#M4 chip
thealanwrightblog · 1 month
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Well, here it is! The brand new iPad Pro.
Even thinner than the previous one - 5.1mm - with an M4 chip (they skipped M3 and went straight to M4).
Incredible screen, up to 2tb of storage and with a newly designed pencil and keyboard.
The rumours were also suggesting that the new model would have an OLED screen. Well guess what - there's two, one on top of the other called 'tandem OLED' to increase the brightness and sharpness. All good stuff.
Just waiting to hear from the bank to authorize the payment.
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mybighost · 23 days
iPad Pro 2024 Review: So Very Nice, and So Very Expensive
Is the iPad Pro 2024 the ultimate tablet, a game-changing productivity machine, or a luxurious tech toy? This review dives deep to explore the latest iPad Pro, dissecting its cutting-edge features, mind-blowing price tag, and whether it lives up to the hype. A Familiar Facelift: Evolution, Not Revolution The 2024 iPad Pro retains the sleek, minimalist design language that’s become synonymous…
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techdriveplay · 1 month
Meet Apple's Latest Marvel: Stunning New iPad Pro with the World’s Most Advanced Display, M4 Chip, and Apple Pencil Pro
Apple has once again redefined the boundaries of tablet technology with the unveiling of its latest marvel, the new iPad Pro. In a launch that captured the attention of tech enthusiasts and professionals alike, Apple introduced two new models of the iPad Pro: an expansive 13-inch version designed for maximum screen real estate and a highly portable 11-inch model, both sporting unprecedented…
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webstoriess · 5 months
What to Expect from Apple in 2024: OLED iPad Pro, M4 MacBook Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro with a Mysterious Capture Button
Apple, the tech giant known for its innovative products, is gearing up for significant changes in its iPhone lineup in 2024. While the company enjoyed a successful 2023 with updates to popular devices like the iPhone 15 Pro Max, MacBook Air 15-inch, and new M3-equipped MacBook Pros, all eyes are now on what’s in store for the iPhone series in this year 2024. The iPhone lineup has consistently…
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studiohd · 7 hours
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Premiera nowych Mac Studio z układami M3 i M4: Oczekiwania i plotki
Premiera nowych modeli Mac Studio z układami M3 i M4 budzi wiele emocji w świecie technologii. Oto podsumowanie aktualnych oczekiwań:
Mac Studio z układem M3 Ultra
Data premiery:
Mac Studio z układem M3 Ultra ma zadebiutować w połowie 2024 roku, prawdopodobnie podczas WWDC 2024, kt��ra odbędzie się w czerwcu. Przedsprzedaż może rozpocząć się 7 czerwca 2024 roku, a dostawy planowane są na później w tym miesiącu​ (TechRadar)​​ (AppleMagazine)​.
Specyfikacja techniczna:
Układ M3 Ultra ma oferować znaczne ulepszenia wydajnościowe, korzystając z zaawansowanej technologii N3E firmy TSMC. Ta zmiana oznacza duże poprawy w zakresie mocy obliczeniowej oraz efektywności energetycznej​ (AppleMagazine)​.
Mac Studio z układem M4
Harmonogram wydania:
Mac Studio z układem M4 jest oczekiwany jako część szerszej odświeżenia linii komputerów stacjonarnych Apple planowanego na koniec 2024 roku lub początek 2025 roku. Układy M4 mają cechować się jeszcze bardziej zaawansowaną architekturą i możliwościami, z szczególnym naciskiem na sztuczną inteligencję i uczenie maszynowe​ (MacRumors)​.
Obecne modele z układami M2 Ultra
Dostępność i wydajność:
Obecnie najnowsze modele Mac Studio są wyposażone w układy M2 Max i M2 Ultra. Te modele pozostają mocnym wyborem dla użytkowników potrzebujących wysokiej wydajności obliczeniowej do czasu wprowadzenia na rynek nowych modeli z układami M3 lub M4​ (MacRumors)​​ (TechRadar)​.
Jeśli planujesz zakup nowego Mac Studio, model z układem M3 Ultra prawdopodobnie będzie dostępny około połowy 2024 roku. Jeśli możesz poczekać do 2025 roku, modele z układem M4 mogą zaoferować jeszcze bardziej zaawansowane funkcje i wydajność.
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sugnac · 1 month
連休明けの7日23時にAppleはイベント”Let loose”発表会を挙行しました。
大方の予想通りの内容でしたが、M4がまさか発表されるとは思いませんでした。この動画ではなぜM4がiPad Proで最初に搭載されたのか考察します。
うp主はVision Proの世界販売を予想し的中しましたが、誰も気にしていません。
もう一つ気になったのは値段です。円安で旧機種(iPad miniとApple pencil)でも値上げを喰らいました。アメリカと日本の値段から想定為替レートをはじき出しました。どうもそんなに円安は進まないと考えているようです。
0:14 let loose発表会挙行
0:50 M4がiPad Proで初搭載
2:01 M4がiPad Proに必要だった理由
4:37 Final Cut Pro 2進化
5:20 想定為替レート
5:50 値上げしてるものもあれば、値下げしているのもある
6:29 動画が不評
7:10 お願い
#Apple #イベント #event #発表会 #LetLoose #iPad #iPadPro #M4 #CPU #GPU #FinialCutPro #chip #VisionPro #値上げ #値下げ #為替 #レート #円安
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harrisonarchive · 9 months
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George at Kinfauns with his Aston Martin DB5 (photo by Henry Grossman); driving in 1965 (photo by Henry Grossman); with his Porsche in January 1979 (photo by Alan Giddins).
