#Claudia Cravens
lgbtqreads · 11 months
Fave Five: Queer Takes on Westerns
Lucky Red by Claudia Cravens (Traditional) Backwards to Oregon by Jae (Romance) Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey (Dystopian) Cruel Angels Past Sundown by Hailey Piper (Horror) Crossing the Wide Forever by Missouri Vaun (Romance)
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Lucky Red: A Novel
By Claudia Cravens.
Design by Tim Green.
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libraryleopard · 5 months
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Queer feminist western set in 1800s Kansas
When Bridget's father dies, she finds work at a brothel, where she finds camaraderie with the other woman and eventually romance with a visiting female gunslinger, but her new home at the brothel is threatened by surprising new danger
Lesbian main character
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queerographies · 3 months
[Le spietate][Claudia Cravens]
Le Spiegate: Ribellione e Riscatto nel Cuore del Vecchio West Titolo: Le spietateScritto da: Claudia CravensTitolo originale: Lucky RedTradotto da: Serena DanieleEdito da: NN EditoreAnno: 2024Pagine: 320ISBN: 9791255750222 La trama di Le spietate di Claudia Cravens Arkansas, 1877. Bridget Shaughnessy ha sedici anni e deve badare a suo padre, buono ma incapace, troppo spesso ubriaco. Quando…
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criterioncollected · 9 months
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start a war, just for the feeling.
a possible vampire story about black girlhood, think pledge, selah and the spades, claudia de pointe du lac, etc.
daughters of the dust - dir. julie dash / interview with the vampire (amc 2022) / wuthering heights, emily brontë / selah and the spades - dir. tayarisha poe / a study in emerald, neil gaiman / blade - dir. stephen norrington / lous and the yakuza / the black cat, edgar allen poe / the killing of a chinese bookie - dir. john cassavetes / vampire in brooklyn - dir. wes craven
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queerliblib · 21 hours
Any recommendations of westerns with queer themes? I want gay cowhands!
Hello! definite western themes in the following - in our collection;
Frontier by Grace Curtis
Upright Women Wanted or River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey
Lucky Red by Claudia Cravens
a few others we don’t have yet but hope to purchase soon;
Riding the Storm by Franci McMahon
Bittersweet by Nevada Barr
His Fresh Start Cowboy by A.M. Arthur (& many more by this author!)
Cowboys of Cade Ranch series by Greta Rose West
All God’s Children by Aaron Gwyn
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marypickfords · 9 months
"Moreover, by the time Findlay switched her attention to horror, a number of her contemporaries were doing very well from the genre.
Wes Craven, a fully fledged horror auteur by the 1980s, had worked on numerous hardcore features around the time he directed The Last House on the Left in 1972, a widely controversial, yet popular horror film that played all over the world. The success of his subsequent horror films, including The Hills Have Eyes (1977) and especially A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), showed that the transition from porn to horror was not only possible, but also potentially highly lucrative. Similarly, fellow New Yorker William Lustig cut his teeth directing two hardcore features, Hot Honey and The Violation of Claudia (both 1977), prior to shooting the horror film that made his name, Maniac (1980), and several higher-profile R-rated horror films he made in the years that followed.
As hardcore stalwart and director of the R-rated horror film, Deranged (1987), Chuck Vincent, explained to Variety, “Filming adult features has been a tremendous aid for me [and others] in terms of experience,” affording him and his contemporaries the ability to master industry-standard equipment and materials, such as 35mm film, and providing others, including adult film producer and producer of the horror film A Hazing Hell (dir. Paul Ziller, released as Pledge Night in 1988), Joyce Snyder, with unmatched knowledge of distribution and foreign sales.
Findlay, with the assistance of her partner, the composer and studio engineer Walter E. Sear, and their new company Reeltime Distributing (est. 1979), was well positioned to enter commercial filmmaking of this nature, by self-financing and shooting on location (as was usually the case with her adult features), and then exploiting her networks within theatrical, cable, and video distribution."
