#Live Multicam
techdriveplay · 1 month
Meet Apple's Latest Marvel: Stunning New iPad Pro with the World’s Most Advanced Display, M4 Chip, and Apple Pencil Pro
Apple has once again redefined the boundaries of tablet technology with the unveiling of its latest marvel, the new iPad Pro. In a launch that captured the attention of tech enthusiasts and professionals alike, Apple introduced two new models of the iPad Pro: an expansive 13-inch version designed for maximum screen real estate and a highly portable 11-inch model, both sporting unprecedented…
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gungieblog · 1 year
Infected Rain LIVE @ Club Thing Germany - FULL SHOW HD MultiCam 29.10.2017 - Dani Zed
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flagbridge · 5 months
I Saw the Phantom Proshot at the NYPL
Happy 36th birthday to Phantom's first preview on Broadway! I was going to save this post for the actual 36th, but I figure all of us need some more Phantom Broadway "original" content since the official Insta accounts are reminding us today that Phantom is no longer (though it should be) on Broadway. I'm going to post about what I saw, and I'll follow up on January 26 with all my answers!
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Some time ago, @or-what-you-will and I went to the NYPL's Theater on Film and Tape Archive, and viewed the archival pro shot of the Original Broadway Cast of Phantom of the Opera, filmed live on May 25, 1988. There is only one copy, and its purpose is artistic preservation (not commercial distribution--the library owns it). It was kept under lock and key during the show's run. All information about how to access the archive is on the website. I can't really tell you anything more besides what's out there because it will become identifying. You get set up in a room with monitors and can pause and rewind, although you can't touch the media.
This was not my first TOFT proshot, but it was the best-filmed. Some, there's a single camera just parked, or there's some generation loss because of when the tape was transferred to digital. This had absolutely vivid colors, a multi-camera shot, and brilliant and clear soundboard audio. I heard lyrics I have never heard (especially during Notes when everyone is singing over one another), the sound balancing was so good. It was as transformative as seeing it live.
These are all the notes we took while there (apologize if they can seem disjointed) More below the cut.
-Multicam shot
-amazing audio (soundboard), vivid colors
-Raoul/Barton is crying in his voice during the auction
-there’s a “voice” that sounds like a woman singing with the overture (maybe a theramin?) We jumped in shock at this. We've never heard this before, not even on soundboard.
-Sarah Brightman comes on stage during the Hannibal rehearsal, moving across the stage with Meg during “Rome not Roma”--so she dances in the front row during the Hannibal ballet
-Hannibal ballet then has 10 dancers and since Christine is in the whole thing, there is slightly different choreo
-there’s a synth under Meg’s “he’s there, the phantom of the opera” 
-Firmin lights a cigarette and Andre (Future Phantom Cris Groenendaal) stops him right before “Think of Me’ which makes the “Defense de Fumer” on the back of the curtain make even more sense
-Think of Me Gala skirt is not as full (but of note, Carlotta’s Elissa costume is much more ornate than we have now or even at the end of Broadway)
-Raoul sings slightly different notes in Think of Me. Steve Barton goes down a few notes on “young and innocent” (it’s not belted) and is clearly wistful. 
-The think of me cadenza is absolutely effortless
-The “Bravi, Bravi” is haunting and perfectly sound balanced!
-Meg can actually sing and the Angel of Music harmonies work
-Raoul (Steve Barton) is nervous before going into the dressing room. He taps his fingers on the banister and takes a deep breath before going in
-He’s also nervous inside the dressing room–you can see him going from seeing an old friend to suddenly having feelings, being attracted to her. When he’s standing behind her he has a slight moment when he nearly touches a lock of her hair. 
-Raoul is wearing a ring on his right hand (signet?)
-Steve Barton says MY Little Lotte
-Christine (Brightman) is excited about meeting the Angel of music and has a wanting and longing in “Enter at LAST master” (in a way that Lily Kerhoas does now and we haven’t had many Christines who do this) 
-The picture is VERY CLEAR and NO WASHOUT when we see Michael Crawford appear in the mirror for Phantom’s entrance. You see everything
-When the door opens for Raoul to the dressing room after they go through the mirror, it opens slowly (vs banging open). It’s the same tempo that Phantom moves to take Christine through the mirror
-1925 Phantom silhouette vibes at the first “sing for me” 
-Not a particularly aggressive cape twirl, but def a twirl. 
