#I follow several pokemon blogs
emmet-appreciation · 2 years
// I love Pokemon appreciation/propaganda blogs because they'll reblog a post with a ton of pokemon and it's like a fun little treasure hunt to see which one is relevant to the blog :)
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googiekitsch · 21 days
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helloooooo my name is kaz or alternatively margo ^_^ 19, he/him, aro hispanic+latino fem gay guy. taken by my lovely bf @duohops <3
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sum things u should know about me:
✦ i am first and foremost a cartoonist! illustration and char design is my main wheelhouse though i also dabble in more comic-y stuff :J
✦ im autistic and along w that i have several other mental conditions i prefer not to make public. tldr my brain is a weird messy bowl of sludge at all times @~@ i have to disclose that i am recovering from a great deal of personal trauma both recent and old atm and i have been seeking a lot of treatment for it, so if theres fits where im inactive that's why. my one request is pls be gentle with me as i tend to be a ball of nerves now more than ever
✦ i tend 2 stick to only those i know in my circle and my social battery is by default very low so im really sorry if i come off as awkward in conversations or if i dont reply to stuff for a bit. im nowhere near the best at socializing but im working on it i prommy
✦ i have a lot of interests!!! i have a lot of hobbies such as drawing but i also like making photocards, sculpting, painting, animating, writing and hiking. the stuff i like includes stuff like adult animation, art history, theme park history, 2000s era adult swim (esp vbros and mtl), mlp, su, pokemon, fashion, campy old movies, new wave, kglw, mr bungle/mike patton/faith no more/etc, dolls and doll collecting, funk metal, creepypasta and online horror content, horror stuff in general....u get the gist by now
✦ im a furry and i tend to draw a lot of anthro stuff so if you have a problem with that like. idk your loss youre lameeeeeee
✦ i love pete and billay vbros so much you have no idea. theyre my ultimate comfort chars so youll see them around my blog a lot
fairly standard dni uuhhh no proshippers/'anti-antis'/p3do or inc3st defenders, no zionists and no terfs. also please dont follow me if ur under 15. if you are weird i will blast you full force with my evil wizard beams
find me elsewhere on my toyhouse & sheezy and also on my furry blog @plazpauz (16+!) thats all buhbye
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Just found this neat little blog and after scrolling for several minutes I gotta give it a follow. Been using a hisuian lilligant in pokemon showdown recently so can we get one of the pretty lady please?
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is there anything we can do to help? you said sickness so maybe we could donate money so you can get good medicine?
You are so kind to be worried and to want to help, but I am in a very fortunate position to have good insurance so please don't worry about me funding wise.
Warning: If you don't want to be privy to certain less fun aspects of my personal life please stop at the end of this paragraph. I understand fun blogs like mine are often used for escapism/joy and I have no issue with anyone who wants to keep more serious topics out of their Pokemon fashion fun time.
To be completely honest my issue is a series of chronic health problems that I have suffered with for years that have become more debilitating with time. I have chronic migraines (for which I have tried many fruitless medications, expensive procedures, and herbal remedies) and never don't have a headache anymore. In addition to that I have a nebulous and loosely diagnosed stomach issue (that I will hopefully have figured out soon after a few new tests) that makes it hard to consistantly keep down food. Between these two issues, depression, and anxiety, I often need extra rest when I get more severe flare ups (which I've been having this week) and find it hard to focus on the blog.
So while this does leave me unable to work; my husband is paid well and I am very fortunate to live some degree of the life that boomers pretend is capable for everyone in my generation. And while tips are appreciated they are by no means needed and we are financially secure.
The other main issue is a family friend is on their death bed, and as he requested my husband and I will be hosting the wake at our home when he passes. This is unsurprisingly taking up a lot of my brain space; so I am trying to fill the rest of what isn't already being taken up by stress, depression, and sickness with family and relaxing rather than the blog (which while I love it makes me anxious when I feel I'm not putting requests out fast enough).
TL;DR: My situation will not get worse or better from more money so please don't feel obligated or pressured to provide monetary support (fanart to cheer me up on the other hand is always appreciated though don't feel obliged to do that either). I am earnestly just grateful to have kind and supportive followers who are willing to stay with me even if I can't post every day like I'd like to.
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sinnohsiblings · 9 months
Abbadons' Gilded Gala Event!
