way the other succubi had looked at him the moment they'd seen the white spot of his hair "Have you met me?? Not like I am uhhh non demented either. And I got a bunch of scars too! Look!!"
Without any hesitation he pulled up his shirt to show off the scattered scars he had around his waist. He started to point at them one at a time.
"This one I got 'cause my brother stabbed me with a for-"
"Wow yeah great idea to have a whole strip show while there are cameras in here" Janus interrupted.
"OH! Not to mention my ass! One time my anus ripped and now-" Remus turned around and moved to pull his pants down but Janus grabbed his wrists in panic to stop him.
"I am not losing my job because of an idiot shaped like a person!"
The demon searched his face for any hint of laughter or even a spark of joy but despite his attempt the human still looked just as miserable.
Remus tightly took Janus' hand in his and pressed his forehead against his skin as he closed his eyes. His lips quivered as he spoke.
"I- I don't know what to do if you don't forgive me"
Janus looked at him in silence for at least a full minute during which Remus didn't let go of his hand even for a second. He held onto him so hard his nails turned pale white.
"....Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf...Is actually one of my favorite plays..."
The demon looked up to see the slightest of smiles on Janus' lips. The human leant forward and sweeped a piece of loose hair behind Remus' ear. Janus hadn't realized just how frail he looked until he'd seen him with his slightly sunken cheeks and eyebags deep enough to store a closet on the verge of tears. Suddenly it had seemed so silly to think he would have been playing him for a fool when Jan could barely imagine how much he'd lost to get here.
"JAANNNIIIEEE" Remus let up into a wail while climbing on the table to lump him into a tight hug.
"Yeah yeah. There there dear" He patted him aimleesly on the back.
"You won't leave me?"
"Why is everyone I know so obsessed with me leaving them all of a sudden, but yes sure I will go see the amateur rendition of the play with you" His smile widened "If you'll do something for me"
Remus perked up "MUrder!? Poison!! Guioltine making!?"
"Darling, You are not at all concerningly easy to convince"
"Anything Janny boy!"
"I wasn't even requesting you to do anything for me!"
"I¨ll kill them! And their little dog too!"
"Whos them?" Janus shook his head and rolled his eyes at the same time which is a high level of bitchery "Nevermind. Remind me to take everything you say with a cold glass of salt"
Remus looked at him with wide bordering on puppy dog eyes and a stupid grin which made Janus want nothing more than to caress his equally stupid cheeks and press a kiss to his equally brain dead nose. Instead he settled for playfully running his finger along the demon's chin.
"Darling I have just the idea for what you'll do for me"
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queerchaser · 2 months
Dorian Gray had been poisoned by a book. There were moments when he looked on evil simply as a mode through which he could realize his conception of the beautiful.
She closed her book, leaving a finger in between the pages. Gazing out of the train window, she could tell how much time was left until she reached her destination just by the look of the trees outside; the answer was too long. She was growing more and more restless with every minute spent sitting on her rather uncomfortable seat. The compartment was also getting disgustingly warm, despite the window being opened; it was about to rain outside and the air was heavy in the most unbearable of ways that makes every piece of clothing stick to your skin. She started bouncing her leg to the melody of a song she heard playing from the booking clerk’s office on the muggle part of King’s Cross Station, and which was now also playing in her head. As she licked her lips, she could almost taste the cigarette she smoked after leaving her house that morning. And she desperately craved at least one more. Immediately.
Her eyes focused on the glass as she noticed her reflection. She scanned her freshly bleached and braided hair that contrasted her tawny skin; she looked undeniably good, yet she still hadn’t decided if she was fully on board with this decision she made on a whim. It was a big change, she just didn’t know if it was a good one. She turned away from her reflection – she could colour it back any time. And she was sure Mary would be ecstatic to help her.
She noticed raindrops slowly start appearing on the window and her eyes fell on her black leather ankle boots; her feet won’t get wet, that’s for sure, but she still hoped she would evade the rain, that it would rain during the night. One can’t always be right.
She liked the rain. The smell before, during and after, the gloomy feeling it brought and the sound it made. She just didn’t like it when it inconvenienced her, same as everyone else, she guessed. And as much as she liked the rain, she still checked her bag for an umbrella. When she made sure she did, in fact, pack it, she fished out some bubblegum to help her unhealthy craving. Just what one summer does to dopamine receptors.
She heard the door on the corridor outside of her compartment slide open and the chatter of four boys caught her attention. She looked their way, immediately making eye contact with a tall messy-haired boy with glasses. His face lit up and he pointed at her with both his hands. She felt her heart choke; she felt a mixture of sadness and happiness, something so bitter-sweet it created a pit in her stomach big enough to swallow her whole. She still repeated his action, however, pointing back at him with a smile, that she wasn’t sure was genuine or not; she figured she was a good enough actress when it resulted in big smiles from all the boys. The door flew open.
