#Ahit OC Flower Man
cosmoknightchaos · 5 months
Grabs you
Hiii I’m here to ask the silly questions for the oc ask thingy.
11. 20. 2.
The urge to ask half the super silly questions
It's okay!! We love silly questions!!
2. Your newest OC
I believe that would go to Tristen Kannaroe! The bitch himself. My most recent art of him is from October, though I think his concept was coined a bit earlier than that.
11. Would you consider yourself nice to your OCs?
Nervously glances at the Wtss cast
It depends! Certain characters I treat nicely while others I want to see burn alive. Entropy and Sky are probably the nicest I am to any of my OCs, with Paisley not far behind them. However, we also have characters like William Sonemeir (A scientist who developed advanced war technology and unbeknownst to him turned his dead son into a sentient war machine), Creator/Evan Sonemeir (Will's kid, died and reborn as a war machine), Kannaroe (Tortured for all eternity for simply following orders, though to be fair he does deserve it), and Flower.
I'd say for the most part I'm not nice to OCs, as the best characters are formed by putting them through hell and seeing how they survive. But for the most part I try to give happy endings and help characters move past the trauma I give them.
Except for Kannaroe and Flower. They don't get happy endings because I fucking hate them.
20. An OC regret
Not many! As mentioned on a previous ask, if I don't like anything about a character I'll rework them pretty quickly, so I tend to work out all regrets until I go back to liking the character again. I'd say my biggest regret right now is underutilizing Entropy and Kannaroe. Kannaroe moreso, since Ets has Rtth and a definite appearance in both side stories I plan to release as part of the Wtss Director's Cut, while Kannaroe got completely annexed and exists solely within my sketchbook and that one bit of Rtth. But they both have very good reasons for being underused, so I don't regret it that much.
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ahit-oc-corner · 3 years
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I KNOW I HAVEN'T POSTED A LOT BUT HAVE A BANNER WIP will I finished this? That's a maybe-
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doodleimprovement · 3 years
Nell - A Brief Guide
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Annabella Gracia Buonacci is an OC that I typically use in fandom content. They’re usually over the age of 25, single, and use She/They pronouns.
She is used in two main fandom - Marvel, and A Hat in Time
Click “Keep Reading” for the full post!
We’ll start with the two Marvel universes first, as those are the “simplest”.
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MCU Nell (Current Age: 31)
MCU Nell is a nurse in the “Pro Bono” ER at Flushing general in Queens NY. She befriended May at a grief counseling group, and through her met Peter Parker, and shortly after that found out he was the up-and-coming superhero Spider-Man. Post Civil War, she met and befriended Tony Stark, who introduced her to Thor. She built up a relationship with Thor, starting to see each other just before Infinity War. She survived the Snap, but in the 5 years between Infinity War and Endgame, their relationship fell apart. Post Endgame she divides her time between her full time hospital job, her part time Avengers/Stark Industries/Government-ish position, her burgeoning relationship with Doctor Strange, and gaining grey hairs helping out young heroes.(Tag: MCU Nell)
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Spider-Verse Nell (Current age: 36) 
Spider-Verse Nell is also a nurse, working generally in the hospital rather than in a specific wing. She knew Peter Parker, and had a similar relationship to him that she has with MCU Spider-Man. She met and dated Aaron for some time, which was how she met Miles. Aaron and Nell didn’t date for long, but remained good friends after that, and she saw Miles a few more times pre-film. Post-film, she offers Miles advice in the form of Spider-Man 1.0 anecdotes, and medical attention. There’s a running gag that she’s dating a superhero, but no one knows which one. Oh, also, she is the niece of Doctor Olivia Octavius. That’s not as important as you'd think it’d be, but still.  (Tag: Spiderverse Nell)
A Hat in Time:
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AHIT “Canon” Nell (Age at “death”: 40) :
This Nell is technically a Prelude to her game self. They are the town apothecary, friendly with all and while reclusive, isn’t seen as weird. She’s divorced, and has been close with the royal family (Read: Vanessa) for well over a decade. She’s also friendly with the prince, and might be related to the florist (I never decided on that)  (Does not have specific tag, typically grouped under “Ahit Nell”, “Subconite Nell” and “Ghost Nell”)
There are two possible endings for “Canon” Nell: One where she is a ghost, and one where she is a subconite.
