#Lohan x y/n
lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
Hello can I get another part of magic dragons fix everything ..... like Lohan asks reader to marry her and be his empress after seeing her growing apart from him, but she refuses immediately and he thought she got someone else, not knowing about the rumors in the courts about reader being a witch and seducing Lohan with witchcraft and they argue. In the night this time when he come to her room not being able to sleep he saw reader hugging a dragon and telling it everything not knowing Lohan was listening everything.....
(ahhhhh! I love this so much! Part 1 || Part 2)
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Lohan X Reader: Magic dragons fix everything! Pt.3
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♱ the sounds of rain pattering on the window helped you relax your nerves a bit as you looked at the window, seeing the few servants below dancing in the rain or running around to do their duties, as your eyes fell on a couple in the garden where the guy was picking up his husband or boyfriend koala style and kissing him in the rain without anybody disturbing them….This sight made your eyes fill with tears when you realized your relationship would never be like this, where people wouldn’t  butt into your relationship and try to tell you both that what you were doing is wrong how you don’t deserve your significant other and how you were bewitching them to fall in love with you as though they couldn’t possibly like you….
But now as you opened your drawer with the beautiful wedding ring which you rejected by you were requested to keep it with you by your lover, because they said,
“I bought this ring to say, I love you, and no matter whether you wanted to be with me or not, I want you to keep it with you because it compliments your beauty!”
With tears filling their eyes as you told them about ending your relationship with them right after they proposed…. And right after that you got into a huge argument with them over the fact that he saw you talking with another man….It wasn’t his fault; Lohan has his rights to be angry with you… I mean people did find you to be horrendous in the court, thinking you were a witch and though you could have told this to Lohan and stayed strong in the relationship, but you were done, you had been bearing this since the beginning of your relationship and you couldn’t do that anymore and yet still you were in a room at the imperial palace, the audacity of you…
Though the rain provided comfort  with it’s cold and soft tears and drops, your cries with carried with it and softened down as you laid in bed and curled up into yourself and fell asleep soon…As you woke up late at night, you were hit with a wave of sadness and despair, as if sadness was waiting for you to conscious to hurt you again as tears filled your eyes, you don’t know how long or how badly you were crying until you found something wrap around your waist and you were pulled into something incredibly soft which smelt like candies and lavender with mint, that made your tears stop for a minute as you looked up to see a grey and blackish dragon with fur around its neck which you were putting your face into a second ago,  the dragon had eyes very similar to yours, it was warm and comforting to be with the creature as it stared at you with its huge eyes and tilting and nodding his head as if asking what happened. You thought this would be the better way, like last time when you saw Lohan with a white one…
You began talking about how you met Lohan and how since the beginning of your relationship you were always harassed by the courtiers of Lohan’s palace…They would say, you’re a witch and you were using black magic to make Lohan fall in love with and soon you would kill him, take the throne and start a rule on them.. Then you started talking about how they tried to kill you and sometime even beat or cut you in order to take out their anger on you. And then Lohan proposed in front of the whole court, how he didn’t notice their angry stares was beyond you and then tears started pouring from your eyes, as you brushed them off the dragon’s fur, in which he growled surprised and fell back pulling you with it.
As you were giggling and annoying the dragon, you heard the door creak, making you and dragon whip your heads towards it, as the dragon began growling and baring it’s huge fangs, as it whipped its tail and wind immediately pushed the stalker in your room and onto your bed, the blood in your face ran out as the person who was watching you was Lohan, not only was he watching you with this dragon, he might have heard what you said…
You stood up and slowly creeped closer to the door, just before you walked out the dragon held you waist with its tail, as Lohan approached you, shushing you gently as he hugged you and sat on the bed with you beside him.
“I’m so sorry….Y/N, my dear, I promise, I didn’t know about this and wouldn’t have wanted you to go through something like this…I’m so sorry” Lohan said, as his eyes also filled with tears, as he cupped your face and kissed your cheeks, “Please, please forgive me, I didn’t want to yell at you or start that argument, I promise those people will pay for this…” Lohan said, as he eyes fell on a few bruises on your arms and legs, which he didn’t notice, how didn’t he notice them?!
As you both talked your feelings out with the dragon beside you, you found him with another dragon, licking its face and cuddling with it, as they both growled in a conversation, maybe as deep you and Lohan’s…
As you cuddled on the bed with Lohan, your fiancée, as the dragon and it’s fiancée / mate cuddled alongside you, you looking out the window watching the light spring of rain with the large shining moon, round like a bowl of milk, as you both watched and cuddled, soon falling asleep in each-other’s embrace…
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hermslore · 2 months
i want them
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simpforfandom231 · 2 months
Snuggles and whispers
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i have to say, Lindsay lohan is starting to be my favorite redhead but don't worry, Reneé and Rachel are still very much my favorites too ;-)
pairing: Lindsay Lohan x femreader
this is a short one but i am seeing if you guys would like some Lohan fanfics. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Y/n sat hunched over her laptop, the soft glow of the screen illuminating her face as she furiously typed away. The rhythmic click-clack of the keys filled the quiet living room. It was one of those nights where work seemed endless, but Y/n was determined to finish her tasks before calling it a night.
Lindsay emerged from the kitchen, a faint scent of freshly brewed coffee trailing behind her. She padded over to where Y/n was seated, her eyes softening as she observed her girlfriend engrossed in her work.
"Hey there," Lindsay murmured, leaning down to press a gentle kiss against Y/n's shoulder. "Still burning the midnight oil?"
Y/n smiled, the fatigue evident in her eyes. "Yeah, just wrapping things up. Almost done though."
Lindsay settled down on the couch beside Y/n, nestling herself in between her girlfriend's legs. She draped an arm around Y/n's waist, nuzzling against her neck affectionately. Y/n couldn't help but lean into the warmth of Lindsay's embrace, finding solace in her presence.
As Y/n continued to work, Lindsay's eyelids grew heavy, the soft hum of Y/n's voice and the warmth of her body lulling her into a peaceful slumber. With her head resting against Y/n's chest, Lindsay's breaths became steady and deep.
Y/n stole a glance at her sleeping girlfriend, a fond smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She admired the delicate freckles sprinkled across Lindsay's face, tracing each one with her eyes as if committing them to memory. To Y/n, Lindsay's freckles were like constellations, mapping out a story of their own.
"You know," Y/n whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "I love your freckles. Each one tells a story."
Lindsay stirred slightly, a small grin playing on her lips as she pretended to be asleep.
Y/n chuckled softly, running her fingers through Lindsay's fiery locks. "And your hair... it's like spun gold, so soft and vibrant. I could get lost in it forever."
Lindsay let out a contented sigh, snuggling closer to Y/n's warmth.
"But what I love most," Y/n continued, her voice barely audible, "is when the sunlight hits your skin just right. You glow, Lindsay. You truly do."
A gentle breeze fluttered through the open window, casting playful shadows across the room. Y/n watched as the moonlight danced across Lindsay's features, illuminating her beauty in the most mesmerizing way.
"And your shoulders," Y/n whispered, trailing her fingertips along Lindsay's bare arms. "They're my favorite canvas, adorned with the most exquisite freckles. Each one a masterpiece in its own right."
Lindsay's lips twitched into a smile, her facade of sleepiness beginning to fade.
Y/n leaned in closer, pressing a tender kiss against Lindsay's temple. "I love you, Lindsay Lohan. With all my heart."
Lindsay's eyes fluttered open, a soft glow of adoration shining in their depths. "I love you too, Y/n. More than you'll ever know."
As Y/n continued to type away on her laptop, she felt Lindsay's warm breath on her shoulder, causing her to feign shock once again. "Lindsay, you're awake!"
Lindsay chuckled softly, her voice tinged with amusement. "I told you, I'm a master of deception, baby."
Y/n couldn't help but smile at Lindsay's playful demeanor. "You're incorrigible, Linds."
Lindsay grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Guilty as charged."
Their playful exchange was interrupted by the arrival of Maurice and Willow, who bounded over to the couch, their tails wagging eagerly.
Lindsay's face lit up with delight as she scooped up the two dachshunds, showering them with affectionate kisses. "Look at these little angels, Y/n. How can you say no to these faces?"
Y/n sighed, shaking her head in mock exasperation. "We've been through this, Lindsay. They can't disturb me while I'm working."
Lindsay's bottom lip jutted out in a playful pout. "But they just want to cuddle with their mommies."
Unable to resist Lindsay's puppy-dog eyes (which were remarkably similar to Maurice and Willow's), Y/n relented, giving in to their furry companions' demands.
As the dogs snuggled close, Y/n reached out to ruffle Lindsay's fiery red hair, her touch gentle and loving. "You and your puppy-dog eyes get me every time, Linds."
Lindsay grinned, her eyes sparkling with affection. "What can I say? It's a gift."
Their cozy moment was interrupted by a loud yawn from Maurice, who promptly nestled himself against Lindsay's side, his eyes drooping sleepily.
As Lindsay playfully closed Y/n's laptop, she flashed a mischievous grin, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. "Come on, baby," she said softly, leaning in close to brush her lips against Y/n's cheek. "You've been working non-stop. We really need to get in bed and get some sleep."
Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at Lindsay's playful insistence, her heart swelling with affection for the redhead beside her. "Alright, alright," she relented, unable to resist the allure of Lindsay's soft smile. "But only because you asked so nicely."
With a triumphant grin, Lindsay wrapped her arms around Y/n's neck, pulling her close as Y/n scooped her up into her arms. Maurice and Willow, always eager to be by their mommies' sides, followed closely behind, their tiny paws tapping against the floor with each step.
As they entered the bedroom, Y/n gently laid Lindsay down on the bed, the soft mattress sinking beneath their weight. Maurice and Willow wasted no time in joining them, bounding onto the bed with excited yips and wagging tails.
Y/n chuckled softly as she watched the dogs make themselves comfortable, their furry bodies snuggling close to their owners. "Looks like they're ready for bedtime too."
Lindsay grinned up at Y/n, her eyes shining with affection. "They're just following our lead," she said softly, reaching out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind Y/n's ear. "We set the best examples, after all."
Before Y/n could respond, Lindsay suddenly pulled her close, her lips meeting Y/n's in a forceful yet tender kiss. Y/n pulled back, her eyes wide with surprise. "What was that for?" she asked, a giggle escaping her lips.
Lindsay simply smiled sweetly, her gaze soft and adoring. "Just because," she murmured, her voice filled with love. "Because I can't help but kiss the most amazing person in the world."
As Lindsay nestled herself into the blankets, she let out a contented sigh, her eyes drooping with exhaustion. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the sight of her girlfriend, her heart swelling with affection.
"Comfy, redhead?" Y/n teased, gently nudging Lindsay with her elbow.
Lindsay let out a sleepy giggle, her voice barely above a whisper. "Mmm, so comfy," she murmured, snuggling closer to Y/n's warmth.
Y/n's heart melted at Lindsay's adorable response. Leaning in, she placed a soft kiss on Lindsay's forehead. "You're too cute, you know that?"
Lindsay's response was a gentle, sleepy kiss on Y/n's cheek, her lips warm against her skin. "Just for you, baby," she whispered, her words barely audible.
Lindsay's eyes fluttered closed, her breathing growing steady as sleep began to claim her. But just before she drifted off completely, she stirred slightly, her voice soft and sleepy. "Y/n?"
Y/n's heart skipped a beat at the sound of Lindsay's voice. "Yes, love?"
Lindsay's words were barely a whisper, barely coherent in her sleepy state. "Can you... whisper again?"
Confused but intrigued, Y/n leaned in closer, her lips brushing against Lindsay's ear. "Why do you want me to whisper, Linds?"
Lindsay's response was a sleepy murmur, her words filled with affection. "Because... I love it when you tell me... what you love about me."
Y/n's heart swelled at Lindsay's request, the love she felt for her girlfriend overflowing. Gently, she began to whisper, her words a soft caress against Lindsay's skin.
"I love your fiery red hair," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's like waves of silk, cascading down your shoulders like a waterfall."
Lindsay let out a contented sigh, her breathing growing slow and steady. Encouraged by her response, Y/n continued, her words a gentle lullaby.
"And your eyes," she whispered, her voice filled with admiration. "They're like the ocean on a stormy day, deep and mysterious, yet filled with endless depths of love."
As Y/n spoke, Lindsay's breathing grew even, her body relaxing against Y/n's. And in that moment, surrounded by warmth and love, Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for the incredible woman lying beside her, her heart overflowing with love and tenderness.
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circle-with-me · 6 months
You're Shooting Stars From The Barrel Of Your Eyes
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A/N: Surprise! She wrote something. I literally word-vomited this out so quickly it's insane SO that means it's not proofread at all. If it sucks or if it's got a lot of errors then I apologize feel free to yell at me in my asks. I've wanted to write something for Will for a HOT second but haven't yet. So yeah.. here's.. this fucking thing :)
Pairing: Will Ramos x Female Reader
Content Warning: Handjob, accidental voyeurism, Will Ramos in sweatpants gets its own warning, if I missed anything please let me know.
Will Taglist: @concretenoah, @deathblacksmoke, @ovhellfire, (if anyone is interested in Will Ramos stuff please let me know. I plan to write more in the future)
“I swear to god if you don’t hurry up and pick a movie I’m going to slap the fuck out of you.” 
“Why do I have to do it?!” Austin pouts as he plops down into the large bean bag chair. 
“Because,” Moke starts. “I chose last time. Adam chose the time before that. We have a system. It’s your turn motherfucker now PICK!”
Adam and Andrew snicker as Moke and Austin argue over movie choices. Will rolls his eyes and walks into the kitchen to check on you. 
“Everything alright in there?” You ask amused. Will snorts. “Yeah, they’re just being dramatic again about the movie we’re going to watch.” He wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your shoulder as you empty the popcorn bags into separate bowls. You laugh loudly and turn to look at him. His brown eyes look at you confused. “What’s funny?”
This time you snort. “Like you weren’t practically throwing a tantrum when they didn’t want to watch The Goonies when it was your turn last time.” Will lets go of you and takes a few steps back. “Y/n, you know the Goonies is my favorite movie.”
“Yes, darling. You also make us watch it every movie night without fail. You’ve got to pick something else.” 
“I can’t help it, baby. It’s a classic.” Will grins at you and pecks your cheek. You laugh and roll your eyes, shoving a couple of bowls in his hands “Make yourself useful for once.” He kisses your cheek again and walks into the living room. Your gaze drops to admire his ass in his sweatpants. Your cheeks begin to heat up but you ignore it since you have guests over.
Walking into the living room everyone is settling into their seats as you pass out the two remaining popcorn bowls. Austin finally makes his selection and turns on the movie.
“The Parent Trap, Austin. Seriously?” Will asks, laughing. 
“Fuck off, dude. You’re just pissed because Lindsey Lohan is cooler than you.”
You sit down and lean into Will. He pulls the blanket from the couch to drape around the two of you. He wraps his arms around you, gives you a tight squeeze and kisses your forehead. You snuggle into each other as the movie starts.
About halfway through you become bored. You’ve seen this movie a million times and you’ve become restless. Everyone else seems to be enjoying it but all you’ve been able to think about is Will in those damn sweatpants all night. You normally wouldn’t take the risk with all of his friends being in the room but you’re feeling especially bold this evening. 
You place your hand on his thigh and feel him tense immediately. “Baby.” He whispers in your ear, a warning. He knows where this is headed. You smile to yourself and lean into him further, moving your head to place soft kisses on his neck. His grip on your waist tightens and he kisses the top of your head to stifle a groan. You slowly move your hand up his thigh and his free hand grabs your wrist as his eyes scan the room. Satisfied that everyone’s attention is thoroughly fixed on the screen he releases your wrist and relaxes. 
Your hand finds his cock already half-hard and he hisses quietly as you palm him through his sweats. He keeps his face buried in your hair to hide the soft moans and curses leaving his mouth. You nibble at a sensitive spot on his neck and he squeezes your hip so hard you know it’ll bruise later. He slowly rocks his hips into your touch, careful not to gain too much attention. His shuddered breaths and quiet “oh fucks” are telling you he’s doing everything he can to hold back. You move your lips to his jaw and slow your movements on his cock. He lets out a sharp breath and pushes into your hand. 
“Baby..” he pants. “Baby, please.”
The moment you hear those words you give in. Your plan was just to tease him. Get him drunk off your touch and make him drag you down the hall and fuck you until you were screaming and spasming around his cock regardless of who was in the next room. He’s usually the one making you beg for him but the desperation in his voice was too delicious to ignore. You dip your fingers in the waistband of his shorts and he whines. “Gotta be quiet baby” you whisper and bite the shell of his ear. He nods but his grip on you becomes brutal. You pull his cock out and his breath hitches as you spread the pre-cum leaking from his tip. 
“You’ve made a mess baby. Is this all for me?” 
He writhes and bucks his hips into your hand. He tries to lay his head back against the couch but you use your free hand to pull his face back to you. 
“They’re going to notice if you do that. Eyes on me baby.”
He nods, doing as he’s told. You stroke him slowly and his eyes flutter closed as he places his forehead against yours. You watch him as you continue pumping him. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him if you tried. His eyebrows furrowed together and his mouth slightly agape. He was beginning to sweat and the smell of his cologne and musk mixed together with the rush of getting caught was making you dizzy. You mentally curse yourself for starting this with your friends in the room. The pants and noises coming from Will had you completely soaked. You squeeze your thighs together hoping for relief that never came. It took all of your strength not to throw the damned blanket off of the two of you and ride him on the couch in front of everyone. 
“No. Be patient. We have all night to do that.” You think to yourself. 
Will’s hips stutter in your hand. His breaths become more erratic and you know he’s close. You pump his cock faster and his eyes fly open and stare into yours. You’re always surprised just how much darker his brown eyes get when he’s desperate for you like this.  
“Gonna-fuck… gonna come baby” he whispers as he attaches his mouth to yours. The kiss is open mouthed, both of you panting into each other. He wraps his other arm around you and holds you like you’re the only thing that’s keeping him from falling through the earth. “Fuck, I… y/n please” 
“Come on baby, cum for me.” 
He groans into your mouth and you feel hot ropes of cum shoot up and run over down your hand. You stroke him through his orgasm until he’s grabbing at your wrist to stop. He smiles against your lips and kisses you. He takes the underside of his shirt and wipes your hand off and tucks himself back into his sweatpants. You wrap your arms around his waist and he pulls you closer.  
“Thank you baby” He whispers and you giggle.
The room is quiet for a moment with the exception of the movie. Suddenly you hear a snicker from across the room.
“Baby please!” Moke moans mockingly.
“Oh my god, y/n! I’m gonna cum!” Adam joins.
“Jesus fucking christ you guys. Go do that in your room next time. That was disgusting.” Andrew pipes in. 
“Oh my god.” Your face turns bright red and you bury your face in Will’s chest. Suddenly, Will whisks you up in his arms and stands up in front of the guys.
“That sounds like a great idea, actually.” He walks out of the living room.  
“You assholes should probably leave. I’m gonna go take care of my girl.” He calls out, making his way down the hallway. You giggling in his arms the whole way.
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izzywantscheesecake · 5 months
the gingerbread competition
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Pairing: Hobie Brown x GN! Reader 🕸🕷🎸 Quick Synopsis: Hobie and Y/N compete with Miles and Gwen to see who can make the best gingerbread house. Tags: Use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, reader can be male/female or none, friends to lovers, Romantic tension between Hobie and Reader, Implied MilesxGwen, fluff, Christmas themed
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Hobie Brown didn’t celebrate Christmas.
