#Missouri Vaun
lgbtqreads · 11 months
Fave Five: Queer Takes on Westerns
Lucky Red by Claudia Cravens (Traditional) Backwards to Oregon by Jae (Romance) Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey (Dystopian) Cruel Angels Past Sundown by Hailey Piper (Horror) Crossing the Wide Forever by Missouri Vaun (Romance)
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cathygeha · 9 months
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Forever’s Promise by Missouri Vaun
Intriguing, interesting, and informative look at two women who find one another and create a partnership in what I have found online to be a marriage with a “female husband”.
What I liked: * Wesley “Wes” Holden: grew up in Tennessee hills, orphaned young, sister to Clyde, never interested in marrying and staying in Tennessee – wanted more
* Clyde Holden: quiet, supportive of Wes, taught his sisters skills she needed, taken advantage of and made a laughingstock, died too young
* Charlotte Rose: hard worker, lost her mother at 16, on her own working hard for at least three years, taken in by a conman, travels west wanting more
* Ben and Maddie: nearest neighbors to the Holden homestead, helpful, goodhearted, could be a support in the future
* The discussion of male-female roles and expectations in this era and how some people did not fit into those expectations easily
* The development of the relationship between Wes and Charlotte
* The plot, pacing, setting, and writing
* That I cared for the two women and hoped they would find solutions to move forward
What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how difficult it would have been to be either Charlotte or Wes and making the decisions that they did
Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes
Thank you to NetGalley and BoldStrokesBooks for the arc – This is my honest review.
4 Stars
Wesley Holden migrated west with her brother, Clyde, to build a life neither of them could hope for back East. To share the homestead claim, Wesley had to disguise herself as a man. As brothers, Wesley and Clyde began to carve a new home out of the Kansas frontier. When Clyde is unexpectedly killed, Wes is left alone with the farm, determined to carry on, but more isolated as the days pass. Romanced and abandoned, Charlotte Rose embarks on a journey west in search of a better life. But the trip is cut short by disaster. Even worse, Charlotte can’t return home because she discovers after arriving in Kansas that she’s pregnant. Her only hope is to find a frontier husband. Desperate and out of options, Charlotte is resolved to win Wes’s heart. Allowing Charlotte to get too close is dangerous. If Wes marries, she’ll have to reveal her secret and risk everything for a woman who might never really love her, but resisting Charlotte is easier said than done.
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llpodcast · 2 years
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This collection of three love stories dealing with love a new found furry child and finding love on a human level is a very comfy smile friendly book that gives three different stories from three different authors.
 We have three stories that only connection is the rescue but no interchange between them.  We have three different authors with each having their own unique writing style but they do complement each other.  Each story felt like a fluffy duvet on a cold day sitting next to the fire and reading about the joys of love.  
 The characters are well developed and although each story is very singular they do all have a similar plotting dealing with finding love on a human level.  The pet aspects of the stories really shine through and each of the authors are able to capture the animal characteristics within the pets being adopted.  The human characters are very hallmark television film and that is not a criticism as I quite enjoy those on a cold Sunday afternoon with a cup of tea.
 The only negative is that it would be nice if there was some cross pollination of characters with cameos of each other characters to give the whole book a feeling of cohesiveness in a volume but saying that if viewed as a short story collection, then it does work on that level.
 Comfortable, passes a smile in a world where love conquers all, you can not go very wrong.  I highly recommend this.  
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sapphicbookclub · 10 months
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Chasing Sunset by Missouri Vaun
Driving a limo wasn’t Taylor Finn’s first career choice, but stunt driving wasn’t exactly paying the bills. When she finds herself chauffeuring a drunk guy harassing his date, she leaves him stranded and is sure she’s going to get fired.
Iris Fleming’s flight to Atlanta was a scene from a disaster movie, the scariest landing ever. She’d desperately wanted a part on a new sci-fi series, until the director made a pass at her. Now Iris doesn’t want the role and has no intention of getting back on a plane.