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Subconite Nell: 
Subconite Nell is the most likely outcome, and occurs if Nell remains in Subcon when it freezes over. Subconite Nell remembers next to nothing about their past life, not even knowing that the handkerchief on their head was one they used in life. They do regular subconite things (They quite like being hung for some reason….. ) and they are the only subconite who is allowed alone in Snatcher’s lab. Their personality is quite the same to when they were alive though. Typically the default Nell for all other Post-canon AUs.(Tag: Subconite Nell)
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Ghost Nell:
If Nell leaves for the coast just before the fall of Subcon, returns and is traumatically killed by Vanessa, they become a ghost much like Snatcher, but with a few notable differences. For one, They typically keep themselves in a more human shape, but at a far larger size than Snatcher normally uses. Their eyes and magic are cyan, though they don’t use it frequently. They are quite fond of Hat Kid, and the cusp of their arc confronts their mysterious (or not so mysterious now) death. They spend most of their time cultivating a field of flowers and herbs. (Tag: Ghost Nell) 
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“”””Coffee Shop AU”””” Nell (Current Age: 40) : 
The School nurse at the local Elementary, She’s jaded and has a somewhat nebulous past that most people don’t even know. She loves coffee, gardening, and listening to music. Very obviously a witch but no one seems to notice. She’s a side character in every sense, but has a good sense of humor about it (self aware). Her best friend, Daph, became obsessed with the local cryptid - The “Snatcher” and started just… sending her all of this merch. Her house looks like a Snatcher museum. She takes it in stride and quite frankly, it’s a running joke at this point
Other AUs: (Might be edited at a later date)
The Little Contractor ( @bittybattybunny​ ): Very similar to Coffee Shop AU, but instead of Daph buying the merch, she does it herself and partially does it to take the piss out of Ru. She babysits for Eclipse and Ru occasionally.
Pokemon (AHIT related): Runs a small, remote Pokemon center in the middle of a forest with a Chimecho as their main assistant. There is also a Blastoise that lives out of a pond near the center. This is mostly inspired by @ahatintimepieces​ Lawyer!Eevee AU
Victorian AU: The doctor of the village of Subcon. Very no nonsense,doesn’t appear very much until the final act. 
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n0v4hearts · 4 years
So This is Love
Ship: Snatcher/The Prince (AHIT) x SI/OC
Word Count: about 3,160 ish words, and not beta read (unless sending this to your friend at 3am to read it over is beta reading ksbdjd)
Ok, so this is majorly self indulgent, because I low-key really like masquerade balls and grand costumes and stuff, but I can't write imagery for JACK and the song "So This is Love" basically came into my heart and smashed my knees with the image of me and Snatcher dancing to this elbdj
Also! The Prince doesn't really have a name, so i just named him Luka lol
(I haven't posted anything og my self-insert, but they go by Bee and they/them pronouns, and they work as the king's mail carrier and post man. They and Luka have been close friends since childhood, and that's why they get away with so much stuff together lol)
Anyway, I need to stop rambling, I hope you like it!!! I know I do-- The actual fic is under the read more!
 ... <3
   Acorn sighed, as they fiddled at their clothes. Even though they are a mail carrier, they are a royal mail carrier and got the privilege to be invited to a masquerade ball the kingdom is holding. The heir of the kingdom – Prince Luka – practically begged for Acorn to be there, seeing as they were a close friend of his. Luka even had a tailor of his make a set of clothes for the occasion. When he gave Acorn their set of clothes (on a mail run, no less,) they almost burst into tears. Even though Acorn was a friend of the Prince's, and technically worked for the King and his Court, they were still pretty surprised that the King allowed them to join. Acorn sharply shook their head to try and stop thinking about what happened before the party, thoughts lingering on the clothes and the handsome Prince instead.
     Thankfully, Luka made the clothing he gave them lighter than what most ball dancers would wear, as well as not having many intricate ruffles or details sewn on, unlike the richer party-goers of the ball. Ladies' dresses were puffy and frilly, with hand-stitched flowers and lace put onto the dress and bodice, waists thin and masks ranging from a simple face covering with pearls and feathers to a full-on mask with lace and colorful markings with animal representatives. Men's suits were… less fun to look at, but still brought attention to them, with brighter colors and designs in the suit rather than the tones than most were used to seeing, along with their ruffles more prominent. Their masks were similar to the ladies, with most being simple masks and the most extreme one Acorn has ever seen being a peacock themed set of clothes.