Hello! Eve-of-Halloween here hosting my first-ever community event in celebration of reaching 200 followers! This event will have story/plot significance for sinnohsiblings! Event Dates: 8/31/23 - 10/1/23 What Is this event? Lord Abbadon is hosting a formal ball in his grand palace on the peak of Mount Coronet, and all are invited! Formal attire is required and Legendaries are highly encouraged to join and socialize with their fellow legends of other worlds. Abbadon has extended this invitation across the multiverse. Some rumors say he's playing matchmaker, others say it's an excuse to see his wife but who knows! Who can attend? ANYONE in the Pokemon Askblog community! If your character is capable of shapeshifting they are heavily encouraged to come disguised as humans. If your character is unable to transform Lord Abbadon has commissioned special rings for any non-legendary guest in attendance to grant them the ability to transform if they so desire. You are allowed to bring a plus one but if you bring children there will be a separate area to provide them with games and entertainment as the adult attendees' refreshment table will serve adult beverages such as wines. Children will not be permitted in that area. But food and non-alcoholic drinks will also be provided for all guests. What should I wear?
Anything formal by your character's standards! So long as your character feels good in what they are wearing it will be permitted. But you should dress to impress given the guests of honor. This Gala is basically an overly formal version of a meet-and-greet to get his children to socialize with other Pokemon and legends as they've become far too reclusive for his liking. Examples of outfits can be seen here with Galadriel, Zephyr and Parisa!
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How do I participate?
Feel free to interact with other guests/blogs and the cast of this blog. The purpose of this event is to get people to socialize and maybe get out of their shells! Rumor has it that the god of love is a special guest attending at Lord Abbadon's request to work her magic~! So keep an eye out for her! Lady Amore will be playing Cupid and may temporarily hit you with a 3-ask infatuation spell! (This is an optional part of the event see the tags section for how to consent to this event) For those who participate at the end of the event, I will be raffling 2 legendary designs! One of the designs is the daughter of the god of love herself! Perhaps this is her token of apology for all the chaos she is bound to cause~! But beware if you are caught causing too much of a ruckus or entering the off-limits areas the Lycan legion guards of on-duty Zacian and Zamazenta will toss you off the mountain top!
What are the tags for the event? #SINSIBGALA (this is the general event tag! all posts pertaining to the event will be reblogged to @eohblogsrp)
#cursedcrush (use this tag on your post if you want a chance to be hit by Amore's 3 ask love curse! If hit you will become infatuated with the first pokemon you see for 3 asks. it will wear off after that and you will remember that it was the effect of a curse. Blogs who do not have this tag on their event posts will not be targeted.)
When the event starts I will also make a post with a map of Abbadon's palace and several backgrounds that you are free to use for the event! Thank all of you so much for your support and I look forward to more stories to come!
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prince-kallisto · 7 months
My blog??
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Σ੧(❛□❛✿) Sudden, right? I didn’t realize until I was thinking “I wonder how long it’s been since my first post!” And since my pinned post was my first post I ever made, I checked and it said I published that on November 5th!
Haha I’m a bit late to my own anniversary, as it’s the 6th for me here and it may be the 7th for some of y’all. But it feels fitting that I’m late- sounds just like me to lose track of time!
Not to get sappy or anything, but I just want to thank everyone whose been supporting me, no matter if you comment frequently or just lurk! 💞💞💞 I’ve met so many amazing people in Tumblr, and I’m just so happy to chat with everyone! I’ve gone through several phases throughout my blog, so a shoutout to the people who followed me for Pokemon at first and have stuck around throughout my TWST silliness。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
I remember at the time when I first started this blog, I was in a very bad place- to the point I couldn’t imagine making it this far in life. Posting about silly little guys became a source of comfort and safety- and I started writing theories and analysis posts because those were the type of posts I ATE UP before I started posting myself! It feels so surreal now having people compliment my theories or even my art- which I can see drastic improvement since my early days. I’m still a bit shook that I’m mutuals with some of the TWST theorists I admired in my lurker days! How did that happen? ∑(゚Д゚)
I’m in a much better place since then, and seeing how my blog has grown over time makes me feel kinda emotional haha 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 I think I myself have grown alongside my blog (not in height, but in character at least lmaoo), and seeing how far I’ve come since a year ago inspires me to keep pushing forward. I’ll keep this date in mind for next years anniversary! \(//∇//)\
Thanks once again to everyone, to my mutuals, my followers, and anyone’s whose showed interest and support into my work. I love you all so much, thank you for being here! 💞💞💞💞💞
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sour-herba-sandwiches · 4 months
Guess I have a blog now.