Johnny Walker, from ReFocus: The Films of Roberta Findlay (2023)
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fawnduu · 3 months
Have you read "Lucky Red" by Claudia Cravens? It has similar themes to Big Cats (lesbians and cowbois)
I haven't but I'm gonna have to check it out! Thanks so much for the rec!!!
I've got a lot of spring projects coming up around the house so I'll grab the audiobook and listen while I paint my cabinets. Also since I'm going to be starting up Book 2 of Big Cats next month it's perfect timing to get me back into the cowboy headspace.
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thelaurenshippen · 30 days
I had to do a double take when I saw your post about Desperate Hollow, cause I've been rotating a couple of gay cowboy OC's in my head the past couple of weeks, and suddenly I see one of my favorite creators is writing about gay cowboys?? I was really intrigued just by the concept alone, but the summary got me incredibly excited and made me wish I could read it right this second! Wishing you all the luck with the pitching, publishing, and the probably many other steps I'm not knowledgeable enough to list :D
I was curious if there's any media which particularly inspired you in the writing of Desperate Hollow? I've been looking for something to scratch that Western-style itch recently, but haven't found something which has fully hooked me yet.
ahhhhhhh omg I LOVE this! if you ever make posts about your own gay cowboy OCs, let me know 👀 I cannot get enough queer western in my life!!!
so part of what inspired my desperate hollow-posting is that I wrote up this month's mixtape newsletter and, uh, wrote 3,000 words about these two (if you want to get this newsletter, sign up here!). and in that, I talk about the original inspiration which, in short, is that in 2018 I played red dead redemption 2 and then started dreaming about enemies to lovers outlaws lol. I talk about this a bit more in the newsletter (it'll go out on monday), but I started developing it as a podcast in 2019 and then the last few years have been working on a novel, which I think is what it's truly meant to be!
your wishes of luck mean the world!! I'm really hoping I'll get it out to pitching this year and that someone will want to buy it, because I want you to be able to read it right now too! until that time, I'm definitely going to be posting about it here because I need to get some of these thoughts out
red dead isn't actually explicitly queer (there is a side character who is gay and clearly struggling with that, and a genderqueer sidequest character) so for great queer westerns that you can already read: The Pits by @katy-l-wood (plus it has GORGEOUS art), Outlawed by Anna North, and Lucky Red by Claudia Cravens are all absolutely amazing!
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Stole this book ask thing I saw @ruinconstellation reblog (p.s. tag you're it!) cause I love talking about books.
1) Last book I read:
Days Without End by Sebastian Barry. Stunningly lyrical prose, especially the descriptions of the early US landscape. Also a nuanced, complex, and difficult read about American immigrants, indigenous peoples, the way forces beyond their control pitted them against each other and the moments of love that shine through regardless. The main character is queer in a way that is very simple and natural, which I enjoyed as well. Definitely a hard read with no heroes and a lot of villains, but well worth it.
2) A book I recommend:
Easy Beauty by Chloe Cooper Jones.
Y'all. READ THIS BOOK. An intimate portrait of what it's like to live with a severe and very visible physical disability. Cooper Jones has a PhD in philosophy and is interested in how we conceive of beauty, and what that means for someone who's body will never be considered conventionally beautiful. However, it's written more like a memoir, and is super accessible and imminently readable.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
The Wager by David Grann. Great real life shipwreck story, including a bunch of excerpts from the diary of famous poet John Keats' uncle, who was one of the shipwrecked men. What really, really got to me in this one was the division into factions and the various reactions to offered help from the indigenous people.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more)
Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy. Wanderlust, ecological grief, complicated romantic relationships, and a protagonist who can't stop leaving but loves so hard she's willing to die for it. Plus, boats! Scientific research, sort of! Found family! This book was like reading my own soul.
5) A book on my TBR
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I've been meaning to read it and just picked it up at an estate sale!