-They get VERY close on “turn your face away”, almost kiss (like, Russians, Panaro/Joseph close) 
- he has a nice portcullis sprawl but she does not press against him, there is visible space between them the entire time
-”Caress” and “hear it, feel it” are explicitly seductive, the former in how it’s sung, the latter because he self-caresses on “feel it”
-the “Touch me” in touch me/trust me is half sung/half spoken order, she strokes her hand over the mask and he does not pull away
-He does have a little panic when she faints and he covers her with the cloak. He’s holding her hair when he sings to her there
-At the unmasking, MC holds for a brief moment before covering his face with his hand so the audience gets a peek of the deformity (before “damn you”) 
-Vixen not viper
-Crawls on knees, not stomach. We get…lots of crying and whimpering 
-Christine sees his face a lot during this sequence. MC lowers his hand as soon as he’s on her side of the stage from “secretly dreams of beauty” to “Oh Christine”, when he turns away–but she is looking at him the entire time. MC is angled right by a mirror shard so we can see a bit of the deformity reflected back
-Right before “come we must return”, MC is about to cup her face with both his hands before changing his mind–she starts to reach for him as well. 
-His Mandarin robe is much longer than we have now (ankle length vs calf length) 
-This Giry has witch vibes
-Steve Barton is playing eager puppy Raoul and it shows even though he looks older (Barton was 35 at the time)
-The sound balancing is so good that you can hear lines you don’t normally hear during Notes 1 and Prima Donna–including the Managers thinking that Christine has just been off with Raoul all night. 
-Sarah Brightman does a different pose on the bed as the pageboy during Il Muto. She crosses her legs vs putting her hands on her hips. 
-Firmin yells “the role of Christine Daae” to the proscenium, clearly directed at Phantom
-Barton Raoul’s “There is no Phantom of the Opera” comes off more as “Christine this is just some dude” vs “he doesn’t exist at all.” 
-Raoul loves Christine so much. He strokes her hair gently to comfort her right before “No more talk of darkness”--his eyes are soft and he’s genuinely caring and concerned (vs trying to be a hero) 
-”All I ask is for one love one lifetime”--different lyrics, she does it twice (This is on soundboards from the time)
-Raoul puts his face to Christine’s hands at the proposal. 
-Christine is clearly kissing his cheek right next to his mouth during the kiss (the final lair kiss is a real kiss) 
-Christine’s “I must go” is not as playful as we often see it later. She really is trying to go. 
-Raoul is nervous at “Christine, I love you”--he lowers his head for a moment worried that he said something wrong. He’s excited when she replies “order your fine horses”
-AIAOY Reprise: Michael Crawford is partially slumped over the angel, he’s holding hands with it to the audience’s right, and arm is slumped over on the left. We get a lot of anguished weeping, and little distressed moans as Christine and Raoul sing, there is rocking and head shaking and then covering his ears. It’s a HUGE difference then when he stands up fully for “You will curse” (he does this again during final lair between “unfeeling scrap of clothing” and “pity comes too late) 
-He also roars before standing
-The Phantom laugh/cackle continues well into the chandelier drop into intermission at the light cut out for about 15 seconds. 
Act II
-Carlotta masquerade costume has no mesh in the skirt–it’s much more of a see-through skeleton crinoline, so the feature is the purple tights
-Not surprising since Sarah Brightman is a dancer, but Christine does the proper choreography during Masquerade--she's the center of attention. Barton also does quite a bit of dancing.
-There’s an organ (almost like a circus organ) underlying the finale during masquerade
-Red Death double doesn’t run down the stairs, he stays at the top
-Giry/Raoul exchange after masquerade–both holding the lantern and super closeup
-Reyer is clearly gay–coded. Some voice and hand gestures during Sitzprobe
-Wishing–only one “help me say goodbye” (when did the second one get added?)
-”Far-reaching” gaze, Wandering Child is a duet
-Piangi says “conquest” is assured (at some point, this became “congress”)
-Michael Crawford imitates Piangi until “past the point…”
-Sarah as Christine is listening intently to Phantom’s voice and immediately noticed something is off–she doesn’t figure it out right away but she notices something. She is suspicious the entire time. It's not clear when she knows for certain.
