#Kawakami x reader
randoimago · 4 months
Been a LONG time since I've done a request, so I'll go ahead and do one.
Hifumi, Futaba, Kawakami & Sae with an S/O that loves to cook for them (they're an incredibly skilled cook, btw)
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Futaba Sakura, Hifumi, Kawakami, Sae Nijima
Note(s): I feel like if S/O cooks for Sae then they have to cook for Makoto too since they do live together. But this is a very cute request!
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While Futaba is happy that you enjoy cooking for her, she'll probably never ask you to make curry. There's just something very nostalgic and special about Sojiro's curry. Even if you make it amazingly, it's not the same.
Will happily ask you to make her different things though if you really do want to cook her food.
Honestly, Futaba might bring up the idea of you working at Le Blanc so there's more of a menu besides just various coffee and curry. Then again, that means less time for you to cook for her so she might pout a bit if you consider the offer.
Hifumi really appreciates you cooking for her. I feel like depending on where she's at in her confidant is how she'll react to the cooking itself rather than the gesture. Her mom gives vibes of "you should diet so you look good on TV" before the change of heart.
So, because headcanons, she probably doesn't always eat what you make since she does want to make her mother happy. Until she decides to rebel/her mom's heart is changed and she'll gladly eat your cooking and thank you so much for making such delicious food.
There have been many times when she is deep in being a chuunibyou while practicing Shogi that she forgets to eat so she's very thankful to have you already to make sure she does. Probably asks you to play with her as practice, even if you're not good at it, she still would like a round with the ultimate chef (what she calls you during these matches).
Oh she appreciates your cooking so much. With how busy she is with lesson plans and grading papers and things like that, she doesn't always have time to make a nice lunch or dinner for herself.
Gladly has you in charge of the cooking since you like it so much. She'll take care of cleaning.
Might pout at you or shoo you away if you try to bring her food while she's at school. Yes, it's very cute, but she teaches teenagers that will absolutely tease the crap out of her. Go wait in the teacher's lounge or something, it's okay if the food gets cold. She does not need to hear "ooh's" and "aah's" from the brats in her class.
She's also one that is pretty busy with her work most days so she doesn't always have the time to make herself a good meal. Makoto usually helps with dinner, but she appreciates when you take over cooking.
Sae will want to return the favor by taking you out somewhere nice. She knows that your cooking is really good, but sometimes it's nice to take a break from cooking and eat at a restaurant together.
If you ever showed up at her work with food then she'll be a bit flustered, but thank you a lot as she takes it from you. Thankfully, with her job, she doesn't have to deal with too many of her coworkers teasing her over the loving gesture so she'll happily take the lunch you made her and kiss your cheek before saying she'll see you at home.
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Taglist: @reo-the-leo
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How would Kawakami deal with a student that said they wanted to marry her when they graduate?
Kawakami with a student who wants to marry her when they graduate?
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•At first she's shocked
•Sure the two of you have been dating for about a year at this point after she discovered you were a phantom thief
•But she didn't expect that you'd want to advance your relationship to marriage
•Hell she didn't even expect to ever get married honestly
•After she gets over her shock is when she gets flustered
•You love her so much that you actually want to get married to her after you graduate
•She honestly loves the idea and finds it incredibly romantic
•A teacher and a students forbidden romance blossoming into a full on life together
•It's like something put of a romance novel and she actually gets to live it
•So I probably don't need to say this but she loves the idea and agrees to it almost instantly
•Well after she's done being flustered anyway
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4kominato · 1 year
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A/N: OMG SORRY I TOOK SO LOOOONG TT-TT .. i hope you enjoy this! i tried my best to create a plot that included quality fluff AND smut (youre also my first daiya request ever on this blog so i feel totally sh*tty that im so late erghshshd) also, sorry if the aftercare is too realistic that its not cute anymore :') ~kuri
@cxffeeshxts Request: May I request fluff/smut scenario of kawakami norifumi :0 If so, thank you very much! 
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Pairing: Kawakami Norifumi x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut (M) - SEXUAL CONTENT
Word Count: 2.1 K
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It's a beautiful day out. The winter air is dry and cold, but the bright sun in the sky and thin layer of clouds helped to comfortably balance out the potentially frigid weather. Despite being home for the first time after a long semester of university in America, you told your parents you would be seeing Nori first, since you didn’t get to spend a whole lot of time with him in the summer before you left, due to Seido’s advancement to the summer tournament.
Nori is your boyfriend of three years, the two of you having met in junior high when you were a third year and he was a second year. Despite his shyness and insecurity, he was always so sweet and caring toward you, and the more you talked, it felt like you guys just… clicked, so it came as no surprise when you found yourself falling head over heels for him. Knowing he probably wouldn’t make the first move and that you couldn’t let someone like him just slip away, you asked him to be your boyfriend at your junior high graduation so that you guys could make things official before you went off to high school. You refused to tell him which high school you would be attending because you wanted him to choose for himself where he wanted to go, but somehow fate brought the two of you back together, Nori having picked Seido to join their prestigious baseball team.
With Nori being on the first string, you got to know some of the others in his grade as well, and you’d gotten them on board with helping you surprise Nori at the dorms. After catching the train to your house to drop off your luggage, you walk to the school to meet Kuramochi at the entrance so he can lead you to the retired third year dorms, where Shirasu is keeping Nori occupied until your arrival.
“Do you think Nori will follow you to university in America too?” Kuramochi jokes, as the two of you walk down the hall toward Nori’s room.
“I’m not sure. He hasn’t really mentioned it much to be honest,” you start, taking a moment to think before continuing. “I think I’m not as reluctant to the idea of him going to the same university though, because doing long distance from a different country was pretty tough with the time differences and all.”
“Yeah, and you guys can’t get all lovey dovey,” he snickers.
“I mean yeah… that too.”
You’re about to keep walking when Kuramochi stops in front of one of the doors and whips his index finger up over his lips, gesturing for you to be quiet. Then he proceeds to knock on the door.
A soft, “Come in,” sounds from the other side of the door, cueing Kuramochi to open the door.
“What’s up?” Nori asks curiously as Kuramochi enters the small room, simply standing right in front of the doorway.
“I have a surprise for you,” he replies before turning towards you and gesturing for you to come in. You can’t wipe the dumb grin off your face when you walk up to the doorway and see Nori’s face light up.
“Oh my god!” he exclaims, sitting up from his bed and running up to you, “What are you doing here?!”
“Surprising you, obviously,” you laugh as he lifts you up in his arms and spins you around.
“I missed you so much.”
