#Not proofreading this just gonna post
anti-dazai-blog · 1 month
Second Anniversary Special
As many of the long-time followers of this blog know, I originally started out on the classic literature side of tumblr, which is what lead to my venturing into bsd. As an homage to my roots as a classic lit enthusiast, I’ll be going through all the works that I’ve read written by bsd authors:
The Spider’s Thread by Akutagawa
This short story is brought up in a lot of animes, which is unfortunately the most likely way western bsd fans. I could make an entire separate post of commentary on how the American school system doesn’t cover most foreign literature (outside of English [as in from England] and French works), and that is an absolute travesty. However, that’s not what we’re covering right now. 
Anyway. The Spider’s Thread is a very short story—like two pages at most. You can go read it now. For all the other entries I plan on rating the novels out of 5, but this one’s truly too short to rate. If you wanna read it you can find a hundred pdfs online. The same probably goes for most works of classic literature, so. Go wild enjoy the wonderful world of free online pdfs.
The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
I was probably assigned other works by Poe, but this one is most likely his most famous short story. I was assigned it in middle school/high school/ and at least twice in college. Again, very short short story—you can read it in a few minutes tops. 
5/5 for the sole reason of it aligning with my personal sense of humor. I get that it’s not supposed to be funny, but unreliable narrators are and will always be hilarious to me. I love a guy insisting that he’s not crazy while he’s off murdering a guy. Cask of Amontillado-core protagonist. Funny because E.A. Poe also wrote Cask of Amantillado. I’m out here starting to suspect that E.A. Poe just really loved writing his unnamed unreliable narrator protagonists.
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
I’ve never read Tom Sawyer, but in 11th grade my class read Huckleberry Finn. 3/5 because I don’t like the way it was taught in class, but I did enjoy analyzing it more than some other books we did. 
Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky
Currently reading it so I can’t give much feedback, but so far I’d like this guy (Raskolnikov not Dostoyevsky) to meet Meursault from The Stranger. If anyone’s made this crossover, please send it to me. And if not and you wanna go make it yourself—please I’ll love you forever.
Dracula by Bram Stoker 
I mean we’ve all done Dracula Daily. Or at least I’ll assume you’ve heard of it. 5/5, Mina’s best girl, Quincey’s best boy, I have very basic opinions but I’m standing by them.
The Stranger by Camus
Meursault the prison is clearly named after Meursault, the fictional character who famously goes to prison, right. We’re all on the same page about this, right? 
Anyway if you’ve never heard of or read the stranger, [spoilers] it’s about this guy who kills a guy for no reason (“it was just so hot outside, idk what happened but now there’s a dead guy, this is a good enough criminal defense right? You’re not gonna send me to jail for just this one little mistake---oh you’re giving me the death penalty? Ah. I see.”) Solid 4/5—points deducted for being a little slow by some parts (although I can’t vouch for how it is in the original French, this was only my impression from the English translation I read)
After making this list, it’s clear that I haven’t read too many books my bsd authors, so next years my anniversary special will be more about the classic literature I have read. I do plan to keep posting until then. So please enjoy another year of the anti-dazai blog!!
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teddybeartoji · 3 months
it's not often you get to see a sleepy suguru.
it's not like he's not tired – he's fucking exhausted; the dreams just don't seem to like him all that much. but he's usually toughing it out, trying to seem as composed and put-together as possible. the dark skin underneath his eyes betray him, though.
so you don't really know why today is different. is he just more tired? have all of the sleepless hours caught up with him? or is it just you; could it be that your body is the most comfortable place to rest his heavy head? or is it your perfume that's soothing him to sleep?
or is it the fingers in his hair?
he doesn't really let others play with his hair too ofter either. satoru and shoko had been the only exceptions but that was before you came along. satoru uses his hair as a stim, something to play with when he's bored. suguru has taught him manners though – a few slaps against satoru's fingers and chest to remind him to be more careful. and shoko is just more likely to brush a strand from his eyes or help him tie them up in a half-assed bun whenever his own hands are full with whatever.
you like playing with hair, always have and always will. it's relaxing and it's fun and it's calming and you love it. when you first met suguru, his hair was the second thing you noticed about him (his keen purple eyes being the first). an irresistible itch burned in your fingertips everytime you saw him, everytime he wore his hair down. it just looked so pretty and soft.
he takes very good care of his hair, you know that much. specific shampoos and conditioners, masks and all – he's all in. and nobody bats an eye. not that they should but satoru definitely gets made fun of because of his stupidly expensive collection of figurines and shoko gets teased for her silly mug shelf – and yet, neither of them ever comment on the bottles and tubs of fancy products that lay on his bathroom counter.
his hair also smells good. the compliment always hangs on the tip of your tongue but stays hidden in fear of coming off too weird. too creepy. but he doesn smell good. even with closed eyes and ears and you'd find him in a crowd. you wonder whether he knows that.
as you grew closer and closer, the now scorching itch only doubled in need. you never did gather the strenght to outwardly ask him – if you could play with his hair? if you could caress it? comb through it? it was an accident.
a simple gloomy friday afternoon: you're both lazing on your couch, staring at the screen. it's funny – you find yourself muffling your already quiet bursts of laughter, suguru alongside you. he's sitting close by, closer than usual. you don't ask him about it.
he asked to come over; something-something about being sick of his own apartment. you understand that, so you tell him that your home is his home (you'd tell him that even if you didn't understand). you hear the faint smile when he thanks you over the phone.
even when he looks like he hasn't slept in months – he looks good. you can tell he's overexaggerating his smile a bit but don't say anything about it, rewarding him with a grin of your own. his eyes flick to your lips and how they curve and he thinks about how warm it feels to look at you. maybe he's not exaggerating anymore.
your arms open wide, inviting him into you and he obliges, as always. he smells good. as always.
his hands lock behind your back and your behind his neck. your hearts meet and they greet each other with a fastened beat, eager to be in sync – to feel each other again.
he pulls back and the corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles. he's not doing it anymore and you're happy to relieve him even if it's for mere moments.
he's wearing a sweather and his hair is down. he has lip gloss on; you try to think whether he's more of a mint guy or more of a shea guy. it remains a mystery.
and now you're on the couch with two cups of warm tea waiting for you on the small table. he smells good. he's so close. he snickers at the screen and you can't take your eyes off of him. it's the same small crinkle of the eyes and the faintest pink tint on his cheeks.
you know he knows that you're looking at him. you've been told to have a staring problem and he's just an observant guy. it's a terrible match. or a perfect one.
he doesn't say anything though; instead he leans his head back and little to the side against the headrest (he's even closer now) and you find yourself shifting an inch aswell. perhaps magnets are involved? the iron in your blood pulling you together?
no, that can't be. you'd have to be polar opposites for that to work. warm-blooded and cold-blooded? would that work? you're getting too poetic and he's looking at you now.
it's an accident. it slips out on its own. you smell good. caught off guard by your own comment, you're about to apologize when a hand on your thigh almost makes you suffocate on the words stuck in your throat.
he laughs and it feels so good. he thanks you. he means it, you see it in his tired eyes. he likes the way you blush.
turning his focus back to the tv, you try to collect yourself. a deep breath in and a deep one out and a deep one in and a de—
a weight on your shoulder. he smells so good. he's so close. you peek down, curious as to whether this is a dream or not. but suguru's head is in fact laid on your body, sinking a bit more into you by the second. a deep breath in and a deep one out.
seeking for a more comfortable position, you snuggle closer to him. it's hard to focus but you're making it your sole mission to make him feel safe. your arm curls around his body, his shoulder, and rests right by a flock of his hair.
his cheek is now smushed against the top of your chest and the weight of love doesn't seem as bad as everyone keeps telling you. his hand finds a place around your waist; loosely – as if he's the one who's afraid to scare you off. silly.
his breath against you feels right and the butterflies in your stomach refuse to calm down. so you do what you always do when you get nervous – completely on their own, your fingers caress his hair. just smoothing over it at first but before you know it, they're combing through a strand and twirling the ends between themselves.
you wanna apologize, again, but the soft little grunt that emits from the man keeps you from doing so.
don't stop.
