#Nam Soo Hyun
gabrielokun · 2 years
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dramarec · 2 years
"No time for dating"??
"No time for leisure"??????
Nam Soo Hyun, brother, you're in a polycule, no matter the angle. Facts show you have time to date not one, but two people. Fucking bullshit.
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jellyfishright · 1 year
At A Distance, Spring Is Green -BL Version (Yeo Jun x Nam Soo Hyun) - Chapter 1- Worlds Apart
Myungil University
There had to be atleast 20 screaming girls flocking him as he walked up the steps. He was sure. No less than 20.
As they screamed,more eyes turned to look at the source of the commotion.
What they saw were those perfect teeth from Yeo Jun's dazzling smile. His bleached hair  gleamed like threads of gold in the sunlight.He truly was the golden child, Heaven's kiss.
Atop the stairs, he turned to face his adoring public as they continued to scream and pay him compliments while taking photos of him.
"You're so handsome."
"You're so cute."
"I love you."
In this blend of voices, he wasn't sure who said what but one thing was sure– this group with the blushing cheeks and bashful eyes – they all loved him.
Somewhere In Town
In the bustling street a solitary figure stood still. Tall with a straight bang cut across his forehead, he held a sign.
SUSHI 13,000 Won
Attracted by the sign, a young couple came over. Between them, they couldn't seem to decide whether or not they would be eating sushi— in the end they left.
This couple caused Nam Soo Hyun to think.
Leisure. Dating. Those are a luxury for a person like me.Because those who barely scrape by don't have the free time.
Time. 24 hours in a day did not seem to be enough.
This was his second job for the day. When he was finished here, he had three other shifts at other places. When classes officially began  they would need to be crammed in as well.
What a pitiful existence.
Even the skies seemed to agree with him as the dark clouds that had gathered overhead finally burst their seams..
One drop...
Two drops...
The people walking by scattered, dashing for cover as those drops increased both in size and number.
Only Nam Soo Hyun remained, holding his sign.
SUSHI 13,000 Won.
Later That Evening
The only real complaint Yeo Jun had about the Freshmen Orientation was that it ended too quickly.His adoring public had to be left behind, atleast in person.
He returned to his upscale condo, a special type of student housing where only the wealthy students resided.
The lights came on the minute he walked in. 
He was home.
.......... Alone.
Setting his backpack on the ground, he retrieved his phone from his pocket.Since he'd checked this morning, he'd gained atleast 250 new followers on social media.
His notification tab was overflowing. He was thrilled.
It seemed in just a few short hours he'd managed to earn himself a fan club– social media page and all.
Looking at it he smiled. In addition to the pictures and videos that were taken of him today, the page also reposted some the pictures he'd posted on his personal page.
There were so many comments..
Tucking his feet under him in the sofa, he thought to himself.
"It's the easiest thing to do right? Making friends."
He pulled his knees up to his chest. If that was true, why did he fell this way right now?
The Next Week
Myungil University- Business Marketing Class
Collective gasps and suppressed squeals could be heard the minute Yeo Jun stepped into the classroom.
A brilliant smile on his face, he nodded to those whose eyes he met.
"He's so stunning."
"So handsome."
"Can you believe it?"
"It's Yeo Jun."
"He's that good looking freshman."
They weren't even trying to whisper.
That's right. They loved him.
Now in the lecture hall,Yeo Jun made a beeline for his two friends, Han Jung-ho and Oh Chun Guk.
"Coffee Time!' He handed them each the drink he'd brought for them.
"You just have to be this generous don't you?" Han Jung-ho asked as he took a sip . "Giving us the card would have sufficed. You didn't have to buy these yourself." he leaned forward a little on the desk "Is there anything you're not good at ?" he flattered
"I don't know. Maybe you should guess." Yeo Jun replied as he took his seat.
Whether he as humouring him, or actually giving it a thought,Han Jung-ho looked a little more focused.
Just then, their professor walked in.With his usual lollipop in the mouth, Professor Park stood at the front of the lecture hall.Everyone shuffled to take their seats.
Looking ahead, Yeo Jun realized there was a figure sitting immediately infront of him with his head resting on the desk. Seeing that the Professor had now arrived, he stretched forward to tap the figure on the shoulder.
Han Jung-ho stayed his hand .
"Just leave him be."
"But the professor is here." Yeo Jun pointed out.
"It's best not to get on UP's nerves." his friend told him.
"Is that UP?" Oh Chun Guk asked. "Jun, he saved you just now."
Yeo Jun furrowed his brow, genuinely confused. "UP?"
Oh Chun Guk used his hand to cover his mouth and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Ultimate Psycho.That's Nam Soo Hyun."
"No one in this school has ever seen him smile." Jung ho added his two pence, also in a whisper "Eerie right?"
Jun didn't know what to say.
He looked at the figure again. All he could see was dark hair, some fair skin folded into his arms and his dark clothes.
"I'll take the attendance.." Professor Park announced.
One by one he called the names, each student answering in turn.
"Yeo Jun."
