#same raph au bad timeline
So I was just thinking about 2012′s body doubles, as I do often (the turtles that went to space after the whole time travel fixing the end of the world time travel that the space arc was)
And I was just thinking about how that would translate to the raph AU (still need a better name for it)
And you know what, I decided that the apocalypse timeline Raph would be the one swapping with him. For spice, you know. And because I saw the plot hole and went “I can fix this and make it angsty at the same time”
Will I ever focus on this fact? No. I’ll just let it fester in your minds, and answer any asks that come through about it. 
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
What does the bad timeline au look like for your boys 👀
OOOOH, here we go!
(So, I did hint to this in the NFIF/UIFY Crossover when DvD met Omega, and Omega ran a simulation to see what DvD's future would be like. It was a general explanation, but I'm gonna go deeper into detail now --)
2020: So, first off, the Krang attack in 2020, same as in canon. Leon, 'Phael, Mikey, and DvD manage to survive the invasion by some miracle. For the first year, they just focus on staying alive and hidden from the aliens, but by the end of that first year the reunite with April and their friends and discover the beginnings of the Resistance. (Karai was separated from them all as well, but no one has seen her yet and so they all assume she's dead.)
2023-2025: Several years pass, and there is still no sign of Karai. While the boys are out doing a supply raid, they get ambushed by a Krang attack and are caught in a collapsing building. 'Phael freezes in panic and Leon takes a hit to rescue him, though the two are trapped in rubble together as they wait for Mikey and DvD to dig them out. However... Leon doesn't have that long, and encourages Raph as the leader of their family to stay strong and take care of Mikey and Donnie and April and everyone else...
Leo dies, having saved Raphael.
2025-2030: The three mourn their brother, but do their best to help lead the Resistance. In 2026, Cass gives birth to a son, and 'Phael helps her to raise the child. However, during these five years, tragedy strikes again. Michelangelo's hypoglycemia has been acting up due to the low rations, and in spite of their promptings to take care of himself, Mikey has been intentionally skipping meals so the others can take his rations, effectively starving himself. That, coupled with the injuries he gets from his ninpo overdrive, finally takes its toll on his frail body.
Mikey starves to death.
2030-2035: After Mikey's death, Donnie and Raph have a hard time staying cheerful. And to add to the grief, Cassandra dies in battle as well. But some good comes to light, as the group receives word of a lone stranger roaming New York and saving survivors while battling the Krang. After investigating, they discover that Karai has survived and become something of a folk hero! She joins their Resistance, bringing her own group of survivors with her. During this time, Raphael has grown to be a force to be reckoned with, and even the leader of the Resistance! Donatello is working around the clock to create weapons and grow nutritional, non-contaminated plants that they can eat safely. It's hard work, but no one said the end of the world was easy. DvD discovers a formula and equation that may work for time-travel, but he is unsure... he starts to build the machine.
2035-2044: The Resistance is not looking good. They can barely go above ground anymore without being picked off and slaughtered. The food and supplies are running low. 'Phael realizes that the end is coming, and there may be no escape. He has Donnie work full-time on the time machine, as it is their last hope. The Resistance grows smaller and smaller with each passing month, until it seems like it's just Raph, DvD, April, Karai, and Casey Jones Jr., along with a few special people like Big Mama Frida Kahlo. Finally, in 2044, the Krang find their hideout and begin to slaughter the last of the Resistance. Raph has CJ and Donnie evacuate into the labs with the time machine, and while Raph holds them off, Donnie begins to power the machine with his ninpo and what little electricity they have left. Raph instructs Casey on what to do, that he's sending him back in time -- not necessarily to stop the Krang, but more importantly to save Casey from the attack. If nothing else, Casey must survive. If Raph can do nothing else but make sure that his boy sees a world without war, where he is healthy... that will be enough for him. That will redeem his mistakes, how he let his brothers die because of his failures and fear. Casey has to live. He tells him to find his family, warn them, and to find his sister as well, because she -- Suddenly the Krang break into the room, and Casey is thrown into the time machine. Dee's ninpo goes into overdrive and powers the machine, though it costs him his life. Raph manages to hold the Krang off until the machine does it's duty, and then...
Raph and Donnie die sending Casey Jones Jr. into the past.
And yes, I did cry writing this.
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purplepixel · 2 months
Hi I saw in your pinned post that you've read over 1,000 TMNT fics. Do you have a few really good ones you would recommend?
(don't feel any pressure to respond if you don't want to)
Oh boy this is...quite an ask. Especially bc fanfic recs are so personal? What I think is a good fic will be vastly different from other people. I have a really high angst tolerance, so please double check tags with these. Also keep in mind that I mainly read donnie-centric fics.
Here are my personal favorites! My hand slipped and I have more than just a few to recommend...what can I say there are so many good fics.
Back To School by Em_H | 10,965 [FINISHED]
Donnie enrolls in April’s school and tries to juggle his packed schedule. A shrek play is included. Do I need to say more?
