helluvapoison · 4 months
Lucifer x Imp!Reader
warnings: imp bigotry, heavy topics, lowkey angsty (happy end, i swear)
• Secret relationship, baby!
• Let’s get into the hard part first, shall we? The discrimination of Imps isn’t something Lucifer set into motion. They helped him build Hell into what it is today—! Which is… flawed. Fuck, there’s no excuse. Know that he doesn’t condone it and he’s ashamed to admit he allowed it get this far
• That saying “history repeats itself”? Yeah, Hell isn’t immune
• It’s an elephant in the room situation when your and Lucifer’s feelings come into play. Along with the enormous power imbalance. He would never take advantage of that, by the way, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s there
• Those issues are in the beginning though. Yes, it takes a lot of time and many painful conversations but now? Undoubtedly worth it
• Lucifer is quite proud of himself for the charade he concocted. You pose as his employee! No one would question it and you could hang around as much as you like! It’s perfect, right?
• “It sounds like a shitty romcom plot.” You snort
Lucifer’s smile is unwavering, eyebrows high on his face as he awaits what he longs to hear.
Sighing, you softly return his smile, “It’s perfect.”
• And like a shitty romcom, it is
• Naturally, there’s ups and downs
• For Lucifer, the worst is that he hates keeping you a secret. It’s not that he wants to dish it live with Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench, he’s rather private as is, he’s just so— happy! He wants to show how proud he is to be yours! Unfortunately, that would do more harm for all of Hell. Selfish as his wants might be, he wouldn’t do that. Especially if it meant putting you in danger
• Occasionally he takes you to meetings and events. You try and slip into the background, supporting him from the shadows. Even from the other side of the room, Lucifer’s eyes will find you standing amongst the other Imps. He accidentally ends up ignoring whoever’s trying to rub elbows with the King of Hell
• (Honestly, it’s a miracle no one has found you two out yet. His longing gazes are far from subtle)
• Sometimes those outings don’t end well. A blue blooded dickbag might’ve dumped their drink on you or shoved you because you were “in the way” or berated you in front of everyone. Lucifer sees red and the entire event is cut short via a demonic rage. On a positive note, his publicity goes off the charts! “King of Hell defends his people, no matter the race!”
• (A motherfucking miracle, I tell you)
• Lucifer likes to take care of you when those incidents occur. He feels guilty. For everything. Reassuring him has always easy for you in any other situation. This one just bleeds into something personal. A failure
• So, you let him take care of you. It improves his mood bit by bit. Could be pancakes! No matter the time of day, Lucifer’s go-to are pancakes. (He’ll simply die all over again if you let him feed you too) Could be a bath for the two of you to share, he loves washing you and putting a bubble beard on your face
• Sleepovers can be a tad difficult to pull off but no one disturbs him in the mornings. He loves having you in his arms all night long. Kissing your horns, forehead, eyes, nose and lips— yes, in that order— before wishing you only the sweetest dreams
• Lucifer has a rubber duck that looks uncannily like you sitting on his desk at all times
• Oh! And despite being an Imp, you’re still taller than your beloved short king. It’s slight but he adores the difference
♡ a/n: if i had a nickel for every time a blue blood fell in love with an imp, i’d have /three nickels HAHAHA
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ywpd-translations · 3 months
Ride 763: The third year's start!!
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Pag 2
1: Ten seconds until the start
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Pag 3 /4
1: Let's run with everything we have!!
The last Inter High of the third year Sakamichi, start!!
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Pag 5
1: Yeah!!
2: Let's go!!
3: Let's pour our whole guts into it!!
4: Yes!!
5: Let's go!!
6: Teh!!
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Pag 6
1: The first day of the boy's Inter High competition in Fukuoka, starts now!!
It's here!!
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Pag 7
1: All the cyclists are beginning to run, with the big bridge connecting Kyushu and Honshu through the Kanmon Straits in the back!!
Waa, splendid!!
Do your best!!
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Pag 8
1: The entrance of Kyushu, here from Moji city in Kitakyushu, going south, they'll fight for three days
It's Sohoku!
2: Waaaaa
The wind is so strong!
The cyclists are so close!
So fast!
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Pag 9
1: Kumadai you can do it!
Their fight will unfold on the stage of Kyushu's nature!!
2: There are so many cyclists
Which team will win?
3: The one you need to pay attention to in the first place, is the one in the front with yellow jerseys
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Pag 10
1: Chiba's representative, the two times in a row champion, Sohoku
The third year they call “Mountain King” took the top goal two years in a row!!
Huh... then it's decided already!!
2: Another one is the one with the blue jersey, Kanagawa's Hakone Academy
They were the team that kept winning before, and they're so strong they say that in that team “everyone is an ace”
Huuh... that's amazing too
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Pag 11
1: Then there's Kyoto representative, with the purple jerseys, Kyoto Fushimi, who make the race unpredictable every time!!You can already feel their peculiar tenacity!!
They look scary
2: So those three!?
Well, yeah, but rumor has it that this year the mountain bike champion is participating, too
4: MTB!? The off-road one!?
That's right!!
5: And I guess the local Kyushu team won't keep quiet, and Hiroshima is strong too
There's a strong element of uncertainty in road racing
There are a lot of people, and the distance to cover and the time are long too
6: It's not the stronger one who always win
It's always been said that....
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Pag 12
1: Until the finish line is crossed and the race is over, you never know what can happen during a road race!!
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Pag 13
1: Hyoo... there's so many people, teh
2: They're all waving their hands, teh!!
Ahhh.... so many people, the scale is so different from the prefectural qualification, teh
3: What's wrong, newbie!! Hahaha
4: It started
5: Finally, the Inter High!!
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Pag 14
1: I'll show everyone here what I can do!! Take a look, newbie!!
2: This is the genius Kaburagi Issa's!! Super Special Strong-
3: Start Dash!!
Listen up, Rokudai
Yessir, teh
The red on the referee car means we can't surpass it
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Pag 15
1: As long as that racket-like thing is red, this is a parade run
2: Until it gets turned round and becomes green, the race is in a neutral situation
It means we have to run slowly and safely
3: There's no point in jumping ahead here
And if someone did that, he's just an idiot
Are you watching me, Aoyagi-san!! Haha
Teh... Aoyagi... san..
I'll surpass the care ahead of us!!
4: Once it becomes green, the speed will increase
Don't fall behind
5: Ye... yessir, teh!!
6: Hahaha I guess I left them behind of quite a lot
Waaa!? They're still right behind me!? Imaizumi-san, you're so fast!!
Choose a senpai to refer to
Ah.. huh... yessir, teh...
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Pag 16
3: We've pretty much passed the residential area, teh
The parade will go on for a few more kilometers
4: Once we get on a wider road and can confirm it's safe, then there's the real start
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Pag 17
1: My first Inter High....
What on earth is it... the Inter High....
2: Ahh... my heart is pounding, teh...
Yeah, enjoy the scenery and the heart pounding while you still can
3: Teh!?
4: Once the race starts you won't have time to look at the scenery or take a breath
6: You- you have enough time to take a breath
Ro- Rokudai-kun
Don't bully the first year, Hotshot
7: Onoda-san!!
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Pag 18
1: Only a little
3: Almost... none... the Inter High!!
I see... teh
Onoda-kun... you were even worst than Hotshot now..
The Inter H...igh sounds harsh
4: No, uhm
Uhm, it is
5: It's incredibly hard
It's so hard you could collapse
6: Your whole body falls apart and you can't even take a breath!!
Fall apart...!!
He's really putting the boot in...
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Pag 19
1: But we run with all our strength
2: with everyone supporting each other
3: If we connect
4: and we run until the end with all our might
7: When everything is over and we look back at it
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Pag 20
1: We'll feel like it a really irreplaceable time
2: That difficult moment
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Pag 21
1: When we were angry, frustrated, or when we smiled
We'll remember everything
2: Then, we'll think that we're happy we didn't give up
3: “Think”....
4: That's....
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Pag 22
1: That's the Inter High!!
3: If there are people who have “power” in their words
4: For me, it's this person
I've been thinking it since I've met him
5: Are you... in trouble?
Follow me
6: He usually seems unreliable when he talks, and there are times when he's awkward, but
… yes
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Pag 23
1: His words always strike my core!!
Yessir!! Teh!!
That's right, Onoda-kun
You're right, Onoda
You can bet on it..!!
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Pag 24
1: Thank you so much, teh
For bringing me, who didn't know anything, in such a brilliant and heart shaking world!!
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Pag 25
1: Huh!? Everyone else too!! You were listening!?
Ah... uhm.. I was talking to Rokudai-kun...
2: Hahaha, we heard
3: And thanks to it, I'm all fired up!!
Don't get fired up more than this or you'll turn into ashes quickly
4: I-I'll run with everything I have, teh!!
5: So that you can fulfill
6: your dearest wish you told us about when we were coming here on the ship!!
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Pag 26
1: “Dearest wish”
5: Yokosuka-Kokura ferry, off the coast of Kochi Prefecture
7: Well, the schedule after we arrive is roughly like this
Remember it yourself
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Pag 27
1: Now if you get too excited you'll only get tired, and now it's okay to relax
Get a good night's sleep today, when you wake up tomorrow we'll go ashore
2: Onoda, you want to say anything?
5: Let's... let's do our best
6: Yessir!!
7: Good night
Good night!!
8: Can I ask one last thing?
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Pag 28
1: Earlier, Naruko-san said that our objective for this Inter High is to get our “third consecutive victory”
To be on par with Hakogaku, who is the only team to ever win three times in a row in the history of the Inter High
4: I agree, I also think we have to do it
But I there's one thing I'm curious about, and I don't think it's been asked yet
5: Onoda-san, what's your objective this year?
What are you running in the Inter High for?
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ire-as-iris · 11 months
What does your future self wants to say to you? [Divination Reading no. 2]
🚩 Remember to take what only resonates to you.
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┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈
Pile 01
Hey! I hope you're okay. You know, I miss you very much. If only I could back to that day or that version of myself, I would do better but it's too late but not that much. It's like, umm... to boost myself better kind of thought I really miss our moments together, messing with each other and crying like we're in some sort of a movie. This time it's different, it's like I've been consumed to responsibilities and nothing excites me that much. I wanna go back but I can't still, I'm glad I am at a better place financially speaking, spiritually, I don't know I'm not sure but moving this heavy message aside. I hope you're having fun right now make sure that the path you chose is different. I gotta go now, I have a lot of work to do see you again, sometime ❤
🔴 In summary, this one page of my notebook is not enough to say everything she wants to say, If I let her continue I'm afraid it will a whole chapter of a novel lol
🔴 A farm or barn may be significant
🔴 The part where she said different, screams something to me... don't be someone you're not because others their best for you, know when to take it and leave it (e.g in college course)
🔴 I imagined a girl with a long hair, oversized shirt in the rain, laughing her pain to let it go
🔴 She's talkative, my hand hurts writing this hahaha
🔴 You're an extrovert who may be mistaken as an introvert (Oops, I mean you're an introvert and people see you as an extrovert when you're alone, look how I write it wrong here too🤣)
🔴 Majority here seems to be teenagers like me xD
Pile 02
(Trigger warning: mention of sui!c1d3)
Live your life, I'm grateful that I did not t@ke my life (do you have su1cid@l thoughts pile 2?). Bro it's so peaceful to be here, I thought taking my you know will end it but I was wrong, something came to me that stopped me, it was an angel. She was warm and nice (tall too around 5'8, white pale skin color). I think I can't imagine myself to be here if not for her. Now I'm working a normal job with a normal life, enough for me to decide what I want. Ya get what I'm saying? I wasn't planning to have kids, but look! I have one (three or two for some of you). Life's so short and times so fast so keep doing you lad 😉
Peace out! Oh before that, I just want to tell you to don't force anything okay? It'll come, THAT thing so yeah, let's talk again some time 😉
🔴 I feel like majority that picked this pile are dudes (straight but, again take it how it resonates if you're a member of LGBTQ)
🔴 Chill people
🔴 THAT thing may mean a number of things, depending on you it can be your dream, or really THAT sezzz, etc.
🔴 The angel maybe a literal angel, someone you know (e.g friends, family, etc.) or you're future spouse
🔴 I imagined someone with a curly hair light brown and has beared, he's thin but tall, white skin as well
🔴 He's wearing a jacket, white tee, and long pants (pale dark blue)
🔴 You're maybe in you're twenties or turning 30
🔴 Moon in Gemini at 4th House
🔴 For some of you, I'm feeling that your future spouse (especially if they're a girl) have the vibes of the tracks below.
Pile 03
I can't believe I'm already here, I'm so successful! I've got the benz and my Renz (man, dream guy/the one, whatever you call it). You've got the boss energy, trust me the people who helped you. I feel like the richest on the earth hhahah
Keep on going mama, the universe got us! Loyalty! Love yourself and other people and it will get back to you. It may not be exactly as the way you want it but, I promise you and I'm sure it going to be better, the best. You'll get it poppin! Ya know what I'm sayin?😘
🔴 Don't be consumed by fame, be yourself positively.
🔴 Some people here have the "Who you?" tendency in a negative way, please don't be like that. (Who you means treating the people you know as strangers because you have the bag and everything you dreamed of)
🔴 Remember being a bish to others will give you shi* to yourself, and your loved ones, your child may be the one who'll suffer if you don't change it
🔴 Funny people are reading this pile
🔴 Harry styles, love and disco songs maybe you're favorite/topic of your songs
🔴 Influencer, artists, rappers, people of color, rags to riches, attitude
🔴 Neptune in Capricorn at the First House
┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈
METHOD USED: AUTOMATIC WRITING and spotify playlists
Facebook Pages: IREN & IRE
Instagram: iren_n_ire
Pinterest: iren_n_ire
Twitter: iren_n_ire
Tiktok: iren_n_ire
Tumblr: iren_n_ire
YouTube: iren_n_ire
❤ Thank you! See you on my next post! ❤
💋 Be you, Do you, You are You! 💋
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
commissions are closed (slots: 2/2)
Hehe time to work ♡♡♡
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Kofi link
Most information is in the picture!!! Here's some additional things I can't list in one PNG so please do read it!!!:
Commissioned works: (you'll notice why I said 1.5k+... Why do I keep writing much longer lol)
Saudade (Dimitri Blaiddyd/Reader)
Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast (Wanderer & Pantalone/Reader)
Q: How do I give you a plot description??? Help-
A: Doesn't have to be so specific. Honestly I love vague AF prompts. Just tell me what you want to see in a fic and go "ansy i want a yandere dainsleif fic so bad where he's a king and he falls in love with you amidst a battle" like first off anon, "same bestie", and also my friend you should play Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Also, fair warning: I'd proooobably add some spices to your prompts. I got an anon request before that just asked for Ei taking away a reader's vision and I made it into a Shoguji fox!reader with Khaenri'ah plot elements.
Just like how Alhaitham values research autonomy, I have a thing for creative freedom too <3
Q: "Oh shucks I want to change the plot-"
A: As long as I haven't already started writing, do notify me. And as much as possible PLEASE give me all the details you want added and NOT added from the start. WARN ME IF YOU DON'T WANT A SUDDEN CANNIBAL!YANDERE PLOT TWIST- /hj
Q: Are you going to automatically post commissioned works on Tumblr & AO3?
A: Hmm hmm, sorry but I really want to post all the writings I do there… Dw, you can remain anonymous if you want. I just feel incredibly miserable whenever I don't post my works, especially if its finished ;;--;;. (I get sad whenever I remember my old enemies-to-lovers diluc x merc!reader fic who will never see the light of day.)
Q: Is it possible that you'd say "no" to my request?
A: Pats your shoulder It do be like that sometimes in life. If I feel like it's a super massive project, then yep. You'd get ur money back lmao
Q: Hey, can I make you write for a Canon Character x OC?
A: If you'd let me send you an Canon Character x OC copy then post a Reader Insert version, then sure!!!
Q: Is female/male reader okay?
A: Comrade I've always written things in "they/them" pronouns. At this point I believe I don't have a gender but for you bby I'd use whatever pronouns you identify with <33
Q: Are ships allowed?
A: Depends!!! Tell me what ship it is and let's see if I'm game!!!
Q: Is fluff allowed?
A: Are you sure… you trust me with fluff? Haha… Hahaha… It's allowed but are you sure you trust me wit- (if you make me write fluff, trust me, crack will somehow be added.)
Q: How about angst-
A: Y e s.
Q: How long would you take writing?
A: Depends if I'm busy with college or my health is acting up (I'd notify you right away abt this), my friend says "2 weeks to 4 months" is the most reasonable thing to say to this lmao but don't be surprised if its earlier than that.
Q: damm ansy this is expensive. $4 for a 1.5k yandere fic?
A: im sorry i just desperately want my husband dainsleif to come home some day… i need the welkin...
Q: You're new to this, aren't you? Why did you only list two fandoms?