Jun stuck his hand up. "Here."
Professor Park ticked and moved along to the other names.
"Nam Soo Hyun?" he called after awhile.No answer "Soo Hyun?" Silence.
Professor Park looked up from his list.
Yeo Jun looked around nervously.All eyes were on the sleeping student but none dared say a word.
He leaned forward again to tap the person on the shoulder.
Unfortunately, this single motion led to catastrophe.Forgetting he'd put his own coffee at the edge of his desk, when he leaned over to tap Soo Hyun, it tipped the cup forward.
He watched in horror as the beverage spilled.Making a mess as it splashed Soo Hyun's pants and shoes.
That sleeping figure slowly  raised his head and looked at his feet.
Jun sprang to his feet and retrieved some napkins he kept in his backpack.
"I'm sorry." he extended a hand to try to clean the mess.
A firm hand caught his and for the first time he could clearly see the face of the UP, Nam Soo Hyun.His dark hair was cut in straight bangs that rested perfectly on his brow.He was surprisingly handsome.
Flashing Jun's hand away he turned his eyes front.
"I'm present." he replied to the professor.
"Your health is important. So don't wear yourself out." Professor Park advised.Soo Hyun retrieved his books. Realizing he'd more than likely been tuned out, Professor Park sighed. "I'm probably on mute again." He hugged his attendance roster to himself, pouting a little. "Whatever. When I was your age—"
"You were the same!" the class replied in synchrony. They'd heard this way too many times.
"Exactly. So keep that in mind."
Jun eased back into his seat. Feeling terribly mortified by what had happened.Now all he could see was the back of Soo Hyun's head.He wasn't sure what kind of expression he might be wearing on his face.
As soon their class ended, within two shakes of a hair Soo Hyun was out the door.
Jun darted after him, catching him in the hallway.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I hope the coffee didn't burn you."
Soo Hyun looked at him with cold eyes before walking away.
Jun ran after him.
"I'm glad."
Soo Hyun, halted his steps. "You're glad?"
"I don't mean I'm happy about what happened." He paused. "Anyway. I apologize." he bowed politely. He looked at Soo Hyun's stained leg "You should probably get that washed."
Soo Hyun shook his head and was about to walk away when Jun grabbed him by the elbow with both hands.
"I'll feel guilty if you just leave like this."
Soo Hyun turned to face him.
"100,000 Won."
"It'll be 10,000 Won for the wash,40,000 for my time spent and 50,000 for new shoes."
Jun was momentarily stunned.
Soo Hyun looked at him unblinkingly.
Reaching into his wallet Jun produced the money and extended it to Soo Hyun. "Here you go."
"Unbelievable." came Soo Hyun's reply, sounding disgusted.
"Sorry?" Jun was confused again
"You're the school's ATM."
Jun's expression was awkward. What a thing to say.
"But it was my fault–" he began
"I know." Soo Hyun cut him off. "But I did too so we're both responsible."
Without another word he left.
Jun watched him go, his 100,000 Won still in his hand.
"What did I tell you?"  Jung ho and Chun Guk came up beside him. "If you're curious about the school's psycho, turn to Nam Soo Hyun"
Chun Guk nodded.
"If you want a beating laid on you. Then get in Nam Soo Hyun's face."
Jun was still looking at the corner around which Soo Hyun had disappeared.
"I guess he's smart though." Jung ho commented. "He's never lost out on a scholarship."
"Not even once?" Jun was curious.
"Never. He's relentless. Almost like a robot." Jung ho replied. He threw a heavy arm around Jun's shoulder. "Anyway. Us humans need to eat. Let's grab a bite."
Jun tried to ease himself from under his arm. "I need to get changed."
Jung ho clapped a hand on his shoulder "What you wear doesn't matter. Since you're pure gold itself."
No escape.
With his hand still around Jun's shoulder, Jung ho led him forward.
Turning the corner in the hallway, Jun looked over his shoulder— walking in the opposite direction farther and farther away was the back of that head he'd spent the last hour staring into.
He was curious.
Jun took another sip of his beer as he leaned on the railing, watching everyone have a good time.
After classes they'd decided to eat and then visit one of the local spots the university students often visited.Well everyone else had suggested. He'd just gone along with their plan.
If he was being honest, he was incredibly bored.
"What are you doing here by yourself?" Hye Ji, one of the girls they'd come with approached him.
"I prefer to observe."
She tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Then I think I'll take a break too."
He didn't reply.
Not one second after, someone else approached, grabbing him by the hand.
"Jun. Get on the dancefloor." Jung Ho pulled him from where he stood.
Within no time, he was the center of the ring, everyone gathering around as he danced.
Yeo Jun--- the center of attention.
"Guys. How about round two." Jung Ho asked as they walked out into the cool night air, his arm thrown over Jun's shoulder again.
"Are you going to treat us?" Hye Jie asked.
"Of course....I cant." he replied "I even look broke. Don't I jun?"
That smile that Yeo Jun often wore was back again.