Making their escape from Atlanta, Iris and Finn end up at Hideaway Haven, in neighboring cabins. Iris isn’t sure what’s scarier, sexy Taylor Finn or woodland nighttime noises. But maybe they can help each other out. There are jobs for stunt drivers in L.A. and Iris needs a ride. Wrong turns, and roadside hijinks ensue as Iris and Finn set off on a road trip, chasing the sunset, and falling for each other along the way.
Genres: contemporary, romance
Get the book from Blackwell's with free worldwide shipping here!
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Do you have any recs for fiction with a main cast of butch women? Doesn't necessarily have to be butch4butch in a romantic sense, but anything that depicts the human relationships between us. I feel like that's so rare, and it drives me crazy as someone who personally NEEDS other butch women in her life to feel sane and normal. I hate that most fiction treats us as male-adjacent stand-ins with femmes or as accessory side characters. I want to see us fleshed out for once.
I’m really sorry that there aren’t more stories easily accessible that have this kind of dynamic. I haven’t actually read all of these , so I can’t say if it really fits, but I’ll do my best to give you some recommendations! Hopefully you are able to find a couple in here ☺️ And definitely check the comments! There might be more suggestions there.
I went through my saved books and the ones I own to come up with this list.
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I think older lesbian books in general would be a good starting ground! Especially from like 80s-early 2000s. While some of them might not necessarily use the word butch, they definitely have a lot more gnc women or just none feminine women in general.
- Leave A Light On For Me by Jean Swallows. I’m not too sure how many of the cast are butch, BUT, I do it it’s primarily about lesbian friendship.
- You’ve probably already heard of this one, but Dykes To Watch Out For is always a good one!
- A nonfiction rec would be : Tomboys Tales Of Dykes Derring-Do by Lynne Yamaguchi and Karen Barber.
- This book doesn’t delve into the relationship between butch lesbians, however, it does discuss in parts what you are talking about , from the perspective of a butch lesbian who lives on a farm, which is The Grass Widow by Nanci Little. It has a very beautiful seen between the two main characters discussing how she is still a woman.
- I didn’t know if this one really fit the mark, because I can’t actually remember if the other woman was butch or not (or considered more butch for the time ) but Stonehurst by Barbara Johnson has a section where a younger GNC lesbian gets sort of taken in by an older lesbian for safety and protection.
- I haven’t read it so I don’t know if she has relationships with other butch lesbians, but I do know she is a butch lesbian. Lilac Mines by Cheryl Klein.
- again I haven’t read this one, but given the time period and what it’s about I’m assuming the main character has friendship relations with the larger lesbian community: Shoulders by Georgia Cotrell.
- I started reading this one a while ago but sipped for some reason. I think I remember it being about a butch woman - but at the very least it’s about lesbian friendship: Working Parts by Lucy Jane Bledsoe.
- Untamed Desires : A Sydney Lesbian History by Rebecca Jennings. (I haven’t read this one either but I gave it a quick flick through right now and it seems like it could have what you are looking for)
- Missouri Vaun is a butch/gnc lesbian and all of her books have butch women in them. I can’t remember about their friendships much. But if you want a butch lesbian written from the perspective of one I would go with her!
- The Little Butch Book by Leslea Newman. A sweet little book fully dedicated to butch women!
- Rode Hard Put Away Wet has a butch x butch erotic short story in it. I would post it on here but I’m pretty sure tumblr would take it down right away.
I can’t really think of anymore right now. But I’ll reblog this again if anything comes up!
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help more. And I’m sorry we are in a world that doesn’t provide you with the love, respect and fictional representation you deserve. I can only hope things get better and you are able to find many more wonderful butch lesbians in fiction 💕
Thank you for popping in! I hope you have a beautiful day ☺️💕💕
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Mary reviews Crossing the Wide Forever by Missouri Vaun
Mary reviews Crossing the Wide Forever by Missouri Vaun
I love historical fiction with sapphic love stories, especially set in the old west. This as niche a genre as it can get, but the heart wants what the heart wants. This time my love has brought me to Crossing the Wide Forever by Missouri Vaun.