“Bloody hell, you’re alive!” the messy-haired boy exclaimed, his familiar posh accent even deepening the horrible feeling she felt in her stomach. He pulled her to her feet at the speed of light and embraced her in a by-all-known James Potter bearhug. She let herself relax for a while, wrapping her hands around him too and closing her eyes. There was a certain amount of magic surrounding James Potter and it was way bigger and better than the wizarding magic that surrounded all students on the train; it was his heart, pure and good to its very core, the only one of his attributes that truly mattered and that made his bare presence feel like a blessing.
“Okay, get lost, my turn.” the tallest one of the four spoke with the faintest Welsh accent he’s been slowly but surely losing over the years and lightly hit James’s arm with the back of his hand. James got out of the way with a huff and a roll of his eyes and she got embraced in another hug by Remus Lupin. The scrawny boy wasn’t big of a hugger and he sure as hell couldn’t match the infamous Potter bearhug, but he cherished his friends more than anything, which made his morals and preferences very shiftable. He was also incredibly attentive; so was James, but he was louder, more extroverted, and liked getting attention, which made it harder to notice everything happening around him. Remus was the complete opposite, which gave him the space and peace of surrounding, if not interrupted by his loud friends, to know about every whisper or melodrama happening at Hogwarts; that’s why he noticed something wasn’t right with Asterin Knightley, from the newly bleached hair to the fact she hadn’t answered one letter they had written to her over the summer. He let go of her a few seconds later; he wasn’t pushing his limits. He looked at her, before giving another one of the Marauders space to hug her, and scanned her hair. “Suits you.”
“Cheers.” she smiled. He smiled back at her and sat down. Her eyes fell on another one of her friends, a shorter mousy-haired Peter Pettigrew. He gave her the warmest smile known to humankind and hugged her. Peter wasn’t one to notice things, at least not as well as Remus did, but he was loyal and genuinely happy to see her after two long months of radio silence. They shared a special kind of friendship; people wouldn’t dare to say they weren’t friends, but they also weren’t used to seeing them interact, at least not as much as they were to seeing her with the three other boys. However, they were friends, good friends, and they dwelled on acts of service; they helped each other with whatever, whenever, and talked about whatever was on the other one’s mind, no matter how strange it was or how much judgement they would probably get from other people, and they did so, usually, with no one else around, whether it was when they somehow met in the common room at night and ended up sneaking to the kitchens together or just when their friends were too busy being centres of attention.
He let go of her and with another warm smile sat next to Remus and James. That’s when her eyes fell on the last boy, whose eyebrows were raised with anticipation and with a playful smirk on his lips. That’s when she fully noticed the lump in her throat; if she felt like the pit in her stomach was about to swallow her before, she was very sure she was now eaten and in the process of digestion while the pit’s laughing in her face.
“Well and here I am thinking you forgot about me.” he joked and she needed every sense, every miniature cell in her body to focus on not crying. He opened his arms and she hugged him, tightly, trying to find the strength she was missing in him, her best friend, her very own and maybe the only reason to keep her sanity intact. She took a deep breath, inhaling the mix of cigarette smoke (which didn’t help her need to have a cigarette herself), his cologne and the faintest smell of leather, which was a very important feature to someone of the likes of Sirius Black. She tried blinking her tears away, which wasn’t as successful or as easy as she anticipated and when she felt his hand slowly stroke her back, she was on the verge of letting the pit eat her and by that forbidding her to ever show her face again, which she would very willingly agree upon. She felt him letting go of her a few seconds after that and so she started to let go too, only for him to apply a little pressure on her back, keeping her in place. He got closer to her ear and whispered, “You alright?”
It made shivers go down her spine. They let go of each other and she gave him a look, which was a depiction of a cry for help; it made his stomach drop, immediately picturing all sorts of horrible things that were very likely to happen at the Knightley Manor during the two months of no response from his best friend. He gave her a look that said they would talk about it later and then smiled, trying to keep their secret conversation a secret. “You look brilliant,” he copied Remus’s compliment, which he thought would explain why they were looking at each other for a strangely long time and stop their friends from asking questions.
“Thank you so very much,” she tried to sound as genuine as possible going with his brush-off idea, knowing very well she wasn’t as good of an actress as he was.
They sat down and she started gathering her things to make more space for Sirius next to her when James frowned.
“You’re reading that?” he asked, pointing at the book she was about to put in her bag. She looked at it, confused. When Muggles Attack. She chuckled.
“What do you think?” she asked, amused, tossing it over to him. He opened the book, revealing The Picture of Dorian Gray headline. “My mother gave it to me to read, I changed the paperback.”
“Thank Merlin,” he tossed the book right back with a chuckle, “I thought you were brainwashed.”
“You think so low of me?” she joked, placing the book in her bag and putting it aside. “I didn’t spend my whole life defying my delusional mother only to retract when things get serious.” she sat down, noticing Sirius’s devilish smirk. “You shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.” he defended himself, still smirking and she rolled her eyes.