"It'll be on me." he offered
"I knew it." Jung Ho clapped his hand on his shoulder "Jun's the best!"
"Of course!"Chun Guk chimed in.
Hye Jie frowned. "Jung ho. Jun paid for the entrance fees and all the drinks we had.He also bought lunch for us today. You guys should treat us this time around."
Jun's smile was gone. He merely listened.
"What's so bad about a rich boy paying?" Chun Guk asked casually. "If you're born into money you should give back to society." He really seemed convinced by his own words. It's called trickle down economics."
Hye Jie scoffed. "Are you really applying that principle to who buys drinks?"
"She's right." Gi Sun, Hye Jie's best friend spoke up. "You guys just can't freeload all the time."
"Aren't you also his seniors?" Chun Guk hit back. That's right. These four were juniors and he was just a freshman. He was the only freshman taking that advanced class and so he'd met this bunch.
'You were fine letting him pay." Jung ho accused
Jun sighed. He'd had enough.
"Guys cool down. Let's not ruin a sweet night. I'll pay.The next round will be on me. But first I'll find us some detox drinks."
There were no objections.
A few paces to their left, there was a convenience store that was still open so Jun headed there.
6 bottles. He got one for good measure.
He was about to head to the register when he saw Hye Jie.
"You didn't have to come." he told her.
"No need to be so formal. Just consider us as friends." she leaned in a little closer "We can even be more than that when it's just the two of us."
Jun dipped his head slightly.
"Of course."
He looked at her.
"I'm sorry. I can.'t.
"Why not?"
"Jung ho has a crush on you I think."
She made a face.
"Who is he kidding? He's not my type."
"I want to be on good terms with everyone." Jun confessed "And I don't want to cause any problems. You understand what I mean right?"
She nodded. "Yes I do. Even if I don't, I'll say I do."
He gave her a little smile.
"You're adorable." She blushed, tucking her hair behind her ear once more. He rode the wave. "If someone like you were my girlfriend---" he didn't finish the sentence.He suddenly felt there was something odd.
Turning his head he looked at the register.
His eyes connected with a pair of cold eyes, peeking from under a straight bang.
Seeing Nam Soo Hyun, Hye Jie quickly retreated.
"So here's where you work." Jun tried to engage him as he rung up his items at the checkout. No response. "Were you watching us?" he asked.
"That'll be 28,000 Won." Nam Soo Hyun replied.
Jun exhaled.
"You should have said something."
He retrieved his gold card and handed it to Soo Hyun.
When Soo Hyun took the card, for a brief moment, there was a flicker of an emotion in those eyes as he looked at it.
"Do you have a membership card?" he recentered himself.
"You're good at ignoring people's words aren't you." Jun countered. "When do you get off?We're going to get more drinks. You should join us.
There was a slight irritation growing in Soo Hyun's chest.
"Did you think I'd go?"
"No. That's why I want you to join us.If money's the issue. Don't worry.Your time and the drinks you have will all be paid for by Myungil University's ATM." He raised his gold card between two fingers.
Soo Hyun stared wordlessly with those cold eyes once more.
Jun felt awkward again.
"I just want to get to know you better." he stated "I'm more decent than you think."
"Maybe that's how you want people to see you." Soo Hyun maintained his frosty gaze. Jun's smile faltered "I don't intend to get to know you. So get going."
Jun was silent for a while. Rather than irking him, Soo Hyun's response made him feel a little sensitive, like someone had poked a finger into a tender place.
"Hmph." he looked over the counter "You're still wearing those pants. You should have just taken the money."
Soo Hyun exhaled sharply
"I intrigue you don't I?" Jun asked . No response. "Anyway. I'm freshman Yeo Jun." He smiled at Soo Hyun
"Why are you smiling?"
"Why aren't you?"Yeo Jun countered
Soo Hyun swallowed hard.
"Get going already. The others are probably waiting for your gold card."
Jun's head dipped again, ever so slightly before he looked at Soo Hyun with a shadow of a smile.
"Crack a smile for me the next time our paths cross.It's not like that costs money." He took his things and left. Soo Hyun's eyes never let him as he went.
Later that Night
"Let's go for round 3." Jung-ho offered as he stumbled forward, held under the arms of Jun and Chun Guk.
The girls declined, quickly running to their bus that just pulled up at the stop.
"Jun.Jung ho is too drunk. Let's head to your place and crash." Chun Guk suggested.
"Uhm..sorry to tell you but I still live with my parents." Jun replied.
"But we only drank past our limit because we thought we had a place to stay." Chun Guk complained.
"Sorry about that." Jun offered. "Here's a taxi. I'll pay the fare." After hailing the car, he gave them the money, more than enough for the fare before waving them off with a smile.
When the car rolled away his smile evaporated.Smiling like that. This was his way of keeping people close...but not too close.It was both his shield and sword.
When he was alone he exhaled sharply, running his fingers through his hair.
He hailed another taxi.
"A short ride at this hour is just going to waste my time." the cab driver told him when Jun told him his destination.
"I'll pay you three times the fare."
