#Really unfortunate side effect of the autisme
twdgs · 5 months
i have gotten to the point where i own enough tr clothing alone that people start to notice and i’m starting to get questioned
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simpletale-officiale · 10 months
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SIMPLETALE is an AU that aims to parody undertale. while also giving it its own original twist, although its not just limited to undertale, as we also aim to parody other silly little bits of the multiverse. like underfell, underswap, heck. maybe even underverse! you can find some of the AU's included in the lineup drawn above, as well as in the descriptions for the askable AU's further on in this post
the AU uses old concepts for undertale, and some fanon misconceptions. to make a funny and entertaining story, but also one with worldbuilding and some slightly more serious bits. unfortunately we cannot show the rest of the cast for simpletale currently because that's spoilers and we want to keep it secret for later (;
(be sure to frequently check this post, as characters could be added to be askable in the future)
questions are not just limited to characters though, you can also ask us, the creators, questions about the production of simpletale, or even our own opinions on it! maybe even some questions about areas...? but ill be nice and give some suggestions. "whats your favorite thing about simpletale?" "whats your least favorite thing about simpletale" dont be shy, ask!
moving onto the characters.
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the simple. the basics. the one and only's!
the simpletale bros!
sans- a rather cheeky, clumsy, and humerus fella. likes getting a laugh out of others, often through humerus actions, he ends up annoying the shit out of his brother a lot of the time, and they argue a lot, they love being brothers though, and most of the time they make up rather quickly. usually tries to speak as little as possible and be as straight to the point as possible. has a fast food addiction
papyrus- a bumbling perfectionist imperialist. believes himself to be superior to others, even when in a low position of power, he was accepted into the guard because..... they needed someone to do the paperwork, dogs ain't that good for writing. despite this he believes himself to be the most important and supreme member of the guard, despite the most important thing he does being signing the occasional tax document or punting a trespasser (usually just random preteens) 20 feet into the air. a bit of a narcissist with a sailors mouth but he does actually care for the people in his life, despite coming off so rude most people find him annoying though ):. basically papyrus autism thrown to a hundred. banters with sans often when he tries to knock papyrus ego down a peg. tries to act menacing, but hes really just an 80's cartoon villain goofball. cooks the most delicious food you will ever taste, we let bro cook for a REASON.
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the simpled is swapped?
the simpleswap bros!
they started out exactly like simpletale sans and papyrus, but decided to parody each other for shits and giggles, and then got all their friends along, which created simpleswap. their personalities are a bit altered from the simpletale brothers due to reasons but their whole swapped personality thing is a gag and they might break character once you say something outlandish or spook them.
papyrus- apathetic, and a bit apolitical with almost everything. started smoking weed to parody sans fast food addiction but actually started smoking it regularly, so hes like.... high. always. once you get through his apathetic and at times, cold and careless character, he can be surprisingly kind and humble, honestly a pretty decent guy. finds his old self cringey and dumb. works as an accountant on the side, cooks pretty tasty food, and often makes tasty weed brownies????
sans- cheeky, energetic, and plays this character of perfection to parody papyrus narcissism, think of the character of perfection kind of like how liquid chris works, effectively doing anything papyrus did, but better. still tries his best to get a laugh out of everyone, hes in better shape then simpletale sans and is overall more athletic, playful and energetic, takes the whole parodying eachother thing less seriously then his brother. him and fellsimple sans are best pals
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their bold, their brash, they certainly dont belong in the trash, an-OUCH I FELL AND BROKE MY FUCKING KNEEES-
this one goes slightly more heavy into parodying fanon
sans- has anger issues, plays up this role of being a punk, "fuck the government" "acab" "i dont believe in consistency" you get the point, a bit of a greedy fuck, loves gold, as well as sharp stuff and gold, he has some.... taboo fetishes like hes probably into bdsm. being the only one out of the skeletons to not be asexual as well as being the only one to be straight. rides a motorcycle, but likes trucks more, probably secretly works with trucking, simpleswap sans is his best friend and he loves to drink with simpletale sans, tough attitude, but is secretly just as silly as the others.
papyrus-has a job as a guard but ends up skipping most of the time because the guards are pretty horrible people and they make him pretty stressed, likes books and philosophy, probably plays this fake role of an evil, heinous guard at work, if ever does it that is. hes a real cheapskate compared to sans, but will buy good books or vinyl albums at a high price if he feels their high enough of quality. hes shy compared to the other papyruses.
....aaaand error.
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a bit of a sleazy fella with a PLAN. he doesnt destroy aus here but does more heinous stuff, like rob banks in AU's, make illegal businesses or currencies, clash with rival gangs, and occasionally fights with ink (although their relationship is very sexual, parodying the fanon misconception that errink is canon) ask him the right questions, and he might even bring some of his gang members along to answer (; his personality is somewhat apathetic, but he always has a PLAN!!!!!! AND YOU CANT FIGHT NATURE JOHN......
killer: nickname: assassin has been unlocked!
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coming from an alternate timeline of simpletale where sans got bored? varisk (frisk replacement) decided to mentally manipulate him into thinking that robbing and killing is a better option then doing nothing. and pays him for it eventually papyrus was killed in crossfire and sans murdered varisk, the pin on his jacket is a soul, but souls are useless in the simpleverse, blood is much more valuable. he's a silent but professional skeleton. cares deeply about his boss and coworkers.
EXTREMELY good with firearms as well as chains. its hard for him to move his mouth, so its almost always locked in a constant smile the liquid that leaks out of him is like an oil like substance, touching it for too long burns your skin, its incredibly cold though. he's ruthless and aggressive in battle and is often the tank/brute in whatever operation dysfunct has going on. usually smug and professional, but can also be very gentle around those he deems friendly enough.
picked up by error after an.... incident in his au.
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the nightmare and dream brothers!
nightmare: claims to have been "betrayed" by his brother (dream stole his sandwich) believes dream causes all his misfortunes and bad luck moments. kind of acts like a spoiled rich kid with a military obsession. started the gang by feeding into errors idea of a free multiverse, where there are no governments and an independent existence for everyone. a world with anarchy and fun. he can be a good manipulator at times, but is all bark no bite. pretty cringe, both him and his brother claim to be "gods" but in truth, their both mutations/byproducts of the simpleswap universe "glitching" creating this disgusting blob and a ball of light (think like sans bad time eye) inside of a husk body. both are amortal and seek to destroy the other, or at least piss each other off for as long as possible.
dream: LOVES shit talking about his brother plays this role of an innocent cutesy kind emperor, when he is everything opposite to that, except for emperor I guess. he is an emperor. believes causing nightmare misfortune will bring him luck in some form (it doesn't, but hes too stupid to realize) if he gets the chance he would probably torture and give his enemies a VERY painful, but quick death. he wants his brother to be at the bottom of life, the worst point in his life, before he plans to KILL. speaks in a very Shakespearian way. is a snobby fuck. not really greedy. but will do ANYTHING in his power to make his enemies die the most painful death he can give them. not cruel to his people, but gaslights them a lot. claims what he does is for the "greater good" acts nice, and very kind to his "friends" but would betray them the moment he finds anything better. the type of guy to give you puppydog eyes after burning down your house
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thanks to kyne for activating my dastardly plan to take over this tumblr, im not just gonna be thrown away as a simple outcast at that pub anymore, im fuckin important goddamn it!!!!!
