#Maglor’s Gap
ezzuka · 1 year
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Maglor - the northern lands of old
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outofangband · 20 days
Mammals of Maglor’s Gap and Lothlann
Now that I’ve finished world building posts on birds for each Fëanorian realm pre Amon Ereb, I’m going through mammals next! Mammals of the March of Maedhros can be found here and my environmental world building Masterlist is here!
Maglor’s Gap was the widest break in the mountains and cliffs dividing Beleriand and the lands to the north. It lay between the blue mountains to the east and the March of Maedhros to the west. Lothlann was a wide expanse of plains to the north of the Gap. The rivers greater and little Gelion ran around the western and eastern borders.
Forest steppes: wild goat, wood bison, southern white breasted hedgehog, gray marmot, ground squirrel, dormouse, woolly hares, long eared hedgehog, gray shrews, northern hog badger, sable (rare), steppe mouse, lesser noctule (bat), wildcat, red fox, red deer
Bordering mountain fences: Caucasian Tur, mouflon, chamois, alpine pika, pond bat, marbled polecat, saiga antelope, steppe polecat, mountain weasel, ibex (rare), argali
Plains: goitered gazelle, steppe wolf, wild horse, northern water vole (by the rivers), snow vole, grey dwarf hamster, common hare, common rabbit, striped field mouse, ural field mouse, harvest mouse, mountain hare, field vole (also primarily by rivers), wild horse
World building notes:
The horse based cavalry of Maglor is one of the few details we have about this region. I headcanon that the horses in question are a mixture of the descendants of the Valinor born horses brought by the Fëanorian host as well as wild horses from Estolad, Himlad, Lothlann and the other plains regions of Eastern Beleriand.
Sheep and goats provide the majority of milk and cheese products in the Gap. Some of these species are imported from other regions like sheep from Thargelion.
Domesticated bovine are rare in Eastern Beleriand outside Thargelion and parts of Estolad. There are however wild and semi domesticated bison such as the wood bison, especially on the borders of forested and forest steppe regions. Fur, skin and bones from bison are used by both Noldorin and Avarin elves for clothing and other materials.
Wild hamsters, rabbits, hares and voles were used by a select few of Maglor’s cavalry as companions and even spies.
A regiment of foot based scouts had the sigil of a hare in the form of a light silhouette upon a black background.
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maglorslostsilmaril · 2 years
So we all know that in Silm Modern AUs (or even just the normal Silm) Maglor would be a musician, right??? But hear me out: he would make a fantastic jockey. Why do I think this, you may ask?
It seems like a general consensus that, for Noldor elves, or even Calaquendi in general, Maglor is on the average/shorter side. (Still probably at least 6.5ft, but that’s not much if your brother is 8ft tall.)
Which brings me to my next point: they need to have horses big and strong enough to situate these giants and still be able to move quickly and efficiently. Therefore, if it is a horse Maedhros can ride, imagine how much more speed Maglor could have, being probably at least 100lbs lighter
Also, Maglor was the lord of the Gap. I don’t remember if it was specified that they were more cavalry-based, but it would make sense seeing as they were probably constantly moving across the Gap.
Tl;dr: Horses fit to carry 8ft+ people + Maglor, much shorter and lighter = excellent racehorse/jockey combo
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leucisticpuffin · 4 months
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@maedhrosmaglorweek, Day 3: Himring and the Gap
Maglor rides west.
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nailsinmywall · 9 months
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ah yes, maglor's grammy winning record Noldolantë
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thesummerestsolstice · 2 months
I don't know if this is what Tolkien intended, but whenever I picture Maglor's Gap I picture it in the spring; a meadow in full bloom, with colorful flowers and gentle bumblebees. While Himring is icy for much of the year, the lower plains around it are warm and welcoming for a good few months in the spring and summer, and have much milder falls and winters.
I feel like it's important for Maglor's Gap to be not just a strategic choke point, but a genuinely beautiful piece of Beleriand that Maglor and his followers loved dearly. Somewhere they thought of as a home. Somewhere they eulogized in songs long after it was destroyed.
Maglor sings of the Gap, in the Noldolante, but the only part of it remembered there is the part where it was scorched into nothingness.
But he also told Elrond and Elros about his old home; keeping its better memories alive. Elrond, as Gil-Galad's minstrel in the Second Age, often sings songs about the wildflowers and songbirds of the Gap in Spring. Not many know that's what he's singing about, but he does, and that's enough.
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sesamenom · 30 days
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maglor's first time getting to go to a concert / his favorite singer attending maglor's first big concert
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melestasflight · 1 year
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Finrod and Maglor compose the Noldolantë
An illustration of a scene from Voices That Were Once Ours created by the amazing @wombywoo. Fic snippet below the cut.
Perhaps it is that very realization of the briefness that dictates life in these lands. That joy must be snatched from fleeting moments before they float away like withered leaves down the Sirion.
At long last, his heart misgives him, and when Makalaurë’s invitation arrives to journey east, Finrod accepts.
