#Or should I say. Verrrry fun
emmet-appreciation · 2 years
// I love Pokemon appreciation/propaganda blogs because they'll reblog a post with a ton of pokemon and it's like a fun little treasure hunt to see which one is relevant to the blog :)
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f1tasies · 2 years
a bit jealous and angry pierre fwb smut propt (marking each other after being jealous)
Sorry anon, this has been in the works for a while and we'll, it got out of hand. Hope you like this veeeeryyy verrrry late reply <333
You run into each other at a street race— one organized by your friend, Kiyo.
“You better bring everything you have tonight,” she tells you. “We have some real talent tonight.”
You put out your cigarette on the stone bench, quickly formulating a response. “So you’re saying I don’t have talent?” You cock an eyebrow.
“Not the way he does," Kiyo shrugs. "He’s from France.”
Her nails clack against the windows of your modded car. You clench your teeth: You’d spent a lot of time, effort and money on it.
Not it, but her, you correct yourself. She was a real beauty.
“So what?” You clasp the steering wheel. “I’m from Japan.”
“Just be careful. Lots of bets on him. Let’s prove them wrong, yeah?” she mutters. “I’ll pay you double if you beat him.”
“I can handle anyone. Especially when money is involved.” You wink at her, pulling down your shades.
She nods, and gestures for all the other cars to join you at the start line.
“Ladies and Gentleman!” Kiyo's voice echoes out of a megaphone. “Who’s ready for the Wheel of Fortune?”
You groan.
Wheel of fortune was the most unpredictable of street circuit events. With a newcomer? It was not bound to end well. But you thrive on chaos, you remind yourself.
A man you fondly recognize as Luke brings out the damned Wheel of Fortune from the side, and Kiyo selects a random person from the crowd to spin it.
“As hard as you can!” She reminds them, and the boy yanks on the wheel. The lights hypnotize you as the wheel spins around, but you quickly snap out of it. The pointer lands on 47, and Kiyo pulls the corresponding envelope from a box.
The evil smile on her face tells you everything you need to know. The event was going to be one hundred percent embarrassing.
“Drivers!” she announces. “Pick a partner!”
Oh, you think. A co-driver assignment shouldn’t be that hard. Luke would be a great pick, because he mostly let you do your own thing. All he cared about was going fast.
You pop your head out of the window and wave at Luke. He smiles at you, his dark skin glistening with sweat.
“Should be fun, yeah?” you offer him a fist bump. He obliges, and gets in the car.
“Very,” Luke laughs. You get the feeling he knows something you don’t, and the intensity of his gaze sends prickles down your spine.
You adjust the settings of your car to your liking and then wait for everyone to settle down.
“Drivers!” Kiyo’s voice booms through the large speakers. “Today’s challenge is all about handling distractions.”
She peels off her red leather jacket, showing off her collarbone and incredibly fit torso.“Can you keep your eyes-” she holds it out, ready to drop it. “On the prize?” She cocks an eyebrow at the crowd. You think you hear someone faint. To be fair, she was stunning.
“Your co-drivers are allowed to use everything on you. In fact, they’re encouraged to go above and beyond to distract you.”
You hear the faint hum of a vibrator on your left, and slightly panic.
“Luke?” you whimper. “Are you serious?”
“Come on,” he smirks. “You and I both liked last week.”
It wasn’t a lie. Luke was exceptionally hot and very skilled with a stick. But distracting you while driving, it would be impossible.
Suddenly, a man in a Ferrari jacket jogs up to Kiyo, whispering something in her ear.
“Ah yes, of course!” she claps her hands to gather everyone’s attention. “I’d like you all to welcome Pierre Gasly!”
Your heart skips a beat. Pierre? Here? This was the frenchman tonight?
“You know him?” Luke asks you.
“Well, I used to be a professional. We raced together a few times,” you supply the short version. The longer answer was that you fucked him. More than once. You’d just started your European career and well, he was pretty and nice and sweet and so fucking hot. He looked at you like no one else ever had. But he didn’t want a girlfriend.
“Just once every week,” he told you. “I don’t want to get attached.”
You agreed. The sex was that good. But well, offers didn’t come as easy to you as they did Pierre. He moved on to bigger things, and you moved back home, choosing to finish a degree.
Your day job was accounting, and your parents were okay with it. You’d take over the family business one day. Your night activities though, that was the real you.
Like tonight. You rubbed your palms together. Tonight would be a great time for revenge.
The man in the Ferrari jacket slips into the car beside you. You roll down your window and call out Pierre’s name.
He looks at you like he saw a ghost. You smile, coyly.
"Want to put on a show?" Luke asks you. You nod, and you take off your shirt, leaving you in a flimsy, lacy bra. You shiver, but you don't know if it's the cold or something else. Kiyo would probably say someone else.
“Like what you see?” you wink at Pierre, trying to get back in the zone. Sometimes, you have to play dirty to win. “Not gonna be yours tonight.”
He ignores you and instead tightens his grip on the steering wheel.
“On your marks!” Kiyo screaches into the megaphone.
You hollow your cheeks, feeling just a bit conscious about using your body to get what you wanted.
"Get set!"
You place your hand on the gear stick, steadying yourself. Luke pats your back.
"Relax baby," he soothes you. "You got this."
When she says go, you floor it.
Luke's pretty chill with the distractions. There's a camera in your car that shows everything that happens inside, so every 5 minutes or so his hand would creep up on your thighs and feel you in between.
You were okay with that, Luke was a pretty good lay and if it weren't for the driving aspect you would've made out with him then and there.
He doesn't use the vibrator yet and you don't really give him reason to. You knew how to play the audience.
That is, until a Honda Acura pulls up beside you. Pierre fucking Gasly. You just know.
In a moment of weakness, you look right. The man in Pierre's passenger seat meets your eyes, and mock salutes you. Then, he undoes his belt buckle, pulling it off of his waist and holding it up to you.
You turn your eyes back to the road, there's a drift turn coming up and you had to be cautious, but based on Luke's reactions, whatever's happening in the Acura isn't good.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me," Luke mumbles. "A blowjob? Seriously?"
Your mind goes blank. What?
"If you wanna win we have to up our game baby," Luke mumbles.
You had faith in yourself. You weren't a professional driver for nothing. You can handle distractions. Even if they come from hot men.
"Okay," you nod curtly, giving consent.
Luke kisses your neck and whispers into your ear.
"If you can do some acting, it'll look like our distraction is much much more effective."
Acting on top of driving? They should hire you for the next Fast and Furious movie.
You kiss him back in way of answer, never taking your eyes off the road.
The Acura and your car are neck to neck, could be anyone's race at this point.
The faint buzz of the vibrator fills the car Luke edges it towards you, slowly bringing it your thigh. The pace at which he was going was slower than a snail, and had it been any other time you would've taken things into your hands and shoved the damn thing inside of you. But tonight was all about distraction. All about the show. If the people wanted a show, they were gonna get it.
"You have full access to my body Luke," you tell him. "Do whatever's necessary."
"This is going to be fun," he licks his lips, and takes your panties to the side, making way for the vibrator.
The second it hits you, you almost drive into a pole. Fuck. It had been a few days, and you were feeling a little sensitive. The fact that your old fuckbuddy was here made things even worse.
You were on the drift tower now, nearing the end of the course. It was a straight grind up- something you could do in your sleep by now. But you couldn't underestimate Pierre. There was also the fact that Luke was getting kinda handsy now.
"I can go down on you," he switches the vibrator off, but keeps pistoning it between your legs. A familiar pressure slowly builds inside you. "The crowd would like that-"
Your thighs clench involuntarily. "Fuck, Pierre, yes whatever you say I'll -" you babble incomprehensibly.
