#OC Eternity
cosmoknightchaos · 3 months
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Gods aren't above humans, nor are humans above the gods. We're all standing on the same flat ground, at rock bottom.
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ninamodaffari · 9 months
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So happy to finally show off my final piece for the Tome of Pacts zine I feature in.
This is Hagne, the Herald of Rot, and faithful servant to her Patron, Cicardia. Her look was inspired by several things -- death masks, pomegranates, worn bronze, flies and centipedes. The butterflies she carries feed on death and decay. Hagne herself felt the cold embrace of the grave, but was blessed to find herself given another chance. She will not fail.
I am so honored to have been a part of this project, and this is one of my favorite pieces to date. I hope you guys enjoy it as well. :)
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ideavian · 3 months
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Concept for my oc Rarity’s campaign
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sonhogentil · 5 months
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babygirl she wants to wife you, let Marilyn wife you 👰💒
Pandora (pink haired girl) belongs to @napelf
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murkshade · 2 months
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youre chilling in camp and they are just sitting there. silent. you are now trapped forever
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hansama · 9 months
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Day 1 - Fallen King
he's a lil silly sometimes >///>)
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philonob · 1 year
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Eldrich  Blast
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Gearing up for the stat boosts
MDZS Disco Elysium AU Part 3 (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4)
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yourlocalcattgirl · 21 days
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How happy is the blameless vestal's lot
The world forgetting, by the world forgot
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.
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emelinstriker · 8 months
{Eternal Servants AU} Wukong & Macaque ♡ Obedience
Art drawn by me + the OC is mine... Also the mentioned OCs and the AU itself.
My LMK AU's first ever fic, lezgooo- :D
This one's mainly just showing off the relationship between the monkeys as well as the Reader. The AU actually does feature some input from that one OC group of mine, even if they mostly operate in the background. Some of them do occasionally show up. It wouldn't be one of my universes if they had no input since they're all connected by this group of individuals... A good example would be CM from Castle's Pet, if any of my ancient old Quotev/Wattpad Undertale X Reader fans are reading this.
[TL;DR] Just your monkeys being wholesome while murdering another demon.
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
Seated on your throne, you sighed as you waited for your purple champion's return. You sent out Macaque to retrieve an ancient artifact a demon stole from your palace's storage. Usually it wouldn't take him long to hunt someone down. After all, he was used to tracking down any that would oppose you and would bring them to justice. However, something must've happened since he obviously wasn't back yet. This was highly unusual for either one of your champions.
'Did he get into an accident?', you thought to yourself, now getting worried.
Your blue champion seemed to notice your sudden change in mood. He didn't even need to feel it through your eternal bond, he could just tell by looking at your concerned expression. He leaned down a bit as he obediently stood next to your throne, looking at you with his void black eyes. "Master, is something bothering you?"
You turned your head a bit to look at him. "It's just... Where's Macaque?"
"Unfortunately, I'm not sure whether or not he's still occupied with the thief." He responded flatly with little to no emotion. You hummed in thought for a moment before you turned to face him again.
"Wukong, I want you to check up on your brother... Help him if he needs help, but at least just make sure he's not hurt or anything." You said firmly. The monkey in blue moved in front of you and bowed.
"As you wish, Master."
And with that, he summoned his somersault cloud and hopped onto it before swiftly flying off into the direction of where his sworn brother left to hunt down the thief.
Across the land, a giant smoke monster could be seen fighting a giant demon in green and black. It seemed like a tough battle as the demon the monster was fighting was very aggressive and wild in its attacks. When suddenly, a blunt hit to the back of the green and black demon slammed the demon in green and black face-first into the ground of the clearing they were fighting in. Its body created a giant crater. It was still alive, but just barely as it laid there motionless. It seemed like the battle already weakened it and the blow to the back was too much for it to handle.
The simian piloting the giant smoke monster panted a bit from exhaustion as he smiled darkly at the fallen demon. But then he turned towards the direction of his ginger-furred brother, who was standing on his cloud with crossed arms, and huffed. "Thanks, but I could've taken him down on my own. It just would've taken a bit."
"Master told me to make sure you weren't hurt." Wukong stated as-a-matter-of-factly.