“Well, you did get into Gryffindor, after all,” James stated matter-of-factly.
“Proudest moment of my life,” she nodded, smiling.
“Yours and mine both.” Sirius nodded too, hugging her around the shoulders. She chuckled and rolled her eyes, again, giving into his embrace, and put her head on his shoulder. Superficially, things seemed perfect. She was with her friends, far away from home, in the embrace of her first-ever friend, smiling and joking around, reminiscing about how they betrayed two of the noblest Slytherin families in Britain what felt like so many years ago. Only things weren’t perfect. War wasn’t only knocking on their door, it was already inside the house and pouring itself a cup of tea and many of their friends were in the kind of danger that no one, especially no child, should ever experience first-hand. There was darkness surrounding all of them, which no one, not even James’s fair heart, could lead them through and they were all hanging on the faintest string of hope they had; each other.
hello loves, first chapter's out!
thank you for the most likes i've ever gotten on any of my writing posts, on any app, ever. i really appreciate it.
i hope you'll like it.
just a little tw; the whole fic describes a lot of touchy subjects, mental health issues and serious family problems, abuse, so please reconsider reading the whole thing, for your own good. i wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but i also don't want to spoil anything for those who plan on reading it to the end.
but, i also kind of suppose that none of us, marauders fans, are mentally stable and we've all read a lot of gut-wrenching fics that partially killed us, soo...
let me know how you like it so far.
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creneal · 2 years
Too Damn Loud
Remus Lupin x O/C
Chapter One
(I’m so sorry idk how to add a cut, I’m on mobile 😭😭😭)
Remus’ Point of View
I don’t exactly remember meeting her for the first time, I just remember her always being there. Every birthday party, every church event, every dinner party my mum would throw so she could show off our family to the other women in the neighbourhood. She was always there. Politely smiling when appropriate. Sitting silently.
That's another thing I recall. She never spoke. She never laughed and played with the other children. No, she just sat, always directly right of her mother.
Her mother. Very posh. Very pretentious. Very… church. It must've been a real shock for the priest and his wife to find out that their precious, sweet, innocent daughter was a witch.
She got her letter about a year and a half after I received mine. I wasn't allowed to tell her about any of the magic, and it was killing me. She was my best friend for Christ’s sake!
But there was nothing I could do about it.
Our mothers sipped tea on the sofa in the sitting room. We were in my bedroom. She sat quietly on the edge of my bed, legs crossed, back straight. Of all the times I've interacted with her, I can count on my fingers how many times she's spoken above a whisper for more than a few sentences.
I'm sure you can understand my astonishment when she, louder than usual, yet still softly, exclaimed,
I looked up at her quickly, tilting my head, sort of silently asking her what was the matter.
“Since when did you have a cat?”
“Huh? Oh, just a few weeks. We found her outside the big tree in the backyard. She bit my hand a few times, it hurt real bad. A few of the bites bled.”
She just stared at me, eyes wide.
“It's so cute! Have you chosen a name yet?”
“No, but my mum suggested we name her Callie. A little basic if you ask me,” I chuckled lightly, making an effort to get some sort of reaction out of her. Or lighten the mood, as she wasn't over for a great reason. I was supposed to distract her.
She giggled softly, nodding her head. For a few minutes, it was silent. I looked at her, trying desperately to think of something to say.
“So, your birthday is coming up, do you have any special things planned?”
“No, my mum is really stressed with everything going on, and I’m not really in a celebratory mood,” she said simply, her voice now back to a soft mumble.
“I get it. I’m really sorry about your dad. I can’t say I know exactly how it feels, but if you need to talk about it, I’m always willing to listen,” I looked at her, making eye contact to really push my point.
We held eye contact in silence for what felt like hours before she stood up, smoothed out her dress and walked over to me.
I wasn’t sure what I was expecting her to do, but I certainly wasn’t expecting her to hug me. She was a great hugger. Warm and gentle, but a tight embrace. I was shocked, but didn’t want her to feel rejected, so I hugged her back quickly.
“Thank you,” she whispered, voice slightly muffled by my jumper. I was taller than her now, finally hitting one of my growth spurts.
“Of course. I’m here for you,” I whispered back, not wanting to raise my voice any higher than hers, as to not ruin the moment. She gave one last right squeeze and then let go.
“Sorry, that was very uncalled for. I didn’t even ask you. I guess I just got really emotional and I didn’t even think t-”
“Etta. You’re fine, you don’t need to apologize,” I felt bad for cutting her off, but she was getting more embarrassed by the second.
“Are you sure? I feel bad for invading your personal space.”
“Don’t feel bad,” I started, “would you be upset at me if I did what you did?”
“Of course not.”
“Good,” I stated simply, wrapping my arms around her.
That’s when I felt it. It was a thud at the back of my head. Letting go, I turned to grab the thing off the floor. A letter? It hit me. A letter! Specifically a letter from Hogwarts with Noisette Llewellyn written neatly on the front. She looked at me, confused.
