#Please go give them a follow they are a treat on your dashboard.
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
In the name of Lawyers, what's your Ace Attorney knowledge?
I know the first game pretty well, so I'd say 5. However, with the combined knowledge of my Ace Attorney loving friends, I'd raise that to 50.
However, if you are looking for some MDZS x AA crossover content, check out these posts by @lazycranberrydoodles! They're an amazing artist!
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sailoryooons · 1 year
Hi Hali! I was looking at your wip list and wow! You have so many amazing fics coming I'm so excited! I really love your writing and your fantasy writing because you always immerse me and no one else writes fantasy and vampires the way you do lol. I noticed on there that you had mem x mem fics and I was wondering if that was going to become a thing for your writing? No hate to people who write them, but they make me uncomfortable because it assumes the boys sexuality so I might just skip those
Hi okay so I have a lot to say here and normally for ask responses that are really long, I would do a read more because I don't want to clog up my follower's dashboards but in light of the content of my response, I'm going to skip the read more because I want people who follow me to understand the way I am going to run my blog and what I will and will not tolerate, as well as a couple of things to understand about me.
First and foremost - thank you for enjoying my work. Readers are incredibly important to this website and those of us who write, so thanks for spending your time on things I've written. Additionally, thank you for taking a second to tell me that you appreciate my work.
This is where my gratitude is going to end. Please understand I know you aren't trying to be hateful, but here is why this entire ask is an issue.
I am bisexual. As in, I like other genders, including my own. I identify as queer, and that is something very new and scary to me and something I have been embracing since 2022, and struggling when coming out to people who have always known me as straight. So while you may not realize that "I like your fics but queer fics makes me uncomfortable" is internalized homophobia, it is. I will address the "assumes sexuality" in a second, but I want to reemphasize that if you read my bio, you can literally see that I'm queer and deduce that going out of your way to tell me that queer content makes you uncomfortable is incredibly hurtful to me - to the effect that writing this response has me in tears.
We are free to curate the spaces that make us comfortable. You are WELL within your right not to read mem x mem content. But please do not go out of your way to tell me you specifically aren't reading my queer content or intend not to. It makes me feel weird, it makes me feel like it's because you don't like members of the gay community (WHICH I AM A PART OF!!!), and it just... costs nothing to skip those in silence, you know?
Now onto your reasoning. Because it "assumes sexuality". This is an inherently heteronormative statement. Assuming that heterosexual relationships are the default, the norm, or the standard alienates the millions of people across the globe who are not straight. It places us in another category of "not normal", and gives people permission to treat us as less than.
When people say things like "assumes sexuality" it is literally ONLY EVER IN REGARD TO QUEER RELATIONSHIPS. The same argument has to be applied to heterosexual relationships if we're going to use this rhetoric. So we can assume they're whatever we want and it's fine but only if they're in male-female relationships?
It's cherry-picking, and it's damaging and hurtful.
I beg you to consider what bothers you about queer media, whether it is a learned behavior, and if you can unlearn it. Members of the queer community have to fight for spaces every single day, and this blog is NOT one I will allow to have taken away from me.
At the end of the day, read what you want. I have a feeling that this ask was not AT ALL meant to warrant this response or to make me feel some type of way, which is why I really want you to consider how telling people that queer media makes you uncomfortable sounds, presents, and makes those people feel.
This really fucking sucked to write and explain. Thanks.
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sadfruittheatre-rp · 9 months
Rules + BYF
We love to have fun here, but nothing is more fun than respecting people's boundaries!
First and foremost, I am an adult. If this makes you uncomfortable as a minor, I recommend you don't follow. However, if you decide to follow anyway, there may be expression of some darker topics, especially surrounding mental health and mortality. There's a lot of trauma to be had. Again, if this makes you uncomfortable, please put your mental health first.
That being said, I will NOT be allowing NSFW interactions. These characters may be thousands of years old, but they are developmentally the equivalent of 15 year olds and should be treated as such. While certain characters might make some crass jokes, I don't want them to be sexualized.
OC and canon characters welcome! Crossovers and completely original characters also welcome! Duplicate canon characters are also acceptable and will be treated as individual timelines.
Shipping is not happening. Not because I'm against it, but because Bragi is painfully, obliviously aroace and you will get nowhere. You're welcome to attempt for shits and giggles tho (if your character is in his developmental age bracket, of course). However if you OOCly try to force shipping I am blocking you.
While Bragi's adventures tend to lean more slice of life-y, he is still a Dragon Ball character and is not immune to fighting (even if he really doesn't wanna). However, in the unlikely event that things do come to blows between our characters, I'd like to discuss it in the DMs first before we proceed forward, that way power scaling is sensible and fair and we reduce the chance of godmodding.
I will NOT fight you/your character on anon. Poke and prod all you like, but if you want to actually have a go at it, you will not be able to hit him by default, even if your character is written to be the strongest fighter in the multiverse.
I reserve the right to not RP with you at all if I do not want to. Do not repeatedly pester or rush me for interactions, whether it's follows, replies, or starters. I am an adult with a job and other projects I'm working on, so I am not available to RP 24/7 or on a consistent schedule. It's okay to message once in awhile to make sure your ask didn't get eaten or something, because my notifications can be hella spotty sometimes, but please don't go overboard with it or I'm giving you a one-way ticket to blocked city.
If I follow you, it's because I'm interested in your blog and your character(s)! However, I am not expecting a follow for follow situation. Please don't feel like you need to follow out of obligation! If you follow me back, I'm going to assume you're also interested. Also please bear with me if I follow you and it takes us 75 billion years to actually interact, I'm interested and friendly, but I'm incredibly shy and/or don't always immediately have ideas on how to interact IC ;w;
I do not follow personal blogs from this blog, and I do not (immediately) follow blogs with muses from fandoms I’m not familiar with. However, I am NOT mutuals only! We can still interact, even if I don’t follow you or I'm not familiar with your fandom (this DOES include personal blogs btw, you guys are really funny). If we build up a rapport, I may come around and follow you! Also if you’re a personal blog and I think you’re cool I might follow you from my main (it's @kirinda-ondo). :)
I will not RP with your OC if they don't have some kind of bio somewhere! It doesn't have to be a full unabridged biography, but I need something to work with. Even a short paragraph will do. If it's something you're actively in the middle of working on, I'm totally willing to talk to you OOC and work something out if you really wanna thread that badly.
Feel free to respond to any musings, dash commentary, or open starters! Musings are either commentary on my own threads or random ic thoughts, dashboard commentary is commentary on other people's threads or asks, and open starters are just meatier paragraph situations. All I ask is that you don't hijack any of my threads with other people. Liking them is fine.
Open starters and starter calls do not expire! If you see something that catches your interest, go nuts, even if it's been a hot minute! However, time-sensitive musings and ask memes do expire. I don't have a hard and fast rule/deadline about this. Just don't be sending me memes or responding to commentary posts that are like weeks old, my dumb ass WILL get confused.
We can have multiple threads going on at once if you're cool with that! Obviously I'm not going to overwhelm anyone but if you want to have concurrent things going on that's fine and cool :)
I know the tumblr RP meme reblogging etiquette is to reblog from the source, but sometimes I fuck up and accidentally reblog it from someone on my dash. Please do not send me to the shadow realm for this, I'm not trying to break anybody's rules! I am just ADHD scatterbrained. ;w;
On that note, I haven't RPed on tumblr since like 2017 and the culture and etiquette have changed a lot since then. If I commit a social faux pas or misunderstand some terminology, please let me know (politely!) because I am an out of touch old fart who's trying their best. ;w;
I like using icons, but you do not have to use them! In fact, if you don't use them, I probably won't either unless I feel like the vibe calls for it. I will also do my best to match your length, but I can't match your fancy formatting because I am not an HTML wizard.
IC =/= OOC! Bragi is a character who can be really blunt and petty and generally (unintentionally) tactless, but that doesn't mean that I am attacking your muse or you as a person! By that extension, if your character doesn't like mine, I'm not gonna be upset about it, and in fact welcome it, so long as you're not rude to me personally.
Likewise, if I see you being rude to me or other people on my dash, I'm blocking you. We are all out here pretending to be fictional characters on the Internet. Let's not take ourselves too seriously.
If I post something that you need trigger tagged, please politely let me know! I do my best to be conscientious, but I am not perfect!
Feel free to DM me if you have any questions or you wanna plot or just shitpost OOC for a bit. If we're cool you're also welcome to DM me for my discord (though do note that it's something I do not give out freely or super readily, if we haven't built up enough of a rapport, I may say no, or at least "not yet." But chances are if we've had a thread going for a bit we're probably cool, so don't feel too intimidated lol)
Currently, Bragi is the only muse available to be interacted with via starters and ask memes. His friends, Aneas and Tomor, may appear in threads as side characters (and will have dedicated info links!), but they are not available for individual threads or asks unless you are my friends Meri or Pea. This will likely change as I get more used to tumblr RP again, but for now I just want to start small and see how things go, so just pretend it's a single muse blog for right now.
Rules are subject to change at any time for any reason! If this happens, I will make some kind of announcement so nobody is confused!
HAVE FUN!!! I am literally just vibing and you should too :)
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nazukisser · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 2,786 times in 2022
That's 2,650 more posts than 2021!
1,306 posts created (47%)
1,480 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,762 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#qian rbs - 1,375 posts
#srb - 934 posts
#qian talks - 680 posts
#qian answers - 444 posts
#enstars - 176 posts
#ensemble stars - 157 posts
#enstars x reader - 149 posts
#ensemble stars x reader - 118 posts
#enstars x you - 115 posts
#enstars x y/n - 110 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#first quiz i did gave me arashi the queen herself <33 but then the next one said eichi and i was like fuck no and then i took another one a
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
266 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
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SYNOPSIS | aira getting an idol!s/o
PAIRING | shiratori aira x gn!reader
TAGS | fluff, drabble, request
REQUEST STATUS | regular reqs & matchups closed. event reqs open if there are slots left.
NOTES | from the shuffle x scribble event {status :: open} also! combined two requests (aira w idol!s/o and aira finding out an idol is also a big fan of his)
See the full post
282 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
┊❝ their love languages
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See the full post
371 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
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See the full post
409 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Do you need more content of your favorite character(s)? Are you always going to writers/artists' inboxes and requesting more of it because you feel like there won't ever be enough content?
Here is a guide on how to encourage writers/artists/graphics creators and other content creators to continue their amazing work.
don't just like our posts, reblog it. tumblr doesn't have an algorithm that suggests posts that people liked on others' dashboards. the only way the posts are going to circulate around and actually reach people who want to see it is when you reblog it for your followers to see. that's how we keep this place alive.
comment on our works! tell them how you felt when you saw it/read it. what kind of thoughts did you have? what were you doing? keysmash only? that's amazing, we love that. any words. "i love (character) so much" or "aojfossfiasjo help" or "I really love this work aaaa" or "bitch you're going to make me cry /pos" are all great. bonus points if you tell us in detail about what you liked about our works!!! like "I really like this phrase here..." or "the symbolism you used is really fitting for (character) because..." we don't just put work out there and say "hey this is amazing everyone should read it mwahaha" no we hope that you genuinely enjoy reading it and hope that we make someone's day. sometimes our confidence goes down in our writing and makes us want to stop but when we see such heartwarming comments, it really helps us with our self esteem.
be nice when you request!! don't just say "(character) + (prompt)" and press send. Say Hi! Say thanks! Where are your manners? Please don't act like you're my best friend who I talk to every day at the lunch table and joke around with- because I don't know you. Congratulate us on milestones if we have one going on. Because that goes a long way in making us feel appreciated in our works. We don't like feeling our work is being not appreciated and when the tags are dry it's going to be the fault of those who never supported their content creators.
INTERACT WITH US !! I cannot stress this enough. We are humans too, we want to be treated like humans, not some sort of authoritative figure or some account that puts out content every so often. We are human, we like interactions, we want to be appreciated not only for our works but also for ourselves. It's fine not to be our best friend or whatever, but one of the reasons people leave this site is because nobody talks to them. we are not some sort of business where you present an order and we give our content out and it just continues. we are humans, we are people, and we do this for free, so at least make it a pleasant experience to be on here.
728 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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submitforher · 8 months
in an effort to not annoy all of your followers with continuous essays from me, i don't think i will respond to every single thing from your last message. but i do want to say that i'm glad to see you back on my dashboard. i'm happy you made it home safely! maybe i missed you too or maybe i didn't. that's one secret i'll never tell 🤭 but don't worry. i have been taking care of myself. it's finally starting to feel like autumn in my neck of the woods. so i've been appreciating the cooler weather. and no, you aren't allowed to praise me. i'm good at giving compliments but getting them? not so much.
what's so unfair about keeping my thoughts to myself? mommy is allowed to do whatever she wants. you should be grateful that i decided to share any of my thoughts at all. go ahead and beg if you want. we'll see how persuasive a little puppy like you can be. if you fail i can always just get myself off to the thoughts about you i'm not sharing. bet that would frustrate you even more huh? and keep me at the forefront of your mind. which is exactly where mommy should be. i'm already getting all hot and bothered just thinking about it. you burning with lust and curiosity wondering what fantasies my dirty beautiful mind could possibly be coming up with. and me, with my pretty little fingers busy fucking myself.
aftercare is just as important as foreplay and sex. so don't worry baby boy, you'll always be in good hands with me. i'll treat you just right and yes, you can suck on mommy's tits before we fall asleep. — 😇
deep down, i’d be sad if you hadn’t missed me too but i missed you and your essays either way. i keep no secrets from my mommy and i’d be lying if i said i hadn’t thought of you while i was away. thinking of some of the dirty thoughts you had of me, thinking of how i could please you like you’ve never been pleased before. my mind was filled with nothing but thoughts of you. that’s how much i missed you. i was yearning to get back to you. it’s still so fucking hot where i am and i hate it. i looked at the forecast for the next week and it seems that it’s going to get cooler here too? but not that much cooler. i would much rather be where you are because i’m tired of the insufferable heat. not allowed to praise you? that’s going to be hard for me not to because i’d like to give you my undying affection.
i’m sorry for saying that it’s unfair for you to keep those thoughts of me to yourself, that was selfish of me. i’m more than grateful that you even opened up to me like that after having these thoughts of me for a while but wouldn’t you like to see me in pure agony? see me begging for you to act out on these fantasies? see me on my knees, whimpering and whining, like the little puppy that i am? please, mommy, please open up to me about the other thoughts you have of me. i’m salivating at the mouth from even thinking about what’s been on your dirty and beautiful mind. you’re at the forefront of mine no matter what and if you tell me more about these thoughts, i’ll tell you some of the thoughts i have of you. please, mommy? it’d frustrate me so much if you kept them to yourself and get yourself off to the thoughts you have of me. those pretty little fingers of yours deep inside of you, feeling how wet you are… god, the things i’d do to be fucking you instead with my mouth and eager tongue. i’d thank you after for even letting me be inside of you.
aftercare is something that i look forward to after every intense and intimate session. to be taken care of after being used over and over again like the mindless little puppy that i am? to be so close to you because you’re my safe place? there’s nothing else like some aftercare with my mommy. i have such an oral fixation though so my mouth would be aching to be tending to mommy’s tits. baby boy is here to take care of you too.
0 notes
marjansmarwani · 3 years
I can’t let go of all the things I hoped we’d be
6.3k || ao3
There was someone missing. “Where’s TK?”
His parents exchanged a look and Carlos felt his heart sink. Why wouldn’t they just tell him where his boyfriend was? He might not know what had happened but he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that no matter what it was, TK would be by his side; unless he couldn’t be.
“Dad,” he tried again, shifting his gaze to his father, “just tell me. Please.”
After an accident Carlos is left to deal with the aftermath as he waits and hopes for the best, because he’s not sure he’ll be able to survive the alternative.
Written for day 1 of @911lonestarangstweek 
The prompt was “c” and the obvious ones are “car crash” and “coma” but there are about 10 in here, see if you can spot them all 💜
The bed beneath him felt harder than he was used to.
He scoffed silently, thinking about how TK had assured him it just meant they needed to break in their new mattress and that these things just take time, babe.
There was only so much time he was willing to give before a new mattress was deemed unsuitable though. They both had very physical and demanding jobs and they both deserved to have a nice mattress, damnnit. He opened his eyes and rolled over to say as much to his boyfriend but when he opened his eyes, he wasn’t met with the familiar soft gray of their bedroom. In fact, he quickly realized as the harsh lights above him forced him to squint and he shifted on scratchy sheets, now that he was more aware it became clear that this wasn’t their bed after all.  
Hospital, his mind provided. That would explain the too-bright lights and the beeping machines just beyond his peripheral. He blinked again and the room came more into focus, as did the two occupants of the chairs beside the bed.
His dad was the first to notice his open eyes. He looked exhausted and was turning his hat over in his hands in that way he did when he was nervous, but when he looked up and met Carlos’s eyes some of the tension seemed to fall away.