He didn’t hate Jesus or was part of a different religion, in fact, he preferred to keep himself unlabeled in terms of his religious ideology, but he just thought the meaning of Christmas had lost its definition in the past few decades.
Essentially, Christmas existed to celebrate the birth of Jesus by sharing thoughtful gifts and spending time with loved ones. 
But the ‘spending time with loved ones’ part had been erased and the holiday was dumbed down to seeing whoever could get another person the most expensive gift without any thought.
So he didn’t fully celebrate it.
Sure, he’d make his friends a handmade gift they were sure to like and he wouldn’t be rude and reject a gift, but he would never partake in the usual activities like hanging the mistletoe, buying a christmas tree, or building a..
“..Gingerbread house! Let’s make gingerbread houses! And it can be a competition, too,” You grinned.
It wasn’t actually Christmas day, it was two days before. But this was the only day all of you could hang out before attending to plans you actually had on ol' Christmastide.
It was just you, Hobie, Gwen, and Miles, sitting on Hobie’s couch at his flat in his dimension. He mainly resided in his boat, but it was too cold to stay there that month.
“I don’t know, Y/N. I mean, those gingerbread houses are usually super expensive to buy at the market,” Hobie said, crossing his arms.
“Yeah, they are. So we can just make them ourselves. I mean, you practically got everything we need in your pantry besides frosting and candy.. Okay, maybe we will have to go outside and get some supplies,” Gwen shrugged.
“Ugh, really? It’s mad brick out, don’t you see all that snow?” 
Miles pointed to the window, showing everyone the winter wonderland that once used to be the streets of Camden Town.
“We got coats, we’ll be fine. So, all in favor of making gingerbread houses, raise your hand!” You said, lifting up your hand immediately.
Gwen and Miles both raised their hands, albeit Miles more reluctantly. Hobie kept his arms crossed, scoffing.
“It’s three against one. We’re doing it.”
Hobie dropped the pose. “Fair, I guess. But I get to pick the movie we watch once we’re done.”
“You’re gonna pick Freaky Friday, and not even the Lindsay Lohan version,” Gwen sighed.
“Anyways, to save money and dishes, don’t you think we should be in teams of two?” Asked Miles.
The four of you decided on your team names. You and Hobie would be "The Barely Adults" vs Miles and Gwen with "Stuck in Algebra II."
There were many different stores along the main streets of the neighborhood, so your group and the other group spread out, agreeing to stay in the neighborhood.
You and Hobie stepped into a candy store a few blocks away from his flat, and were immediately greeted by the warm air of a fully heated establishment and the scent of various confectionaries and ice cream.
A happy looking woman sat by the front counter, reading the daily newspaper. She made eye contact with Hobie, and you watched as the wrinkles in her face became more prominent the bigger her smile got.
"Hobart? Is that you? My, my, you've gotten so tall!"
You snorted, noticing the slight embarrassment that had planted itself on Hobie's face. His expression quickly shifted into a smirk.
"Mrs. Winters.. You just saw me at the farmer's market a few weeks ago."
"I know, I know. But every time I see you, you get bigger. It feels as if just yesterday I was making you and your mates stay behind and sweep my store for stealing all the gobstoppers."
"Well, that's not surprising," You inquired out loud.
"Whatever. We were jobless, rambunctious kids."
Mrs. Winters turned her attention to you, still keeping that friendly smile she had on her face when you walked in.
"And who's this lovely person you've brought in with you today?"
Hobie slung his arm around you, crouching down slightly to meet your height. His face was dangerously close to your right cheek.
"They're my friend, Y/N."
Mrs. Winters stared at the two of you skeptically.
"Oh. Well, alright, dearie. It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N."
"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Winters, was it?"
She turned to the giant selection of candy behind her. There was practically every sweet you could think of stored, from jellies, taffies, licorice, rock candies, chocolates, and even freezers full of whipped cream and frosting, which was convenient.
"So, what do you feel like buying today?"
"Anything that would make a gingerbread house taste good."
"We should get candy corn."
You stuck your tongue out in disgust. "The hell kind of suggestion is that? You eat gingerbread with candy corn?"
"Yes. I like to be unconventional."
Mrs. Winters snickered. "Well, if you guys are making a gingerbread house, I'd say just get the regular bunch, like gumdrops and whatnot."
You and Hobie walked out of the candy shop with a tub of frosting and random ziplog bags full of different candy. Some of them you were going to put on the house, and some were just gonna be sitting at Hobie's place in general.
When you got back to his flat, Miles and Gwen weren't anywhere to be found.
"Huh? Where are they? We just said to get candy and come back."
"They're kids in love. They're probably using this time to have a de-facto date."
"Well, that makes it easier for us to win. I guess you could say we're also having a de-facto date, right?" You joked.
Hobie turned to you with a sensual grin on his face before setting his boots to the side and walking towards the kitchen.
Before you left the store, Mrs. Winters had given you and Hobie a recipe for gingerbread houses, as none of you were going to buy the cheap ones that always tasted like plastic.
"Okay, preheat the oven to about 375 degrees fahrenheit." You said, reading off the sheet of paper.
"Celsius, please."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Um, that'd be around.. 190? Yeah. That sounds about right. And keep it in there for three to four minutes."
"Mhm." He closed the oven door.
On the corner of Hobie's mouth was a small patch of frosting, it presumably got there when you two tried to open the package at first and it exploded.
"Hey, look at me. You've got something on your face."
You moved closer to him, using your thumb to wipe the frosting off. Once it was gone, you stopped cupping the side of his cheek, and now you were both looking at each other, face to face.
You stayed like that for a few seconds, watching how his eyes softened the longer you two stayed in that position.
Suddenly, the door kicked open.
"We're back!" Miles yelled. You heard the shuffle of multiple bags and quickly moved away from Hobie to see what was going on over the counter.
Gwen was holding a bag from a candy store on one arm, and on the other arm were bags definitely acquired from a boutique.
Miles also had a candy bag, but held a bag from a Nike outlet in the same hand.
"So I was right. You two did go on a side quest. Thought we agreed to stay in the 'hood."
"I mean.. Technically, we did stay in the neighborhood... The outskirts of it."
"Hey, did you guys already start without us?!"
"What else were we supposed to do? Sit and talk?"
You and Hobie laughed in unison, as Gwen and Miles scrambled to put everything they bought away.
After a few hours, both teams had finished their gingerbread houses. Miles and Gwen had opted for a cutesy, traditional design, while the architecture on your house was flimsy, and you ran out of gumdrops at some point.
Hobie also used black food dye to create makeshift graffiti on the walls.
"So, how are we gonna judge who won?"
"Shit.. I never thought of that."
"Wouldn't it be whichever one tastes better?"
"Then ours totally won!"
"You didn't even taste it yet.."
"Guys, guys. Let's all agree that the true winner here was the power of friendship."
"I'm playing!"
In the end, unfortunately, Miles' joke had some truth to it. There was no winner, no prize, no anything. But everyone all had fun that day, just bonding over making a confectionary house.
After being forced to watch the 1976 Freaky Friday, Miles and Gwen pretty much were knocked out.
They laid down across from each other on air mattresses in Hobie's living room.
As for you, you decided to take up the couch.
You were in Hobie's bathroom, brushing your teeth, when you saw him standing behind you, leaning his lanky body on the doorframe.
You rinsed your mouth out, drying yourself with a paper towel, before turning to face him.
"Did you have fun today?"
"Yeah, of course I did. It's always fun doing Christmasy stuff. You get the hype now, huh?"
He smiled, a genuine smile. "Mhm. We should bake more together."
"Yes, we."
You walked away from the sink and stood across from him in the doorframe.
"Look what we're standing under."
He looked up, surprise evident on his face.
"Did you put that there?"
"No, I think it was Gwen."
He sighed. "Well, I ain't even brush my teeth yet. I don't want to do that to you."
You felt your heart twinge slightly, though he was right.
"Oh, no no. It's fine."
He nodded.
As soon as Hobie closed the door, you were out. You got onto the couch as quickly and quietly as you could.
You were mortified as to what you tried to do.
You thought that it was the perfect timing and all your questions had been answered, but you guessed they weren't.
Without moving an inch, you listened to every little movement coming from the bathroom and faced your head away from the hallway when you heard the lights turn off and the door open.
However, instead of Hobie's footsteps turning to the left, closer to his room, you listened as he walked down the hallway towards the living room.
His footsteps got closer and closer, until eventually, you were able to recognize him standing right in front of you.
He leaned down slowly, placing a peck to your cheek.
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A/N: i'm gon be on life support for the next two days cause why did this take 7 hours for about 1759 words :sob:
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mattybraps10 · 6 months
He Could Be The One | Trevor Zegras x Reader
Summary: After a long day of travelling, y/n and the guys settle in to watch a movie.
Word Count: ~916
By: M
part one | part three
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PART TWO: Dinner and a Movie
Trevor's room is the complete opposite of what I was expecting. Instead of piles of dirty clothes and the occasional empty water bottle thrown on the ground, everything was neatly put in its place, freshly cleaned clothes folded on the edge of the pristinely made bed, waiting to be put away. I put my bag on the floor and start unpacking the essentials. I walk into the bathroom, surprised to see that Trevor does not in fact use a 9-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, body wash, etc. Instead, he has a variety of products, ranging from shampoo and conditioner to a step-by-step skin care routine. I placed my dopp kit on the counter next to the sink, carefully arranging my skin care products beside his. I then placed my hairbrush on the counter alongside my toothbrush and toothpaste, humming Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift to myself. I look up into the mirror, surprised to see Trevor leaning on the door frame behind me.
"Oh! How long have you been there?" I ask, completely startled. 
"Not long at all actually... I was just going to ask if you wanted to come down for dinner. Jamie and Jack ordered pizza." He smiles, stepping back to let me through the door.
"Yeah! That sounds great thanks!" I say, starting down the stairs, looking over my shoulder to see him following close behind me.
"Thanks for getting my favorite pizza!" I say to Jack, helping him load the dishwasher. 
"Of course y/n. I know how picky you are." He laughs, shoving me playfully with his shoulder. 
I laugh, throwing my head back and once again noticing Trevor staring at me over the back of the couch.
"Guys. Time for a movie!" He calls, when he realizes I've noticed his stare. 
"Ugh... Fine. But, I am not watching Parent Trap with you again." Jack says, addressing me.
My favorite movie has been The Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan from before I can remember. Every time we sit down to watch a movie, it's the first suggestion I bring to the table. I remember when Jack finally gave in and let us watch it, only to become annoyed when he realized I had the whole thing memorized. Naturally, I quoted the movie back to him as we watched. 
"Ok whatever." I reply rolling my eyes and walking over to take my place beside Jamie on the couch. 
Before I can sit down, however, Jack rushes in front of me practically throwing himself onto the couch. 
"Sorry! This seat's taken!" Jack says, looking up at me as if he didn't just steal my spot. 
He turns towards the empty spot on the couch between Trevor and Jamie. I laugh to myself thinking there's no way Jack's gonna leave me to sit with Trevor, but, he makes no move to stand, and instead starts laughing at me. I roll my eyes at him, taking my seat next to Trevor and scooting way too close to Jamie.
"Ok, since you got to pick your seat, I get to pick the movie..." I start.
"Um- No. Actually I get to pick the movie, since I have to room with you." Trevor sneers, cutting me off.
"Well, actually... I think that's a great idea." I nod to him, deciding to be nice for once.
"You... What?" He says, shocked that I could say such a thing.
"You heard me." I reply with a smirk on my face.
After a long debate between Trevor and Jamie over who gets to actually use the remote to turn on the movie, Trevor wins and picks 10 Things I Hate About You.
The opening credits start, and as Kat's song starts blasting from her car drowning out the girls next to her, I turn to Trevor curious as to why he picked one of my favorite romantic comedies of all time.
"Trevor... Why did you pick this movie? It doesn't really strike me as something you would watch..."
"Oh? What? Because I play hockey I can't like romantic movies? You're so stereotypical." He rolls his eyes, turning back to the movie and muttering about something I can't quite hear. 
We all watch the movie in silence, laughing when appropriate. By the time Kat is dancing on the table at Bogey Lowenstein's party, my eyes have become heavy. After a long day of travelling, I find myself drifting off to sleep leaning my head on the thing closest to me, which just so happens to be the shoulder of an unsuspecting Trevor Zegras. He jumps a bit, but, I am so tired that I don't really care. I nestle my head into his shoulder as he wraps his arm around me, pulling me close. I drift in and out of consciousness for the rest of the movie, tuning into snippets of conversations between Jamie, Jack, and Trevor.
"Trevor. Did you really pick 10 Things I Hate About You because you like it?" Jack asks curious to know why the movie was chosen.
"I- Uh- Well... No. I actually chose it because I remember watching it with y/n for her 15th birthday..." He sighs.
"OH MY GOD DUDE!" Jamie wheezes. "YOU-" I drift off again.
I wake up to a strong set of arms carrying me upstairs. All I feel is the warmth of a chest, and I nestle in, taking in the familiar scent.
"Ok, n/n. Time for bed." The voice says, gently placing my head against a soft pillow, and tucking me under the blanket. I drift off to sleep happy to be in a comfortable bed surrounded by a sweet honey-filled scent. 
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blehcupidd · 10 months
One in the Same
Chapter Three
Wilbur Soot x f!reader
Summary: Someone can hear you.
Warnings: angst, fluff, cursing, no use of y/n, correct british terminology (I am british), grammar and spelling mistakes (I'm dyslexic), Gnomeo and Juliet vibes, incorrect music terminology, other peoples music used for readers band, battle of the bands au
A/N: Vanessa’s trick has been stuck in my head for literal weeks so I'm using it because I can
When I say that a song has far too much praise and it’s someone else's song that is in no way involved in this story apart from the song (e.g manic pixie dream girl being a song made by kill shot for fanfic purposes) I don't mean it I’m just guessing feelings of songs when they are writing it to be like self-doubt if that makes sense.
Unless it's dance monkey I fucking hate that song
A lot of cuts in this chapter I just want to get to the point of the actual competition sorry :/
Series Master list
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Cupid Records had sent a mass email to every contestant, telling the exact date Battle of the Bands would start. When you signed up it had been early September, Cupid Records gave everyone a month to practice. Meaning the whole of September, you and your girls were freaking out. What seemed like every week you guys were practicing. The prompt for the first round was to do a cover song of your band's choosing, only it had to showcase how unified you were as a band.
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Ever since you started the band, you have always set yourself deadlines. The only song that broke your rule was ‘Manic Pixie Dream Girl’, but you couldn't bare to get into the details of a song that has received far too much praise. So, you gave yourself a week of choosing the perfect cover song for your band. You knew it had to be important and sentimental, something all of your bandmates liked.
Thinking back to the Disney Channel movies you used to watch, a quick one came into mind; Freaky Friday.
(the one made in 2003 with Lindsey Lohan)
With the idea of Freaky Friday, you had invited James over to help you choose a song from it. After watching it, you and James knew what song Kill Shot would be performing; Take Me Away.
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The remaining three weeks went by fast, having spent every day practising Take Me Away with some sessions with James listening in. It was finally the first day of Battle of the Bands. You were confident in Kill Shot’s ability to get to at least the second round, fingers crossed at all times.
Cupid Records had allowed each band to come at certain times to practice in the space they would be spending the next weeks in. Each band had a different time slot, it just so happened Kill Shot was second to last. Singing Take Me Away went pretty smoothly. There were only a few bumps in the road that were quickly smoothed over.
With Kill Shot being finished with their practice, they took the chance to mess around with different songs. Ever since watching The Little Mermaid, the song Vanessa’s Trick has been repeatedly playing in your mind. It didn't help that everyone on TikTok was doing a cover of it. Meanwhile, when your group was beginning to pack away, you couldn’t help but sing ‘Lada dee lada lada da da da’ part of the song and the ‘So long, Red.’
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When Lovejoy was walking through the doors of Cupid Records Battle of the Bands, they weren't expecting to hear someone. They knew they were early, but only by ten minutes. Wilbur could only compare the voice to a Siren. The voice was pulling him in, it sounded perfect.
“You alright Wil?” His friend and bandmate, Joe, asked him. Only this is when he realised the smitten smile he had on his face. He couldn't help it, the voice of an angel had just graced his ears.
“What? Uh, yeah. I’m great.” He stuttered, bringing a hand to brush the back of his head.
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Walking into their new practice space, Lovejoy had just gotten a glimpse of the other band walking off. He couldn't see any of them, maybe it was meant to be that way.
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omgomg do you think you could do an eddie x punk/goth reader where he helps them pierce their nose 🥺
Warnings: 18+, Needles. I've never gotten my nose pierced and my knowledge of at-home piercing stops at the Lindsay Lohan Parent Trap and Unus Annus.
If you plan to get something pierced, please go to someone who knows what they're doing. Not Claire's tho.
Pairings: Eddie Munson x GN!reader (not particularly punk or goth, sorry 😅)
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"You have done this before, right Eds?" You sit on his bed, leg bouncing nervously as he grabs what he needs.
"For the twelfth time, Y/n/n, yes," he rolls his eyes, back still towards you, "Cameron Jonas loved the piercing I did for him. And so did Patty Owens- Gotcha!"
He holds up a small book of needles and turns to set them next to you, and he sees how on-edge you look.
"Hey," he takes your slightly shaking hands in his, "If you're not up for this, I can put this stuff away and we can watch some stupid rom-com and eat junkfood."
"No, no I'm okay," you assure him.
"Yeah?" He grins when you nod, kissing your hands, "Good! Cause you'll look so hot with your nose pierced."
He grabs some ice from the freezer and hands you a cube, moving your hand to hold it against the side of your nose, "You hold that there."
He opens the needle book and pulls one out. The piece of metal is small in his hands, but it still looks damn huge to be going through your skin.
Now you've never been super freaked of needles before, flu shots had always gone quickly and uneventful. But that didn't mean you were over joyed to have one jabbed through the side of your nose by your boyfriend.
"Now remember," your eyes flicker from where he's sterilizing it with a lighter to his eyes, "You can tell me to stop at any point, okay?"
"Uh-huh," you swallow hard.
"You'll be okay, Y/n," His voice is soothing, "I promise I'll take good care of you... And that pretty little nose of yours."
"And... okay, that cool. How's that ice workin?"
"My nose is cold."
"Well yeah," he laughs, "You getting numb yet?"
"A little."
"Lemme see," he nudges your hand away and pinches your nose a couple different ways, "You feel that?... what about that?... oh c'mon you gotta feel that."
You can't help but giggle at his teasing.
"Put that back on there," he playfully shoves the ice back on your nose.
After a few minutes he sits next to you, "You ready?"
"Okay, relax your face," he says, "As cute as your scrunched up nose is, this'll work better if you calm those face muscles."
You take a breath, and let your face fall as neutral as possible. But as soon as he starts getting close with the needle you grab his knee and make a small noise.
"You alright?" He asks quietly, "We can stop."
You look at those pretty brown eyes of his, looking at you so softly.
"No," you shake your head, "Let's do this."
"Just a prick and a pinch," he reminds you, needle coming in again.
You squeeze your eyes shut as tight as you can while keeping your face relaxed, fingers gripping the frayed treads of his torn jeans.