“Do you believe in magic?
A/N - Guys ik that was so shitty but I needed to give some background. Thanks for reading this far, it will hopefully get better as the story goes. Thank you 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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erathedriver17 · 2 years
my marauders fancast (because this is so fun)
james potter x aaron taylor johnson
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i know that this is a pretty basic one but i absolutely adore aaron taylor-johnson and think he’s incredibly adorable and handsome. plus if you ever want to write him as surviving there’s source material (because he gets even more sexy and handsome as he gets older)
regulus black x timothee chalamet
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timothee is adorable and perfect for reggie (even though the person that i pick for sirius is younger than him). these are the only two popular fancast for these characters so good luck for the rest and i hope you can see my vision i guess
sirius black x deaken bluman
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before i say anything just look at the hair. look at the material. plus he can give off rich bitch vibes and chaotic rule breaker (he is only one month younger than timothee though so i won’t really mind it i guess). plus the dude is drop dead gorgeous. come on now! (sn, i just looked it up and he’s actually only six days younger than timothee. six!)
remus lupin x matt hitt
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okay ik ik i truly was considering andrew garfield and i would’ve used him but i honestly wanted a people that looked much younger (don’t bring up aaron okay). although both are in their thirties now i think matt encapsulated that remus john lupin energy that we all know and love. plus i’m this picture we can say he’s wearing sirius’ jacket. and matt is the oldest out of the six and remus definitely has an aged look.
peter pettigrew x lucas hedges
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i loved lucas in boy erased and ben is back. i was contemplating fionn oshea but i thought that lucas just exudes that quiet but smart and timid friend energy. plus i’d love to hug lucas (although i would never let peter touch me).
lily evans x nora mac
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before i begin plus sized lily! idc what you have to say and i don’t want to hear any of your fatphobia. nora just seems like the person that would give the best hugs and lils is obviously an amazing hugger. she seems like she also has the best snacks and could just give you endless love (especially for those like remus). also her hair is gorgeous. so yeah
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cabin7-hufflepuff · 2 years
some marauders hcs :)
sirius spends way too much money on sweaters for remus
and not just for a special occasion. he just does
james and lily both sing in the shower
james is great at it
lily is not
with the girls’ help, remus gets dog treats, carrots, and cheese for the boys’ respective birthdays
peter thinks it’s weird and james just laughs about it but sirius will look remus straight in the eye and eat a dog treat
mary, lily, remus, peter, and dorcas go all out for quidditch games
lily, remus, and dorcas have competitions to try and be the best s/o for their respective favorite players (w/just a tad bit of bias)
remus and dorcas always count whether sirius or marlene hits the most people with bludgers
james let’s everyone borrow his transfiguration homework/notes
same with remus and history of magic
as well as lily and charms/potions
sirius and arithmancy
remus and sirius are somehow more touchy feely and cuddly than james and lily
they’re literally always touching if they can
thighs pressed together
ankles/feet tangled together under the table
heads in each other’s laps
heads on each other’s shoulders
holding hands
james and lily are the biggest huggers
also jily foread and nose kisses
if she could allow it, mcgonagall would have remus and lily be head boy and girl, but also still have james be a prefect (but alas there can only be two per house, per grade(5-7))
but because she can’t, remus and lily love to mess with their boyfriends since they spend a decent amount of time alone together for prefect/head duties
remus will only get on a broom if he’s on one with sirius or james
lily, on the other hand, could beat even james in a race if she wanted to, but she hates heights
remus is 8 inches taller than sirius, who pretends to hate it, but secretly loves it because he can easily hear remus’ heartbeat and know he’s safe
whereas remus absolutely ADORES the height difference because he can tuck sirius’ head under his chin
remus keeps bobby pins and hair ties for sirius and the girls
remus likes his wolf hearing because he can hear his friends’ breathing/heartbeats
lily is taller than sirius by an inch and he HATES it
jily height difference of 3 inches
remus he/they
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360iris · 3 years
Like You (Remus Lupin x Reader x Sirius Black x James Potter)
Summary: The reader recounts significant memories leading up to her polyamorous relationship with the boys.
Word count: 2,644
Content: 97% fluff, 3% smut at the end
Like Then (James Potter x Reader x Sirius Black x Remus Lupin)
Summary: Why do girls always leave The Yule Ball heartbroken?
Word count: 1,201
Content: Hurt/comfort? Angst? Splash of fluff to ease the pain.
Bedroom Headcanon Blurb
Summary: How would the boys act during private times?
Content: nsfw
Best Hugger/Cuddler/Kisser Headcanon Blurb
Summary: What are the boys’ strong suits?
Content: 99.9% fluff, 0.9% smut
Wind Down Hour Headcanon Blurb
Summary: How would the boys react if you’re too tired to take off your own makeup?
Content: 1000% fluff!
Talk (Sirius Black x Reader x Remus Lupin x James Potter)
Summary: The reader discovers that communication is useful after all.