☆ In Volvunt: a RotTMNT Fanfiction ☆ by kittylittersmoothie | 27,082 [FINISHED]
In which the rest of the bros continuously try and fail to rick roll donnie. A war is started, alliances are made, betrayals occur, this is a hilarious feel good fic. It’s very in line with the show tonal wise and the dialogue is very rise
Mikey's Jam-Packed, Guaranteed to Get Donnie's Memory Back, Friendship Tour! By Eyse | 92,972 [ON-GOING]
Donnie wakes up with no memory of anyone including himself. Que his brothers trying to find ways to get his memory back. Has some of the most wacky adventures and scenarios I’ve ever encountered in a rise fic. Feels like you’re reading the actual show
Quiet Your Mind by daedelweiss | 18,081 [FINISHED]
Fusion Au with the disaster twins set in the bad future timeline. I don’t cry. This one made me cry. Bittersweet ending.
Telepathy (of a Twin Variety) by vosian_nightmare | 24,423 [FINISHED] 
My personal favorite twin telepathy fic. Character study on the disaster twins.
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by Cass_Phoenix | 31,963 [FINISHED]
A Donnie from an alternate reality kidnaps Leo. Or is he bringing him home? This one will fuck with your mind. One of my bookmark notes is “Reality existentialism” 
Firefight by remrose | 94,480 [ON-GOING]
What if donnie gets trapped in the prison dimension with leo? I’m usually not a fan of changing plot points in the rise movie or suicidal leo, but this fic is the exception. It is VERY well written and has some of the best exchanges between the disaster twins. You WILL be scared for the characters and your heart WILL be crushed. Proud to say I was here for this fic since chapter 1 bc that NEVER happens with me
Familiar Places, Foreign Faces by Petra4President | 36,434 [ON-GOING]
Rise/2012 Crossover Fic. The Rise Donnie & 2012 Raph fic I didn’t ask for (I read this before watching 2012) but didn’t realize I NEEDED. Donnie gets sent to the 2012 universe and must find a way home. 
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx | 168,344 [ON-GOING]
Rise/Avatar the Last Airbender AU. This one is pretty popular so I won't say anything else except its really good.
All I have to say about these fics is that they’re REALLY good and BOOK WORTHY
Monsters Among Us by DanzinoraSwitch | 86,136 [FINISHED]
Violet Hues and Holy Blue by SibillaScribbles08 | 115,752 [FINISHED]
I May Be Invisible, but I Still Look Good by Dandy | 124,862 [FINISHED]
Things will never be the same (but that's okay) by Petra4President | 14,493 [FINISHED]
Post movie aftermath fic that focuses on the changes created by the events of the movie. Idk what specifically has me rereading this occasionally, but its really well written and a little different than most aftermath fics I've read.
Corrupted Upgrade by Dandy | 25,898 [FINISHED]
Donnie Villain AU with a twist. He really gives off megamind vibes. DO NOT BE FOOLED. THERE’S A REASON EVERYONE IS OUT OF CHARACTER IN THE BEGINNING. I almost slept on this fic and it became one of my favorites. It’s the type of fic that I can read over and over and over.
Turning Purple by Lizardstuff | 48,123 [ON-GOING]
Donnie slowly gets more and more sick post rise movie and the rest of the characters must find out what’s wrong and find a cure. THIS ONE’S FOR YOU, MEDICAL NERDS. Author has done research and any inaccuracies have gone over this EMT’s head. I reread this one every chapter update and every time I’m haunted by “the blueberry french toast paragraph” No I will not explain further, go read it.
Spider's Web with Strings Attached by CurlySwirly | 125,661 [ON-GOING]
Donnie and Leo get kidnapped and are forced to fight in the battle nexus. This is my pick for the most well written fanfic and most in canon characterization with ALL the characters. You will HEAR the characters not just through the dialogue but also through the writing itself. As the reader, you will be beaten down and have your heart crushed mercilessly which makes the pay off the most rewarding, satisfying experience that I've personally ever felt with a fanfic. This fic lives in my head rent free and I think about it at least once a day. It is my all time favorite rise fic and I highly recommend it.
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percyaugod · 13 days
Build a Brother AU: Future and Extras
So the bad timeline. They run out of supplies for Mikey to repair his brothers. Acid rain wears down Raph with no way of patching himself without taking from the base itself, which he refuses to do. Donnie shattered, ground almost into dust. Leo is only able to keep himself together because of a stupid suit Donnie made to still work. Which, of course, it does, Donnie made it.
Leo's colors fade over time. Imagine how surprised Casey Jr would be seeing Leo so colorful.
Once future Mikey makes the portal there's no mystic energy left to sustain Leo. He stays to fight with the last of his strength because he'll be gone soon either way.
I've realized these "turtles" aren't very water-compatible.
Raph is made of literal stone and sinks. He also wouldn't have lungs so he could just walk along the bottom. Same with Donnie, but he would probably use his tech to float or go over the water. Leo would probably avoid water like the plague since water can wash away graffiti. Only a few days after it's been made, but he's taking no chances.
Donnie putting Leo in a hazmat suit so he'll stop getting himself everywhere. Why are there you shaped prints on the ceiling!? How did you even get up there!?
Imagine if Leo was first made out of colorful Sharpies. The eyebrow Sharpie used to be a Leo Sharpie.
That or those scented markers. Imagine the fruity jokes.