-Christine never flees from him, during the first caresses, he hovers over her body, she turns to kiss him, he turns away, her hand lingers on her back, before she gets up to sing her solo part away from the table
-Michael Crawford’s hands are in in his crotch when Christine’s singing on the other side of the stage (“you have come here”)--he’s moving his palms in his lap the whole time, his hands are shaking, we only get glimpses of him, most of this part it’s focused on her
-There is none of the arm waving circling while their hands are held, she takes his hands, he switches his grip to hold one of hers, and they keep them on him
-She figures it out when she reaches down–she’s holding his hands above him and she pushes her left (our right) hand down and he pulls and she notices something–we can only see to his upper waist but her hand disappears and her expression changes, it’s implied he has an erection
-she doesn’t ever feel the mask, either accidentally or on purpose
-She doesn’t actually ever try to escape. It’s not the current West End or the past blocking–but more accurate in that she is aware of the situation and plays along. She keeps going with the blocking
-they both get up and keep singing, neither drags the other to the centre, they move together and keep singing 
-The last “return”--he sings it at the unhooding, she doesn’t
-”Say you’ll share with me”--he is really pleading and almost crying on “say you want me” 
-The managers don’t come out to try to usher her offstage, she doesn’t signal to them to stay
-When Phantom gives her the ring, she takes it, but doesn’t put it on–she just holds it
-He doesn’t scream at the unmasking, he just looks shocked and sad
-Ratcatcher order is different–it’s after Raoul and Giry’s first lines, that’s the indication that Giry needs to turn around, Giry screams
-Phantom is crying at “flesh” and through “unfeeling scrap of clothing”, he’s also hunched over through this sequence, and then stands to his full height at “Pity comes too late.”
-Phantom makes a big show of raising the portcullis, hands fully raised
-Raoul swats at Erik with one hand (the other is still on the noose) when Phantom grabs Christine on “start a new life” 
-Phantom is probably the “minimum” amount of rough as we see Phantoms be with Christine in this sequence, as in, he’s definitely scary and menacing but he’s not harming her. He does grab her and spin her around on “start a new life with me.” There are a few wrist grabs (which is book accurate). He’s realizing more that his plan is absolutely crumbling. We get some shots of him on the organ looking panicked.
-Phantom makes a low growling noise before “you try my patience”, which is delivered quickly and almost casually. It is not menacing as some later Phantoms do. 
-”Pitiful creature”..MC’s hand is subtly shaking by his side
-The kiss: the 1st one MC stands with “claw hands” at his side, on the second one, the “claw hands” start shaking
-MC hunches over after he burns the noose
-He stands over the monkey, conducting it with one hand, he is mimicking the symbol clashes, he doesn’t touch it or cover its face
-When Christine returns the ring, his hand shakes as he takes it, he’s hunched over again. 
-She does seem conflicted about leaving, but she doesn’t press her hand back around his, she holds out the ring and his hand shakes as she takes it. She doesn’t linger very long. 
-He says a second “I love you” after she’s gone.
-He’s about to say it a third time, he says “I love…” and then see the veil, and grabs it and screams into it, and then turns and sees the boat leaving
-He sobs and keens a lot
-Raoul bends in the boat to caress Christine’s face on “say the word”)--this is halfway across the stage as opposed to during the stage right exit.
-Deliberately cracks voice on the "can" in “you alone can make” 
-MC Cradling the veil like a baby at the very end
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SEND ME YOUR QUESTIONS! You can put it in comments, reblogs, AMA or DM's. I will answer all of them on January 26!
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eerna · 2 months
Hello eerna! I've never seen Hadestown but would love to - unfortunately i live in central europe and can't afford to go see it irl lol, do you have any recommendation for watching a recording? 👉👈
Hiii! I feel ya, I am from southern Europe and spent 5 years experiencing the show through bootlegs and my American friends. I saw it for the first time as soon as it arrived in London earlier this year because the Ryanair flight was 50 euro.
First off, there are no official video recordings of the show available to the public and we must rely on bootlegs. Second off, Hadestown as a musical exists in several formats - NYTW, Edmonton, London, and Broadway (also performed on West End) and all of them have boots. All of these are super different, and I assume you're looking for the final version, which is Broadway. You'll recognize it by Eurydice wearing black and Orpheus wearing a red neckerchief. Here's where to find the videos.
Hadestown Broadway previews 2019 - My fav recording of the show, so I rec it as the first you'll watch. It's not the same as the official soundtrack or any of the other Broadway recordings. You can see the facial expressions perfectly and it has my fav cut lyrics in it. My first Hadestown boot was a 2018 London one, but I didn't truly fall in love with the show until I saw this.