A: Yep. And I only listed 2 cause Three Houses and Genshin are the only games I'm somewhat confident with my lore knowledge on lmao
Q: There's a question I didn't see answered in this description, Ansy.
A: Whoops, then please message my @throwaway-yandere account on tumblr!! I don't bite :D (or send anon asks at @faceless-ayato if you want to talk to the deranged yashiro commissioner. PS: he definitely bites.)
Q: "What am I, Mx. Ansy? Your mascot?"
A: You're… not? C'mon My Lord. You know you love talking to my anons.
Q: "…"
A: H-Hey hold on why are you holding the sereniteapot again-
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magicalgirlagency · 15 days
How do you feel about Sonic Real Time Fandubs?
They're absolutely asinine (affectionate). And Lythero's lives and Tio Gordo's Crash Bandicoot videos are on the same level, too.
Here are some of my favorite quotes/dialogues (the list's rather long, so stay for a li'l while):
[SILVER]: "Y'know, maybe things aren't so bad! I'm here, with a nice ocean breeze, alone with my thoughts..."
[BLAZE]: "Hey, Silver!"
[MEPHILES]: "In the future, looks like you'll kiss seven girls! How lucky for you!"
[SHADOW]: "JOKES ON YOU! If you were a true copy of me, you'd know that I'm GAY!"
[SONIC]: "Shadow, you're an asshole, man."
[SHADOW]: "You are what you eat, Sonic!"
[STORM]: I can't see the end of the horizon-- HATSUNE MIKU?!?!? IS THAT YOU?!?!?!"
[MEPHILES]: "You silly feeble-minded little gay... I am so far beyond Fortnite!"
[DR. EGGMAN]: "I am going to kill you... and then, kill you again."
[SONIC]: "Okay, what did you go for, though? 'Cause I can't tell."
[CHARMY]: "Yippieee! I can die happy tomorrow!"
[SONIC]: "Hahaha, ONE!"
[AMY]: "You... MOTHERFUCKER!! You just left me to DIE!!"
[SONIC]: "Top 30 Reasons Why Sonic Is Sorry (No. 5 Will Surprise You!)"
[AMY]: "Top 30 Anime Deaths! No. 1: YOUR ASS RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!"
[JET]: "I love stealin' shit! Great day!"
[SONIC]: "Woah, he's bisexual! I didn't know that!"
[DR. EGGMAN]: "Also, I'm bisexual, by the way--"
[DR. EGGMAN]: "The CAUCACITY of this bitch..."
[SHADOW]: "Well, you know what they say: If you kill someone, you get ALL of their Sin Points!"
[DR. EGGMAN]: "Well, DUH, you idiot! That's what I've just said!"
[SHADOW]: "Yes, I'm gonna kill YOU!"
[DR. EGGMAN]: "You fu-- What. Wait a minute, I don't-- I don't wanna die yet, wai--"
*Downloading: Weed.exe...*
[SHADOW]: "You forgot the number one sin, Devil: Thou shall not have any gods before ME!"
[SHADOW]: "So... King of Hell... President... I have all of this power at my fingertips..."
[BLACK DOOM]: "Heeeeeeeyyyy, whazzzuuuuuuppp? It's meeeeeeeeeee~!"
[SONIC]: "Hey, wanna join? You guys wanna start a polyamorous marriage?"
[SONIC]: "Okay, how fast do you wanna run? Too fast? Three fast? Twelve fast?"
[MEPHILES]: "Welcome to my house. As you can see, I've knocked so many chairs over because I'm getting so TiLtEd At ThE tOwErS!"
[BLACK DOOM]: "It's real cute you're gonna defeat me with the PoWeR oF fRiEnDsHiP an' all, but again, I am The Devil, from, The Bible!"
[STORM]: "Ugh... I just remembered a traumatizing from my past; hang on, I have to stim and I'll feel better..."
[JET]: "I hear womanly emotions..."
[WAVE]: I'm NOT a girl, you idiot! I am a SWALLOW! Jesus! It's not that hard!"
[ELISE]: "It has been like, a week... I've lost track of time... I'm not sure if I'm a person..."
[AMY]: Hmmm, you won't be, in juuuuust a second!"
[SONIC]: "I'm gonna kill all of you!"
[SHADOW]: "Diamonds aren't green, dicknips."
[DR. EGGMAN]: "You have 13 seconds before the island fucking explodes, you Hot Topic-wannabe and you blue gumball son of a bitch! You have done nothing but destroy my life; I hope you both DIE."
[MARIA]: "I'm dying... because I'm so surprised..."
[BLACK DOOM]: "Errm, Bing-Bong! Uhh hey, what's up! You're doin' a bad job!"
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oops forgot to post this one
Sicktember Day 17: Fainting
Character: Gil
“He collapsed?” Ritsuka gasped, then turned to give a worried look to Mash.
They’d managed to recruit Quetzalcoatl to their side and had just returned to Uruk. Nothing seemed terribly wrong, and yet there was a feeling of dread seeming to hang over the city.
Siduri had found them right before they reached the ziggurat. She was clasping her hands together after she told them the news, looking weary and downtrodden. “I had told him to go and take a rest,” she continued, “and when I returned he’d already passed out and fallen off the throne. Not sleeping, but completely unconscious. He still hasn’t awoken…”
She led them back into the ziggurat, past the throne room and into the king’s chambers, where Ritsuka had never been before. The room was gorgeous, decorated everywhere with gold and lapis lazuli. A window with a view of the city was covered in a shimmering sheer curtain, casting colorful shadows across everything inside.
The bed was enormous. While the design of it looked similar to the one Ritsuka had been using, it was about three times as large. Its mattress of stuffed furs was covered in soft-looking sheets and more than a dozen pillows all delicately hand stitched with fine ornamentation.
And lying there on top of the bed, covered in a blanket, was the king. Ritsuka had never seen him without his crown, yet now it sat aside on a bedside table. Most of his clothes had been removed in fact, at least of what Ritsuka could see. His face was sickly pale, except for a bright red flush across his cheeks. The dark bags under his eyes Ritsuka swore they’d never noticed before were so pronounced, it was as if he was wearing makeup.
As they entered, Siduri rushed to go take the cloth across his forehead and re-wet it with water from a bowl by the bed, then placed it back onto him. “I don’t know how long he’s been feverish for,” she said, taking a step back from his unconscious body and clutching her hands together again. “I… there was no way of knowing beforehand…until he…”
“This shouldn’t happen,” Merlin muttered to himself. This was more serious than Ritsuka had ever seen him. “It can’t… Unless…” He approached the bed and stroked away some strands of hair away from Gilgamesh’s face. Then he said something else quietly enough that Ritsuka couldn’t hear it.  
The collection of people around the room shot to attention as Gilgamesh made a small sound. He stirred, still breathing heavily and barely moving.
“Your…” Siduri stammered.
The king’s eyes blinked open.
“Your Majesty!”
Gilgamesh suddenly shot upright in bed, the wet cloth Siduri had placed on him mere moments ago falling to his lap. “What are you all doing here?”
“Oh, we uh…” Ritsuka began, looking back to Quetzalcoatl and Jaguar Warrior. “We just returned from Eridu. We got the Axe of Mardu—”
“Never mind that now,” Gilgamesh interrupted them, then turned to Siduri, who looked to be on the verge of tears. “What news is there of the front lines? I need today’s reports to the throne immediately.” He pulled off the covers and went to go to place his feet on the ground.
“Please, don’t get up!” Siduri cried. “You need to rest more. I can look over the reports, or I can even bring them to you here—”
“A bed is no place for a king to rule at war!”
Merlin, who looked back to his old self, shook his head and gave a playful sigh. “She’s right, you know. If you push yourself any more you really could die. We don’t want that, now do we?”
With an annoyed huff, Gilgamesh gave a wave of his hand. “There is simply too much to be done.”
“We can help!” Ritsuka piped in. “Back when we were earning your trust, we did a lot to help out around the city. We can help Siduri with handling the paper—er, tabletwork.”
“Hahaha, if you refuse to listen, I’ll simply have to use a spell to confine you to bed!” said Merlin cheerfully. “It’s only for a few days. Besides, we have one-third of the Three Goddess Alliance on our side now!”
“Pleased to meowt you!”
Gilgamesh stared between them all for a moment, then scoffed. “Very well. I suppose my last day trip to the sea was not much of a vacation after all. I shall spend this time to rest my royal form back to its perfection.”
Everyone now in a much better mood than when they arrived, one by one they left the room.
All alone, Gilgamesh’s eyes shone with cold anger directed at nothing at all. He sat there, in bed, the fury rampaging through his body combining with his exhaustion, making him feel as if he might pass out all over. Truly, he felt his body growing weaker; fatigued, dehydrated, malnourished. But this was inexcusable. He had allowed himself to collapse and show weakness to his subjects while he still had breath left in his body.
When he’d awoken, he’d felt the burning desire to yell at those who’d seen him like this. But he didn’t even have time for anger. He lay back again and closed his eyes.
No, this would have to do.
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kafkaoftherubble · 4 months
Happy to report that it is now 初十 and yet no major conflict had happened! Neither did anything bad happened during 除夕、初一、 初八。This is a triumph for all of us! An indicator that Past Lyns' effort and action had not been in vain!
... Phew. Not that I can rest on our laurels, of course. One should never mistake anything as permanent, hahaha!
Oh, I wore my first ever hanfu! Or at least, modernized hanfu...
Yo, guys! We finished Ajin on this very day!!! Ain't it swell?!
Wait, maybe that's why I had that stupid dream—of opposing Sato by trying to drag Kei out of his retirement with Kou's help—this past Saturday night. I'm angry because I couldn't interact with Kei properly with my persuasion game before I woke up, but I don't really wanna admit to that... Also where is the yellow text color option, Tumblr? WHY ISN'T IT HERE WITH ME ANYWAY WHAT WAS IT AGAIN?
It was mad fun talking to friends while getting in a preparatory frenzy for the rest of the event. Okay, fine, one of them was just that useless horny JJK-harem sister.
The cost is missing that morning's Ānāpānasati practice. Shh! Don't bring it up too often around him! I don't want to see That Glare.
Went to the usual place. The Wat we've been going to since we were kids.
This hanfu is so wispy and not at all warm or stuffy.
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Guys, I'm telling ya, we are soooo finding ways to incorporate this for this year's conventions. Probably some sort of mix-and-match in the end—that's how we always roll! A vest and a bolo tie? That puffy skirt? A combo that falls between being fashion-approved and "Only you will think this is good"...
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"Fake Flowers and Me" is the best combo ever.
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Background: you can see the entrance gate. Oh! The shrine for a pair of Thai ancestor spirits was blocked from view.
Foreground: Sister accidentally took a picture of me mocking Gojo Satoru's Murasaki technique.
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This wat was originally fully Thai, but Chinese visitors and elements gradually cropped up (which is really no different from how it's like in Thailand). Compare the architectural difference between the shrines in Fig 1. and Fig 2. Both re within the same compound.
Fig 1. Background: The shrine at the back is for 观音 (Guanyin), hence the obviously Chinese architecture. However, a bit closer to me (but behind the trashcan) is 孙悟空 (the Monkey King). Not taken within the frame of the picture are the other three main characters in Journey to the West.
I was supposed to mirror the Monkey King by looking at the other direction, but it just looks like I was adjusting my sunbonnet...
Fig 2. Background: The one at the farthest back is the main shrine of the compound. Their main Gautama Buddha is housed there. But I'm old enough to remember their actual oldest resident statue, though—he is now housed in the shrine right next to me in the foreground.
Anyway, as per our New Year tradition, we went for archery. I mean, yea sure, we always come up with an excuse to shoot. But hey, I was wearing something that she imagined to be really cool with a bow. Was sure would look so swell!
But first!
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Look at those magnificent eyebags! Premium grade. As immaculate as Yuta's! Truly my best features. Anyone who cannot see the beauty of these bags do not understand my appeal.
Er, why were my veins popping?
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I looked so fucking swell!!! If I were 2 meters tall, I could be mistaken as the 8-foot tall Woman in a festive mood and a bow, right? Right?!
The music was annoying, but I shot pretty okay. Still had so many moments of shooting wide, though. I just can't seem to aim well. I always suck at the things I claim to enjoy, haha!
Also, the people working in that range thought I was "cosplaying" and asked me why I didn't celebrate Lunar New Year instead. I told him I was celebrating. This outfit is part of it!
And then another one came to ask how old I was. No one... believed me when I told them I'm 28. Apparently, these people had headcannoned me as "just 20 years old."
We really are in that liminal space when it comes to age. On the one hand, we're often one of the oldest in the bunch we're associating with. On the other hand, people mistake me for someone way younger, and sometimes, younger than my youngest sister even though I'm gonna be 30 soon.
Do I really ooze that much childish aura?
At least those people didn't think I was still in high school. Like that other time...
Went to the heart of the metropolis to check out that new elite mall for rich kids and tourists. But honestly, it was more of a romp in my favorite part of the city.
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Went to an aesthetic bookstore; finally found a good old Chinese New Year staple: goddamn Fengshui books.
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The MRT station sure looks like an airport, but many MRT stations look like this. Monorails had the oldest design—and are the slowest. LRT stations are the ones we're most familiar with; they are kinda like the most typical train stations with roofs.
Yea. Sis really went for a headful of hair redder than even Sukuna's. Throughout this week, she had been Makima, Ariel... and that Wendy's girl.
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This shop really captured the demography the mall caters to. The most "affordable" food in this coffee shop is 25MYR, which upon payment gives you... a piece of toast.
Their fish n' chips cost around 150MYR! I've eaten decent fish n' chips for 15 MYR, bro. The dory fish served had gotta at least dated Timothy Chalamet for three days, otherwise I don't understand the price.
Looks like it's an "experience" though. I mean, look at Fig 2! It's so opulent inside.
Sis is sure that there is now a new way to brag among us Malaysians. "I went to ___ to buy some toast!"
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There were several people wearing hanfu today, but most were women. A man looking this hella good in it though? Amazing.
I kinda wish I could make someone wear this so I can see how fucking handsome they must be! Hee hee hee.
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It was quite a humid day, and Sister kept complaining about how hot she felt. And then she would comment on every single person who passed her by, rating how hot and stuffy their drip must rendered them. "Wow, a hype-beast kid? That thick hoodie? Mm-mm. 9/10, Stuffy As Fuck."
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The difference between us is this. While looking at the central tree in the background:-
Lyn: Huh. Looks like someone can meditate under it.
Sis: Really? I was thinking someone could hang themself from it.
Lyn: Ooh! You are so right!!!
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Walking in the City
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I was about to take a picture of the guy "pulling" his milk tea, but I failed.
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Strange people in a glass container? Under this weather? With what seems to be lackluster air-conditioning?
Sister immediately rated all of them as 10/10, "That ain't their skirts; it's their melted skin."
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Here's our own three-way intersection area.
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Just the back view of today's drip. Was wearing that Sato Cap. Mixue's lemonade was really good.
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Had a funny gait, Sister said. Also, "9/10; are you sure it doesn't feel like a sauna inside? You're also wearing a hat and a mask, dude. You're insane."
We also, by happenstance, encountered not one but two lion dance occasions! Can't upload the videos because Tumblr said "only one per post."
They were nice.
The food we had was nice.
I like rambling. I like to walk.
We had fun.
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The Stick of Truth
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Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 2: One Stick: Lost, Three Warriors: Find
The next minutes of my life I seriously wonder what is going on.
Believe me, moving around the whole country, you get to see really freaky shit, but whatever is going on in South Park breaks the record.
Eric, whom I learn his surname is Cartman, what’s me to beat up Clyde, and the beating up Clyde turns into a round-based video game alla Final Fantasy!
Do you think I’m kidding?
No, I swerve it’s true.
I don’t know how it works, but it works really like that!
If I can summon something in the near future it’s officially a Final Fantasy rip-off!
Anyway, I know the drill and kick Clyde’s ass.
I had to keep from laughing when I needed to learn to “protect my balls” since I don’t need it technically.
But the one who is laughing right now is Cartman.
“HAHA, HAHAHA! Dude that was awesome! You were all like BRAMMGMG! And Clyde was all like "aaghghg, noo"! Hahahaha! Okay, okay. You've proved yourself worthy, Douchebag. Now, come inside the war tent and I shall let you see the relic.”
With that said fatass does it and I turn to Clyde, rubbing my neck, feeling bad.
“Sorry, dude, for that.”, I apologize for the beating I gave him.
He huffs a “Whatever.” and goes back to his station.
A little whine left my lips.
Okay, I need to do damage control there, for sure. But since I don’t know Clyde that well, I will leave him alone for now and try again later.
So I enter the tent, to stand beside Cartman.
I wonder what kind of relic we are talking here about and what it can do.
“Well, here it is.”, beginns Cartman. “The reason why humans and elves are locked in a never-ending war. The relic for which humans and elf are willing to die... The Stick of Truth.”
It’s just a normal twig on a pillow, a lamp shining down on it!
I admit I’m disappointed.