       Luka, who's family was hosting the ball, had a moderately complex suit. His was centered around a mouse, trying to mimic Acorn's rabbit mask and the suit he commissioned for them. His pale white and more natural fur-like colors of his suit and extra details contrasted his normal clothing style, which used more purple and red tones, showing his stature in the kingdom. His overcoat had slightly padded shoulders to emulate his everyday wear, and his vest to protect his shirt slightly covered the silly cravat that Acorn loves to torture him about. He didn't wear his boots, as he was forced to wear his uncomfortable dress shoes. Luka's mask was ornately decorated, with a small crown of pearls shaped vaguely of a lute sat on the forehead, and silver adorned the cheeks and temples of his mask. Acorn's mask and suit were nowhere as near to the simple extravagance of the kingdom's prince, but they were still proud to wear it, albeit, slightly embarrassed. Their mask was of a simple white rabbit, it's ears extending from the area just above the temples. Despite being very simple in shape, there were swirls of silver, and around the eyes and the edges of the ears, there was gold paint. Their mask also had a very little rabbit nose, similarly decorated to the rest of the mask. Their suit had no overcoat and had a more brown set of tones rather than the pure white of Luka's. Acorn was able to wear their boots, as it did match his suit, and they were sure if Luka was there to see that, he would probably give them a look that would kill.
        Speaking of which, Luka was greeting the party-goers, occasionally leaning down to kiss a lady's hand as her group of friends giggled at the small gesture. When he looked up from greeting a different woman who was surrounded by her escorts and saw Acorn, they could tell his night was made. Even though they could see his mouth, he was still in front of a small group, and couldn't show his excitement fully. Luka's eyes lit up, his hazel eyes catching the candlelight to make them a more pale yellow than normal, a happy glint in his eyes. Before he could excuse himself from the group to say hello to his friend, Luka was thrust into a conversation about courting, with the young woman – her name, what was her name… Vanessa? Was that it? – and him being the topic of conversation. Acorn saw Luka stiffen slightly when he turned around to an older gentleman gently touching his arm, and realized that they would probably both be here for a while.
. . . <3
      Luka crept behind Acorn, trying to be discreet about getting to the food table. Well, as discreet as he could be, being the kingdom's one and only heir to the throne, while people are trying to make him do political moves, like marrying their daughter that probably only wants to get in his pants or leave. He jabbed at his friend's sides, making them jolt and whirl around, glass slightly raised in case they needed to resort to violence. "Oh, you–!"  Luka chuckled and struggled not to laugh louder than was socially acceptable as Acorn realized it was him and gently smacked the back of their hand on his shoulder. "I almost splashed my champagne all over your suit, You're High–" Acorn was cut off before they could continue.
      Luka shook his head and put a finger over his lips. "Don't call me that, please. I just got out of a conversation with a neighboring kingdom's duke. I'm sure their daughter is nice and all, but God, I just want to have some food and spend time with you before I'm forced to go dance with the people here." Acorn quirked an eyebrow at that. The Prince? Wanting to spend time with the mail carrier? During a ball to find a suitable lover? Not out of the blue, but certainly not expected. Before Acorn could ask the thoughts running through their head, Luka quickly responded. "We haven't had any time to speak at all lately. I mean, I've been looking for a good school to look into law practice and you've been constantly working all the time with deliveries that my father is making you do. The whole reason why I invited you to this is so I could talk to you, not talk to the political figures," Luka bitterly spat out as he grabbed a small plate and put some sweets on it.  "… Is that so wrong?" He stayed silent for a moment after saying that, previous actions slowing and calming slightly.
      Acorn shook their head. "Of course not! It's alright to want to talk to someone who hasn't spoken to in a while. But," They lowered their voice slightly and moved closer to Luka, who in turn subconsciously moved towards them. "Why here? Where you are trying to find a suitable lover?" They turned their head slightly to get a look at Luka and oh stars, when did he get this close. His shoulder-length hair had a small ponytail in the back, tying off some, but leaving the rest down to frame what little of his face people could see. He smelled like vanilla and lavender, and Acorn couldn't get enough of it. They were thankful for the mask for once, hoping that the other couldn’t see their face flush scarlet as they realized what they were thinking.