i also may edit the intros a bit add my own flare you know but the importance is i am now your stand in if you ask anyone thats in the multi-bar!!!!
bio: 404 was born omnipotent, automatically more powerful then all the other simpletons. he would become aware of how through an alternative reality known as the prescratch timeline where that version of him speaks of what he was destined for. nobody believes him however and that bitch error keeps harassing me about talking shit well guess what whore i dont fucking need you anymore because ive found myself somebody who won't just use me and then throw me away when its most fitting fuck you never talk to me again bitch
liks: chaos, delinquency, anarchy, NOT following the rules, 100 gecs (the one with the stupid horse), being powerful, super transformations, hyperpop, chains, gold, copypastas, big hot strong men that could absolutely penetrate me hard, 100 gecks (literally, i have 100 of them as pets and its awesome!!!), flexing, being totally dripped out, colors associated with errors, busting it down (gay kind not cool kind)
dislinks: order, rules, politics, leaders, having to follow instructions, horror sans from the evil guys fuck you you stole my place on that group which im not that upset about anymore after realising they all suck anyways but i still hate you because you refuse to actually fight and keeps saying random quips everytime youre on screen like actually shut the fuck up, gex, women because im severely femalephobic and extremely homosexual so they terrify me, error (cheater and liar dont ever trust him with anything), ink who stole my man with her fuckin cursed woman parts and apparently in the prescratch timeline everyone calls her mommy????? kinda sussy BUT THE SIMPLEVERSE IS LIMITLESS! Because there is a multibar just down the road > (https://simpletale-officiale.tumblr.com/post/727125546167828480/farm-sans)
Undertale by @fwugradiation
Underswap by popcornprince and @underswapped3
Underfell by @underfell
error sans by @loverofpiggies
Killer sans by @rahafwabas
Dream and nightmare by @jokublog
Sigh.... 404 by.... @vibeless15
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lace-coffin · 4 months
It's me again! I have another request, and I think you might like this one! But a few things first.
I love your profile picture! I very much wanna do that to a Yautja, and have reason to believe it is the most effective way to calm your mate when I'm privacy 👍
I'm glad you appreciate how in depth I go when making a request! I've dealt with other people who tell me I should shorten the detail, and it has made me very sad. Mostly because the reason I go so deep into depth is because autism demands it --
I was wondering if you could write some headcannons for Asa with a more feral pet? Like, when he's with them or their with his bugs/arachnids?
Baby, sweet one, gentlest thing alive, happy animal noises, copious amounts of purring (yes, his pet can purr how lucky did he get?)
But when confronted with a violent escaped toy? Teeth are bared, growling, snarling, split flying, clawing, kicking, scratching, going for areas that hurt not even Asa knows about
Yet when Asa tries to calm them down, all he need do is just
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And bang! Pet is back to normal
Better description of what I have in mind!
Once again, and toy escaped, this time from the box. Asa. Is. FURIOUS
This is the second time this has happened! he fuming as he stalks the halls, when he suddenly hears loud screaming and cursing. Cold fear goes down his spine, his pet is out and about, and we're much to small to fend off his newest toy, why, he's bigger than Asa!
Listening intently as the pained wailing turns into gurgles, he bursts into the area where he "plays" with his new toys, and finds his pet standing above the toys dead body. Scratches litter his arms, his eyes have been clawed open and gored, and his throat? Ripped completely out.
We stand huffing over it, shoulders tense with adrenaline and hands blood stained until half up our forearm. We turn our head to the side, eyes shrunken our mouth and has doused in blood, the man's throat clutched between our teeth.
We blink, split out the throat, and fully turn to Asa. Suddenly, Asa's pet looks sheepish, ducking their head as they play with their hands and avoid eye contact. Timidly we say "i-...I caught him, Master"
having so many thoughtshhhhhhhhhh
Asa Emory x Feral! Gn! Reader
Asa Emory x gn!reader
trigger warning for graphic violence,description of gore/corpses and power dynamics
Requests are closed (for now!!)
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First of all thank you for the request! I always super enjoy writing urs!
I would also love to hold a Yautja gentle like hamburger and pet their mandibles, save me big Yautja women.
I’m sorry people have been mean to u abt how u prefer to send requests : ( I’m also autistic so u being specific in what u want also rlly helps me out!
Your relationship with Asa was strange, well it was strange from an outsiders perspective, not that you really saw them much anyway, but that’s neither here nor there. It’s just your relationship was different from his other pets. Obviously you were the favourite, sleeping in a cute padded cage whilst the others slept in a fenced off area and essentially cannibalised each-other from starvation. Meanwhile you were fed 3 balanced meals a day plus snacks. If Asa was somewhere in the hotel it’s basically assured you’re there to, probably perched on his lap, gloved hand running under your chin as you rumble and purr happily.
Despite the amount of fight you put up at first you were truly a lap dog through and through, always at your masters heels even if he wasn’t doing anything of interest, as long as you could lay under the desk and wrap an arm around his ankle you were happy. Asa never really was one for physical affection but he’s grown to love it since ‘acquiring’ you, not that he really had a choice with the way you stuck to his side like a rodent on a glue trap, he’s wasn’t complaining however. With the way you clung to him anyone would think you’re the one who’s holding him captive.
This unfortunately wasn’t the case with other inhabitants. Your special place in his heart was only 80% of the reason you got special treatment, granted it would’ve happened anyway but it may have been hurried along by the fact that he didn’t trust you to cohabitate with the toys he kept. You know the reports you get back from doggy daycare? The ones that say “doesn’t play well with others”? Yeah. That was you.
On multiple occasions even before settling in he’d caught you surround by bodies or chunks of other people in your mouth. Clearly you didn’t take well to sharing whether it be food or Asa’s affection. If you were anyone else you would’ve been slaughtered already for conveniences sake but he’d seen the way you soften when he visited. He knew there was something more to it.
Cut to current day, Asa is stressed and pissed off. A new toy has escaped, he could have sworn the box was secured properly, even double checking it. To be fair the toy in question was built like a brick shit house, taller and stronger than himself. Hopefully the term “the bigger they are the harder they fall” will apply to them, for both your and Asa’s sake.
Thats another issue, you’re currently roaming the halls too. Your master doesn’t usually have to worry about you when you’re out and about in the hotel, the minute you slip from his side it’s like all placidity and calm he’s come to love dissipates, leaving you the feral beast he had first stolen from your home. If anything it’s comforting for him to know you can hold your own out there. He keeps a watchful eye on you but not even he can anticipate what’s going to happen sometimes. Despite his opinion of himself he was only mortal.