“We’d take a break [during Dark Horse recording sessions in 1974] to go for fish and chips, and there were two ways you could go. One was through this very winding road through the woods from Friar Park to the little fish place. And that’s the way we went. The first time, he took me in a Ferrari. Well, he really liked racing. I’m telling you, man, when we came back from getting our fish and chips, he drove through those winding roads as if he was on a racetrack. I mean really, really going for it. It was serious, and I’m holding on, thinking, ‘Wow, man, I sure hope we stay on the road because if we miss, we’re history.’ Well, we made it home in the Ferrari. The next time we went for fish and chips, he took a Porsche and he took the same route. The Porsche seemed to handle the road better, so he started speeding up. I just thought, ‘He’s such a fan of racing, I guess there’s this little racecar driver inside him.’ But then he really started going, and when we got into Friar Park we were really flying so fast that the car got away from him. There were these high hedges that lined the driveway to the garage, and we’re running through the hedges — and I just sat there acting as normal as I could, but I was praying, O Lord, please don’t let them read about us in the newspaper. Just get us back to the house. After he came out of the hedges, he shrugged and gave me a little laugh as though it never happened. I’m looking at George, and he just looks away like, Don’t say nothing. Well, we went into the house and neither of us ever said a word.” - Willie Weeks, Here Comes The Sun: The Spiritual and Musical Journey of George Harrison (2006)
“George offered to drive us [Gary and Chris Agajanian] to the airport [from Friar Park], which was quite a hair-raising experience — his version of driving in a Formula One car at the Grand Prix. I thought to myself, ‘We survived India with its tigers, cobras, and pythons, and now we’re ripping down the M4 motorway at a hundred and twenty miles an hour!’ Given the speed we were traveling, we were stopped by a policeman, and as George rolled the window down, the officer politely said, ‘Oh, Mr. Harrison, sorry, on your way then.’” - Gary Wright, Dream Weaver: Music, Meditation, And My Friendship With George Harrison (2014) (x)
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AL-12, M4A1, and SPAS-12 reacting to their Pilot S/O who should be in the infirmary recovering from an injury suddenly pulling them out of a tight spot!
(GFL) AK-12, M4A1, and SPAS-12's S/O saving them
...Sorry, had to get all those references out of my system.
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12 hears the unmistakable noise of Griffin's Black Hawk approaching her location.
Her glowing pink eyes glance over to the distance and indeed see extraction was coming in hotter than expected.
(AK-12) "Clear the LZ. Anti-Air threats are to be taken care of first."
The other members of DEFY comply with her orders and take down the enemies surrounding them with startling efficiency.
Their ride out of the area doesn't even get a chance to touch down before everyone quickly hops on and nail every single gunner attempting to shoot them down.
Finally escaping and getting out of the combat zone, 12 turns back on her emotional processors, her eyes closing and a smile returning once the mask goes back down onto her neck.
Seeing who the pilot was made her mood all the better.
(AK-12) "Well now. Not that we don't appreciate the lift, but you should be back in base."
S/O chuckled as the bandages on their arm slightly shifted.
(S/O) "Not without you girls. Figured I could do one last fly before I take a well earned break."
12 and RPK-16 chuckled at that, AN-94 simply nodded while AK-15 sighed.
(AK-15) "Taking influence off her, I see."
12 ignored her comment and gently caressed their injured arm.
(AK-12) "Thank you, S/O. I'll make sure we put in a good word for you.~"
She sits herself in the co-pilot seat to help out, the Black Hawk escaping into the moonlight.
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(S/O's Voice) "M4! Coming in hot!"
(M4A1) "What?!"
Hearing the unmistakable noise of the Black Hawk's rotors, M4 turned to the rest of the AR team.
The four of them pin their enemies down with concentrated fire, making sure they couldn't aim at their extraction.
After getting on, they continued to open fire until they were out of immediate threat range.
Finally getting a breather, ST AR-15 and M16A1 closed the doors as M4 approached S/O, realizing their leg had makeshift bandages.
(M4A1) "What are you doing?! You could have been hurt worse than before!"
(S/O) "Thought I'd take a page out of your books and try a suicidal rescue. Commander gave me the green light, if it makes you feel any better."
M4 opened her mouth, but quickly found she had no retort. Admittedly, AR Team did have a tendency to do that.
She put a hand on their shoulder as she nodded in defeat.
(M4A1) "...Fair enough. Thank you, S/O."
S/O put a loving hand on hers before returning their attention back to the controls.
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Using her shield to take the oncoming gunfire, she and the rest of her echelon backed further into cover as the Black Hawk came in, letting them all hop on.
Her shield acted as a makeshift barrier, as some of the other T-Dolls fired back, using SPAS as cover.
She had no issue, her shotgun would be ineffective at this range anyway.
Once her scanners indicated they were out of the combat zone, she breathed a sigh of relief.
(SPAS-12) "Whew, thanks for getting us ou-...S/O?!"
(S/O) "Hey, SPAS. Glad to see everyone's doin' well."
Her eyes immediately saw their head which had a bloodied bandage still on.
(SPAS-12) "You're not, the heck are you doing?!"
(S/O) "Heh, don't worry. I'm not gonna crash, autopilots helping pull the weight too."
(SPAS-12) "B-But you can't just!...You might have gotten-"
Before she could say anything else, S/O gave them a gentle smile before pulling out a bag of chips, enough for the echelon.
She pouted but took the chips and smiled back.
(SPAS-12) "We're having dinner after we get you back resting in the medbay. Got it?"
(S/O) "Deal."
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kaelidascope · 8 months
The banter between serena and yang is amazing!!!! Loving the energy! The banter between Blake and Yang..... perfect. The eye rolling, the craziness,........... but like can we get a drawing of that car????
Thank you!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far!!