"Just like that baby," Luke coaxes moan after moan from you, with the vibrator turned on to the highest setting. His fingers brush over your clit, sending you into a hot wet convulsing mess.
"Merde! Je ne peux pas, I fucking can't Pierre, I-"
Your release hits you hard and fast but the assault on your senses doesn't stop there.
"Do you have something you want to get off your chest?" Luke smiles, knowingly.
"For fuck's sake you have to- What? No?" You deny. You realized your mistake. You were royally screwed. You start panicking.
Thankfully, you reach the top of the tower without a scratch, and stop your car in front of the Buzzer. Whoever hits it first, wins. That was the rule.
"You didn't say my name out there," Luke teases. "Are you sure you're good?"
Pierre and his boytoy follow you, not that far behind. It could've been anyone's race. But it was yours.
Kiyo hands you a bottle of champagne, and places a crown on your head.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, your new Drift King!" She announces your name and helps you on the top step of the podium.
When Pierre climbs to take number two, your eyes meet, and for the briefest moment, you sense anger in him. But his expression quickly goes neutral and he smiles at you calmly. The calm before a storm, you think.
The champagne bottle is big, and when you finish spraying it on Luke and dumping more than half of it on Kiyo, you put the drink to your lips, savoring its bubbly flavor. It'd been a long night, and you sat on the side of the track, quite a bit away from the celebrations on the start line.
"Hard to forget the taste of victory, no?" Pierre's smooth voice comes up behind you.
"Why do you think I'd forget?" You put a hand on your hips, eyeing him accusingly.
"Considering you had to settle for the consolation prize," he shrugs, stealing a swig from your bottle.
"In the car. I could tell you were thinking of someone else."
"Of course," you snarl. "You had time to check me out while racing against me."
"Not my fault you make it so obvious."
"You know what? Fuck you Pierre."
"Three years and you're still not over me?"
You pause, thinking your words through. "I'd think you're the one not over me."
He pulls you closer to him, until his lips brush your ears. "Never. Do you know how I felt? Watching someone else pleasure you like I did?'
You look at his jaw, dripping with champagne. "Big words from someone who never wanted commitment."
"I-" he looks down. "Was afraid. I'm not anymore."
He closes his eyes and leans in. Even though you know you shouldn't, you can't stop yourself. He pulls you like a magnet, and your lips crash into his.
He tastes like champagne. Like victory. A reward, all dolled up for you in that white racing suit. Your hands roam around his sides, inching downwards. He leans into your touch, pushing into you. His knee forces itself between your thighs and the friction between your legs makes you moan.
"I knew you'd like that," he whispers in your ear. His kisses on your neck seem desperate, like he's trying to prove a point. It feels incredible, and then there's the slight twinge of pain.
"What was that?" You ask him, unsure what he was trying to play at.
"Well, you're mine. Only mine. I guess that should make it obvious."
You were beyond angry. He deserves to be taught a lesson, you think. So you smile and play along; softly kissing his cheek and then licking a stripe straight down- down his neck, his collarbones, his chest, his deliciously sculpted abs, the vee of pelvis - and then you stop.
You take his dick into your hands and story pumping. Even after all these years, you know exactly how he likes it. While he's distracted, you put the next part of your plan into motion.
You start kissing his thighs, softly, slowly increasing pressure. Then, you suck so hard you're sure it'll leave a mark. Pierre was way too gone to even notice what you were doing to him. Until it was too late.
"Seriously?" He sighs, mid-pant.
"An eye for an eye, no?" You look at him innocently, doe eyes and all. "A little gift for your boy-toy."
"Fuck this." He grabs you up, like you weigh nothing. "How about we continue this in my hotel room?"
"You're paying for my ride back," you cross your arms, but don't say no.
"Pay for your ride?" He kisses you, soft and gentle, and for a minute, you're reminded of what it meant to you, all those years ago. "I'll drive you back myself."
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thelemonsnek · 5 months
There are a lot of fun questions that come about from a tma-verse. How faithful are we talking. Are they full blown Avatars? Do they have to feed their patron? If so how would they go about it? I do believe a subway system would be pretty rich in targets as they have commuters that come day in and day out.
[vibrating at a speed that shatters glass] I am SO glad you asked
It is very faithful to tma canon, because instead of being eebied to Hisui, Ingo instead ends up in tma London! So the first part of the au is quite literally in tma. There's a whole running gag that Jon used to be into pokemon, and he gives Ingo and Emmet a copy of Pokemon White to play and they mark it with the Spiral and Buried respectively, and eventually it just gets marked by so many different avatars that that's what starts the apocalypse instead of the statement Elias gives Jon. Ingo and Emmet do get back to the pokemon universe before that happens though so it's fineeeeee
(They also bring the entities to the pokemon universe in coming home)
Are they full blown avatars?
Yes they are!! Ingo became an avatar when he became the Distortion, and Emmet became an avatar to escape Ingo's subway :)
For context on that, when Ingo and Emmet first reunited, it. Didn't go well! Because Michael had latched onto Ingo as a perfect victim (he was literally questioning the entire foundation of his reality, how could Michael resist?) and used Ingo's vague memories to torment him with the idea of the man in white
So Ingo doesn't think Emmet is real, and they end up fighting, and in that fight it comes up that Ingo has been eating people bc. He's the Distortion, that's what the Distortion does. And Emmet is like WHAT THE FUCK. THATS NOT OKAY. And anyways things continue and Ingo is convinced of Emmet's realness and is like oohhhh. He was important to the person Ingo. He could make me be that person again (bc the Distortion is a what, not a who, but just like Helen, he wants that anyways)
So he says to Emmet, "I have missed you so much. We can catch up, on the subway" and there, impossibly on the wall, is a sliding door leading to a subway car
Ingo is Emmet's brother. He will always trust him. He walks through the door, and finds himself in an impossible, endless subway
By now their argument has caught up with Ingo, and he's like. Ah. Emmet, the thing that anchored me to myself for the first time, said I shouldn't eat people. So I won't. And he goes on a hunger strike
Problem is, because of him doing that, Emmet can't get out. There is no out
But, a pressure at the back of his head whispers, there is a way down. And he Becomes, and begins to understand why Ingo took those people. He understands, because he has his own subway now
Do they have to feed their patron?
Also yes :) and yes, the subway is a verrrry convenient way to feed, especially since their domains are both subways as well! Very verrrry easy to be in a rush to get to your destination and take the wrong door :)
It's a bit of a perfectly awful situation really! They're both each other's anchors, which is great because they're good anchors to their sense of selves. The problem is, they kind of have this massive echo chamber going on, where as long as the other agrees and says that the act was justified, anything goes. And of course, with feeding, it keeps the other person healthy and alive. Why wouldn't they want their brother, their anchor, to stay safe? So their morals degrade rather rapidly!!
As far are their domains go, they're both differently flavored subways that have some degree of overlap (meaning it's possible to start in one, and end up in the other). Ingo's an endless maze that should not be possible. Trains that just never stop, stairwells that go on forever only to lead to nowhere, windows that show cities that don't exist
Emmet's is much more centered around the claustrophobia of the subways. Passageways that are a little too small, ceilings that are surely too cracked to hold, the weight of the world bearing down above you, held off only by the flimsy, crumbling cement. The trains are tight, dirty. There's never enough light to properly see anything
This video reminds me a lot of Ingo's subway :)
And this post is both of them tbh, in my tags I explain how it's Emmet, Ingo I think is self explanatory
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oldsargasso · 4 months
Okay so re: “I need the other three to have like, a campaign to make him understand. or maybe a game to see who can get away with the most blatant innuendo or...I can't think of the word. but like making excuses like 'oh you should take your shirt off while doing XYZ 😇 you don't want to get it dirty' “
I have this vision of Kenta getting into baking?? Like he keeps getting told to pick a hobby as part of his recovery, and one day he helps Kim or Dean or Winner (WHEN WINNER WANTS TO DO SOMETHING NICE FOR DEAN FOR ONCE) (or maybe even SonicNorth!) with baking a cake—and he finds that he enjoys it?? Not in an explosive “this is so much fun omg” way, but in a quiet way. It’s so instruction-oriented and I think that would be soothing to him, on top of it being hands on, and then at the end of it he has something to give the people he cares about.