It was now a race against time to either locate you and get you back to safety whilst he re contains the rogue or find said escapee first and detain him before you can cross paths. Your sir knows you can usually handle trouble but this guy is huge..
Asa swears under his breath and hauls himself through the twisting corridors, dipping in and out of rooms in search of either of you. Beginning to panic more as you prove hard to find he calls out for you, hands cupped around his mouth. “Pet? It’s time to come back, this is serious, I need you back right now.” He tries not to let the anxiety bleed into his voice, not wanting to scare you, and smothers it with an authoritarian tone. He waits a few moments to listen for any response. Shit. Nothing.
He moves further into the hotel and onto the other side, cupping his hands again and trying once more “cricket? I’m not playing, I need you here now” nothing again. Just as he turns his heel to try another direction he hears a noise that turns his blood to ice. Disgusting wet gurgles and muffled curses boom from down the hall. Asa isn’t easy to startle considering the vile things he does everyday to real people but the idea of you being in pain and too late to save- it makes him want to vomit.
Pushing through the nausea he bolts down the hallway and slams the doors to his ‘playroom’ open. Usually this room is reserved for experimenting on subjects.
What he sees calms him and raises his heart rate at the same time.
There you are, his perfect docile pup, hunched over what is (was) his newest pet. Shoulders raised, hackles up. The body below you is almost unrecognisable, arms littered with angry raised scratches, most likely from you struggling. Eyes completely missing from the sockets, well one was still technically attached to the coord but that’s not important. Chunks of once warm and rosey cheek flesh have been gouged from the skull, the imprints around them suggest the flesh was bitten away from the bone. Lastly and maybe most notably the throat is missing a considerable amount of matter. The hole runs deep, severed veins now lazily trickling warm blood into a puddle after the initial bite drained most of it.
Eventually you notice another presence and bristle, turning your head slowly to meet Asa’s eyes. Your eyes are essentially bulging out of your head, pupils dilated and crazed, throat and forearms doused in slowly cooling crimson. A chunk of what Asa presumes to be the missing throat lodged in your firmly set jaw.
The second you realise who it is it’s like you gain some clarity, spitting the foul meat onto the floor and wiping your mouth on your sleeve. It doesn’t help, only smearing the liquid further. Turning completely to face your master you slump onto your knees, eyes down to the floor shy and respectful like you’ve been trained. “I-…I caught him master.” It comes out croakier than you’d like.
You keep your eyes trained to the floor as the larger man approaches, heavy boots thumping on the floor towards you. You brace for the telling off, you can see yourself ending back up with the other fodder pets, you’d really pushed it this time, killing another subject. However it never comes. two warm now ungloved hands cup your bloody cheeks, gently coercing you to look at him. To your surprise Asa looks…relieved almost?
A soft smile paints his face. “You did catch him, thank you pet.” You sit there dazed and confused as he presses a soft kiss to your forehead, ignoring the hair matted to it from the gore. “You did such a good job and I’m more than relived your unharmed, I don’t know what I’d-“ Asa cuts himself off, clearing his throat,not wanting to show vulnerability right now when you’re the one who needs attention. You don’t miss the way his voice wavers with worry. Embarrassed he quickly offers you a hand up, spinning on his heel and facing away. “Let’s get you cleaned up and rewarded shall me?” You don’t see the pink tint to his face.
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felixstudios · 3 months
Random Corporate Clash Headcanons, Case Manager Edition
I'm so hyperfixated on him rn I love him so much augh I gotta get the brain worms out
💼Obviously a man of few words, but that's because he saves his voice for what actually matters. He's by no means shy and doesn't hesitate to speak up when he needs to.
💼Very thorough but efficient with his work. He wants things done quickly and he wants things done well, and he doesn't compromise on either.
💼He actually talks more to Courtney than anyone else since their years of business partnership made him care more about maintaining a good business relationship with her.
💼I feel like he's the one guy who everyone tells all of their problems to for years and years only for them to realize he's never told them a thing about himself. Like... they don't even know seemingly basic information about him!
💼Sometimes has huge outbursts of anger. I feel like he lets it build up for a really long time, possibly even years, and then he finally snaps and releases his anger by shouting and being pretty rude. He's just as quick to force himself to regain his composure since he doesn't want to ruin his reputation, or even worse- his career.
💼Surprisingly not very emotionally mature. I feel like he probably forced himself to ignore that entire side of development in favor of his career, and his work has probably unfortunately benefitted from it. At this point, he's probably so disconnected that he struggles to understand what he's even feeling.
💼Alternatively, it's just autism. I can't decide lol. Maybe it's just both {yeah this is absolutely me projecting and I don't care}.
💼I feel like he has some... slightly illegal practices {or at the very least, super misleading}. Probably his favorite thing to do is put a bunch of stuff in fine print that, while it could easily be objected to in court by saying it's not reasonable to assume the entire page of fine print was read and understood, he'll insist it's legally binding so he can get his way. It works like 99% of the time.
💼He also loves swarming Toons and clients alike with paperwork. He's found it to be a very effective strategy in getting what he wants, and he'll have a paper trail of signed agreements he can point to if he needs it.
💼This is very random, but I feel like he'd have a favorite pen and he'd only want to write with that specific pen.
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timeausterrors · 25 days
hello! this is for the thoughts on homestuck! i think it's interesting how you can read the beta kids as the different troubles a kid could face growing up and, frankly in my opinion, john is no exception. i feel like his upbringing is emblematic of like... you can grow up in a good community in a happy household with a loving father and still not come out of it okay because it's not that simple. he reads SO clearly to me as that experience kids have with mental illness- you don't know what's going on other than there's something wrong with you, because nobody saw any reason to tell you anything else was a possibility. not to mention when you consider it in the transgender context. it's all the little unfortunate side effects of the classic suburban lifestyle that pile up on top of each other- by all means you should be happy, but here you are, just as discontent as all the rest of your friends. ...looks at the big textblock and starts sweating. john makes me feel a lot of emotions if you couldn't tell. i just think he's neat.
yes!! i hardly ever see true analysis of june, especially in early acts, which is wild because she is literally the Main Character. and there is really so much to explore with her, especially when it comes to her emotional struggles and connections with people.
june has got to be one of the most heavily autistic coded characters in homestuck, which is saying something bc almost all of them can be read as some form of neurodivergent/mentally ill (or both). but june, specifically, is interesting because, as you said, she had the most "normal" upbringing of all of the kids, both alpha and beta, and by far has the hardest time making connections with people. she has a tendency to derail conversations towards her interests ('shitty' movies) and it often feels like making connections of events to her movies helps her process and relate to those events. she often takes people at their face value, and struggles to pick up on sarcasm or tone through text, and is very gullible because of it (terezi tricking alt june to fight her denizen early, then not taking dave or davesprite seriously until the last minute – she either believes everything someine tells her or nothing, depending on her pre-established notions of the person).
all of these make genuine relationships and connections difficult to build with june. the theme of loneliness with her is Extremely prevalent throughout the comic, even in the snapchat epilogues. she is like the manifestation of undiagnosed autism in children (especially young boys who are trans and dont know it yet). she has a caring dad and a 'good life' but her struggle to make irl connections and that feeling of knowing Something is different about you (or something is "wrong" with you) but not understanding what it is... i feel a lot of that is why june resonates with people.
this is not even going into detail about june's trans coding (be it intentional or not on hussie's end, a good portion of the kids have very real trans coding that i wish more people would appreciate cough cough jake, jane, eridan, the zahhaks.... cough cough cough) or her role in the narrative as both a breath player and a main character... it all paints and extremely compelling picture of this character and i really wish more people would appreciate her!!
sorry for da word wall... june also makes me feel a lot of emotions 🥹
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riotbrrrd · 2 months
Randomly remembered something I found interesting about your Risen Empire answer: Saying that Rana is autistic.