I'm Arven. I go to Uva Academy in Paldea. I saw that a few of my classmates have a blog on here, so here I am, I guess. Here's a few things about me.
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I'm a transmasc bi enby who uses he/they.
I'm not too bad of a chef if I do say so myself, and I have plans of going pro.
My bestest buddy in the world is @uva-academy-vio. He's so awesome >:))
I make sandwiches. I'm the sandwich guy. Yeah.
Go ahead and send me asks, I guess. Don't ask me about my dad. Seriously.
//ooc under cut
Hello there! I'm the mod for this blog, but just call me Mod Hugh or Mod Romeo. I run several other blogs in the Pokemon IRL community, such as @bbleague-crispin, @hughnova, @uva-academy-vio, and @tenmadontyouknow. I use he/they, and I'm a minor. My main is @shingetsu-online, so all follows and likes come from there!
Warning for some slight unreality, since this is a blog where I pretend that Pokemon [yes, from the games] are real.
This blog is connected to @uva-academy-vio! The events of the Teal Mask DLC have already happened, but not the events for the Indigo Disk, which will happen later. This also takes place post-main Pokemon Violet, so spoilers for that!
No IN-CHARACTER anon hate unless I clarify that it's okay. I'm not someone who deals well with that kind of stuff, so please let me know beforehand.
NO NSFW AND PROSHIP INTERACTIONS !! I'm a minor and so is Arven.
Alright! Have fun!! :DD
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mewtwoandme · 10 months
Is there any other fandom you would like to make a comic about; in the future?
Honestly, theres a few I've considered, but I don't know if I ever will. I'm not as fixed on them as I am with pokemon. I'd have to say my second fandom after Pokemon would be AVATAR, especially after seeing The Way of Water. Even when I saw the first film back in 2009 when I still drew traditionaly, I always tried to draw the na'vi but wasn't very good at it back then lol. Now though, yeah I've done like one or two sketches before, but again, I'm not as fixed on it as Pokemon, so those sketches have been left unfinished for several months now. The one thing I've managed to complete was an avatar head bust. My desire to draw for that fandom randomly comes and then disappears.
Another would be the Monsterverse cause for any og followers out there who found me before my Mewtwo blog, I was heavily into Godzilla stuff and had a blog dedicated to kaiju art. But then I got rid of it and deleted everything when I slipped out of the fandom. I still love the monsterverse, I just no longer feel the desire to make art for it. Though I'm not opposed to maybe drawing old man Goji in the future, reconnecting to my Tumblr roots lol. A part of me does miss him.
Lastly, Dragons. Just dragons in general. I have been tempted in the past to make a blog dedicated to dragons. Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon, Dragonheart, Wings of Fire, Eragon, Httyd, you fucking name it! But...I haven't gone through with it for the same reason I've deleted my old Godzilla blog. It became too overwhelming for me to manage 2 blogs, so one had to go. I realized I could only focus on one blog at a time.
So if I ever do another blog focusing on another fandom, it'll be after my Mewtwo/Pokemon blog stories are finished or I begin to lose the spark for the pokemon fandom and decide to branch off to something else.
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faller-fears · 6 months
((OOC Information Under The Cut))
I am Jonathan Sims, The Archivist. I, along with my partner Martin, fell into the world of Pokemon in March. We have been staying with Hop, Professor Sonia's apprentice, since then. Martin has been learning to care for Pokemon by helping Hop's mother, and I have taken a position as Professor Sonia's assistant.
When we are not busy with work, we engage in another kind of work. We take people's Statements. "Statements of what," you may ask. Statements of supernatural, or otherwise esoteric, experiences in their lives. I must make it clear that not every statement is true. However, the Statements which are true are very important indeed. It is our duty to search them out and document them.
If you have experienced a frightening occurrence having to do with the following themes, I encourage you to submit a Statement.