Ask and you shall receive anon <3
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About The Wasp;
If it's not obvious, this car is based off of an E36 BMW with an M4 body kit. The reason why I chose this particular model is for a handful of reasons;
- I have most experience driving and working on BMW and Porsche cars. I had an E46 at one point as my daily
- I always wanted an E36 but they're a rare find where I'm located. Nobody wants to sell them for a reason LOL
- E36s have the best drift build capability and electronic wiring in my experience. Many car people I know would agree
- In lore, Yang would've bought this car off some old guy and it didn't even run. It was the first big girl purchase she ever bought and taught herself how to drive and fix it in that thing. It holds a lot of sentimental value
- When Yang had her accident, she completely totaled it. They had to use the jaws of life to saw off the roof to get her out. She got it back from the junkyard and literally welded it back together and rebuilt it from nothing
- Ruby helped design the dragon decal, which is symmetrical on both sides! While the car is named The Wasp, the dragon matches the tattoo on her back. Yang just likes dragons lol
- The interior is a lot more bougie than the exterior, but the reason it's designed that way is because as a street racing car, you don't really want too much cosmetic on the outside in case you hit things or get hit
- The LED headlights can change color, she just likes having them set on red/pink
- As depicted in the fic, she did upgrade the hardware and computer inside the car so it is push to start. The chip reader is in her prosthetic, so it's not like someone can swipe her keys
- She added a roll cage in there for obvious reasons. She didn't have one when she lost her arm
- It's manual, if that wasn't obvious LOL
- She bought and customized Bumblebee while her car was still inoperable. Now she dailys the bike and seldom takes the car out unless for moments of ultimate rizz
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adafruit · 11 months
Matrix portal s3 shifting sand 🔀📲📅⏳💔🔄🔌💡🏜️🆕
We're slowly but surely trying to de-SAMD51'ify our product line since that chip has a 2024 ETA. a bummer because we really loved that chip but it's probably a good time to transition since it can be a year until we get some and even then, the dates have been pushed multiple times. so, first up is the matrix portal m4 https://www.adafruit.com/product/4745 ! instead of a samd51 + esp32, we've got a version with ESP32-S3 WROOM which has 8MB of flash, and 2MB of PSRAM. the S3 has a nice peripheral that can be used to drive these matricies very fast, and the 2 MB of PSRAM will make this possible to drive lots of panels! we kept the same outline shape and functionality, including the built in accelerometer, which makes this LED sand demo a quick port.
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g-nicerf · 18 days
Characteristics and Applications of LoRa Spread Spectrum Modulation SoC Module
LoRa spread spectrum modulation technology, known for its low power consumption and long-distance transmission capabilities, excels in long-range wireless communication. So, what kind of sparks will this modulation technology create when applied to SOC modules? Let's briefly illustrate this with the LoRa-STM32WLE5 LoRa spread spectrum modulation SOC module developed by NiceRF.
The LoRa-STM32WLE5 wireless module  is SOC wireless module the latest  developed by NiceRF Wireless. The LoRa-STM32WLE5 adopts ST's STM32WLE5 chip as the main chip, equipped with a high-performance Arm Cortex-M4 32-bit RISC core, operating at a frequency of up to 48 MHz. supporting 256KB flash memory and 64KB operational memory. This module ensures ample storage and processing capabilities. Additionally, the module is equipped with an industrial-grade crystal oscillator, ensuring stable operation in various working environments. 
In terms of communication technology, the LoRa-STM32WLE5  adopts  LoRa spread spectrum modulation, which features low power consumption and long-distance transmission. This makes the module perform exceptionally well in ultra-long-range wireless communication. It has a high receiving sensitivity of up to -141dBm@BW=125KHz and adjustable transmission power, with a maximum of 22dBm, allowing for transmission distances of over 5000 meters. This characteristic offers extensive application possibilities in fields such as security systems, smart agriculture, and industrial manufacturing. 
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In addition to its technical features, the LoRa-STM32WLE5  also has  advantages such as low power consumption, secure encryption, and multiple interface types. Its sleep current is less than 1uA, and its receive current is less than 8mA, making it suitable for scenarios requiring long battery life and high energy efficiency. Additionally, it supports 256-bit hardware encryption and PCROP read/write protection, ensuring data security and integrity. The support for various interface types, including UART, SPI, I2C, GPIO, and ADC, enables it to meet the interface needs of different application scenarios, offering excellent scalability and flexibility.
In terms of applications, the LoRa-STM32WLE5 wireless module can be widely used in security systems, smart agriculture, industrial manufacturing, and smart home scenarios.
For example: in security systems, it can be used for remote monitoring and alarm systems; in smart agriculture, it can be utilized for agricultural environment monitoring and automated irrigation systems;in industrial manufacturing, it can be applied to equipment monitoring and remote control systems; and in smart homes, it can be used for smart door locks and environmental monitoring.
In the future, with the development of IoT technology and the proliferation of intelligent applications, the LoRa-STM32WLE5 wireless module is expected to demonstrate its value in more fields. For instance, in urban smart construction, it can be applied to smart city traffic systems and intelligent energy management. In the industrial IoT sector, it can be used for remote monitoring of industrial equipment and intelligent production lines. Additionally, as technology continues to advance and costs continue to decrease, the LoRa-STM32WLE5 wireless module will become more widespread and mature, bringing more convenience and possibilities to people's lives. 
For details, please click:https://www.nicerf.com/products/ Or click:https://nicerf.en.alibaba.com/productlist.html?spm=a2700.shop_index.88.4.1fec2b006JKUsd For consultation, please contact NiceRF (Email: [email protected]).