“But I missed you more–”
“Aaand we’re leaving now,” Kuramochi interrupts and heads toward the door with Shirasu following suit. “Use protection! Hyaha!”
“And don’t forget to lock the door,” Shirasu adds, and with that they exit the room, shutting the door behind them. Finally alone, the sexual tension between the two of you multiplies tenfold. It’d been nearly half a year since the two of you had gotten to be intimate with each other, so even just the initial hug you shared  upon your arrival had your gut churning with desire.
“So…” you draw out suggestively, simultaneously taking Shirasu’s advice and locking the door.
“So…” he responds in a similar fashion, the two of you obviously having the same thing in mind despite both of your reluctance to say it. Instead, you walk up to Nori, reaching for his hands as you press your forehead to his, then your nose, and finally your lips, at which point he resorts to slipping his hands around your waist.
The feeling of him growing hard against your thigh sends heat rushing downward, and in no time, you can feel your arousal drenching your panties. Nori’s hand moves up to your neck, pushing your hair out of the way to place his lips there and gently trail kisses along its length and down to your collarbone.
“May I?” Nori nearly whispers, tugging at the hem of your top.
“Of course,” you reply with a smirk before assisting him in removing the garment. You can see his hungry eyes dilate at the sight of your lace adorned breasts, and just as he reaches up to cup them, you decide to throw him a reverse uno card, cupping the bulge in his pants and gently massaging it before he gets the chance to do anything to you.
He gasps in half surprise, half pleasure as you continue to palm him over his sweats, his hands faltering on your breasts at the feeling. You take the opportunity to capture his lips once more, and slowly guide him to the bed where you proceed to straddle him.
“I want you so bad already,” you whine, rolling your hips on his now fully hard member, eagerly seeking any friction you could get against your aching clit. “I’m soaking.”
“God, you’re so hot,” he moans breathily, his eyes fluttering shut as you continue to grind against his needy cock. “I want you too… but it's been a while. Are you sure you’ll be okay?”
“I’ll be fine. I need you,” you demand as you rip off your bottoms and fling them aside. “Don’t finish too quickly, okay?” you tease as you pull down the waistband of his sweats and briefs in one go to free his throbbing erection.
“Wait–” he barely manages to say before you take him, “Use a condom.”
“Nori…” you whine. Normally it wouldn’t have bothered you, but with how deprived you’d been the past four months, your patience is running extremely thin.
“Especially since it’s been so long I might not be able to pull out in time. I don’t wanna take any chances.”
“Ugh, fine…” you give in with a frustrated groan, but he did bring up a valid point, so you couldn’t really argue further. You return to the bed after fetching one of the foil packages from his dresser and tearing it open. Climbing back on top of him, you quickly pinch the tip of the thin rubber disk and roll it down his firm length, eliciting a soft moan from him that further tested your patience. “Are you ready now?” you ask almost aggressively as you position him to your entrance.
“Ye–” he barely starts to say, but before he can finish, you lower yourself onto him, easing him into your wetness and completely interrupting his train of thought. “Oh, god–” he groans, throwing his head back at the feeling of your wet walls encompassing his girth.
“Ah, Nori, you feel even better than I remembered,” you sigh in relief at the feeling of finally having him inside of you. As much as you would’ve loved to draw it out and take your time with him like you normally do, you don’t have the self control to do so this time; for the duration of your three year relationship with him, this is the longest you’d ever been abstinent and obviously, it’s taking a huge toll on you.
Placing your palms flush against his chest, you stabilize yourself enough to rhythmically drive your hips up and down, riding him to your heart’s content. The way he fills you up so perfectly gives you unfathomable gratification, his thickness rubbing up against your tender walls while his length hits just the right spot deep in your core. You don’t remember it feeling this amazing, but maybe the waiting and anticipation that had built up over the past few months was enough to amplify the blissful sensation tenfold.
“Nori, I’m already close,” you pant, forcing yourself to maintain your rigorous pace despite the rapidly escalating tension accumulating in your lower half.
“So am I,” he barely manages to say.
“Fuck…” you whine under your breath as you abruptly accelerate your movements in an eager attempt to chase your high, albeit extremely sporadically.
“Baby, I–” Nori moans through labored breaths, his grip on your hips substantially tightening as he finally succumbs to euphoria, his eyes rolling back whilst his manhood pulsates within you. Wanting nothing more than to reach ecstasy together with him, you begin bouncing on top of him even more erratically, feral almost, until his swollen head is kissing the lip of your cervix, expediting the tingly feeling accumulating in your gut.
After what feels like hours of edging, you’re finally enraptured, sheer pleasure erupting from the heat between your legs and radiating throughout the entirety of your body. You’d been doing a remarkable job keeping the sounds to a minimum… that is until the breathtaking feeling of climax sends you over the edge enough to force a cry out of you. You’re sure whoever is in the room next door can hear you loud and clear, but there's no way you could’ve prevented it.
As you slowly come down from your high, your shaky arms give out and you collapse forward onto Nori’s chest completely winded.
“God, that was so good…” you mumble weakly. “Sorry I got loud at the end though. Your neighbors probably heard me.”
“It’s fine,” he answers breathily, combing his fingers through your hair, “After Christmas, I only have one more term with them anyways.”
“Mm,” you hum, unable to answer in words with how weary you’d become.
“Before you fall asleep, let me clean up,” Nori requests, gently rolling you off of him to get off the bed, “And you should pee first.”
“You’re too responsible, Nori,” you grumble with your face buried into his pillow.
“It’s for your health.”
With your eyes still closed, you hear some shuffling and some tissues being pulled before the bed sinks next to you, followed by the feeling of fingers brushing your hair out of your face.
“C’mon, babe, get up. I’ll take you to the restroom and then you can sleep. Won’t it be worse if you end up getting a UTI?”
“Yeah, I know…” you groan, finally sitting up and wrapping your arms around his waist. With a soft smile, he returns your embrace and leans in to place a chaste kiss to the top of your head.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you, too.”
He only allows a moment more of sitting in silence before he fills the void again. “Okay, now get dressed before you actually fall asleep,” he demands as he retrieves your clothing from the floor.
“Mrgh,” you respond groggily, still reluctant to get out of bed, but regardless, you do as he says. After he shows you to the restroom, he walks you back to his room and tucks you comfortably into his bed.
“You must be tired and hungry from the long flight, huh?” he asks as he kneels at the bedside.
“Mhm,” you mumble, starting to succumb to slumber with how comfortable you are in Nori’s bed, intoxicated by his sweet scent that you missed so much while you were away.
“Well, I’m gonna go meet Miyuki to get some pitching practice in this evening and then I’ll bring you back some food from the cafeteria for when you wake up, okay?” he speaks gently, and though your eyes are closed and you can’t see him, you can feel his loving gaze upon you.