+ this is for @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat just bc it feels right
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sprucewoodmpreg · 2 years
hi vaguely serious messy post about hermitblr and new members and just. letting everyone know that we’ve had history with cc interaction on here before that i think would be useful for people to learn about
Trafficblr/Hermitblr has seen a lot of growth lately, largely in part from people migrating over here from the DSMP side of MCYTblr. This in of itself is completely fine! New people jumping onto the bus with us are always welcome, and the growth of the community as a whole is really nice to see.
However, I have noticed a lot of these newer blogs sharing the same very specific behaviours, and if possible, I’d like to just make a few things about the community and our history clear. Because this isn’t DSMP, and the CCs here handle content creation and their own fanbases very differently to them.
While I’m not going to go in-depth on 2019 since I don’t have nearly as much information about it as other people do, I would like to say that back then, Hermitblr was kind of an active war zone. It was comparable to how Hermittwt is now, with infighting about shipping and similar topics being the norm (however in Hermitblr’s case many of these argument were far more personal due to the smaller fandom size). What I want to point out specifically however, is when one of the CCs, Cleo, was thrown into the community infighting. I don’t remember the specifics of it, but she was sent an ask asking about shipping, and her opinions on it, and eventually dealt with so much backlash that she was forced to leave the site entirely (this post here has a slightly more comprehensive summary, if need be).
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I’m just a little concerned, because there seems to have been a slight increase in that demographic of people recently. Specifically, members of the community who want to rely on CCs to dictate what happens in fan spaces; for them to give us bullet point lists of what their exact boundaries are for every single situation.
This rarely ends well. As in, it almost always just causes infighting and hostility. There will always be people making content that will “break boundaries”, regardless of any creator’s wishes. However, this is usually mitigated by the fact that many of these CCs aren’t on Tumblr (at least not anymore....mostly). The problem arises when members of the community attempt to act as Heroes Of Justice, and go out of their way to send asks to other blogs, informing them exactly of how they’ve broken the boundaries of some 40 year old adult. This is all despite the fact that said adult will....never see whatever post went against their wishes. It just encourages policing and this weird superiority....thing, where despite the lack of content creators, people are still fighting to make sure that the site is clean from any possibly upsetting posts.
I say this all while also acknowledging that many of the creators in this sphere also don’t have a very comprehensive understanding of how fandom interacts with their “characters”. To them, “shipping” has always been RPF, and there are so many other aspects of the community that simply can’t be explained easily, as they haven’t been immersed in this culture like we have. This is to say that asking for “boundaries” is likely to get you a very confused and unhelpful answer, as the Hermits have always had a very different way of interacting and viewing their fanbase than the DSMP creators do. There is no “c!” or “cc!” to them, to put it simply.
Essentially, the Hermits are adults. They’ve been doing content creation for years, and I can guarantee you they’ve seen worse things in their lives than art of their Minecraft character kissing another Minecraft character. They’ve dealt with this shit before, and if they wanted it to stop, they’re free to make a post about it whenever want. And yet, they haven’t. They leave fandom up to us. Boundaries and rules and infighting and just...all of that? Let’s leave it to the Twitter users, please. Post what you want, make sure to tag your posts correctly, and we’ll all be fine. 
Also, while I’m going to try not to rehash any discourse about inviting CCs to Tumblr, I also do just want to implore you guys to consider that the environment on Hermittwt is partially the way it is because of the active presence of the Hermits there, with people flocking for attention or a single notice, and obsessively checking posts to make sure they’re not potentially “boundary-breaking” and such. Please just consider that many people are here to avoid the dynamics of that site. Tumblr is a site for fans, not for the CCs. So we create content here for ourselves, and not for them. Having creators join almost always leads to the culture of their fanbase on here changing, with content posted in the maintags being catered more towards them rather than the fanbase. (This isn’t to say that they can’t join!! But at least keeping in mind why many of us are here in the first place and weighing that against potential CC interactions would mean a lot).
I fear that my point may have been lost a little bit, but I hope my explanation at least brings a little bit of light to why many members of the community here are wary of Creators coming over to the site, and also of how many newer blogs tend to treat the CCs. Hermitblr has had some really bad history in the past when it comes to this stuff, and seeing newer fans bring over similar ideas from DSMPblr just worries me a little bit.
TL:DR - Just...please treat the Hermits like the adults they are, and keep in mind they have a very different dynamic with their fanbases to the DSMP creators. Asking for “boundaries” and granting CCs control of the fanbase will likely lead you nowhere; attempting to police fanspaces here just brings up bad memories of times when Hermitblr was a much more miserable place to be in. Plus, if you want CC interactions, please just go to twitter. Nobody here wants to deal with an attempted “cleanse” of the site to make it more palatable to CCs.
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wheatnoodle · 1 year
so my ex and i used to constantly be falling asleep around each other. nobody else tho. we had shit sleep schedules and i had some pretty bad paranoia so i couldn’t even sleep when i was tired. but then we’d be like sitting on her couch or doing whatever and we’d just get so fuckin tired no matter what, yawning and bobble-heading around. y’know, the whole thing like you sleep around people you trust?
im trying to think it’s cute without thinking of her, so that but with steddie xoxo
eddie hosting hellfire at his trailer one night and steve’s there to be the kids’ ride. he doesn’t really feel like watching so eddie brings him to his room and finds something to occupy him with. while he’s in there, eddie takes off the shirt he’s currently wearing and switches it for the hellfire one before he’s taking off for the living area again.
hour and a bit later, they take a break and eddie goes to check on him and there’s steve in the worn motley crue shirt he discarded and sleepin oh so soundly in his mountain of pillows and blankets. UGH literally the cutest
they have family movie night at the hopper-byers house every thursday night. most of the time, eddie gets dragged away by the kids and steve is busy being robin’s personal space heater (which she will fall asleep draped over, drooling on his shoulder ten minutes in). but some nights, eddie gets to stretch out, lay his head on steve’s thigh (thats so close to his dick holy shit holy shit ok ok he’s your friend don’t think about his dick don’t think about his dick dontdoitdontdoitdontdoit-)
and one of steve’s hands will card through his hair, brush it away from his face, scratch at his scalp. eddie melts, dude. like, embarrassingly fast. the title card could still be going and eddie’s already become a deadweight on the couch.