-Scopophobia, agoraphobia, the fear of being watched, the fear of your secrets being known, the fear of having to keep secrets, the fear that you will never find answers
-The fear of being manipulated, the fear of having no control in your life, the fear of being controlled by your addictions, the fear of controlling others
-The fear of being eaten, the fear that you are only meat and nothing more, the fear that you are not good enough, the fear that you are useless, feeling as though you must keep changing yourself in order to become perfect
-The fear of being hunted, the feeling that you must give chase, that you must pursue and kill something or someone
-The fear of senseless violence, of being murdered, tortured, or abused
-The fear of space, the sea, the sky, or heights. The fear that you are just one person in a sea of billions, that you are so infinitely small that you can't possibly matter
-The fear that you are alone, that you will die alone, that no one will understand you, isolation
-The fear of losing things that you care about, the fear of being burned alive, the fear of fire, the fear of losing out
-The fear of being buried alive, claustrophobia, the fear of drowning
-The fear of being loved, the fear of toxic love, abusive love, and the like. The fear of insects, trypophobia, fear of decay and fungus.
-The fear of the dark, of what lurks in the dark, the fear what is hidden
-The fear of the unknown and unfamiliar, the fear of strangers, agoraphobia, the fear of the uncanny, the fear of dolls, puppets, and machines, the fear of things that aren't quite right
-The fear of the end, the fear of things coming to an end, the fear of death, the fear of hospitals, cemeteries, and places associated with death, the fear of the undead
-The fear of insanity, the fear of the insane, the fear that you can't trust your own mind, the fear of lies and deception, the fear of being gaslit, the fear of going around and around and never getting anywhere
-The fear of extinction, the fear of nuclear fallout, the fear of pollution, of global warming, of any of the ways humanity might be bringing the world to an end, the fear that we will end ourselves slowly by destroying the world.
These are not rigid categories. As you may have noticed, many fears can be applied to several of these descriptions. If you have experienced a supernatural or otherwise unexplainable event that falls under one or more of these groups, please submit a Statement.
Hey there! I'm Turtle. I'm a 24 year old woman who loves The Magnus Archives and Pokemon. This blog is based on a fanfiction that I'm writing. You can read it here.
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Do you think the results would be different if you mixed the generations together earlier than this? Rather than finding the best of each gen first?
Technically speaking, the only absolutely valid result from an elimination tournament is the absolute final one. You can't even find the second-place winner from the semi-finalists. (You have to run another tournament consisting of everyone who lost to the first-place winner.)
To this end:
I do think the first-place winners for each Generation are valid results*, but after the Inter-Generational Tournament is complete, w will only have 10 points of data: the best of each Generation, and the best overall. If we wanted to find the second-place Pokemon, we would have to go back to the Gen of the Inter-Gen winner, re-poll for our 2nd-place, and then return to the Inter-Gen and pit that against anyone who lost to our 1st-place winner.
So, if we really did just mix all Pokemon together, I do think that our finalists could look different! I'm sure the Generations also wouldn't be so evenly represented as they are here. I think there's also a good chance it would look different from tournament to tournament provided the seeding was different, even if the methodology is the same.
*Results are valid for this tournament and its following, and I've found over time that results are largely consistent and predictable once you have enough information (with some exceptions and prediction doesn't apply to close-matches). However, the following are potential confounding factors:
The earliest polls on this blog were voted on by a fraction of the people voting on the polls now. This could lead to a different set of results, and this does impact the tournament as it progresses.
Additionally, is my following truly representative of the Tumblr Pokemon fanbase? Or is it mostly composed of certain voting blocks?
I know for a fact that several polls had their results skewed because they were reblogged by blogs with a large fanbase. I am not sure if this necessarily invalidates though results, though
Seeding, of course, plays a strong role in what later layouts look like. (Remember, though, seeding is mostly there to keep the tournament interesting and to make the later rounds more balanced, but it shouldn't be able to invalidate a final result, provided that voting is consistent.)
Did I fail to rematch something that should have been rematched? (Notably, none of our Inter-Gen finalists ever rematched.)
(And more! But I'm afraid I have to leave right now, so I can't continue.)
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ya-boy-polaris · 6 months
Ooo is it possible if you can write a drabble about the confession part on the piers x reader x raihan one?
Raihan x GN Reader x Piers
"So how are we gonna do this?" Raihan asks Piers. The two were on a coffee date; gym leaders typically all get the same days off together.
"You gotta be more specific, love, we just sat down," Piers said with a breathy laugh.
"That isn't what I'm talking about, it's about them." This gets Piers' attention faster than you could blink. The two had confessed mutual romantic feelings for the same person, a close mutual of theirs. This particular friend is the whole reason why Raihan and Piers were able to confess their feelings to each other to begin with. But with recent times, they noted a yearning for their friend, wanting to include them in a potential polycule.