He has not seen Maglor, as he is now known, since the feast of the Mereth Aderthad, and even that encounter lacked the intimacy of friendship. What little he knows has come from Angrod’s visits or Celegorm’s letters, almost all having to do with enemy movements or breeding horses from Maglor’s herds. All valuable knowledge for a King in times of siege, but not what Finrod wants to know.
What does the Lord of the Gap sing about these days? Are there songbirds in the flatlands to rest upon his finger?
From Voices That Were Once Ours
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meadowlarkx · 4 months
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Maglor's Gap for @maedhrosmaglorweek day 3 🌾
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kosmic-autokrat · 1 year
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sudden flame
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gwaedhannen · 4 months
Maedhros & Maglor Week day 3: Himring and the Gap
Two more drabbles for @maedhrosmaglorweek, one for each location. Well, former location. I thought the Gap deserved a little physical remembrance, too.
One may sit astride the rocky isle, and, gazing north, nearly see where once a severed hand hung from an iron spike, reaching for the sky in surrender. The wind will tear at your skin. Let it carve its marks into your face; it is only remembering an old friend. Walk the old paths, remind them of their purpose; the stones were not smooth, once. See! Your boot fits into the grooves like thousands before. The grand hall lost its roof long ago, but the stars are beautiful now, are they not? The last tapestry hangs in pride: eight swords.
Sail a little east, and wait. The waves will rise about you, fore and aft, gentle hills into mountains, guarding, holding. Dip your hand into the sea, and it is grass. Bring it forth, to your lips. Do not mind the salt, the tears were not shed for you. Float, listen. Do you hear the riders singing, each to each? A call, an answer, a wall of thought to bind the walls of earth. There are songs of joy, yet, in the waves. Deep, dark below, ride the open skies. The currents are a flowing mane, gone like the summer.
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outofangband · 4 months
Birds of Maglor’s Gap and Lothlann
This completes my series on birds of the Fëanorian realms pre Amon Ereb!!
March of Maedhros, Himlad, Thargelion, Estolad
Flora, Fauna, geography and environment of Arda Masterlist
Maglor’s Gap was the widest break in the mountains and cliffs dividing Beleriand and the lands to the north. It lay between the blue mountains to the east and the March of Maedhros to the west. Lothlann was a wide expanse of plains to the north of the Gap. The rivers greater and little Gelion ran around the western and eastern borders.
Steppes and plains: Daurian, see see partridge, yellowhammer, black grouse, grey necked bunting, great rosefinch, imperial Eagle, steppe eagle, golden eagle, Mongolian ground jay (rare), greater short toed lark, upland buzzard, Pallas’s sandgrouse, laughing dove, great bustard, bush quail, gray, black and painted francolin, snowcock, little bustard, merlin, cheer pheasant, crested lark, painted sandgrouse, scrubfowl, common quail, brown accentor, ring necked pheasant, grey partridge, black bellied sandgrouse, common buzzard, black kite
By greater and little Gelion (stream/river): black faced bunting, Pallas’s bunting, pin tailed sandgrouse (summer only), white throated dipper, brown dipper, common kingfisher, hobby, swamphen
World building notes
--Laughing doves appear on the sigil of some of Maglor’s host who are particularly skilled in the use of song in battle
-Many of Maglor’s cavalry hunt or fight with birds including golden, steppe and imperial eagles.
-Game birds of the prairie steppes such as partridge make up much of the meat that the cavalry and scouts eat, along with hares.
-Most of the cavalry have horse hair plumes but some of the lieutenants and generals have feathers from pheasants or eagles.
-Emu are actually domesticated in some parts of the world and I love the idea of them being kept in both the Gap and Himlad as well as by peoples East of the Ered Luin. They have a huge variety of uses including leather, oil, eggs and meat. And the chicks are very cute 💙
-I am a huge proponent of prehistoric and extinct animals living throughout Arda, as per Tolkien’s comments about “all creatures which walk or have walked the earth”. I really like the idea of small brush moas living near the mountain borders of the Gap
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brighter-arda · 1 year
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Between the arms of Gelion was the ward of Maglor, and here in one place the hills failed altogether; there it was that the Orcs came into East Beleriand before the Third Battle. Therefore the Noldor held strength of cavalry in the plains at that place.
(Part 18 of toi's indigenous tolkien series)
[image description: eight images. all have side text 'the gap'
1: text 'maglor's gap' on background green leaves
2: four marquesas islanders, two of them on horses. they are on the bank of of stream in front of trees
3: more marquesas islanders on horses
4: bloody hand holding a sword
5: cropped photo of armour
6: wild grasses
7: marquesas islander man leading a horse on a rope halter
8: wooden lute]
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 8 months
The five kingdoms of the sons of Fëanor: part 2
Maglor's Gap
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Himring and the March of Maedhros
Warning. This post contains mentions of weapons use | animal death | orc death | use of animal parts | use of alcohol
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🌟 Much like Himring and the March of Maedhros, Maglor’s Gap is dotted with stone fortresses made of rough stone.
🌟 However, in stark contrast to the more no-frills approach in Himring and the March, there is some semblance of elegance to be found in the keeps dotting the Gap due to Maglor’s own influence. Besides the usual pelts and furs and bone, furniture is more elaborately decorated, and the first weavings and tapestries were made with whatever could be found and easily assembled. Once order settles in, the elves of the Gap craft their own furnishings using feathers and animal teeth and tails from small animals such as ermine and sable.