There were no further objections. The cab driver pulled away.
"I'm surprised you didn't try to convince me." the driver said shortly after they pulled away.
"It's easier this way." came Jun's simple reply.
The car rolled to a stop at the light. Looking outside Jun realized he was back the convenience store. There was someone clearing the little table outside that customer could used to rest. Their eyes met.Jun smiled at him. The car pulled away.
Soo Hyun watched the car bearing that blonde head until it disappeared..
They were from two different worlds...
A/N..I saw this series and enjoyed watching it.The original had massive BL potential but alas..no dice..so let's give this a shot lol! This fanfic will follow the issues in the series and also introduce a romance..rather than a bromance between these two..I hope you enjoy..xoxo.
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sweetchan91 · 1 year
'We're stuck in winter'
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fadelikeclouds · 1 month
To his own house!!!
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Just so he could be greeted by his sunbae. Because he doesn’t have to endure everything silently alone.
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God I love these guys’ relationship.
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~ Masterlist ~
• Shows I will write for/take request for •
~ Sweet home 1
~Sweet Home 2
~ The Uncanny Counter 1
~ The uncanny counter 2
~ Strong girl Nam-soon
~ Weak Hero Class 1
~ Alice in the Borderlands
~ Bloodhound
~ My name
~ Death game
~Night has come
~ Genre ~
~ Smut
~ Romance
~ Kinks
~ plus more
Request are open
~ small thing with request , send name or person , show/Kdrama they are in , gender of reader , genre , if any kinks send them also 💕
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iris-sistibly · 2 months
I know I need to calm the fuck down first but one word to describe episode 6: STRESS!!
📍I love seeing Hyun-woo and Hae-in having a...sort of second honeymoon in Germany but I couldn't really enjoy every scene because I'm stressing out at how fucking OBLIVIOUS the Hong family is like bitch y'all are surrounded by snakes and they're so complacent 😭😭😭 I mean it's not really their fault that there are opportunists who'd earn their trust first then slither their way to bite them in the ass, but I just find it ironic at how protective they are at their family business and wealth but they can't see through the REAL people who has every intention to bring them down.
📍Speaking of which, I have read a fan theory somewhere that Mo Seul-hee is the mom of Eun-seong and Da-hye. Could be, OR Grace could be Da-hye's mom considering how Grace acted towards her. But why are they so keen at bringing the Hong family down?
📍Maybe it's just me but I don't think Da-hye is that bad, I have a feeling that she'll eventually come to her senses and take Hyun-woo's side and expose Eun-seong and co.
📍My overthinker/delulu self thinks that Soo-cheol and Da-hye's baby is actually Hyun-woo and Hae-in's kid. I mean, it wasn't shown how they lost their baby...yet. So Hae-in either miscarried, or she gave birth to a still born child? But what if the child is actually alive and one of those evil bitches cooked up some shit to make it seem like Hyun-woo and Hae-in's baby died, and then that baby was registered as Soo-cheol and Da-hye's kid? I know it sounds insane, but we're only on episode 6 so more crazy shit could happen in the future episodes, you'll never know. But my normal self says I've watched too many Filipino dramas growing up (and yes, that shit happens a lot in Filo-dramas).
📍Speaking of that kid, another theory is...what if that kid is actually Eun-seong and Da-hye's? Soo-cheol is a dumbass, and again, those bitches could have manipulated that baby's DNA test result or something. Again, that's just me being an overthinker, also I hate my Filo-drama mindset.
📍Aunt Beom-ja being so concerned about Hae-in and her dad but I also appreciate the fact that she respected her niece's request to not tell anyone about her illness. I also hope that she'll be able to help Hyun-woo clear his name and uncover Seul-hee and gang's dirty little secret.
📍BUT Y'ALL KNOW WHO STRESSED THE SHIT OUT OF ME THIS EPISODE? BAEK FUCKING HYUN-WOO!!! I am so freaking annoyed that he didn't tell Hae-in about the divorce when he had the chance. He was probably worried at how Hae-in would react plus the latter was going through medical treatments so he probably didn't want to put too much stress on her, but Hae-in was bound to find out either way so...yeah I do get why he chose to keep the divorce to himself but he could have just told the truth and suck it up, and perhaps they could communicate better when it comes to issues like this.
📍One thing I noticed about Hyun-woo is that he's brave in so many ways but also a coward on one thing. I mean he talks with Hae-in about nice things and all, and he is his wife's confidante, but I don't think I've ever heard him talk the way Hae-in does, meaning he never had the balls to talk to his wife about the..."unpleasant" side of their marriage. Hae-in was able to talk to him about her illness, the last will and testament that her mom pressured her to write, and Hyun-woo didn't even think about bringing up the divorce papers.
Prior to episode 5, I really thought that Hae-in was the one who shut him out but it was actually the other way around. Wifey may seem cold and nonchalant but if there's one person she'd listen to, it's him. Perhaps he doesn't want to say something that would upset Hae-in but the point is...she's his wife, she's supposed to know what he thinks, how he feels about certain things, even the not-so-pleasant side of their relationship. I really hope that in the next episode or the episode after that he'll be able to communicate better.