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First, I applaud their efforts to stop senseless violence, even if I personally think it is as much wasted air as thoughts and prayers. The "Lightguard system" is a non-starter, it will make things much less safe than the actual confrontation itself. Here is their "proof of concept" clip.
First, we're in 2023 not 2003 lets make this a little more presentable and less like a high school digital project.
I'm speaking as someone who spent a career as an LEO and in the military, when I make these observations I'm not just shooting from the hip as it were. This clip shows the offender dropping their gun and running away blind, and the clerk looking back at your system lovingly, two problems. 1. Your clerk would also be blinded, thus rendered defenseless to anything that follows on. Light of this magnitude is all encompassing, it will bounce off every surface and it will blind in all directions except for maybe directly behind it. The light will not care if the person is looking at it or away from it. Everyone recovers from this kind of event exposure differently, the criminal may recover before the clerk. 2. The very last thing you want to do when someone is pointing a gun at you is to shock them or surprise them. There is a greater than average chance that the activation of your system will scare the criminal causing them to shoot reflexively. Now you have a clerk who had a criminal pointing a gun at them shooting blindly. As I said, good in concept, but practical application may need a little more attention. Also see strobing firearms lights, strobing crowd control and Laser dazzlers systems. As for "Smart guns", where to start? One of the two companies mentioned LodeStar, admits the fingerprint sensor may not be the most effective means to unlock the firearm for use, think your phones finger print reader and how often it fails. So they added a PIN pad AND a near-field communication signal to increase the probability that their concept would work. They had to put a finger print reader, an electronic signal receiver and a freaking PIN pad in the weapon. That tells me two things, the tech is so bad that they had to put multiple systems together to TRY to ensure the firearm would work most of the time and if you are putting your life on the line hoping all of those gadgets work when you need them too you are already dead. LodeStar says their firearm's will start at about 895.00 or about 355.00+/- more than your standard Glock 19 Gen 5. Every time I type LodeStar I hear... "Not so fast Lonestar!" from Spaceballs (1987), I digress. The other company, SmartGunz, is marketing towards Law Enforcement with a side market to everyone else. Their concept requires an RFID chip to make the firearm work, Oh, but there's more. Their concept only works on a 1911 style firearm, it will only work if the user depresses the grip safety WHILE ALSO WEARING A FREAKING RFID GLOVE to activate it. I don't know about all y'all but I don't often walk around or sleep with a glove on like I'm Michael Jackson.
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Sorry Mike, I still love your music. On 8 July 2021 the firearms were projected to cost 2,695.00 for LEO's and an astounding 2,995.00 for all the rest of us peasants. I say "US" because I am no longer an LEO and can't get their gracious discount. On 12 July of that same year Tom Holland, president of Free State Firearms, LLC announced that the cost for pre-orders would be 1,795.00 for LEO's and the low price of 1,995.00 for everyone else. As far as 1911's go that is the cost of a Colt Gold Cup Trophy or a Dan Wesson Valor 1911 without all that tech to get in the way of you saving your own life. It's also the cost of 3 Glock 19 Gen 5's or or 3 Palmetto State Armory "PA-15 16"NITRIDE M4 CARBINE" 5.56mm riles. With all that said, these technologies are not in place to make the end user safer, they do nothing to address violent crime, it only lays the burden on the person who at their point of most need, when their mind is in survival mode, it adds roadblocks to their chances of survival. SIDE NOTE: A German company named Armatix came out with a smart gun in 2014, soon after people figured out that with magnets on the sides of the firearm it would bypass the guns radio signals and allow anyone to use it, it was pulled from the market there soon after.
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govindhtech · 16 days
Apple M4 Powers Up the iMac: Blazing Speed for Creatives
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Apple M4 iMac Predictions
24 Apple iMac
Apple M4 chips may be introduced when Apple updates the 24-inch iMac in 2024. Apple intends to update the Mac series, including the iMac, with AI-focused M4 CPUs. This document details Apple’s M4 iMac ambitions.
Apple M4
Apple may incorporate the M4 chip from the latest iPad Pro models in the forthcoming 24-inch iMac. Since iMacs have M3 chips, the M4 will be a direct upgrade.
Apple M4 is a second-generation chip based on the M3’s 3-nanometer technology with performance and efficiency improvements. Apple M4 CPU outscored M3 chip by 25% in Geekbench benchmark test, suggesting considerable performance boost.
The Apple M4 had 3,695 single-core and 14,550 multi-core scores, compared to 3,087 and 11,702 for the M3.
Apple’s M4 processor has a 10-core GPU and CPU with four performance and six efficiency cores. Apple uses an M4 with a 9-core CPU in the iPad Pro, but the iMac may not have it.
Other Macs will have upgraded M4 Pro, M4 Max, and M4 Ultra CPUs, while the 24-inch iMac, which is equal in price to the MacBook Air, will only have the M4 chip.
No signs suggest Apple will revamp the iMac soon the last overhaul was in 2021. The 2024 iMac refresh may focus internal improvements over exterior design changes.
Computers and displays are merged in the iMac. It fits on a desktop due to its narrow profile and 11.5mm thickness. It has a pastel chin and comes in bright shades.
They know of no iMac enhancements other than the Apple M4 chip.
Larger iMac?
Despite rumours, a 30-inch iMac was still in development in mid-2023. Its release date is unknown. As of May 25, 2024, Apple has no larger iMac. Current 24-inch iMacs include M3 chips. In 2024, rumours of a bigger iMac with an M-series CPU had faded. Apple hasn’t confirmed a 30-inch model for 2025.
Expect a larger iMac: Rumours say Apple may sell a larger iMac in the future.
Connect Mac to external display: You can add a larger external monitor to your iMac or Mac mini. This maximises screen space and lets you choose size and resolution.