There were several factors in their way though, such as not knowing how their friend would react is a big factor.
"Do you even know if they like men?" Piers asks first. "In all the time I've known them, they've dated a woman...Well up until recently, maybe two years since...well...you know." Piers is mentioning an old ex their friend had. They were clearly not good for each other.
"Nah," Raihan says with a loud laugh, "They're so down bad for men. I follow their nsfw blog." Piers' deadpan stares at Raihan. "You'd be surprised but our little friend is naughtier than they appear to be. As cute as they are, they're filled with dirty little secrets."
Piers lets out the kind of laugh where you exhale harder through your nostrils. "You're right about the cute part...not sure how accurate you are about them having secrets. Considering how much we know about them."
"So how should we do this? If we're not fast enough, someone else might catch their attention. Not that there's anyone better than us though."
"Us both giving Applins... Could be a start but I'm not sure how they'd feel with two extra mouths to feed," Piers sighs. Giving an Applin, a well known dragon type Pokemon, is seen as a romantic gesture to indicate one's confessions. "They have enough Pokemon to care for, if you consider it." "Yeah, an Applin's not flashy enough either for my personal taste. It would be nice to do something more...unique. Personal to both of us. The three of us."
"I think it'd be better if we confessed at the same time, as opposed to doing it separately for sure," Piers recommends. "That way it doesn't insinuate we're cheating on each other. But doing a double confession takes away individuality." Raihan bites his inner cheek. Piers is right about that. Piers could have easily dedicated a solo concert whereas Raihan could have done a fun and intense battle to confess instead. "Taking them on a vacation somewhere just to confess could end poorly if they don't reciprocate either, wouldn't it? If they don't respond positively..." "They're gonna!" Raihan protests back, but after a moment of silence he does agree. If the three of them went on a vacation together and their friend didn't like them back, they'd be the third wheel for the entire trip.
The two agonize in a small silence before the waiter comes to pick up their order. A caramel latte for Raihan and cup of hot tea for Piers, along with their usual meal order.
"I do have one idea. Not sure how much you're going to like it though," Piers finally says.
"Well out with it, we got no other plans."
"How good are you at singing?"
You let out a long yawn as you exit the university school dorm room. It had been a long day of studying! After working several good years at Pier's gym as his stage manager, with some encouragement from your two favorite boys, you decided to go back to school.
You read a message in your group chat, Raihan and Piers were wondering if you wanted to hang out with some karaoke. "FUICK YEAH!!!" you type back. "Where at?" The two instruct you to come to Pier's place, as per usual.
You hop on to the soonest taxi and fly over to Spikemuth. The locals there recognize you and yell out your name gleefully as you walk down the streets. Despite the rough and gritty nature the city has, it's a second home to you. You walk right up to Pier's door, knocking on it twice and yelling to announce your arrival before using your own key to unlock and enter inside.
But once you step inside, Pier's usual monochromatic apartment seems to have changed. They were roses everywhere adorning each step, there was beautiful ambience lighting that made the room feel like you were walking through stars, and soft music playing.
You enter the apartment to see Pier's playing a bass, practicing it seems. It'd been years since you've seen him pick up an instrument. "Hey boys," you say with a warm smile. "What's the occasion? We haven't done this in a while."
"We like you," Raihan is quick to say first. Piers shoots him a look, wanting to have done the song at least first. "This song's for you, we uh..."
"We learned it," Piers finishes Raihan's sentence. "It's not ours but it conveys how we feel about you....but it could be our song after."
You stand there, eyes wide in shock, jaw dropped slightly. Before you could say much more, Piers presses a button and the track starts to play as he accompanies it with his bass.
Raihan for once feels nervous, this wasn't the same kind of tension he'd feel with facing a losing battle. But with a soft and yearning heart, he sings as Piers plays. The whole piece is so soft and yearning. You can't help but to smile, hiding your face with your hands every so often as the two catch your gaze. You sit there in the most serene peace you've ever felt in years.
When the song is over, both of the boys stare back at you, a momentary pause of silence between you all. "Can...Can I kiss you guys?" you ask, your face burning red. "Finally!" Raihan exclaims. "Yes, you may," Piers says back warmly.
You kiss them both on the cheek lightly, still feeling rather apprehensive over the whole ordeal, but the two boys go along at your pace, kissing your face at the same time.
The night wasn't over though! You were promised karaoke after all.