Now, I am autistic and I see myself so much in her and I definitely write her this way, but unlike the very textual depression/bipolar disorder I wasn't sure how much this is canon, but you are not the first person to call her canonically autistic, saw that in a review too.
She definitely reads like this, but also, while he is surprisingly encouraging and positive given the time this was written there were a few moments where IMO it was visible that Westerfeld didn't quite fully grasped autism.
Would make the already amazing rep even better though, I mean, she already is mentally ill and bi, but then also autistic, and she is never infantalized and its even explicitly mentioned that she has sex, even if sadly no explicit sex scene (that bit about how h_rd tastes like, anyone? Although I am confused by the timeline; back in the base they didn't trust each other well enough and then she was deep in mania, and then outside in the cold with a chest injury?). I mean not just with h_rd, but also these not working out but still pleasurable one night stands she once mentions she had.
No idea where I am going with this, just excited about the idea of autistic Rana I guess.
(also will publish yet another, if shorter, Rana/h_rd smut story today btw)
Yeah, I do agree that she reads a little bit, like, 2005 understanding of Asperger, if that makes sense ? Like it's better than common representations of autism at the time which were essentially just 10 years old wrapped in camisoles, but it was still a full 20 years less thought out than what we have now. But she hits some really specific points, like the description of her thought process insisting on pattern recognition, and the difficulty she has forming longer relationships. and also there are a lot of lines insisting that her depression is a comorbidity, a consequence of not being properly adjusted to her environment, that her culture has kind of just shrugged off as "the unfortunate side effect that comes with a mind like hers". And that hits very close to the "suffering genius" archetype, who often also reads as autistic.
There's a book from author Elizabeth Moon that's from approximately the same era, called The Speed of Dark, which I think she wrote for her own autistic son, and you find a lot of similarities in the way she depicts the main character's thought pattern. Though speed of Dark is more directly about the autism, so insists more on the social aspect and the difficulties of the main character, but really if you want another example of what I mean by "2005 understanding of Asperger" I recommend checking it out.
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aspenlovesgrimm · 1 day
There’s no feeling like touching a fic you haven’t touched in months lol.
Apologies for how slow I’ve been with New Blood but an unfortunate side effect of being a writer with autism (and potentially ADHD) is that I do not get to decide what my hyperfixations are or how long they go on for.
On the bright side, I am actually working on this fic again! I’m actually really excited because with any luck I will get chapter 1 out soon and I can introduce y’all to the new story! I love this fic a lot as Grimm means a lot to me, and also because it’s been a really fun fic to create. I’ve done a lot of work for this fic to fill in gaps from the original show and also adding my own original wesen.
Anyway, I’m very excited for when I can share this with y’all, so with any luck that will be soon!
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The High School AU Part 1
These are headcanons to go along with Sorry, I Didn't Know I Had To Stay The Same
I used makowka's oc maker on Picrew for the profiles
The Sand Fam
Rasa: Age: 45 Occupation: Former Military (Lieutenant General), current Diplomat
Following the death of his wife, Rasa sought out help from his brother-in-law to care for his children, and after Yashamaru's death, turned to a former co-worker, Baki, to ensure their safety. Having lost her, after several runs of miscarriages, and left with three children, one of whom was in very poor health, he found himself unable to cope with the stress of keeping up a household and appearances, and threw himself into his work.
Rasa currently travels the world on missions that are, for the most part, classified. He rarely comes home, almost purely to keep up appearances now, and has a strained relationship with all three of his children.
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Temari: Age: 17 (birthday August 23, will turn 18 after graduation) Occupation: Student, no specific thoughts on post-graduate career yet
As the oldest sibling, Temari takes it upon herself to take care of her brothers -- more than Baki would like her to, sometimes. She is hard-headed, dedicated, and has spent a lot of time learning what needs to be done to make sure their household works well. Potentially a side-effect of her changes in caregivers throughout early childhood, or maybe it's just a type-A personality.
Temari keeps good grades, loves participating in sports, and while she doesn't know exactly what she wants to do with her life, she knows she wants to do a Business Management degree when she enters college.
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Kankuro: Age: 16 (birthday May 15, will turn 17 before entering his Senior Year) Occupation: Student, wants to follow his dreams of making puppets and dolls, but changes specifics frequently
Saying that Kankuro has middle-child syndrome is a bit of an understatement. Constantly overshadowed by his high achieving sister and sickly, high needs younger brother, he found himself diving into his hobbies and hyperfixations.
Unfortunately, due to his siblings' needs, his ADHD went unmedicated until Baki had him assessed at age 8, and later when he came out as trans there was a large push-back from Rasa as to what treatment he could and should be able to access. Luckily, largely thanks to Baki's help, Kankuro is starting to thrive.
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Gaara: Age: 14 (birthday January 19) Occupation: Student, currently more focused on surviving than any future career plans
They were referred to as a 'difficult child' for their first few years, until receiving an autism diagnosis at three, which got them the early interventions they needed to be able to thrive alongside their siblings. And while they didn't exactly 'thrive' by societal standards, their quality of life went way up, and they started meeting missed milestones.
Now, they have a collection of plants (mainly cacti), a solid group of friends, and they are building up their communication repertoire by adding AAC devices, text-to-speech software, and some basic sign when it is desperately called for.
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Baki: Age: 39 Occupation: Retired Military (General), current Bodyguard-Nanny-Tutor-Chef-Chauffer
Baki has always liked to live in the shadows -- always a few steps behind the spotlight. He only made it to General because of the potential Rasa saw in him, and found himself suddenly wishing for retirement after a particularly bad situation occurred.
But of course, he couldn't remain still -- and when he was approached by Rasa and offered a position, he found himself unable to refuse.
Now, he works as the primary caregiver to Rasa's children. Really, the only caregiver for them. And he has found, contrary to what he initially believed, that he loves these kids. He would do anything for them. And if that means sticking up to his employer for their well-being, so be it.