6) A book I’ve put down
Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold. I read The Curse of Chalion and loved it, but this one just didn't grab me the same way. Maybe it wasn't the right time.
7) A book on my wish list
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. I've wanted to read it for ages but just haven't gotten around to it.
8) A favourite book from childhood
Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith. I read it so much my copy it's basically disintegrating. I really resonated with the complexity of Mel-- a young woman who is very practical and unimpressed by fanciness/politics but who comes to understand and value these things, and the people who use them, without losing herself.
9) A book you would give a friend
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. Really interesting take on what a flu pandemic that wipes out 99% of the world's population would leave behind, with a focus on the importance of art. I'd have them read it and then FORCE them to watch the TV series of the same name, because I am DESPERATE to talk to someone about the changes they made (which I absolutely LOVVVVEEE)
10) The most books you own by a single author
Probably Tamora Pierce?
11) A nonfiction book you own
LOTS but I'm gonna say Kon Tiki by Thor Heyerdahl. One of my very first true adventure books and so near and dear to my heart. Those guys really did float on a raft from Peru to Tahiti! For science!
12) what are you currently reading
Just started Lucky Red by Claudia Cravens. I'm a ho for queer westerns.
13) what are you planning on reading next?
I have a couple possibilities on deck, so it just depends on what grabs me (or what comes in from my library holds first). Wavewalker by Suzanne Heywood is by next hold on Libby--I'm fascinated by memoirs about what looked like a charmed life from the outside but was in reality anything but.
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punch-love · 9 months
this isnt technically on the prompt list but im curious, whats something you've read that you ended up enjoying more than you thought you would? fic or novel wise
I actually am reading a book right now called Lucky Red by Claudia Cravens which is a western about a girl whose father dies, and she ends up making a living at a whorehouse. I cannot stand westerns, but it was recommended by my favorite book reviewer, so I downloaded it a few hours ago, and I'm almost halfway finished with it because I can't put it down. The character voice is so sharp, and living, and it's one of the few books I've read that depicts sex work in a way that feels both grounded and still sex-positive. I'm really enjoying it. I think I'll probably end up finishing it today or tomorrow, just because I have to know what happens next. The main character is a lesbian, and the way the book handles queerness alongside sex work is so interesting and well written.
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hamstringy · 5 months
Books of 2023
this is mostly for me to yell at my lawn about books i want more people to read. my faves are highlighted in purple and have a star (☆) next to them. if anyone wants to suggest books at me........ <3
i did not think i was going to make my goal of 26 books, but then i got put on desk duty at work and discovered audiobooks!
The Traitor Baru Comorant - Seth Dickinson gah!!! Builds methodically and slowly but crumbles apart and hits you on the dick over and over. Cannot believe a guy named Seth Dickinson wrote this (affectionate).
The Goblin Emperor - Katherine Addison Classic feel-good whump, but don't think too hard about the politics. I would have been obsessed with this as a kid.
☆ Babel - R.F. Kuang ☆ A capital-T Tragedy that made me physically cry! RF Kuang is incredible at writing about colonialism and situations that go horribly wrong.
A Lady for a Duke - Alexis Hall Generally cathartic romance about a trans woman who fakes her death at Waterloo to live as a woman and falls in love with her childhood best friend. I think I am not entirely a romance girlie but definitely a solid book.
Sorrowland - Rivers Solomon Oh baby let's get weird and talk about politics! Contains a mycelium-fueled gay ghost orgy and some very good body horror.
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy - Becky Chambers The Monk and Robot duology keeps hitting me over the head with ruminations on all the coming-of-age questions but it offers me tea and a listening ear so I quite love it.
The Stars and the Blackness Between Them - Junauda Petrus I think the prose is well written, but I was definitely left wanting more regarding the magical realism.
Feed Them Silence - Lee Mandelo Again with the slacking on the magical realism. Frighteningly contemporary crumbling relationship and not nearly enough weird bullshit for me.