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wingsofachampion · 10 months
Alright, this has been on my mind for several days now, and I need to say it.
I absolutely adore the gym leader/elite four/champion blogs on here. And they deserve more appreciation!
So I'm gonna go through them and shout out as many as I can!
My apologies if I miss some. Despite my efforts, I'm not following every single Pokemon IRL blog out there, and my memory isn't the best.
Shoutouts are under the cut!
@artyburgh - I had no idea who Burgh was before this blog, but I do now! I love his relationship with Grimsley, it's adorable! And I love how passionate he is about bug-types, it's lovely to see!
@grimsley-official - I love how this person writes Grimsley, he's so intriguing! I love how he still has a gambling side as shown by the dress betting, and I love his relationship with Burgh!
@underground-boss-clay - A lovely new blog with the gym leader of Tropius' new hometown! I love the shenanigans that happen here, and Clay is surprisingly sweet! The other characters here are fantastic, too. Mildred from PR is great.
@piers-official - I think this was the first of the League Crew (that's what I'm calling this group now) blogs I followed? And oh boy, what an introduction! I love learning about Piers and Marnie, and seeing the shenanigans they get up to.
@rockstar-roxie - I haven't seen this one around a lot, but I gotta shout this one out for starting the music ask games. Thank you, I've had so much fun with those!
@prestigepreceptcenterpregym - Doesn't quite fit in with the rest, but that's perfectly fitting for Justy, the sole gym leader of Orre. This blog is absolutely hilarious, and Justy is such a magnificent jerk.
@a-real-champion-time - Leon! A newer blog, with Tropius' favorite champion, the one she got a plushie of months ago! I literally laughed in glee when I saw that this blog existed, and I adore the shenanigans Leon has already been up to.
@darkpunkrocker - Another blog I haven't seen around too much, but I love the interactions Sidney and Tropius have had so far, and I enjoy whenever he pops up on my dash.
@stow-on-side-ghosts - Oooooh, spooky! Love the air of mystique with this blog, and the air of dread that's simultaneously welcoming and friendly at the same time.
@legendsobsessions - Cynthia! Probably my favorite take on Cynthia, by one of my favorite authors! I love her and Tropius' interactions, each teaching each other so much.
@ballonleastadiumofficial - Saving my absolute favorite for last! I ADORE this blog! I could not care less about Bede before, but this blog has made him one of my favorite mainline Pokemon characters, and I love how much extra character you've given him, with his conflicting feelings about Rose and all! Aaaaaaa!
Thank you all so much for running your blogs, and I look forward to many more interactions with you all!
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magnolia-assistante · 3 months
Salut, salut!!
Je m'appelle Sina!! My name is Sina!! Nice to be here, je suppose!! I work alongside mon cher ami, or my dear friend, Dexio, as an assistant to Professor Sycamore in la région de Kalos!We mainly study Fairy-Type Pokemon, but we study Mega Evolution as well!!
I use she/he pronouns, and feminine terms in gendered languages!! I have a partner Givrali, or Glaceon who keeps me company !!!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the Kalos region as a whole, or Pokemon here, envoie-moi une demande! Send me an ask!!
// Hello!! Mod Hugh from @shingetsu-online here! :DD Since Pokemon Legends: Z-A was recently revealed, I've decided to join the bandwagon and make a blog for 1/2 of my favorite duo of idiots >:] /aff [also using this as an opportunity to actually start practicing French after like 2 years, as well as learn more about XY since I never played either of the games.]
Anyways, I'm Mod Hugh, I use he/they and I'm a minor. I run several other Pokemon IRL blogs, such as @bbleague-crispin and @uva-academy-vio. Mild unreality warning, as this is a blog where I pretend that Pokemon are real with other blogs that do the same. Anything following "//" is an out of character post from ME! My main blog is @shingetsu-online, all follows and likes come from there.
Magic anons off, Pelipper mail on, Pelipper malice/unmail off. No Musharna stuff either
Now for some headcanons and general info about this blog's version of Sina: This blog takes place after the events of XY, but before Sun/Moon, where she also appears. She's about 20-21 years old here. She's bigender, demiromantic, and a lesbian.
Basic DNI criteria, proship DNI, and no NSFW asks either. ALSO: Please do NOT send IN-CHARACTER anon hate without checking in with me first, as I am a very emotionally sensitive person.