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symptoms-syndrome · 11 months
I think people often misjudge how autistic I am because I went through so much training (especially with etiquette specifically) that I have a larger pool of scripts than the average autistic person of my "level" or whatever. I do have moderate level autism and not mild by any means, it just looks milder because of all the training. I'm still extremely lost when I don't have my scripts to follow, which is unfortunate because the scripts I was trained into cover a lot of practical things but not things like making friends or how to react to people caring about me. Like the other day my adoptive grandmother asked my brother and I what we've been up to, and my brother answered first to talk about what he's been doing, and then I felt really lost because the script/rules I have for answering a question like that is to not talk about yourself but instead another person in your company (as in group, not business.) So I really floundered in trying to find something to say even though a lot has happened with me personally (good things even!) And later on I was talking about it and my brother was like "no, when people ask that they are asking specifically about you." But I don't really have scripts for talking about me because talking about myself is self-centered in my brain, outside of very specific contexts (mostly psychiatric.) So I tried to ask him to explain what makes something bragging vs just talking about yourself but I didn't really understand his explanation because it just feels very nuanced and very like. Reading the other person heavy which I really really really struggle with. I have a really hard time knowing if someone is uncomfortable or not interested or whatever and I've sort of just overcompensated for that I think by staying in my really safe zone of letting others talk about themselves and asking questions about them and stuff.
I really really just struggle with reading and connecting with other people outside of specific contexts and scripts and it really sucks and effects me a lot. I want to be friends with my coworkers outside of work (and a lot of them seem to have made friendships with each other outside of work) but I don't know how to initiate that. Same with online stuff honestly. I need people to very clearly outline stuff for me (i.e. I won't really know how to process "we should hang out more!" From a coworker, it'll just sort of be put in the "pleasantries" category, like how when people say "nice to see you, how are you/how have you been" the correct answer is "nice to see you too, I've been well how about you?" Even if that's not true. In order for me to know for sure that someone wants to spend time with me I need something like "hey, do you want to [go see a movie with me/come over for a brunch/etc] [this weekend/specific date/etc] or I'll assume it's just being nice/small talk.) but I really do WANT to do these things. I just don't know when it's appropriate, and I've been told I'm being inappropriate so often for things that I had no idea were inappropriate and could not have possibly guessed were inappropriate that I just stay on the cautious side. Like. I used to just stick my hands into my pants all the way up to double digits because I liked the way my waistband felt and didn't even consider that was inappropriate until it sort of just got trained out of me.
I think it also adds to all this that when given these scripts I have, I was often given specific, logical reasons and rules. Using the earlier example, talking about yourself is not good because it's self centered, and people don't want to just hear someone talk about themselves. Makes sense, I don't like when people just talk about themselves either. But apparently that rule is not entirely correct. My brother sorta tried to edit it to be "talking about yourself excessively is not good," but that has that subjective "excessively" which I don't know how to define. Or "talking about yourself is okay if the other person wants to hear it" is not helpful at all because I can never tell if the other person wants to hear it even if these things are obvious to a neurotypical or even just less autistic person.
It's just really really hard to be like this. I don't want to be. I wish I could understand things like other people do. Sometimes I feel like all my interactions are like those AI generated writings, just a collection of approximates that look enough like regular writing if it's small and simple. In a way I sort of am like an AI. Just sort of calculating the best way to act instead of just doing things. I need really clear and specific rules and logic in order to do things. I feel like I'm just pretending to be human.
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longing-for-rain · 11 months
15 questions tag game
Thanks for the tag @stardust948 !
1: Were you named after anyone?
Technically no. I have ancestors with variations of my name but it was mainly chosen because my parents liked it.
2: When was the last time you cried?
Like 20 minutes ago lmao
3: Do you have kids?
4: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Very much
5: What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their style + how they’re dressed
6: What is your eye color?
7: Scary movies or happy endings?
Both! I love the pain and suffering sometimes… but I still want them to be ok at the end.
8: Any special talents?
Ah yes, my autism superpowers. I have a good memory and remember the most random things especially if it’s an interest of mine. I also spot patterns very well. Unfortunately this comes with the side effect of bad social skills, if there exists a clique they hate me
9: Where were you born?
WA state ☔️
10: Have any hobbies?
Yep! I love writing (fanfic, originals, and non fiction) and I’m learning to draw. I like outdoor sports like hiking and skiing. Also really into Legos.
11: Have any pets?
Yes! I just got a little black lab puppy, she’s a sweetheart. My parents also have a black lab I see a lot.
12: What sports have you played?
Soccer, tennis, softball, and track when I was younger. Now I weightlift and kickbox mostly.
13: How tall are you?
5’10” 💪
14: What is your favorite subject at school?
All done with school now but I always liked science classes the best.
15: Dream job?
Honestly… the one I have now but I’m not going to say the title because it’s pretty specific. For me, a perfect mix of writing and tech and $$$
Tagging: @ekwolfwriter-blog @infinitykatara @achillmango @bailique88 @sunandstar10 @sulkybender @mashednoumiso (no pressure)
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thelarisb · 1 year
The H in House stands for Hyperfixation
Alright. So everyone knows I have a house hyperfixation. Here it is. A house infodump. Because autism. I love autism so much. Defected Reco
if you take a peek at my Last.FM page you will probably see a lot of house. Where's Will Wood or Lemon Demon you ask? HA I don't listen to those. These are for sta
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Who are these people?
So I got into house back then when I discovered Daft Punk through a sampling video. It turns out that I really liked their music - back then I was only listening to a small playlist full of mainstream pop eurgghgh COLDPLAY eURHgh
turns out I really really resonated with Daft Punk's music--no really I resonated with HOUSE MUSIC in general. my earliest tracks I added to my playlist were 8-minute long house tracks made by a producer named Iceferno (you may know him if you've watched many a Dmitrivalencia video)
Dmitrivalencia also introduced me to many awesome house artists - one of them being a not-so-well-known French act named Hystereo (not to be confused with the Armin van Buuren song of the same name), who released a couple of singles and only one album, Corporate Crimewave, during the 2010s. Oh. And Ross Couch. And Lusine.
But Lusine isn't house, I hear you say. That's correct! Why did I put that there?
So once I got hooked on Daft Punk I began expanding my range. I added a bunch more stuff into my playlist (and removed all the pop songs too), which includes songs from Alan Braxe, Patrick Alavi, Etienne de Crecy, Cassius, Junior Jack, The Bucketheads, and Cheek (NOT THE FINNISH CHEEK)
Nowadays my house playlist has ballooned to over 200 songs. I still regularly discover Frenchy House tracks from all over the internet--HouseOfTheDJJade is an especially great resource!
That's enough about my playlist. It's time to discuss what you were probably looking for all this time--House!
One of the tracks in my playlist comes from a guy from England named Pete Heller. It's called Big Love. Despite the boring album artwork, this song has quite a rich history, as evidenced in an article written by Nick Gordon Brown for Defected's blog.
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Pete Heller's Big Love is a 10-minute long (yes, you heard that right) French House track made in the 90s. He sent demos to DJs, which suddenly blew up in popularity.