You whimper when you feel the weird pressure of the needle through the slight numbness from the ice.
"Sh..." he hushes, "Almost done."
The numbness started to fade as he fiddles and the sting makes you hiss.
"One more second and... there we go, all done."
You crack your eyes open, every shift in muscle causing slight soreness.
"Does... Does it look good?"
"It looks fucking awesome Y/n/n!" He's all giddy. He pulls you to your feet and to the mirror, "Look for yourself."
You look at yourself in the glass, eyes falling on the black titanium stud in the side of your nose.
"Bitchin," you mutter, making him burst into laughter.
"Absolutely Bitchin'," He grins against your neck, "You got anything else you want me to pierce?"
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ninlilwinds · 4 months
Bachelor Options
Here's a list of the Bachelor Options in the new Project I'm doing. It can be x reader or x y/n, I'd rather stay away from any oc x oc, unless it is your oc, mostly because that limits story options in the future. If I ever do oc x oc, it'll probably not be headcannon. (See pinned post update 2/3/24 for details)
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Charlie Lohan
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Likes: Sunny Days, Desserts, Pastel Colors, Pop Music 
Dislikes: Rain, Spicy Foods 
Background Information: Charlie has a go getter attitude. He's always willing to help, with a smile on his face. He's currently in Uni, studying to become a Vet. All of his classmates adore him, and almost everyone knows him.
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Kian Pierce
Age: 21
Occupation: Doctor
Likes: Cold, Blue, Being Alone, Classic Music 
Dislikes: Loud People, Germs
Background Information: Kian was always a prodigy, allowing him to become a doctor at such a young age. He's a bit of a germaphobe, which isn't good for his profession, but he manages. Of course, with incredible intelligence comes some downsides. For him, it left no time to make friends, and he is very antisocial. But, once you get past his hard shell, he's the sweetest.
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Amir Sloan
Age: 19
Occupation: Unemployed
Likes: Drinking, Clubs, riding his motorcycle
Dislikes: Slow Days
Background Information: He had a tough past, which he never talks about, but it's obvious from his scars and how he acts. He enjoys going to clubs and parties to distract him. He doesn't go to Uni, or has a job, but he somehow never runs out of money (most likely someone in his family supplying him with money). He does have dreams and aspirations, but no one asked, and he's scared of getting his hopes up for nothing.
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Nero Krul
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Likes: Peace and quiet, reading, outdoors 
Dislikes: People being annoying (aka, people interacting with him)
Background Information: He lived in the country with his parents for all of his life until he went to Uni. There he realized just how loud and overwhelming the world was. He quickly closed himself off, deciding to only focus on his studies. He keeps a great relationship with his parents and often visits them.
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Quinn Elin
Age: 24
Occupation: Teacher
Likes: Kids, yellow, arts and crafts 
Dislikes: Nothing really, he always finds a redeeming quality
Background Information: He's a elementary school teacher and is always looking at the bright side. One of his students misbehaved? Perhaps they were having a bad day...Besides his work place, nothing much is known about him. Maybe if someone sat down with him and was genuine, he would open up.
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Zephyr Hayes
Age: 22
Occupation: Aspiring Writer
Likes: purple, writing, cafes, 
Dislikes: loud places, desserts
Background Information: Quitting Uni to become a writer was a bold move, but bold is Zephyr's middle name. He is willing to take any risk, and loves new adventures to inspire his work. He loves giving presents, for some reason, and you can often catch him in a cafe working on his new upcoming book.
Picrew Used: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/32223/complete?cd=fjVUSumWjf
Female List Coming Soon
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brandsrepertory · 1 year
Amy Adams
Alexandra Daddario
Andrea Riseborough
Ana de Armas
Ana Faris
Christina Applegate
Catherine Zeta Jones
Chloe Grace Moretz
Connie Britton
Elizabeth Debecki
Emily Blunt
Haley Lu Richardson
Jennifer Coolidge
Jayma Mays
Kelly Reilly
Kelsey Asbille
Lupita Nyong'o
Linda Cardellini
Lindsay Lohan
Lizzy Caplan
Millie Bobby Brown
Mia Goth
Meghann Fahy
Natalie Morales
Olivia Wilde
Pom Klementieff
Rose byrne
Scarlett Johanson
Sarah Hyland
Sydney Sweeney
Simona Tabasco (White Lotus)
Sofia Boutella
Sabrina Impacciatore (White Lotus)
Zoe Saldana
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lxdymoon0357 · 2 years
Reader not being able to sleep and sneaking into Lohan's bed at night
Can we get this with major fluff please
I love your work
(this request was received, when I just finished one of my Lohan requests , which included reader going to his room late at night, because she was not able to sleep!!! Part 1|| Part 3)
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Magic dragons fix everything! pt.2
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As you continued to turn on your side to get some amount of sleep, it wasn’t plausible, you had been trying to go to sleep for hours, but for some reason you just couldn’t fall asleep…It had been what felt like hours, since you first laid in the bed…As you continued to toss and turn you felt something very soft and fluffy near your feet, immediately you sat up and lifted your blanket to see if any rat or any creature entered your room without anyone knowing, but nothing….
As you again lay in bed in doubt, because you were sure you felt something near your feet and now you had a gut feeling of checking up on Lohan, for some reason. As you continue to think what to do as you lay in bed, you felt the same thing swishing across your thighs, now you were sure something was in bed with you and now you had more of a reason to check up on Lohan. As you quickly sat up, wore a shrug over your night gown, light a candle holder and tip toed out of your room and ran across the large hallways lit by the moonlight coming in from the windows..
As you ran on your tiptoes, trying to create as less noise as you could before reaching Lohan’s room. You blew out the candle and put the holder on the floor near the bedroom door, before turning to open the door, when you heard muffle cries and whimpers as you slowly creaked open the door to see Lohan crying before a white-grey dragon walked towards him which had large wings and fur around its neck which sat near him and wrapped it’s wing around him as to comfort him.
As you were watching the scene, you felt a sudden push of wind push you inside the room and onto Lohan; it was surprising to you that Lohan wasn’t freaked out by you being pushed onto his lap nor by the huge cloudy, comfy, adorable ass dragon in his room, comforting him. So now you were on sitting on the lap and in a tight grip of Lohan, who was still crying, along with huge as fuck and adorable as hell dragon, who was very sweet-smelling, very cute and very comfy as hell looking. As Lohan finally started to calm down, you both suddenly felt extremely dizzy before falling on something soft. As you both looked around you both were now on Lohan’s bed with the huge dragon, also sitting with its tail wrapped around the bed blanket, which was also covering you. After turning to his side and cuddling with you for some time, he fell asleep very quickly, ‘guess it must be due to all the crying….’ You thought, before loosening his grip on you and sitting up, upon the sound of you sitting up, the dragon lifted his head quickly, and teleported near you and laid its head on your lap, as it stared at you.
Its eyes were the one thing that caught your attention as you quickly realized why, these things were “Sleep-snow”, and they were dragons! Sleep-snow were creature people described as white, large and comfy, nobody remembers them after they sleep and mostly they said that these things comfort them, when they were crying in the night. People only remember their eyes, large lavender eyes, and if someone does fully remember them, they can’t tell anything about them, if somebody says anything about them, they will forget everything about them in a second.
You felt happy knowing it trusted you to let you remember it, because people almost immediately sleep after being comforted by them, just like Lohan. Now as you were in the warmth of Lohan and the dragon, you felt sleepy as well as you laid back down before cuddling both of them and finally falling asleep. Guess you could keep this secret from the sake of remembering this night….Good night!
As you continued to do your paperwork you were assigned, you let go of the pen for a moment to relax your hand which was aching like hell. As you called one of the maids to bring you a glass of water before you continued to do your paperwork.
As you did your work you felt a pair of eyes watching you, as you shook off the feeling. As you heard fiddling and noises outside the windows of the room, ‘Hmm…Must be the wind, I mean I am at the top floor of the palace…’ You thought as the sounds continued
As the sounds started to grow louder, the thought that the wind was doing this was out the window as you looked at the window, the sky looked way too dark tonight, as you walked towards it you saw something move but it was very dark making it impossible as to what it was…Now frightened out of your wits, you tried to be sensible and carry out your work as quickly as possible, before you heard a swish behind you, as you whipped up your head you saw two large black dragons chewing on fruits with their snoots (and believe me when I say they looked adorable as hell!!!). You recognized these dragons as ‘Galaxy dragons’ , these dragons have dust of stars in them and they mostly roam in the night, there are rumors of them being carnivorous but on the other hand there has never been an attack on a human by them, they’re mostly know to eat fruits and fish.
As you cautiously tried to walk out without alerting them, but as you walked back you tripped over something which alerted the other two as the thing you tripped over let out a tiny whine, as you looked up you saw another dragon with tiny tears in his eyes….’Can dragons even cry…I mean this one is crying because it got hurt by me…I FEEL LIKE CRYING!!!!’ You thought as you looked at the large dragon whimpering and cooing, before the other two dragons came over and licked the crying one on the face, before one of them simply plopped itself on top of you and now you’re lying in your study with three galaxy dragons cuddling you…Guess it’s alright to stay like this for some time…..
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simpforfandom231 · 2 months
Flare - up days
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warning: fluff, smut, chronical illness, cuteness, slightly mentioning of drug abuse . that's it i guess. pairing: Lindsay Lohan x fem!reader
A/N: yeah just because i can, i'm dropping this here. This is like a really long one because I didn’t want to make multi parts but I will see if I make another part of it. Enjoy :)
The first rays of dawn tiptoed through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the tangled sheets of Lindsay Lohan and Y/n's bed. Lindsay stirred, her arm instinctively reaching out to pull Y/n closer, the warmth of their bodies intertwined bringing comfort and contentment.
Lindsay pressed a tender kiss to Y/n's bare shoulder, her lips lingering as she savored the intimacy of the moment. "Good morning, my love," she whispered, her breath tickling Y/n's skin.
Y/n let out a sleepy sigh, shifting slightly in Lindsay's embrace. "Morning," she murmured, her voice heavy with drowsiness. But then, a hint of discomfort crept into her tone. "My spine hurts again," she confessed, her words tinged with frustration.
Lindsay's heart squeezed with sympathy as she traced gentle circles on Y/n's back. "I'm sorry, baby," she cooed, her fingers dancing over the tense muscles. "It's that kind of day again, huh?"
Y/n nodded, burying her face deeper into the pillow. "Yeah," she sighed, feeling defeated by the familiar ache that plagued her mornings.
Determined to ease Y/n's discomfort, Lindsay reluctantly untangled herself from their embrace and slipped out of bed. With a tender smile, she promised, "I'll be right back, sweetheart. Let me grab an ice pack for your back."
As Lindsay padded barefoot across the room, she couldn't help but marvel at the sight of Y/n, so vulnerable and yet so resilient. Despite the pain that often plagued her, Y/n faced each day with unwavering strength and grace, a quality that Lindsay admired endlessly.
Returning with an ice pack in hand, Lindsay settled back onto the bed beside Y/n, tucking the cool compress gently against her girlfriend's aching spine. "There you go, love," she murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Y/n's temple. "Hopefully, this will help."
Y/n offered a tired but grateful smile, her eyes fluttering closed as she relaxed into the comforting embrace of Lindsay's love.
As Lindsay tucked the ice pack securely against Y/n's back, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the sight of her girlfriend's discomfort. Y/n's frustration with her chronic illness was palpable, and Lindsay wished she could shoulder the burden for her, if only for a moment.
"I hate this," Y/n murmured, her voice thick with emotion as she shifted restlessly on the bed. "I hate feeling like my body's betraying me."
Lindsay's heart ached at the raw honesty in Y/n's words. Wrapping her arms around her girlfriend, she whispered soothingly, "I know, babe. I wish I could take it all away for you."
Y/n buried her face in Lindsay's chest, seeking solace in the warmth of her embrace. "Just stay in bed with me," she pleaded softly, her voice muffled against Lindsay's skin. "Please."
Lindsay chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through her chest and sending a ripple of warmth through Y/n's body. "As tempting as that sounds, sweetheart, I promised you breakfast," she teased, brushing a gentle kiss against Y/n's forehead.
Y/n pouted playfully, her lips forming a mock-frown as she protested, "But you're too far away when you're in the kitchen."
Lindsay couldn't help but laugh at Y/n's dramatic display, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'll be back before you know it," she promised, pressing another quick kiss to Y/n's lips before reluctantly extricating herself from their embrace.
As Lindsay disappeared into the kitchen, Y/n let out a theatrical sigh, flopping back onto the pillows with exaggerated melodrama. "I don't know how I'll survive without you," she called out, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Lindsay's laughter floated back from the kitchen, a melodic symphony that filled the room with warmth and joy. "You'll manage, darling," she called back, the sound of pots and pans clattering against the countertop punctuating her words.
True to her word, Lindsay returned moments later, a tray laden with breakfast goodies balanced precariously in her hands. She settled back onto the bed beside Y/n, arranging the food with meticulous care before finally settling in beside her girlfriend.
"Voila!" Lindsay declared triumphantly, presenting the feast before them with a flourish. "Breakfast is served, my love."
Y/n's eyes widened in delight as she surveyed the array of pancakes, fruit, and freshly brewed coffee spread out before them. "Wow, you really outdid yourself this time," she exclaimed, reaching eagerly for a pancake drenched in syrup.
Lindsay beamed with pride at Y/n's reaction, her heart swelling with love for the woman beside her. "Anything for you, sweetheart," she murmured, pressing a tender kiss to Y/n's cheek before digging into her own plate with gusto.
Y/n winced as she shifted in bed, the pain in her back a constant reminder of her body's limitations. Despite Lindsay's efforts to ease her discomfort, the ache persisted, a relentless companion that seemed determined to overshadow their morning.
Lindsay watched with concern as Y/n's brows furrowed in pain, her own heart heavy with empathy for her girlfriend's struggle. "Are you okay, love?" she asked softly, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from Y/n's face.
Y/n managed a weak smile, though the pain lingered in the depths of her eyes. "Just the usual," she replied, her voice tinged with resignation. "But breakfast in bed with you makes it all worth it."
Lindsay returned Y/n's smile, her heart swelling with gratitude for the love they shared. "I'm glad you think so, babe," she murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to Y/n's forehead.
As they enjoyed their breakfast together, Lindsay couldn't help but feel a bubbling excitement in the pit of her stomach. "Hey, guess what?" she exclaimed suddenly, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.
Y/n perked up at Lindsay's excitement, curiosity piqued. "What is it?" she asked, setting aside her fork to give Lindsay her full attention.
Lindsay grinned, unable to contain her excitement any longer. "Tonight's the Zoom meeting reunion with the cast of Mean Girls!" she announced eagerly. "I'm so excited to catch up with everyone."
Y/n's eyes widened in realization, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "That's right," she exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration. "I can't wait to see you all together again."
Lindsay beamed at Y/n's enthusiasm, her heart swelling with pride at the thought of sharing such a special moment with her girlfriend. "It's going to be so much fun," she agreed, reaching out to squeeze Y/n's hand affectionately.
But as they lingered in the warmth of their shared moment, Y/n's discomfort became impossible to ignore. With a soft sigh, she attempted to sit up, the effort causing a sharp twinge of pain to shoot through her spine.
"Lindsay, I need to take my medicine," Y/n admitted reluctantly, her voice strained with discomfort.
Lindsay's brow furrowed with concern as she watched Y/n struggle. "No, no, you stay right there," she insisted, gently pushing Y/n back against the pillows. "I'll go grab it for you."
Reluctantly, Y/n nodded, allowing Lindsay to slip out of bed and retrieve her medication from the bathroom. As Lindsay returned, she was accompanied by their beloved Teckles, Willow and Maurice, who bounded into the room with tails wagging and tongues lolling in excitement.
"Looks like we've got some company," Lindsay teased, chuckling as the dogs clamored onto the bed, eager for attention.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh at the sight of their furry companions, their antics providing a welcome distraction from her pain. "They always know how to brighten my day," she admitted, reaching out to scratch behind Willow's ears.
Lindsay settled back onto the bed beside Y/n, handing her the medication with gentle care. "Here you go, love," she murmured, pressing a tender kiss to Y/n's cheek. "I'll always be here to take care of you."
And as they cuddled together, surrounded by love and laughter, Lindsay knew that no matter what challenges they faced, as long as they faced them together, their bond would only grow stronger with each passing day.
As Y/n drifted off to sleep in Lindsay's comforting embrace, Lindsay couldn't help but marvel at the peaceful expression that graced her girlfriend's features. With tender care, she extricated herself from their embrace, mindful not to disturb Y/n's slumber.
Carefully, Lindsay tiptoed across the room, her movements quiet as she retrieved a notepad from the bedside table. With a pen in hand, she scribbled a quick note, explaining her brief absence and assuring Y/n that she would return shortly. Placing the note on the table where Y/n would surely find it upon waking, Lindsay silently slipped out of the room.
In the lobby of their Dubai residence, Lindsay was greeted by Marco, the friendly guard who manned the front desk. "Good morning, Miss Lohan," Marco greeted her politely, his demeanor formal but welcoming.
"Good morning, Marco," Lindsay replied with a warm smile, her tone friendly and relaxed. "I hope you're doing well today."
Marco nodded in acknowledgment, his expression respectful. "Thank you, Miss Lohan. Is there anything I can assist you with?"
Lindsay hesitated for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing her features. "Actually, Marco, would you mind calling Jenna for me?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern. "Y/n's having one of her flare-up days, and she won't be able to walk the dogs."
Marco nodded in understanding, reaching for the phone with practiced ease. "Of course, Miss Lohan. I'll inform Jenna right away."
With a grateful smile, Lindsay thanked Marco before making her way to the building's entrance. Stepping out into the crisp morning air, she took a deep breath, the scent of blooming flowers and distant ocean filling her senses.
Pulling on her leggings, a cropped hoodie, and her trusty running shoes, Lindsay tied her hair back into a ponytail and set off at a brisk pace. As she jogged through the streets of Dubai, the city's vibrant energy surrounding her, Lindsay couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration.
With each step, she felt the weight of the world lift from her shoulders, the rhythmic pounding of her feet against the pavement a soothing balm to her soul. And as she ran, thoughts of Y/n and their life together filled her mind, filling her with a sense of gratitude and love.
As Lindsay continued her run through the park and along the coastline, the salty breeze tugging at her hair and the rhythmic pounding of her feet against the pavement filling her with a sense of exhilaration. With each step, she felt more alive, the worries of the world melting away with each passing moment.
Arriving at the store, Lindsay pushed open the door with a sense of purpose, the cool air conditioning washing over her like a welcome embrace. She made her way through the aisles, her eyes scanning the shelves for the items on her mental shopping list.
Grabbing some energy drinks, protein bars, ramen noodles, and fresh veggies and meat for dinner, Lindsay couldn't help but smile at the thought of cooking a delicious meal for Y/n later that evening. She spotted Y/n's favorite candy and added it to her basket, knowing it would bring a smile to her girlfriend's face.
As Lindsay made her way to the checkout counter, she was approached by an older woman who couldn't help but admire her beauty. "You're a stunning young woman," the woman remarked, her voice filled with genuine admiration.
Lindsay blushed at the unexpected compliment, her cheeks tinged with pink as she thanked the woman graciously. "That's very kind of you to say," she replied with a warm smile, feeling touched by the stranger's words.