     Acorn looked away, probably a bit too quickly, and looked around at the scene around them as Luka sighed. “Well, you know how it is. I was kinda forced to come here. Royal duties to,” he switched to a deeper voice and cocked his head a little higher, “keep the royal bloodline alive and all that wonderful business.” He shook his head and started to walk away from the table with his plate piled high. “You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t wish to, but I would like you too.” Acorn looked at Luka and smiled, while they both walked off together. Luka side-eyed them and lifted his mask slightly to eat easier. They smiled at one another after a moment, and after Luka gently slapped Acorn's hand for trying to steal a chocolate truffle, they walked onto a balcony to (hopefully) get some better privacy to talk with one another.
. . . <3
     The two slightly moved their masks away from their faces, finally being able to breathe more comfortably and show their faces while in their own company. Acorn walked closer to the balcony and looked up at the sky, while Luka slowly picked at the desserts on his plate. “It’s beautiful.” Luka looked up, and swore his heart stopped at the sight ahead of him. Acorn was leaning over the balcony’s intricate stone banister, one leg tucked behind the other. Their tight bun was slightly undone, hair messy, but oh so… Elegant, is that the word? Even in the dim light of the moon shining down on them in their suit, and the band still heard playing, Luka could just stare. This moment felt too intimate. Even… even for just friends, silently pining. Acorn turned slightly, to look back at the other. “Don’t you think so?” Luka stuttered as he let out a held breath – since when did he stop breathing? He flubbed an agreement that seemed to satisfy Acorn, because they turned around and kept looking at the stars and constellations. Luka unknowingly kept admiring them, smiling to himself. He finished his dish and set it next to him as he got up to look at the stars next to Acorn. They stood there for a few minutes, pointing out constellations and enjoying each other’s company for a bit.
     Luka looked over at Acorn, and his heart flipped. Oh how he wished he could just kiss them –
     … Wait.
     Oh. Oh.
     Oh no.
     He flushed red at the thought that he couldn’t quickly shoot down as he wanted to. He? And Acorn? His childhood best friend, who helped him through everything, even though they were the child of a mail carrier? He wanted to laugh, but the thought had crossed his mind too much as of late for his to even think about drawing an awkward chuckle from himself. They were just so… so perfect for him not to fantasize about what a relationship with them would be like. It would be a scandal for sure, but would anyone really mind? He saw the was his parents looked knowingly at him when he laughed a little too hard at one of Acorn insufferable puns and jokes. Even when the topic of this ball was brought up by an advisor, the King told him that it was really just a formality to “keep the bloodline alive”, and nothing more. Luka realized that he was probably staring, and cleared his throat slightly, looking back at the stars above. Then one of the band members – violin presumably – started a familiar refrain, as the other instruments slowly joined in.
     Luka looked at Acorn, as they looked back at him. “You should probably… go grace somebody with you amazing dancing skills Luka.” They looked at the slightly ajar door they left open when they came out on the balcony. “I mean, some lucky lady is probably wanting to dace with you. Perhaps the one you were talking to for hours on end, hmm?” Though their voice had a teasing tone, Luka could tell that they didn’t want him to leave. Not yet.
     Luka pretended to think it over, and grabbed their hand to pull them closer to him. “No, I don’t think I’ll leave just yet.” He chuckled, and dramatically leaned down to kiss Acorn's hand as they sputtered. “Care to join me for a dance, my dear?” Even in the dim lighting, Luka could tell that Acorn's face was probably scarlet at this point. Their mouth opened and closed for a moment, trying to find words without sounding like a fool, but eventually they just nodded their head. Luka smiled gently. “You don’t have to. I won’t mind if you refuse Acorn.” They stood their ground and shook their head, saying that they did want to dance. So, they got ready to waltz in time with the music.
     Luka put his hand on Acorn's shoulder while Acorn put theirs on his waist. They clasped each other’s hand, and started swaying gently with the music. It was surprisingly more springy than they both remembered, but the pair started dancing slightly. They turned and swayed as the music continued, and slowed when the band quieted to let the singers… well, sing.
So, this is love
Luka hummed the words slightly as the pair subconsciously moved closer to one another. Acorn looked up at Luka slightly, eyebrow raised. Luka scoffed slightly. “We both know that we’ve been raised on this song, don’t give me that look.” Luka gently nudged the other, and Acorn chuckled.
