#Neurodiversity Acceptance Month
monriatitans · 1 year
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In honor of Neurodiversity Awareness Month, we [itch.io] are teaming up with the amazing folks at Diversity Saves - a 501(c)(3) committed to the promotion and uplifting of LGBTQ+, BIPOC, Neurodiverse, Disabled, and other marginalized communities in the tabletop roleplaying game industry  - to raise funds for grants to Marginalized Creators in the TTRPG space!
This bundle contains over 100 games and game supplements generously donated to help raise funds for Diversity Saves from more than 50 creators including many Neurodivergent and Autistic creators.
Buy 104 items for $5 Regularly ~$387 Save 98%! 100% of proceeds from this fundraiser will go to Diversity Saves and their efforts to increase diversity and inclusion in TTRPGs.
You can learn more on their website at https://www.diversitysaves.org!
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fallenstarcat · 1 month
sometimes i feel like people forget autism is a disability. and that’s not a bad thing! i’m all for disability acceptance, im proud of my disabilities. but i feel like we forget autism can hurt.
it hurts that i have to put more time and energy into socializing than others.
it hurts when i need to move so bad, usually cause im overwhelmed by either my surroundings or emotions, that i thrash and hurt myself.
it hurts that i cant be in places that are too loud or too bright, which on bad days can be as simple as a small, quiet noise or dim lights.
it hurts that i struggle to tell when im hungry, thirsty, tired, etc. so i can’t properly take care of myself. it doesn’t help my insomnia and i get very nauseas and get UTIs.
i 100% believe in autism acceptance. i don’t want a cure. but i also want us the acknowledge that it can hurt. it doesn’t mean my entire life will hurt, but some parts will. and i want a community where we can see both sides, see the hurt, and celebrate it anyway.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
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Life in an Autism World
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macmanx · 1 year
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Learn more:
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Tuesday April 11.
Autism Acceptance Month.
Today is Tuesday, April 11, which means we are eleven days into the 30 blessed days of #autism acceptance month, 2023 (previously known as #autism awareness month). April is the month and April 2nd is the day—World Autism Day, to be precise—and these first weeks of spring are a time for uplifting autistic voices of all identities, advocating for acceptance, progress, and sharing in the community's joy. It began back in 1972, as National Autistic Children’s Week, and was founded by The Autism Society to raise awareness and campaign for change in communities, schools, medical facilities, and businesses. And this same vital, wonderful work continues today, and not just for the month of April, of course—but every day of every year. The lived reality is that every day of every month is Autism Acceptance Month, and it is on all of us to do better.
Progress has been made, but there is still so much to be done in the struggle for equality and justice for all those living under the broad church of autism. And if these words sound hollow, then simply read the moving story of Debra Vines, of The Answer Inc., and of her autistic son Jason. She articulates everyday struggles that families can face, and the many joys they experience, too. Her message is simple, but powerful: don't give up on milestones.  
Want to know more, get involved, or donate? Here is just some of an impressive selection of charities sourced by the fine people at the Applied Behavior Analysis Programs Guide, where you can find the complete list of 20 charities and organizations:
The Asperger/Autism Network
The Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network
Autism Research Institute
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
The Autism National Committee
Happy Tuesday, folks, and here's to better.
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chelledoggo · 2 months
i almost forgot
♾ happy Autism Acceptance Month ♾ 🖕and fuck Autism Speaks🖕
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themichaelsheen · 1 month
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how we feelin Autism Creeeatures?
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autball · 1 year
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“Awareness” is sooo yesterday, man. All the cool kids are leveling up, you should try it.
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salamie-baby · 2 months
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itspakko · 1 month
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autiedragon · 1 year
People judge picky eaters a lot but, as a very picky eater, I’m endlessly frustrated by my limitations. When I vent about this, a lot of people respond with things as “just eat it, it might not be so bad” but I mean it when I say a lot of suggestions I have already tried.
I watch a lot of food videos and they all look so good, a lot of food smells amazing, but then I try it and the texture is a sensory nightmare and there’s too much flavour. I love being autistic but, if I was to change one thing, it would be that.
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newtsoda · 1 year
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When school is torture...
A comic about autism and “school avoidance”.
Commence Alt Text:
[PAGE 1]
Title: 'It's Not School Avoidance – Trauma, Burnout and PTSD in the Education System'. The first panel shows a woman, her face veiled in shadow and surrounded by a thicket of thorns. She looks alien, with pointed ears and cat-like eyes. The second panel shows her drowning, her hand grasping at the air. The next panel shows ghost-like arms twisting around her. The speech bubbles read: When I was a kid, school was the stuff of nightmares. An intense and overwhelming environment, overstimulating and demanding, and entirely unforgiving. It's where I learned to mask and how to lie about all manner of things. I faked so many illnesses just so I could have the break I couldn't ask for. All so that I could somehow stay afloat in a system that did not recognise my needs. Neurotypicals don't understand just how much school is not designed for people who are not like them. Nor do they understand what it's like when you have to return to the place that is hurting you, day after day after day.
[Page 2]
The woman lies with her head on a pillow, staring wide-eyed at the reader. Thorns creep around the edges of the frame. The text reads: It's nearly twenty years later, and I still have the nightmares. Not the same vague dreams about not doing my homework everyone gets, but vivid night terrors that revolve around school and the things it made me feel. I've been told it's a symptom of CPTSD. The second panel shows a dagger with thorns wrapped around it as it is slowly dragged into their midst. The text reads: Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder develops over a series of prolonged traumatic events. A disturbingly high number of autistic adults go on to develop it and can trace the root of their trauma back to the torturous experiences of their school years. So, I guess it's safe to say I'm not alone. But what's worse: It's still happening today.