The woman's eyes twinkled with nostalgia as she gazed at Lindsay. "You remind me of myself when I was younger," she confessed, a wistful smile playing at her lips. "I used to have hair as red as yours."
Lindsay's heart swelled with affection for the woman, her own memories of her fiery locks flooding back with fondness. "Redheads have to stick together," she joked, her laughter filling the air as she paid for her items at the counter.
With her purchases safely tucked away in her backpack, specially designed for running, Lindsay made her way out of the store, a sense of satisfaction coursing through her veins. But as she began her run back home, a thought occurred to her.
Stopping in her tracks, Lindsay glanced around, her mind whirring with possibilities. With a determined nod, she made a quick detour to the pharmacy, eager to pick up some cooling cream for Y/n's back.
Y/n stirred from her slumber, the dull ache in her back pulling her from the depths of sleep. Groaning softly, she shifted in bed, the absence of Lindsay's warm embrace a stark reminder of her solitude. With a sigh, she opened her eyes, blinking against the soft light filtering through the curtains.
The sound of paws skittering across the hardwood floor drew Y/n's attention, and she watched as Willow and Maurice bounded into the kitchen, their tails wagging eagerly. With a pang of longing, Y/n wished she could join them, but the pain in her back held her captive in bed.
Turning her head, Y/n searched for Lindsay's familiar form, but found only empty space beside her. Frowning in confusion, she sat up, her brows furrowing with concern. Had Lindsay already left for the day?
Scanning the bedside table, Y/n's heart sank as she realized there was no note from Lindsay, no indication of where she might have gone. Panic began to bubble up inside her, and she called out for Lindsay, her voice trembling with worry.
"Lindsay? Are you there?" she called, the fear in her voice palpable as she waited for a response.
Moments later, her phone rang, and Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she saw Lindsay's name flash across the screen. Fumbling to answer the call, she pressed the phone to her ear, relief flooding through her at the sound of Lindsay's voice.
"Lindsay, where are you?" Y/n demanded, her words rushed with anxiety.
"Lovie, calm down," Lindsay's voice came through the line, soothing and reassuring. "I'm just out for a run to the store. I needed to pick up a few things, and I'm stopping by the pharmacist now."
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. "But why didn't you leave a note?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion.
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and then Lindsay's voice came back, slightly sheepish. "Oh, I did leave a note. It must have fallen or something."
Y/n's eyes widened as she noticed Willow nosing around at the foot of the bed, a crumpled piece of paper clutched between her teeth. Hastily, she reached out and grabbed it, unfolding the torn paper to reveal half of a sentence scrawled in Lindsay's handwriting.
"Lovely, I found something!" Y/n exclaimed, a hint of amusement in her voice as she read out the incomplete message.
Lindsay's laughter rang through the phone, a musical melody that warmed Y/n's heart. "Leave it to Willow to cause mischief," Lindsay chuckled. "I'll explain everything when I get home, I promise."
With a smile on her lips and relief flooding through her veins, Y/n settled back into bed, the knowledge that Lindsay would soon be home by her side bringing her comfort and peace.
As Lindsay approached the counter, Mr. Patel, the pharmacist, greeted her with a warm smile. "Ah, Miss Lohan, it's good to see you again," he said kindly. "How's everything going with you and your girlfriend?"
Lindsay returned the smile, appreciating Mr. Patel's genuine concern. "Hello, Mr. Patel," she replied softly. "We're managing, thank you for asking. Y/n's having a flare-up day today, so I'm here to pick up some cooling gel for her."
Mr. Patel's expression softened with sympathy as he listened to Lindsay's explanation. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said, his tone filled with empathy. "I hope the cooling gel helps to ease her discomfort."
Lindsay nodded, grateful for Mr. Patel's understanding. "Thank you," she replied earnestly.
Mr. Patel glanced at Lindsay thoughtfully. "Is Y/n experiencing these flare-ups more frequently?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.
Lindsay hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, unfortunately," she admitted. "We've noticed more flare-up days lately."
The pharmacist nodded, his brow furrowing with worry. "I see," he murmured, contemplating the situation.
Then, with a tentative expression, he broached a new topic. "Miss Lohan, forgive me for bringing this up, but given your Hollywood past, I wonder if you have any experience working with needles?"
Lindsay's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected question. Memories of her tumultuous past flashed through her mind, but she pushed them aside, focusing on the present moment. "Yes, I do," she replied softly, her voice tinged with determination.
Mr. Patel nodded, a knowing look in his eyes. "In that case, I have something that might help," he said, turning to retrieve a small vial and a syringe from the shelves behind him.
Handing them to Lindsay, he explained, "These are injections that can provide relief for Y/n's back pain. You'll need to inject one every two hours directly into her spine. It should help alleviate some of her discomfort."
Lindsay took the vial and syringe, her heart swelling with gratitude for Mr. Patel's kindness and generosity. "Thank you so much, Mr. Patel," she said sincerely, her eyes shimmering with emotion.
Mr. Patel smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Miss Lohan," he replied. "Take care of Y/n, and if you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask."
With a heartfelt thank you, Lindsay bid Mr. Patel farewell and made her way back home, her mind buzzing with thoughts of how she could best support Y/n through her flare-up day.
Lindsay stepped into the lobby of their residence, greeted by the familiar sight of Marco, the polite and formal lobby guard. "Good morning, Miss Lohan," Marco greeted with a respectful nod. "Jenna will be arriving around 2 o'clock to walk the dogs."
"Thank you, Marco," Lindsay replied with a warm smile. "That's perfect."
Marco nodded in acknowledgment before adding, "How was your morning run, if you don't mind my asking?"
Lindsay offered a brief smile, her mind still preoccupied with thoughts of the syringe and her past. "It was good, thank you," she replied, her tone somewhat distracted.
As she ascended to their penthouse, Lindsay's mind raced with a mixture of emotions. The syringe in her hand was a tangible reminder of her Hollywood past, a world filled with both triumphs and tribulations. Yet here she was now, focused on caring for Y/n and ensuring her comfort above all else.
Entering the penthouse, Lindsay's gaze fell upon Y/n, curled up asleep on the couch, the soft glow of the TV casting a warm light over her features. Lindsay approached her girlfriend with gentle steps, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber.
"Hey, babe," Lindsay whispered softly, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from Y/n's face. "Time to wake up."
Y/n stirred from her sleep, blinking drowsily as she gradually became aware of Lindsay's presence. "Hey," she murmured, her voice thick with sleep. "What time is it?"
Lindsay settled beside Y/n on the couch, her expression filled with concern. "It's almost noon," she replied gently. "How's your pain?"
Y/n shifted slightly, wincing as the discomfort in her back made itself known once more. "Same as before you went to the store," she admitted with a sigh.
Lindsay nodded understandingly, her heart aching at the sight of Y/n in pain. "I picked up some cooling gel from the pharmacy," she informed Y/n, offering the small vial as she spoke.
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise as she took the vial from Lindsay's outstretched hand. "Thank you, babe," she said gratefully, her voice filled with warmth and appreciation.
Lindsay gently guided Y/n to pull up her shirt, exposing her bare back. With a tender touch, Lindsay applied the cooling gel to Y/n's spine, spreading it carefully over the tense muscles. Y/n winced at the initial contact, the cool sensation of the gel providing both relief and discomfort.
"Easy, love," Lindsay murmured softly, her voice filled with tenderness as she continued to massage the gel into Y/n's skin. "It'll help soothe the pain."
Y/n sighed, leaning into Lindsay's touch as the gel began to work its magic, easing the tension in her muscles. "Thank you, Lindsay," she whispered gratefully, her eyes closing as she savored the comfort of her girlfriend's touch.
As Lindsay finished applying the gel, she hesitated for a moment before broaching the topic of the injections. "Mr. Patel also gave me some injections to help relieve your pain," she said softly, her tone gentle yet hesitant.
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise at the mention of injections, her thoughts immediately turning to Lindsay's past struggles with addiction. "Are you sure you're okay with giving me injections?" she asked softly, her voice tinged with concern. "I know how difficult it must be for you, considering..."
Lindsay reached out to cup Y/n's cheek, her touch tender and reassuring. "Yes, I'm sure," she replied with quiet determination. "I'll do whatever it takes to help ease your pain, Y/n. You mean everything to me."
Y/n's heart swelled with love and gratitude for Lindsay, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
With a tender smile, Lindsay pressed a gentle kiss to Y/n's forehead, her love for her girlfriend shining brightly in her eyes. "You'll never have to find out," she promised softly, her words a vow of unwavering devotion.
Lindsay took a deep breath, steeling herself for the task ahead. "The injections need to be directly into your spine every two hours," she explained gently, her voice laced with sympathy. "I know you hate needles, but it'll help relieve the pain, Y/n."
Y/n nodded, her expression pained as she contemplated the prospect of facing her fear of needles. "I know," she replied softly, her voice tinged with resignation.
As Lindsay searched for the necessary supplies, Y/n's eyes flickered nervously to the needle in her hand. "How big is it?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.
Lindsay held up the needle, its size imposing against the backdrop of their shared anxiety. "It's not too bad," she said reassuringly, though her own nerves betrayed her composure.
Y/n sighed, her heart pounding in her chest as she reluctantly obeyed Lindsay's instructions to lay on her stomach. Lindsay set to work, sterilizing the area with pure alcohol and donning latex gloves with practiced efficiency.
Lindsay's hands trembled slightly as she prepared to administer the injection, her mind swirling with memories of her past struggles. But she pushed aside her doubts, focusing instead on the task at hand and the person she loved more than anything in the world.
"Okay, Y/n, I'm going to inject the serum into your neck, between your shoulders, and along your lower back, all in your spine," Lindsay explained softly, her voice a soothing balm against Y/n's anxiety.
Y/n's breath hitched as Lindsay pressed the needle against her skin, the sharp sting of pain echoing through her body. With a muttered curse, she clenched her teeth, trying to endure the discomfort as Lindsay administered the first injection.
Lindsay chuckled softly at Y/n's colorful language, her heart swelling with affection for her resilient girlfriend. "You're doing great, babe," she murmured, her voice filled with pride and admiration.
With steady hands, Lindsay administered the second injection into Y/n's shoulder spine, the familiar sting of the needle met with another string of curses from her girlfriend.
Finally, Lindsay injected the last bit of serum into Y/n's lower back, her movements precise and careful. With a sigh of relief, she set the materials aside and gently wiped away the small bead of blood that had formed.
Y/n felt the numbing effects of the serum begin to take hold, the sharp pain in her back gradually fading into a dull ache. "Thank you, Lindsay," she whispered gratefully, her eyes fluttering closed as she savored the relief.
Lindsay smiled tenderly, brushing a stray lock of hair from Y/n's face. "You're welcome, love," she replied softly, her heart overflowing with love and devotion. "And don't worry about me. I'm okay."
As Lindsay began to unpack her backpack and put the groceries away, Y/n couldn't help but pout at the thought of her girlfriend leaving her side. "But I don't want you to go," she whined, her bottom lip jutting out in a playful pout.
Lindsay chuckled at Y/n's dramatic display, shaking her head fondly. "You'll still be able to see me from the couch, silly," she reassured, gesturing towards the open kitchen counter that separated the living room from the kitchen.
Y/n huffed theatrically, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine," she conceded, though her expression remained petulant.
With a playful roll of her eyes, Lindsay finished putting away the groceries before walking over to where Y/n lounged on the couch. She reached into the bag and pulled out the candies she had bought, holding them out to Y/n with a grin.
Y/n's eyes lit up at the sight of the candies, a delighted smile spreading across her face. "You got my favorites!" she exclaimed, reaching eagerly for the sweet treats.
Lindsay laughed, pleased to see the joy on Y/n's face. "Of course I did," she replied with a wink, enjoying the way Y/n's eyes sparkled with happiness.
As Lindsay moved to the kitchen to start preparing lunch, she could feel Y/n's gaze lingering on her. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught Y/n's eyes trailing over her body, a mischievous twinkle in her gaze.
The kitchen, with its sleek black and white marble design, was separated from the living room by only a kitchen counter, creating an open and modern space. Lindsay couldn't help but smirk as she caught Y/n staring, teasingly raising an eyebrow in amusement.
"Like what you see?" Lindsay teased, her voice laced with playful affection as she continued to chop vegetables at the kitchen counter.
Y/n blushed furiously, ducking her head in embarrassment. "Maybe," she mumbled shyly, her cheeks flushing pink.
Lindsay laughed, the sound echoing through the open space of their penthouse.
As Lindsay continued to chop vegetables for their lunch, Y/n couldn't resist commenting on her girlfriend's appearance. "You know, you look really sexy in your running clothes," she said with a playful smirk, her eyes lingering appreciatively on Lindsay's form.
Lindsay grinned, her cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment. "Oh, is that so?" she teased, her tone filled with amusement. "Maybe you just like it because you can see every curve."
Y/n laughed, nodding in agreement. "Guilty as charged," she admitted, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Suddenly, the elevator doors slid open, revealing Jenna, their longtime dogwalker, standing in the doorway. "Good afternoon, Mrs. and Mrs. Lohan," Jenna greeted politely and formally, her demeanor professional yet warm.
Lindsay chuckled, shaking her head fondly. "Jenna, you can just call me Lindsay," she insisted, though she knew Jenna would likely continue to address them as "Mrs. and Mrs. Lohan" out of respect.
Jenna nodded respectfully, though she maintained her formal tone. "Of course, Mrs. Lohan," she replied with a small smile.
Lindsay turned to Jenna with a curious expression. "Did you manage to get the penthouse key from Marco?" she asked, referring to the unique key that acted as a house key in the elevator, allowing access only to their specific apartment.
Jenna nodded, her expression confident. "Yes, Mrs. Lohan, I did," she confirmed. "I have it right here."
As Jenna prepared the dogs for their walk, Y/n called out from the couch, reminding her to check her purse for Y/n's spare key. "Oh, right!" Jenna exclaimed, digging into her purse and retrieving the spare key. "Thank you for reminding me, Mrs. Lohan."
Y/n smiled gratefully, waving a hand dismissively. "You can keep the spare key, Jenna," she insisted. "That way, you won't have to bother Marco for it every time."
Lindsay nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea," she said, impressed by Y/n's thoughtfulness.
Jenna tucked the spare key into her pocket, nodding in appreciation. "Thank you, Mrs. Lohan," she replied gratefully. "I'll make sure to bring it back with the dogs in two hours."
With a final wave, Jenna led the dogs out of the penthouse, leaving Lindsay and Y/n to continue their afternoon together. As they watched Jenna and the dogs disappear down the hallway, Lindsay couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the people who supported and cared for them, ensuring that their lives ran smoothly even in the midst of challenges and chaos. And as she turned back to Y/n, her heart swelled with love and appreciation for the woman who stood by her side through thick and thin, making every moment together a cherished memory.
As Lindsay continued to stir the pot on the stove, she couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for Y/n's well-being. "How's your back feeling, love?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.
Y/n remained on the couch, a faint smile gracing her lips as she replied, "The serum is really helping. It's relieving some of the pain."
Lindsay let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxing slightly at the news. "I'm glad to hear that," she said sincerely, turning her attention back to the simmering meal.
However, as Lindsay glanced over her shoulder, she noticed Y/n slowly rising from the couch, a glass of water in hand. "What are you doing?" Lindsay asked, her tone tinged with frustration and worry.
Y/n shuffled into the kitchen, her movements slow and cautious as she approached the sink to fill her glass with water. "I just need some water," she explained softly, her voice strained with discomfort.
Lindsay kept a watchful eye on Y/n, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and protectiveness. As she continued to stir the pot, she felt Y/n's presence behind her, the warmth of her body radiating against her back.
Feeling Y/n's arms wrap around her waist and her head resting gently on her shoulder, Lindsay couldn't help but let out a sigh of contentment. Despite the pain and challenges they faced, moments like these reminded her of the strength and resilience of their love.
Lindsay reached up to place a hand over Y/n's, squeezing it gently in a silent gesture of reassurance and support. Together, they stood in the kitchen, finding solace in each other's embrace as they weathered the storm of Y/n's flare-up day.
Lindsay's heart swelled with warmth at Y/n's murmured words, her lips curving into a tender smile. "What was that, love?" she asked softly, turning her head slightly to catch Y/n's gaze.
Y/n's lips brushed against the back of Lindsay's neck as she pressed sleepy kisses against her skin. "I love you, redhead," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine affection.
Lindsay couldn't help but giggle at Y/n's sweet declaration, her heart fluttering with love for her wife. "I love you too, sweetheart," she replied, her voice soft with emotion.
Despite the warmth of their embrace, Lindsay knew that lunch still needed to be plated. "As much as I'd love to stay like this forever, we need to eat," she said reluctantly, gently extricating herself from Y/n's arms.
Y/n pouted playfully, protesting, "But I want to be close to you."
Lindsay leaned into Y/n, her lips brushing against her ear as she whispered, "If you don't want burnt food, you better let me go."
Y/n chuckled, realizing the truth in Lindsay's words. "Fine, fine," she relented, releasing Lindsay from her grasp. "But you better hurry back to me."
Lindsay chuckled as she watched Y/n dramatically declare her love once more. "Oh, you love me so much, huh?" she teased, playfully rolling her eyes.
Y/n nodded emphatically, her expression filled with exaggerated adoration. "Yes, I love you more than anything in the world," she proclaimed, her voice dripping with affection.
Lindsay grinned, leaning in to press a quick kiss to Y/n's cheek. "Well, lucky me," she replied with a wink. "Although you say it like it's a bad thing."
With a laugh, Lindsay began to set the plates on the table, arranging the food neatly for their meal. Once everything was in place, she took her seat and started eating, her gaze occasionally drifting to Y/n.
Y/n, however, couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from Lindsay, her gaze lingering on her wife with unabashed adoration. Lindsay couldn't help but notice, chuckling softly as she asked, "What's on your mind, love?"
Y/n's cheeks flushed pink as she struggled to find the right words. "I... I just think you're perfect," she finally managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.
Lindsay could see the lustful glint in Y/n's eyes, knowing full well what her wife was thinking. But instead of acknowledging it, she simply smiled and continued eating.
As they ate, Lindsay decided to play a little game, subtly brushing her foot against Y/n's leg under the table. Y/n nearly choked on her food in surprise, shooting Lindsay a startled glance.
Lindsay acted as if nothing had happened, her expression innocent as she continued eating. But she couldn't hide the mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
Y/n caught on to Lindsay's game, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she decided to play along. Leaning in closer to Lindsay, she trailed her foot up her wife's leg, a suggestive smile on her lips.
Lindsay's eyes widened in surprise, a playful glint in her eyes as she realized Y/n was upping the ante. With a grin, she decided to escalate things even further, knowing that their playful banter only added to the excitement of their relationship.
As Lindsay continued to eat, she couldn't resist making a seductive comment, her voice low and suggestive. "You know, I can't help but think about what I want to do to you later," she murmured, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she scrolled through her phone.
Y/n felt a shiver run down her spine at Lindsay's words, her cheeks flushing with heat as she tried to keep her composure. "Lindsay," she stammered, her voice betraying her growing arousal.
Lindsay grinned, enjoying the effect she was having on Y/n as she continued to tease and seduce her wife. "Are you getting hot and bothered, love?" she teased, her voice filled with playful affection.