Word count: 691
Content: Angst? Fluff? Why not both?
Cry Baby (Sirius Black x Reader x Remus Lupin)
Summary: The boys haven’t been letting you finish but you finally get what you asked for.
Word count: 1,136
Content: Smut!
Can’t Handle Change (Remus Lupin x Sirius Black x Reader)
Summary: The reader meets Sirius Black and her friendship with Remus is put to the test.
Word count: 3,002
Content: Teen love triangle drama!
Lover’s Rock (Marauders x Gender Neutral!Reader)
Summary: The reader comes out as agender.
Word count: 417
Scent Headcanon (Marauders + Lily)
Summary: What I think the Marauders smell like.
Unlocking The Marauders’ Daddy Kink
Summary: Scenarios where you call each of the boys “daddy” for the first time.
Sirius Black
As It Was (Sirius Black x Reader)
Summary: You get jealous at the most inopportune moment and Sirius isn’t laughing.
Content: All smut! There is nothing else here!
Bossa Nova (Two Slow Dancers Part Two)
Summary: Moving on is a bittersweet endeavor.
Word count: 2,140
Overheated (Sirius Black, Remus Lupin x Reader)
Summary: What is Sirius Black supposed to do when he’s stuck in quarantine and sexually frustrated? Browse porn sites of course.
Word count: 740
Content: Smut
Luv, Hold Me Down (Sirius Black x Reader)
Summary: Enemies to lovers WIP
Word cound: 2,209
Eye for An Eye (Sirius Black x Reader)
Summary: Sirius and Y/n rock each other’s shit and laugh it off because they’re idiots who vibrate on the same wavelength.
Content: Explicit language and face slapping.
Soft Sirius Blurb
James Potter
Two Slow Dancers (James Potter x Reader)
Summary: You know that James and yourself aren’t endgame, so why have the two of you been holding for so long?
Content: Mature themes. Angsty.
Remus Lupin
Moment’s Silence (Remus Lupin x Reader)
Summary: After Remus spends the entire day working in his office, you finally earn some time with Daddy.
Word count: 1,268
Content: 50% smut, 50% fluff??
Five In the Afternoon (Sub!Remus x Reader) 
Summary: University AU!Remus wakes up from a nap with the need to get railed and you aim to please.
Word count: 1,526
Content: 98% smut, 2% fluff
Ruled by the Moon (Marauders Era!Remus Lupin x Reader)
Summary: Remus has been unusually unsatiable and you’re unsure why.
Word count: 559
Content: Smuttty undertones?
The Weasley Twins
Wanna Be Down (George Weasley x Reader x Fred Weasley)
Summary: There’s a birthday, a bunny costume and The Twins... What could go wrong?
Word count: 1,628
Content: Pure Smut
Fred Weasley
Weird Magic (Fred Weasley x Reader)
Summary: You’re not sure how, but you managed to save him.
Word count: 470
Poly!Draco Malfoy x Blaise Zabini
Relationship Origin (Blaise Zabini x Ravenclaw!Reader x Draco Malfoy)
Summary: How you and the boys begin dating.
Content: A dash of smut.
Lucius Malfoy
The Invitation (Young!Lucius Malfoy x Gryffindor!Reader)
Summary: Gryffindor!Reader gets invited to the Slytherin party of the year by her nemesis, Lucius Malfoy. Fun times follow.
Word count: 3,469
Content: Smut, smut, smut!
Ron Weasley
Quickie (Ron Weasley x Reader)
Summary: You’re late for a party but you need Ron more.
Word count: 809
Content: Smutty blurb!
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Heyo! Could I request headcannons for the sides being like "I'm proud of you" and the reader kinda just breaking down because they've never been told that? If not, that's fine though! Have an amazing day/night/etc. :)
Babe, I'm a sucker for that shit so I would be delighted
I'm thinking you came up with an awesome idea and executed it well, and wow Roman's proud of how beautifully you did
He tells you as much, and while he didn't expect the breakdown well...he gets it. He gets so few compliments, he understands how overwhelming it can be when you finally receive them
He'd sweep you into his arms and positively shower you with praise and love, tell you every little thing he adores about you, how you're so smart and spectacular and he's honoured to know you
He make sure in the future to tell you more often how proud he is, and take time to listen to all your ideas and see if he can help
You just got an exam result back and even though you'd been very stressed, the results were better than expected. Logan offers you his congratulations as well as telling you he's proud - he knows how hard you tried, and even if you hadn't done well he'd still be proud of how much effort you put in
He's very startled when you start sobbing but is quick to assure you that all is well, the stress has passed and now you can relax
You may get a very awkward shoulder pat if you want physical comfort, or he'll go get Patton if you need a proper hug
Now every time he congratulates you on something he makes sure to carry tissues, just in case
Honestly, you could breathe and he'd tell you he's proud, but the first time he praised you well...you weren't used to it
It was probably the first time you were confident or asked for something without being prompted - the first time you came outta your shell a little, he's so proud of you!!