Mikey threatens to repaint Leo in black and white if he annoys him. Leo would be devastated to be that boring.
If it's soft clay Donnie, he gets mushed whenever something hits him too hard or lands on him. Mikey needs to help him if he's too deformed to reshape himself. Leo tackling him and Donnie can't even properly glare because half his face has Leo's hand molded into it.
Donnie possibly swallowing and holding things like Rico from Penguins of Madagascar.
Checking him for weapons would include Just turning him upside down and shaking him while a mountain of stuff falls out.
Raph's teeth would probably resemble stalactites and stalagmites.
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donnies-low-empathy · 9 months
Rise Bad Future Timeline AU Ask Game
(Made for people like me who have too many thoughts and no good way to articulate them)
As is ask game etiquette, please send an ask to the person you reblog from!
General Questions:
1. 🏢 How big is the Resistance? Roughly how many people?
2. 🏠 What’s their base like? Do they have multiple?
3. ⛺️ Have they ever had to move bases?
4. 📡 Are there groups other than the Resistance? Are they on the same side?
5. 🍽️ How do they handle food and water?
6. 🐥 Are there any animals left?
7. 🩹 Who’s the medic? Are there multiple?
8. 🌟 Is there new art (music, painting, drawing, etc) being made in-universe? What’s it like?
9. 🪑 Is there a specific group of people making decisions? Who’s in it?
10. ⚔️ How does the Resistance decide who fights? Is it voluntary, involuntary?
11. 💣 How often do fights (physical or verbal) break out in the Resistance?
12. 🧪 Is there a way to un-krang-ify people? Will there be? If so, are there limits?
13. 🧫 How are illnesses and viruses dealt with? Are they more dangerous than before the apocalypse?
14. 🪽 What’s the rough yokai to human ratio in the Resistance?
Character Questions:
15. ❤️ Favourite future character?
16. 👤 Do you have any future OCs?
17. 🐇 Is there an Usagi in your AU?
18. 👑 Who’s the leader? How did they gain the role?
19. ☀️ How has [character] changed from their past self?
20. 👁️ What does [character] look like, now?
21.🧍 How tall is [character]?
22. 👥 What is the relationship like between [character] and [character]?
23.⚡️ Do the turtles have their ninpo?
24. 💥 If so, how has their ninpo changed? Has it stayed the same, gotten stronger, does it take less/more energy?
25. ☠️ Who dies first? How?
26. ⚰️ Who dies last? How?
27. 🧰 What is [character]’s role in the Resistance?
28. 👶 How does [character] feel about kids?
29. 🏒 How does [character] treat Casey Junior?
30. 🎮 How does [character] spend their free time?
31. 😵‍💫 How does [character] deal with stress?
32. 🪦 How does [character] deal with grief?
33. ✉️ What do the Resistance members think of [character]? Are they liked? Disliked? Why?
34. 🤖 Does Raph get turned into a robot?
35. 🦾 Does Leo lose his arm? How?
36. 💪 Does anybody else lose limbs? Who? Do they get prosthetics?
37. 📋 Does Mikey still have his Dr. Feelings and Dr. Delicate Touch personas?
38. 🤕 What’s the worst injury [character] has gotten?
39. 😰 What’s [characters]’s worst fear?
40. 🧬 Has Donnie ever fused with the technodrome?
41. 💼 Which character is the busiest?
42.🥛 Is [character] more optimistic or pessimistic?
43. 😓 What does [character] regret the most?
44. 😊 What is [character] most proud of?
(Both emojis and numbers so you can choose which one’s easier)
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nights-flying-fox · 2 months
☆ TMNT Blog: @eughboi ☆ ok to reblog ☆
✭ Dimension Hopper Leo AU: Leo managed to escape the Prison Dimension, but now he is in an alternative universe almost same as his. He has to go through many portals, trying to find his way back to his dimension.
[leo-centric] [MASTERPOST]
✭ Where You Belong: Mikey is the only turtle growing up with Splinter. When he becomes 13, he accidentally learns he actually had brothers. He and April try to connect to them once they find them with none other than the people trying to kill him for some reason.
[mostly mikey-centric, but POV changes often] [cw: abusive/manipulative parent]
✭ Let's Grab a Slice Together: Leo, Mikey, April, and Casey Jr end up time traveling all together. They are too late to find the key though, and now have to help their past selves to get it back and stop the Krang.
[cw: war themes, even if not detailed it is the bad future so beware; character death; temporary character death (?); injuries] [multiple povs, focused on the bad future fam]
✭ Last Hamatos Standing: Mikey is the only one escaping from the technodrome. Krang Prime has caught Leo and Donnie, and got Raph back in control. Now he and his family have to figure out to save the brothers and stop the Krang.
[cw: mind control, torture, hallucinations, manipulation, war themes, grief, body horror, loss of limbs (?)] [mostly mikey-centric]
✭ The Furthest Shores: After escaping from Draxum's lab, Splinter doesn't return to New York City, instead he hides in the Hidden City. He ends up in the Pirate Bazaar and meets with Piel. Seeing that Splints is just a poor guy with four babies he decides to give him a chance, inviting him to join his crew. Eventually the family grow up as pirates...