[Page 3]
A girl is at the centre of the page, tears streaming down her face as scissors cut through her wings. Blood drips down the page. Thorns creep towards her. Another panel shows the woman's back with the shredded remnants of her own cut wings. The text reads:  Autistic children are being dragged through a grim education system that does not get their needs, quietly suffering. Parents are denied support if their child makes good grades or is quiet in class, because all is well. But the school doesn't see the tears and fights getting to the gates in the morning. Or the meltdowns/shutdowns as soon as the child gets home. It doesn't matter what's happening to their mental health. That a bubbly, happy child who loved to learn has turned into a despondent, empty shell of their former self. Above all else, school emphasises attendance rates. As long as that child is still showing up every day, it's seen as a success, no matter the cost—and the cost, sadly, is often steep for people like us.
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The girl and the woman are wrapped in a towering mass of thorns. Swords jut from the wounded woman's chest while she looks down at the girl who reaches for a hand trying to rescue her from her plight. The text reads: “Your child just needs to develop more resilience.” An infamous line that keeps rearing its ugly head. It comes from a place of ignorance, from people who have no idea how resilient these young people already are from living in a world not designed for their neurotype. But what can parents do? They're witnessing the damage forced classroom time is doing to their children, seeing it destroy them, but feel powerless to help. Keeping them home for recovery results in fines, warnings, and intimidation tactics. Seeing no other way out, some parents are forced to take their child out of school for good, opting for home schooling instead. They report needing years to repair the damage done to their child's mental health.
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The woman is seen healing the girl's back. Tiny wings sprout where hers were cut. The text reads: Homeschooling can allow parents to slowly build their children back up, coaxing them back to their former selves. But not everybody has the means to homeschool, and while it should always be a choice, it should never be one forced by desperation. The next panel shows the woman's own shredded wings. The final one shows her defending her child. Text: This whole thing is excruciating for autistic parents who experienced it all themselves while growing up and know exactly the damage that is being done, yet find themselves unable to protect their child from suffering the same fate. I want to be a parent one day, but the thought of school already fills me with dread. I want my child to benefit from a well-rounded education without paying the steep mental health price I had to pay. It shouldn't be too much to ask! And yet, I've fully prepared myself for the battles I'll have to fight.
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The page shows the woman twirling the girl around while she holds her hands and the girl flies with her new, full-grown wings. The woman's wings are still shredded, but she smiles knowing that she was able to help her daughter. The text reads: I want to raise the next generation of autistic people unburdened by school trauma or CPTSD. We need more autistic-friendly options, and lockdown and the pandemic showed that it's possible!  We need flexible schooling, less classroom time, more opportunities to do schoolwork from home, and low intensity classrooms for children who don't have parents who can support learning from home. Allow for recovery time and stop penalising low attendance rates! We want the education system to recognise the damage it's doing to young people and believe parents when they plead for support. There is more than one way to achieve learning outcomes, and we deserve a system that works for us.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
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I can’t believe how accurate this is. I’ve had a rock collection since I was a kid, and I’m still collecting them to this day.
Do any of you relate to this? If so, what do you like to collect? It can be plushies, toys, whatever. :)
Neurodivergent Girl
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soft-dollie · 1 month
"Disorder" and "Disability" are NOT dirty words!!
A frustrated rant
I saw a video today and I can't get it out of my head, so I'll write about it instead. Excuse me and apologies if this sounds incoherent or if anything is incorrect.
The video was of a mom telling her followers about why she wouldn't tell her daughter that she has ASD (her daughter has autism) because she's "not disordered". It's frustrating to constantly hear this going around because it's false. If your daily functioning is not being disordered because of your traits/symptoms, you don't have autism. Autism is a disability, not a "superpower" like people in the comments were saying. I WISH that my autism didn't disable and disorder me, and that I "didn't know I was different", but that's what autism does. Yes, autism is a spectrum, but even Level 1 autistics are disabled because they have autism.
"Disorder" and "disability" are not dirty words, and by pushing the narrative that we should find a different name for the diagnosis, we are contributing to the stigma that disabled people get. Having a disorder doesn't mean you're fucked for life, it just means you have trouble functioning in a world that isn't accommodating for you, and that's not your fault or any disabled persons fault.
These "autism moms" also want to start replacing the diagnosis "Autism Spectrum Disorder" with "Autism Spectrum Condition". As an autistic person, the word "condition" sounds so much more demeaning and degrading than "disorder".
Autism is a Neurodevelopmental disability and disorder. AND there's nothing wrong with having autism. Both statements can be true at the same time. Being autistic isn't something to feel ashamed about, neither is being disabled or having another disorder.
I might be grasping straws here, but claiming that autism isn’t a disorder because your child “isn’t disordered” is excluding and silencing the hundreds of thousands of autistics who ARE disabled and disordered (like myself). It’s tone deaf, and seems to come from a place of privilege that might not be recognized in some situations.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but trying to change an entire diagnosis because you “dont agree with the wording” is counterproductive. ASD is autism, no matter how you put it. You don’t have to use “ASD” to refer to yourself, but don’t act as if the words disabled, disorder, and ASD are malignant.
Words have meaning, and ASD was called a disorder for a reason. This "ASC, non-disordered autism, autism is a superpower, autism mom" movement feels like it is pushing the autistic community back, and its frustrating to see.
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autisticlee · 1 year
i made my first comic :) that ND feeling when you have so much more to process than NTs and it's hard to answer even "simple" questions.
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froggyfroo-art · 24 days
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An ode to autistic people who don't display emotions the way society expects. Happy Autism Acceptance Month!
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