Y/n bit her lip, feeling a surge of dominance rising within her as she decided to turn the tables on Lindsay. Pushing her plate aside, she stood up from her seat and walked over to Lindsay's side of the table, her gaze smoldering with desire.
Lindsay looked up from her phone, her expression innocent yet tinged with excitement as she watched Y/n approach. "What's going on, love?" she asked, her voice a mixture of confusion and anticipation.
Y/n's eyes gleamed with determination as she commanded Lindsay to stand up. "Stand at the end of the table," she instructed, her voice husky with desire.
Curious, Lindsay complied, standing at the designated spot as Y/n approached. Suddenly, Y/n pushed Lindsay down onto the table with a dominant force, her hands gripping the edges of the table as she hovered over her wife.
Despite the lingering pain in her back, Y/n leaned in close, pressing passionate kisses along Lindsay's neck, her hands roaming over her wife's body with a fervent desire.
Lindsay gasped in surprise and pleasure, her body responding eagerly to Y/n's touch. She tangled her fingers in Y/n's hair, pulling her closer as they lost themselves in the intensity of their connection.
As Y/n continued to assert her dominance, Lindsay's breath hitched in excitement, her heart pounding with anticipation. "Y/n," she stammered, her voice growing louder with each passing moment.
But Y/n paid no heed to Lindsay's protests, her hands trailing down her wife's body with deliberate slowness, igniting a fire of desire within her. "Lose the clothes and lay back down," Y/n demanded, her voice commanding and authoritative.
Concerned for Y/n's well-being, Lindsay hesitated, her thoughts momentarily clouded by worry. "But your back..." she began, only to be cut off by Y/n's growl of frustration.
"Shut up and spread your legs," Y/n growled, her tone leaving no room for argument. Lindsay's breath caught in her throat at the raw intensity of Y/n's command, her body responding eagerly to her wife's dominance.
With a shaky breath, Lindsay complied, her pulse racing with anticipation as Y/n positioned herself between her legs at the end of the table. "This is your punishment for being so hot," Y/n growled, her voice dripping with desire as she leaned in close.
Lindsay couldn't suppress a moan as Y/n began to eat her out forcefully, her cries of pleasure echoing through the room. She writhed beneath Y/n's touch, unable to contain the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body.
Y/n praised Lindsay's responsiveness, her words fueling Lindsay's desire even further. With each passing moment, Lindsay found herself craving more, her body arching instinctively towards Y/n's touch.
But Y/n wasn't finished yet. "Stay laying down and don't move," she commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument as she disappeared into the bedroom.
Lindsay's heart raced with anticipation as she waited, her mind buzzing with excitement at what Y/n had in store for her. When Y/n returned with a strap-on, Lindsay's eyes widened in surprise and excitement.
"Sit on the edge of the table," Y/n instructed, her voice filled with authority as she took control of the situation.
With trembling hands, Lindsay complied, her body thrumming with anticipation as she waited for Y/n to take her even further into the depths of desire and ecstasy.
As Y/n dominated the situation, Lindsay couldn't shake her concern for her wife's well-being. "Y/n, are you sure about this? Your back..." she began, her voice tinged with worry.
But Y/n silenced Lindsay's protests by grabbing her chin firmly, her gaze steely with determination. "Whether my back hurts or not, I'm going to ruin you," she declared, her voice low and commanding.
Lindsay's heart raced with excitement as she obeyed Y/n's command, positioning herself on the edge of the table. Y/n wasted no time in showering her wife's neck and collarbone with dominant kisses, eliciting desperate pleas from Lindsay's lips.
"Beg for it, Lindsay," Y/n demanded, her voice laced with authority as she teased and tormented her wife.
Lindsay's breath hitched in anticipation as she begged for Y/n, her voice filled with desperate longing. Y/n wasted no time in fulfilling her wife's desires, entering her with a roughness that sent waves of pleasure coursing through Lindsay's body.
Lindsay arched her back, her moans filling the room as Y/n praised her dominance. "You're so good for me, Lindsay," Y/n murmured, her words sending shivers down Lindsay's spine.
As the intensity of their passion escalated, Y/n began to talk dirty, her words igniting a fiery desire within Lindsay. Unable to resist, Lindsay wrapped her legs around Y/n's waist, urging her deeper into her body.
Y/n reveled in the sensation of their bodies melding together, loving how Lindsay's petite figure fit perfectly against her own. Ignoring the slight twinge in her back, Y/n marked and thrust into her wife with a fierce determination.
Lindsay dug her nails into Y/n's shoulders, her cries of pleasure mingling with the sound of their bodies colliding. Y/n pulled Lindsay's fiery red hair back roughly, reveling in the sight of her wife's eager submission.
"I love your red hair," Y/n growled, her voice filled with possessive desire. "And I love how eager you look when you're ruined like this."
Y/n's dominance intensified, her movements becoming more forceful and commanding. "You love it," she growled, her grip tightening around Lindsay's throat just enough to send a thrill of excitement down her spine.
Lindsay's nails scraped over Y/n's toned abs, eliciting a low moan of pleasure from her wife. Y/n smirked down at her, their eyes locking in a heated exchange of desire.
"You're such a bottom, Lindsay," Y/n spat, her words dripping with dominance. "You love it when I take control, when I ruin you."
Lindsay moaned in response, her body trembling with anticipation as Y/n continued to assert her dominance. Y/n knew exactly how to push Lindsay's buttons, her words stirring up a potent mix of arousal and embarrassment within her.
"You only spread your legs for me," Y/n continued, her voice filled with possessive desire. "I love how your red hair fits perfectly in my hand, how your blue eyes darken with desire when I ruin you."
Lindsay's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the truth in Y/n's words, but the undeniable arousal coursing through her veins outweighed any feelings of shame. Y/n had a way of unraveling her defenses, of tapping into the deepest desires of her heart.
Y/n leaned in close, her lips brushing against Lindsay's ear as she whispered words of seduction and domination. "You love it when I take you roughly, when your body responds so eagerly to my touch," she murmured, her breath hot against Lindsay's skin.
Lindsay's breath hitched in anticipation, her body quivering with need as Y/n continued to dominate her. Y/n had awakened a softness within her, an eagerness to surrender herself completely to their desires.
As Lindsay's pleasure peaked, she stammered that she was close, her voice trembling with ecstasy. Y/n smirked, biting down on Lindsay's shoulder as she reached her climax, their cries of pleasure filling the room.
Y/n held Lindsay up, ensuring her wife didn't fall off the edge of the table as she rode out her orgasm. Despite the pulsating pain in her own back, Y/n ignored it, focusing entirely on Lindsay's pleasure.
Lindsay clung to her wife blissfully, her body still tingling with the aftershocks of her climax. Y/n softly stroked the redhead's hair, sweetly praising her as they basked in the warmth of their connection.
Slowly, Y/n pulled out of Lindsay and placed the strap-on on the table, causing Lindsay to whimper at the sensation. But before any discomfort could linger, Lindsay gently grabbed Y/n's chin, pulling her in for a tender kiss filled with love and adoration.
Y/n returned the kiss with equal affection, their lips melding together in a silent exchange of devotion. With a soft smile, Y/n reminded Lindsay that Jenna could return with the dogs at any moment, urging her wife to get dressed again.
As Y/n's pain became more intense, Lindsay couldn't help but scold her wife gently, her concern evident in her tone. "Y/n, you need to take care of yourself," she admonished, her voice filled with love and worry.
But Y/n, ever the dominant one, grabbed Lindsay by the throat again, her tone seductive as she teased, "I didn't hear you complaining on the table, did I?" Lindsay felt a rush of arousal at Y/n's words, her stammering betraying her excitement.
Y/n giggled teasingly, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she playfully teased her wife. Before Lindsay could respond, the elevator chimed, signaling the arrival of Willow and Maurice, their beloved pets.
The dogs bounded into the room, their tails wagging excitedly as they greeted their mommies with enthusiastic barks and licks. Lindsay quickly composed herself, a flush rising to her cheeks as she greeted the dogs with affectionate pets and scratches behind the ears.
Jenna walked in, placing the leashes on their designated hooks before turning to greet the couple. "Hi, Mrs. Lohan, Mrs. Lohan" she said warmly, her smile genuine as she observed the loving interaction between the pair and their dogs.
Lindsay, still a bit flustered, inquired about how the dogs behaved during their walk and if everything went smoothly. Jenna assured her that the walk went well, noting how well-behaved Willow and Maurice had been.
Y/n reached for her wallet, pulling out some cash to pay Jenna for her services. "Thank you, Jenna," she said gratefully, handing over the money. "We appreciate you taking care of our fur babies."
Jenna smiled warmly, accepting the payment. "Of course, it's always a pleasure," she replied. "I'll be back tomorrow around 2 to walk the dogs again."
With a final nod of thanks, Jenna bid the couple farewell, leaving them alone once more in the comfort of their penthouse. As the door closed behind her, Lindsay and Y/n exchanged a fond glance, grateful for the love and companionship they shared, both with each other and their furry companions.
As Lindsay and Y/n settled back into their routine, Lindsay took charge, commanding Y/n to pull off her shirt and lay back on the couch on her stomach. Y/n jokingly teased Lindsay, her playful demeanor evident as she quipped, "Bossy much, Mrs. Lohan?"
Lindsay couldn't help but giggle at Y/n's teasing, but she quickly grew serious as she explained the necessity of administering the injection again. "I need to make sure you're feeling better, love," she said softly, her concern evident in her voice.
Y/n groaned in response, not particularly thrilled at the prospect of another round of injections, but she relented, knowing it was for the best. "Fine, but make it quick," she muttered, a hint of reluctance in her tone.
Lindsay retrieved the wipes, alcohol, and syringe, preparing everything meticulously to ensure it was sterile. She softened her expression, offering words of comfort and reassurance as she gently injected the serum into Y/n's neck spine, shoulders, and lower back.
Y/n winced slightly at the sensation, but Lindsay's soothing presence helped to alleviate some of the discomfort. "There, all done," Lindsay said with a smile, relieved to have completed the task.
But true to her playful nature, Lindsay couldn't resist a bit of teasing as she joked, "That's what you get for not listening and ruining me on the table earlier."
Y/n shot back with a seductive retort, a playful glint in her eyes as she replied, "Oh, I'll gladly take my punishment if it means getting to have you like that again."
Lindsay laughed, her heart swelling with love for her spirited wife.
As Lindsay returned from the kitchen, she gently placed the syringe in the bin, signaling for Y/n to sit between her legs and lay back against her. Y/n complied, snuggling deeper into Lindsay's embrace, her head resting against her wife's chest as Lindsay softly began to massage her back.
Y/n, still half asleep, murmured, "How late is your zoom meeting with the cast?"
Lindsay replied, her voice warm and comforting, "We still have an hour and a half, love."
A shy and nervous energy seemed to envelop Lindsay as she hesitated, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "There's something I want to talk to you about," she began softly.
Y/n, still in a drowsy state, turned her head slightly to look at Lindsay. "What is it?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.
Lindsay took a deep breath, her heart pounding with anticipation. "I... I think I might want a baby," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Y/n's eyes widened in shock, the sudden revelation catching her off guard. She blinked in surprise before processing Lindsay's words. "A baby?" she echoed, her voice filled with disbelief.
Lindsay nodded, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I want a family with you, Y/n," she admitted, her voice filled with sincerity.
Y/n's initial shock began to dissipate, replaced by a warmth spreading through her chest at Lindsay's words. "I... I want that too," she replied softly, her eyes meeting Lindsay's with unwavering love.
Attempting to lighten the mood, Y/n joked, "Well, we can certainly make the baby now if you want."
But her playful remark was met with a wince of pain as a reminder of her current discomfort. Lindsay chuckled softly, brushing a stray strand of hair from Y/n's face. "Maybe after you're feeling better, we can discuss it further," she teased gently, her love for Y/n shining brightly in her eyes.
As Y/n muffled into Lindsay's chest, expressing her excitement about having redheaded babies like her wife, Lindsay couldn't help but tease her about her fondness for redheads. "You did marry one," Lindsay quipped, rolling her eyes playfully at her wife's remark.
Y/n jokingly retorted, "Well, I couldn't resist marrying such a gorgeous redhead like you."
Lindsay chuckled, her heart swelling with love as Y/n softly kissed her. Contentedly, she ran her fingers through Y/n's hair, relishing in the intimacy of their embrace.
Curious, Y/n asked Lindsay how long she had been thinking about starting a family. Lindsay admitted, "Honestly, it's been on my mind a lot lately. My body just aches for it, you know?"
Y/n couldn't help but make a playful joke, saying, "Well, I hope you're ready for the sleepless nights and dirty diapers."
Lindsay laughed, the sound filling the air with warmth as they remained cuddled up on the couch together. Y/n murmured softly, expressing her love for being married to Lindsay Lohan.
Lindsay giggled, teasingly suggesting, "You only married me because I'm an actress and a redhead."
Y/n pretended to consider this for a moment before joking, "Actually, I married you just because you're a redhead, not because you're an actress."
Lindsay feigned hurt, placing a hand dramatically over her heart. "Ouch, right in the ego," she teased, unable to contain her laughter.
Y/n leaned in, pressing soft kisses along Lindsay's neck, her words filled with romantic affection. Lindsay felt a familiar warmth spreading through her body, her desire reigniting at Y/n's touch. Despite her arousal, she tried to keep calm, savoring the tender moments they shared together on the couch.
As Y/n softly teased Lindsay about all the reasons she had married her, listing off everything from her crystal blue eyes to her soft, sexy voice, Lindsay couldn't help but feel a blush creep up her cheeks. She chuckled nervously, feeling a mix of embarrassment and arousal at Y/n's words.
"And don't forget those freckles," Y/n added with a playful grin, tracing imaginary patterns on Lindsay's skin. "And those soft lips," she continued, leaning in to steal a kiss, "and all those good night activities," she teased, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper.
Lindsay squirmed under Y/n's teasing, feeling a shiver run down her spine at the suggestive tone in her wife's voice. "Okay, okay," she stammered, trying to regain her composure. "I think I get it."
But Y/n wasn't finished yet. Leaning in close, she murmured softly against Lindsay's neck, "You're not just a redhead or an actress, Lindsay. You're the woman of my dreams."
Lindsay couldn't help but moan softly at Y/n's words, feeling her arousal spike at the thought of being the woman of her wife's dreams. "If you keep talking like that," she whispered huskily, "I'm going to be ruined."
Y/n's lips curled into a seductive smirk as she teased, "Maybe that's exactly what I want."
Lindsay growled playfully, the sound rumbling in her chest as she fought to hold back her desire. But Y/n's hands were already traveling down her body, igniting a fire within her that she knew would be impossible to extinguish.
As Y/n's hand slipped into Lindsay's shorts, a sly grin played on her lips as she teased, "See, it's this easy to get you all worked up."
Lindsay couldn't suppress the moan that escaped her lips, the sensation of Y/n's touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Y/n continued to tease and kiss Lindsay's throat, her lips leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
But Lindsay had had enough of playing the passive role. With a sudden surge of determination, she carefully swept Y/n off the couch and carried her to the bedroom. Placing Y/n gently on the bed, Lindsay hovered over her, her gaze smoldering with desire.
In a husky, seductive voice, Lindsay whispered, "I want you to want me, to need me. I want you to beg for me."
Y/n felt a shiver run down her spine at Lindsay's words, her arousal growing with each passing moment. She started to stammer a response, her desire evident in her eyes.
Feeling possessive and dominant, Lindsay asserted her control, knowing they only had a few minutes before she needed to get ready for her Zoom meeting. "We have ten minutes," she declared, her voice dripping with authority. "Can you come in ten?" she demanded, her gaze locking with Y/n's.
Y/n nodded eagerly, unable to resist Lindsay's commanding presence.
As Lindsay stripped Y/n's clothes away with an almost primal hunger, her eyes drank in the sight of her wife's exposed body, her breath catching at the sheer beauty before her.
"You're so beautiful," Lindsay whispered huskily, her voice laced with desire as she traced her fingers along Y/n's curves. "So perfect."
With a growl of need, Lindsay lowered herself between Y/n's legs, her mouth eagerly finding its mark as she began to feast upon her wife's intoxicating essence. Y/n squirmed beneath her touch, her moans growing louder with each flick of Lindsay's tongue.
Lindsay praised Y/n filthily, her words a symphony of desire as she worshipped her wife's body with every kiss, every touch. "You taste so good," she murmured between kisses, her voice thick with need. "So delicious."
Y/n's body writhed beneath Lindsay's ministrations, her fingers tangling in Lindsay's hair as she rode the waves of pleasure crashing over her. She cried out in ecstasy, her voice echoing through the room as Lindsay drove her higher and higher towards the edge of oblivion.
With every flick of her tongue, every caress of her lips, Lindsay pushed Y/n closer to the brink, her own desire reaching a fever pitch as she lost herself in the taste and scent of her wife.
Feeling the heat of Y/n's desire radiating from her, Lindsay couldn't resist the urge to push her wife to the edge. With a wicked glint in her eyes, she teased, "Beg for it, baby. Beg for me to make you come."
Y/n hesitated, her pride warring with her overwhelming need. "I-I don't need to beg," she countered weakly, her voice betraying the desperation coursing through her veins.
But Lindsay was having none of it. With a dominant growl, she gripped Y/n's hips firmly, her gaze piercing into her wife's soul. "Beg for it," she demanded, her voice low and commanding.
Y/n's resolve crumbled under Lindsay's intense gaze, her resistance melting away as she surrendered to the overwhelming need consuming her. "Please," she whimpered, her voice raw with desire. "Please, Lindsay, make me come."
Satisfied, Lindsay wasted no time in fulfilling Y/n's plea, her tongue delving deeper as she lavished her wife with pleasure. Y/n's inhibitions vanished as she lost herself in the sensations, her fingers digging into Lindsay's hair as she pushed her head deeper.
Lindsay praised her wife fervently, her words a symphony of adoration as she worshipped Y/n's body with every kiss, every touch. "You're so beautiful," she murmured between kisses, her voice filled with reverence. "So perfect."
As Lindsay's tongue continued to work its magic on Y/n's throbbing core, a desperate need for release consumed her. "Please, Lindsay," she whimpered, her voice thick with desire. "Make me come. Please, I need it."
Lindsay couldn't resist teasing her wife, relishing in the power she held over her. "You want to come, baby?" she purred, her lips brushing against Y/n's sensitive skin. "You're going to have to beg for it."
Y/n's need grew more urgent with each passing moment, her body trembling with anticipation. "Please," she pleaded, her voice coming out in a desperate whisper. "I need it so bad, Lindsay. Please, make me come."
With a wicked grin, Lindsay relented, her fingers joining the dance of her tongue as she plunged them deep inside Y/n's slick heat. Y/n's back arched off the bed as she cried out in ecstasy, her moans filling the room with their raw intensity.
Lindsay's voice dripped with lust as she whispered dirty words of encouragement, urging Y/n on as she drove her closer and closer to the edge. "That's it, baby," she growled, her voice husky with desire. "Scream for me. Let me hear how badly you need it."
Y/n's cries grew louder, her body writhing beneath Lindsay's touch as she spiraled towards the brink of oblivion. "Oh, God," she moaned, her voice ragged with need. "Yes, Lindsay, just like that. Harder. Faster. I need to come, please!"