✭ We Ride at (Alien)Spawn: Apocalyptic AU except it somehow takes the turn of the cowboy concept- the boys become sheriff somehow (nobody questions mutants after being saved, especially since not many people are left). Join the new cowboys who ride Krang Hounds and a Krangfied train as they try to survive against Krang.
✭ Believe Me (I'm Warning You): Things turned out differently with the last fight against the Shredder. The Hamatos and Cassandra Jones never became friends. However, in the future a boy named Casey Jones Jr. is tasked to stop the Krang by Leonardo Hamato. How can he convince them, when no one believes him?
[casey jr-centric]
✭ Are We Pokémon, Dad? : Everything is same, except they are in the pokemon world... and maybe because they are in the pokemon world, everything is not the same...
✭ A Turtle Like You: A Separated AU inspired by the classic Barbie movies, that was a joke. Now it is about how the twins change roles for fun but things go bad, and how Mikey wishes to be freed from Draxum's lab, and how Raph and April accidentally discover the Hidden City and three turtle mutants.
[cw: manipulative/abusive parent] [mostly disaster twins-centric, but other have major focus too]
✭ Too Little Too Late: Donnie years ago watched his own Leo sacrifice himself and get trapped in Prison Dimension. For years he searched a way to bring him back. Now as he continues his studies, he is also making sure no other Leo suffers the same fate by traveling to any timeline that may need him.
[cw: hallucinations] [disaster twins-centric]
✭ Hopelessly Surviving: They saved Leo, but it was too late. As the family was still not accepting what happened, hours later Draxum shows up, and somehow he has the help they need. Now Leo is back to life, but something is different. Something is wrong and Leo has to figure out what is true and what is not to win this battle (with the help of his family).
[cw: temporary character death, hallucinations] [leo-centric]
✭ Future Genius vs. the Past: Donnie manages to go back to the past from his future accidentally. He can save it all by changing the events that lead to the apocalypse, but what about his family in the future?
✭ Literally Purple Dragons: Aside from his twin being the most annoying brother ever as usual, the day was going well for Donnie. Until he found Kendra right out of the manhole as a mutant komodo dragon, asking for help from him.
✭ Stuck: Mikey and Draxum practice mystic powers to get stronger against the Krang. Something goes wrong, and Mikey is now stuck in a timeloop and has no idea how to escape.
[cw: time loops, but in the worst way ever; depression (?)] [mikey-centric]
✭ [to be named]: Draxum succeeds. He raises the four brothers as warriors and Lou Jitsu is kept as a prisoner until he decides to join him (he believes one day the man will see the right path). Things go much differently than what the yokai expected. After all, Lou wouldn't let anyone suffer like that- not even turtle mutants.
✭ The Mummy inspired Kendratello (crack) AU: What the title says. Nothing serious, I just think it would be silly thinking them in situations like in the movie.
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evenmoreofadisaster · 10 months
Love the soft turtle pile hcs, it’s tough because like the twins are not soft in this au, I think the argument could be made that they do very very very secretly in their own hearts (never shared with anyone especially each other) crave the soft and affection but like I don’t think they can acknowledge that even to themselves.
I’m be also seen the past asks about Casey jr and I’ve always wondered, does movie events play out similar like ones cockiness and ego create the bad future? And then Casey coming back and one having to like have character development to prevent the bad future? If so (and obviously avoiding spoilers) is there a harsher reaction about one “having brought about the end of the world” (I put “” because like one or leo may have had butterfly effect actions but putting the blame on a kid like that makes me kinda sick) like what’s everyone’s reaction to learning what the key brings in regards to one? Is it angsty? How does one feel learning “he caused” Raph and twos (and Mikey’s) deaths?
Yes, deep deep down in their hearts, they do want to be loved but they are very emotionally stunted. Bless them.
As for the movie, Teaa and I haven’t solidified any ideas for what happens yet. I kinda wanted the Bad Future timeline to start differently because I feel like One will have already learned how dangerous his ego can be. Depending on how we end season 2, I don’t really think that One would make the same mistakes that Leo did in the movie.
One was raised to be a leader and he grew up bearing the weight of responsibility on his shoulders so he’s used to that kind of pressure. He makes his mistakes in season 1 and it’s very difficult for him to forgive himself for that. The aftermath is rough and One really wants to make sure that he doesn’t make those kinds of mistakes again.