Macaque's smile turned from maniac to apologetic as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, with his giant smoke avatar mirroring his motion. "Oh man, did I take too long again? I didn't mean to make them worry... I just kinda got caught up with stopping the thief. He used the artifact he stole and it turned him into a feral titan." He added as the giant smoke monster gestured towards the other demon on the ground. That's when the monkey on the cloud quickly zoomed down towards the unconscious demon's body. It took him a few seconds, but he quickly spotted the artifact hanging from the titan's satchel. After he took it away from the giant demon, the demon's body seemingly shrunk back to its original size, still unconscious in the ginormous crater. The simian carefully held onto the artifact, as to not accidentally trigger its power, before his cloud flew back to his sworn brother. After Macaque saw the other demon's now normal-sized body, his smoke monster avatar disappeared around him as he stretched with his feet now touching the ground again.
He grinned at the ginger-furred monkey, seeing him hold the artifact the thief stole. "Guess now we also know what thing does... Did Master say anything about wanting us to kill the guy, or to place him in the punishment wing?"
Wukong shook his head in response, his face still not holding any emotion. Macaque sighed. "Well, damn... But I guess we might as well end him now than risk having him try to steal again, right?" He chuckled as he slowly walked towards the unconscious demon's body. The dark-furred monkey gave the demon a wicked grin, not expecting a response as he summoned his shadow staff. "Nothing personal, dude. Just making sure our beloved Master is forever safe and comfortable! Any who are at risk of opposing them in any way must be eliminated..."
And with that, he smashed his staff's thorny end down onto the demon's head, ending his life with one last strike. Wukong just gave the corpse a bored look before he uncrossed his arms. "Do you need a ride back?" The Monkey King asked, referring to Macaque's exhaustion after battle. He could just help the other monkey relax and calm down with his somersault cloud, after all.
However, Macaque just waved his hand dismissively as he took a deep breath. "Nah, but thanks. I'm a bit tired, but not enough to stop me from using my powers. Do you want a ride back though?" He grinned before he summoned a shadow portal on the ground next to himself. Wukong's mouth just faintly twitches upwards for a split second, but it was enough to make his the dark-furred simian chuckle in repsonse. "C'mooon, bud~ We both know my method's faster! Just hop in already!" If Wukong's eyes weren't like a fully black void, his playful eyeroll would've been very much noticeable. He hopped off his cloud, letting it disappear as he approached the portal, straight up jumping into it. Macaque soon followed after, closing the portal once he went through.
On the other side, you anxiously waited on your throne. While you didn't think any of your regular servants would harm you, you still felt a bit uncomfortable without at least one of your champions around. After all, a human ruling over an army of demons wasn't exactly a common thing demons respected. Only those who were already your servants in other lives would respect you fully... probably. And you had no recollection of any of your previous lives.
Your anxiety faded however once your two blue and purple champions emerged from a shadow portal in front of your throne. The sworn brothers didn't hesitate and kneeled upon seeing you.
"Apologies for the wait and for worrying you, Master. The thief ended up using the artifact and I ended up having to fight him to stop him." Macaque says, somewhat sounding ashamed of himself. He didn't like it whenever he didn't meet his Master's expectations. Even if something was out of his control.
You smiled softly as you leaned back. "It's fine, Mac-Mac. It was inevitable if that guy refused to face justice... I'm just glad you're alright and came back to me alive and well." The simian's frown turned into a bright smile as his tail swayed happily behind him. If you used that nickname for him, then he must've done everything right!
Afterwards, you smiled at your blue champion. "Thanks for finding him and taking him home again, Wu-Wu. Great job." You praised him. Now his tail was also swaying more happily. He nodded his head and grunted quietly in acknowledgement. Despite him not talking quite as much as his brother, and usually not showing emotions, you knew he was just as happy and content as your purple champion. His gentle tail sways were enough to understand.
The ginger-furred monkey then pulled out the artifact from underneath his cloaked side, still kneeling as he stared at you expectantly. "Shall I return this to the storage? The Archivist wanted to check on the items later today."