Consider Mac Studio: The Mac Studio is fast and may be used with a larger display for a strong desktop arrangement.
Launch Day
Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman expected a 24-inch iMac M4 processor update “around the end of the year.” The iMac may launch at October or November Apple events with new Macs. Pre-year MacBook Pro and Mac mini improvements are anticipated. Since the iMac was updated in October 2023, an October 2024 release would conclude the year.
The M4 processor outperforms the M3 with a 10-core CPU (6 efficiency and 4 performance) and GPU. Hardware-accelerated ray tracing and 16-core Neural Engine are featured. The M4 iMac could handle video editing and 3D rendering.
Apple iMac M3
They expect the new iMac to have a 24-inch Retina 4.5K display like the M3 model. Apple may possibly offer more colours for the upcoming iMac, like the M2 model. The M4 iMac will be a major upgrade from the M3. Keep an eye out for Apple’s M4-powered iMac later this year if you want a powerful and adaptable desktop.
Based on rumours and leaks, the M4 iMac may include these features:
The next-generation 24-inch iMac is believed to have the M4 chip, which Apple used in the current iPad Pro versions.
The M4, a second-generation microprocessor with faster and more efficient performance, uses the same 3-nanometer technology as the M3.
The M4 outperformed the M3 on Geekbench by 25%. Apple’s M4 processor contains a 10-core CPU and GPU with six efficiency and four performance cores.
Design: The M4 iMac will have a slim, colourful aluminium casing like the M3.
Seven brilliant colors blue, green, pink, silver, space grey, yellow, and orange are likely.
256GB of M4 iMac storage can be expanded to 2TB of SSD storage.
The M4 iMac will have 8GB of starting memory and up to 16GB of unified memory.
Reports and leaks suggest these specs for Apple’s M4 iMac:
M4 Chip had 10 cores: 4 efficient, 6 performant.
Ten cores and second-generation 3-nanometers make the GPU more efficient and performant than M3.
24-inch 4.5K Retina screen, True Tone, P3 colour gamut.
SSDs start at 256GB and RAM up to 2TB.
Standard unified memory is 8GB, customisable to 16GB.
Dual SDXC card slots, USB-C connections, Thunderbolt 4 connectors.
From last update, there was no mention of a “M4 iMac.” Apple regularly updates their products with newer processors and features. Apple’s custom Mac CPUs are generally labelled “M”.
The M1 chip, which delivered exceptional performance and energy economy, changed Apple’s desktop and laptop computers. An M4 iMac may use this special silicon to boost power and efficiency. I prefer Apple’s official releases or trusted tech sources for the most accurate and current information.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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rafsanjanirupok · 21 days
The Latest iPad Release: A Leap Forward or A Missed Opportunity?
Apple has once again made headlines with the release of its latest iPad models. The tech giant unveiled the new iPad Pro with the M4 chip and the redesigned iPad Air with the M2 chip. While these devices are undoubtedly impressive, there's a lingering question: Is the iPad OS truly worthy of the M4 chip?
The New iPad Pro: A Tech Marvel
The new iPad Pro is a testament to Apple's engineering prowess. It features a stunningly thin and light design, available in two sizes: an expansive 13-inch model and a super-portable 11-inch model. Both sizes boast the world’s most advanced display — a new breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display with state-of-the-art tandem OLED technology.
The real star of the show, however, is the M4 chip. This next-generation silicon delivers a huge leap in performance and capabilities. It features a new display engine, a next-generation GPU, and the most powerful Neural Engine yet. With these specs, the new iPad Pro is an outrageously powerful device for artificial intelligence.
The Redesigned iPad Air: More Power, More Versatility
The new iPad Air, now available in two sizes for the first time, is supercharged by the M2 chip. It offers phenomenal performance, a landscape front-facing camera, and faster Wi-Fi. With a portable design, all-day battery life, a brilliant Liquid Retina display, and support for Apple Pencil Pro, the iPad Air is more powerful and versatile than ever before.
The M4 Chip and the iPad OS: A Mismatch?
Despite the impressive specs and capabilities of the new iPad Pro, there's a point of contention: the iPad OS. The question is, "Is the iPad OS truly worthy of the M4 chip?"
The M4 chip is a powerhouse. It's designed to handle complex tasks and deliver high performance. However, the iPad OS, in its current state, may not fully utilize the capabilities of the M4 chip. The OS is primarily designed for simpler tasks and doesn't offer the same level of flexibility and functionality as a full-fledged desktop OS.
While the iPad OS has seen significant improvements over the years, it still falls short in certain areas. For instance, it lacks a proper file system and doesn't support certain professional-grade software. These limitations can hinder the user experience, especially for power users who want to leverage the full potential of the M4 chip.
The new iPad Pro and iPad Air are undoubtedly impressive devices. They offer top-notch performance, advanced capabilities, and a sleek design. However, the iPad OS may not fully leverage the power of the M4 chip. It's a missed opportunity for Apple, as a more robust and flexible OS could have truly unlocked the potential of these devices.
As Apple continues to push the boundaries of what's possible with its devices, one can only hope that the iPad OS will evolve to match the capabilities of the hardware. Until then, the debate on whether the iPad OS is worthy of the M4 chip will continue.
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motorsportverso · 2 months
12h Sebring 2024
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Que foi a estreia do Lamborghini SC63 na GTP no IMSA
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Na largada o Cadillac V Series R #31 se manteve na frente com Pipo Derani
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Na largada na GTD Pró e GTD
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E teve uma confusão entre os GTS , envolvendo a  Ferrari #62 da Risi Competizone
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A rodada do Oreca #88 da AF Corse
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A batida do Cadillac #31 com Pipo Derani causada por um toque com a Ferrari da Triarse Competizone  , que alias foi no mesmo ponto em que o Argentino José Maria Lopez bateu nas 1000 Milhas de Sebring em 2022 com Toyota Hypercar.