Unfortunately, Pete didn't make any more Big Love-style tracks after this - he cited the massive oversaturation of French/Filter House which also led to the demise of French House overall as a contributing factor. Pete's tracks on Spotify typically consist of beeps-and-boops acid house/tech house/whatever-the-heck-it's-called house.
He has, however, made just one other song called the Love Mix for Jamiroquai's Supersonic - and just like the track it was named after, it retains many characteristics of French House.
Another French House artist I've always loved is a guy named Patrick Alavi.
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Patrick has been posting for years now and saying his music is good is just, really, the tip of the iceberg. He's been in this for decades!
But you know, every artist has a wild side. And Patrick? Oh. It's not just wild. It's conspiracy theory wild.
Patrick owns a Twitter account where he posts...erm, let's just say interesting stuff.
You see, there's this guy called Ingo Swann - he's basically this guy who does wild ass supernatural stuff. Otherwise known as being a psychic! Ingo has envisioned this ✨crazy ✨thing called "remote viewing" which is, basically, in essence, using "extrasensory perception" to view things remotely.
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I don't exactly know what remote viewing is, so have this scene from Stranger Things as an example. This is what remote viewing is like...right?
Patrick is hands-down OBSESSED with Ingo Swann. He has even made music based on Ingo Swann and his concepts of remote viewing. He especially cites Ingo as inspo for his track Analytical Overlays.
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I don't even know what he's talking about. Original signals? Doppler effects? Matrix sensibility? AOL? Like, America Online? Maybe this is what remote viewing is all about. America Online!
But whatever AOL shit Patrick believes in, you can't deny his music is pretty damn funky. Same goes for our next artist: Todd Edwards!
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Todd is this super cool 50-year old who makes WAY too much music. I'm talking hundreds of songs and also hundreds more remixes. Dude runs on a power plant.
Todd has been producing for 30-ish years, first starting with a few tracks on 111 East Records, then eventually moving on to other record labels like Locked On, Bean (yes, beeeeaaaaaannnnnssssss), and especially i! Records. If there's one thing Todd has extremely strong ties with, it's i! Records.
Todd is known for his extremely unique music - you see, instead of playing with instruments like a BORING musician does, he samples extremely short snippets of tracks and plays around with them, arranging it like a musical collage.
Pretty much the entirety of his music is like this - little snippets of beepity boop Carpenters samples overlaid over swung beats and strong basslines. And yes - he does sample real music.
On WhoSampled, "sample hunters" have been discovering hundreds of Todd samples--I'm talking 5 HUNDRED individual samples. Many people have been involved in the search for samples, including sample prodigies like DJPasta and a bunch of other people like Danny Shazam.
For years, Todd's music has really never been available on streaming as i! Records releases were really only on vinyl or CD. Giant house label Defected Records then snapped up those releases and rereleased them on streaming. Which, I think is a gigachad move. Defected Records is very based.
One of the few releases Defected hasn't snapped up yet is Todd's only real album, Odyssey.
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Odyssey is a pretty great album--and it has its fair share of sample goodness, too. One of the most notorious samples on Odyssey is a pair of undiscovered samples known as the Jazz Sample and the Interlude Til Infinity sample, both of which have been baffling sample hunters for years. It's that they've found a 40-second long snippet of the Jazz Sample but are nowhere close to finding the sauce.
Both Jazz and Interlude are theorized to be from the same album. Sample hunters have found out that a man named Ludwig Mausberg has a longer snippet of the sample as evidenced in one of his tracks, Interlude til Infinity (hence the name). Ludwig, however, has been gatekeeping the sample's name and/or artist, probably due to legal issues that could arise upon disclosing the information. Ludwig has also declined to answer any questions about the sample, too.
Maybe you can help find it, too?
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jaytoons7 · 2 years
Ah, Melvin Sneedly. He's a tattle tale, But he's my favorite tattle tale. So here's a teen version of him from my CU universe
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General info about this version of Melvin (4th grade)
He has both ADHD and autism (Got diagnosed in 1st grade)
He's trans (ftm) and came out in 3rd grade, A year before the first book
His parents, Gaylord and Cindy are divorced, Due to Gaylord actually being a supervillain in this universe. Cindy got full custody
His heterochromia isn't natural (Both eyes were blue). His orangish eye came along as a side effect from the whole "Booger Boy" incident, Along with the scars surrounding his right eye
Desperate for the approval of the adults around him. That's why he tattles on any wrongdoings the other students do, Especially George and Harold. This doesn't make him very well liked among his peers
Has pretty bad Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. He will literally cry if he even gets so much as a B-. This is likely the reason he wants his teacher's approval, He doesn't want to be a failure
Actually really likes sweets. He can't eat chocolate of course, But any other candy or baked good is on the table. He especially likes vanilla and strawberry flavored stuff. He'll unfortunately feel sick if he eats too much
Isn't good with animals. You saw how things went with Sulu
Info about teen Melvin (14 years old)
Nicknamed "Vin" or "Vinnie"
Has trauma from knowing what his future self (Melvinborg) has done and literally deleting him from existence
He eventually learned that his teachers never had his best interests at heart. He hasn't gone as far as getting revenge for manipulating him though. Not yet anyway...
He isn't really a tattle tale anymore. In fact, He mostly just keeps to himself
He's lost quite a bit of the energy he used to have when he was in elementary school. Must be the burnout...
Thinks he can live on 2 hours of sleep and coffee. He cannot
He eventually got his own cat (Danderella was more his mom's). She's a grey, Hypoallergenic kitty named Karaoke. He thankfully learned that the way he treated Sulu was very bad and is a lot nicer to Karaoke
In 5th grade, He stole the 3D Hypno ring from George and Harold after seeing the trouble they caused with it. He hasn't been foolish enough to use it
He generally doesn't trust people, Especially adults, After everything he's been through.
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lionheartslowstart · 2 years
For a few months now, I have been alluding to a possible 9th diagnosis to add to my veritable repertoire of said diagnoses. Well, today I finally got the news I have been waiting so long to hear.
I’m autistic.
I let the words wash over me. Everything turned to slow motion as I felt the muscles in my face slacken and the tears flow. Finally, FINALLY, I had an answer.
I began suspecting I might have ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) around 2 years ago. I started quietly compiling research, comparing my own experience to those described by autistic women and AFAB nonbinary people. I looked at feminine people specifically because there is VERY little research on AFAB autistic people. Even less on AFAB autistic adults.
Over time, I continued adding more and more traits, habits, and quirks to a list I cleverly titled ‘Possible Autism Symptoms?’ With every article I read, every video I watched, every person I spoke to, I became increasingly certain: I have autism.
My mother was the first person I discussed my concerns with, just a few months after starting my secret research. We both cried, and she held me and told me that, while she didn’t think it was true, if it was, she would love me no matter what, and we’d figure it out together. I broached the subject to my therapist and my psychiatrist, who both vehemently shook their heads and insisted that no, it wasn’t possible, there was no way I could be autistic. So I let the idea go and didn’t bring it up again for a long time.