The second the first tear falls he's scooped you up in a big bear hug and babbling out affirmations and trying to give you cookies, then squirrel you away for a few hours to cuddle and watch movies
After that, he always makes sure to check in on you and make sure you know he's proud
He's not really one for praise, but the first time he told you how proud he was happened after you had a panic attack
He talked you through it and afterwards gave you a glass of water and told you he was proud of how well you handled it, and with how emotionally exhausted you were you couldn't help breaking down a little
He started panicking a bit and just...throws his hoodie at you since he's not much of a hugger, and asks if you need him to get something or someone
He'll sit with you until you've calmed down and give you an extremely awkward talk about how they're all proud of you, and makes more of an effort to have the feelings talks with you
He originally said it mockingly but realised you seemed upset by that, to which he dropped the act to tell you he genuinely is proud of you. He didn't understand why that seemed to upset you more
He starts making to go get Patton, who is obviously more equipped to deal with this, but stops when you ask him to stay with you
He'll let you wear his hat anytime you're sad now, and even though he's still not really sure how to help you he'll try his best
Remus is very familiar with not getting praise, so takes it seriously when you burst into tears
He'll ramble on for hours about all the amazing things you've done and how cool and special you are, because that's everything he's wanted someone else to do for him
You'll get the weirdest praise from him but oddly it's the most comforting, and if you want a distraction he'll come up with gross funny stories to make you laugh
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
What are your HeadCannons for the Marauders
Dear Anon,
Oof it's been a minute so let me see what I can articulate if I dig deep!
Most of this me rambling. But I really love how cocky and arrogant they appear opposed to the behind the scenes hurt / comfort that goes on 24/7
I know people can be really aggressive about their ideas and relations with Severus and what not. These are just my ideas, this is my escape, non related to cannon.
Hope you enjoy! XOXO
Tempted to write some more of these, or maybe just some little tiny moments I have scripted for them.
James Potter
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ADHD Hyper-focus champ, can talk forever if it interests him. If it doesn't interest him he will bribe Mooney for foot notes and do the bare minimum. Always plotting and thinking.
So much empathy contained in one body, He comes off as cocky, loud, and funny, but if you look close he is always checking in with people, keeping an eye over the room at all times. He is always stressed only his close friends can tell when it gets bad.
Fierce protector - God help you if a girl goes crying to him about sexual or physical harassment. Or if you hurt his friends.
Runs his life a bit like a mafia. Constant underground smuggling of contraband- Banned from Hogsmeade because of this
Loves Lily, but loves bugging her more. She finally properly snapped at him so he gave her space. But alas a hurt / comfort moment shows that maybe there is more to him than what Snape thought...
Totally parent traps Sirius and Remus together
Horrible taste in music according to Sirius
Always too much coffee and not enough food
Bossy in a very annoying mom type of way
Is a hugger
After first year he begged his mum to teach him how to cook so he could send food to Sirius when he would get shut into his room.
He also used to send Remus stuff claiming his mother forced him to clean out his room (Of sweaters that just happened to be Remus sized) Or books that his mother said they had duplicates of (which happened to be once needed for class next year or ones Moony used to frequently take out of the library)
He remembered that Peter's mother always made him open everything he got in the mail at the breakfast table - So James sent him a prank (potentially a dirty magazine) that caused his mother to faint and she banned his owl from the house.
Sirius Black
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Very Punk, very loud, always up to date on musical trends both magical and muggle.
Cynical as fuck but hides it with humor. Never sees the best in people
PTSD and nightmares galore. I'm a firm believer his parents were physically & emotionally abusive.
Has panic attacks about leaving Regulus at home
Sleeping in a room with other boys was a horrible idea, so he tried to avoid sleeping for as long as he could manage when he first came to Hogwarts. James noticed right away and immediately smothered him in ideas to help. Remus confessed he didn't like sleeping because of nightmares, this allowed him to open up about it for the first time. They were kind to him so he vowed he would do anything to protect them.
Eventually they understood his constant swing between being on top of the world, on the edge of glory to moody and sometimes violent. After taking the blame for him a few times he finally felt he owed to them to explain his thought process / childhood incidents
Always an undercurrent of threat assessments and hates being touched by people suddenly or when he isn't in control of the situation.
Just as observant as James, but much more violent when problem solving
Horribly twisted sexual sense of humor. Loves making Peter blush and stutter. His way of comforting people is to make them laugh or to punch the person that made them cry.
After a particularly upsetting interaction with Snape & Regulus - Remus offers to sleep next to him. After that they didn't sleep apart while in Hogwarts. James still had to trick them in to admitting having feelings for each other because both of them were terrified of being a burden.
Hates Snape for being what his parents always wanted him to be like. Turns into full blown hatred when he manages to be close with Regulus in the way he hoped he could be once getting Reg away from his parents. Also Snape hates the Potter family - the only family that made him feel safe.