“Carlitos,” he breathed, and an instant later his mother’s eyes were on him too; wide and tear-filled. She was up in an instant, beside his bed and pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead before he could even blink.
“It’s so good to see your eyes open,” she said softly, “you scared us, mijo.”
“Sorry,” he said on reflex, only then noticing how raspy his voice was. He gratefully took the water offered to him by his father, trying to pull his thoughts in order as he sipped. He could remember this afternoon clearly, but everything after was a haze. He frowned as he looked down at his body, taking in the cuts on his arms, pain in his ribs, and the weight of a cast on his left leg.
“What happened?” he asked his parents, blinking at them owlishly.
They looked at each other for a moment before his dad answered him with a question: “What do you remember, Carlitos?”
Carlos shook his head, “Nothing after this afternoon. I remember getting home and...wait,” he paused, looking around the room. There was someone missing. “Where’s TK?”
His parents exchanged another look and Carlos felt his heart sink, “Mom, Dad, just tell me where he is.”
His voice was shaking now but he couldn’t bring himself to care. The look his parents were giving each other sent his heart racing. Why wouldn’t they just tell him where his boyfriend was? He might not know what had happened but he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that no matter what it was, TK would be by his side; unless he couldn’t be.
“Dad,” he tried again, shifting his gaze to his father, “just tell me. Please.”
His dad gave his mother another look before he sighed and looked back at Carlos.
“There was an accident…” was all he said, but it was all Carlos needed to hear before some switch was flipped and the memories came rushing back to him.
It’s the commotion that wakes him, he thinks.
Opening his eyes is harder than it should be but when he does manage to peel them open he is greeted by the reflection of flashing light on the wet street and the sound of unfamiliar voices nearby. Those observations are quickly followed by the pain.
It rips through him once awareness returns and he can’t help the noise that slips out of his mouth, drawing the attention of a figure outside his door. They shifted closer, bending down to peer at him through the remains of his window.
“Sir, I need you to hold still for me until—” but then the voice breaks off suddenly and lost the air of professionalism as they cursed, “Shit! Donovan, the driver is Reyes!”
“Carlos?” Another voice said from somewhere farther away, “Fuck, is he okay?”
“I don’t know,” the voice next to him responds before leaning closer, “Hey, Reyes, can you tell me if anything hurts?”
And Carlos knew he should. Between being a cop and living with a paramedic for two years, he knew all the ins and outs of an accident from just about every angle. But he couldn’t make his brain focus on that yet. There was only one thought in his mind, and that was what he managed to get through his lips: “TK?”
He felt the hand on his still and heard the crunching of boots on glass telling him that his visitor was shifting, likely looking past him towards the passenger seat, where TK should be.
He didn’t miss the muttered curse that followed the action and his heart began to race as he heard the question asked: “Donovan, what’s the ETA on that RA unit?”
“3 minutes, why?”
“Tell dispatch they need to make it less.”
“Is Carlos…”
“It’s not for him.”
And Carlos somehow found it in himself to turn, despite the hand’s attempts to stop him and the protests that he shouldn’t move. The sight he saw froze him more than anything else could as fear and a different kind of pain rushed through his battered body.
TK was sprawled against the dashboard beside him. There was blood leaking from his hairline and he was so, so terribly still.
And in that moment, Carlos forgot how to breathe.
TK was rushed to surgery as soon as they arrived at the hospital, his parents told him. There was significant concern about internal bleeding and a traumatic brain injury. His broken ribs, his mother told him gently, punctured his lung; leading to a hemothorax. Paramedics treated him as soon as possible before rushing him to the hospital but with them both unconscious no one is sure when it happened or how long he was drowning in his own blood. They knew his brain was deprived of oxygen for a period of time; they just didn’t know how long that was and what the effects might be.
It’s all so much and Carlos could feel himself spiraling. His dad must have noticed too because he stepped closer, eyes full of concern as he laid a hand on Carlos’s arm.
“Breathe for me, Carlitos,” he instructed, voice gentle but firm. “It’s going to be okay.”
He did manage to take the breaths requested of him and when he found his voice he looked to his dad. “Is it?” he asked skeptically, “TK nearly died and from the sounds of it, he still might. What part of that is okay?”
His dad opened his mouth as if to say something before faltering and Carlos felt his dread grow.
“This is all my fault,” he whispered, causing his mother to frown at him.
“What do you mean, Carlos? Of course this is not your fault.”
“I was driving,” he reminded her, “how is this not my fault?”
“That doesn’t mean anything,” his father told him firmly. “This was an accident. The roads were wet, it was dark; anything could have happened.”
“But I was still the one behind the wheel,” Carlos said dully, “and TK is the one who is in danger. It doesn’t seem fair.”
His mother gave him a sympathetic look before she carefully bent down to wrap her arms around him, doing her best to provide him comfort without jarring his ribs, “Things like this never are,” she told him softly. “But that doesn’t mean it is your fault. TK would tell you the same thing.”
Carlos didn’t say anything to that, leaning into the comfort his mother provided and letting the tears silently fall down his face instead. But she hadn’t been there and now that Carlos could remember the sights and the feelings, he couldn’t stop this fear. It fed the next thought that entered into his head, echoing through all the corners of his mind: TK probably would, but thanks to Carlos, he might never have the chance to.
“Reyes,” the officer at his window — Nate Quinones, Carlos had eventually realized — tried again before switching approaches, “Carlos! You need to keep still! We don’t know what kind of injuries you have, you need to stay still until fire gets to you so you don’t make anything worse.”
But as Carlos watched the newly arrived paramedic team assess TK, he was fairly certain that there was no way anything could be worse. The captain looked grim as he did his initial exam and when he turned to talk to his team it was with quick words and a low voice. Carlos tried to lean closer to hear, tried to put a hand out to reach TK but he was pinned by the steering wheel and couldn’t reach him. Carlos would be frustrated by it if he wasn’t so busy being fucking terrified that TK hadn’t moved in all this time, hadn’t even reacted to the arrival of the first responders or the unfamiliar hands on him.
“TK…” he tried to protest, but Nate shook his head.
“I know this is hard,” he said more softly, “and I can’t even imagine how you must be feeling, but you need to trust that the paramedics are doing their jobs and take care of yourself for now. Besides,” he added with a forced smile, “how would your boy feel about you doubting the paramedics?”
Carlos wanted to laugh at that, he could picture TK’s affronted look in his head. But the grim reality in front of him eclipsed all thoughts of humor because what could ever be funny when he might lose TK?
“I need…” he tried to say, but he couldn’t get the words out. His colleague seemed to get the gist of what he was trying to say though and shook his head.
“All you need to do right now is hold still. A second crew just pulled so I’m sure they’ll be getting you out of here in no time.”
Carlos wanted to argue, he really did. But his body wouldn’t let him. It was taking all the energy he had to simply be present. Any extra he had was going towards staring helplessly at TK, and toward the desperate hope that he was okay.
He focused on that thought as he watched them extract TK from the car and lower him to the ground. He couldn’t see him now but he could hear the measured tones of the paramedics as they worked. His mind was still foggy and he wasn’t following much but what he did hear did nothing to calm his nerves. He may not be able to understand the words but he knew the tone: it was the type reserved for the worst cases, for the ones when each moment mattered the most. Carlos had heard that tone in the field more times than he could count, but had never thought he would have to hear it directed at his own boyfriend. This entire thing, every single second, has been a nightmare that he is desperate to wake up from.
He was vaguely aware of the presence of a fire crew at his side, of their efforts to free him from the remains of his Camaro. But he couldn’t focus on that—not when TK was mere feet away and in trouble. But soon enough the noise of the jaws blocked out the sound of the paramedics working on TK regardless of how hard he strained to hear them.
It took some time but eventually, he was out, being hoisted out of his car by several pairs of strong arms. Soon enough he was on his feet and instantly he was searching for TK. He heard the noise before he found him and the words drifting through the night air were enough to grind his world to a halt: “We’ve lost respirations, Cap.”
“Start compressions,” the captain instructed as he continued to work. “Stalh, get the ambu bag going.”
Carlos’s mind was still spinning with pain and confusion, but the sight of TK on the ground before him with someone else pushing the air into his lungs and someone else pumping his heart and pushing the blood through his veins came to him with stark clarity. He tried to get to him but he found he couldn’t move. That didn’t seem right but then again TK was on the ground not even 20 feet from him and he wasn’t breathing. Nothing was right about this.
“Still nothing, Cap,” one of the paramedics noted and Carlos could feel the world around him start spinning far too fast for him to follow.
“Get him on a gurney,” the captain instructed, “we need to get him to the ER now. Don’t stop compressions, Valdez.”
Valdez said something back but Carlos didn’t catch what it was. Everything was fading out, his vision was turning dark. He felt his knees buckle and more hands on him and the last thing he saw was the sight of TK being lifted onto a gurney with the paramedics still working frantically to keep his heart beating as he was swallowed by darkness.
His dad’s phone buzzed about an hour after Carlos woke up. He checked it surreptitiously but Carlos tracked his movements, studying his expression. He just knew it had to do with TK and it was all he could do to stop himself from jumping out of bed to see the news for himself. It was only the pain in his ribs and the knowledge that his mother would murder him kept him stationary as he waited with bated breath for the knowledge that hung over him like a verdict.
“He’s out of surgery,” his father announced eventually after typing out a reply. “Owen said he’s being moved to a recovery room soon.”
“And?” Carlos prompted, voice taut, “How did it go? How is he?”
“He’s hanging on,” Gabriel replied, pocketing his phone and stepping closer. He clapped a hand on Carlos’s shoulder and squeezed, “don’t count him out yet, mijo. That boy of yours has a lot of fight in him.”
“Don’t I know it,” Carlos retorted with a fond shake of his head and, for a second, everything almost felt normal.
But only for a second.
In the next Carlos registered what his Dad wasn’t saying. He hadn’t said TK was okay, he had said he was “hanging on” and Carlos didn’t like the implications of that. He opened his mouth to demand that his father give him details, but Gabriel slipped his phone back into his pocket with an air of finality.
“You need to worry about yourself right now, Carlitos,” he said gently. “I know you’re worried about TK but there is nothing you can do for him right now.”
A sudden thickness filled Carlos’s throat and he had to swallow before he could respond, “I know that,” he admitted, “I just can’t help…” he trailed off, and both his parents gave him looks that spoke volumes of understanding. His mother reached out a hand to squeeze his knee beneath the blankets.
“Get some sleep mijo,” she told him softly, “we’ll wake you if anything changes, I promise.”
He wanted to argue, but he had been fighting the pull of sleep with sheer stubbornness for the better part of the hour he had been awake so he reluctantly nodded instead. His mom placed a kiss on his forehead as he closed his eyes, the sound of his parent’s hushed voices providing soft background noise as he drifted off.
He slept fitfully, never allowing himself to truly rest in case he missed something, in case something happened with TK. He drifted in and out, his mind fighting his exhausted and battered body but he must have fallen into a deeper sleep than he thought at one point because the next time he opened his eyes his parents were gone and the chair beside his bed was occupied by Owen Strand instead.
“Owen?” he asked tentatively, trying his best to ignore the growing dread in his gut.
His boyfriend’s father looked up from the floor that he had been studying at the sound of his voice, his expression shifting into a tired grin when he saw Carlos looking at him.
“Hey kid,” he said softly, “it’s good to see you awake.”
Carlos nodded, and then frowned. “What are you doing here? Is TK…”
He didn’t know how to end that question. He didn’t know what he hoped or feared at this point. All he knew is that he was hurt, tired, scared and that he needed his boyfriend to be okay. And he didn’t know what he was supposed to make of the fact that the fire captain was currently sitting by his bedside rather than his son’s.
Owen leaned closer to place a bracing hand on his shoulder, “He’s still hanging on. There’s been no change, but the doctors assure me that at this point, that’s a good thing. I’m choosing to believe them. I wanted to check on you though, so your parents and I decided to rotate for a bit. They’re with him right now, but I can call them back here if you’d rather.”
Carlos shook his head. “It’s fine,” he assured the older man. “I’m glad they got to see him. I just wish I could as well,” he admitted. “Everyone keeps telling me he’s alive, but until I see it myself…”
He trailed off again, unwilling to give voice to the thoughts and fears in his head as Owen nodded.
“Believe me when I say I know where you’re coming from,” he replied, “but you’re hurt too. You need to heal before you can do anything of the sort and I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist on that. Just think of what TK will say when he wakes up if he ever found out I let you trapse all over the hospital while you were still injured. Don’t make me have to deal with that, Carlos.”
Carlos had been prepared to argue his case until he achieved the result he wanted, but something about the sincerity in Owen’s voice and the certainty with which he said “when he wakes up” quelled him and he found himself nodding. Owen gave him a warm smile that spoke volumes of relief, but there was still an edge of sadness in his expression. The sight of it made the feeling of guilt still within him flare up again.
“I am so sorry, Owen,” he said quietly, pulling his gaze from the other man and looking down at his blankets.
“Sorry for what?” he replied, and even though Carlos couldn’t see him he could almost hear the confusion on his face.
“For all of this,” he said, gesturing vaguely to their location. “That TK is hurt.”
“That’s not your fault, Carlos.”
“Of course it is!” he retorted, “I was driving, Owen. Whatever happened, that’s on me and I am so, so sorry. I never meant for anything to happen, I—”
He was aware he was crying in earnest now, the tears falling down his face without his consent. He did his best to wipe them away, but there was no stopping them. They just kept coming and before he knew it he was sobbing, his breath coming in heaving gasps as all of the pain and fear that had been lurking since he first woke up in the hospital finally demanded release.  
He had almost forgotten Owen was still in the room until he felt the bed dip beside him and the warmth of a hug as arms wrapped around his shaking frame, holding him tight as he cried.
“This isn’t your fault,” Owen assured him, voice full of conviction even as it wavered. “It was just a terrible accident. You would never do anything to ever hurt him. I know that, Carlos, and TK knows it too. I don’t blame you, and I’m glad you’re safe.”
Carlos vaguely wondered how the man could say such things when he was facing the possibility of losing his son, but for once he didn’t question it. Instead he allowed the comfort to soothe him and the arms to hold him as he cried himself dry, bleeding out all the pain inside of him.
“You cannot be serious?” TK demanded, turning in the passenger seat to look at him incredulously.
“I said what I said,” Carlos retorted, biting his lip against the smile that wanted to form at the thought of the indignant face TK was surely currently making.
“You cannot be telling me that I am in love with someone who thinks that Area 51 is real.”
“I believe it exists,” Carlos countered, “I just don’t believe it has anything to do with aliens.”
“So, you don’t think the government is hiding proof of aliens?”
“I didn’t say that either, I just said I don’t think it is in Area 51.”
“So where is it then?”
Carlos shrugged, turning to glance briefly at TK before turning his eyes back to the road, “How should I know, it’s a secret for a reason, TK.”
“So, let me get this straight. You are certain the government is hiding proof of alien life in an undisclosed site more mysterious than Area 51, but you still think Big Foot is a hoax.”
“It’s clearly a series of people in fur suits, TK.”
He grinned as TK spluttered indignantly, muttering something about disrespecting cryptids before he sighed and looked over at Carlos, “I can’t believe I love you.”
Carlos grinned, turning his head to offer his retort when he caught something out of the corner of his eye. He saw the flash of panic on TK’s face as he turned abruptly back to the road and heard him shout a warning as he wrenched the steering wheel to the left in a desperate attempt to avoid whatever it was in the road. There was the squeal of tires on wet pavement and the spine chilling noise of crunching metal and screams of pain that he couldn’t identify, before everything faded to black.
His parents and Owen weren’t the only visitors.
Soon enough Carlos was treated to a small group of solemn firefighters trying their best to plaster on smiles as they crowded into his room, the nurse’s reminder that they could only be there as a group as long as they stayed reasonably quiet following them in. He did his best to return their smiles but his was even more strained and after a moment, he gave up. The pain in their expressions was just as raw as the one he felt and he was forcibly reminded that as much as they were his friends, they were TK’s family first and foremost.
“I’m sorry,” he managed after a few long moments of awkward silence. “I am so, so sorry.”
It was Judd who spoke first, his Texas drawl coming out harsher than usual, “You have nothing to be sorry for, Carlos.”
“I was driving,” he repeated, “and it was my idea to be out at all. That means…”
“That means that an accident happened. Tell me you haven’t seen this a thousand times on the job. Do you tell the person who was driving it was their fault?”
“No,” Carlos admitted, voice low.
“No,” Judd agreed, “because it ain’t. This could have happened to anyone, it just happened to happen to you and that’s not your fault.”
“Besides,” Marjan added, falling into the seat beside his bed and placing a hand on top of his, “you didn’t mean for TK get hurt. You would never want that. This was an accident, Carlos, and we’re sorry it happened to you.”