This post. It offers another Broadway boot I haven't seen anywhere else, but also NYTW and Edmonton boots if you're curious.
And finally. If you go on youtube and look for a playlist called "Hadestown full and slime productions" by user Katie Lawrence you'll get a bunch of other bootlegs of Broadway and London, as well as multicam edits.
Hope you have fun!!
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ghoulymadge · 1 year
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Mary on a Cross (Live Multicam)
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whumpshaped · 5 months
Military whump? Vampire military whump?
I'm surrounded by buff men and women in uniforms (says I, a buff lad also in uniform) and watching some of the shenanigans is stirring up ideas.
Anyways. A military forcing using vampires as weapons to strike down the enemy at night. A military force who keeps them caged during the day with hardly anything to protect them in the desert that has become the battlefield. Vampires stuck in all these bindings that would look so bad if they were a normal color, but instead they're painted the same multicam as everything else, and blend in.
Vampires forged from the enemy. Vampires forged from accidents in the main forces who were once ordinary soldiers with lives and families and a future, who are now labelled deceased and stuck in cells, never to see their family again, knowing they'll be disposed of as soon as they're useless because the defense budget has better applications than keeping them around.
this is awesome and i do love buff ppl in uniforms but i wont be able to write anything w it. so i am posting it for everyone to rotate in their heads
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And watching that and remembering it was so exciting. Like we, it was, there was such a vibe of, and it was also, I, I wanna say like the first, I mean, we, we never shot, like at a concert before. You know what I mean? We left the sound stage, which is always a scary proposition for a sitcom because you get in your little routine and your multicam and you know what you're doing, and then you take them outside and it goes crazy. But this was like beyond, we were basically inserting ourselves into their concert. And they were, yeah, they were, they were playing at the Coliseum. They were playing at, at the USC Coliseum down here in LA. It was not a San Francisco, no actual San Francisco concert, but luckily the USC colors and the 49ers colors are kind of close enough. That like, you could almost buy if you just didn't look at the, you know, Tommy, the Trojan head on the giant billboard behind them and all the people in USC sweaters and sweatshirts and hats and all of that. If you didn't look at that, you were like, oh, they're totally in San Francisco. -Jodie
So cool. And a, according to my very limited research, so this was a one hour concert after the USC game against California. And I don't know why, but the, okay. The Beach Boys are gonna put on an hour long concert. -Andrea
Again, Kokomo, it was, they were, it's Kokomo. It was Kokomo was, they were doing a bunch of press in relation to the song that came out with the movie. 'Cause the movie was doing really well, I think. And that, that was like, 'cause it was all kind of around that same time...I didn't remember what it was. I was like, was it a, why was it a concert? Like why, why were, why were there cheerleaders there? I wasn't, I was confused on that. So, and it was, you know, of course never explained, but Yeah. Like, they cut to the crowd and in the front it's like all, it's just the entire USC cheerleading squad. And you're like, oh. Pay no attention to them... Also, when running up on stage, something that you don't see, is I trip getting onto the stage at the Coliseum? I'm pretty sure, actually. I did trip and fall. I think it's the part where like, you see us running up on the stage and Bob has me by the hand. And I, and we're like running up and, and going up the steps. And I think just as it, like, we get to the stage, we clear camera and it cuts, but I'm pretty sure that's about where I tripped and like went sailing forward. But I think luckily Bob had me by the hand kind of, you know, yanked me up. Because I vividly remember, I was like, oh yeah, I remember that time I fell down at the Coliseum in front of like 25,000 people. Yeah. It was cool. -Jodie
That is so on brand for you. And it's like, no, Jody, we can't do a take two of this concert. It's one and done. -Andrea
But it was so much fun and you can just see all of us together having such a great time. Like, it was such a fun family memory to be up there and you know, I remember the excitement of shooting it. I remember it being like, you know, there's again that sort of live show excitement. And I don't really think that we had done anything at all, like that  before..And nothing that we had shot that was like, you get one chance to do it and this is it. You know, and you're in a concert and go for it. So I think I remember as a kid being like, oh my gosh, oh my God. It was probably why I fell down....But it was so much fun and, and just what a joyful experience and like to watch. We were having such a great time up there....The outfits that Candace and I were wearing, like I said, we okay. I can't rem.., like I said, I don't remember if we bought them like for ourselves and used them for the show or vice versa. It was probably that we got them for the show. But our wardrobe department..were very excited for the concert. 'Cause they knew they could do something really fun and Oh, yeah. And so I remember going to a, a store in down, like Venice Beach, Santa Monica called Nana's. And I think Nana's is, might still be there. Or maybe not, but in a different location. I mean, but okay. Anyway, it's probably closed down by now. Everything is closed down. But it was like the cool spot to go if you were like, wanted eighties gear. So if you see, I'm wearing, like, I have like a red, like, like little shirt on, but I have a black petticoat on. Which was, do you remember the, the, the days of, of Petticoats, like in the Madonna era? Where you would wear like a petticoat and then they had like these, like, you'd kind of put a skirt over the top of it if you wanted. And so Roberta took me to Nana's. -Jodie 
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sightofsea · 4 months
i was meant to be a sitcom writer in the 90s but instead i live in a post-multicam world. so i must settle for sketch comedy
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iamnotawomanimagod · 1 year
Without a Recipe: Live ticket was worth it just to see Eugene and Keith fucking around during Zach and Kwesi's intro, this multicam view is a stroke of genius
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idsb · 1 year
do you have a live? i cant find any that are working :/
eras.feelsomething.icu is the multicam stream I always use!!