So this, is love…
So this is what makes life, divine
Closer and closer still, the pair moved in tandem with one another, circling like two moons orbiting a forgotten planet. They swayed, with Luka gradually whispering the lyrics, enjoying himself. They both looked borderline ethereal to the other, both of them unbelieving of the sight they had.
“I’m all aglow, mmm
And now I know,”
“And now I know…” Acorn sang slightly, looking at Luka while he sang the verse before. They both seemed surprised that Acorn did that, but Luka recovered and muttered that they had a nice voice. Acorn flushed, and buried their face into Luka’s jacket, stuttering.
“The key to all heaven is mine…”
They harmonized with themselves and the singers inside the castle. They had stopped dancing altogether at this point, and had just started embracing each other instead. Acorn's head was on Luka’s shoulder, and Luka was staring ahead, head tilted slightly to clay. The pair still swayed gently, but it wasn’t to start dancing.
My heart has wings, mmm
And I can fly
I’ll touch every star in the sky…
Luka looked down to Acorn, and saw the peaceful expression they held. ‘They are right there,’ he heard himself scold. ‘Just kiss them, get it over with.’
So this is the miracle
That I’ve been dreaming of…
They now faced one another and started slowly leaning together, their faces almost touching. Luka’s eyes fluttered closed as Acorn's glanced down at his lips.
So this…
Is love.
     The singer’s duet ended, and their lips finally connected. It felt like fireworks and explosions were going off, sparks dancing on their lips. As the two gripped each other tighter, they didn’t hear the pair of feet making their way towards them. “Your highness, you are–” The guard cut herself off as she realized what she had walked into unknowingly. The two parted quickly once her voice was heard, and Acorn tried to shuffle away from Luka slightly to try and at least pretend that they totally weren’t kissing, what? “I, I’m sorry your highness, I can come back–”
     Luka shook his head, but never let go of Acorn. “No, no. What is it?” He inquired and put most of his attention to the distraction at hand, slightly disappointed. Acorn looked down at the ground, away from the guard, suddenly taking interest in a few pebbles on the surrounding stone.
     The guard re-positioned herself. “The King wanted to see you sire, but I will just let him know that you are… Busy doing other things. I, uh. Hope I didn’t interrupt anything too maj– you know what? I’m just gonna…” The guard awkwardly walked off, shifting in her armor slightly, embarrassed that she walked in on the prince and the mail carrier having a moment together.
... "Wait, the mail carrier??"
     Luka waited for a moment after she left, making sure the gentle clinks of her armor had faded completely. The pair stayed silent for a moment, before Acorn tried to shift away again. Luka pulled them to where they were originally in his arms and smiled mischievously. “Where do you think your going, lover?” He teased, laughing slightly as Acorn pretended to fight back. He grin became wider as he realized that Acorn had blushed darker. “Oh, did you like that dearest? Calling you ‘lover’?” Luka cooed at them, as Acorn gently swatted at him. “Just come here, sweetheart,” and with that last teasing pet name, he brought them into another kiss, less tentatively. He could feel Acorn smile as they let out a silent sigh and melt against him, knees weak. Luka pulled away slightly, and as Acorn's head followed the movement slightly, he whispered, “Don’t you think we should take this somewhere a little more private after the guard, you know…?” Acorn's knees fully gave out, and Luka hurriedly clung onto them as he felt how hot they were. He fussed over them for a second, hoping that they didn’t fully pass out.
     They both chuckled for a moment after Acorn quickly recovered, and Acorn muttered something along the lines of “Kissing is just fine for now, anything more and I think I’ll die.” The two couldn’t contain their loud laughter at this remark, Luka’s laughter carrying on over Acorn's. He leaned over and gently pecked their cheek, saying how they didn’t want anyone to see them kissing again, and that he was sorry that he insinuated something more than kissing. Acorn pecked him back on his lips, and accepted the apology.
(Little bonus scene! I didn’t really wanna write this out fully, but I kinda wanted to add what one of their fist meetings could be sknf -- enjoy!!)