Carlos swallowed, taking in the expressions of the others. His eyes searched the faces of Mateo and Paul before settling on Nancy, looking for any hint that they didn’t agree with what Marjan said, that they did blame him for bringing this on to TK. But he saw none and when Nancy met his eyes, she shook her head. She didn’t say a word but the message was clear: she didn’t blame him. TK was her partner and closest friend and she didn’t blame him. He released a breath he hadn’t entirely realized he was holding and the smile that he gave them in the moment after was almost real—or as close as he could get without knowing definitively that TK was going to be okay.
For now the knowledge that they didn’t blame him helped, he just wondered if he would ever manage to stop blaming himself.
“You know, this could be considered kidnapping.”
“I am not kidnapping you, TK,” Carlos replied evenly, “I just said it was a surprise. Besides, I would think you of all people you would know what kidnapping feels like.”
TK paused at the passenger door before climbing into the camaro, raising an eyebrow at him across the top of the car, “Are you joking about my trauma, Reyes? I didn’t know you had that in you.”
“I really don’t know if I should be flattered or not right now.”
“Definitely flattered,” TK replied decisively, flashing him a grin as he bent down to climb into his seat, “I think it’s hot.”
Carlos rolled his eyes. “You think everything I do is hot,” he retorted, grinning at TK’s answering laughter.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing, babe.”
Calro shook his head but as slid into the driver’s seat he patted at his left pocket, making sure that the small box was still there as TK shifted gears and prattled on about how Carlos should tell him where they were going.
“It’s a surprise,” he reminded his boyfriend with a grin, earning himself another eye roll as he started the car. And, he added silently, if all went well by the time they got home tonight, he wouldn’t be his boyfriend anymore.
With that thought he grinned as he backed out of their driveway, the box in his pocket and the butterflies in his stomach making him almost giddy as they drove down their street, and towards their future.  
On the afternoon of the second day Carlos was finally allowed to leave his bed. He wasn’t cleared to leave the hospital, his doctor had made that abundantly clear, and he was absolutely confined to a wheelchair; but he could go see TK. Since that was what he had wanted all along he was all too eager to comply with any and all conditions so when he was helped into a wheelchair by a nurse and wheeled down the hall by Paul, he did so without a word of complaint.
As they traveled to TK’s room, he thought of the box currently stashed with his other belongings back in his room. He hadn’t said a word about it, the subject too raw for him. No one else had said a word either, but he hadn’t missed the way his mother’s face had shifted when she had seen it as his belongings were unpacked or the way she had turned away quickly to conceal the emotion she couldn’t hide. His dad had simply clutched the box for a long moment before he met Carlos’s eyes and slid it back into the bag without a word. Neither of them had mentioned it again and Carlos was incredibly grateful for that, but now that he was on his way to see TK for the first time since that night it was all he could think about.
This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. He had been taking them to the field where they had watched the borealis, the night they had become them. He was going to ask TK a question that he was pretty sure he already knew the answer to, and then they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. That had been the plan, not him facing the possibility of a future without TK in it.
Paul slowed as they came to a doorway, pausing at the threshold. Carlos looked up at him to see his friend studying him with concern.
“Are you sure about this, man?” Paul asked. “This is a lot and you’re still healing yourself. No one would think anything less of you if you didn’t do this just yet.”
“Nothing can be worse than seeing him that night, Paul,” he replied, voice rough as the memories returned. “I was pretty sure I was watching him die then and there, and anything has to be better than that.”
Paul still looked hesitant so he tried again, “I can’t have that image be the last picture of him in my mind, Paul, no matter what. I can’t handle that.”
His friend finally acquiesced and reached around him to push the door open, revealing a small and bright private room. He steered Carlos in as Owen stood from his spot beside the bed and walked over to them, clapping Carlos on the shoulder.
“I’ll give you some time with him,” he told him softly, offering a sad smile before he nodded to Paul and exited the room. Paul pushed him to the side of the bed before patting him on the shoulder as well.
“I’ll be right outside,” he reminded him. “If you need anything…”
“I’ll let you know,” Carlos agreed. “Thanks, Paul.”
Paul nodded and with one last look at the figure in the bed, he headed out of the room, leaving Carlos alone with TK for the first time since that night.
It took him a few moments to even look up and when he did he had to suck in a deep breath. In so many ways TK looked so much better than Carlos’s last memory of him fighting for his life under the care of the paramedics on the roadside. But as much as the sight of him breathing on his own brought him comfort, there was still the fact that this figure in the bed was too still to be TK Strand.
In all the time Carlos had known him he had hardly ever seen him hold still for longer than a few moments. To see him now, pale and bandaged with a slack expression on his still face just screamed so many different kinds of wrong at him. This was not his boyfriend; this wasn’t the man that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. That man was expressive and energetic and wore his entire heart on his sleeve. He was so kind and good and had so much passion Carlos still marveled at it even now, after over two years of knowing each other, of loving each other.​​ This man was a stranger.
Carlos reached out and clasped one of the still hands in his own, hoping that maye the familiar touch might reconcile the image of TK in his mind with the still body before him. Carlos still wasn’t sure what he had ever done to find someone who loved so wholly and completely, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. TK Strand was it for Carlos, and he intended to spend the rest of his life with him. He wanted him to be his fiance and his husband, because he was already his everything. The fact that they might lose that chance struck Carlos again and it was all he could do to breathe through the pain of it.
TK was going to wake up, he decided, because no other option was acceptable.
“I don’t know man,” Paul said, his voice light and teasing as they entered the store, “I don’t think you two are quite there yet. You know usually couples who hit this stage are insufferable to be around, spend nearly every waking moment together, are absolutely infuriating to single people...oh wait, I guess that is you two. My mistake, man.”
Carlos rolled his eyes as he greeted the jeweler and gave his name for his order, turning his attention back to his grinning friend as the woman disappeared into the back room. “Laugh all you want, Strickland, I know you’re just jealous and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Paul chuckled, but his expression softened, “I’m not jealous, but I am very happy for you. For both of you.”
“That’s assuming he says yes.”
Now Paul did roll his eyes, “Of course he is going to say yes. He is just as ridiculously in love with you as you are with him. Besides, I know you guys have talked about it. This is what you both want, right?”
Carlos nodded, “Yes, but it’s still terrifying.”
“It’s a big step,” Paul pointed out reasonably, “but you’re ready for it. And I am ready to be your best man.”
“Oh, you think so?”
“C’mon man, you know it’s true.”
Carlos’s response was interrupted as the jeweler stepped back up to the counter, a small, square box in her hand. She set it on the counter and opened it, allowing the gold of the simple band to flash in the light. Carlos could hardly breath as he looked at it, the magnitude of the simple object striking him with full-force. Paul put a hand on his arm and squeezed, “It’s perfect man, he’s going to love it.”
Carlos managed to flash him a shaky smile before he reached out and picked up the box, running his finger over the smooth metal within. This was really happening. This was it, there’s no going back now.
But he knew he didn’t want to, and he had never been more sure of anything in his life.
The next day passed in much the same way. Carlos sat in his wheelchair at TK’s bedside as much as he was allowed, only returning to his own room for required intervals begrudgingly. But he wasn’t about to argue with the arrangement—it was a world better than not being allowed to see him at all.
It was only luck that he was in the room the first time TK’s eyes fluttered open. They were only opened for a second and and they closed nearly as fast but a glance at Owen told Carlos that he had not imagined it and he felt a renewed sense of hope rush through him. After that, he refused to leave TK’s room and nobody seemed too keen to argue that point with him.
His eyes—the gorgeous green eyes that Carlos had secretly been becoming convinced he would never get to see again—opened several more times, but it was hours before they stayed open for any length of time.
But Carlos didn’t mind the waiting; he would wait a lifetime for TK.
It was only the sound of his name that informed him TK was both awake and aware at long last and it was everything Carlos could do to keep it together as he leaned forward, wrapping TK’s hand in his own.
“Hi, love,” he whispered against his cheek as he bent down to press a kiss there.”I am so happy to see those eyes of yours.”
TK squinted at him as he pulled away as if he were trying to deduce something, “Are you okay?” he asked, and it was all Carlos could do to keep from laughing. Of course TK was asking him that when he had just woken up from a coma, he shouldn’t have expected anything less.
“I’m fine,” he assured TK, squeezing his hand. “Even better now that I know you are too.”
And TK smiled at him and Carlos could feel the weight and guilt of every single second before he woke up fall away. TK was awake and alive and okay, and nothing else mattered. He could handle anything as long as TK was okay.
The rest of the afternoon was filled with visitors filtering in and out, all there to see them, all there to make sure they were both okay. Carlos’s heart felt full as he watched the ragtag group that had become their family show up one by one: his parents with hugs for them both, a relieved Gwyn fresh off a flight from Singapore. Each and every member of the 126, the Vega twins, Grace with little Ava who had drawn cards for them both.
As he watched Judd settle his daughter on the edge of the bed at TK’s insistence, Carlos thought of a ring in a box back in his room down the hall. Since the accident he had been so worried that he would never have a chance to ever ask that question. But now, safe in the knowledge that he and TK were both okay and would both make it past this, he wasn’t worried. A part of him still wanted to do it now, to not waste another of their precious moments, but as TK smiled at him over Ava’s shoulder as she pressed her little body against his in an impossibly gentle hug for a toddler he conceded that there were all types of precious moments.
When he did ask it wouldn’t be anything spectacular and he was well past the idea of a grand gesture, but they still deserved to have a moment that was solely their own. Maybe after their company left and Carlos had bribed his way into spending the night by TK’s side. Maybe once they were both discharged and were back in their home. Maybe it would be months from now, over their morning coffee.
Whatever or whenever it was, Carlos knew it would be perfect. Because it would be him and it would be TK and they were going to spend the rest of their lives together no matter how he asked, and Carlos couldn’t think of a better future than that.
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hopeandvolleyball · 3 years
when you break up
w/iwaizumi, akaashi
genre: pure pure angst
a/n: i might make this a series because i like the idea and i like hurting people with angst. sequel “when you move on” here
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he was just busy. that’s what you wanted to tell yourself. he got a new job and he was just busy.
but at some point him standing you up, cancelling dates for team hang outs was enough. you understood that this athletic trainer job was important to him
but weren’t you? he said he wanted to marry you.
that’s what the promise ring on your fourth finger supposedly said.
so that’s what you were going to find out.
you were waiting on the couch when iwaizumi returned home to you. despite everything you still missed him and got butterflies in your stomach whenever he walked through the door. you jumped up when he set his bag down to hug him. arms wrapped around his waist you wanted to pull him closer and sway back and forth. instead he grunted and pushed you off him.
“nows not the time, y/n,” his voice was gruff as he continued to walk to the kitchen to grab some water. instead of feeling your heart break you felt an odd fire in your chest. a fire of anger, please, do not get it confused. you followed him, swaying on the balls of your feet.
“i made dinner a while ago, i can reheat it for you if you’d want,” you suggested, trying not to let the annoyance you were feeling slip through. iwaizumi didn’t give you the same pleasure.
“i already ate.” he snapped simply, sipping his water. you gripped the fabric of your pajama pants tightly, lip curling and brow twitching in anger. just breathe. don’t scream. don’t get angry.
“hajime, we need to talk,” you demanded, voice squeaking just a bit as you spoke to him. he pinched the bridge of his nose and rolled his eyes at you. never in your life did you ever think you would hate those sparkling emerald eyes of hajimes. now you couldn’t bare to look at them. they held no sparkle. at least not for you.
“can’t it wait? i’m exhausted.” iwaizumi bit back with a bit more force than you had with your first demand. you bit down on your lower lip harsh enough to draw blood.
“just like our anniversary?” you barked, trying not to let your voice waver. you wanted to get your opinion out before he walked away from you and continued to ignore the ever present poison in your relationship. “like the date you were supposed to take me on last week? or the one on fucking friday? jesus christ hajime i don’t see you anymore! ever! it’s like i don’t exist to you. you spend more time with that god damn team than you do your own girlfriend!”
“it’s my job to spend time with them,” hajime defended, tone not wavering and he sounded disinterested by this argument. he didn’t even try to defend himself in regards to the missing dates.
“it’s your job to train them, iwaizumi!” you countered. “not continuously go out to dinner with them, plan hang outs, none of that! i’m sure you’d remember atsumu miya’s eye color before you’d remember mine. i’m tired of this, hajime. i moved back to japan to start a life with you. to be with you and you don’t even care! i’ve given up all of my dreams for you and you take me for granted and i’m sick of it. something has to change here iwaizumi.”
“if you can’t handle my job and what i need to do then you can leave,” iwaizumi snarled, crossing his arms. your eyes widened and stepped back. “i can’t be with a person who doesn’t support me.”
“i’ve been so supportive! more than you!” you wailed, still wanting to cry but you didn’t. hajime didn’t respond and continued to walk down the hall. “fine. i’m gone.” he turned around, not sure what he was expecting but it wasn’t you taking off your ring off and placing it on the counter. “have a good life hajime. don’t treat your next partner the way you did me. i’m done.”
“wait, y/n-”
“thats the thing, hajime. i’m tired of waiting.” you sadly laughed, slipping on your shoes and grabbing your purse. he stared at you with wide, confused eyes. he wasn’t going to stop you. he didn’t care enough and you knew that. but some part of you wanted him to follow you and kiss you outside of you apartment while he confessed his undying love for you. but he wouldn’t. “i’ll get my stuff while you’re at practice so you don’t have to see me. goodbye hajime.” with that you walked out the front door. you didn’t cry until you got to your car, sobbing while driving down the street. you stopped at the old cafe you and hajime went on your first date to. sadly you went inside and got yourself an americano. hajime’s favorite drink. you sat alone at a table until someone tapped your shoulder and pulled up a chair in front of you.
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you didn’t want to be jealous or insecure really you didn’t. that was the last thing akaashi needed.
but from dates skipped because bokuto needed something, or him letting other people flirt with him
you were done.
no. moreso you were just tired.
you two have had this talk more times than you could count and he promised to be more considerate of your feelings.
then why did he let the waitress on your date flirt with him and why did he pocket the number they left on the check.
the ride home was eerily silent, you staring out the window not bothering to speak to keiji. he was getting annoyed and you could tell by how harshly he was gripping the steering wheel. you knew he wasn’t going to bring up what happened so you were going to have to start this argument. again. you were the bad guy again. that’s how it always was.
“what was that back there, akaashi?” you asked quietly, cheek still pressed onto the cold window of the car. keiji sighed, slightly annoyed slightly depressed.
“what are you referring to, my darling?” he asked, not taking his eye off the road to look at you.
“you let the waitress flirt with you all night! kei we’ve been over this we’ve been over how it makes me feel!” you responded incredulously. akaashi rolled his eyes and sighed once more.
“she was not flirting with me, y/n, she was just doing her job and trying to get a better tip,” he defended, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel once the car pulled to a stop, the red of the stop light illuminating both of you. almost like a warning. you threw your hands up and laughed.
“is that why you have her phone number in your pocket?” you bit, a sharper tongue than any snake he could have ever met. “why are you defending her?”
“i was going to throw it out when we got home,” akaashi rolled his eyes. “i’m defending her because you’re acting crazy and possessive. you’re being insecure for no real reason. i give you everything stop acting like an entitled brat.”
“that’s bullshit and you know it, keiji!” you slammed your hands against the dashboard which caused akaashi to flinch. “you’ve only started to pay attention to me because i called you out. i’m insecure because you have consistently made me feel like i’m worthless! like everyone else means more to you than me! your coworkers, your editor, your assistant, bokuto. need i go on?”
“is nothing i do good enough for you?” akaashi fought back the moment the light turned green. “i’ve been trying. i have. and if you can’t accept that i’m not perfect and that this is going to take a while for me to change then maybe you should just leave.” the car went silent at that proposition. you stared at him with glassy eyes, hands falling to your lap. akaashi’s blueberry eyes were starting to wet as well.
“are you serious?” you meekly spoke up, worried of what his answer was going to be.
“we’ve been at each others throats for months now. i’m not making you happy. and clearly nothing i do is helping. we need to just end this. i’m sorry, y/n.” you stared at him, your entire world crumbling within minutes. you loved akaashi keiji. but if he wasn’t willing to fight for you here he never would be. he didn’t love you the way you loved him. nodding, you turned back to look out the window.
“i’ll start packing when we get home.” was all you said for the remainder of the lonely car ride.
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daisiesandshakes · 3 years
Good day my dear and first of all, let me thank you and praise you for your beautiful HC! I really enjoyed reading each one of them, and I'm grateful to have your posts filling my dashboard!🥰
If I may leave a request in your ask box... I would like to have a HC reaction of Le Comte, Shakespeare, and Theodorus with MC who gets all nervous and anxious with getting skinship from them for the first time (but eventually can handle it in time).
Thank you beforehand and do take your time and no rushing things! Stay safe and have a nice day~! 🍀✨
Hi sweetheart!
I am so honored to have you in my ask box 💝 thousand thanks for your praise, I am so happy you liked my HC!
Sorry it took a few days to write yours, and I really, really hope you enjoy it!