Whatever happens will be angsty, though :)
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you mentioned finding lots of TLR fics. can you give me some to read. preferably, you rank them as most recomended to least (like fluff and healing to lots of gore and angst ) also! if it's dead dove please tell me, i'm shit at reading tags and have accidently read a couple even though i don't want to
The Last Ronin becomes a discord Admin by MelonPalooza - you probably already read it, funny as hell, bit angsty but sense it’s the last ronin all of the are
To know Peace (you got to let go) by Deadpool1763492 - Mikey taking care of the baby turtles with 1 or 2 flashbacks to him and his brothers
Brother, lay down your weapons by MisterUncanny - not to bad so far, starts with the ending of the last Ronin then brings in the rise crew and Casey Jr
Blood orange by StarBound_Seraph - like the previous one but with it’s with another illiteration of his brothers that isn’t rise, it also was created before the previous one
Beyond Death, there is home by thatonefandomjumper - literally the afterlife, you see each brother reach the after life and waiting for the others
Finding Peace by Ammo_Writes, Ammo_Writes_Turtles(Ammo_Writes) - only one chapter currently, set after TLR, Mikey’s in a coma, in the pov of 2003 Donnie in the chapter
Sunset Linings by Iamheretemporarly - 2012 bros are teleported to the last ronin universe and deals with Ronin bleeding out
Ashes to Blood, from Ghost to Brother by Ammo_Writes, Ammo_Writes_Turtles(Ammo_Writes) - Donnie’s back from the dead because of Bishop
Dearly Beloved by FracturedRain647 - Casey and Aprils wedding after Raph died
Just as it never should be by AlphaGuardian16 - 2003 meets TLR Mikey
Group therapy with doctor feelings by Plutodragon - rise Mikey kidnaps a bunch of people from apocalyptic timelines (ronin included) and forces them into therapy, think the second chapter is in Ronin’s pov (I’m counting this)
The Finer Points of Turtlenapping by Ammo_Writes, Ammo_Writes_Turtles(Ammo_Writes) - Ronin gets teleported to the past, prevents the foot from attacking his home, kills every foot member but Hiroto, kidnaps Donnie on the way
An imposters lies by JustMakeLeftTurns - more time travel, Ronin warns his past self and brothers about the future, Past Mikey has a breakdown
Peepaw Nightmare Blunt Rotation (PNBR) by RyantheLoser_reallyitsme - 2003 Raph, 2012 Robo Donnie, Rise Leo, and TLR Mikey all end up in the same universe but everyone but Donnie’s fucking knocked out and Mikey and Raph are bleeding out (Mikey needing more medical attention than Raph though), only 2 chapters so far
Know Peace by less_depresso_more_espresso - rise Mikey gets teleported to Ronins universe, Ronin thinks he’s a robot, Rise Mikey gets pretty injured after that and loses his arm, Rise Mikey forgives Ronin for believing his a robot and ignoring him during his fight with Hiroto, brings Ronin back to his universe, Hypno thinks Ronin was hot after he nearly kills him, Ronin has a fucking breakdown interacting with Rise Splinter, Ronin hallucinates… something that I can’t remember, yeah a lot happens
A Survior’s Guilt by Justalittleobsessed - Mikey wishing he died instead of his brothers
YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT LOVE MEANS (and it's killing me) by Writing_In_Denial - 2012 AU Version of the last Ronin, Mikey’s brothers fucking leave him, Mikey only has ice cream kitty left, Mikey kills Rocksteady on accident, Bebop kills himself with Mikey’s help, Mikey changes his mask color to black and makes himself a new weapon cause his is tainted with the blood and death of Bebop and Rocksteady, ice cream kitty dies, Mikey gets caught in an explosion and meets his dad, his brothers try to go find him after seeing the news
εἴδωλον (morning arrives, you hear from below) by absenthium - splinter lives, Mikey starts pretending to be his brothers for him, Mikey loses his sense of identity, actually fucking made me cry, he didn’t have to do that but he did
To be young again by Ms. Dragon Reader - another 2012 Ronin AU but this time it’s on fanfiction net, Mikey dies and gets sent to the past, Karai is actually nice in this one, Mikey talks to her in his dreams, Mikey can go up on the surface earlier than his brothers and accidentally becomes leader, his brothers miss how he used to be before Ronin took over his past self, Ronin actually gets into a life threatening injury and has a choice to go to the afterlife with his brothers or back to the present, chooses to stay alive and wake up, finds spike and gives his to Raph, etc, etc, Mikey’s kills the shredder, it’s not as violent or sad as the other ones and the only reason it’s at the end is because it’s on fanficton.net and it’s been a while since I read it
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pillowdrawz · 1 year
"SO SORRY My bad I am bad at explaining things Im better at drawing them rather than explaining them" no worries my dude im in the same boat 😂 ppl always ask about my aus when im functioning on zero brain power so im like "uhhhh you get one word response im sorry"
Okay you said "They got married at 24 . They are married for 10 years now" and in ur character ref sheet for Miwa you said she's 16 (meaning she was born 6 years before their marriage and when they were both 18). Are you still figuring out the background timeline or is that deliberate? I swear im not nitpicking or anything im just genuinely curious bc theres so many cool possibilities either could lead too
For somewhat unrelated reasons is Yuichi the canon Yuichi from his show or did you make a rottmnt version of him? And if the second one is he a yokai? Mutant? Alt dimension like all the canon Miyamoto Usagis? I noticed recently that "rottmnt yokai version" is the most popular so im simply curious if u went that route as well
Yuici Usagi and Rise leo yeah actually cause I have a planned out origin of miwa...remember Magic ritual thingy their DNA? I mentioned. They are actually 19 when miwa was born...it was a magic accident but hey. Rise raph got the twins so they should be fine.
And yes I'm still planning and figuring things out cause I might change it. Their age and timeline i mean. I will post a Confirmation but not right now.
Yuichi Usagi is the same as the show!.
Yes rottmnt yokai version.