With one final thrust of her fingers, Lindsay pushed Y/n over the edge, sending her hurtling into the depths of ecstasy. Y/n's screams echoed through the room as she rode the wave of pleasure, her body trembling with the intensity of her release.
As Y/n rode out the aftershocks of her climax, Lindsay hovered over her, peppering soft kisses along her neck to help soothe her. "You're so beautiful," she murmured, her voice filled with adoration.
Y/n let out a contented sigh, basking in the warmth of Lindsay's affection. But as Lindsay teased her about being the bottom instead of herself, Y/n couldn't help but snap back with a seductive comment of her own. "Oh, please," she retorted, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know you love it when I take charge."
Lindsay's gaze flickered down between Y/n's legs, and she couldn't help but notice the telltale trail of her wife's undoing glistening on her skin. A surge of desire shot through her as she looked upon Y/n's naked form before her, her lust and possessiveness bubbling to the surface.
"You're mine," Lindsay declared, her voice low and husky with desire. "All mine."
Y/n's breath hitched at Lindsay's possessive tone, her arousal growing once again as she surrendered herself completely to her wife's dominance. With a wicked grin, she reached up to pull Lindsay down into a passionate kiss, eager to lose herself once more in the intoxicating depths of their love.
Lindsay's eyes darkened with desire as Y/n whispered that she was so hot when she was possessive. With a smirk, Lindsay pressed one finger back inside Y/n, relishing in the way her wife's body responded to her touch.
"You like it when I'm possessive, huh?" Lindsay teased, her voice dripping with seduction. "You love it when I take control."
Y/n's breath hitched as Lindsay's words sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. But Y/n wasn't one to back down easily. With a playful grin, she pushed her hips forward, spreading her legs even wider as she begged for more.
"Come on, Lindsay," Y/n pleaded, her voice husky with desire. "I need more. Please, baby, give me more."
Lindsay's smirk widened at the sight of Y/n's neediness, her own desire burning bright as she watched her wife surrender herself completely to her touch.
"You're so needy for me, aren't you?" Lindsay murmured, her voice low and husky with desire. "You love it when I make you beg like this."
Y/n moaned in response, her body trembling with anticipation as Lindsay pushed another finger inside her, driving her closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy.
As Lindsay continued to drive Y/n to the brink of ecstasy, her voice took on a husky, seductive tone. "That's it, baby," she growled, her fingers moving in and out of Y/n with purpose. "You're mine, all mine. Say it."
Y/n's breath came in ragged gasps as she begged, her voice filled with desperate need. "Yes, Lindsay," she moaned, her body trembling with anticipation. "I'm yours, completely yours."
Lindsay's arousal surged at Y/n's words, her own desire burning bright as she felt her wife's climax building. With a wicked grin, she increased the pace of her movements, driving Y/n closer and closer to the edge.
"Please, Lindsay," Y/n whimpered, her voice thick with desire. "I need to come. Please, I can't hold back any longer."
Lindsay's grin widened at the sound of Y/n's desperate plea, her arousal reaching new heights as she watched her wife surrender herself completely to her touch. With one final thrust of her fingers, she pushed Y/n over the edge, sending her hurtling into the depths of ecstasy.
Y/n's cries echoed through the room as she reached her peak, her body trembling with the intensity of her release. And as she collapsed back onto the bed, spent and satisfied, Lindsay hovered over her, her eyes filled with adoration and lust.
"You're so beautiful when you come undone for me," Lindsay murmured, her voice laced with desire. "I love how you beg for me, how you need me. You're mine, Y/n. Always."
Y/n's heart swelled with love as Lindsay praised her, her body still humming with the aftershocks of her climax. And as they lay together, tangled in each other's embrace, they knew that their love was a force to be reckoned with, capable of igniting passion and desire like no other.
As Y/n glanced at the clock, she realized the Zoom meeting was only thirty minutes away. "Baby, you need to get ready," she called out, her voice tinged with urgency.
Lindsay cursed under her breath, jumping into the shower with haste. Meanwhile, Y/n remained naked on the bed, feeling the lingering ache in her back. Despite the discomfort, she couldn't help but chuckle at Lindsay's frantic rush.
With determination, Lindsay dashed to the closet, selecting a dress and heels for the meeting. Y/n watched her with amusement, enjoying the sight of her wife's frenzied preparations.
As Lindsay did her hair and makeup, Y/n couldn't resist asking where she planned to sit during the Zoom call to avoid disturbance. "I'll be in the living room," Lindsay replied, her focus divided between her reflection and Y/n's inquiry.
Suddenly, Y/n approached Lindsay from behind in the bedroom, whispering softly, "I love you natural, Love."
Lindsay chuckled, but her tone turned serious as she replied, "My makeup needs to be perfect. This will be televised."
Undeterred, Y/n leaned in to kiss Lindsay's neck tenderly. However, Lindsay warned her, "No distractions this time. I can't afford to be ruined again."
Y/n giggled mischievously, slapping Lindsay's backside playfully as she retreated to the bed. "No promises," she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
With a shake of her head and a fond smile, Lindsay finished her preparations, ensuring her appearance was flawless for the Zoom meeting. As she applied the final touches to her makeup, she couldn't help but steal glances at Y/n, who lounged on the bed with a playful grin.
Once satisfied with her appearance, Lindsay joined Y/n on the bed, sitting beside her and taking her hand in hers. "I'll make it up to you after the meeting," she promised, her eyes sparkling with affection.
Y/n's grin widened as she leaned in to press a kiss to Lindsay's lips. "Looking forward to it," she replied, her tone filled with anticipation.
As the time for the Zoom meeting approached, Lindsay reluctantly tore herself away from Y/n's side, heading to the living room to set up for the call. Y/n watched her go, feeling a pang of loneliness at the prospect of being apart for the duration of the meeting.
However, as Lindsay settled into her seat in the living room, she sent Y/n a reassuring smile, silently promising to make the most of their time together once the meeting concluded.
With a sigh, Y/n sank back into the pillows, eagerly anticipating the moment when she would be reunited with her beloved wife. Despite the pain in her back, the thought of Lindsay's loving embrace filled her with warmth and joy, reminding her of the deep bond they shared.
Y/n stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed but still sore. She dressed in one of Lindsay's oversized hoodies and a pair of comfortable sweatpants, then made her way to the kitchen.
As she entered the room, her eyes fell on Lindsay, who was seated on the couch with her laptop open on the coffee table, engrossed in conversation with the cast of Mean Girls. Y/n glanced at the clock and realized it was time for another injection, but she hesitated to disturb Lindsay.
Deciding to take matters into her own hands, Y/n retrieved the syringe and prepared to administer the injection herself. However, her actions didn't go unnoticed by Lindsay, who glanced up from her laptop just in time to see what her wife was doing.
Lindsay's eyes widened in alarm, and she immediately jumped off the couch, rushing over to Y/n with urgency. "Stop, Y/n! What do you think you're doing?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with concern.
Caught off guard by Lindsay's sudden outburst, Y/n froze in place, unsure of how to respond. Meanwhile, the voices of the Mean Girls cast continued to chatter in the background of the Zoom call.
Tina Fey, who had been listening intently to the conversation, interjected, her tone filled with concern. "Is everything alright over there, Lindsay?" she asked, her brow furrowed with worry.
Lindsay's frustration mounted as she turned her attention back to Y/n, her voice tinged with anger. "Y/n, lay down on the couch right now," she commanded, her tone leaving no room for argument.
However, Y/n, ever the stubborn one, protested, unwilling to comply with Lindsay's orders. "I can do it myself, Lindsay. I don't need your help," she insisted, her voice tinged with defiance.
Lindsay's patience wore thin as she issued a stern warning to her wife. "If you don't lay down this instant, I'll make sure you regret it," she threatened, her eyes flashing with determination.
As Lindsay scolded Y/n, her wife relented and laid down on the couch where the laptop was perched on the coffee table. Lindsay shot Y/n a disapproving look before returning her attention to the Zoom call.
Rachel McAdams, who portrayed Regina George, greeted Y/n with a warm smile, acknowledging her as Lindsay's wife. The rest of the cast followed suit, offering their greetings to Y/n.
Meanwhile, Lindsay began preparing the injections, her hands moving swiftly as she explained to the cast why Y/n needed them. "Y/n is dealing with some chronic pain issues," Lindsay explained, her voice laced with concern. "These injections help alleviate some of the discomfort she experiences."
With a steady hand, Lindsay administered the injections, causing Y/n to let out a string of curses as the needle pierced her skin. Lindsay shot her wife an angry whisper, scolding her for attempting to inject herself. "You're lucky you didn't hurt yourself," Lindsay hissed, her tone laced with frustration.
Y/n whispered back sheepishly, "I got it, Lindsay. I won't do it again, I promise."
Lindsay's expression softened as she realized Y/n's genuine remorse. "You better not," she warned, though her tone held a hint of affection.
Feeling guilty for her outburst, Lindsay offered Y/n a compromise. "You can lay in my arms while I finish up the call," she suggested, extending an olive branch to her wife.
Y/n glanced up at the Zoom call participants, feeling a bit self-conscious. "Is it okay if I join in like this?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Lindsay nodded reassuringly. "Of course it is," she replied, her tone firm yet gentle. "They're all family, Y/n."
Feeling reassured, Y/n snuggled into Lindsay's embrace, finding comfort in her wife's warmth. Before long, the soothing hum of Lindsay's voice and the rhythmic sound of her heartbeat lulled Y/n into a peaceful slumber.
Amanda Seyfried, who played Karen Smith, couldn't help but make a cute comment as she noticed Y/n drifting off. "Looks like we've got our very own Sleeping Beauty over there," she remarked, her tone playful as she glanced at Y/n with a fond smile.
As the Zoom call came to an end, Lindsay remained seated on the couch with Y/n cradled in her arms. The rest of the cast bid their farewells, understanding Lindsay's need to tend to her wife.
With the laptop closed and the room quiet once more, Lindsay gently brushed a stray strand of hair away from Y/n's face, marveling at the peaceful expression on her wife's features as she slept.
Softly, so as not to wake her, Lindsay began to whisper words of love and admiration to Y/n. "You're my rock, you know that?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Tenderly, Lindsay pressed a kiss to Y/n's forehead, her heart swelling with affection for the sleeping figure in her arms. "You're the bravest person I know," she continued, her words filled with sincerity. "But promise me, love, promise me you'll never try to inject yourself again. I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt."
Feeling a surge of protectiveness, Lindsay tightened her embrace around Y/n, vowing silently to always keep her safe and cherished.
Y/n stirred awake, blinking sleepily as she adjusted to consciousness. Feeling the comforting weight of Lindsay's arms around her, she smiled softly, turning to meet her wife's gaze.
"Hey there, sleepyhead," Lindsay greeted with a gentle smile, brushing a strand of hair away from Y/n's face.
Y/n yawned, stretching languidly. "Is the meeting over?" she asked, her voice still tinged with drowsiness.
Lindsay chuckled, teasingly. "Yes, my love, the meeting is long over. You missed all the juicy gossip," she joked, pressing a kiss to Y/n's forehead.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, swatting at Lindsay's arm. "Oh, I'm sure I didn't miss much," she replied with a grin, snuggling closer to her wife.
Lindsay chuckled, pulling Y/n into a tighter embrace. "No, you didn't miss anything at all," she murmured, feeling grateful for this moment of peace and closeness with the love of her life.
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
You’re my silly man
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dad! Sirius Black x mum! reader
[Requested – see request here]
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Summary: Y/n and Sirius meet for the first time since he was taken to azkaban but y/n won’t talk to him because she’s still upset over him leaving so their daughters pull a little ‘parent trap’ on them
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, argument, kissing, hurt/comfort
a/n:  3.0k words, I’ve used two of my OC’s for the kids since they are written to actual be his twin children but you can ignore the character art from Robyn on my page and picture her like yourself x oh and there was a film called the parent trap in 1961 which is the one I’m referencing not the newer one since it wouldn’t match in the time line (yes I did google it and I had no idea Linsey Lohan’s wasn’t the original), finally thanks for the request and enjoy!!
Robyn Lily Black and Jamie Amelia Black are my OC’s
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist
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You took a deep breath as you walked into the house, the girls were already there since you had to tie up a few things before moving to Grimmauld place. It was nearing 14 years since you last saw your husband, although your girls had already met him with Harry when they confronted him and then again when he was staying nearby during the tournament.
Unlike your daughters, you were still mad at him, not because you believed he was a murder you knew he was innocent but because you had begged him to stay with you and the kids instead of running off after Peter. You were mad because if he had stayed then maybe things would be different, the girls would have had their dad, Harry could have stayed with you and Peter would be in prison.
“Filthy bloodtraitor! Your and my sons spawn are disgraces to the Black name…” you jump at Walburga as she continues to throw more insults your way
“Oh, shut up mother!” you freeze recognising the voice “Sorry about…” Sirius walks out ready to apologise to another order member for his mother’s behaviour when he sees you “y/n” he breaths out a smile gracing his face, his heart bursting at seeing you again while yours was doing the same under the layers of anger you were trying to hide
Taking in his appearance he was still as handsome as ever and the smile on his face almost made you want to run and jump into his arms as he walks up to give you a hug but you step back
“Where are the girls?” you ask ignoring the clench in your heart as you see his hurt expression
“Oh” the man feels his heart break but he recovers “They’re in the dining room just through there” he points to the room he came out of with a tight-lipped smile
You nod saying a meek ‘thank you’ as you walk past him in to the room while he just watches you leave stunned as his heart sinks
“That was awkward” Sirius’ head shoots towards the stairs to see Remus giving him a cringy look “You alright?” he asks as he walks down
Sirius shakes his head “Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for” he admits, before his breath quickens as the panicked thoughts set in “You don’t think she found some else? I mean I was gone for so long I shouldn’t have just expected her…” he places his hand to his head feeling guilty for just assuming nothing would have changed
“Stop jumping to conclusions, she might be feeling the same way, you’ve been apart for well over a decade its normal if things are a bit awkward” Remus places his hand on his friends back trying to calm him “Come on” he nods his head to follow him into the room
You look up from the girls to see them walking in, you return the smile Remus gives you standing up to give him a hug “Rem you look great” you say as you hug him
Oh yeah give him a hug, I’m just your husband, Sirius thinks watching the scene before hearing a giggle from one his girls. He looks over to see Robyn giving him a knowing look before whispering in her sister ear to which she then turns to giggle at him. Forgot you could do that robs, he smiles at his daughter before turning back to you and Remus
“Missed you too y/n” Remus smiles as he pulls away before looking at Sirius
You follow his gaze, as you meet his eyes your knees start to feel weak but you quickly remember your still upset “Umm are the Weasley’s here yet?” you look between the two
“Yeah they’re arriving in a couple hours” Jamie answers smiling as she nudges Robyn who smiles shyly
“Great” you smile
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“Robs?” Jamie comes into the girls shared room closing the door behind her
“Yeah?” Robyn turns to her sister, seeing the mischievous smirk on her face “I know that look”
“Then you know I have come up with a genius plan” Jamie smiles proudly as she plops onto her bed across from her sister
Robyn eyes her “And by genius a plan that has no chance of working but somehow works anyway?”
“Yeah, you in?” Jamie grins already knowing the answer
“Always” Robyn puts down her book moving to sit next to her “What’s the plan?”
“We know mum still loves dad from all the stories but she’s just being stubborn and it’s so obvious dads whipped for mum but he doesn’t want to push her so…” Jamie starts before letting a cheesy smile spread across her face at her own plan
“So” Robyn extends the syllables as she giggles at her sister
“We’re gonna be having dinner with the Weasleys soon but after I’m gonna ask mum if I can talk to her in our room and your gonna ask dad to do the same then we lock them in until they start talking” she explains smiling triumphantly
“You know they can just undo the locking charm and get out, right?” Robyn raises her eyebrow at her sister
“Fuck I forgot they could do that” she cringes
“But we could pickpocket their wands” Robyn suggests before her eyes light up “Ooo we could ask Freddie and George to help they’re really good at that kind of thing”
“Good idea, I’ll work with George and you with Freddie” she teases her sister who nudges her
“Shut up, let’s go” Robyn huffs standing up as she attempts to hide her heated cheeks, as they walk out of the room she turns to her sister “Jams?”
“Yeah” Jamie looks over at her
“You ever seen parent trap?” Robyn poses as her sister’s idea is a bit familiar, she shakes her head confused “Remind me to show you it sometime you’ll love it”
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“Robs here thought it would be a great idea to get me out of class so she went to Flitwick and told him Sprout needed to talk to me, but turns out he needed to talk to her as well so escorted me there. Now robs realising her flawed plan, sprints all the way to Sprouts classroom to make up an excuse, long story short that’s how me and Robs spend 12 hours in the forest on a herbology field class” Jamie says, annoyance evident as she says the last three words while Robyn bites her lip embarrassed across from her and the rest of the table starts laughing
“It wasn’t that bad, me and Neville had fun you just complained the whole time and” Robyn points at her sister “In my defence the plan was sound it’s not my fault Flitwick needed to go flirt with her” she defends herself, earning a chuckle from Sirius and Remus
“Can you blame me though, I mean how many types of green plant are there they all looked the same and it was damp and cold” Jamie complains “This is why I come up with the plans because I am the clever twin” she states, earing chuckles from the ginger set of twins
Ooo you want me to tell them about you crushing on Dora before you realised she was our cousin? Robyn smirks as she projects her thoughts towards her sister
Don’t you dare, Jamie thinks leaving her thoughts open for her and Robyn to talk
“They’re doing it again” George notes while the girls are busy in their mental conversation
“You know I thought we were weird twins but they make us look normal” Fred jokes
“It is interesting” Remus notes as he looks at Sirius
“Reg could do that too, Robyn must have inherited it” Sirius looks over at his daughter with a sad smile on his face
You look up at his comment, a sympathetic look on your face as you look at him. You remembered him crying in your arms when Regulus joined the deatheaters and then again when it was clear he hadn’t survived. Sirius looks over to meet your eyes, seeing a familiar look in your eyes before you realised you were staring and turned away
Right I think everyone’s almost finished so have you filled Fred in? Jamie asks
Yeah, I’m going… Robyn starts but stops as she hears a thought from the man himself
Robyn’s so pretty, Fred thinks as he eats the rest of his meal
Robs, robbbbsssss, Jamie tries to get her attention
Fred thinks I look pretty, Robyn grins at her sister
I fucking told you he likes you, she looks up as you gather your plate and stand up walking towards the kitchen, shit plan is a go, moms making her exit you go get dad, I’ll lock the door and you snog Fred because me and Georgie have a bet and I want to win so snog the ginger, Jamie thinks fast as she stands up hitting George to get up next to her as they head after you not before she turns to Fred and her sister “Robs can hear all open thoughts by the way” she winks at Fred who’s face tints red
Robyn tries her best not to giggle at Fred’s reaction and even more so not to blush as she squeezes his hand to signal to him to follow her as she heads towards Sirius “Hey dad?”
“Yeah” he smiles at his daughter, before Fred ‘bumps’ into him on his way out of the room
“Sorry” he apologises
“No worries” Sirius shakes his head chuckling as he turns back to Robyn who tries to keep her blush in check as Fred winks at her holding the wand in the air before walking out
“Hey do you mind if I talk to you in private in my room? I wanted to ask you about something important” Robyn bites her lip a trait she knows she does when she’s nervous or worried
“Yeah of course darling, give me a second I’ll be up in a minute” he nods at his daughter giving her a quick hug before she walks out and up the stairs quickly
As she heads towards the door she hears her dad coming up much quicker then she expected but Fred pulls her into his and Georges room. Sirius walks up none the wiser as he heads to his children’s shared room, but instead of Robyn he is met with you sitting on the bed looking at him confused
He walks further into the room “Where’s Robs”
“Robs? Jamie wanted to talk to…” you close your eyes as you realise you both got played “Girls!”