ALSO he has a good foundation for bakers arms and he’d look fine as hell doing it!! WHICH IS WHY Winner tells him “You can’t wear your shirt while baking, you’ll get it dirty.” To which Kenta just gives him this look 
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“That’s what the apron’s for.”
But Dean jumps in to help “No, no, he’s right P’Kenta, your sleeves will get all dirty.” 
Which is why Kim walks into the room to find Kenta shirtless, wearing an apron cinched tight around his waist that does absolutely nothing to cover his generous and bountiful bosom, his beefy arms on full display as he aggressively kneads the dough he’s working on. 
Kim gives Winner a Look, to which Winner just takes a sip of his coffee and mutters “Don’t act like you’re not enjoying the view.” Which of COURSE Kim is enjoying the view; all he wants to do is grope and tease Kenta’s tits from behind, but Baking Time is NOT to be disturbed or it becomes Knife Time. So Kim, Winner, and Dean all just sit at the island watching Kenta, with Kenta giving them the occasional concerned/confused glance.
AFTER baking time however, the three of them absolutely help with “cleaning up” the flour that’s gotten all over Kenta’s skin until they’ve got him spread out over the counter, a panting, whimpering mess, until it clicks that maybe they hadn’t been taking a sudden and random interest in how to make bread, and it was just him they were watching.
(sorry to hit you with two long asks 🙏 you can take as much time as you need!)
please send me another three million words of this okay thank you!
not baking🥺 winner baking a cake for dean just leave me here 🥺 YES omg Kenta would love the ritual of baking. precise measurements, all the steps that have to be followed in correct order, doing and then waiting and then doing again. and then at the end of it he has something to give the people he cares about. 😭😭😭 STOPPPP before this Kenta really wouldn't have anything to give to people. all his funds previously were Tony's, and then I honestly don't know if he would get a job? or how he's living after that (maybe he can get a job in a bakery lol) but the food he makes would be like the first thing that's really HIS that he can gift.
all of these words are SO GLORIOUS!!! knife time is always only three seconds away. I'm screaming the thought of them all just sitting there WATCHING as Kenta kneads dough and gets a bit sweaty from opening the oven. perhaps mixes something vigorously.
feel free to elaborate on how they would help clean him up 😌honestly though it would take Kenta a while to actually realise, like he'd think about it but dismiss it pretty immediately because why would they be that into watching HIM? they would have to spell it out verrrry thoroughly
my first thought about the shirtless while doing mundane tasks was the classic "working on a car in the garage" wouldn't want to get grease all over your shirt!
"Oh," Kenta says, casting a quick look down at himself. "I thought, it's black so it probably won't matter---"
"Still, if it gets on there it's going to be messy," Winner points out sensibly. "And you know how fussy Kim gets about the laundry...'
And well, it's Winner's car so he would know best, and Kim did get really worked up that time Kenta put his blood-soaked jeans in with everything else last week... Kenta pulls his t-shirt over his head and sets it safely to one side. "What about yours?"
Winner shrugs and follows suit, tossing his shirt far less carefully away. The rag tucked into his waistband is pretty grubby; their shirts probably would have ended up the same if not for Winner's intervention. Kenta tends to forget, for all his extra years, how much he's outclassed when it comes to the garage.
(lol I love how we both were like of course Winner would be the first one to exploit this)
and then Kim and Dean come in from where they were practicing and settle in for the show 😇 perhaps Kim is convinced into sitting the driver's seat and turning the car on and off so they can test Kenta's handiwork. and while he's there Kenta swears he can feel Kim's gaze like a physical touch. and also when he can look away from Kim, he sees Winner has his dirty hands all over Dean, so obviously the only correct course of action is for everyone to take their shirts off. and perhaps more.
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waywardstation · 1 year
I love the train of thought au! I hate Tumblr though, especially mobile Tumblr. Had to scroll for 30~20 minutes to reach the bottom of the tag. (Mobile Tumblr reloaded at least a few times and I almost threw my phone. I think I cried twice in frustration.)
I am absolutely foaming at the mouth because I've always liked the way Ingo and Emmet get presented, the characterizations are just so... Mwah 🤭.
For some reason the only thing I could think about after spending an entire night reading that wall of posts was the concept of big brother Ingo.
Sorry if I'm ranting here, it really has nothing pertaining to the au at all but I hate this concept, especially the societal concept that the older brother takes care of the younger one. Twins especially since they are usually born minutes from each other and that really doesn't mean anything different in experience.
Yes, Emmet is younger but I've always pictured him as the headstrong one that stands up for Ingo more often than not. (Honestly that's the vibe they give off collectively). I like to think of them as not in a big brother, little brother dynamic but a "we been through so much shit together we support each other fully" dynamic. I do understand why people like using it though.
Wait, what was this post about again? I swear I'm not trying to negatively rant right after bringing up stuff that plagued my mind while reading. I guess all I want to say is thank you for hosting this wonderful community au on your blog.
Expect Tumblr crabs in your blog later on. This is a warning.
Hey there OP! Glad you like it, I do too!!! (Still working on that masterpost ^^;) and apologies with tumblr mobile, I know it’s not the best with optimization!
I’m putting a readmore below because I got a lot more detailed than I intended to, regarding Ingo and Emmet’s sibling dynamic.
I like your views because it really isn’t as black and white (ha) as all that. I am a twin myself, the younger between us (and also by a few minutes) and throughout our lives it certainly has gone back and forth with us, but there’s really no definite position of looking after the other, just like with any other sibling relationship.
Given how Ingo and Emmet are, I imagine their dynamic very similar to what you’re talking about, being each others’ full supporters. Multiple lines in Masters EX show this, like these few from Emmet:
"Ingo and I are twins. We're both Subway Bosses, and we're each other's closest rival! We always challenge each other to get better. That's the kind of relationship we have! It's always a lot of fun when we're together!"
However, I feel like Ingo might feel… I don’t want to say obligated, because it’s certainly not work, and he knows very well Emmet can fend for himself, but perhaps inclined (pressured? By himself??) to carry through with what’s normally expected of an older brother. He might feel like he should look out for Emmet when he can:
“My younger brother, Emmet, would always entertain passengers on the Battle Subway... Now he is enjoying being a host here on Pasio. However, he's still new to this style of hospitality. Would you mind keeping an eye on him?"
And this might be somewhat spurred by the fact that Emmet looks up to Ingo, which I am sure Emmet has made Ingo aware of - he just might not want to let Emmet down:
"Do you have any siblings? I have an older brother, Ingo. He's verrrry strong. He hardly ever loses in Pokémon battles. Even though I also hold the title of Subway Boss, I really look up to him."
I do feel Emmet is very ready to support Ingo as well, seeing as how in their story event in Masters EX, Emmet was trying very hard to help Ingo with a project of theirs:
"I want to make Ingo’s idea a reality! Please, let me do this!"
And regarding your thoughts that of the two, Emmet is more headstrong, I feel similarly, and think he would always very clearly stand up for Ingo when needed.