After years of abuse and isolation on her family’s farm, Cody finally revolts against her father, disguises herself as a man and heads west to find…
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Review of ‘Chasing Sunset’ by Missouri Vaun Chasing Sunset by Missouri Vaun is a beautifully written road-trip love story. Finn is a limo driver when we first meet her, but hankers for a life as a stunt driver for the movies.
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pewslight · 7 years
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riverrereads · 7 years
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All you need to know about Birthright is that it’s a fantasy where the two main characters are lesbian princesses queens. That said, if you do want to know more, here’s my review: 
This is a fast read for a fantasy. There’s a decent amount of action interspersed between the romance of Aiden and Kathryn, the two main characters. There is great representation of wlw characters, and Vaun doesn’t shy away from confronting sexist stereotypes. That being said, the romance seemed to move quite fast, and there’s very little world building. Because those are two aspects of books I am most picky about, I’ve knocked a couple of stars off my rating, but I would genuinely encourage others to check Birthright. 
Final rating: ★★★
Disclaimer: ARC kindly provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
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lovesdevotion · 2 years
after i read this book i have TWO missouri vaun books to read that i’m so excited for because she’s one of my absolute favorites writers one about time travel!! TIME TRAVEL!!
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lgbtqreads · 2 years
Hi there! Any western or old/west wlw book recs? Thanks for your time!
Sure! Try Backwards to Oregon by Jae and Crossing the Wide Forever by Missouri Vaun. I'll also mention Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey, which is a cool Dystopian wlnb novella I liked a lot.
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nonbinary-knight · 3 years
Books Read in January 2021
I'm mainly reading these books for Jae's Sapphic Reading Challenge. You should check it out if you have any interest in lesbian books. I might read some non-lesbian fiction however but I'm going to mark them down because I want to.
I'm going to make a new post at the end of each month to keep track of the books I'm reading but I might make a page that keeps track of all of them. (RR means re-read and S means straight).
I'm also posting my reviews on Nonbinary Knight Reads and Reviews if anyone wants to read them.
The Duchess and the Dreamer by Jenny Frame
Spring's Wake by Aurora Rey
Wrong Number, Right Woman by Jae
Summer's Cove by Aurora Rey
Breaking Character by Lee Winter
Two to Tangle by Melissa Brayden
Recipe for Love by Aurora Rey
Backwards to Oregon by Jae
Alone by E.J. Noyes
Desolation Point by Cari Hunter
Wooing the Farmer by Jenny Frame (RR)
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins
Take a Chance by D. Jackson Leigh
Not the Marrying Kind by Jae (RR)
Take Your Time by VK Powell
Take My Hand by Missouri Vaun
Changing the Script by Lee Winter
The Roommate Arrangement by Jae
Bear Meets Girl by Shelly Laurenston (S)
Taking a Shot at Love by KC Richardson
The Stars at Night by Gerri Hill
Fire & Ice by Rachel Spangler
The Holiday Treatment by Elle Spencer
Big Bad Beast by Shelly Laurenston (S)
Up on the Roof by A.L. Brooks
Timeless by Rachel Spangler
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lesbian-books · 5 years