That's all! :D
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prof-peach · 1 year
I'm making a dnd campaign with a pokemon module of 5e and wanted to use a bit edited version of Dotaku Island, Prof. Peach and the crew cause I like your headcannons and work nice with my idea of the inner workings of the Pokemon world.
Is it okay to use them?
It's a campaign with friends and we're not making any profit from it, but still wanted to ask cause now more than ever artist consent is important (even when nothing about this is goong online so normally people woukdn't ask, but I also wanted to say I've been a huge fan of your work for a long time so two birds with one stone ig).
Either way, thanks for showing your work to us here on tumblr and hope this ask isn't too weird :)
Haha sure go for it, I’m chill with non-profit use, and if you ever do post junk let me know so I can snoop.
Fun notes for anyone who may be inclined to do this: THESE DO NOT NEED TO BE USED NOR FOLLOWED, PICK AND CHOOSE IF YOU PREFER.
North is off limits, no exceptions. Being caught there will get you removed from the island on the first ship back to your original region. You will struggle to return here if found in the north. Patrols line the fences to make sure no one goes in, night and day.
Players will take damage if they try to touch peach in any way. Treat her as a high level monk/Druid, who 1000% will throw hands with u and your Pokemon given a good reason. Cold and distant to approach, pawns players off to other staff at any given opportunity. A hermit who will humour you if you can appeal to her better nature, or great desire to fight things. You may lose but it’s the trying that counts.
Wisdom saves (DC28) with Val if you try to touch her. Not only will you gain force damage if you succeed (half damage) or fail (full damage) to lay hands on her, but you’ll see horrifying illusions for a minute relating to loved ones. Frightened condition until a long rest, compelling you not to approach further. I cannot stress this enough. Penalise players for trying to touch her, peach will bluntly warn you once, after that you’re on your own.
Grey regularly hands out handy snacks that may help heal or buff teams. He is warm and open, a good person to approach for hints and tips. Notably found in his labs or out running errands, he’s always kind and gentle, unless that is you threaten his home or his loved ones in a severe way. He is scarier than peach when he’s pushed too hard.
Plenty of staff roam around to offer aid or information, ranging from gardeners, cleaners, shop staff, and specialist keepers who maintain the visitors sections.
A groomers, cafe, food stands, daycare, small fairground with rides and games, a hotel, lighthouse, port, greenhouses and of course multiple lab and practical spaces exist, amongst other interesting buildings.
The resident ranger can offer assistance but she is known to stay quite busy, and so getting her attention may prove difficult if it’s a trivial issue.
Adoption zones are the only approved areas to catch Pokemon, and even then it’s a process that requires a test and paperwork, so everyone involved is able to provide adequate care to the mons in question, and so they know any pre existing conditions.
The islands purpose is recovery, so human needs come in second. The Pokemon will always come first, a fact some visitors may have issue with. The staff will not care and continue to do their job without concern for this.
Year round events make the island busy and people are welcomed to join in with whatever’s going on, be it chilli cooking contests, fairs, pageants, board rental for the sweet ocean waves, or watching a migration pass by. There’s always something to do!
This is all optional, just have fun with it, and I hope your players enjoy! If they ask about it, redirect them to the blog so they can dive on into the content.
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disparate-traveller · 5 months
Hello there internet people!
I'm Diamond Fox. I'm what I believe this website calls a "faller" though I think of myself more as a "jumper". If you know what that means we may have to have a conversation-
I'm roughly 20 ish, though I'm not sure it matters when I've been going through several time loops throughout my existence-
If you've heard from me before and I don't remember you- that's just how things go I'm afraid. Either I forgot cause I have shitty memory or I forgot because I died again.
...oh yeah that's something you'll figure out later I think.
Eh whatever.
I've taken up residence in an abandoned facility somewhere called the "Whirlpool Islands" I'm not entirely sure why it's abandoned but. It's nice and quiet- though there's a lot of storms around here. I know why it's abandoned now. There's a big fucking pigeon in the caves and it cursed me or something. I now aim to get my revenge.
I have a pokemon called Cyn with me. They're a little... Weird. But take the form of the Johto starting pokemon usually.
I now have a Minccino with me called Mini. She's pretty cute
A Gastly I've taken to calling Ginger follows me around
I've also had a Frostik (apparently some kind of regional Joltik? Idk) decide it's my friend now so. I'm naming him Space Heater
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Magic Anons: Open
Pelipper Mail: Open
((Ooc under the cut!))