I do headcanon that growing up, Emmet was more outgoing than Ingo (and that this led him to meeting Elesa, the new exchange student at their school, and taking her over to Ingo to introduce her to him, since he was more reserved and shy - not terribly so, but more so than Emmet)
ALL IN ALL - both Ingo and Emmet fully support and help each other out whenever they need it. And while Ingo might feel pressured by himself to look out for Emmet as the older brother, Emmet naturally does it for Ingo just as much, if not a little more, simply due to his outgoing nature
To try and tie this back to Train of Thought AU, I’m sure Akari and Irida would see a lot of moments expressing this dynamic of theirs in the many memory traincars throughout the mind station.
AND MG Emmet himself is pretty much a monument to this. MG Emmet is doing everything he can to keep Ingo safe from the Remnant and to protect him, even at his own expense to some degree. MG Emmet might only be a mental projection of how Ingo sees his brother, but the fact that MG Emmet is doing that means Ingo knows Emmet would do things like that for him, and he would.
Thanks for your ask OP!!! Very glad you like the AU, and happy you gave me a chance to go into all of this - I did not expect to dissect things like I did haha.
(And tumblr crabs? oh boy!!! Those would be my first!!)
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hoochieblues · 3 months
Peppy's Big Day Out
Small dog, big excitement. Peppy got to do her first meet and greet event... and she didn't screw it up! 🎉
We got the opportunity to attend a local charity day yesterday, mostly thrusting flyers at people and raising a little bit of awareness, and Peppy got the Very Important Job of poster dog.
From her point of view, she went to a weird place where a bajillion potential new best friends had come especially to meet her. And there was cake. To say she had fun is an understatement.
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Doing any in-person stuff for European dog rescue tends to be a bit of a hard sell. Lots of 'ewww, foreign dogs' and 'but why pay attention to... over there... when there are so many UK dogs in need of help?' which is a reasonable question. To which the reasonable answer is 'we're lucky enough to have animal welfare legislation and an established rescue infrastructure with large national charities, though ofc there is always a need to do more, particularly at the moment with abandonment rates increasing due to cost of living, and the blatant cruelty and unfairness of BSL resulting in record numbers of bull breeds being given up or wrongly persecuted. If you'd like to donate to those causes, I have links! Meanwhile, 'over there' relies solely on individual animal rescuers doing their best with less than minimal resources and a corrupt and compassionless system of 'public shelters' where dogs are routinely starved, beaten, and inhumanely euthanised. Would you like a leaflet about supporting the campaign for legislative change and systems of street dog population reduction that don't involve culling, or would you like to hear about what happens when an animal is injected with weedkiller?'
Not to overtly politicise, but I don't like the isolationism that made Brexit possible, and I don't think compassion should know borders. My colleague just got back from a trip to Romania to see some of our dogs in care with rescuers there, and to meet an amazing woman we're working with to (potentially) expand helping with TNR and vet outreach programs in the future. Equity is about helping how and where it's needed, and it's the same reason I support microlending platforms and independent healthcare NGOs over, say, Oxfam.
Anyway, not sure how many minds we really changed, but the majority of people were sympathetic and/or open to learning more, and the small wiggly terrier beast giving I Am Cute puppy eyes while I explained how she'd spent time in the doggy equivalent of Rikers Island (pictured) definitely helped.
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We even got to do some walks around the public gardens and go into the house for cream teas. Amazingly, our very own PeePeeFace behaved herself, didn't tinkle anywhere she wasn't supposed to, didn't chew any children (the mouthing is a lot better. She knows she isn't supposed to playbite unless she's had her key phrase... which is 'yum yum' in a Gremlins voice. Hey, if it works, it's not stupid.), and even (mostly) walked nicely on the lead, with only a little bit of spinning and flailing. We even got a few 'gosh, she's so well behaved!' comments, at which I tried with all my might not to say 'yes, it's because she's slightly overwhelmed. Don't worry, it'll pass.'
It was by far the busiest and largest thing she's been to, but she did really well... and now she is verrrry eeepy.
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Also, to those wondering: Chance handled being home alone for longer than usual really well, though I did get back to find the carefully hidden evidence of a felony.
The 2lb locking tub of peanut butter (which had been on the back of the counter after I filled his kong that morning) had been the subject of a daring but extremely tidy heist.
Very little on the counter had been disturbed (even though he had to have been up there to get it, which... good job, buddy. Given the dodgy back leg, good job.) and the tub was just quietly sitting, unlidded, under the table. Not a drop of peanut butter on the rugs, nothing else disturbed. The mark of a master. Not even mad.
Anyway, overall a really good day, and huge progress for Peppy. Dunno if any of the people we met would potentially be interested in adopting her, but you never know. There's got to be someone out there for her.
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Linear Alternator: Prologue - Voicemails
Chapter Summary:  Five voicemails Elesa receives, and one she doesn't
Tags: non-graphic injury, PLA protagonist is not DPPt protagonist, Gaslighting, its not done on purpose (except maybe volo) but it does happen, Tags to be updated as we go
Summary: When Ingo disappeared, Emmet lost his spark. Elesa was doing her best, but it wasn't enough. Even as close as they were, she wasn't his brother, and Emmet needed his brother. So she was going to get him back, no matter what. 
With the rift closed, Rei really thought things were starting to get better. He hadn't seen Ingo for three weeks now, which shouldn't have been abnormal, given the circumstances, but then, normal circumstances didn't include everyone seemingly having forgotten his existence, did they? And if Ingo had never existed in Hisui, then who is the real warden of Sneasler, and how come Rei is the only one who cant remember her?
On AO3
Prologue for a multi-chapter fic I’ve been working on that I’m calling the Volt Switch AU.  I’ve got the first proper chapter already done, so it should be up later.
Hi, you’ve reached Elesa! I can’t pick up right now, so leave a message!
Hi bestie! It’s Skyla! I got your text that your flight made it safely! You’re probably still sleeping off the jetlag, but I hope you enjoy your time in Sinnoh! It’s been so long since you took a proper vacation like this. I want you to focus on having fun, so don’t worry too much about calling me lots, but text me! And I want to see tons of pictures when you get back! Ok, bye! Have fun!
I…. really Elesa. You deserve a proper break after everything. Take care of yourself, okay?
Hi, Elesa? This is Roark. The Oreburgh gym leader? Sorry I missed your call earlier, the signal in the Underground isn’t great. ha. I- uh. You said in your message you were interested in the kind of stuff people dig up down there? I have to say, it’s not a conversation I was expecting to have with someone of your reputation, but if you’re able to stop by the gym while you’re in town, I’d be more than happy to have it! Most of my interest lies in the fossils, but, uh, hey, I’ll send you my grandfather’s address in Eterna City. If you really want to dig down on it, he knows anything you could want to know about those tunnels!
Anyways, let me know!
Hello, this is Lenora calling. Apologies if it's late where you are. I got your email about the potential artefacts you found in Sinnoh’s underground? I’ll follow up in writing, but I have particular interest in those plates. Similar artefacts have been found in Kalos and Alola, as well as here, in the Abyssal Ruins. May I forward your pictures to Cynthia? You didn’t include her originally; I know she has been very busy, but we have discussed potential theories on these plates before, as well as their connection in some stories to the Celestica Flutes of the original clans. She will be interested, I think, in this discovery. She is a leading expert in the history of Sinnoh after all. I hope your trip has been wonderful so far.
Hi Miss Elesa. My name is Lucas. I work with Professor Rowan. You don’t know me but…. I. I overheard your conversation with Cynthia, and… I think- no, I know what you’re looking for.  I want to help. Cynthia, my friends, the Professor, they… they wouldn’t get it, OK, but I do. I know- I.
I know exactly what it’s like to lose someone without closure, and to feel like you’d do anything to find them, or even just for answers. I- I’ve- I want to help.
Cynthia may be the mythology expert, but I have family history here, and I promise. I know more than you’d think. Please, call me back.