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Momento da batida do Acura NSX GT3 da equipe Gradiant Racing  , que colocou bandeira amarela na pista inteira.
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Momento em que o Acura #40 passava o Cadillac #01 da Cadillac Racing\Chip Ganassi e assumia a liderança no final da corrida.
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 A vitória ficou o Acura ARX06 #40 da WTTR Andretti , a primeira do segundo carro da equipe
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O Lexus RC F GT3 da Vasser Sullivan Racing na GTD Pró , na LMP2, a vencedora foi a Era Motorsport.
1-40-Jordam Taylor\Colton Herta\Louis Deletraz-Acura ARX06-WTTR Andretti-333 Laps
2-01-Scott Dixon\Range Van Der Zande\Sebastien Bordais-Cadillac V Series R-Cadillac Racing\Chip Ganassi
3-7-Felipe Nasr\Matt Campbell\Dane Cameron-Porsche 963-Porsche Penske Motorsport
4-25-Dris Vanthorn\Connor De Philippe\Maxime Martin-BMW M LMDH V8-BMW Team RLL
5-10-Filipi Albuquerque\Brandon Hartley\Ricky Taylor-Acura ARX06-WTTR Andretti
6- 24-Philip Eng\Augusto Farfus\Jesse Khron-BMW M LMDH V8-BMW Team RLL
7-63-Matteo Cairoli\Romain Grosjean\Andrea Calderelli-Lamborghini SC63-Lamborghini Iron Lynx
8-5-Julian Andlauer \Gian Maria Bruni-Porsche 963-Mustang Simpling Racing-Proton
9-6-Nick Tandy\Frederick Makowickie\Mathieu Jaminet-Porsche 963-Porsche Penske Motorsport  +1 Lap
1-18-Ryan Dalziel\Connor Zilisch\Dwight Merriman-Oreca 7-Era Motorsport-330 Laps
2-11-Miken Jensen\Steven Thomas\Hunter McElrea-Oreca 7-TDS Racing
3-22-Paul Di Resta\Bijoy Garg\Dan Goldburg-Oreca 7-United Autoesports
1-14-Ben Bernicoat\Kyle Kirkwood\Jack Hawkshorth-Lexus RC F GT3-Vasser Sullivan-316 Laps
2-62-David Rigon\James Calado\Daniel Serra-Ferrari 296 GT3-Risi Competizone
3-19-Mirko Bortolotti\Jordan Pepper\Franck Pereira-Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 2-Iron Lynx
4-1-Bryan Sellers\Madison Snow\Neil Verghagen-BMW M4 GT3-Paul Miller Racing
5-23-Alex Riberas\Ross Gun\Mario Farnbacher-Aston Martin Vantage GT3 Evo-Heart Of Racing
GTD-Top 5
1-57-Russel Ward\Phillip Ellis\Indy Dontje-Mercedes-AMG GT3-Winward Racing-314 Laps
2-47-Antonio Fuoco\Roberto Lacorte\Giorgio Sergionatto-Ferrari 296 GT3-Cetilar Racing
3-120-Adam Adelson\Jan Haylen\Eliott Skeer-Porsche 992 GT3 R-Wright Motorsport
4-27-Roman de Angelis\Ian James\Zacharie Robichon-Aston Martin Vantage GT3 Evo-Heart Of Racing
5- 78-Loris Spinelli\Devlin Defrancesco\Misha Goikhberg-Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 2-Forte Racing
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mach-speed-spin · 10 months
Since Burst has finally ended for both TT and Hasbro (I had this sitting in my drafts ever since we speculated Sparking was the last season), and Hasbro’s been bad since Turbo, I decided to do a “what if?” Specifically, “what if Hasbro exclusives were released by TT and had gimmicks?” (note this is the irl equivalent of headcanons and nothing I say is factually true)
Putting the rest under the cut because it’s long (it’s every Hasbro-exclusive in all of Burst plus images)
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Diomedes D2 Triple Accel: Dire Diomedes Triple Accel. Triple and Accel are parts TT has already released and the only exclusive part is the layer. Other than using a semi-transparent green (like with Kerbeus or Yggdrasil), TT’s version is basically unchanged since it’s a dual layer
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Hyrus H2 Yell Needle: Horn Hyrus Yell Needle. Again, the disc and driver already exist. Being a dual layer, it doesn’t have many changes made to it other than the center being transparent (like all TT dual layers minus Xcalibur). The green parts that stick out are metal, meant to add weight to the layer like Lost Longinus
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Istros I2 Upper Survive: Island Istros Upper Survive. The layer layer only has slight color changes (like all dual layers). Like most dual layers, it doesn’t have a complex gimmick that Hasbro would remove (plus Hasbro didn’t really change the dual layers). Upper and Survive already exist in TT
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Orpheus O2 Armed Defense: Orchestra Orpheus Armed Defense has 2 circles on the bottom corners that are rollers (like Kreis Satan but their positioning is different)
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Surtr S2 Spread Quake: Scorch Surtr Spread Quake. It doesn’t have a gimmick (other than Quake) so the only other changes are to the coloring, like the flames being gradients instead of solid colors
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Tyros T2 Infinity Zephyr: Thunder Tyros Infinity Zephyr has slightly different coloring. Like most dual layers, no major changes
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Asteroid Zeutron Z3 4Meteor Revolve: Asteroid Zeus 4Meteor Revolve. The 3 dots in the center are metal (being a Cho-Z bey). The level chip slot is in one of the black triangles. TT keeps the rest of the parts the same. Other than that, slight coloring changes
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Tide Treptune T3 8Bump Edge: Tide Trident 8Bump Edge (alliterative names didn’t go away after dual layers, like Judgement Joker). The gimmick is virtually the same as Screw Trident and the level chip slot is at the hilt of the trident. Being a Cho-Z bey, it has metal on the trident (specifically the red middle part)
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Balar B4 6 Spiral-S: Rush Balar 6 Spiral features metal on the silver horns (not the ram face in the center). The rest of the parts stay the same (other than it using a regular Spiral’ instead of Spiral-S)
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Cyclops C4 5 Flugel-S: Savage Cyclops 5 Flugel. The gold on the outer section is metal (but the gold on the face isn’t)