Diamond is still in their death loop shenanigans- but they know a little more about who they are now at least.
Hi, this is a blog by Tori, if you're interested in my other blogs please check out @twodragons-blooper-reel
Or rather- it's a soft reboot of the original Barren Lands AU blog I was doing beforehand (the posts are still here, cause I do love them, I just felt the need to move on since I was the only one really active in the au)
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waywardstation · 2 years
Today (November 23rd) is good brothers day in Japan. (With the focus being on the elder brother here)
I know this blog focuses more on PLA Ingo and his adventures in Hisui with his adopted niece/daughter but I really would love to hear some of your favorite headcanons of Ingo and Emmet.
I also think Emmet would be extra friendly today and maybe even getting him his favorite kind of candy. (while I believe they have their times of rivalry and pranks and other sibling stuff they always look out for each other and let the other know how much they care, especially after PLA.)
Oh!! Thanks for letting me know Anon, I didn’t know this!! And no worries, yes, while this is a PLA blog, I love Emmet just as much ^^
And I love your view of Ingo and Emmet’s sibling dynamic; I see it that way too!! I definitely see Emmet doing that for Ingo and yes, especially after PLA ;~;
And now, some headcanons below!! Several are popular ones within the fandom that I’ve latched onto, but some are ones I’ve grown to think for myself too ^^ (featuring Elesa too!)
The twins’ hair has always been grey; it’s genetics.
Ingo’s first Pokémon was his Litwick, and Emmet’s was his tynamo - they found them both when they were young, and the Pokémon always followed them around.
Ingo is slightly taller than Emmet, but only by a couple inches. Post-Hisui, Ingo’s slouch gave Emmet the title of taller twin. Emmet holds it over Ingo’s head proudly until Ingo stands up straight again.
Emmet is very knowledgeable when it comes to Pokémon breeding, from his experience with breeding joltik. From time to time he likes to browse forums about the subject and help people with questions they might have, when it doesn’t seem like anyone else will give them an answer.
Ingo and Emmet love Roxie’s music, and they play it sometimes on the battle subway.
Emmet is partial to electric-type pokemon while Ingo is partial to fire-type pokemon. People speculate that it’s due to Unova’s legendary dragons, but really it’s tied to Emmet’s love of electric trains, and Ingo’s appreciation for steam-powered locomotives.
Ingo is the night owl, prone to getting up and going to bed later. Emmet is the early bird, prone to getting up and going to sleep earlier.
Though living in an apartment complex with neighbors who are very loud and not the most polite, sometimes neither sleep schedule is as smooth and restful as they’d like.
Emmet actually likes puns, just like Ingo - his vocabulary is as stuffed with train terms as his brother’s is. He just finds Elesa’s jokes to be low hanging fruit. She knows this full well, and intentionally keeps telling them. Ingo unironically enjoys them.
The twins met Elesa in grade school when she transferred out of homeschool/private school. Elesa met Emmet first, who then quickly introduced her to Ingo. The twins had transferred to the school themselves a year before and still didn’t have many friends, so they wanted to make Elesa feel welcome when they saw she was struggling with loneliness herself.
Elesa became very popular in highschool due to her good looks and attractive personality (and her family’s wealth became public knowledge); it did not influence her at all though. She did not fall for the fake friends that tried to attach themselves to her, and Ingo and Emmet remained as two of her only real friends through high school (Skyla and Burgh became the other two)
In terms of flavor, Ingo prefers sweet things while Emmet prefers bitter things.
Because of this, Emmet is a bit more lean than Ingo (Post-Hisui, it is more noticeable when Ingo comes back with a bit of a dad bod).
Emmet pokes fun at Ingo for his sweet tooth, saying he doesn’t ‘understand his inferior tastes’ (and Ingo fires right back), but both will immediately side with the other and gang up against Elesa when it comes to her preferred tastes - she LOVES intensely spicy dishes, which the twins cannot handle.
Ingo and Emmet occasionally help Elesa with her model work - their collaborations always brings extra publicity for both parties. Emmet unabashedly loves doing it, though Ingo’s always a little more flustered with all the attention.
Ingo and Emmet love watching horror movies, even if it still freaks them out.
The twins keep candy and gear station pins in their coat pockets to hand to children in the station.
In multi-battles, Ingo always uses his Pokémon to play defensive while Emmet always pushes offensive. (Just like how they’re meant to be utilized in Pokémon Masters EX)
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