Elesa? Elesa pick up, please. I thought you were on vacation, not- I am worried about you. Verrrry worried. Please. I did not understand your last message. It sounded like- Elesa. You are not doing something foolish? Do not do anything foolish.  Please. Answer my calls Elesa. I didn’t- If I- Elesa, I don’t want to lose you. I cannot lose you too. Elesa, talk to me.
I am Emmet, and I am verrrry sorry. Please call.
Thank you for calling the Nimbasa Gym. The person at this extension is not available. Please leave a short message after the tone. To leave a callback number, please press 1 now.
Hey boss, it's Ampère. You uh, are really never going to update from the default voicemail message huh? You’ve only been the gym leader for how long now? Anyways, I was just calling to update, since I know you’re checking your work phone, even if you’re supposed to be on vacay: my ratio of gym losses is only slightly worse than yours. If you don’t hurry up and come back, I’m going to surpass you!
I’m joking of course. Enjoy your vacation Ingo. Do not call me back before it’s over.
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emmetrain · 2 years
Arms wrapped around Emmet gently, Ingo feeling a bit. . . concerned. He couldn't help it the more he thought about Emmet's predicament. "You are loved, you know?" Ingo asked. It was easier than outright saying it. "You're a wonderful person and an extraordinary brother. I do hope that the fates in your reality are kinder to you, you do not deserve the suffering you've endured."
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"I-Ingo..." Not him, but also the only person who almost felt like him. Almost made Emmet feel safe in the messed-up world he had to thread alone--when he had never been alone...
Loved... Maybe... That was real, wasn't it? Ingo would never lie to him. And Emmet had no right to tell Ingo he should not care for someone who could not protect his own brother. Emmet was a failure, through and through.
And the rest of the words only crushed his heart harder. Did he deceive Ingo? Did he make him think highly of this utter waste of--...
He hugged back, biting down his lower lip not to cry, his nails digging to the coat with restraint, but still desperate.
"D-don't leave..." Emmet froze for a moment, horrified at the gall he had. "D-don't leave your Emmet, alright? H-he is wonderful, and has a... heart of gold. Get it? Because of his eyes--..." He said jokingly despite the pain. He... He might have deserved whatever came his way, but his twin had not. His brother did not deserve to be lost, to be forgotten...
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He pulled back and wiped the tears, offering a big smile to Ingo. "You are verrrrry kind! Yup! I... I love you and Emmet with my whole heart. I.. I am glad we met. Come now, I have found a verrrry nice spot in one of the abandoned tunnels, where you can hear all the noise of the subway but do not need to see the people!" Emmet grabbed Ingo's hand, tugging at him gently as he forced himself to be happy. So happy. Happy enough that he could be a fun person to be around!
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Oh yes we're really ranking and skanking, I saw one of my favorites, Fishbone recently. Speaking of favorites I had some tikka masala gopi and taro boba tea today and I can assuredly say it's food! What are some edible things you've been craving or are looking forward to. At 6:15 I'm getting them flaky ass fish food yum yum yum Ringos eating good. Fish emoji Peace sign emoji oh wait there's my emojis 🍽🐟😹✌️☮️💖 -Secret Ringo Starr
!!!!!! I love Fishbone!!!!!!!! I saw them last December they were so good! I initially planned on going to the show because I wanted to see one of the openers because they’d never done a show in Canada before (and haven’t since!), so I had to dm my ska friends like “I have a concert in a month please give me some album recs so I can be prepared for the Fishbone part of the show.” I think my favourite song of theirs is Party At Ground Zero? It’s always relevant lol 🙃
Back in October I got to see Catbite, who are a New Tone ska band from Philadelphia! Very good show, they were one of three openers and all four bands were awesome.
Right now I’m cooking chicken and rice, it’s gonna be verrrry tasty in about half an hour. I’m really craving pizza pockets (Canadian, similar to hot pockets but exclusively pizza stuff. Like mini calzones!) right now, but I’m not getting any of those until I go grocery shopping in a couple weeks.
I will admit I am not at all into boba, mainly because of texture issues, but it seems like a very fun drink.
Okay I should go check on my chicken in the oven now, byeeeeeeeeee! 🐓✌️☮️😎🤍🍚
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the-cat-chat · 7 months
October 14, 2023
Jennifer's Body (2009)
A newly-possessed high-school cheerleader turns into a succubus who specializes in killing her male classmates. Can her best friend put an end to the horror?
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JayBell: I saw this movie once a long time ago, so I was really excited to finally rewatch it. And honestly for a semi-teenage drama horror movie, it holds up pretty well. Some of the jokes are kind of outdated, but not so much that it ruins the enjoyment of the movie.
Megan Fox's character says some of the stupidest things in this movie and I love it. And Amanda Seyfried plays the best counterpart to Megan Fox's mean girl type character. I think there is a surprising amount of serious themes and concepts explored in this movie, both on the surface and in subtext. The relationship between the two leads is so much more complicated and interesting compared to how female relationships are usually shown in movies like this.
I do want to say that Amanda Seyfried's character's boyfriend was just blah. Like she calls him crying about this very tragic and traumatic thing she's been through and he's like, "Do you want me to come over?" Like duh??? Ugh I just didn't like looking at his stupid face.
But also Amanda Seyfried's character is not spared my criticism. She seems totally obsessed with her friend and dependent on her. So after Megan Fox's character gets caught in the fire and is acting totally out of it, it is unbelievable that she would just let her get carried away in a van full of adult males without making a huge fuss about it. She surprisingly just lets her go away with them, and I find this too out of character. I know it's necessary for the plot, but at least have her get knocked out or lost in the commotion or something.
P.S. I really like the ending of the movie. Very cathartic in a strange way.
Rating: 7/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: When I was in my emo angst phase and Panic! At The Disco’s “New Perspective” was my entire identity for a whole summer and probably fall? Yes. Did I wait like a rabid animal to get the dvd copy of this from the public library. Yes Again. Should my mother have been more concerned? Definitely, probably, maybe? That being said, I haven’t watched this in a verrrry long time and felt this spooky season was the perfect time to recapture part of my soul with this besties flick.
Is it cringe nearly 15 years later? Yes. But is it iconic? Yes! I loved pretty much all of this movie back in the day and I still do love it, but for different reasons. And I think I can appreciate it more now that I’m older. One glaring new thing is how absurd Needy’s character reacts to everything? And I loved Chip but…woof man. Back then I did notice all the weirdness and just ick of the relationships, but now it’s something entirely different. But that also feels very important to the story? Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox are just absolutely perfect in their roles and I don’t know if it would have worked with anyone else. I like to how on the surface you can take it as just this fun, ridiculous story that is just insane and bizarre, but actually does touch on the bigger concept of sexuality as women, and how it can be a double-sided coin,(needless to say how treacherously ick that is as a teenager while simultaneously being empowering???) and the dynamics of female friendships. Plus it has some killer lines. I will forever remember lime green jello for all my days.
Alsooo “Through the Trees” is the best friendship breakup song ever. And it can still make me cry and I still feel it in my soul.
L-O-V-E Adam Brody as a kind of knock off/ Satan loving Brandon Flowers. 💕
Rating: darrreee I say 8/10 Demons 👹
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blackfire-fanfiction · 9 months
YEP you got it! couldn't say better myself. :D
Raphael is so absolutely anxious right now the denial is the only thing keep him together. Especially since his death put his brothers in a verrrry bad spot. Big whoops. Should have listened to Donnie and literally everyone else.
Does it sound interesting to you?