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Dullahan D4 7 Tower-S: Riding Dullahan 7 Tower’ features metal on the 4 blades (where Hasbro used metallic paint)
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Gargoyle G4 8 Massive-S: Demon Gargoyle 8 Massive features metal on both silver wings and on the central G
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Kraken K4 11 Prevail-S: Ocean Kraken 11 Prevail has metal on the 2 anchors on the layer. The driver is unique though, as it is the first Hasbro-exclusive part in this post to not be a layer. The Prevail driver is a free-spinning sharp tip (akin to Gyro) with a free-spinning ring around it (like Never or Destroy). Essentially, it’s 2 free-spinning parts in one. The whole driver is similar to Universe, but sharp instead of round and with a smaller ring
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Morrigna M4 2 Loop-S: Night Morrigna 2 Loop has metal on the layer. Specifically, the silver crow in the center
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Ogre O4 1 Jaggy-S: Cave Ogre 1 Jaggy’ has metal on the silver parts of the layer
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Rudr R4 12 Fusion-S: Arrow Rudr 12 Fusion’ features metal on the layer, as well as a bound gimmick. Each of the arrows is on top of a blue wings is metal. Each blue wing is spring-loaded and will be pushed back when hit, cushioning the attack
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Sphinx S2 6 Accel-S: Desert Sphinx 6 Accel’ features metal on the layer and an expanding gimmick similar to Shelter Regulus. At high speeds, the wings pop out like in the image, but when its spin starts to lower, they retract slightly revealing the metal contact points
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Typhon T4 4 Defense-S: Deep Typhon 4 Defense features metal on the layer and a partial free-spin gimmick. The outer ring can rotate 90 degrees in each direction, giving it a total of 180 degrees of movement. This allows for it to act like a free-spinning layer at parts of the match, and like a solid layer at other points
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Poison Cyclops C5 Knuckle Guardian-H: Poison Cyclops Knuckle Guard Zan uses the poison base from Poison Cobra (with the rubber shock-absorption gimmick). The Cyclops chip has average teeth
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Viper Hydrax H5 Python Coil-H: Viper Typhon Python Coil Ten is an evolution to Deep Typhon (Hasbro confirmed it was originally meant to be Viper Typhon). This bey features several gimmicks. The Typhon chip is left-spin. The Viper base has rubber on 2 of its blades (the ones without the gold). The rubber allows it to spin steal or act like offensive blades (akin to Judgement) depending on the opponent’s spin direction. The blades with gold are plastic, but the gold itself is metal. The Python disc features a metal center, with a rubber coating and the rubber is surrounded by plastic. This allows for shock absorption like Screw Trident or the Poison base. The Coil driver is spring-loaded, just like Nothing and Absorb, albeit with a ball shape. However, it also had a spring-loaded outer ring, like Kick
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Shield Kerbeus K5 Infinity Linear-H: Shield Kerbeus Infinity Liner’ Ten has metal on the base (the chains) and a bound gimmick. The bound gimmick is in the green plastic blades between the fixed metal chains, and each blade can be pushed inwards like Hazard Kerbeus’s chains. The Kerbeus chip has the same teeth as the Kaiser Kerbeus layer. The Infinity disc, Liner driver, and Ten weight are all reused parts (but Liner now has a stronger spring)
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Cosmic Kraken K5 Lore Valor-H: Cosmo Kraken Lore Valor Ten uses the standard Cosmo base and Ten weight. The Kraken chip has teeth comparable to that of Ashura. The Lore disc features a mode change like Convert. In 6 blade mode the weight is evenly distributed amongst 6 points. In 2 blade mode, the 6 points are shifted so 3 are stacked together, causing the weight to be evenly distributed amongst 2 points. The Valor driver is a free-spinning flat tip, of similar size to Blow
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Tact Leviathan L5 7 Zephyrus-H: Tact Leviathan 7 Zephyr’ Sou. The only Hasbro-exclusive part is the Leviathan chip, which has similar teeth to Achilles but is left spin
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Monster Ogre O5 Outer Octave-H: Monster Ogre Outer Octa Retsu features metal on the chip (the red ogres) and rubber on the base (the green parts)
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Inferno Salamander S5 Wing Jagged-H: Infernal Salamander Wing Jaggy’ Sou. Infernal (because Inferno Ifrit already exists) has metal and can switch from 5 to 10 blades just like Hell Salamander. The Salamander chip’s teeth are the same as on the Hell Salamander layer
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Solar Sphinx S5 6 Jagged-H: Solar Sphinx 6 Jaggy’ Zan features a gimmick similar to Cho-Z Valkyrie and Tempest Dragon. When hard launched, the wings extend, increasing attack power. When the wings are hit, they can retract giving it a more defensive shape. The Sphinx chip has teeth similar to Diabolos I
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Morrigna M5 11 Banshee-H: Night Morrigna 11 Banshee is a Cho-Z bey released during the GT series, featuring a new driver (like Naked Diabolos having Wave). The Banshee driver is a small rubber ball tip, of a similar size to Defense. It’s like a smaller, non free-spinning Keep
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Spear Dullahan D6 Boost Fusional-SP: Spear Dullahan Fusion’ 1A features metal on the ring (the 4 metallic-painted blades). The Dullahan chip has a metal chip core