“seriously?! it just started!” dustin will say when he tries to get eddie’s attention and sees he’s passed tf out. steve shushes him, holds a protective hand over eddie’s ear and lets him sleep.
steve will only fall asleep during a movie if it’s just them watching it. and they sit next to each other on the couch, like a couple of bros. besties, even. you know what eddie does? he pulls the whole “stretch my back, arm around the back of the couch” trick. and steve doesn’t even pick up on it as something to make fun of! he should! he knows every trick in the book, hell, he wrote the damn book!
if anything, steve just relaxes more. he doesn’t even take his eyes off the screen, just settles back into the couch, doesn’t wait a second before he leans his head on eddie’s shoulder. eddie rests his cheek on the top of steve’s head and hopes and prays he can’t hear his heart racing.
MAYBE ITS WINTER TOO??? MAYBE STEVEN IS SHIVERING???? and eddie grabs one of the many throw blankets the harrington’s own, holds it in front of them.
and eddie’ll drape it over both of them. and now that opens the door for cuddling. a door that steve marches through, because he’ll take whatever human contact he can get, okay? he curls into eddie’s side, turns a bit to face him more so he can lift his legs and put them over eddie’s thigh, his feet dangling between his friend’s spread legs.
eddie will let his arm come off the headrest and instead wrap it around steve’s back. he’s pulling him closer, his other hand resting on steve’s thigh. both hands are stroking wherever they’re touching so tenderly, steve cant help but bury his nose deeper in eddie’s neck. he’ll breathe him in, so familiar and cozy, and something in the back of his mind tells him that if a demogorgon broke down the door right this second, eddie would protect him. and isn’t that a thought?
so he lets himself sleep. and he lets himself feel safe. because eddie will protect him
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aria0fgold · 2 months
The clock rewound, begin the count from 99.
Odile stared up at the ceiling, her vision blurry with the other eye obscured by a light coming from her face, or rather, the cracks forming on her body. It's just about what she expected, really. Taking on the entire House, not allowing even a single break during any battle, pushing and pushing far past the limits of what one body could take, all by herself… She did it all by herself. She was at her wit's end, anyone would be, with the very situation she found herself in, anyone would be. To be stuck in a timeloop, to witness the people you care about get hurt over and over again, to witness the victory of a battle hard won only to start over again and again, to witness the end of the journey and listen to the broken record that is the Headhouse Maiden over and over again.
She never really understood Why? Why are they stuck in a timeloop? Why is she the only one that remembers? Even after going through so many loops, finding out more about the secrets of the world, wish craft, the island north of Vaugarde, the King, Siffrin… Right, Siffrin, the most suspicious one of all, to be able to read that strange script in some loops. Some. Some… Odile didn't like the prerequisite for it. To die to the King's strange attack, it seems to have a next loop effect on Siffrin, she didn't like it. Not one bit. But it did tell her something, that whatever is happening right now is connected to him in one way or another.
Not like it matters now though, her vision on her other eye is completely obscured by a blinding white light. And her hearing, has gotten muffled, she can feel her… family members, by her side. They seem to be speaking, shouting as well maybe.
I wonder if they're calling me stupid…
She'd chuckle if she could. After all the hurtful things she had told them prior to… this. She wouldn't even mind if they start cursing at her. She deserves it. Odile moved her one somewhat good eye to see who was beside her. It was Siffrin, she thinks, and someone else, Boniface, maybe. Are they crying? Out of anger or worry? Is the one blurring her vision death… or tears? She doesn't know anymore. She can see the silhouette of an arm moving, hers maybe, she can't feel it, but maybe it is. There are numerous cracks on it, a blinding light seeping through. That's hers alright.
The King is gone, right? She wanted to confirm. Vaugarde will be saved, right? She wanted to ask them. Everything will be alright now? She didn't want to die with any regrets.
Well, at the very least, the funeral ceremony of Ka Bue was fulfilled in a way, not in a traditional sense and definitely not what she expected to happen either. With a body seemingly made of gems, to shatter upon death. It's hauntingly beautiful. At the very least… She won't have to burden them in her death…
[You… Closed… Yo u yyyyooo u u u uuu u rrrrrrrr r r eeeyy e ee e ee sss s s ss s . . . ]
[.. . . . . .. . Yoouu u uuu rr eyeeeee e ee esss s s s… o p e n e d . . . once more.]
Odile flinched, an electrifying jolt seemingly passed by her body, beads of sweat immediately formed on her forehead, with eyes blown wide, she quickly scanned her surroundings. She's back… at the shop in… Dormont…??? How…? WHY?!
Her gaze darted to the sound of the door opening, it was Siffrin with Mirabelle seemingly following behind him. And he… looks like he's seen a ghost…
Get back on the stage, researcher.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
Hand over the little beasts
on it boss!! o7 this took . fuckig Forever bc i had t doodle everyone since the screencaps i have for them have like 5 pixels Total and would be Incomprehensible so <333 Behold My Beasts!!!
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team control team!! they r so silly 2 me :] more abt em under th cut bc uhhhh. yknow.
- Jacob - Snow White's Apple (+Penitence) my first little guy!!! he has a very serious and to-the-point demeanor, and has a very flat inflection on... pretty much everything about himself. he's the one that most embodies his role, for lack of a better term. takes his job very seriously, and intends to do well. his attitude is very dry, but he is very genuine and earnest when it comes down to it in an odd sort of way. he's the type to say something completely off-the-wall entirely stone-faced, and will oftentimes take things said to him in a similar manner. there isnt that much that seems to be able to catch him off guard. if theres something in his way, then he will simply have to overcome it. he'll try anything once. jacob is very intent on keeping things orderly, and will enforce this with his peers if he needs to. bluntly. chaos and a lax attitude are the catalysts to things going wrong, so its as simple as minimizing the chances for this to occur. simple. despite his nagging with the rest of the team, he means no sharpness by it-- he's direct (and maybe a bit... heavy-handed,) but he simply talks to others the way he would address himself, and sees nothing wrong with it. (unfortunately, this makes him come across as rude more often than he'd like... not that hes usually aware.) because of his unexpressive exterior, its oftentimes very difficult to get a grasp on how he thinks or feels about things-- especially since he himself seems to pay it very little heed, even when he Maybe Probably Should. one of the ones most likely to work himself to death without realizing it. hes doing his best ok.
