#Katarzyna Michalak
majstersztykzchwil · 1 year
"Bo w miłości nie ma miejsca na żadne "ale". Albo jest bezwarunkowa, albo to nie miłość."
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nazuri · 2 years
So i am currently losing my mind over a book
No it's not a good book or anything it's just this one sentence that destroyed my faith in the author but that after a bit of context
So there is this polish author Katarzyna Michalak (i will call her Kasia) who is an absolute scribbler meaning that this woman can put out like five books a year
So Kasia is an absolute disaster of an author with not so big but not small audience and we can assume most of them are bored middle age women
There are two of her series that I'm familiar with and just to tell you they are an absolute gem in terms of destroying expectations
That is the Sunny trilogy and Year in Raspberry series (keep in mind I did my best to translate that but it may as well be wrong)
For the Raspberry one i know about the first book of the series from a video on YT and it's just so funny when you think of it
So Ewa the main character is just this woman who has like three months to get a book out because of a deal she made with her friend (and that is whole other thing we don't talk about because I think he later becomes love interest or sth idk) and that is basically the plot I might be wrong but well...
And the funniest part of the whole book is a character of a famous author in the book's universe who occasionally shows up from nowhere and helps the MC and drops some prophecies and I am not joking on this one and if you tried to guess that author happens to be no one else but our Kasia
Yes that woman basically did a self-insert into her own book as this omnipotent all-knowing person that sometimes helps the MC and it's hilarious and that is while ignoring how hilariously badly the book is written
So for the Sunny series actually it was my friend who read it but she was basically sending us every other page because it was so funny
In the Sunny series we explore the story of Patrycja (Pati) who has a dream and wants to make it happen and stuff (the MC "dream" in pretty much every book of this author is a little white house somewhere in the forest or a field or some place like that and a guy and that's about it) (this particular MC is also fun fact a witch particularly a dreamer who's dreams come true and stuff and it's all just Kasia's view in this so its pretty much all wrong but still)
So we see her story and stuff and at one point our dear Pati decides to write a book...
I don't think you can guess what the book was about
So the book that you are reading is called Poczekajka (no idea how to translate that) and our main character decides to write Poczekajka as her story just change the names
So the character in the book is basically writing the book you are reading...
Interesting right?
Well it gets better
You see if you do some looking you will find an actual music video from Kasia made specifically for Poczekajka that she herself is starring in
So what does our MC do?
She makes a music video and uses the exact same song that is in the irl video because Kasia put the words in the book
So you see just how weird it all is right?
Like this woman does so much self-insert in her book I don't know what is real anymore
But that was just the context for my pressing issue that doesn't let me sleep at night
You see i am currently reading one of her book on my own because we made it a thing in our friend group and I chose one titled Leśna Polana which translates into Forest Clearing or some shit idk
So in this we actually have three main female characters and three brothers that I assume will become love interest and so around chapter 6 one of the younger twin brothers (Patryk) comes across a women jumping out if a window to escape her abusive partner so he calls up his twin (Marcin who btw was at the moment meeting the other female character) to help him get her to the house of the third female character (who was once engaged to their older brother but they don't know it was her yet I told you her books are wierd) and through the whole chapter the jump out the window girl never once mentions her name to the men helping her (name's Julia btw)
And after they get her to her friend's house Marcin talks about the girl he met at the club and that he didn't ask her for a name and Patryk says somethin and Marcin is like "and you asked your Julia?"
And that one sentence destroyed my week
Because what fucking prophet is he that he fucking got that name especially since literally two chapter later they say that they don't know her name and I'm like bitch what
So you may think what if it's Romeo and Juliet reference
Well my friends came to similar conclusion but I don't have any faith in this author so I took matters in my own hands
I went and wrote sugar coated message in Instagram which she doesn't apparently read and if I say sugar-coated I mean it because I didn't believe in any of the words I wrote but I know if you criticize her even a little bit you can get banned or some shit and it just needed to be done for me to get noticed
So I know she won't read the Instagram message so I went through her website and there was that guest book corner where people wrote to her and she usually responded in like a day or so
And so I took my chances and asked about that one line that wrecked my mind
And what does she say
Yes Marcin meant the Julia he just met that hasn't introduced herself that he met for the first time in his life and I just
I am not even disappointed or anything because frankly I couldn't expect anything else but I wanted to believe that she knows what she writes but no
She just randomly plays Apollo shooting people with the gift of prophecy and it's just so bizarre it actually makes it a fun experience and I can't get over that fact
So yeah sometimes even a bad author can bring you fun no matter how awful they are at what they're doing
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lorei-writes · 10 months
Heya Lorei!
For the reading meme questions, how about B2, B8, C10?
Hello there!
Thanks for dropping by >:3
B2. What’s the best time of day for reading fic? Why?
2AM, because everybody else is asleep and, for as long as you remain quiet, you can be as unhinged as you wish to.
With the added benefit of nobody poking you to see whether you'll respond, only to see that you will, in fact, not respond and to move to more drastic measures, like attempting to push you off the chair (to see that you will, truly, not respond & to franticly prevent you from falling).
B8. Is there a show or a book that you gave up on that you went back to later? Why did you come back to it?
I can't think of any show or a book, but I did just that with IkeSen and IkePri.