📍Hae-in's mom is terrible af. Imagine blaming your own daughter for the death of your son. I mean she didn't deserve to lose a child, but it's unfair to put all the blame on Hae-in (like why?). It's not like she endangered herself on purpose, and she had the audacity to be upset when Hae-in did something nice to her in-laws? Like what is wrong with this woman? Why can't see realize her own mistakes?
📍I kind of teared up when Hae-in was telling Hyun-woo about the things the latter should do when she dies. She could die, and this show might give us a bittersweet ending but when that time comes I'd be really, really hurt. Also, Hae-in confessing that the only reason she wrote her will about Hyun-woo not getting anything should they divorce was so that she'll be allowed to marry him 😭 (just shows she fought hard for him and she'll do absolutely anything to be with him). God I hate her mom! And yes the epilogue was so cute, now we know that they have always been in-love with each other. But I guess...they need a time-out 🤷.
📍Hae-in called Hyun-woo "yeobo" 🥹🥹🥹
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dramastream · 1 year
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EYE FOR AN EYE│All of Us Are Dead (2022 – ) dir. Lee Jae Gyoo
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parkbutterfly · 3 months
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kiestrokes · 2 months
Queen of Tears: KieLo Discussion Post
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‼️ Potential Spoilers Below ‼️
Anyone who is watching the show is welcome to join in the discussion🫰🏼
1. Why is Kwan always the annoying little brother 😂 I need to see this man play main love interest or second lead that works his butt off to get the girl.
2. Them having all the son in laws prepare the memorial food was wild...but also amusing. His "What a waste of talent." 😅
3. That blue suit of hers is everything.
I am dying over the hunting episode. Her fan girling over her own husband. Him being afraid to go upstairs. Two idiots.
Colorblind Daddy is even more sinister in this 👀 the dog scene had me so nervous.
Nvm her brother also died?
I am caught up 🧍🏻‍♀️
Just kidding I forgot to post this so Pt. 2:
Her brother AND her baby died, I think. I really truly do not like her mom. I hate the whole boy mom culture.
Omg. Auntie found out. BOYYY. The auntie isn’t going to make it, she's going to slip up.
I cannot stop thinking about how much I love Haein's makeup, it's so minimal in this way that gives off royalty vibes. All the props to the makeup artist and stylists.
DUDE (gn) every time they show us another person who is in on the plot I gasp. My brain has been so fuzzy from the new meds that I am not figuring things out before like I usually do. and I am kinda enjoying it tbh.
Ok so I do have a theory though, stepmom is bad. Colorblind daddy is her child she gave up for adoption...the apple does not fall from in fiction stories typically.
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gabrielokun · 2 years
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staydandy · 5 months
Sweet Home (2020) - 스위트홈 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Following the death of his family in an accident, loner Cha Hyun Soo moves to a new apartment. His quiet life is soon disturbed by strange incidents that start occurring in his apartment, and throughout Korea. As people start to turn into monsters, Hyun Soo must fight against all odds to try and race against the clock to try to survive. (MDL)
Whumpees : Cha Hyun Soo played by Song Kang (front+center - spear) • Pyeon Sang Wook played by Lee Jin Wook (2nd from left - hammer) • Jung Jae Heon played by Kim Nam Hee (far left - sword) • Lee Eun Hyuk played by Lee Do Hyun (3rd from right - fire extinguisher)
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Action, Horror, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Adapted from the webtoon “Sweet Home” by Kim Kan Bi and Hwang Young Chan • Season 2 was released December 2023, and Season 3 is slated for Summer 2024! • TW : Suicidal, Animal Cruelty, Self Harm
Related List : Sweet Home 2 - Full List
Episodes on List : 9 Total Episodes : 10
*Spoilers below*
01 : [flash forward] Cha Hyun Soo, covered in blood, staggering.. shot several times … [present] tw:suicidal … chokes on ramen (don't inhale your ramen yall!) … tw:animal cruelty … passes out … [flash forward] nosebleed
02 : tw:self harm scars … unconscious/nightmare … Pyeon Sang Wook attacked, shoulder bit … tazed … Hyun Soo has a heavy nosebleed [from flash forward] … Sang Wook tied up … tw:suicide … Hyun Soo attacked, constricted/squeezed … pain, hallucination, heavy nosebleed, traumatic flashbacks
03 : [flashback] Car accident, hospitalized … [present] Crushed under a door, knocked out briefly.. beat up, knocked out again … Sang Wook duct taping his wound
04 : Hyun Soo knocked down a stairwell, falls several floors … punched … Sang Wook grabbed & dragged, traumatic flashbacks.. unconscious … attacked, hit in the head with a sledgehammer … passes out
06 : (near end) Captured, tied up.. rescued, carried, Lee Eun Hyuk is knocked/tossed into a car
07 : Jung Jae Heon holding his arm; hurt during a fight … Hyun Soo stabbed several times … limps away toward his room … Jae Heon & Sang Wook treated … [flashback] Hyun Soo beat up … tw: self harm/suicidal … [present] car crash
08 : … continued from previous ep. ... Bloody from car crash, beat up in a fight … cut … jumps at least 8 floors, breaks leg … Jae Heon's arm cut off, sacrifices himself
09 : Hyun Soo stops a blade with his hand, shot.. stabbed.. passes out … shot
10 : Sang Wook knocked back into a chandelier.. shot … Hyun Soo fight; thrown into a wall, stabbed, transforms.. passes out.. amnesia of the fight & transformation … [scene from E1 flash forward] shot several times … captured
More Whump Lists for this show: love-me-a-lotta-whump painindramas
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jellyfishright · 11 months
At A Distance, Spring Is Green -BL Version (Yeo Jun x Nam Soo Hyun)-Chapter 22 :The Dreams of Our Youth
"How about we have another drink?" Yeo Jun asked as he walked home with Soo Hyun.