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platypus-quacks-too · 5 months
Excited for a Georgie/Mandy led spinoff because it feels like an excuse to follow the Coopers post George’s death without worrying about Iain and Reagan aging past the point of believability, not thrilled about a multi-cam setup, it will feel so jarring after seeing them with no laugh track, so I’m hoping they change to single cam. But I think Georgie/Mandy have the strength to lead a spinoff, even if its just a short one. My one issue outside of the multi-cam setup being that, well, I was hoping they would change continuity or something, keep them married and pave over canon with a Sheldon line about them getting back together or something which seems less likely should they explore them more in depth. I really like them, like a lot.
Hi sweetie! I definitely agree that they sure have the potential to lead new stories, and I feel like that if they go with that, they will change canon to keep them together. After all, it's a one line in a early episode we are talking about, it doesn't feel like a big deal. Their plan for Georgie clearly changed over time. I really, really, really hope they don't do the multicam. It feels like a step back. As much as I love multi-cam, I also recognize that it's terribly hard to do it right in these times, and especially they would need to renounce to some of the depth they gained with YS being a single camera. It'd kill off so many potential imho.
Let's see. After all, I was definitely skeptical about YS when it was announced and yet it won with good merit a piece of my heart. Plus, any excuse is good to keep the coopers in our lives 🥹
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t-800 · 2 years
Ok. where is Nine Inch Nails 2022: Live at the Blossom Music Center (Multicam Edit / HD / Full Show)
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redecoratetrees · 1 year
A’ight, help a baby clikkie out.
what are like. The top 5 essential tøp live performances/things I should see. (can be more than five idc)
combing through YouTube myself is hard, assume I’ve seen nothing but Icy. Gimme homework vids 💛 ERS intro blew my mind yesterday.
ok so this has taken me a while bc im trying to put together something comprehensive but not excessive. there this playlist that someone made that collects a ton of vessel (and a little rab) bts stuff so like tour diaries, interviews, etc. RAB the webseries is on there and RAB the webseries is rly fun if u like cute behind the scenes stuff. It's also the source of the sampled vocal on the hype, where u can hear tyler say "we're gonna rely pretty heavily on technology and energy to cover up for the fact that we're only two people." which i find cool
theres also a few tour recaps from BF era but my personal favorite is sleepers. they also did some for bandito tour.
Admittedly i dont watch a ton of interviews but the halloween one is very popular and gets referenced a lot. i also just rly like old interviews (second one is pre-josh and also has a live performance that i find rly charming)
and of course my whole thing is "guy with the excessively curated live playlists" so heres just a rundown of my favorite shows of theirs on youtube, why i like, why u shd watch (it got long, i italicized the ones i think are the most "important"):
Twenty One Pilots - Friend, Please Live @ The Battle Of The Bands 10-11-09 - as far as i know the only time theyve played it, this is the oldest video of them on youtube. this guys channel is a treasure trove for old videos.
Twenty one pilots- ode to sleep - that time they played in an apple store. total classic, i just chose ode to sleep bc its my favorite
Twenty One Pilots - Ode To Sleep Live @ The Newport Music Hall 5-27-11 - earliest show i have ever found with josh in the band! from that weird period after the og drummer left but the bassist was still there.