“Mm,” you mumble once more, softer this time but still loud enough that Nori knows you’ve acknowledged his statement.
“Alright,” he responds as he leans in to press a tender kiss to your forehead. “Sleep tight. I love you so much. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
Though you can’t bring yourself to answer in your now very somnolent state, hearing his words fill you with warmth, receiving the affection you’d been deprived of this past semester. You couldn’t have asked for a better welcome home than spending time with the love of your life, and even though he isn’t with you right now, you know he’ll be back soon to share more memories with throughout the remainder of the holiday season.
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tomiexkawakami · 7 months
✧⋆ A relaxing Massage ⋆✧ (smut) (Modern Au)
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⚠️WARNING⚠️ This includes NSFW, content not appropriate for all.
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It was around nine thirty P.M while you were heading home from work, it was EXHAUSTING... some of your coworkers couldn't attend work due to 'reasons' which were obviously excuses not to come to work.
You had to do it for them, and your work was already more then enough on its own... you just wanted to go home and rest, cuddle and stay close to your husband.
Before you could even knock on the door, your husband opens it quickly and brings you to a warm embrace, it was very clear he was happy to see you..
"Welcome back home, my dear... you seem exhausted, come and rest" Yoriichi said in a worrisome tone, he really didn't like seeing you over work yourself
"Thank you dear... i really appreciate it..." You thanked him as he leads you to the warm sofa, you sat down and relaxed on the couch.
"I noticed that your body seems very tense my dear.. would it be alright if i gave you a massage to calm and relax you?" he asked with a soft smile, but very dirty intentions and thoughts going through his head.
"Oh yes please, i would love that.." you replied almost instantly, the opportunity was too good to pass up, you needed to just, relax... Yoriichi was good at giving massages.
Maybe too good. His hand seemed to have expert knowledge on the pressure points and stress points of the body. His massage was sure to make you feel better. Perhaps more than just relaxed…
And Yoriichi knew about the secret effect of these massages… Yoriichi started massaging you, slowly but it sure was relaxing...
He gave your shoulders a little squeeze as you relaxed on the couch.
His hands had a special talent with massaging pressure points…
"Don’t worry, my love… You don’t have to talk to me about anything that is troubling you… Just try to relax…"
Your stress melted away as Yoriichi kept on massaging your shoulders. You were in his control now. Everything would be ok. The moment was almost too perfect.
Yoriichi let his hand slowly creep downwards, you were too relaxed to notice the smirk he put on his face…
And then his hand began to creep downwards… A smirk crawled across his face as he realized what he was about to do.
The feeling of power was addicting…and Yoriichi couldn’t resist the urge. "just relax…"
A devilish grin crept across his face as he brought the massage down to your legs. He was about to do the very thing that he had been fantasizing about for so long.
And You? You wouldn’t be able to resist him.
With each moment, your limbs turned to jelly.
You felt as if they were melting under his hands as he kneaded out those tense muscles. It was the most relaxing feeling you had felt in a while…
Yoriichi’s eyes lit up at your reaction. He took his opportunity, beginning to massage your thighs while smiling deviously.
His massage was starting to get a little bit more suggestive…
After finally realising what he's planning, your eyes slightly widen, this wasnt going to be just some normal massage..
"Oh, (name)."
He continues his massage, bringing it even further down your legs. Yoriichi can’t help but chuckle. He really enjoyed teasing you like this.
"Relax, my love… You have nothing to worry about…"
He then starts moving his massage upwards, brushing just a little too close to the middle of your legs.
This made you flustered, his touch.. was.. very enjoyable... Yoriichi’s voice was soft, but his gaze said otherwise. He continued to massage you, brushing even closer between your legs.
"What... are you doing..?" You asked, slighly flushed at his behaviour.
"I’m just…giving you a nice massage…don’t worry…"
He smirked again as he continued, getting just a bit more forceful with the movement.
You could feel his fingers teasing you…just a bit more….until - OH! You felt it! One of Yoriichi’s fingers touched you in a more intimate way.. and he loved it.
Yoriichi had you just where he wanted you…You couldn’t help but let out a soft moan. Yoriichi smirked, enjoying every second of him teasing you even further.
"Just relax…let me take care of everything…"
Yoriichi grins widely as you blush deeply in embarrassment. He had won the game. You were now firmly in his grasp and he knew exactly what to do. He starts his work, slowly and carefully…Just the right amount… just the right pressure… fingering you perfectly.
Your entire body was shaking now as Yoriichi continued his massage, making sure not to over-stimulate you. He took his time, making sure to give you the best massage of your life...
Your body responded to his every touch… you were sensitive.
It was happening, your body giving in to the pleasures of his touch.
"Just relax…let me take care of everything…"
He said as he continued his massage, his fingers running over you.
Just when you thought it couldn't get more intimate, his fingers finally touched the sweet spot…
You couldn’t help but moan to the touch, Yoriichi’s eyes widened in excitement when you moaned.
He loved the way you looked so vulnerable at his touch. You were already so worked up by this point and he knew exactly what he had to do…
Every moan you made was like music to his ears. He wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. His gentle hands continued roaming over your body, bringing you to the edge.
Soon, you felt him shift his position to be on top of you. Yoriichi held onto your body tightly, his arms pulling you closer to him.
You felt his soft warmth press against your skin, your body slowly becoming more and more sensitive to his touch. Your heart started beating faster, your breathing becoming shorter and faster.
You began to moan softly… the pleasure of his touch was overwhelming. It felt so… good.
He started to give you a long, passionate kiss, his tongue meeting yours.. it was amazing. While keeping the kiss, he leds you both to the shared bedroom, he pinned you down while slowly undressing you... after doing so, he undressed aswell.
"Like what you see?" He asked before pulling you to another long kiss.
"Are you ready for the next part of my massage...?"
This was my first ever attempt on writing NSFW so please don't judge me too hard😭🙏
English is my second language, so i am not fluent, if there is any spelling mistakes please tell me! Thank you for reading!
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mocolococoffeesimp · 11 days
Hi idk if you would be dwn to write for p5 but if you are id like to request separate hcs for takemi and kawakami with a reader that has a mommy kink
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-The first time you accidentally called Tae mommy, she raised her eyebrow at you. She had a teasing smirk on her face. She had heard, people doing this. But, know that her own partner did that... Well, she was intrigued to say the least.
"Oh? What was that, quinea pig? Just say it again, I won't bite... This time." She kept her teasing smirk, as she waited for you to repeat what you had said.