- John - Sound of a Star (+Wingbeat, Hornet) very lax and lackadaisical-- hes insistent on doing what he needs to and very little else. in fact, he makes a very big show of it; always taking his sweet time, not really showing concern for much of anything, even when things are, as they say, Kind Of Really Bad. (Jacob tends to need to prod him along more often than not.) despite this, john is actually one of the more reliable agents of the facility-- always getting things done thoroughly and efficiently with very little instance of error. truthfully, he's actually very prideful in the work that he does, and quite enjoys showing off his skills when he gets the chance. infuriatingly, he tends to respond to questioning of his abilities with a flippant "im just that good." and well... its honestly what he believes. truthfully, he has a complete aversion to genuineness of any kind-- responding to questions with snarky remarks or quips, complaining about assignments, cracking jokes in the face of catastrophe. its... honestly more of a nervous habit than an active choice. in his eyes, if he cant do anything about an issue, theres simply no reason to worry about it. and so he coasts along, completely unruffled on the surface. at first, he didnt really see what the big deal was about the facility. everyone always spoke like it was a death sentence-- but it was just kind of poking some creature or another and leaving a few times a day and that was it. so he let his attitude reflect that. but once things started climbing, he began to slowly understand just how out of his depth he was; and his demeanor... didnt change. why should it? why bother? confidence was half the battle anyway, no point in showing your weakness. honestly, he has no idea what hes doing and simply acts the part-- it just hasnt burned him yet. (not to mention, with how serious the rest of his team was... well, they could use the encouragement.) and well, if it works... who cares about what lies underneath, right? no big deal. just get good.
- Jose - Lament (+Lament) the asiyah layer's special errand boy. for a good while, he was the team's most skilled employee-- always taking care of things cross-department due to being the only one who could really cover that role. watching newbies, working with new abnos, tackling faraway ordeals... that was all on him. and he didnt mind at first, really-- he enjoyed doing good work, being relied on by his peers... but um, well, he'd love maybe a little break, once or twice, thats all... but there's always more work to do, so... he was the first to work with fotb-- certainly not the last, but definitely the most Common. he also happened to be the most Receptive to it. already he was pretty high-strung from the pressure of his responsibilities, but... it was safe to say things reached an entirely new level after that. he wasnt used to abnormalities being so reasonable, for lack of a better term, nor to be able to just... have a conversation, like that. maybe he was listening just a bit too genuinely. they dont want anyone to die. they really dont want anyone to die. but theres nothing really they can do. just keep running! just keep your head up! if anything else, just stay alive! but at this point, death really isnt the worst thing that could happen to them in a place like this. truly, the worst has already happened. there's no escaping the facility, after all. but what could he do about that? so he repeats like a mantra; just dont die. just dont die. please just dont die. he wants to do good so fucking bad. so much is on his shoulders, and he Has to carry it. its practically compulsive. he has to do it because nobody else can. nobody else should Have to. and so he fusses over just about everyone, completely unable to speak of Why it is he's suddenly so skittish-- especially because of just how busy his responsibilities keep him. he just cant stop. theres no time. every second wasted is another chance something could happen. not once, though, did he really worry about himself. the contrast was stark-- constantly running himself ragged for the sake of others, yet paying no heed to his own safety. all that mattered was carrying out his tasks... which made things difficult as the stakes kept rising, but his own capabilities did not. the people he worried about were suddenly able to do things he couldnt even imagine-- and he was struggling paces behind them. he pretends not to notice how much more of his time is spent waiting. its... how do you deal with worrying about those facing trials far beyond anything you know, and you yourself are fully unable to reach them? it was best not to worry about it. ...he was never much good at that, was he?
- Mabel - Mimicry (+Noise, Mimicry, Our Galaxy) hes just some guy. like... he just works here. kinda stands out like a sore thumb, honestly, because of how strikingly... normal he was. a little awkward but well-meaning, prone to wandering (and slacking off...) he mostly just took care of smaller tasks and issues for a while-- coming in so late comparatively, he fell pretty far behind, pretty much just working on zayin level abnormalities well past day 20 or so. more often than not, he was the only one in the control team's main room while everyone else took care of pressing tasks cross-facility, only getting to share a word or two of pleasantries before they had to run off again. he knew the work was important, but... well, everyone always looked so sullen. he could never really understand why-- and whenever he brought it up, it seemed to just sour the mood... after a while, he just stopped trying. things suddenly changed, though, when the facility got its first aleph: nothing there. and somehow, he was decided to be most fit to work with it. it was strange, to say the least, mostly taking care of things that barely seemed to acknowledge his presence and then suddenly... that. hed be lying if he said he wasnt afraid, but this was his job, and he was trusted with it. so obviously that meant they knew he could do it, right? right. things switched around very quickly. he wanted to say it wasnt a bad thing, but... it was weird, is all. going from some nobody standing alone and aimless to... tackling things that shouldnt exist, killing things with power he isnt sure is really his. a lot of things were suddenly like that, honestly. he. suddenly feels like he has to be on his best behavior. um. is this thing on? manager are you seeing this? he gets a lot quieter after that. as it turns out, hes very harsh when he doesnt mean to be. hes honest, but sometimes that honesty could hurt. hes a bit intense… everyone else was, so it kinda rubbed off on him. hes compensating for his own lack of interest in bloodshed. he wants to be respected, but it just ends up scaring people. he isnt quite sure how to stand up for himself now. he just does what hes ordered bc hes never had a choice before, so why now? he needs to figure out who he is again– the ego did quite a number on him. he kinda fucks up on interactions way more than he thinks he used to. he keeps himself small and quiet so he doesnt accidentally trample over anyone. (he doesnt like the strange looks the clerks give him now. he doesnt exactly Like his ego gear or what it does to his brain, but it keeps him safe, so... hes here to help, remember? don't be scared...) honestly, he does really yearn for kindness and gentleness. its just… hard to admit. especially to people he still subtly thinks are above him. hes not stupid. he knows abandonment when he sees it. he cant really blame them for it, but… it still hurt, yknow? he wasnt Supposed to be anything, which was insulting, but now that he Is everyone treats him so differently, and somehow thats even More insulting. hes more than just a machine yknow… but, well, if that's his job, then. whatever.
theyre basically just.... a bunch of randos who are all trying their best, got disillusioned and distant, then suddenly clung together after realizing just how fucked everything was all of a sudden. theyre all overwhelmed, but theyll be damned if they dont look out for each other. jose was team captain first, but after some shuffling, the title fell on jacob. they all seem much happier with this.
they all honestly bounce off of each other really well despite everything-- jacob keeps everyone facing the right direction, quickly and calmly guiding the team. john provides a more lighthearted energy, but also is very skilled at keeping a level head and offering clarity when the others get overwhelmed. jose and mabel both cover for everyone else, but Especially each other after their own respective... trials. despite The Horrors, theyre all honestly keeping each other together very well.
bbbbut thats only four of them right? five to a team and all. well the fifth is um, well. yknow, its. well,
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(also heres everyone elses sprites from various places in th playthru bc ilove them :] yay)
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beelzeballing · 9 months
btw to talk abt this a little more
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this is also why i like silco from arcane so much (and why i am so dissatisfied with how he is often characterized). there are so few villains who are both properly horrific and irredeemable and yet still so deeply human, and i HATEEEE when characters like that get boiled down to being just another sympathetic villain OR inhuman evil. it strips these characters of what makes them so good, it erases all that draws me to them.
saying jonah let barnabas die out of cold malice is just as much of an affront to his character and to good writing in general as it is to say silco never loved jinx. why would you WANT to believe those things when they actively make the characters less intriguing?
i've spent HOURS thinking about jonah and barnabas bennett and you... what? simplify it down to "he coldly let him die"? He didn't! He felt horrific about it! HE KEPT THOSE BONES FOR 200 YEARS! THATS THE ENTIRE HORRIBLE EVIL OF IT! CARING FOR SOMEONE AND STILL LETTING THEM DIE BECAUSE YOUR OWN INTERESTS OUTWEIGH THAT! i cannot explain to you how much more BORING it would be if jonah had let barnabas die out of apathy or even sadism. where's the drama in that? we discard things we dont care about all the time.