Here you go:
Ikevamp reactions to a MC who is afraid with skinshipping (Shakespeare, Theodorus & le Comte)
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At their introducing to each other William notices the hesitation as he reaches for her hand to blow a kiss on it. Might this dazzling, little dove be scared? Immediatly he interrupts his action and only bows with a warm smile on his handsome face to comfort her.
Shakespeare can read people very well and recognizes instantly that she gets scared when someone touches her directly. Dealing with his own fear (he's afraid of the dark) he knows how hard it can be to live with anxiety.
"Feareth nothing mine own fair maiden, I wouldst nev'r toucheth thee without p'rmission."
Enchanted by her sweet personality he's very eager to please and comfort her. When she's in town William tries to join her as much as possible, always walking on the side where people could touch her by accident. He would offer his arm when she needs to secure her steps and walk in front of her when it's crowdy (while glaring daggers) to guide her safely through.
Searching for ways to know her better Will arranges many, long walks at the Seine and dinner at a restaurant at a late hour when it's less crowded, chatting with her for hours. Seeking for possibilities to create a pleasantly warm and welcomed atmosphere for her, he asks her also for dinner at his Villa, reading out his newest script and teaching her old english.
Soon after William invites her to his rehearsals (he instructed his troupe members to avoid touching her), hoping that his kind and open troupe makes her feel more safe with the time. And to his greatest pleasure it seems to work. Everyone treats her like a precious, lost little sister and she starts to lose her inner tension around them.
It begins with small gestures, like helping the troupe members getting dressed with their costumes, passing over the props without flinching when they accidently touch her.
One evening she tells William how much she enjoyed the day with a bright smile while she lays her hand on his for a second. "I am so joyous to heareth those honest w'rds from thy fair lips" He turns his face away from her, so she couldn't glimpse the suspicious glistening in his eyes.
The day the play should start an actress has an accident and is not able to take part. Although she's got only a short performance, it presents an important twist in the play. Shakespeare is desperate and about to cancel the whole play, but then...
"I could do her part." MC's voice is faint but firm. Shakespeare's eyes grow wide with surprise. "Art thee sure about yond?"
She plasters a confident smile on her face. "Yes, I saw the rehearsals so many times, I could speak all lines backwards" she giggles, "and there is only one line for myself, so..."
William closes the gap between them, gazing deep in her eyes, frowning.
"T's not the line yond conc'rns me, I am sure thou art able to mast'r t. But the act'r hast to holdeth thee in his arms and I wonneth't confronteth thee with aught yond maketh thee feel uncomfortable."
She swallows hard but replies: "I can do it. When the embrace is soft and he won't press my body against his... I should go along with it. You all worked so hard for it, to see the play cancelled would hurt me much more than his arms around my waist."
The actor appears next to them "Princess, I swear I'll only hold you with the wings of a butterfly!"
With a warm and lovingly glare Shakespeare whispers "So t shouldst beest as thee wisheth. Thee can't imagineth what t means to me yond thee art willing to confronteth thy fears f'r our success."
As the stage play ends the audiance gives standing ovations. After every actor and at least William bows to the public, he rushes backstage for laudatary words. Spotting her his expression lightens up even more "Mine own muse, thee madeth t! Thee enchant'd ev'ryone and hath brought us most wondrous success!" he declares smiling. Laughing joyfully she hurries towards him, throwing her arms around his shoulders and Shakespeare freezes. "I am so, so happy for you Will! Everything went smoothly! Listen to the applause, Will! It seems it won't end!" As she lifts her head to meet his gaze he takes her delicate hand softly into his, and suddenly she realizes that she hugged him without any hesitation.
"Thee not feareth mine own toucheth anym're, little turtledove?" he asks barely audible.
Lost for words she only shakes her head, thightening the grip around his shoulder. Leading her hand slowly up to his face, Will  watches her reactions closely, ready to stop at any second when her features show displeasure. But the radiant expression in her eyes and the smile on her lips stays, and he nuzzles his cheek into her palm with a sigh. Resting her cheek against his chest she clings to him and both close their eyes, enjoying this special moment, knowing there are a lot more waiting for them to explore.
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At first he's just annoyed by the "new, helpless hondje" that stays with them at the mansion. But after a few days he learns from a conversation between Vincent and her that she loves art as much as he does, what awakens his interest. Paying more attention to her  now he feels attracted to her charming personality and repartee (mostly when it comes to repel Arthur's salacious remarks).
In one of those moments he notices her unusual pale face and the tension in her body, trying to keep a distance between her and Arthur. Although his "threatening words" and his advances are supposed to be merely a jest, she looks like a cornered animal. It clicks in his mind.
Pulling Arthur back at his collar he growls "That's quite enough, get your besotted mess off her. That little hondje will only bark for me." A bit confused and wide eyed Arthur leaves you both alone.
Theo sighs. "You can't bear the touch of someone, am I right?" She didn't expect that he of all residents would recognize it first and in her surprise she only nods. Theo buzzes "Then stay around me and Vincent, that should be safe for you. I'll talk to the others, there is no point in hiding your anxiety. You shouldn't look over your shoulder in fear like a scared, helpless puppy everytime someone gets close to you."
Theo talks to the other residents the same day (threatens Arthur to beat the sh*t out of him if he dares to come too close to her again). From now on everybody still treats her kind and caring, but keeping a respectful distance.
Taking her right away everywhere with him he makes sure no one touches her, even by accident. In crowded places people make quickly room for them only due to his intimidating, beaming glare, ready to spread some black eyes if somebody should be so stupid to lay their filthy fingers on her.
She asks him why he's doing all that for her but Theo only replies "You can't bear it to be touched, I can't bear to have a sad, whining puppy around me. That's all."
But she realizes real soon that he is a very caring and soft person despite his harsh words.
Taking King out for a walk - "Hondje come with me. You need some fresh air and King likes you, so he might behave a bit when you come with us."
"You don't think you could go to town shopping without me, don't you? You need someone to take you by your leash. I'll come with you. We need more sirup either."
Sharing the love for art he'll even invite her to join him in his search for new talented painters. The more time they spend together, the more she seems to lose her anxiety around him, feeling comfortable in his presence. One evening both strall down the Seine he calls her near "Look at this picture hondje!" He stands close to the canvas, his left hand stroking over the frame. She rushes over to his right side and leans in, her shoulder touching his chest. "This is beautiful, Theo!"
"Yes, it is..." he mumbles into her hair, not sure if he's still talking about the picture, inhaling her sweet scent.
After they both discovered this talented painter Theo invites her the next evening into his favorite bar to celebrate this occasion.
It only takes a few drinks (although the bartender had the instruction to water her drinks down) and she's already tipsy. "Oi, hondje! We should leave now, I don't want to carry you back to the mansion!" She only giggles at this imagination and to his surprise no snubbing remark follows. Leaving the bar she stumbles soon, losing her balance. "Watch out, hondje!" He grabs her by her arm before she could fall to the floor. "Ouh, I feel dizzy Theo... would you mind to take a rest at this bench over there?" Nodding he immediatly leads her over, not letting go of her arm. As they sit down next to each other he mumbles "I hope it was okay to hold you at your arm, but I was afraid..."
She cuts him off, giving him a sweet smile "Nah, it was okay Theo. And at least you didn't have to carry me. I am not that drunk..." suddenly a hickup interrupts her. "Oooh nooo..." she whines.
Theo bursts into laughing "I see..." after a second she joins into his laughter. When the last giggle fades, she closes her eyes, resting her head at his shoulder. "I feel so tired all of a sudden."
"Don't mind. You can rest here with me for a while if you need to." he replies with an unusual soft voice. Very slowly he puts his arm around her, in case she wants to raise an objection. "I am not scared of your touch anymore." She murmurs, "I have to admit I'm really enjoying this right now." her words are almost inaudible while she nuzzles her face at his chest. Theo freezes in disbelief, an unknown warmth spreads through his entire body and his heart feels like bursting, relieved that she can't see the heat in his cheeks. Listening to her steady breathing he knows she fell asleep and he kisses her temple ever so slightly "So I have to carry you nevertheless." he mumbles with a grin. In the future he'd make sure no one ever gets the opportunity to touch her. But from now on his actions comprises a further reason.
Le Comte
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He's living for centuries now and is able to read in people's heart almost like in an open book. Le Comte recognizes her reserved way when it comes to physical touch immediatly and invites her to his room for a talk. After he gives her a graceful and encouraging smile she tells him hesitantly about her anxiety, feeling embarressed to tell him about her inner demons.
"Ma cherie, don't feel ashamed. There's no reason for that. I'll ensure that everyone in the mansion respects your fears. And please don't hesitate to talk to me about anything that might concern you. Anytime."
This day all residents have a personal conversation with Le Comte in his room.
He will buy her several pair of exclusive leather gloves, so it might be easier for her to get along with her fear to be touched at her hands.
Knowing that public and crowded places are going hand in hand with the fear of being touched by accident he makes sure that almost everything her heart desires would be delivered into the mansion. A few days after her arrival she stumbles over a bunch of new dresses in her room and quite surprised she asks him how he knows her dress size. With slight flushed cheeks and avoiding her gaze he answers that he only has a good eye. (Liar... he observes her so intensly he could tell how many eyelashes her left eye has even when Sebas would wake him up from his deepest slumber...)
He will gladly take every opportunity talking to her, hoping that knowing each other better will reduce her tension and anxiety. Treating her like a princess with the utmost respect and warmth, she begins to relax in his presence. Strolling with Comte through the garden, taking tea in the gazebo, chatting about nothing and everything. Everytime they spend time together the space between them seems to melt a bit more.  
Taking a walk early through the garden together became a morning routine in the meantime and today it's warm and the sky bright blue. Suddenly King rushes playful towards them and jumps on her, trying to lick over her face. Totally caught offguard she loses her balance and stumbles backwards but le Comte immediatly catches her at the waist. "King, come here you stubborn beast!" Theo yells but King is already rushing further into the mansion. Theo apologizes quickly to them as he runs after his dog. "Are you hurt, ma cherie?" Concern lies in St.Germain's glance and voice. She giggles. "No, I am fine. King is such a cute "beast". Thank you for catching me Comte." At this moment he realizes that his arms are still around her and with an almost inaudible sigh he pulls his hands off her waist. "I am so glad nothing happened to you, ma belle." Then it comes to his mind, that she didn't complain at his touch. She didn't even flinch... pure happiness spreads through every nerve of his body and with a joyful smile on his lips they continue their walk.
A week later the weather ist still nice and warm, so she decides to visit the market place in town, getting some fresh air and maybe some fruits. The market is almost over as she arrives and less crowded. With a happy smile she studies the remaining goods as a salesman appears directly in front of her, eager to sell her one of his scarves. "A little dove like you  should wear a scalf, the wind still can be chilly..." Smiling politely she refuses, but the seller doesn't give up. "Here, this one matches your beautiful eyes" he goes on, his hands almost around her neck with the scarf. She freezes in panic, her face pale with shock as suddenly someone appears behind her, grasping the sellers'hands, holding them away from her neck. "Sir, what do you think you are doing, to harry a young lady like this?" Comte pushes the hands of the seller with one arm away, his other arm already protective around her shaking form. The burning anger in his eyes makes the salesman flee in panic without another word. Comte's gaze softens instantly as his eyes roam over her body with utmost concern. "Cherie, did he hurt you?" Still shaking she replies sobbing "No... It was o- only ..I was only scared he would touch me." Without thinking his grip around her tightens but in the next moment he takes a step away with a flustered expression on his graceful features "I'm begging your pardon, ma cherie, I shouldn't ... It wasn't my intention to embrace you without permission."
Shaking her head softly she closes the gap and leans back into his arms, her voice faint and pleading "Don't worry Comte, I am not scared of your touch anymore. If you don't mind, would you hold me a bit longer? It makes me feel safe." Stunned by her words he softly put his arms around her, his heart swelling with affection. As she rests her cheek against his chest with a sigh he whispers "I would so anything for you, ma cherie. And to hold you in my arms is my greatest pleasure." Slowly she lifts her chin to meet shiny golden eyes, in their dephts swirling so much love, adoration and yearning it takes her breath away. She answers his unspoken question with a lovingly smile.
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smiledotdeer-a · 2 years
Tag Guide
I use my tags as a means of labeling and communication; it lets people know what they can and can’t do with my posts. I’ve decided to make a little list of what they all mean. 
Please do pay attention to them!
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Part One: Is it a BROADCAST or a FACE TO FACE?
broadcast -.-. .- .-.. This is an in-character, “online” post. Alastor is talking via his microphone, and it can be translated as a voice on the radio/phone, a text message on a phone/computer/tablet, what have you. It is not a face to face interaction. Please do not treat it as such or the interaction will be disregarded. face to face -.-. .- .-.. This is an in-character, face-to-face interaction. Alastor is with your muse, in-person, talking to them. It is not a broadcast. Please do not treat it as such or the interaction will be disregarded.
Part Two: Is dashboard commentary ALLOWED or NOT ALLOWED?
dash commentary allowed -.-. .- .-.. If a post is tagged with this, it means that other blogs are welcome to post dashboard commentary about that post. This is usually the case, since even if the interaction is face to face, Alastor does record and broadcast his conversations for the amusement of both himself and others. dash commentary NOT allowed -.-. .- .-.. If a post is tagged with this, it means that other blogs are NOT welcome to post dashboard commentary about that post. This is usually used in instances where his microphone isn’t present, such as private conversations or serious moments. Please respect this tag.
Part Three: Is the post OK TO REBLOG? And if so by WHOM?
ok to reblog -.-. .- .-.. If a post is tagged with this, it means that everyone is permitted to reblog it. ok to reblog if replying ic -.-. .- .-.. If a post is tagged with this, it means that RP blogs may reblog it if they plan to reply in their reblog. ok for partner to reblog -.-. .- .-..  If a post is tagged with this, it means that my RP partner I’m writing the thread with may  reblog, but no one else. ok for sender to reblog -.-. .- .-.. If a post is tagged with this, it means that the person who sent the ask may reblog for OOC saving purposes, but no one else. ok for mutuals to reblog -.-. .- .-.. If a post is tagged with this, it means that my mutuals (aka people following me that I am following back) may reblog. ok for one(s) mentioned to reblog -.-. .- .-.. If a post is tagged with this, it means that a blog/the blogs I’ve @’d in the post may reblog, but no one else. reblog from source -.-. .- .-.. If a post is tagged with this, it means that I want you to reblog that post from the source (or the blog I’ve reblogged it from if the source is gone) so my notifications don’t get flooded. do -.-. not .- reblog .-.. If a post is tagged with this, it means that I don’t want anyone reblogging it.
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EXTRA NOTE: If you want to reblog something, but aren’t sure if it’s okay/if it’s tagged with reblog restrictions, just IM me and I might give you the go-ahead!
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th3-z0diac · 3 years
How I Make Aesthetics.
Long post ahead, sorry :(
In the past, I've been asked multiple times how I create my aesthetics and where do I get the best pictures for them, so I figured I'd make this master post of what exactly I do. Btw this is coming from a person who has studied graphic design for 4 years and had about 4 years of experience in making zodiac collages here on tumblr. Do what you want with that information.
A few disclaimers
There are different types of aesthetics and in this post, I'm going to be specifically talking about a certain type that I like to make. Here, examples:
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My most used format is 6 pictures in 3 rows, but I've also tried 4 pictures, like here for example:
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There are other types such as minimalistic photos, dark academia, grunge, and SO many more. Please keep in mind that I'm not hating on these types and when I mention a rule such as don't use photos that are too minimalistic, I am not saying that minimalistic aesthetics are wrong or ugly or anything of that sort!
Just because I don't choose a certain photo doesn't mean I don't like it, it just means that the photo is not exactly what I'm looking for. By me showing you the examples below, I'm just trying to paint a picture. No hate here, okay?
I don't own any of the pictures I use (I've only used like one or two of my own photos in the past) but then again this is just for entertainment, I don't make money doing this or anything. If I ever get a message from an owner of any of these photos and they want me to delete it, I will delete it.
Where to get the photos
Pinterest! Period. AHAHAHA
No but seriously, pinterest and tumblr are my two favorite sources and you will find pretty much exactly what you need there. pinterest specifically.
On tumblr, I usually search for hipster, grunge, indie, and nature, but it also helps to just find specific blogs that focus on photography, follow them and then just download anything from your dashboard that you fancy.
I'll share what I search for on pinterest below👇. My secret tip would be to not always go for the first photo you find but rather to open a picture that sorta has what you like in it and then scroll down, because pinterest is going to recommend you similar, sometimes better fitting photos. On tumblr, I sometimes go to the blog of the person whose one photo I like, and there I tend to find many more of the same kind (since these bloggers usually post a specific kind of aesthetic).