You scratched your head in thought for a moment as you hummed. "Guess that would be the best idea... If the Archivist shows up, then it's best if we have all the items that we borrowed... I don't wanna deal with his colleagues again, to be honest." You admitted, physically cringing a bit at the memory of your last encounter with the group the Archivist was involved in. They weren't happy when an eternal branding iron you used on your servants was stolen. Especially the Judge...
Wukong, knowing what you meant, nodded again as he stood up and bowed his head. "Of course, Master." Then he turned and walked away towards the palace's storage. Meanwhile, Macaque continued to smile brightly at you.
"Do you have another task for me to complete as well, Master?" He asked, eager to follow your every command like an obedient puppy. You hummed in thought again, but before you could respond, you heard the familiar voice of a certain mysterious figure in a black cloak and a fox-like mask...
"They do not. I have a task for you instead, Six-Eared Macaque."
The cloaked entity with the fox mask revealed himself as he walked out from behind your throne... When did he get here? Then again, he was one of the Archivist's colleagues, so you didn't question much anymore due to all they were able to do... You raised a suspicious eyebrow at the masked entity as you spoke. "...What task?" Those cloaked beings weren't to be trusted with how they operated. And while the Oracle usually spoke of the truth and was one of the more gentle-sounding members, you could never be sure whether or not there was malice behind anything their group did.
He responded in a blank tone, as if it were obvious. "The task involves going to the Underworld and retrieving the Scroll of Memory." Macaque visibly flinched slightly as one of his ears twitched at the mention of the Underworld, yet he avoided eye contact and remained quiet. The masked entity continued. "It's not the scroll itself that you might be interested in, but rather the curse that is bound to the scroll. That curse would be an extremely great addition to your palace's security." The entity added.
You grimaced a bit in thought, looking at him with uncertainty as you propped up your head on your hand. "Mhm... Are you sure this is worth it? Macaque isn't exactly fond of the Underworld, and I don't wanna make any of my servants, especially my champions, uncomfortable... Maybe Wukong could-" "NO!" Your purple champion suddenly cut you off as he looked at you, his void black eyes were wide open in panic, practically begging you to hear him out. He coughed awkwardly before bowing his head in a bit of shame and embarrassment for cutting you off.
"M-My apologies for interrupting you, Master... But I'd like to take on this mission myself, if I may." He said firmly, determination clear on his face as he tried to avoid this uncomfortable feeling of having to return to the Underworld. But he really wanted to prove himself worthy as one of your champions. He outwardly expressed his love and devotion towards you so much more than his sworn brother, and yet Wukong usually ended up getting more missions than him despite that.
You gave him a concerned look. "Are you sure? I know you don't like the Underworld after... Well, you know..."
He nodded his head without hesitation. "Yes, Master. Please let me retrieve that scroll for you."
After another short moment of uncertainty, you sighed in defeat. You stood up and moved towards your purple champion, petting his fluffy head. "Alright, fine... But if anything makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, I want you to just come back... Okay? I don't want you to get hurt, Mac-Mac. I'd rather have you here with me without that scroll than have the scroll without you." You said softly as you kissed his forehead. The dark-furred monkey blushed as his breath hitched at your touch and words.
That was all the motivation he needed.
His bright smile returned as he joyfully saluted. "Yes, Master! I'll make you proud!" You chuckled at his sudden eagerness. Almost immediately, a shadow portal opened up beneath the simian as he dropped into it, vanishing. Upon the closing of the portal, you raised an eyebrow at the Oracle.
"...Is this scroll really necessary?" You asked quietly, to which the entity silently nodded. You sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
"It's not just for your safety, Your Majesty. It's also required to garner enough attention for the future paths to be connected to the present path." He responded flatly, which confused you. But again, you didn't question his words due to his occupation. And soon enough, Wukong returned from the storage. The monkey in blue walked up to you and bowed, as if to say he had finished his task.
You petted him as well, also kissing his forehead with a little smile. "Good job, Wu-Wu." And just like his sworn brother, his tail started to sway in a happy daze as he blushed despite his still expressionless face. He clearly also loved it when you called him by that nickname. The Oracle, upon seeing the Monkey King return and being showered in affection, quickly bid you farewell for now as he still seemed to be busy with other matters. Meanwhile, you continued to pet the ginger-furred monkey, waiting for his brother again. You even decided to continue petting him while your were seated on your throne.