The Future of Another Timeline - Annalee Newitz I hated this book so much. I really think you could pass it off as the product of a corporate man, that's how shallow it is. It has mega commitment issues with the themes it tries to tackle. Also, if you're going to write a time traveling book you NEED to do at least cursory research???? Women in the 1890s did not wear bras????
No One is Talking About This - Patricia Lockwood A fun and brutal investigation of being chronically online and dealing with personal tragedies. Bonus points for being written by Miette the cat's owner.
☆ Greenwood - Michael Cristie ☆ Incredible multi-generational epic. Cristie knows the story he wants to tell and he executes it near-flawlessly. I didn't love the ending but the rest of the book makes up for it.
Rabid - Monica Murphy, Bill Wasik Definitely an interesting look a the cultural side of rabies, but I wish they had maybe not gone with such a wide array of subjects.
The Lucky Red - Claudia Cravens A queer (minor homophobia) Western in the spirit of all the good female country singers.
Persuasion - Jane Austen Oh baby. I get it now.
Ancillary Justice - Ann Leckie An unfortunate choice of media means I can't rate this higher. I think it's too hard sci-fi for me to listen to it, so I need to reread it in physical form.
Deaf Republic - Ilya Kaminsky Brutal. Kaminsky is really fucking good at writing about war in a pretty minimalist style.
Small Things Like These - Claire Keegan A book that reminds you about the point of choosing to do something right. Also has the added benefit of teaching me about something I didn't know about (The Magdalene Laundries).
Eartheater - Dolores Reyes Another victim of the audiobook medium. I'm not sure if this is because it was translated or because I was expecting something a bit different, but I didn't really jive with this.
☆ Islands of Abandonment - Cal Flyn ☆ Absolute banger. Beautiful prose, concept that makes me go a bit feral. I want to tattoo this on my brain.
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros This is not a fair review--I read this because my friend hated it. A deeply unserious and superficial book to me as an avid fantasy person and not a romance person. I wish Yarros had actually gone full hog and actually included disability in the sex scenes at the very least.
The Vanished Birds - Simon Jimenez Genuinely not sure how to feel about this? Sprawling space opera with purposefully unfinished ties. It does make me excited to read A Spear Cuts Through Water though.
Kindred - Olivia E. Butler I get the Butler hype now! Read it.
Flux - Jinwoo Chong A lukewarm positive review here? Very much a deep dive on grief, tech politics, and fandom. Has some weird timeline stuff so I was definitely confused.
Upright Women Wanted - Sarah Gailey Reads like that one ao3 excerpt of Sasuke learning about gay people. It feels like there's next to no world-building or character development. The characters are incredibly juvenile and all the changes happening are spelled out.
The Dragon Republic - R.F. Kuang Lord, this was a deeply intricate trainwreck of a book. Deeply uncomfortable and yet incredibly gripping.
Nona the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth, and Gideon the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir Decided I needed to listen to the audiobooks of these to inflict maximum damage. Good lord, I am still insane about these books.
Graceling - Kristen Cashore I was obsessed with these books as a 10 year old, and this one still mostly holds up. A good example of romances for little girls who aren't convinced by romance.
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intonightcity · 1 year
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total: 61 | female: 32 | male: 27 | tbd: 2 | private: 4 ( list under the cut )
Stephanie Acker. 24. homosexual not yet out. mikey madison fc. Make Up Specialist. Cosmetology assistant. Affiliate of Boutique Fresh Products. best friend of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Veronica Allen. 33. bisexual. teyonah parris fc. Model. Glam Shell Modelling Agency. ex of Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Veer Alvi. 31. bisexual. dev patel fc. Nightly News Network CEO. Media Millionaire.