Lesbian Authors
A.J. Adaire  Pat Adams-Wright  Dorothy Allison  S.W. Anderson  Elizabeth Andre  Mavis Applewater  Ann Aptaker  J.A. Armstrong  Michelle Arnold  Clare Ashton  K. Aten  Victoria Avilan  Darla Baker  Roslyn Bane  Ann Bannon  Solia Panche Bealti  Alison Bechdel  Georgia Beers  Sharon Marie Bence  Bridget Birdsall  Harper Bliss  Andrea Bramhall  Jaye Robin Brown  Anna Burke  Amalie Cantor  Brandee Carbo  Suzie Carr  Dawn Carter  C.L. Cattano  Becky Chambers  Kate Charlton  Sharon Cho  Barbara L. Clanton  Hannah Abigail Clarke  Shelby Cochran  Helen Corcoran  Jeanne Córdova  Audrey Coulthurst  Delores Cremm  Maggie Dane  Emily M. Danforth  Sandra de Helen  Barbara Dennis  Nicole Dennis-Benn Stefani Deoul  K.E. DePalmenary  T.L. Dickerson  Jennifer Diemer  Sarah Diemer * Jane DiLucchio  J.M. Dragon  Moondancer Drake  K.B. Draper  Cassandra Duffy  A.L. Duncan  Nann Dunne  Sarah Ettritch  Lillian Faderman  Sara Farizan  Leslie Feinberg  Anna Ferrara  Fannie Flagg  Jane Fletcher  Laura Foley  Katherine V. Forrest  Diane Fortier  Giselle Fox  Anna Furtado  Elisa M. Galbreath  Lynn Galli  S.L. Gape  Nancy Garden  Lyn Gardner  S. Anne Gardner  Pauline George  Ana B. Good  Parker Gordon  Erin Gough  Kimberly Cooper Griffin  Nicola Griffith  Agnes H. Hagadus  Anne Hagan  Radclyffe Hall  S.M. Harding  Ellen Hart  Nancy Ann Healy  Fran Heckrotte  Natasja Hellenthal  Dotti Henderson  Claire Highton-Stevenson  Gerri Hill  E.M. Hodge  Dayna Ingram  Isabella  Jae  Adiba Jaigirdar  Jo Jennings  Heather Rose Jones  E.A. Kafkalas  Karin Kallmaker  Riley LaShea  Stacey-Leanne  Lez Lee  Malinda Lo  Ann-Marie MacDonald  Renee MacKenzie  Prudence MacLeod  Lise MacTague  Lucy J. Madison  Rachel Maldonado  Siera Maley  Laurie J. Marks  Julie Maroh  Michelle Marra  Paula Martinac  Arkady Martine  Q.C. Masters  Andi Marquette  Pamela Mauldin  Robbi McCoy  M.K. McGowan  Gill McKnight  Ann McMan  Heather McVea  Mary Meriam  Ronni Meyrick  Martha Miller  Rogena Mitchell-Jones  K.A. Moll  Sallyanne Monti  Annette Mori  Bonnie J. Morris  Jaycie Morrison  Niamh Murphy  Charlene Neil  Natasha Ngan  Nik Nicholson  Baren Nix  Ocean  Paula Offutt Chinelo Okparanta  Chris Parsons  Angela Peach  Julie Anne Peters  B.J. Phillips  Ashley Quinn  Radclyffe  Cheryl Rainfield  Adan Ramie  Nina Revoyr  Rhavensfyre  Julia Diana Robertson  Nita Round  Morgan Routh  Joanna Russ  Laurie Salzler  Shamim Sarif  Lacey Schmidt  Sarah Schulman  Tina Sears  Cass Sellars  Merry Shannon  Fiona Shaw ** Kaden Shay  Djuna Shellam  Jen Silver  Jennis Slaughter  Adrian J. Smith  E.H. Smith  Vanessa Snyder  Alison R. Solomon  Raven J. Spencer  Ali Spooner  Rose Stone  Carren Strock  Rebecca Sullivan  Leandra Summers  Mariko Tamaki  Michelle L. Teichman  Keira Michelle Telford  Rae Theodore  M.E. Tudor  Vanda  Elle Vaughn  Missouri Vaun  Anastasia Vitsky  Tillie Walden  Sarah Waters  HollyAnne Weaver  Laney Webber  Louise Welsh  Caren J. Werlinger  K.D. Williamson  B.L. Wilson  Catherine M. Wilson  Barbara Winkes  Lee Winter  Jeanette Winterson  Chris Anne Wolfe  T.J. Wolfe  Jacqueline Woodson  Fiona Zedde  Kristen Zimmer 
* Also writes under the pen names Elora Bishop and Bridget Essex
** Not to be confused with the Irish actress of the same name
This list is subject to changes. Compiling a list of lesbian authors is a challenge because not all authors are out and my sources of information are limited. I had to rely on finding author bios, interviews, tweets, etc. in which an author mentions her sexual orientation. I also got many of these names from the Lesbian Authors Guild. 