However, at some point while petting your blue champion, a thought crossed your mind...
"Wu-Wu... If your brother isn't back within the next three hours, I want you to go look for him in the Underworld... And help him out if need be." Wukong's eyes were closed as he leaned into your gentle, addictive touch, while his tail swayed slowly behind him. He simply nodded without opening his eyes.
"Understood, Master."
[ Masterlist ]
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cosmoknightchaos · 4 months
Hehe>:3 1, 2, 6, and 8. (Do whatever character you’d like:3)
Oh boy! Any character I want! I'm going to do all of them.
There are 35 different characters listed below. I'm not kidding when I say the response is long.
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
The following OCs are from a project I've dubbed Project Scepsis OS, a futuristic dystopian featuring a failed science experiment, an amorphous blob, a shapeshifter who eats organs like jelly beans, and a depressed 40-year-old man.
Paisley, despite being trapped in a laboratory for most of their life, isn't that bothered by it. If anything, they'd just prefer to go through and get rid of a whole bunch of memories, to clear up space. It's like clearing photos from your storage. Also, they're definitely the type of person to stay up at night thinking about that one embarrassing moment from years ago, so they'd trash all of those.
Marci, on the other hand, desperately wants to forget most of its time in the lab. Especially before it met Paisley. All of that was hell for it and it wants to forget that.
Kat is a very "Sparkle off, it's Thursday, forget who you are" type of person. She doesn't want to remember a single thing and be consumed by the personality of whomever she eats. Life has not been kind to her after the war :(
Vincent would most likely want to forget his son's death. It would be so much easier to bury himself in his work if he didn't have the weight of his son's death looming over him, even if that is what caused him to become a workaholic in the first place. Either that or erase all memory and involvement in the Scepsis model, though unfortunately his name has gone down in history with that one and he will never escape it.
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
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^This is Kat! She is a wanted war criminal across multiple planets for murder, cannibalism, and impersonation.
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Dill do you have any idea who you're talking to. I am the MASTER of the moral compass and how characters feel about it. I could write a full essay on a singular character's morals.
Moral compasses exist on a pentagram for me, with each angle being an extreme and every character existing on an extreme or somewhere in the middle. Congrats, you get all five extremes.
On the first point of the pentagon, the unbreakable and completely fucked compass. Myo, The Queen, and Flower, who may be so wrong in their actions but their compass has long been broken. The philosophy here is You cannot betray your moral compass if you don't have a compass to begin with. They're either too insane to have morals or whatever the fuck Queen is.
Second, our stubborn characters! Probably the biggest category of the extremes. Edge, Sky, Penelope, and Cosmo. While having a variety of personalities and motives, they all have very strict moral compasses. Not really strict in an uptight way, but they know where their loyalties lie and are so comfortable with that spot that it's gonna be ridiculously hard to break that. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. It's just comfortable. However, with enough force, it can be broken- but that does require a lot of force.
On the next joint, characters like Altalune, Marion, or Anne, who's compasses are thrown to the wind every other Tuesday. High and mighty as they may think they are, both are giant hypocrites and will betray their moral compass the moment it becomes an inconvenience to their motives. There's also characters like Echo or Marc, who crumple like paper once put under the slightest pressure. They wouldn't betray their morals by themselves, but they fold like laundry when another person gives them orders.
Second to last are the traumatized folk. Gospel is probably the only real extreme of this group, but Kaizo is a very close second. This is for characters who have a strict moral compass at first, but after a certain event(s), their compass shatters and they have to go buy a new one. More often than not, that first set of morals isn't as healthy for them, and the new set helps them improve as people, but that doesn't mean it isn't earth-shatteringly traumatic and destroys everything they ever had faith in in the process.
Finally, the sporadic. Entropy! Tranquility by extent and pretty much all of my Higher Being/God/Godlike/God complex characters count too, but Entropy is the definitive extreme. The moral compass here functions like Captain Jack Sparrow's, simply pointing whatever way the character wants it to. It is fueled impulse, desire, and the Godlike arrogance and detachment from mortal life. There are no moralities, only fun and chaos.