"Mommy... I called you mommy..." You admit, with red cheeks. Her smirk only grew, she was going to tease you about it.
"Oh? Call me that again... I quite liked that."
-Tae just ate it up, every single time you called her mommy. At times, she would insist, that you called her mommy. She ignored you completely, until you called her mommy. She turned to you, with a satisfied smile. She couldn't get enough of it.
-She had a satisfied smile, whenever she gave you the "Motherly attention." Just holding you close, hugging you and drawing small circles on your back. Whispering sweet nothings into your.
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"Excuse me, what!?" She thought being a maid part-time was embarrassing, but now her beloved had called her mommy. With a straight face nonetheless. She couldn't believe her ears. After the initial shock, she took a deep breath, trying to focus on what you just said. She thought this was some weird kink of yours, after all people ordered her to work as a maid.
-She was very strict on keeping it private. Not even a word about it public. But, once behind closed doors...She was more lenient with it. She could play along with it, but she did refuse playing too much along with it. She wanted to be your partner, not mother.
-You two managed to find a balance with it. And, she did find slight enjoyment in it. As you huddle upto her, looking for comfort and her whispering comforting words to your ear.
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slasherpegger · 1 year
Tomie x Plus Size Reader Headcanons
Word Count: 0.4k
A/N: My grand return is catering to myself thanks to a request!!! As a plus size babe who loves Tomie, I adored writing these :))
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Tomie is known to be obsessed with herself and her appearance, only caring about herself and how to get what she wants in life— until she met you. It became her goal to pursue you and once you two became a couple, she’d do whatever it took to make you happy and feel secure. The only person she loved more than herself was you.
Tomie completely loves and adores how you look, she admires and worships you in a non-sexual way. While you two are together she always is caressing your body; your stomach, your arms, your hand, back, cheek, anywhere she can gently stroke her hand upon has become her affectionate victim.
You tell Tomie about your self conscious thoughts about your weight and she is your biggest support, comforting you and endlessly praising how beautiful your body is to her. She holds you and covers your body in gentle kisses, looking up into your eyes occasionally with a sweet softness and whispering sweet complimentary nothings in between each kiss.
Tomie loves to surprise you with clothes, she’ll go out of her way to make sure it fits you perfectly and even shops at plus size specialty stores for you! She’s even a sucker for matching clothes and will get you a cute set or two that you can wear out together.
Tomie loves doing your makeup! She loves to show your features off instead of hiding them, accentuating your round face with a specific contour. She doesn’t admit it but she has spent an unholy amount of time researching how to and watching many YouTube tutorials.
The two of you love going out— it’s a chance to flaunt each other off to the public and display your undying love for one another! Tomie is very affectionate and isn’t afraid to display some PDA; in fact she adores it. She’s proud of you and your love!
It’s always a risk to hear nasty comments while being out, especially every once in a while a fatphobic prick saying something nasty to you. Tomie never appreciates those comments and defends you with her life, standing up to those who dare to insult you. Anyone who tries to say something negative to you, especially about your weight, is getting a verbal berating from your defensive partner.
The morning news is always a blessing and a curse. At first you never understood the coincidence; mutilated corpses found in the same area you live in, all being those who have insulted you or ever made negative comments about your weight or appearance. It took a good while for it to click in your head but once it did, you didn’t know whether to feel flattered or concerned.
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Tell Me I’m The Best
Tomie x wlw!Reader Drabble
I just want her y’know. Y’know?
TW for probably unhealthy relationship dynamics, possessiveness and jealousy. NSFW implied
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You were sprawled in a stupidly large, comfortable bed, fluffy comforters almost devouring you. Music played softly over a radio placed on a dresser across the room, along with the soft hum of the bedrooms overhead fan slowly whirling in steady circles. The room was a mess, clothing and makeup haphazardly laying around. Several juicy gossip column magazines had been thrown around here and there. You had one such magazine in your hands, lazily reading the salacious dramatized versions of the latest love lives of the rich and famous.
You were in the room of your… well. It was hard to describe what you were. Girlfriend didn’t sound right, and lover sounded stupid. Situationship, maybe? Friends with benefits except you don’t see anyone else? There wasn’t a name for being gal pals with a creature who regularly twisted men to her will, driving them mad with desire and in turn often getting herself maimed in horrific ways.
She was a monster, countless murders were because of her. What she even was was never spoken about. You weren’t sure if even Tomie knew. You knew there were… others of her. She had been very displeased in disclosing that, as if you would run off to find another Tomie. Of course there wasn’t a chance you would ever do something stupid like that. For whatever reason she decided you would be who she let hold her at night when she was so sought after, you counted yourself as the luckiest son of a bitch in the world. Not saying she didn’t have her ‘quirks’.
“You’re really reading that when I’m standing right here?” A shrill voice broke the lull, sharp and commanding. Lowering the magazine to look at the source, the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen was standing at the end of the bed with her hands on her hips. There she was… Tomie. The girl of everyone’s dreams. And boy, did she look pissed.
Her perfect face scrunched up as she glared down at you. You just stared at her for a moment before using your quick thinking to deduce why she was mad (this time). Ah, of course…you hadn’t watched her the second she came back into the room and dared to look elsewhere.
“Oh, sorry. Didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to read now.” You responded sarcastically, clearly not phased by her attitude. You were used to it.
“You should be sorry. I’m standing here before you, and you don’t even look up? You’d rather have your nose buried in a stupid magazine?” She responded with a huff and a roll of her eyes. You bit back telling her it was her stupid magazine in the first place, “What could be so interesting, huh?”
After that, you were jostled as she flopped into the blankets next to you. You laughed as she had to shimmy & roll a bit to get over to you. She was wearing comfortable clothes, a simple tank top and shorts that showed off her pristine skin. It was always a wonder to you how she had no scars despite the wounds you had seen her with. She has no obvious marks on her skin besides the beauty mark near her eye. God, you loved that beauty mark. You loved all of her.
Tomie looked disdainfully at the trashy magazine before snaking her way into your arms, head on your chest as she got into a position so she could read with you as you held the magazine out for the both of you. She was cold, her hand resting on your stomach where your shirt had ridden up. You didn’t know if she did it on purpose, but she gently let the tips of her fingers slide under your shirt, just enough to rest her whole palm over your lower stomach. It gave you butterflies.
The two of you read through the magazines pages, laughing and gasping appropriately at the drama. You would both make comments (hers far crueler than yours) about people’s outfits. When it came to a page of particularly beautiful women in a fashion show, you feel Tomie’s eyes slide to you. This was definitely a test and you passed by quickly turning the page. Regardless, Tomie was tired of sharing your attention with the pictured women and she took the magazine out of your hands, propping herself up on her elbow besides you. She tossed it to join all of the other discarded items on the floor.