They couldn’t, I don’t know, put some glitter or fake rhinestones on it? I mean, be creative, dude! What is this sad-looking thing?
Since Cartman can’t hear my thoughts, he just continues to monologue: “Just two days ago, we took the Stick back from the elves. Our kingdom was dying, but now it thrives. For whoever controls the Stick, controls the universe.”
If this thing controls the universe it sure looks shitty. That is the ugliest relic, I ever saw in my entire life!
Like it is really all so powerful Cartman closes his eyes and nearly cowers before it.
At least he is really involved.
“Don't gaze at it too long!”, he warns me. “For its power is too much for mere mortals to look at!”
Yeah, I could poke my eye out with it! If it would be a giant rock, I would be more impressed.
I’m sad I can’t make that reference.
“Now that you have seen the Stick of Truth, let's discuss your dues.”, says Cartman.
“Dues?”, I repeated with a raised eyebrow.
What, does he want me to pay him so I can participate in the game?
Apparently yes, before I can tell him that I won’t give him any of my pocket money we hear Butters screaming: “ALARM! ALARM! ALARM!”
“Someone has sounded the alarm!”, yells Cartman.
“Yeah, Butters.”, I deadpan.
It was clearly his voice.
Butters enter the tent hectic and jumping up and down.
“Alarm alarm alarm!!”
“What is it?!”, demands Cartman to know.
“The elves are attacking!”
“Oh my GOD! Defensive positions!”
With that Cartman runs back out. I blink for a second before I decide I should follow. That’s clearly part of the game and I indent to play it.
“Man the gate! Don't let them through!”, yells Cartman.
Yep, there is an Elf army right in front of us led by a blond-haired one. Things are about to get interesting. I can feel it.
“Give us the Stick, humans!”, demands blondie.
“Fuck you, drow elf!”, growls our Wizard King. “Come and get it! CLYDE! Guard the Stick of Truth while we defend the fortress!!”
“Aye, aye!”, responds Clyde.
“"Aye, aye"? We're not playing PIRATES, Clyde!”
Oh, that would be a cool game too. I would want to be Anne Bonnie!
“Douchebag!”, turns chubby at me. “This is your chance to prove yourself. Hold off the asshole elves at all costs!!”
I salute.
“As you wish my lord!”, I can’t help but get into character.
Cartman is a fat fuck, nonetheless, I will give my all. With a battle cry, worthy of an amazone, I run into the fry of battling humans and elves and fight whowever comes before me.
Again it’s like I’m in fricking Final Fantasy and a learn some new game machines.
The fucking asshole who hit the poor kitty cat got an extra hard beating, no one fucks with cats when I’m around. I love cats, they are my favorite animal. I want a cat, but because we move so much my parents don’t allow it.
In the end, I beat all this bitch ass bitches in their bitch ass faces.
“Drow elves! Fall back! Fall back I say!”, cries blondie leader elf and all of these little bitches get out of the backyard.
“And don’t come back!”, I yell after them, waving my wand around.
Oh yeah, that was so much fun! I could do this the whole day.
Princess Kenny claps for me and then swoons hard as I send her a kiss. Gosh, she has such a cute giggle!
Even Cartman is in celebration mode.
“YES! Awesome, dude! TAKE THAT YOU ASSHOLE ELVES! Better luck next time!”
He then starts to do a little dance and sing: “NA NA NA NAAA NA! We still control the universe! HA HA HA HA HAAA HA!”
Suddenly Clyde appears.
He says just two words, yet it seems the world stands still.
“It's gone.”
I swerve, I hear a record scratch.
“What?”, ask Wizard Fatass.
“The Stick of Truth. The elves got it.”
Oh, that is bad. That is really, really bad.
For Clyde.
I don’t think Cartman will like that.
And I’m right as Cartman yells in Clyde’s face: “THAT WAS YOUR ONE GOD-DAMNED JOB CLYDE! TO GUARD THE STICK OF FUCKING TRUTH! Clyde... you are hereby BANISHED from space and time!”
You hear how practically anyone whines at this. I stand beside Princess Kenny and whisper: “What means that?”
She goes on her tippy-toes to answer in my ear: “It means practically he can’t play anymore with us. And we all have to ignore him.”
I twitch at this.
Damn, that’s hard.
I sure hope I don’t get punished when the truth comes out that I’m a girl. I would feel so sad when nobody wanted to play and talk to me anymore.
“What?! No! You can't do that!”, argues Clyde back.
I don’t think that helps against the fatass.
“Yeah, I can! You're banished, and lost in time and space!”
“Yeah! Go home, Clyde!”, adds our paladin, as Clyde angrily walks away.
There goes my chance to clear things with him.
I just should have done it and not waited around.
I hope it won’t bite me in the ass.
“You fought bravely on the battlefield, Douchebag.”, turns Cartman to me.
I salute again.
“It was nothing my lord, just did my duty to the kingdom.”
“Yeah, this new kid may be a douchebag but he sure can fight!”
I gave Scott for that remark the evil eye and he seems to flatter under it.
Not only here is another one who can’t tell I’m a girl, but he also just straight-up insults me, even though I saved his diabetic ass.
Next time, he can straight-up die.
“Shut up, Scott, nobody cares what you think.”. tells him Cartman and I can’t believe I agree with him. It feels…strange. “Anyways, we have a bigger problem now! The Stick of Truth has been stolen, and we must assemble our ENTIRE army in order to get it back.”
“But our three best warriors still haven't reported for duty, my King!”, reminds him Butters.
“Our newest member can take care of that.”
Did I hear right?
Cartman grips me by the arm and leads me a little away from the others.
“Douchebag, I want you to go out into the neighborhood and find my greatest warriors: Token, Tweek, and Craig.”, he says.
Seems like this is my first quest.
Just one problem…
“As you wish my lord, but I don’t know them.”
“That’s no problem, I am texting their pictures to your personal inventory device now.”
Cartman gets his phone out a sends to my phone three pictures. One of a black boy, one blond kid, and another has a resting I-don’t-give-a-fuck-Face.
….Where the heck, did Cartman get my number from? I sure didn’t give it to him…
“But beware. The lands outside are full of marauding drow elves, monsters, and sixth graders.”, warns Cartman. “Be sure you are well equipped. Now go! And send my warriors here! Butters, go with him.”
“Of course!”, says the paladin happy and standing beside me.
I salute, Butters follows my lead.
“You can count on us, my lord!”
This pleases Cartman greatly and he enters the war tent.
I search for a map of South Park on my phone to show it to Butters.
“So noble paladin, where should we first go?”, I ask him.
He gives a little hum, till he points to a blue house, a neighborhood away.
“Let’s get Craig first. His house is the closest.”
“I will trust your judgment.”
Butters gives me a brilliant smile. I ask him to give me a minute and walk up to Princess Kenny.
I bow before her.
“I must go to fulfill my quest, my lady. Be sure that I will think of your beautiful being should I find myself in great despair.”, I flirt.
The princess swoons hard and mumbles something about, what a brave and noble knight I am and that she will pray for my safe return.
I give her a smile and take her gloved hand in mine. I give it a little kiss, which makes her happily squeal. I have a feeling she is smiling brightly under her parker.
With that, I give her one last bow and join Butters.
Let’s find these three warriors!
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“So…you know I am a girl.”, I say to Butters, as we make our way to Craig’s house.
It’s not a question. I know that he knows since he signaled behind Cartman’s back to me to keep my real gender secrete.
The younger boy rubs nervous his neck.
“And you are okay with it? Why did you help me?”, I wonder.
“Oh well.”, starts he nervously playing now with his fingers. “You are a fifth grader, right?”
I nod.
“I just thought…if an older girl helps me against an elf, doesn’t make fun of us, and wants to play…who I am to not let her? You are already different from the girls around here.”
I let that sink in.
Butters is a good boy, I decide.
But I don’t like what he implies about the girls of this town.
“How are the girls here in South Park?”, I want to know.
“Oh you know…really girly. The girls in my grade, don’t like to play games with us boys and the older girls seem only to think about giving boys B.J., whatever that is.”
I hold Butters’s shoulder, so he stops walking. He blinks up at me with big blue eyes. His eyes are a shade lighter then Princess Kenny, I note. It reminds me of a little puppy.
Aww, cutie pie.
“So you are saying the fourth-grade girls are your typical girly girls and the girls in my grade already give B.J. and I’m happy you don’t know what that is. You are way too young to know about that.”, I state.
“Oh, you know what that is?”
Now I’m the one who rubs her neck.
“I’m a bit to couriers, you could say. Whatever. Also, all girls are here probably straight, fantastic.”, I sign sadly.
That get me wrong, I will continue pursuing Princess Kenny…I just thought I could get my game on to with some pretty girls here.
Stupid backward hicktown.
I fucking knew it!
“You seem disappointed, why?”, asks me Butters innocent.
“I’m bi, I’m attracted to more than one gender. I was actually dating a girl before I moved here.”, I tell him nonchalantly.
I don’t care if I will get judged here. I’m who I’m and I will not feel ashamed of that. My parents fully support me and went even to the last Pride Parade with me.
So fuck anybody else!
Butters just stares at me, I raise an eyebrow, till he gives me a little smile.
“Oh, that’s neato. You are so brave! What was your girlfriend like?”
Aww, it’s official, Butters is a sweetheart. The little dude has a good chance of becoming a little brother to me.
Smiling I ruffle his hair and tell him about Serena. He listens attentively and asks questions.
After I show him a picture of her, he agrees that she is a really beautiful girl.
Meanwhile, we go into my house, where I decide to put my Link Cosplay on. Butters, of course, waits for me outside my room and then we make our way to Craig’s house.
I’m quite happy it still fits me and hope our Princess will swoon hard when she sees me.
We kick some elf asses also because it seems these little bitches are everywhere.
But they are nothing against Paladin Butters and Mage N.K.!
Soon we are there.
I check if Butters and I still look presentable, which makes him giggle as I straight up his robes before I knock at Craig’s door.
An older gentleman with balding red hair opens.
“Hello, sir, is Craig home? We want to ask him to play with us.”, I ask smiling.
“Ya lookin' for Craig? Well, he can't play. He's in detention. Something about flippin' off the principal.”
And with that Craig’s dad closes the door before my nose.
I blink and then I frown.
Wow, rude much?!
“We better get to the other guys first!”, means Butters.
“I agree. Who is the nearest one?”
“That would be Token.”
“Then let’s go, Butters.”
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South Park is a small town, yet it feels like we are walking for hours. We did find some Sir Timothy station, which is a traveling service of a handicapped child in a wheelchair with a red wagon. Butters explains to me that Timmy lets travel anyone in his wagon if you call for him, even for free, which is really nice.
Anyway, we are still not quite there where Token lives, so me and Butters talk.
“Is Butters your real name or a nickname?”, I want to know.
I’m asking that myself since I met him.
“Oh, it’s a nickname. My real name is Leopold.”
…How the fuck do you get Butters out of Leopold? Wouldn’t Leo be a better nickname? And a more logical one?
I turn my head to him and raise an eyebrow.
“Do you like Butters?”
“Oh, well it has been my nickname since I can remember.”
“I didn’t ask you that, I asked if you like it.”
My little fourth-grade buddy bites his lip. He doesn’t seem to know how to answer.
Someone fucked him up good and I decide from that moment on that he is now mine to protect and cherish.
So I lay a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile.
“If it’s okay with you, I will call you Leo from now on. Do you know Leo comes from Latin and means lion? It fits you better.”
He gives me such a wide-eyed, teary, look that I practically melt and hug him sideways.
Leo squeaks a bit and turns red.
“And tell you what, from now on I’m your big sister and when someone is mean to you, you tell me and I beat the shit out of them, okay?”, I add, ruffling his hair.
The boy gives me a tiny, fragile smile and nods his head.
“Okay…big sister.”
This makes me smile brightly.
“Atta boy!”
After our heartful moment, we finally reach where Token lives. He lives in a guarded community named Dark Meadows.
…How rich is this kid?
Can he screw the rules, with the money he has?
Anyway, that’s not important right now. A security guard with a clipboard stands beside the entrance.
Bet we have to ask him to enter.
Let’s do this!
“Good day, sir.”, I call to him and wave friendly. “We would like to enter to get to our friend Token. Can we please enter?”
The guard just gives me a sideways look.
“This is a gated community, sir. We do not allow in the riffraff. Move along sir.”
Since I look like Link, I’m not pissed that the security guard can’t see I’m a girl, but I take offense in calling us riffraff!
“Sir, we assure you we aren’t-“
I can’t even finish my sentence as this motherfucker takes out a pepper spray and gives me a full dose of it!
For the first time in my life, I’m glad I need glasses, so my eyes don’t get attacked that easily, still it freacking burns and hurts and I throw up in the snow!
“If you try again, I will pepper spray you back to the Stone Age.”
“N.K.!”, yells Leo and helps me up.
He leads me away from the security guard. We wash my eyes out with some water bottles we have on us.
“This shit-eating, motherfucking, pigheaded, dickless piece of white trash!”, I curse, while Leo pats me on the back to heal me up more. “I will so kick him into the Kuribohs when we next see him.”
“He will just pepper spray you again.”, reminds me, Leo, gently. “We need a way around it.”
“Any ideas?”
Seems like the universe wants to help us since a new post is on Facebook that might have the answer.
Eric Cartman: HAHAHAHA Dude someone just posted a video of you getting pepper sprayed! Hold on I gotta watch that again. AHAHAHAHA it's even better when you know what's coming!
Jimbo Kern: Jimbo's Guns carries a selection of gas masks that render pepper spray totally useless as a self-defense. Come visit.
First, Cartman go hump a stump!
And second, this Jimbo’s Guns is what I need right now!
I chuckle wickedly, imagining my sweet revenge on the security guard. Leo looks at me worried.
“Let’s go, Leo!”, I tell him. “We have a shop to visit!”
0 notes
iamacolor · 1 year
oh i love karolina! i feel like everyone i know likes to watch her videos haha. i was drawn to her because of her sense of humour but she's also taught me quite a lot! and now i correct every person who talks about corests as if they were torture devices ��
i studied polish philology so the main focus was obviously polish literature, language, culture etc but we also had many world literature classes of course. the only foreign language classes in uni were english and latin but we had one professor who was always complaining that not a single one speaks fluent french 😂
heh don't even mention the catholic influence... we have way too many religious crazies here 🤦‍♀️ the more right-wing, the more insane they are. just yesterday there was a parliament debate about john paul 2 (i'm serious) because some new proof that he about bishops who were protecting p*dos resurfaced and of course the right wing couldn't take it... i heard some nutjob yelling that jp2 singlehandedly overthrew communism as if we didn't have countless oppositionists fighting it for decades 🤦‍♀️
the history of polish jews is incredibly tragic. we still have some living here, there's an annual jewish culture festival in my town which i usually attend... but it's a very small minority compared to how it used to be. according to historical sources first jewish people were invited here by the polish king in the 11th century so they've literally been here since forever. they've always had to deal with prejudice (not always strictly religious) but i have no doubt that if it wasn't for ww2 and communism they'd still be here.
i've actually been to paris three times, although only once as an adult and if i may be honest, it was immigrants who were always the nicest, most helpful and friendly. i also try to follow french politics at least a bit and i see that teh raise of the rightwing is happening there just like here in poland. it's very concerning.
hahaha i admit it is quite surprising to me that you didn't know but it's okay. i'm very into classical music and also chopin is incredibly important to polish culture, very much like mozart to austria. he's also my favourite composer and my mom uses one of his compositions as her ringtone so every day is chopin day in our home 😂
that's interesting and now you got me curious if my name is still popular among children 🤔 because i know a lot of annas around my age but i can't think of any annas who'd be much older or much younger than me 🤔 damn i need to research this! 😂
I love that she's fun because that's the bext way to talk about a supposedly "serious" fashion history, just like how we talk about fashion nowadays (and also she's recently been showing her apartment and it's so pretty I'm jealous)
I'm learning so much thanks to you, I love it!!! I didn't know what philology was and that sounds so interesting, what a great choice of studies! it's funny to think of latin as a foreign language even though it technically is but since it's a dead one it feels funny I don't why lol i don't think polish is a latin language so I'm curious why latin would be the only other class instead of like German or Russian? edit: because I keep taking breaks to go do searches and so now I'm reading the Wikipedia page of the polish language and it says there's not written trace of polish before the 14th because of how much Latin was in use at the time so it makes sense - also I love that the first written sentence found in polish was a man telling his wife to rest while he'd grind for her! you're fine not knowing french, it's too complicated
omg right yeah I knew that jp2 was, of course, the only one capable of overthrowing communism, the world was just waiting for him to overthrow decades of authoritarian regimes 🤦🏻‍♀️(how can someone pretend to defend its country's historical values and identity and yet undermine its history...)
yeah I was reading the numbers and it was heartbreaking... especially since poland was one of the rare countries in europe to actually at some point be a welcoming place for them
I'm not surprised tbh even in france we don't really like parisians lol (and yes I've been living here for a couple fo years now so it's a bit hypocritical but I'm not planning on staying forever so I'll never call myself one) I hope you enjoyed your visit nevertheless it is a great city and although there too many people in the subways everyday (the audacity of people to be outside at the same time as me) I still like it
yeah I don't know a lot about classical music especially the composers and their lives, we don't study music for very long in france and even then they don't really tell us about the composers (which is odd now that I think about it because we tend to talk a lot about other type of artists' lives like painters or poets etc) but I've started listening to more classical music recently but it's thanks to playlist on spotify so I don't really pay attention to the composers... what are your favourite chopin pieces and what's your mother ringtone, I'm curious now!! also there's something I've been curious about lately but no one I know he's into classical music so this is perfect timing : do movies' soundtracks count as classical music (not the songs of course but the more instrumental, orchestral pieces)?
haha now it's your turn to do your searches!! meanwhile I've only met 3 other people with my name in my whole life lol
0 notes
forzalando · 3 years
royally screwed | fw | pt. two
pairing: prince!fred x princess!reader word count: 2.4k warnings: cursing, mentions of meals/food, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers a/n: hello friends! happy valentine’s day!!💛the long awaited part two is here and i hope you all enjoy!😊bonus points if you catch the subtle hp references in this chapter hahaha thank you to @spacexcowgirl​ for beta reading, i love you dearly!! you can read part one here
summary: Prince Frederick Weasley of Burrow was a twin, but unfortunately, at least in his mind, he was born the eldest twin, meaning it was his duty to inherit the kingdom. Since the young age of ten, Fred knew that he was to marry Princess Y/N Y/L/N of Diagon, and over the years they’ve both come to dread the day. With the eve of their wedding closely approaching, their disdain for each other begins to worry their respective families. However, there is a very fine line between love and hate.