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Let's just go down the list, shall we? OCs are categorized by source material!
Beyond the Graves (OC) Marci/Marc: Normally, no, possessed than yes. And does canonically. Echo: Same as above! AJ: More likely to commit murder than the other two, but doesn't. Cosmo: Probably did? Doesn't seem like it. Queen: Definitely. Easily. Canonically. For funsies
Ivy (OC) Jenny: Nope! She would only kill someone if she had to, and she would not get away with it! Morgan: Same as above, only she's slightly more willing to commit murder Myo: Without hesitation
Project Scepsis OS (OC) Paisley: Although they do commit it, they wouldn't get away with it very well. Marci: If it would happen, it would be accidentally. It would latch on to a living organism and accidentally tear their mortal form apart. It would never do it intentionally. Kat: She eats people's organs for fun Vincent: Definitely not. Even if he is responsible for the war machine that killed hundreds if not thousands. Creator: Said war machine mentioned above
Where Time Stands Still//Stopwatch (OC) Penelope: Absolutely not. Baby girl Audun: Probably not Altalune: Definitely. And if he doesn't get away with it, then he'll kill whoever witnessed it. Tristen Kannaroe: Little bitch man. Unfortunately he has not committed murder but he would not get away with it, he would get caught, and he would get what he fucking deserves. Entropy: Do you know who we're even talking about. This is the fucking God of Chaos Tranquility: Ironically, for being the God of Death, they have never taken a life. However they would very easily get away with it if they needed to. Eternity/Stopwatch: I mean yeah probably. I think gods in general have a good track record of getting away with murder
The Religious Trauma Squad (Hollow Knight) Gospel: She wouldn't commit murder, but if she did she wouldn't leave a single trace. Eviscerated by lightning bitch Edge: Oh yeah. Absolutely. Gospel would know in a heartbeat. Marion: He put his days of murder behind him after he left the troupe! He's reformed now! (<-Nearly fought Edge to the death if Gospel hadn't stopped him)
The Horalo AU/Where Time Stands Still (A Hat In Time) Skyscreamer: Commits murder canonically and does NOT get away with it. Thanks Entropy Flower Man: Have you read the book Entropy: They are still the Deity of Chaos Kannaroe: Doesn't and don't get away with it
The Wanderer AU (A Hat In Time) Ester: Yes! The Gravedigger: Uh... does it count as murder if they're ghosts? Cathrine: Nope! Wouldn't hurt a fly <3 Adrianne: Would and get his ass caught. Idiot Tranquility: Still a pacifist!
My other AHIT OCs Anya: Nope! They'd whack you with a large branch, but that's about it. Kaizo: He would eat your insides like a muffin for breakfast.
That's as many as I can remember. Feel free to ask about any of these I guess.
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beebfreeb · 5 months
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While I'm at it, I don't believe I've posted these guys here either! I like doll characters a normal amount. Rose, Ruby, and some other thing. What is that.
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ideavian · 5 months
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Rain world ocs
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liliakier · 4 months
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I miss my boys so bad
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redheadspark · 9 months
hawuu could I request 12. "we should really get up." "we should....but we won't." With Druig
Thank you
A/N - HAWUU! I love this request for Druig, thanks for requesting this dear friend!
Sun Kissed
Summary - Druig just wants alone time. That's all
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Warnings - Just some fluff
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The first thing you hear in the morning is crashing from Phastos’s lab, which then brings along the chorus of bickering from the other side of the door into your room.
“What did I tell you about touching my equipment, Sprite?!”
“Not my fault it’s lying around all over the floor!”
The body behind you was grumbling and snuggling into you as you rubbed your eyes with your fingers. The room was still dark, your bed remaining cool against your skin as the Domo energy was humming along the thick dark walls and under your bed along the floor. You knew instantly that it was very early in the morning, some of the morning sun rays were not even coming into your room just yet on the Domo, but it was already starting to be chaotic 
“This has to be a new record in how early they start fightin’,” the voice behind you groaned out as you heard another crash from the direction of Phastos’s lab.  