"Go in." Soo Hyun replied. "I'll go pick up some beers."
Yeo Jun was surprised. "What? I was just kidding." A tease of a smile was on his lips "You'll actually drink more? Nam Soo Hyun is going for another round!" he shouted 
"Be quiet." Soo Hyun scolded 
"There should be more beers in the fridge " Yeo Jun said
"No.There's none."
"Right. I forgot to tell you earlier.I deep-cleaned the fridge . It was filled with the leftovers from all the food you had ordered.I threw them out with my own hands."
Having said his piece, he turned and left.
"Thank goodness we played Secret Santa." Yeo Jun ran after him. "We should keep doing it.Why don't we extend the agreement?"
"No. I don't want to." Soo Hyun replied.
"Why not?"
"Then will you be my Secret Santa?" he asked looking at Yeo Jun.
"No. I don't want that?"
Soo Hyun elbowed him playfully. "See. I knew you'd say that."
"But can you be my boyfriend instead?"
Soo Hyun stopped in his tracks and turned slowly to look at Yeo Jun.
That teasing smile was not on his face so Soo Hyun knew he wasn't joking.
"I'm serious." Yeo Jun stepped closer to him. "Be my boyfriend."
"Be my boyfriend."
Nam Soo Hyun sighed at what he was being confronted with. He really liked Yeo Jun alot and they'd crossed more than a few lines but he'd never truly considered what they were or if they could actually go somewhere or be something.
Yeo Jun took his hands in his. "Don't say no.I like you and I know you like me too.I want to be with you. Even if I regret it in the future, I don't care.I want to do it with you."
"Do what with me?" Soo Hyun asked.
"I want to be brave enough to befriend you and to love you with all my heart." Soo Hyun swallowed hard, looking into the earnest eyes of the person standing before him. "Will you do it?" Yeo Jun asked.
Soo Hyun nodded once. "I will."
Yeo Jun's eyes shone brightly. The teasing smile graced his lips. "You will what?"
Soo Hyun looked at him wearily knowing he was teasing again.
"Hmm? You will what?"
Soo Hyun shook his head and began walking away again.
Jun caught to him. "Just say it one time." he begged.
Soo Hyun sighed. "I'll be your boyfriend." he conceded.
Jun smiled from ear to ear. "Say it one more time."
Not going to happen. He continued walking, a smile playing on his lips, joy in his on heart.
"I have a boyfriend!" Yeo Jun shouted into the night. Soo Hyun spun around to face him, shocked at his sudden outburst.
Yeo Jun grinned and closed the gap between them reaching up to kiss Soo Hyun on the cheek.
"We're outside." he told Yeo Jun
"Who cares? I'll do what I want with my boyfriend. If someone has a problem that's their business." his smile was still bright. "Let's go." he held out his hand to Soo Hyun.
When he hesitated, Jun grabbed it. He half expected Soo Hyun to pull his hand out but he never did and so they walked to get their next round of drinks.
"My father gave me my father's journal from when he as young." Soo Hyun said to Jun as tey sat on the terrace looking up at the night sky.
"His journal?"
"I guess my mom found it while organizing his things. I read the whole thing."
"Is it your father's secret journal?" Jun asked "Then you can't read it. Even if you're his son."
"I guess you could call it a secret." Soo Hyun conceded "Because it's something I didn't know of." He sighed deeply. "I found out that my father also worried and struggled alot and was hurt as well when he was my age.He wanted to be a great father.I resented him all my life but to tell you the truth," he looked at Yeo Jun "I actually wanted to be a cop like my father."
"I just tried to picture you as a cop." Jun squinted his eyes playfully "You'll be too fair and righteous for your own good." He looked at is boyfriend. "Police Officer Nam Soo Hyun might look good in a uniform but he would never let off those who break the law."
Soo Hyun smiled. "That's exactly how my father was. He always made sacrifices for others and died in an accident." He paused as he reflected."That's why I had to give up on my dream."
"Why give it up?" Jun asked. "You can write your own ending to your story."
"Someone's matured." He looked at Jun.