🌟 Again, much like Himring and the March, garments worn by those living in the Gap consist of fur and leather. Beads, bones, feathers, and, in this instance, ermine tails, are used to decorate clothes. The pelts of smaller animals, such as pallas cats and foxes, are used to make mittens, hoods, and fur caps. Once a way is found to extract natural dyes from leaves and berries, color is used without restraint. The most commonly used decorative motifs in embroidery are horses, animals, birds, and flowers found in the Gap, sometimes even family mottoes. Any jewels that were brought over during the crossing are fiercely guarded and lent only for special occasions. On all other occasions, flowers, ferns, berries, and thin strips of ribbon are used for beautification.
🌟 Smithies are far more common due to a greater abundance of fuel for burning. Nevertheless, elves still make good use of anything and everything they can take off of dead orcs after skirmishes. Very little is allowed to go to waste by those living in the Gap, especially weapons and armor.
🌟 Military service comes in the form of several years of cavalry duty. As it is quite exposed, the Gap has to be patrolled all day and night, and on horseback, for both speed and convenience. The horses bred here are quite strong and heavy, capable of carrying heavily armored elves into battle, and are trained to withstand the noise and chaos of battle.
🌟 Elven males take up duties on the field. Elven women stay closer to home and see to the defenses of the keeps they live in. Many of the Elven women take up the bow and arrow for weapons.
🌟 Besides the standard sword and shield, bow and arrow and spear, a lance-like weapon makes its first appearance among the mounted warriors patrolling the Gap.
🌟 The meat of wild game, wild berries, root vegetables, and mare’s milk make up many, if not all, meals. Meat is often cured and preserved to last longer. Dried meat is reserved for those having to go on patrol. Horseflesh is also consumed. Alcoholic beverages made out of fermented mare’s milk are drunk in the absence of wine.
🌟 There is very little in the way of public feasts and frolics, as the Gap is a frequent target for Orc raids. If there are celebrations, they are quite simple and held only in a private capacity by individual families. Maglor, however, will host the captains that serve him at least every two to three weeks to develop rapport, and to learn more of the comings and goings in his domain.
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lordgrimwing · 4 months
In Town #03
[for Maedhros and Maglor week, hosted by @maedhrosmaglorweek]
“Hello, Laurë,” Maryann said, seeing the barefooted child holding one of her little brother’s hands as they looked at the tins of hard candies kept behind a glass display case in the general store. 
The girl glanced over at her and turned away without answering, hunching her shoulders like she didn’t want to be noticed. She appeared as dirty and boyish as ever, wearing a patched pair of pants and an old linen shirt that Maryann was sure she’d seen the oldest child in when he was her size. 
The town school teacher sighed. She felt disappointed, seeing yet another daughter in the community saddled with chores and childcare at the expense of an education and the chance to find more in life than a husband to care for and more children. There was very little she could do about it, though. 
Laurë’s family lived in the mountains. From what people said in town, the family lived there for several generations as active members of the community, and it wasn’t until the last ten years or so after most of them moved away that the remaining members became more reclusive. The father was a suspicious man and rumor had it he was mad as a child and probably still was. He cared not one whit about any social pressure Maryann exerted over the continued absence of his children from the schoolhouse. The mother, a strong woman named Nerdanel, was something of a folk-healer who could be convinced to help when a doctor proved useless or unavailable. She tried speaking with her, suspecting she benefited from some formal education herself and hoped that would make her more open to discussion. However, she was met with a similar stony refusal. By now there was little hope of ever seeing the girl in one of her classes.
“He’s Maglor.”
She started at a voice so close behind her, bringing a hand up to her chest. She turned around and looked up at Laurë’s older brother. Though he couldn’t be older than fifteen, he was already as tall and broad as most grown men in town.
He glared down at her, arms occupied by two heavy burlap bags filled with some kind of drygood the family needed. “Don’t call him that again.”
Who? She didn’t think that was one of the children’s names and she was almost positive the little boy was named Curufin. Did he mean his sister? That didn’t make any sense.
“My apologies,” She said, noticing how his hands gripped the sacs, knuckles turning white. Stepping back to disengage from whatever was going on, she bid a hasty farewell and walked away, heading to the clerk to make her purchases.
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thesummerestsolstice · 2 months
For Day Two of Feanorian Week: Maglor -> Elrond & Elros, Maglor's Gap
Maglor swept through the halls of Amon Ereb, trying not to worry. He’d told himself, over and over, that Elrond and Elros were fine. Sure, they hadn’t been in their rooms this morning, but that was alright. They were allowed to explore the fortress, and they knew that it wasn’t safe to try and leave, and nothing dangerous could’ve gotten in and hurt them, and they were fine. Still, no matter what he tried, he couldn’t quite stop the vaguely ill feeling rising in the back of his mind. His ability to remain calm had been shot since his father’s death. And while he wouldn’t trade Elrond and Elros for anything, parenthood had only made the problem worse...
Read the rest here on a03!
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