Sen I went back to over a year after first playing it, because a friend of mine was really into PC otome (Hakuoki in particular), and I've remembered Sen's existence. (And then I fell down the rabbit hole).
Pri, because @venulus recommended it, and I trusted her enough to give it another try. (And then I fell down the rabbit hole; I didn't necessarily dislike Pri at first, it just didn't capture my interest and I was sufficiently busy at the time).
C10. What book could you just never get into, no matter how hard you tried?
Nad Niemnem The Sorrows of Young Werter 365 Days (or, anything by Bianka Lipińska) Likely anything by Katarzyna Michalak 50 Shades of... anything Popular science books written with too much popular and too little science. Percy Jackson series The Hunger Games (sorta... My friend really loved it, so I've powered through the books for her. Luckily, they were rather short, so it wasn't really all that bad -- I just remained neutral... Can't say the same thing about what little Twilight I've made it through, as that was another friend's favourite at the time...)
Overall, I'd say I'm a bit of a reading goat.
Reader Asks
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dorcia213473 · 2 years
„Aby w pędzie życia dostrzec szczęście, trzeba się na chwilę zatrzymać." ~ Katarzyna Michalak „Trzy życzenia"
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motywatorka-cytatorka · 5 months
"Nawet jeśli ty straciłaś wiarę w marzenia, one wciąż wierzą w ciebie." Katarzyna Michalak
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rozdarte-serce · 3 years
Nie pogardzaj drugim człowiekiem, dopóki nie poznasz jego historii. Może się bowiem okazać, że znalazł się na dnie przez nieszczęście, chorobę lub ludzką podłość.
Katarzyna Michalak "Bezdomna"
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zyciemprzezzycie · 4 years
Nawet najczarniejsza noc kiedyś się kończy, trzeba tylko doczekać świtu.
Katarzyna Michalak
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migdaly11 · 6 years
Jeden dzień może zmienić wszystko, ale czasem jedna noc zmienia jeszcze więcej
Katarzyna Michalak
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cytaatyzksiazek · 6 years
Nigdy nie ma zbyt wiele czasu, by pożegnać się tymi, których kochamy. Zawsze próbujemy targować się z Bogiem o jeszcze jeden miesiąc, tydzień, godzinę. Czasem nie jest nam dana nawet minuta. Czyjeś życie gaśnie nagle jak zdmuchnięty płomień świecy, pozostawiając w sercach najbliższych nieznośny żal. I pytanie: dlaczego?! Dlaczego odchodzą dobrzy ludzie, za którymi rozpaczamy i tęsknimy, a ci źli trzymają się życia na przekór wszystkiemu?
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dooctorevil · 7 years
Każdy zasługuje na drugą szansę, nieliczni także na trzecią, czwartej nie dawaj nikomu.
Katarzyna Michalak
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wrazliwy-ktos · 2 years
Są różne rodzaje samotności.
Samotność we dwoje, gdy budzisz się każdego ranka u kogoś, kto staje się coraz bardziej obcy...
Samotność w tłumie, gdy żyjesz otoczony ludźmi, których nie interesujesz i którzy także tobie są obojętni...
Samotność z wyboru, gdy uciekasz przed światem do leśnej głuszy (...). Ta staje się ukojeniem dla ludzi znękanych losem, skrzywdzonych przez innych. Tak, to może się spodobać.
Ale jest pewien rodzaj samotności, najtrudniejszej do zniesienia: gdy chcesz być z kimś, kogo kochasz nad życie, lecz nie możesz. Nie wolno ci albo ten ktoś ciebie nie chce... To bardzo trudne".
Katarzyna Michalak, Promyk nadziei
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spadajacagwiazda20 · 3 years
:Zniosę każdy cios przeznaczenia,
Bezsilność, łzy, strach i ból,
Tylko bądź obok, przyjacielu,
Po prostu przy mnie stój"
Katarzyna Michalak, Sklepik z niespodzianką. Adela
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czlowiek-ktory-zyje · 4 years
Nawet najczarniejsza noc kiedyś się kończy, trzeba tylko doczekać świtu.
Katarzyna Michalak, Ogród Kamili
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"Wiesz chłopcze, są różne rodzaje samotności. Samotność we dwoje, gdy budzisz się każdego ranka u boku kogoś kto staje się coraz bardziej obcy... Samotność w tłumie gdy żyjesz otoczony ludźmi, których nie interesujesz i którzy są także Tobie obojętni. Samotność z wyboru, gdy uciekasz przed światem do leśnej głuszy. Ale jest pewien rodzaj samotności najtrudniejszy do zniesienia : gdy chcesz być z kimś kogo kochasz nad życie, lecz nie możesz. Nie wolno Ci albo ten ktoś ciebie nie chce. To bardzo trudne... Trzymać się życia wiedząc że ono nic dla Ciebie już nie ma "
- Katarzyna Michalak - Promyk słońca
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rozdarte-serce · 3 years
Jestem niebezpieczną wariatką, mam psychozę maniakalno-depresyjną, nie wiadomo, kiedy wróci, nie wiem, kiedy zaatakuje.
Katarzyna Michalak "Bezdomna"
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zyciemprzezzycie · 4 years
Nawet najczarniejsza noc kiedyś się kończy, trzeba tylko doczekać świtu.
Katarzyna Michalak
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