Theo Anton. 50. heterosexual. andrew lincoln fc. Grace's Auction Authority President. Authenticator. uncle of Landon Wynter
Daniel Baker. 32. homosexual. david anders fc. Adult Star For Starduxxxe Studios: face of horror themed adult fare
Dawn Black. 29. homosexual. kristen stewart fc. Former Model. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: where stylized adult entertainment brings more bang for the buck. Ex of Esmeralda Domingo.
Kurt Burrows. 33. bisexual. andrew west fc. Historian & Genealogist for NCHS (Night City Historical Society). half brother of Landon Wynter unknown at this time
Claudia Chen. 32. heterosexual. gemma chan fc. Actress. NYU Film friend of Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Lavinia Cortez. 27. bisexual. sofia carson fc. Horror Host. Producer for Toxic Talk on the Frightful Follies Network.
Duncan 'The Scots Terror' Cloud. 45. tom hardy fc. Underground Fighter. Warrior Octagon.
Lucian Craven. 34. heterosexual. abel tesfaye fc. Owner of Diamond Casino. Severin Founder.
Lee Alonto Danger. 32. bisexual. manny jacinto fc. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: the male face of the company
Esmeralda Domingo. 33. bisexual. shay mitchell fc. Executive & Acolyte. Diamond Casino. Severin. girlfriend of Landon Wynter (only in a default verse where he or she has no ship present).
Emeline Entwistle. 31. heterosexual. blake lively fc. Actress. canon ex of Landon Wynter
Tobias Fairchild. 38. bisexual. ed speleers fc. Producer. Head of Majestic Studios. Rival of Landon Wynter & Cosmic Vault Productions.
Holland Frost. 46. bisexual w/female pref. sarah paulson fc. Doctor of Technical Sciences & Gene Theory. Frost Synthetics. Outer District.
Jaime Garza. 35. bisexual. peter gadiot. Bar Owner. Neptune's Folly. Formerly Associated with Alejandro Silva's organization. selective muse
Munro Gordon. 38. bisexual. matt smith fc. Defense Attorney. Night City DA candidate. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Natalie Hill. 31. bisexual. zoe kravitz fc. Tabloid Queen. Media brand Lipstick Gossip: where sex sells, lies are truth & celebrities get trashed. Former best friend of Jade Winthrope.
Susan Horowitz. 31. heterosexual. carlson young fc. Golden Girl of wealth. Owner of Ruby Casino. Rival to Lucian Craven. Obsessed w/ Landon Wynter since high school.
Jackson Hunter. 37. heterosexual. andrew garfield fc. Night City PD. Dabbler in Cat's Eye deals. PD partner of Dal Kang.
Charlene Jones. 44. bisexual. zoe saldana fc. Former Adult Star. Current Executive Producer at Starduxxxe Studios.
Dal Kang. 40. bicurious. gong yoo fc. Night City PD. Head of Corruption Crackdown Unit. PD partner of Jackson Hunter.
Alara Kaya. 28. bisexual. hande ercel fc. Dancer. The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Ophelia Keal. 26. heterosexual. tilly keeper fc. Aspiring Actress. Socialite. friend of Frankie Hughes ( @stvrlyte )
Mark Lansing. 31. heterosexual. chace crawford fc. News Anchor for Nightly News Network. Film Agent (Hollwood verse only).
Camilla Luna. 28. lindsey morgan fc. Oceanographer. Ocean Ways Institute. fiancee of Lance Wynter in twin au. request muse ( all interactions take place prior to her accidental drowning )
Crystal Maddox. 25. bicurious. grace van patten fc. Venus Escort. Cousin of Jade Winthrope.
Gloria Mancini. 30. heterosexual. dakota johnson fc. Media Guru. Assistant Executive for Lipstick Gossip.
Cristobal Mardones. 48. heterosexual. pedro pascal fc. Gold & Gloss Loan CEO. selective muse
Natalya 'Talya' Mardones. 52. bisexual. salma hayek fc. Fashion Consultant & Design. Wife of Cristobal Mardones
Trent Miller. 43. heterosexual. anthony mackie fc. Glam Shell Modelling Agency CEO.