How to choose photos
My number one tip would be to seek texture. Avoid photos that have little going on in them and anything too empty or minimalistic (unless that's what you're aiming for, obviously). Also, don't choose pictures that are very light or very dark, as they tend to stand out in aesthetics and that's not really what you want. At least in the type of aesthetics that I make, I want the final product to be almost a new picture in itself if that makes sense. To show you an example, look at this photo of two sleeping cats:
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This photo seems like a good fit; it is well balanced in colours (there are shades of white, beige/ginger as well as some greens) and c'mon, it's two cats, what more do you need!!! However, let's look at it in a complete aesthetic:
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While this aesthetic has a nice color scheme to it (well, it doesn't, I threw it together super quickly, but you get the gist), the photo of the two cats just stands out because the khaki background creates this kind of block of color that your eye will automatically go to and it sort of breaks the collage apart. So, by texture, I mean that a picture is filled, for example with trees, flowers, architecture, little people in the background, etc., etc. Furthermore, I prefer when there are more things photographed (for instance, look at the first picture of the aesthetic above; it has a mirror (and a tiny person in it), architecture and leaves all in one picture)
Next, personality. Go to Google Images and search 'Nature Photography' or 'Sunset Photos'. You might get something like this:
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Or this:
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Look at this absolute angel of a boy💚💚💚💚💚💚Isn't he the cutest freaking thing you've ever seen?????? I just want to give him all the treats and all the pets and — ...ehm, sorry, that's not why we're here.
So I don't quite know how to explain this point, but I guess usually professional photos like this are just so well done that they work perfectly well on their own and you usually don't put them in a set (only with other photos from the same photoshoot maybe). They're obviously well-balanced color-wise and high in quality, but they're just very individual and don't really need any addition in the form of other photos. This point also applies to the previous one (textures, in case you forgot); for example, a bunch of blueberries creates a nice texture, however it might be difficult to pair them with other photos. They have enough personality on their own (and this is not meant in a bad way to the photos I do use).
Related to this, you're looking for a story. Usually, if a photo gives off a certain vibe, tells a story, or just leaves any kind of strong impression, it might be a good indication that this is a good photo to use (given all the other rules as well, of course).
The main themes I search for are:
cities, villages, or abandoned places
related to that — architecture or only parts (details) of it
nature, specifically forests with either road or a body of water nearby, beaches, deserts and so on. plus points for tiny people in the distance
animals, usually with the addition of maybe the texture of a sweater sleeve or some blankets, something of that sort
people, my favorite kind is people turned away from the camera with an interesting background, because by them not having a face, they become a bit more relatable in a sense?
people in a river or some kind of water
museums, sculptures
Usually, I tend to avoid:
photos with text in it (though as an exception I would mention neon signs or letters/words that are for example above shops, on books, etc.)
heavily filtered pictures
photos with very specific (often bold) colors in them, unless you find multiple photos with that same shade. this again distracts the eye too much
GIFs, animated pictures, illustrations/drawings. also, don't use collages (cause you are creating a collage, duh)
black & white pictures
blurred pictures (or those that are purposely grainy — that goes back to the filters above)
anything obviously photoshopped
When trying to figure out where to put each photo
Squint your eyes. The photos should create a nice harmony, there shouldn't be a corner where it gets too light or dark or where some textures blend together, for example, if using multiple flower patterns, try to place them in different corners.
When to know your aesthetic is done
Actually even before you start, you should be in the mood. I have to admit, there have been times where I've felt pressured into making aesthetics, and now, looking back at them, I'm really ashamed of them. That is why I don't always post aesthetics as soon as I get them requested because I genuinely want them to look good.
Sometimes, it helps to not post the aesthetic straight away but to come back to it later with a fresh look. I'd say go with your gut. You should have a good, satisfying feeling about the aesthetic.
Last note
Rules are meant to be broken. Look at the aesthetic below. I used a minimalistic illustration (two birds with one stone I guess) (and admittedly, that one picture does stand out) and yet the aesthetic still came out pretty nice. So, just play around with your ideas and see what you like the most! I'm just a random person on the internet, you literally don't have to listen to any of the tips I gave you here today.
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I know this might seem like a lot (honestly, if you've read this entire thing, you're crazy), but it gets easier and easier with practice, soon you won't even think about it.
Hopefully these tips will help you and please let me know if you decide to make any aesthetics. I would love to see them!! <3
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adezahnae · 3 years
My Protector (Part 4.2)
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A/N: Hello I’m here with the last and final part of My Protector😭 I don’t want to end this series but it’s a mini series💕 Thank you for reading this series and enjoying it☺️☺️ I will try my best to make another series for him!!
Warnings: Action, murder, angst, cursing, etc...
<- Last Chapter
Tagged People: @ahgasearmyfan @whoreforshuaaa @light-na @winwiniee
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No one’s POV
Y/n stood there in shock as she hugged Bailey close. “Y/n! Y/N! GET YOU AND BAILEY OUT OF HERE NOW!” Ten yelled. “But!” You protested. “Y/n get out of here, you need to get to safety.” He said. I began to shed tears. “Ten..” Just then, all security guards and the people Jacob called bursted in the house. “YOU GET DOWN! NOW!” One of them said. They hit Ten in the nose with their gun and he fell on the ground.
“TEN!!” You exclaimed. “GET OUT OF HERE!” Ten yelled. A guard began to grab on you but Ten shot the guard in the head making him fall. You rushed out of the living room to the kitchen to a closet. You could see the action happening from there.
Ten stood up on his feet and wiped his nose. “Okay... Let’s go.” He said. Everyone began to run to him but he began to shoot them dead. He grabbed a guy by the arms as they tried to push him and twisted their arms, breaking them. He pushed them on the ground and ducked, avoiding a bullet. He swiped two men by tripping them up and took their weapons. He stabbed one in the chest and shot one in the head. He sensed bullets behind him and he flipped over, blocking himself with the stabbed body. He shot at the two men who shot at him.
He pushed the dead body on the ground and ran to attack the other four. He shot one of them and broke one of the other’s neck. As he was fighting, one of the guards snuck towards the closet you and Bailey was in and snatched you out of it. “DADDY!” Bailey shirked. Ten turned in your direction. He he shot the one that he was fighting and ran to you both.
He grabbed the guard by his neck and snapped it. He flipped the man over, trowing him on the ground and grabbing Bailey. He took Jake’s car keys and rushed to the garage. “Get in the car.” He ordered as he put Bailey in the backseat. He shut the door and got in the driver’s side, starting the car. The garage door lifted it up and he quickly pressed on the gas, backing up. You gasped and held onto the dashboard.
He turned the car around and stepped on the gas, rushing down the roads. As he was driving, he saw two black cars and a black van rush behind. “FUCK!” He yelled as he hit the wheel, speeding up. Bailey was in the backseat crying. “Daddy slow down! I can’t put my seatbelt on!!” She cried. “Daddy can’t slow down right now. Just hold tight.” He said as he peeked up in the rear view mirror.
“DADDY! SLOW DOWN! IM SCARED!” Bailey cried. “Damn it, Y/n quickly strap her in.” He said. You quickly leaned back and put her in the car seat and strapped her in tightly. You fastened the actual seatbelt over her completely to make sure she was okay. You seen that she was secured and sighed. You leaned back up into your seat a breathed out.
“Ten, please slow down..” You panicked. “Does it look like I have time to SLOW DOWN RIGHT NOW?!” He yelled in annoyance. He turned a corner hard, making you and Bailey scream. The cars behind him followed suit and they began to pull out guns. He seen and cursed. “Shit...” He pulled out two guns from the seat and loaded them both. “Take the wheel.” He said as he let down the window. “That’s dangerous!!” You exclaimed. “Life is dangerous! Now take the fucking wheel!” He yelled. You sighed and leaned over and began to drive, worried out of your mind.
He pulled his body out of the window and they began to shoot. He shot a bullet in the tires one by one, making the cars fall off the road. The van pulled out a gun and aimed it at Ten. The bullet reached Ten’s arm. “FUCK!” He yelled. He pulled himself back into the car and crawled to the backseat. “Daddy, you’re hurt!!” Bailey said. “Daddy’s okay, sweetheart. Cover your eyes for me.” He smiled. She did so and he began to punch the back of the window of the car.
You switched over to the driver’s side and began to drive. Ten kicked the back window open and pulled out another gun, way much bigger. “WHERE IN THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM?!” You exclaimed as you looked behind you. “Your husband.” He replied. He loaded the gun and pointed out the window. The shooter shot at the window in front of Bailey and she cried. Ten grabbed Bailey from her seat and held her close.
“Your eyes still closed?” He asked her. She nodded her head, sniffing. “Ten! My daughter!” You yelled. “She’s fine! Keep driving, baby.” He said. He began to shoot the gun at the drivers in front. After they were dead, he aimed for the shooter in the rooftop, killing him as well. He shot the tires and they went down the hill, tumbling. “Woowww...” Bailey said as she peeked up. Ten smiled and kissed her forehead.
He turned around and crawled in the front seat with Bailey in his arms. You peeked over and seen his bleeding arm. “Oh god, Ten you’re bleeding!” You exclaimed. He laughed. “I’m fine, turn right here.” He said. You did so and you all out of sight. You stopped the car and breathed out. He took off his jacket and tore a piece of it off. He wrapped it around his arm to stop the bleeding. “Hold on! I can clean it.” You said reaching in your emergency purse and pulling out a cloth and medicine.
You untied the fabric and lifted his arm up. He hissed in pain, making you immediately stop. “I’m sorry! Sorry!!” You said. “It’s alright. I’ll be fine.” He laughed. You poured the medicine on him. “How can you laugh at all of this? What are you, Joker?” You asked, cleaning the wound. “Sometimes you got to laugh to keep from crying.” He said. “Crying? Why would you cry?” You joked. “Because I’m putting the woman I love, her daughter, and my baby in this mess.” He said.
You looked at him. “Ten-“ “Chittaphon.” He corrected. “Chittaphon..it’s alright. You didn’t do this, my husband did. You’re just protecting me.” You said. “Besides,” you giggled. “I think this baby likes danger.” You said patting your stomach. He laughed and placed his hand on your stomach. “Does she now?” He asked. “She? How do you know if it’s a she? She could be a ‘He’” I said. “No..this is my baby girl. I know it is..” He mumbled.
You smiled and placed your hand over his. He leaned over and kissed you softly. “Ew...” You heard Bailey say. You both pulled away, laughing. You bandaged his arm up and put away the supplies. “So you came from a rich family?” You asked. He sighed. “Yeah I did.” He said. “But you’re an assassin...” You trailed off confused. “My parents was just like your husband. Snobby, rich, thinking they were better than everyone else. They also thought they were ‘too good’ for a son so they treated me like shit. Finally one night, I couldn’t take it anymore. I went to my grandmother’s house and stayed there. My grandmother was also rich, but she was humble. Like me. After three weeks of staying with my grandmother, I found out that my parents was in a car crash. At the same time, I was being bullied at school. After six years, my grandmother was becoming sick. I took care of her, feed her, bathed her. I was wishing to God that she wouldn’t leave. But, she then passed. I was angry at the world, I hated everyone. So I became an assassin to vent out my anger. I was given assignments to kill important people and then, I was assigned to you. I fell in love with you. I felt as if I was living again when I laid my eyes on you. You made me feel love again.” He shed a tear and smiled.
You smiled back and wiped his tears. You then frowned as you thought of something. “What happens if you don’t kill me?” I asked. He sighed. “That’s why we’re leaving.” He said. “WHAT?! LEAVING?!” You exclaimed. “Yes, we’re leaving.” He said. “But, you killed Jake. Shouldn’t that work?!” You asked. He chuckled.
“Not with my clan. You see, Jake was like our boss and his murder would cause this much commotion as you can see. I’m supposed to move in silence and not get caught in daylight, killing anyone and I murdered my boss.” He explained. You shook you head. “So are they looking for us?” You asked. He hummed. “Oh my god...” you said in disbelief. “So we need to go. Now.” He said “Where are we going?” You asked. “My home in Thailand.” He said sitting up. “But you’re hurt! You can’t drive!” You said starting the car. “Fine. I’ll just direct you.” He said.
“Okay.” You agreed. Before you can start pulling off, there was a load bang. You screamed and ducked your head. He only sighed. “Chittaphon. Get out.” You all heard a voice say. You panicked. “Calm down..” He whispered. Just then you were snatched out of the car. You screamed and kicked. “MOMMY!!” Bailey cried. Bailey was taken into another person’s arms. “Bailey!” Ten exclaimed. He got out of the car and seen you held a gun point and Bailey held.
“Lucas, let Y/n go.” Ten growled. “No, asshole.” He replied. He turned to his other members. “Xiaojun, put her down. Give Bailey here.” He said. “Hell no.” Xiaojun spat back. Kun stepped forward. “Let them go, Kun!” Ten yelled. “Chittaphon. You had one fucking job. How do you manage to FUCK IT UP?!” He yelled. “Kun-“ “You fell in love with her? I knew it, I knew you were lying from the start. You put a baby in her Chittaphon. A BABY!! I GAVE YOU A SIMPLE RULE AND THAT WAS WHAT?!” Kun yelled at Ten. “WHAT WAS IT?!” Kun yelled again.
Ten sighed. “No relations with the targets.” Ten said. “And what was that punishment if it was broken?” Kun asked. “The target will be shot 16 times.” Ten said. Y/n gasped and began to cry. “Lucas.” Kun motioned Lucas. He pushed Y/n on her knees and cocked her gun back. Bailey began to cry. “Shut that baby up!” Kun yelled. Xiaojun put a hand over Bailey’s mouth. “Say goodbye to Y/n and your baby, Chittaphon.” Kun said.
“Wait!” Ten said. “What?” Kun asked. Ten dropped his weapons on the ground and held his hands up. He walked over to Lucas and Y/n and helped her up. He moved her out of the way and lifted Lucas’s gun to his head. “I sacrifice myself for Y/n and Bailey.” Ten said. “Chittaphon, NO!” Y/n cried. “Get back, Y/n.” He said to her. The members looked at each other and at Kun. Kun smirked. “You heard him, get back. This will get messy sweetheart..” He said. “CHITTAPHON!” You yelled. “I said, get back Y/n. That is an order.” Ten said through gritted teeth.
You did so, tears streaming down your face. “Let Bailey go.” Ten said. Xiaojun put down Bailey and Y/n ran to her picking her up. “DADDY!” Bailey screamed. Ten turned is head slightly to her. “Daddy’s gonna be alright, Bailey. Go and get in the car.” Ten said. “Chittaphon...” You whimpered. “I will meet you in Thailand. I love you okay?” He said. Y/n sat there. “I can’t lose you!” You cried. “GO! THAT IS ANOTHER ORDER!” Ten yelled.
You rushed in the car and placed Bailey in the seat and strapped her in. You turned around to look at Ten one more time. “Go.” He said. “I love you..” You said. He smiled. “I love you too..” You got in the car and started it. You began to pull off down the road from the tunnel. As you were driving down the road, you heard gunshots. You flinched and cried.
He’s gone...
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soulwillower · 4 years
boyfriend stuff • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)      
warnings: swearing, fluff, mentions of sex, a bit of drinking, family members, richie has a little sis!! and i believe that is it but as always its unedited
[losers + reader are in college]
sorry i haven’t been posting much but i have this fic for u guys, hope u like it!
6k words yowza
"you said what?!" you hiss, your stomach swirling, jaw dropped as the wind whips your hair around. richie's grinning, but it's not his usual up-to-something grin. much more of an i'm-sorry-i-ran-my-mouth-again  kind of smile, but it's still richie's, so it's impossible to stay annoyed.  
"well shit, doll. you know how i am! and it was my grandma, i couldn't let her down. she is crazy." he says with a shrug, his hand pushing back his wild curls as you glare up at him in his stupid striped shirt and awful, annoying, angelic face.
you scoff, crossing your arms as your eyes flick to behind richie, taking in the law library and some kids playing hackey-sack on the quad. birds chirp in the distance. "c'mon, toots. you can play my girlfriend for a few days, right?" he asks gently, making you look back to him, gazing into his hopeful expression.
you're silent as a warm breeze flutters around you and you weigh your options - honestly, what could go wrong by going to your friend's grandma's house and pretending to be his girlfriend for a bit?
"how far is the drive?" you ask sharply.
"yes, baby! i knew i could count on you." he yelps, scooping you in his arms and making you yelp, rolling your eyes. "i didn't actually commit to fake-dating you yet, richie. unless you pay me."
"100 bucks, kid." he says, holding your shoulders. you gape at him, "what? do you seriously need to convince your grandma and the rest of your family that you're dating someone that much?" you ask, eyes wide and a smile curling onto your lips.
this boy was ridiculous.
he launches into a story about how his grandma is super weird - nice, but oddly suspicious; like (as he puts it) red-scare mccarthy type suspicious, which doesn't do much to help his case with you.
he then lists on his fingers the reasons he needed a girlfriend and continued to insist, "y/n/n, look at me. nobody's going to believe that i'm single. i'm way too gorgeous." you roll your eyes so hard it hurts. 