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Y/N awoke the next morning and immediately recounted the previous day’s events; she could feel the puffiness in her face and eyes from the tears shed after her Mother left her room. She had hoped that their conversation would go differently, but it was done and there was nothing left she could say regarding the matter.
A sharp knock on Y/N’s chamber door had her jumping up and crossing the room faster than her feet would carry her. She stumbled a bit, almost crashing into the door before pulling it open, only to see the most peculiar sight.
Frederick Weasley, with his siblings stood behind him, although George was standing rather close so that he could pinch his brother’s ear.
“Well,” Ginny goaded, “go on then, you arse.”
Fred turned swiftly to shoot his sister a glare, but George’s grip on his ear had him wincing in pain.
“You better get going or I swear I’ll rip it off,” George grumbled, struggling to hide the jesting smile creeping on his face.
“Fine, fine,” Fred huffed. “Princess Y/N, I would like to apologize for my behavior last night. It was entirely unacceptable and I hope that you can find it in your impossibly sma-”
Ginny quickly stomped on Fred’s foot, interrupting what Y/N was sure would be an insult.
“Pardon me, your impossibly large heart, to forgive me. I was also wondering if you would care to join me for breakfast in the drawing room.”
George promptly let go of Fred’s ear, but not without one final yank, and the entire clan of Weasley siblings looked at Y/N expectantly, awaiting her answer with fervor.
“You must be absolutely mad, Frederick Weasley,” she scoffed, folding her arms across her chest in defiance. “After your attitude last night, which you had for no reason, I might add, and you come knocking on my door to ask if I want to have breakfast with you? I don’t want to see your face unless I have to!”
“I’m trying, Y/N! You said that the least I could was try, so here I am, offering to spend time with you when I’d rather lick the floor in the foyer.”
“Well, then, feel free to go scrub the floors with your tongue because I will not join you for a meal today or any other day!”
Fred stalked away with no objections from his siblings, who were all laughing at Y/N’s quip. She had a satisfied smile on her face as well, but it quickly fell when she averted her gaze to the three other Weasley siblings.
“Now what exactly did you think that was going to accomplish?” Y/N spoke with a, mostly, playful glare to the three standing before her.
“Honestly, we were hoping a bit that you wouldn’t answer the door. Mum made us drag him down here,�� George answered with a shrug of his shoulders.
“But, now that we are here,” Ginny said excitedly, “will you have breakfast with us?”
Y/N smiled softly; she could never say no to spending time with her only friends.
“Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you…where should I meet you?”
“The drawing room…” Ron mumbled, hoping Y/N wouldn’t recall that Fred wanted to take his breakfast there as well.
“You three are insufferable,” Y/N laughed, “however, I’ll be there in ten. Hopefully he will be gone by then.”
Y/N gently shut her door and quickly threw on a dress and her day slippers; her mother would absolutely have a fit if she saw the disheveled state she was in, but Y/N simply couldn’t care.
After a quick glance in the mirror, Y/N hurried through the castle corridors that she had come to know so well and made it to the drawing room in record time. To her delight, Frederick was nowhere to be seen.
“Good Morning, dear,” Queen Molly said warmly from her seat. “Have you by chance seen Fred this morning?”
Y/N heard the quiet snickering of Ron and George and then a hushed “shut it” that could only have come from Ginny.
“Oh, yes, Queen Molly, he stopped by my chambers to apologize. Very out of character for him, I wonder if someone slipped something into his morning tea.”
Molly Weasley hummed lightly, taking the slightly sarcastic tone of Y/N’s voice to mean that things hadn’t gone as she directed.
“That’s lovely, dear, maybe you’ll actually have a civil conversation in the gardens.”
Y/N set down her tea slowly, trying not to act shocked because she had no knowledge of a walk in the gardens.
“The gardens? I didn’t know anything about the gardens,” Y/N mused inquisitively.
“That’s where Fred is right now, I told him you’d be along in a few minutes. He even looked a bit excited,” Molly teased.
Y/N snorted inelegantly and immediately covered it with a cough; she rose from the table and looked pleadingly at George, hoping he could come up with some form of an excuse that would save her from time spent with Frederick, but George refused to look at her and continued eating his breakfast unbothered.
“I’ll go meet him now, Queen Molly. I’m sure he’s awfully busy so we can make this short,” Y/N said with a smile.
“Fred is free all day, I cleared his schedule, dear.”
“Brilliant,” she grimaced.
With a half-hearted wave, she left the drawing room and begrudgingly walked towards the gardens, smiling politely at each person she passed. Even if her future husband did not care for her, Y/N took comfort in knowing that his family and the people in the castle did; she hoped it would make the rest of her life tolerable.
All too soon, Y/N felt the sunshine on her face as she stepped into the magnificent palace gardens. She could spot Prince Frederick’s fiery hair a mile away; he was standing near the rose bushes twirling a yellow one between his long fingers.
The rustling of the grass between Y/N’s feet caused Fred to turn around to find the source of the noise.
He stalled a bit; even though he despised the Princess of Diagon, he could never deny that she was breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair was unkempt, a soft pink, cotton gown swished around her legs as she stalked toward him, and her face was set in a scowl but even the worst grimace could not distract from her captivating eyes.
It was entirely infuriating, and it made Fred want to hate her even more, but some intrinsic force wouldn’t allow him.
“What are you staring at?” Y/N asked, her eyebrow raising.
“Nothing,” Fred replied with a shake of his head. “I’m just thinking of all the ways I’d rather spend my morning.”
“Well, it seemed like you were staring at me. Do it again and I’ll push you into the rose bushes, I don’t care if you are the future King.”
Fred turned his head and tried not to crack a smile, but failed miserably as the corner of his mouth quirked up involuntarily.
“Let’s get this over with, Y/N, can your stubby legs keep up?”
“It’s not my fault you shot up like a bloody bean pole; you went from stumpy to looking like someone sewed tree limbs together and animated them.”
“Most women like tall men.”
“I like tall men, Frederick, I just don’t like you.”
A stunned silence fell over the two royals, only the sounds of the rustling leaves and nearby animals could be heard.
“I suppose that’s why you like Prince Cedric, then?”
“Beg your pardon?” Y/N’s eyes widened, confused at the sudden interrogation.
“Your conversation with your Mother last night, how you begged her to marry him instead. Or my brother. Or that horrid Malfoy.”
“You had no right – that was a private conversation. How dare you eavesdrop on my personal business? Every time I think you have a shred of decency you prove me wrong, Frederick Weasley.”
Fred stepped in front of the Princess, blocking her path and preventing her from walking on.
“Prove you wrong? I had come to your room to apologize when I heard you plotting with your Mother to run off with someone else and disrespect my family.”
“I would never disrespect your family. They’ve never been anything but good and kind to me, the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt them. I haven’t the slightest idea how you’re related to any of them.”
“Oh, I know, you have them all wrapped around your little finger,” Fred scoffed.
“I’m not going to stand here and fight with you, Frederick, I don’t have the energy. Can we please just keep moving and we can tell your Mother we had a wonderful time and learned so much about each other.”
Y/N stepped around Fred, lightly grabbing his wrist to pull him along through the endless rows of flowers.
“She’ll probably quiz us and you don’t even know my favorite color,” Fred griped.
“It’s purple, I think,” Y/N blurted. “I overheard you telling your Mum years ago that you wanted purple frosting on some dessert. I figured that meant it was your favorite.”
“And you remembered?”
“There aren’t a lot of things I forget about the people in my life, Frederick. If it’s important to you, I’ll remember.”
“But you don’t care about me, why did you even bother?”
Y/N sighed and shook her head before turning to look at Fred, shielding her eyes from the sun.
“Contrary to popular belief, I don’t hate you. I don’t particularly like you, maybe in a different life we’d actually be friends, but I don’t hate you. I don’t hate anyone.”
Fred realized this was the longest they’d gone without arguing in years, and it was barely one tenth of a conversation. He turned his head slightly to watch Y/N, taking in the way she gazed lovingly at the surrounding flora, and noticed her eyes linger a bit longer every so often.
“Yellow,” Fred mumbled.
“What was that?” Y/N asked.
“You look longer at the yellow flowers. Yellow is your favorite color.”
Y/N smiled softly, the same smile she’d given Fred when she had arrived the day before but it was infinitely more sincere.
“If you were like this all the time, you wouldn’t be so bad Frederick.”
“Who says I’m not?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and this time Fred could not contain himself; he laughed loudly, and the sound triggered a fluttering of sorts in the Princess’s chest. They continued their walk, chattering idly and the Prince even picked a blooming yellow rose and delicately handed it to his Princess.
“I really did want to apologize last night, you know,” Fred assured. “I didn’t have any reason to be so rude when you arrived, I guess it was just…habit. We have a way of getting under each other’s skin.”
“Apology accepted, for your rudeness yesterday, of course. But, you owe me another.”
“Yes, for eavesdropping on me and my Mother.”
“That conversation involved me, I hardly think it’s one I shouldn’t be aware of if you’re trying to finagle your way out of our betrothal.”
“It may involve you, but it was a private conversation.”
“That involved me.”
“My God, I’ve said it before but truly every time I think you can redeem yourself, you do or say something completely asinine. Do you have any manners?”
“You were talking about me, I felt I had a right to listen!”
Y/N groaned loudly in annoyance, drawing the attention of the nearby guards.
“I don’t even believe you wanted to apologize, you had the chance this morning and just insulted me like you always do! Every decent part of you is nothing but an act!”
“You don’t even know me,” Fred seethed.
“No, I don’t, but it’s because you won’t let me!”
“You’ve never even tried, don’t attempt to play me for a fool, Y/N.”
“Well, I’m trying now. I’m trying now and still all we can do is fight.”
The two stood toe to toe, breathing heavily and staring into each other’s eyes. After a few moments, Y/N looked away and sighed deeply. It sounded almost dejected, Fred realized, rather than the anger he had expected.
“Go ahead of me back to the castle, please, I’d like to actually enjoy the rest of the walk.”
“I don’t have to take orders from – ”
“You’ll do as I say, Frederick Weasley,” Y/N snapped.
Fred wanted to argue; God, did he want to argue with her until he was blue in the face, but something about the tone of her voice frightened him a bit. So, he scoffed and stalked back to the castle, swinging his fists by his sides and gritting his teeth.
He passed by his twin, giving George a half-hearted wave before entering the castle. It wasn’t hard to sense the tone of what had transpired, and George shook his head and took off running towards the gardens to find Y/N.
“Oi! What did he do this time?” George shouted as he slowed to a stop in front of Y/N.
“Just the usual. Acting like a pompous prick that can do no wrong. He was nice for two minutes and then refused to apologize for eavesdropping last night on a conversation between me and my Mother!”
George rolled his eyes and raked a hand down his face, massaging his temples in preparation for the headache that his brother always managed to give him.
“Y/N, you know he’s not malicious, he’s just an idiot sometimes,” George offered.
“I appreciate you defending him but at the moment it’s going in one ear and out the other, Georgie.”
He laughed and slung an arm around the Princess’s shoulders, joining her on the remainder of her walk through the gardens. He noticed Y/N twirling a yellow rose around and every so often lifting it to inhale its sweet scent.
“Stealing flowers from our gardens, eh?” George jested, bumping his hip into Y/N.
“Frederick picked it for me, actually,” she mumbled.
“Well, that’s sweet. You two can get along, is what I’m seeing and hearing.”
“It was a momentary lapse of judgment,” Y/N sighed, before throwing the perfect rose to the ground and ensuring her slipper crushed the delicate petals.
When they were good and flattened into the Earth, she swore she felt an ache in her chest.
taglist: @theweasleyslut @vivacesole @weasleyclaw @nuttytani-reblogs @theweasleysredhair @hufflepuffbaby9 @wildfire-whizbangs @gcdricreads @amhyeah @62442-am @letsgotothehop @emrysts @fuckoffthanos @uponashelf @justalittleweirdoo @evermoreweasley @feminafatales @pxroxide-prinxcesss @lumosandnoxwriting @weelittleweasley @darthwheezely @lovecroftreads @whizboingies @love-peachh @harrysweasleys @wand3ringr0s3 @gredmforge @vogueweasley @gryffindcrghost @adrianpuceyishot @spacexcowgirl @freds-slut @phoenixes-and-wizards @parseltongueswriting @geostarr @snoopydoop1 @lana-isabelle @kaye-lantern @aworldinsideaperson @starlightweasley @emeraldbears20 @lupinsclassroom @barnesjamcs @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou @dracosgoodgirl @expectoevans @scoobiessnacks @crissdanvers @itsbebeyyy @ovrwd @satellitespidey @softlyqoos @dandyylions @anxxi0s @raiaurii @gloryekaterina @godricsswords @wischief @amourtentiaa @lmaoitsmebro @legitlaughingflamingo @rodrickmalfoy @listenhereyousupernova 
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bittydragon · 3 years
The Ant King
Note: Huge thanks to Bittydragon for inspiring me to write this. I’ll be honest, this is the first fic I've ever actually written, as well as the only piece of creative fiction I've written in like two years so… fingers crossed it goes well hahaha.
TW: tight spaces, darkness, uh,,, bugs i guess. Near death experience
  There are things you have to know about ants when you get an ant farm. Basic fundamentals. What to feed them, how to keep them alive, what type of ants you have, etcetera. Even if your intentions were… torturous. After all, you need to know what makes something tick in order to make it stop.
One of the more common facts about ants is that every colony has a queen. She orders her ants to keep her alive so she can make more ants. Simple biology, the continuation of a species. Every nest has a queen, or it dies.
Apparently, this colony didn’t get the memo.
These thoughts buzzed in grumpy circles around Wilbur's’ head as he followed his ant companion, Tommy, deeper into the ant-farm. They had been wandering these tunnels for what felt like days now, in the center of the farm so there were no glass barriers to show the outside world. They were deep too. Almost at the bottom of the compound. Wilbur was not one to show fear, but even he was beginning to get claustrophobic.
Tommy, who up until now had been jabbering like a toddler the whole trip through the ant-farm had also gone uncharacteristically silent. The whole trip Wilbur had wanted nothing more than a few seconds of quiet from him, but now he missed the carefree noise.
They were on their way to see the ant King. A type of ant that, as far as Wilbur knew, didn’t exist. So either they were on a wild goose chase, or Will was way out of his depth.
The further they went, the more he was convinced it was the latter.
“Tommy do you-” Wilbur paused, his echoing voice in the tunnel almost felt like a taboo. An affront to the maddening silence that stalked them. He lowered his voice.
“Do you think… Will I ever get back to normal? Will the ant king change me back?” He hated that little quiver in his voice. He hated the uncertainty. The waiting.
Tommy continued to march forward silently, pondering the question.
“I dunno big man, I think you’ve changed heaps since you got here.” He turned his head to flash Wilbur a grin “Then you’ll be out there and all nice n shit. It’ll be poggers.”
The tunnel was dark, but not dark enough to hide the flash of uncertainty in Tommy’s eyes.
Wilbur's heart sank. “Thanks mate.” He mumbled, and they trekked on, once more in silence.
  By the time they saw light, it felt like they had been walking for days. Wilbur was almost glad he was about to meet possibly one of the most powerful ants in this colony. They rounded one last bend, and they were there.