Looking back on it, the Snatcher could hardly believe that he was so in… actual infatuation and love with a childhood friend that he could hardly believe that he could marry Vanessa. She was of course, fine at the start, but the lingering feelings for the pair never truly left their hearts. He shook his head, looking back down at his book, waiting for that kid – Hat Kid was it? Or was it Bow? – when a knock sounded on the tree bark. Snatcher sighed. “What do you want, ki–”
His sentence was abruptly cut off as he saw an all too familiar face in the entry way with Hat Kid behind them. “Hello your highness. Been a few years, hasn’t it?” Snatcher almost dropped his book as his jaw hung slightly. Acorn, in the flesh. Right there. Their clothes were much more casual to fit the modern times, and they carried a mail bag on their shoulder, with a mail carrier's cap in one of their hands.
Snatcher blinked a few times. “Yeah… 10, at least, huh sweetheart?” Acorn laughed loudly, and ran towards him. They embraced again, and finally after 200 years of waiting, wondering if the other was alive or not, Acorn peppered Snatcher’s face with kisses. There certainly wasn’t going to be any complaining about this for a while to say the least. Even from a ghost who always said he had a reputation to uphold.
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cosmoknightchaos · 5 months
Hehe>:3 1, 2, 6, and 8. (Do whatever character you’d like:3)
Oh boy! Any character I want! I'm going to do all of them.
There are 35 different characters listed below. I'm not kidding when I say the response is long.
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
The following OCs are from a project I've dubbed Project Scepsis OS, a futuristic dystopian featuring a failed science experiment, an amorphous blob, a shapeshifter who eats organs like jelly beans, and a depressed 40-year-old man.
Paisley, despite being trapped in a laboratory for most of their life, isn't that bothered by it. If anything, they'd just prefer to go through and get rid of a whole bunch of memories, to clear up space. It's like clearing photos from your storage. Also, they're definitely the type of person to stay up at night thinking about that one embarrassing moment from years ago, so they'd trash all of those.
Marci, on the other hand, desperately wants to forget most of its time in the lab. Especially before it met Paisley. All of that was hell for it and it wants to forget that.
Kat is a very "Sparkle off, it's Thursday, forget who you are" type of person. She doesn't want to remember a single thing and be consumed by the personality of whomever she eats. Life has not been kind to her after the war :(
Vincent would most likely want to forget his son's death. It would be so much easier to bury himself in his work if he didn't have the weight of his son's death looming over him, even if that is what caused him to become a workaholic in the first place. Either that or erase all memory and involvement in the Scepsis model, though unfortunately his name has gone down in history with that one and he will never escape it.
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
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^This is Kat! She is a wanted war criminal across multiple planets for murder, cannibalism, and impersonation.
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Dill do you have any idea who you're talking to. I am the MASTER of the moral compass and how characters feel about it. I could write a full essay on a singular character's morals.
Moral compasses exist on a pentagram for me, with each angle being an extreme and every character existing on an extreme or somewhere in the middle. Congrats, you get all five extremes.
On the first point of the pentagon, the unbreakable and completely fucked compass. Myo, The Queen, and Flower, who may be so wrong in their actions but their compass has long been broken. The philosophy here is You cannot betray your moral compass if you don't have a compass to begin with. They're either too insane to have morals or whatever the fuck Queen is.
Second, our stubborn characters! Probably the biggest category of the extremes. Edge, Sky, Penelope, and Cosmo. While having a variety of personalities and motives, they all have very strict moral compasses. Not really strict in an uptight way, but they know where their loyalties lie and are so comfortable with that spot that it's gonna be ridiculously hard to break that. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. It's just comfortable. However, with enough force, it can be broken- but that does require a lot of force.
On the next joint, characters like Altalune, Marion, or Anne, who's compasses are thrown to the wind every other Tuesday. High and mighty as they may think they are, both are giant hypocrites and will betray their moral compass the moment it becomes an inconvenience to their motives. There's also characters like Echo or Marc, who crumple like paper once put under the slightest pressure. They wouldn't betray their morals by themselves, but they fold like laundry when another person gives them orders.
Second to last are the traumatized folk. Gospel is probably the only real extreme of this group, but Kaizo is a very close second. This is for characters who have a strict moral compass at first, but after a certain event(s), their compass shatters and they have to go buy a new one. More often than not, that first set of morals isn't as healthy for them, and the new set helps them improve as people, but that doesn't mean it isn't earth-shatteringly traumatic and destroys everything they ever had faith in in the process.