Jun smiled "Don't I say cool things from time to time?"
"Gosh. How annoying." He looked at Yeo Jun "That's all I remember."
Realizing the words were his own, Yeo Jun bit his lip "I guess that hurt you seeing how you still remember it." He bowed his head. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
"Is there anything you want to do?" Soo Hyun asked
Jun thought about it for a moment. "I'm not sure." he admitted. "Whenever I was having a hard time I tried to do the things I thought I wanted to do at the time to hold out but none of them was what I truly wanted to do."
"It's not too late to find out." Soo Hyun said "You're good at many things."
"Right. That's true...what should I do first? When the summer break begins..."
"During the break..." Soo Hyun was about to say something
"Why don't we do something fun?" Jun suggested "We should go camping together."
"I'll spend the summer at my uncle's." Soo Hyun replied. "My mother is there.I want to look after her."
"Ahh."Jun nodded. "Just during the summer?"
"I might come back with my mother and live with her." Jun's face fell. "Thanks for everything."
"Am I supposed to cry now?" Jun asked.
"Are you going to stop being my boyfriend if I move out?" Soo Hyun asked.
Though he was happy to hear Soo Hyun voluntarily refer to himself as his boyfriend, he also felt a little sad at the prospect of him living elsewhere.
"Nothing's forever." he sulked."As they say 'out of sight, out of mind'. What if you stop liking me?"
"Mmm...Not possible" Soo Hyun replied. "You can try to push me away." He continued "But even if you do," he looked at Yeo Jun "I'll come and bug you."
"I'll be so cold to you . You just wait and see."
"Don't go overboard." Soo Hyun smiled at him.
"You wish." Jun replied. "I'm totally going to get back at you."
"Weren't you the one who just proposed ?" Soo Hyun teased.
Yeo Jun was totally taken aback.
"Be my boyfriend." Soo Hyun tried to mimic him.
"Hey! Stop." Yeo Jun shoved him playfully.
"I want to be brave enough to befriend you and to love you with all my heart." Soo Hyun continued to tease.
"Stop." Jun covered his ears.
Soo Hyun grabbed Yeo Jun's hands, forcing him to listen,
"Even if I regret it in the future, " he looked into Yeo Jun's eyes, repeating his words. "I don't care.I want to do it with you." The smiles on their faces faded as they looked into each other's eyes, leaning closer.
Under the twinkling stars, the pair kissed.
I've become an adult who can share his true feelings thanks to the people who love me for who I am.  Yeo Jun thought to himself as he rested his head on Soo Hyun's shoulder.
Two Months Later
Myeongil University
Yeo Jun's head was rested on the desk waiting for their class to begin.
"Wake up." Soo Hyun who was sitting directly behind him reached forward and tapped him on the shoulder. "Jun." 
Yeo Jun stirred.
As Soo Hyun leaned forward, his ice coffee tipped, falling with a splash at Yeo Jun's feet.
"I'm sorry." Soo Hyun reached for napkins to help with the mess.
Yeo Jun grabbed his hand and looked at him. "I'll do it."
Looking at Jun's hand, a little smile budded on Soo Hyun's lips.
"Did you just smile?" Jun asked
"Wasn't it too cold?"
"Obviously ice is cold, not hot."
"That' a relief."
"I mean, I'm not relieved  that this happened." Soo Hyun said "Anyway I'm sorry. You should go wash your clothes first."
"It's okay." Yeo Jun leaned back in his chair.
Soo Hyun grabbed his arm again. "I'm not okay with this."
"Then pay me 600,000 won." Yeo Jun replied.
"Just the dry cleaning and 40,000 on for the commute and my time." Jun said. "Then 550,000 won for a new pair of pants."
"What? 550,000?" Soo Hyun was stunned. He set the napkins down "Do you think money grows on trees?" he challenged.
"Oh. I get cold easily." Jun informed him. "So this iced water is really bad for me." He looked at Soo Hyun with a serious expression "I should get a medical certificate."
"Just think that you took a cold shower." Soo Hyun refused to be bested. "It's a sweltering day anyway."
"You're mean." Jun pouted looking up at Soo Hyun
"What?Look who's talking."
"Are you two fighting again?" Soo-Bin arrived, looking from one to the other. 
"Soo Hyun spilled his coffee on me. " Yeo Jun tattled, sticking his tongue out at Soo Hyun as he took his seat again.
Soo Hyun glared at him.
"I think I'll become a judge." their friend declared.
"What?" Jun was surprised. "You decided on your career path?"
"You two fight everyday and ask me to judge who is in the right and in the wrong. I can't do this anymore."
"But this time Soo Hyun was a little more at fault."
"You little.."
"What?" Jun gave him an innocent face.
Soo-Bi shook her head.
"And if I'm a judge, I can just marry you and get it over with." she opened her textbook, leaving both Soo Hyun and Yeo Jun to look at her, each feeling a little shy.
Neither came up with a retort.
Two months ago, two of the most popular young men in Myeongil university officially became boyfriends.