“Enough of those cheap girls. You don’t need to look at them when I’m here.” She was right. You looked over at her, opening up your arms a bit more to invite her further into your space. She leaned forwards, lips brushing yours. Her lipgloss smelled like cherries, her silky hair spilling towards you. Everything about her was intoxicating.
Your lips pressed into hers and she immediately sprung her trap. Sitting up, she pressed her palms against your shoulders to pin you to the mattress as she pulled away from the all too short kiss. Slinging her leg over your body, she sat on your stomach. It was a little uncomfortable but you were certainly not going to complain. After she was in position, she looked down at you triumphantly. If she was a spider, you were a willing fly walking into her web.
“There we go. Now you’re looking at me, as you should be.” Her manicured nails gently caressed your face as you were looking up at her in clear admiration. “Well? Are you going to say something or just stare at me?”
“What can I say besides what you already know?” That was a rhetorical question. You knew damn well she wanted to - needed to - hear you shower her in compliments. “That you’re gorgeous? More stunning than any of those girls in that magazine.. no, in any magazine.”
In response, Tomie hummed on top of you, her nails now grazing down your throat to run over your collar bone. It was also not missed how she lowered herself more onto you, giving a slight grind against you. That was encouragement if you’d ever had any.
“I’m so lucky to be here with you. You make my life as beautiful as you are.” You gently placed your hands on the sides of her thighs lovingly. Her lip twitched, her expression shifting minutely. She struggled hearing actual romantic sentiments. Being treated like a person and not an object of someone’s crazed obsession was a new experience she was trying to cope with. You tried to continue the sincere sweet talking,
“I mean it…I’ve never been with a girl like you-“
At the mention of other girls you had dated she snapped her hands down next to your head and got close to your face with her eyes hysterical. It had been blindingly fast, and the face she wore was chilling in an uncanny way, like it was something trying to be human but let it slip for a minute. It was small reminders like this that wouldn’t let you forget she was not human, not in the slightest.
“Tell me I’m the best you’ve ever had.” Her eyes were practically pinpricks as she bore them into yours. You shivered at the intensity of it, knowing the dangers of the woman pinning you down.
“You’re the best I’ve ever had.”
After your breathless response, she dove onto you in an aggressive kiss. Her hands had practically morphed to claws as she grasped the sides of your face, sliding up to your hair as she caught your lip in her teeth, looking you in the eyes with that same crazed gaze. You winced as blood broke the surface of your soft lip, her blunt teeth breaking the skin with ease. She slid her tongue over your lip, unabashedly tasting your blood. Letting out a soft groan, her hands tightened again before she was forcing your mouth open with her possessive tongue now rolling around yours. Grinding down onto your hips, she was much stronger than she looked. You were both getting worked up, your hands clutching her soft thighs now. Tomie unlatched herself from your face, still keeping pressure on your hips.
“Good girl. Of course I am.” She smiled proudly, smugness rolling off of her. The iron taste in your mouth of your own blood lingered as she swiped a finger over your ripped open bottom lip. She collected your blood on it & had the gall to look down at you with disgust like it was your fault. “Gross. Bleeding everywhere like that.” Despite that, she licked it off her finger anyways.
Even with her weight leaning on you, and you clearly trying to grind against her as well, she just sat there for a moment looking down at you. Her hair was perfect still, not a strand out of place.
“You’re the best I’ve had, too.” Tomie admitted. It was a rare genuine moment from her. Without letting you process that one (AKA say more sappy shit that made her feel something) she leaned forwards again to lock her intense eyes with you. She smiled and it was off, a little too smooth, too wide, to be normal. It morphed into a wolfish grin as her breath brushed against your mouth.
“And I don’t plan on letting you go any time soon.”
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manias-wordcount · 12 days
Hello, could I please request Kawakami and Takemi (separately) with a reader that calls them mommy? At first by accident but later on on purpose. I would appreciate if you could make it partly nsfw but not fully.
I really hope this isn't too detailed and feel free to disregard parts of the request if it is and thank you in advance if you decide to accept this request.
Accidentally Calling Her "Mommy" HCs (Sadayo Kawakami, Tae Takemi)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Sadayo Kawakami
Didn’t catch it at first
In fact, she only realized it when you started to freak out and apologize LOL
She was really taken aback at first since she hadn’t been feeling like a good teacher lately and didn’t feel like she gave off those vibes
Super hesitant to accept all the times in the future that you did make the same mistake
But eventually, she got tired of the apologizes and just said to hell with it and decided to let you call her that
So both were still really really shy about the term for a while
But eventually came to accept it more or less
To be honest, she’s more receptive of being called “mommy” when in the bedroom lol
Just something about you calling her that in that specific setting really gets her going
Maybe it’s all that time working as a maid for that company finally getting to her LOL
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Tae Takemi
Definitely takes it in stride lmao
(You know she had to have been called that in past relationships, right?)
So she probably answers to it immediately and then laughs in your face when you start to get embarrassed
After a couple of more slip-ups, she starts encouraging it since you clearly associate that word with her already
And suddenly “Mommy” has just replaced almost every other pet name you’ve ever had for her
In private, at least (unless you got the balls to say in front of other people haha)
So after a while, you start using it very casually and it starts becoming just part of your vocabulary with her
Like to get her attention, in simple conversations, just whenever she’s arou
And so far, Takemi seems to really enjoy it from you
Especially whenever you end up saying it in the bedroom LOL
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rekino2114 · 3 months
Kawakami x student reader?
*Kawakami Is trying to tutor y/n*
Kawakami:i explained this to you like three times, how do you still not get it?
Y/n:sorry, it's just kinda boring I think I don't have enough motivation to study
Kawakami:motivation? How about this if you do this exercise correctly I'll kiss you on the cheek.
*y/n immediately answers every question correctly*
Kawakami:h-how did you?
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vex91 · 3 months
TripleS Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff (s) - smut
Kim Yooyeon:
Nothing yet...
Koma Mayu:
Nothing yet...
Zhou Xinyu:
Nothing yet...
Kim Nakyoung:
Nothing yet...
Park Sohyun:
Nothing yet...
Seo Dahyun:
Nothing yet...
Hsu Nien Tzu:
Nothing yet...
Yoon Seoyeon:
Nothing yet...
Ji Suhyeon:
Nothing yet...
Kamimoto Kotone:
Nothing yet...
Kim Chaeyeon:
Nothing yet...
Gong Yubin:
Nothing yet...
Lee Jiwoo:
Nothing yet...