"-plus, you're the only friend i have that is hot enough and tolerant enough to pass as my girl for a whole weekend. i would ask stan the man, but i already mentioned that it was specifically a lady-lover of mine, and i can't put stan through a weekend of bra stuffing on top of faking' it with me."
you scoff at his absurdity, following him as he walks towards his dorm and weighing your options. "we have to stay with your batshit grandma, tozier? and you're really gonna do all that boyfriend stuff?"
he just laughs, tilting his head up so the sun glints on his forehead and you have to tear your eyes away before you get too attached to the sight of him.
"oh, of course i am toots. i can't wait to treat you like you deserve, babe. plus, it's a small house. we'll be sharing a room, though." he mutters, slinging a heavy arm around you and giving you icy butterflies that thrash in your ribcage. you groan, "come on, richie. i'm only doing this out of the goodness of my heart." you mutter, shaking your head as he sweeps the door to his building open and wiggles his brows. "and i have to share a bed with you?"
"you can curse my momma for bein' so liberal."  he says with a shake of his head, "you'll love her, though. she's excited to meet my girlfriend."
you fake a gag.
somehow, a week later, you're pulling yourself out of richie's beat up cherokee and sighing at the heat outside, watching as richie unfolds his body to his full height and sweeps an arm towards the quaint house across the street.  you walk to his side of the car and shake your head, trying not to think of the pressure of acting like a good girlfriend for the next two and a half days.
the drive back to richie's hometown was just as you'd expected a road trip with richie would be - cherry cola, loud music, a/c on blast as the summer warmth whips around his car on the outside, and a briefly awkward lay out of rules for the two of you to follow.
"well what about, like, rules?" you ask, feet balanced on the dashboard. he looks over to you, smirking as he hums along to the radio as it plays quietly. "well, like, what about them?" he asks, smacking his mouth and fake twirling his hair like a valley girl. you hide a giggle behind a glare.
"i'm serious, rich." but your smile gives way to your playful manner as you toss a chip at him. it hits his shoulder and he smirks - you're distracted, then, by how the faint morning glow hits his eyelashes, how his side-profile is sharp and angular but somehow also soft and subdued.
his hair is scruffy and placed perfectly as if he'd just rolled out of bed - though you know it took him a few minutes to make it look that way. he's wearing his stupid black corduroy pants and a long sleeve shirt that looks so soft you might melt and his lips are quirked into a wry smile.
richie's eyes are bright and teasing as ever, even on this early morning, and his teeth toy with his pink lips as he grins. you smile to yourself as you stare, because richie tozier is an artwork.
"y/n/n?" he asks softly, shooting you a soft look that really makes your fingertips tingle as you reach for your coffee. had he been speaking to you? you clear your throat, "richie, eyes on the road."
he chuckles but obeys, turning to look forwards, and you feel your heartbeat relax slightly. "okay. what about touching?" you reiterate as he keeps glancing at you, making you flush and your stomach thrash in tickle.
"you know i'm all for it." he wiggles his eyebrows and you scoff, shaking your head and pressing your lips together to keep down a smile. he's too much."-for real, though. what are you comfortable with? i can do any of that boyfriend stuff." he says, mimicking your words from the week before when you'd agreed to come, and you turn red again for nearly no reason.
you shrug. "well, touching is fine...but don't you think.... er- i mean, maybe kissing is just... a little weird? i don’t know." you ask, your stomach fluttering. you're not totally sure why, or you just don't want to address it, but you think that kissing richie might make things... different for you.
you ignore the feeling as richie nods. "yeah, i mean it’s not like my parents are gonna try and make us lock lips in front of them anyways." he mutters, making you roll your eyes, smiling out the window as the countryside flashes by in splashes of green and yellow.
"right, kid. you ready?" richie's voice calls you to look at him with a smile. "guess so." you shrug, your breath mixing with the warm afternoon air. the front door of the house creaks open from across the yard and richie turns to you, smiling devilishly and holding your bag in his hand.
"quick, they're coming. kiss me." he says with a lopsided grin. your stomach dips and you huff, "ew, no!"
he looks at you with a grin as you continue, "-you just had funyuns! that's so gross." you say, shoving his face as he tries to lean closer to you, making kissy faces. you can't help yourself from giggling as he smiles, "do it! c'mon, toots. plant one on me." "no, rich!" you squeal with another laugh, shoving him as he beams down at you. slowly, he pulls you into his chest and you lay your head, wrapping your arms around him. the proximity of your bodies takes your breath away as you breathe in the faint scent of mint, strawberry and cigarettes. it makes you relax almost completely and you're unsure when these feelings with richie started, but you're suddenly hyperaware of them and you think you might be in some real trouble.
"let's do this, y/n/n."
you'd expected meeting richie's family to be the most stressful part of your day, but it went so smoothly you were almost concerned.
his mom was taller than you but still shorter than him, and when he lifted her up in greeting it made your heart swell. next was his grandma, who was quite short and had curly gray hair. she hugged you and kissed your cheek and you immediately felt welcome as you met them.
then not shortly after, a fiery bullet with a black dress and light - up sneakers came barreling full speed at richie, making you blink as he yelled, "munch!" and lifted the girl up.
you met his little sister, who he insisted you call "munch," through a shy wave and a grin as she had her arms looped and face buried in his neck.
and then you smiled and pretended not to feel anything as you watched him tickle her and kiss her forehead.
throughout the day, it is physically painful for you to watch richie with his family. really, it is.
you know richie tozier. the boy who falls asleep at the library and drools on his textbook, the boy who ties people's shoelaces together at parties when he's just entered that drunken stage of "pranky richie." he's the dumbass who fell out the window of bill's dorm and into the bushes, the kid who was a huge nerd yet incessantly boasted about his 'very high' body count (which, by the way, you did not believe). he was the loud person at every party, the kind who drew people in out of admiration, fascination or loathing, he was the boy who got the highest gpa and also the highest amount of parking violations and speeding tickets.
but here, at home...
god, richie was incredible. he had a whole other side to him that fit in perfectly, like a missing piece to a puzzle that you didn't even know was incomplete. he spent as much time with his sister, munch, as he could - singing to her, brushing and braiding her hair, teasing her relentlessly, and making snacks for the three of you.
he even wore a tiara and a tutu when munch insisted you have a tea party - and he steeped real tea (which tasted like shit because he did not know how to steep tea), even getting out his grandma's fancy cups.
the way he treated munch was honestly the nail in the coffin for you, because the one thing you expected richie to be bad at was interacting with young kids. like, he swears like a sailor, is always bouncing around, rarely goes a day without a cigarette, and just all around seems like he'd prefer the company of an average-aged joe. but he is full of surprises, as you've learned.
it took almost six hours of driving to get to his grandma's house, none of which richie allowed you to drive, despite your insistence. so after a quick catnap, you'd spent the entire day exploring the house, playing games, and getting to know munch and the rest of his family. and so now, before bed, richie was upstairs showering while you were sitting downstairs at the kitchen table with his grandma and his sister.
you were left to your own wits with his family, which wasn't too bad, but you're nervous you're going to slip up.
"you are just such a lovely young woman, aren't you?" his grandma asks, sipping on her bailey's. you laugh, shrugging your shoulders. "you're too kind, really. you guys are just easy to be around." you say with a smile.
"now i just wonder, what made you settle with richie?" she asks, lifting a brow. you choke on the last gulp of your own bailey's, the warmth going straight to your stomach and the alcohol right to the head. you decide to go the joke route.
"i have no idea, i mean. have you seen those awful shirts?" you say with a snort. his grandma laughs sweetly, sipping again and seemingly forgetting the problem so you pull at your collar, willing for richie to come rescue you.
speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"-hey, you can't judge my life choices, y/n/n, because you are one of them." he says with a grin, drawing you into the crook of his shoulder. "the best one, might i add."
you flush but just roll your eyes, knowing that it's just for show, but secretly yearning for that to be true.
he groans."can you at least pretend you think i'm charming?" richie whines,  "that costs extra." you say, then suddenly your eyes snap to richie's as you realize what you've said.
"costs?" his grandma asks, looking confused. you clear your throat, "o-oh, i..."
"she owes me gas money." "he owes me money for food."
you stare at each other - fuck. that's kind of awkward. richie's grandma hums in suspicion and your mouth feels dry.
richie suddenly guffaws loudly, shaking your shoulders as he nods. "well aren't we the cutest, y/n/n? okay, let's get you off to bed now." he rushes, shitty excuse doing nothing to fix the situation as he tugs your arm so you rise from the stool, then places your empty mug in the sink. he kisses his grandma on the cheek and hurries you upstairs, towards the guest bedroom where you're both staying.
the next day was when you really realized that richie tozier never stopped fidgeting. he was an anxious person inherently, so you understood this mixed with his adhd led him to tapping fingers, humming and bouncing his legs.
earlier, he'd had his arm secured around your waist (a foreign yet welcoming sensation) as you'd eaten dinner with his family. he was shaking his leg so aggressively that the table was vibrating and you loved it - you loved the uncomfortable but understanding looks on everyone's faces. you loved that they loved richie just as you did, you loved that they accepted him and teased him and hugged him and joked with him and listened to him like you did.
"what're you thinking' about?" he'd asked into your ear, loud enough that the others had definitely heard. his grin was nearly audible and you smile, looking into his warm eyes, "just you." you'd said simply, with a shrug. and as the words left your mouth, you realized you weren't even putting on a show, or ‘faking it' for his family.
you just really, really liked richie.
so now, it was well after richie's sister had gone to sleep and the rest of the family was up drinking, listening to music and telling stories. you really were enjoying all the embarrassing stories that fell from maggie's lips, her brain and body being well into a bottle of chardonnay and being more and more humiliating as the clock ticked on.
"-and he was- what was he, dear, seven?" she asks, hand falling onto wentworth's thigh. richie groans, "mom, stop. this isn't even funny."
you nudge him, "speak for yourself."
richie scowls then, leaning back against the awful floral pattern of the couch and pulling you into his side. you smile as you nuzzle into his chest, listening to his wild heartbeat as maggie laughs, "oh, rich. we're just teasing you because we love you."
you nod and giggle as he sticks his tongue out at her. his grandma speaks up, "how did you two kids meet?"
she sounds almost angry, and you're not sure why, so you laugh a little into your sleeve as richie leans up a bit as if preparing for a bullshit speech.
"well y/n was friends with bill first, you know. bill, mike, and her had a class together, and i always heard about y/n this, oh y/n that." richie starts. you smile as you watch him talk, recognizing that it really is the way you met. you'd figured he would just make something up.
"-but anyways, this one time, she came into the dorm because she thought bill would be there. it was just me, though. i was working on some homework or something, and she-she just looked amazing. seriously, i sounded like bill when i introduced myself because i stuttered so much." maggie shakes her head at that, but richie plows through, "and god, ma, she's so smart, she was so sweet i swear i almost got cavities just from talkin' to her for ten minutes. i have never been more star struck in my life, dad. i swear." he says, shaking his head. "later, after y/n left, bill told me he did it intentionally. the little wingman he is, tried to get us to hang out because he knew i'd fall head over heels in love. who couldn't?" he ends, smiling gently at you and brushing his hand on your cheek.
you feel yourself flush and then you smile at the carpet, your hand rising to grab richie's and lace them together.  you didn't know how damn thick tozier could lay it on - boy did he know how to woo a girl. even if it's all fake.
"meant to be, huh?" wentworth says, and you look from him to richie's grandma, then to richie. "guess so." you say quietly, leaning up to quickly peck richie's cheek and then telling yourself it's just for show in front of his family. it isn't.
it was only 15 minutes later that richie decided it was time to retire to the bed, insisting you come with him - but you know it’s because he’s getting very embarrassed. it was cute to see him flustered for a change. 
"goodnight!" you call, waving to maggie and went as they raise their glasses at the two of you, maggie with a knowing glint in her eye.
you both walk in content silence until you get into your bedroom. 
the music still plays downstairs, a melody of piano and guitar and maybe a quartet wafting up through the vents and creating an eerily romantic ambiance. slowly and wordlessly, richie puts his hands on your waist and hums nonsense as he sways the two of you.
without thinking, you melt into his touch and smile.
you wind your arms around his neck as you move with him, his meaningless humming setting your heart into overdrive - or, perhaps, it's because of the proximity to the boy in front of you.
"rich, nobody's here to see us." it's whispered, because you really don't want to pull away or to have him realize that this isn't what friends do, because you like it. a lot. 
"i know." he says it so softly, you barely hear it. but it's there, the words are out in the open, and you like the way they fall over the air in the room like they're meant to be there. the soft light of the single lamp, the ugly floral wallpaper, the smell of richie.
"isn't it nice, though?" he adds, almost like an afterthought. you grin down at the carpet below you, your eyes taking in his striped socks, his feet absolutely dwarfing yours as you move back and forth gently.
"yeah, it really is." you whisper back, lifting your head up to watch his owl-eyes as they stare back at you, his chewed lips parted as small puffs of breath fall out, his nose splattered with freckles that you can make out from the proximity. he smells like chocolate and that damn mint smell again
"richie..." you start, your eyes trained on his lips as you slowly feel yourself leaning closer to him. he looks frozen, his eyes now changing from wide to almost hooded as he stares down at you. 
you wonder if he's afraid to move, because he's stopped swaying you and now his thumbs are rubbing circles into your side, slipping under your top and yeah, that's definitely new but it's amazing and you wonder if it's such a bad thing for you to want all this stuff with richie.
and to want more.
"yeah babe?" he asks and your brain marvels at how natural and unceremoniously the pet word falls from his lips, as if that really was your name.
but then - be it fear, shame, or anxiety - you mumble out the words, shaking your head. "did bill really try to set us up? l-like, was that all true?" you say with an awkward smile. you just clear your throat, eyes not focusing on richie as if you're looking for something, anything to occupy your mind because you can physically feel the tension and it's suffocating you.
"yeah." he says simply after a couple moments, arms still wrapped around you. you're now too nervous to look at him because he'll see how pleased you are, how happy it makes you that people want you and richie to be together. "all of it was real." he says and his voice sounds so honest, so genuine and so raw that you smile bashfully, looking at him shyly.
"oh, cool." you mutter quietly, fingers playing with the fabric on his chest. he chuckles and his chest shakes with the noise as he pulls you even closer to him. his fingers rise softly to cup your chin and he tilts your head so you're looking in to each other's eyes.
richie is staring at you with a sincerity that you swear you've never seen before; his gaze on yours makes you hear a soft guitar melody, makes you feel weightless and completely full at the same time, makes you taste adventure and strawberries. 
his lips are parting and if he were to speak to you right now, you're completely confident that you would not comprehend a single one of his words because you're too caught up in him. he's making you see pale pinks and blues and lilac and you swear you want to stay the subject of his gaze forever and ever, just you and him and the world outside this room. 
"cool, hm? cool is all i get, baby?" he asks softly, and the only reason you hear it at all is because you feel his breath on your lips and even though you said 'no kissing,' that was a lie - you think you might want to feel his lips on yours forever. your eyes fall shut as you grip his shirt collar, smelling his stupid strawberry 3-in-1 wash as you lean in closer.
and his lips brush yours so faintly that you swear it's like a kiss from a fairy; there and gone so quickly you aren't sure if it ever happened in the first place-
"-jesus, munch!" richie suddenly yelps, scaring you and himself as he jumps slightly, leaning away from you.
you look down, eyes opening to see richie's sleepy sister staring up at you two with wide eyes, her hand clutching richie's leg. "why are you up, kid?" he asks softly, kneeling to her height, hands leaving you. your heart pounds wildly in your chest and you try to catch your breathing, your fingers brushing your lips as you watch richie. did that just happen?
munch whispers into richie's ear, looking to the floor afterwards and you smile, loving how different the siblings are in personality and how sweetly richie treats her. 
richie looks to you with a bashful grin of his own, his cheeks glowing pink and making your heart flutter because at least he felt slightly the same way you felt right now.
"munch wants you to read her a story." he says, shrugging lightly, "you don't have to if you don't want to." he adds, his hand rubbing her head as she hugs his leg. you smile, "n-no, i'd love to."
richie rubs munch's cheek, "lead the way, kiddo." richie loops his arm around your waist softly as you follow her to her room, and you are pretty damn sure it's not just for show.
it took about ten minutes for her to fall back asleep, nestled in a mound of stuffed animals, blankets, and an old shirt of richie's that he'd left behind when he went to school. 
your own eyes droop as you lean your head onto richie's shoulder from where the two of you rest against the wall, stretched on the edge of her bed, and the last thing you remember is smiling at munch's sleeping figure before it's all blank.
you wake up again with a start as you hear a thudding noise - your eyes are bleary and dry, your back and neck kinked in the worst way and you groan a bit as you stir and lift your head. you look around and richie is standing in front of you, arm outstretched. wordlessly, you grab his hand and pull yourself to your wobbly legs as you look at his sister's sleeping body.
you're so exhausted and thrown off that you just follow richie wordlessly into your room and pull off your jeans, putting on shorts before flopping onto the bed next to richie in the dark. 