Definitely interesting! I love the bad timelines so much, and was honestly a bid disappointed that the srau didn't have much substance in them, because the concept itself already takes care of most of the angst that can result from it. So messing around with this is really fun because it adds something to the au without repeating things already covered by the main and crossover branches
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hi hi its me u know that pink fan who dumped too many words in one comment instead of spreading it out by chapter like a normal person lmao
(psst it was to lure u into giving spoilers accidentally but damn it didnt work இ௰இ)
can i say im an og fan of yours??? i really really loved ur iwft series at first sight since im also more or less an emmet simp and at that time your iwft story was a sight for sore eyes! amidst all the angst and pain, a fun bamf emmet story was something i needed! and then you continued to pump out masterpieces one after another and as you can tell i've been ummmm verrry aware of you like keeping an eye out for something new from you aware-aware haha *refreshes subscription list like a maniac*
and oh i was not being anonymous at all as i thought haha (tbh i feel kinda honored you know me even as far back as my roxana phase the world needs more roxana tbh badass bitches rule my manhwa list btw have u also read the princess 's doll shop its my pfp i love her ヾ(≧▽≦*)o)
i dont usually comment in my favorite authors' stories (tho i should probably do it more often) but when i do its going to be more or less an avalanche of words
actually i do have more thoughts about wonderland simmering in my head but i didn't include it bc i was almost at ao3 character limit lmao so i'll just say it here
i wanted to include ghetsis in my speculations bc i feel like he had a hand in whatever issue the king was having and probably pushed the rift between nobori and kudari. we haven't heard from him yet so its a sneaking suspicion 🤔 i also wanted to include allusions to kyurem since i mentioned the forest of mirrors as a boundary between wonderland and the real world and guess who's the boundary pokemon idk bulbapedia said it was a husk pokemon idk who that is *wink wink nudge nudge* and since our resident amnesiac kudari was there maybe it means something? i also wanted to make some comparisons between kyurem and the king but i felt it was getting wayyy out of hand hehe
also also as you can probably tell i believe that wonderland is very much a real place but it is also a product of a dream since gen 5 had that dream world mechanic dunno how that's gonna fit in the story but its a nice thought
i also have thoughts on the memory hall and why the king restricted the place and why ingo got like conflicting memories but i am running out of words i need to soak my brain somewhere else first byeee have a nice day/night!!!
Hello, pink one! Good to hear/read from you again! I verrrry much appreciated the long comment in the latest Wonderland chapter! :D
(Heheh, gotta keep the secrets hidden~ It's kinda hard to reply to comments without accidentally revealing things lol)
I'm delighted to meet another Emmet simp! One of the big motivators behind 'I wish for truth' was for Emmet to not be a sad sad angsty depressed boy for once. Hence, him being a mysterious, powered up, bamf lol. I'm so very glad my story was able to provide that break from the *angst* that I myself was looking for.
I'm honoured to have someone so aware of my works! Communication on AO3 is relatively limited and I don't get much feedback aside from what's available on there (and social media ain't really my thing), so it's nice to know that there are people who notice and appreciate. The concept of having fans is still somewhat foreign to me cos all I'm doing is writing stuff... (that's all self-indulgent lolol). (btw, I still haven't shaken my habit of refreshing the Emmet tag on AO3 several times a day)
I will admit that my first moments of being a writer on AO3 were verrry... stalker-y? I'd just look at the profiles of anyone who kudo-ed or bookmarked my stuff, which is probably not that creepy? idk XD (I looove Roxana, she's so cool and gosh the art in that manwha is soooo pretty. Oh, I haven't heard of princess' doll shop! I'll definitely give it a look! Thank you for the rec~)
I don't usually comment on stuff much either (bc I'm kinda bad at doing that). So I'm honoured you decided to leave such a detailed, in-depth comment on my work! Thank youuuuu~♡
Oh, I was wondering if you were almost to the limit on AO3's commenting system. It was quite the essay! :D
Now onto Ingo in Wonderland:
Ohhh, speculations regarding gen5 stuff! Ghetsis and Kyurem and dreams hmm? Interesting thoughts you have there~
We'll just have to wait and see if the mysteries of Wonderland will ever come to light... (I have a lotta lore in my head but it doesn't always get onto the paper/document screen)
Oh, I'm excited to read your thoughts/speculations on the whole memory mess! I'll be waiting here (im)patiently~ (>w<)
Thank you for the ask! A good day to you too!
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mxdotpng · 2 years
"max why are you writing 5k introspection with no resolution at the end" that isnt the point. the point is nedrick & euden bicker like 5 year olds.
#.text#dl#halfway through this fic nedrick decides its actually fun making euden mad & then he tells euden to never speak to him again#dysfunctional siblings moment#nedrick: nothing of what our father has done is your fault. your life is your own. as is mine. i do not hate you#also nedrick: anyways im making arrangements so i never have to see your ugly face again. lol.#no literally. he says that#'i will see to it that we never have to see each other ever again' nedrick this is NOT what you should be telling#your emotionally damaged and feverish brother#did u know in the dragalia life comics euden refers to nedrick as 'me'#sobbing. crying.#hes trying so hard. nedrick is a piece of shit asshole though so#<- said with affection#hang on i need to reread my zena & euden fic now. god#euden zethia zena and nedrick make me sick btw. like just so you know#literally think abt that fic CONSTANTLY. i was a genius for that one#'id had hoped that someone would come to end it. this world. my reign of terror. me. but nobody could. it was just us.#all that remained was us.'#<- GENIUS. 10/10. im SOOOOOOO verrrry smart and talented and gifted and [EXPLODES]#too bad i write for a fandom with like 5 people#55 hits and only one comment... smh.#im like one of the 3 writers for dl that isnt weird and gross... but NOBODY but me cares#thats fine. i can deal with it#even if it gets sooo hard to bear this weight#i sound so conceited but idc idc#im allowed to be a little obsessed with myself every now and then...#also im a genius so if nobody will recognize it then i will. youll have to hear me being arrogant sorry everyone#my portrayal of euden & nedrick is importsnt. & also real#nobody gets euden like i do. & nedrick ig 😒#its only at 3k rn but god. i have so many missing scenes. i hate connecting them sm but i gotta. i Gotta
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thishazeleyeddemon · 2 years
I don’t know if I’d call this a proper fic, but consider it for Autism Acceptance Month. Emmet is a little unhinged, but that’s not a problem for everyone.
A young trainer comes to battle Emmet. Emmet is halfway through when he sees how tired this young person looks, the stiff way that they’re moving. He frowns. “Are you alright?”
They straighten. “Of course!” But Emmet knows the sound of someone who’s ignoring their own pain to push through - and he knows that there’s a difference between courage and determination and being insecure about your abilities and reckless with your health.
“Well, I’m not,” Emmet says, taking a step back. Eelektross chirps, and Emmet signals with one hand for it to come back. He sits down cross-legged on the floor, and Eelektross curls up under his hand for pets. Chandelure hums, and there’s a flash of light as it retreats back into its ball. He looks at the young trainer. “You are not feeling well. Therefore, you will not battle at your best. Battles that are not fair are not fun. Therefore, I don’t want to battle until you’re feeling better.”
The trainer bristles, their Excadrill and Houndoom shifting uncertainly behind them. “I can do it.”
“Can is not should.” Emmet scratches Eelektross. “Besides, I also needed to sit down. I’ve been standing for too long, and my legs hurt verrrry much and I’m thirsty. It is not shameful to need a break. Will you join me?”
The trainer shifts their weight foot to foot, like they want to run. Then, mind apparently made up, they recall Excadrill and Houndoom and slowly, slowly, eyes on him, they lower themself to the floor of the train. They say nothing, but he sees the relief in their eyes, the way tension drains out of them like a faucet turned on.
Emmet nods, his smile softening. “Good?”
They nod back, carefully. “Good.”
Emmet carries a pack with him, with all the supplies a trainer would ever need. He fishes inside it, coming out with a bottle of water. “Are you thirsty?”