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jrueships · 1 month
the okc Jays are the new addition to my slice of life fic series !!! bit scared abt that tbh.. idk if i wrote them well since i have no prior fic base.. my fear of misrepresentation.. it is stabbing me in the thyroid artery rn. BUT FUCK IT ! WE BALL!! IF U GUYS HAVE ANY (preferably underrated :] ?) SHIPS AND A FUN PLOT POINT FOR THEM THAT U WANNA SEE WRITTEN HERE.. LEMME KNOW !!! or it could just be family dynamic platonic stuff too!!! i Wanna write a gg's adventures in the nba fic but like.. he needs (famous) friends tho 😭. so far his only friends are his mom and dad LMAO
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his-writing-blog · 5 months
Crazy for you, oh boy | Shane x Harvey
Quick tags not in tags: suicidal thoughts mentioned, getting together, mostly fluff, bit of dark humor, they were friends before that, ooc sewers
Shane stood by the Saloon's bar in his usual spot. Also as usual, he was holding a pint of beer in his arm. And in his usual manner, Shane took a sip of his drink. Usually, his mind would be plauged by the visions (getting to work at jojamarkt next day).
Yoba, how he hated that place. He wouldn't work there anymore if he had any say in it. Sadly, he needed that money. Plus, he can't just leave poor Sam alone within the land of Tartarus under the lead of Krotos (Morris).
What was unusuall tonight, was the lack of thoughts regarding his little hell. Tonight his mind was stuck in the purgatory of longing after a feeling. A feeling that he wished for harder with each gramm of the alcohol in his blood.
Shane wasn't prone to those soul minglings before being brought back from the dead at The Clinic. The sight of his momentary guardian asleep on the fucking plastic stool, leaned agains the wall, legs curled to his chest and prepped against Shane's bed frame, made the ex-alcocholic stirr something deep inside of his chest and reset in his brain. He didn't think he could go back to looking at the man the same way he did before. In seconds, Harvey got promoted from being this mystical doctor seen by Shane once when he was running late to his job, to a real person that Shane wanted to get closer to.
Shane wouldn't have known what to call his current feeling if it wasn't for the new farmer, Laura. For someone so disorganised as him, Laura could muster up some good advice when coherent enough.
"The desire to be desired. And the desire to desire that thing the same way." Laura told Shane. He stopped in his track after hearing that. And then he burst out laughing. "What? If I didn't desire to pass down my legacy and Guiliermo didn't desire to be owned by me specifically, we wouldn't have each other!" She picked up her cat up to Shane's face. The orange cat looked at him right in the eye, as if challenging him. To what, Shane had no idea. But the devil's youngling must have sensed his lack of defense and meowed loudly in victory. Shane just turned around and went back to Marnie after loosing the one sided battle. He heard the farmer's laughter goes quiet as he walked.
Closing his eyes, Shane could almost see Harvey's face staring at him fondly. His mind tried to imagine his expression change to more passionate one. Shane tried not to let his mind take control. The more thoughts of this calliber, the most likely he was to send his addictions to the bottom of the cliffs alongside with him.
He looked down at his glass, half full with a beer. It was supposed to be his first and only one tonight. But with how things were going, Shane was tempted to throw the glass across the whole local and preach the words of his soul. How he felt because of the booze. How the will feel because of the booze. How it could ruin their life as hard as it ruined his. How one drink led to another to another to another to another to another to another to anot-
Warm chocolate eyes blinked at him right before his face. Shane relaxed his grip on the glass. He pushed it towards Gus, dropped some coins on the counter and left. He ignored the looks given by the townfolks and let himself fall into the fresh breeze outside. He stood in front of the darkness that loomed over the town at the edge of the forest. Without any more thought, he let himself be swallowed by it. It wasn't long before his eyes got used to the lack of the warm radiation of laps lit up around the town. The sky was truely one of the main reasons why Shane didn't get with his plans. Constelations of unwandered paths streched right above his small and meaningless life. Glittering and saying that maybe it was worth being there even if just to marvel at their beauty for a fleeting moment.
Shane wandered around the forest, his gaze lost in the stars, mind still by the fond eyes it couldn't bare to leave behind. He didn't know how long he was out there untill he saw the edge of the cliffs. Instead of heading acrossthe grass, Shane followed the overgrown path. It led to a narrow stairs that led to the large pipe that finished (or started?) the maze of sewer canals spread under the town. Drunk Shane liked to joked that it was an underground mirror reflecting the spiralls and labirynths made by stars. As if an artist scribbled down the unseen paths between stars and the pages landed on the desk of a rough engineer who tried and failed to recreate their grace.
As Shane marveled upon the genius of the cosmic blueprint, a quiet song was to be heard. He looked around, trying to find its source. After seeing nobody at the forest's clearing and no soul on the beach below, Shane was sure that it was coming from inside the pipe. His body tensed up, ready to initiate a fight or flight revalation at whatever might come from the sewer. The thing is, Shane would be nothing wothout his brain. And his brain, soothed by the strange melody, didn't want to response accordingly. So he sat at the top of the stairs, entranced by how sweet the sounds were. He was almost lulled to sleep by it when he started to sway to the rythm lightly. He got startled when he heart someone sing along the tune. What shocked him more was the fact that the voice was coming from his mouth. The words to the song came to him with a blink of an eye. Shane let himself be taken by the melody's current. And with a small smile on his lips, he sang.
"Harvey, nobody knows what I see."
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minhmynchi · 3 days
man i wanna ramble about my fic to someone so much
into the tags i go
#minhmy rambles#I SAY THIS BC..... there are so many things im planning and writing and im always constantly second guessing myself and i am too much of#a coward to actually say something in the discord like asking for feedback or anything and god forbid i ask for it in the a/n of the fic#and like i have my best friend who loves the fic and i have them proofread it but they hadn't rly known the game much outside of Me#and they're currently going thru the game and its a fun fun fun time but also#bc theyre my best friend and supports me no matter what im like. but what if. the way i write is so ooc and you don't know it#even if ur going thru the game rn and still saying its in character and not ooc at all what if ur just biased to me and my fic and#see im a huge overthinker i am so anxious and insecure about everything and thats why loop and sif are like that in my fic which is why#its OOC...... ITS NOT!!!!! ITS NOT ACCURATE THERES NO WAY........#anyways . i love my friend very much but i would also love to have more ppl to talk about my fic with but also. i never shut up#and if i do its bc im overthinking interactions#so like if anyone. wants to talk to me about my fic 👉👈 pls hmu im probably never gonna make another post like this ever again#the horrifying ordeal of being known#it strikes again#if you also want to talk about isat too thats fine i like talking about isat a whole lot#i might even give spoilers for my fic or i might not#might just ask a bunch of questions like “does this make sense does this make sense does this make sense”#ANYWAYS. .. y'kno. yeha#aoyany fic talk
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crimeronan · 7 months
hi guys ^-^ today or tomorrow i'll be setting up and optimizing my fiverr profile, which is where i'll be selling my writing/editing services. in order to establish my profile, the services will be dirt cheap for a little while.