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Gilded Balderov B7 Diaqron-Q Zephyr-Q+Press-G08: Gilded Baldur Diaqron High Press’-6’. The Baldur core has similar teeth to Fafnir. The Gilded blade has metal on the silver portions to add weight. The 6’ armor is a slightly modified version of 6, which distributes weight similarly, but is slightly heavier. Diaqron has a similar shape to Variant Lucifer’s layer. High Press’ is self explanatory. It’s Press but taller and with a stronger spring
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Magma Ifritor I7 Ciquex-Q Jaggy-Q+Wave-G03: Magma Ifrit Ciquex High Wave’-12. Everything except the armor and driver are the same as in the anime. Since the anime Magma Ifrit is a QD bey (instead of TT’s DB system), the anime gives it a QD driver. The closest a TT driver gets to it is High Wave (it uses the Wave attachment but because it’s QD it’s taller). It uses High Wave’ instead of just High Wave because Wave was already mediocre and without being dash the driver would be pointless. The 12 armor has a shape similar to 10, but with more points
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Berserk Linwyrm L7 Fq-Q Fusion-Q+Hunter-G05: Berserk Linwyrm Fyquor Hunter’-2’. For differences in the TT version, mainly just more detail on the core and blade. The disc is less hollowed out while keeping the same shape and 2’is a slightly modified 2. The Linwyrm core has teeth similar to Belial I
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Wrath Cobra C7 Aquilon-Q Spiral-Q+Defense-G07: Wrath Hydra Aquilon Defense Metal’-12’ is a left spin defense type, being the only bey since Left Apollos to completely switch spin direction from its predecessor (in this case, Poison Hydra) The silver parts on the Wrath blade are metal. Aquillon keeps its square shape but is thicker and heavier. 12’ is a modified version of 12. Defense Metal’ has the shape of defense, but with a metal ball and a dash spring
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Stone Nemesis N7 Ciquex-Q Needle-Q+A03-G06: Stone Nemesis Ciquex Blow’-3’. The Stone blade has a mode change, allowing it to be in either attack mode (shown in the picture), or stamina mode (the blade has 2 oval layers, in stamina mode they’re perpendicular to each other, like Flash Saggitario from MFB). 3’ is a slightly modified 3
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Katana Muramasa M7 Qq-Q Mobius-Q+Rise-G12: Katana Muramasa Quacchu Metal Rise-10’. The Katana Blade has metal on the swords, giving it outward weight distribution and better stamina. The Quacchu disc is similar to Tapered, but heavier and less smooth, improving weight at the cost of LAD
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Ambush Nyddhog N8 Tapered-Q Eternal-Q+D08-7: Ambush Nidhogg Tapered Rumble-7 is a dual spin defense type. The Ambush blade consists of 6 spring-loaded sections that can be pushed in (like Hazard Kerbeus). The Rumble driver is like Eternal but with rubber instead of POM. This sacrifices stamina for defense
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Hydra Poseidon P8 Nexus-Q Bite-Q+B06-G05: Hydro Poseidon Nexus Billow-2’ is a right spin balance type. The core has metal on the tip of the trident, making it unbalanced. It also has a bound ability like Dragon. The Hydro blade is coated entirely in rubber, and has 2 individual bound sections, one on each side (like Gatling). The Billow driver features a spring-loaded ring like Kick, but the tip is round instead of sharp
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Fierce Bazilisk B8 Qq-Q TA25-Q+S08-G03: Fierce Basilisk Quacchu Flap-12 is a left spin stamina type. The green wings flail out slightly, like Ragnaruk’s stamina wings. The Basilisk core features a small amount of metal towards its center. The Flap driver is a sharp plastic tip surrounded by a free-spinning plate, giving it a similar shape to Rise
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Lightning Pandora Endless P8 Tq-Q Fusion-Q+S10-G16: Lightning Pandora Twist Still-7’. The Lightning blade has rollers similar to the Satan beys, and the pointier edges expand outwards at high speed like Archer Hercules. 7’ is just a slightly modified 7. The Twist disc is very similar to Infinity, but compatible with DB low mode. Still is a free-spinning sharp tip. It’s essentially a cross between Gyro and Just
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Tidal Pandora Epic P8 Nexus-Q Just-Q+A10-G08: Tidal Pandora Nexus Stormy-6’ is a right spin attack type. The Tidal blade has rubber on the blades. The Stormy driver is a rubber driver with a similar shape to Jaggy
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Twister Pandora Evasive P8 Qq-Q Edge-Q+D08-G03: Twister Pandora Quacchu Rumble-12 is a right spin defense type. The Twister blade has a downforce gimmick similar to Wind
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Flame Pandora Everlasting P8 Aquilon-Q Jolt-Q+B10-G12: Flame Pandora Aquilon Flexible-10′. The Flame blade has a bound ability similar to Tempest on its 4 wings, but they do not lock in place (so they have no awakened state like Tempest). The Flexible driver is like a reverse Unite, having a sharp rubber tip coming out of a flat plastic tip
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Ruin Pandemonium P8 Karma-Q Spiral-Q+Lucent-4′: Ruin Pandemonium Karma Lucent-4’. The Pandemonium core has a burst stopper that extends at high speeds and retracts when the bey slows down (similar to Orichalcum). The Ruin blade has metal on the underside (not unlike Guilty). Lucent is a reverse Ultimate Reboot, being a flat rubber driver that transitions into a plastic sharp when it loses spin
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