Before them stood a huge double door set in the wall. Two vines with some kind of glowing fruit framed the door, shedding light on the small space. In front of the door, leaning on a spear made from a twig was another ant with a pair of large white rimmed goggles. 
“Well… This is it I guess.” Wilbur muttered. He cleared his throat “Hey, um. I-i’m here to have an audience with the King? If that's alright.”
The guard ant didn’t respond, continuing to stare at them with no discernible expression.
“H-hello?” Wilbur glanced at Tommy, who shrugged.
“Excuse me? Anyone home?” Wilbur snapped his fingers in front of the ant's face.
He seemed to startle slightly, before slumping down a bit and letting out a loud snore.
“What the fuck” Tommy said.
Before anyone could do much of anything, one of the massive double doors creaked open and a voice came through.
“George, I swear if you fell asleep again, I'm going to rip off your antenna and use them as- oh.”
Another ant entered the room, this one also carried a twig-spear and had a strip of white cloth tied around his forehead.  As soon as his gaze landed on Wilbur, his expression soured.
If looks could kill… Wilbur thought nervously
“It’s you” The new ant spat “Took your sweet time getting here Soot. Earthquake slow you down? Didja get a taste of your own medicine from your big pals out there?”
Wilbur pursed his lips, and the ant snorted. “Yeah. Thought so.” He walked forward and gave George a hard shove, sending the other ant sprawling with a startled yelp.
“Sapnap what the hell?!” He snapped, before spotting Wilbur and Tommy. “Oh hey. That guy is here.”
“Yeah he’s here, idiot.” Sapnap smacked George over the head with his spear “And we would have known a lot sooner if you hadn't fallen asleep on duty again!”
“OW! Sapnap stop! Get off me!”
Wilbur cleared his throat, drawing their attention “Sorry to interrupt, but me and my friend have been walking for a long, long time, so could we please have an audience with the King?”
Subpoena glared “Yeah. He’s waiting for you. Against my advice, he wants to see you.”
Oh. That… didn’t sound great.
Wilbur tried not to think about the implications of that statement as he approached the double doors. Tommy moved to follow, but was stopped by the guards.
“Hey!” He groused “Let me through dickheads!”
“I'm afraid the King only wants an audience with the great and powerful Wilbur Soot” Sapnap said with a smirk.
“But I want to go too! Let me in! You stupid ugly bitch ill fight you! You may have a fancy stick but just wait until I pull out my knife-gun!”
“Tommy its fine.” Wilbur interrupted “I’ll be fine mate, promise. Just wait here. I wont leave without saying goodbye.”
The last thing he saw was Tommy’s antenna drooping sadly, before the doors swung closed behind him.
  If Wilbur thought the tunnel was dark before, that was nothing compared to the room he was in now. The darkness was so thick, so absolute, that it made no difference if his eyes were open or closed.
“Hello?” Wilbur called “Uh… your majesty? I was told that you wanted to see me.”
His voice echoed slightly in the huge space, but there was no reply.
Wait. What was that? Something rasped ever so slowly across the opposite wall. Something big. As it moved, the moss where it had been standing glowed a dull green.
Bio-luminescence Wilbur reasoned. Trying to distract himself from the fear creeping up his spine. Touch activated, it seems.
He swallowed dryly “L-look, just tell me what you want. I’m not here to cause trouble”
The thing moved again, its raspy scuttle reverberated through the chamber.
“Wilbur Soot, not here to cause any trouble” A thoughtful voice hummed from the dark “Now that’s a first.”
The bio-luminescent moss was lighting up more of the room. If he squinted, Wilbur could make out a... leg. Probably.
Wilbur inches slowly to the side, the moss lighting up his own path. “Okay, I get it, I've done morally questionable things in the past, but I've learned a lot from my time here. I’m sorry.”
“For now” The voice replied. The thing was moving on the other side, matching him step for step. “What's to say you aren't faking remorse to get out of here? And maybe you really are sorry. How can I be sure you wont change your mind the second you're back to normal? It's too much of a risk.”
Wilbur continued to back away nervously “Your majesty-”
“Please, call me Dream. Everyone else does.”
“Right… Dream. I can say with 100% certainty that won't happen. I've seen people die in front of me. That’s enough to change anyone's stance on something.”
“And yet I'm still not convinced.” It was moving faster now, scuttling across the floor, walls and even across the ceiling. Wilbur's head spun with the motion. “And since we’re talking in hypotheticals, riddle me this: Whoever said I was going to let you out anyway? What if I just like to play with my food?”
Dream stopped suddenly, rearing over Wilbur, and with all of the lit up moss, he got his first proper look.
This ant was huge. Twice- no, at least three times the size of Wilbur himself. He looked a bit like a centaur, with a human torso connected to a pure white and thorax and abdomen.He also wore a strange white mask with a blank eyed smiley face drawn on.
Two huge claw arms- similar to those of a praying mantis- extended from Dreams waist and slammed into the dirt either side of Wilbur, startling him enough that he fell onto his ass. The king leaned forward with that lifeless grin, and Will closed his eyes, preparing for the end.
“But…” Dream said thoughtfully “A proper experiment should account and test for all variables, shouldn't it?”
“Y-yeah generally” Wilbur stuttered
“Oh good.” Dream hoisted him roughly to his feet. “I’m glad I asked you. After all, you know all about experiments, don’t you?”
Wilbur chose not to answer, glowering at Dream as the eyes on his mask briefly glowed a dull green.
A moment later, Sapnap and George marched in, dragging a cussing and struggling Tommy behind them.
“YOU STUPID MOTHEFUCKERS!!! Let me go or ill get married in rage!! Fuck you and-! Oh. wow that is a big fella.” Tommy stopped and stared in awe at Dream
“Sapnap, give Wilbur your spear.” Dream ordered.
A flicker of doubt crossed Sapnaps face but he obediently shoved the spear into Wilbur's hands.
“I’ll make you a deal, Wilbur Soot.” Dream purred, circling him. “I will let you go to your old life. You can do whatever you like; kill us, torment us, throw us away… it doesn't matter. All you have to do is kill one ant.” He gestured to Tommy.
“What?” Wilbur whispered.
“WHAT?!” Tommy roared “fuck you! I'm not your dumb-ass pawn, I'm going to kill you! Rrrrrrrrrrr!” he writhed, attempting to bite George who did a surprisingly good job of holding him still.
“Go on.” Dream cooed “It's just one insignificant ant standing between you and freedom. You've killed hundreds. What's one more?”
Spear in hand, Wilbur took a hesitant step forward.
Tommy's gaze snapped up “Wilby?” He asked, his struggling pausing for a moment.
Their eyes met, fear clashing with sorrow. Tommy seemed to see something in Wilbur's expression and hung his head in defeat. As if he had expected Wilbur to betray him.
Oh hell no. Fuck that. Wilbur angrily tossed the spear aside.
“No. I won't.”
“What?” Dream spat
Wilbur rounded on him “No! I won't kill him! Keep me here, kill me, hunt me for sport, whatever! Just leave him out of this! Tommy has been nothing but nice to me since I met him, even though it don't deserve it!” He rubbed his arm. “God knows I don't deserve it.”
“Hmm…” Dream hummed “Are you sure, even if it costs you your life?” One of Dream's massive claw arms grazed his side, a subtle threat.
Wilbur looked over at Tommy, who had a look of hope on his face.
“Yeah.” Will smiled, “I'm sure.”
I probably could have written more, but i wont. I hope you like this fic bitty! Thanks for reading :)
Edit: Fortune, this is amazing! Like, I hadn't really thought about this encounter in a lot of detail, but I honestly like this a lot! And Dream being a big boy since he's the king ant. Just yes. Thank you so much for this.
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: i love love love LOVE how you just draw gojo leaning onto getou, hiding his face in getou's neck or back or chest <////3 im just so heartbroken over those two
So glad to hear you like him clingy as much as I do!! TT^TT as far as I’m concerned he wasn’t clingy enough in canon, so I’m fixing it as much as I can with every new doodle haha
Anon said: whenever im sad i just come to your account and look through your art :")) it brings me so much comfort :')) also i gotta mention that the teacher getou art you've made has healed my broken heart bc of jjk and now that is the only canon i accept thank you very much gege akutami has nothing on me
GAH GETO-SENSEI MY ONE AND ONLY I’m happy he makes you as soft as he does me, he’s such a comfort to me ;;;; and thank you for liking my stuff!!!! Means the world to me to hear it ;A; <3
Anon said: I miss your krbk sm 😔 No pressure intended!!!!!! I still love and support u and ur art!!!
Man I miss them too!!!!! @ hori when are you bringing my loves back from the war I’m here waiting good sir!!!
Anon said: v v curious on your thoughts on what’s currently going on in bnha manga :)))
HMMM what are my thoughts on it? Well, let’s split it in two: Deku’s side and Todoroki’s side, because that’s how it’s split in my brain atm, and allow me to start from the second because it’s easier to get through for me
I’m in love with everything Hori is doing with Todoroki and everyone involved with him - that’s to say his whole whole family and Hawks and Jeanist too, all of it, I’m so into it it’s no joke at all. Always been in love with how he handles Enji’s character and his interactions with his family and the latest developments didn’t disappoint me at all, wasn’t very much into Dabi right after the “reveal” but the more I think about it and about the story from his pov the more behind it I am, forever and always head over heels for Shouto’s way of dealing with a situation that’s as complex as one would expect from a protagonist of their very own story you could really make a manga out of the Todoroki’s family plot from Shouto’s pov alone, it’s incredible I can’t state how in love with it all I am enough. And Hawks, don’t make me start on him I’ll straight up never stop, absolutely and most definitely my favorite pro-hero I would trust him with my money and my kids 100/10 just assume I’m constantly crying over him. Also Jeanist is just hilarious so bless him and his presence in an otherwise too heavy story
Deku’s side........ well, the main problems I have with it are that one, I don’t really understant the need to keep ofa a secret from the class for the biggest part of the story when the reveal wasn’t forced upon Deku, didn’t have a huge impact on him or his relationship with the others (his leaving wasn’t directly caused by him coming clean after all, he wouldn’t have had to leave earlier had he not kept it a secret and he would have still left at this point had the class already known all along) and didn’t, like. Matter. All that much. Two, this manga is called my hero academia and I’m genuinely starting to wonder why. What was the point of all the arcs set inside the school anyway? Most of the characters growth (Deku’s especially) and the progression of the main plot happened in the arcs outside of the school anyway, and at this point it’s clear we’re not going back to the school after this or even seeing anyone graduate. What of Shinsou? What was the point of his plot when we’re not even gonna see him being active part of the class in a school environment? I’m just confused about it all, I guess. Three, which is really my biggest problem with it all, is the way Deku’s set on saving Shigaraki. It’s not like I don’t like a story in which all the villains are saved and the good guys win and love prevails and all that, call it corny but they’re exactly my type of stories, but I’m not sure I can get behind it when Twice died like that, and Midnight did as well, and Aizawa lost a leg, and Nighteye died, and Hawks might have lost his wings, and Shirakumo ended up Kurogiri and it’s still unclear whether he can be saved, like... why does Shigaraki get to be saved when so many people suffered like that? And it’s not only about them suffering by his hands, it’s about Hori and how he was ruthless with so many characters but lets the story show arbitrary kindness to Shigaraki alone, it’s all... well. Unfair. The way I see it. At this point I at the very least expect kindness for Touya as well, here.
That said if I pick the chapters one by one by themselves I do enjoy them very much. I just don’t gotta think about the big picture lmao AH but it’s all a personal opinion, of course! I know people who enjoy the way the story is going and I can see where they’re coming from, this is all arbitrary tastes and preferences on my part, I’m aware of it!
Anon said: Hi hi! I finally got into jjk AND finally caught up on the manga and i appreciate your doods soooo much more now!! They’re so great!! But imcurious, is there one specific moment in the story where you Gojo and Geto became IT for you? Just genuinely curious!!
THANK YOU happy to hear you liked jjk!!!! And that’s!!! a great question, I’m not sure I have an answer actually? I binged the manga in a day and a half, you see, and when I binge stuff that fast I rarely stop to overthink things - I did ship them as I read too since, well. They’re in love lmao but I shipped them in the same way I shipped itafushi or yuutoge after I read the prequel, you know? Just a general aknowledging of how good they were together. The main point with satosugu specifically was probably that satoru has been my favorite character since the beginning of the story and suguru got there as well as soon as I read their backstory, so once I was caught up they’re the ones I ended up spending the most time thinking about, both by themselves and together, and that ended up making me a bit obsessed..... just a bit lol
If I had to give one specific moment that got me by the heart and squeezed the hardest it’d be... probably Satoru’s “my soul knows otherwise”. And the way his voice alone could bring Suguru back, even for just a single moment. The thing about satosugu for me!!! one of the many things about them, but the main thing for me, is that they love each other. Be it platonic or however you wanna see it, they love each other. Despite everything and after it all, even if Satoru had to kill Suguru, even if Suguru killed so many and betrayed Satoru and they went their separate ways in the harshest of ways, they love each other. It’s insane, isn’t it? That they’d love each other so much they could pass over everything and anything. I’ve seen the “best friends become enemies” trope so often in shounen manga, but this is the first time I see it treated like this - with love so strong that they never blamed each other or turned that love in hate. The way satosugu do it is all-encompassing! It goes beyond the world and their differences and death itself! So if I had to pick it’d be that one, because that scene happens after it’s all over, and it all went to shit and way beyond too already, and still their souls resonate with each other and answer to each other and that sends me insane, just thinking about it. Like, god, they really still love each other. Satoru’s mourned for Suguru for a year, Suguru’s been dead for a year, they’d been separated ten whole years before then, and still! And still!!! It’s so tender I don’t know how to deal with it
Anon said: “What’s a god to a nonbeliever?”—That tag is going to haunt me for a while. The entire tag section for your latest Gojo and Geto drawing is meta-worthy.
THANK YOU it’d been eating at my brain I had to write it down somewhere why are those two like that
Anon said: Do you take commissions? No pressure! ✨❤️
Not right now!
Anon said: How do you feel about sukuna ? like/dislike or thoughts on him
AMAZING QUESTION I love him. I have absolutely zero clue as of why so don’t ask me to elaborate, I’m literally that marge pic with the potato when it’s about Sukuna, I have no meta thoughts about him nor deep reasonings behind it - by all accounts, I should dislike him! But he shows up and I’m like nghhh king, so that’s where we stand. It’s Sukuna, you know. I just think he’s neat.
Anon said: sighs time to get into another fandom bc i simp too hard for ur art 😔
HAH thank you for the trust I hope you’ll like ror if you do get into it!!! hahaha
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shijiujun · 4 years
hey so uh, it's 110% Not Your Job, but can i ask for like a crash course on these chinese bl series that are everywhere around me but i don't know them. like i'm familiar with the untamed or however many names it has but i'm seeing two or three more???? help please if you can thank you
hello!! oh no worries, i happened to be looking for a distraction too so this was timely hahaha although it’s a pretty broad question since there are so many new live adaptations coming out (and some which have already come out which are featured as bromances), but let me see if I can like round this up for you a little. 
*i may be giving you a bit more than you need or like irrelevant stuff, but i guess i’m bound to hit something hahaha
Okay so the chinese BL series you’re talking about is The Untamed, and since you said you’re familiar I won’t get into it in detail, BUT just for like flow’s sake:
The Untamed (Chen Qing Ling) is based on the danmei (BL) novel written by MXTX, called Mo Dao Zu Shi (and yes however many like English translations to this title there is), or MDZS for short. You watched the live-action, and there’s like a lot of other versions of it e.g. the anime, the chibi anime, audio dramas etc. etc. the list goes on. In case you still haven’t seen any of those, just glance through this masterpost made by @the-social-recluse​ - In any case, right now everything is sort of already out EXCEPT:
MDZSQ - chibi donghua, cutest shit you’ll ever see
More MDZS merch 
Some teasers from MDZS mobile game which has been one year and developing
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Now moving on to other BL series floating around so frequently - MDZS is the second book that MXTX wrote. So there’s SVSSS (The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving-System), which is also called lovingly by others in the fandom by Scumbag System/Villain in short, this is MXTX’s first danmei novel. Right now if you’ve seen this on Tumblr, it’s the anime (donghua) version - 10 episodes only for Season 1, available on WeTV with subs, finished airing like a few weeks ago. Translations of the novel are definitely out in full somewhere.
An absolute mess, but an organized one
Tried to do a manhua but failed
Everyone thought the donghua wouldn’t air on time either (it has a history of dropping development halfway) but it did
Would probably be the most entertaining if ever dealt with a live-action
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And then there’s arguably, the most beloved child out of all three novels (at least right this moment) - TGCF (Tian Guan Ci Fu, or Heaven Official’s Blessing). This is the third and so far last (???) danmei novel MXTX has written, main pairing invented love. Strawhat-wearing scrap collector smiley angel with devoted kid-turned-adult-turned-ghost-king who follows smiley angel for like many years because he loves him. Anyway, if you’re seeing this, once again on Tumblr a lot, it’s the donghua version you’re seeing. Still airing, I think we’re midway through the whole season, the yelling starts Saturday (Asia time zone) and then extends into Sunday, sometimes Monday.