"g'night." he mumbles sleepily as he wraps a heavy arm around your waist, pulling you closer so he can reach over you to put his glasses on the nightstand. he falls back onto the pillow with a tired huff and you're already half asleep but you can't help your heart from picking up speed as a pair of lips press softly to your hairline.
you fall asleep this time feeling warm and comfortable, the feeling of his lips burning on your forehead sweetly. 
when you wake the next day richie’s already gone, the space next to you cold and empty.
 after getting ready, you pad down to the main floor to find everyone outside, munch and richie splashing around in the pool in the backyard. you're excited to see they've set up a lunch outside in the shade under the tree and you decide to go put on your swimsuit just as richie walks in.
"mornin' sugar." he grins, walking over to the kitchen sink. you snort, looking at the clock on the oven: 11:18.
"hey, sorry i slept so late." you mumble, your stomach filling with butterflies as he smiles genuinely at you. your eyes trail over his bare chest, dripping with water droplets as he breathes slowly. your mind flashes back to last night, and you shake your head, jabbing your thumb behind you. "um, i should go put on my suit." you feel awkward. 
he hums, pushing off the counter, "i'll walk with you."
you frown as he does, nervous about being alone with him again. you're being a fucking dumbass, sure, but he makes you nervous in the most delicious way and you can't help but picture his lips fully on yours. it's a terrifying thought, honestly.
"my grandma is being weird today, i think she's onto it because she said we were just really good frien-" richie mutters as you walk the hall and you cut him off, frustrated with his paranoia for no reason.
"rich, why does it even matter if she suspects us? it's not like she knows for sure." you try to reason, your hands falling on to his arms to halt his stride.
he’d just mentioned his grandma’s offhand comment about how close of friends you seem to be. maybe it was nothing, or maybe she didn't believe you. why did it even matter?
he shakes his head, eyes wide. "because that's fucking embarrassing for me! i have feelings, you know." he defends.  
you roll your eyes - you knew damn well richie had feelings. this was getting to be so stupid, this whole thing was pointless - because you know that you've just fallen in love with richie for real and made things ten times harder for the two of you.
"of course you do, rich, but we-"
the noise of footfall in the hallway to your left sends you both into a panic for no entirely good reason, so you tug him closer towards you with wide eyes. his hands catch himself on the wall on either side of you, his breath fanning on your face.
why are you so panicky and jumpy? "did they hear us?" richie whispers frantically, head turning to look and see who was coming towards you.
so instead of responding, for some reason your brain insists you act like a fool and draw his lips to yours. your hands cup his jaw as you press your lips to his, the feeling sending your stomach through loops and your brain fuzzy.
holy shit, this was exactly what you told yourself not to do. shit.
just as you pull back slightly, intending only for the kiss to be a chaste peck, richie's hands are on your body and he's pressing you against the wall, deepening the kiss as he tilts your head to deepen it. 
you're caught off guard, eyes wide as you throw your hands around his neck, kissing him fervently. your eyes close and his tongue prods your lip, taking your fucking breath away.
he tastes like sugary lemonade and you think you're melting, spiraling and falling deeper as you open your mouth. you almost moan out at the feeling of his tongue in your mouth, sliding your tongue against him just as a throat clears.  
you both pull back, alarmed even though you knew this was going to happen - but you're more alarmed at what the fuck richie just did than at his grandma staring at you. 
yeah, his grandma catching you kissing was sort of a huge victory in the 'selling the fake relationship' department, but it’s also a huge bummer for your 'pride and self-confidence' department.
“shouldn't you two be outside?” she says, a small smile on her lips. you let out a quick breath, unable to fucking speak after what just happened. you faintly think you can hear richie saying something to her and then she’s shaking her head with a smile and walking towards the backyard. you blink,  your fingers still hovering over your tingling lips. then, you snap out of it and turn to richie.  as you shove him up the stairs, you yelp, "if you ever kiss me like that again-"
"oh, shut up, you liked it!" he fights back as he turns toward the room you're sharing and lifts a brow, "you opened your mouth for tongue-" he starts but you screech, rushing through the doorframe and shutting the door a little to loudly, "i did not!" you hiss, shoving his shoulders and hiding your smile.  
he stares at you, a grin on his face and eyes teasing. "-then why'd you lick mine when i stuck it in your mouth?" he’s shrugging. you want to punch him in embarrassment because holy shit, is this not a big deal to him?
your eyes widen and you scrunch your face, "god, you're disgusting, just-" you sigh, shaking your head.
your heart is thumping wildly in your chest and you have to physically hold your hands down by your sides so you don't reach up and tug at the stray curl on richie's forehead.
"doll, all i'm sayin' is that was a good practice kiss." he shrugs again.
right. it was for practice.
he speaks up again and you swear he’s giving you a headache. "hey, i mean...since we're here, should we practice sleeping together too?" you turn bright at his words. "richard!" he giggles as you slap his shoulders and he mutters, "-yeah, no, i was kidding, sugar. damn, baby." he mutters, shaking his head with a grin so bright you can't help but share it. “i mean, technically we already did, last night and the night before. but that’s not the kind of sleepin’ i was talking about-“
you cut him off with a stern look and an elbow to the gut and he has the audacity to fucking giggle. 
your stomach tosses and flips itself sick inside of you at the sound and you sigh, giving him a look as he grins. you hope he doesn't notice the absolute heart-eyes you have for him at every given moment.
"cross my heart, sugar. totally kidding." he says, eyes closing as his fingers lazily trace an 'x' over his chest. "i'll wait out here for ya, toots." he says as he walks out of the room, leaving you to change into your suit quickly.
when you open the door back up for him, he whistles. "damn, y/n/n, you look fuckin' sexy."
you stare at him with a blank expression. "richie i'm wearing the same clothes as earlier." you deadpan, gesturing to yourself, having put your clothes back on top of your suit. he grins cheekily as he walks down the stairs, flashing you a wink, "i know that."
he rocks back on his heels. 
"so what can i do to show my love for you since i can't kiss you?" he asks, smirking. you roll your eyes, "shut up, richie. we're by ourselves right now, you don't have to do anything." you insist, pulling your hair back from your face. he sighs, groaning as if in pain. "but what if i just want to?"
you freeze, looking to him with wide eyes as your stomach drops. "do you really just want to?" you ask, mostly joking as your heart beat picks up. he takes a few steps towards you, shirt now on as his curls drip slightly. you watch a drop roll down his jaw and you swallow.
"yeah, i really do." he says simply, shrugging. "i’ve realized that i really do want to do all the boyfriend stuff for you."
you let out a shaky laugh, a smile falling onto your face as you raise your eyebrows. "for show?" you ask, and he shakes his head with a small laugh. "no." he says and you stare at him, unmoving. 
"so you’re gonna make me say it, huh?" he says with a smile that gives you full-blown butterflies as he pulls you to him. you smile back at him, heart melting into mush at the thought of richie being your real boyfriend.
"i think you should, just to be safe." you say with a grin. he smiles brightly, hand coming up to your cheek. his thumb rubs over your face.
"i love you, y/n." he says softly, looking into your eyes. "i want to be your boyfriend, and i want you to be my girl and i want to do stupid shit with you and have tea parties with munch, and for you to listen to my parent's embarrass me, and to spend all my time with you. i want all the boyfriend stuff, y/n."
you shake your head, "we already do that, rich. i've been yours this whole time." his cheeks turn pink and you love the way he looks so you add, "i love you too, richie. i really do. please be my boyfriend."
he kisses you, then.
it's soft, his lips like rose petals and his kiss like honey and it's quite different from your other kiss - both incredible, but this one with much more intention and love. it melts you completely as richie pulls you closer to him, his lips parting from yours slowly, a smile falling onto his face.
"what do you say then, want to go for a swim?" he asks softly, sending you a smile that is blushy and beautiful. you smile, pecking his lips. "sure, rich."
"c'mon, girlfriend." he says happily, tugging you down the stairs and making you grin stupidly, knowing this time for sure that it's not just for show.
//tag list:  @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings​ @toziershmozier @simplesammyx @dickology64 @clownsloveyou @moon-shine-baby​ @daughter-of-the-stars11  @lets-vibe-bro @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @finnskindofwoman​ @diorbubs @kait-tozier​ @upamongthestarss​ @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @baby-yoda-a \\
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nazukisser · 2 years
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Do you need more content of your favorite character(s)? Are you always going to writers/artists' inboxes and requesting more of it because you feel like there won't ever be enough content?
Here is a guide on how to encourage writers/artists/graphics creators and other content creators to continue their amazing work.
don't just like our posts, reblog it. tumblr doesn't have an algorithm that suggests posts that people liked on others' dashboards. the only way the posts are going to circulate around and actually reach people who want to see it is when you reblog it for your followers to see. that's how we keep this place alive.
comment on our works! tell them how you felt when you saw it/read it. what kind of thoughts did you have? what were you doing? keysmash only? that's amazing, we love that. any words. "i love (character) so much" or "aojfossfiasjo help" or "I really love this work aaaa" or "bitch you're going to make me cry /pos" are all great. bonus points if you tell us in detail about what you liked about our works!!! like "I really like this phrase here..." or "the symbolism you used is really fitting for (character) because..." we don't just put work out there and say "hey this is amazing everyone should read it mwahaha" no we hope that you genuinely enjoy reading it and hope that we make someone's day. sometimes our confidence goes down in our writing and makes us want to stop but when we see such heartwarming comments, it really helps us with our self esteem.
be nice when you request!! don't just say "(character) + (prompt)" and press send. Say Hi! Say thanks! Where are your manners? Please don't act like you're my best friend who I talk to every day at the lunch table and joke around with- because I don't know you. Congratulate us on milestones if we have one going on. Because that goes a long way in making us feel appreciated in our works. We don't like feeling our work is being not appreciated and when the tags are dry it's going to be the fault of those who never supported their content creators.
INTERACT WITH US !! I cannot stress this enough. We are humans too, we want to be treated like humans, not some sort of authoritative figure or some account that puts out content every so often. We are human, we like interactions, we want to be appreciated not only for our works but also for ourselves. It's fine not to be our best friend or whatever, but one of the reasons people leave this site is because nobody talks to them. we are not some sort of business where you present an order and we give our content out and it just continues. we are humans, we are people, and we do this for free, so at least make it a pleasant experience to be on here.
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j-reau · 3 years
a hiatus or something
I didn’t want to post this. I told myself to give it until morning and sleep but I’ve been laying here for over an hour and I can’t sleep and I know I’m not going to sleep until I get it out. And I decided I’m not going to do the pretend things don’t bother us mentality that tumblr likes, the don’t show emotions on the dashboard, don’t let people know you’re hurt or angry out of fear it’ll be seen as ~drama or whatever thing stop me from just saying how I feel. Because I feel pretty shitty? I’ve been feeling shitty for a few days now. Maybe more. Last week I told myself that the drama that had randomly cropped up was just too much and I wasn’t going to let tumblr be something that made me cry or panic or kept me up at night over bullshit like arguing with someone over things that happened years ago. So I set my focus on my friends, on my dashboard, on reminding myself why I love RP and why I’ve been in it for this many years, for so long, with all of these people. Those Valentines I posted were part of that project for me. It was a reminder, for myself and my dash about all of the human connection that happens here, all the people we meet, all the little pieces of each other we take on and take with us, all the ships, all the conversations, however brief.  From the people we just see on our dash to the ones we talk to about all our fears and insecurities. And how all of it matters. 
I know how much we all love to say calm down gregg, it’s tumblr RP. I know how we all loathe this hellsite when we’re being our worst. I know how we all talk about how we’re too old for this now or we’re tired. We’re just here to write. I’m just here to write. I love writing. But what brings us all back time and time again, what keeps us here is the fact that it’s not just tumblr RP. It’s a community. Whether you have a real life that keeps you busy or your whole life is here, whether you have plenty of friends offline or all your closes people live on discord, we’re all people. And we all take this with us. We make friendships and we talk to each other. We open ourselves up to the constant trust and fear of interaction, of  plotting, of who is going to reach out or send the meme. We build friendships based on that, we care for each other, we see each other’s bad days on the dash, and great days and inspiration. And it means something. It may just be tumblr RP, but it matters to us. Because of the people here, because we give a fuck about each other. Or at least I’ve always liked to hope we do. I have friends on this website I’ve had for ten years, some just for 3, and others just a few months. It always floors me how we can always come back to it, how we stick with each other or don’t, how we see the good and the bad and the ugly. 
So to get on with it, I wrote those Valentines.  I hit refresh on my blog and put the weird random drama in the past and moved forward. I made this blog for JJ only about 3 months ago. I don’t know how I got 500 followers in that short time but I did. And it’s. been the wildest experience I can possibly explain, having that happen so quickly, finding so many people out in the RPC that I hadn’t before on my other blogs. I felt fucking good. I was excited. Not just to write a character I had wanted to and loved for years but to find so many people who I vibed with. I remember writing a post about a month in and being so fucking ... floored. By how much I loved you all, by how amazing it was to be received like that still, to find people my age and who wrote things I liked and loved their female characters. I fucking love JJ. I LOVE THE SHIT out of my partners on this blog, even the new people I’m still itching to write with. And yet, I did that little refresh, posted my valentines , got ready to go and felt .... sad. 
I tried to explain it. I tried to tell myself it was a bad mood. I hoped maybe it was medication. But I couldn’t shake the weird funk. And everywhere I looked it seemed like things were .... not good. My friends taking breaks, people feeling sad too, relationships splitting, people I liked and respected separating themselves. Tonight, one of my closest friends I’ve made on this blog blocked me. Someone I adored and trusted and absolutely loved to write with. Tumblr says we’re not supposed to care. That we’re supposed to let people draw their lines in the sand and take their leave and maybe we are. Maybe it’s important to let people make their choices. But I also think it’s important as fuck to talk to your friends, to mean what you say when you tell someone they’re important to you. I think it’s important that we remember on the other side of every blog and discord user is a person. Who has bad days and bad feelings and cries and feels insecure and tells themselves it’s just tumblr RP even when they know somehow it feels heavier when it’s bad. This was a friend I had talked to at length about all of those exact things, about how personal the community can feel sometimes, about feeling replaceable or invisible, even for the toughest most confident most take no shit people. I’ve always considered myself a pretty tough, confident, take no shit person. I think anyone who has known me for as many years as I’ve been around has seen that first hand. I don’t like how sad I’ve felt lately. I don’t like the insecurity that’s making me want to know why things feel way or why people vanish without so much as an explanation. I had to block a mutual last week I saw making fun of me on their twitter. A mutual. Someone who chose to follow me and on a public place where my other friends could see it made fun of what I posted. And I just don’t know what we’re doing anymore. It didn’t bother me. I don’t have hurt feelings over it. That’s the kind of stuff I definitely know I’m confident about. But .... it did really fucking floor me. Because here we are, on a sight where users talk about positivity and not sending anon hate, and we can treat each other like that. 
I’ve been sitting up in bed for hours trying to figure out what to say or what to do. That’s what I do I guess. I try to figure out what to do, how we fix it, like somehow there’s some unified we and some responsibility to make things better. A lot of you have only known me for a few months so this probably sounds all kinds of nuts. And you’re probably going JJ you’ve been an emotional mess since the moment we met you. Because I feel like that’s how it’s been for the last few months. But that’s not how it’s always been for me. That’s not who I am. So for now I guess I’m just trying to figure out what I do. Instead of sitting here and spinning and trying to figure out how we as a community fix these gaping holes and the way we talk about each other like we’re disposable and treat each other like names on a list instead of people. 
For now, I think what I do is take a little break. It’s the very thing I don’t want to do. Because it feels like quitting and it feels like being scared away. So I feel the need to promise whoever has read all of this and myself that that’s not what it is. Maybe I’ll be back in two days, maybe two weeks, who knows. But I need a break. From whatever this feeling is that seems to have come over things lately. I’ve loved these few months on this blog so much. And maybe that’s half the problem. Maybe I got spoiled and this is the come down. Maybe I’m just an idiot who thinks what we all want on this website is to find people and love each other and write together. I never knew that me -- the person often accused of being aloof and feelingsless and distant would somehow turn into the emotional bitch on this website but here we are I guess. I just don’t know how to navigate this anymore. I don’t know how to put my heart into relationships and friendships that can just be switched off like we can just stop caring about people. I don’t know how to ignore people who say horrible things and do horrible things to each other just because we don’t want to see it on our dashes. I don't know how to give enough of everything to everyone so that every single one of my mutuals and partners knows they’re valuable to me. I don’t know what I hope to accomplish. I don’t know when I got to be so much of a raw, frayed edge on tumblr dot com but that’s how I feel. And I hope in a few days or sometime soon I’ll have an answer or at least get my hard shell back.