Talia Morgan. 40. bisexual. michelle rodriquez fc. Underground Fighter. Warrior Octagon.
Nadine Moore. 42. bisexual. freema agyeman fc. Doctor of Pathology. Dawn's Light Hospital.
Tabitha Nunes. 27. daniela nieves fc. Gold & Gloss Loan. Former Friend & Rival of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Bijou Otieno. 36. lupita nyong'o fc. bisexual. Cat's Eye Black Market Madame. Voodoo Matron.
Karla Patterson. 52. bisexual. hallee berry fc. Madame of Venus. Sophisticated Escort Services. on again/off again with Ethan Wynter.
Selene Patterson. 27. heterosexual. tati gabrielle fc. NCHS (Night City Historical Society) Historian. best friend of Camilla Luna.
Miguel Perez. 26. bisexual. aron piper fc. Muertos Gang Leader. Enemy of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Cassandra Porter. 36. bisexual. zazie beetz fc. Boutique Fresh Cosmetics. Youtube Beauty Guru. Infleuncer.
Angelo 'Bonecrusher' Reyes. 50. dave bautista fc. Warrior Octagon. Undefeated Underground Fighter.
Miranda Royce. 29. bisexual. nicola peltz fc. Fashion Designer. Glam Shell. Daughter of Holland Frost.
Elyse Saetan. 32. bisexual. prang kannarun fc. Owner of Fusion Implosion & Chef.
Yuri Sage. 25. bicurious. jennie kim fc. Escort for Venus.
Marigold Sinclaire. 34. bicurious. amanda seyfried fc. Failed Starlet. Telemarketer.
Alejandro Silva. 40. bicurious. diego luna fc. Owner of The Coast Car Dealership. Car Meet Street Racing Promoter. family friend of the Mendoza's ( @ixonmaiden @deathlycombinations )
Giselle Steele. 30. bisexual. ana de armas fc. Model. Glam Shell Modelling Agency. wife of Alejandro Silva (verse&plot dependant)
Calvin Sterling. 42. heterosexual. ben mckenzie fc. Cat's Eye Black Market. Bijou Otieno's Hired Gun.
Feng Tao. 59. homosexual. tony leung fc. Owner of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Head of the Viper Syndicate.
Yue Tao. 34. bisexual. meng'er zhang fc. Manager of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Daughter of Feng Tao.
Derek Thorton. 33. heterosexual. dylan o'brien fc. Cat's Eye Black Market. Illicit Trades In Protection & Killer services. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Maya Tran. 40. bisexual. maggie q fc. Cosmic Vault Productions Affiliate. Celebrity assistant & publicist. Assistant to Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Archibald Tumblety. 54. bisexual. daniel craig fc. Producer. Starduxxxe Studios Owner.
Vivienne Wilcox Violet. 26. heterosexual. zaria simone fc. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: female face of the company.
Jade Winthrope. 30. heterosexual. shailene woodley fc. Night City PD Forensic Analyst.
Marius Wright. 48. heterosexual. omari hardwick fc. Former Underground Fighter. Owner of Warrior Octagon.
Aiden Wynter. 22. heterosexual. felix mallard fc. Photography Major. Son of Landon Wynter & Eloise Gray. exclusive muse ( @itsagraywcrld )
Benjamin Wynter. 21. homosexual. christopher briny fc. Street Artist. Son of Landon Wynter & Eloise Gray. exclusive muse ( @itsagraywcrld )
Ethan Wynter. 54. heterosexual. keanu reeves fc. Hitman. Business Partner of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Adopted brother of Julian Wynter. Uncle of Landon Wynter.
Florence Anton Wynter. 56. bisexual. michelle gomez fc. Author. Freelance Web Writer. Mother of Landon Wynter.