There’s like a god-tier Eng translation in full for TGCF by Suika
There is a manhua for this as well, only like 45 chapters in, but the time Jan/Feb 2021 rolls around, the donghua would have overtaken the manhua progress on the storyline HAHAHA
Apparently the director/production team who did CQL/The Untamed managed to get the rights to filming its live-action, but heh nothing much about that just yet aside from casting rumours and fans worrying that the casting will be done wrongly and also that they won’t be able to do justice to the story.
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Alright now that we’ve more or less cleared MXTX and what everyone is hyping over (for good reason), let’s move on to the other CHINESE BL stuff you could be seeing (although I feel like you might not actually be asking about this), and these will all be live-actions (I’m also only clearing SOME of this year’s stuff, so none from before 2020, don’t ask me why I didn’t leave Guardian or SCI up here):
✨✨✨ Already aired, done and dusted or maybe ongoing, just ones I see on my dash and notifs so I definitely am biased ✨✨✨
The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty (Cheng Hua’s Fourteenth Year) - Many episodes, much bromance, base novel is gay af, but live action is cute af. Read more here and full translation is not yet done I think
My Roommate is a Detective - THIS IS A SPECIAL MENTION. NOT BL. Doesn’t even have like a book to go along with it, it’s just I’ve seen people getting into this again and creating content, so idk, imma just leave this here. It ain’t BL but it got the most glaring BL-esque relationship I’ve ever seen in my life. You’ll get what I mean if you watch it
The Lost Tomb Reboot - AGAIN another special mention, because many handsome young-ish men who you know, head into tombs, much bromance. Based on a huge series of novels, totally not BL, but as always with like a lot of men put into one story, ships happen. This year as well, in case you’ve seen it floating around
✨✨✨  Upcoming Chinese BL live-action adaptations, confirmed + casting + filming. You may have seen some of these because like posters were recently released etc. - As far as I know these are all slated for 2021 ✨✨✨
Faraway Wanderers (Tian Ya Ke) - A danmei novel by Priest, filming wrapped up, should be airing soon. Leads are pretty cute, although I’m sure they’ll turn this bromance. One of the male leads is known for a lot of period web dramas, and Gong Jun, the other male lead, is known for more contemporary modern dramas, but damn Gong Jun’s jawline
Winner is King (Sha Po Lang) - Another danmei novel by Priest, filming wrapped up recently as well if I recall? Posters recently released, and this is arguably Priest’s most famous and popular danmei
Immortality (Hao Yi Xing) - A super popular danmei novel called 2ha or The White Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Meat Bun. Filming also... wrapped? I think, because posters came out the next day and everyone from Earth to Pluto went mad, definitely one you should look out for next year spring i think, but I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be a hell lot more teasers, posters etc. coming up and then half of danmei Tumblr will probably go into cardiac arrest
The Society of Four Leaves (Zhang Gong An) - Ehhhh I think this hasn’t yet been filmed but casting was recently confirmed (contentiously).  Concept posters are up though. This technically isn’t classified officially as a BL. There are no CPs officially in the novel, but apparently it’s very like idk flirty etc., also slated for next year
*There are a few more by Priest, e.g. Liu Yao, but no concrete news that I’ve seen (by now like at least 60% of her danmeis either have a live-action contract or a donghua contract or both lmao)
✨✨✨  Upcoming Chinese BL donghua adaptations (2021-ish). All by Priest✨✨✨
*Throwing this in just as a by the way thing, because these are also recent news (these two weeks). There might be more but I haven’t seen anything yet personally :D
Imperfection (Can Ci PIn) - Space AU, the novel won like two national literary awards if I recall like last year? Anyway a brief trailer recently came out last week I think, and main lead is handsome af, and once again it’s space and space wars so it’s pretty cool
Silent Reading (Mo Du Zhe) - Novel is called Mo Du, and honestly I think the donghua has been like teasing fans for like idk years, but it looks like we’re finally getting to the donghua as the team previewed the first ep like... two weeks ago live to an audience? Modern crime thriller thing, there’s a masterpost going on Tumblr
Lie Huo Jiao Chou - Another Priest fan favourite, a historical + modern danmei combination. Much angst from what I’ve seen, but donghua teaser looked good also, released also last week
anyway hopefully some part of this or at least one part answers your question? if not, just send me another ask or like, DM me hahahaha
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sanktnikolais · 3 years
Invisible String
The three major events of Zoya's life that Nikolai has had glimpses of, and he feels her emotions all the way to his side of the invisible string connecting them.
or that zoyalai psychic/emotional connection au
@grishaverseonline​ mission 12: favourite character - nikolai lantsov
A/N: guess who’s posting a new content after months of hiding? HAHAHA. This was supposed to be posted yesterday for my birthday but I wasn’t able to finish early. So have this late birthday treat from me. ;-;
Warning tho, contains some RoW spoilers, and contains the alternate version (Am’s version LMAO) of the garden scene.
Word count: 5174
They said that it would take a lot for one to get accustomed to the pain that came with losses. 
          Nikolai never realized he had lost so much until he had everything within his reach.
          He didn’t know it was already a loss when his mother had decided to be unfaithful to the King of Ravka and bore an illegitimate child with a Fjerdan merchant. He didn’t know it was already a loss when he had met a certain brown-haired boy in one of his private classes, not knowing that he would be the reason why that same boy would be drafted early for the war that would take his life later on. He didn’t know it was already a loss when he still tried to seek the approval of the older brother that never wanted him, and that would end up in him developing a cunning personality to gain acceptance from everyone around him. He didn’t know it was already a loss when he dropped the guillotine that would imply that his father was guilty of such a heinous crime, exiling both him and his queen to a faraway place, never to set foot on the country they had sworn to protect yet failed in every possible way. 
          It only came to him, when he was finally sitting on the throne and overseeing a broken country, that he hadn’t really gained anything along the way. Only nightmares that weighed on his shoulders and kept him awake at night, and the black scars that were just as dark as the blood of every life lost in the war coating his hands. 
          And pain.
          Both the ones he had known and acknowledged, and the sudden, unexplainable bursts of physical or emotional pain that came to him in the most random times throughout his life.
          Nikolai didn’t know when it started. Being a young royalty that grew up doing everything in his own cunning way had taught him to mask the pain into something less hurting. Whether it was telling horrible jokes or making something more complicated by talking too much—it was his way to beat around the bush and away from the impending truth, thinking that if he ignored it long enough, he would forget it. 
          It worked, somehow, but it only pent up the emotions in his heart that were bound to explode later on. 
          Even though that fact was clear to him, it still wasn't enough to justify his first, sudden outburst when he was twelve. 
          It was quite a normal day—he had another hour with the extra reading on chemistry and Kaelish history he had requested from his tutors, and he was stuck in the library until the late hours of the afternoon. But the truth behind it, however, was to have time to sneak in and out of the palace to visit Dominik and his family in the countryside. 
          The whole day of learning to braid Dominik's sisters' hair had ended happily, with Nikolai able to finish tying all of them, albeit resulting in tangles that would need more attention to fix later. 
          You'll get used to it, Dominik had mused with a light laugh. I didn't learn this in just one day. 
          Nikolai thought of them on his way home, seeing how their smiles seemed to reach their eyes when they laughed around each other, something he never saw or felt in the Grand Palace. An unwanted pricking stung his eyes, and he immediately reached up to wipe the tears away. It was foolish to be longing for something insignificant when he already had everything he needed. He could just ask anything from his servants and tutors, and they would appease his request without question. So why was he suddenly—
          His throat clogged up with muffled sobs, the sickening feeling of both anger and sadness constricting his heart as if there was a fist was trying to crush it. The next thing he knew, he was collapsing on the palace gardens, and the tears were endless. 
          The wind picked up around him, followed by the sound of thunder. But they fell deaf in his ears as the wails tore from his throat. 
          Then it happened. The dreadful images of a ruined church and a horrified expression from the face of an old man flashed before his eyes, along with the searing feeling of anger directed to him. 
          But then the images faded as fast as they had come, and there was the sudden hollow feeling in his chest. 
          Palace guards found him in the same spot a few hours later, curled into a fetal position as if to shield his body from harm. The King had demanded he explain what had happened, and knowing their judgment to anything Nikolai had ever done and said made him lie. He told them he had hurt himself when he tripped and fell in the gardens, and they easily believed it as it was his own foolishness. There was no way they would believe him even if he tried to tell the truth. 
          He had been sent to a Healer right after that to check for other injuries, even when he knew to himself there wasn't any. 
          Except for the sudden hollowness in his heart that could never be filled. 
The next one didn't happen until three years later, when Nikolai was fifteen. 
          He would never know what had given him away, but years of sneaking back and forth in the palace made him careless, and it was only a matter of time before Vasily, his ever cruel brother, knew about it.
          "You're just turning sixteen," Vasily said with a sneer. "But you're already tumbling peasant girls. You're no better than father." 
          Fear gripped at his mind almost instantly when he realized that this mistake would befall on Dominik. Nikolai knew too well how commoners who had done something wrong would be punished by being barred from the palace in disgrace, sending them back to their families with nothing else but their clothes and themselves. 
          Nikolai had begged Vasily to hold his tongue, to keep a secret for him. But if there was one thing he knew about his older brother, it was that Vasily never cared about him. 
          So why would Vasily care about some boy with no name? 
          "Do you understand what you have done?" Nikolai asked furiously the next morning when he had cornered Vasily in the lapis drawing room. 
          Vasily merely shrugged. “Your friend won’t get to study with his betters, and you won’t get to keep rambling in the fields like a commoner. I’ve done you both a favor.”
          “His family will lose their stipend. They may not be able to feed themselves without it.” His rage was boiling into something much worse, and he could feel it coursing through his veins. But he still held back. It was his weakness, he realized, that he didn’t have the heart to lash out his anger on someone close to him, no matter how cruel they had treated him. “Dominik won’t be exempt from the draft next year.”
          “Good. The crown needs soldiers,” said Vasily. Then he scoffed, giving Nikolai a once-over. “Maybe he’ll learn his place.” 
          Nikolai had expected his anger to explode, all the pent-up emotions to finally be let go. But he felt disappointed instead, as if he had lost something important. It took him a second to realize that he had lost his respect and admiration for his older brother. 
          For years, he thought that Vasily was better than their father. Whereas their father sat slouched on the throne and shoulders hunched when he stood, Vasily was the exact opposite of him. He always stood tall, chin held up high. He was the spitting image of what Nikolai had imagined a royal should be. 
          But Nikolai had never been ashamed to admit that he was so wrong. 
          "You should be ashamed," said Nikolai quietly. 
          But Vasily only jabbed a finger to Nikolai’s chest. “You do not tell me what I should or shouldn’t do, Sobachka," he snarled, his voice laced with poison, the same one that Nikolai almost drank when Vasily had mixed a droplet of it into Nikolai's cup. "I will be a king, and you will always be Nikolai Nothing.”
          Then it happened again, the strange images appearing before his eyes. Where Nikolai expected it to be the same ones he saw four years ago, they were different this time. 
          The drawing room morphed into a rough terrain full of snow, and an enormous white tiger had replaced the spot where his brother was in front of him, its teeth bared and hind legs laid back to pounce. 
          It was then he felt the sudden feeling to protect himself, his survival instincts kicking in, and he did just that. The images faded, his surroundings fading back to the drawing room. 
          With a strength that came from nights spent roughhousing with peasants and workers alike in some shady fight club in Os Alta's outskirts, Nikolai snatched his brother's finger that was on his chest and twisted hard. 
          Vasily fell to the ground with a yelp. He looked impossibly small. A satisfying feeling settled itself in Nikolai's chest. It was most likely the worst he had seen his brother, and if Nikolai had only known that his older brother was nothing more than a facade to hide such a vile and weak face underneath, he wouldn't have wasted his whole life trying to be like Vasily. 
          "A king never kneels, brother," Nikolai hissed before he left his brother's prone form on the ground. 
          He was sure that Vasily wouldn't let him forget what he had done to him. 
          But the next time his brother would try to come for him, Nikolai would be ready. 
The worst one happened almost five years later. 
          He was finally fulfilling his dream as a privateer in the seas, and the name Sturmhond was born right in the middle of the True Sea, never to be forgotten by all sailors and pirates as the years would go on. 
          It was supposed to be a diplomatic meeting with the Fjerdan traders that came from Djerholm. They were set to talk about the territories, with Fjerda claiming that they didn’t allow enemy ships to sail freely at the northern True Sea without permits unless they wanted their ships obliterated by Fjerda. Nikolai had wanted to laugh when he saw the ship; it was too enormous and too sturdy-looking to be of trading purposes only.  He assumed that it had to be a warship since its captain and crew were too confident to stop the Volkvolny. No one ever dared to go against the Volkvolny —the black sails that had guided them for years were already a familiar sight to all the sailors and pirates. Though it was smaller than any warships in the seas, it could still go on par with ships twice as big as it, and it had sunk numerous vessels and gotten away unscathed. 
          These Fjerdan ‘traders’ should have known better than to get in the Volkvolny’s way. 
          True enough, when Nikolai had stepped into the enemy ship to negotiate the terms, he immediately noticed the heavy artillery carelessly covered by a rag on the main deck. They had even attempted to blend it in among the cargo crates scattered on the floor, but the canons were obvious underneath the thin material covering them. He let out a breath. He suddenly wasn’t sure if going here with only his two Shu mercenary turned personal guards was ideal. At least twenty rough-looking men were surrounding them, and their captain, Captain Hjar, was only a bit shorter than Tolya, and yet he still looked impossibly tall than all of them. His hair had been cropped close to his skin, exposing the lined scar that ran from his temple to the spot behind his ear. 
          Tamar had voiced out her concerns then, telling him that something was not right, and Nikolai acknowledged it greatly. The Shu mercenary’s gut instincts already saved their lives countless times before, and he wasn’t going to ignore that. But he knew the Fjerdan crew’s taste for dominance. He wasn’t just going to let these men do as they please to the travelers that would pass their private routes.
          He could only hope that this risky meeting they were doing would turn in their favor.
          And yet as soon as they stood in front of Captain Hjar and his men, the wooden bridge that connected the two ships was cut off, causing shouts of protest from his crew back in his ship.
          “Oh, wow," said Nikolai with mocking surprise. Tolya and Tamar tensed behind him, their hands already poised on the weapons strapped to their belts. He turned back to Hjar. "We haven't even started the meeting yet." 
          Captain Hjar only smirked. "Better not waste your time, little wolf," he said, his voice scratchy as if he had been shouting his whole life. "Why try to prolong this when it would still end in the same result?" 
          "Lay down your sword, Hjar." 
          "These men would be making bread from the bone and skin of skinny Ravkan boys tonight, little wolf. And I can assume your ship has plenty of valuables, aye? I cannot promise not to hurt your men," he said, and his men laughed together with him. When he stopped, his cold eyes held a dangerous glint as he stared at the twins behind Nikolai. "And it'd be fun to have some nice, warm campfire with those two Grisha of yours." 
          Something in Nikolai's mind had quieted, shutting out anything logical from coming into his head. The thoughts halted. His rage slowly took over like a monster finally overwhelming its prey. He felt numb and empty, and he realized that the rage was focused on the Fjerdan captain. 
          Then for the third time in his life,  it  happened again. Everything else faded around him and threw him under the landscape of complete darkness. It was like he had been thrown into the Fold. After a moment, it blurred and shifted to another—a small, empty shop in some town he couldn't recognize where. Then it shifted again, and this time, it showed him a man who was on his knees, clawing at his throat as if he were struggling to breathe. 
          Nikolai held onto those images in vain, so he could make sense of them earlier on. But the rage inside him had him forgetting them in a snap, and all he could feel was anger. Anger towards everything. 
          With that, his body relaxed, and he regarded Hjar with a calm tone. These men needed to know their places. "Maybe you're right about that, Hjar," he asked, and he saw the Fjerdan captain acknowledge him with mocking curiosity. "But it wouldn't be my men who would be butchered today." 
          He saw the shift of expression from the Fjerdan captain's face, and Nikolai pounced with his own sword. 
          The fight hadn't even lasted for a minute. Hjar's men had completely underestimated the mercenary twins by just being Grisha, but they were just as deadly as any well-trained assassins. Soon enough, Nikolai’s crew had the Fjerdans tied up and shoved them down their knees, with Hjar at Nikolai’s mercy. But he felt nothing at all. 
          "You want to know something, captain?" asked Nikolai mildly as he went behind the burly man and held up his tied hands on his back. Hjar gave a pained grunt. Then Nikolai leaned down near the man's ear. "Foolish old captains aren't fit meat for Ravkan men."