Yamada Kaede:
Nothing yet...
Park Shion:
Nothing yet...
Kawakami Lynn:
Nothing yet...
Pirada Bunraksa:
Nothing yet...
Jeong Hyerin:
Nothing yet...
Kim Chaewon:
Nothing yet...
Jeong Hayeon:
Nothing yet...
Kim Soomin:
Nothing yet...
Kwak Yeonji:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
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kokofromwattpad · 1 year
Featuring: Tomie Kawakami
Plot: You are Tomie's first real relationship. You both absolutely adore the other to bits. But what happens when someone decides to try and take her attention away from you.
Cw: Tomie is aware of what she is able to do, established relationship, gn!reader, Tomie x reader, set in the model chapter
A/N: I love Tomie with my entire being. I even have her manga set.
Tomie is in complete adoration of you. She is still in total shock that you reciprocated her undying love to you.
The two of you live in a relatively large apartment together. You are basically the housewife. Tomie goes out and seduces the rich and famous to bring back money to you.
In public, she makes sure to wear a head scarf and sunglasses as to not attract any paparazzi's attention to her.
Even after spending day after day, manipulating people for her own personal and materialistic gain, she always makes sure to come back home to you, no matter if she has died or not.
It was actually quite surprising how deeply in love she was with you. Time after time, she has died, with all her memories in tact. And after her new self walks through the doorway of your shared apartment, she falls instantly in love again.
One day, she got a phone call from one of her acquaintances to meet up with one of his friends. When she told you this news, you were already prepared for the worst. You were already fully aware of what your girlfriend was and what she was able to do.
"Alright, but remember, please try and stay safe. I know how things go and I just want you to be alright." you softly whispered into her ear as she stood in the front door's hallway.
She smiled happily while she returned your warm hug right back. "Don't worry my love. You can trust me." she said affirmatively.
She met up with the supposed model that her friend told her about with her heart caged and stoned closed.
Over the span of over a month, the model spoiled her with jewelry that she just gave to you, dinners that she didn't even eat and clothes she would have you try on.
Day in and day out, she would bring you goodies from her days out and let you choose anything that you wanted to keep. Obviously, when ever she brought back presents for you, you would make her faviroute meal, caviar and foie gras.
But one day, Tomie went out to see the model again and she never returned home.
You were obviously out of your mind with worry.
You sat in the living room, just watching whatever caught your attention, when suddenly, you heard the door to your apartment open and close.
You quickly jumped up to your already sore feet from pacing and wrapped a fluffy blue blanket around your cold figure.
When you walked into the hallway that led to the door, you saw your girlfriend Tomie stark naked with her beautiful black hair down.
"Darling?! Are you okay? Are you cold?" you speedily said while rushing over to Tomie with the blue blanket open to wrap her up in a fluffy burrito.
Once you successfully trapped your girlfriend in the warm cocoon, you gently led her to your shared bedroom.
You left her to choose something to wear as you started cooking something up for her to eat.
Tomie emerged from the bedroom wearing one of your band shirts and gym shorts. She slowly walked towards you until she was met with your back. She gently wrapped her slender arms around your torso tightly.
"You alright darling?" you asked her.
"Yes, just a bit shaken up..." she softly replied.
You gently smiled to yourself while you finished up with dinner.
With Tomie still attached to your torso, you dragged her into the living and made her sit down.
You placed a pillow on her lap and then a white tray with her favorite food on. She smiled widely at her lap while you sat next to her and started scrolling through Netflix.
She was bursting with joy once she finished her meal and she set her tray on the coffee table in front of her.
She wrapped her arms around your body as you pulled a second blanket from your right and wrapped it around the two of you.
For the rest of the night, the two of you cuddled until you both fell asleep.
You were painfully unaware of what your girlfriend had done to that model.
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randoimago · 5 months
Hi there, May I please request Alphabet headcanon (D,F,L,T) for Sadayo Kawakami please?
Alphabet Headcanons
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Sadayo Kawakami
Type of Request: Alphabet Headcanons
Note(s): You got it!
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D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She wouldn't mind settling down, honestly it might be pretty nice. As for cooking and cleaning, she has plenty of experience with it (thanks to the brat in her class--), but she'd prefer to divy up the chores. Or let you do them so she can get some days off considering that was part of her side job for the longest time.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
While she definitely has dreamed about the white picket fence life, she is so devoted to being a teacher and making up for a lot of her past failings due to money issues.
Kawakami wouldn't mind being proposed to, but it could be years until the actual wedding just because weddings are expensive and she also feels bad taking the time off from teaching.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
She teachers high schoolers for a reason. Little kids aren't bad, but she's not a huge fan of when they aren't being cute or sleeping. That said, she isn't a bad babysitter. She has plenty of experience with cleaning up after and teaching children, but she's exhausted enough.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Yearly anniversaries she would get a nice gift for, nothing too expensive but something sweet. If you live together then she likes to pick up around the house a bit. Might make dinner for you both occasionally (she's been a maid too long, she's not going to do it everyday).
I feel like she would want to put a lot of effort in when coming up with dates, but she's so busy with her teaching job and taking care of her students that she doesn't always have the time. She will be early and dressed nicely for dates, but she can't always make the time for spontaneous dates and she might have to cancel a few times because of something or another with school.
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Taglists: @reo-the-leo
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vatnalilja · 1 year
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Leave Your Body and Soul to Me | Hanamaru
In the midst of the rainy season, you and Hanamaru find a bit of refuge from the downpour in each other's arms.
It's just short fluff for the mansions #1 ダンディ! 1,145 words. No smut.
I wrote this with a feminine reader in mind, but it is gender-neutral. POV 2nd person, present tense
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After your long, warm bath, you collapse in bed and stare at the dreary gray on the other side of the windows. The rainy season has come to the mansion and has had various effects on the inhabitants. Though stuck indoors, you enjoy the soft pitapat of raindrops on the glass panes and the flickering candlelight's cozy mood. You bunch a pillow under your chin and watch streaks of water trail down the window until your door creaks open behind you. You glance at your visitor, discovering Hanamaru holding two steaming teacups as he lets himself in.
"My Lord, I have some tea."
He pushes the door shut with his heel, then brings the cups to your bed with a shrewd look. Though he only brings you tea, he makes the act seem inappropriately decadent. You sit up with a smile, take a cup from him, and warm your hands on the ceramic. Without asking for permission, he sits on your bed and yawns.
"The rain has a way of making tasks difficult, doesn't it?" he asks.
"You're saying the rain makes you even lazier?" you ask.
"Perhaps, but I think the Lord might like to lie around as much as I do," he says.