A few nights into living at the Potter house, James mum caught him up in the kitchen and made him hot chocolate. He cried over it and she held him, telling him that it was bad right now, but that she always knew he was going to grow into a great man. After that she always introduced him as her son, even when people looked at her poorly for taking in someone from his family.
Remus Lupin
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So comfortable looking. Big sweaters, always has chocolate, only ever raises his voice when Sirius is about to do something very stupid. Manages to befriend just about anyone.
Relaxes once he realizes that James compulsively helps people just as much as he pisses them off, Sirius is a total basket case, and Peter had the social skills of someone that had never been around people before.
He felt like he was in the right dorm, all of them had issues. But somehow the excess of confidence that radiated off of James and Sirius was enough to make them all very popular.
People often had the wrong idea about the two of them, especially Lily
He studied like he knew that things could change for him in a second. He could have everything ripped away because of what he was, so he tried to absorb as much knowledge as he could.
Eventually the group put together that he was a werewolf. He was scared but also relieved.
He hated how scared Sirius used to get thinking someone was hurting him, nights of Sirius begging him to give him names to just let him help. How James would fuss, and Peter would always try to push treats and snacks on him to cheer him up.
He cried when they told him they had become animagus to help him.
He knew that Sirius was picky about comforting, but after a particularly brutal disagreement with his brother, Remus laid next to him listening to him talk about it. He couldn't handle watching Sirius cry so he held him tightly. Then eventually stayed the night... then stayed for forever. Both of them actually started sleeping better.
He was close with Lily, and eventually when she'd fallen out with Severus, he helped her get to know the boys better.
Sirius had a habit of stealing his sweaters, something that looked absolutely ridiculous paired with an edgy leather jacket
It was a huge relief when Sirius moved in with James.
When his mother passed, they all came to the funeral. Staying very close over the rest of the summer. He would wake up to Sirius folding laundry in the living room, while James cooked breakfast trying to encourage his dad to adapt healthy coping mechanisms for grief. Peter would bring in new shopping and handle all the running around his father didn't have energy for.
When his father found out that him and Sirius were an item, he was just happy that Remus had found himself a family. Even if he was still scarred from James emotional deep dive into grieving, he could see how they would always protect Remus.
Peter Pettigrew
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Peter came from a very sheltered, put together type of family. His father was stern and distant, while his mother hovered.
Sharing a room with the boys felt like madness and chaos. Till he realized that he was invited to be apart of the chaos.
Never in his life was he considered popular. He never had friends, only ever doing things with his mum or his cousins
Being apart of the gang was stressful as Peter had a lot of authority figure issues, and hated getting in trouble.
He wasn't a problem solver like James or able to go and hex people like Sirius, didn't know how to talk about emotions like Remus did, but he was good at giving them a pat on the back or having their favorite treat around. He was always the best at finding the silver lining in a situation and often saw the best in people.
Ratting them out seemed to be the only way to survive, but he realised the moment he did it that he only ever lived with them anyway.
I kid you not I have a million thoughts and feelings about them. Maybe I'll make a part two abut the girls :)
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fruitcoops · 3 years
ok this is a very specific request so don't worry if you ignore it, but would you write something about remus helping interview new PTs with moody, and when they eventually find hestia?
Yeah!! I love writing Hestia as the new PT and this was a really neat prompt! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove
Moody reached over and put a hand on Remus’ knee to stop its incessant bouncing. “Breathe, kid.”
“Sorry,” he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he looked at the stack of resumes on the desk. “I’m just nervous.”
“This isn’t your job anymore, you don’t have to—”
“No!” Remus blurted. Moody raised his eyebrows. “Sorry. No, I’m fine, I can stay.”
The old man’s face softened. “We’ll find the right one, okay? You get to be a player now, Loops. You don’t have to stress about this part.”
Yes, I do. Moody must have seen the hesitance on his face, but he shook his head and pressed the buzzer for the first interviewee to enter. The door opened, revealing a middle-aged man with a resume the size of a small Bible in his hands; Remus felt something die inside. It was going to be a long eight hours.
Noon came and went, then one o’clock, then two, until four pm rolled around and the stack of paperwork was beginning to resemble the leaning tower of Pisa. The previous applicant, a woman with a temper like a dragon, had decided the best way to handle her polite but firm rejection was to let loose a barrage of verbal abuse on them both.
“Go home,” Moody told him for the eighteenth time.
“Not until we find the right one,” Remus insisted.
“This isn’t your job—”
“I know. Fucking—” He broke off with a huff and rested his forehead on the tabletop. “I know, Moody, but I need to do this. I need to know we’ve got the right person in there, or I’m not going to be able to relax ever again. I promise not to get too involved after this, but please. Please let me do this with you.”
A few beats of silence passed before a heavy hand settled between Remus’ shoulder blades. “You’re a good kid, Lupin. I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’ll still be here every day,” he mumbled.
“I know. Ready to keep going? We’ve only got a few left.”