DRUM BATTLE: Twenty One Pilots - Groove Street Fest 2011 - 9.24.2011 - honestly i just have a personal fondness for this video. the idea that wd become the drum island, the guy in orange going ham, tyler drumming, them doing their own gear, its all very small band charming.
UG Studios session "Addict With A Pen" by Twenty One Pilots - in a word: iconic. a ridiculously emotional performance
Skeleton Bones Remain (Gunshot Intro) - twenty | one | pilots - literally just a 20 second intro but it is absolutely legendary. the british voice is named nigel he used to show up more, rip nigel (actually found a video of the intro going into OTS)
twenty one pilots: Heathens & Stressed Out (Live AMA Awards Performance 2016) - when they came out in those full face masks? iconic. twitter was blowing up, it was awesome.
twenty one pilots - Firefly Music Festival 2017 (Full Show) 1080p HD - this particular set is nothing special but its a festival set so its an hq multicam recording of a full set from blurryface era. it's got drumline josh, its got the crowdstand, its got the hamster ball, im pretty sure it has josh vs josh drum battle, all ur rly missing is the iconic (and dearly missed) old song medley, with the coolest B-stage design theyve ever had (yes cooler than bandito fight meeee)
Twenty One Pilots: Live at Lollapalooza Chicago 2019 (Full Show) - festival set for the hits but its trench now! bandito tour b-stage is also an essential tho. first leg they had the skybridge after that they walked thru the crowd.
My favorite shows that dont exist in one video are: vessel release show at basement. they played the whole record, secret show, very cool. and all of tour de columbus, which was when after BF they did a takeover tour style thing but just in columbus. I saw 2 of those and its my biggest flex to this day.
besides shows I wd also check out the MUTEMATH sessions (which i was blessed enough to see some of live! so badass!), this session where he did alt versions of some trench tunes (fought for my life to win tix. i did not win), also the video for the hype berlin is rly cute.
this got kinda lengthy with all the shows, i just love so many of them. I'd also seek out their snl performances if u feel like it, iirc they did ride, stressed out, and heathens, tyler did just the |-/ instead of the full paint on his hands it was sweet.
and to anyone else seeing this PLEASE add if theres anything u think i missed, any random events u remember that were cool, etc. most of what i remember is annoying twitter drama bc i was a teenager for BF
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derwahnsinn · 1 year
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31 Days Rammstein Challenge - Day 15: Favourite Bass, Guitar, Drums, or Keyboard Work
This challenge is a bit unfair. How am I supposed to pick between all the instruments? So I'm not - I'm going to list a favourite part from each.
Bass: I will start with bass (surprise, surprise). Rammstein often mix the bass far down in their mixes. Often, Oliver is there as a powerful presence that enhances the guitars. However, he has parts where he gets to shine. A lot of songs on the Rosenrot album are bass driven. Hallomann has fantastic bass. The bass and drum combo in Angst is so powerful that I can't wait to see it live.
However, I have decided to pick what may be the first Rammstein song that Oliver was the main creator of - Seemann. The part I have picked is the Seemann extended outro that he played in Helsinki 2017. Seemann's riff itself is just repeated throughout the song. Though when he extends the outro, straying away from the main riff, we get reminded just how good a musician he is.
Illustration: Photo by Bruce Bigler, Puerta Vallarta 2019. Bass outro multicam, this video has a the full song from one angle.
Keyboards: Flake is absolutely brilliant at what he does. Without him, Rammstein would have a totally different sound - a much more boring one. I thought about picking the keyboard track from Du hast, which I think is fantastic. The pizzicato riff from Spiel mit mir is brilliant. Spieluhr's music box melody is beautiful. I could have mentioned so many more pieces.
But in the end, I landed on the keyboard track from Hallomann. The melody Flake plays is haunting. For me, it tells a story of its own.
Drums: Schneider has, in many ways, the same challenge as Oliver - he doesn't always get to show just how good he is. Often, it is the simple stuff that is the most effective. I absolutely love the small drum fills he gets to do live. I also love the drum hits at the start of Sehnsucht - so simple, but so powerful!
I am going to choose something different though - during the second concert in Prague, 16.05.2022, Schneider got to shine with drum solos at the end of Pussy. I captured it on film, and while the sound is bad, it shows a very happy Schneider getting to show off just a little.
Illustration: My video from Prague, 16.05.2022.