i'm anticipating having a gig for writing 300 to 500 words of copy for $5 (i'll decide what level of stamina i have when i get there). for context, my usual rate is at least 3 cents per word. this is A Steal (TM)
i am happy to do creative fiction as people's copy. for legal copyright reasons, i can't commission fanfic, But if you ask me for a story that's "like" certain characters or AUs, i can give you stories with original names/settings that are... exactly what u want. with no copyright infringement.
all i ask in return is that you guys give a five-star rating and write a short positive review if you're up for it.
if i can get a couple jobs here it'll improve my profile 100000% and save me Months of waiting for my profile SEO to work. you will be doing me A Huge Favor 🙏
eta: i had to update my tax forms so it may be a few days before those get approved! i'll reblog this with proper links once the gigs are live.
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jimjammin777 · 1 month
currently going feral for gun play
CW for guns (duh), r@pe, and murder
thinking about being held down and raped with a gun to my head, the man on me laughing at my struggles and tears. thinking about him showing me that it's loaded with one bullet and spinning the cylinder so neither of us know where it's ended up. he'd shove the gun in my mouth and tell me to suck on it
i imagine how terrified I'd be when I hear him turn the safety off. how much id struggle as he pounds into my helpless little pussy while forcing the barrel of the gun down my throat, laughing and shaming me for being so aroused and so scared
and then he'd pull the trigger and I'd either die or cum harder than I ever have in my life
either way I'd be content
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mxsquibby · 2 months
Got my ass handed to me in ranked zero builds so
I think it’s time to finally write my Madoka magica movie four theory thoughts
MxSquibby's Walpurgisnacht Rising theory thoughts
(Thoughts are based off my knowledge of the franchise so I could be missing vital info)
I think the big premise for this movie is showing off Walpurgisnacht’s lore or some info about her. and like usual she is going to disrupt Homura’s wish. Or In this case her world and probably force homura to make a choice.
by the logic of Homura’s wish.
Three peoples karmic destiny should have been cranked up to a billion since the timelines always converged the most around 3 people.
Madoka(who the wish was for) and her amount karmic destiny is why she was able to make the ultimate wish and become the law of cycles for magical girl kind.
Homura (who made the wish) increased her own amount of karmic destiny which is why she was able to split apart Madoka (and take her memories?) and rewrite the universe to her liking which essentially just what she did in her labyrinth, but with more production value and can change the entire universe and not limited within the confines of her labyrinth and witch magic.
I’m guessing Homura’s got Madoka in what I like to call “The Good Place Season 2”
Which light spoilers for that show ahead but
One of the main characters, Michael, traps Eleanor and the other humans within a time loop. Erasing their memories every time Eleanor figures out what Michael is doing to them. Repeating this over and over. Over 800(0?) times, with each time him slightly tweaking and changing things to try and get a different outcome of her not figuring it out.
I think this what Homura’s doing to an extent. We saw at the end of rebellion, how fragile Homura’s hold on Madoka’s memories was. However all homura really has to do is ground Madoka back down to homura’s rewritten reality and since a part of Madoka does want to stay on earth and live a normal life this helps her forget easily of her god hood. However this very fact is what will always make her remember in the end. If madoka truly starts to enjoy her life on earth, She knows deep in her SOUL that she sacrificed her normal human life for a cosmic duty of Saving magical girls so anytime she thinks to hard about it or just kind of realizes she should only being viewing the lives of normal people not interacting with them she will start to remember and become magical girl god again but homura will just grab her again and reset her memories and then rewrite the timeline. Starting once again… essentially... ANOTHER TIME LOOP. Homura’s favorite thing 😂😭
And I’m guessing Homura’s got to do this a lot. Like hundreds of times. And if sayakas around during one these moments she sure as hell is also going to remember homura being a “devil” so homura will have no choice but to rewrite the timeline again and again. With each time she’s most likely going to make slight changes to the world in attempt to make Madoka not remember. I think it’s why she remembers so easily at first. It was waaaay to similar to the thousands of timelines her and homura lived through (ultimate Madoka is aware of all the timeloops homura and her went through so following that similar time loop structure will probably make her remember faster so Homura is going to start changing things. Which is whyyy we see the girls in different costumes at one point in the trailer. (I think this is why in that old ass concept trailer we saw Madoka being a ballerina, one to resemble Madoka just being part of Homura’s elaborate play now but to show her trying normal human things. Homura's going to help her find her human dreams. Maybe madoka wanted to be a dancer. Then after that fails Homura probaby thinks if she can find a perfect scenario where Madoka find some sense of self on earth maybe she will stop remembering her godhood. Maybe Homura can finally live a full human life with her and watch her grow. Maybe Madoka being a dancer, a painter, a musician, a celebrity. Something right? Will stop Madoka from reaching her magical girl potential. Homura’s so obsessed with giving Madoka the life she shouldn’t have had to sacrifice. So she will try over and over to make her happy. To find the one scenario...timeline if you will, where Madoka will be truly happy within her rewritten world.
Which will be a fun way to show the girls in different scenarios that we usually wouldn’t see them in. So like cool new costumes!!! Like cool bandage sayaka is just one of Homura’s AU’s or a by product of one of the new timelines she has rewritten. And sayaka is probably going to have a bigger part. Idk why I just feeeel it. She has special secretary powers. I believe in her. We saw all that special treatment they gave her in S2E1 of the anime timeline of magia record. Bitches love Sayaka. And like Bebe also has secretary powers I guess lol. But she just wants to hangout with mami and eat cheeeeeeese (yoooo plagg and bebe would be besties)
but This movie is just explaining the 3rd girl who’s karmic destiny was increased by this wish and then background info cause we know like nothing about her…
Walpurgisnacht (the reason homura HAD to repeat timelines)
Walpy (for short) is going to put an end to this loop homura and Madoka are trapped in. Or at least change or add to it.
what is concerning is that Walpy’s karmic destiny was already extremely high to begin with for her to end up looking like that. So logically she should be stronger than devil homura, and the only reason she isn’t stronger than ultimate Madoka is because of the wish of Ultimate Madoka made to erase witches. But since madoka’s slightly nerfed at the moment trapped in Homura’s rewritten reality, no one’s actively checking on the law of cycles. Sure girls don’t turn into witches but without Madoka actively monitoring the cycle this might have given some version of Walpy enough time or power to form or to come back and interfere. So I’m guessing homura might have to choose between keeping her time loop safe (and live her fantasy life with madoka) or let Madoka out so she can defeat Walpurgisnacht from destroying the universe homura has tried gone so far to get control of…. Cause homura, at least historically can not beat Walpy lol. So i'm guessing Walpy will always come back to cause universal destruction unless madoka is back. So will Homura be able to let go of her love for sake of the universe? a choice between keeping her love down on earth with her or letting her go and accepting that she’s nothing more than a universal concept. But like Homura’s crafty. She could weasel her way out of this
I will say a crack in this theory is from my own understanding that Walpy is made up of many magical girls? So either we are dealing with many girls coming in or some fusion magical girl perhaps? Or I guess just one of the girls from Walpy would do right? Perhaps the first girl? Though we don’t know if this was an individual wish, and then she absorbed other magical girls/witches or like a group wish? Kind of like the hospital trio. Like you can do a group wishes I suppose.