But it kept nagging at me, so a year later, I resumed my research and continued to find similarity after similarity, explanation after explanation for basically my whole life. I brought it up to my therapist again and this time she took it more seriously. After discussing it at length, as well as showing her my list, she began to acknowledge the possibility that I may, in fact, be autistic.
We had numerous conversations on the subject, but there was one thing she said in particular that really stuck with me. She told me that I have all these diagnoses and that, while they were definitely all valid and present, it seemed like there was a small hole at the center, and perhaps an autism diagnosis would not only fill that hole, but would also perfectly connect the other eight diagnoses together and tie them in a neat little bow.
I re-opened the conversation with my mother, who began to consider that maybe I did, in fact, have autism. After that, I broached the subject with my boyfriend, then my father, followed by my brother, and then several of my friends. After I scheduled the evaluation (more on that later), I began telling some extended family members as well.
Other than my boyfriend, “Thomas,” and my father, every single person I discussed this with said something to the effect of, “No way, you can’t be autistic!” But I was patient with them (I think), and I took time to explain to each person why I felt so strongly about it, and to show them the work I had done. And over time, every single one of them came around, saying things like “Maybe you’re right,” and, “Okay I’m starting to understand why - ”. (Side note, I find it very interesting that both my father and Thomas were on board from the start. Both of them immediately accepted my self-diagnosis and told me they absolutely believed I was correct.)
Unfortunately, there’s so much stigma related to autism, and so many misunderstandings and miscommunication around it. And I think I just don’t fit a lot people’s ideas of what autism “looks like.” But while that would explain why so many people were so shocked at my assertion, I don’t believe it’s the only reason.
You see, I kick major ass at masking.
Over the entirety of my life, I, if not perfected, significantly refined my abilities to pass through the world unnoticed, un-clockable as “other.” Or at least, “other” in this specific respect. My therapist even commented that she was concerned I would not be able to get a formal diagnosis because I was too good at masking!
So, over the following months, I made it my mission to unmask as much as possible. And fuck, it was a LOT harder than I thought it would be. When you’ve spent your whole life practicing fitting in, it’s extremely difficult to just let that go. But I’ve worked really hard, and it’s becoming more natural for me to just be myself. Though of course, new challenges have arisen as a result.
Anyway, after discussing this all in depth with my mom and my therapist, we all decided it would be a good idea for me to have a formal screening. Even though I was relatively sure, I wanted to have an official diagnosis on paper, or to be told I was wrong and never have to question it again. I asked my therapist if she’d be willing to diagnose me, but she expressed that, while she felt an autism diagnosis would make sense, and she had even been trained in certain aspects of the testing, it was not her specialty, and therefore she was not comfortable performing the evaluation or throwing the diagnosis around. So instead, she referred me to a colleague of hers who DID specialize in autism and in conducting the evaluation. I was put on a wait list and heard nothing for months. Finally, I got the call, and a lovely young woman explained the evaluation process to me. I was able to schedule the evaluation for six-ish weeks in advance, which was very exciting, but still meant more waiting.
At last I was able to be evaluated. This started with a total of 2 and a half hours of the specialist interviewing me, talking about my personal history, asking about specific experiences and possible ASD markers, and discussing my life in the present, as well as why I was seeking an evaluation. Then, she met with my mother for I believe an hour and a half to ask her questions about my childhood specifically and things my mother may have noticed that I may not have. Lastly, I was given an IQ test as well as, I guess, a kind of exam, with specific testing relating to ASD signs and traits. (Obviously this took place over several days.) When the test was over, the specialist and I scheduled a feedback session for two weeks later so we could go over all of her findings.
That’s what happened today.
My mom came with me for moral support, and I’m really glad she did. She asked some great questions of the specialist (who was very kind by the way) and held my hand and was an important part of the “what now” conversation.
So why am I sharing all of this with you?
Well, I decided a long time ago that, should the time come that I receive an official diagnosis, I would be open about it. I am exceedingly open and honest about my other diagnoses, so why shouldn’t I be with this one? As I said earlier, there is so much stigma around autism, wouldn’t I just be contributing to that stigma? Wouldn’t I just be reinforcing the idea that autism is something to be ashamed of?
And the fact is, I’m not ashamed of it. Not at all. There’s a lot of reasons for that, including how much progress has been made in our society (though we still have a long way to go). But I’d like to think it’s because I’ve wasted so much time being ashamed of myself for this reason or that reason that I’m just tired of doing that.
More than anything, I’m just RELIEVED. I didn’t cry today because I was upset. I cried because it felt like a massive weight had been airlifted off my body. I cried because everything in my life suddenly clicked into place, and all of the things that didn’t make sense or barely made sense because I had thrown together random little pieces of explanations, suddenly made perfect sense. Because now I understand things I didn’t understand before. It’s like I found an entire world that exists inside of me that I didn’t even know was there. Now I understand why I am the way I am and why things are the way they are in so many different aspects of my life. Finally. Finally.
I am certain I will continue to discuss this with my friends and family, as well as on my social media. I have worked hard to be an advocate for all of my previous diagnoses, especially bipolar disorder, borderline, and c-ptsd, as those disorders are not well-understood and carry a lot of stigma. Autism is not well-understood. Autism carries a lot of stigma. So why would I not advocate for autism as well? Why would I pass up this opportunity, to once again be honest about my diagnosis and do my best to educate people about what life is like for me and others like me? (Please note, just like with any of my other diagnoses I do NOT speak for all autistic people!!)
I look forward to continuing to discover myself, doing more research so I can understand my new diagnosis, and sharing what I find.
Hello new chapter.
Hello Sophie.
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bytez4life · 2 years
Hey Life, as a teenage boy who's in the lower spectrum of autism, may I request a few headcannons where Scaramouche, Childe, and Kazuha are boyfriends with an Autistic Male Reader, and where they get aggressive and protective when they see Male Reader getting bullied?
scaramouche, childe, + kazuha
tw; bullying, implied violence,
a/n: i had to do some research on low spectrum autism, so please tell me if i got something wrong! I also had something come up so these weren’t as long :( but I hope you enjoy <3
wc; 468
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The sixth harbinger is not one to let people in so easily
So ur very special to him :)
Knows when you can’t communicate to him
Very patient and understanding
Remembers your sensory preferences, though it takes him some time
Now onto the request
I think hes the most aggressive out of all of them when it comes to you
Like i said before he doesnt have many special people in his life
he’ll protect you with everything he’s got
He’s already reactive to things he dislikes
So he will tune in real quick when somethings not right
Will comfort you with words or with small gestures
Whatever you prefer :)
Did i mention he loves you?
Because he does
He holds you close to his heart
Met because you helped his little brother when he couldn’t find him
Promises he’ll protect you forever
100% loves to indulge in your interests
Will listen for hours
As the youngest harbinger, its surprising hes the strongest
Most wouldnt guess it because he’s REALLY good at hiding it
So unfortunately he can’t scare them off with is presence
But if they do decide to do something with you with him on your hip?