Julian Wynter. 58. heterosexual. greg kinnear fc. Executive Producer. Majestic Studios. Father of Landon Wynter.
exclusive muses ::: created solely for extended family or connections in specific ship verses private muses ::: reserved for plots, connections, ships with a specific mun only selective muses ::: highly selective in who they will interact against face claims ::: I do not adhere to banned lists for starter calls posted on this blog. So pls specify to avoid using a muse with a face that is on your banned as I will not use alts. DNI ::: Young child muses. Personal blogs. Non mutuals.
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mylifeissuperboring · 1 month
Books Read in 2023
[2017] [2018] [2019] [2020] [2021] [2022]
January (5 books)
Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire (Fiction) Roses, In the Mouth of a Lion by Bushra Rehman (Fiction) Imaginary Numbers by Seanan McGuire (Fiction) The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle (Non-fiction) Dark Archives by Megan Rosenbloom (Non-fiction)
February (7 books)
Soil Science for Gardeners by Robert Pavlis (Non-fiction) Brilliance by Markus Sakey (Fiction) Dead Boy Detectives Vol. 2 by Mark Buckingham (Comic) Biased by Jennifer Eberhardt (Non-fiction) No More Police. by Mariame Kaba & Andrea Ritchie (Non-fiction) Terry Pratchett: A Life with Footnotes by Rob Wilkins (Non-fiction) Making Money by Terry Pratchett (Fiction)
March (2 books)
Calculated Risks by Seanan McGuire (Fiction) The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson (Fiction)
April (2 books)
Maggie Smith by Michael Coveney (Non-fiction) An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire (Fiction)
May (2 books)
Once Upon a Tome by Oliver Darkshire (Non-fiction) Dune by Frank Herbert (Fiction)
June (1 book)
The Fortunes of Jaded Women by Carolyn Huynh (Fiction)
July (1 book)
Go Big or Go Home by Tucker Trotter & Diana Kander (Non-fiction)
August (3 books)
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin (Fiction) Greywaren by Meggie Stiefvater (Fiction) Sparrow Hill Road by Seanan McGuire (Fiction)
September (3 books)
The Girl in the Green Silk Gown by Seanan McGuire (Fiction) Daemons of the Shadow Realm Vol. 1 by Hiromu Arakawa (Manga) Spelunking Through Hell by Seanan McGuire (Fiction) October (5 books)
Dodger by Terry Pratchett (Fiction) Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett (Fiction) Sorrowland by Rivers Soloman (Fiction) Lucky Red by Claudia Cravens (Fiction) Land of Milk and Honey by C Pam Zhang (Fiction)
November (1 book)
Congratulations, the Best is Over! by R. Eric Thomas (Non-fiction)
December (1 book)
How Can I Help You by Laura Sims (Fiction)
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oatmilktruther · 2 months
Well i could have sworn I'd DM'd you on some platform or another but it doesn't look like it, so maybe I'm just thinking of the (prob excessively long) song rec comment(s) I left on Kalahari Down. And now I'm back with another unsolicited rec!! For a book this time: Lucky Red by Claudia Cravens. Set in 1870s Dodge, about a ~16yo girl who ends up doing sex work because wtf else is she going to do. I'm only on page 48, but the book jacket promises it's gonna get gay.
omg, hi hi hi!!!! no the song rec comment was not excessively long in the slightest i absolutely treasured it and i added SO many of those songs to my library and i listen to them all the time. there was a day where i wouldn't listen to anything but that boygenius song on repeat and think about ed. and thank you for the rec, my ass is sooooo bad at reading books but i will most definitely keep it in mind because it sounds interesting (im on a laptop but imagine the eyes emoji here)
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lifestyleug · 6 months
Who is Claudia Haro? Trace The Pathway to Success in Her Film Career
Claudia Haro is a former American actress who is highly popular for her appearance in Wes Craven’s “New Nightmare” and “With Honors.”However, she gained widespread popularity for getting imprisoned for attempting to kill her second husband.
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