          Then he took out his knife and cut the Fjerdan captain's fingers. 
          Nikolai barely heard the man's screams or even felt the blood gushing out from the wounds. He just felt numb all over. If his crew noticed the sudden change in his behavior, they didn't voice it out. Only the twins were the ones who showed a bewildered reaction as Nikolai held the decapitated fingers in his bloodied hands. 
          He threw them over his crew's guard hound dog at the side. "Eat up, Razjen," he said. "I'm pretty sure the dogs would appreciate that kind of meat given to them." 
          That same night, he and his Volkvolny crew had drunk and eaten to their guts' limits from the spoils they had divvied up from the Fjerdan trader ship. From the night until the earliest hours of dawn, they had laughed, celebrated, and sung until their throats were raw and their bellies full. 
          But when the night ended and Nikolai had retreated into the confines of the captain's quarters, he had thrown up everything he had eaten until tears stung his eyes. He had expected them to stop when he was done, but it only worsened as sobs and wails tore from his lips again, just like it had almost a decade ago, when he had collapsed in the palace gardens and cried himself out for a reason he had never known. 
          And as the hours passed and night broke into dawn, the tears had finally stopped. Nikolai fell asleep, but the hole that had made its way to his heart from the first time he felt the sudden shift in his emotions now only felt deeper than before. 
Nikolai blinked as he felt the heavy tug in his heart again. It was much more painful than before as if whatever at the other end of the string wanted him to hurt on purpose, and he was left to choose whether to still follow her in or not.
          The funeral had ended hours ago but he could still feel the heaviness and gloom lingering in the air. He wanted to visit Genya in her quarters for the night, just to extend whatever he could offer her for the meantime. But he decided against it when he rounded the corner leading to the Tailor’s chambers, and that’s when he saw Zoya coming out from the door. She had lingered outside for a moment, her hand clutching at the handle as if to hold herself upright. If he looked harder, he was sure it really was the reason as he saw her shoulders shaking and her head was bowed down, something his general never did. 
          A searing pain in his chest made him wince, the hurting so painful it felt like he had just been burned by a branding iron. The want—the need—to reach out for her was the only thing he had wanted to do at that moment. But he willed the thought away, remembering how the things were between them.
          They did not look to each other for comfort, and he knew the last thing Zoya would want was for him to give her his sympathies. It had been their unspoken agreement ever since Ravka was put on their shoulders. There was no time for sentiments, they would only spiral them down much worse. 
          After another minute of silence, Zoya had quietly left, her form completely blending in with the gloominess that surrounded the palace walls. Nikolai decided to follow her out then, and it led him to now, following her through the dark, narrow walkway that led into someplace he wasn’t sure of. Tangles of vines pricked at his skin as he walked further. Eventually, he reached the other end of the path, and the sight of the place astonished him.
          Flowers and shrubs of every variety were lined up in the soil beds, overwhelming the ground in different colors. The open ceiling of the area had allowed frost and snow to fall over the plants, and it coated the leaves and petals alike. It looked almost like a small world of only peace and serenity, and yet it felt like a garden of sadness, with grief dripping on every plant and bleeding through the four walls that surrounded it.
          Nikolai spotted Zoya in the middle of the dim garden, her back turned to him as she looked around. Snow was starting to fall, and it caught in the dark waves of her hair. Under the moonlight, she was glowing, a saint watching over the people. But behind the light that masked her real face, something was wrong. What once was her perfect stance and chin held high, she was now hunched, bent down, as if she were hiding from the world. 
          Then he felt it again, the sharp and painful tug in his chest. But this time, it felt different. This time, it was leading in a direction. 
          And it was leading towards her.
          Nikolai blinked, his eyes widening a fraction. Could it be—
          "I'm running out of room," she said, her voice barely a quivering whisper. 
          Had she known he was following her all along? 
          "Do you—" Nikolai shook his head, unsure of what to say. He tried again. "You tend to this place?" 
          Zoya was silent for a moment. Her shoulders had gone stiff the same way she was poised for battle. But Nikolai had merely asked a question, and he wondered if it was prying enough to cause that reaction from her. 
          "I needed somewhere to go to distract myself, and this has always been the place my feet would lead me to," she said quietly. "It was an old vegetable garden. I found it years ago, back when—" Her voice broke into a muffled cry, and yet there were no tears, like she refused to let them fall. She shook her head, her hands lifting as if to brag about the wonderful bunch of plants around her. But the gesture looked so helpless, so lost, and she let her arms fall back limply to her sides. Then in a broken whisper, she repeated, "I'm running out of room." 
          Nikolai's eyebrows drew tight in concern. He took a step towards her, and stopped almost immediately. It felt like he was treading across a dangerous line that neither of them ever had the guts to cross. Things were already too complicated, whether it’s about Ravka or about them, and he didn’t want to make things worse. But he refused to leave her on her own. Not like this. 
          Slowly, he made his way towards her, feeling the tug become stronger and stronger until he stopped at her side. He felt the cold seep through his clothes, harsh and biting like Zoya’s daily demeanor. But tonight, there was only grief and sadness, and it made everything even colder. 
          There was a long silence between them as he waited for Zoya to speak. Or if she wanted to speak. He wasn’t going to force anything from her. It was already a painful day for them to get through, and he wouldn’t add to the burden they were all carrying on their shoulders. He was grateful for the silence either way. 
          But when Zoya spoke later, her voice was quiet, lacking the usual sharpness it always had. “I plant something new for every Grisha lost,” she started. And there it was again, the heavy feeling in Nikolai’s chest that weighed down on him and made him struggle to breathe. It took all of Nikolai not to reach out for her. Then she lifted her hand and started pointing to the plants. “Heartleaf for Marie. Yew for Sergei. Red Sentinel for Fedyor. Even Ivan has a place. He was once a soldier like us too, before the Darkling corrupted him.” She touched her fingers to a frozen stalk near the edge of the soil bed. “This was for Harshaw, and they will blossom bright orange in the summer, just as bright as his ridiculous hair.”
          Nikolai felt a small smile twitch on his lips. There was an obvious jest in her tone, but her words were sad, still haunted by the past war they could never be free of. He reached for the plant, letting his fingers touch its leaves delicately. He dusted off the frost from the leaves’ surface, and it almost looked as new as ever. The Inferni had once fought beside him in the mountains and with Alina and the others in the Fold, proving his loyalty up until the very end. It was unfortunate that he didn’t get to see past the war as it had already taken his life. 
          “These Dahlias were for Nina when I thought she’d been captured and killed by the Fjerdans,” Zoya continued, her hands reaching out to the flowers next to Harshaw’s. “They bloom with the most ridiculous red flowers in the summer. They’re the size of dinner plates.” Then as steady as her hands were when she first reached out to touch them, they began to tremble badly. “This was the last one I vowed that I would plant. I kept promising myself over and over and over. But they only kept increasing. There was no end. And now David—” She stopped abruptly, her throat clogging up with a quiet sob. “I’m running out of room, Nikolai.”
          A tear escaped Nikolai’s eye, and he quickly wiped it away. He didn’t know why he did that. Earlier in the funeral, he didn't shed a single tear when he gave the eulogy, only the prickling pain that gave the first signs of tears. But they didn’t fall. Guilt had been clawing at him ever since, thinking that he hadn’t cared enough to show that he was mourning the loss of an old friend. It was only reasonable to cry; they were all grieving, after all. So why still hide, when there was no one else to see him?
          Then he realized it was what he had been used to. This was what they were taught. You don’t let yourself wallow in sadness—you get back up and continue on. No matter how heavy the weight on your shoulders was. 
          Soldiers did not cry. Princes did not weep. And kings should never get fazed by such sentiments and emotions. 
          But what if it was the only thing left to do?
          Nikolai glanced at Zoya, seeing tears staining her cheeks as well. She wiped at them hastily and tried her best to blink them away. He heard her draw in a shuddering breath. 
          “They will continue to thrive and bloom as long as they get taken care of,” said Zoya, her fingers curling around a stalk from the dahlias. “But what if they don’t? What if they stopped even as I tend to them everyday?”
          He immediately understood the deeper meaning behind her words. Every life lost under her watch; every Grisha blood staining her hands. It was the weight on her shoulders she had always carried, a weight that existed ever since she had been a soldier, up until now that she was their general. 
          If he could only take all the burden from her chest and carry it along with his own, he would have done it. But that wasn’t how it worked. They were all bound to have their own burdens—it would only be a matter of difference with the people around them that would help them get back up on their feet whenever they get too tired from carrying it all. 
          Nikolai let out a long breath, his gaze landing on the twisting gray branches that ran along the perimeter of the garden. He recognized it right away. “Thorn wood,” he murmured. He felt Zoya’s confusion even before she could voice it out, so he continued speaking. “It grows around, protecting everything within these walls, stronger than anything else in the garden, weathering every season. No matter the winter it endures, it still persists, all prickles and thorns and spines anger just to keep protecting everything here.” Then he turned to her, looking down at the bright and never-ending flames behind her eyes. He gave her a lopsided smile. “Those thorns, they remind me of you. Prickly and sharp, just like you are. But its purpose was to protect all these flowers and plants, like the way you protect our people.”
          Zoya almost looked like she was on the brink of breaking, but her questions persisted. “And what if the winter is just too long and hard? What if it can’t continue protecting them all?”
          He was afraid to reach for her, but he did it anyway. He took her gloved hand in his, and when he expected her to pull away, she didn’t. Instead she folded into him like a flower closing its petals at nightfall. “Then it would still be there, watching over all the flowers and plants, giving them the sense of protection, keeping them strong until the summer comes, even as its life withers away.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, a laugh escaping his lips. “I do hope I made sense with all that blabbering.”
          This earned a huff from his general. “Who says you ever did?” she said, but he felt her hand squeeze his back, gratitude evident even from that smallest of gestures. That was when tears fell from her eyes again, and Nikolai felt some of his own as well. 
          Trusting what his gut told him to do, he wrapped his arm around her. 
          And in the same exact moment, Nikolai didn’t feel the painful tug in his chest anymore. It was as if he had undone all the tangles and knots between, and he could finally pass through the thread without difficulties. 
          Zoya seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then with a soft breath, she let herself lean against him. Zoya the deadly. Zoya the ferocious. The weight of her against him felt like benediction, the long lost piece from the puzzle that he had been trying to figure out for years. For the first time in his short life, he felt at peace. He had been strong for his country, his soldiers, his friends. It meant something entirely different to be strong for her.
          When he thought that they did not look at each other for comfort, he had just been understanding it quite differently. No, they gave each other comfort in their own way—whether it was through sharp wits and harsh words that kept their will stronger, or even just through knowing looks and long silences. It was their way to tell each other that they were always there to keep each other marching on their feet, and pull each other from the darkness they were both continuously fighting their way out of. 
          There would still be a lot of problems to face, obstacles to get past with, lives to be lost. But they would be alright. They still had each other to get through everything, and it was enough. 
          And that’s how it would be from then on until the very end.
He used to believe that the other end of the string was just like any other end, blunt and empty. Not once did he ever think that he could be wrong.
          Now, Nikolai knew one thing. It would always lead towards her.
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cockasinthebird · 3 years
could i request uhhh billy enjoying watching steve masturbate? he loves to watch as steve fingers himself. as he fucks himself with abandon on a long hard dildo. as he’s breathless humping mommy and daddy’s expensive furniture like a bitch in heat. billy could come in his pants at the sight of it.
Dear anon,  This request is old as fuck, holy shit, and if you’re still around, thank you for your patience hahaha
I’ve been working on the fic for a long long time, and while it’s not entirely done, I have decided to separate it into three parts, and two of them are ready to be posted, the third one I just started on a few weeks ago, and I don’t know when it’ll be finished, but here, the first part, for your enjoyment!
The first time Billy got the awe-inspiring pleasure of watching Steve touch himself to completion they’d been dating for a few months, when all the animalistic rivalry reached a fever point and they wound up grinding against one another behind the school after having thrown a few punches.
Not exactly something either of them had planned, least of all Billy, whose punishment for such things in the past was moving from California to this shithole town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. They spent close to a year hating each other before they found time to have an actual honest conversation about, well, whatever it is that’s going on here.
It’s a late July evening, Billy is “spending the night with his girlfriend,” if Neil were to ask, but he doesn’t even think of either his abusive asshole of a father, or the prospects of even finding a girlfriend, as he sits in one end of the large sofa, dressed in a pair of blue shorts he’s borrowed from Steve, in the 93 degree heat.
At the other end lies Steve fucking Harrington himself, dressed in a pair of tighty whities, head lulled against the armrest, one leg hanging off the edge of the couch, and the other caught between the backrest and Billy’s own leg; waxed and tan pressed against hairy and pale.
Steve loves to cuddle - borderline obsessed with it if you were to ask Billy, but the reigning Keg King is more than willing to give in to his Princess’ constant need for physical affection and reassurance, although tonight is a whole different story.
For while Billy is used to heat, grew up with the scorching sun, the burning asphalt, 97 degrees, Steve’s spent most of his summers in Indiana, where on average the heat might reach the 70s, so this? This is hell.
“No, don't touch me!” he had protested when Billy showed up earlier and dived right in to kiss him. “I’m fucking burning up!”
Their shins touching, forming an X between them, is the most contact Steve has offered up all day, and the least since they started doing… whatever it is they’re doing.
Empty cans of soda and a few beers litter the coffee table, Cheers plays on the biggest TV Billy’s ever seen, the audience laughing loudly, but he only notices how Steve huffs and chuckles at whatever is happening in the bar, not that Billy’s actually paying any attention to the show.
Rather he’s staring at Steve, head turned towards the screen but eyes caught in the way Steve’s fingers run through that little patch of hair he has on his chest. Then it moves down, smoothly caressing his abs in a pattern that’s all too familiar to Billy’s own touch; the same route he travels when his own calloused fingers gets to move across that pale, soft flesh, circling around the moles on his way southbound, past the navel to where his treasure trail starts.
Dark hairs that guide any lucky admirer to their most coveted final destination, and tonight it seems only the subject of Billy’s desires himself gets to brush his fingers through it all.
As the tips of Steve’s fingers near the elastic border of his underwear, Billy feels his heart beat faster, letting fire loose through his veins, yet Steve pulls away again, up through the coarse hair to where it starts just below his navel, then down again. Is he aware of what this is doing to Billy? Does he know he’s being watched this way? Leered at?
Every time those fingers go down, Billy’s pulse goes up.
And when Steve knocks their legs together, Billy looks up to catch the other staring right back, one corner of those soft, pink lips pulled up into a lazy smirk.
“Hi,” Steve whispers as he meets with those blue, attentive eyes.
“Hey,” is all Billy can muster.
“What are you doing?” a question that doesn’t really need an answer, clearly rhetorical as the way Steve coos it out proves he knows.
But Billy obliges with a, “Enjoying the view,” anyways.
“Oh yeah?” Now Steve moves his hand further, stays on top of the fabric, chaste in the gentle way he grazes the length of his flaccid cock.
Billy licks his lips and opens to take a shaking breath as he feels himself twitch at the sight of how Steve teases. “Yeah.”
Fingers go from gentle to firm as Steve palms at himself through the white fabric, his erection growing quickly both under his own touch and the persistent, unblinking stare that Billy offers up. Steve’s breathing turns ragged and he bites down on his lip in the most enticing manner that makes Billy shuffle around on his end. 
Who reaches down to adjust himself in the borrowed shorts, his fat cock tenting something so beautifully, ensuring that Steve sees how hard he is, eyes glued to the motion of the other’s hand running along the clear bulge in those tight trunks.
Steve’s exhales grow into moans, letting slip slight “ah”s and “mmh”s, his gaze jumping back and forth from Billy’s steely cock and those oceans of pure lust staring back.
“Take them off,” Billy whispers, yet his voice carries louder than the laughter on the tv.
“Hmm?” Steve hums and slows down his hand to pay better attention.
“Take off your underwear. I wanna see you,” Billy growls out and pulls away his own hand in resistance of the urge to finish all too soon.
Steve smiles a bit wider at the way Billy demands for him to get undressed completely, but doesn’t hesitate to stand up and do just that. Drops his white trunks to the floor and stays upright, blocking the tv a bit, one hand finding its way to wrap itself around his prick as it stands at full attention where he runs his thumb over the leaking head.
Billy runs his hand up Steve’s hairy thigh till he reaches the hip and rests his palm there, heavy and hot and sweaty.
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous, baby,” he breathes out in clear astonishment, mesmerized by the way Steve slowly moves his hand along his flushed dick. “Now go sit down again. Over there.” 
Again Steve doesn’t speak - doesn’t question it, simply does as told and sits down so far away that neither of them can reach without stretching out their legs, his hand never pausing the lackadaisical stroking of his aching flesh.
“Spread your legs for me.” Billy rests his head against his fist, elbow on the back of the couch, his other hand down to keep itself busy with the string of the shorts.