And again sorry to everyone if I confused the heck out of yall I'm doing my au for fun for my own enjoyment I didn't even know people would took interest in this SILLY Au thought. Cause now I'm contemplating to erase their ages aka let the audience think what their age is or timeline.
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i know you said that we weren't gonna talk about the space raph and future raph, but i've had a thought.
(space for younger 12 raph, earth for older 12 raph)
when the turtles travel back, space raph stops swapping all together, and he doesn't know why. sure, sometimes he has week or two long periods where he doesn't jump universes, but it's never been this long before.
meanwhile, earth raph has been reliving the last 6 months of time in his rise body. it's not the most entertaining, it's all lowkey villains and training, but it is interesting that the jumping has taken this turn, he'd assume that the other timeline would continue at the same speed.
space raph continues to not jump for a few months of being space, and at that point it'd been nearly a year without a jump to the other world, so he assumes that the existence of his alternate has seperated him from them... permanently.
Then one day, he wakes up in the bigger body, being frantically shaken awake by donnie, and oh gods, there's a black hole in the sky
space raph would have some serious trauma that his brothers (+ april and casey) would probably be able to pick up on, and it'd probably continue on like this as space raph gets worse and worse seemingly out of nowhere.
and then maybe, when f!raph passes (i hc he goes pretty early, so uh take that as you will) space raph has a seizure or smth.
i'd imagine space raph openly admits about his rise jumps, simply because they're becoming too much for him
Me making the decision that the body double in space is the one switching with the apocalyptic timeline is probably my favorite random tidbit. Because it's so painful for no reason.
But yeah, Space 12 Raph is going to have issues. I don't know if his Rise body dying would kill him too or not, but I really like your idea of him having a seizure when he wakes up in 12 again. Maybe he continues to have seizures every time he would have switched, but since there's nowhere to switch to there's adverse effects. Though he does get dreams of watching over his brothers that are still fighting in the apocalypse.
He'd definitely share the situation with his brothers. Because seizures and the mental stress he's been under is something they can help with.
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bambiraptorx · 9 months
4. 📡 Are there groups other than the Resistance? Are they on the same side?
19. ☀️ How has Raph changed from his past self?
31. 😵‍💫 How does Raph deal with stress?
(For the I’m Not Dead Yet AU)
A quick rundown of IMNDY for context: Raph dies in the bad timeline and gets sent back in time about eight years before canon (whether before the show or the movie i haven't decided yet). I'm kind of gonna focus on his original timeline for this post though.
4. 📡
Yes, the EPF is very much in play here as a tentative ally to the Resistance. However, the open distrust of yokai and mutants by many EPF agents means that they often clash. This is especially true when a few members started talking about how they would get rid of the non-humans after getting rid of the Krang, and while that talk was shut down pretty quick, the distrust on both sides remains. Members of both groups sometimes wonder if they would work better if completely separate.
After Raph's death, the two groups kinda drift apart, largely because the Resistance lost its central base in the attack that killed him and was primarily focused on defense rather than offense for several months to years afterward. (Also because they lost a LOT of people in that attack, not just him, and suddenly had much different amounts of available labor and needs to meet.)
There's also the prisoners in the Krang labor camps, who occasionally get used as bait, canon fodder, or hostages. They aren't an independent group, per say, more like pawns used by the Krang to manipulate people. By a few years into the war, there are more people krangified than not, so they have plenty of foot soldiers and instead often choose to toy with the remaining population.
19. ☀️
While he was still with the Resistance, Raph and Leo were effectively co-leaders, with Raph usually leading battles and Leo managing the ins and outs of keeping the Resistance alive, and then splitting other duties as necessary. They probably had to have a deep conversation at some point about why Leo wasn't taking his leadership role seriously at first (most likely in the first year or two of the invasion), with Raph realizing that it was largely rooted in Leo not wanting the family dynamic to change or to have to take responsibility for his siblings' lives.
When Raph goes back in time, he's dealing with his tween/early teen (slightly parentified) self, who's about two decades younger than him, and at a time in his younger self's life when Splinter was just starting to become more withdrawn and unavailable. While he was originally planning to avoid
31. 😵‍💫
In the bad timeline, Raph has a much stronger support structure when it comes to dealing with stress. Yeah, he's been fighting off aliens for his entire adult life, but he's had his family to support him. Even as quasi-leader of the Resistance, he isn't doing it alone and has Leo by his side. The Resistance is also much larger in its early years, so while there's a lot of people to take care of, there's a lot of people who can help.
After he goes back in time, he technically has a less stressful life, at least until he fully realizes that he will never make it back to his timeline, at which point he effectively starts grieving for everyone he's ever known, and starts developing a lot of unhealthy/destructive habits to cope with that.