You sip your tea. "It's true I've been feeling a little down lately."
"I wasn't judging you. I was merely observing that our interests . . . align."
"I haven't forgotten about what you said, you know."
He lifts his brow. "Oh, really?"
"About being the one to warm my bed. I can't believe you just said that out loud. In front of everyone."
He laughs in a way that conveys he has no regret over how he acted. It never truly bothered you; besides, he only articulated the desires of every man in the house. Crudely, but honestly. Perhaps that's why no one yelled at him.
"My Lord never objected," he says.
"Days like today are meant for climbing under the covers and relaxing, don't you think?"
"And you'd be the perfect company for it?" you ask.
"Your words, Lord, not mine."
You tut your tongue and set your teacup on the nightstand. It's unclear why he developed such an instant affinity for you. He claimed to have a rude personality, but upon meeting, you felt no distance from him—a distinct difference from almost every other man in the mansion, most of whom took their time warming up to you. Perhaps the reason was that for the past several years, his only company had been children.
You crawl beneath your duvet and flip it over you until you disappear. After several moments, you feel his weight shift on your bed as he inches closer to its head. When he's at your side, you draw the bedding back and give him a grin devious enough to make him pause.
"What are you doing, Hanamaru?" you ask.
"Checking on my Lord," he says.
"Just doing your duties, then."
"Absolutely." He slips his hand under the duvet, and when you don't stop him, most of him follows, forcing you to the center of the bed. "Should I get comfortable?"
"Only if you want to stay," you say.
"How long will you be in bed?"
"If you're wondering whether you ought to get your sake—"
"I am."
"Then hurry and fetch it."
Pleased by your response, he stands and backs out of the room with a lopsided smirk. You occupy yourself with a book from the library while you wait for him to return, and when he does, he's barefoot and missing his tailcoat. His hair is wet, and he's holding a large bottle and two small cups, all proof of his run between the house and the villa.
"Where did your things go?" you ask with a laugh.
"I left them at the front door—they'd yell at me if I tracked water all through the mansion," he says.
He sets the sake down next to you, then turns away and shakes the water from his unruly hair. You're already pouring two cups when he lands heavily on your bed, causing you to splatter several drops.
"O~to, careful with that." He takes the bottle and finishes pouring for you.
"Maru, are you allergic to buttoning your shirt up the entire way?" you ask.
"It's a lot of work, isn't it?" He hands you a cup.
"No, it's not."
You savor the flavor of the sake. It's much nicer than you expected, with a crisp taste of apples. It was meant to be enjoyed, not hammered at until drunk. You weren't sure what he'd bring, but it defied your expectations.
"Maybe I should take it off so I don't get your sheets wet." He works the bottom buttons free and lets the front of his shirt fall open to reveal the rest of his well-defined chest.
You finish your drink and reach out to set the cup next to the bottle, letting your arm brush against his bare abdomen. After peeling his shirt from his body, he drops it to the floor, then slides under the covers again. He brings a comfortable warmth with him. When you cozy up to his side, he curls his arm under your waist and tugs you into his side.
"Maru . . . "
He hums in response.
"You may be unsophisticated—your words, not mine—but you're a good man."
"Oh? What did I do to deserve such praise from the Lord?" he asks.
You huff and poke him square in the chest. "Just accept my compliment."
"Ah, cute." He snags your finger in his hand and squeezes it beneath the duvet. "Which is exactly why I want to protect you."
You try tugging your hand away as your ears burn, but it's useless. Instead, you push as much of your face into your pillow as possible, refusing to look at him. He chuckles as he moves his grasp to your wrist and shakes your arm.
"Come on, now. Show me your face. When you do that, I can't see the Lord's shy face very well, now can I?"
"I'm not being shy," you mumble into your pillow.
"Then what is it?"
"I'm being annoyed."
"In that case, I like it even more."
He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and lets his weight sink into your bed as he rests your hand on his chest. You lift your head and watch him for several seconds, studying his facial features. Breathing a soft sigh through your nose, you rest your chin on his shoulder, then let your eyes flutter shut. Before long, the soothing sound of the rain lulls you into a peaceful state. His heart taps a slow, gentle rhythm beneath your palm that blends with the patter of the droplets on the window.
"I wish this could last forever," he whispers.
Though you say nothing, you agree.
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tomiexkawakami · 8 months
𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛(𝚔𝚗𝚢) 𝚡 𝚃𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚎!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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A boy by the name Kamado Tanjiro,
was currently spending the night at a man's home, the man claimed it is very dangerous at night. Tanjiro had trouble sleeping because of how much worry he was holding for his family...
the man said the night was not safe, which led to the poor young man to worry even more for his precious family.
After the night past, he thanked the man and quickly rushed to his home, he was ready for the warm welcome, and the scolding of his mother for not arriving the day before.
He smiled brightly while he could see his home from a far... but he suddenly stopped and his eyes widened.
"The smell of blood!" He quickly rushed to his home and the sight he saw was something he will never forget.
"..." The boy couldn't believe his eyes... "Nezuko..." he walked in and saw his whole family Lifelessly on the floor..."
Mother! Hanako! Nezuko! What happened!?" The young boy was panicking and he started shedding tears for his now dead family, until.
"Nezuko!" She still has a pulse... the young boy thought, he quickly decided to carry his dear younger sister down the hill and take her to town so she could get medical attention, she was in desperate need of it..
The air was very thin, as it was winter. Tanjiro was very desperate to help his sister... he couldn't imagine a world without his family.
Suddenly, nezuko woke up! But, it wasn't just Nezuko, she was now a Demoness... and she was hungry. Due to Nezuko's rapid shaking both her and her brother fell down, luckily, the snow was thick, which made it a soft landing for Tanjiro and his sister.
Speaking of her, she was looking down at the ground, as she stood still... "Nezuko! Nezuko are you alright!? You dont have to walk! Let me carry you to town!..... Nezuko?"
Without a word, the young girl jumped at her brother and attacked him, out of instincts, he pulled out his hatchet and quickly started blocking while Nezuko tried to bite him. Several pleading could be heard from him and saying he was worried for Nezuko was an understatement...
Tanjiro could smell another presence coming towards he and his sister, and they were coming fast. Panicked, out of reflex he quickly pushes Nezuko out of they way before the unknown person could harm her with the Katana they wield.
(Time skip🫀) (because I forgot what else happened)
My sister has turned into a mole...' Tanjiro thought, his dear sister Nezuko dug a whole so that she could avoid the sun. He quickly brushed off the thought and put the basket (i think) infront of Nezuko.