ALSO another addition to my thoughts. Homura isn’t the Antagonist. Should state that. Kyubey is. And like i haven’t even talked about this fucker yet. (Well in terms of the franchise as a whole, guessing for movie 4 Walpy is our more traditinal antagonist (She also probably takes the form of homura at first to fuck with her, Why we see two homura's in the Movie Poster but thats just a theory lol) but He? little rat noy. Within Homura’s new world order. He’s Most likely just collecting all despair and probably just collecting and suffering with the weight of all negative human emotions and curses within a labyrinth. Like. She probably just making him and the hive mind know what it’s life to feel emotions, specifically all those negative ones you’ve been putting magical girls through for hundreds of years. But like he could be up to some fuck shit. He technically is like a robot made by an alien race, right? So like they could finally pull up on us or something and be like “what have you done to my robo rat sons, you fucks”
But anyway I’m rambling a bit now but homura isn't the antagonist because she pulls Madoka from the law of cycles for a multitude of reasons, she states it’s for her love for Madoka. Which yes that is true but homura also understands Madoka should have never had to make this wish. The flower field scene conversation in rebellion is what makes homura realize this. Madoka is a normal girl, she just never got the time to figure herself out or to figure out normal human dreams. She was a young naive girl, where in many timelines used her wish to save a cat or make a cake. Because at first glance being a magical girl is a once in a lifetime opportunity, you don’t pass up. So she never got a shot at a real life when she should have. Madoka never wanted to leave behind her friends and family. She loves them. Like the girl don’t got much That’s like one of her core traits, she loves her friends, is a great daughter, and a great big sister, love cute things, is pink like 😭😭 But Madoka was just another cog in the magical girl machine but because of Homura’s wish it gave a Madoka a chance to look at the whole machine and see what the fuck has been going on. So Madoka, with no real dreams or goals, but is given the opportunity and explicitly told by the evil rat himself that she could make literally ANY wish. So when she sees everything and realizes she has the unique opportunity to save all magical girl kind from their souls being tortured for all eternity until murdered by another magical girl well no shit she HAS to make this wish. She doesn’t have any other choice in her eyes. To badly paraphrase Kyoko. "Something something if you have a loving family and good food on the table why on earth would you sacrifice that to be a magical girl? but who knows maybe one day you’ll be backed into a corner and you’ll HAVE to make a wish. If that day comes something something I guess i can approve of you being a magical lass"
So like. Is it fair? Ya know. All this is Kyubey and some alien race’s fault. Why should these girls have to suffer because of him. Who cares about the heat death of the universe. Let it burn, because if torturing magical girls is the only way of keeping it alive then fuck the universe. Like Madoka shouldn’t have to sacrifice her human life to save all these girls from suffering because they shouldn’t be suffering. They shouldn’t be turning into witches. Like 😭 and homura doesn’t think it’s fair that Madoka should be the one to make this sacrifice to save magical girls because Madoka wouldn’t have even been able to make the ultimate wish if not for homura’s wish but like also homura shouldn’t have been turned into a magical girl herself like it’s all fucked and idk what the end would even look like?
So Like a happy ending would be getting revenge on the RAT kyubey… and like idk. I don’t think that’s happening. Like if you want a happy ending for these girls I believe it falls within our little anomaly timeline. Which I like to believe the magia record game timeline is held within a phone. (Cause get it, it’s like a gacha game we play on our phones lol.) and when Madoka touched the anomaly timeline at the end of arc 1? Now the record phone screen is cracked 🫨🫨
I don’t think we’ll get a horrific or completely tragic ending but it will probably be bittersweet or mixed emotions. (Would LOVE TO BE WRONG, GIMMIE HAPPY) But also we won’t see the end end to this franchise for a hot minute lol. Like I’m pretty sure this is technically be advertised as the 4th movie. Though more like the second movie but I guess the movie versions of the anime do count I guess. Idk. The first two movies are fine, best part is just some updated animation and new yuki Kajiura tracks… but yeah i don’t think it’s the final movie.
Now what like actually happens? Fuck if I know. I’m still half expecting mayabu to find infinite iroha and make her pop in to save everyone cause idk. Is homura realllllly gonna let Madoka go. Ya know? Like she’ll probably try to control Walpy or fight her for a hot minute before even considering of letting Madoka go again.
Okay I feel like I covered all my brain theories about the movie... for now… Idk if I explored or finished every thought. I know I be yapping. And I have adhd so And I can YAP about Madoka and then immediately forget where exactly I was at in my Madoka thoughts.
Imagine how more I could yap if I read the wraith arc. (It’s truly laughable how I’ve read all of arc 1 and the other story with it, most of arc 2 (I skimmed early bits so I could catch up faster, then end of arc 2 was happening and I wanted to be a cool kid and read it asap) quite a few events, and the early chapters of scene 0 (now behind lol) BUT NOT the wraith arc. And I know I could pull it up so easily lol. Hell I read the event where ui went back in time to see fart but not the wraith arc I- I read Christmas strings but i wont take my lazy butt to read manga of my fave series within like kind of main timeline. Like i know i dont need to read but I need to read it. cause having a better understanding of Ultimate Madoka's universe and how wraiths work would be cool. and maybe one of these days ill read another story but idk... Think id rather read tart or Oriko first lol
but yeah i've got to stop myself of this post will never end. I'll prpbably re-read it tomorrow and add edits lol
ALSO one last thought this is a theory I could be Super fucking wrong about everything. Like maybe sayaka looking like that cause of her secretary powers and not homura's universe rewriting at play? like there's so much i don't know haha
and again my theory could fall apart with like new info i didn't know about. there's a lot of content madoka content out there ya know
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corntort · 10 months
this fic is almost done WEEEE
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sevenhundred721 · 6 months
YES SO MUCH! It just always is so reductive for the both of them. It feels like people get so into the idea that because they had an alliance they have to be coupled and because they have to be coupled that becomes the primary way they choose to understand Hot Pants as a character. I'm not super tuned into how the fandom treats Diego, but I do know that he gets boxed into a lot of tropes that largely come from DinoPants fans. Putting my thoughts on it under the cut :)
I feel like Diego retains some of his canon character in fan content because people care about the way he interacts with the rest of the male main cast from an at least somewhat analytical standpoint. Hot Pants really doesn't get that luxury because a lot of Jojo fans really aren't in it for the women unless they can ship them with somebody or offhandedly say they're kinda cool. People's perceptions of her are so distorted because they're only able to view her as Diego's goth girlfriend. They ignore her motivations and her story when it doesn't involve him. And the most important connections we see her experience are also ignored all for the most bland nothing heterosexual ship that they think is brilliant because the gender roles are flipped. They don't realize that if they fail to see the woman in a het relationship as a person outside of just her sexual role, archetype, and aesthetic they are being misogynistic. It's not unlike how manic pixie dream girls were treated in the early 2000s.