Finally, the sporadic. Entropy! Tranquility by extent and pretty much all of my Higher Being/God/Godlike/God complex characters count too, but Entropy is the definitive extreme. The moral compass here functions like Captain Jack Sparrow's, simply pointing whatever way the character wants it to. It is fueled impulse, desire, and the Godlike arrogance and detachment from mortal life. There are no moralities, only fun and chaos.
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Let's just go down the list, shall we? OCs are categorized by source material!
Beyond the Graves (OC) Marci/Marc: Normally, no, possessed than yes. And does canonically. Echo: Same as above! AJ: More likely to commit murder than the other two, but doesn't. Cosmo: Probably did? Doesn't seem like it. Queen: Definitely. Easily. Canonically. For funsies
Ivy (OC) Jenny: Nope! She would only kill someone if she had to, and she would not get away with it! Morgan: Same as above, only she's slightly more willing to commit murder Myo: Without hesitation
Project Scepsis OS (OC) Paisley: Although they do commit it, they wouldn't get away with it very well. Marci: If it would happen, it would be accidentally. It would latch on to a living organism and accidentally tear their mortal form apart. It would never do it intentionally. Kat: She eats people's organs for fun Vincent: Definitely not. Even if he is responsible for the war machine that killed hundreds if not thousands. Creator: Said war machine mentioned above
Where Time Stands Still//Stopwatch (OC) Penelope: Absolutely not. Baby girl Audun: Probably not Altalune: Definitely. And if he doesn't get away with it, then he'll kill whoever witnessed it. Tristen Kannaroe: Little bitch man. Unfortunately he has not committed murder but he would not get away with it, he would get caught, and he would get what he fucking deserves. Entropy: Do you know who we're even talking about. This is the fucking God of Chaos Tranquility: Ironically, for being the God of Death, they have never taken a life. However they would very easily get away with it if they needed to. Eternity/Stopwatch: I mean yeah probably. I think gods in general have a good track record of getting away with murder
The Religious Trauma Squad (Hollow Knight) Gospel: She wouldn't commit murder, but if she did she wouldn't leave a single trace. Eviscerated by lightning bitch Edge: Oh yeah. Absolutely. Gospel would know in a heartbeat. Marion: He put his days of murder behind him after he left the troupe! He's reformed now! (<-Nearly fought Edge to the death if Gospel hadn't stopped him)
The Horalo AU/Where Time Stands Still (A Hat In Time) Skyscreamer: Commits murder canonically and does NOT get away with it. Thanks Entropy Flower Man: Have you read the book Entropy: They are still the Deity of Chaos Kannaroe: Doesn't and don't get away with it
The Wanderer AU (A Hat In Time) Ester: Yes! The Gravedigger: Uh... does it count as murder if they're ghosts? Cathrine: Nope! Wouldn't hurt a fly <3 Adrianne: Would and get his ass caught. Idiot Tranquility: Still a pacifist!
My other AHIT OCs Anya: Nope! They'd whack you with a large branch, but that's about it. Kaizo: He would eat your insides like a muffin for breakfast.
That's as many as I can remember. Feel free to ask about any of these I guess.
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cosmoknightchaos · 11 months
Ahit Doodle Dump
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I'm tired and I hate pens. Have some doodles
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cosmoknightchaos · 10 months
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Where Time Stands Still: An A Hat in Time fanfiction by yours truly
(Details + Links beneath the cut!)
A missing timepiece. A mysterious time rift. A new world with friends and enemies, both new and old. A new chapter. An old legend. An ancient rage.
Two time bombs with immeasurable consequences are running out. It is a race to the timepiece to save lives.
She is up against a ticking clock.
Of course, in a world where time stands still, it can't be that hard, right?
Hey look! I write things!
WTSS is a project I've been working on for a month or two now. It's an AHIT story that takes place as the eighth chapter in Bow Kid's adventure, and features many cut characters along with some OCs and a lot of original lore! There's not really much to say that's not detailed in the story's intro, but if you're a fan of Mustache Girl angst, villainous Moonjumper, and traumatized/traumatizing children, or if you just really like Bow Kid, then this is the book for you!
You can read it:
Here on Wattpad
Here on AO3
So feel free to check it out!
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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I've decided I'm not going to post anything coherent about this story
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cosmoknightchaos · 6 months
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This took me five hours. Click for higher quality
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