Just as you yell Jamie and George appear at the door “Sorry not sorry” she says as she closes the door locking it
You try the door before hitting it slightly “Jamie open the door” you call through while Sirius tries not to snigger to loudly as his daughter calls back
“Sorry mum but you two aren’t getting out of their until you two actually talk to each other!” Jamie shouts through the door “Oh and we already swiped your wands!” she calls again
“That’s your genetics” you point at Sirius
He chuckles before watching you go towards one of the girl’s mirrors “What are you doing?”
“Getting…aha” you look around before you spot a bobby pin “this” you hold it up to him before walking over to the door “I’m getting us out of here”
Sirius kneels down next to you “Where did you learn to do that?” he raises an eyebrow impressed
You turn to look at him, gasping slightly as you realise how close your faces are “Marlene” you swallow not trusting yourself to say more as you turn back to the lock
He nods letting out a laugh “Of course” he looks at you as you attempt to open the door, placing a hand on your shoulder “Y/n?”
The sudden hand on your shoulder makes you jump a bit as you turn back to him “What?” even you wince a bit as it comes out harsher than you meant
“Why won’t you talk to me? I know you know I didn’t do it so why are you icing me out?” you can see it in his eyes how much he’s trying to hide the hurt
You sign stopping your attempts on the door, letting your hands fall to your lap as you sit back on your knees “Sirius I don’t want to talk about this” you shake your head but he isn’t having it
“I think I deserve to know why my wife won’t talk to me” he lets out an empty laugh “Please y/n tell me if you’ve moved on or found someone else and I’ll res…” he starts
“I didn’t find anyone else” you say a bit offended
“You haven’t” he looks at you hopefully “Then why?” he winces as he says the next bit “Did you…did you fall out of love with me?” he can feel his heart in your hand terrified how bad it’s going to hurt if you say ‘yes’
“No of course not” he lets out a sigh in relief but your face hardens “But I am furious with you”
“You still…” his eyebrows knit together “Why are you mad at me?” he looks confused
“Why? You left me alone with two toddlers to raise” Your eyes begin to tear up “I begged you to stay with me but no, your revenge on that rat was too important, more important than your kids, more important than…than me” you break down and Sirius’ heart aches as your voice breaks whispering the last part
“Y/n” he tries to think of something to say but nothing comes out
“It wasn’t just that Sirius” you wipe your tears “When you didn’t get a trial I tried to protest but they said my statement was void and if I kept pushing I would lose…I would lose the girls”
Sirius had started to cry as well now, he didn’t say anything just pulled you into him. You tensed up at first but slowly melted into him wrapping your arms around his torso as he pulled you over his lap kissing your hair as he repeated ‘I’m so sorry’
After a few minutes you pull away from him “I know you are” you sniff a bit wiping your nose
Sirius wipes away your tear stained cheeks with the pad of his thumb “There wasn’t a day that when by in there I didn’t think about you and the girls, leaving that night is the biggest mistake of my life” he takes both of your cheeks in his hands as your own hands move to grip his wrists “I hate that my last moment with you was me breaking your heart and I hate myself for doing that to you. You deserve a far better husband than me and I understand if you don’t want to be with me” he lets out a laugh “I wouldn’t forgive me”
You close your eyes for a moment before you speak “But I do…forgive you, even if you are the silliest man in the world” you move your hands to cup his cheeks “You’re my silly man” you let out a small laugh through your years
“I don’t deserve you” he kisses your forehead
“No you don’t…” you pout before a small smirk appears across your face “…but you can start to make it up to me by giving me a real kiss”
He smiles leaning down to give you a kiss for the first time in so long, both of you melting into it, savouring it. As he pulls away he rests his forehead on yours “I never stopped loving you, not for a moment”
You peck his lips lightly “Me either” he smiles kissing you again before you look back at the door “Come on let’s get out of here because you know what Jamie’s like she’ll have forgotten or got distracted” he chuckles nodding as you pick up the pin again
You start fiddling with the door as Sirius kisses your shoulder, soon the lock clicks and you try the door “Amazing darling” he kisses your cheek as you bask in the old pet name
“Thanks, Siri” you say as you stand up opening the door while Sirius’ heart flutter with your use of his old nickname
You and Sirius hold hands as you leave, spotting the younger of your girls holding her hand up towards one of the twins “Cough up George” she motions with her hand as the boy huffs pulling some sickles out of his pocket and handing her them, as she is about to presumably gloat she spots you and Sirius “Mom, Dad”
Georges head whips around as well as you both approach the door to the twin’s room “What where you two betting on” Sirius shakes his daughters shoulder smiling before it drops as he looks in the room
Sirius coughs loudly making your daughter and Fred pull apart, both going wide eyed, Robyn biting her lip looking like a deer in headlights and Fred looking like he’s preparing himself for Sirius killing him while you smile, looks like George isn’t the only Weasley that owes money
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443 notes · View notes
𝕃𝕖𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕙𝕠 ℝ𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
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>>I recommend stories! Because I feel like (even) more people need to read it!
You will not find any smut in this recommendation blog, if you are specifically looking for it, you will not find it here, because there isn’t any.
>>Personal favourites:  ♡♡
Edited on: 25-04-2022
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sorry for caring (by @chaoticminhos)
Genre: Angst
Word count: 1k
Summary: A worried Y/n tries to get her boyfriend inh to take a break drom his hard work, resulting in him lashing out.
Warnings: slight violence
sorry for caring (part 2) (by @chaoticminhos)
Genre: Angst, little fluffy at the end
Word count: 1,7k
Warnings: mention of slight violence
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teddy bear (by @chaoticminhos)
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warnings: Minho’s a thot
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“why did I change” [stray kids: hyunjin + minho] (by @every1studio)
Genre: Fluff + angst + high school/ bad boy concept + slight profanity
Ficstyle: bulletpoints + long
Summary: another tough girl x bad boy story line / you were a girl with little words but every words that you said was “tsundere” af and Hyunjin falls in love with you after something happened to you guys in the past; so you move your attention over to Minho  / who are you going to fall with?
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“not enough for him” [stray kids: minho] (by @every1studio)
Genre: Angst with slight fluff
Ficstyle: bulletpoints
Prompt: “you don’t have anything in common with him... does it even matter if you like him or not?”
REQUESTED: “not enough for him PART 2″ [stray kids: minho] (by @every1studio)
Ficstyle: Bulletpoints + series
Warnings: Mentions of surgery and fictional medical procedures
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‘Because you’re beautiful’(Video Imagine) (by @hyulix)  ♡♡
Genre: Fluff
Ficstyle: Video Imagine
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Doubtless (by @recaptchan97)
Genre: Angsty, fluffy end
Word count: 2,5k
Summary: Pangs of jealousy could still hit an established relationship, or where Minho is a choreographer and Y/N can’t help but feel jealous, because of a certain idol Minho is teaching.
Warnings: mention of overwork, insecurity
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lucky charm - lee minho (by @inskz)
Genre - college!au, best friends to lovers, very cliche fluff (lucky girl starring lindsey lohan kinda vibes???)
Word count - 4k
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prince! minho x reader (angst) (by @chulobangtan) ♡♡
Genre: angst
Summary: in which minho’s mom plots against you. it seemed to work, didn’t it?
Request: Felix lee x reader historical au? Like a prince!felix where he falls in love w/ someone he’s not supposed to fall in love with?
Warnings: lowercase
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fake boyfriend (by @moonlightskids)
Genre: suggestive, fake boyfriend au
Ficstyle: Drabble?
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poor unfortunate souls - lee minho (by @kamino-ink) ♡♡
genre: Disney!au, hella fluff, minor angst?
word count: 6.8k
pairing: neutral!reader x lee minho
summary: you’re not exactly the most interesting of fairytale characters in town, the offspring of a couple that maybe appeared once or twice in a background illustration; but that was it, nothing special. yet, somehow, you’ve managed to catch the eye of ursula’s son - and he would do anything, anything to protect you.
warnings: this is a rewrite of the original story, “brawl” that I posted ages ago on @kamino-ink
A/N: I hope I have credited the right person, because I had some trouble finding them for some reason
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the bad to good date | lee minho (by @treerachas)
Genre: carnival booth operator!minho x reader ft. jisung; fluff, kinda angst?
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: after a bad date at the carnival, minho rigs his booth’s game so you can win a teddy bear and he can win your number
Warnings: some language, blind date gone wrong
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I love you, you know? (by @mrs-i-have-too-many-biases)
Genre: Fluff, slight angst
Word count: 1,1k
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How to win over the ice prince (by @mrs-i-have-too-many-biases)  ♡♡♡♡
Genre: Fluff/ slight angst
Word count: 10,3K 
Scenario: Every year, a big Christmas party was hosted at the palace of the Lee Family. But this year, a special guest seemed to attracted the cold-hearted prince’s eye.
Tropes: Strangers to lovers | Royal!AU
Pairing: Prince!Lee Minho X Lady!Reader (Knight’s daughter)
Warning: This little guide will be divided in 10 steps and a fanfic story.
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barista au | lee minho (by @luvknow) ♡♡
Genre: Fluff
“Hey, how’s it goin’~? Are you ready to order?”
“Do you have any suggestions?”
LEE MINHO Afternoon/ early night shift has tasted every item on the menu the DJ ™ dances behind the counter when he thinks no one’s watching ofte forgets which customer he was helping
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lee minho|fuckboy au (by @softstraykids)
genre: fluffy & flirty
AU: fuckboy!au, best friend’s brother!au
summary: you were the one girl that Minho could never get his hands on. and for good reason Chan would kill him if he ever touched you but why would your heart not stop fluttering when he gave you that cocky and infuriating but completely heart melting smirk
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pawprints | lee minho (by @sparklingskz)♡♡
genre: fluff, college au
word count: 3.4k
description: you weren’t allowed to have pets in your sudent dorms. however, that didn’t stop minho from knocking on your door with a kitten in his arms.
warnings: none i think!!
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All I Want For Christmas (by @hanniiesuckle17)♡♡
Genre: Christmas au, enemies to lovers au, fluff, romance, slice of life au, forced to share bed trope, Fem reader
Word Count: 5.4k
Summary: Minho and Y/n have never gotten along for reasons unknown to anyone. After circumstances arose, Y/n is stuck with Minho driving him up to the cabin the boys rented. It seems that things go terribly wrong at every turn as Y/n is kept from her long desired Christmas vacation. Will she be able to change Minho’s mind about Christmas….and possibly his view on her?
Warnings: cussing, lots of sexual tension maybe…idk
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a marriage story | lee minho (by @scxrlettwxtches)♡♡
Genre: fluff, angst, best friends to lovers
Word Count: ~6.0k
Description: Your incredibly rich best friend, Lee Minho, barges into your apartment asking you to marry him. You say yes, of course, because what could go wrong?
Warnings: none, except it get a little spicy at the end ;)
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Ruin My Life (by @skzsauce01)♡♡
Synopsis: Six times you and Minho “ruin” each other’s lives, and the one time you almost actually did ruin his.
Word Count: 3.9k
Pairing: fem!reader x Lee Minho; friends to lovers
Warning: none
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Flowers For You (by @skzsauce01)♡♡
Synopsis: The flower shop next door to Minho’s usual tattoo parlor has a new employee, and he is smitten as a kitten. Same universe as Flowers and Ink.
Word Count: 2.2k
Pairing: fem!reader x Lee Know
Warning: none
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 (by @yyxgin)
Genre: 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
Word count: 𝟗𝟎𝟎 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
Tags: 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐚𝐮 
Pairing: 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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haunted house!au with lee minho (by @skizmin)
prompt: minho falls in love with the actor that jump scared him inside the haunted house at a carnival
genre: fluff???? would it be anything else???? in my happy angst-makes-me-cry household???? pfft.
for: im sorry this one is lightly gender specific for females!! but the only female not made is about dressing as wendy for a costume party which some of my male readers might be uncomfortable with!! (i didnt even think abt it when writing it bc me and one of my guy friends have respectively gone as peter and wendy to costume parties)
warnings: gore mention stuff but its haunted house costumes, swearing ofc but nothing extreme (no slurs).
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Unwell (by @runalongwith-skz)
genre: slight angst with fluff ending, implied crush au, one shot
pairing: female reader x best friend!Minho
word count: 1.4k
context: you’re terribly sick, you haven’t told anyone but your best friend somehow knew something was wrong when you wouldn’t reply to his numerous texts.
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he’s just like a cat. (by @blueprint-han)♡♡♡♡
♡ pairing: minho x (gender neutral) reader ♡ genre: domestic au; fluff. ♡ warnings: this is just cuddling with minho 🥺 even though this has no suggestive implication, there’s a little making out in this, because I know maxine won’t mind. :3 ♡ word count: 1.4 K ♡ disclaimer: this writing does not aim to represent the activities of the real Lee Minho, nor does it represent JYPE in any form. Events are pure fiction. ♡ ♡ type: drabble.
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i’ll be here, always and forever. | lee minho (by @scxrlettwxtches)♡♡
genre: sick!fic, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, female!reader
warnings: description of migraines
prompt: i called you at 2am because i need you
description: no matter the situation, lee minho would never hesitate to drop everything to come to your aide, even if it was ass o’clock in the morning.
word count: ~2.7k
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A Chance│Lee Know (by @staywritten)♡♡
Synopsis: You fall the heartbreaker. College!AU
Genre: Slow Burn, Angst (if you squint), Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 3k
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[ i hate you ] (by @etherealino)
Request: a character mishears one word which changes the meaning of the entire sentence + minho
Genre: Fluff, angst
Ficstyle: Drabble
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[ 11:08 pm ] (by @etherealino)
Request: I need sweet boyfriend minho 🥺 i’m so soft for him these days and your style of writing tickles my heart strings cbsbajgsisis
Genre: Fluff
Ficstyle: Drabble
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Minho Video Imagine (by @ohhmyheart5678)
Imagine: You and Minho break up due to long distance
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problems – lmh (by @etherealino)♡♡♡♡
synopsis: you would always have problems on minho’s girlfriends. that was until you realized you were the problem.
genre: college au. f2l. fluff, angst.
warning(s): cursing, you might cringe at how cliché this is
word count: 6,920 omg pls be proud
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Heather | Lee Minho (by @milknchannie)
Word count: 3.8k
Genre: one-sided love au, slight angst, mentions of Weki Meki Doyeon
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Of poison love & never again (by @sleepylixie) ♡♡
6k words, Romance (Fluff/Angst), Royal AU, Enemies to Lovers, Beware of swearing Crown Prince! Lee Minho X Crown Princess- Fem! Reader Dear SKZ, with love with @districtninewriters Music: Dynasty by MIIA, Ashes by Celine Dion, Speechless by Naomi Scott, Reflection by Christina Aguilera, My Tragedy by Taeyeon
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lee know — secret letters (by @luv-skz)
request: Can I request a stray kids lee know confessions after he finds out your his secret admirer
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[10:07] (by @twisted-tales-of-all​​)
Genre: Fluff
Ficstyle: Short oneshot
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Mistletoe kiss (by @lotus-dly​)
pairing: lee minho x reader
genre: winter elements, christmas party antics, friends to lovers, unrequited love (if you blink), slight angst, jealousy
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Drive-thru (by @sxfthyunnie​)
Parings: LeeKnowXFemaleReader
Word Count: 730
Genre: Fluff and angst if you squint.
Warning/s: None that I know of!
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enemies to lovers project (by @softukiyos​)♡♡♡♡
𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙚: 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵; 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘶, 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨'𝘴 𝘱𝘴𝘺𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣��� 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦 – 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘺, 𝘭𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘰, 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵. 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥.
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: ~18𝘬+
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵, 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨
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inskz · 4 years
lucky charm - lee minho
pairing - lee minho x reader
genre - college!au, best friends to lovers, very cliche fluff (lucky girl starring lindsey lohan kinda vibes???)
words - 4k
note - this is just a cute little drabble i wrote while im still waiting for my covid test results to come back so that i can leave my room and see the sun again 🤪 pls be careful everybody take care of your health 💚 enjoy!!!
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“You must be kidding me,” you sigh when you see Minho’s hand has turned into a fist, his rock crushing miserably your scissors. Once again, you lost at rock, paper, scissors. And once again, you’re the one that is going to wash your best friend’s dishes that have piled up in is tiny kitchen sink throughout the week.
“Fuck that. This is so unfair,” you grumble, throwing the dishtowel in Minho’s stupid yet perfectly chiseled face.
You make a beeline for his bed, which is actually only a few steps away from the kitchen. Being a broke college student definitely doesn’t allow him to rent a spacious studio, let alone a two-room apartment. You throw yourself headfirst onto his uncomfortable mattress, whose springs always poke your back at night.
“Life is so unfair,” your friend mocks you, dragging out every vowel of his sentence dramatically.
No doubt, you would be strangling him at that very moment if you weren’t so busy playing dead, hoping he would forget about your pitiful existence.
But there is no way mister Lee Minho would miss out on an opportunity to have his gross plates cleaned by someone else. Grabbing onto your ankle, he drags you out of bed until you plop down on the dirty carpeted floor (Minho has the unfortunate tendency to procrastinate vacuuming too). At this point, you are fake crying, throwing a literal tantrum, like a 6 years old child would.
“Life is unfair!” you yell, your feet kicking in the air in pure anger.
At least it is to you. You can’t remember the last time you’ve been lucky. The only instance you got remotely close to it was when you found a four-leaf clover last summer. Well, only if you disregard the fact you stepped into dog poop  on your way to picking it. Oh and that you were wearing brand new white Converse. 
On the other hand, it seems like the boy has the whole crew of the Olympus gods on his side. Not one day goes by without his guardian angel manifesting its presence. 
Minho has always been the lucky type. The type to get an extra nugget in his box of 10. To find 20 dollars bills on the ground. To win every single Instagram giveaway he participates to (and lord knows how much he likes participating to them). 
But how can you be mad at him when he always happily shares his food with you, invites you to the restaurant without you even asking, and gives you his prizes, pretending he doesn’t need them? You don’t believe him when he says he see no use in a panda onesie or a waterproof bluetooth speaker. Deep down, you know it’s his way to silently love you. 
But well, you can still blame him for occasionally taking advantage of your misfortune to make you do his dreaded house chores, just like right now. 
Everyone thinks you are a bizarre duo. Even you can’t fathom how in hell you two became best friends, considering how awfully your first encounter went three years ago. 
On orientation day, he asked you for the time, probably because his phone was dead (or maybe because he was dying to talk to you?)
Without hesitation, you lifted and rotated your wrist so that you could see your watch. Little did you remember; you never actually owned a watch and you were holding a fancy 7 dollars iced coffee, which, of course, did not have a lid on because plastic is bad for the environment (duh). 
Minho couldn’t help but burst out in hysterical laughter when the whole drink spilled on your jeans. For your defense, you didn’t sleep at all the night before  since you were terrified of being alone in your new dorm room the first few days (weird stuff happens all the time in dorms, okay?). If he had asked you for your name, you probably wouldn’t even have been able to tell him. 