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Lesbians and Gays Of The Past #2: Book Review Of Crossing The Wide Forever by Missouri Vaun
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Favourite Quote:
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Crossing The Wide Forever is a beautiful and warm love story between Cody Walsh and Lillie Ellis. After escaping from her abusive farther Cody plans to travel to California to make a new life for herself. To make sure she gets work she disguises herself as a man. This is where she meets beautiful, independent and Kind Lillie, who is travelling to inherit her deceased Uncle’s farm. After discovering Cody’s secret of actually being a woman Lillie proposes the two of them get married so they may help each other achieve their dreams.
While not an extremely long novel, Crossing The Wide Forever, has a lot of heart and very human characters who play off each other in a very beautiful manner. Unlike many romance novels there is not a lot of fights or misunderstandings between these two characters, as they are quick to talk and communicate with each other, which is lovely to see. This story also has little to no homophobia in it, which makes it an easy and comfortable read for those who like to avoide such issues. It explores a very real and historically accurate butch / femme lesbian relationship and shines light on some of the things lesbians of the past had to go through in order to maintain stealth and safety. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys reading farmer lesbian stories, cute romances and fake relationship to real relationship love stories.
Trigger Warnigs: Physical abuse at the start of the book, mentions of alcohol abuse, scarring from abuse, gun fights/death
(Spoilers) has a HEA ending.
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Slow Burn F/F Romances
Books that contain an f/f couple that take a looong time to get together, whether or not they’re Romance novels.
My recommendations:
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The Locket by Gerri Hill (Romance)
Hot Dog Girl by Jennifer Dugan (review) (YA)
Honey Girl by Lisa Freeman (review) (YA)
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova (review) (YA)
Bearly a Lady by Cassandra Khaw (review) (Fantasy)
Gnarled Hollow by Charlotte Greene (Horror)
Eat Your Heart Out by Dayna Ingram (review) (Horror)
Girl Friends: The Complete Collection by Milk Morinaga (review of volume 1, review of volume 2) (Manga)
The Lesbian Review Podcast (all Romance):
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Backwards To Oregon by Jae
Above Temptation by Karin Kallmaker
Crossing The Wide Forever by Missouri Vaun
Pelican’s Landing by Gerri Hill
Starting From Scratch by Georgia Beers
And Playing The Role Of Herself by KE Lane
Glass Houses by Ciaran Llachlan Leavitt
Coming Home by Lois Cloarec Hart
Jericho by Ann McMan
Without Warning by KG MacGregor
LGBTQ Reads:
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Casting Lacey by Elle Spencer (Romance)
Who’d Have Thought by G. Benson (Romance)
Perfect Pairing by Rachel Spangler (Romance)
Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum (YA)
Crier’s War by Nina Varela (YA)  
The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie (YA Fantasy)
Other recommendations:
When Women Were Warriors by Catherine M. Wilson (Fantasy) (Bibliosapphic)
Blurred Lines by KD Williamson (Lesbrary)
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clexacon · 4 years
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Demons, time-travelers, witches, vampires, were-panthers: only a few supernatural beings featured in the work of these LGBTQ+ panelists. Join Nell Stark, Robyn Nyx, Brey Willows, Barbara Ann Wright, Missouri Vaun, Sheri Lewis Wohl for Crafting the Queer Supernatural!
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