Also a fun little tidbit about Donnie for anyone who actually read this far: he called it 'the invasion' for the ten/eleven years before Raph's death, at which point he started calling it 'the apocalypse' :)
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Worse Future in Bad Timeline AU:
They had always thought about mystic time travel, but had agreed to leave it only as a last resort in case of losing the war. Mikey knew he had enough energy just to open the portal, and then expire from the world. His spirit was already much too conected to the other side, and a time warping portal was one of the many things that, if he dared attempt, would consume his physical existence. Donatello was much in the same situation, for a time machine was possible... but only with the materials that were being used to keep everyone safe, alive and fed. Raph had the greatest amount of energy to call the portal and live, but his ninpo was already conditioned to his body and was too unflexible to call the portal. It left only Leo, whose ninpo was only now starting to resurface after years of dormance caused by the kraang's blocking abilities, and so they didn't know the consequences that could cause to his ninpo and himself.
What to do when everyday seemed to hold less and less hope though?
Splinter had just died protecting the resistance, Michelangelo felt his spirit fade into the afterlife and screamed in agony. A few years latter, Big Mama, Dotty, Mom, was gone too. Draxum died to buy them time as they fled their discovered hideout.
Cassandra died and left Casey to Raph and Leo to care for- Raph mourned his wife and Leo took the child to give him space.
When April died it was like the entirety of the Hamatos in the afterlife screamed for her. Michelangelo did too. Her soul exploded in ninpo energy wiping out the enemy from the battlefield, and her ghost smiled to comfort them before fading to nothingness. Donnie was losing it, his movements were sloppy. He lost a leg and his shell was damaged. Raph couldn't protect them from emotional dangers.
They were crumbling, and it seemed unfair to Raph how Leo seemed so indifferent, so unbothered by what was happening, keeping up karaoke nights with the survivors, attending all the plan meetings possible, playing with the kids. Donnie wasn't sleeping, and Mikey shut himself in meditation every waking hour of the days. Raph wondered if Leo cared about it, because if he did, if he saw how serious it was, he was terrible at showing it.
And then Casey almost died and Leo's eyes were so lost and full of grief in the moments he had alone with the boy. Just to shift to stoicism when he noticed anyone entering the room.
In the end, it was just them 5 against an army. Everyone who could help was dead and they weren't even sure if the survivors would be able to make it to the EPF survival camp. Leo didn't have enough ninpo to make a single portal in 2 decades, but suddently he opened the largest and most brilliant they had ever seen with Mikey's help. Mikey burnt his hands with physical manifestations of the use of ninpo, but he didn't disappear! Leo did, though. He didn't have enough ninpo to hold the portal, just to open it. Raph, Casey, Donnie and Mikey went back to the past.
...what were they even supposed to do now?
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darth-sonny · 1 year
i've been thinking a lot about Bad Timeline!Venus from the Weary and Wild AU so here are my thoughts for her:
unlike One who joins the family via Four and bonds with them with normal family activities and crime fighting, Venus joined after the apocalypse happened and mostly bonded with the rest of the Hamatos because...well. what else are you supposed to do? it's the end of the world, and being a loner in those time is basically just asking for a free trial of Death. as a result, she always felt a bit of a stranger amongst them. the true odd one out. she never wore a colored mask, or took on the surname Hamato, but the clan considered her one of their own, even if due to That Whole Situation™ led to them never properly expressing it to her
(that's just one of Lee's many regrets)
hc time for a bit, but i really like the idea that the Hamato Clan were in charge of different faction of the Resistance, like: Lee was in charge of the Resistance as a whole, so everyone reported back to him; Mikey was in charge of the mystic stuff, anyone who had that little spark went to him and Draxum; Donnie was the lead scientist and investor, and any engineers or mechanics or robotics people were under his supervision; April was the commander of the active soldiers, both human and yōkai; Cassandra had her Brownie Clan; and Venus, thanks to her old job as Big Mama's assistant, was the head recon scout. she could gather intel and information about whatever Kraang faction and plan no problem. naturally, she becomes very important to the Resistance
she probably still hung around Big Mama a lot (old habits die hard) and avoided Draxum like the plague. the only times she had to interact with him was when they had missions together, but aside from that she's never seen in the same room as him
i don't know how she dies specifically, but she does die three and a half years after Donnie and Cassandra. Casey was 11. probably during a risky mission that Leo labeled as basically suicide, but she took it anyway. Venus got the info back safely but she didn't make it
her scouts wear white paint on their faces to match her markings in her honor. as a result of her not having many (or any) Hamato stuff on her, Lee couldn't properly commemorate her like he did with Raph and Donnie
she's buried as Venus Hamato
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butterfilledpockets · 10 months
My mind has gotten jumbled with thoughts of that Life Is Strange au, so imma spit out the questions/thoughts I have here-
Admittedly, most of what I remember about life is Strange is Chloe's (AKA Donnie here) side of things, and it got me thinking
Chloe's got a step dad, and I had to wonder if Donnie has one too. And my mind went immediately to Draxum, and that's just... something to think about, I guess, but I can see it and it's kinda funny
One of the things I do remember but had jumbled in my head as to how things went down was that, in a separate timeline in the game because time shenanigans, Chloe had gotten severely injured and was bedridden for the rest of her life. But the incident that caused this wouldn't really happen the same way in this au, if at all.
Then, after making comments and mentioning Raph's spared only to get the response that he wasn't really spared, I had to wonder if maybe this incident did happen, but in the same timeline and away from Donnie, maybe. Or, maybe even the incident is the reason for the divorce in the first place?