Hot Pants is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. Her relationship to guilt, loss, and sacrifice are incredibly compelling. Using a character who is a nun to tackle what sisterhood can mean is funny. Her relationship with faith and the loss of a sibling can be compared and contrasted with Pucci's backstory and relationship with Catholicism. Faith is an important theme in Jojo, especially in parts 6 and 7. Jesus is in SBR and Hot Pants is a fucking nun sent from the Vatican secret service on Jesus scavenger hunt duty. She has a stand that explicitly requires an equivalent exchange, echoing her themes of sacrifice. She dies beautifully and tragically because she had to for her arc to be truly complete. I find it absolutely infuriating that at "best" I see people joke about this stuff and at worst they just completely ignore it and replace her with a plush doll who only talks when the string on her back is pulled by a male character.
Sorry if this is like... extreme, but I've been a massive fan of Hot Pants since I was around 16. And it feels like no effort is made on peoples' parts to understand her. Especially when most fan content of her comes with Diego. It really does feel like people see her as his accessory.
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A short masquerade au ectoloader snippet :]
context will be needed however so here is some basic info for them in this au:
Ecto is a demon. His host and the body he ends up taking was originally named Akira, who was in love with the previous incarnation of Higari.
The two of them die (just before the snippet) and Ecto takes Akira's form, and lives his life until Higari kinda reincarnates.
In the snippet: Ecto - 'The Sinner', Akira - 'The Lover', Higari - 'The Light'
^in its simplest and shortest form.
CW: blood and death mentioned
"A reflection of the burden of Sin."
Blood staining red the purity of snow.
Frozen remnants of a time where souls were once thriving, happy, loving.
The hands-almost-claws, broken and scarred, burnt and shaking from the so-called righteousness of a god. The hands, bearing the weight of many sins, curling into the cold and bloodstained snow.
The hands that taint any soul it touches, spreading its affinity to sin like a plague to be captured and locked away. Chained. Broken. Longing for touch, yet bringing darkness and sorrow to that which it yearns for.
What do these hands yearn for?
Warmth, unlike the bitterness of snow, nor the white and blinding layer it paints across the earth, hiding any drop of colour or imperfection it touches. Warmth, like the sun on a summer's day, the welcoming touch of a fireplace in a home that had always been there, the feel of comfort from hands that are accepting and kind - reaching out with understanding.
It is a warmth that a soulless being can only yearn for.
To what do these hands belong? What could possibly yearn for such things, but a being not of the warmth of life nor the cold of snow and death? A demon?
A sinner.
It kneels, not to a god, but to the tragedy of its own making. Blackened-red blood and tears seeping to the stone of the grounds it shouldn’t touch, near-reaching yet not meeting the pure red snow that had bloomed in front of it.
It weeps.
But how could a sinner ever cry?
It weeps for that which it thought it could love. 
Muted orange and blue, met with the stone cold floor, gaze broken and ever-staring. Once, a softness that only the kindest soul could’ve had, filled with light and hope, acceptance and care. Now, only the carcass of a being no longer living or breathing, cold and lifeless, carved open like words and vows into the mind and stone of life and dedication.
It weeps over the death of the only light it ever yearned for and the only light that did not cast it away.
Yet it weeps for another. 
Another, not in sight, cast down, down, down where life escaped from the instant the cold ground hit, and the sharpness of rock and stone soon rid that body of its soul.
Another comforting warmth, but this one much more different. Wise eyes, kind hands, an open mind, even for that which could have killed him. Caring for the other so much that his love and sense of warmth soon afflicted the sinner too. 
The sinner, using his body as a means to escape the cruelty of its punishments, of its burdens. Its face. All scars and the harsh gaze of the divine that caused them, always watching and punishing and so adamant in their so-called-discipline.
Yet with him all felt secure, safe. A sinner feeling at home within the cages of that living soul who loved and cared. The two of them showed more kindness than anything else in the cold harsh world. 
The light of one, shining upon the body of the lover with sweetness and care. The shadow being cast, that of the sinner itself. A shadow - the absence of light - following blindly and yearning for all that it cannot be or feel or touch. The shadow being cast in the shape of that which it never had, which was stripped from it among years of torture and pain. The confines of a body.
A physical body, so that the sinner can feel and touch and love and oh…
A body to feel alive. To feel like it could one day be a someone again.
A body, down, down on the ground. 
The broken hands reached out yet again, the sinner knowing that the body of the lover would soon be its own… yet the sorrows of the death that was endured drowned out all of the happiness that it once thought it would have.
The wispy broken form of a sinner, consumed by shadow and wrath and pain. It once had been formed by light and belief, all that divinity could shine upon, it held hope.
Yet that light was never warm.
That light flickered and burnt until it was cast down. Falling just as the lover did. Down through the cold and unfeeling air, until there was nothing.
But now, that nothing could be something yet again. Hands gripping the bloodstained snow, now not its own yet familiar as always. Legs that may have been sturdier at an earlier time, yet there nonetheless. Lungs that push the cold stinging air through the body, not always pleasant but welcome. 
A heart that would no longer beat, its warmth now wasted with the life that had left. But that's okay, that heart belonged to the lover, and to expect the sinner to use it to love would be to ask it to be tortured again.
It had become the lover now, only with the absence of light. 
He is the shadow of the lover that once was.
He is a sinner, but he is safe again.
However, that safety truly did come at a cost that made him question whether his punishment from the divine hadn’t really ever ended when he fell.
What torture had it been for the lover to watch his light be snuffed out in front of him, blood that had been innocent spilling into the blank canvas of the snow as his tears conveyed his sorrow. The sinner could recall the pain in the lover's soul as his head met with the ground in grief and anger, and the emptiness as darkness returned.
All for the sake of the sinner that they had let into their lives out of the kindness and love of their own hearts. Innocent and caring lives, now lost because of the burden that the sinner carries and heartless folk that hold that same so-called-righteousness as the divine that started it all.
And as the lover fell, what was there but sadness and yearning left to trail through the air like the ribbons across the stage of the theatre they had all loved so much.
The theatre, their theatre. Putting on a show to bring happiness to others. For the sinner, a facade. Hiding behind the kindness of the two, while being rotten and broken truly inside.
A masquerade.
For now that the light had been extinguished and the love all drained, what could be left for the sinner to show except to keep up the masquerade of what was left?
When the light burns out, all that remains would be embers. But even embers could provide a warmth for the shadow of the lover to yearn for, though there will be time before they can be relit.
Until then?
Nothing for the sinner, but the cold of the crimson snow and the hollowness of a loveless heart. For he must wait the warmth he so yearns for again.
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