Silently, the young trainer nods again. Emmet tosses them the water. “Drink as much as you want. I have more. If you need more assistance, be sure to tell me and I will help you.”
He pets Eelektross while they do so. They drink half the bottle, before setting it down beside them. For a while, it’s silent in the train.
“You’re different than I thought.” Almost as soon as they say this, they seem to regret it. Their face flames red, and they duck to hide behind their hair. 
Emmet tilts his head, smile turning strained. “What did you think of me? Please be honest.”
The young trainer shifts, looking awkward. “People say you’re scarier than Subway Boss Ingo,” they murmur. “But I don’t think you’re scary. You’re nice.”
Emmet blinks. He has heard many people’s opinions of him, but this is not the common response. Underneath his hand, Eelektross complains softly at the lack of pets. He resumes stroking its back. “Nice?” He considers this. “I am Emmet. I am not nice. You are a powerful trainer. I want to battle you at your strongest. You are verrry determined, but it is not safe to ignore health concerns.” He says as someone who’s done that exact thing, but that’s not important.
Unexpectedly, the young trainer giggles. “See? You are nice.”
“Hm.” Emmet, unsure what to respond to this, decides to move on. “It is true that I am scarier than Ingo. Ingo is very gentle, and he is better at making people like him. That is why I do Doubles, and he does Singles. It is more common to do Singles if you are starting out. People who are starting out need encouragement. I am not as good at providing it.”
The young trainer nods, scooting forward. “Ingo was cool. I liked him a lot.”
Emmet lets his opinion of this trainer go up a few notches. It is good to know that they have correct opinions on things, as well as being a good trainer. “You should. Ingo is very easy to like.”
They fall into silence for a few moments. The young trainer begins to do stretches, pressing their palms together, before beginning to stretch out their legs. They look at him every so often, as if waiting for permission to continue. Emmet continues to pet Eelektross and wait.
The trainer stops, but they don’t ask to resume the battle. “I’m sorry for -”
“Stop.“ Emmet raises a hand. It is rude to interrupt but he really, really doesn’t want to hear a needless apology. “Never apologize for performing your safety checks. You should always do those, even if it upsets someone else.” He hesitates - he’s not exactly the advice kind of person, not particularly good at social cues, but he feels the need to elaborate. “Do you know that I am autistic?”
The young trainer starts. They resume doing their stretches, but their eyes are focused on him. “No..but I’m not surprised.”
Emmet nods. Ingo is better at seeming merely loud and eccentric, but Emmet never got the hang of masking. “I am Emmet. I am autistic. When I was younger, I did not attend to my own safety. I had not been taught how to express my needs, and when I tried, I was verrry often ignored or told to be tough.”
“What happened?”
“I would spend a lot of time in pain. This made me frustrated and exhausted, which made me lash out at others. I remember I used to bite when people touched me.” He pauses. This much un-scripted speech with a stranger is tiring. “I know this is not the same as you, but my point is that it is important to advocate for yourself. I am Emmet. I am important. You are also important.”
The young trainer lets out a slow breath. “I just...I just don’t want to be rude to people -”
“It is not rude. Or if it is rude, it is fine. If you clearly state what you need, you should get it. If you don’t get it, and people are upset with you, that’s their problem. You should not be in pain for other people.”
The trainer picks at their wrist, eyes wide. Emmet shifts uncomfortably. Eelektross raises its head, sensing his strange mood. “It is only what I think. Determination is not ignoring what you need.”
The trainer nods. “I think...”
Emmet blinks. “Yes?”
“I think you are a little scary.” But their voice is admiring, their mouth turned up in a grin.
“Thank you?” Emmet tries. By their grin, this seems to be the correct response. They are no longer looking so tired, he notices, and they seem to be steady on their feet. And he’s had enough conversation, either way. “Are you ready to keep battling?”
They bounce a little. “Yes!” Then a worried look flits onto their face. “You won’t go easy on me, will you?”
Emmet gets to his feet and grins, vicious as a wildcat. The young trainer grins back. “No. I am Emmet. I like winning more than anything else. And if a battle is not serious, it is not fun.”
Later, going home, Emmet relates the discussion to Ingo. “What did it mean? They said I was scary, but they smiled.”
Ingo hums, considering. “I think it means that because you were kind to them, you made them feel safe and respected. This means that they decided that you were admirable, instead of frightening.”
“I am admirable?” Emmet turns this over in his head. “How am I admirable? I am a verrry good trainer -” because if he didn’t know that, he’d be stupid “- But I am rude, and strange.”
Ingo actually stopped in the street to look at him. “Yes. But you noticed that they were in pain, and helped them. You are also well-known, and strong. You are not scary to hurt others.” He gently elbowed Emmet. “I think that they meant, they feel like they can take strength from your strength.”
Emmet’s hands vibrated at his side. “I have to think about that.” His head felt like it was spinning.
Ingo actually smiled at him, and wrapped an arm around him, giving him a gentle hug. It was okay to be hugged by Ingo, he knew the right amount of pressure. “Does it feel good to be appreciated?”
“It feels very strange,” Emmet replied. “I guess I need to be careful. Or my head will get as big as yours.”
Ingo sputtered. Emmet laughed and ducked away from his arm. As he did, he reached up and deftly caught Ingo’s hat. He fled down the street, Ingo giving chase.
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dreamrecorder · 3 years
An Elemental Swap
You and your companion came across a very ancient artifact that exchanged your elements.
Includes: Venti | Diluc | Kaeya | Albedo | Zhongli | Xiao | Childe
Venti and Zhongli- i dont know if elemental swap is possible for them since they’re the archons but lets just do this haha
Venti > Pyro
s t o p h i m
stop him before he terraforms the entirety of Mondtsadt again ksks
he’s basically an older version of klee
the moment he realized your pyro vision was swapped with his element
hoo boy- expect pyro explosions at every enemy
then there’s you
poor bby you had no idea what to do with your anemo
and you had no plans using the anemo any time because it will only make his flames larger
the entire duration of the swap you couldnt let the bard away from your sight lest another explosion goes on ksks
and whenever you accidentally summoned a storm
the bard would sing to you for you to calm down ~
Diluc > Hydro
surprisingly, the man was not that bothered with the hydro wrapping his claymore
in fact, he seems to appreciate the element opposite to his original element
but whenever he uses his burst- you shiver at your war flashbacks
as for you, you were quite panicking about your new element because you’re literally vaporizing and you didnt like the rising heat
expect diluc to instantly be by your side to calm you down and try to douse the flames uwu
Kaeya > Geo
to say the least
both of you felt uncomfortable with your exchanged elements
you kept slipping on your own ice
and kaeya just kept hitting himself with the geo he accidentally summons
but the two of you eased to the elements- teaching each other how to grasp the basics
it was a learning process but the both of you kinda had a tender moment from it
when you got too cold from your ice the captain would instantly wrap his arms around you to warm you up
kaeya realizes that geo really fits you because you gave him a solid foundation for him to his ground his emotions for you <3
Albedo > Dendro
the two of you are in for an experiment!!
and albedo is actually pleased with the switch because now- he can understand the essence of life better with his new dendro vision!!
as for you
you’re actually quite having fun summoning his all famous elevator^^
when you accidentally slipped from the elevator- you expected a hard fall on your butt
but the pain never came
the alchemist summoned a verrrry soft flower to cushion your fall
and that flower was shaped in the form of your fave flower <3
this is so sweet im actually blushing myself too lmao
Zhongli > Electro
the two of you honestly didn’t know how to feel about your exchanged elements
but since you’re the curious type-
it kinda resulted to you accidentally and comically hitting the man with a geo shard
in playful retaliation the man zapped you back
again, your curiosity peaked!