Steve brings one leg onto the sofa again, pressed against Billy’s shin, forming the same position he held earlier with the other foot still on the ground, and he slips down just a bit to expose himself.
But it’s not good enough.
“Wider,” Billy says with a voice oh so stern and controlling, but with his tongue out to play along his lips, eyes dark and sultry.
And Steve does just that; scoots further down till he’s lying with his head on the armrest, then swings one leg over the back of the expensive sofa, expertly spreading himself out in front of Billy, putting everything on display. 
“Like this?” he asks, low and teasing, fingers still pleasantly drifting along his lengthy cock.
“Yeah,” Billy moans in appreciation of everything being served just for him. “Like that, pretty boy. God you look amazing.”
“Oh?” Steve cocks a brow, feigning ignorance, as if he doesn’t know exactly how incredible he looks. “You like watching me?”
His hand moves faster, gripping and pulling at every single inch of hard flesh, bringing out the most wonderfully lascivious sounds, clearly revelling in the attention of his King.
“Mmh, fuck yes,” Billy grunts out, bites at his lower lip and digs his nails into the fabric of the couch to keep himself still. “I love watching you. At practice, in the showers, in class, when you sleep.”
Steve lets escape a light huff of a laugh at that. “When I sleep?”
“Yeah, when you’re at peace, resting all blissful ‘n shit, mouth just slightly open, looking so soft. I just want to… disturb you. Fuck you out of it, finger you awake, start your day off full of my big dick.”
And the way Steve whines at that thought makes it near impossible for Billy to remain dormant. 
“Fuck, Billy-” His hand moves faster, erratic in a way that loses all that teasing control he held seconds ago. “I… I wouldn’t mind that…” voice quivers with unadulterated lust.
Billy catches his tongue in a wicked grin, eyes lidded and heavy in a way he knows lights Steve on fire. “You want that? Want me to fuck you when you’re still all hazy from sleep? Wake you up with my fat cock?”
“A-ah, yes,” Steve whimpers before throwing his head back, dark locks sticking to his sweaty forehead, mouth wide open to stutter out in pleasure. With no sense of proper rhythm, he fists himself with fervor and a little, “Fuh-ck…”
“Shit, Stevie…” whispers Billy with a voice thick from wanton.
Absentmindedly he unties the shorts and digs his thumb underneath the waistband of it. He feels an ache most primal, a deep and fiery urge to get off, to touch his leaking cock and finish himself to the incredible sight of how sweaty Steve is; moaning out and thrusting into his own hand. Billy’s left leg starts bouncing impatiently from where his foot is planted on the floor. 
Steve lifts up his head, leans it against the backrest and looks down at the dark spot staining the blue fabric of his shorts, biting his lip at the sight of how big Billy is. So he moves closer, further down the couch till he’s flat on his back, legs spread like an open invitation for Billy to just… do whatever he pleases.
Billy gives in at that and brings a hand to his throbbing erection, squeezing around the girthy shaft and massages the head with his palm; the sparks that shoot from his touch like a lighter trying to ignite.
“You’re such a fucking tease, princess,” he growls out, hoarse from self restraint.
He wants to indulge in what Steve is longing for, wants to fuck him wild till he’s sore - till he can’t sit right or walk straight, fuck him like he deserves to be fucked, hard and rough, soft if he asks nice enough, but above all that, he wants to watch how Steve fulfils his own needs. Wants to watch him lose sanity, chase his own high, jerk off like he does when Billy isn’t around to suck him clean.
“Billy, mmh- fuck,” Steve coos out and brings up a hand to push away his hair, as if to allow Billy a better view of how lost he is, brows knit and raised high, eyes squeezed tight in par with his hand grasping at his weeping cock. “I’m- I’m so close-”
And Billy knows this is a view reserved only for him. That no one else on all of planet earth has gotten to see this - not Nancy, not Tommy, not any other boy or girl Steve has been fucking around with. That this requires trust, that Steve trusts him enough to be this vulnerable.
Each moan that echoes with his name throughout the mansion sends ripples across the whirlpool of heat that threatens to spill over, Steve’s voice so full of crude little curses and gasps and Billy, Billy, Billy, that he no longer can resist the powerful temptations and he pulls down his shorts just far enough so that he can get a proper grip on his painfully hard prick.
“Doing so good for me, baby, arrh, shit, wanna watch you cum, make a mess of yourself.” He stares keenly at how Steve’s glistening thighs tense up, how his abs twitch and chest stutters.
“Yes, ahh, fuck- fuck!” Steve reaches up to hold on to the armrest for dear life, back arching beautifully, toes curling as he cums in a breathless feat, streams of white shooting up to his chest as he empties out with quick strokes.
Billy is close behind, the show more than enough to get him there, accompanied only with a few urgent flicks of his hand before he's spilling wet and hot onto his abs, groaning out as he tightens his grip to ride out his orgasm with a rough pull or two. 
Steve stays still, his chest heaving the only sign of life from him, and Billy smiles, soft and unseen, as he looks at the well worn-out, pale form before him. 
"You alive?" he chuckles. 
"Yeah, just… It's just so fucking hot…" Steve complains and fans himself with the hand that isn't dripping with his own semen. 
Billy hums pleasantly, lazy and satiated, "It's not that bad once you get used to it." 
Steve simply huffs out something defiant and searches for his underwear that's been tossed on the floor, then wipes his hand, chest and stomach as clean as he can with very little effort. 
"Here," he says and tosses the trunks to Billy, suggesting that he use them for the same purpose. "Don't ruin my shorts, they're my best pair." 
And Steve watches as Billy carefully wipes away the lesser mess he made, the white fabric well soaked by now. Then their eyes meet, and it's almost as if Steve can read Billy's mind what with how wide his eyes go, yet he doesn't protest as Billy brings the briefs up to sniff them. 
"You're so gross!" Steve smiles wide and gives Billy's leg a light kick. 
Who guffaws loudly before tossing the trunks away to land with a humorous splat. 
"You want another beer?" 
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carry-the-sky · 3 years
Hi could you do 14. touch on a bruise for brio please?
ahhh thanks for sending this one in!! have some post-s3 angst, hahaha. :)
(also on ao3)
The next time she sees him, he’s bleeding.
Okay, maybe not actively, but the jagged line of stitches etched above his ear looks like it’s seconds away from ripping open. Beth takes in the nasty bruise blooming along his jawline, the cut splitting his bottom lip.
“Um,” she says.
Rio smirks. “What’s up?”
“I—” she sputters, because he’s just standing there with that stupid, smug expression, like it’s the most normal thing in the world to drop by the showroom after hours looking like—that. “You—what happened?”
“Not your division, darlin’.”
He says it lightly enough, but Beth reads the undercurrent of warning in his voice like a neon sign. He wants her to drop it.
Well. She’s not feeling very incentivized to give him what he wants at the moment.
“It is when you bring that”—she pointedly eyes the stitches—“into my showroom. Those look awful, by the way. Did he do them?” She juts her chin toward Mick, who’s lurking in the doorway.
The two men share a look, and Mick folds his arms across his chest. “Maybe I did,” he grumbles. “YouTube’s got tutorials for everythin’.”
Beth glances between them both. She’s about to open her mouth—to say what, she has absolutely no idea—when Mick snorts, shaking his head at the same time that Rio’s mouth twists into a grin.
“Nah,” Rio says, still smiling as he casts a glance back at Mick. “Nah, he didn’t. Your concern’s duly noted, though.”
Mick makes another sound in his throat that he quickly covers by turning it into a cough. Beth’s face flames, but she draws herself up and meets Rio’s gaze head-on. Let him try to get a rise out of her—she knows better than to take that bait.
“Fine. What can I do for you, boss?” she says, spitting out that last word like it’s acid.
Rio’s eyes fall to the floor, but Beth can still see the ghost of a grin lingering at the corners of his mouth, like he knows he got under her skin. Like he’s won. For one furious second, she imagines how hard she’d have to hit him to split his lip, leave a bruise. She imagines hurting him and liking it.
But she doesn’t really have to, does she? Beth still remembers the weight of his gun in her hand, how the recoil from pumping the trigger once, twice, three times made her hand ache for days afterwards. She remembers him choking on his own blood, the sound of it filling up the loft—
No. No, she hadn’t liked any part of that. It’s a catch twenty-two; she hates him, she wants him dead, gone and out of her life, his name crossed out in permanent ink, but then—sometimes she doesn’t. It’s the not-knowing that keeps her circling the drain, pushing that damn boulder up the hill only to watch it come crashing down again and again.
She thinks she might hate that even more than she hates him.
Beth blinks, coming back to the office. Mick’s staring her down like a hawk, but Rio’s gaze is more appraising, head tilted to the side in a gesture that’s so familiar, so him, it makes her stomach flip.
“Just here for my cut,” he says, as nonchalant as if they’re discussing the weather. She hears the unspoken words as clearly as the night he said them—you, me, we. It’s just business.
Beth holds his gaze a second longer, then tugs a black duffel out from under her desk. She hands it off, dropping the straps like they burned her to avoid brushing her hand against his when he takes it from her. If he notices, he doesn’t show it.
“What, no mama bag this time?” he says, then presses his lips together like he’s trying not to grin.
Beth glares at Mick, who just shrugs. She snaps her eyes back to Rio, barely managing to unclench her teeth before asking, “Anything else?”
“Yeah, Mick’s gonna check the books.”
Of course he is. Beth isn’t exactly shocked, but it still feels like a slap on the wrist, another reminder that there’s a hierarchy and she’s the furthest thing from sitting on top. Even this, the operation she pieced together herself, the system she built on equal parts desperation and determination—even this isn’t hers.
You wanna be the king, you gotta kill the king.
Yeah, she tried that. Technically she’s still trying, but she shoves that thought down deep and ignores the twinge in her chest.
Rio’s already turning to go, slinging the duffel over his shoulder. “Next week, yeah?”
Maybe it’s the way he says it, like he’s glad he can pawn her off on someone else because he has better things to do with his time, or maybe the stress and exhaustion from these past few months are finally cracking her foundation—the reason doesn’t really matter. Beth can’t—won’t—let him have the last word.
“You should really get those stitches looked at,” she says.
He pauses, then looks back at her. In the low light, his eyes almost look black.
“I’ve had worse,” he says, and the words hang between them for a moment, heavy as a loaded gun.
Beth swallows. “Still. They could get infected.”
Something slides across Rio’s face, sharp and predatory. It’s the look he gets when he sees an opportunity, and Beth feels her stomach drop.
“Yeah?” he says, turning around so that he’s facing her again. He drops the duffel, and Beth can’t help flinching at the thud it makes when it hits the floor. “Sounds like you’re volunteerin’.”
“No, that’s not—”
But he’s moving, sliding into the chair on the opposite side of her desk. Beth’s eyes dart to Mick, but he just arches an eyebrow, not even bothering to look up from the list of sales projections he’s been checking.
Rio leans back in his seat. “A’ight, doc, fix me up.”
Beth stays where she is. The irritation that’s been bubbling just beneath the surface ever since he walked through the door is reaching its boiling point, but there’s something else humming under her skin, crackling like a live wire. He can leave whenever he wants—he was halfway out the door a second ago—but instead he chose to stay.
They’re circling the same drain, each of them waiting to see who will get sucked under first.
“I’ll—get the first aid kit,” Beth says, stepping around the desk only to be stopped in her tracks by Mick, who clears his throat audibly and pulls his jacket back to reveal the Glock tucked against his side.
Beth resists the urge to roll her eyes. “Really? You think I’m stupid enough to try something with both of you here?”
Rio doesn’t answer, just fixes her with an amused look.
“Fine,” Beth snaps, taking a step back. She nods at Mick, tips her head in the direction of the door. “It’s in the bathroom across the hall.”
Mick gives her a two-fingered salute and ducks out of the room, and then it’s just her and Rio.
He’s still—watching her. He looks relaxed enough, legs spread a bit and his hands clasped loosely in front of him, and if Beth didn’t know better, she’d say the expression on his face is almost neutral. But she does know better. His eyes are what give him away, flashing with the same electricity that’s thrumming behind her sternum. He’s waiting for her to make a move. She knows, because she’s doing the same thing.
God, she hates how much she likes this.
She barely registers Mick coming back—it’s only when he tosses the first aid kit onto the desk that she jumps, startled back to herself.
“Thanks,” she says, injecting as much sarcasm as she can into the word.
Mick’s mouth twitches, but he goes straight back to the books, sinking into a chair in the far corner of the office. Beth rolls her own chair around the side of the desk, lowers herself slowly into a seated position beside Rio. This close, she can see each individual color in the whorl-patterned bruise that stretches up toward the hollow of his cheek. She lets her eyes drag across it, then up his temple. The stitches look—well, not great. It’s clear they were done hastily, probably to prevent as much blood loss as possible, but the wound is seeping.
“Damn, that bad, huh?” Rio asks, reading it on her face.
Beth stares down at the kit in front of her. Her first aid knowledge extends about as far as patching up a skinned knees and Benadryl for minor allergic reactions—removing possibly-infected stitches from her crime boss’ head isn’t even in the same zip code.
“I don’t—I don’t know what you want me to do,” she says, abruptly exhausted.
Rio adopts an expression of mock concern that does nothing to ease Beth’s urge to slap him. “Oh, no?” he says. “What part’s trippin’ you up?”
Beth shuts her eyes for a second, briefly wonders why the hell she didn’t let him waltz out of here when she had the chance—except she knows why, and so does he, and when she looks again—
He’s practically beaming, that smug tilt at the corners of his mouth dialed up about a thousand percent, and it’s like a puzzle piece slotting into place. This is just another game—he’s messing with her, playing with his food before eating it.
The low buzz of electricity inside her ignites.
He’s not the only one who’s hungry.
“No, you’re right,” she says, popping open the first aid kit and digging around until she finds the antiseptic wipes. “I should at least clean those stitches up. Maybe even remove them, start fresh.”
She glances up, and that’s the only reason that she sees him falter, a blink-and-miss-it record-scratch behind his eyes before he recovers, slides the mask back on. Satisfaction floods through her. She can play his game.
“Whatever’s good, ma,” he says with a shrug. “You’re the boss, yeah?” He echoes her earlier emphasis on the word, grinning when he sees the barb land. “Shit, that’s my bad—poor choice o’ words.”
Beth rips open a wipe. “This might sting,” she says, pressing against his line of stitches, hard. She’s rewarded with him hissing a breath through his teeth, the hand at his knee balling into a fist.
“Easy, mama,” he grits out.
Beth flashes him her sweetest smile. “I’m sorry, is that too rough? I thought you liked that.”
Mick makes a noise like he’s choking, and Rio looks over, eyes bright with amusement. “Ay, cállate la boca.”
“Didn’t say nothin’,” Mick mumbles, still staring intently at the books.
Beth presses her tongue behind her teeth, swallowing a pinch of annoyance as she switches tactics. “Aren’t crime lords supposed to have, I don’t know, some sort of medical professional on retainer? For situations like this?”
“Nah,” Rio says with a shake of his head. “Why, you gunnin’ for a promotion? ‘Cause I gotta say, your bedside manner could use some work.”
And something inside her roars, because this is how she’s going to get him. She dabs gently at the wound beneath his stitches, swiping a thumb over the sutures. Rio winces, jerks back—
She sees it, the moment he drops the mask.
Beth leans forward. She brings the antiseptic up to his face again, stops just short of pressing it to his skin, as if to ask, okay?
She sees it, the moment he drops the mask.
Beth starts at his temple, softly scrubbing at the caked-on blood that’s streaked down from the cut above his ear. Her hand moves lower, fingers gliding over his cheekbones, and she’s not sure if she imagines his breath hitching when she reaches the bruise at his jaw. She drags her thumb across it, then back again. His skin is warm, under the pads of her fingers.
“How am I doing now?” she breathes, barely above a whisper, and she knows she doesn’t imagine him dipping a glance down to her mouth. Their faces are inches apart, close enough for her to count the shades of brown in his eyes. Her fingers trace lower, toward the curve of his lips—
His hand comes up to grasp her wrist, tug it away from his face. “Don’t,” he growls, low like thunder. A warning. “Don’t do that, Elizabeth.”
He’s looking at her again, but she almost doesn’t recognize the emotion swimming in his eyes. He’s—terrified. Of her. For a fleeting second she lets the thrill of it run through her, buoyant on the feeling of power, the feeling that she’s won—
(—she did it, she shot him, she’s free—)
The moment pops like a soap bubble, and she’s empty, hollow, everything good inside of her scooped away until this is what’s left. This is who she is. And maybe this game they’re playing was never meant to have a winner.
The realization leaves her numb.
She’s vaguely aware of Mick slipping the books back onto her desk, and when her eyes flick back up to Rio, his mask is firmly back in place. Steel, untouchable.
“I’m all better now, thanks,” he says, and then he’s pulling away, pushing up from the desk, slipping out the door. She watches his silhouette until it dissolves into shadow.
She’s alone.
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