Many hearts were broken when Yeo Jun officially declared he was no longer single.
Just as many crushes were birthed when people got a glimpse of the other side of Nam Soo Hyun, the one formerly declared to be the UP.
As boyfriends their bickering didn't stop but they each knew the place they held in each other's hearts. In each other, they found just the right amount of light to illuminate their darkness.
Yeo Jun reflected.
Youth is like a lush, green spring.At a distance, spring is green.Look at it closer and you will see that is lusher and more dazzling.
                                                              5 Years Later
Yeo Jun frowned as he ran back to his car from his favourite coffee shop.
He didn't need to get close to know what yellow slip of paper stuck on his windshield was.
Sure there was a clear "No Parking" Sign there but he hadn't even been gone that long. He'd actually called in his order so he could just grab it and go.
He looked around, trying to find the culprit. Though he was clearly the offender, having violated the order by parking there in the first place, he still intended to argue his case.
As he began walking to the car, he could see the officer sitting inside, his head down as he wrote something. He rapped on the window.."Excuse me officer...I.."
The rest of his words dried up when the handsome officer looked up at him.
"You what?" Nam Soo Hyun asked
"Soo Hyun." Yeo Jun was surprised to see his husband. "You wrote me this ticket?"
"I did." Soo Hyun confirmed.
"But why?"
"You were parked in a no parking zone." he replied matter-of-factly.
"How did you know I was..." He was about to ask him how he knew he was here but he knew the answer to that. He'd told him himself. Just before he arrived Soo Hyun had called to ask him where he was. He'd told him he was about to grab coffee from his favourite shop. "Did you come all the way here to write me a ticket?"
"No.I came here because I missed you and I happened to be close by." Soo Hyun replied, looking at his husband. 
"But you wrote me a ticket." Jun was still trying to process it.
"You're parked in the no parking zone."
"But you're my husband.." Jun persisted
Soo Hyun sighed and looked at him. "It's because I'm your husband that you should think twice about breaking the law."
Yeo Jun pouted. "It's not like I killed anyone." he sulked. Soo Hyun looked at him. "No wonder you're always getting commended. Officer Nam Soo Hyun never lets anyone off. Not even his own husband."
Soo Hyun got out of the car  and stood before Yeo Jun.Seeing him sulk, he smoothed his husband's dark hair.
"Nevermind.The fee is a small one. Not too much for a  novelist to pay."
Jun continued to pout. "It's not about the money." he complained. "You gave a ticket to your own husband."
Soo Hyun sighed and looked at him seriously. "Would you like me to give you a pass?"
Yeo Jun looked at his husband, standing proudly in his uniform. He smiled and shook his head. "No." he replied. With a mischievous glint in his eye, that teasing  smile Soo Hyun had seen so many times was on his lips "I'll just have to find a way to let the officer pay when he's off duty."
Soo Hyun's eyes widened, which caused Jun to laugh.
"Are you finished with your draft?" Soo Hyun changed the subject as he walked Jun back to his car.
"Almost." Jun confirmed.
"Good." Having arrived at Jun's car, Soo Hyun kissed his husband's forehead after making sure the coast was clear.
Yeo Jun touched his forehead and smiled.
"Get home safely." he cautioned.
"Yes officer." Jun teased before getting into his car.
Soo Hyun watched as Jun drove away.
They were both living the lives they wanted. Following the dreams and nurturing the love they'd birthed in their youth----together.
A/N Fanfic is over and thanks again for reading. I can put these two to rest, knowing they're together atleast one place in the world xD
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kimgoeun · 2 years
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junkobato · 2 years
Upcoming Kdrama September 2022
3/9: little women with Kim Go Eun, Nam Ji Hyun, Wi Ha Joon. 12 episodes; drama, family.
5/9: the law cafe with lee seung gi, lee se young, kim seul gi. 16 episodes; law, rom-com.
5/9: once upon a small town with Joy, Choo Young Woo, Baek Sung Chul. 12 episodes; rom-com.
9/9: narco saints with Ha Jung Woo, Park Hae Soo, Yoo Yun Suk. 6 episodes; action, crime.
12/9: mental coach je gal gil with Jung Woo, Lee Yumi, Kwon Yul. 16 episodes; drama, sports.
16/9: blind with Ok Taecyon, Jung Eun Ji, Ha Suk Jin. 16 episodes; thriller, mystery.
21/9: love in contract with Park Min Young, Go Kyung Pyo, Kim Jae Young. 16 episodes; business, romance.
21/9: may it please the court with Jong Ryeo Won, Lee Kyu Hyung. 12 episodes; mystery, law.
23/9: one dollar lawyer with Nam Goong Min, Kim Ji Eun, Lee Chung Ah. 16 episodes; law, drama.
23/9: the golden spoon with Yook Sungjae, Lee Jong Won, Jung Chae Yun. 16 episodes; fantasy, psychological.
24/9: the empire of law with Kim Sun Ah, Geum Sae Rok. 16 episodes; drama.
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mugglebornstuff · 1 year
The best trios in kdrama✨
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