Guitar: If there is one instrument that often gets highlighted in Rammstein, it's the guitar. Paul and Richard may not be the most technical guitarists in the world, but the are experts at creating heavy-hitting riffs with a trademark sound, and being able to play their fast riffs totally in sync for so long is nothing less than impressive.
I have mentioned it before though, and my favourite guitar part is the interlude of my favourite song, Nebel. Initially I thought that it was the guitar solo that sounded so beautiful, but then I started looking at tabs to play it myself, only to discover that it was not - it was the harmonies from BOTH guitars that created the magic. So even though I have picked this song before, I can't get away from picking it again for this challenge.
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Day 1: Favourite Song Day 2: Favourite Era Day 3: Favourite Single Day 4: Favourite Album Day 5: Favourite Music Video Day 6: Favourite Member Day 7: Favourite Lyrics Day 8: Favourite B-side or Unreleased Track Day 9: Favourite Remix Day 10: Favourite Live Photo Day 11: Favourite Live Video Day 12: Favourite Making of Day 13: Favourite Picture Official or Unofficial Day 14: Favourite Vocals
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rightintheghoulies · 6 months
Ghost - Pro Memoria (Live Multicam)
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musashi · 2 years
how *did* MCR use witchcraft to power their reunion tour?
Halloween night is largely considered the night wherein the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest. If you are going to speak to, channel, or raise spirits, anyone will tell you that Halloween is the night when you do it for the strongest reaction.
My Chem have, more than a few times, referred to the breakup as their death. The last song they released was even called "fake your death."
When they announced they were playing a reunion show, it was set to take place on Halloween night of 2019 (the year their final concept album was set to take place, but that's a whole other chunk of lore) Of course, if you wanted to bring MCR back from the dead--like anything--Halloween would be the night to try.
When Gerard came on stage, he was dressed the same way he had been for the past few years as he toured around promoting The Umbrella Academy and his other comic projects--in earthtones, in a cozy looking jacket, looking like a happy dad. Except the patch. He was wearing a patch on his jacket.
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The witches in the fandom immediately recognized that not only as a sigil, but specifically one drawn on a witches wheel. I have not been in practice since my youth so please forgive/correct me if I get anything wrong, but essentually sigils are a deeply personal form of magic where you draw a series of lines/shapes, put an intention to them, and let that magic flow through you as you do so. They can be "charged" or powered up in a number of ways--you see emojis spells on here a lot, for instance, where likes and reblogs charge and cast. Most sigils are not meant to be translated, they are only really for the person casting. However, this one uses a common cipher of sorts, so we can actually read what Gerard's sigil here says--'MYCHLRM'
This sigil, presumably, is attempting to manifest the revival of My Chemical Romance. To bring them back from the dead.
In an auditorium full of thousands of people, he put the intention to this shape. None of this was explained to us, and none of it has been explained since--we were meant to put these clues together after the fact.
This show at the Shrine in California 2019 was, to this day, in my opinion, the greatest show they have played so far. The energy in the room is immaculate. People flew from all across the world to see it, unsure if they would ever get the opportunity to see this band again. Old fans who had seen them before. New fans who were certain they would never be allowed to. If you look it up and watch the footage (it's all on youtube, there's a lovely multicam edit) you cannot even hear Gerard at certain points. He is overtaken by the crowd singing instead.
Weeks later, they released a video, called "A Summoning." It is fucking amazing. It chronicles a fan alone in his room, trying to do his own witchcraft to bring MCR back from the dead, sitting in a circles full of their albums and candles, littered front to back with MCR references as he's chased through manifestations of all their albums. At the end of the video, he succeeds, and we are shown this:
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The sigil is glowing. It has been charged. This image is followed by previously unspoken tour dates.
As I said, you can charge a sigil in a number of ways. What did Gerard choose to do? He allowed the fans in that room to do it himself. Who better to pour energy into the revival of a dead band than the people who love that band the most? They charged it with their voices, their tears, their energy, their singing. The power in that room that night, I'm sure, was enough to charge a million spells of every goddamn caliber, but thankfully for us we only needed to cast one.
My Chemical Romance is not just a band of pretty boys doing wholesome pretty boy shit and playing good music. I need everyone who is witnessing it from the outside to understand that My Chemical Romance is a fucking cinematic cultural experience, and if you are not in on it now, it is never too late to find a youtube video essay and fall down the rabbit hole.
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