“Hey zhongli!”
“Is you meteor still gonna be a geo meteor now that you have electro?”
Now he’s curious too
You grinned
“Lets try it out!!”
And zhongli could only sigh at your chaotic curiosity
Xiao > Cryo
give his poor soul a break
he thought that- along with the exchange- his karmic debt carried over to you
but when you assured him that you’re fine- the yaksha is still worried
to prove that youre fine
you sent out a playful yet gentle wind to his way- ruffling his hair
not yet fully convinced but willing to go with your intentions- he too sent a small gust of snowflakes your way
you grinned at his response and soon enough
the two of you made your own snowy wonderland at the top of wangshu inn
Childe > Anemo
his twin blades go whooosh
dude this man will be itching for a fight to test out his anemo
but you didnt want others to get involved in your trouble so you had no choice but to fight him
while childe instantly got the gist of fighting with anemo
you on the other hand were soaking wet
then theres him laughing his ass off at your attempt to successfully cast water to him and you are pouting at him
the sight absolutely made you cuter and his heart exploded
“alright alright im sorry haha maybe it’s only fair that i should teach you the gist of hydro first~
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dark-green-line · 2 years
This is short and sweet folks, Emmet finds his brother, and then they hug.
“Fine. You’ve got three days. The portal back will open right in the same spot, so you better be there. If you don’t walk through within the hour I’m sending a rescue team.”
Emmet feels the smile on his face in a way he hasn’t in a while, and nods his agreement.
In a whirlwind he is shuffled outside, told to have fun in the past, and then he’s walking through a portal to find his twin. It’s all very fast. Emmet is too busy trying to not to vibrate out of his skin to take it all in.
That doesn’t matter. What matters is that he is somewhere he wasn’t before, and this place is where Ingo has been for the last two years, three months, and fifteen days. What matters is that Emmet needs to get searching. He starts by trying to find the nearest sign of civilization.
He finds none.
He’s on top of a mountain. He should be able to see something. A city should stand out at least a little bit from far away.
Unless he’s so far back in time they don’t have cities yet. Hmm. An unexpected delay. Emmet does not have many outdoor skills. But! He has no other track than to climb down the mountain. Then, hope to find a passerby and ask them where Ingo is. His brother is out there somewhere. He starts climbing.
Emmet is having a nice time watching the wild Pokémon while he stumbles his way through climbing down. After he almost falls to his death for the fourth time, a pokémon approaches him. It’s verrrry tall. Verrrry unusual too- it looks like an incredibly forgetful kid tried to draw a sneasel from memory.
The pokémon makes sure Emmet is looking at them. Then it turns around so he can see the basket on their back.
“Are you offering to carry me?”
The pokémon nods. Emmet climbs in the basket. Getting down the mountain goes much faster after the weird sneasel takes pity on him.
Once at the bottom, the pokémon stops. Emmet climbs out. Before Emmet can be on his way, the sneasel chitters at him. Looks him up and down with a considering gaze. Then, they do something unexpected.
The weird sneasel takes Emmet’s hat. Then holds it in the air next to his head like she’s putting it on an invisible person next to him. They look from Emmet to the invisible person, shaking the hat a bit for emphasis.
Emmet can’t breathe. “Do you know where he is?”
The sneasel puts his hat back on his head and offers their basket to Emmet again. Emmet doesn’t hesitate, but does remember to say, “thank you” this time.
After what feels like an eternity watching the world go by through a gap in the basket, they make it to some sort of town. A man at the gate halts their progress. Emmet climbs out of the basket to speak with him.
The man’s eyes widened.
“Ingo? I thought you were already here?”
Emmet’s breath catches.
He’s here he’s here he’s here he’s here he’s here he’s here he’s here he’s here he’s here he’s here!!!!
Emmet sprints past the man at the gate. Emmet thinks he hears him yell after, but more clearly he hears the tall sneasel hiss at the guard, which makes Emmet smile wider. This place isn’t that big, Emmet will find Ingo before anyone catches him if he runs fast enough.
Emmet is deciding whether to veer left in the middle of town or continue full steam ahead when he hears the BOOM from directly ahead.
A pokémon battle. A really fun looking battle, between a gliscor and…a samurott that looks wrong. Briefly, his eyes catch on the teenager behind the odd pokémon and Emmet wonders where on earth they got it from. Samurott gets hit by a brutal looking thunder fang, which draws his attention back to the gliscor. Then, to the trainer behind gliscor.
Emmet wonders how many times in a day someone can spontaneously stop breathing before it becomes unhealthy.
There he is. There is Ingo!
There is Ingo, in the middle of a pokémon battle, and it’s been so long since he’s seen Ingo in action that Emmet can’t help but stare. The longer he watches, the more the child against him seems verrrry strong. Emmet is impressed. He wants to see them on the battle subway.
Ingo is both comfortably familiar and horribly different. His subway uniform is in tatters, but he still directs his team with confidence and skill. Emmet can’t see the happy gleam Ingo usually gets when he’s having fun, Ingo’s knees are bent awkwardly like he’s in pain, Ingo-
He just looks so sad. Of course he does, he’s been trapped in the past for years! How could Emmet have let this happen-
There’s another BOOM. The battle is over.
Something in Emmet remembers to move. Once he’s running again he can’t stop and he collides with Ingo from behind. Both he and the child let out a noise of surprise, but Emmet can’t say a word. He’s so close, Ingo is really here, and Emmet has no voice for words he doesn’t care about when Ingo is here.
Ingo was having a good day. Sneasler hadn’t needed his assistance this morning, so he made his way to Jubilife Village. He conducted several opponents to the training ground for young Micha, and was now engaged in an intense battle himself.
“No one does it like you, Ingo,” they say every time. It’s flattery that will get them nowhere, but Ingo likes to indulge them anyway. He likes battling Micha as much as they like battling him.
It’s after a particularly loud finish that Ingo is accosted suddenly from behind. He shouts in alarm but the mystery person does not loosen their tight grip. Ingo tries to twist around but finds it impossible, so he looks down instead to the arms holding him.
White and bronze. Long sleeves which poof at the ends, much like Ingo’s coat used to have. Exactly like Ingo’s coat used to have.
The shadow of a twin that matched him exactly, save their preference for white over black.
There’s something digging into his back. It feels like the hard brim of a hat.
A quiet night in, two hats on a hook by the door, an apartment he can’t place but knows is his home.
It’s urgently necessary that Ingo turn to face the person hugging him. He shoulders his way sideways, grabbing the other man by the shoulder. His eyes feel suspiciously wet.
“I am Emmet,” the man croaks. “I finally found you.”
Ingo stares at him. Stares and stares and stares because this is someone he knows and his heart feels full to bursting-
The ground is moving beneath his feet. The world zooming by through the windows. A subway.
More than a fiery partner, an entire team, equipped both for tunnel safety and competitive play.
1000 battles, fought against 1000 faces, but standing side by side with one.
“Emmet,” he whispers back. The man in white starts crying.
Days spent growing up in the sun. Days spent working underground. A lifetime of family, friends, and Gear Station.
Ingo remembers everything.
He pulls Emmet back to him and holds him like his life depends on it.
“EMMET!” The word bursts out of him, he’s so overwhelmed he can’t possibly contain it.
“Ingo.” Emmet whispers so quietly, like he’s too overwhelmed to speak at all.
They stay there for what must be a short eternity. Ingo clings, but then pulls away because he wants to look at his brother and Emmet smiles so happily at him. Then he pulls him back into an embrace and Ingo is content to stand there forever, which is just when Emmet will pull away again to pat at Ingo wherever he can reach, just to make sure his twin really is whole and in one piece. Ingo is perhaps the happiest he’s ever been.
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