I dunno, my brain is thinking things but it's hard to put them down in a cohesive way sometimes and it doesn't help that I'm trying to limit spoilers just in case
kjebgkjsbgr this ones a doosie/pos
so first off, you are correct! Draxum is Donnie's stepfather/actual father (mutation is canon in this AU)
how the alt timeline (where Chloe gets paralyzed) happens here is VERY different, because I did not really like it.
Chloe's dad dying in the car accident = the day Splinter left Donnie with Big mama
In this AU the bad timeline is when Mikey tries to alter the past to get all of them to leave with Splinter, but instead he mucks up and HE is the one left behind.
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Consider the following: the begining of the movie would have been even worse in the seer AU. Because they didn't lose Raph in the initial timeline, and that was a very, very big bad that Leo hadn't seen in a vision.
oooh! You're right! no wonder Leo was so shaken! In this version, he never saw Raph get taken b/c he wouldn't have been able to see into the branched future. That was the first big thing he hadn't seen coming, and the first bad thing to take him by surprise since Draxum dangled him off the roof (but far, far worse.)
But it would probably help him come to the same realization in the movie. (that it was branched timelines) b/c what other explanation could it be? He knows Raph didn't get taken by the Krang last time. This has to be a different timeline b/c he would have seen it happen if it wasn't.
Thank yoU!
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14muffinz · 8 months
About your fusion AU, since you're open to asks
How would the fusions remember the different April's and Casey's (and Splinters for that matter) ?
Would their memories conflict, would it be muddy, or they'd prefer not to think about it?
(So i'm gonna go with 2012 as the other iteration for now, but if yall want to talk about it with a different set just say the word and that's how i'll answer)
I feel like memories get blurrier the further they get from the date of their fusion. Like, if you ask them about events a month or so before it, they'll be able to explain some pretty big chunks of memory, but their childhoods don't make a lot of sense to them.
Memories also have a bit more clarity depending on how 'similar' they are to their other self during them. Bad example, but Mikey has trouble remembering climbing on Raph's shell, because while he's still the shortest of the four, the fusions are all around the same size and he's way too big for that. But a memory of, say, a kitchen food fight would be more distinct, since the rise bros are a very lighthearted (not the word i'm looking for but still) set and the 2012 bros tease eachother often
we've also got to pick a spot in the timeline so we know if 2012 splinters alive or not.
All brothers know both aprils and caseys and can tell them apart, since all four have been worrying over them almost nonstop since they first fused
brother by brother below the cut:
Leo can remember the first time they met each Casey, because all three were initially perceived as threats. If someone gives him a brief explanation, he can remember their first fight where they failed to save 2012 April, but a lot of the time he won't remember the girl as Aprils He doesn't know how they met rise April, but can remember a lot more bonding moments with her than anyone else. As for splinter – he's one of the things that makes his memory sort of fight itself. Because of how much he loves to train, he doesn't have any clear memories of rise splinter, only 2012. Some memories of rise splinter, when he's more serious, he can recall in 2012's voice. When he interacts with rise splinter, there's a 50% chance he flips out thinking he's hearing Tigerclaw
Raph has most, if not all of his memories of the Casey seniors. A lot of them he remembers the wrong Casey out of the two being there, but he can usually recall it. Casey helps both Raphs unwind, meaning those memories are often where the Raphs are at their most similar. They remember meeting rise April a lot clearer, seeing the surface for the first time gives them a huge rush of freedom and they associate her with that because of rise. They don't remember the first fight where 2012 April got captured, but they remember her rescue. Raph remembers being ignored by his father. He remembers coming to rise splinter with concerns about one of his brothers and being brushed off. He remembers when Leo overtook him in training and how 2012 Splinter was suddenly more focused on training Leo instead. He remembers Splinter as one guy, but after the first few times the supporting cast tried to tell him about the fusions, he's begun doubting his memories.
Donnie has shoved all the memories they think have been altered deep within a mental cage. To be dealt with at a later date. They have informed Splinter (at least rise, dunno if 2012 will be around) that they do not remember much of the positive things in their childhood, and have decided to focus on separating the two Donatellos rather than their tainted opinion on their father. When they first fused, the 2012 april crush remained, but once they were filled in on the situation that stopped fast. Depending on when the 2012 bros are yoinked from, the power inside her episode would be a very distinct memory and would definitely change their interactions with 12 april. 12 casey is allowed in the lab because they know he has some sort of engineering talent, though they're not sure how good. They don't really remember Cassandra. In their brain, Casey Jones is the man with long black hair, and Cassandra is not that. They recognise her as Foot Recruit which has caused a lot of tension. June is a bit (a lot) skittish around them but they will try and interact if nothing else than for knowledge of future tech. Rise April is the only one who can get him to unwind, she knows all the tricks (this mistifies the 2012 humans, they've never seen donnie that chilled out outside of movie nights)
Mikey remembers the most of his childhood(s). He doesn't talk about it a lot since it seems to conflict with Leo and Raph's memories, but he remembers his first meeting with each human, first time watching the favourite media in each dimension, and a bit more. He gets along with all of them really well, but he's more focused on how weird his brothers have been acting lately. They're just so off, he swears…
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