I want to keep writing. I want to keep talking to you guys. I don’t want to lose anyone. I truly mean what I say when I say you’re all important to me. I plan to still be around on discord. I’ll write on discord if anyone wants to keep writing. If we aren’t discord friends yet and you want to be, send a message. I plan to come back. I don’t want to abandon anything. I’m so deeply fucking sorry for this rant, for all the overflow of feelings lately, for anyone that’s had to listen to them, for putting them on your dashes, for fucking all of it. Please be good to each other. Please talk to each other. Please remember that if we’ve crossed paths at any point on this blog, I value you. I value all of your friendships, your writing, your shitposts, your dash commentary, your tiktoks you dump at me on discord. I love you. Every last fucking one of you. 
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mosh-4 · 4 years
watermelon sugar
in honor of the watermelon sugar video, here is an imagine i thought of. 
(i think we all know what watermelon sugar is about...) (;
harry styles imagine:
watermelon sugar - you listen to watermelon sugar for the first time, and it reminds you of the night that inspired it. 
warnings: slight smut?
(y/c/n) = your cousin’s name
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NOV. 16, 2019
 you and your cousin were out shopping for last minute items for your family’s thanksgiving dinner. parked in the lot of your local grocery story, you received a text from him.
 you had been waiting to listen to the song until he had time to call you. he wanted to see your reaction since he refused to let you listen to it until he could release it. Harold could be sneaky sometimes. that was one of the things that bugged you the most about him. he loved to surprise you, and with you being a fan of his work, he wanted you to listen to it when everyone else was able to.
 Harry was in LA doing promotional work for the song, and he had been busy all morning with performances and interviews. it was finally 12:35 when he was able to call you. thankfully, you weren’t in public.
 your relationship is extremely private. none of the fans currently know that you exist, but you and harry had been dating since you worked as his backstage manager for his first world tour. your job on tour was to make sure all of the musicians had what they wanted in their dressing rooms, and you met every one of their requests for their dressing room. like Harry, for example, always wanted a green juice in his dressing room before each show, and every night, you had to make sure he had a green juice. after each show, you cleaned and packed up the dressing rooms. you and harry had become close after he decided to stay at the arena later than he usually did and helped you pack up the dressing rooms, getting to know you while you worked together. 
you were the behind the scenes gal, and he was the star of the show. you loved each other nonetheless.
 at 12:35, you received your long awaited call. your cousin started her car after she loaded all of the groceries. you answered his facetime call. 
               “hey lovie,” you said as he appeared on your phone.
             “hello love,” he smiled. “how are you?”
             “I’m good.” you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “(y/c/n) and I just finished our grocery shopping. you’re still coming to thanksgiving, right?”
             “i wouldn’t miss it.”
             “sup Harold,” your cousin yelled obnoxiously at your boyfriend.
             “sup (y/c/n).” he tried at least. your cousin enjoyed any opportunity to make fun of your popstar boyfriend so she and harry constantly teased one another. she treated him as if he was already a part of the family, and it made you happy that the two could get along.
             “have you listened yet?” Harry broke you out of your thoughts.
             “nope, we waited until you could call,” you set your phone in the phone holder on the dashboard.
             “can we listen now, popstar?” you cousin sassed at him. he laughed at her name for him. she had many names for him.
             “yes, please listen.” he brushed a hand threw his hair and adjusted his phone.
 as your cousin connect her phone to the bluetooth in her car, you and harry locked eyes. he pulled a goofy grin and winked at you, causing you to laugh.
               tastes like strawberries, on a summer evening, and it sounds just like a storm…
 you and your cousin began to vibe with the song. you smiled at Harry as he watched you both intently. you listened to the lyrics closely and swayed along to the melody until you hear it. you gasp and stare at your boyfriend with wide eyes. oh, he did not.
               i don’t know if i could ever go without, watermelon sugar high.
 you’re brought back to a certain night on tour with you and harry in your hotel room. your go to tour snack was sour patch kids. he didn’t understand the obsession until that night.
               “it’s like a watermelon sugar high,” you laugh covering your mouth after just shoving an entire handful of watermelon sour patch kids into it.
           “hmm really, let me see.” he climbed onto the bed next to you and reached into your bag. he grab a measly two and put them in his mouth. you locked eyes as he chewed.
           he laughed and nodded his head. “good?” he continued to nodded his head covering his mouth as he laughed. “good, right?” you laughed as he nodded his head in agreement. “see i told you.”
           “you did. you did. now, come here.” he pulled your body flush with his. he stared at you deeply, and before he could kiss you, you shoved another bag in his face giving him a doe-eyed look.
           “they also have strawberry.”
 your face turned bright red, and you covered it with your hands. your cousin had yet to notice your reaction while she kept on bopping to the song. while you looked up and gave your boyfriend a look of “you did not” causing him to laugh. As you continued to listen to the song, you are brought back to the events that occurred that night.
               he kissed you deeply as your bodies were intertwined on the bed. the sour patch kids were long abandoned as they were thrown to one of the nightstands.
           Harry removed his shirt, and yours soon followed. one hand was in his hair while the other roamed from his hip to his ribs then around to his back. his lips moved from yours to your jaw to your neck as he began to go lower. he finally got to your chest. his hands reached around to your back, and they landed on the clasps of your bra. your eyes opened and peered toward him as he rested his head on your stomach. his eyes met yours, and his hand held onto the clasps.
           “may i?” he asked.
           you breathlessly nodded before you can register what he’s really asking. “yes, yes, you can,” you breathe out. this is the first time you would be doing this with him.
           he moves back up to the top of your chest while his hand unhook your bra. his lips move back up your neck to your mouth capturing you in a watermelon sugary kiss, and his hands move to slide down your bra straps. you move to allow him to fully remove your bra while you kiss him back running your hands through his hair.
           he began to make his way back down to your chest. his lips captured one of your breasts while one of his hands massaged the other. you let out a moan while your hands wrap themselves into his hair. he then switches to the other before moving further down to your stomach. his hands gripped your waist while he peppered kisses down your belly.
           he reached the waistband of your cotton pajama shorts. “can i?”
           his hands are holding the waistband of your shorts. he wants to take them off. you hadn’t done that yet, but you felt ready. “yeah,” you choke out. your voice was caught in your throat. you clear your throat to regain your voice. looking him intently in the eyes, you nod your head. “yeah, you can take them off.” you lift your hips as he slides your shorts off. you lean your head back as you feel his hands move down your legs.
           “i wanna go down on you.” he balls up you shorts and tosses them over his shoulder.
           “what?” you say slightly sitting up. “you want to do what?”
           “can i go down on you?” you both lock eyes. his expression was calm, as it always was. you tended to be a bit more dramatic. you had a mix of shock and apprehension on your face. “mm, what? i don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable.” he removes his hands from your inner thighs and places them back on your waist. he begins to move up from your legs.
           you throw a hand to his shoulder stopping him. “no. it’s okay.” you advert your eyes. honestly, you don’t know why your embarrassed to admit this to him. “it’s just that no one has ever done that before.”
           “that’s okay.” he’s now kneeling in between your legs on the bed, and he leans over your body to hold your face. “we don’t have to.”
           yours eyes meet his. “we can. i want you to do it if you still want to. i want it to be you.”
           he gives you a peck on the nose. “okay, then. i will.”
           just like before, he leaves a trail of kisses down to your stomach before taking his spot in between your legs. he gently removes your underwear before grabbing your hips. you spread your legs further apart for him. he places his hands under your hips and wraps one arm around your thigh while the other lays gently on your belly. then, he placed his lips to your center bringing you to ecstasy.
 your face is a pinkish color from the blush caused by the memory of that night. the night you both had sex together for the first time. your boyfriend smirks at you as if he is remembering with you.
             “nicely done,” your cousin notes after the song ends. “loved the vibes. very fun. definitely a hit.” you stayed silent. you might have been in shock. she noticed your quiet and pink faced state. “right, (y/n/n)?”
             your eyes raised to meet your boyfriend’s again. he was on the verge of bursting into laughter. you were too. “mhmm. i agree. great vibes, haz.” you said trying to keep a straight face.
             “thank you. that is exactly what i was going for.” he said still holding eye contact with you. you all stay silent for another beat. the tension between you both was intense. neither one of you had cracked yet still maintaining your stare. he wanted you to say something. you knew what he wanted you to say.
             “i feel like i’m missing something here.” your cousin finally breaks the silence.
             you turn to her with straight face; some would say it’s your rbf (resting bitch face). “you are.” you state before turning back to the screen that encased your boyfriend. “is this about what i think it’s about?”
             “i dunno. what to you think it’s about?” he smirked.
             you finally broke. you broke down into laughter. “oh, i’m not saying it out loud.” he laughed with you. he threw his head back with his laughter and clapped his hands together.
             your cousin confused grabbed on to you lightly shaking you. “what is it? tell me? what is it?”
             you shake your head as you continue to laugh. ignoring her, you laughed looking back up to him. “you wrote a song-“ you giggled. “you wrote a song about trying watermelon sour patch kids for the first time.” you lost it again. you couldn’t tell if it was because of the tension of the whole situation or if it was because you actually found it hilarious, but you couldn’t stop laughing.
             he leaned forward back to the screen. his chin rested in his hand while his finger tapped on his lips. “hmm,” he thought out loud. “that, among other things.”
             you laugh got caught in your throat. “what?” your cousin asked confused. she began to replay the song.
             “i’m gonna go. I am heading back to the house so i can pack for this week. okay?”
             “mmhm. call me later?” you respond. you and (y/c/n) had to head home too. you had milk and ice cream that needed to be refrigerated.
             “will do. enjoy the song.”
             “will do.” you nod. “haz, it’s a great song. it’s gonna be huge.”
             “thank you, love. i love you.” he blew you a kiss.
             “love you too, popstar.” your cousin shouted.
             “bye (y/c/n). love you too.” you laughed at the two.
             “bye, be safe. i love you,” you tell him.
             “you too.” he blew you one last kiss before the call ended.
 you took your phone off the dashboard as the song played for the fourth time.
             “sooooo,” your cousin said watching you while you sat staring blankly out the windshield.
             “i can’t believe he wrote a song about us having sex.” you mutter in a monotone voice.
             your cousin burst into laughter cackling like a mad scientist. “oh my god, what even?” she laughed even louder while you gave her the evil eye.
             “it’s not funny.” you crossed your arms and glared.
             “it is,” she laughed wiping tears from her eyes. “oh it definitely is. that’s what you get for dating a popstar.”
             “whatever,” you turned toward the passenger window shaking your head. you smiled to yourself as you listened to the song for the fifth time.
hope you enjoyed  (; - mosh
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formerchaoslord · 3 years
1. First and foremost, this is a blog made by a born again Christian. I will be posting verses of the day. I will not deny Jesus, or compromise my faith. With that said, you don't have to be a Christian to interact with me, and you don't have to be a Christian to be my friend. All I ask is that you let me worship my God in peace. With that said, if being a Christian or constantly seeing verses of the day or other Christian content pushes you away and prevents you from following me, I understand and won't hold anything against you.
2. Second, this is 100% a Hate Free Zone, a Bully Free Zone, And a Safe Zone. What that all means is When you come here, you can expect that you will be treated as a person and not as a tool, an animal, or anything less than a human being. Humans are not objects, and I will not treat you as an object, nor will I tolerate anyone treating others like objects. If you follow me with the intention of seeing me as a tool for your entertainment, and then will throw me away the moment I'm no longer fun to you, I suggest you stop following right now, because that kind of mentality is not allowed here. And if I catch you doing that to someone else, I will be forced to block you. I've had to deal with too many false friends on Tumblr, and it's caused me so much anxiety and depression. No one should have to go through that. Role-playing should be fun for both parties, and both parties should treat each other with respect and dignity.
3. This blog was made mainly for role-playing purposes. If personals want to follow, I won't mind so long as you don't reblog my threads. You can leave likes, just don't spam them. And if your personal blog happens to be one of those NSFW fetish blogs or anything in the demonic occults, then I ask you don't interact with this blog. It's a role-playing blog, but still a Christian blog nonetheless. Any violations leads to a block.
4. Despite what I mentioned above, my blog still isn't Mutuals only at the moment. I hope I don't have to change that, but if another issue comes up, then I will become a Mutuals only blog. But as for now, if I don't follow back, it doesn't mean I don't want to interact with you. There are some things I want to keep off my dashboard, such as an abundance NSFW related memes, art, etc. So if I haven't gone as far as blocked you, send me an ask about role-playing, and I'll let you know if I'm interested. I will, however, have to continue to be selective on the kinds of fandom I interact with. I want to keep things family friendly, and as a Christian, there are just some things I can't work with. No NSFW, smut, heavy gore, or anything of the sort. (Angst is fine, though.) Also, I don't do well with Disgaea, Shin Megami Tensei, or other heavily demonic RPs. I will NOT role-play with demons or witches. Period. (Just want to point out that when it comes to witch muses, I mean real occultic sorcerers who use magic from dark forces and such. Characters like Berkana from Mega Man X who isn't a real witch and uses science that masquerades as magic are fine.) As a born again Christian, it inevitably makes me an enemy of Satan, and I will not take the forces of darkness lightly, nor will I do anything to glorify the devil. Try to force these kinds of characters on me results in being blocked. I will not force any of my characters on you, nor will I force my faith and beliefs on you. Please give me the same respect.
5. Obviously, no godmodding (Which means don't control what my muse does, thinks, or say. Only role-play as your own muses while I role-play as mine) I also hope that if you follow me that I can find a rules and about page on your blog that's easy to access. I want to make sure we can have an understanding of one another, as well as understanding of our muses. This isn't a deal breaker, but it's much appreciated. (This rule obviously only applies to RP blogs.)
6. Don't ever feel like you have to rush on my account when it comes to replying back. Writing takes time and focus, and we all have lives outside of role-playing. I too may be slow at replying due to real life, writer's block, anxiety, depression, ect, so I'm very understanding about the issue. And if you ever want to drop a thread, just let me know. There's no point in continuing a thread if one of us isn't having fun with it. Don't ever feel intimidated by me. Chances are I'm more shy than you are.
7. Please try to remember that this blog is SFW and family friendly. Be mindful of that when sending asks and such. I may allow PG, and maybe a few PG-13 so long as it doesn't go too far and involes lewd stuff or things that can never sit right with family friendly content, but rated R is where I definitely draw the line.
8. In regards to shipping, I decided I will do very selective shipping. Please ask me before shipping our characters, and please respect my wishes if I say no. If things go chaotic like they have in the past, then I'll have to go back to no shipping available.
9. Anonymous Asks are on, but will be turned off if abused. And due to what has happened in the past, if I ever have to turn Anon off, it will be permanent.
10. I hope you can at least tone down the profanity, if you are unwilling to completely omit it for my threads. If it goes overboard, and I have to sit through a bunch of F-bombs on a thread, it'll be dropped pretty fast. I want things to be as family friendly on my blog as possible.
11. Let's try to get along and have fun. I always try to be friendly and refuse to hate anyone. None of us are perfect, and we're all going to make mistakes. But if we try to get along and be good to each other, I'm sure we can have a great time role-playing.
12. Although I role-played on Tumblr for quite awhile now, and I've gotten a lot better with the experience, I am not perfect and can still make mistakes. But then, none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. If I make mistakes, please let me know so I can learn to improve not just role-playing, but writing in general. I would really appreciate it, so long as you're respectful about it.
13. Remember that this is a hate free zone. I know that Tumblr can have a lot of hateful and toxic people, but that's not me. When I meet a person, the first thing I see is a person, not the color of their skin, not their flaws, but a living breathing person put on this Earth for a reason. You can be the worst person in the world, but it doesn't make it you any less a person, and I will not treat you as anything less than a person, even when I don't condone with your actions or way of thinking. I ask you do the same for me and everyone else. It's not always easy, but it's always the right thing to do. Hating someone is never right, nor is treating someone as less than a person. Everyone is precious in God's eyes, and I will always see you as a person God has created and will do my best to treat you that way, whether you're my friend or my enemy. (I'm not perfect and will need Christ's strength to do so.) Sorry this one was lengthy, but in conclusion, you're safe from hate here.
14. With that said above, that doesn't mean I will tolerate anyone being racist, a pedophile, a rapist, or anything of the sort. Just because I refuse to hate anyone doesn't mean I'll allow someone who's hateful, sees other people as tools or objects, or put people's life in danger to be here. I don't condone any of these hateful, prejudice, or sickening acts, and I refuse to let it be a part of my blog. I won't hate you or treat you like you're less than a person, but I can't welcome you with open arms if you participate or support that kind of stuff, neither. This is a hate free zone, which means you're safe from hatred from me, but it also means your prejudice and hate won't be tolerated. And this is a safe for work, family friendly, and Christian blog, which means disgusting immoral sexual acts aren't welcome here. It's wrong and you can't justify it! Sorry this one was lengthy as well, but I had to make that clear.
14. Have fun! That's the point of role-playing; To improve our writing and storytelling skills and to have fun with it!
If you wish to, send in "Road to Redemption" to let me know you read the rules. This is completely optional, though. If you don't feel comfortable sending in passwords, then don't. I'll trust that you read the rules regardless.
(I may add more rules in the future.)
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