Remus straightened and winced as his back cracked. “Alright, let’s do this.”
He pressed the buzzer again and the door opened, revealing a young woman with a sky-blue scarf around her head and neck. “Hestia Jones,” she said as she sat. Her face was kind, but she carried herself with confidence. Remus liked her immediately.
“Nice to meet you, Ms. Jones,” Moody said, opening her folder. “My name’s Alastor Moody. I’m the head trainer for the Lions.”
“Remus Lupin, the old PT.” Hestia’s handshake was strong. “We’re just going to go through a few basic questions, then you can ask whatever you’d like and we’ll continue from there. Sound good?”
“Sounds great.”
Hestia’s confidence did not waver throughout the interview; her answers were clear and concise. She was quick-witted and smart without being pretentious, and nothing she said made Remus believe she would put up with any whining about exercises or stretches. For the first time in six hours, he felt like they had a really strong candidate.
Moody tapped her portfolio on the desk with a pleased look on his face. Well, as pleased as his face could get. “Thank you for your time, Ms. Jones, I think we’ll—”
“Wait. Could I borrow you for a moment?” Remus asked. Both of them raised an eyebrow at him, but Hestia nodded and stood up. “Awesome, thanks. It’ll just take a second.”
He led her down the hall to the rink, where the team was finishing up with a light scrimmage for bragging rights. He heard several calls of ‘Loops!’ and waved, then motioned her toward the bench. “Quick question,” Hestia said, following the puck with her eyes. “What’s going on here?”
“Hands-on demonstration,” Remus answered. Any minute now.
Pots skated up to the boards, out of breath and sweaty. He grinned when he saw Hestia. “Hey, you’re here for the PT position?”
She blinked in obvious surprise. “Yeah. Hestia Jones.”
“James Potter.” He looked to Remus, who glanced toward the Gatorade bottles. “Hey, H—can I call you H?”
“Can you grab me a blue Gatorade?”
Hestia didn’t skip a beat before grabbing one off the bench and cracking it open for him. James’ smile widened. “Superstition?” she guessed.
He lifted the bottle toward her in a ‘cheers’ motion. “Indeed.”
“Can I be honest for a second?” she asked, chancing a look at them both.
“It’s preferred,” Remus said.
“I always thought superstitions were kind of bullshit.”
James barked a laugh as Remus snorted. “Y’know, H, I seem to remember this guy saying something very similar on his first day.”
“Pots!” Sirius called. “The hell are you doing?”
“See you around, Ms. Jones,” James said, skating away with a mock-salute.
One by one, each of the players swung by the bench for their rituals and good luck charms. Hestia didn’t miss a single one, keeping her eyes on the game the whole time. She was friendly and bantered right back with the guys despite a few hiccups or moments of surprise when they appeared seemingly out of nowhere; within five minutes, Remus had his answer.
“Thanks for that,” he said as they headed back down the hallway. The tension had begun draining out of his lower back at last.
She shrugged one shoulder. “Never hurts to gauge team dynamics.”
“The Lions—” Remus trailed off, searching for the right words. “They’re a family. A loud, messy, wonderful family that either draws you in or scares you away in the first ten days.”
“You care about them a lot.” It wasn’t a question, but her tone was gentle.
“I do. Which is why I’m going to do everything in my power to convince Moody to hire you when we go back in there.”
Her dark eyes widened. “Really?”
“If you want to,” he amended. “Be prepared to be damp literally all the time, because all of them are huggers.”
“Yeah, I—” She broke off with a laugh. “I think I can handle that. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” Remus said, turning the handle on the door. “It’s not my decision.”
Moody was still sorting through the resume pile when they answered; he glanced up, then folded his hands and leaned forward on the desk. He scrutinized them both for a moment, nodding slowly. “Congratulations, Ms. Jones. Welcome to the Lions training staff.”
Her face glowed with happiness as she reached out to shake his hand. “Thank you, Mr. Moody. It’s an honor.”
“Thank you.” He tilted his head toward Remus with a teasing gleam in his eye. “Now I don’t have to listen to him getting all twitchy.”
“Hey!” Remus protested, though he could muster up very little true indignance. “I’m not twitchy!”
“You about bounced yourself out of your chair, Loops,” Moody said drily. “Forgive me for misunderstanding. You start July first, Ms. Jones.”
The excitement on her face made Remus remember the first time he had stepped into the little PT office with his name badge and binders, buzzing with joy. Now, there was a whole new road ahead.
“I’m looking forward to it,” Hestia said.
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Headcanon of the day: Remus doesn't typically give hugs, but he's the world's best hugger. Before they were even together, he's the one Tonks would go to for comfort when she couldn't sleep because Sirius is grumpy when you wake him up and Remus gives the best hugs.
Ahhh...that is so in character...he's always comforting others...and Tonks loves how warm and sensitive he is....I just love the idea of Remus comforting her with a cup of hot chocolate and a warm hug 🤗
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