They probably wished they didn’t
Childe doesn’t play when it comes to promises
After effectively dealing with them will turn his focus on you
Having experience with siblings i dont doubt he would be patient
Besides his family
you are the most important thing <3
Very sensitive, in the way of reading people
Through his cryptic words will be direct to you
No room for miscommunication
Loves simple things in life
Whether it be sunbathing with you or making delicious dishes of food
He’s entirely happy when hes with you
With him, it will be easy to help you avoid those types of people that judge you
If it does happen, its because he wont be around
He tries his best to avoid having you in a spot where you have to interact with others
The one time he does let you off on your own
You unfortunately meet some unpleasant people
When he confronts the group about it he’s met with scoffs of disbelief
His strong sense of restraint would usually allow him to walk away
But this time he snapped
The previously calm man is now is trying his best to not draw attention to the two of you
But still get his very important message across
Once he is finished, he gently guides you away from the people and makes sure you’re ok
Will stay by your side from now
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@BYTEZ4LIFE - do not plagerize/copy
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autisticoddity · 3 years
What was the process like, getting diagnosed with autism as a young adult? I'm a teen but I'm looking to get diagnosed when I can :> (which unfortunately won't be until I'm an adult bc Parents 😬)
great question! i feel this deserves some good detail, so warning, this is a long one!
It can go a few different ways, depending on where you live, and how good the mental health resources near you are, but for me, it was pretty easy. once i was confident about my suspicions, the first step was mentioning to my general family doctor during an appointment (doesn't have to be an appointment specifically for that, you can mention it during a checkup or a follow up for something else if you have some time afterwards) that i had suspicions i was autistic, and wanted to be evaluated.
she didn't ask questions really, just gave me a referral to a psychiatrist who could diagnose me, and wrote down the number in my appointment summary. (in some cases they can schedule the appointment for you, or in some cases in less supported areas, they may not have a referral, in which case you’ll need to find a psychiatrist who has experience with autism on your own, which you can find online)
the next part was the most, and really the only stressful part, scheduling, (make sure you have/know your insurance info before making the call) i just called the number, told them i got a referral from my doctor for an autism evaluation, and they walked me through setting up an appointment, only took a few simple questions.
a few weeks later, i went to my appointment. for this, you might want to come prepared, if only mentally. before your appointment, make sure to do some research, learn what traits of autism you display, and how they effect you. this can be stimming habits(any action you frequently do to give yourself mental stimulation, this can be anything from repetitive motions, rocking, random sounds/words, teething, or feeling specific textures with your fingers, for the purpose of emotional regulation or to help focus, i’ll go more in-depth on stimming later.) social difficulties, any triggers you may have, childhood signs you may have showed, emotional experiences such as if you have meltdowns or anxiety attacks and if so, what happens when you do, or on the opposite side, if you feel your emotions are less intense than most, and also if you have any strong or long-lasting special interests, such as a fandom, study subject, or hobby you are enthusiastically into. you dont absolutely need to know these things, but it will make it much easier to diagnose you, and help you feel more prepared for your appointment.
i feel it’s important to clarify though, while these are some of the more common, identifiable traits of autism, none of these exact traits i’ve mentioned are absolutely necessary to have in order to “count” as autistic, there is an incredible amount of variety in the ways autism can present, the many “symptoms” it can cause, and how different people are effected by the symptoms they experience, though i think the most common denominator between Autistics in my experience is just feeling like your brain works much differently than most people.
regardless of what traits you have, and how severely you experience them, visually obvious or seemingly small, your suspicions of autism can be and very often are still extremely valid. because it’s often right, many ASD communities recognize self diagnosis as being just as valid as a clinical diagnosis, and even if you aren’t autistic, getting properly evaluated will help you to understand yourself better. so there’s no shame in checking!
anyway, at the appointment, before you go in, they’ll have you fill out a questionnaire or two, mainly about your mental health, medical history, and social behaviors. then, you’ll go into the psychiatrist’s little office, and they’ll ask you about all these different traits i mentioned, it’ll be a lot of questions, but there’s no wrong answers. they’ll let you explain things you believe are related or feel wasn’t covered yet, and then they’ll check a few things about you physically, such as your reflexes, how your eyes track a moving point, other simple tests, and then they’ll test a few mental things like memory, and your ability to explain/understand the meaning of common sayings like “two birds with one stone.”
the appointment usually last about an hour, if you have a parent you feel comfortable with, it can be helpful to bring them as they can provide info about how others view your behavior, and details about your childhood, however it isn’t necessary. at the end, for me, the psychiatrist left for a moment to finish up my papers, and came back with the appointment summary, including my official Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis, and she told me a bit more about high functioning autism. she gave me some resources such as autism friendly education programs, good books about autism, and other helpful information/support, and said we’d have a follow up in a year to see how things are going. and that was it!
getting diagnosed was a very validating experience for me, and is a big step towards truly understanding yourself and your identity! if you’re a teen and want to get an appointment on your own, make sure to check your local laws on scheduling appointments, in some places you can schedule your own at 16, though the information is still sent to the parents usually, so be careful!
Thank you so much for the question, Anon! hope my answer was helpful!
-if you have any other questions about autism, send me an ask! :D
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somnolent-scout · 3 years
Dude I genuinely love and support what you do and I admire your creativity on like such a high level and this is not meant to be an insult whatsoever but reading thru that one post about getting blocked by tf2 blogs (which rlly sucks and I'm sorry for that bro) and then reading the reblog that just out of nowhere explained the mpreg thing just about gave me the Tumblr post equivalent of whiplash. Like I honestly think it's a rlly creative idea and you thought it out like phenomenally well and in detail but I just did NOT see it coming lol. It was completely unexpected, but pretty interesting tbh and I hope you keep up the creativity <3
I was correcting someone else's reblog about it. They had said something about the way Jeremy had Charlotte and why it made sense. But they got a few things wrong and I wanted to make sure everyone knew that no, it was not a surgical procedure. It was a respawn glitch with a surgical procedure to get her out.
I mentioned that the Charlotte & James AU could be a reason as to why so many blogs are suddenly blocking me. But I wasn't super focused on that and I was more focused on trying to hear an answer so I can change for the better. I guess they focused on that part of the post.
I'm pretty sure that blogs are blocking me because A. They are minors and are uncomfortable with my NS F W content. or B. They are just generally uncomfortable with my content and wish to not be associated with it or exposed to it. Both of those are absolutely valid and perfectly understandable reasons to block me.
I'm actually really glad you think it's creative and well thought-out. I really thoroughly thought out EVERYTHING in this AU. From James' non-verbal autism to Jeremy's entire experience carrying Charlotte to how the Charlotte's Sony walkman works, I thought out, planned, and researched everything. Unfortunately, there is a side effect to all of this planning and researching. I never stop thinking about it. So that's one of the many reasons why I often post or write fucked up things. I'm tired.
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