“Can we go on our own for a few days?” You asked in a yawn as you felt some kisses pressed against your bare shoulder, “I just need a few days of sleeping in…not waking up at the crack of dawn to—“
A third crash, you groaning in defeat as you rolled to be sprawled on your back and looked up at the dark ceiling above you.  An arm was thrown over your waist, and a small chuckle was heard at your side as the body was now perched up on one hand.
“I’ll talk to Ajak and see if we can have a getaway this upcoming weekend,” You looked over to see Druig watching you with alluring eyes.  You loved seeing him in your bed, you two already establishing that you were a couple just like Ikaris and Sersi.  Although Ikaris and Sersi’s relationship seemed more formal in front of the others, Druig was fine with it.  He had no issue in wishing to kiss your cheek in public or hold your hand whenever he could. Of course, there were times you had to tell him to reel in the public affection, in which he would wait until you two were truly alone to unleash all of his love for you.  
“What makes you think she’ll let two Eternals go off on their own?” You asked him as he cocked a grin at you, “Ajak barely lets Ikaris and Sersi have their own time together,”
“Well it’s because it’s Ikaris and Sersi,” He replied with a shrug, “Ikaris won’t waste an opportunity to be the golden boy and get all the accolades of being second in command,”
“Quit being mean,” You lightly scolded him with a smack on his arm, though you both were laughing at what he said.  
“What?  It’s true!” He huffed, “And as for Sersi….well I have nothing bad to say about her.  Just Ikaris,”
You just rolled your eyes as Druig leaned down to wrap you in his arms to kiss you good morning.  You melted in his embrace, feeling his hands sprawled on your backside and some of the sheets starting to descend down both of your bodies as you hummed along his lips.
“Druig, we should really get up,” You murmured against his mouth as he kissed you again.
“We should…..but we won’t,” He replied as he kissed your chin and tickled your sides to make you chuckle, “Honestly, we have no meetings this morning and we can stay in this nice bed for as long as we want,” 
Of course, the idea was beyond inviting and tempting, not wanting to go do chores or any walks of patrol amongst the humans, no need to hunt deviants since they were gone in the area.  In all fairness there was already talk about you all moving on from this small city since you’ve done all you can do to aid the humans in their evolution, finding another rural area that had plenty of Deviants running rabid. Ajak was giving you all a few more days until the Domo was going to uproot, which was both bittersweet and yet thrilling at the same time.  
“Then let’s stay in bed then,” You stated, Druig grinning widely as if he won a prize while you pointed a finger at him, “But not all day!  I would like to go see the ocean again before we leave this city,”
“I’ll take us,” Druig agreed with you as you ruffled his brown hair with affection, “I wanna make sure your tan glows again from being in the sun, “
“Oh, so you wish for me to get a sunburn like I did before?” You asked him coyly as he laughed and shook his head.
“You know that’s not what I want. And I recall giving you that soothing plant lotion that Makkari would use on herself to ease your skin.  I still have extra, so I can give it to you if it does happen again,” Druig informed you.
“You’ll massage it in with your fingers, like last time?” You questioned him in an alluring manner, Druig rolling his eyes as he leaned in to kiss along your neck and jawline to make you feel like you were melting into your sheets.  No matter the image he would put on in front of others or in front of humans, he was always a softy when it came to you.  Especially in your shared bedroom and your shared bed, it was where he felt the most secluded and the most vulnerable.
Plenty of moments were held in that bed.  Moments of joy and happiness as you two would laugh together and talk about the day.  Moments of sadness and grief, you hiding Druig as he cried in your embrace or you weeping in his arms from seeing the tragedies that happened to the humans.  Many triumphs and trials were shared in the very bed you two were nestled in, and it felt like your own little place of worship.  
“I’m at your command,” he vowed softly against your neck, his lips moving lower and lower as his fingers were starting to dance along your skin.  Of course, you were letting him, not wishing to break the magic that was swirling in that room thanks to Druig and his soft affection.
However, another crash was heard from the lab, and Phastos’s screaming in agitation was heard.  Druig sighed in defeat and fell on top of you as you giggled.
“We need alone time,” He grumbled against your neck.
“That we do,” You replied in agreement.
The End 
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September Prompt Session
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friberchi · 3 months
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New portrait of my moon godlike Watcher 🌑
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