But Minho thought you were the funniest person on campus, and he really needed a clown like you to entertain him throughout his endless college semesters. That’s what he told you anyways. Not that he thought you were the cutest human being he had ever seen. 
Why would he when you are the literal definition of a mess: always having toothpaste stains on your sweater, bags under your eyes, messy hair, tripping and falling, missing buses, breaking things, losing stuff. 
Most of the time, you just forget your keys and Minho lets you crash at his place since he hasn’t got any roommate and he isn’t used to sleeping alone, especially without his cats. It surely isn’t because he loves waking up next to a very groggy but adorable you every single morning, no.  
Minho manages to bring you back to the countertop despite your reluctance. Positioned behind you, his arms trapping your body to make sure you can’t run away from your duties, he dips your hands into the soapy water, and you can’t help but squirm at the touch of an unknown substance sticking to a plate that has probably been soaking here for a week. You despise doing the dishes and your friend knows it.
You hear him giggle in your ear while he is playing with your arms like you are some type of marionette, making you to take the sponge and squeeze dish soap onto it. 
You’ve never been the kind to like proximity nor seemed to be Minho, but for some reason, you always end up glued to each other. You hate public displays of attention and pet names a little less when it comes from him. Or maybe you don’t hate it at all and actually crave it every single minute that goes by.
Before he has the time to come up with the Machiavellian idea to soak your pajamas in dirty water (because you know he would inevitably have at some point), you yank his hands off of you and start scrubbing angrily the dirty cups. 
Minho stays behind you anyways, observing your every move, his chin propped up on your shoulder like a curious little bird. To be honest, his presence is kind of getting overwhelming. But whatever, it’s not like his slightest touch makes your heart warm up in comfort or that he smells like fresh linen drying out on the porch of a cottage house on a sunny Sunday morning or anything. 
“You missed a spot. Here” he murmurs teasingly, his lips almost touching your earlobe, while he points at the handle of his hideous ‘world’s greatest dad’ mug Jisung gifted him last christmas. 
You know he has noticed the way you shivered violently at the feeling of his breath tickling your skin because he starts snickering loudly. 
“I swear to god if you don’t shut up and go seat on the couch, I’ll slap you so hard with this spatula you’ll regret you were even born,” you say, turning around suddenly to menace him with the plastic utensil. 
Of course, he isn’t afraid one bit. Right now, you really wish you could make the smug, but oh so attractive, look on his face disappear. 
“Alright, ma’am” he laughs, holding up his hands in surrender. “I’ll let you do your thing”. He lets himself fall onto his dingy couch. 
You can hear him humming one of his favorite songs above the sound of the water running. It would probably be getting on your nerves if his voice wasn’t so pretty.  
“Chan’s sick, so we’re not going to the gym tomorrow night. Do you wanna eat tacos? El Huero has even better deals than usual” he asks you, scrolling mindlessly through his phone. 
“Aren’t the deals supposed to be on Tuesdays?” You frown and scrub a little harder the frying pan Minho has burnt the night before while trying to make chocolate chips pancakes for diner, because why eat savory food when you can have dessert for every meal, right? It is one of the few advantages of living without your parents you both truly enjoy. 
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Tomorrow,” he yawns, probably exhausted after what you put him through last night. You forced him to catch up on the entire season of Love Island because you desperately needed someone to bitch with, and what better partner than Lee Minho.  
You take a quick glance at him and see him stretching himself across the cushions like a cat. You always thought there was something feline about his features. While you’re drying the mugs with the dishtowel, your mind wanders uncontrollably, thinking about his piercing eyes, his delicate nose, the corners of his lips that curl up a little… 
All of the sudden, your hands freeze. Minho is too immersed in TikToks to notice the stupor on your face. “Wait. Today is… Monday?” you stutter. 
Alarmed by the sound of your voice, his eyes finally leave his phone’s screen to look up at you. “Yeah” he repeats slowly as if you are the dumbest person he has ever encountered. 
And you truly are. You are pretty sure your heart has stopped beating. Minho’s “world’s greatest dad” mug you’re holding slips between your fingers and comes crashing on the floor with a deafening sound. The pieces are now scattered all around you, making you unable to make out what’s written on it anymore. Not a big loss, if you ask. 
“Y/N, you know that’s my favorite mug!” he exclaims, leaping up from the couch. “I’m sure you did it on purpose,” he mutters while he’s trying to collect the small fragments, in vain. 
But you’re too shocked at this very moment to pay attention to the glare your friend is giving you. To be honest, Minho has only two moods: glaring at you or teasing you.  
“My interview,” you finally manage to say, and Minho’s eyes go wide as he realizes the critical situation you’re in. 
You check the time on the microwave: 10:45. In 30 minutes, you’re supposed to be on the other side of town, being interrogated by boring businessmen that are going to decide whether or not you’ll be accepted for a paid internship in one of the most reputable music label of the country. Basically, decide whether you’ll live a happy and fulfilling life, working in the sector you’ve always dreamed of or end up miserable with a boring office job and a massive college debt. 
“Holy shit,” Minho whispers. You can see a wave of panic washing across his face for a split second, but, as always, he manages to find his composure back immediately. 
He has never been the kind to lose his cool, except to scold you when you forget the names of his cats and their respective coats’ color (which you unfortunately often did forget). 
“What are you doing? Get dressed!” He tells you when he sees you’re still standing there dumbfounded in the kitchen, like the famous Robert Pattinson meme, wearing an oversize Kermit the frog shirt with a dozen holes in it and his favorite Adidas sweatpants you always stole from him.
“No, it’s too late. I can’t make it,” you mutter, your breath short. You’re paralyzed, as if there is a 20lbs rock sitting at the bottom of your stomach, pinning you to the ground. 
This isn’t bad luck, you think. This is karma. This is what you get for skipping classes to watch telereality shows in your bed with your best friend and not even realizing it isn’t the weekend anymore.
“Miss me with that bullshit.” He runs to his closet and rummages through his drawers, throwing every piece of clothing that’s on his way to find an appropriate outfit that would fit you. 
“You’re gonna go do this interview even if I have to drag you all the way there.” He pushes you into his bathroom since you still haven’t moved an inch. 
You manage to brush your teeth and your hair, fighting through the nauseous feeling that is building up in your tummy. 
When you come back to the living room, Minho has found dress pants and a sweater that might not look utterly ridiculous on you. He lets you change in a corner, while he runs around the room collecting all your essentials. 
“You’re coming?” you ask him when you see he is already wearing his puffer jacket.  
“You really think I’m gonna let you go all by yourself when you’re literally not even able to put your shoes on properly”. You are, indeed, struggling with your laces, as if your fingers are suddenly made out of butter. 
Minho ties them up for you and you literally feel like he’s your babysitter. You know you’re gonna hear about this for months – what are you saying- years! But all you can think about at the moment though, is the fact that sneakers are definitely not appropriate for an interview. 
He throws your warmest coat at you, grab his keys, and by some type of miracle, you’re both out to the door in less than 10 minutes. 
You try to call the elevator, but Minho grabs your arm and leads you to the staircase. His hand never leaving yours, he runs down the stairs and you have no choice but to follow him as fast as you can. 
You can’t count how many times you missed a step and fell at this particularly slippery spot, between the 5th and the 4th floor, but weirdly enough, it doesn’t happen today. 
When you finally reach the ground floor, you exit the complex and Minho hops on his old and rusty bike that he had attached to nearest tree the night before.
“There’s no way I’m riding behind you on this death machine,” you laugh nervously. The memory of that one time Minho convinced you to seat into his bicycle basket (as if you could even realistically fit in it) and you both fell seconds after he started to pedal is coming back to your mind.
Sure, it was after a long night of drinking, you were both tipsy and it was the only way to get you home since you had spent all your uber money at the bar, but still! You’re pretty sure the bruise on your butt hasn’t disappeared to this day.  
“Hurry up,” Minho groans, ignoring your complaint. You unwillingly seat on his flimsy pannier rack and wrap your arms around his torso. 
You haven’t even left, yet you’re already holding onto his puffer jacket for dear life. A giggle escapes your friend’s mouth (which you think is very inappropriate in such a desperate situation) before he lifts his feet off the ground and starts pedaling. 
You try to ignore the loud squeaking of the bicycle drive by shutting your eyes tighter and rehearsing your introduction you have prepared over and over in your head. No matter how hard you are trying, you can’t remember what you are supposed to say just after your age (which, as you can imagine, isn’t really far into your monologue). 
By the way the wind is lashing your face, you can tell Minho has picked up the speed. His breathing is getting louder, his heartbeat faster and you can’t help but think you’re probably way too heavy for him to bike you around like that. Maybe he shouldn’t skip his gym sessions with Chan so often. Or maybe you shouldn’t have eaten the leftover pancakes for breakfast after all.
You find the courage to open your eyelids and are pleased to see you’re already halfway there, probably because every single one of the traffic lights you encounter is green, and your friend is going surprisingly fast. Is luck finally starting to smile upon you? 
Your mad race comes to a halt when you reach the address of your interview. You hop off the bike and so does Minho who, by the way, is a panting mess. He’s barely able to catch his breath, strands of hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, but he’s beaming at you when he realizes you’re just on time. 
“Go” he gasps, pushing you in the direction of the building’s hall. 
You walk up to the glass door but as your hands are about to push it, you pull a 180. Your friend sighs loudly, already knowing what’s coming next. 
“Wait. No. I can’t do this. I’m not prepared” you tell him frantically. “I’m freaking out. I think I’m gonna pass out.” You are now walking in circles, mumbling incoherently. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” 
Your heart is racing in your chest and your hands are getting clammy at the simple thought of failure. But guess what? You can’t fail if you don’t even try! One more good reason to just go back to bed and forget about your sad life for a good 8 hours, right? 
“Y/N, you’re the most talented person I know, you’re gonna do just fine” Minho catches you in his arm to stop your endless pacing. You would probably think this gesture is endearing if it wasn’t just meant to make sure you couldn’t run for your life.  
“No, I’m not. What if I throw up in front of everybody like that one time during the Romeo and Juliet musical?” You look up at him and his face is only inches away from yours. You’re sure you would be swooning at how beautiful he looks if you weren’t so terrified at this very moment.
“You were nine,” your best friend says, and you swear you have never heard him speak to you in such a sweet tone before. His voice is like honey and lavander but it doesn’t soothe you like it should. 
You manage to break free from his embrace to crouch down, in an attempt to slow down your breathing. If only you had data left, you could be watching those short relaxing videos on your phone. They always work. But no, you had to spent it all on online games, just one week into the month. You really are beyond help.  
“Y/N I know you’re scared, but if you miss out on this opportunity, you’re gonna regret it for the rest of your life.” Minho is lowering himself so that you can hear him, even though you’re curled up in a ball. 
“And I’m warning you, I won’t want to hear you complain about it,” he adds, this whole situation obviously starting to get on his nerves. 
If you were him, you would have probably left a long time ago. But this isn’t your best friend’s way of behaving. You know he would never abandon you no matter how annoying you could be (and you could be very annoying sometimes). After all, he is always the one holding your hair while you puke in the toilets when you had a couple too many drinks.
It takes all your willpower to stand up but there is no other way, you have to do it. You can hear the time ticking dangerously in your mind, as if your brain had turned into a clock.
“You’re right. Slap me,” you say, looking at him straight in the eyes, dead serious. 
“Wha -“
“Slap some sense into me. They do that in movies when people are panicking. It’s like throwing a bucket of cold water in someone’s face. But clearly we don’t have a bucket and we don’t have cold wa- “ you start blabbering. 
“What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not gonna slap you!” Your friend isn’t usually that horrified at the thought of beating your ass. In fact, he has felt the desire to rip your head off more than once, especially when you’d steal all the duvet at night, but at this moment he is just scared you might have actually lost your mind.  
“Just fucking do it Minho!” you scream, your hands clenching the front of his grey hoodie he always looks so divine in. 
Minho has never obeyed you, and this is not the day he is going to start. 
He puts both of his hands on the sides of your face and crashes his lips onto yours. 
You would be lying if you said you have never imagined the day your best friend would kiss you. It happens pretty much every single time you look at his cute pout a little too long. But one thing is certain, it isn’t like you pictured it to be at all.
You were convinced your heart would go so wild it would burst out of your chest and your head would spin so furiously you’d lose your balance. You thought your stomach would fill with butterflies to the brim and your whole body would be on fire.
But none of that is happening. On the contrary, every single muscle in your body relaxes under his touch. The way his soft mouth presses gently against yours makes you calmer, almost at peace amongst all this turmoil. 
Minho is kissing all your tension and stress away and you catch yourself letting a sigh of relief escape your parted lips.
As if you have kissed him already hundreds of times in your past life, Minho feels like home. He’s a safe haven you can always take refuge in during troubled times. Ever since the day you met, he has never left your side.
When he breaks away from the kiss, you notice your breath isn’t so ragged and your mind isn’t so foggy anymore. You’re serene. His cold hands are still cupping your face, slightly squishing your cheeks, and you feel like an idiot sandwich for asking him to slap you seconds before.
“That can work too, I guess…” you mutter.  
“You’re okay?” he asks, staring at you with the softest eyes you’ve ever seen.
You just nod, unable to say one more word, and sprint to the entrance, not wanting to make your interviewers wait any longer than they already have.
“Good luck!” You hear him yell just before the door closes behind you and you can’t help but grin from ear to ear.
- - - - - 
Thirty minutes later, you finally step out of the fancy lobby to find a very bored Minho leaning against a tree, patiently waiting for you.
“You’re still here?”
“Of course, I am,” he says, his mouth full of croissant. He gives you a large iced coffee he probably went buying to kill time. Your lips unconsciously curl up into a smile when you notice it comes from the same chain that the one you spilled on your lap on the day you first met him. 
“How did it go?” he asks you, sticking his buttery pastry into your mouth so that you can take a bite.
“Way better than I thought” you answer, right after you swallowed. You hate the way flakes would always get stuck between your teeth. But Minho is always there to warn you about it before anyone else notices, and even pick them for you if you can’t manage to, which, when you think about it, is kind of gross. 
There are two things the boy knows about you: you’re the greatest pessimist on earth and you’d rather die than admit you were wrong (especially if it meant he was right). So for you to even say it wasn’t that bad, means it went phenomenal. 
“I don’t want to say ‘I told you so’ but I told you so.” He smiles so wide you can barely see his eyes anymore. You have to look away, otherwise you know you might become instantly blinded by love.
“Maybe I could use some more of your luck” you mumble, staring at your shoes and kicking the red leaves that were surrounding your feet on this sunny autumn morning. 
“Really? And what makes you think I’ll share it with you,” he teases you, leaning forward to incite you to look at him in the eyes. 
Your hand finds the back of his neck and pulls him in, in order to close the space that is still left between your mouths.
At first, Minho stiffens, taken aback by your bold move. But soon enough, he caves into your touch. He kisses you back fervently, like he means it. 
His fingers entagle in your hair, his arm wraps around your waist and his chest presses against your body. You’re melting in his embrace, submerged by a wave of bliss which he alone seems to know the recipe. 
It feels new, yet so familiar. Like it was supposed to happen, like it was written in the stars. 
He tastes like croissant and Americano. Like fortune and fate. 
And you can’t help but think you’re the luckiest person on earth.
Who cares about winning the lottery when Lee Minho is your lucky charm? 
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Family Reunion (Johnny Depp x fem reader)
Summer 2009
You loved going to your mom’s house. Any chance you had, you took the first flight out to visit her, but there was something about taking your little family to visit your mom’s picturesque country home, seeing them run around with your nieces and nephews that hit different for you; you were able to be your most authentic self as you walked around your mom’s property, but this time it was doubly special since it was a family reunion with your brother and sister, their spouses and kids, and since Three was planning on applying to college in the area, your niece decided to show him around since she attended the same school as a freshman. You’d always look forward to those and you never missed one (if you could help it), even more as your star began to rise; your family kept you grounded and while they were proud of you, they never hesitated to remind you where you came from. You were helping your mom, your brother Todd and sister Joan in the kitchen when your kids came rushing in, almost knocking down your brother who was carrying a pan of food to the oven. “Woah, slow down, what are you running for?” you asked.
Noelle was on Camille’s back, her arms and legs clasped tight around her older sister’s neck and waist; Three rushed in with Nathan on his back the same way. “Daddy and Uncle Matt are getting the water slide out. Can we get out our bathing suits? Please?” your younger daughter questioned. “Okay, just put on another coat of sunscreen!” you yelled out to them as they ran down the hall to their rooms. “I can’t believe Three is graduating high school next year, and Camille is just starting. Seems like yesterday I was getting you guys ready for school,” your mom reminisced, sprinkling some into a pot on the stove. Your mom was absolutely inconsolable when you left for college as you boarded your plane, meanwhile your brother and sister kept fighting over who got your room while you were away.
College was when you discovered your love for acting, even though you originally signed up for the class for your crush who definitely did not return your feelings. When you told your family you wanted to pursue acting as a career, they were supportive but wanted you to finish school first, so you managed to graduate a year early by the time you got your first role, and here you are. “I know what you mean. Feels like yesterday Johnny was singing them to sleep. I wish I could put them in the dryer and shrink them back to regular size.” Your baby, the almost high school graduate.
“Has he considered taking up acting yet since his play?” Todd asked. Honestly, your two oldest have expressed interest in acting, and while you Johnny decided that if either of your kids wanted a career in the industry, then you’d support them. It was something that they had to be serious about and you wanted them to be absolutely sure, so you told them to wait until they were at least eighteen. Now Three is seventeen, and he seems more adamant about it, even taking drama as an elective for his junior and senior years of high school. He played Puck in his school’s production of Midsummer Night’s Dream, ironic since you played Titania in the movie ten years ago.
“It’s only gotten bigger since the play. He seems so serious about too, Camille as well.” You know Camille has casting alerts sent to her email, and she’s always begging you and Johnny to take her to LA for auditions. “Are you gonna let them do it?” inquired Joan. You began cutting up some vegetables and putting them in a pot and turned on the heat. “Johnny and I have been talking about it and that urge is getting stronger with them every day.”
You really just wanted your kids to stay kids for as long as possible because Hollywood forces kids to grow up too quickly and you did not want a Lindsay Lohan situation on your hands. Last week when you were in the shower, Camille barged in on you to show you a casting call for a Disney Channel show; you told her you’d think about it, but now you were actually considering it. “Come on, Y/N, let the kids do it. I’ve never seen them this passionate,” begged your mother. “Guys, the thing is, Three is named after Johnny, and people already hold him with such high regard, and I don’t want Three to have that added pressure of trying to live up to those expectations the industry have for Johnny. Same for Camille.” While Camille and Three wouldn’t be the first set of celebrity spawn to join the family business, you still had your qualms.
The media and the industry is brutal, they love you one minute and hate you the next, and your kids had a disadvantage. They didn’t grow up with the celebrity kid lifestyle. They were hardly photographed out in public, weren’t used to being picked apart online or having rumors spread about them (that you know of, middle school and high school is such a confusing time). They had never even been on a red carpet. After a while, it was time to eat once your brother-in-law and sister-in-law showed up with their kids, your nieces and nephews, and it really was a nice thing to see your family together minus your dad (but that’s a story for another time). As the sun set over your mom’s waterfront home, you leaned your head on Johnny’s shoulder, just thinking about how lucky you are to have such a close knit family.
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