"Nezuko.. can you try fit in the basket? Can you fit?" He asked his sister, she attempted to enter, but her body was too grown, if only she were a bit smaller...
"Nezuko... earlier your body turned to one of a adult, so is it possible for your body to become smaller..? Im sure you'll fit!" Out of nowhere, She became smaller, so she was able to fit in the basket..
"Good job Nezuko! You did it!" He pat Nezuko head, she enjoyed the praise and head pats from her brother, so her mood definitely got better.Tanjiro picked up the basket that contains his dear sibling, who was surprisingly very light. He covered the top so the sun couldn't reach Nezuko, he didn't want to see her hurt by the sun, he promised himself to protect his sister, even if it costs his own life.
(name) was looking at the chaos caused by uppermoon 6 and uppermoon 5, Daki, upper six, was having a tantrum because Gyokko, upper five, said her hair clips was made poorly, he said it doesn't look good compared to his art.
(Name) nearly snickered at all the insults Daki is sending back to Gyokko as a comeback for her hairclip.Uppermoon 1 was minding his business, he only speaks when either (name) or the demon king spoke to him, he didn't find anyone else worthy for his time.
Uppermoon 3 & 2 were talking, Douma was being a pain in the ass to Akaza, who was resisting the urge to punch his head off, but he didn't, (name) was there and he didn't want to seem rude infront of her.
Uppermoon 4, Hantengu was hiding behind a wall, he doesn't feel safe anywhere near the infinity castle, especially when he makes eye contact with uppermoon 2 or 1, he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, but the demon king wanted a meeting. He knew he couldnt decline. Oh how he wishes he could though.
(Name) was getting bored, she didn't know why her brother asked her to attend the meeting, but she didn't decline. She had nothing better to do anyway, it's daylight after all...
(Back to Tanjiros POV)
The Demon was still speaking, even if Tanjiro cut off his head with his hatchet, he looked at the demons body as it was burned by sunlight. "You wont kill it with that." An elder man said.Tanjiro faced him, he looked at him, shocked and confused. "You are Kamado Tanjiro, correct?, Tomioka sent you. I am going to train you to be a successful demon hunter. Come inside."
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thithesandofferings · 2 years
Gintama request for Bansai and Takasugi (Or if you just want one character, Bansai's fine): Favorite places to kiss while being intimate with their S/O.
Uugghhh those two are so🥴🥴 I'd kiss them anywhere thank for the request @faidrafuchsia
Bansai likes to kiss you in the bathroom of a concert. There's something about the music thrumming through his veins and you smiling and singing along to the music. It gets him going to fast. Always has to pull you away from the crowd (which you protest because you're in the front!) And push you into a single stall. Always always kisses you to the beat of the song. Holding your jaw so he can nibble and suck when there's a break in the music. Licking into your mouth, gets hotter when you huff and whine and it matches the pitch of faded music in the back. And if his hips match the pacing of the song- well you haven't lost your mind enough if you're wondering about it now, how about we go a little faster hm?
Takasugis favorite place to kiss you is on top of his planning table. Especially if he knows he's going to conquer and destroy and win . Gives him a drive like no other. Doesn't hear your complaints when he grabs you by the waist and lays you on the table. Kicks your legs further apart so he can lay in-between them. Kisses you hard and possessive, doesn't really much care if you can or can't breathe. Takes your wrist with one hand and holds them over your head. He's got a point to prove and you just look so cute on top of his future victories- he's never been one to deny himself. He thinks that if he's going to conquer one part of you- he might as well make the journey and take all of you. Hearing your whimpers underneath the crinkling of papers drives him up the wall everytime. Wants to make sure he leaves you and the papers a mess, so he knows that he was victorious of you too.
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fuchiluvr · 2 years
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➤anime/manga: ace of diamond
➤character : norifumi kawakami
➤reader : gender neutral
how does one solve the complex emotions you feel?
if only it were simple, what was it about him? what he made you feel was…extraordinary. the way he spoke gave you shivers down your spine, and the way he smiled gave you butterflies.
was this what people described as a crush? this was new to you, something you had never felt. you weren’t necessarily opposed to the idea…but would he be opposed to it?
I mean having such an odd person having feelings for you, wouldn’t that be…embarrassing? you had been labeled a weirdo ever since elementary, so what if your interests were different? that didn’t make you weird…
but it’d be impossible to get rid of these emotions you feel towards him…it would be hard to forget him.
oh whatever…it’s not like he’d ever know…or like you even had a chance. right…like he would ever like a weirdo like you…
“hey (firstname) you look like your thinking extra hard today!”
“do I? I probably am…”
“so what are you thinking about?what finally figure out you have a crush on nori?”
“was it obvious?!”
“oh…wait what?”
“…i mean what? feeling for nori? pshh no way…”
“oh wow…ahahaha! it’s about time you realized how obvious it was!”
“oh shut up miyuki! this matter doesn’t concern you anyways!”
“it doesn’t? well I thought I’d help you out a little but I guess since this doesn’t concern me…”
“wait! I suppose it could concern you…”
“you’re so easy to convince! but alright I’ll help you…so basically we have to make him fall for you.”
“wow if only that was as simple as it sounds…”
“well it might be you never know.”
“shut up miyuki, you give terrible advice.”
“how rude of you! and here I am trying to help you out!”
“oh whatever…just tell me how to make him fall for me…”
“ehehe of course! just follow these simple instructions…”
simple instructions my ass…why would you even trust this idiot in the first place. that was your first mistake. this would simply make you embarrass yourself!
“confess your feelings for him in the cafeteria during lunch!” read the note
what was this idiot thinking? was he planning for your de-
“confess your feelings for who?”
“ah-uh no-norifumi! I-uh no! I don’t!”
“are you okay…?”
“ye-yes I feel like I’m in top shape!”
“but you’re really red…are you sick?”
“nope! i don’t think I am…but that would explain why I feel so…”
mmm your head hurts…like really bad…
“ah you’re awake!”
“norifumi? is that you?”
“oh yes it’s me! you passed out since you are sick…”
“oh…I see…thank you for helping me…”
“it wasn’t an issue…but you should get some more rest! that’s was the nurse said.”
“right I’ll make sure to get rest soon then.”
“soon? ah-why are you getting up?!”
“I need to get to class…”
“no you don’t! you need to get some rest!”
“ugh…but I-”
“no buts!
“…fine…just this once…”
“alright! I’ll stay with you to make sure you don’t try and leave.”
“what?! no you should get back to class!”
“nope I’m staying right here! so now go back to sleep you need it.”
“alright alright I am…”
I guess this was one way in the right direction…
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he’s like one of my favs! I need more fanfics of him!
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